TIE= TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, ,=GEORGE BERGNER. rEii L. , imor Roiiarri is served to subscribers iu coats per wedr, Yearly sabEeriben. :4AM. AVD SOU-NFAXELY TELIGRASH ito RAI.II I/I also pabiloed WICO a week daring Di the Legislature, and weekly during the re ;. aurciur the year, and furnished to eubscribers at the r ,I,,hvug :ales viz : .111::e. Subscribers per . year Seven. as ci ren TIIII LAW OF N/WWFAPIIIS subscribers order the discontinuance of their news p+-.o,rs, the publisher may continue to send them until arrearages are paid. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newsps wets (fern the office to which they are directed, they are rei;ponsible until they haw , sett ed the bUle end ordered hero discontinued glistellantons AI Work Promised in One Week 1. CP 4.• PENNSYLVANIA ETEAK DYEING EStAIHLISHINENZ 104 Market Street between 4th and sth, HARRISBURG, PA., 7 - E E every description of Ladies' and Gentleinens• Garments, Piece Goods, &a. are dell.P.Sed ace Onished in the best manner and al A ithorte.t. none,/ DODGE & CO., 1.`0,3 Proprietor, DENTISTRY. lA. GEO. 61/N E, gradith,to of the ij-domore Colic, .o at Dental Surgery, hiving perms neatly foeafed is the ally of Harrisburg and tairen the °Mae ft - chiefly oc,mpial by Dr. Gorges, on Third street, between - zlarget and Walnut, respectfully informs his friends mid the .fiblut it% general, that ho is prepared to perform nil opermiuus is tao Dental profession, either surgical or rce,maumal, iu a manner that shall not be surpaesed by o.lr:tie is this or any other city. It s mode of insertea2;:irtittedal teeth is upon the latest Im proved 813101111th; pri Li ciples. Teeth, from one to a lull set, mounted on flue Gold, ver, Plating plates or the Vulcanite Base. I take gr..at pleasure In recommending the above gen• Homan to all my former pAtieste of tiarrieburg and vi sod feel confident tam, he will perform all opera tic,: ,t 1 a coolant° mustier, from my knowledge or F. J. S. bIORGAS, D. D. S. CIDER !! ! VINEGAR, I! ! to/AD from choice a b nd: triy pure. e i l e e t ctedApples, DOOK & CO. FOB, SALE 1 ii.BUILDING air, situate in West liar rtsbarg, tronting on lir,,...dstreet 20 Mot, end run ning Da 161 teet, rnora'or lets, to a2O loot alley, ad. ouo bide tbo properly of Mr. illumonitine. For tutmout.l.rs enquire of ritE.HOICK. SUBLEliFfig.it Barguer'e .101:1e,store. M., 8.1861. my 9 LIIiE FOl - 1, SALE LRE UNDERSIGNED having embarked in foe Land fiILeINESS 14 prepared to arnisn to very best article at 81uil note:, mutat dm to west prices for cash. tie soda trio lime burnt at Columbia and also that burnt at borne, tny29-dam POP WAR REMEDIES. Ptor S Chlldren rB te lj et ° hing, ' . S tg O sp O , T LD H lN lN G ,( 6 i cTa ß ,,l lE L P ic 1-I_L.Le for headache. A fresh supply received at KEL• LGI 'a DRUG e.L'Utifil, where you can purchase all the saleable Patent Aledicines of the day. 91 Market street, two Coors cast of Fourth street, south aide OUR UNION & CONSTITUTION. Oro 0 -- Ala s 14 worn countunag me UONeTFII7I7 ON OF TEM i/Nram ntAmcs, giving the construe Lion of its Terms and Prcn - isioul, 4 , 1,A1111, , the relstionS of the - Several ntaLeß to the tJakor, Sad each other, and explaining gene rally thu 69stein of liovernmont of 'the Gauntry. rriee 1)11, soid, and orders supplied, by ~hint, at Harris burg, Pa," - reb2l Agents for Counties and 'Antes wanted, THUNDER AND LIGHTNING. rii)HE vast' abiount of property destroyed annually by Lightning - ought to be a warning to property nolders to secure their uniulluge. AU orders far !ego ining•Hods left at the auedon stoic of V. BARR ; will be attended to. 1t...A1.3. pat up in tne latest improved tyle and warranted. . je.l2.d SCHEFFER'S BOOK STORE (Near the Harrisburg Bridge.) SIGIP , JUST RECEIVED from the o ,6,ity .' a lota' fine COMMERCIAL NOTE wthen we will sell at $1.25 per ream. • Sle..Jo per ream for NOTE ntess, .decorated with the latest and vary handsome emblems aral patriotic mottos. $3.50 for 1000 WRITE ENVFLOPER, with natiOnal and patraale emblems, printed in two colors. Pease give us a call, THEO. F. SOH EFFER, je22-d Harrisburg. It L. GODBOLD, inngRAUTIOAL Tuner and Repairer o Pianos, Melodeons, &c., &C., Will receive orders in eat WM. ligooll.E'S Music Store, 92 Market street 11 order's lea at the above named place, or at the Buell ler ouzo, will meet with prompt attention. First eia,s , !