Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, July 18, 1861, Image 3
gia4 Ettegrapil a.K Thursday Afternoon, July 18, 1861. Firm Plum Gammon) lu.—By order Of the Pennsylvania State authorities, all the cannon throughout the Commonwealth are being col lected, with the view of rifling their bore and otherwise improving them. The number al ready received is quite large, and others are daily being brought in. I=l GREEN CORN, of home growth, has made its appearance in our market, and sells for two shillings per dozen. The price is rather "steep" for persons of limited means. It is a consola tion, however, to know that there is a good prospect of an abundant crop, and that in a few weeks "roasting ears" will be abundant and cheap. Naw Ityr.—We have on our table a specimen of the new rye grown upon the farm of Mathew N. Mitchell and Isaac Nace, in Halifax town. sbip, Dauphin county, one head of 'which con tained one hundred and eighteen full grown grains. If any of our farmer friends can beat this, it will afford us pleasure to announce the fact. The grain crops of this county never were better than they are the present season. Tao CrrY TOMBS contained nine occupants last night, all drunken volunteers from Camp Curtin. Alderman Kline held Mayor's Court this morning, in the absence of Mr. Kepnerwho is ill, and discharged the soldiers upon promise that they would leave immediately for the camp. Two failed to keep their promise, for we saw them staggering out of a beer shop in less than two hours after their discharge. ANOTHER MILITARY COMPANY.-Our rural friends in the vicinity of Locust Grove have formed a volunteer company, which meets every Saturday afternoon for drill, under the instruc tion of Mr. John J. Ball, of this city, an ac complished military tactician. The company was organized for home guard purposes, but its patriotic members will no doubt promptly en list for the war should their services be requir ed by the government. I===l Ms DOG Law.—Complaints have recently been entered against twenty-one dog owners for permitting them to run at large without muz zles. The parties will be arraigned for a hear ing as soon as the Mayor, now suffering from an attack of typhoid fever, recovers sufficiently to resume his official duties. A portion of the fine imposed in every case of violation of the dog law goes to the informer, and the balance into the city treasury. TEN Roars GUARDS continue to meet regu larly for drill exercise, and are making rapid progress in the acquisition of military knowl edge; under the effective instruction of. Dr. Roberts and Mr. John J. Ball. Uniforms have been adopted and are now being manufactured. We learn that it is the intention of the com pany to make a tender of their services to the government, as soon as the requisite number of the right kind of men can be obtained. This crack corps now numbers about sixty members, all of them sufficiently well drilled to go into immediate action. TO DERMOT ANTS.—In some gardens the ants become intolerable pests, and almost every kind of remedy has been resorted to without effect, bag their entire dislodgment. They are some times very destructive to a garden, and especial ly to flower borders. A good remedy is simply to dig oat a portion of the ground infested by them, build a fire in the excavation, and allow it to burn for some time. It is said to drive them away effectually. If this shall prove to do so, we are sure to be heartily thanked by nasuay for printing it. ZOI3AV% Itr.aiMm.—We are reliably informed that Capt. Kelm, of the First City Zouaves, con templates raising a full Zouave regiment, and is now making arrangements to that effect. No doubt a regiment composed of the same mate rial as the First City Zouaves—young, healthy and intelligent men—would be promptly ac cepted by the Governor under the new requisi tion that will shortly be issued by President Lincoln for additional troops from this State for the war. Young men here and elsewhere who desire to go into the service of their coun try, cannot do better than attach themselves to this proposed new regiment. We notice that a Zouave company is now in process of organi 2ation at Mifflin, Juniata county. `Nam os WHISKY.—We learn by letter from ➢iaxtinaburg that General Williams, of this city, recently made what the boys called a monster toddy by knocking out the heads of two hundred and fifty barrels of new "old rye," alias corn whisky, at the still owned by Lieu tenant Col. Stuart, of the confederate forces, and pouring most of it into the neighboring brook. A guard was at first put over it to protect it, but the smell of the whisky was so strong that it overpowered them and they slept on their posts. Then came the thirsty-ones, and their name was legion, and drank of the liquor with evil consequences to themselvesand the public. Hence the General's great toddy making. ==== A Mau OLD Tna.