Etirp3o. ,- il 1' kW Saturday Afternoon, July 13, 1801 . - tnr. CITY Toms contained some lodgers last kilt, but what disposition woo made of them I,e aro unablo to state, the May declining to give the information solicited. We presume the offenders were of the class usually arraigned before His Honor, street drunkards and vagrants. CAK W. HARVEY BROWN, of this city,assign ed to the fourteenth regiment United States 11'- 1 t ufty. (regular service,) veliich is ordered to f endervous at Fort Trumbull, is now at New London on his way to that station. Harvey is a d fellow and will make an excellent officer. I=M=l Ray. I. R. Glass, of Williamsport, was in tins city last evening en route for Washington, where he expects to spend the Sabbath and ad dress several of the regiments. It is probable that 11. r. Gates will be appointed a Chaplain in the army, and a better man could not be select ed for that position. Mons TROOPS. —The New York thirty-fifth regiment passed through this city at noon to day en route for Washington. The men are armed with muskets, and equipped hi United bt.tes uniforms. A full corps of drummer boys accompanies the regiment. Another New York regiment, now on the road, will reach here mime dine this evening. .PruEDAGAIN.—In our last issue we reported the week of a Philadelphia soldier, in connec tion %, itb others, for abusing shone and break ing a way,on belonging to Mr. Locher. The fm/ proved rather expensive, as the partici pants were obliged to pay damages to avoid ,_!( , h , L; to prison. Robert, failing to profit by the sstn taught him on that occasion, was again before Alderman Kline last evening for drunk to esd and disorderly conduct, and went to prison. Another soldier, named James Wil liams, was put up for the same offence. TUE %TURNING VoLummus —A number .of patriotic ladies in this city are busily engaged in making preparations to welcome our gallant volunteers on the day of their return home. The mainfeature of the reception, so far as the ladies are concerned, will be e. sumptuous ban quet served up in Capitol Park, and the sing ing of Home Again" and the " Star Spangled Banner" by twenty or thirty little girls. From pies nt indications the boys will get the "big gest feed" on that occasion which they have indulged in since leaving Harrisburg. It is ex pected that they will return about the 20th of this month. A Lona is Pm:L.—A few nights ago a friend of ours, whose suburban residence is half hidden in a little forest of shrubbery and shade trees, shortly after midnight heard the soft tread of steps down the garden walk, and look ing out saw a human figure winding softly around toward the gate. This was a very im proper or at least suspicious hour, for a stranger to be prowling about his house, and to ascer tain the meaning of the intruder's presence, our friend commanded him, in a loud voice, to stop or tell his business there. But no answering voice came from the departing figure. Our hientl then raised his rifle and fired at the man, half seen among the leaves and branches. The shot, instead of bringing him to a halt, only frightened him into a swifter retreat. It subse quently became known that theriocturnal visit or was only a friend of "Bridget," to whom he I, al on this occasion been paying a rather I late visit. VaLUANY PRINTER! RAPING THEIR JOKE.—A of printers from the Twentieth Ohio Rica( now stationed at Fairmont, Va., have t ,I;en possession of the True Virginian printing ..aice, in th it town. Their first leading article nac an invitation to the late editor, to come 1 «k —thus : Men with military trappings now occupy the identical chair in which your peaceful body 01ile eat. They write Union articles with your , •-h' pen ; they drink Union whisky out of N•tlr old bottle, Drinkard ; and the devil wears ar oat ; and the pike you kept as a relic of Brown at Harper's Ferry, the boys use to to tut your rules, and the paper and ink yun prepared for secession purposes are now ato print army blanks upon. 0, Drinkard ! you ought to be here. How can you stay away? Tour types are set up for Union articles ; your press prints them. And more than this, the Stars and Striped float from your window; and we all know, from the files lef. in your sanctum, that this do,sn't suit you. Come back, then, and take p ,, ssession. Bring all your friends-- Henry A. Wise, John !,etcher, and the rest-- with you.'' TM: BOOK or INALMS, —Ono of oar religious exchanges, alluding to the Book of Psalms as iilutruted by and adapted to the present times, . "How sublime a liturgy for the war ewe in the book of Psalms. The battle wrvs of Homer can not stir our souls for the of to-day. These belong to the extinct ,ii`, 3, and are entwined with a mythology that is wholly of the past. The old war-songs of nationalities and races are local in their spirit and allusions, and can not be reviewed with the same etleet in later times. But the Psalms are not for David, Palestine, Israel, alone. They speak to the heart of universal man. They exalt -not kings, nations, governments, local and national divinities, but Jehovah, the Maker of the heavens and the earth, the Ring of Kings and Lord of lords. They celebrate not alone the triumphs of particular kings and armies, but the triumph of Justice and Right eousness in the earth. The Providenc