- - I.,llstyt , lu^ wale FOR RENT. trill, ROOMS now occupied by the Pos j office. Posse - awn given on the Bret of July. En quire of - jel.Sdtt - 6'n.011.G.N W. RTES. .NOTIOE. ripHE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stuck- A, h o iden of the Atlantic and Onlo Telegraph Corn. piaty ler the election of Directors, and the transaction of their usual business:, will be held at the. Telegraph Mlles, of said Corn any to Harrisburg On Thursday the 18th 114 of July, 1861, 11 . H. SHILTINGFO.RD. PhilatleiLihia, June 14th, 1861.—td. Secretary. OR, REIN desirable Residence in Locust, ue.tt Irout ttreet. Three-story brick, with modern conv,deoces, us to Water, heat and light. For into mAion apply to Dr. W. W. flutheriord. Pos. seszioo ommeCiateiy. je.25-641, FOR SALE. FROM Ono to Five Hundred Dollars worth of CITY BONDS. Enquire or ' . 0. ZIMIEREAN, No. 28:30utteiecuad. streot. ma 14 REMOVAL. 91.13 E ISITBSCRIBER. has removed his Pi,usißiNia AND Da.Aas FOUNDRY from Market street to Fourth street shop Market, opposite the Bathe ehoreb. lbantiul ter past patrOuage, he hopes, by strict attention to busios, to merit a contintunce of it. unir26•3md • WM. PARN.HIL . • • REMOVAL. r lain pt; 61166CRIBER would respeotfully Ltorru the public that he has removed his Plumb. tog nod 13r.sa . ihundiog eatabltstexteat to NO. 22 - South. Ihirdstreet belowliores Hotel. 'rhankflil for past pot, rousse, ho hopes by. oEoct, attention to buiictssa to merit a couttouttuoc of it 11 pl2.dtr FOR RENT. rp . aE EUROPEAN-HOTEL AND RE- A.. STORANT in dirant'e City HAIL HOTEL. burg Ciiy, Apply to JOHN H. BIIiNT, 30.1.-nOins - v' the. premises. B _CIDER 1 1 1--Striotly pure , spark- Leg and sweet--Ins received a Silver Medal on D 1 p,oma at every State Agrxdaural Fair Mace 1856. For ale by jell-d WM. Ducti ai co. NOTICE? HARRISBURG BRIDGE COMPANY. THE Presidenfarol Directors of the Harp Midge t onapiny hwe 'this day:declared a dividend of ...IXTY GENTS per share on the eaplial stook of 50.4 Company, (aar ruaaz Pax opr,) for The law. halt year ; and have di rektel the-sante to hp_ p,14,. at this O nce', lb' the stockholders or their legll represediattvee'af tei.theilth.:iostant. ' J. 'f'.A., . . I "Xieasnre r. Aliglieurgatiikga Otflce, Jisly 1,1541, 111/ ill/ • .',. bp - , ........„.....,., , , r .., ":„..„ careasol _' . --- •1 1 . 1 r,.- , .. - -- - ',-__---. • _. , i '.: 't• • - -;---- W"6,-,.., ------- _- _ - ' - '- -- --:-_ - 1. . - - ' ': . ':' . r: --_:,.__ - ' § -,k70 : 1 1g.::..... '.I ;•• ~. • j , , . . ---r----- --- -":' - 1* , !r•;? • • --,•-------....- . 513 1 ' '-' --'. _:•-4-_-- - 4' ,; zt. , , c.,... „ . . * 4, va::::.., . - _-_-**"-- - / 1 k '- qt .,6,4,-- • L.=- - z-i - -1 .: ...,:-,E4srnEcro _., ,-,..... . -7,'";=";1 , -?•-. - --"-- - - -.---- "-- - . , . S 2 00 12 00 10.00 . . . New (Ainitrtisements. 1861. J 3D OPENING, 3D OPENING 1861. OF SUMMER DRESS . GOODS UP ETkRY DiSOMPTION. The quality of the goods for the price will be an 10411 , 30 Ment to every one to purchase. The most desirable goods of the season at a great sac rifice. MOZAMBIQUES, ORISSALIAS, : VALENCLAB, CREPE D'ESPANGS, BEREGE ANGLALS, BROCADE POPLINS, NEAPOLITANS. LAWNS and LAVELLAS aro among the tie CATHCART & BROTHER. Next door to the . Harrisburg Bank. SKELETON SKIRTS; The largest stookof the very best make to be found at CATHCART 8, i.:ekt door to the Harrisburg Rank. Parasols,, Sun Umbrellas and Umbrellas Twenty-five per cent _lower than can be purchased lsowhere in the city. CATHCART & BROTHER, No.ll, Market Square, Next to the Harrisburg Bank. wy6e E. M. GILDER, D. D. B. STATE 'STREET, OPPOSITE THE BRADY . HOUSE. A 11 operaions, Surgical and Mechanical, zuciaLutic.lly perlormecl. Charges moderate. Jes NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE. rIIELE County Commissibliers heic.by make known, that nes., WBDNESDAY JULY the 3d, 1861 04 0 o'clock A. NC., they will sell at public out:ory in Brant's City Hall, Harrisburg, among me, various arti cles not sere inumerated, one Bull, "known as ,the old ct.art House ;" stone Coal, Stoves and Pipe, "Pigeon noses" or Cases to store away papers therein, Desks, Book Cases ike„ Terms or sale are "cash?! . JOHN S. 1.11188F4t. OACOB akag. • GEORGE GAKVERICII. Commissioners. Juno 25th 1861. Patriot and Union insert.] lIILKORY, OAK AND PINE WOOD for sale, UU2 TO STOVE UR CORD LENOIR TO SUI 2 PORUELCVERS PETER BERNHISEL ALSO, LOCCSI PUT Ls AIVIO WIESTIVO RAILS COI TO. ORDAIN. ALS , •, SION.E AND SAND FUR 'BUILDINCi PthiPUSAW. ltporf.t 01 the subscriber at MS resadeine on. the Ridge Jppoene tau Goad Will Eugine douse, _Of at tile aro, ouruar . a. Of 6cluoad att Brual ffoi •r, 10K STOP - 0;4 - (liras ILARELSBURO BRIMS.) UNION ENV..E.LOPES. _ NOTE PAPER, of six different desigrie; printed in two colors, sold 1,7 the thousand and u.y Lae resin at City Cash prides: • . Also, Flags, Union Breast, tins; eagles, Union Rings and Ea:lgal at very IoW prices. Call as " • iny