—There was a lively time among the soldiers last night, who perambu /ated the city in squads, visiting the drinking shops and other iniquitous institutions, and making night hideous with their drunken revels. A number of fights occurred, and some of the combatants were badly beaten. The guard from Camp Curtin patrolled the city and succeeded in capturing nine or ten stragglers. In most towns and cities of other States, near which camps are located, the keepers of grog shops are compelled to close them at seven o'clock in the evening. A similar system should bo in augurated here. These institutions are the di rect cause of all the demoralization prevalent among the soldiers, and of the riotous demon strations which disgrace our city night after night. Let the rum mills be closed after dark, and a more orderly state of affairs will soon preVaiL Mau, Roma AG-Elm —John Seigert has been appointed mail route agent on the Lebanon Valley Railroad between here and Reading, in place of George F. Weaver, of this city, re moved. 1=1:= SUNDAY ScuooL ProNro.—The annual picnic of the West Harrisburg Methodist Sabbath School took plaCe to-day at Spruce Hollow. The weather being favorable, of course the little ones had a pleasant time in the shady grove, and will come home physically benefitted by the exhilarating exercises in which they were allowed unrestrained indulgence. The picnic of the Fourth Street Bethel Sunday School comes off on Thursday of next week. Coma.&mum or CAMP Canna.—We learn that Col. George A. C. Seiler is again in com mand of Camp Curtin. It is to be hoped that the Colonel will exercise the power vested in him to prevent disturbances in our city by reckless soldiers who may be permitted to leave the boundaries of the camp. The citizens of Harrisburg have been annoyed in this way un til forbearance has ceased to be a virtue. MORE SECESSION PRISONERS —Three secession prisoners, captured near Martinsburg, arrived here this afternoon, in charge of a guard, en route for Fort Delaware. One of them sported an officer's uniform, and all of them were mis_ erable specimens of humanity, who looked as if they had not enjoyed a good meal for the last month.- If these fellows, and the five who pre ceded them a few days ago, can be regarded as fair specimens of the kind of material of which the rebel army is composed, our sturdy and gallant troops will find but little difficulty in annihilating the traitors. The chivalric "secesh ers" go from here to Philadelphia, and thence to Fort Delaware where they will be confined for the present. POISONING CASE.-A. few days ago a case of poisoning occurred at Elizabethville, in this county, which nearly proved fatal. A Mr. Martz was very much annoyed by mice, and to get rid of them, he put some arsenic on small pieces of meat and laid it on a shelf where nothing but the mice could get at it, and in the morning his house keeper took the pieces of meat and put them under a heavy iron pot to lay them out again in the evening. She however took some vessel into the kitchen, which had been setting near to the poison, and it appears that one of the pieces stuck to the vessel and was thus conveyed into the kitchen, which was found by a boy about three years old. Symptoms of a violent nature soon oc curred, and Dr. Nonamaker wassummoned, who soon suspected that something deleterious was eaten, and it was discovered that he was pois oned. By strenuous efforts the child was saved and is now doing well. ==l TEE THING GOE3 Oa.—Somehow, the thing goes on, despite hard times and the war, and the general stagnation. When we say the thing, we mean life—the great tide of earthly affairs—eating, drinking, buying and selling, birth and death. Though thou art virtuous, shall there be no more cakes and ale ? Because people have less money in their pockets than usual, shall there be no more shopping, flirting, love-making, doctoring, pettifogging and preach ing ? We trow not. Because there are rumors of martial engagements in the papers, shall there not be engagements over which Cupid and the graces smile? In the same news-jour nal that records a bloody battle we see the deaths and births—about as many of them as usual, and so the current of home events flows on, though with amore sluggish stream, paral lel with the turbid torrent of the great events now transpiring on the "sacred soil." I=o=lll CARELESSNESS or MAILING LElTERS.—lnstances of carelessness in sending letters through the Post office in this city occur daily. A few days since a firm doing a large business sent a letter to the office without a stamp, intended for a firm in Philadelphia, containing a draft from the Harrisburg Bank for a considerable amount. The letter was sent to the dead letter office at Washington city, where it was opened, and re turned to this office with the name of the writer affixed on the outside. The parties were ready to blame the post office department for negligence. Such instances are of frequent oc currence. It was but yesterday that some dozen letters were thrown into the boxes without the proper postage stamps. Among these we ob serve one for J. J. Huchel, Esq., cashier of the Union Bank, Philadelphia ; one for French, Richards & Co., Philadelphia ; and one for Geo. D. Wetherhill Sr. Co., Druggists, Philadelphia. They are no doubt business letters, and perhaps of some importance to the parties interested, but cannot be sent without the postage being paid on them. If this is not time they will go to the dead letter office to be examined, and re turned from thence to this office. Tae REMAINS or GENERAL GARNET; who was killed at the battle of Carrack Ford, arrived here by express last evening en route for Rich mond. The box remained at the Express office some tine, and was opened for the benefit of persons who felt a desire to look at the body of the defunct rebel leader, which was clad in the uniform he wore at the time of his death. A few chipped splinters from the box, to be re tained as "relics." General Garnett graduated with honor at West Point, and was twenty years an officer, nineteen years of which saw him an honorable soldier serving under his country's flag. He was recently made Adjutant General of the Virginia forces, and Brigadier General in the Confederate army. His false honors were of brief continuance, and he has died ingloriously. His age must have been about forty years. He was struck by a ball passing through his spine and out at the right breast. He fell dead on the sand. Only one man was near the General at the time, a beard less young man from Georgia, the rest having refused to rally. The Georgian was also killed at the same instant, he and his commander fall ing in different directions, feet to feet. The body of Garnett was recognized by Major Love, of the Federal forces, with whom he was inti mately acquainted at West Point. The box containing his remains is directed to the Mayor of Washington, by whom it will be forwarded to Richmond, where its arrival will no doubt MAN a ieniaticou 1I chivalric circlou Pennsylvania Milt) qtelegrapth ebursbap - afternoon, linty 18, 1661. LtrOT STONE says : -"The cradle b a woman's ballot box." Then we've known some unlaw ful voting in this city, where two ballots were deposited at a time. - EMIGRANTL—About two hundred emignmits passed through Harrisburg last night. They were from Prussia, and landed in Baltimore at eight o'clock yesterday morning. Their desti nation is Cincinnati. THE COISEET.—The comet, which has been visible for two weeks past, is rapidly disappear ing. Its direction is from the sun, and it has traveled so rapidly that the, tail is mow scarcely perceptible, and its nucleus appears but little larger than a fixed star. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN FASTING AND PRAYER.- The General Assembly of this Church, at its last meeting, passed resolutions with reference to a day of fasting, humiliation and prayer— directing the clerk to forward the same to the President of the United States, asking him, in behalf of the Assembly, to invite all the people of the United States to fasting and prayer ; appointing a committee to correspond with other bodies respecting said proposed fast day ; and leaving it to the Moderator, after said con sultation, to appoint the day. The President not having issued any proclamation, (and there being no prospect of uniformity of observance,) the Moderator deemed it his duty to do so, and has designated "Wednesday, the 7th day of August, to be observed as a day of fasting, hu miliation and prayer, throughout the United Presbyterian church." SNAKCS IN Tows.—We are told that quite a number of copper snakes have been killed in town within a week or two past. The ugly things have been found on the street, and in the cellars of some of our citizens. —.E.avton Re press. The only dangerous "snakes" about this city are those frequently seen by the patrons of cheap whisky shops, We noticed a dilapidated specimen of humanity on the street last even ing, who was tormented with every variety of imaginary reptiles, from which he endeavored in vain to make his escape. Some twined themselves about his legs, others encircled his neck, some darted their poisonous fangs at his face, and every few minutes he emptied a whole hatfull on the, pavement, treading them under his feet. The sufferings of the miserable vic tim of tanglefoot must have been intolerable. His performance attracted a crowd of orientation, some of whom unfeelingly made sport of the poor fellow's misery. KEEP it before the people that earth was made for man, that flowers were strown and fruits were grown to bless and never to bun Keep it before the people, that Dry Goods sold cheap, unequalled in style, and at one price "meanwhile" at the store , of Union & Bownras, corner of Front and Market streets. jy/8-2t NEW GOODS MOM New. Your. Atorrox.-50 pieces of Grey Goods at 10, 124 and 20 cts. 100 dozen Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs for 8, 6 and 6 cts. 10 pieces Lavella Cloth for pats. 25 dozen Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs for 124, worth 25 cts. Splendid Mohair Mitts at SI and 37 cm. 15 dozen towels at 124 cents'a'towel.