Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, July 09, 1861, Image 1
THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, By GEORGE. BE.R4c3iISTER: 17341a.-w7Aviip SOHIAOZPIIOA , . . T., l *.f twil I i nerved to shbseribern the 6'r nt CORM el:urged t 4.00. , Arup • Li ) , ni l uivartf faits° put li4hed tvitcea7g — t4k ate ,v;;;siaa si .the.Legistatgre;iindlvtiskli during the ie cor oc the yeartAndfaraished:to subscribers at the iiow.ll,;, ;ales, viz acyco Subseribere per ,g • • ,120 12 00 . i .... 16.00 Too LAW or. 111 71 1 PAPIU4. • • _ dbmor lb ers order , the itisorodlntukto* of weir news . t.r: the publtsher nay continue to good them oath -...-rOarages are paid. subscribes neglect or refuse-to-lake their helms %-xxi. the (ace to which they are directed, they are until t hey _ harl , Sett ed bilLa ;laid ordered I; iii discontlnned Miscellaneous. Work, - Promieed in One Week 1 CO PIINNEITLVANIA BTEAIti DYEING ESTABLISHMENT, 104 Market I.9treet between 4th ana sth, RBItBUREk, PA. a ti,Ry, every description o f Ladieir 40 and Gentlemons' Garments, Piece Goode, &c., are ed, Cleansed nun deished in, the test mmuter and osha:tynotiee .. DODGE & CO. pronrfetor, DENTISTRY. 1) k . GEO. . 'STINE, graduate of the ji_ o r altlatoro Collo 4e.9! Dental Surgery, having pirms pointy located in the city 01 Elarrisburg and tagen the office lortnerly occupied by Dr. Gorgas, on Third street, between Market sail ifsiu ut, respectfully informs his friends said the itubliu in general, that he Is prepared to perform all °per gloss In Lie Dental profession, either surgical or meonnuiesi, in a manner that shall not be surpassed' by o;t3ratit,73 is this or any other city. His mode of Inserttas, arthieled teeth is upon the latest IM. proved scientific priu ciples. Teeth. from ono to a lull sat, mounted on flue Gold, Phttina plates or the. Vulcanite BASIL I take great pleasure in recommending the above gen tleman to an my former patients of Harrisburg and vt zlnity, and feel confident that he will perform all opera lions la a seleatllle mumer, from my knowledge of hh ability. iroy3-dtfl F. J. 9 GORDO, D. D. 8. CIDER 11 ! VINEGAR !11 MADE from choice and selected Apples, and guaranteed by us to bestrictly pure cid-d roNl. DOCK & cc. FOR SALE ! A BUILDING LOT,, situate in West Har d rialmrg, fronting on BroAstreot 20 feet, and run ning ba.:k 161 feet, more or Leta, to a2O foot alley, ad. joi-ling on one side the property of Mr Blnmenctine. For particulars enquire of c'itED&RICK SCIIEFFEAA Itergavr'e Bou&store. tr R. 18.1. LIME FOR SALE TIFIE UNDERSIGNED having embarked Lln the LUSE BUSIN&S Is prepared to f urnish tit very best article at short not es, and at the lo west prices for cash. de sells the lime burnt at Colunsh to and also that burnt at home, mr29-d3aa POPULAR REMEDIES. AT RS WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP 'itor children teething, and SPALDING'S CEPHALIC ILLS for headache. A fresh supply received at NEL LIM'S DRUG STORE, where you cau purchase all the saleable Patent .aledicines of the day. D 1 Market street, two doors east of Fourth street, south stde OUR UNION & CONSTITUTION 4 ,1" R GOVERNMENT," by M. AL 'lC.tx- J r NET, iS a work oontaming the CONSTITUTION es Tam UNITTD Stens, giving the construction of its Terms and Provtaloa, showinl the relations of the several Stated to the Union and each other, and explaining gene rally the System of Government of the Country. Price sl 00. Sold, and orders supplied, by him, at Harris burg, Pa. feb2l Agents for Counties and States wanted. THUNDER AND LIGHTNING. fpl - R vast amount of property destroyed i s annually by lightning ought to be a warning to property holders to secure their buildings. All orders far Lightning Rods left at the auction store of W. BARB, will be attended to. Reds put up in the latest improved tyle and warranted. jel2•d SOHEFFER'S "BOOK STORE 1 (Near the Harrisburg Bridge.) JUST RECEIVED from the Rsl.2e_le Wile a lot of fine COMMERCIAL NOTE P A , an, wnicti we 411 i sell at $1.26 per ream. $1;3.15 - 9, per ream for NOTE PAPER, decorated with the latest and very imndscone emblems and patriotic mottos. $3.50 for 1000 WHITE ENVFLOPEE, with national and patriotic emblems, printed la two colors. Please give us a call. THRO. F. SCHEFFER, .142-d Harrisburg. It. L. GODBOLD, RACTIOAL Tuner and Repairer of Pianos,. Melodeons, &c., &G., will receive orders in mare at WM. lielta.:HS'S Moak. More, 02 Idaricetstreel ii orders left at the above named place, or al the Bueh ler 01:10e 7 8111 W. 3 et with i:rompt attention. - First cross : sale FOR RENT. yzSRE., ROOMS no w occupied by the Post Office. Possession given on the Ilrut of July. En. quire of jolBdtf Q6Uaas W. 