Dot T.' -J..: MILES . - . SURGEON. DENTIST EF.E.R6 his .gervices citiz,eus;.9 ~Harrisburg and tts He solicits .a. share o . the public patronage, and gives assurance the:, his 'beet endeavors shall be given to iendsfsatisfactiodih his pro:- ression; Being 11l old, will•tried dentist, be feels sole ul • nviung the public generally'to caq'on him, ii.u.ring Item that they will not be dissatislicd,with his servjoos, 0:11oe No.3.!ha Market street; in the house tormerly - euteed by .Jaceti,R. [lie United diates aurrisourg, ra. •= - thyS-dly NOTICE . TO TAX ?AYERS. THE undersigned Collectors of. County and State Taxes for the t - iesSist Yeer;within the eity of Harrisburg, hereby informlhe public that litre , er cent abatemitit Will be allowed on toe laws and' County Tax up, to the 17th day of July cart.,. The places of residence .ho todectord'aforefai i are ea follows : rater Boratteisel, Firat Ward; Second below Mutt) airy Nicholas Zollioger, Second Ward, Chesnut near Fourth _trees. Joseph HoffrOaa, Ihird Ward, Market between Third and Fourth streets. Daniel 6trominaer, Fourth Ward, State near Third Ll:umbers Dubba,'llll.llViritid, Tbird, above North Ma ee. BeDj. s.lmmet4 iirati, near *mid '.lLaise. ilkielefora all persona have an opportunity by calling on coLlecLors rosinctivaly. and, cave Baia filliCOUllt by prompt , palmont of add ia es: ; by order of Couidy . Commlits loners, JOHN ;;;;.; seplB-dly jy3-td EMPTY FLOUR RARRELS.i 1 IA( I LARGE NEW litclGliP kurTy FLot3 . 4 8ae..0.44 g9c4 condition for sale - U°2Bl - Jr., itai. • EMI ~NEW LOT Or LADIES' SHOPPING 85 TAAVELING BAG lout rising a numbei of new etylei GENTS' and L DIES , Money Purges and Wallet.% line ass ortine ust rerAived wad tor Bale at BEEGVEE'S CHEWIIiLIUnsLORE, dl Market Street SPECIAL ORDER; NO. 1< neap QuaLTEBB, Hartubury, May :47, 1861. Quarter Master General R. C.liale is ordered to forward the clothing, as per requisitions dated 23d May last, by Colonels Harhiunft and WDowell, of the Fourth and Fifth liegiments Pennsylvania Volunteers, in place of sending it as heretofore directed. Wile Fourth and Fifth Regiments being now in actual service and in great need of proper clothing. By order of the Commander-in-chief, JOAN A. WRIGHT, aid-de-camp. J. JONES "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN NONE " VOL. XV. JACOB. BBtibt, Oral - LOB GAB. VERIOB my2B ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. THE'undersigned being-eoolialed Ad raluistrattiee or the Fatale of tieOrge. dee'd, hereby notify all persons indebiedlo iota estate to make payments, and ;those having ettinit tO present them for settlement. WM. U. BOAC DAW.S.LT PM/DE, June 21. 1881-fwd' Adminlatrejer's.. REDUCTION IN PRIOES I IdEFINOES;PIain and Figured. OASELMER hSVPlain and Figured. ALL. WOOL Dii.LALNES, Extra Styles and Quality. - 11ROOA LONG SELt.WLB, different prices. FINE sTOCK OF BLAIiii.ET SHAWLS. wiU The prices in all the above Goods, culeitunination, be found "lower than ever," at , CiATEICABVS, • biontdoor to Uto'Harrninurg Bank. - • anM FRIG ':RIVAL Eiomorr, roNa, Saw, tharrr, liaacar,,Saasaltool4; _ _ •- • Wataa Pup, aco4 Just readved tuld for sale at the Lawlor aalt , raairia ea/tk. . :WM4.1401X MEM HARRISBURG, PA., FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JULY p, 1861 illiettllantons DR.. JOHNSON 13.4LIATTI6dECIX=L.113 LOCK HOSPITAL Hlliscoyered the most certahl, speed) 11.; and effhtual iemedy in the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. REM IN MX TO TWTLVI HOCFRO. No Blereary Or Noxious Drop • . . arA CORN WARRANTID OR NO CHARM', nv FRON ONI is Two Treys. Weakness of the Baok or Limbs, Strictures, Pains lo • the Loins; Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic W,eakness, Nervous,Dability, Decay of the PhYsio Pow ers, Dyspepsia, Languor ' Low Spirits, Confusion oi dean, Sallitation of the Heart, Tiniidity, Trembling', Deimos"' of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Stomach, Affections of the Head, Throat, Ncse or.Skln—those terrible disor ders arising from the indiscretionhr Solitary Habits of Youth—those dreadful and destructive practises which produce Constitutional debility, render marriage impos sible, and destroy both body . and mind. YOUNG MEN Young men especially who have become the victuns of solitary Vice, tliat dread Val and destructive habit whict annually awe to an u-ttirpely grave thousands of riling Men' of themost etuilttid talent and brilliant intel lect, who might otl.crwise have entranced )isteninF Senates with the thunders of elovence, or waked to ec- Way the living lyre, may call ; wi:h full confidence. MARRIAGE Married persons, or thoSe contemplating marriage, be. ing