— Linen Sleeves and Collars at 25 eta. 50 dozen Sun Umbrellas and Parasols cheap. luo pieces of the best Calico ever sold for 61 cts. 60 pieces Broche Bordering very cheap. A large lot of bleached arid unbleached Muslin. Now is the time to buy bargains at Lewy's. A CARD TO THE .LADIES. DR. DIIPONOO'S GOLDEN. PILLS FOR FEMALES. ' nfallibls n correcting, regulating, and ,remollag a , obstructions, from whatever cause, and l ways successful - as a . preven tive. aFISE PILLS HAVE BEEN USED BY A. the doctors for many years, both in Prance and America, with unparalleled success in eicry ease ; and he is urged by many thousanct ladies who used them, to make the Pills public for the alleviation of those suffering from any irregularities whatever, as Well sato reevent an increase M family where health will' not perniti it.- Females particularly situated, or those supposmg them selves so, are cautioned against thew. Pills while in that condition, as they are slum to produce miscarriage, and the proprietor assumes no responsibility after , this edmo. union, although their mildness -would prevent , any mis chief to health—otherwise the Pilla are recommended. Full and explicit directions accompany each box. Pries $1 00 per box. Sold wholesale and retell by O,HARLES A. BANNVART Drugist, No. g Jones Row, Harrisburg, Pa. "LadleS," by sending him 01 00 to the Harrisburg Post 01100, can have the Pills sent free of observation to any part of the country (confidentially) and "free of pos tage,' by maiL Sold atso by 8. 8. Bravess, Reeding, JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY k Cownsze, Philadelphia, J. L. Liu liZßGYß:Lebanon, Roam H. Elmussio_ . , Lancaster, J. A. WOLF, Wright/WHIN ; E. T. Mums, Perk ; and by one druggist in every city and village tu - the Union, and by S. D. Dow; ole proprietor, New Pork N. B.—Look out for counterfeits. Buy no Oolden Pills of any kind unless every box is signed S. D. Howe. Ai others are a base imposition and unsafe; therefore, as you value your lives and health, (to say nothing of be ing humbugged out of your money,) buy only of those who show the signature of S. D. Howe on every box, which has recently been added on account of the Pills being counterielted deli-dwaswly. HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE 11 Wm. A. Batchelor's Hair Bye I The Original and Best in the World. All others are mere imitatlous,:a6d . sheidd be`itvolded if you wish to escape ridictue. . . . . GRAY, RED, OR RUM HAIR dyed instantly to a beautiful and Natural Brown and Black, without *Jury to Hair or Skin. FIFTEEN MEDALS and DIPLOMAS have been award ed to Win. A. Batchelor since 1859, ant over 80,000 ttp•. pilettions hsve been made to the Fair of his purees of his famous dye. WM. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a calor not to be distinguished front nature, and is warranted not to injure in toe least, however long It may be cocain. ued, and the ill effects of Bad Dyes remedied • the gar . invigorated for life by this splendid Dye. , - hold in al cities and towns of the United States, by Druggists and Fancy Goode Dealers. iike The Genuine nas the name and addrese upon a steel plate engraving on four sides of each box, of WA.- /SAX A. BATCHELOR. Address CHARLES BATCHILLOR, Proprietor, eil.d&iwtang I/1 Barclay street, New York W. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE! PHIS SPLENDID HAIR DYE has no equal—instantaneous in .Heel—Beautiful Blank or Natural Brawn—no staining the -skin or Injuring the Bair—remedies the absurd and ill effect of Bad Dyes, and nvigorates the Hair for life. NO.IIB ars genuine: noises signed "W. A. Batchelor! , Sold everywhere. ; • OfIAS. SAM:IAOd, erourletoi. dswtsgl 3t aa:auyotraOf,: as Y TO CONSUMPTIVES. TRH ADVERTISER, having been restored to health is a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a Severe lung affect. ion, and that dread disease, Consamptien—is anxious to make known to Ws fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, be will send a oopy of the pre scription used (free of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, &c. _The only object of the advertiser In sending the Prescription is to benefit the alit:tad, and spread information which he conceives to be nvaluable, and he hopes every Bd. ferer will try his remedy, al it will coot them matting, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the preseriptien will please addrelS RBV. EDWARD A. WILSON, 'lamablirgb, Mugs county,Aew'rerk. 9067.-wly • I=== I=l=l -,.._--. I=l Nem 2bratisments ADJUTANT OENERAL ' S OFFICE, t ELAREJSBIING, July 17 1861. Proposals will be recieved at this office, until Tuesday the 28d inst., at 12 M., for furnishing at this place FOUR THOUSAND SETS OF IN FANTRY ACCOUTREMENTS, corresponding in pattern and quality with those used by the United States Army. E. M. BIDDLE, jyl7-dtd Adjutant General. FOUND.