Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, July 17, 1861, Image 2

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    I;laitti Ceitgrao'.
Wednesday Afternoon, July 11,1801
There is a unanimity and promptness in the
proceedings of Congress, which unmistakably
prove the determination of that body of men.
Their deliberations are dignified—their decisions
impartial—and the discrimination which they
are making between loyalty and rebellion, of a
character that will leave no future room to
doubt the ability of the authorities to govern
or the people to maintain the power of the
government. The object for which this extra
session was convened, the suppression of rebel
lion and the punishment of rebels, is never lost
sight of in any of the proceedings. It is so
well understood, that the friends of the Union
no longer engaged in its discussion. Debate is
confined to those who sympathise with the re
bels—sophistry and extenuation make up the
merit of such argument, and were it not for the
forbearance of the patriotic men who have as
sembled in Congress to devise means to restore
and preserve the public peace, those in that
body who are casting impediments in the way
of accomplishing this noble purpose, would be
silenced by physical force, if the people did not
use the same force for the annihilation of the
same traitors.
The bill authorizing the enlistment of 500,000
men has been passed, with a most salutary and
defensible proviso, authorizing the President to
select the Major and the Brigadier Generals
from the regular army. By this means, we in
voke the aid of the most efficient men in posi
tions to which they cannot rise at present in the
regular army, simply because promotion is regu
lated by death or resignation, and not merit, in
the U. S. service. Under the command and
discipline of officers of the regular army, this
force will become one of the most effective in
the world, invincible against rebellion, and all
powerful in restoring the peace of the country.
The loan bill is also a law, and the appeal for
financial aid, about to be made to the people,
will be met as all the others have been re
sponded to, by prompt and liberal financial
The people of the country have cause to be
thankful to the working men in the present
Congress. They are nobly doing their duty—
and before they meet, after adjourning the extra
session, in December, we anticipate for their
present proceedings, the most substantial re
sults in the suppression of this rebellion.
WILL THOSE Dorocaars, who are now clamor
ing for a reduction of the salaries of civilians in
office, themselves do a simple act of justice ?
Hundreds and thousands of those fellows have
been in office through years of laziness, accu
mulating fortunes on sinecure salaries, or amas
sing immense sums out of fat contracts. Harris
burg has a host of these pampered politicians,
some of whom never performed an honest day's
labor, and all of whom spend the idle time
which their ill-gotten gain has given them, in
abusing the government, denouncing the fed
eral authority, and in many ways giving aid
and comfort to the enemy. These are the men
who now clamor for a reduction of the salaries
of the clerks, porters and messengers in the
employ of the general government, not to in
crease its economy, but to "punish and disap
point the dam Black Republicans." Will these
men disgorge in proportion to what they desire
to reduce the pittance received by the clerks,
part of that ill-gotten gain which now lines
their pockets? Are the contractors who still
live on the wealth they filched from Pennsyl
vania, willing to come up to this standard of
patriotism ? It is only fair that they should do
se, or forever hold their peace on the subject of
economy, and a reduction of the wages of those
who do the labor in conducting the business of
Aux HumsAN, of Pennsylvania, introduced
a bill in Congress to define and punish conspir
acy, which was, of course, opposed by Mr.
Vallandigham, of Ohio, and Mr. Burnett, of
Kentucky. The bill, however, passed, and the
probability now is that certain men who are
covertly aiding treason, may suddenly find them
selves entangled in the meshes of the law, when
they can invoke the aid of habeas corpus if
they desire to do so, as certain men have recent..
ly fallen so desperately in love with that an
dent writ.
Jr MB ACTION of the House committee of
Ways and Means is to be taken as decisive of
its purpose not to report any general tariff bill
at present, we beg to express the heartiest con
currence in their conclusion. Lay any special
duties which may be thought necessary on tea,
coffee or sugar, but do not now enter on the
discussion of tariff principles in general. This
conclusion will be commended by the friends
of the protection of labor throughout the whole
Sown:ERN THREATS.-A cotton state paper
says "the southerners will soon settle, strike a
balance with the north, for the injuries heaped
upon them by the black-hearted abolitionists."