aware of physical weakness, should lmseedlately col. snit Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. ORRANIG WEAFLNES immedigkiy cured and 9rigor restored. , He who places himself under the care of Dr. J., muy religiously confiddin his honor as a gentleman, and coo, fldently rely upon his skill as a physician. airollice. No. 7 ~.South Frederick street, Balitnore, Md., on the left hand side going from. Baltimore street, 7 doors from the corner. Be particular In observing the name or number, or you will mistake - the place.: Be par ticular for Ignorant, Trifling Quacks, with false [tames, or Paltry liumbog Certificates, attracted by the repute- Don of Dr. Johnson, lurk near. All letters must contain a Postage Stamp, to use on the reply. DR. JOHNSTON Dr.:Johnson member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, gradnatefrom one of the most eminent 00111314 M of the United States, and the greatest part of whose has been spent in the Hospitals of London, ?aria, Phila delphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most as tonishing cures that, were ever known. Many troubled with ringing in the.ears and head when asleep, great laer, VOUSneila, being alaimed at 'sudden sounds, tinshfulness, •with frequentblushhig,attencled sometimes with derange went of mind were cured immediately, • • . TARE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who having injured them• selves by, private and improper indulgencies, that secret and Solitary . habit which ruins both body and mind, an• fitting - them for hither business or society. . They, are same of the sad and melancholy au 0( to .ple ducea by early habits of youth, viz : Weakness of the sack and Limbs, Pains in the geed, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, palpitation 9t the. Heart. Dys pepsia, Nervous Irritability, Derangement or the 'Agents:, FunetiOns,_Geueral_Dahlilim. iftikx.euX, tbe • fearful effects on the mind are 11l UOil tO be - dreaded 7.-7 Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, De pression .of - Spirits, Forebodings, Aversion toZiQele ty; Senlittrust; Love of Solitude, Timidity, ite., are same of tlte . evtl effects. .: Theuatindtkuf . persons of all ages, can now judge anal eauce of ;their, decline in health,. losing their vtgari '6o6CM:dug wog.; pale, nervous and 'emaciated, nave a apptitrauce , dibqut the eyes, cough, and eymp - me of consumption; -YOUNG MEN who have injured; themselves by a certain practice, to dtdked inwhen alone—a habit frequently learned from 11.,aomnanlons, or at, school, the effects of •whiCh are nightly felt; even When asleep, and if not cured, renders; ntarriag,e impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immes - liatel,y, . . Wilitt a Pity that a young man, the hopes of his coon. try; the•darfing of his,parents, should be snatched Iron. Ml prospects and enjoyments of life by the consequences ,of deviating, from the path of nature, and indulging in a certain secret habit, yu pa persons must, before content plat • • MARRIAGR, . effect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage; the prespect hourly, darkens to the view; the mina becothee AA - dewed with despair, and alled.witli the melandholy • reflection that the happiness of another be. owes blighted with our own, JoaNsosta IRVIGOrtATING REMEDY Fog oiji . By, this greet .and lisportalitremedy,- Weakness et tit !ii.gatiaare speedily : wed, and full:vigor, restored: fhoullitede of the moat nervous and debilitated wilt had lost all hope, havo been inamciliately relieved, Ali imfiedimeuts to Marriage, PhYsleal or -Mental Disqualifi cation, Nervous, Trembling,Weakness or lishaustion or the nisei. fearful Mud, speeily cured. .. ... . , The many thorutande cured atthisllaniution within the hat twelve years,sad the numerous important Surgical C•peratiOnit porformed:WDr. J.; witnessed .by the re• porters of the lapers, and many other pirathis, notices of Which have appearedagain and again before the public, beridee Me. 14,4* a s a. pepasmata 4:1 character and re sporialaity, is a audlcientguarantee to the addicted. DjsFASFSC,OF 11115.41JDENOF•7•When the mhiguiden and imprudent votary of pleasure Sudshe has, imbibed swede cd this' painful disease, it too often happens alta+ an ill•alined sense of shame or dread of discovery deters Ilim from applying to those who, from education and re. sPeetability can alone befriend him, delaying till the cot. . 