—This morning in Raspberry alley, between Niarket and Chesnut Arcola, a POCK- Et' SOUR, cord %tang a iWO Five, poLLAR BILLS. The owner can obtain it by proving property and paving charge 3 WU. 11111,EB, Baker ; Raspberry alley between Market and. Chesnut streets, brle-3c GILT FRAMES! GILT FRAMES J. BIESTER, CARVER AND GILDER, Manufacturer of Looking Glass and Picture Frames, Gilt and Rosewood Mouldings &e. HARRISBURG, PA. French Mirrors, Square and . Oval Portrait Frames of every description, OLD FRAMES RE.GILT TO NE W. ' PROF. 0. J. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL BLOOD RENOVATOR. Is precisely what Its Damn indicates, for while pleas ant to the taste, it Is revivifying, exhilarating and strengthening to the vital puwers. It also revivifies, re • instates and renews the blood in all its orl,inal purity. and thus restires and renders the system invulnerable to attacks of disebso. It is toe only preparation ever offered to the world in a popular tor& no as to be within the reach of all. So coemically and skillfully combined; as to the most PEWIT' UMW, and yet so perfectly adapted so so TO or IN PERFECT ACCORDANCE WITH THE LOWS OF NATURE, AND HINCT 80 THE THE STEEEIST STOMACH and tone up the di gestive argil's, and rilay ad tusrvoas irritation. rt, is also perfectly extularating Is Its effects, and yet it is never followed by lassitde :r &pression of spirits It is cons• posed entirely of regetautes, and those tboreugly coot- Dining powerful tonic and sooting properties, arid con s quently can never injure. As a sure prevendre and cure of CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, INDIGESTION, DYS LoS4 OF AP2STIT-e, FAINTNESS, NER VOUS IRRITABILITY, NKIIRALOLA, PALPITA TION OF THE HEART, BIELANCHoLY, atm cHoNnitia, NIGHT SWEATS ' LANGUOR, GIDDIDESS ' AI , D ALL THAT CLA-S OF O CASKS SFEARFULLY FATAL CALLED FEMALE WEAKNESS, ANo IRREGULARITIES. THERE IS NOTHING ITS EQUAL. Also, Liver Derangements or Torpidity, and Liver oem. plaints, Diseasee of the Kidney, or any general derauge meat of the Urinary organs _ _ It Will not only cure the debility fo'l .tviug CHILLS and FNMA, but all prevent attacks arising frau. Illasinalis; influences, and cure the diseases at once, if already et taCked. Travelers should hive a bottle with them, as it will infallibly prevent any deleterious consequence; follow, lag upon change of climate and water. As it prevents cos iv=usss, strengthets the dig - stive organs, it should be in We hands of all persods cf sed:rn tary habits, Ladlessnot accustomed to much out-door exercise should always use it. Mothers' should use it, f'r it is a perfect relief, takes month or two before the final slat, she will pass the dreadful period with p3rtect ease and safety. THUS IS NO MISTAKE! AB UT rr. THE CORD/AL IS ALL WE CLALA FOR IT I I Mothers Try It! I , . . . Audio you we appeal, to deteot the illness or decline not only of your dsugtere before it be too late ' but also your sone and husbands, for wlife the former from false delicacy, often go down to a premature grave, rattier than let their condition be known in time, the latter are often so mixed up witn the excitement of business, that If it were not for you, they too, would travel in the ran e downward path, until it is too late to arrest their falai fall. But the mother is always vigilant, and to you we confidently appeal ; for we are sure your never-failing affection will Unerringly point you to PROF. WOOD'S BSETOAATIVD CONDIAL AND BLOOD RF,NulTarilt as the remedy which should always be on band in time of O. J. WOOD, Proprietor, 444 Broadway, Now York, and 114 Market Street, t. Louie, Mo., and sold by all good D.:Alegi:As. Price One tar Bottle. jyB-daw-eow Great Cure. DR. LELLAND'S ANTI. RHEUMATIC BAND, IS THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR Rheumatism, Gent and Neuralgia AND A. AIME CIINE FOR All Mercurial Diseases. It Is a conveniently arranged Band, containing a maul: ested compound, to be worn around the Waist, without Injury to the most delicate persons, no change in habits of living Is required, and it entirely removes the disease froze the system, without producing ate injurious effects arising from the use of powerful internal medicines which weaken and destroy the constitution, and give temporary relief only. By this treatment, the medical properties contained in the Band, come in contact whla the blood and reaches the disease, through the pores of the skin, effecting in every instance a perfect cure, and restore the parts afflicted to a healthy condition. This Band is also a most powerful Assa..klEacrunat agent, and will entirely relieve the system from the pernicious ef• fects of Mercury. Moderate cases are cured in a few days, and we are constantly receiving testimonials of its efficacy in aggravated oases of long standing. Paws 01.1, to be had of Druggists generally, or can be sent by mail or express, with full directions for use, to any part of the country, direct from the Principal Office, No. 409 BROADWAY, New York. G. SMITH & CO., Sole Proprietors. N. B.—Descriptive Circulars Sent Free. AGENT WASTED EVERYWHERE. 