Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, July 11, 1861, Image 1
.1 1 1 H 1.4 IS PUBLISHED EVBRY DAY, BvGEORG- P: jdjiRGNER. T --81;:tax e !LUIZ TwruivAril is ser , ed onbscribers to . .. IV :or gli . per • i ' . 1.,11 Swu•%V Lz“.auLeit. ,; aka pselisivia .5:1;30 Legislature, and weealy cluriu*: the re. oar, and furialsitect to subscribers at tht .4ubucrlbers per pent Titi'LlW OF DIRTSPAPIR)3 uw;cribers order the discontinuance of their negsg um publisher may continue to send them until ettrugge ;Ise paid, li z euzcrib,re neglect or MIMI to take their newsp.- :rer, ;row the other to which they are directed, they a r 'ipovol tintti ! ^ybhv gett ed. the MIA hem doutputinu.i- itliscellantous Ail Work Promised in One Week 2. CO 43L PENN SYLVIIN/alk STEAM. DYEING ESTABLISRA 'ENT, IU4 411aricet Street between, 4th an 6th, Alifilo-81:1P.C1, °A., ,k)(i LIERE every deeeriptieu of Ladies' uull Ideutletracaw VanuvutS, heue Gouda, Sr.., art,w4od aza ill:LI3:18d Llle W. 41. minuet iLtul ai Waft !Attgib, s GU., • DENTISTRY. • - n. tie/NE,', graduate of the j„../ Ott) ,a 01 Deutal Survey, paving perma ttutuy imatedid , :ity of riarriaburi, a.,4 StIiSOLI the 0111.:e turworly , 1 louindLi uy Dr. barges, ou Tatra street, awaeit Market 4al s!'dlout, reapautaffly ictrorms FA, IrLaufs r.ud diamtulto td guttural, that Ue is prepared to parturto oder td ,u m tau Dautal prutedAua, eitlaer is.rgyal or ins.; tutw.,l, to a mautier" that a3al I out b, Pa t .Py SU teSS or Oily Ostler city. LL‘a arudo a; illi:2rUtt.; Ltelladial 'Weill Is °pair 1110 l/taat provai,‘;,uutula ,Jr:u0.14110. Teel ItVlll uuetoo tuff get, mounted as Ana Gold, ,tl - Holum pLuet Or the Vuteauita Baia. tare gnat pleaiureln reeotnmeading the above geo- Cetuao to all my lunanr p Ltiaut.t ut darrisuur6 and vb tut coal% tent coat he viktrp.rlortp alt Opera. Quad ,a a acteatiau caviller, from ray'lca,.wledga or nla 41.1,1 lity. J. d. titlikik3,lB, D. D. S. CIDER !!.1 VINEUAIL 111 I\l4l . D u E o l , r ,, u , L.EL , t i h b o y ic u e , t a o n u Elle i l: t c y, ted ,o Ajpiee, ~Z.ll LIOOd at CO. Fult SALE! A BUILDINU Lti'l, situate iu West Liar rtuarg, troatiag un Lk. ea Al Wet, and /ILL, .L. 6 Oa P. /ELL Lona, U115)1 . 4 Alt tO a Y.O loo[ ailey, ad. joi-gagda [ha „ruperfy 01 ar kliata nitiva. For part:oat tr., L:aq.lird of kr Bsrga I'4 1:40,OLO, o. o. 8 IRsI m 9 .L1.31E b'Ult bALE utAiSIGNIiII havitig embarked L Lu t le 1.1.41; 1,1 petioi , t4 arutiti La iti.teL nut ti A /.1. AL LIIA I / +fen 117 idCS. Lot muira LuAt , tiuuJ aurat..ti. V»amo lit Aud 4.9 lu,t.c. , n nOule. .L'U U A Li El .vIEDIES. kit ft 80oTilINCi- SYRUP teuattag, ttrt.t S.VaLIANli'z ;hi, to! LAcdtlatAle. A !Mob &Apply 11111.;z1VUd nt 1i1 ., -• Le.reJ 0/41.l i wtturo you caw iparuhase nil the Batteibto rtsteat cougto.taeS 01 the day. 81 Maricot street., two roora east of Fourth dtreau, mouth side OUR. UNION. 11,, OONSTITUTI.ON O f IJ It UU VEIi,NiIIF.NT," by M. Dl' KIN -1.-Z 'Jure. 0,/,a6.1.1:1.446 Sn. U.Ri.itITIMION tkita..lrKU 31AritS, givtag trio wastru,:tl , ),a Ul tai tar alb 01 trie. 0.3 vutai ..diAtai Cu Cue liut , la CI:161W ut.Wr, ant otithiiat ag gent. t4ily we ..lysteak Ul duvurinllunt Ot tElo 4.% nitiCry. reLOU .1. W. 5..44, uu.4 orlste Cuiq.thet, ey Ulm, et 13.arri.5- burg, P.. feba Agettie tor, 4.;rtunttes =ld :states wanted. "I:HUNDEK AND LIGILTNING. r+HE vast amount of property destroyed aundully by I..l;htuing uaght to bd a warniug to pi oderty uuttLr.t to Noun) their ottialia4e. Ail orders tar Hod, left at th aue.ion store or W. BAHR, will Ut peteatleu to. Itk.d4 put up 10 Lae knot improved tylu au." wurr.uled. ieil d I:CllBlfil'Bit'S BOOK STOKNI .1 (Near ths Harrisburg Bridge.) XI2SJUST RBOEIVBD from the • Ala a lotoi flat CO3l tll. l ltClal. PUIE oawiltdellat3l.a3perream. 41'4.04 per re km tor 1 , 40 TV: rde6rt, tlet urtted with Lb, artrat - ith6l. very Ukaneacime - eixtb.eatir aail patriotic motto.. 63.50 for 1000 WHITE ENVFLOPES, with national and patriotic eumiem., priutett is two *mom. rkea...o Dive 11.1sU. F. kCHEFFER, kYS d Harrisburg. H. L. GO'DBOLD 2 DRACTRUL Tuner and Repairer of Runes, itcludeonit; ecc., Atc., will receive orders in Mule store, £l4 Margot awe el 11 uraern lett at the :tatted named place, or at the Buell ler oeeo, Vial WOOL with procaut attention. First CILIP I.' kble. leordB -dly FUR RENT. TAFililßo(slSahow occupied by the Post otne.w, :Posaesatualsiv_en on do tlrA, ut July. Quire ut . jultiatt. • . 0 Ti ?VELE ANNUAL A.II.IJLTING of the Stock j. of the atlantic and unto Telegraph Corn. P uy Jot oleattatt QL Oresnors, ano 111.1 r usua'i u.O!AQ.3, WUI be talk' at the 'inlet mph allot vY .aid U.m any in 113rrniburg on Tnursda.y the 18th dAy.ot J atilLaNtavall. rhil weipt/ , .4 inn 1414 •186L.