rc. 'fiittntal Ayer's CATHARTIC PILLS. A RE Yu ti [eel, • t,za,:tiainingl are you out of order, with year system deranged. an. your toehugs uncomfortable f These sy mptome art often tun prelude to ellrIOUB illness. some lit tit sickness is creeping upon .vou, sad should be averted by a timely -.lute la the flint remedy. take Ayers Pills and cleanse out lat,atscirnertiti numors...puri.y the blood and lot. the 111110 move ue nuomitructua 11, Ith seam. - They stimn mita the lancttems 01 the body into v igoruus activity, ph. rui th e ilYstem trout eltsease. A cold settles somewhere la las Doan and °harm:taus natural Inactions. These, II nut rebeyed, [eau; UpOn themselves and we surrounti. Tag dripms,_producing gmlioat agicava Lion, suffering and ate.- wilts iu Ibis coaddion, uurressed uy the de raujements, take Ayer s ellt3, t n.l nee bow directly they .Itaturc the natural autiou ol the system, and with it the bitolith(lecling 01 bonito again. What lb true and So ailment . in this trivial and buislltlell complaint , is also trhe Mosany u. the deep-soared and dangerous 'distem pers. The same purgative ellec enielii them. Cameo by similar obstruction. and derangements of the natural functions of we bony, they are rapidly, and many L ot them surely, cured by We b 11.1013 111011.011, None who know the virtues ot these Pula, will neglect to employ them when sugaring Irmo the dl orders they, care. Istateruents tram leathug libreicianiChi some of. the . principal cities, and lrum other well known public per soma. / Erom a forwarding Merchant of St. Louis, Feb. 4, 1858. Atha : : Your kills tire parsgoa of all that is 'great'f a /210111Cilie. 'they, have c fired my little daughter or Wherous surea upon "her hum s and teat that : had proved iricuraele for year.. Lila i nlier has Whalen : gramousky arilictou with hiotdhue and pimples Od her skin anti in her hair. Alter. our child etas cared, she alao )td.r kills, and they. have cured her. sitl A FA ILL PRISM [From Or. E. W. Cartwright, New th-leana.l Your Vito are the prlithe of purges. "their excellent yinslities gurpaes any embank: we poetess. Tney are bereiiry certain ant Ott:teal in their action on the bowels, ;vision malts them invaluable to us in Lilo daily nutmeat oi disease. 1111ADA0114, 61.05 IiNADAOIIIII, IOUJ. ATONACH [leruin lk. iblward Boyd, Baltimore.] DUB SEW. AT= : I oaauot aaawer you WHAT 00M phdults 1 latve (Wan , wah your had better than to lay all 4/441.H4 goof Vag ml 4 w maryattoe audioine. i place. great U.opotileuem ou au ettuutual o.ltaarttu to nay daily cualeat auttt danuaae, sad uedeviog as J. du that your ktheittiord us We beet We nave, 1 0/ course value Warm P/ITSBUEO, Pa., May 1, 1855 . pa. J. U. Arrit.Sir 11.rve Deco reimateuly cured of he worst Maniac/4e anybody an tka.vo, Oy a 01050 or two your eius. 0, meows tu ['rime groin a tout 'nomad', whiou they ClOaas9 at 0114:4. Your mat great roped, ED. W. FEEBLE, 01.rk 01 Steamer o=l9o. • Drums DiKtarrass.—l.\ IR COMPLAINTS. !From Dr. ChtiOdUre ih New York My.] Not ouly aru your, Villa :ably - adapted to their ail 4ultperiolit, hull 1 4 11 ,1 11 Cir:OP4a,inal etioo lB f 6 ri 4 r ,,01 - i4fq :irl Vetuy ‘Lat 1. . Th alor,B oiroau4 .6r, ,t Plllo3,tituri Je L f.tlioub tlocoplatutt adi 0114 re.a;my'l . zu 'tueuitun. - 1 aiu ttately raituou that we have at length a purgative whasu wartuy the ocatthieuce -ot tuo profession. and the PitoPlet Dareirrman OP tats LISTXRIOR, • D. C., 'ltu yob. 1866. -t air '1 ithavuitraed yoaruNll6-11.1 ely gotteeal Amy Upsint,o id444Lioe wirer sliwe yo.4.4atuAu maim, and c..nnul 4e4itiatc , 1,414iLy iiloy gra gig Ws- eath..v.Ao wu employ: iider rc, &alai% itzliOu Uu 13.114 I.v-r and umautl clusie ~,RA,Susy- , [ Lily are a.l cd•uu43 , umni,u*oulus.n Lathfol, 4041,m4 kaILIJ a {MA) 414 lsdioua Dueamm w 01).4.ta at a aid um. r.atlity to diem. Vid,terittiLy y ,uor eM,tistan csta..Ma.m. thESINTSKI k•Lar4.4,a.r a Hitla.x, . . Iffrum Or. J. IaL L aireea, us Uthuag...l 'jeer elite ye MLA La Lei • LLr ...Aloe, and 1 °old uma iwesiceni a 4 ono 01 L ad Lie4t 4.dor auw f luve ever Waled Iheir enardllve nth-) u.Lon lna liVer ILaKdo en eXeelleua reLnudy, shuck ?,111.11 111 *WILL. ucaios fur , litllaue; Dyeencery Laud tkarreo34. sugar-eoLanGli LALLIC.ed anon very aznapixele meg o•Reieeletat fur We net 10. Women luck ernhlrett. thrikripiu, imetnarr ea THE BLOOD. tfroici noir. J. V. thaims, Pmmor Asimum.i.Murea, Boston. Dr'. ARK : 1 ouvo u3eu your ram with ear raiwirioury .euogegb la my family -agiu,:mous lumiel Isla uulumi to Visit harm's. rugulmo .hu tirg.xiad Ut Ulagestiva .1.111 'city ; tun Oloocl, ,t1.4,y art WO Very unet r.fuictly l 111 LT Goer known, aMi I. can c6:.s•leuuy reoominvon mem iu Yount, .1. V. %%Limit, ,:itom.ug r., Oat. 24, lobb. Duo 4,1 ...;ALlAtidlit; elha hi my at . L4 triaat au .xue.,.uut pur6.l,tve w Cleauiv toe syatam and ,arity Mi /CUMatri4 thc .11;144.114..ki,..N1. D. Coildit. 