'Bah/Menai syhipterne of this horrid disease make Luc , . ~ • appearance, effecting the head, throat, nose, skin, c.c.. 4W . • Onii • B SMITE'S progressing on with frightful rapidity, till death:Tuts a; period to his dreadhal sufferings by sending him to "that . • beanie from whencti so traveler returns." It is a mei. BOOT fS6 S.ELOE STORE anoholy fact that thousands tall victims to this terrible 3 CORNER SECOND AND WALNUT STS , disease, owingiothe unskilfulness of ignorant pretend. ere, Mitho,,hy the use of that deadly poison, mercury, rule • . the constitution and make the residue of life miserable. i, Harrisburg, Pa. A LW.A.YB on hand a large assortment oi l To spsuessats.—The Doctor's Diplomas hang in bit olßee. _ BOUTS, suoa, GAITERS, ac., of me very best Ad-Lett° Ts must wawa a Stamp toss on the reply . tuAnues for lathes, .gentlemen ,nandsof d childr ORK ens' we a r.- -airßemedles sent by Mail. Prices to suit the times. All ki W 31AO TO ihr.N 0.7 South frederick street, Baltimore. °BOER in the best style by superior workmen arla-dawly . REPAIRING done at short notice. p . _. . ... . . oculli-thl JOHN B. , BM/TH Harrisburg. rt 211 C) "IT A.. Xal You will please take notice that I have removerrmy place.of bilelneei from No. 187 South Fourth Street, to my. Manufactory NOS. 114 and 118 RET,TFIF STREET, Between Lombard and Soutla,.and Front and Second Sec) Philadelphia. Thankful for past &vont I solicit s continuance of your orders. As I have enlarged my manufaotory so as to enable me to have constantly on hands large assortment of well seasoned Soaps, eller the best quality and tree from nth Oil. PALM, VARIEGATED, WHITE, • . HONEY, CASTILE and all'kinde of TOILET SOAPS. • -canficaL OLIVE SOAP of pure material. SETTLED, PALE and-BROWN SOAP, English Sal. Sods and Pus 32A80/ constantly on hand. r.PEEM, ADAMANTINE an TALLOW CANDLES oI a belzes. Having adopted the cash system I am enabled to offer my goods at the-lowest 1.1 ices. Roping that you will call and examine for yourself both the goods and prices, before purchasing elsewhere. I am Very Respectfully', F. CONWAY, Philadelphia CHAS . F. RIIIIPP, _ so/.-ra .../twas STREET 7r - t9arr, , llll - I.tint.p rit•, AT THE OLD STAND, - • ttnotcnie and Retail Manufacturer of PortMonniiive.f...tkibutand . Poisec. Dre.g a g Cases, MoneyEelta, .. Reticules, . Cigar .Oases Beam - % Casa, Leather Ram WritiaE l34o l PeCket Bette, Port Fonts, Bill Books, ate. ' • ew 2tbvertistments:. LADIES' WINE, SPEER'S SAMBUOI WINE, Of Cultivated Portugal Elder. Every Family Should Use. S.PEER'S SABIBUCI- WINE. CELEBRATED for . its medical and bone tidal qualities as a genuine Stimulant, Tonic; Diu retic and :!odorifie, highly esteemed by eminent physi cians, and some of the first families in Europe and America. S PEE WS SAIIIBUIA WINE is not a mixture or manufactured article, but is pure, from cultivated Portusad Elder, recommended by Chem ists and Physicians as possessing medical properties Cu• perior to any other Mixes in use, and an excellent arti cle for all weak and dobAitated penioni, and the aged and infirm, improving the appetite, and. benecting lauies and children. A LADIES' WINE, because it will not intoxicate as other wino;, es it con tains no mixture of spirits or other liquors, and is al mired for its rich posultar flavor and nutritive properties, imparting a healthy tone to too digestive orgAis, and a blooming, slit and hesithy skin and cum olexion. ;None genuine unless the eiguatura of ALFRED aPEER, Passaic, N. J., is over the cork of o och bottle, MAKS. OAK 'ftiJAL OF THIS WINE. A. t7irthiali, rroprietor. Passaic, N. J. Office 208 tiroadwa.y, New l ork. J. H. EATON, Agent, Pnilauelphb.: For sate by D. V. GrisS, iStCo. - , U. K. Keller, John Wyeth and by dreggi.ite geaerally. jyl-daWly. SOMETHING FOR THE TIKES ! ! ! A Necessity in Every Household I JOJELIVB & CROBLLICO American Cenient Glue The Strongest Glue in the Woila FOR CEMENTING WOOD, LEATHER, GLASS, IVOitY, CHINA, MARBLE, YOR OILAIN; ALABAS'T'ER, BONE, CORAL, &c., &c. The only article of the kind ever produced wnich will withstand Water. Ex I..mAc "Avery housekeeper should has, a au; ly of Johns Crosley's amerivan Cement Gne."-- ".,t le SO GUILVeLLOUt to neve faeuse"—w. 5. EsexEsB. .qt, is always ready ; this co rem suds to 0, ery uody." "We have aged 4, and find it as uaetul our hoase es water.. 2 —Wzcsaa nedur OF TEE 1:411.1, Price 25 Cents per Bottle; Very Liberal Reductions to Wholesale Dealers. 11:11,,113 ggi - For sale by all Druggists anti btorpkeep ere generally throughout the country. 4.0.13N8 & uROSLEY, (Corner of Liberty - jyB—ctly Horse and Carnaves for Sale. THE, SUBSUltll3thi , otters at Pit“i AT.S SALE the Boas., au . CAKit/AGES, late el Doctor Ortif,il ceased.' Vile , L , .nie is 11 dark bay au out aeon years old, Oau care a . 