It, is about time they struck something—they
have kept a running account long enough.
FROM EUROPE give accounts of a great
monetary crisis in that part of the world, which
is prostrating business of all kinds, and which
has had the effect of driving gold and siver en
tirely out of circulation.
Among all the states composing the American
Union, Pennsylvania has always occupied a high
position, on account of the influence of her nat
ural wealth and resources, and the force of her
preponderating population, with their genius,
enterprise and industry combined. In the
councils of the nation, these facts gave to Penn- I
sylvania more weight and influence than they
did prominence and distinction. In the politi
cal progress of the country, when parties were
waging a bitter rivalry for power, they made
Pennsylvania a desirable ally, without whose
aid no political party could succeed. Southern
politicians, understanding and appreciating the
immense influence which Pennsylvania wielded
in the councils of the nation, and the still great
er influence she exercised in the formation of
those councils, as well as the shading of their
political complexion, sought the alliance of such
a power by the best means they could bring to
its success. No people ever served a section
with more devotion than did the people of
Pennsylvania, through their political leaders
and representatives, serve the interests and the
institutions of the south. They had become
almost the vassals of the slave power, and were I
really regarded as such by the advocates of
lavery, and treated as such for many years by
the chivalry who have since learned to estimate
the valor and the courage of the descendants of
of Penn, as something more than mere non
resistants, if not as worthy of being respected,
both in war and in peace. The alliance thus
formed by the influence of politicians, led the
people of Pennsylvania into many of those
strange political preferences which proved so
disastrous to their industrial, mechanical and
commercial interests. It made i hem parties to
compacts which were of no benefit to them
selves, but which were in reality conceived a . ld
concoted for the express intention of spreading
the institution of slavery, and making it a fea
ture and a purpose and a principle in the feder
al government. To this end the Democratic
party was devoted for years. To this end the
Democratic party made ifself the champion of
free tra 'e. To this end it elevated James K.
Polk to the Presidency, that the circle of the
slave power might be increased southward—
that a final blow to the protection of free labor
might be inflicted by George M. Dallas—and
that the slave power might become forever pre
dominant. The people of Pennsylvania were
the unconscious instruments in the hands of
demagogues who were expected to work out
these results, and when they began to discover
and resist the tendencies which were drawing
them in a direction different from that in which
their loyalty and therefore their interests lay,
they resisted the power and the influence of
slavery—not in assaults on the institution in
the states when • it existed, but in a sturdy
opposition to its spread to territories where it
sought also to disseminate its prostitutions and
The relation of the people of Pennsylvania to
the rebels after all the service they have give
to the people of the south, is therefore peculiar
and to some singular and startling. From po
litical allies, they find themselves suddenly
made the strongest and most effective belliger
ants, summoned to the field by the federal au
thority for the purpose of assisting in main
taining the unity of the states, enforcing laws
which were the result of that unity, and pro
tecting property vested in all the states alike,
from the aggrandisement or destruction of a
few of those states, that have been violently
seeking the repudiationDaf the responsibilities
and obligations they incurred by a common
loyalty to a common allegiance. The people of
Pennsylvania have renounced a mere attach
ment to party, and seek a higher elevation than
can be conferred by politics, in an attachment
to the Union. This, in the estimation of their
old allies of the south, constitutes a most griev
ous violation of reciprocity, an outrage alike
upon the honor of the south and Jhe chivalric
objects or the institution of slavery. Nor is this
all that has changed the relations of the people
of Pennsylvania and the slavery propaganda of
the south. While giving up a blind attach
ment to politics, they have also renounced an
old adherence to a rotten political organization,
in which was centered the ends and aims of
the south, and by whose destruction southern
prestige has forever been destroyed in a free
—But whatever may be the changes in and
the relations now between the people of Penn
sylvania and the politicians and traitors of the
south, there is no change in their relations to
the Union. They have decreed that the Union
must and shall be preserved !