-td tqt.i.retary, . . desirable kiesideuee ii /.6uun4, - iinar r.rwitttrett. Tbrett:etury tt:r.e. to water, heat eau light. Par 07 pi yto Lir. W. W. ituttle.t.rd. Pos• Be.- itri IY4J ..theCe.atitAy. je264trt. FOR SALE, 11 4 1 ii.0.M. 000 to; .rive'hundred nounrs ikowkol. . . 6.4,*11/6 Zoquirn O. Lt.4.11/itilLiN, "' Nn. 2K Intim 6.11;,,, I 'lrma, - REMOVAL. • rpii%lb'e .1; ER has removed his P. 11.1.11:imidarkai act 0 .4 003 it •• t4d 114`46 piAtruuti,m, .hd h+pg; t by atilt{ blieW iu 01 .11100.30, to Went "ti1Y1P31.1111.1.,./.Ct: Or it. VOL PAREERLL . - 9 He, :AlbSt would respectfully lutbrat tan pubkio Wut au but ronLreed taw rhumb' ilia and oundaug wit.tb , iduoidut to No, 22 boo tb Itortl mtrettt. below liorr's Huta. Ktudildok for pat pot, tourve, utr bupeo by OkiCt mitt/Woo w uodia.,,, t o Dyri, cu,a,ti,uoLod 01 it. apl2.dti J. JONSB. FOR TENT'. THE EUROPEAN EU FEL AND RE. iu):truths chy.l:l4.ll,BAUding, Harrla Lurg Ct,y, Fa. ' ApillS , to JUSK IV BRANT, Juil-Gbwo un the .. • ' " fi ItAt; CI 011:1i I I 1-4.^:triotly pare, spark- N- 1 "4 Qt and sweet — has received a Sit ver Medal to Di. iLY V... a Y or,ry sw oul e A.cteral Nair aia ce 108. for L ' IYI 1-d WAL 114)011. eC Co.' noTrcE: BAfiII:EIVLE,G BRIDGE . COMPANY. r'l`B E President ravi Directors of the Har t 21 of a., ^ " i idev . o tup , [s, h To the day . de . ..: area 1. d y de.) t.l ...tlc.i r LtiLt ‘• L - r.e, there (e t the eu, t tumuli et t,it c oavicii4'osar S'se a Pie eIiNTO for the liie: / 3411 5 e 'r ; hod ha.Vo Cil'e. tel the Kama to he p .id, at ibis Or log to tlju et,,,Llllid.r4 ur Iheir regal rep..esen et yes of 11.. r ate ..11..t LOOLOLI, 7. WALLaCIo. /Istrlsburs 33r:110 Oaks, :par 1, Ivo/. Treasurer. 4/. • ,_ • , ' ; ,:' . . ' ' .'..' * • - -:-'- .------:' ..,,,A*; A V I liWkal --e ____.„, ieII I I th 1 .-. --- . 1 ---- 7.f ---- ---„ -----, z, , ,,„. \,...-. ••-- ~.. 7: . .I: e . , .F f_ . -..... . .. :..c...: - -- - --1\;•`::, :l : .... • t ' V j i! •:!:_- A witset _ r 0 .,,_.... d ..,..- 0 :..... , :• .,, , v :12 i.. -s-- --. % -._ ..-- •• ' 4 . . II 2 v o 12 00 15.00 VOL. XV. 1861. 30 • OPENING,' 3D OPENING 1861. SUMMER - - DRESS GOODS ON STERN 14801111110.111 The quailsy or the goods ibr the pa eeyvtil be an Induce• molt to every one to polonaise. , The meet deetruble goods of Oteia4didat at a great eat. ridge. KOZAMBIQUES,. G.B.l66AeLle,i, • ' VAIANCLAS; ' °REP& D ESPANGS, BEREGE-ANGLAIS, BROCADE POPLINS, NEAPOLI FANS. LAwNs . and fLAVELLLE ea swag CATHOLAT es BROTHEL • Seat door to the Ilarrhiburg Bank. . . SKELETON S K IRTS; • The largest stook.: the very bo..t. snake to be. found at, CATUCART 8, door to the Etarrtabarg Bank] , • Parasols,Sun Umbrellas and Umbrellas Tvrenty.tlve par cent „lower ihan can be . phrohaied teewhere lee the city. . CAT . IOAKT & BROTHER. N 0.14, Market Square, owes ' "NP , CI !nibs Harrisburg Bank, S. M. Gr:ILDE.EL D. D $ STATE AS' 'I'REE 1 7 , OPl'oBl.il2 THE 13KADY HODS 11 opera ions, burgioal ancUbleohartioal, ziLeuit.calo,lly perm! mutt tiiirgos meliorate. jet! NOTICE OF . Plfllllo SALE ril:EtE CouutiCommissiouerolaiireliy make kuowa, ttLo. J pia theB4lBSl O'cluCk A. M. Shag will salt iit etii.'ery drauVe thty. ct ar.stoarg,- atnoSit sue - variuils :grit- clew nut uuJ e outuaermed, nue ben, 'known us the Sid oar tiou3e tisU ;" 'CUD; Stoves out& ripe, “i'lgebu au us" ur %Ann. to Alarof LLYVtIy pp Ora ti/n9.11,D".1110, tt94 V 4 46,3 aP. Tams Or hale ula' ? . 'cissit.! . . 1 2,.. S. BILFBSER. .Bs.J.Lit. I..+AINVERICEL . June 26'h 1881 Leauut4a,stere.i Pateidt“oio tA.tun Insers.J - ' El ApiU •1;LZI WOW) for (xi Tv az!ivs uli (*go LiviyagAltni .11712. .ebitt,itAszits. zucusi .Pusis 0.E18.511NU.7 RAILS OUT TO ()Raab% .b.A.,..11. 1 .8.011 ifUILiDItTG ;'; • * logos, of the SUbSCriUur aks the Ridge ,pcial to Liao AitkrA )VLII LurJ, cvriter 01 Socoad add dia.“l atroata, WaiL Aar - PETER BERNEDSEL SCHEFFE,firS BOOK' 'STOOL (NEAR T4is usiteassuao salpac) 7 - UNION ENITZLOPEB.: t\TU 'l' PAPER of, ditletent - dosigni3 "milted Itrverotol4.igolit - : 14 tho• ianu roam m Gay k.laatt. • ta - eata. rta3,lilaglea r Itelea rail isu.agea .tr very Low yrtces. Cali. at. . . my ti SULLEN'i , )3901.1910Rg.. i;• DR, T. J. ..MILES SURUEON D4`NTIST EFER6 Om services to the: ottt4eno. o Harrisburg nat! MI. Tuallah ,a 94.04.4 n.a4r9' o- . 0... punkin patronage, au,* laved a6aarituOe taw his Debt yudeuvurx shun no.givatr wrender azinaradtlea teagion. 