BM Marital. Ayer's CATHARTIC PILLS. ARE YOU SICK, feabfe Are you out of order, with your quam deranged, and your feelings unoomfortable I These symptoms are ' often the prelude to serious illness., Some at of sickness is creeping upon you, and.should be averted by a timely roe of the right remedy.. Take Ayer's Pills and cleanse out the disordered - humors-purity the blood and let the fluids move uu unobstructed nu health again.: They stimu late the (unctions of the body into v igorous activity, pu rify the system from .disease . A cold settles somewhere la the body, and obstrwASiti natural lunctions. These, 11 not relieved, react upon themselves and the surround ing organs, producing general aggravation, suffering and disease. While In, this condition, oppressed by the de rangements, take Ayers rills, and see how directly they restore the natural action of tho system, and with it the buoyant Meting of health again. What is true and so apparent in this trivial and common complaint, is also true in many of the deep-seated and dangerous 'distem pers. The same purgative Wren expels them. Caused by similar obstructions and derangements of the natural functions of the body, they are rapidly, and many of them surely, cured by the same means. None who anew the virtues of these Pills, will neglect to employ ahem whom cohering from the di. orders they cure. Statements from leading physicians in some ot tbe principal cities, and from other well known public per 9011 g. Prom a Forwarding Me:chant of ,St. Louis, Feb. 4, 1858., . La. APAR : Your Pills are tn.,. paragon of all that is great i n medicine. They have (Aired my. little daughter' of ulcerous sores upon_tier han s and feat that bad proved incurable for years.. Iler 'Aber has beep toss vrievieuely afflicted with blotches and pimples on . her skin and in her hair. After our child was eured,•she also tr cm Pills, and they have cured her. ASA MORWiIIIL:. As A FAMILY Pawns. tYroin Dr, E. W. Cartwright, New Orleani] Your Pills are the prince or purges. Their ex:calico t qualities surpass any cathartic we possess. They are mild, but eery certain and effectual In their action on the bowels, which make them invaluable to us in tho daily realMCllt 01 disease. fizaDeotim, Sual EI.ADAOHrIi FOUL STOMACH [From Dr. Edward Boyd, Baltimore.) DEAR 800. AYER : I ealltiOt answer you WHAT cem• plaints I have CUBED with your Pills better luau to say at/ that we ever (Iva': With a purgative medic me. I place groat depeudeuce - ou au effuctutti cathartic is my daily - coldest with disease, aad betlevlag, as Idu that your Pills afford us the best we nave, i ur course value then highly i'rrmunci, Pa., May 1, 1855; Dn. J. C. AVER—Sir : I have been repeatedly cured of Sr worst headache anybody eau have, by a dose or two :your Fills. a seems to arise from a Mal stomach, which they cleanse at once. Yours with gre t respeCi, EL'. W. PENIBLE, C!. rk of Steamer °lariat.. . .. FR GoMeidiNlS. (From Dr. Theodore Bell, o. New York City.) Net saly are your .t.! A a•ably adapted to their purpose as an aperient, but I .1.1. t their be:tend:a sheets open the Liver very marked i ' hey bay: to toy_ practice proved more ettentudi for the core oi Bilious ComplailltS than soy one remedy 1 eau Latilliou. 1 eie corely rejoice that we have at length a purgative which is.worthy the cootitience ol the prays:tutu and the pi;oplu• DEFART.NiIiNT OF rat CTriJa o ß> Washington, 1.). C., 7th Feb. 1856. Sir : / have used you , : Pll6 in my gesoralaud hospital vr,tettoo ever slue, your=do them, and 0001101 hesitate to say - they are thanes cute emplay. Th&r re. gt,lening action vu the Soler r. jevk and tleuided, csnsu queutly they are :in 1.q.ak,..0n1, ce.netly for deraugerocut el diet organ. indeed, I e•iv, ~2.ldusu touudlin 01 it,lioas Disease 1.11 it did out readily y mid to them. Fratoroaby y Ali s, A I IN(.0 eAt.i ' by, , [tin Marine hospital LrrdiriiiiTilci iAaa , iir A 11ELAI, Wcais, (ireeu, of °imago.' Your Pills live [rad A liing tri.Ll . a my prActtee, and 1 ttoid them in unlearn as ono of tlll., 0061. aver:mill I have aver Maud, 'their atterALV - c' , ..`il.t.A 2/001) the Ever waken them an excellent remedy, a hue _Lyon iu ninth doses for thlious Dysentery and Di trCLOiA. augar-coating makes them very acccpranle and tam rani out fit the use 1/I Wullleb and children . • DirsrmiA, 11111/Rlllr OF TEM BLOOD IVrom Rev. J. V. Runes, Paster Advent Church, Boston. hr. Axes u:ed your fills with extraordinary success m tny 1111114 mitt ,t.inung tiiwe I :uncalled to Visit to distress. ro regulate tee OfgallS of digestion and po rtly the blood, are the very best remedy I have ever known, oo..thlently recommend • them to my Irieuds. Yours, J. V. WeilFte .itaumg Co., N. Y., 0ut.:14, 1855. DEAR Sul : am a.auj, your. Cathartic Nils in bay pratice, and lin. temat an eKcelient purgative. to cleats,: the system and :way ihd fountains of the bloat. JOHN (1.. 