es of the h air is a new revelation of the significance of the bunk of Psalms. There is no longer any perplexity about even the Imprecatory Psalms. They explain themselves as not the maledic tiuus of a revengeful spirit, but the cry of hum ble God-fearing souls for the vindication of truth and right against iniquity. God is now illus trating a,,.1 demonstrating the inspiration of the Bible. Nu other book so well depicts our ease, meats our wants, inspires our courage) uplifts our strength, guides, supports, comforts us. God who speaks to us his awful Provi dencia now magnifies his Word above all His Name." Rev. T. H. ROBINSON will preach a sermon to the young people in the colored Presbyterian church, Walnut street, near Front, to-morrow evening at six o'clock. I=l Wear Haaanstma M. E. CEUROH.—The mai services will be held in this church to-morrow. Theme for the morning discourse, "All that Paul would know "—for the evening, "What Moses would not do." The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered at the close of the evening service. A GOOD EXAMPLE.—The Fourth New Jersey regiment, at Washington, were paid off last week, and the men, instead of squandering their money in riot and licentiousness, sent it home to their families.—iikehange Paper. A great many of the soldiers at Camp Curtin, instead of saving or sending their money home, squandered it for whiskey, upon which they got drunk and disgraced themselves. ---.+-- Tics CAB 2 or Palm Buass.—A few days ago we noticed the arrest and binding over for trial of Patrick Burns, fireman at the State Lunatic Asylum, charged with stealing and selling a lot of old copper and braes. The boy subsequently stated that his employer, Wm. McKibben, en gineer at the Asylum, had induced him to sell the articles and received& share of the proceeds. Yesterday the father of Burns had McKibben arrested as an accomplice, and Alderman Pef fer bound him over to appear at the next court for trial. Asmara MAN fittor.—At noon to-day a sol dier named James Valiant, belonging to the Wayne Guards of Philadelphia, ivas shot near the military store house. It appears that a guard was'sent to the city to arrest and take to camp all drunken stragglers, of whom this man was one. After his capture he broke away from the guard and attempted to make his escape, when one of them fired at him while running, the ball taking effect In his leg, inflicting a severe wound, and bringing him to the ground. The man was conveyed to camp where the tall was extracted. The wound is not considered dangerous, although it will disable the man for duty for several days. A Goon Anorsrsturr.—Mr. Wm. A. Tarbut ton, of this city, has been appointed Drill Mas ter at Camp Curtin, with the pay of a captain, and entered upon his duties this afternoon. Mr. Tarbutton has had much military expe rience, and we have the authority of competent judges for saying that he is admirably qualified for the position. It affords us sincere pleasure to announce his appointment. Major General M'Call has done himself credit, and the service a great benefit, by the selection of so estimable and competent a gentleman. We learn that Major Hershberger, who is succeeded by Mr. Tarbutton, voluntarily absented himself from his official duties and went away with the fifth regiment. AN MC-CONSUBLE IN PRISON. ---SOMO weeks ago George Garman, former constable of the fifth ward, was arrested on a charge of larceny, at the instance of Mr. Snyder, a lager beer sel ler. Mr. George S. Ramble ;ant security for his appearance at Court. Recently Garman enlisted in the Kepner lrencibles, and Mr. Kemble fearing that the company, might be called into Benda) before term:lime, yesterday surrendered Garman, who was conunitted-lo prison. The circumstances connected with the larceny are as follow : A girl who was stopping with Snyder stole a considerable sum of money out of his bureau drawer, and Garman volun teered to recover it. Ho found the girl, ter rified her into an acknowledgment of her guilt, and obtained the money, only a portion of which he returned to Mr. Snyder, retaining some twenty dollars. The girl and Garman are both to be tried at the next term, when the case will be fully ventilated. HARRISBURG Pour OFIIOO.—The following is a statement of the number of letters, papers, circulars, 86c., sent from and received at the post office in this city from April 7th, to June 80th, together with the amount of postage on them ; also, the number of stamps and stamped envelopes sold, with their value : AX'T 07 POBAOI. Letters sent, 125,479 $8,949 81 Free " 11 2,620 Letters received, 99,479 . 8,168 26 Drop , 4 it 1,959 . 19 60 Free ~ " 8,251 Total, seat and reed, 282,779 $7,127 07 Papers,eircularsoto. sent, 182,948 $1,829 48 " received, 84,888 87 22 197,881 81,718 85 Number of stamps sold, 818,000 $7,070 78 " stamped envelopes, 25,476 812 20 Total, 888,4176 97,882 . 98 Total number of lettere, papers, U., sent and received, 480,610 A "BuLLT" Pares.—The gayest specimen of a newspaper that has found its way to our eanc turn of late is The Loyal Citizen; which some unknown friend in the Missouri Federal Army sends us. It is "published by the prints of Company E, Second Regiment iollllVoluntem," at Macon City, Missouri. The town was taken by our forces, the secessionists put to flight, and the printing office made to do loyal work: The leading editorial, or "salutatory," is as follows: "To ova Runxes.