'KIM& N OTWE. THE ANNUAL AI aTING of the Steck '. holders 01 the atlantic and Onto Telegraph Coat. pMY for the election in Directors, and the Lranaaction of their usual bueines;,• wilt be held at the Telegraph office of said Coin any in liarrisburg on Thursday the 18th day of July, MI. II H. isaILAINGSOdD. Plall.ideiploa, !nue 14th, 186L-td Secretary. VOti. 1tr.;1N!1..---A desirable Residence in x Locust, near k ront ttreet. Three-story brick, with naodern eon vii.iennes, as to water, beat and light. For Info m Lon aptly to Dr. W. W. Rutherford. PoS nes, ion iiTen :mimeo istety. je26-Btd. FOR BALE. FROM. One to Five Hundred Dollars 'worth of CITY BONDS. Enquire of C. 0. ZIMAINIMAN, otsrl4 • No. 2S Routh ion() ad street. REMOVAL. THE SUBSCRIBER has removed hie PLUMBING AND BRAB3 rOUNDrti from Market alma to Fourth street above Market, oppoilte the Bathe church lhankital for pa3tpatronage, no hopio, by strict aueunon to business , to merit a ooutinumice of It. mar 26 Said tint PARKEUL . ft:k.';OVAL.. rp - HL, 3uB6CRIBER would respectfully itoorm Yea public that he has removed his Plumb lug and /pulp:Hug establishment to No. 22 South Third street below Herr's Hotel. thankful for past pat oe hopes by striel..atteuttOrrto business to merit a euetiousece of spl2-dal J. JONES. • FOR RENT. THE EUROPEAN HOTEL AND RE. sTAuRANT in Brant's City Hall Building, Harris burg Chy, Fa. Apply to MIN H. BRANT; jt:tl-dBni* On the promisee. 4 \BAB C1DER:111-6trictly pure, spezk ‘i bog and '6Weet—bas retelvedca Silver Medal or DI , vonott at every State Agnoultural Fair slue. 1806. For ate by WM. DOCK . 41: CO. NOTICE! HARRISBURG BRIDGE COMPANY: , T BE President and Directors of the Hu rl-burg omp..ny here Ulla day declared a die dead of MISTY GEN r.. 3. per share on the capital 'took or said Company. (SKY Tolitßle Pre Ulna for the last hall year ; and have dlreLted the seine to 14 paid, at this nee, to the stockholders or their legal representatives af ter the filth • J. WALLACE, Treasurer. Ear:Mural Bridge Off, JAIL 1, 1161, • • . . , . .. _ .... .. , .. .. . ‘ ... . _. _. ~ . ~.: ... . . . --------_ ' We,?; — '•' . --- 7 --- - -.• :., ... - • . - 7 ,--•- '.. ' . - .......; *" • '',;4•• •• •;! 11 . 1 '' ! ' ' ..." '•• ' :, ' • -•. ''," t , ~( ' - - .4... 1'' . .. , .. -., ......"•:... ' . .' • ..; .-. . • ! (.... ' -- > S'. . -,.., '-! , ',.t! • , . , . ' . e • '-- ' . . . . .. :., .... hero2buertistnititte. 1861, 3D OPENING, 31) OPENING 1861. OF SUMMER DRESS GOODS OF EVERY DI6ORIFTION. The quay of the goods for the price will be au Rl.llr.e• meet to everyone_ to purchase. The most desirable goods of the season at a great sac- ruse. UOZA*PIQUES, IaIaISSALIAS, VALENPLAS, CREPE D'ESPANGS BEREGE ANGLAIS BROCADE. POPLINS, NEAPOLITANS. LAWNS and. LAVELLA£ are &masa the its ^ . CATHCART itBROTH:ER. Next door to' the Harrisburg Bank. SKELETON SKIRTS' The largest stook of the very best make to be found at • CATHCART • door to the Harrisburg Bank. Parasols, Sun Umbrellas and Umbrellas Tvreuty-tive per cent lower than can be - purobased lsewhere In; the city. CATHCART Sr. BROTHER. • N 0.14, Market Square, tares Next to the Harrisburg Sunk. -0" B. M. GILDEA D. D. 8 I - AS TA YE STREET, OPPOSITE THE BRADY HOUSE. All opera ions, Surgical and llechanical, .acteuciad.lly pone:med. Charges moderate. jell • 'NOTIOE OF PUIILIO SALE.. rP • HE County Commissioners hereby make ..L kuown, ;tat noro WL.Iini.H3DAY JULY 3d. 185/ " o'clock A. id., they ' will.roll at public„ out.ory draut's City Hall, khrriaborg, anion die 'vrious ar :A des Dot bore inuutOratod, one Boil, `krriouin . at tits old war/House Bell Stone Coal, Stoves anti Pipe, ! , Flgeatk au.e.o ,, or Cases to store away papers tlierei.u,!.pvalia, gases am. Terms of sale are "caih.o , - JOHN S. MUM& JACOB LiEO/101 GattVIIJAIGIL June 25th 1861. Conamisai.,nexs. PatriOt. anti Uoiou iwert.j u [USURY, ,O.A.E. AND PINE • Wool) .L.L. tor sale, VU2. STVEA' JR . (01W LEIVG7Iir TO ...9012 FORCIIASEAS. Tisa BERNHISEL ALSO, LOGUSI rosza A.IVD ORESINUI RAILS OU2 TO ORDIsB. ALSO, , - .510NE AND .8.A.N0 FOB BUILDING PLIAL".. US& . luquare of tbo subscriber ac his residence on the Ridge road s opposite the Hood Will Engine House, or at the Yard, corner • of Second. and- ..13road straits. West Har risburg. my2T.tfj t 3. B. 00L$'. SCHEFFERI BOOK . STORE, (* FLAB TM UNION ENVELOPES. 