4e 1, new add well; calcu fatal ions family, ash , ut4 a. 41 .11 t top and a small pint- Axe seat in front for cuildeca. Vile other carriage IS a luw swung root:away, rer, o•—ivittient fur aged persons, The bor.te and carriagos Jae 11j W./e4l at the reSIIICOGC ul the subscribe: an Pro ,1 rlsburg. . 61Ait1116 Oft Exeuutrix. NOTICE TO TilE PUBLIC,. V 'IBE UNDER,SIGNELD COMMISSION- Ells of Dauphin county, l parsu 01 an Act 01 tieue, al AsseinOly of Lae Co‘innouwealta. 01 .1.-'ortn sy.ivania, approved Lila 16th day in .way, I.Stil, ea fitted "an aot to a atho r ize the COJlllll,sioners of ila up hiu. eo hit ; ty to appropreme a certain sus of mosey 101 the sup port of the 1 . 110111103 of Volunteers during toe (,resent war," de nereoy tutors the public tuat they wilt Wake a 10.1111 LO Lae alatlaaL of a Min not exceeding ten tinmeand dollars, for which bonne wilt be issued for term - sot ex ceeding ten years, with coupons attached, for the payment &half yearly interest, payable at the County Treasury 6 per cent. Said uonds are to be clear or an taxation. .1. is therefore hoped teat the said amount in bonds of s sob amouuts as ihe lenders will desire, wilt Oa prospt ' ly taken by he patriAle capitalists 0. others, With out resorting to special taxation at this time. JOHN ~.. 21.1.1;,6111t, JACiJit 13.c.11.11, Ctoneussioilera. GEO. GAM GKIU ill Attest—Jossm IaLLIEIi, Clerk. iny2.9-daw AQuANTITI of Bags, Oneoks awl Ging hams far sale by We dozen and piece, uheap e4.a, at the DAUViiIiNI CouN I , Y ettln,JlN. :nya•Sm . ILIRRIBUAG )lay 8, iSel. . . ADMINISTRATOIt'S NOTICE. - rfili.E undersigned, administrator of the estate oY B.KNJASIIN JO:tihtN, .dec'ci., hereby;no. tines all persons indebted to said estate to make payment, and those, having claims to present them properly au ! ttieniicated for settlement. EU. JuttuA.N, jy 1-dlow6W Administrator. NEW COAL OFFICE. 1 - 11 HE UNDER6ItiNED having entered ill y to the COAL TRaDg in this city, would respectfully soucit the patronage of the citizens. I - will keep on hand Coal'of all sizes, from the most celebrated and "appr °Veit manes, vanaL will be delivered to any pal of tne city, free from dirt and outer impurities, Aria, Wsuis Gosmorrlan. Cw Fog osie BY 'ma Doi! Loan, Can Leen on :Ascii Yersans purchasing by.iiie Boat or Car Load will receive 2,d40 pounds - to the-Toff: • Mu No. 74 Market strectoecond door from Dewber ry alle4 Yard on the Canal, loot of North street. 01 dere lot tat either plane will recetve prompt attention. ap•Odly .10i1.Y W. HALL, agent. E'oi7tfirEt. 9 l€s . DURRHCEA AND CHOLF.RA. • A, N T./ D 0 T E ,- For the cure of these distressing maladies. Agreeatrle to the taste. Every moldier should procure a bottle of this Valuable medicine before they take up their llae of march. For side at C. A. BANNTART'S, Drug Store, m y2-dSm zrrima,m, VIT AN TED.---A! iliSl26 TO BELL PACK v AGER. of STATioNAIL 1,13,1 JEWELRY, at pzi• ces one third less than e can oe purchasd else here.— Cali on or address (amp enclosed.) .1 L. SALLE; an73-41Tond • No. 15-1 Court Street, Boston, Mas X 1.25 An excellent article fCo m • taercial Note Paperban be had for v ., :AMERS ONEaP BoOfid - . ONE WANTED.—Two or three good black ', ir amitlas and iralerll traps makers at the Harris burg Car Work& ' jy*4ot tilistttlantous. BIBLES BIBLES.! A Large itud.thoroughly complete Stack of BIBLES, COMPRISING EVERY VARIETY From the Smallest Pocket to the largest sized and Ones FAMILY BIBLES, Has Just been purchased and received Pi . ..cm the Fat Trade Sales. Baying purchased these at EXT.II.IgIIIEL* - LOW RATES, they will be sold at a very small advance. Please cal land examine the stoOk Sy BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, ' • 61 Market Street. A NEW AND FINE ASSORTMENT of. • LADIES' TRAVELLING AND SHOPP'ING BAGS At all prices, for Bale at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, 61 Market &tee • VAN INGEN & SNYDER, Designers and EnoTavers on Wood N. E. COIL FIFTH & OF - RSTNUT STS., Philadelphia. EXEOG.TE all kinds of Wood Engraving with beauty, correctness and dispatch. Original assigns furnished for Fine Book illustrations. Persons wishing cuts, by sending a Photograph or Daguerreotype, can have views of Colleges, Churches, &ore Fronts, Machines, litoves, Patents, ko., engraved as well on per sonal application.. Fancy Euvetupes, Labels, Bill Headings, Show MB, Visiting, Business and other Cards, engraved in the highest style of art, and at toe lowest prices. For specimens of flue engraving, see the Illustrated works of J. tl. Lippincott &Uri., E. H. Butler &Co, 0nt.25 lyd EDUCATIONAL ACONTROLLING ELEMENT OF NA TIONALITY is the system of education in a coun try. "In proportion as the structure of a government gives force to public opinion, that public opinion should bo enlightened."—W oshing!on's Farewell Aduress.. To this end the people in general should be educated into a correct and familiar acquaintance with the nature and principles of our government and civil institutions. "OUR GOVERNMENT: An explanatory statement of the system of Government of the Country, .kc, A MANIT. .1, FOR SCHOOLS, AOADRWEN AND POPULAR USE," Is a work which, with proper historical notices, gives the construction of the provisions of the Constitution of the United States and of those of the several States, as determined by judicial authority; or derived from stand ard writers, including some references to administrative wa and practice, so as to show the actual working of our general system of Government. It is free from specula tive opinions ' conservative its tendency, and calculated to cultivate the love of our.country. It bas been used to a considerable extent, in the EDUCATION OF YOUTH sn different ;antes, and is recommended by Jurists, Atatesmen and Presidents, and Professors of Colleges.— Priice $lOO. Sold by 11L M'KINNEY • del -Harrisburg, Pa, JOHN WALLOWER, Jll, Agt . GENERAL FORWARDING Central, Cumberland Valley and Pennsylvania Railroads Canal. HAULING AND DRAYING to and from all parts of the city to the ninefold, Railroad depota will be done 'at the very lowest rates. FAMILINS removing will be promptly attended. to. Orders 'eft at Brunt's European Hotel, or at the store of E. S. Zollinger, will receive prompt attention. Con signments of freight respectfully solicited. -'. - JOHN WALLOWER,. JR., 41., Office Reading Depot. IRISH STEAMSHIP LINE: Steam between Ireland and Ameriea NEW YORK, BOSTON AND GALWAY. HE following new and magnificent first class paddle-wheel Steamships compose the above line : . ADRIATIC, 5,8813 toss burthen.... ..... .Capt. J. Maury. (formerly of the Collins Line.) HiBERNIA, 4,400 tons burthen, Capt. N. Drowse. COLUABIA, 4 400 " " It Leitch. ANGLIA, 4:,400 . 4 " Nicholson. PACIFIC, ' 2,600 ~" I. Onith. PRINCE ALBERT, (Screw), 3 , 300 ft it I t Walker. One of the above ships will leave New York or Boston alternately every Tuesday fortnight, for Galway, carry ng the go vernment mails touching at St. Johns, N. F. The Steamers of this Sae have been constructed with the greatest Care, under tae- supervision of the govern. mont, have water-tight compartments, and are unex celled for comfort, safety and speed by any steamers afloat. They are commanded by able and experienced officers, and every exertion will be m‘de to promote the comfort of passengers. An experienced Surgeon attached to each ship. RATES OF Ensues First-class from N. Y. or BOWS to Galway or Liverpool, 8100 Secondlass, 75 First-class, to St. Johns, 35 Third-class, " " to Galway or Liverpool, or any town in Ireland, on a hallway, 30 Third-class passengers are liberally supplied with pro visions of the best quality, coolted and_ served by the servants of the Company. RRIEII27 smarm. Parties wishing to send for their friends from the old country can obtain tickets from any town on a railway, in Ireland, or from the principal cites of England and Scotland at very low rates. Passengers for New York, arriving by the Boston Steamers, will be forwarded to New York troe of charge. For passage or further information apply to WM. H. WICKHAM, At the oftles.of the Company on the wharf foot of Cana stre-t, NeW York. ap24-w6rn HOWLAND St. ASPINWALL, Agents. FREIGHT REDUPED HOWARD fk HOPE EXPRESS CO, Short and Quick Route to and from NEW. YORK GOODS ORDERED IN THE MORNING TIJRNEH THE SAME NIGHT Leave blew Yors. at 1,;(, P. fir, by Fast Through Ex press Train, arriving in Harrisburg at 3 A. M., WITROVI MANGE OF CARS. Order Goods, marked Via. SOPS EXPRESS 00 General office, 74 BoSadway, New Yolk. Branch " 412 " For ranher information mquireei , myla ' (MU G.EI3ERGNii taiars. Having procured tame- Power Presses, we are prepared to execute JOB and BOOR PROTINO of every description, cheaper that it can be done at any other es tahlishmentin the country. .104 .- .Enur Sees or less constitute ono-nalf square. 1I tt Rees or snore than four constitute _ a square. Uslt Square, on, day .• one week ono month„ ~. . . three months ..... .............. 3 60 :i.• els months 4 0 one year ..., ... ..... . ~ aOO 'Ale Sluare one day 60 I. one week._ .• .. . .............. 200 61 one month . 3 00 o three months._ _. . 6 00 it six months., ... ............. : 8 0 0 One year 10 00 AM - Business notices inserted in the Lecai column, or before Marriages and Pintas, 1 , 4 v.el CENTS PEE LINE or each insertion. N0..61. Xi - Marriages unc I.l4 , ,ttits in ba charg,l 4e regular advertisements. BY THEGIiPIi. PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS. The Senators from Seceding States Expelled. PASSAGE OF THE ARMY AND NAVY APPROPRIATION RILLS. Aggregate Appropriations One Hundred and Sixty-seven Millions. THE PRESIDENT SUSTAINED. VALLANDIGRAM REBUKED. CONTINUATION OF THURSDAYS PROCEED/NW.] SE:rATE.-11r. CLARK (N. H.) called up the resolution offered yesterday in regard to the expulsion of Senators Mason, Hunter, °Bagman, Bragg, Chestnut, Nicholson, Sebastian, Mitch- ell, Wigfall, and Hemphill, being those Sena tors who have not made their appearance, and vacated their seats at the last session Mr. BAYARD (Del.) saw no reason for anything more than declaring their seats vacant. The people of their respective States have gone out, they think, in the exercise of a right. He thought it revolutionary, but saw no reason for charging these Senators with conspiracy. Cuats.said he wanted to deny openly the right of secession, and that when he places him- self in opposition to the government it merited expulsion. He wanted the men who turned their guns against the nation to. be. rejected from the Councils of the nation The resolution then passed—yeas 32, nays 10. Messrs. Bayard, Breckinridge, Bright, John- soo, (Tennessee,) Johnson, (Missouri) Latham, Nesmith, Polk, Powell and Rice voting in the negath e The resolution approving the acts of the President was taken up. Mr. POLK resumed his remarks. Lie said in he State of Missouri no law of the United States had been obstructed, and yet the State, under no pretext of law, had been invaded by United States troops from lowa and Kansas.— He proceeded to argue that Lyon, and - in some detail to occurrences in St. Louis, which he characterized as illegal and unconstitutional, and also referred to the course of Gen. Harney. He was willing to do any thing to put a stop to this unholy war, but would do nothing to continue it, HOUSE. —Mr. Szcvmcs stated that the army bill was based on estimates of war department, and that it was the desire of the committee of ways and means to finish their business in the least possible time. They could not Wait for other committees to make their reports, as they hoped to complete their business so that the House might adjourn next Thursday. They are dis posed in these war times to give all the govern_ meat asks, trusting that before half a year shall pass away peace may be restored. The im portance of having disciplined troops was so obvious as not to require any argument. If the army should be too large, after the rebellion is suppressed it would be easy to reduce it. The bill proposes a war standard. Mr. Hiciritax said, I am for the largest num ber of men. If the rebellion in the Southern States requires twice five hundred thonsand men, I am for employing them, and the eighteen loyal 'Northern States will do the same thing. We intend that the Constitution and the Union shall be maintained ; let treason assume what shape it may, and marked by_ whatever num bers, it shall not destroy either the one or the other. I trust in God the gentleman from Kentucky does not speak the sentiments of his own section, much less those of the entire State; but whether he does or not, I say frankly it matters not to those engaged in this work of preserving the Constitution and the Union, for whatever may be their action the government will be sustained and perform its legitimate offices. Mr. VALLANDIGICA3I, (Ohio,) offered a proviso to the bill that no part of the money appropri ated should be used for the employment of forces for the purpose of subjugating any States and holding them as conquered provinces, nor for interfering with African slavery in any States. Rig object was to dismiss- from the minds of any who might misunderstand the purposes of the war that it was carried om for these objects. Mr. ITAnasmosuca's amendment was rejected. The army bill, after several minor amend ments was laid aside to be reported to the House. The bill making appropriations forthe naval service was taken up and read through without debate. ' The committee then rose, when 'these - two bills were severally passed, the House refusing to order the yeas and nays on the final vote. The House concurred in the amendments of the Senate to the bill for the payment of the militia and volunteers, and the House then adjourned. _ . LATEST FROM GEN. McCLELLAN. BOHANNON, July 11. A courier that left Gen• McOlellan's camp at nine o'clock this morning has arrived here. He states that .at three o'clock this morning Gen. McClellan divided his forces and started out in two divisions to surround thJ rebels. Two prisoners brought in report the, rebel force at 2600, but that they occupied' ti string entrenchment. LIMES OF ADVERTISING .... =1