2/111AULiab1, SI. D. COMFIPATIOS, t))4 , r,'" 4:4 h.YI, Suessussios, ItilltUstATlSN. 6001, NEt'litLWA 1./ACTSX, PeadLYSIS, , FITS, tee. [POem Dr..l. e. Vaughn, Slontrual, Lanada.] • Too much cannot he said of your Pills for the cure el Costiveness, if others 01 your intteraity have found themes efficacious as I nave, they .-hould loin phi in pro. eloimiug it for the Dement of the multitudes who. sutler irom that complaint, winch, although bad enough- in it sett, Is the progenitor of others that are worse: , • I helive Costiveness to ori,;ivati: in the Over, hut your Pilla affect that organ and cure time disease. Wroth Irs. E. Stuart, PhysicNo and Midwife, tiostand . I find due or two large doses of your Rills, talked at, tile Proper une, ox.iaticat, proUlotiVCB Lilo Sattiral earetioa Nu:u-wOollyorpartiallysuppressed, and also Cry .leido a e curie:lse the slollacti and EIFEL WOtooo. racy are ata Laucll the best physic, 'Ye have that ecom meud ao outer to Lay patients. (Yawl the Rev. Dr. Bawl:es, of the Methodist 14Lipal Church.] PcLasm-fleasz, Bavannati, Ga., Jaa. ti, 1855. 13.0SWIRD SIN : 1 should he ungratetut for the relief • lour skill has brought the if laid cot report my case to you. a cold settled in my I.ituN dui brought on esicru matins' Neuralgic Pain; whieLf elated in Cnronic rtheu pietism. . Notwitkalan.l.llll, I eau tee hest of physicians, the disease grew worse and word.; uutil by the advice of your excellent agent is Baltimore, Dr. Makenzie, I tried year Pills. Their cllects were slow but sure. y persevel in the use of diem, tam now entirely well. Eisen 03.01211 E, Caton Rouge, la., Dec. b, 1855. Pa. : • I have eels entirely cored by your Pills, of Rheumatic Gout— I ,4lukul disease that had ancted lab for years. VINCENT SLIDBLL. 4,4• Most• of the Pills in .marset contain Mercury which, although a valuable remedy in skillful hands, is tatagerous in a public pill, from the dreadful cons equen , f cos that frequently follow its incautious use. These contain no mercury or mineral substance whatever. • Priee 25 cents per box, or 2 boxes for a. Prepared by Dl. J. C. AYER Si CO., Lowell, Mass.. fold by C. AC Banavart, C. K. Keller, D. W. Gross . a; J. Dl. Lutz,. Bolman is Co., Armstrong, lEarrlsburg, and dealers everywhere. DAVID HAYNES, 110 MARKET ; 157. HARRISBURG, Agent tor LILLIE'S PATENT: Wrought and Chilled [ma nd Burglar Proot rbLi Firm Strictly the ONLY Mermatq, > tie made, that to both re and Burglar . Proer. niar2B,dly GANDLI S 1 • PARAFFINS CANDLES, SPERM. CANDLES, • • ADAMANTINE CANDLES, S'IMAIIINE CANDLES, . STAR CAN OLE'S, CHEMICAL SPERM CANDLES, TALLOW CAN DLES. • .• 'Argo lot of tie Houvo iu Ht.-0 mid lee 3310 flit tile low oat Dices by '•• • W DOOR . . JR. & CO., • 032- - ••• •• : - UpPthtite the Court Lipae. A VEItY HEAVY STOCK OF tiLACIC AND SECOND', MOURNING PRESS GOODS, OF "EVERY DESCRIPTION JUST OPWED. At Prices below the G'ost of Importytion CALL AT .CATHCARW , S, Next door to the Ilarrieburg Bank mayB FARALER'S HOTEL. rpH.E subscriber begs leave to informs lire frtoncts and the public that ho has taken the FA AM EB's HoIPEL, ni Market street opposite the Poet On co, tormerly.3.-Stahro, *here he is prepared to ancom date them on reasonable terms. Having.rentted Ind - furnished the House entirely now, he hopea:by -girl et at tention to btralness, to receive a liberal [there of -patron. . .raP4.-3T(.l] s. a; EVERS. HE BOLDIER'S BOOK, A' Kinn' byq; • IPSTIN T “oaeGoirerument.'!-ah expoeitton of the conetitu._ 11*-- fi3 tionof the unitasta.,,-3,expla4avthe.ilaturflaild . operA. • No. 27 North Zeix,4.3treig. y ou of . our . gove rnment, trcon ma'am" and till tuc o y o , t Jr, e Alluttro rro , j ealte.B9, Priao 01) Far eatil at LIMNER'S STORE B— °B " tap inisettlantous. •• • • MRS. ViaNOLOW, An experienced Num amt Female Physician, presents the attention of _mothers licy SOOTHING S YRUP For Children Teething, which. greatly facilitates the process of teething, by sosi ening the gems,roducing all Inilammation—will allay ALI PAW, and spasmodic action,,an4 is SURE TO REGULATE THE BOWIAIS. - - Depend upon donothers, it will give rest to yourselves AND, RELLET AND MAYAN TO. YOUR INIANTd We_ have put up and sold, this article for over yeers,,mid CAR. FAT, .7; MEIHEE2IO/ END TMUTH, what WI Have never been able to say of any other .medleine— MOVER SAS IT FAILED, IN A SINGLE, INSTANCE TO .E7FECT •• &CURE, when timely. used: .Never did We know an.or instancedissatisfaction by any one, who need it. On the contrary, all are delighted with its Opera Elms, and speak in terms of highest commendation of its magical egecta aid. medical: virtues.. We ENE* is this: suattir !