Pennsylvania will keep turning up at the top
of the heap with every fresh change. Our
friends in Gotham, says the Philadelphia North
American, had set their hearts upon ignoring
Cameron on account of the tariff ; he became
head of what is really the most important de
partment now. They were firmly bent upon
ousting Forney from the office of Clerk of the
House, and as the result Pennsylvania got the
Speaker. They again had settled it conclusive
ly that Pennsylvania should not have the Sec•
retaryship of the Senate, and lo ! Forney is
elected to that office! They were tired of the
Pennsylvania Chief Clerk in the War Depart
ment, and when Mr. Sanderson was transferred
to the army, Mr. Lesley succeeded him. They
were resolute that Pennsylvania should have no
foreign appointments,blit she has got the Min
isters to Turkey, Portugal, Sweden, the Consul-
General to British India, and other lucrative
berths. They decried her volunteers and gen
erals, and in the result we perceive that two
Philadelphians command the most important
wings of the army—McClellan and Patterson--
and their operations have been attended with
permanent and enduring success.
With such brilliant fruits of their anti-Penn
sylvania policy we might advise these New
Toth gentlemen to continue, for as sure as they
do so we shall be the gainers by it. But as we
have more regard for New York than she has
for us we can afford to be generous now. Gen
eral Sanford, a veteran and accomplishedofficer,
vainly waited and dallied in Washington ex
pecting to be assigned some active service, as
he had a right to, but going voluntarily with
Penneplualtia degrapb, tiletatesbap 'afternoon, Ilull2 17,1861.
some of his own regiments to reinforce Patter
son, he will have command of a division of ten
thousand men moving forward in the field, and
rank as second in command of the whole corps.
He will find there as his associates two veteran
generals of the Mexican war—Patterson and
Cadwalader— andathird, General Kiem, a grad
uate of the Pennsylvania Military Institute.
No man need be ashamed to serve with or under
such men, even though they be Pennsylvanians.
Let Gotham go ahead with her spite. We
thrive on it so well that we can be amused and
THE 4;k)
Advance of Gen. McDowell's Column:
Fifty Regiments on the Virginia Side
Movement towards Fairfax Court Rouse
Gen. M'Dowell's army commenced a forward
movement yesterday afternoon. He has now
fifty full regiments of volunteers, sent from
this point, numbering quite a thousand men
each. This is exclusive of regulars, 2,600 of
whom have already joined him, with 1,000 more,
including 600 marines, two full batteries of
light artillery, he., yet to be transferred to his
command. The grand corps d' armee will, doubt
less, number about seventy-five thousand men.
The Republican of this morning says the gen
eral movement was in the direction of Fairfax
Court House, to which it is no great march
from the right of Gen. McDowell'sline, though
it is near fourteen miles from the extreme lett.
The army, it was supposed, would halt for
the night this side of Fairfax Court House,
which the rebels will probably take occasion to
vacate, and resume their march in the morn
ing. They took with them three days' rations.
Four mounted batteries of eight seige guns and
several squadrons of cavalry are in the column,
which consists mainly of infantry.
500 Rebels Routed by Three Com
parries of Kentuckians.
Ten or Twelve Rebels Killed and a
On Friday night a detachment of three com
panies of Col. Woodruff's second Kentucky
regiment attacked 500 rebels ietween Mad river
and Barbonsville on the Kanawha, completely
routing them. Ten or twelve rebels were killed
and a number wounded. The Kentuckians
had but one killed. Gen. Cox's brigade, des
tined to operate against the rebels under ex-Gov.
Wise, was rapidly moving up the Kanawha.