'VOTE PAPER, of six differeut . designs, printed la two colors, sold . tiy the thousand and by toe ream at City Cana prices: ' • ' Also,: Maga, (Taloa - .Breast: Pisi§, 'Eagles', Union Rings anti Badges at very low prices. Call at - • • my& SOHEFFKBIB BOOKSTORK. DR. T. J. MILES, SURGEON DENTIST fIFFERS his services to t,he. "kJ Harrisburg and. its vicinity. He solicits salute ti LIM public patronage, and gives assurance that his :best endeavors shall be given to render satisfaction in his pro• cession. Being'an old, well tried dentist, - he feels .sale in nviting the public generally to call on him, assuring nem that they will not be dissatisfied with his services, Otbee mi. .119 Market street, in the house formerly on - znpled by Jacob IL :Ebb near the . Hutted thates Hotel, kiarrisourg, Pa. • aiyB4ily THE undereigued.UoLectors of .County. and Owe Taxed for the,:reeent year, within the or Harrisburg , herby antorm the . pholio that live er cent ahatern-nt will ue allowed. on Lae hut. and Lonuty up to the 17th day ot 'Jnly Lest. The places 91 residence or be ..o.lectAws 14.10reig < are as lollows : ruler beanneisel, First Ward, rleond below. Mulberry street. . . Nicholas Alloger, Seeond Ward, I:6nm' aim Fourth street...' ; ' Joseph HelTrean, .Third Ward; Market between Third and Fourth etteets. Damel dizorcan,er, Fourth Ward, State near Thlrd k h tmbeYs litubbs;Filth ward, Third abase North street. /teed 'S itumey . Matt Ward, near ..ttotum /Lau*. • Ihe..efot aad pes.ons Itavo au opp,orkunlty by calling on c:o/Itcivrti, ectivety and. aave,Haag. thseoust by prtmitt pap:sent 01 said t a es: • by oidtk of County Commits loneri, •- • • JUICI. B...MUSSER, JeCthl • jy3—td 431E:JSOE-GAIEL EMPTY FLOUR BARRELS. 100 , k e cig fr B E Aeta. b l.s W in i3 goixt c l'itiHT EMPTY Auu ,„„, by JX.Os., Jr., A NEW LOT Or LADIES' sEOPeIN4 & IIiAVELING' BAG Compriaing a Ilumber ol new sums tiZNIS' and DIES' Money • Purees and Wallets. Sue assortme uat received and for sale at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, 61 'lancet e'tnet. SPECIAL ORDER, NO . . .'.l 'RI AD QUARTZES, P. M. - Harnsburg, May-27, 1861. Quarter Master General 11.C..Elale is ordered to forward the clothing, as per requisitions dated 28d May last, by Colonels Harharatt and r Duwell, of the Fourth and Fifth Regiments Pennsylvania Volunteers, in place of sending it as heretofore directed. The. Fourth and Fifth Regiments_ being now in actual' service and in grtat need of proper clothing. By order of the Commander-in-chief, JOHN A. WRIGHT, my2B Aid-de-tainp. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. RE undeeeigned 'being apponned%Ad what:aloes or rthe .Estate of - tieotge Hammon da, , d, hereby hoary ell poems indsb,ed to . s a id. es t i a to make lukVaients2ana ?Mae having prezent them for oettlement. ' WM: IL BOHL; ' RECUT ?AGUE, June 27..1861-Ird Admilliatratat'S. BEDUOTION. IN PRICES} M.REINOM, Plain and Figured. OASHMFRUS, Plain and Figured. ALL:WOOL DELAINES,'Extra Styles and . Quality. BROOA LONOSRAWLS, different prices. FINE STOOL OF BLAZINEr SHAWLS. Tile prices in 41l the above Goods, On examination, will he found "lower than ever," at •_ CATHCART'S Next door to the Harrisburg: Bank. 11031QA1, EtiMi GENITY _ Homoarr,Snliatiozzi, • K4l4t O W , Ra :DIP% • hat reoalved sod for liMo - lit Umtata - GaAs ' h 00. Palm. WK. DOCK JD. "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS--NEUTRAL IN NONE." VOL -XV. NUTIuE TO TAX P.a.Y.atS. FRESH AItRIVAL HARRISBURG, PA... TUESDAY AFTERNOON ! 