3yB-claw STEAM WEEKLY - ks., BETWEEN NEW YORK tg_a, V , • • AND LIVERPOOL. lANOING- AND EMBARKING PAS f NeNG.ENS at QUEENSTOWN, (Ireland.) The Liver pool, :Jew 1 ork and Philadelphia Nteamsbip company intend despatching their hill powered Clyde-built iron Steamships as follows : , EQINBURG, Saturday 7uly2Oth; CT IT OF WASHING TON"-:Sidiirday July 27.; GLASGOW; Sattirday Augusts : .and: every Saturday, al Noon, from Pler 44, North River. Re= OP PA2oIOI FIRST .CABIN $25 00 SIERRAGE.... ..... $3O 00 do to Londem $BO 00 I do to London ..$33 00 to Perla 00do to Faris $36 00 do to. Ramburg..sBs .00 I . 'do to Hamburg *SS 00 Peasengere also lorwardeu to Havre, Bremen, Rower dans, Antwerp, &c:, at equally lo h rates —Persons winning to oring ant their friends can buy tickets here at the following rates, to New Yor Fronik: Liverpool or Queenstown; Ist Cabin, 375, 385 and 3105 . Steerage from Liverpool • $4O 00. From Quuensto w $3O 00. These Steamers have superior accommodations for passengers, and carry experienced Surgeons. They are built in Waterdight Iron Sections, and have Patent Fire Annihilators on board. For turther information apply in L'verpool to WILLIAM. INMAN, Agent, 22 Wa'er Street ; in Glasgow to W.V. INMAN, 5 at. Enoch Square ;is Queenstown to C. . & R . BART MOUS & CO. ; in London to EIYk.S & MALY, 61 Meg William St. ;in Pali. ,ULUS DECODE, 5 Place de hi Ronne ; in litiladelpbla to JOHN G. DALE, 11l Walnut Street ; or at the Company's Offices. JNO. G. DALE, Agent, jyl-tf • • . 15 Broadway, New York. Or 0. 0. Zimmerman, Agent, Harrisburg . HICKORY, OAKAND PINE WOOD for sale, . : VU2 2O S2O YE OR ORD LENG7K TO MT PDKOKASERS. ALSO, LOCUST POS2S AIVD VIIESTIVU7 RAILS DO TO ORDER. ALSO, S2ONE AND SAND FOR BUILDING PURPOSES. , Inglitro of the subscriber at eta residence on the Ridge road,"o:)pomite the Good Will Regina "Rouse, or at the Yard, ,:droor or. Second and Broad streets, Weit [far - risbi.r.i. (iny27.4.1) . B. COLE- - : SPICED SALMON!! F RESH AND • VERY DELICATE Put P. .lefgly 11•9 pound mai m poixi Jr. 40. , MIL . . New Zbvertizemtuts. ORDERS NO. 12. HEAT) QuAT.TERs R. V. C. HATIEtIsEIJILO, July 1, 1861. Orders No. 2 enaanat from these Head Quar ters, dated June 6, 1861, are hereby modified in paragraphs II and IV so as to read as follows: ORDERS NO. 2. HEADQVARTERS R. V. CORPS, L HARRISBURG, June 5, 1861. JC I. A Department of Ordnance and a Depart ment of Transportation and Telegraph will be established at these headquarters. 11. Capt. T. J. Brereton will have charge of the Ordnance Department, and Lieut. Col. Jos. D. Potts will, in like manner, have charge of the Transportation and Telegraph Department, vice Lieut. Col. John A. Wright, resigned. 111. The Chief of the Ordnance Department will receive and receipt for all ordnances and ordnance stores required for this corps. It will be his duty to see that all State property placed under his charge, and appertaining to this de partment, is preserved in condition fit for ser vice ; he will issue the same only on requisi tions countersigned by the commanding General, and he will perform such other duties as may be assigned him in connection with the Ord nance Department. IV. To Lieut. Col. Joseph D. Potts, Chief of the Transportation and Telegraph Department, is committed all arrangements and contracts with railroads and telegraph companies. He will have prepared all necessaryforms, and make arrangements with the different transportation and telegraph companies as will return a regu lar and correct settlement of their accounts, and prescribe all regulations requisite to give efficiency to the business of the department. V. All orders for the transportation of troops will be signed by the commanding General. The order, together with the certificate of the officer in command of the troops, that the ser vice has been performed, wilt be the proper voucher for the settlement of the account. VI. The Chief of Ordnance, Quartermaster General and Commissary General, are author ized to make requisition for transportation of freight over the railroads of the State, by form preecribed by the Chief of Transportation and Telegraph Department. Such requisition, with certificate of service performed annexed, will be considered a sufficient voucher in the settle ment of accounts. All bills or accounts for service performed by the railroad or telegraph companies will be forwarded to the Chief of the transportation and Telegraph Department monthly, and must have his approval before they are paid. By order of Major General G. A M'CALL. Mulls A. Sounsiz, Capt. and Aid-de-Camp. iYB-tf Ali Work Promised in One Week a 4. PENNSYLVANIA STEAM DYEING ESTABLISIIM.ENT, 104 Market Street between 4th and sth, HARRISBURG, PA., ,f i j HERE every description of Ladies y and Gentlemens , Garment; Piece Goods, &a., are dee, Cleansed and tdidshed la the bast manner and al sshortett notice WAGE re CA., vora.d.idelv 2ronrietor4 SOMETHING FOR THE TIMES ! ! A Necessity in Everi - Household 1 1 JOHNS & CROBLEY'S American Cement Glue The Strongest Glue in the World FOR CEMENTING WOOD, LEATHER, GLASS, IVORY, CHINA, MARBLE, FOR CLLALN, ALABASTER, BONE, CORAL, &c., &c. The only article of the kind ever produced wnich will withstand Water. EXTILACTS "Every housekeeper thoutd have a cul Ity of Johns & Crosley's American Cement Glue, 0. _l5lEs. HE is so eonvereent to have .0 ILO hcusc , —N. Y. EXPRESS. 