Gen, Patterson in Pursuit of the Flying
The lneeligencer says an officer of the 12th
New York Regiment, arrived in this city last
night direct from Martinsburg, which place he
left yesterday morning. He bringi news that
Gen. Johnson broke up his camp at Bunker
Hill on Monday and commenced the retreat of
his whole army towards Winchester. Gen.
Patterson, with his entire force, immediately
started in pursuit, and was then about 11 miles
in the rear of the retreating rebels.
FORTRESS MONROE, via Baltimore, July 17
The Third Massachusetts regiment sails for
Boston this evening in the steamer Cambridge.
The Fourth will follow. Col. Max Weber's and
Col. Baker's regiments were to occupy Hamp
ton, but the programme will be somewhat
changed. Brig. Gen. Pierce will return with
the Massachusetts regiments, and Col. Duryea
will probably be acting Brigadier General in
It is surprising that Col. Phelps, who com
mands at Newport News,
and who is too modest
to ask for the honors he deserves, has not been
Several companies went out from Newport
News last night to surprise, if possible, a body
of light horse, which has for some time hover
ed in the vicinity. They had not returned on
the departure of the morning boat from New
port News.
The detachment from here returned from
Tipton at 2 o'clock last night. They surround
ed the town, and arrested eighteen of the Se
cessionists, and brought them hither. E. C.
Donnelly left for St. Louis by the noon train,
under a guard.
A prominent citizen of Pettis county arrived
this morning, and reports that a force of four
hundred Secessionists had assembled near George
town, with three pieces of artillery. He also
states that they are receiving constant "accessions
to their numbers.
Thirty persons, who have fled from Virginia
under fear of impressment into the rebel ser-.
vice, according to the proclamation of Letcher,
arrived in Alexandria, seeking protection.
They say that hundreds would leave all their
property and escape, if they would get away,
and that they are waiting with intense anxiety
for the Federal troops to come and drive out
their oppressors.
Major. A. Tyndale, of the new Pennsylvania
regiment commanded by ex-Govemor Geary,
has had an interview with the Secretary of
War, and was ordered to have his regiment
here at once. He was furnished with an order
fur eleven hundred of the finest. Enfield rifles
the Department has received.
The privateersmen of the Savannah, recently
captured by the United States brig Perry, have
been indicted for piracy on the high seas by
the Grand Jury of the United States Circuit
' Apprehensions are entertained by the friends
of Senator Breckinridge that he will be arrested
for treasonable denunciations agairLst the Gov
ernment, in his speech yesterday in thiltsQuitte
of the Potomac.
Number Wounded
We.stumaroN, July 17
Nmw runic, July 17
WAsmweioN, July 17
XXXVIIth Congress--Extra Session.
SENATE.-375. LATHAM (Cal.) introduced a bill
to procure contracts for the speedy transmission
of munitions of war to the pacific coast. Re
ferred to the Select Committee on the Pacific
Mr. PEARCE (Md.) presented a memorial from
the police commissioners now confined at Fort
McHenry, who were arrested and confined by
order of Maj. Gen. Banks. The memorialists
solemnly declare that the would have discharg
ed their duties impartially and in obedience to
the laws and the constitution, and that any
evidence to the contrary is false.
They state that the grounds set up by Gen.
Banks is based on no authority at all, and that
Marshall Kane is a man of integrity and worth,
and that no body of men are less liable to the
charge of unlawful combination than the police
force of Baltimore. They submit that the pro
clamation by which they were arrested was no
warrant of law, and ask the interposition of
Congress in their behalf.
Mr. PIERCE said the gentlemen were known
to him and he believed them to be of the
highest in‘egrity and faithful to the Constitu
tion. He did not believe that proof could be
adduced against them'. The memorial was re
ferred to the committee on Judiciary.
Mr. HALE (N. H.) introduced a bill to increase
the medical corps of the navy.