1,1 rrir IS U-11 AIWA Qiiot;NsUW.tluia. ranaLliwa, k7la , WM e. Vuotia, Moutru:o, TOO maul/ cannot tie said of your Yids for chi/ roue of 004.111n=kbea.i. V wrier - 4 01 your traterany nava tuuyd wow nett pli.l . Gotuus,:us daV4.l., Way jula tu..f pro .61,nijabIt..a,101%; td - we Luukutu,to., OaLO uuUer from that ouuklitaluy mut], ultgloaso bad euouzO,Au il dti3,iut iirtigelutor tt Otinffs Lb* are ITM3O: . ..140i1Vy Co.itTeuera W orti,mate to to.: aver, but .your eroau nu:l cure tun cadet: e. Iregua airs. /14 atuArt, euyetatu mud ,11i1rvite, 130atond / tad ono or toc. dueva at year ts.teu et the wooer u.ue, Aro wt.:el:that pre,.e.e.t vas ei the starat tiandlied Wu Al wu,LLy eawressed, atla 460 003 , Iliad A a. 01.146.Nikr. tile SLIA.i.CiI Awl YZxgL w Orate. Not Are 60 cilaca Led 0 , /6t tuilic; We hAveldleA • 00uill- IlieuLa uo madr to my patients. firms Me Ito , / . Dr. Havocus,ul the Methodist itOlta.vii Church. rrriallxi-Eimmu, csvaiusan, Oa., Jan. 6,186 e. /30110anD aLa : snuuld On uagraL.n.ul for Lae r. hal your skid bas Drought me u 1 ..Lie on reran my cave to you` ..A cold I:MAMA Le fay /IMO; ,II:l DrougaL on cXnrn .oiatms Nearaigns Wnla, enana lu Uoroma ONAUBDI. NOtWltuntaa.lol6 L Dad tau btl3t pf pliya the dLannne greW iv& en ..04 rims., emit uy too advice 01 your excelleuh agent . le .daleraore, Ur. Makeove r I tried yter rills. enact. were slow but sure. by pensioel na in the use ol mem, t aln now entirely well. gluvatn Ca dams, SA4IOEI 4011ge, La. , Dec. 6, 1865. , DR. Arse : 1 BaVE. 0000 entirely cured oy your rubs, of Rheumatic ~awful disease that had allheted Ms for yesrs. USLILNT CUD& L. swldosi. of the Pills to marzet noutein ilercurP, Willett, 11A1h011101 a voluaule [manly i s 0k inial Malan, Is IMLiAtwoui info , plannu pill, (mom Ina dreadful cousequeil eillis that • irequeudy ionosr its mOAutiOLLO Use. 'L/1000 liontaidian mercury or mineral cabal-lace whatever. -Yr:M1. 1 26 00010 per boa; or Y. boxes (or $l. rreparail by D:t. J. U. *AY I.owell, MOIL Sold by U. A. Barievsrt, C. K. Keller, D. W. Dross At Ja. k il. hi. Lutz, Reiman it tio., Armstrong , Harrisburg, and dealers everywhere, u; zi•6mduw irkAYll) IIAYNEB, 110 DiAti,ILEIT, `ELA4LRI3BUI i, ragout tor PA TENT wrou g nt and 04.116d , .1icru - Lct Burglar Proof Ar-uteif • etrietly the ONLY Slarcruu.i.. .otte mud; [hat is ouch rt Mid Btirglar ?roof. tuar29 dly N D 1 1:'SI 2ARAFFItiIs; (Uzi DA..if,d, &tail& OANDIS6, Alialtiezl OANDLES, MAL% ceN 1114Kaluat..ierdira. DANDLES, TALLAJW thiNukEs. amp an ce. Lula akifil io aScre and Jar sale ai tn. IOW IiOCK 41 it,' 00., . • • UP,olita the court tioesc4 eVERY RE:AVYscrod*: OF i3r.4O II AN -1 ) sEAJOND MOURNING DRESS' , GOCOS I OF ..NVERY , DESCRIPTION JUST OPENED. riticeiibedOitt the Gest of Importation. ~!Off.. AT - 4 cA TficA ultra Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. .gAithigii,'6 • T HE aubauriber begs leave. to inform bis, trjewiS Wad the pulaho Cuig, nalitislaiol2 ttos F .1114V4 , Iktrectli struat oppoir.s ecat..citli ce, Urciabliy diAues. wEter'S as Li prep:wag COI 3.130003 , 1 1 / 9 1• 04 - 402 -1*.te ter a 3. o,,Tittg r011uk454-.4mti fiientaihed &hollows& eulogy BOW,ite 414303 geitecctlece, te.k . ececoreca chard se&re.a il .: patiV• ege jap44lmdi B. PF:fitgai. Uth 'EuUri kintb .14 11.00 K, A.' Kiraimirti Our Government. " , Eui exposition of the 1:4481.11141-- tbe Unneu Statue, espLtinieg the nature and Oper ates at our govornanatoroaa oulloial mad authentic maw. rnos 01 00. For sale se 011.1 3 . annunat Min ' , "w• - •;1 04 0 1 , 5 1 , g 1, 4 '.' I'EtTHING- MI experienced Nome and FematePhysleim, preeonta the attention 01 mother/. h. ' SOOTHING S !Meal greatly facilitates the proeeee of teethiag, by scut ening the gutes,reduelng ail indammation—will alley ALI ea N, and spaszuotilc actlac, saw is - SURE_TO REGULATE THE BOWELB. Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest w yedreelvot AND, BELINIP AND HEALTH TO YOUR ANY ANT. , We have spat up and cold this article for over tot years, and - ciallieV, ttt CONFIDE:NON AND vans, What in nave !MDT • beet, able to say of any other medicine— :4E S= • 'HAS IT FA DI A Slit OLE 1101...AN0N I.IL . RiEFIZT A CURE, wave timely used. Never did we Know RD instance of diesatlefactlon by any one Who user. it. On the contrary, All are. delighted vita ha opera cone, and speak in terme.ot. highest commendation o. .as magical (Mote and medical virtues. We sgsak it his matter "Inlay we no anew, alter ten years' expo :twos, Ann musts oun issrusanosCron sus FOlinfainn 0) when WI sins inowas. In almost every lam= ahem the Want is suffering from pain and exhaustion, del will Da found in Moen or twenty . minutes after tht grove:administered This valuable preparstion is the presoripton 01 on 01 the most EIP.EIIIESEELD and SKILLFUL klll.lll,llS'ii Sew. England, and has been need with /UMW Zallalib eltloo34a lU AdA ,MußGßlpa.a. it not only relievers thectuld tram plain,' bat levig, orates 'the stoniach and bowels, corrects acidity; aut styes Lone and energy to the whole aystera. It will at :nest testaLitly railer& tiNITING IN ME BOWELS, AND WIND i.X.ILLO, • overcome conventions, which If nut speedily' rents: lied, end. In death. We believe