—To-day we present to you the first, last and only issue of our paper, the Loyal Citizen. In doing so, it will doubtless be expect d that we state our position. We will do so, very briefly. We are, as the tone of our paper indicates, unconditionally for the Union. A few weeks ago we left our peaceful homes, not of our own choice, but in response to the call of our country, with a resolute determina tion to sustain, at all hazards, the constitution and laws of the best, the freest and most glorious government ever formed by human skill; and it any of our readers think we are guing' tit change our determination, they are very much mistaken. We are resolved that the glorious old Star Spangled Banner, the emblem of our nationality and the hope and pride of the world, shall float in triumph forever throughout this mighty nation ; and wherever we see a traitor attempt to haul it down and hoist in its stead the contemptible secession rag, we will shoot hisa on the spot. Tills, citizens of Macon City, is, in brief, o Extending to idllttlA. citizens the right hand of fe ll owship, enzi.proni ishw to szeist in protecting them in the- enj6T meet of a)1, their MAIO :0* 11 11 rights, we make our`how,'Ond` take Qui 'ism as editor of the Lord Gthifft. Pennsylvania IDaily Zelegraph, 12i4urbay n, July 13, 16.61. ATTENTION Fizsr Crrr Zonavesi—You are hereby commanded to meet this evening at six o'clock in full uniform, for parade and drill, providing the weather permits. By order of the Captain. WK. S. Racursa, 0. S. Tas Pomo:mm:1 cents from our gallant friend Capt. Sherwood, of the Tioga Invincibles, needs no comment—it speaks for itself : Emma TELEGRAPH :—I see by communica tions to papers from other camps, that some of the soldiers late of Camp Curtin find fault with the citizens of Harrisburg. I am the oldest captain by commission and length of stay in Camp Curtin, and can truthfully and warmly bear witness that better treatment in camp, and by the citizens of Harrisburg, never can or ought to be looked for by soldiers anywhere ; and while I am glad to be moving nearer the frontier, where we may be of service in a small way to the country, I and my company will bear in grateful recollection the many acts of kindness we were recipients of while at Camp Curtin. JULIUS SHERWOOD, Capt. "Tioga Invincibles." STILL ONZATIR RKMOTION IN Dar GOODS.— Best quality of English Gingham from 12} to 26 mute. Beautiful assortment of Drees Goods from 121 to 25 cents. Delaines and Challie Delaines reduced from 26 to 18 cents. Lawns in great variety from Bto 871 cents. Furnish ing goods. at the lowest cash prices. Good as sortmtmte. of French Lace Mantles and silk capes very cheap. Uaion & BOWMAN, 2t Cor. Front and Market sts. New GOODS rem New YORK Acorrow.-50 pieces of Grey Goods at 10, 124 and 20 cts. 100 dozen Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs for 3, 6 and 6 cts. 10 pieces Lavelle Cloth for 7 cts. 26 dozen Lined Pocket Handkerchiefs for 12i, worth 26 cte. Splendid Mohair Mitts at 31 and 87 cte. 15 dozen towels at 12i cents a towel.— Linen Sleeves and Collars at 25 cts. 50 dozen Sue Umbrellas and Parasols cireap. Ilk pieces of the beat -Calico ever sold for 61 etc 60 pieces Broche Bordering very cheap. A large lot of bleached end unbleached Muslin. Now is the tink6 to buy bargains at Lowy's. INPOH.TANT TO FICRIAL.II:!. DR. QH REISMAN'S PILLS, Prepared by Cornelius L. Cheeseman, M. D., TH.b combination of ingredienta in these are the remilltor a long and catenate* practice. They are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting all irregMariUm, Unto/ Menstruation; removing all ob tdmotions, whether Win odd or otherwise, headache pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, whites, all nor mai affection; hysteric; fatigue, pain in the bank and limbs, am, disturbed derv, which arise from intermptioo of nature TJ MARRIED Dr. Ofteeseman's Pills are invaluable, us ,ey will bring on the monthly period with regularity. LeAles who have been disappointed in the use of other Pills can place the utmost confidence In Dr. Oheesenian's Pills doing all that they represent to do. 1 NOTICE us There one condition at the joeude system in which the Pais cannot be taken withal/ nroduenup a PERM/AA SMOLT. The condition,./erred to u PREGNANCY— dmresult,' .111I3CARALd GS. Such se Ott irreriettgle tendency of the ;Redwine W restore he seemed ftenctions to a sonnet satedstion, that sons the reproductive polar oil nature cannot twin it. Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything injurious. Ivlicit directions, which ahould be read, ao oompanyeach box. Price $l. Bent by mail on eneksing $1 to DR Consmitm L. Omar, Box 4,581, Poet Office, New Tort Olty. Sold by out L ' , kasha In every town In the United states' . R. R. HUTCHINGS, General Agent for the United Staten, 14 Broadway, New York, To whom aU Wlwiesale orders should be add" oued Sold in Harrisburg by G. A. Basicvsirr. a.v20.