Mr. ANTHONY offered a resolution for the es
ablishment of a naval academy on Narragan
tsett Bay. He urged, in a few remarks, the
appropriateness of the site, for salubrity of cli
mite, and loyalty and maritime character of the
Mr. GRIMES, (Iowa) from the Committee on
Naval Affairs, introduced a bill to provide for
the temporary increase of the navy.
Mr. FOOT, (Vt.) said there was a pressing ne
cessity for the passage of the bill when priva
teers are injuring our commerce.
The bill authorizing the Secretary of the Na
vy to purchase or hire such vessels as may be
necessary during the war to suppress piracy and
render effectual the blockade, appropriates
$3,000,000. The bill passed.
A communication from the Secretary of State
in reference to the industrial exhibition in Great
Britian next year, was ordered to be printed.
The bill to regulate the navy rations from the
House, with amendments, was taken up and
the amendments concurred in.
A resolution from House in relation to an ad
journment on Friday wtta Laken up and laid on
the table, to_ give time for further considera
A bill to provide for the better organization
of the military establishment was taken up.
HOUSE.—The Speaker announced the follow
ing, as a special committee on the subject of a
general bankrupt law : Messrs. Rascoe, Conk
ling, Hutchins, Thomas (Mass.,) Noell and
HENRY MAY (Md.) appeared and was qualified
by taking the usual oath to support the Consti :
Mr. Hominx, (8y.,) introduced a resolution
authorizino• the select committee, heretofore
appointed to examine into the war department
contracts, to extend their inquiries into the
facts or circumstances of all contracts and agree
ments made, or hereafter to be made, prior to
a final action of the committee, by or with any
department of the government ; that the com
mittee have leave to sit during the recess, at
such times and places as they may deem neces
sary ; that they ue empowered to employ a
stenographer or clerk ; that the sergeant-at
arms attend the meetings in person, or by depu
ty, to serve all subpoenas ; that the Speaker be
authorized and directed to issue subpoenas at
the request of the committee, as in cases during
the session of Congess.
Mr. KELLOGG (Ill.) opposed the extension of
the inquiry, which could be authorized only on
the assumption that something is wrong. He
was not disposed to establish an advisory and
controlling board, in effect to have eight in
stead of one head of a department. There was
nothing to warrant putting the Secretary of
War under the ban of the committee. He was
opposed to a roving committee without limita
tion as to time and place. He believed that
the Secretary of war was faithfully and honestly
attending to the duties of his high and respon
sible office.
Mr. Roscon, (N. Y.,) briefly oppos
ed the resolution, principally because he was
averse to the appointment of a roving commis
Mr. Horatax, (Ind.,) said that the resolution
was reported by direction of the committee,
and had his concurrence. He argued that it
implied no censure of the administration.
Mr. DAWES (Mass.) as a member of the Com
mittee said, that although he had not consent
ed to serve on it yet, he would not shield or
white wash any improper transaction, whether
of this or any other administration. The
country is full of rumors, and hence
requires investigation. As the House has
expressed the desire to adjourn on Fri
day, the time for investigation must
necessarily be extended beyond the pres
ent session. Was it not better that the facts
should be inquired into where the contracts had
been made, rather than at great expense and
trouble bring the witnesses to Washington? If
the House believe that the Committee will not
abuse their powers, the resolution ought to be
Mr. EDWARDS (N. H.) was opposed to the res
olution, and to the object for which the com
mittee was raised. It would be better to wait
until some authentic or responsible charges were
made, before such inquiries should be made.
They should not act on vague suggestions that
possibly something may be wrong, especially at
a time when it was necessary to exert all the
energies of the government to put down the
rebellion. Besides, there was a standing
committee on the expenditures of the War De
partment, to whom the inquiry properly be
Mr. KELLOGG-, (M.) again urged his objection
to the resolution, on the ground that there was
no specific charges.