'qt is alwayß ready ; this commencii tto every body." N. Y. bIREPENDENT. "We hice tried it, and fled. it as useful hi our hone as water."—Wmaas kP/RIT OF THE Lam, Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Very Liberal Reductions to Wholesale Dealers. TERM:; CAUL gr For sale by all Druggists and Storekeep ers.generally throughout the Country. JOHNS & CROSLEY, - (Sole Man u tact ures,) 78 Wrrariya STREET,. (Corner of Liberty Street,) NEW YORK. / jy3.-dly ORDERS NO. 13. FELUXIIIARTERS R. V. Com.; July Ist, 1861. By authority of the Governor of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, the following rules and regulations of the transportation and telegraph department in addition to those heretofore pub lished, are promulgated for the information of all concerned. I. To the Chief of Transportation and Tele graph Department will be committed, in addi tion to transportation by railroads, heretofore assigned to him, all other transportation re quired by this corps, and the settlement of all accounts belonging or incidental thereto. He will make such additional arrangements and regulations, as in pursuance of this order he may find requisite to secure efficiency in his Department. 11. Regimental Quarter Masters and all others who have been or may be empowered to require transportation will apply for it to the Chief of Transportation and Telegraph Department, and conform to the rules he may establish. 111. Through his department shall be paid the expenses incurred in the pursuit and appre hension of deserters, for expresses, spies and guides, and generally the proper and author ized expenses for the movements of this corps, not expressly assigned to any other department. By order of Maj. Gen. GEORGE A. McCALL. H. J. BIDDLE, Lt. Col. Asst. Adjt. Gen'l. ADSIITANT GEN - EMI/13 OFF/OE, i Harrisburg, July 11, 1861. Proposals will be received at this office until 12 o'clock, M., on Monday, the 22d inst., for furnishing, for the use of the Reserve Volunteer Corps of this Commonwealth, the following articles : 13,000 Uniform Coats for Infantry. 1,000 " Jackets for Artillery. 1,000 " " for Cavalry. This clothing must conform in all respects with similar articles used in the military service of the United States, and will be subject to the appro val of the inspectors of the State, appointed for its examination. It will be required to be packed in boxes, well coopered, and delivered at the warehouse in Harrisburg occupied by the State, at the expense of the contractor. Satisfactory security will be required for the faithful performance of any contract allotted. The whole quantity must be delivered on or before the first day of September next. E. M. BIDDLE, Jul U-td Mjntaut eaten]. inisallantotts. • LADIES' WINE. SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE, Of Cultivated Portugal Elder. M Every Family Should Use. SPEER'S SANIBUCI WINE. CELEBRATED for its medical and bens flcial qualtPs as a gentt'ne Stimulant, Tante, t to retie and Solorific, highly eittemsd by eminent physi cians, and some of the first families la Europe and America. SPEECI'S SAPIEBUCI WINE= 13 not a mixture or manufactured article, but is mare, from cultivated l'ortu;al Elder, recommeadd by Uinia ist3 and Physicians as posse-Mug macilmt pro ertte3 dU parlor to any other Win-s m use, ant an melt cif ard c~e for all weak and dcbduaied various, and the 3,mi one infirm, improving the appetite, and. beam:Mini le.diss acd children. A LADITES' WINE, because it will not intoxicate as other winos, as It non tai-is no mixture of opirits or other liquors, and to al mired for its rica mud.% Laver and nutritive propertle*, imparting a Pell by tone to tae dige,tivo, and a blooming, soft ano healthy skin and conin:exion. None genuine unless the signature of ALFRED tt,t'EER, Parente, N. J., is over the cork of a och bottle, MAKE ONE TRIAL OF THIS WINE. A. SrEER, Proprietor. rgi.Eloo, N. J. OM le 203 Broadway, New olk. J. EI EATON. Agent, ktiistoeipliia. For sale by D. W. Grua, & Co., a. IL Keller, John Wyeth and by drdYgi.ti generally. 101 L ;6.- ONLY PREPARATION WORTHY OF Universal Confidence & Patronage- FOR STATESMEN, JUDGES, CLERGYMAN, Ladies and Gentlemen, to all parts of the world testify Io the efficacy of Prof. 0 J Wood's Hair Aestorative, and gentlemen of the Prees are UoalattllQU3 In its A few testimonials only can be bath given ; see circular for more, and it will be impte Able for you to doubt. 47 Wall Street, New York, Dec. 20th, 1818. GICRILVMEN : Your note of the 15th inst., bas been ra cieved, earlag that you had heard that I had been bene fited by the use of Weoa's Hair tlestorative, and request ing my certificate of the fact if I had no objection to give it. I award it to you cheerfully, because I think It due.