‘waAr IVA 11. Ck maw; alto: ten years , expo AND PLIEWE OUR .RpISTATI3E VOR THE Or wan sr Itilke Dilealta. In shiest every Widener where thei Inf Matte snaring from pain and exhhustior, re lief Will be i fbund•lnlifteen or twenty minutes after the syrup is administered This valuable pieparation Is the preseripton 61 ran et the roost' VVPERIENDED and SKILLIVI, NURSM be NelV Angitteitl, Mid has been- used with w IVR FARM Tooushz. - r.a O 1 thtslis It not only reliefes' the child. freim pain, but !arm. orates' the stontich and •boweis; corrects acidity, :no gives tone and energy to the whole system. will al coast- instantly relieve • • GRIPING IN THEI RiiWELS, ANI) WIND MSC, overcome convubilins, Winch if not speedily: rem& died, anti in daatti: We •believe it the sate and name Emmy m: raa wORLD, in all eases of DYSENTERY, ANL DIAR,H.4.N.A IN CHILDREN, whether it arises iron, tee:thing or . ;rem any - other cause. We would say: to• every mother who has a child - suffering from 'any of the foregoing complaints—ow NOT snug PlanDlollB, 8101 Tse ramooleas eismius„ loud . between you and your sintering child and the relief that will be 7 -yes, AE BOLI.II.ELN Saitl•il—.to follow - the use of this Medmine, 'it tiinely . :Med. - diroettomi for using will %coo - Innen) cacti . bottle. • .Nose ganume unless Um .lac-simile CUATIS <L 14,RKIIVS,New York, is au the outside wrapper. bold by uggibta throughout the voirlit. se, No. 13 Cedar et., - NoW York. • Price* only • 25 Couto. nor 'Bottle> . • 44-For klato Dy'D. W. Greee 8t 00., tt., Marltot &Lea, J. Mortis Lutz; Market etreot, 0 Market, sttzt , r ek., Oekow;(0 , 4eth atkaN, W A.llOE 2 l'lB . • Dyspepsia Remedy DR. DARIUS RAM'S AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT. this Attaicing has been used by the public for Sig) years, with increasing favor. It i s recommended to Ctire Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Heart-Stern, (Nis Fairs, Wind in the &omach, or, fa. Min the Bowen, headache, Drowsiness, Kidney &ow id/dints, row Spirits id/wit/in Tremens,- Isetenei).-ra , cc. thErIAT.IO3, BIBILMILVrins, V MIS, inn WU". sor isieidthian A 6 A 1111.F.DIOIN . E it in quick nd ellectn a. al, curing the most aggravating case ti Dyspepsia, lilaney Complaints, and all other derange out of thi Stomach and Bowels, In a speedy manner, It will instantly revive the most Li/elation lye am drooping spirits, and restore the weak, nervous aid elm. ly to health, strength and vigor. Persona who, from the il3jUdiCiOUR use of liquors, hair. oecomo dejected, 11:ld their nervous systems shattered constitutions broken down, umi subject to that hormuu curse to humanity, the linunium itimessa ' will, afmos immediately, leo] the nappy and healthy Invigoratini efficacy of in. Ham% invigorating Spirit. WHAT IT WILL DO. uost.—One wble glass full as often as necessary use dose will remove all Bad Spirits. use:dose will sure.llliart-burn. • '; ' Three douse will cure indigestion. One dose - will give you a'Goal Appetite. One dose will stop the distressing pains of Dyspepsia. One dose will reniove the distressing and disagreeable effects Of Wind or Flatulence; did•as Seen us the stomach receives the invigorating Sprit, the distressing load am' all painful feelings will be removed. - One dose will remove the most distressing pains either in thestomach or bowels.- • • A. few .dnies will remove all obstructions in the Kidney, ttladdsr or Urinary Organs. - • Persons who are seriously &tainted with any maim . .? uwaphoot . s are assurectSpeedy relief by a dose or two, end a radical surd by the use acne or two bottles. NIGHTLY OISePii:IION ?arsons who, from diaidpatirig toe - Much:over night, and feel the evil elects of poisonous liquors, is violent head aches, sickness at Stomach, weakness, giddiness, will 11nd one dose will removeAU had feelings. Ladies of weak and sickly constitutions; should take Int Invigorating Spirit three times it day; it w ill make Mem etrong, healthy and happy, remove all obstructions and irregularities from the menstrual organs, and restore thi bloom of health and beauty to the careworn lace, : During pregnancy It will be found an invaluable dile to remove disagreeable sensations at the tudnach. All the proprietoraokilo a trial, anditoenduce Lids, de pas put up the Invigorating Spirit le pint bottles, at at , cents, quarts $l. - ' • ' • • • • General Belief; da Water streeti N., Ir. Wholesale Agent, Philadelphia, D. YOII, 1.30. ant. lee sale in Harrisburg by C. A. klannvart, D. W. Gross Co. and C. K. Keller, and by all Druggists everywhere joie-dimly FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, SPRING AND SUMER STYLES 186 1 . PIMADELPHIA FASHIONS. GRANVILLE STOKES' ONE PRICE GIFT OLOTI-lINGENIPORIUM do. 60;7 0.17.L'8221 7 731 477tEE2. taper)) Mock of tine French, Eicgliall anti American OLQT#S, . • • an d VIZTINGS, or 6tyana Cos_tady traits, with an unappf (*champ as lortniont of &ens Mena CLOTIMIU at the lowest cub p.. But 0N&26.10E is asked, and a tit/r/' of intrinsic worthand.use presented with each article sold. parti valai attention peddle the Customer department, and gailnents 'Wide andsent to order to any address. inaugurating this. new.system of. doing buSiness, GRANVILLE NOSES would impress on the minds