Mr. VAN' WYCK, (N. Y.) said there were spe
cific charges of fraud by contractors. He under
stood that, without doubt, within two short
months there had been a system of plunder
which for audacity and wickedness had never
been surpassed. In this connection he referred
to the exoessive pay for beef, hats, etc. He
charged no department with complicity, but he
did say there were men who had taken advant
age of the necessities of the times andplundered
the treasury.
Couoms.—The sudden changes of our climate
are sources or Pulmonary, Bronchial and Asthmatic Al
lections. Experience having proved that simple reme
dies often act speedily and certainly when taken in the
early stages of the disease, recourse should at once be
had to ~B rown's Bronchial Troches," or Lozenges, lot
the Cold, Cough, or Irritation of the Throat be ever so
slight, as by this precaution a more serious attack may
be warded off. Public Speakers and Singers will Bud
them effectual for clearing and strengthening the veice.
see advertisement. dele-d-swawilin
How TO PRIKSERVE. BEAUTY.—NOthilig is more becoming
to a man or woman than a beautiful luxuriant bead of
hair,and a woman's beauty is certainly incomplete with
out fair complexion, and he or she who neglects these
great and important adornments of nature must expect
to suffer the mortification of premature baldness, and a
wrinkled face and a sallow skin. othing i necessary
to preserve these essential attracti N ons but s
the c use a of
Prof Wood's Restorative.—Louirvale Times,
PROS WoOD 7 13 HAIR RIMORNITVE —We have bad occa
sion to use this famous preparation of Prof. Wood's, and
after thoroughly testing its qualities, we find that where
the hair is thin it will thicken it, if gray it will restore it
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ance, as well as keeps the hat. from falling off This in-.
valuable thgre then c is for sale at ' , Chinaman's Tea Store,"
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Mr. J. C. GiVen. — BONOre Clipper. Sold by all good
Druggide. Ay/S-dEßOost
pins superior REFRIGERATOR, to-
L with several other cheaper styles, may be
found at the manufactory, at exceedingly low prices.
Also, a great variety of 'LITER COOLERS, of supe
rior finish.
B. S. FARSON & 00.
Cor. Dock and Pear streets, Philadelphia.
AREA or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nervous
ness, Involuntary Emissions and Impotency, resulting
from Self-abuse, dm. By Robi. J. Culvarwoil, M. D.—
Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, pest
pald, on receipt of two stamps, by Dr. CHAS . J C.
KLINE, 127 Bowery, New York. Poi! Office Box, No
4,886. m2O-6mdaw
The Confessions and Eroerienoe o
an Invalid.
Putnam= for the benefit and as a warning
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Debility, Premature Decay, etc., supplying at the same
time, the means of Self Cure, by one who cured himself,
after being put to great expense through medical imposi
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thor, NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, et 'Sings county,
N. Y., by enclosing a postpt.:d .'
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THE ADVERTISER, having been restored to
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LOST.—On Tuesday the 16th inst., a
small GREY LAVA BitaAAT PIN. The finder will
be suitably rewarded by leaving it at THIS OFFICE.
Ana rear GEsra,u.'s OFFICE,
HARRISBURG, July 17 1861.
Proposals will be recieved at this office, until
Tuesday the 23d inst., at 12 M., for furnishing
in pattern and quality with those used by the
United States Army. E. M. BIDDLE,
jyl7-dtd Adjutant General.
FOUND.—This morning in Raspberry
alley between Market and Chesnut streets, a P OCK
owner can obtain it by proving property and paying
Baker, Raspberry alley between Market and Chesnut
Manufacturer of
Looking Glue and Picture Frames,
Gilt and Rosewood Mouldings 4e.
French Mirrors, Square and Oval Portrait
Frames of every description.
THE ROOMS now occupied by tilt Post
1. Office. Possession given on the first of July. En
quire of jelBdtf Ghollati W. PORTER.
. M . l for sale,
Inquire of the subscriber at hts residence on the Ridge
road, opposite the Hood Witt Broad -Streets;
H ou s e , or at the
Yard, Owner of Second and Broad - Streets,' West Her -
riaburg. CalY27-tf G . B. HOLE.