'Flews an unt, well tried' detailit, reelareara aviting tbo r publin generally ta - eastiritig nom {up," Weir WI/liaoV Ni 11,13.446 11011,1906, WM.? No i 2 AlartCO : E.treet„ tn. Lae no; ,apiett by Jaw° R. Net iithr the United state* Uarrtaoura, . . ... NUI.I.UE TU'VAX PAILILtd.' • TEE puclepaigued Collegtors of Voun.ty and BMW Tose.. for the , remai6 pre!, within the it.Li Ot Ileitis b ark,' hem bi 'itkiciiui 'the iholiii ths i at , et grctoutab A t e m - n r, will tie - eilowett °Witte IsULE 4 ). add Coh.ty Tax up ‘u the 17th day of Judy'best." the placiii at reetdeace of .he ~o lectors awcital , are:de fodowo s, . ruter te,tuie.e4l, vrai.4 3 .titaJoact 4iosir 211.a.berty trees. . . . . . . imholas E4oonti Waid, Fouritt Joseph Borrroan 1.444 Word, ideirket. - rodweed .Thi;d 'DikLuel 6tiodi4l*, Fourth *aid; l.ll.ratters Dubbs; Ftbh Waxd, Third above North street. I,..mot,risco Wass, bear, 'oetuas Alms: - • per.uni darn su: .oppercuidg by calliag on collectors res, 'ind'essti sst4 '4ls.rount by,mpt pet) =cut et is .by brad, bi" Cotwiy.Cuguditibbbersi.'_:fl 44111-Y-t4- /41.148 rat • tet, dY t 1 tiklZagUN Emier y FLU ILK .11AILItELS: 10 0 .N h.1.i.411T 'MUTT in gooal . cundition lossale . UeLBI 1, di. NEW LOT. OF LADIES' 6aureaiiiii , YlLLlNG -BAG _ cuutyrwiug 44 taumucr ut flow afy MAO oilAt L Iktuuny rut sa, wit ruCetvott tuut.tor wAlu . : - Bitacmoltas'*.atkAP- 43[101110as, , • - r off -et. . „. atm) Liuwarstais P. AL Ran-abuiy, 41,ay 27, .1,861. Quarter Master tatiertil or4orefl to forvvard Ua cto4tiing, os ,per •requieition~r dutec,23‘l,4ll, by, t4guttickbActmautik., 4 •44l Duivuli, 01 cLie.gouttlx mut/ let tail V, plooktp.i 5, ill placo, .rending it me, tierrtuture tlikeut.ett. Too. kourth sod r' ttn itegiuitaita. lwiug ausv 1u,001.1.14./kozvio: Az.Lo. to B,ititt caned uf .gruper-oloihtog. , -- diy oidor of the -• • • , . • -Aid-do-dump. ADDltgierit2klroA'S_ uude,sigue4l-. being uppotuteil, Stratilied:a Lho fatale of lattiOrge Ltre r .irnpary all • pirs4um ladobled to bald it.tae tualcu p 1,9, wyuisi aua thin Lavin; Olutuw . t9; lirikeat :nuuilor - W. 11.13 BUJIL, I) si WALT ,e4mIJF, • 'June 27: 18131-Iwd AdwituaantrWil. REDUCTION' IN •PRICES' Mr; ttiNU Pl.ll.Cau4 - • : 040 4 , 11t8i:8 Philo 2 `': • , ALL IYUUL DoLAIN.IdS, ExtrilizitYlaleadWalit9 - • .16HOCA LONU Itl.a.W.Lid4l4aetex4lllo64,':. FL:O6 41.k.K.5. UN itl.oNead goti.a.W.Lai t Tdu prtooo iu ull the ei t i 0t ; e4 2 4 11 4, 11 . 14 ? . likoid “.u.h'orAiir.a ottoi;" ai: - ' -#t • 0a24. Novt door tothe.liurrosoarg. 1.1 , 1:61;{ • kzoltairy ; , nowarr &taxa Coss aria aan, Banat, klasaow rat Ruse, Waota Yuan, kw., Au. hat zaaerted stud fax sale at the Lowaat caw: num. ea/0 Whi. DOPE JR la 00. "IN - REPENDENT IN ALL THINGS--NEUTRAL IN NONE." New 2bratio.mei4 tat ., • ,5g,4c;44',.94pggi...-.34V1.• gARRISBURG, THURSDAYTAFTERNOOW"JULY 1 11, 1861 Viscetiantous .1)11 ...::FJOHNSO) .313,..e5h,...11ParimilVICCXELX3 .-f • LOCK HOSPI'IAL, TrikElliliecovered ihernoat certain, sped J., and effeetual_remedy In the world for DISEASES OF ThiPRUDENOE RN= LIT FOX TO TIVIELVT gOVie. Nu Meru Wry' or - Nolious Drugs scirA CORE WARRANT/CD, OR NO CELsRG; px PROM WIN 70 Two I:kers-40k Weakness of the Back or Idmbs, Stricture*, YaIII4 ic thel,ohn, Affections of thelfinneye and Bladder, Org.inii Weakness, Nervous Decay of the Physic., Pow ers, Dyspepsia, languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Pallitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings ' Dimness of Sight er Giddiness, Disease of the Stomach, Affections of the Head, Throat, Ntse or Skin—those terrible disOr• des arising from the.indiscretion or Solitary Habits oi Youth--thom dreadfutaid-dostructige-pracuses which produce conatitutionai debility, reader marriage impos sible, and destroy both body and mind.. YOUNG MEN. Young men especially who have become the victuni of eolltary inch, thatcLre—fioi and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thoueandsi young menet the meet exalted talent and brilliant Intel lect;' Who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waited to ee tasy the living lyre, may Cali wilt full confidence. MARRIAGE Married persons, or those contemplating marriage, be lug aware of physical. weakneati, should liamediataly con sult Dr. J., restored to perfect XiCaltll. ORqd,NIC- WWDTIM Immidiatelsecured 4:nd , ragored.- Be. who places himself under the carnet, Di% J., Muy rentiOnaly confide in his honor as-k geiittemzui, anti eon, fiden!ly_rety upon his skill as a physician. war Office No/ South F , ederica !street, Daltimote, ltd., on the left hand side going leouk Baltimore p4re..L. doors trove the he par tioulur ,o4seiiing dle iamo oe'nuniber, or you' will mistake the place. tie.litr. ticular for ignorant, Talian§ Quacki r with raise names, or l'hftry But/0v tkrayingssoattracted by the repute. tloti of Dr. Johnson, lurk. MAW.. . All letters mast contain a PasteyeStamp , tohan oil the DB. I.lo.l3NfirON :: Dv. 'Johnson weather of the RayakCoileget rit Burgeons, London gri114,11419 frOAk one og tun nr.l.4.eselneut,Onnebs of the Cattail states, end the greatest pert Qt ; Whams lie fins been Spent in the iioBpltaill of trokiaon,'pariii; - PEtLe.- delphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the , inset aa. tonlehing onion thet were. ever barium.. . Many. troaefe , i with, risigingya,tbe eare.altd Read when:asleep, greet ark. "vousuSsa; benig.alarmatt ati euddoh sound s, eastifuluess, with frequent oluithingoittended sometimes with itersaga meat errand mere cured immediately, • 'd , l TARE PARTICULAR NOTICS... • Dr. J. • addressiat all' those who having injured then% solves by private and inirroper indulgoncles, that sootut and solitarypait which rotas bout bony and soma, d l i. fitting tilim for ittger.ti,an4oso or society,. . ' ; The, are some 04 sad' and moNactiay ; duorattiV early habits of youth, viz : WO:tit:less-of the .11/yak and lAutbs, eituas, - in. the lload, Donuess..oi Welt, Losiot Muscular Power, PaiglCAtion of the. Heart, lly6 oepsia, Nervous Irrit4biliw,:.periAngisment thitihgeettfo Functions; Syniptotaitot Consuntp. • • . .VVM;I,.; .$llO fearful.etfecte on the mind are Oiuth: to _tie eirealed 1 1—Lees of : Memory,: Couthston 'et : Nett„, "pieitioic ef Fetebodhige Avirelon.temecto.. ty,-Belf:diritiustitove of Solitedo, Thzti r iiity,Ste.; eta name :of the evil cahoot. : . . jtioulumda of persona ofe.ll ages; Min. 4ott gdge. *lii Jig the oMmo, of theix.deMineii. health, basil/pawl!' vlgot, bikommg - liio.k; pale ? , aerrous"aad' - outacated, have' a Angular appearaaca abotitriheyea, cough, and symp• ••• ma oloonsumpllom . • ; . . who have Injured theateelvee by a certain ,practioe, In dolyediii wnan atone—a habit frequently learned Irani avilaompanlone,or,at school, the effects of widen aro nightly felt; even' when asleep, andif not cured; rendeit Marriage impassible, and , deetroys bolts niinMand boa*, shouid - MiPiY, What a pity that a yeungMan t the hopes 01 his eciun fry, the darling of • hts.parents; should` be swanned Iron, all prospects and enjoyirients 01 life by the consequences of deviating from tite patb.of nature, and indulging inl a certain secret habit, , sit persons must, before content plating - mABBIAGE, MINA that a sound. ' , tend and body are thiftiMet imessitly requieitee to Wartime - connubial happinOss. Indeed without these, the iciurney.through life becomes a: eary pilgrimage; the prospect lagurly darkens' to the view; thE. mind becomeestutdowed Witaaespair; andillled with the melancholy rellettion liappineas of another be. comes blighted with our own, • ••• • DB, JOHNSON'S INVIDUSALNG •IthIMEDY 10p, By :thie.grtiat and .important.remedy, Wealthist' of the „firganeare speedily cured, and full, igor mitered,. . Ptrmands of the inest nervous and debilitated wee hadlret all hope; have beeli. immediately relieved. Ail iMpedfitierits to Marriage, PhysiCal or Mental Asquith. cation, Nervousar.embling, Weakness Orlighatietion cr . ribs meat fearful kind, speedily cured. • • . TO; STita]iiGEßß -The many thousands cured at this 'initiation within:tit last twelve years, and the numerous important SlifEleit• operations. performed by . Dr: •J., witnessed' the 're' 'porters of person papers; and-many other perso, echoes of whioh have appeared again mid again 'before the'publei, be tides hi' standing as a genalm44 of c/H3 / 4ci er /thiVIINJ.STRATUIV6 .NOIIUE sponsitritity, is a autithient guarantee to the anitoted. DISEASES .OF LdrauDENGE.—Wtwa the misguided r h" gtoleraigned, adtiiinistrait6t:Ot the and thi4iiideut vairy pleatuiretinthi'htilitil imbibed ' ate or JO 1. uyud., oorooy nu the seeds ol this painful diseases g, too often happens auk tia,u perauns situ estate la matte payment,en n 1411144 inane ofehtime or' dread of distiovery deters aving . ula~ms to preemie ; th em . pruka/y him from oddest:ion and Te • .U 442 , 1 6 ;140 , 1 i b r j„,,,,,,,ALr p allentaPtlitY can Mone.hitirtetui him, delaying (id the. coo • t jy• 1.-glower( - ; • :.•"1•• ; Admmi.Msom.; stitittional symptoms et . this horrid chemise antse their " iippearenpe; atrecting the head, threat, ntise skid, . JOSS' programing on frith frightful rapidity', tdl -puts • , • period to tuardreadfuleuileruigs by • sainting nuialo atu4t• - BOOT '64 SHOE STORE . attune from etheuce • • setraveler .returns.” it is ame • .titcholi tact that th ousands tall terrnnt disease, owing t 4 tab luiskiailineu of - igLiordw, pretend- 0011140 . SiX , OND 'AND. ' era, who, by the use Of ;bat :drAidly poison mercury, (UM - the aoneUttnion and Innate the residue el Me miserable. ' t•- • - - laaftwollribt „ . To SviuMains.:—The Docter'S Diplomas hang in his LWa.YS A 'Land 'a.tittge itiiiiortLuelat o ffi ce . . r • • . . . • . .al; very. 641 ,tiri,* . teramnst ordain Stamp to un on the reply- , fur tamed, gentlemen; and' . ohilitrvus' vreAr. Mehalnadies . beht by Mali. . Yriens to suit Ins tlitad.iah nniae,armuitlit: A*ol 'Co itiirN"o 7 4 loillh . lfroheribi sires Baltimore. . OB.D.Ed dm tient style by, ihsperior , eget:kitten sprifketaiwit • - REPAIELNG'nune at snort twine:. 'maid-cut-L . :1; ' joitA - 13. SlBlTECHerrisbur • mc) NT az," You will please take notice that I have. rem0.v0i1., 12 47 plane 9 1. 0-9,4afiss'iOpk.k4o.'/St.fiouticlparth,.dtract, to my Manufactory - • NOS. 114 and 11811ELIEF STREW; Bataan Lombard and Soak, aad rroni crud JOPouf; 4U9 Philad iets • tor'pasttisdrs I sollcii a - aontiiidanos or Your, onlers. - lativi'-ssilsigiad'a4 manufactory so:as tse enable sae 'havaaossasotly on bands large assortment of web sealfgaq4SlNWP, Mt but . quallt7 aud tea from nth VU. PALM - • - fiRiEdiTED . . • HONEY. OASTII.E, and kind* of TOI LET-50,05. . • • CREMICAL , OLIVE SOAP 'of pure material. • SRT'ItIID, PALTuAInd BROWN lliFi•intglish soda:and Pjr4P, STARCJI const,antly op hand PERM, 4DcalsiNg.lNEan TALLOW CaNDLBS" of a I Having adopted the cash system I am enabled to 'offer ' my goons at the lowest, ztleoa Hoping that you will teal and examine for yourselt ttotla dab, goods and Pricer, lislorapurincting"olseXcliesi.. • ' "lain Very Respectfully, F. CON Way, kmiiiidelphia WA R r 4 111 EPPI • '-.:-. ~. • - ' • , f!''_ .L ' ''0.,.,...-• ' •-• . , - jazz 417,441 '''''';' .. --4 1 : . MlNlffiffill w i 1 'l'' ' '-ll''- '''.l. t idli “ . .l l t 2 TlA 'ilPli V gr t i— ; 2 "... ' Siaiie `1 M A . Otrirer oN' ainwale gt 4d- --"44 1,-... dna Wes,. Port licuweE, Ca has awl Pgavit, ,i , ..7.... „T_,.. Toney twits, itttioulet Cigar y_t",72_, Banker's Qum, Legthits Aga, LlT i r gs 7: 4. rocket Soak% roll nil's. eil&lrly Nifto -2tDrertizeinente. LAIiIES'' WINE. bPEER_'S SAbII3UU , I NINE, Of Oultiv.sied , ,:kortAgal Elder. Every Family Should Use. 3.P E EnSA-4.113 U Olt `W=I N CELEBhATED for its medical and belie :444 qUa:bLe da a us bt r..ko bud tr.oaur.tiu, highty e.tlenvia by eln.nell; I b Chilli, and Bomb ciriiib iu Europe minx MEMi.tM=M is not a ratadurd*EnniettY*cturol nrucle, but Is pure, tram cultivated r ord.t i al naLr, reco.uuttoad d Ist, and ritysicittua utryossdinag ruddLatl. y. Mee au. ierfor to auy other wlii.* as use, ant. an anced,LlL an ti- u.e:YunalltWaak.aud Oebintated peraotto r and the ugoU and Wins, Cutpt'olluiptha typetite, and ueueutiat ladies ai . . „ . I ‘ . A idiatiigi WINE, neettnt''s it w 1 not iiitnxietie,ka,o.har Nlaua , as it oun tai inixtdre Of t-pirita ur ofee'i liquors, and is 'a i• reu fu. its riot, eiouttaitAirur wad iautraive prGportles, imparting a Leif:hi inne'tolne digoAtve °vises, and it ph:genius, suit alto:heal fhy 444 auu.como-emon. Nuiin gcaoliaa aideas the aiguaiuro 01 behSit, Pit/safe, J., is over the curk of etth oottle, KAKI, °AB TnIAL Li? THIS WINE.. • • •7: ....d.. S''A'Aki/. Mat We j, aithe - tOB droadway, NeW ma. 7 LIACATu.N; Agent - , e1...1.18...mphi./_ For .oalelqy If.. Grose,: Co.,:tJ. ettlier, John Vi'yeth and b draggl3l..-geaaredly. . jyl- newly. 40.K1T.141NG FOR TK TIIIIES II ! A .tsleoefitsity in'Effa*llbuishold I I (MINIS 'tgi CROEI.IIIEI'I' 'S' Ainerican Cement Glue The Strenge,st Glue in the World FOR . oEsiENTExia Wpo),LSATIIEI4, IVOtiir; C.I.LAIN, AL/1.846114U, BONA . cOltsx • eic • &a. The ohlyatticae•of the kind ever produced' ' - withstand water. hapeietper ly ur Johns brosliel aate.rfutta.Lll2.4:44. •-•• 'XIS SO 42C.Tiieli. Wit ' /4:iftl Y. ..alo 14 allraY a ready ; C 0.13133911113 ori e. ary body.' . N. Y. : ' "We ht se ried t, and lrnlr . tt us 13 *nit ... h0....1 %lade," YV thsul niuut in , ins I:.atti:, Pride •25 Cerits liar - Bottle. • Very . Liberal Reductions to. Wholesttle h ealers. `l.eutal. or For sale byall Preggigre:a:uti btorekeep ere generally,tlaroughout rue JouiisAt uhotairic, _ • (corner • !.- 78 Mur.a.a.m. STREET, . NEw .,..; iy.4;4 1 / . - -. • . Holt° and Car=Fes for _Sale , 517.138UR18 'otters at PRI g - AT A.: HALO. the flo ttl -tatialioas; fate. el „lioutor Ortn, , d,oeastid..' rot. "bay ad out seycnynars old. ,Oao Li.nimandlir'en calou latif top and &small port .: biasettf in from' for•caltd - rj...' ;:he otacir carriage is a /ow Sivusg.rookaaray; for - aged parsons. lila bores and eatTlaSes -.J.:a at the .r•Osiaeuen ci die stibscrinar;ou Kr(l r,OO. ,Lfai ristnqz. Jet.kl - • rot .useoutrix. • NOTICE TU :T.LIE [IN i.4o.iapit.:l), Qualtis6loN [PRA of Dauptuneuhuty; hiparealooo - Aot'ol t.. tie : nor/4 11.3..vd0ki• or viiv11,446.*;,,i4i, korin eylvania, approved 'ea acted . an Aet toltuthorme . 4 the Othriati timtiMilt . ee Lai ty to,,appi:opratte aC9r4 1 41/ 4144 oil Ulaildy tor the iup- , port 'et the of . ,ilotartieers tt ariu4 toe. praaihn war," de hereey ' they will ~mace a loan.i9 the amount of ierereeediuk tea ltiooaaao ciu '*. J.0..-Aondukt Laud.' rO. :,-term out -es.- comes ten years, with coupoon utmettekt, ler the paymete of hate yearly lateresi, riaiyabie Ai tO Coauty freasury ' a. 0 per tout. said eines ate 10 US clear o all tolialoll. is therefore hoped coat Oi s ueu amounts as "phit '0 4 (1,1.c: tleatrJ, wth oe pr rota pt ly taken.. by. the pitrfAiii elpfithet,ii 0i ethers, with out re.airtiog to speeloe La.141.,LL 4i Inc. thee. • JAuud Kki com.,.:!.lmonp r 4. tiAkV Attest—Josst% Laura. ruyir9-dew ,: AQUANTITY, of Bags, Chocks aOd (3 r ing llama for sale by the dezeu aed piece, sheep to at the LIA.UPIALS Wu V tY eitiSUb. tay ti-gym 6 . + P ... NEW 0 'Al; Okkb-i-- . . . _.., -'' I.JAA.g ' '-' 'HE uNDEtts .. D having. entered in• i. - .._.... .atut,...cpAL - tuzg - ,. - iiAllis pa", would Fosiientftiii) ,vittiitili, ptiirbilipAg'ittiicititzii,lo: rWai4sep on;hand Coat of ou afasidotaiWee 'twit iieiiiirited.ii4 qp,i .vid 41 „ iest yfuloty..alf.O.o.. 44..r0r00. to 411 14.tri.ot‘ 'de r . :,iti . . .iiia iiiii, ori,aiia (liner ialp_tirliiti...: Tint Witivai , j 'i ni f ix :IL ' *id .11.411. iii IBIS BOAT LoAre, oks toup ow ~101,71 : 24,14: _ - rern-aOrpnitnining try the r ,,Bna. or cr Load will roceive 2,81-41 pounds to Ina Ton: - - - ' - OUii. No. 14 Market, 5tr,044,...,.. w i d00r , 41 , 0112 , / y eiwbei - iy•Etilev ,„Yazd. 04 t._. 4 tr oicitu4loo9 l, ol:.ttcobistrbet. in 'cues leu Cat ifthei,pl...-yinrirOolvn prompt annution. i . a-mily - - :.' , f4-01.t‘r tt' till i ' -.. . . DIABRH Ai -WU) CHOLERA- 'l3 • ForAlle uare of LbosiAtatre3einimaladice, Agreeable to Ike sti3te. , ; , , Every...soldier should proAare i g betpem., ch 4 gal aabie methelae before' tberiaWiii Ulan. et.march. , Fur esla at; • :4 A iawriirati>4 =lSrugmere, y 1L,,e.:, ViT NI3I:OBELL PAC - VV . Atka; Or - siktpx..s ,uct JEWSLAY, prl. ceeoffii'llitrifficaqiirt-caa oe I,urctused eLiewhero..i -grsdftr!ffll46:4l4 efic/V894:11 16 couct.-skrear,,,,..o..?• . , e l er 1 s.uoisastp: :t::: r • tro r•J .a AL dig Ltigigti'S ONE &? HiUti3 • WCE. WANT.hI).—Two or three gvod black brniaLl uIId say.ral wagoa makera ai atio Harr*. Mug gar welki, 19i6d01 Ettegrapt. TO ADVERTISERS. The circulation of the WILK TEd2l.l' RAPE IS LRAM HUES liA.Lifait than any Other dell) published or circulated in this city, and rt .therotoro presents greeter inducements for the patronage of advertisers than is offered to them through any other reedria. let those Who-want buYeni, try advertising in tittAtql. Ramp/in Adana/q.t.—The other day an acci dent occurred on the Northern Central Bailroad, resulting in_ a painful injury to Mr. Thomas Platte; fireman of an engine. About one mile this side of Gladfelter's btation, the engine No. 1, which was drawing a heavy train, - ran off the track. Mr. Platte, who was standing at the time between the engine and tender, had his right foot naught between the bumpers . and dreadfully crushed. His injuries were dressed as well as circumstances would allow. A. sin gular fatality teems to have attended the family of which this young man is a member. His father lost his life from the result of an - Injury received while on duty on the railroad; one of his biothers, several years since, lied his foot crushed; and another brother had his right arm cut off by the cars ; so that this is the fourth caseal'ty of this kind that has befallen the Mona Aarittratv.--Yesterday a battery of brass cannon, attached to the ninth regiment New York volunteers, passed Bridgeport en route for Martinsburg, Virginia, to co-operate with Lien. Pattersou's division. This company is commanded by Captain Bunting and has lout brass rifled cannon, two GIC whitm they brought with them, the others being left 'behind, be cause they had not a sufficient number ot horses. the guns are attended by citisAms, battery wa gons,- pertablei forges, - army wagons and `ambu lances. They are calculated to throw twelve pound shot or shells, and will doubtless prove of great efficiency in the coming struggle. IMPORTANT FROM BALTIMORE PF.OOI.,LICATI4.OI OF O.EN. BARKS APPOINTMENT Off MA/Mtn 02 Removal of the IVlilitary from.the City. [From the American of this morning.) TO TUE PEOPLE OF BALTIMORE. EIDADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF ANNAPOLIS, iiJ 'lO, 18til. By virtue of authority treated in me as Com manding Officer of this Department, I. have ap pointed, aud do hereby appoint George 11,. Dodge, Esq., of Baltimore, marshal of vice Colonel John IL Keniy, who, being re lieved at his own request, now assumes com mand of the First regiment of Maryland Volun teers on the Upper l'ocomac, in ttie State of Maryland. I have made this appointment at the sug gestion and upon the advice of very many in fluential and honorable citizens of Baltimore, representing its different sections, parties and interests; and iu user that:; public opinion shall natio prompt influence, and the civil authority due weight in all municipal affairs, it is my de sire and expectation that the Marshal will re wive suggestion, advise and direction from them dud other loyal citizens, as well as from all the departments of the government of the city, and in all rzspects 'tO acnninister every department of the police law in full freedom tor the peace wad prosperity a -the city, and the honor and kaatpetuity of the UMt.ed states. N. P. BANKS, Maj. Gen. Com. the Depafttnent of Auruiptuis. . aEADQUARTEBADZPII/THIXI 011 ANNAPOLIS, FOBS MOLLENNY, July lu, leel. Special Ordeis Nu. 1. . 1. 'The regiments . now stationed near the 4zeutie.vt the city of Baltimore will break up taws., camps at 8• o'clock. U. to day, and re sume the positions heieiofore occupied by them in'the suburban portions of the city, viz The Nineteenth regiineut Peuusyliania vol unteers, Col. Lyle, near Port lliclieury. the Bighteentl; regiment Pennsylvania vol unteers, Col. Lewis, Pecteral BBL The Twenty-second regiment Pennsylvania voltmteers, Morehead, /donut Clare, 3ta . tiOTI. The Twentieth regiment New York volun teers, Col..rratt, , Fattvison The '/'hirteentb. regiment - New -York volun teers Col Smith, go west Baltimore street • Iha Eighth regiment Massachusetts volun teers, Col. ilinks r on-Lialtimore street. The,hattery, of lightlistillerycZassachusetts volunteers, Major_Cuok,:aolpit Clare Station. II: - When" re-eiabliihed qualters, commanding officers the men qt . their -respective-counnands-AO-visit the city, without permission obta*edc for that purpolie rain the canon:lauding °ulcers of the company and regiment to 'which they are attached,— When such permission is granted, it will be for good cause, and those who receive it will be required to.leave War arms in camp, , to avoid eon t r oi, T rsy, or collision with.. citizens, stud .tu, carefully observe and obey the /aws and ordi nances 01 the city:. • , No 'soldier who violates• the rule shouldhe fierititted td erijoj the pr.vilegtsa'seetiud time. Any soldier who violates: the:ordinances estali lished for the goverement . of the city will be punished by tile - tribunals, according to the laws or. the-State,- - The -03insnalidink tien unit _enjoins upon all oltiodre , a:dclition. to .tes military instruction. of , the uticere and men required, thim—espet isi pc tendon paregapli'df" the Artny-Re gulations • • - crtitriuTitidtilibuittfte-eneottrage - useful Mipiktions, t andisninty&xnriinsii did 41-nriirstionL iimuug their men, and depress dissipation wad immorality." by order of - blame Clessaat Boehm. WILLIAMS, Amdatani Adjutant QiimeraL Aittam tiuiiu ffitu. Having procured Steam Power Presaes, we are prepared to execute JOB and BOOK PRINTING of every description, cheaper that it ear be done at any other es. tabßehmeutin the country, ,-Four lines or lees constitute one-hall ki t h like , or more than tour constitute a square Sqnare, one do? • one vreek one month... three months. Ma months .me Spare one tay l• sue week, 00 Li one month * ' • . 00 three m0uth5........600 41 " limibm • ........ . .... ...8 oe • one year. ...... ...„ " 10 00 ilat•lhiitness 1 100cm/inserted in the- Lees! &llama, or -before-Marriages and Deaths, FIVE CENTErI_`EBcIINI or each insertion. No. 60. Aar Marriagee and Deaths to he charet , o as regular advertisements, BY TELEGRAPH. XEMIth CongieSS —Extra Sesgiou. [OOiiTIBITIATION OF *ON E OAT'S 140CKILDIS011] WAS/Li/NOUN July 10,:1861. Siwe:rm.—Mt. Gams (leivu) introi - 4404a but to' proiuote the eltdeu.y of the array and levy. Beier/tut to the belect corutuittee. • Mr. Wits , * (M e ad.,} lioaf the Military.cona mitteer reported back: the bid fur the better or ganization of the military establishment of the United States with anienunieuts. Laid - o - ver. Mr. iist.z (N. 11.) t.tdretl resvlutionViai the Senate proceed to elect a chaplain Sur the prell emit session of Congress. Agreed to. On the ballot da votes were cast, of which the Rev. Dr. Sunderland had 63, and wig de clared elected. , Mr. Chum, (N. li.) offered a resolution de claring that whereas, a conspiracy hits been formed in several kitates against the Govern.