of .the patrons of his establishment, that um cost o 1 the gift is deduCteO from, and Nor added to the price Of the arti cle acid. His immensely inereasing sideS enabling him to act .thus. liberally, and at the same time to realise s remsuera4ve.Proftt. eft articles guarantoeu to give entire satisfaction. • GRANV.ILLE STOKES' ONE PRICE OLOTIIINOEMPORIIIIII - 607 CHESTNUT optl9.6mil--rdmar6-dkf. V HE CCIIMSSIONERS - iptipirited'under ,L the Act of Incorporation of the city 'of Harrisburg having tuadeipietor :draft of said city, designatiog the streete, Isoken.ittid alleys now existing and opening, and elk, whore avenues, streets, lanes andalleys shall' here after be opened, and also designating within the. limits of said city a plot or piece of ground, containing not less thee- virenty-acrtisi for the.nan of the public and of said . citY,' for :tris. purpcw , ahtt.nses mentioned In said act ; , and having submitted theirdraft and report to the Court at Quarter ressions, of Cauphiutounty,.fer the approval of said. Court ; the said draft . and yepprt have been flied brorder_ot said Court in the officeof , the Clerk:of 'Quar t-ores:mien:set said county fdr.pillffie inepeetion - c and un less excepticnii are eiled . thereba by penes interested in said city, the same will be approved at the August term of said Court.. By order of the Court. • myl-dtw WM. MITCHELL, Clerk. BIGN OF THE Glnribits . Star Spangled' Rainier 1 ..., • . . , • NOTIIER SUPPLY WALLPAPER, BOltBERB, 4 :0 - , SPLENDID "WINDOW BLENDS, to wkich.tvetall The attention of our frieede, and cordially invite them to examine our goads end pricea. We are d§,t,,94inett tcysell cheap. , Wind tlie VER. BOOKSTORE, Near But llestiabsirg Bridge. #plB4l ' flmnovluanict Matti - Olelcirctiih; - Ctiutillaii Iftentoott, 3liitp 18, 1861. 1140CAVFM I 2L . LIFE PILLS AND itommajt rIPHESI MEDIMINES *we ii s ow &if* be= foie the puhliefer a period of 4 fHIRTY YtA r g§; and der ing that time have maintained a higheiniracter-in 'al most every part or the Globe; for their •extratidliery and immediate power of restoring perfoot health:to per. Bons suffering under nearly every kind or disease: to which the human frame is liable; The following are among the distressing variety of hit. man diseases in which the ..• • VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES Are well known to be Infallible. . . . DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first and, second stomachs, and creating a flow of pure healthy' bile Instead of the stale and acrid kind ; FLAT(I-: LodNeir Low of Appetite, Heratburn, Hatelache; I Rest lessness, 11-Temper, Anxiety, Languor and Melancholy, which are the general symptoms of Dispeptia, will van Mb, as a natural consequence of its cure. COSTIVENESS, by cleansing the;whole length of the intestines with a solvent process, Mid' Withciut via lance; all violent purges.leave the bowels costive within two days. FEVERS•of all kinds, by- festering. the Ph:o(dt° regular circulation, through the prkeins reel:Oaten in such cases, and the thorough solution of all intestinal eb-. struction to others: ' The LIFE MEDICINES have been known to c in'd RHEUMATISM. "permanently in - three weeks (WI GOUT la half that time, by removing kataltollammation from the muscles and ligaments of the joints. - - DROPSIES of all kindb,hy 'freeing and strengthen , lug the kidneys and bladder; ;they operate most delight: fully on these important organs, and hence have ever; been found a certain remedy for the worst oases of Also 'WORMS, by dislodging 'Prom tine turninge et the bowels the slimy matter to which their creatures adhere... • ' ' .• • ;..+• "•" • "-• SCUIWY, ULCERS , and iritimmka:Air, SORES, by the perfect purity whichtheae LIFE MEDI - C NP give to the blood 'and all thehumors. SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS ERUPTIONS and BAD COMPLEX lONS, by their alterate effect upon the fluids that feed the skin, and the morbid state of - which 'occasions, all., eruptive complaints, sallow,, cloudy, and other dietagreti able cOuiplexions. • • . - •`- • The use of these 'Pills for a very short thin will effect an entire cure of SALT RHEUM, and a etrikingihn provement in the clearness of the skin. COMMON COLDS and INFLUENZA will cilways be cured by one dose, or'by two in the worst cases.' - ' originalprOprietor of these Medicine* was cured of Pilee, of 35 years standinghy thews of-the . LIFE MEDICINES atone. ••• • • - FEVER AND AlliCE..—Forlttis scourge of :the Western country, these 'Medisineli be 'Enid - -a speedy, and certain reinlidy. ' Other Mediainis hive-the system subject tO a return of therdiseasee cure by these Medicines . Ls Permanent—TßY THEM; BE SATISFIED; AND BE CURED. - I BILIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER odn- PLAINTS.--431-Dimum . , Less 'or:Arraiirs idid 1)1 sups wFummke--tbe. Medicines belie- 4 '43 with the most beneficial multi. la cases ofihiptdesctip liott.l—Kinga Evil and Scroinia; Mils worst foithie, yields to the mild yet powerful action'of these remarkable Medi-, tines. Night Sweats, Nortrous Debility, Nervous tlrir' plaints of all kinds, Palpitation di the Heart, Paint rej Colic,, are speedily cured. • . MERCURIAL DISEASES.—Persons wltoie' coastal] lens bOcCurtei„lniPalted , by the injudichouit use of Mercury, will find those Mean:ilea a perfect Mire, as they never-fall - to eradicate from the system, all thb effects of Mercury, infinitely sootier than the most power fel preparations of Sarsaparilla. ' • ;• • Prop tared and sold by W. D, ittrAteirA , M; 88b Broadway, New Yerk. Versals ay all Druggists.' Hollamt Bitters DYSPEPSIA, . Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, &'F. . . ntrod TRE sticcesafta Grated Betnedylmebeear the signal fora Mend flood • of compounds called " Bitters," - offerid: In various forme, from a quiet bottle two,' ilve.gallon :keg; until • this word "Bitters" Is bat another name lor : or some villanous whiskey. miatnre. • • • But the really great teller deriiiistikiin the zututitte(, dose, one teaspoonful, of, our medicines • - • • . Beriatetrs:zokimnviuTTEßsi and the entire abeente of oiler prOstration,:haS eta blielvd for it a reputation which the bostof imitations.. arid counterfeiti have failed to undermine. It is posi tively a vegetable preparation,-with. bately pure spirits to preserve it. , s • 1 But one size of the genuine, (Half-Pitit• . Bottles,) price Owe Dor4All. It is a medicine of long-tried efficacy for I. ' - 'tefifying the doSiaiential Atka fonndatimi oftizood ltealtla and iforgtorrectink Msorilerg of. thiiilitemach end libufelsA g- ft Two or three doses will convince the - 1 - I.ffitcteil of Its salutary effects. The stomach will speedily regair4 lie' strength, a••healthy action of the liver, bowels and kiilrieys will stienAtike place, and teneWed health be the quick result., For i Bierhives liollaigiliitters. For HEARTBURN, Beer hivetti For AClDi'ilir,'Nry .- Ronan% Hellent Bitters. For VirATEBBRASE4 Try Berhavel Holland •Bitteis. For ITEADA.CME, Try. ' Berhave's Holland 'Bitters. For LOBS OM' APPETITE,: Try Berhave s 11 nil Btters. .6' or COBT/VBNEBOr a r lkehveNfliolland For PILES, Try ..• . • - Btethaves . •:lloll4ll4 . Bittett. In all Nervous, Rlantmatl ,o arid': Neuralgic- Airec lions, it has in nugteit nsinstanceS proved ~ highly beneficial,' and ln,othets effected S. decided cure mead Gafies}tlg2 The geriulne',fiightyieoncetitrated•lßtaaaevi's Atm -141fi1.-BlTTaii.fill-lJuk OP Su i/hlf-Pingclgel only, land retailed at One Dollar pet. bo - ttle. grat' emend far this truly i24lebiaUdisnndloiniklhas:indiiced many imitations, which the public should. guard against purchasing. Beware of imposition I See that our minis is on the label of every - bat:le you-buy. , ' Betij'Plitgef:TfACO. sIDL.E.i. MANUFACTURERS, ~ PITTSBURGH, PA. `.; - For solo In the city of 07 D. lirAtintOgi tO. • mhOrd—e•plliawly JEWELRY,' WATCHES, - CLOCKS, FANCY 1300DS &O." ALFRED F 1 ZTMMFRMAW &100 t 0..62 :MARKET STREET, Harrisburg, Pa. opposite' /111001 H 11114 lOW* the ROM; Hook haying Purchased the steak or E. Jennings, and addtala large assortment of NEW JEW ELRY, we will Neu the same at the lowest ark price, and solicit patronage. . Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neatly and promptly se psi red and delivered. sartcb F, zissiustail co. f Having.dlaposed of my atoek cif JeivarY A: Y. Zim merman di Vo:, :140txrully. recommend them to my for mer candomefs. as praetical and experienced Watch, llakers, - and solicit for oieze a gontinuruice of the 'parcel: age which hail been se generously extended testae dun* the last six yeare.. ;; • . - • men • , ' . .707X19.113C SHAD, No. 1, SALMON, NO. HERRING, No. 1, COL,F.LSHi No. 1, MACKEREL, No. 1. ' Of he above we have alt the dillezeat.eized package rem the env to the IlkitRILL to store And for sale itt owest marketralet. fehMl WM. DOCK , Ja.'.Bl CO. ORANGES AND LEMONS': IMORTY BOXES iu prime order Jostle. .1: cotviog god for sale IT , . , DOOE".nt. 01.1 spkt4I,;;OANDLESI **lt illitrUrann•lliarf wit. omit' a'ao. Jlel cal ~? , .0- 0 .,1. . i- . 4:. . 4. 1 k. v •;.- ' , . .' -. s flEtbical. "They go right to the Spot." INSTANT RELIEF I STOP YOUR COUGH I PURIFY YOUR BREATH! tkTRENOTREN YOUR .VOICE I SPALDING'S Throat Confections, ARE GOOD FOR'CIARGYPIgN, apon kon LE9TIIEV,II§, QOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAKERS, " GOOD FOR-SINGERS, ~ GOOD FOR CONSUMPTIVES .GENTLEMEN 'CARRY SPALDING'S .THROAT CONFECTIONS LADIES "ARE DIM STEP WITH SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS CHILDREN CRY FOR , SPALDINd'S TaltOAT CONFECTIONS They relleve.a Cough inetaritly They clear the Throat. They give strength and volume to the voice They *art a delicious aroma to the breath. Their are delightrel tothe taste. . . • They are made of simple herbs and cannot harm any prery . 