New 21bzintioentents.
Universal Confidence & Patronage
Ladies and Gentlemen, in all partsof the world testify id
the efficacy of Prof. 0 J. Wood's Hair Restorative, ant
gentlemen of the Press Are unanimous in its prsise. A
few testimonials only can be here given ; see circular to
more, and it will be impossible for you to doubt.
47 Wall Street, New York, Dec. 20th, /853.
GitainsKes : Your note of the lsth inst., has been rJ
cieved, saying that you had heard that I bad been bane.
flied by the use of Wood's Hair Restorative, and request
ing my certificate of the fact if I had no objection to
give it.
I award it to you eheerfuliy, oreause I ciliate it dud.—
My age is about 50 years ; the color of my hair auburn,
and inclined to curl. Some five or six years since it tie•
gate to turn gray, and the scalp on the crown of my he .0,
to lose Its sendbility and dandruffto form upon it. Each
of these disagreeabdities increased with time, and about
four months since a fourth was added to them, by bait
ailing off the top of my head and threataniug to make
me bald.
In this unpleasant predicament, I was induced to try.
Wood's Hair Restorative, mainly to arrest the tot to,
off of my hair, for I had really no expectation that gr.r!,
hair could ever be restored to its original color cseep
from dyes. I was, however, greatly surprised to tio
after the use of two boitles only, that not only woo tb,
falling off arrested, but the color was restored to the gr..,
hairs and sensibfity to the scalp, and dandruff ceased O.
form on my head, very much to the gratification of in s
Wire, at whose solicitation 1 was induced to try it.
For this, among the manyobligations I owe to herses,
I strongly recommend all husbands who v_iltbe the .1
miration of their w.v s to profit by my example, at .1
use it If growing gray or getting bald.
Very revectfuity, BRN. A. LAVEKDE'II
To 0 J. WOW Si Co., 444 Broadway. New York
My family are absent from the city, and I am no 10Uy,
er at No. n Carrol place.
Siamaston, Ala , July 20th, 1559.
To PROF. 0. J. WOOO : hear Sir : Your "Hair Restor' .
live" has done my hair so much good alone I commenced
the use of it, that f wish to make known to the 1 - 1313L1V
its effects on the hair, which are great. A man or wo
man may be nearly d« prived of hair, and by a resort tc
your "Hair Restorative," the hair will return more
beautiful than over ; at lea t this is my esperieuee
Believe it all ! Yours truly,
P S.—rou cau publish the above If you like. Ey puh
Itching in our Southern papers you will get more patron
sg south. I see several of your certalcates
bile Mercury a strong Southern paper.
PROF. 0, d, Noon : Dear Sir : Having had the mid'or
tune to lose the best portion of my hair, from the effect
or the yellow fever, in New Orleans in 1851, I w,,a in.
duced to make a trial of your preparation, and found d
to answer as V:e very thing needed. My hair is nog,
thick and glossy, and no words can express my oblltii
dons to you in giving to the Afflicted such a treasure.
The Restorative Is put up in bottles of three size;, viz
large medium, and small ; the small holds half a flat,
and retails for one dollar per bottle ; the medium holds
at least twenty per cent more In proportion ti an the
small, retails for two dollars per bottle ; the large holds
a quart, 40 per end. more in proportion, and rotells for
0. J. WOOD & GO., Proprietors, 444 Broadway, New
York, and 114 Market street, gt. Louis, Mo.
nn d sold by all good liruggnts and Fancy Good
Dealers. jyl3- &know
HAVING associated together in the
practice of the Lsw, will attend faithfully and
promptly to all professional business entrusted to tiu
Office in Third street three doors from Margot
N. B. Consultations in English and German.
HBRINOa, Plain and Figured.
CASHMF_RbS, Plain and Figured.