'JULY. 9, 1861, Welt) 2lbutrtiormttlis LADIES WINE. SPEER'S. SAMBUCI WINE, Of Cultivated Portugal Eider. Every Family Should Use. SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE. CELEBRATED for its medical and bostie- Sciarqualittes as a genuine Stimulant, Tonic, Ida reuc and Solorific, highly esteemed by eminent physi suns, and some .er the first families in Europe and America. SPEE SAMBUCI WINE it not a mixture or manufactured article; but is pure, from cultivated Portugal Elder; recommended by Chem ists and. Physicians as possessing medical properties su perlor to auy other Wines in use, add an excellent art! , owfor all weak and debilitated persOni,. and the aged and infirm, improving the appetite, and beneuting lautes and children. A LADIES' WINE, becauFe it will not intoxicate as other wines, as it con tain no mixture of spirits' or other liquors . , and is al m.reil fa • its rich peculiar fl avor and nutritive properties. impaiting a,heal hy tone to the digeitive org.cs, and a olcoming, ant anti healthy skin and comstexion. None genuine unless the siguaturwof ALFRED st'EER, Passaic, N. J., le over the cork of with bottle,' - MAKS. ONE TeIAL OF THIS WINE. A. Sas; , reprletor. Yascnio, N. J. • UM Broadway, New .t • ' J. Et EATuN. Agent, - Philauelphli. For sale by D. W. Aura, & Co., G. K. Keller, Rho Wyeih and by draggiata geae,ally. jyl—uawiy. SOMETHING FOR THE TIMES ! !! A Necessity in Every Household I I JOELtv 8 & CROSSLEY'S American Cement Glue ' The Strongest Glue in the World FOR CEMENTING WOOD, LEATHER, GLASS, IVOnY, CHINA, MARBLE, POR CHAIN, ALABASTER, BONE;. CORAL, &c., &c., &c. The only article of the kind ever produced watch will withstand Water. Eximnawrs : L 4 gvery housekeeper Ehuuld have a :14 Iy of Johns & Cr it re American Cement s. tit SO I)O2IVCIIMUt to have r. e howler—N. Y =now. ...ism always ready; this commend., ,o 81011 body.' N. Y. kiDIRSZOftNt. "We"la .-,. .reed it, and And id as useful I , i our Wolfe as water..—Wuaas 4.4.81 T or MEI Ta Price 25 Ceuta per Bottle. Very Liberal Reductions to Wholesale Dealers. • TIMM.) C 1 2i; wir For e.ale by all I)ruggists and Storekeep ers generally throughout the country. JOHNS & (MOSLEY, (Sole Itian.t acture%) Vlrmasat &man ' (Corner of' 'Liberty Street,) Direr Ya.S. JOHN WALLOWER, JR.; 4t. GENERAL FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANT. 11 DUDS AND MERDELANDISE promptly ILA forwarded by PalladeliobialuicUßaading, Northern Central, Cumberland Valleyaud Pennsylvania Railroads Apj. Canal. HAULING AND DRAYING tO Mil from all parts of tho oity to the. dillerent Railroad depots will be dodo at the very lowest rates. : FAMILIES removing will be .promptly attended 'to. Orders mit at Brant's European flotel, or the store of E.' S. Zollinger, will . - receive prompt attention. Con signments of freight respectfully solicited. ' JOHN WALLO WRD. Agt., _Officer Reading Depot GARDEN SEEDS. .FREBII D &JO P L ETE aatiortaleut o h , join zwelv.a formai. Dy Sh JO 101 '4 FIVE DOLLARS REWARD. HE above reward will be paid for the T return of a IPUIED nTATAS SW..)IAD, tiken or stolen from the hotel of the undersigned, corner of Wal nut and Fourth streets. jetf • LAZARUS BARNHART. A CHANCE - FOR A BARGAIN: mo close up the concern the entire stock of 'BM/Kt - ROOTS, Ace., date Oliver Bell man, deceased, in the rooms in the Market Square, will be sold at private sale at COST; and the rooms will be rented to the purchaser if desired. The terms will he Made easy. jel7•dtf DAN'', D. BOAS. Agent. Horse and Carriages for Sale. rirlHE SUBSCRIBER - offers at PRIVATE SALE the HORS an. T.y J CARRIAGES, late el hector Orth, deceased. The horse Is a dark bay anent sevatiears old. One carriage is new and well calcu lated for a family, ask ass a stand top and a small port tibia seat in front Or children. The otherOarriage is a lowswung rockaway, very ow:iv:talent for aged persons. The florae and carriages can be seen:at the residence et the subscriber on treat street, Harrisburg. - i022-d SIAS-URA ORTri Rawutrix: - W ANTED.--Ai;ENTS TO SELL PACK =AGES of SPATIGNAIi r aud JEWELIit Y, at. Mi. ces one'third lees thim cau oe purchased elsewhere.— Odi on or address (stamp enclosed.) J . n23-Arad Nu. 15/ Court Street, Bost on , . . FLAGS_! Fla 14.0.13 I I VOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES with j Nationat deagusi•LElTEEt PAPER lvith.a view 01 the city of, primed and for ; sale • SCHEFFEWS WOIiSTORE, as Near itte Etarrletiarg Bridge. sr 25• An tazoellent'ittiele `Coin Ineroul Note.kavei• cab •be had. Qr ulwrasmas ligraN ER'S ORE 4.1" BOOKS- 4 Mfg .7.1111.1L.T-aX311.16. QI:IINCE, PEAR, CURRANT, PEACH, APPLE,~ BLACKBERRY, ORANGE, RASPBERRY. Just rooeived from New York and warranted sups, one. [fON] Wm. DOCK, Jr., & Co. • • " WORCESTER'S • . . . . ROYAL QUARTO DICTIONARY I 1111 E beet defining and pronouncing Die. Winery of the JilnglLah language ~Alen, WOrceeier': School Dictlonarien. Webster , a• pictorial, Quarto and School Dictionarleafor sale at • . • . SlaKINNIffl'S BOOKSTORE, . apl34 - Near the Harrisliurgitridge. . . HENRY 9. SHAFFER, PAPER HANGER, Front street, second door above 'Walnut street. ell:orders onstes l l.) attended to. . .._ • Papor ming far 15 cents per roll or pine. All work woarnaitod. .my9.dir •.. . • . . tiEuiNgEt m.usTARD, English •d o - motto Mao, (by the dozen or hundred,) sup"' for Salad 011,getehup, salon and Condiments of 'every en4riPtion. r°7 34 WM. DOCK It CO, E4e Ettegrap. TEEE MORNING TELEGRAPH Is issued every morning and con tains THE LATEST; TELE GRA.PHIC DISPATCHES re ceived during the night. PASSAGE OF TROOPS Last evening 'three companies of United States cavalry, comprising two hundred and fifty men, and the same number of horses, reached this city from Fort Leavenworth,. en route for Washington. This force is under command of Capt. Armstrong and Lieut. Cole burn. The men are all handsomely epuipped, well armed, and in high spirits at the prospect of a fight with the rebels. Many of them car ried small flags, which, they waved from the car windows while passing the depot, and cheered with great enthusiasm. They expect to be, sent into Virginia immediately on their arrival at Washington; _ • - Several regiments of 'infantry arrived here last evening over . the Northern Central Rail road from Washington and-Elmira, en route for liartinsburg, to reinforce Gen Patterson at that point. Tan BOUNTY TO VOLVNTEERE.--S0 many con flitting statements have been made regarding this matter: that we publish the following Por -1 thin of General Orders No. IG,' 'issued by the War Department, May 4th, 1861: Every vol , Unteer, non-commissioned officer, private and artificer who enters the service of the United States under this plan, shall be paid at the rate of fifty cents, and° if a cavalry volunteer, twen ty-Ave, cents additional in lieu of forage, for every twenty miles travel fronr his home to the _place of muster—the distance to be measured by the shortest usually traveled route—and when honorably discharged, an allowance at the same- rate from the place of his discharge to his home, and in addition thereto the sum of one hundred dollars. Any volunteer who may be received into the United States service under this plan, and who may be wounded or otherwise disabled In the service, shall be enti tled to the benefits which have been or . may he *ferret' on persons 'disabled in the regular 'orrice, and the legal:_ heirs of such as die or ipay be killed in the service,._ in addition to all airea,rages of: pay and allowances, shall receive 'the sum of one-hundred dollars." " on olamm. •••••••• , , the Bth 'mit. the follbwing preamble and reso .. lutions were 'adopted .arils, We have received with extreme regret the notice of the resignation of our wer thy First Lieutenant, M. N. Allen ; therefore Reath That while we are conscious that his duty calls him home, we nevertheless part with him with reluctance, well knowing and appre ciating his courage as an officer, his aptness, his uprightness of character, and his honor as a man. Resolved, That in• him we have always found an officer with independence to do Ws duty faithfully, tutoring none, and treating all just ly ; and`that wherever he may go, or in what ever business he may engage, -he will carry with him the best wishes and kindest. feelings of the whole company. „v.-Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to the editors of the Tioga county papers, and the papers of this city, with a re %nest that they be published. =El== HANAKAN.Thia AND Hsnvser.—The hay crop has all Men gathered and safely houned, and although .not nearly so heavy as in previous years) . all accounts agree that what it lacks in quantity is made . up hi quality. The crop this year is not only rich in saccharine patter, but has been secured in the best condition, owing to the favorable weather. The wheat and rye will compare favorably with any farmer year, and also •bids fair to be secured in good condi tiozi. We have heard no complaints of the fly from any part of the county. The oats is somewhat backward. The corn and potatoes also promise well. The season, altogether, is regarded as a faVorable one for the husband man, and will amply repay his toils during the past season. Bran or Rnm..--The relative rank of officers . In the regular army is designated in the fatigue uniform, worn in accordance-with the army re gulations, in the following manner : A Major General ie distinguished by two silver stars on his shoulder straps; a Brigadier General has but one star; a Colonel has a silver embroider ed spread eagle ; a Lieutenant Colonel has a silver embroidered leaf ; a Captain is known by two gold embroidered bars ; ; a First Lieutenant his but one gold bar on the strap, a Second Lieutenant none at all. The 'cloth of the strap is as follows : Staff Officers, dark blue; Artil lery, scarlet ; Infantry, light (or sky) blue; Riflemen, Medium (or emerald) green ; Cavalry, orange color. DBMS Num= ia CAM' Cuum.—The Cap tains of the'unattaeled - coinpardes held a meet ing last evening, arid decided to have evening dress parades at half past six, and also selected the following officers for the parades : Colonel —.Captain Baldy ; Lieut. Colonel—Captain Tag gart ; Major—Otpr e in H ar ding ; Adjutant— Lientenat Lucas. "C*ll734"YDB."—General Butler, or some body else, must certainly be sending their ebony "contrabands" in this direction, or where do the strange colored men all come from? Within a few weeks there has been a iarge Inman of the colored Pordaticsi, and Mill they come. BY MEWL XXX.VIIth Congress--Extra Session, IMPORTANT PROCEEDINGS. WASHINGTON, July. 8, 1861 SENATE. —Mr. Wade (Ohio,) offered, a joint resolution that the Secretary of the Treasury be directed to remit all duties and imposts on all arms imported since the first of May last, which have not been actually paid, and all arms which may be imported prior to the first of January, 1862, for the use of any State which is in good faith aiding to suppress the rebellion now waged against the United. States. Re ferred to the Committee on Finance. Mr. HALE, (N. H.) presented a petition for the relief of Roger Jones, who commanded at Harper's Ferry, and was obliged to destroy public and private property, to prevent its fal ling into the hands of the rebels. The Vice-President presented the memorial of the Chamber of Commerce, of New York, in relation to Harbor defences. Referred to the Military Committee, Mr. Wasos (Mass.) from the Committee on Military Affairs reported back the joint resolu tion legalizing all the acts of the President. Laid over. Also, the bill authorizing the employment of volunteers in enforcing the laws and protecting public property. Laid over. Adjourned. Houss—Mr. Busty, (Pa.) was excused from serving as a Member of the committee on elec tions, for the reason, as he stated, that the seats of two representatives from districts ad joining his are contested. Mr. W/CELLEFE, (Ky.) was excused from ser vice as a member of the post office committee, on account of physical inability. Mr. Sravuxs (Penn.) introduced a bill to divide Pennsylvania into three political dis tricts, and that a court be held at Erie. Re ferred to the Judiciary Committee. • Mr. VALLAND/GUAM (Ohio) introduced a bill to repeal the tariff act of 1861, and restore that of 1867. Referred to the Committee of Ways and Means. Mr. Flormax (Ind) presented a. bill granting bounty lands to those who have been or shall be engaged in the military service of . 1,1, e United States. Referred to_tb' _ ra , cox - (ohio) - presented a bill to increase the number of cadets at the West Point acad emy:. It gives three times the present num ber, and reduces the term at the academy from five years to four. Mr Warm; (Me.) offered a resolution,_ which was adopted, instractbag the Committee on the Judiciary to inquire into the expediency of fix ing the number of Representatives, after this Congress, at 219, being the present number. Mr. Horaux (Ind.) presented a resolution, which was adopted, declaring that the House will, during the present extraordinary session, only consider bills and resolutions concerning military and naval appropriations for the Gov ernment, and the financial affairs connected therewith ; and all bills and resolutions of a private character, and all other bills and resolu tions not directly connected with the raising of revenue, and in relation to military and naval affairs, stall be referred without debate to ap propriate committees, to be considered at the 'next regular session of Congress. Mr. LOVSJOY (Ill.) offered the following re solutions First---Rezolved, That in the judgment of this fXouse it is no part of the duty of soldiers of the United States to capture or return fugitive slaves. Second—Resolved, That the Committee on the Judiciary. be instructed to enquire into the ex pediency of repealing the law commonly called the fugitive slave law. Third--Whereas, Major Emory of the T.T. S. Army resigned his commission under circum stances showing sympathy with the rebellion against the Government, therefore Resolved, That his restoration to the service was improper and unjustifiable, and this House in ttte name of the people demand of the Exe cutive his immediate removal. Mr, Enwerwn (N. H.) moved to lay the reso utiono on the table. Mr. VALLANDIGHAM (Ohio) gLade an ineffee ual effoxt to amend the resolutions. The abuse voted on Ur. Edwards' motion, and laid them on the table, by a vote of yeas 87, nays 62. Mr. EITIMISAN moved a reconsideration of Mr. Holman's resolution, his object being to include general questions of a judicial character. Mr. Bum= (By.)desixed a further extension in order that propositions looking to a peaceful solution of the present political difficulties may be permitted. He was one of those who had not abandoned all hope on that subject. The SPEMZER reminded gentlemen that the debate was not in order. The House zeconsidered the vote by which Mr. Holman'a resolutioia was adopted. kr. Ammar( moved an amendment, as above indicated. Mr. Vara.sninoi:iali raised the point of order, that the resolution changed the rule, which could not be done without the required notice to that effect. The Speaker, for reasons stated, over ruled the point. Mr. lkurtlin again suggested his amendment so as to allow PropoSitlouslooking to a peaceful solution of the present, troubles to be intrCi &wed. &ham tiding Wart Having procured Steam POwer Presses, we are prepared to execute JOB and BOOK PRINTING of every description, cheaper that It caribe done at any otter es tablishmentin the comitry. .. . . . ... . . ... . ZirFoar lines or less constitute one-halt aquae. -kV n lines or more than tour constitute a square. Half Square, one day do' :6 one week..., ... .............. t O f. one month... • •• three month S et f. six months 4 0 One year.... . ....... . .... . , ... o 00 gnu Square one day 60 ‘‘ ene week........ 2 00 If one month.... .. 3 00 • " three months I 00 81X mouths._ • 000 . one year .-. 10 00 - siy-budness .nonose inserted In the.. Lad - -wr before Marriages and Deaths, FIT& C3NTII PHIt 1 or each insertion. . . sa-Marriages and Deaths to be charged as regtfint advertisements. . . . •-, : NO. 58. Objections being made, Mr: Braun= said that gentlemen ought certainly riot - to be - de.- prived of the right to offer such propositions. Mr. Wrcaraffr. (Ky.) declared in the name of his constituents, and his otouniTY, and.; God, that the legislation of this House - should be left free and untrammelled. He uioved tog the resolution on the table. Negathtd-iltaa_42, nays 102. - - - - - Mr. Homuli's resolution,- as :wattled by Mr. llielsms ,'s resolution, was- again -adopted: Mr. Wasnsuan offered sc.series .Teso lotions referring the various, branches of- President's message to the appropriate commit, tees. Adopted. All contested 4 election cases were referred to the Committee. on Electiorus. • • Mr. Owns (Iowa) offered a joint..resalution proposing to strike from - the-Pension:rolls _the names of all persons in rebellion against the United States, and all aiding or abetting seces-; sion or rebellion, &c. - This was ruled out under the resolution adopted to -day. Mr. VAN sacs, ,(N. J.) introduced a bill for increasing the pay of soldiers to fifteen :dollars per month, commencing May. let ;-also a bill reducing the expenses, of the GUVernmpat, that ell officers excepting Post - Masters and Consuls, having - no stated salary; shall:pay all the fees collected by them into tlre..treasury that the salary of all officers, civil, military and naval, shall be reduced as fracas Over.$10„000, thirty per: cent over $73000, 26 per cent over 5,000,204;er cent.; over 2,000. 15 percent; over 2,000,.10 per cent; and. over 1,000, 6 per. cent. Itepealing•all laws, granting mileage to members of Congress; restricting the franking privilege to one ounce in weight; and` repealing all laws and resolutions appropriatbig money for newspapers and stationary for num bers in Congress. . Mr. D.t ME ; (N. Y.) offored the following Raolved, (if the Senate concur;)_ , Tbat the following address be signed by the Speaker of the Rouse and by the President of the Senate, ; and tbat the Preaident be iequested to approve the same, and transmit a copy to the-Gover nors of the respective States of this republic. The following sentence is • a portion Of the address: - • • - "We thus entreat you, not in dread of your power, - but because we had rather persuade you as friends than conquer you as eneroles. We declare our determination, in case you persist in your rebellion, Tint in akiri t. of menace, but t. - it ,- Iv --- zum - rettestpate all idea of peace upon any terms other than the supremacy of the Con stitution, that our flag shall triumphant over this whole Republic, or it shall_cease to be a national emblem. This is our firm resolve'. God and an enlightened world decide-as-to the rectidue of our cause." The papers were referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. - FROM MARTINSOURO. BOTH ARIdIES REINFORCED. PREPARATOINS FOR . BATTLE A letter to the American from Marfdtsburg, dated Saturday, announces the arrival of Mow:- bleday's and the Rhode Island batteries.- It also states that Patterson'S entiren.rmy is encamped in and around Martinsburg,smait. Lug reinforcements, and that no forward''MOM ments had taken place. Gen. Johnson.had been reinfomd by. 9,000 men from Illanassss, and had taken witand for a fight at Bunker Hill, seven miles distant, with 16,000 troops. A large number of troops passed _t,hrough Baltimore yesterday and last night, to strength. en Patterson's column. The regiments that passed throes here yes. terday morning expected to cross the Potinni t e., at Williamsport, this morning. . SOUTHERN INTELLIGENCE: that the Juli 7. The Journal of this morning says. Governor of Tennessee has been regularly 'w tified that no more trains on the Nashville road' . . will go into Tennessee, until the stolen caraand' locomotive have been restored, The same paper also learns that the Tames seems in Frankford were urging Gov. *ageAA to take pussemion of _the Nashville road, and hold it open for freight tramportaidon. 'There' le great excitement there in comiequenCo" Magoffin having taken the matter into , consid eration. • The atirier of 'this morning has an advertise ment notifying the citizens of the opening of a: recruiting office for the array of the Son*ern Confederacy. •-• An Arkansas paper naraer, Jeff. Davis and Albert Pike for President and Vice l''l . (sident the C. S. A. • Memphis papers eay many deaths are (mak,: ring in Camp Cheatham and Nashville; Win the measles, - . , A South Carolina regiment had left Mamma Junction to return home, their ternixt service having arrived. . • - - • WRECK OF THE SICHOONEE PI QT.c Drrifoir, J:tdirt The schooner Pilot, with a cargo of 12;000' bushels of wheat, bound from Ohicato to;Bie falo, while-at anchor in the river; vnisfrin into and sunk -by the - steamer -De•Soto,-of-Cleve-: -land, at nine o'clock this everdng; 4nring_' a heavy squall. She lies in.foity-life 'feetnf ter. The De Soto was not injured. RATES OF ADVEETISINO. I:=== JOY -0?