9pra who has a Cough or a Husky voice Broath,or any difficulty of the Throat, to get 'a paelyige of my Threat Confections, they will relieve you ,ipstahtly, and Tou fin 4 them :very useful and pleas 2 .intlehiliOravelitig:or attending public meetings for stil hug.your Cough or. allaying-your thirst. , If you try one packagal am safe , in saying that you Will ever alter cdnaider them indfspeinible. 'You will find them Qt the Drugiiste and Dealers in Medicines PRICE`TWENTY-PIPE CENTS My etgfiatute ' Won nob 'Package.' All other are coon leifelt; - A Paelage will be sent by mall, prepaid, on recipt of Thirty Cents. Addreee, HENRY C. SPALDING, rid. 98 CEDER STREET, NEW YORK =3 CEPHALIC PILLS CURE SICK,HEADACHE %,iIJBE NERVOUS HEADACHE, CUBE ALL.. KINDS OF HEADACHE• BY tile4e cetiiese Fitths the:pails:lgo attacks of Ner vous or AteleAlifeche may bp:prevented; and if taken A, the COMiiiolSConieni oT au snivels immediate rellef [rein -- pain and sickness may be obtained. They seldom Mil in. removing Nowa and Headache to which females are eo subject. The* act gently epon the bowels, removing Cbstiveness For Literary;Neu, Indents, Delicate Females, and all penitent of sedentary habits, they are valuable' as a leniative hnproving the arrsrirs giving TONS A ern 9100$ AO the Wit:Alva uvula, and restoring the natural elasti city and strength to the w hole system. the CEPHALIC PliLB are the result at long iniesti gallon and carefully conducted experiments, having been =ln,use 131 many years, during which lime they have pre vented and xelieved a vast amount apain and suffering from Headache, whether originating in the nervous aye- WM:or from a ,deranged'state of the stomach. _ . ..ituty are entirely vegetable In their composition, and may be t a k en at all times with perfect safety without , making any change of diet and the absence of any dila - greeabie taste renders it easy to administer them to children. BBWARD Of COUNTERFErt-_ The genuine base nye signatures or Henry C. Spalding ,on sash ho n. Sold by. druggists and all other dealers In medicines.; A lio's trill be sent by Mail prepaid on receipt of the PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. All orders should be addressed to HENRY C SPALDINQ, 48 Cedar Street % New Yor ,INTA single bottle of SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE willsav" ten UMW itl3 OoSt BPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDINd'S PREPARED GLUE 1 SpALDING'S PREPARED CLUE SAVE THE PIECE I ECONOMY Elmo II Thu AIM sura.,,jeg _ alccigalts Wanwii, awn in well-riodatedfitinttei It is very desirable to have soma cheap and convenient *ay for repairing Furniture, Togs, Crockery, arc: .... ineeti(ilitii*** household can afford ,te.ho without It. It is always ready and up to ttokittick . . : "CBEFUL: IN EVERY BOMBS." .. _ _ • N. B.—A Brush acconipaniee each bottle. Pried eh Cti. Address ) HENRY C. SPALDINO, No. 48 Cedar Street, New York, CAUTION Al eiwtainhapilkolpliMpersonsare attempting to palm ..ou the ninhitietinginbile, linhatlons of Tar PAD PARED qui, I would. caution all persona to examine Pdr~Coe4►ng,and ape that the full name - ~:,,iggrhP4ll.Al4oB PREPARED GLI3E,4* iinAlietatiahtelirapper ;all others are swindling' emit ; Weil & amlfi•diwlyrdfabla Liras of travel 8:: trattsportatiou NEW AIR LINE ROUTE THREE TRAINS DAILY TO NEW YORK TWO TRAINS DAILY TO PHILADELPHIA WI'THOU'T CHANGE OF CABS. ON AND . AFTER MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1861, the Passenger Trains will leave the Philadel Oita atm Reading Railroadthipot, at Harrisburg - , for New York and Philadelphla, as follows, viz : . , EASTWARD: EXPRESS LINE leaves Harrisburg at 9.30 a: m., On ar rival of Pennsy I vard*llailrikol Egpress Train fa out the West, arriving io New York at -1 p. m. A sleeping car Is attached to the train through PittSburg without MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at . 13 a. in., arriving in Noiv York al4 p. m ; and Philadelphia at 1.25 p. m. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1.40 p. in., on arrival of Pennsylvania Railroad Fast Mail, arriviugtu New York at 9.45 p. in:, and Philadelphia at 8.40 p. • in. WESTWARD. irAoT LINE leaves New York at 8 a. in.,aud Philadel phia at 8 a. ra.. arriving at Harrisburg - tid p-m. MAIL TRAIN lewies New York at 12.00 noon, and Phil adelphia at 3. 16 p. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 8 p.m. EXPRESS LINE leaves New York at 8 p. ra, arri ving at Harrisburg at 2.30 a. in., and connecting with the Pennsylvania Express Train for: ittsburg. A sleeping car is also attached to this train ()deflections are Made itThirrisburg with train)! on the Pennsylvania, Northern Ceatral and Cumberland Valley Railroads,'Und at Remliag for 'Plilladelphis, POttsvil le, Willresbarre, Allentown, Emden, &o. . ' Baggage chocked through. Faro between New York arid Harrisburg, $5 00 botWien Illarilisburganil delphia, $3 25 in No. 1 carsi and $2 70 in No. 2. For tickeW or other information apply to . • - J. J. CLYDE, myls General Agent, Harrisburg. PENNSyLv.ANIA::::•:RAIL.:RoADt FIVE :tf!L*loo, .DA-I.LY:::TO.:I'':AND FR.OM PHILADELPHIA he passenger Araltoi - of the PeruMpliatiti Railroad Com pany• - - . . . will depart from azd arrive' at - Harrisburg and as•ibilews tt-t: •E-4-11VT,W • FAST LlliE leaves . narrisburg eve ry- morning (except Monday) at Eld a. m., and arrives West Philadelphia at 6,10 a. . 