ALL WOOL DKLAINES, Extra Styles and Quality.
BROCA LONG SHAWLS, different Prices.
The prices In all the above Goods, on examination, will
be found "lower than ever," at
an 24 Next door to the Harrisburg Bank.
1 0 dawly
very_rare lot just received and for sale by
apb WM. DOCK JR. & Cii
large quantity of empty Molasses Barrel; Hogs
cads and Meat Casks, for sale by
my 24 WM. DOCK & CO. .
Harrisburg, Pa.
A LWAYS on hand a large assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, Az., of the very beic
unalltles for ladies, gentlemen, and adlitreas' wear.--
Prices to suit the times. All kinds of WORK MADE P,
ORDER in the best style by superior 'workmen
REPAIRING done at short notice.
octl6.dtf JOHN B. SMITH, Harrisburg.
FOR SALE.—One of the best business
stands in the city on reasonable terms, or leased
for three or live years situated in Market street beiwreu
Fourth and Fifth. Enquire on the premises of
9.11.2 m DANIEL LEERY.
. GEO. W. d'fiNE, graduate of the
ititimore Cello of Dental Surgery, having perm.
neatly located in the city of Harrisburg and taken the
Milne formerly occupied by Dr. Gorges, on Third street,
between Market and Walnut, respectfully informs bis
friends and the public in general, that he is prepared to
perform all operations in toe Dental profession, either
surgical or mecnanical, in a manner that shall not be
surpassed by operators in this or any other city. His
mode of Inserting artificial teeth is upon the latest i m
provetilseientiflc principles.
Teeth, from one to a lull set, mounted on line Gold, !li
ver, Pistil/a plates or the Vulcanite Base.
I take great pleasure In recommending the above gen
tleman to all my former patients of Harrisburg and vi
inity, and feel confident that he will pa/germ all opera
tions in a scientine manner, trona my knowledge of hl3
ability. LmyB-dtf] F. J. S. GORGAS, D. D.
MADE from choice and selected Apples,
and gmirauteed by us to bostrlctly pure
el2-d Wet. DOCK & cp.
A BUILDING LOT, situate in West
rieburg fronting on Bradstreet 20 feet, and run
rong back 101 feet, more or less, to a2O foot alley, ad.
joining on one side the property of Ile Blumenstine.
For particulars enquire of FREDERICK 8011107811.6.
Bergnees 800 asto re.
FRENCH. NI.U6TARD, English and do
manic Pickles, (by the dozen or hundred,) sup:
for salad zilzuces and Condiments of ever
s 8 rtption My 24 %V.L DOCK gr CO.
Designers and Enwravers on Wood
VXECUTE all kinds of Wood Engraving
with beauty,eorrectness and dispatch. Original
designs finTaltlell for Fine Book Illustrations. Persons
wishing cuts, by sending a Photograph or Daguerreotype,
can have views of Colleges Churches, Store Fronts,
Butanes Stoves, Patents, &c., engraved as well on per
sonal application.
Fancy Envelopes, Labels, Bill Headings, Show Bills,
Visiting, Business and other Cards, engraved In the
highest style of art, and at the lowest prices.
For specimens of fine engraving, see the Illustrated
works of J. B. Lippincott & Co., E. H. Butler &Co.
oct2s ly d
(AFFERS his services to the citizens o
Harriaburg and its vicinity. lie solicits a share o
the public patronage and gives assurance that his best
endeavors shall be given to render satisfaction in his pro
fession. Being an old, well tried dentist, he feels sale in
nviting the public generally to call on him, assuring
hem that they will not be dissatisfied with his services,
Office No. 128 Market street, in the house formerly oc -
Copied by Jacob R. Eby, near the United States Betel,
Harrisburg, Pa. flirt-dig
LIMNS! One to Five Hundred Dolive
worth of CITY BONDS. Enquire of
W.ll. Kened
No. IN BOulliSocond Moot