it the EULTt and semen canner La ane womb, in all GATOS et DISENTENCY IN CNILDSAN, whether it &YAWS MIA metlabits or Irma any other cause. We would say et . ivory mother who haa a child delfering from any el Lht ,oregoiiti 00Alpialllt8-130 AoT IAT 1011 A reaturecas, A pl. toe TATJUD/CAO Oc OIIRYei, Atatiti between you Lou yova inddring Mind and the echo! that will Mt SOLOS/ILI SORN—to follow the ono of this medicine a timely used. iiAil chrectitms for using will among/am) rack bottle. Noilit genuine anima the tae-eimite Cliffialn iti f ENEINII,New York, is an the °amide wrapper. Sold by , eaglets o:iv/count 1110 werbi Principal • tee, No. IS Cedar St., New York. Price only 25 GOVASS Dor Bertio- Ncar E'er dale In Adarilaeure, oy W. lanais ha L 9 Market area, J. llama huts, No. '4:l3larsei mzeol, 0 1. Keller, Nu. 9f , atarhet atr=m, baniv e.tta anti w titles, /AA 'llv:tot Dyspepsia Remedy DARiUS HAM'S efoItOMATIC lii VIGORAT.ING This ..ifeatctne has been taut by the pubhe for six years, with sr/creasing /aver. it la recommended to Cure Dyspopeux, 210'0011801W, Atr lArt,Mirrt, COW Patna, Ward .n .he bteriesek, or iambs the Romea..., Bagdad% Llrotthrulerr, .ritarteli 0004 , ptC(47llB, Low Aptrd. D ItTWOW Tkrinens, interny ra re. LeriLitabte, 4188, 811 w WIJ etr. ittlOSlLtiall OF • 0 atki A 25d hill ILAN Llt In quick lice efitictu .,i, curter LUO'lltual aggraviattut GAOklySpepsik, stioriey Cututtfatula, atilt utOor e raOO out of Us latallauti tow Own atu, Ili IL tiptedy "-tattoos. it will ...Mainly (Men tau meat Lucia .Liu rruephig spans, 11110 restore We wears, nervous , ty Lu ocaith, atreuisit and vigor. for Sons wt.), front Lilo ILI)1101010Ue age of 110,..Wee, be, Deetnire attletLed, stop their iseryous systeres ehalteret, seusuttutues orisiont LLOWIL, And alikteet 10 mat lierrioL ' Jana' SO humicany, the Indatiesi 'iliassais, will, alines .inusetuattny, Led ILlft Italtity 11110 healthy tnetgotalsti,. alittatay el La. won's lawigurating W AAT W ILL DU. max.__Que /Vasa 1014 ILIS count as 00608817 torte s.Uttto oral mutt , . all dust $3lllllB. Late 888, v.IU taut heart-Lutro. Three doses win cure lutugesuon. 0114 onse WM. give you u trued Appetite. one duce win stye too Outtrosong of Dyspepsia Use does will remove tbe tliatraessog alit] iitaagree.abit eilmta Ui 1t ittu or I lAIOIOOOO, tufa aa AWL. WS We ptomain receives the L0%11818104, evarll,, the Literre , 4ll/g load WIC ell parted 'Aliquot will be removed. One ramie WILL reatuVe We /Leon tlietriessing panto 01. .!111, alWor w the 4{1.11.118011 of 00W0141. A lOW atmes will reloooo all 01113stiatlerat 111 Ula filtutoy, cflatlaktr or. Uratary tfraaua. itt.s.atat WOO are , serioasiy.afflletea• With any Kinney ~ .uiriplasine are aellOrtat bytlels relief by a awe or two, .lid a reamed cure by the use in one er two humus. NIGIIT.LY DISIPATION. Yersunts who, irons usunputilig Lou Mutat over night, 2.101 [eel Ma Will allot:4a y 1 Fatiootanto lititittra, w fleleitl Watt Aches, 8100./ledb at atuaittalS, we:airings, gnittUseea, ale KW Una 0110 twee will remove all Una teellogo. LodnBlit weak Mill wooly 0011atto11101.3, Untold nuke 1111 tavigoritthig quit three 1.111108 a ea) i IL W W rattle Wets -.stung, hoalllty luta nappy, remove all ulleirllollollo 414 urugulnrtues 11 . 001 alb alettatruat Orgafal, ULM MALT& in. DitI1)1/1 Oi heaps, stud Wooly to lila CareWOrtt Loaf. During preguanuy is will he haunt en 01181000/0 nue to remove theagreeahlu sensations et tau ..sumacli„ . All the proprietor nest is a trial, and to Induce :nit s lie' Liss put up We Invigorating W A nrit la pint bottles, at bo asnts, quarts 41.. tieuertir PB3lOl, 48 Water street, N. F. Wholesale agent, rtuladelplus, D. Y 027„ Cu. for sate to harnsourg uy U. s. Staanirart, D. W. Oren &- t:0. tau C. sod 03 all DruggletB ClreeyWbere lel4-dawly FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. ammo AND SUMMER STYLES. 1861 FAILLWELPELIA. FASECLONB. GRANVILLE BTOKEW ONE PRICE GIFT EJLOT.HINGEIVIPORIUM sapern stuck of tine French, Anglian and American MOTES, cASSIMERFA, and VEB'IINGS, For City and Country trade, with alt anapproantiablo as iurtmeut 01 YotaDY Mans Laarattat at the lomat luesb since* ma-dui ONE PRICE is asked, and a GIFT of intrinsic worth and use preeemed wt.tt mace &mole sold. kartu.niar uttautiOd paid to the Udettdiler s deputmeut, Ana garments made tumbled!. to order to any address. In harmoniums taw new system or mdmi Latattleatt ) VILLa 0:1:0E-WS would =Weal! Oil me mums 0, mu ostrues of hta analinatinioni, mat the Cost 01 We gill as deducted Owe; mut sot added 10 we linen 01 Ma atu ole sold. the autuallituty alta . eatang sates enuedog dim to act Ulna liberally, said at the same time to rants a tetedueradvia Arent. All artleina guaranteed ie give entire satiate:Mon. tißalki V i Li. P 4 STOLES ' ' • 014" E PRIC1rOLOTILING1012013,11:714 1307 CHESTNUT STRUT. eaU94Und—rcidirro•uu • 'IIIIE COMIVIISSIONERS apPoluted uudei A. cue Au• of luourpurativa id" die oni or Herrin u made e idol, or ktralb ui caul id.). items dadatt Artiee, Wadi and AllOa &M r . / ttliaaWyg 4.1111 opet,il24, auu alga itnerdevenues, terueut, inane and adept eh 41 [tetc hier bit Vetted, and clad usuguntiug wawa of wed udy i. pot or piece of gruitud, couuhultati not lee di hi tytigdP uorei, for the lee of tha public and of gat. loth tor the purktieue and totes IlleulANithi to mud tint sad having sUouutfeu their used nue report w the Hutu t ui Quidiur StildlUlld, ut de.uplun oottuty,lur the upprount Of sad Court; ttie Bind drat arid report tutvu teem Mei 4 or d er, ,ii ' B ARI csuri: lusos uStho Cu! um Ct.