'HEIHOUGHEItPRESV THAN . les.'ves Harrisburg clang at 9.20 siilyea at We Philadelphia - at 1.10 TAA_U; tiarcialiuttlally — (exc'ept Sun day)-(it 5.15"'u: tatifw at WOW. fhiladlliphia a 10.15 p. . ilaiMktralas make close connection at Philadmpula with tke Nor York.. Linea. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 1, via Mown Joy, leitveo Harrisburg at 7.00 m., and mimes at West Philadolphisi, at 12;00 moil. FrAniato,nußG AMOMitoDATION TRAIN, via' , Cohan. bla, leaves lierriaburcat 1.10 p. tuid arrives at Walt Philadelphia at 6.25 p. •-.ACIXIMPDATION TRAIN, 'No. 2, via Xeuut Joy, .Ipayes giaryisbgrg _at 5.15 p. connecting at Diller- Sithi with MALL •TRAIDG• RIM iirriliea at West Ptillidet phia at . • • W.R.S T W. A. R D • THRUUZiI EXPItg,6S- TRAIN .'leaves Philadelphia' at 10,20 p zn.,.llarriebutz. at. 2.n. a. Altoona 7.30, a. in told arnires atPit4burwit 12.00*i:coon ' Philadelphia it • 7.80 a, m., llanrishtu% 1.00 p, m., Altoona, 8,50 p. m, and 'arrives at' Pit taburg at 12.00 midnight,. • ... . , FAST' Y.SHE lavas Philidelitis Id 11:20 a; Harris burg 3.33 p. M.. Alto° 4;0.10 p.any and arrives at Fite .. burg at 12.30 a. tn.. HARRISBURG ACOOILIIODATION TRAIN : leaves i'iniadelphib7 at 'lBO laricsistei amnia - 6.45•p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg .11.8.05 p. Ttiti Tiafri 'connects at Hariisburg, 8.05 - 11. m:, Nortliern Central Railroad Train torr6aubdryi Williams port, Lock. Haven, Scranton and MI points' North. . . . - • tatoVlHMATlOWirliaticles:vea PlrilactelPhlik At 4.00 p :M;,.l.attsaster 7.50 p. tn;i - Hount Joy 8.31 m., Eliza bettdown, 8.37 . p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg a m: Attention% called to the fiet, - that panseitgerit leaving Philadelphia at 4.00 p. mi.,.ooniaoot id Ltuicatitei with 310 LINT JOY ACV,OIIIODATION TRA.1.14, and arrive Harrisburg at 9.30, p.m. . . ; • SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. East. Div. rel/tili. Railroad Harriaborg, DISPATCII I Sal€tot, Sohoolil Bova_ipid Girls - • • • sTI4,EJECT.- ASO V .14 LOCUST. `Ui I.ora otßOßkitT lii!ELWErS - z x lieol for boys, will open on tholes' , Monday to 'August. 'hti room is Mali vet.l,llated; comfortably, fur npiyl,,and in every .respect well adapted Or: school purpoeee, CATLIARINE' School fotglrbi Wowed ha the eamehaildbigt will open for the Fall term at the same tilo, — "ThlS monk lies bebn elegantly...fitted kip dialog the 2irlicatcm, - . to promoto the i houlth and comfort- of aeholare. janal•clif •„ . - - - . - .CITY -.LIVERY STAI3LES. ti:IOIIO32CRIZ.Y. -.ALLEY,. IN TUN BELN . . griat nud reigced haelb;conimended"the tieiy thisiiiese tag . NNW 'And SPACIOUS STA Brig#iocpiedag.abova, watt a largo/and varied iitock o lIORSPS, OSlNlEtCP3ll2;'whieh; he wil' Vrei.aktupiletilie - rate. - - F. K. SWARTZ. sep2B.dly , • :LIQUORS AT.. COST I. TTATING emelutied te tliseontiutte the AAbusiness . , oiler *go and. cokplete assort mitt or - Inui Wmakliimormo; and' liquors of eiefy de. EcriP34oafitt cps4withouareoorvo." • - DOM JR; A COQ onfoolkeltfeVikeNtiooso, SIMMER TIME TABLE. ON AND Arniß MONDAY, JUNE 10th, 1861, listclkznwn*c GENERAL ORDERS NO. 3. HEAD QUARTHRE3 PENNSYLVANIAAiIIthA, ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, Harrisburg, June 22,,1861 In accordance with the provisions of tte sixth section of the Act passed the 15th of May, 1861, entitled an Act to create a loan and pro• vide for arming the State, the Governeri.Conl mander-in-chief, makes the following rules and regulations relating to the organized Stall of the military force of this . Commonwealth • now or hereafter to be called into the service of tilt , State or the United States. REGULATIONS. I. The commander of the regiment will ap point the Adjutant from the subalterns of the regiment. He will also appoint the non-com missioned staff of the regiment. tie will nomi nate the regimental Quarter Master from: the subalterns of the regiment to the Governot for approval and appoiritment. H. In uses of vacancy, the commander of a regiment may make a temporary appointment of Quarter Master. The commander of a regi ment may also suspend a Quarter Master, and make a temporary, appointment, reporting such suspensions and the reasons thereof forthwlth to the proper authority, arid all temporary ap pointments shall continue until a decision can be made from Headquarters, These regulations shall be in force untif.thr ther orders. By order of the Governors Commander-in *Chief. E. M. BIDDLE, Adjutant Genela', A New Feature in the.Suice Trade! IMPORTANT TO HOUSEIMPERi.i E. R. DURKEE:& CO.'S SELECT SPICES. In Tin All, (Lined wigs Paper,) and Futl Weigh , BLACK, PERPlitt GINGER, NUTair WHITE PEPPER: ALLSPICE, CAYENNE PEPPER, IiIUSTARC. IN THIS AGE of adalferated and tas less blears, itiawith ccintdenceltiat we introf to' the attention of housekeepers these superior iLa genuine articles. We guarantee them not only ABSOLUTELY AND PERFECTLY PURE, but ground from fresh Spices, selected and clefine , !)1 us expressly for the purpose, without reference Si They are beautifully paekeetin tin foil; (lined with ..,- per,) to prevent injury by keeping, and me FL wkwar, while the ordinary ground Spices are -- invariably abort. We warrant them, Myelin of car., and richness of flavor, BEYOND ALL. COMPARISON, as a single trial will abundantly prove. Every pact. beara our Trade dark. Manufactured only by E. R. IniftliEb. & G0., - New ?or, For sale by Val. DOCK JR, &CO. tr, GENERAL ORDERS, NO, 12. , IblarvQtrarruas, P. Al I Harrisburg, licy 19, 1861. Major General George A. M'Call is as:•.ip.c. to the command of .all the military force;• Pennsylvania, raised or to be raised umle'r t psovisiorug of an Act of the General Asseu,(l - the CommonweAlth of Pennsylvania, euti tled an Act, to create a loan, la.; to prov for the arming of the State." He will, without delaY;:proc.,:ed to orgaurzo these forme, according to the pro7isioLi said Act, and to select convfMeni locations lur suitable encamping grounds, fol . the h.struch. of the troops. .. 13y order of the CoMmander 7 m Ututf, JOHN A. WRIGHT,-Aid-de•carnp. EiT. LOUIS - HOTEL, OBESTNUY 82, - AI3O.VE Til P.EiILADKLPHIA N the immediate rieightortiooll of t I JObbiug-Hoasea on 'Markin. Third ,ADd streets, the Banks, Post 'Office Mini:haute Esc .0 _ EMT BOTH ON TRI - AND EUROPEAN` PLAN BOARD P.E.R DAY... : - . , Dinner - between 1 and 3 oktotte, 60 cants. Sw room from BO cents upward. A drat clime Reataurant attached. Prices accordieL Bills of Fare. -The 113-y_Cars - taßePassengers froß-Any - Sletwe close to the Rotel. --- 14e1Ruidsh;Fienett,'Gertintu ind:Rpantsh spoken . STONE FOR . SALE. . 11)pITILDING -.StONE or. Stout) suitatea ju far turiappip . ig purposa4.vini . deliverod L. par , 'of thecity' or iLI - vicinity'.•: Spirlrkk• - ,110•113' N PRICES : IDUVII°N I ON GREAT L a d 0, 1149 WRAF' L cd mA : HONE sEWIN" WITH NEW IMPROVEMENTS AT FIEDUCED_PRICES, ITE . WEEFY,LER. &; wif,,satj ga D u:g •• Wring Compatty hp.eing..gainedAr t their Jaw, with infringing manufacturers-Of . e.wltiaAlsci pioloose that the - public should bp - beueatted than ancehave aeCerdingly reduced the prices of tlieir Be,: Maeblnes. - Afier'thiedite they - wilLbesold will , pay a fair profit on the cost of manufacture , invested, and exiasei - orlking 'Wes ; such prices will liasible , thern'to - make first ciao machines, , beretotoreyguaranlee every Kulicular. accerdatiOe thei tinixiimoement'alV'te i , sell their splendid Sew 4: Machines st prices fr.) a ;' to $9O for the tine full wse maeliiaes. :It is e, wea es Ilshed feat thit-the - - ct Wilson SewinP-liaohina ie the best °nein the market, the best made, mos.. and•leaat liable' to get out o f order, and they axe cJ low as the inferior machines. Call said sea Third and Market. del-6m ' . . W. 0. HICKOK ; dieu. mem in iv aya: T.EfAVILINg . A.GENT OF TH6I OLD WALLOWER Di\ld' 7 OLD TRAN - SPORTATIOZ% is still in successful'Opqation and prenared freight a 8: LOPPIts• any: other. individual 'lire b' EA PattOolehlat Barris/44T, StnOury, Leateburs, port; Jersey Sboie, Lock Haven; • and. all point= "` Northern Central s Philadelphia and We, and port and Elmira Railroads. Local Agent at Harrlaburg , D. A. .ii • Goodl3 Bent'to PEACG(Thr, FELL !It EUNCREAN, ros , and 810 Market stroot„hbove Eighth, oy - 40'010a, .' N will - iirriiii.a6Hilfrisburgi ready for delivery, iii:..: i- , ilhorning. ' C. 8..11.138z.t. 2 . i hip3-trTraveling .i,&.- •.. _ - VvIPTY BARRELS. -Two- anajre.. .11:11.1inpty Flour, Sakai , and Vine Barrels of 4 45 acriptiona and prices, apB WM. DOCK JR s. WALLOWER'S LINE DAILY' BSYYJICEIT' HARRISBURG ilia PHILADELPHIA Writ Tt., .13urkAatira 812 -.Market. street,fla l4 ' phich forinqlY leivth4don Co. Qpiaciai Co4 - dtkotoi - -charge of e. l, '" - 0 Legit; GOoas 'deliieriefixt the WArehall.-10, Piga; at 4,4C.0'..d.c•eir..P.: wig oe ae ivarad is Hir; burg next morning. J. WALLOWER:JR, Agaut• 1:11f214i1 . iceadibcpepot; Berisba, • —Tbxee Hundred Extra 5 11 . 5 R Ctuittllgaras just received by WM. DOGS 18 FIRST ..OLASS' GROCERIES , . . LARGE AuftivAl -, AVING JUST L RgTURNED ENO lam` 111eaterh citles-Agmie we bairn • Selected W" .-e 611184,,._„_11.0r CARR a large ant complete aseartuteut N ParieF godibi'whio-embrade aniating kept ill 11, ' ''.,,, -chi giceirlesima rospeatrauy .and COrditlY L' IT ' y '., :tact I.4apliC t 0.0 44 fat 4 exatntalt cur 'tack. Awl. Lel CIL KO tikt; 4 ° ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers