THETELEGRAPH LS YEIBLISHED EVERY DAY, gay GEORGE BERGNER. TEhare..-amasa t:rwoo;*ftait . 9A .Y WRAP' INITed . linuecribers In s tilt t:or , qgb at / {'l CQDtS initeorlbers will 11.3 chargea M.FOO. WIYEIN AN Moo. D - ii t leant brimoura • • - - - ci rzi wßaPir /if idea pol.l4l3n Ou twits.' 'week during .thi.l.4lilatviiilikria-wipiiifirurfig the re .. n,air,oor the poi.; fort,fthedlarieffisorttket 'itt Ain :31¢3, VW; Nal tit;:gxo Sutniortbirslint:year..;.. ... ... 00 Devon. - `, ... ... 12.0 0 fen .. ` 4 : ' 1500 rsa 01 ; 11111111,1111 M. ' _ stibteribera Order the dlinteninuanee of their news imPers, the Petinilitee Meir , lend theta wen all itrrearages are . it subscribers Derider or retaliate take their Wisp ;:erc from the oilleeld'eritioh they are 'direeted, they are rci , pnsible untiliheptiay, sett: ed the bills and ordered nem discontintied) ' 00C: _ Wiwilantana. DENTISTRY. GEO. W. STiNE, graduate of the I_,/aitimore Coils ge of Dental Surgery, haying perms neatly losatedla the city of 'Harrisburg and talcum the office formerly occupied. by Dr. Gorgas, on Third street between Market and Walnut, respectfully informs hi; friends end the public in general, that ha is prepared to perform all operstioas in too Dental-profession, either surgical or mecoanical,.in a manner, ,that shall not be %unarmed by operators fa ibis or any other city." Hui mode of inserting artidoial teeth is upon the latest im proved scientific principles. - Teeth, from one to a lull set, mounted on fine Gold, 811 ver, Halloo plates or the Vulcanite Base. • I take great pleasure lu recommending the above gen tleman to all my former patients. of Harrisburg and vi ztnity, and feel confident tam be will perform all opera- Corm in a selentiLla manner, from my knowledge of 1111 ability. troy&citil F. J. 805FORGA13, D. D. S. CIDER !!! VINEGAR!!! • ATADE from choice And selected Apples, rl and guaranteed by us to beatrictly pure, -- efai-: DUCA CO. FOR SALE I A BITILDIXG- LOT, situate in West Har -4-3,. riebag, fronting on BroAdstreet 2IY feet, and run ning emit 101 feet, more or lent, to a2O foot alley, ad. Joi-ung on one side the property of Mr. Blamenstine. For partieulare enquire of FREDERICK SCHAFFER.n Bergaer'e Atm:Mote. 8.1861;nlY2 LIME FOR SALE. • TILE UNDERSIGNED having embarked In the latE Busuitpas W prepared . tarnish to very oast article at short not 00, and at the to wan prloes for casb. tie sell/ cue Bias barn' at Columbia and Mao that burnt at home. . • - - - my29.d3m PETER BERNIIIEBL. POPULARREDI.EDIE . S. , l . ARS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP for children teething, and SPALDING'S .Cll PH ALIO ILIA tor laendache.. A fresh , supply received at KEL LER'd DRUG STURI . :I 3 wbere you Olici purchase all the rateable Patent Modicums of the day. - - i'• . - 91 Market street; . two doors east of T. ourth street, 'south stde. . „ , OUR UNION - Is CONSTITUTION. 46 / rAuR VERNMEI4I',". by Di. Wicts- N./ err, fe a WOra COLWillain the away= Oil 07. xae UNiTtiD ZVITI/S, Wing Macon/Unction of lie Teran and 1-Tonga's, anotraug this:relatliona or. the Sc Vend dates to the Caton and each Moir, and er.plaini nd dons• laity the_dystom of Coverairtent or the Country. . erica 41 00.. bold, and ordure -supplied, by Anr, - at. Hitirla. berg, Pc. • " tebsd agents for omettst ass Slates wanted. : : THUNDER AND LIEMTNING. pHE vast amount of property_ destroyed aoouaLly by aglatting ought to toe a warning to property polders w aecure their bultangs. Lu orders far Ltguirbug Rods lift at the strOtion Worst or W. BARS, wilt attended to. Soda pat up to the titbit, intprort tyke awl Warranted. 3a12-ci ISQ, HE FFER'S BOOK STORE I (Near th. ilarrtsemistridos) 1.25 . JUST RECEIVED from the Mat a lotus line 00311tEECIAL NOTE YilkkULL we will sell at $1.26 per ream. s;&b., per ream , for .NOTE PAPA'S, decorated with the latest and very haw:Lime emblems and patriotic mottos. 43.50 for 1000 WHITE ENVFLOPES, With natloaai and patriotic emblems, printed iu two colors. tlease give W. a call. THEO. Y. MUM; jc22.4 Harrisburg. EE. L. G 0 D-B 0 l A D . , DRAOTICAL - TOner rind Rep airer of Puma, Dielodeolus, &c., recve orders in at WM. lilitit.7llll'.i Altaic blare, 92 Market street 11 orders left at the above named pleat, or at tip Boob ler cruse, will meet with prompt attention. Finn class rIAM):: Ilur sale. FOR RENT. rill:1E ROOMS now occupied by the Poet oacc Poseeision given on We drat of July. En quire of jelßdtt GUM MI W. PORTER. NOTICE. . . ritHE .ANNUAL MEETING of the Stook _L holders of tho Atlantic and Ohio Telegraph Dem. p. uy for the election of Directors, and the lransactkra of their usual business, will be hold at the Telegraph Office of mild Cona r any in Harrisburg on Thursday - the 111di day of July, 1501. .11 H. SELLLLIIieFOILD. - /thikaelphia, Juue 14th, 1861.—td. Bearetary. FOR REIN.--A desirable Residence in T Locust, near Frontltreet. Three-story brick, with modern oonveutences, as to water, heat and-light. Nor into mAtion apply to Dr. W. W. Itutherrord. Pee seMon oven Immediately. Je26-Bt4. FOR BALE. ViROM. Ono to Five Hundred Dollars worth of CITY BONDS. Enquire of 0. 0. ZafifilliVAN, .cuarl4 No. 28 Southiocond REMOVAL. MBE SUBSCRIBER has removed his PLuxisme AND BRASS FOUNDRY from Market duvet to Fount' street above laaricet,opposito the" Bettie church. Ttuulltini for poet patronage, be hopes t by strict !Lamm to business , to merit a continuance of it. nis:"2B-3md WM. PAHHSIL REIKOVAL. /Fin 6UBSCRIBER would respectfully j., Worm the pnblio that he ba3 removed his Plumb ing and Brae Founding establishment to No. 22 Sou th 'rbird street below Herr's Hotel. Thankful for past - pat ronage, Ile hopes by strlot attention to buMnees to 'merit .4 continuance or It.- apl2-dtr JONs9.' FOR RENT. rpHE EUROPEAN HOTEL AND RE STAURANT in Brant's thy Hall.Bullding,.Harris burg Cl,y, Pa. Apply to JOHN H. BRANT, jell-sam* On the premise& `‘RAII CIDER 111—Strictly pure, spark- Lug and sweet—has received a Silver Medal or Di• pierce yt tyry State Agricultural. Falr elnee:lll66. For ale by Jell.d WM. DOCK. & CO. • NOTICE! BA.RRISBDRG BRIDGE COMPANY. iBE President and Directors of the Har ri- burg Pride, °taping Imp th,le day ok r a a tot dead of AX CENTS *Webers on the capita Melt or ISLia Company. (laT Tama ran can') fer Sea' ; and haTe directed the same to be -p44, Lee, to the etochholder3 Or their heFeLrepreeenteitese ter the //tit instant. Tretiersr. EartsburilOW . 441, Nal • - t -A , L rA t flt _ _ e xa lts / \lq - 1 11 No ri VOL. XV. Nan 2thuertistmente. 1861. 1861. SUMMER DRESS GOODS Or EMT DiBoll.lrlloll The quality of the goods for the pries will be as teduze• meet to every one to purchase. - The moat deeirable goods:of. the season. at a great SW. ddce. hIOZABIBICTES, GEISSALL&S, VALENCIAS, CREPE D'ESPANOe, REREGE ANGLAIS, BIIOO.APE POPLINS. NEAPOLITANS. LAWNS tuid LAVELLAE are among the Ila r CATHCART & HBOTHBB. Next doer to the Harrisburg Bank, SKELETON BEIRTSI at The largest stoakpf the very best make to be found ' - CAINCART 8, Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. PanoL% Sun Umbrellas and Umbrellas Twenty-flue per cent _lower thaa-cail be purchased Isewhere in the city. • . . . ONTHOLIIT & BROTHER. - N 0.14, Haricot Square, %ayes Next to the Harriehure Rtnk. 1111 w... — " I I I ST ' B. M. G/LiDEAL, D. D. B. ST4.7E STREET , OPPOSITE THE BRADY HOUSE. All operations, Surgical and Mechanical, scientifically Performed. Charges moderate. . jeS NOTLCE OF PUBLIC. SALE. THE County-Commissioners hereby- make anoint, that next WEDNESDAY JULY the Bd, 1551 ass o'clock A. 1d..• they will sell at -.public • oat.cry in Brant's City Harrisburg, among to various aril-_ ales not heweintimerated, 'cue BA "known as the old Mart /fours Bali i" , Btone Coal, Stoves and Pipe, "Pigeon beteg" or Cases to store awarpapers therein, Deaka, Book Gases Bw. Tarots of sale, are "cask." •• - JOHN S. inissieu. aAutm•BEHld. GEORGE GARVERICH. June 26th 1861. • Commiasiuners. Patriot and Union lnaert.A LtIOLORY; OAK AND PINE WOOD _ILL for sale; • • Cl/2 2Y .61Y3T8 OR CORD LENOIR - W RUIZ POIZORALSRRS. ALSO, L 00022 FORM' AND Ut11452117.12 RAILS 002 TO GONDAR. ID%) .710/VE AND &CVO .FOR BUILDIN4 PLAPUSAS. loquao of the cus residence on tho Ridge road, opposite wo Wad Will Engage kbuse, or at the Yard, corner or Secceekencldroant-streete, West Limburg; my274f . j .. O. B.OOLE. • SCHEFFEIVS BOOK.. 'STORE, Oman . zukzusapauxe 0mx04) . , • - UNION EN VEL.O.P.ES. NVOTt PAPER; of six _di ff erent, deoigno, printed in two colors., mkt , 14 this .thoweanct ana ipa : Me tom at City Caen Also, Digs, Ul/104 *twit rain Wei, Union Blip littdgespet 'very la"PriCes.. Vali at in. 711 • • • Ltoaxfirdvo -BOOKSTORE. :.DBE T. J. DUIES, SITRGEEON L)ENTIST- • (IF FERB his services io the citizens 0 lierrieborg and kW inanity: Hs 'isolibi4 a Mare o ma public patronage, wad glees asatiranee , dun-- lila best endeavora shall los pvea W rengersattainetion Ina pre tension.. .Being an old, wen tried dentiet,. 4 . 91 ppala way . ' in netting . the public .generally 'call 0/1 assuring tuna that *bey -will not - be diesatintlecl wlth.hia servieen, Odle* N0..-11/8-Market street, in the.houseliiinteAreci nuptial by :tenon by, near tlie Malted litiates , hotel, Harilauurg, ra, , . raya : kay, . NOTION TO -TAX PAIRS. . . TEE llilderSigt/Sd" ealtSptOrit 'COI:140y and State Tam: TO the 'croon'yoir, withui:the 41,4 r, or - garnsbusg, bertile: ixformllsa pubge *Mai livt or Oat :atiOwed..; CU: IMP Slats awl', Couaty.laz ap 10 Ink-4y of .July next, . The places of reads:we or caaoctoTa aIarAPOI IA» as Wars • Teter-nernaells4 Finis Ward; thaso4.l. below erry Nichol~: Zoldager, &Goad Ward, Chaumut near Fourth Jeseidt Barnett, Third Ward, liarlieCbetween Third and Fourth streets.- • . . Daniel Btrorainger, Fourth Ward, Stale near Third rhumbas Dubin, Fifth Ward, Third a NT* North street. Benj. s.lrnmet, Mtn Ward, near IWund 11,ais. Iherefortail peons opportunity by nailing ea, collectors respectieely .a.nd. care veld dienount by promptpayment said :rates. by otliar. of County Couunissioners, - - ---- b. MUSSER, • JACOB BEfue, .11 3 -td • OBURat GABAIBRIOR. . EMPTY FLOUR"BARRELS. _ 100 LARGE NEW bitiGHT EMPTY FLOUR sutilYis in good oonetion :or iazi 4 .- by LI•281 vat. DuOK, 416c0. • AL NEW :LOT-0F .,:. ._ LAM'S' SHOAING-41r 'TRAVELING • BAG Comprising a limber of new styles GMTS' and -L DIES' Money Purses and. Widens. assortme ust recem BER _ BEA? xxxsumit, EFLiNlt'd . , " ' '6l /Surest Street. SPEOLIL 00E14 NO. 1 • HLDQUARTEIIB, T. M. 00/TUOUTA Nay %T 1861. Quarter Master General B. C. ihda -is ordered to forward the Clothing, ant' per reqiiisitioW dated 28d May - hist, by Colonels klarhanift and 111'Dowelli of the Fourth and Fifth Ileginients Pennsylvania Volunteers, in place of - wilding it as heretofore directed. The "Fourth and" Fifth iteginienti being now in actual;service and in great need'of 'proper By order of the Corninander-in-chief, JOHN A. ' 1 1 4 1131 my2B Aid-de-aunp. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- rriHR 'undorritivied being appointed - Ad j. ekenetritoni "orthe 'Eotato of. 'UO9/70. 4Oted, hereby notify all ponsom Indobaed to - 00 - id ootate to mite otylnento, ono thoootoloatig: olotati to Preheat them for-oetkleto(ontc. - .il..lloliL Jamul' re i tibi, Jane 27 - 18814.ord ' • . • ialetrator's. . • . . . REDUCTION . IN PRICER I KIIRINOIS r Iiain and Mimed. OAPHNIEEUA Plain and Firma. - • ALL WOOL DALAINZS,'Itata Styles and Quality. BIWOA. LONG £OLAHLS,lligarsui prima. • FINE aI9CIE Of SLAWS= BRAWLS. The prawn in all tba above bode, on examination, will be fount“loWer tlnui eyerVY at • • • - • - - OATuOAerS, Ann Next dentin thS Harrisburg Bask. FRES4 - 4,' Vat.T.V.AI4- iiollo/11r, BEAM, " ' Bame_ L Warr .4 0 Writ'SaNIMOGGINi 11!"2 Buzs M 43 ow ifi, - • •- • --Wimi•Pus, Judi reestved mud for age: at Up lowsektuel mat. •OM • - Inc DOW al 4 QR. "I.N -,- D:-1'E1k1'DE,..:N..7. - ISHALL - Tig.: . ,Tx.'Gs' - 'N'v7 - _,R.A.:L.Ix :-NOTN:E-." HARRISBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JULY ,`10,'',1861. B ~- K . ; ..-:JQIINSQ,N. LOCK HospiTAL fl _ AS difieovered "the most certain ; bpeed) . and eifeetnal remedy In the woild4or • Wed QOM W 101.10119, OW SO taiou; IA FRIA OA■ !O TWO DAYOMiIk • ' . Weakness •of the Back or' Limbs, Strictures, Patna in the Loins, Affections of the Kidneys - and •Bladder, Organic Weakness, Neryous Decay.Of the Physics. Pow eri, Dyspepsia, languor, Low. Spirits_, Confusion of desks, Poll nation or the Heart, Tinffdity, Trembliggs, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease cif lhe . Gtomach, - Affection! ,of the Heed, Throat, Nose or Skin—Wee terrible disor , dere arising from the indiscretion or Solitary. Habits of Yonthtlioie dreadful and destructive' practises 'which produce constitutional debility, render marriage imps eibbs, and destroy both body and mind. • Young inen agpeobilly who have become the victim of solitary Ince, thel.dreadful and destructive habit which annually, sweep to au untimely grave ,thousaudg of young men of the Most exalted talent and brilliaeXintel led, who might ' otherwise have entranced listening Semites with the thunders of eloquence, sr waked to m issy the living lyre, may call ;with: full confidence. • 'Serried persons, or those contemplating marriage, be. Ing aware of physical weakness, sbouldimmediatidy eon. unit Dr. J., and be restored to pergeot health. He who places himself under the oaro of Dr.. 1., may religiously confide in his honor ae , agentleman, and con, Adeptly rely upon his skill as a physician. , AtirOffice No. .7 South Frederick- 'street, Baltimore, Md., on the telt hand, side going from Baltimore street, doorsitroro the corner. Be partioung .obser v ing Inc name or number, or you will mistakethe place. Be par. ocular - for .fpuorant, DIAN, Quacks, with fakes names, or Paltry Humbug. Oertifecestes, attracted by the 'reputa tion of. Dr. Johnson, lurk near. . . All letters must contain aPostage Stamp, to use on the reply. = • DB. JOHNSTON. Dr. Johnson member of the Royal College of Burgeons, London, graduatefront one of the meat eudnent Colleges of the Wand antes, And the .greateet part of whose life 'hag ;been spent in the Hospitals of London, Wis. dolphin and ehteWhere, has . effected NM Of the most as tonishing cures that were ever known. Many troubled with ringing in theism and head When askep„ great net , volume% being alarmed at suddensoutids i bashfulness, with frequent blushing , attended sonsethiniswith derange . Mont of mind Were curedimmediately; ' Dt. J. addremea these who having injured them. selves by priVate and improper indulgendea, that secret and:solitary 'habit which ruins both body and ntindi.un.: s tung,A them for either husinetutor society. . These are some of the sad and mblaricholy ed Ije pro, ducat by early, habits of youth, via Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the Mead,rlhronese ot Sight, Logi of Muscular Yower,.Paipliation of the Egan, Dye:. papsla, Ner7olll9 /MAMMY, Daallgellloo, oriatA g esti ve Fondling, General . Byeaptonal of -Gplunump. MANIAILY, the learftd effects on the mind are mush to be dreaded :—Lois -0 :Memory, Conrunkat of. Ideas._ ne. efiejaine vf.Mame, mvirlreiretwelog ,i7neennost.todoote- Seit-distrtutt,:inve ofii,entade,. paticWidm!, Re . 4c.mig Thoduiteht or persists of a lc* out hoar judge what la the mem of their decline in.lieeltit,liwbas their vigor, beeetolulf, weak, We l harrows _* ad;: siumeiste4 have a ifthgtdie apitatiramm about the opal, cough, symp. ma of Morwultiltd= • • . . - - YOUNG •11XN whit have lajured themselves by a certain practice, in Meted When ,lout — a. it ee— habit . neguently.learned from evihmaimutiolut, or at sett*, the effects of which. are - Mghtly felt, eeen When asleap, , and 1f not Candi _redder, egirrier, impaitlbie , shd detstroriboth mind anti bcidy, ebo*di apply uumediately -•- • What," pity that, a_ yeaugmam, the hopes of hie mutt. 47,thedarrO ng of. VI Parol l 4,oooio be etettsbed from wepects and enjoytiteeta ot lite by the COMNlAtteneth of deviating from the path of. Ohara, and Judi:llo4oA .ctirtibt secret habit.: th pertiora must; bcforderadein SWINE: effect that a Bowt mind and body are, he moat necessary "regnholtes . 1 10 Prouto4 , connubia l , , 'APPlAN& indeed without these; the journey through life beeAmils a weary .pilgrinuem; the .prospect 'sourly Mancini to•the - view; LhE mind becomes 'shadowed With domalr r and,olled with:Mae. millancholy rellectfoulhatihe bappiness - ol another .b - 6, comes blighted itiMour•Ooia. :JOlEttig*Pd • alikLoT FOR OB By this great and Important remedy; W stances of Mt .trionts are speedily cured, and full vigor restored. Phousinds oft the most nervous% and debilitated whs . Mid lost all hope, havelbeen , hrtmediately Tolland. All impediments to Marriage, Physical or Mental Disquelui. asthma, Nervous - , Trembling,' Weakness Maillflooll of the meet barrel kind, speedily curedr: • •-• • • Th e many thousands mad at thlii haatlutloa within UM Mat twelve years, and the numerous important Burgkat operations, pqrtormed by Dr. J., mitaossed by the re. portant of Um pappra, and many other persons unarm of which have appeared again and again °afore the publish Maids/ AM staxidang . 4i O - gettaoll4ll of ohooyooteo , and re• aporsailiMM,lcanothclanr tretaramtaa to - the allhoted.' LIIIMITIMNOZ.7Arben the inisgaided and Imprudent votary of:0*mo finds be .hes. Imbibed the seeds of this eithahl ditftle, it bre ortion.haPinlitit that an Ultima' sensnof Mame, or dread of dlicovery deters hint frein applying to:those who, from - education and' re. .sPectablaty tan aloam befrieitd Wm, delaying till the con,' otitutional symptoms of tbis horrid: OWe make their apptarante, alrectiag the head, threat, nose, Ai% tot, regrowing on with . frightful rapidity', titi death 'puts a period to his dreaditil oniferings br seeding hint to "that Donnie from WiICILC. Cu traveler returns." It is a met. anobalY Wet thal thrnnanC l a fall Victim* to MO' terrible disease, owing to the unskillniness of. , ignoraht pretend. erti, who; by the use of that deadly,potota,' otetvitry, 11101 the constitution and make the residue if - life miserable. To thourgurac—The Doctor , . • Diplomie hilit In his 3Ft 3El= co - 17 . . . You will please take notice that I have removeCmy . place of Makes" from No. NIT South Nourth attest, to . my Manufactory NOS. 114 and 118 BELIEF STREET, Between LonsPard and. Swab, end Front and Second Sri., : Philadelphia. Thankful forlnt . favon I sollr t lt quittattance of your orders. As I have ellarged"my ininufaetery so as to enable Me to haveconstantly on hand a large assortment of well seasoned Soaps; tivor the hist 'qualityund free from Plek.olL. PALM' • VARIEGATED, WHITE, HONEY, CASTILE, and allkinda of TOILET SOAPS. dEIEMICAI: OLIVE SOAP df.pAri Insterkid•BETTLED,, PALE and BEG* N English igal. - _ Soda and PUB Suites cupsful:Myer' hand, 'tPZ.B.3I, ADAMANTINE an TALLOW CA.NOLES:ef • . . ' Having adopted -the caehaystem I am enabled. IQ offer my goods atthe 'Merest rakes. ' ' that you will sell and examine for yourself both the goods and prkes, before purchasing elsewhere I am Very Respectfully, al-wlr F. CONWAY PhllndelPhin • 118 Ott= thasajp: PE zz, A D AT . THE OLD 'STAND. " • 49SiiWeak) and manufacturer Or Pestidosississ,.- _Oaks and Purses,Dessting Coes, .mobly Not, • ititicO.A Qpirchioui, issaitioicamic 1 4 4 th i t saP, *As, rf,rB e) P 117 , 41 i 1k4) ! - alaiwtt -"J - Misullaneous. - - maiimex3wrcaNtm DISEASES" OF lIKPRODENCE. Rigni 121 NIX TO SWIM 220=2. No Dereary or Noximis Drugs ILIBRUGE ORGAI7IO WEAHNES /mptediately cured and full vigor restored. TAKE: PARIICI:U3.- NOTICE. ..._. aLIHBId4~, TO stiwrans. • air Letters must contain a Blimp tans on the reply ;q -Remedies sent by Mail. • - No. 7 South Broderick street, Baltimore. aprl3.clearlY II Etttppt. . .. TO ADVERTISERS. - The. circulation of .the DAILY ITLIAEGRAIII FOIJII, TIMES URGER -than any other daily published or circulated in this city, and it therefore premeds ` greater indwaments, for the patronage of advertisers then is *bred to them through any other meal= Let ibotie who want buyers; try - adverthung in kali TT-RIL#E- A Stumm Rsoutur.—Troops continue to pour through our city for the seat of war at Washington, and also to reinforce Gen. Patter son at Martinsburg... : _Lasteveningthe De Kalb regiment, of New - York city, over one thousand strong, reached here over the Lebanon yalley railroad, and proceeded directly to Washing ton. This regiment is made up exclusively of germans, and finer looking or more muscular men never sported uniforrhs or handled mus kets. Six hundred of them are veteran and experienced soldiers, having served several years in Europe. Two companies were clad in regular Zourtve equipments, and the balance were uniformed in as good style as, most of our volunteers. During_ths passage of the train from the depot to the bridge the street was crowded With people, who lustily cheered the gallant germans, the latter _responding with great enthusiasm The excellent band accom panying-the regiment discoursed some fine mu sic while passingthrough the city. We_predict that the_men comprising the.De Kalb regiment Will prove themselves worthy of the honored name they bear,- when the tug of war comes. The Colonel in command, Leopold Von Gilsel, and the other_offtaers, have bfien trained almost from infancy in military business, and thor oughly understand:their duties. Every,officer, from colonel to rsecond lieutenant,: was com produce certificates not only of good moral character, but of having honorably serv ed either ill foreign or .American wars. 111011.11ARTINSBITRG. Curespundance: orthe Lally Taleiraph - Itut. - IMMitturTirrnry is perhaps_ located in II str4get Position than any we have have= occu pied, and the innumerable tents that dot the surroundings of the town and cap the surundt, of each fall; Preso4t a sPeOigtele•*giel!A4 oreigus .../iev.erbkOre-bitheritbeenso large a number ofthernen of tidedivisionaticamped at one 044 whep YOUwilitiderthat the can►ps of these 2 , 6 0 0 men ropy auci).;speil frOm a poimt, tying withintmapasof onesquare mile, you will concludejustly, that the '°varmints are swarruhr,'' . Yesterday being - the Sabbath, divine service was held bathe several churches,. where many of our soldiers attended. Some of the regiments wholatere - ohiplains repaired to thaneighboring groves' . and there, listened to Mean important teachinge; while others, not so blest, spent-the day in , such amusements as idle soldiers only discover. - This morning.seine Philadelphia. boys, (of ..the 9Sd reginient,) who are quartered in the Market house as provost guard, obtained the town fire engine and hose carriage with'winch they careered down street to the 116014michine Shops, M supplyan engine (whichdrives the bellows for : the blacksirdths) with ster. These - machine shops are being approptiatetl by Uncle Wind to the receiving of_militery. stores, whioh are arriving in large quantities daily•;. so you see, that ill wind that burned the bridges and. locomotives, blew us these excellent storehouses. It la noteworthy that a 4xmcentrationof someof the forces under ColdStOne and Gen. Patterson's division is now ° taking place. At this hour, 3 ; P ; M, the let, ethand 26th Pennsylvaida .regiments ; the Mt New Hampshire and the 9th and 28th NeW York' regiments. have arrived, some of them baving come froin Harper's Ferry and others from Frederick City,- . Md. It is =Mothers are rapidly coming on. These, with other indica tiers, lead many to believe that a forward move ment will take place Ma day or two at farthest. The enemy is not far &latent, as our pickets and their scouts exchange civilities or uncivi i ties every day. Capt. Gerard.of the 7th being on picket guard was surprised at the sudden appearance of a body of -cavalry, numbering over one hundred, iihomune out of a roadnear at hand. -His position-was dangerous indeed, as he had but thirteen men near him; these he ordered to fire, which they did with such pre nisi= as tO return' the ,supriset .and.-force the cavalry to wheel into the woods, alfordhig the . Captain" time to. "beat". for camp a With small body of :men Capt. Gerard made an ex cursion yesterday and returned with,• two pri r sonars and 'several horses which belonged to the enemy. • . ' The miserable policy inaugurated by the rebels, of crushing out the Union men, la now recoiling upon themselves, as the loyal men of the town insist on bavirgtkelieCeNiOniatit who rennin, sworn to support the- government-'and thui deprive the snake (sccasion) of its venom. It ti said that C. Pendleton (late of Congress) of this Plaoe lea beesktaken prisoner. at, Bath, Va., by the enemy; his . cotuise at the -Rich mond Convention, and since, having , been:too ' loys to , seCuri hlin:protectionon tioDia '_ The vt4er,wlach haa posen .plassnt, .4 today : very watwt ; our *Re nreirnanWoWor their good kealtk d an 4 g4heiiirrioi; . YOll4 : w: ME 9AMP PpAPONT,..IIAsnitiIiBUItG, Vs., _ . . July .8, aro.. BY TELL ili. UiTEUfROaViASHINGTON. = Gen. Soott Controls the Telegraph, Wires, THE REBEL FLAG OF TRUCE. A ;Game That Didn't Win. How Spies are Treated by the Pre3ident and Gen. Scott Correspondence with Jell: Davis Declined The government has found it necessary to put a check upon the sensation reporters, who have daily telegraphed extraordinary move ments of troops, which excited the public and embarrassed the military authorities. The fol kiwing order was issued this morning: OrrunAL—Henceforward the Telegraph will convey no despatches concerning the operations of the Army not permitted by the Command- in General. WINFIELD Bcorr Department of War, July 8, 1861. The above order is confirmed. Swami Cammoii, Sec'y of War The issuing of this order is said to have been caused especially by the numerous canards from this quarter published in the New York Tribune during the last few days. The Washington Star states that Taylor, who came hither under a flag of truce yesterday, says that his business was disposed of at the White house in a very few minutes, for in that time he was sent back to Gen. Scott with one letter lass than he bore on his person on enter ing the Union lines, the President not deeming the communication he brought such as required him to enter into any correspondenee whatever with Mr. Jefferson. Mr. Taylor was next immediately faced in the direction from which he came, and march ed back to Gen. McDowell's headquarters, where, though courtously and kindly treated, he waa kept under strict guard until an early hour this morning, when he was escorted a... 0, to, the confederate lines and, turn ed loose to find his way back to Beauregard, without having accomplished what was evi dently a main point to be attained by his mis sion, namely, to communicate with-traitors in our midst, who bad doubtlessa been prepared to send to Beauregard, throughliim, important Won:nation concerning the alleged contemplat ed. movement of . Gen.. M'Dowers army upon ttur Confederate lines. ._ The Star further says, that although the President has communicated the contents of the letter from Davis brought by Taylor to none -Weida his constitutional advisers and Oen. Scott, from certain signs we are able to emir, the public that it amounted to nothing of tiny earthly importance on the present crisis. NEW MFTTCO AND WESTERN TEXAS humsaumacs, No., July 9 The Santa Fe mail and Cameron City express reached here yesterday nomi, by which we have dates to the 23d from Santa Fe, to the ~27th from Cameron city, and .to the 15th from Idepsilla. • The news from MessWa confirms the reports of Indian troubles at Pine Alto, and a disposi tion on the part of the lidewtda, Indians to re main quiet. Owing to the political difficulties in the States, orders were sent forward to Mr. Clark, Superintendent of the Stephenson Silver Min ing-company to stop all active operations. The forts along the Texas frontier - are to be garrisoned-, or order of Col. Van Dorn. Two companies are to be stationed at Fort Davis, one at Fort 'Quitman, and four at Fort Bliss. :.In Senora quite an enthusiasm has sprung up on the subject of railroad& The project is to connect the valley of the Rio Grande, with the Gulf of California, the terinini to be at El Paso and Gtuiymas. At Santa Fe on the 15th of June, a public dinner was tendered to Col. J. B. Grayson. Bev. Bishop Lancy arrived safely in the Santa Fe mail.. Gov. Connolly and Secretary Etero were at their posts, and Mr. Greener was shortly ex- Pe4.o. he Canon City Pm shows an encouraging state of Opals throughout the whole mining region of Ongon. The mail party passed a number of Indians on the route, all of whom were very friendly. REPORTED CONFLICT IN KENTUCKY. Loumut; July 9. Considerable excitement was caused this af ternoon by a report that the Home Guard and state Guard of Bardstown, had a rencontre. The story was that the Surveyor of Louisville had directed an agent to atop at Bardstown certain wagons with goods en routs for the Louisville and, Nashville railroad, destined for Tennessee, and that the agent being unable to execute the order, called on the Home Guard for assistance, and that the latter were attacked by the State Guard, calming a loss of several lives on each side. : A passenger who left .13ardstovni several hours after the reported collisicar sap that there was no conflict, and that the wagoners, hoing been edvised that there weal be trop. WinkargUWl, l3 l/10 0 Wia ea their *AY bill. iIkUsWAL • _ Cam Eriuting NO. 69. XXXVIIth Congress—Extra Session, Mr. SrEvints, from the Committee of Ways and Means, reported a bill authorizing the Sec retary of the Treasury to remit the fines sad penalties in certain cases and regulate the com pensation of Surveyors of Customs . in certain cases. Mr. LOVEJOY (Ill.) introduced a resolution de claring that in the judgment of the House it is no part of the duty of soldiers of the United States to capture or return fugitive slaves. Mr. kLaszour, (my.) moved to lay it on the table. Mr. STRATIOX (N. J.) raised a point of - order that the resolution was not admissable under the order adopted yesterday, prescribing busi ness for the session. • The SrEasen, for the reasons given, over ruled the point. Mr. CAILLILE (Va.) unsuccessfully sought to submit an amendment to the resolution. WAsaumiox, July 9 Mr. STRATTON, without meaning any disre spect to the Speaker, appealed from his deci sion. Mr. HITICIELYS (Ohio) moved to lay the appeal on the table. This was agreed to, and the Speaker there fore was sustained. The House, by a vote of 66 yeas to 80 nays, refused to lay the motion on the table. Mr. CARLILE (Va.) again ineffectually appealb ed to Mr. Lovejoy to withdraw his demand for the previous question on the resolution of the former, desiring to offer an amendment. The main question was ordered by ten ma jority, and the resolution was passed—yeas, 92; nays, 55. Capt. Stewart Van Filet, for four years Quar termaster at Fort Leavenworth, has been or dered eastward for active service in the field. The third 'Kansas regiment is being formed at Mound City. The ship Ne Plus Ultra from Bonelona has arrived here. She was bound to Charleston where she was ordered off by the blockading squadron. SPEER'S SAMBUOI WINE, Of Cultivated Portugal Elder. Every Family Should Use. SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE. ELEBRATED for its medical and bane /Ida" qusiattia as a at laielmit, 'rows, as- I wat3 and ito,lor.lie, highly ezt4eta.:a by mammas lhysi• Wass, and I=9 of the Sin families h Vaarops and America. 13 not a inixturo or manafauturel article, bat is ?Are, from oulayatea Yoriti l rai recommeaarit oy Wan let3 and l'hysiciaus as poise. rues moilioal pi oArties ett. perior to any other Win in me, ant an excellent Ora the for all weak awl deboitaied eersons, and the aged titan:Wm, improving the appetite, and Oeneuting lades and chilerea. bocatue it will not intoxicate as inkier wines, as is con tinua no mizture of spirits or other liquors, and is au• timed for its nun peouLar Savor and IltgritlVl propirtieg, Imparting a Xe.t.llhy tone to too clige:Live, and a ulooming, son ana heathy ace. come:estop. None genuine unless the siguature of AlteREO seltEß, Passaic, N. J., is over the cork of etch bottle, HAKE ONE TnIAL OF THLS WINE. A. S.V.F..L.R, rropriotor. Pamoaic, N. J, On:Le Wit Broadway, New T. H. EATON, Agent, elaiktaelphia. For sale by D. W. Groa t & Co., O,IE. Aeller, John Wyeth and by druggists geuecally. jyl-uawly. SOMETHING FOR THE TIMES I! A Necessity in Every Household I I 3OHZIS & CROSLEY'S American Cement Glue The Strongest Glue in the World FOR CEMENTING WOOD, LEATHER, GLASS, IVORY, CHINA, MARBLE, POR CILAIN, ALABASTER, BONE, CORAL, &c., tic., Stu. The only.rticle of the kind ever produced winch will withstand Water. inaItACTS "livery housekeeper should hay.. a ,upi ly of Johns Croaley's Amerman Cement Gam"— 1. num "it is so canyon eat to have It .Le Ih:user—N. Y Exemse. ' is always ready ; Ilb/commends i, to every body." N. Y. hour:amt. "We hive tried it, and fled it as Maui m our home as water."—Wmuus snarl 08 vex T..nese, Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Very Liberal Reductions to Wholesale Dealers. T.EDMo VI - For sale by all Druggists and Storekeep ers generally throughout the country. JOHNS & ()BOSLEY, (Sole Man alactures,) 7 8 WAT TAN( STUB; (Corner of Liberty Street,) Nsw Yosa. jy2.-dly Horse and Carri ages for Sale. rE lIBSORIBEit oilers at PRIVATE SALE the ROM , . ant CARRIAGES, Imo of boater Orth, d,ceased. The horse is a dark. Say [wont seven years old. One cart•a4e is new cod Well ealcu• lateii for a family, ash tits a bias. i top and a small port- Ale seat in front for children. The other carriage is a low swung rocEaway, very C. 417.. slew for aged perseßiL The horse and carriages can be soon at the residence of the subscriber =Fro Harrisburg. jetkl blditillA C. Wel, Executrix. VNTANTED.--20 ;lANIT6 TO SELL PACK.- AGM or STATiOliati it aud JEWELRY, at PH' amens third leas than eau oe purchased elsewhere.— ..WI snot "Morelia (stamp ancloaea.) J L. BAII..EY, 8 1 233144 No. /Oa Court Street, Boston, alas Ariexcellent article of Com aptie mercial"Note Paper osn he had tor zepte roam rc BratigiNEß'S ()HEAP BOOLSKOKS. Having procured steam Power Pre see we are prepared to execute JOB and BOOK PRINTING of every description, cheaper that it can be done at any other es tabllahmentin the country. KATES OF ADVEB.iIEII4O , air Four lines or less constitute one-halt square. Eig h lines or more than four constitute a square. Half Square. one day one month... _ three months • slit months tl° o one year ....b one Square one day one week........ 43°2 one month . 3 00 14 three months.. - . 6 00 Mx months._ ' 8 00 one year 10 00 all-Buidness notices Inserted in the Leval whams or befbre Marriages and Deaths, FIVE CENTS PER LINT; or each Insertion. ,Marriages Etrat Death: ta he charga4 as regular Udvertteements. [CONCLUSION OF '/VESDAY'S PROCEEDINGS.] WASSINOTON, July 9. MILITARY AFFAIRS IN THE WEST. LEAVENWORTH, July BLOCKADE OF CHARLESTON NEw Yoas, July 9 Aim ahertisurtents. LADIES'- WINE. SPEER'S SAMBVCI WINE. A LADIES' WINE, Oc