& of Quar , ter fiWiiiiUlliCfettlitcotnity rut' pettlioinspeudon nun un lent ennelittund r.O tuea.werioo oy !woos inuareeted ilea tidy, 1114 IMMO will be appr3ved of the August terns of odd ecoart. rip ur,Ler of,WO Court. ruyl.olwWM. MITCHELL, Clerk.' SIGN OF 'PLEB Glorious Btar Boangled ,Bauner NOTHER SUPPLY OF WALL PAPER, Buhl/nit-a% , ?Lb:NOW WINDJW e.ll the ettuelqoa et our Inew.p, end cord/144 Dyke LO•eXlialine our &owls alma reelL" tasiu,sigignummi4l4 liJueSl l / 4 /114 • arils r wear ti» ONrridhurg r . .t . L.ZsCii i r ia , ti ll k g: L At: :`• Y °AItFENThI 11,1 ND BUILDER Amami A* 27 .IVorth &mid 2red. ti. 13---J011131)20 Ea/ELIDED TO pennopluctitia frictilp dtelegrap4, puroban lftentoon, 2luly 11,, 1861, Inistellantatte. AIRES viriNsLow, For': Chlidren Tv.ethloS. THOUSANDS ON OASES No. 607 MOTO U 2 TEEM. illtbitai WI gift- 4 , 1 LIFE rum AND PHOENIX EITTION. THESE MEDICINES have uow been be- A. fore the public far a period of THIRTY YEARS, an 4 dur log that time have maintained a high character in al most every part of the Globe, for their extraordinary and immediate power of restoring perfect health to per -801113 suffering under , nearly every kind of disease to which the human frame is liable; The following are among the distressing variety of hu man diseases in which the VEGETABLE*LIFE MEDICINES Are well known to be Infallible. . . . . DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the flint and, second stomachs, and creating a How of pure healthi bile, instead et the stale and acrid kind ; FLATU-, ILENCY, Loss of Appetite, Heratburn, Headache, Matt.; lessness, ill-Tamper, Anxiety, Languor and Melancholy, which are the general symptoms of Dyspepsia, will van ish, as a natural consequence of its cure. COSTIVENESS,hy cleansing the whole length of . the intestines with a solvent process, and without vio• lenee; all violent purges leave the bowels costive within , two days. . _ FEVERS of all kinds, by restoring the blood to a . regular circulation, through' the process of respiration In' such cases, and the thorough solution of all Intestinal oh; sanction In others: The LIFE., MEDICINES have. been known to cure BHEUDIATIshi perntanently:hi 'three weeks and GOUT in half that time, by remtrring tocalinflauunation Erma the'metre:lei arid.liganiefitiiistthe Joints. Oft,OPp LEA of allAinds;bYfreeing and strengthen ing the kidneys aid bladder; they operate post delight fatly' on these impOrtant organs - and henCi3 havd ever heesli:found , a., certain; remedy :the moral, cases of .9 1.11 "Vg•re. • • . 'Alio WORMS, bs , dislodging from the turnings of the bowels the slimy_ matter to whinh, these creatures adhere. SCEltirlr,,PEPEarihread.. INVETERATE , SOFt:ing, by the,perfect purity which these LIFE Id/a1• C NES give to the blood; and all thenumors. SCORBUTIC ELCUPTioNS and BAD COMPLEX lONS, by their &Iterate effect; upon the - hinds that feed Itie skin, and: the nairinil state, ef 'which oceitaioni all eruptive complaints sallow; andotbei d 1 agree able complexion/al' - - 3 - Meuse Pr. WOW :nib foriliXOTY.ShOrtitllllll9lll effect an entire cure of If.AI2F, waKtrza, and a striking int proirentent-lii, the "Cle - arn'ese ttie kin; COMMON C0111.3-and INV*OENZA'Avill;alWays he cured by one nos% or br twe in the worst &see,' = - PLl4AS.—Taikoriglnal proprieSoCof these medicines, -. aria cured orPtles, of 33 years staudingby the use of the • Lin MgDloll433Etalane. ' ' FEVEftAND A.GIUIC.Iror- this istioiiiige of the Western country, these will be found asafe, speedy, !mit Ortain. remedy. Other;Medicines heve the system sUbjeot to a ietufn of the diseiie-4Unie by these Meditines per maaene—TRYTEEI4DE SATISFIED, AND SE'CUSED. f,F.7.EVFDIS AND. TATER OON INTA . .-4zrotam LOs - os Arriniriv and Di alumni tii"istiai.t-the Mbillelnee have litien used -with the most beneficial rosette in naketrof thls be en Evil and Scrofula, in its; wend forms, yields to the mild yet powerful action of these remarkable Medi olden. Night; Swami; Nervous Debility. Nervous Con plaints Of all' kinds, Palpltation of the Heart,' Paint rs' Wile, are speedily cared: • • • INIKRUILtaffiAL, DISBASES--Persons whose constitu ions have becoine impaired by the injudicious and of kiercnik, *ill End these Medicines a perfect mere, as they never fail to eradicate from -. the' system; all the effects of Mercury, Infinitely sooner than the most power rut Prenarldinna Prop tap:4.lmA sold ' by• W. B, Ifsal.F.loAT, -"" •:8•35 Bibedielly;Nri* York. Forgets by ill Druggists • • - .0114awly RHAV.,t'? - Holland Bitters iDICSOPCPSIA., Liver ,Complaint, Fever and Ague, &e. THE successful introduction insitiusili this:o6l4 braced Remedy has been the, sigirl fur aliteral,ilood Of lifiarupinfide called ' 4 ./iitters,',' offered...ln. various kiivria;-fram t a ipitrt - bottle' to,* i'v . is t igallasi keg. Oth. a this wont Hitters" Tot , '".gtng?" or ma - t.. . nut , tha really :great At! lei ,iteriveOl. ten the minute ' dose, Ciiiii'teiepoonful, of Otti - Beitiumrs no;Liamb attic the entire (.Ibliewiteqf fter 7 Prostra Con, has :seta* blished . Vepinaticti which the hostel hnitations and counterfeits have hulled to undermine. It le posi tively a vegetable' preparation, with barely sufficient pure spiittatio waterya it. One pize of _it" ,gettalnea inalf•Phat Bottles,) pica 'cry', Dogma.' It tail: inedlOttiti Oeleng-tried efficacy fbr Parep the Reed, eseential for ,the Jhundation. of g 2 anslstomach Two or: lircli dews will convince the Mfg:tad at , its salutary etriots. The stOrnech will speedily . yezainits strength; 'a - healthy: &akn 'a - :kb. bow e ls and kidneys will;e6tai - take pliaiiirs'and • renewed health be the quick result. "For INDIGIUSTIOM: . . 110khavers . 11 0,11...an4 Bitters. Por 31P.iiitTlitrII.N. Try Biertuite's goiland Bitters. For ACIDITY. Try' _ J .Bierhavit's Holland Bitters. por-tv-ATERsial34, 14yr Barhave's gollanilfiliters. For FLICADA.CIad, TIT BOrhave's/liellaiid 'Bitten. For LOSS CI3I!.APPETITICO Tz7 sEcerliivets Holland Bitters. A .o i C08T74 1% 7 1 / 3 13 p , ilteritave?vilolland.,Bitters. Rcet hitt S Holland, Sifters . •In all Nervonis;Lltlieilmatla•anet Neuralgic Affec tions, it , hae,in(unincrone 'lnstances proved highly' bandied, Milli othein effected a decided cure. . . • ' Iftescl. Ca,refally The tel 3llll3 4l6lgWqmOntraWl. floi, SAND Iltrraite - le put up In half-plut bottles only, and retailed at One Dollar per bottle. Thegreat'demaud fur this truly,celebrated medicine has induced =l'M' imitations, which the poblio alma guard against purchasing: &w are qtAiiii*V4 , lo &e .Clicieour name {s on the 1.r.e.1 4 p eVETSI klait yo bey. Benj Page - Jr' &Co SOLE . MANUFACTURERS, For solo to tio,eity of Rarrlk),Arg 071), IV. GROSS Ak msord-.-eepvit4ttly _. . • JEWELRY, , WATC HES, :CLOCKS, FANCY GOODS, &O. ALFRED F. ZIMEERMANA; 00; ‘TO. 52 BIARKWV , WITHET, Harrisburg, 13 ea., uptneyte Names Nom and adjoining Ow .17 MAMAS Hum, navies purchased the stock or E. ibiiiifixge, and added a large eesoftment of NEW JEW .n..IRY, we Will auLillieearati attlse lowest cask pries, find solleat patrousge. Watches, clobtra bpd 'Jewelry hestrilad prompt!) , is iadrixl. sad dahTerett. c' ' HARED P'. ZUGENRILLN & CO. Having dialoged of my aroma of Jewelry to A. F. Zim merman & Co., tehearlukto recommend them to my for. mar elastomers ail piaotioat and experienced Watch gaiter* itua soliaii for themU continuance of the patron which nas Veen segene!cinely extesidel to-me dnring the mat alz Yearn. • san2.9 • • - • "lELDIER P. mammas. 7E I 3CIE43EC sHAti,ls . HEititiNti, No. 1, • COLV.E'ISH 'No. 1 ta - AOLF.REL, No. i. • of he above we have all the Lillie:. ent, sized package; rom MITT to the atzueni. In store and. for ;sale 11 thr , nuat me.-ket roles. tool° 7 ' WM. DOCK ix. di CO. 0 W.M.V. 8 . 4 141 1 .1),.. LEM - ONS. PO, 410. !prime, pp der ‘ l4 . ohre- E canted 1014 for 11111,0,0,1 a ry. 0,, " A i „OW SPERM CANDLES I A LAMS IMAM JUST &scum 117 a WIC DOCK M. a CiOt ittebitat. CEPHALIC PILLS • CURE . SICK HEADACHE CURE NERVOUS.I-IEADACITE, CURE , ALL - KINDS • 'OF . HEADACHE. : By tlae pss of these Fills the periotic attacks of Mr.. torus or Sick Headache may be prevented- Mid if taken a. ilia cornmencemeitt et au 'attack immediate relief hop' 'Fan PLO." !Skates imtY.Pcobtamed..„ • - They - Seldom fall fn`reitiovt Lg' - .l'tituei and Ilattioc)ie to wbiej;t females, are effsubiera.',, , Shei act gently upon the bowels , reinering Costiveness.. LiterbrY Mac; htudents, [Silicate Female's, and all Tenons' of sedentary . habits, they are . valuable as a .p ersons the Artirrire;'giVing - votis AND VlOOl iiCUlo , ctigestivi"organs, andrestoringthe nattiral:elasti city_and strength to the w uole system. • •-• TISO'CVALAIC Filaeh Investi gallon and carefully conducted experiments, haying been in use in many years,_during which time tney have pre vented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from Headache, whether. originating in the niroous sys tern or from a deranged state of the stooiach. They are Whitely vegetable in their composition, and may be taken at all times' with perfect safety without enticing any change of dlei axd the abs ence of any disa prceobie tam renders it ea% to administer them to Wu:Wm BEWARE OP CODETKEZEIre: The genuine hey* ale algnatures.or Henry O. apaldlng on each box. Sold by druggists and all other dealers 'in mediclhes. A BOX:WIll be sent by mail prepaid on receipt of the PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENT& All orderi should be addressed to HENRY O. SPALDINQ, 48 Cedar Street, Mew York. -- TEM FOLLOWING Eli DOREIEMPITIS OF S P ING'S CEPHALIC PILLS • HEADACHE, THAT A SPEEDY AND SURE CURE IS WITHIN THEIR REACH. 111 then testimonials tare umateited by Mr. SPALLI iIVQ, they groat utuesestuntable proof of the effi cacy cv thin trieLy Aserulfic ditcoorry, bLasokviu.o, Cons., Fob. 5,1861 3i3t. &AIDING, Sir I have tried your Cephalic Piria, and /Me t?teet soled/ that I want you to send me two ddlars wartts more. . fart of areas are for tho ouigtiborr, to wilt= garb Cow out of the drat box 1. got fru us you. Smut the Me by m4ll, aud oblige Your ob't. Srvaut,,, JASUCe Ilevxmcaca, Feb. 6,1861 Mu. itramnera -l wish you to add me one' more.oor of your Cephallo Pills; 1' hooaracin e d a wan demi of UNlit from Mans. • Yeurgar?ua ANN OfOIIIIOIISIL &NW Caws, fiuuttrigdon a., 1. JilAgari 18, C 0.,, j L.Q. traunum, • You will please seed me two bombs of your Cephalic hims ihma numedsouoy. • raspootfully, yours Jew. B. OISIONS. P. 3.—1 hays used one but of your Ma mad Mid them' ezoolleui. Baur. Praxes, Ohto, Jan. 15, 1861. Moray C. SPAIMIG, 444.: Please and eumeeed twenty 6►e cents, for which tend me another Boa 01 year Geutialte Pike. They are rraty . Me km haft *iv Stmt. Dtreet - A. STOVER. P. M., • Belle Vernon, Wyandot Co q 0. Devauvr, gam, Deo. 11,180. , a. C. &ulnae, Esq. aor dome uiroulars or large show bat; to brit's your Owl:hallo rills more particular/7 before flay Gad /0 - mars. if you have anytbuyg of the kind, please scud to UM. One of my monomers, who is subjoin to severe Sick Headautie t (Usually butting two doe,) was Cured or to attack. In one boor by your Pills, winch 1 cent that.. • Itegketfully yours, W. $. WlLLike. . ASSSoinsesim, trankiin OD., OhiO, 1 January 9,1561. j Einar V. gPsimav, No. 414 Cedar Sc., X. Y. Dear Sir : linclomed, find twency•Ave ceni2 t (r) i'm which need box of "Cephalic plus: Band to au.r ass u. ker. 0. Filler, heyiloldaeurg, Franklin Cooley, Ohio. roar Me spark like a rearm-.errs Healictelt iaw‘ost ifttkUiger. Truly yours Alrld.o. FILLER. Yrarhaexi, kith , Jan. 214 1861. Ma. sPesome le.tr Not long since I sent to you for a box of Cephalic Pills for the aura of the Nervous Headache and Conlve news, and received the same, and thsy and roped net slytot that /teas 41d:wed to send for mere. Please send by return nail. Direct to A. N. WHEELER, Mlch. From the Xxaminer, Norfolk, Va.] Cephalic Pills accomplish the object for which they Were made, vis : Cure of headache In all its forma. [Prom the ExamLuer, Norihlk, Va.] They have been tested In more than a thousand oases,. vdtki entireauccess. . [From the Dernocuat,lt. Cloud, Enna.] If you are, or have been troubled with the headache, Send lore box, (Cephalic Pills,) so that you may have them is ease or an Mmes. • Mom the Advertiwar, Prcrvidenot, R. I.) The (tykeHo Mlle are said W be a remarkably &ea. lye remedy for the beadmhe, and one of we very beat for that very frequent conttdeita wttiob bee ever been' dizooTered. Arrow the Western R. R. Gazette, Chizago, 111. j We Inanity endorse airs Spalding, sad, his mirk/ailed. . , [Froeit4e Kanawha Vaulty Sta r, Satiawhi, Va.l We are sure that imagoes Buffering with the headache, who tritaital, Intl' stick. to dom.',' =II WA; stool birtne APALDINCPS PREPARED GLUE 11111 flave.atia Uows r iut cost dam:ally:Vs PitiiPIXED GLUES SPAIDIN6I3 fritTiPARED GUT, I SPALDING'S FR.KpARED GLUE I . .41T Tliii ABM! • 4119,150W1T 7 igie l 4 - 1 11 - 3 4 1 .*its'idsz." 4 • ' • Aklic 4 ‘ l 4* ice./ t , ' - fn itsiucti : rgisaatedfizmaie 4 10.1 very desirable jo pare suw4 cionrituilsat f/E4 for reciairing e jrarnittue, Ton, Cioc4ery r sa. . . SPALDINWs roxpAREtCLUE• . agog all such entereaCt% and no bdusetiold can atord io De /rnr,iprayriVeady - tuid . ,u,p,va tne fuck aas Vend: - • !.": • __r • ''USEFUL aouix. ,, t • N. 8,-;- , A avant" . 011.tenayainan "dtwb' Price 2k ate, ',•addren,4EN:tkril"ae.t.ouiga, . eksemieem; how York. a_43»: CAUTION 03nstgitv0011 , 9,95142.tr:e. t a.t.ksimPting Pa.lv oil CUiIitiVOUCIU6 LlLMAlloolp,V iz ti rAfal.D kiLUS, wdo.4 naditon pe r at. sb a • been purchesiag, and see 11141. klail arms, MiiMEMEM Cintivof travel & illransvortatiott NEW Alit LINE ROUTE. THREE TRAINS RUIN TO NEW lORIL - TWO TRAINS DAILY TO PHIL.ADELPHI.A. w IrIOUT CHANGE OF CABS. . k ROM. nN-AND AFTER MONDAY; JUNE 10, .luP 1864.tbe Passrager Trains will leave the Philadel idea au. ReadtrigiladroadTtepot,at Etariliburg, tz New York and Philadelphia; as follows, viz EAST WARD. EXPRESS LlNE.leavas Harrisburg at 9 303. M., on ar rival of I,..eurisylvaula Railroad Express Train from the West, arrivingin New York at 4 th in. A sleeping car ts !attat:hail to the train through from Pittsburg without chats e. .. Mail. TRAIN leaves - Harrisburg at 8 a. in.. arriving In Now York at 4p. m , , sue Philadelphia at 1.25 p. m. FAST LINE teavei Harrisburg at .1.40 p. m., on arrival of PecinsvlVania Railroad 'Rant , Mail , arriving in New York at 9.46 p. m, and Philadelphia. at 5.40 p. m. . . WESTWARD. VAISV LINE laavee New Venial 8 a: m.,and Ylilladel plamat 8 a in; arrlvingat Harrisburg at 1 p.,m. 18 tliN leaves New IfOritat 12 00 noon, and' Phil- - adepata - at S. 15 p. in., arriving at Harrisburg at B p.m. 2XPR8.3.2 LINE leaves New York at 8 p. m. , art f iring at Harrisburg at 230 a. m. , and connecting with the Psansytwaula Morena Train loreitasonrg. 6..,ateepiug -car isalao att.enel 10 tale Honuenlioneare Made at Harrisburg with trains on the Nortuein Ca Arai in Ltlerl turf MI I Valley Itailictads;and at heading-. for Phdatteiphis, Pottavil ID, :Pfl!ksabarre, Allentown, Saslow, Baggage 'check:al %armlet.' Pare between New York iald. 'LA.:FIat/It% 86 ;.04,1q4Ek aiultitou% and ilte , a• deiphia SS 26 in Na. 1 oars, and 54 TO in No. 2. For tickets er other haferniatwa ap,dy 'to . J J. OLT Dg General Agent, 'atavism:mg. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL. ROW FiVg.TRAINDAILY TO AND the passenger trains of the li'enaylvanie Batiroret Com pany will depart froz and arrive'Ait tierrieburg ano Pi:Madcap/du as follows PAK LINE loam Harrinbiiiiiiivory,manduz (Otoopt , Monday) at Llb 333.0tatilirliona aa'West:Philadoleula 1138t1Qt LESPIO 4 r TRAUi leaved. Hirrisbrxi daily at 9.20 a. in., and arrlveo. at Went 2.9oadtlyhla at 1.10 MAIL. ,V9i.IM orally '(eizait sun.. 44) at. 94.5 Lli.Ust.cland.artifesi irti WeatzPhilactuiphia .at maki close eieneetlou at PbhAdwrega with -he blew Yea. Linea. • 4:4 - .O)24moDATIoN TRAIN, No. 1, via Mount. Joy, Mayas MArristiurg.at 7.u0 a.m., gad ,o.rrivoi at, Wan 'Pidiadelpota'atlz.oo'noon. • -- - -,:fniipusliirON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Coluzia .bis, Leaven .14rrisburg m., and artvito West Phitadelptriie 6 ' ' • A.COosehiciDAT/O.N• TRAIN; ..No. Via Meant Jey, leaves, Harrisburg at ,11.16 p. n connecting at Mier villa 'wild blall.,'11141;t1; and lift - hi - ea at West Philadol. phlo. virm.s . viw A:li D. - , Jfittiisu - ou , Etekras TRAIN' at 4.040:p zrA.,:garr,talimip 41topms 7.Z1), a. and arrtves at tilitiburgai 11.00 ackon MALL TRAIN Lesvos ,E , Missetpitia" al 7.80 A. m., HArrispurcl.ol) 6.6 e p, m., sad arriv,a liVrittsiatirg at'i2.otinatught: 'Wafts l'ltilsuelplits ai 11. Mo. in, Hares burg 3.3 e p. ap., .4.11,q0ps p. ni..t,azaAsTivas liktiPaltaGlieL : A.OOO/018DAT1 . leaira .11ollakleiploam/ 2.88 p. imumna. p.A., aCliarrAburg a fLua sik tnitlVratu lowisoota . lltrrlsourg, in p. , 131 wan nation o Ceou•oi nollroad /sato tor SilaiNti, porwtodi 'Lluvou,licroadu oul'ott'poui,o 1..t0 nil. • -1.11/CCXIAMODATIOIefIijiIN . Viginsitideltinla at 4.40 P Insouaor 7.60 p. 111.01oua Joy Vetlitowii, 'MT R. M., - 'Ana Arrivow At - . ELArstseturk at •.• • .• Anounpo la 09.18 , 1 tol . As 1124, Poll ilgalfugere. Autisdisfytus OaloAlt. 1 -ficugaa, tio aacvwoliu ilgrrilDUrg at 162LUC1Aile , - 1,04116 UL .1211.0010.1114.- on : 0 : remzus; garpibtem, 7ELI6 ‘ 7, l&i/.—dtf, . seleat 'lig Bova and Ghia *** l 44C , . 4 1 Au w .44PCUS.v. 1; 1,1 , 4 yt- IWO OM' ti 'EL WEBS 'oo;i3' aca ilia List u5t....:124 VaLittLalect, ugualovirtily A * 4 '" 4 centelilLNE WELWprag gills; twined. ie. p witoikien tor limo iruit.t.pri.4 AA. Cho itrme /11010 tins ticairtileiiinuy tittia :up dunag the iaciiool4.W.P.ruAwK, .V;u?.!- 144 . 11 ‘ l + 66, 4 l4 ,:chulGrkui ja.1 . 131411it . -Grry .141 1 1-ERY-TALLES. TEM BilAti Mita: tS 10 141.. • .L.iiti'diirtii 6 ed iii 7 aottinieticed the tilikti witty - liitithedUlolP3 ad Es4AAJou?„tiNCI With iargeluhl atocK atAt4FS, CAkkVitlEd and 9,1tpu0u,3 , wulab tie wi, retimiiiiinattiabitatx A_L fr"`-BW-"1-4 fala sd± 15-11,21[1tAiSIAT flAiriNte Gou:ludeci tO.- t pAgindinue..th 0111,1110.6, our: our large alut. complete assort- Lueu4 tin... 4 a 4-crli Di, end liquora of every au et co.. 4 - Itttoc. reebrve. .11. tit Ct... Menke the 0016 &elm .BUMMER , TIME TABLE. FROM PHILADELPHIA AND AtIPTIEFt , MOlfl Y, JUNE 10th, )A3Ol, E A. ii Iit...:WiAILD. ittioctilantous. ORDERS NO. Egan wanness B. V. Coe Hamden - Ea, June 6, m I. A Department of Ordnance and a D epart. went of Transportation and Telegraph witl be established at these Head Quarters. H. = --- will have cha rge ' the Ordnance Department, and Lieup c ot John A. Wright will in like manner i eva charge of the Transportation and Telegraph Department. 111. The chief of the Ordnance Departmea will receive an d receipt for all Ordnance and Ordnance stores required for t his corps, i t will be his duty to see that all State prom ➢ placed under his charge and appertainin 4 ins Department is pi eserved in condition fit :or service. He will issue that:tame only on requi• Bilious countersigned by the Commaudiugo en , eral ; and he will perform such other dunes a , may be assigned him, in connection with the Ordnance Department. IV. To Lieut. C6l..Tolirt A. Wright, Chid of the Transportation and Telegraph Donau. ment, is committed all artangements and c ep . tracts with Railroad an i Telegraph companies He will have prepared all nezessary forma, a n d make such arrangements — y - 1h the ditterett Transportation and Telegraph companie s , will secure a regular and correct settlement of their accounts, and devise and prescribe a d regulations requisite te give efficiency to Ilia business of the Department. V. All orders for the transportation of troop will be signed by the Commanding General. Tt order of the ufticer in charge of this Departaieta together with the certificate of the officer iC command of the troops, that the service hai been performed, will be the Fiver vouctach, lot the settlement of the account, and all pin t to individuals, wtli be sighed by General &LAP< or Lieutenant-Colonel Wright. Vl. the Chief of Ordnance, Quarter ltbde General tuii Comthissary tleneral are asthma ed to mak.; requisitions for transportattm of freight over-the railroads of the State, by loic prescribed by the Chief of the Transportation and Telegraph Department. Stich requisitiuni . with certificate of service performed annen.fl, will be considered a sufficient voucher is Le settlement of =aunts. VIE. All bills or accounts or service priors ed by railroad or telegraph companies wilt b forwarded to the Chlet of the Departmeur of Transportation and Telegraph monthly, asi musthave his approval before they are paid. 13y order of - him: Gas. GEOBGE A. MCCALL, HENRY A. Scheer; (Upham 'anti AltWeAttutp. je6-dtf GENERAL ORDERS, NO. 12. EXAD QUAtaltas k _ , P. 11arriatimiy, Alley 19, 1861. Major General lieur 6 is A. is assigned to the command 01 all the military futcts of Pennsylvania, raised or .to be raised under n - provisions of an. Act of the Gleneral Assembly of the Comnionweilth' of Pennsylvania, enti tled " an Act to create a loan, stua to prank for the arming of the state." He wilt, wunout deiny , proceed organic: these force', according tt, trte prirdsiaue ut said Act; and to select conv-mirni iticitionn tot suitable encamping pounds ; am the I..suuctiva of the troops. • By order of the Oonacriandzr-ht:Ohltf, _ JOHN . A., WHN.Hir . , Aid-de-camp. S . . T. LOUIS HOTEL, OBESTIVU2 57.; ABOVE THIRD, E N the immediate ueigttborhood of dio Jobuing mums. Tture mad (teeter; etreere, tee Sautas, Peat °Mee, - AlereaaaW Naseetze 17 tun akOr;. • • • ' risrr inn Mr TO • ANICILRieArN AN3T - AM/10,eleallA PLAN. .131)ABW.Oranculy...; ,p. 93 ..:ginner ,13.0weera aed Se. vane Slagle room freak Le centsapvrerFi. „ A arAtciA.6 Moos aotordaz to Pire. r . Ado °Cy Wrristlce PirettedAeirrtael at 4. Station to a :doicatemiittoter. C.•••• 1 f."l , •ir 44-.4l4aith itroaoh, Geri - tam aadlpaaabgetec. - 'apl.SmA - ' ' STONE 'FUR SALE. AAITILDIN lT d'CON E. or dtwie suitated um tuoidiring PairPSMS - WXC iffrAteurcract to say of tirte city or 14 yummy. Apply to marts - - _ • W-M. 001 DR, It G 132,43 8M:11UL:110iIN P1t1029 WHEEL:hiI E. WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES, CM NEW_ IMPROVEMENTS .AT-REDUCED PRICES. • pliff• WHEELER 'it 'WILSON Mannig. turiug.Cootpahrfuisithp e f atued...w.h thew await jaw high infringing manitfacturont of *wing, Aav ,lo4 propose that toe public .ittotticite - beuellned [Serval, and Inv/ aticordlngly retiocect ttte of thew SOOPI libleblll44. After tub data niei, be gold at rates :cut will pay a fin prolit chi the Octant - atainfa.entre,WlO l toirePlil, and OlipOthiliet =Wig . hales ; soma loc o . eauxole them to [nate tinei °nuts casontues, heretofore, guarantee imam in averrpartamar. to ileoPnltitlee With annotouseatent above eat their splendid Sewing Ideal:does sit prlcee ire B 1 W to PO tor one line tell oaew macoaaL um a anew Oohed fact that the Wheeler - & Wilson Seivivr' Machine is the beekone in the etarhet, the heel ludte, mat raiPa and lean hauls to get oath I order; and - they are War a tow.tur the. Interior . marddries.. ..-_-0141. - And see thoz Third and Ildarket.. det-rha - • • W. 0. HICION, Aged 0. "El. '1101.1:1 MIZZ TRANNUNG ianif Of 'Tali OLD WALLOWER LIMN p r ilLis. , . OLD TRANSPORTATION USE stillin isucoessial operi thin sue lirepared vuortl wag* ms LOW as Hay otua,r. mulirdual Amp bet , o' entuideuputl y dayi3aburg. Sun biarj , , Lewisburg, vYI2, pen, Jarawy Shora, wog. klavea, aad all . pwu Yd Noryzerai Cella".4l, Palladolptua anct likes, and WiU pun and /IMAM itadtriatas. • . - • • • • • 4011 4glat St Haresburi, IL A. ALUMS - • • No. ° ..0 4 X6iS MAR/1144 ItAnicallaA ll ) eau, 61U eleiliut tensel y aUeve 11,41:116, Dye Wawa, uW .eth i rrlvtllivilarti.tbiu'g, Id&dj 44w golivorh _ . . 1417'47: BAR.A,EL,s,,Two Bulldog . saw Flour, dugir sag Wise B+oBl3 .PIS . . WAli - LOWEWS LINT, . , . DAALT .wax.riyoi .11AREISBURG mid' lIIIADELPI JIA ' - AL Brirk, Aged," M a r kel - grolif .":per fo Y Levvi9i k CO• pedal Conductor charge of kitrain. (toads delivirant Wereutrae, kali ^ vins, ni 4s( oste..3s.. .101ifirda wire next nenning. vvituovvga, JA,",_se s , 4 g , , - : . . t_T a a A1:4 . -: — .16... Tiar 0. r. ee - ii n v t a ctF o o y d , Extra 84 : 0 1 : " - .w Dochr •• . • FIRST °LABS GIIOOEII I E 6I , A:it:kir:B . : Ait v l ' o,Toitiati) iroL a ori Otrii;•*attopso 0 1 0 . ""144-41444. i m iliaaprag.igumulota 0 :4 Oerror *luau omorso• anytiking sal4 IP 7. w) aty grOCollita. WO tospeaulay oarduslit .stu. to ma and exassiMos Oar SeXic 401 NICOL t.pl WIL POCK 4.02 e= CI P.