• WWI y A MUD TO THE LADIES DE. DIIPONOO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES. eatable n. correcting, regulating, and remoTtag I obetruetione, from whatever cause, end ways successful as a preven tive. THESE PILLS ELIVE BEEN USED BY the doctors for many years, both In Prance ape America; with unparalleled Become In every case ; anti he is urged by many thousand ladies who used them, to make the fells public ror the alleviation of those aufferine from any irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent an Merano of fatally where health will not permit It.— Females particularly situated, or thefts supposing them. selves ao, are cautioned against these Pills while in that condition, as they are sure to• produce 'miscarriage, and the proprietor assumes no responsibility after this admo ninon, although their mildness would prevent any mss chief tolealth—otherwise the Pins are recommended. Fall and explicit directions accompany each box. Prier $l. 00 per box.' sold wholesale and retail by CHARLES A. BANNYART, Drumm, No. 2 Jones Row, Harrisburg, Pa. MLadlee,^ by sending him Si 00 to the Harrisburg Post Attlee, can have the Pills sent free of observation to any part of the country (conlidentially4=reepfar tag*" by mall. Sold also by S. 8. JOHROON,_ Ltoublrai H al, Philadelphia, ' J.. Lebanon, Daum treato, Lancaster; Wow, tie:divine T. MILLER, York L and by cue MLt la every city and village in the Union, and 14 A, ole' proprietor, New York N. B.—Look out for counterfeits. Bry no Golden Pa: of any kind unless every box Is signed S. D. Howe. others are a base imposition and unsafe; therefore, es you value your lives and health, (to say nothing of be ing humbugged out of your money ) , buy only of those who show the signature of 8. D. Howe on every box, which has recently been added on account 0- the Pile being oonnterfelted deg-dwitswly. Tue Economy er busy nation of Ameri cans have 12,000,000 working peuplei whose services may be estimated at $2 a day, and their annual loss by sickness at an average of ten days each in the year.— This gives a total. toss of 6240,000,00 a stun three times es large as the whole cost of the General Government. ladcluding the Army, bevy, Yost offices, Leglal dors, Foreign lbalsterAjusd all. The, amount weighs over six huhreittlons In'Oure goli. A lugs proportion of this costly suffering might be averted by attention to dies, - cleanliness, and above all, by‘this proper um of the right remedy In seemon. When a 26 cent bon of Ayer , s Pills will avert an attack of ill ness which IL would Lake several days to recove. from, a dollar bottle of dyer's Idirsiparilla, will expel a tarkieg disorder that would brie g tae sufferer to his back for weeks or months, doss it take any times to show tbrgoett mummy of the investment? wheri fever and Agne Is rankling in your veins, and shaking your life out of you, Is b worth the dollar it oasts for his Anus Coss to have the vidainous disorder. expelled, which it does sure area quattkiy I , When you have taken a cold is it prudent to wait until it Is settled en the lungs, when days or,Aucelits, or m.ntbs most be spent In trying to our It. area W it Dill be cared at all, or to it obe.per to take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, coiling a few ith'itilat and remove the trouble before it la serious? It takes no wis dom to Colds. flak by O. A. Bannvart, O. K. Keller, D. W. Groats & Co., J. It Lute, Kalman & Co., Armstrong, Harrisburg, and dealers everywhere. 934545 w MEM 00110B8.—The sudden changes of our climate are moos of Pulmonary, Branoldal and Asthmatic At foothills. Rrperience having proved that simple reme dies often act speedily and certainly when taken in the early Magog of the disease, recourse sbould at once be had to ii&cwpit Bronchial Troches," or lakecrn 9 , let the Cold, Cough, or Irritation of the Threat be ever so 11 4 1 0, as by this precaution a more serums attack may be !aided of. Public Speakers and Singers will On d them *Mania Or Cleatillg and it trengthening the voles. see advertisement delo-d-swaw6m MANHOOD. HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED JUST rIIBLISEED ON THE NATURE, TEDIATMIINT AND RADICAL CURS or BPI RMATOR. MBA, or Sendtuti Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nervous• mess, Involuntary Emissions and Impotency, retuning from Belt-abase, Ito. By Debt. J. Calverwell, M. D.— dent under seal. In s plain envelope, to soy Address, post lAA on receipt of two stamps, by Dr. CHAS .1 C. Ii 127 Bowery, New York. Post Office Box, No 4.6811. m2o.6tadaw The Oonfeuione and Experience of an 'mien/ Annan= for the benefit and as a warning rb(swim to young men who =lbw taw Nervous _ L • .sy, Premature' Decay, eta., estporug at the suite • the meow Millet( Mu% by one magmata bimetal, pginogreM4 =mow through akedical nat.*. aoa woos= bad or tbe so. , Mom; emultil N. b assokatag a postpaided eaTalsPs• I= RIM YORK CITY. NOTICE. HAIR DYEI HAIR DYE!! IWm. A. Batchelor's Bair Bye Tip Original and Beet in the World 4l others are mere imitations, and should be avoided iy yin wish to escape ridicule. `"BRAY, RM. OR RUST HAIR dyed Instantly to a beadiful and Natural Brown and Bleat, without injury to 'air or Lakin. lIFTEBN MEDALS and DIPLOM/05 have been award edeo Win. A. Batchelor Since 1859, ant over 80,000 ap plhatieus been ma le to .be Hair of his p drone o kit famous dye. WM. A. ISSTCHELOWS HAIR DYE produces a color not to be distineni h d from nature, and IS Warranted not to injure in the leant, however long it may be contin ued, and the iii effects of Hal Dyes remedied; the Hair invigorated for life by this splendid Dye. Sold In ail cities and towns of the United States, by ugging and Fancy Good, Dealers. air The Genuine nas the name and address upon a feel plate engraving on roar aides of each box, of Wu.- a. A !dress CHARLES BATORELO4, Proprietor, 81 Barchy street, New York. ete datwisug W. A. BATCHELOR'S HALE BYE! IXIBIS SPLENDID HAIR DYE has so equal—lnstantaneuus elleet--deautiful Black or atUral Brown—no staining the skin or injuring the bar—remedies the absurd and 111 effect of Bad Dyes, and tvigorates the Bair for 11(e. Ne ne are genuine unless ailed "W. A. Batchelor " Sold everywhere. CHAS. saredia.os. eresehtior. t wtagt v Y OE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY 6.11 i JAMES CIARKE'S ; 2 1.LEBRATED FEMALE PILLS. Pr red from a Ptescreldson of Sir J. Clarke, M. D. Physician Ateraordivutry to the Queen. fits invaluable medicine Is unfailing in the cure of au those painful and dangerous dummies to which the %malt constitution is subject It moderates all etesell and re. moves all obstructions, ani a speedy curb may no relied on. TO BIARRiEiI LADIEs it 11 peculiarly Milted. It will in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. Tisch bottle, price One Dollar, beard toe Government Stamp or Great Britain, to prevent uouuterteua CAUTION. Plese Pais should not be taken by imam during the T THREZ 1101V2738qf Pregnancy, as they are sure to bre* on Mircarriagt, but at any ether time they are sl2)e. IEIIIIIOSM 01 Nervous .1011 apthAt Affectiens, Pain in um Beck and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palptta lion the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, hese Pills wil admit, aura when all other mamas have failed ; and al. thong, a powerful remedy, du nut contain iron, calomel, antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitution. Pull directions in the pamphlet around each package whilidiaboold be carefully preserved. and B postage ebonite enclosed to any an tholl2ll4 Agent, will Maitre a bottle, containing 50 t'flls, by return mail. ;Ns , vale by C. A. Satuivant We Bawl) THR DR. KAN E REFRIGERATOR. r BIS NI) p erior ft EPIRIG ERA TOR, to gethor with stmeral otaer cheaper styles, may be Amodio. the manufactory, at ezueedingly low prices. also a great variety ot I, AMR COuLk EA of 8111.1). rior 5n .b. E FAKSON & C Cor. Dock and Pear It*eata, Philadelphia aprlllll.3m PURIFY THB BLOOD 11.011rAett LOB PILLS AND PRIENIX BITURB.— fres /Wm all Mtwara/ POOO7lll. —ln eases of Scrofula. Mums, Scurvy, or Eruptions of the sum the operation of tbe Life Medicines 's truly astniybi o tun removing ins few days, every vestige of these loathsome diseases by their purifying effects on the blood. Stilton Fevers Fever sad Ague, Dyspepsia Dropsy, rues, and in short, M o at ail dtt.sases soon yield their curative properties No family should be without them, as by their timely use much Buttering and expense may be saved. Prepared by WM. B. tftiFIAT: U. D., New York, and lisle by all Drunk , st ORDERS NO. 12. READ Qussrmss R. V. C. HARRISBURG, July 1, 1881. I aOrders No. 2 emanat from these Head Quar ters, dated June 6, 1861, are hereby modified iri paragraphs II and IV so as to read as follows: ORDERS NO. 2. RIADQIIARTREIS R. Y. CORPS, Hionusauna, June 6, 1861. I. A Department of Ordnance and a Depart ment of Transportation and Telegraph will be established at these headquarters. 11. Capt. T. J. Brereton will have charge of the Ordnance Department, and Lieut. Col. Jos. D. Potts will, in like manner, have charge of the Transportation and Telegraph Department, vice Lieut. Col. John A. Wright, resigned. 111. The Chief of the Ordnance Department will receive and receipt for all ordnances and ordnance stores required for this corps. It will be his duty to see that all State property placed under his charge, and appertaining to this de partment, is preserved in condition fit for ser vice ; he will issue the same only on requisd tions countersigned by the commanding General, and he will perform such other duties as may be assigned him in connection with the Ord nance Department. IV. To Lieut. Col. Joseph D. Potts, Chief of the Transportation and Telegraph Department, is committed all arrangements and contracts with railroads and telegraph companies. He will have prepared all necessary forms, and make arrangements with the different transportation and telegraph companies as will return a regu lar and correct settlement of their accounts, and prescribe all regulations requisite to give efficiency to the business of the department. V. All orders for the transportation of troops will be signed by the commanding General. The order, together with the certificate of the officer in command of the troops, that the ser vice has been performed, wilt be the proper voucher for the settlement of the account. VI. The Chief of Ordnance, Quartermaster General and Commissary General, are author ized to make requisition for transportation of freight over the railroads of the State, by form Prescribed by the Chief of Transportation and Telegraph Department. Such requisition, with certificate of service performed annexed, will be considered a sufficient voucher in the settle ment of accounts. All bills or accounts for service performed by the railroad or telegraph companies will be forwarded to the Chief of the Transportation and Telegraph Department monthly, and must have his approval before they are paid. By order of Major General G. A M'CALL. EMT A. Squill; Capt:and Aid=de-Camp. i7B-tf ORDERS NO. 13, EXADQUARTIERI B. V. Cosal, / July Ist, 1861. I By authority of the Governor of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, the following rules and regulations of the transportation and telegraph department in addition to those heretofore pub lished, are promulgated for the information of all concerned. L To the Chief of Transportation and Tele graph Department will be committed, in addi tion to transportation by railroads, heretofore assigned to him, all other transportation re quired by this corps, and the settlement of all accounts belonging or incidental thereto. Be will make such additional arrangements and regulations, as in pursuance of this order he may find requisite to secure efficiency in his Department. IL Regimental Quarter Masters and all others who have been or may be empowered to req • “: transportation will apply for it to the Chief Transportation and Telegraph Department, conform to the rules he may establish. Through his department shall be paid the expenses incurred in the pursuit and appre hension of deserters, for expresses, spies and guides, and generally the proper and author ised expenses for the movements of this corps, not expressly assigned to any other department. By ox•#r of * Gen. EORGE A. MCCALL. R. J G . BIDDLE, Lt. Col. Ant. Adjt. New Abratistintuts. SOBIETRING FOR THE WEBS I ! ! A Necessity in Even , Household 1 1 JOHNS & CROSLEY'S American Cement Glue The Strongest Glue in the World FOR CEMENTING WOOD, LEATHER, GLASS, IVORY, CHINA, MARBLE, POR CILAIN, ALA.BASI . ER, BONE, ORAL, &c., &c., &c. The only article of the kind ever produced which will withstand Water. EX TRACTS : ".very houseketper ..huukt her a t.u; ily of Johns & t;rosky's American Cement wt."— • t. imam ...t HI so 'woven:stip to hare n a house"—N. Y. —A is allays ready ; thtscommauai to every body." N. Y. INosraprosNr. "We ha • , ried It, and dad it as u Attu! in our hone as eat 3r.'—Yinass &Karr 07 TEM T. 11153. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Very Liberal Reductions to Wholesale Dealers. TLB.bis 4.4011. or For'saie by all Druggiste and Storekeep ers generally throughout the country. JOHNS & uROSLEY, (Sole Mtuiulattures,) 78 Wrixram &KM, (Corner of Liberty Street,) Nan , YORK. VOR SALE.—One of the best business stands in the city on reasonable terms, or leased for three or five years ait ,aced its Market street between Fourth and Filth. Enquire on the premises of j 9412 in Derma. LiliCtlY CO-PARTNERSHIP. WANTED.—A good businessman with front 6100 t ssou capital, to engage in a firm class business, teav,ng 60 tier cent profit. Address A Manufacturer, at this office. Jylo das Au.n.rre.vr Gamuum's ()MOB, Harrisburg, July 11, 1861. Proposals will be received at this office until 12 o'clock, M., on Monday, the 22d inst., for furnishing, for the use of the Reserve Volunteer Corps of this Commonwealth, the following articles : 13,000 Uniform Coats for Infantry. 1,000 " Jackets for Artillery. 1,000 " " for Cavalry. This clothin' g must conform in all respects with similar articles used in the military service of the United States, and will be subject to the appro val of the inspectors of the State, appointed for its examination. It will be required to be packed in boxes, well coopered, and delivered at the warehouse in Harrisburg occupied by the State, at the expense of the contractor. Satisfactory security will be required for the faithful performance of any contract allotted. The whole quantity must be delivered on or beiore the first day of September next jul 11-td WANTED! 500 MEN! For the Batteries of the sth Regi ment of Artillery U. S. Army. DAY from 11 to 21 dollars a month no cording to the position which the capacity and character of the soldiers may enable him to obtain. Patinae, quarters and Medical attendance are furniehed each soldier, with an ample allowance of clothing, in ad• ditlon to their pay. Every reasonable want is thus sup d the soldier, affording him an opportunity of saving the befit part iS his pay. Men of good character and Lithel - nt lett Item will have a tine opportunity for advancement into the commission ed grades of the army. apply at Jsus's Hotel, booth &aimed street Harris burg, Pa. OaiLVT, Jrll dmkett 2d Lieut. 6th Artillery. city Property for Sale, ALARGE TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE and lot of givuu.f , pleassutly Wetted on Front a., between Mulberry street ti , Rl Washington Avenue. Also TWO !AMIE PIANoS in good condition and or ex. cadent taw). apply to C. 0. ZIMUERMALN, No. 28, Suuth Second etreet PROF. ADOLPH P. TEUPSER, viTOULD rospsotlully inform his old patrons sad the public generally, that he wilt doutinue to give 108ttliCheolua on the PIANO SORTE, SIE• LODEON, VIOLIN and elite in the Beilhlen 01 THOROUGH SASS. tie will w'th pleasure wait upon pupils at their 00.111% at any hour desired, or seasons will be given at his ruskieueit, is Third street. • few doors below the German Reformed Church. deel6-dtl MPORTED BOLOGNA SAUSAGE.-A I very rare lot Just received and for sale by 111 36 WM. DOCK JR & 00 ir 4 MIPTY MOLASSES HOGSHEADS.-A „Uj large quantity of empty Molasses barrels, Hop hauls and Meat CUSiCI3. Cur sale by - my 24 • WM. DOCK ' & CO. ESTATE OF WISf. LOCHMAN, DEC'D. NOTIOS.—AII persona indebted to the estate or Wm. h. Lcchman, deed, will plesir , make payrrent to the undersigned, and thoqi having de mands will present them duly authenticated for settle meat. JACuft HOUSER, Administrator of the will annexed N. B —The remaining STOCK or HARDWARE, consist ing in part Of Locks, Latchs, Hinges, Bolts, Screws, Dar feut2r, Cooper and Mll9oll'd tools, Mill and Circular Saws, Cork .'cretin, Brass ed Pewter Spiggots, Weights, Brass Hinges and Colts, Razors, Ivory Knives and Plated Forks, One, Largo Platferm 1,000 tbs Morrison Scales and a va• voty ,it Har..warewieieu will sold be al a great loss from 'iadolphis p LIBOR Li i;C:BE, 6t. Surviving,Pas szer. THE ATTENTION OF GENTLEMEN .1 is solicited to our very large assortment of Litimomunret Zito DRAWDRS of every size and quality. Girrne Jouvist KID GLOVLS, best article manufactured. AU the different Maas of WmfBIL (horns. Largest assortmeut et Bosom in the city. CRAVATS, 61:11VI1VDERIS, HANDMMOIitIee, Ready Hemmed And everything in Gen& wear, at CATHCART'S, v, , zt fiN thn lintrinhnrit Rank SPICED SALMON 11 FRESH AND VERY DELICATE. Put e 2 5 7 neatly In fiv e pound WM. DOOR, Jr., &O.). WORC.gBTER'S ROYAL QUARTO DICTION/11 YI filtiE best defining end pronouncing Dic ji tionari of th e English language ; Also, Worcester's Sciatiol Dictionaries. Webster's Pictorial Quarto and School Dictionaries for sale at SUMPTER'S BOOKSTORE, apl3-11 Near the Harrisburg Bridge. SELF SEALING !11 JARS, CHINA POTS AND TIN CANS of five varieties just received and for sale low by jy9 WI! DOCK, JR., & CO. GARDEN SEEDS At.FRESH AND COMPLETE hb.ortuieut , mat retrr•fill .n! 1.,...• • uy '-• ' FIVE DOLLARS REWARD. frIIE above reward will be paid for the • return of a 17•4:13D !ITATo'S SWORD, tsken or BL4ell from the hotel of the underelgned, corner of Wal nut and Fourth streets. }elf lAZAROB BARNHART. CHANCE FOR A BARGAIN. rilo close up the concern the entire stock or BROM, sours, atc.,iste or OPver man, deceased, in the rooms in the Market Sqatu - e, will be sold at private sale at tNYST; and the snooze will be rented to the purehtser if &aimed. thfiiirials 'will be made easy. ion-cur thtsri. ettiotsseni. FLAGS .FLAGS .NOTE PAPER AND'ENVELOPES, with National demi* urrisit PAPER' With eilete-im the city of Banishers, printed aad,fer sale at EICHEFFERS BOOKIHORN, 'VA Near ihe Harrisburg Bridge, PROF. O. J. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL II precisely what Its name indicates, for while pleas. act to the taste, It Is revivifying, exhilarating and etralgthening to the vital powers. It also revivifies, re instates and renews the blood all its oritinal purity. and thus restores and renders the system invulnerable to attacks of It is the only preparation ever offered to the world in a popular form so as to be within the reach of all. So chemically and skillfully combined, as to the most powerful tonic, and yet FO perfectly adapted so AS to AGM IN PERFECT ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWn OF Haltom, ANE. HENCE BO .THE THE WEARERS STOMACH acd tone up the amity° logos, and ullay all nervous irritation. it Is also rerreelly Canearating in RE effects, and yet it is never followed by Isasilde r deprimsion of spirits it Is com posed entirely of vegetables, and those tboreagly 0010- 012'n powerful tools and acothlng properties, and con s quebtly can never injure. Al 1 Sore prevail Ire and Core of CONKHIPTIoN, BRONCHITIS, INDIG.ISTION, DYS PEPSIA, 11-1 - PS OF APeRTITF, FAINTNESS, NER VOUS IRRrrABTLITY, NEURALGIA, PALPITA TION OF THE HEART, MELANCHOLY, HYPO CHONDRIA, NIGHT SWEATS, LANGUOR, GIDDID&kI, AND ALL THAT CLASS OF OAS&3 SO FEARFULLY FATAL CALM FEMALE WRAigsgsg, AND IN REG UL A RIVES. 'l. ar.,RE IS NOTHING ITS EQUAL. Man, Liver rermsgery ea te or Torpidity, and Liver oem plaints, Diseases of the Kidney, or any rueral derange ment of the Urinary organs h will not only cure the debility to 1 aro% cHiLL7I and FEVER, but all prevent attacks arising from Miasmatic Influencer, and cure the diseases at once, if already at tacked. Travelers shou'd hive a bottle with them, as it will infallibly prevent any deleterious coasequauce3 follow• ing upon change of climate and water. AS It prevents ces'iveuess, strengtbeDs the digestive organs, it should be in the hinds of all persods of sedes• tary habits, Ladles not accustomed to much ont•cloor sterilise ebould always use It Mothers should use it , fa' It is a perfect relirf, taken a month or two before the final rial, she will pass the dreadful ported with pAect ease and safety. And to you we appeal, to &trot the illness or decline not only of your dangtere before it be too 14e, but also year sons and husbands, for while the former from tales delicacy, often go down to a premature grave, rstber than let their ceuditi n be known in tme, the latter are often 80 mixed up with the excitement of business, that if it were not for you, they too. wo id travel in the rao e downward path, until it is too late t arrest their fatal fall. But the mother Is always vigilant, end to you we contidentty appeal; for w, are sure your never•faillug affection alit unerringly point you to PROF. 'a Owes RBSTODATIVD con Mat. AND DLOODPBviIVe'F.JR as the remedy which should al mays be on hand in time of need. O.J. WOOD, Proprietor, 441 Broadway, New York., and 1:4 Market Street, • t LOUP, blo., ant mold by a'l good Druggl•la. Pries One I olar er Boltlo. jyB—daer. ow Great Cure. DR. LELLAND'S ANTI RHEUMATIC BAND, E. M. BIDDLE, Adjutant General IS THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR Rheumatism, Gout and Neuralgia, All Mercurial Diseases It is a conveniently arranged Band, containing a medi cated compound, to be worn around the Waist, without iniury to the most delicate persons, no change In habits of living is required and it entirely removes the disease from the system, without producing the Injurious effects arising from the use of powerful internal medicines which weaken and destroy the constitution, and give temperer, relief only. By this treatment, the medical properties contained in the Band, come in contact with the blood and reaches the disease, through the pores or the side, effecting in every instance a perfect curb, and restore the parts .191,i:sled to a healthy condition. This Band is also a most powerful Aterl-MsaCtllliat agent, and will entirely relieve the system from the perwitUost ef fects of Mercury. Moderate cases are cured in a few days, and we are constantly receiving testimonials of its efficacy in aggravated cases of long standing. nucs 00, to be had of Druggists generally, or can be sent by mail or express, with full directions for use. to any part of the country, direct from the Principal Moe, No. 409 BROADWAY, New York. G. SMITH & CO., Sole Proprietors N. B.—Descriptive Circulars Sent Free. ,AGENTS WANTBD EVERYWHERE...Ear jyB-dew STEAM WEEKLY - , 74 , N BETWEEN NEW YORK , AND LIVERPOOL. lANDING AND EMBARKING PAS- J zieIiGEES at QUEENSTOWN, (Ireland.) The Liver pool. New Cork and Philadelphia Steamship company Intend dt spatching their full powered Clyde•balit Iron gtesinaso-pe us follows : ETNA, Saturday July : t DO:BURG, Saturday July 20th; 011 Y OF WASEIINGToN, Saturday July 2t; and every Saturday, at Noon, from Pler 44, North Myer. FIR. T CABIN $75 03St ENBAGR .... $3O 00 I do to London $BO 00 do to Lotadoa ..1138 00 do to Patta $B5 00 do to Paris .... $BB 00 do to B ,mburg., $B5 00 , do to Hamburg *35 00 Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Rotter dam, Antwerp, ac., at equally lo rates /a-Persons wundug to bring set their friends can buy Ceitem bore at the 'c lowing rates, to Now Yor Prom k: Urerpool or Q1100118:Z.Ve.; let Cabin, $l5, $B5 sad $lO6 . itetrage from Liverpool $4O 00 /tote Quoenstowo, $3OOO. These Steamers have superior accommotattolus for passengers, and tarry experieuced Servs:ma. They are built ih Water-ught lr m Set:does, and have Pateut Fire Annihilators oa board. Yor further informe.ion apply In Liverpool to WILLIAM INMAN, Agenl, 22 Water Street ; Glasgow INMAN, 5 ht. gnash Equare ; I 9 Queenstown to O. & N. D. SEYMOUR & CO. ; In London to EWES h MAL.Y, di King William St. in Parii to JuLus DECODE , 5 pis°. do la Bourse ; Philadelphiaa to JOAN G. D a LR, 11l Walnut Street ; or at the Company's Maces. JNO. IL DALE, Agent, 16 Broadway, New York. Or O. 0. Zimmerman, Agent, Harrtsturg. FM WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS HOTEL, CARLISLE, Cumberland rouuty, Pa.—The pro. prieters take pleasure in announcing that they are now prepared to restive visitors Persons delving a healthy location for the summer will dud this one of the most de lightful places In the country. The water of these springs cannot be surpassed for drinking, bathing and medicinal purposes. For information and classier's address WM. H. BURROUGEIB, D. C. BURNETT, Proprietors. Jels 2m STAGE LINE FOR GETTYSBURG FARE REDUCED TO 81.25 THROUGH TO GETTYSBURG. THE undersigned has established a regular LINE or sr,tor. coacsx6 horn Mechanics burg, common , g every other morning with the Cumber• land Valley Railroad mina. lho coaches leave every every Tuesday, Thursday and ftwirday, returning every other day. Passengers for Slieppernetown„ Diiiebarg, Petersburg and Gettysburg are carried at reamed rates. Jell-dtf WM. J. TATE. MMIX"..I3:3O.I = VIS DAILY LINE! Between Philadelphia Loco Harm JOINT SNORT, WuxiAram; ltintor; UNloNlvwx, WATsoNroWN, MILTON, LZWIEINUNN, N 0R .,.„,,8.EAND, SWIM; TWONION, Gicoßorrow; LT =wows, lINLINaI 8080, HALMS, AND HARRISBURG. The Philadelphia Depot being centrally located the D ra yage will be at the lowest rates. A Conductor goes through with each train to attend to the tree delivery of all goods entrusted to the line. Goods delivered at the Depot of FREED, WARD & FREED, No. 811 Mark et Sleet, Phila . delphia, by 6 O'clock P. M., will be cidivered In ' Harrisburg the next. morning. Freight (always) as low as by soy other, 'tuft. • Particular attention paid by this line to prompt and speedy delivery of all Harrisber., "oods. • The undersigned thankful for past patron ga hopes by strict attentkria twhinlitemato merit a cow./ a nce of the re same. T. flied ' Philadelphia and Reading ere A.. Feet of Market titre°. , Harris burg. al? idiom Ntu) tabrtrtionteuts. MI BLOOD RENOVATOR. TIMM IS NO YISTAHE ♦HIVT IT. THE CORDIAL LS ALL WE CLAIM FOR IT I I t Mothers 'Fry It I I AND A SURE CURE FOR