— My age is about 50 years ; the coidr of my hair auburn, and i.clined to curl. Some Eire or six years slace it be gan to turn gray, and the scalp on the crown of my he ,d to lose its sewiollity and dandruff to form upon it. Each of these cisagreeabilitics increased with time, and about four months since a fourth was added to them, by hair falling off the top of my bead and threatening to make me bald. In this unpleasant predicament, I was induced to try Wood's Bair Restorative, mainly to arrest the falling cff of me hair, for I had reaLy no expectation that gray hair could ever be restored to its original color except from d 5 es. I was, however, greatly aurprissd to find after the use (f two to ties only, that not only was ate falling off arrested, but the color was restored to the gray hairs and sensibi by to the scalp, and dandruff ceased to form on my head, very much to the gratificadon of ray wi e, at wuose solicitation I WB3 induced to try it. For this, among the many obligations I owe to her sex, I atrong.y recommend all husbands who value the ,d -miratton of their w.v a to sr.,fft by my example, and use it if growing gray or getting bald. Very, BEN. A. LAVENDER. To .1. Wood & Co., 444 Broadway, New York. My family are absent from the city, and I am no lodg er at No. 11 Carrol place. Skil:l32sWD, Ala., July 20th, 1859. To PIVYS. O. J. Wool) near Sir Your "Hair Restora tive" has done my hair so much good since I commenced ihe use of it, that I wish to make known to the EIJBLIO its effects on the hair, which are great. A man or wo. man may be nearly deprived of hair, and by a resort to your "Hair Besiorative " the hair will return more beautiful than ever ; at ' lea t this is my exparlenos.— Believe it all Yours truly, WM.. B. BENEDY. P S.—You can publish the above if you like. By pub lishing in our Southern papers you ?gib get more patron ag south. I see several of your certificates to the Mo. bits Merazery, a strong Southern paper. _ _ 'W. H. Reaedy WOOD'S TIAIR RESTORATIVE. PAO'. O. J. Woon : bear : Raving had the misfor tune to ]one the best portma of my hair, from the t.tfeuts of the yellow fever, in New Orleans in 101, I 'lrbil in duced to make a trial of 'your preparation, and found it to answer as tee very thing needed. 3ly bait now thick and &sty, and no wads can express my obliga tions to you iu giving to the afflicted ench a treasure. The Restorative is put up in bottles of three ;Ws, vii large medium, and small ; the small holds half a plot, and retails for one dollar per bottle ; the medium holds at least twenty per cent more in proportion t ea the small, retails for two dollars par bottle ; the large holds a quart, 40 per cant. more in proportion, and retails for $3. 0. J. WOOD & CO., Proprietors, 444 Proadway, New York, and 114 Market etreet, St. Louis, Mo. end sold by all good i.ruggcecs aad Fancy Goods Dealers. jyl3- awsow SCIIEFFER'S BOOK STOVE ! (Near the Harrisburg Bridge.) X 125 JUST t ? a E e I C V O T - .2 Eacith s from the a Yams, wince we will sell at $1.2.5 per ream. $2.6.0 per ream for NOTE PAPErt, decorated with the Latest and very handsome emblems and patriotic mottos. $3.50 for 1000 WHITE ENVFLO?ES, with national and patriotic emblems, printed In two emors. Please give us a call, TIIEO. F. ECHEFFER, je22.d Harrisburg. WANTED ! 500 MEN ! For the Batteries of the sth Regi ment of Artillery U. S. Army. PAY trout 11 to 'z.l. aollats a rOOOLa ac cording to the position which the capacity and character of the soldiers may enable hint to cietain„ lotions, quarters and Medical attendance are luralatt - 'd each said with an envie allowance of eiounng, to ad dition to their thy. Every row enable want is thus sup plied the soldier, affording him au opportunity of savtaz the best part of his pay. Men of good character and sufficient intellect will have a fine opportunity tor advancement into the COlllalialoll - grades of the army. Apply at Ja.113'13 Hotel, south Second street, Harris burg, Ya. E. K. ti.RAPX, Sy 11-dmiseti 2d Lieut. fith Al taiga% 1".M1ED3E1301:11. 7 .51 DAILY an LINE! Between Philade.l - ohia, Logs Havra, JEssrt SHOBV, Way.wapoßT, ken; UmowrowN, WAISIGNIONYS, MILTON, LIWISMaa. NOlantraßsieLAND, MICKY, lESPormar, GEOSGhTOI4s, LIKEAVIOWX, JIALFAX, DALTELLS, AND HARRISBURG. The Philadelphia , Dept being centrally located the Drayage will be at the lowest rates. A Canductor sou throughialt entrusted with each train to attend to the safe delivery of a Goods delivered at tba Depot of imp, ds w er AßD FREED, No. 811 Mare et Sleet, Willa trusted to the line. co dolphin., by 5 o'clock P. 11., will be (..livered in Harrisburg the next morninii. Freight (always) as low as by any other .ine. Particular attention paid by this line to prompt and speedy delivery of alt liarrisbuvr goods. The undersigned thankful for past patron ge hopes by strict attention to leWilinaaS to merit a cow) nu- nee of the same, T. ?EWA . Philadelphia and geadius Feot, of NiAr ket Stree . Htr r=Hurl 01741603 FOR RENT. I)HE ROOMS now occupied by the Poet 1. Mo. Possession Oren ou tho first of July. Nu. %Una of 31/4dif etiones! W. /waft! FINLEY 3ORNsuN