- went of the United •tiaates, and that the - people in several States (meaning the 'Seceded= btates) have attempted to withdraw them from We Union,. and certain Senators knowing it, had not advised the Government of its Progress therefore, be it - - • - . .I(eaelvedi That senators Mason, Hunter, Glingmau, •Inagg, Nichotuon, beLatetiaa, StiL elicit, and otitis from tacee 6tateti, be:expelled from:. the:Senate. Laid over. The joint re4oltitiuu, -I, to approve td oar */ p..,td, of tliv wad .up. rotz, wiblica llic 1/iii.GLUf laid over, wake a law reuatilid. . (Ste..) said it could not' bs ex pected that busthead be- dcalit -id- the usual way, awl put off tugive time I.rspeethes. it was au ex.travidulary time, aud absulutdy necessary that Lailueou must 'be done -After further duameawn Mr. Volk nieved postponement. MAIL Lu wurruw. •NuCligiLmod to. .L.r. KING (Z. Y.) offered lALL amendment gust in six munilis aLer L.o ro - ebtallliblitlivltL.Lot ,LLIO authority of the United. Outwit, the VI -.rink , be reduced again to the-t-oting Of she 'Ater, of J uly , - • .lia.rnan (Cal.) sall that as a, ruembes of the Military CeniuntLee, he wiatied to explain Wet he had utit'agrural to all the provisions of the but. lie saw no reason for au increase of the regu lar army, or tur the subpeusam of the :sot of habeas corpus, though he was willing lb eislonie ma other acid of the Prevalent. tdr: lists moved to add the wordNaiy, ao a 8 to reutice Lust in the same miumer. iie - add it was quite evident from the mane[ in which the people mined. to the call of the gov ernment • that the-strength of Cre OUULLerir was in the volunteer militia. lie also wanted to u.snr_armuld he departments, and wanted to save ch@ t reas .. um of the government as well from IleMg sriA.. n by the rebels as tileued by-false friends: 4- * Mr. lientdy (hid.) wished to enter it - .protest against the suspension of the writ ,of tudoese corpus by the tresident. lie thought, it en tirely without warrant of law, - and' was 'apt pre pared to vote fur the resolution in all its FROM MINN MOWN. ACTIVE WAR PREPARATIONS. Geo.. Butler is to-day on the ltip Raps,. ex perimenting with Sawyer's, James's and liotok kis's shells, upon the battery at Sewall's Point. Some experiments with the last, yesterday, were pronounced remarkable by Lisut. Baylor, Who has charge of the Ordnance Depot, friths ab sence of Captain Dyer. The purpose of."the three varieties, is with a view of at once adopt ing the most effective. A large company went to the Rip Raps with General Butler, and the scene from the ramparts of the Fortress is very 1. auimated. Eeveral shots are said to bare been dred this morning from the new Confederste battery, opposite the Rip Raps, but noting tiertidte is known concerning the position• of their:in trenchments. Our troop are hard st work rt i enteeAktig , themselves outside of Hampton Bridge, aorose Hampton Creek. The works will_ be ocimplafed in a few days. The telegraph wire is also oreieb ed nearly all the way to Newport News.. ESCAPE OF TBE BEBEL BOHOONEIL „ The steamer Chester, whickwas Sent down the bay, yesterday, to capture Capt . . Thennaa's schooner, returns(' at naiditiglit, havMs• failed to make the capture, thougk they - got - on her track. - • The schooner had stopped at 111Ilstonegild ing; on the Patuxent, and had atioilt"t*rty men on hoard, all well armed. The . Pediirel gun-boat Ben Wood was put on her trek, qpd ehe will-very likely be captured soon. , DIRS. LANGF.ELLOW FAIALLY BURNED _ " • - . Bostobi t z,BAy /O. . Tho.Yrife. .Pr°Nook , longfelhiw e ef Casa bridge., wat Ata4y_burnaci dad .la - calm fit= her clothektakihaltre theactot malt' lug tealibff wax, Professor Longfellow WI:4W wee badly - burned *tale erideairbriag to *voila BALTIMORE POLICE M RSILITe. 8ALT13403,11,.,Ai1y The appointment of , lllr. Dodpote Bu r g e " of Pollee, seeMs to give greatAiatialaotion to the Union men; while thine of opp*te_vjewi have very I.ttle to tiayagainet 14.121„, . . —DfASSACE I 2BI= VOLUNTirfiEW" • Allkker, The Seventh- - Oottek4fll leave to-morrow .Tur- 4.134 v - seat of war. The Twelfth Regiment =; ohatt /ese OR: CLUMMAN,aND: KETET; at411011112511L Ex-Senator Clingmaa, of North Carolina, and au-Cougressinan iiritt, of South Carolina, tas with the rebel army at rairtax. fraT EF OF ADVERTISING ..... ..300 .4 0 00 FORTEISS MONISCIN, VIA ISAVELKOWS, ,JLll_y 10.. . : s wa„ July ,10 ItitillY Wasszronser, July IA , `0: