C 1: 1 / a tital. Ayer's CATHARTIC PILLS. ARNYOU SICK, feeble Ella riOnrelitining? AreCiit i A 01 order, with your systolic deranged. your uncomfortable? These symptoms arc tifoll the prel to Berk= illness. Some St of s ickness areepmg upon you, and should be averted by a timely ON 01 the right remedy. Take Ayers Pills and cleanse out the disordered humors—purhy the blood and let the laid& thirviSOu Unobstructed in health again. They stimu late the inuations ot the body into v igorons activity, pu nothiykysteuntrom disease. • cold settles somewhere *Sty, and obstruttalts natural (unctions. These, 11 MR Moved, reset upon Inemseives and the aurroand aareltaa genera ag.trava Son, sulterbag and ease s Vhile in this condition, oprreased by the de reugements, take Ayer a rllti, and see bow directly they restore the natural action 01 the system, and with it the buoyant feeling of health again. What fa true and MD apparent to this trlval and common coutplalat, IS also true in many ofth e doepeeated and dangerous diatom. pus The same purgative elleo expels them. Caused by sithibt obstructions' and derangements ot the natural Minim of the body, they are rapidly, and many of them surely, cured by the same means. None who know the virtues ot titans Pills, will neglect to employ , them when tailoring from the di, orders they cure. Statements trent 'caddie physicians In some ot the principal elites, and troin other well known public per sons. ham a I — fairthed . lag Merobsult at ft Lois, NO. 4, 1856 HR. Am : Your Ms are the paragon of that Is great In medielne. They have cored my little daughter 01 niellinnt ROMS open bar hen a and 1868 that had pored Weldable for yews. Her In Aber has bean lens airlesioesly afflicted with blotches and pimples no her Win and In her hair. Alter our child was cured, she MOM led )car ma, and they have owed ber. ABA mußaawa h. Ail A FAMILY PIIIWO. prrom Dr. IL. W. Cartwright, New Orloam.) Your Ma are the prince of purges. Their excellent qualities summit any cathartic we pongees. ' They axe Milk bet very dirtain and effectual In their action on the bowels, which make them Invaluable to ue in the daily reatntent of disease. giunages, MOE MADAM, 1 0 0171. lITOKACE. [From Dr. inward Boyd, Baltimore.] Dual Use. Ares: I cannot answer youwam *ow plaints I have ouzo with your Pills better OLM to ar dB that Wilt OW grad WA a purgative medicine. I place peat dependence on ameefootual cathartic in my daily setae with diseme, and believing as Ido that your 'Wu afford us the Mat we have, l or course value them WNW. Plummy Pa., May 1,1855. De. J. 11 Arse—Nr I have been repeatedly mired of he worst headache anybody can have, by a dose or two flour Pills. It name to arise from a foal stomach, which they deans* at cues. Yours with great respect, ND. W. PRNBLE, Clerk of Steamer Clarion. Lkßous Douutorms...-Lft sa Commanirni. [TrainDr. Theodore Ra s of New York City.] WM only arejour PUM adm rably adapted to their purpose as an aperient, but I Unit their beneficial effects upon the Liver very marked iddeed. They have In my panties proved more offecinsi for the cure 'of Bilious Qmpiaints than any one remedy I can mention. I sin cerely rejoice that we have at length &purgative which la worthy the oonfldenoe of the profession and the MN. Darairnmart or mu lurmtio Washington, D. 0., 7th 1feb.111165.1- I have used your Pills In my geaeral and hospital rsaiots ever since you made them, and cannot hesitate y they are the beet cethartie we employ. The!r re gulating action on the Lv r er.r ttelek and decided come- ClislUy they are an &Limitable remedy for derangement of that organ. Indeed, I have seldom found a case of Bilious DIMS. 10 obsttnite that It did not readily yield to them. Fratimudly your s, ALONZO BALL, 11. D. Phyetetah of the Marine Hospital. Dnsnaar Dtaltaitou RILL; Wee Xi. (Pram .1)r..1.11. Green, o:Chicago.) Your PUY hwe had a long trial I n my procaine, and I held them to esteem as one of we beat aperients I have au found, Their alterative abet upon the liver makes them an exesUent remedy, when given in smolt doses for DMus Dysentery and Diarrhoea. Their suger.cna ling makes them very acoeptable and oouventent for the use et women and children . DianelLA, He or TB2 Bum. itrom Her. J. V. Mimes, Paster Advent Church; Boston. Dr. .1132 : I have used your Pills with extraordinary mama In my kindly and among those I am called to visit to distress. To regulate the organs of digestion and pu rity the blood, they are the very best remedy I have ewer known, and I can confidently recommend them to say nrisnds. rows, 3. v. MMES. Wsmew, W yotigug Co., N. Y., Oct. 24,1815. Dux Rat: am using year Oathartnt Pills hl my prallosi n al d Ant them an excellent purgative to cleanse Winn end petrify the fountains of the bleed. JOHN G. MRACILAJd, H. D. CONIIMPATION, Orgartune, derma/mos, Bagasousorl, Goon, Nattilit,u4, Daorsr, PanatrP . -. Fan, Bra ' p4om Dr. J. P. Vaughn, Montreal, o Too much marmot be said of your Pills for the cure of Goadvenam. IX others of your fraternity have found theshas edloactone as I have, they should lolaI ola me hi pro. ehlthdpig it 10; the benefit ot inultittidee who auger trod that complaint, which, although bad enough In it. _fiett k ia the progenitor of °there that are worse. I bellye vororimas to °rigid:go in the liver, but your Pills affect that organ and cure the disease. Prom KM. E. Stuart, Physician and lotkiwife, Eosin.] I End one or two large doses of your Pills, taxon at the,, grape time, are eLaelient, promotives of the Sutural sereiloa wnen whllly or partially suppressed, and also erg edentUAl wOLNABISI the Bronson and aunt' WORMS. They are so mem the best physie we have that ; euom mead no other to my pelotas. ' Ori4d 10110Beir. Dr. Hawk's, of the Method* Episcopal Church.] Potaant-Hotio, davannah, Ga., Jan. 6, ,18513. Beim= But I I should be ungrateful for the re net guar WU has brought men I did not report my ame to you. A cold misled in my limos and brought ort ezoru- Mating Neuralgia PAWN whtan ended in Caroni* Muni trunem. Notwittismitug I nod the best of pltylllolalle,, the demo grew were and worse, until by toq advice 4( ypur eitent agent to Battimore,. Dr. tiaisennie, tiled year Mt. Their effects' were Mow but cute, By paseen tit Ent me of them, ant now entirely well, • • Elnattem, Baton gouge, La., Deo, 6,1855. c Au. : I San been entlreltourecilb4your d Ithenesatio Boat —a piuntul u dts_tim MtWeltoted Lea for yam"; 'MC ELL. v iormain of the Pills In manta coutala Mercury, Mbilhic; although a valuable remedy in skillful hands, is dangerous la .a public pal, from the dreaulful oonsequen ms that tretinendy bellow its Meantime nee. , These Mein no meraury or mlneral substitutes whatever. = . 6 , cente par box, or 8 boxes for by Dtt. J. C. AYES A (XX, Lowell ifsel.. NieT - 4 - 0. A. Barlow', C. L Keller, B. W. Drum as „JO J. /A. ims, Holman A Oo , Armstrong, Harrlosbarg, .i.ead dealers everywhere. - iltnn-anutalr ' h AVID B.A.YNEB,IIO MARRA% BT. HAJWABURG, Agent for LILLIE'S PATENT M oo& and I:lndlee trun 11... Le Berglak Prot MOW th.ONLT treanPle Atte Atade, in tAli is a arn ' lO4l Ptcsa • CANDLES! M PARA at oARD.LIcs,MNB OANDLIN, . _ ADAMANTIN Z OANDLNA, IaZARINE OA:0141s, 'BITAB W.NOLES, OnilraloAL sPiBßal CANDLE : • TALLOW CANDLES. 'haw lot otitis 'bole to st,t's and for sate at Ite low • dig Pfau tif wie. DooK JR. 8c CO., Opposite the Conn : ease. i 4.,,VERY HEAVY STOCK qF $1 4 4.0K AND SECOND MOURNING. DRESS GOODS ! OF molt iiksourrrox d ust' OPENED, At IWONI below the OM of Importiftion. GALL AT CATEICARI 4 I9, MRS Next door to Ms Harrisburg lank. . FAIDIERT HOTEL. ; . • rsubscriber begs ve to inform ids ' friends and the polio teat be hew taken the rA nom In In Marfre e street opposit e We po e t ibm ..,, simurly J. Stahl% he la ;dewed to &coo& a nd them on reasonable %MIL Having reacte d and airelabed the Howie entirely now, he hopes by Maid at. swim to bOalases So receive a:liberal share ofcon. NIL - - , -10 114131 dr B. G. p Er SOLDIER'S BOOS, APKiniter; larnrument,” azEtstou of th e Qoxpito Thilt4d States, g dig riding and qtr . lwildal 4 sikalattnao 00.Allor. obi at • ;, Mr 4 .. moliigva.Nrcpia lltistellantono. '..:...C.H111: 1 7': .. 14 - 1 4M14 MRS. 'WINSLOW, An experienced Nurse and Female Phpetotac, preeents to the attention of mothers her SOOTHING SYRUP. For Children Teething, whitish greatly !kodlMos the process of teething, by eon Wog the gnms,reducing all infisanmatkin—win allay All PAlN,end spasmodic action, and la 8311 E TO REGULATE THE BOWEL& Depend upon it, mothers, It will give reel to yourselves AND, IMES AND BROTH TO YOUR INFANTS We have put up and sold this erects for over let years, and can ear, in COniliDlNCoi ain mum, what We I have never been able to say of any other medicine— NEVER HAS IT FAILED, IN A SINGLE INSTANCE smog A CURE, when timely used. Never did we thew an instance oLdbution by !air One wbo Mee it. On the contrary, till are delighted with its opera dons, and speak In terms of highest commendation ot its magical effects and medical virtues. We speak ft dile matter 4, watr we to meow, rater ten years' expo deice, sin moos we =muon son um scumnaM irriar WI sins DIICILLIM In almost every Instance. where the Infant is suffering from pain and exhaustion, re lief' will be found In Aileen or twenty minute, altar the Om is administered This valuilde preparation Is the presceipion of one ot the most =MIEN= and SKILLFUL NUESS3 to New England, and lum been used with =van saws acommiln ItEICISIANDS or Ewa It not IMlii,iellePres tkie child from pain, but Invig orates the stomach and bowels, corrects ebidity, ane Spree to and energy to the whole system. It will mat Instantly relieve GRIPING IN THE BOWELS, AND WIND COLIC, and overcome convulsions, which if not speedily rem, died, end In death. We believe ft the sem and scam stioner in em wean in all cases of DYSENTERY ANL DIAIULEIRA IN CHILDREN, whether It Mime from teething or from any other cause.. We would 'say to every Mother who ban a child nruirg from any of the foregoing complaints—no nor tar roue mutenuoss, nos sus mamma= or man% stand between you and your suffering child and the relief that will be SURE—yes, Alt SOLUTELY SORE-to follow the use of this medicine, il timely used. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. None pukuine unless the Isio-simile of CUEFIS & PERKINS,Now York, is on the outride wrapper. Sold by Druggists throughout the world. Principal Moe, No. 18 Cedar St., New York. Price only 25 Cents nor Bottle. //grFor Hale m Harrieburg by B. W. Gros & Go., Ne 19 Market street, J. Martin Lots, No. 22 Market toreelyo K. Keller, No. 91, Market street, below IrworGii sad G. W 'XIIIN,I2B Market strong siirDl dank- Dyspepsia Remedy DR. DAR'S HAM'S AROMATIC INVIGORATING VISIT. This Medicine has been used 1) , g the ratio for sin yaws, with increasing favor. It is recoonessendot to Csife Dyspepsia, Remnants, .13Lart-Benvs, Cbtie .Vains, Wised in the Stomach, or it , as in the Bow, . Headachy Drowsiness, Kidney Sow plaints, Lois Spirits it Tremens, intesepiratioe. Szonneves, Azulialterss, I An; RR was NOT lersixtons .ort die S A MEDICINE it isquick nd effectu al, curing the most aggravating case o Dyspepsia, aney Complaints, and all other derange eat of the Stomach and Bowels, In a speedy Manner. • It will Instantly revive the most melaneb ly ano drooping spirits, and venue the weak, nervous nil Ides ly to health, strength and vigor. Persons who, from the injudicious use of lignites, have become dejected, arid their nervous spite= shattered, oonsllttalcure broken down, and subject to Butt hormile curse to humanity, the DELIS= Towle% will, ahnosi Immediately, feel the happy and healthy Invigorating allow of Dr. Banes Invigorating Spun. W±IA.T IT WILL DO. Po2l.—One wine glees full as often as neosesary One dose will remove all Bad Spirits. One dose will cure Heart-burn. Three doses will cure Indigestion. One dose will give you a Good Appetite. ,One dose will stop the distressing pains of Dyspepsia. One dose will remove the distreesing and disagreeable offbeat of Wind or Flatulence, and as soon as the, stomach receives the Invigorating Spirit, the distressing load ant' all painful feelings will be removed. Ode dose will remove the most distressing pains of Lolk., either in the stomach or bowels. A few doses will removeall °balm:alma lath 9 Kidney, B/addis or Urinary Organs. Perim who are seriously afflicted with any Kidney Okepliiints are assured speedy relief by a dee* or two, and a radical cure by the use of one or two bottles. NIGHTLY DISSIPATION. Persons who, Irian dissipating too much over night, and feel the evil effects of polsonOns liquors, ha Vielebt head. aches, sickness at stomach, weakness, gbidlnriss, will find one dose will remove all bad itxlilinge• Ladles of weak and sickly constitution, shoaketake tree Invigorating Spirit three times a day; it will make teem strong, healthy and happy, remove all obstruodone and Irregu belles from the menstrual organs, Old restore the bloomr of health and beatnylo the oarewornmee. During pregnancy It will be Mind an invaluable midi. eine to remove dtsinvinuible mentions at the atennum. All the proprustoreake Is a Irak and to induce trus, has put op the Invigorating Spirit in pint bottles, at 60 cents, quarts $l. General Depot, 4B Water street, N. Y. Wholesale Agent, Philadelphia, D. YOTT, dr.ClO. and tor sale en Harrisburg by O. A. Batumi" O. W. Groan Go. and C. K. Keller, rout by all Dragglsto everywhere jule-dawly FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. SPRING AND al:Wm STTLEB. 186 1 . raikpluzina FASHIONS. GRANVILLE BTOZES' ONE PRICE GIFT CLOTHINGEAIPORIUM No. 607 aff&STATUT aTIZEMX. A superb stoat of line /frcsioh, English and American OLOTH4 OASSINEM23, and YUMA Dor Oty and Country trade, with an unapproaciithble as go:intent of Rum Mans tharnizte at the lowmt cash most • ,aly-But ONE PAIGE le sated, and a GOT of tntrinsic worth and use presented widt each article sold. 1 Pariartuar attention paid to the Customer dethirtnitnt, and garments mule ambient to order to any address. In inauguratin‘ this new system of doing business, GRANVILLS. STOKES would impress on in. minds of the patrons of hie estubluthment, that the cost of the gin Is deducted from, and nor added to the price of the arti cle sold. Hie immensely increasing sales enabling him to am thus Liberally, and at the tame time to manse • remunerative profit. ell articles guaranteed to give entire sallehotien, GRANVILLE STOKES' ONE PRICEOLOTHINGEMPO4IIIM sot CHESTNUT UM% oetail4md—rdmare.dtr THE COMMISSIONERS appointed tinder the Act of Incorporation of the city of Limits burg having made &plot or draft of said city, designating the titivate, lanes and alleys now existing and opeotog, and also where avenues, streets, lanes and alleys shall here atter be opened, and also cesiguating within the finite of said coy a plot or piece of ground, containing not bee than twenty acres, tor the use of tho pablio illidof said city, for the purposes and uses ateuuoned in said act ; and having submitted their draft and report to tub oourt ot Quarter sessions, of Dauphin county, for the approval of Said Court ; the said draft and report have beim Alai by order of said Court in the office of the Clerk or Quar ter sessions of said county for public inspection ; un less exceptions are hied thereto by partied interested in mid city, the same will be approved at the Augur term of said (Mud. By order of the Court. myl-dtw WY. 111TCHNLI., SIGN OF THE Glorioue _ Star Spangled Bip*er A NOTHER SUPPLY OF WALL PAPER, ,da, BORDERS, dw., SPLENDID WINDOW DUOS, to Which we call the attention or our friends, and oordially Invite them to examine our goods and prices _ We are determined to sell cheap. Mind the Plain. OCREFFAN'S 11008NrOaliry - spl34 Near the Harrilabeirg Bridge, AUGUSTINE L. CHAYNEJ CARPENTER AND BUILDER. Rea*mied Ru. 27 NoriCifecond areeth 1 4 1. 13—J01031M ATTENDED TO pennsuluattict Wailp eltgratt, Zatnrbai 'Afternoon, Jut 6, 1861. p A (•} ari 7arL4ll,ter- LIFE PILLS AND PHOENIX BITTEES. THESE MEDICIND3 have now been be lore the public far a period of TEOBTIf TUBS, and during that time have maintained a high character in al most every part of the Globe, for their extraintloar7 and immediate power of restoring perfect health to per sons entibritig under nearly every kind of dlaeese to which the human frame la liable; The following are among the distrawing variety of hu man diseases in which the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES Are well known to be infallible. DYSPEPSIA, bythoronghly cleaning the Ent and mooed stomachs, and creating a low of pure heal oils, Instead of the stale and acrid kind • FLA LENCY Loss of Ample, Heratirurn,Theulackm, Rest lessness, ill-Temper, Anxiety, languor and Melancholy, which are the general symptoms of Dyspepsia, *EI van Mb, es a natural consequence of its cure. COSTIVENESS, by cleansing the whole length of the intestines with a solvent process, and without vio lence; allys. violent purges leave the bowels' costive within two • - FEVERS of all kinds, by redwing the bklotto Miller esculation, through the process of respiinthin In such cases, and the thorough mention of all inteethiel ob. Amnion in OWNS: • , The LIFE . MEDICINES have been known to core Ruir.umwrism penninently in three week/ n 6B GOUT In half that time, by removing locallidanunittWa r from the muscles and ligaments of the joints. - DROPSIES of all kinds, by freeing and strengthair tag the kidneys and bladder; they Operate meetaellip fUlly on these important organs, and hence him liver been found a certain remedy tor the worst ,ame, s„of GRAVEL Also WORMS, by dislodging from the turnings of the bowels the slimy matter to which them ' creatural SCURVY, ULCERS, and tervETERATE SORES, by the perfect purity_whhili these LIFE NEFLI.; 0 NE give to the blood, and al l the humors. SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD COMPLEX lONS, by their alteraie snot upon the Snide that feed the skin, and the morbid state of which 000ludbits all eruptive complaints, sallow, oloadyi and other disagree able complexions. , The use of these Pills for a very short time will edbcs en entire cure of SALT RELIGUEg, and a A.llrim prOVeMeill In the clearness of the skin.. IDeuN COLDS and INFLUENZA 'will an* bq cured by one doe% or by two In the worst cases.* Pll.llll.—The orlginaFpropietor of thsse andiontes, was cured of Piles, of 86 years standing by the use of the LIFE MEDICINES alone. FEVER AND AGIBIL—For this memo of the Western couatry, these, Medicines will be found safe, speedy, and certain remedy. Other Medicines have the oysters subject to a rein= ofthe disease—a cure b Mose. AND BE MedielnesMrmsnent=d/EY TEEM, BE SA BILIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER GOB& PLAINTS.-41szonut Down Lam or Antares, and Di sums or Ifszass—the Medicines hires been used with themost benefteial results in oases of this deserlp.- llon :—Kings Evil and Soroftda, in its worst forms, yields to the mild yet powerful union of these renown - hie Medi cines. is of Night Palpitation Meryl= Debility, Nervous 00m all kinds, Palpitation of the Pleart,Taint CoIII,IIIR are W I RZA.L DIMEASEEP—Persons 'Whom oonstitn ions have become impaired by the inladifMouq' use of Mercury will find these Medicines a paled enter as they never Sill to eradicate from the system- all. the effects of Mercury, Infinitely sooner than the meet Meer: fall preparation* of lanaparilla. _ * • Prep tared and sold by W. B. BOEMAT, 856 Broadway, New York. Forests by all Druggists. iy2o-dawly is, 'BA A.V.rs Holland Bitters Llver Comp[ilia, reWr-and'Ague,ie,.. .Tue entanitabl introduction and nee of thhi mho brated Remedyhas bacillus for a literal flood of own - WWI littered' in :redoes forms, a quart bottle to a flywgsllon kog,.untli this ward "Bitters" Is bOt another nimmitr "give or some Masotti whlidtey mhstins. But the really greet relict derived iron the minute data one tempoostd, of our medicine, BOOLHAVE'S EDLLAMI..RETZEZEIS, . end Om entire absence o f finer —rle , iiinitti)ty his sate. blished Ibr It a reputation which the bostotlmitatkets. and counterfeits have Allied to undermine. It is prOi tively &vegetable preparation - with - bandy mdliolant pure Write to preserve it. But one size of the genuine, (nalf.Pint Bottles,) price Orm Douala It is a medicine of long-tried alma) , Sift Yte'Videg the Blood, so essential for the fbundation of good health and ear correcting Woordeis of the stomach and bowels. Two or three dome will ccrewhtee the afflicted of It. salutary effects. The stomach will speedily regain its strength, a healthy action of the liter, bowels and kidneys will mow hike pbeei and raturvied health be the Tit& result. Por INDIGESTION. Try Berhave , s Holland.Bltters, For IM/LIIThipUT. Try Bethaves gollandßitters. For ACIDITY. Try' Berhayets Hollandßitters. For WILTIMBRAB24 Try Berhave , s Holland Bitters. For ICEADACEDB, Try &where% Holland Bitters. For LOSS OF APPETITE. Try . Beraave , s Holland Bitters, Far COSTIy soNSEIB, Try Ikernave's Holland Bitters. For PULES. Try In all Norma, Rlummatle, and Net:weigh:l.MM- Uons, it baa in nunreratuf tuntences proved highly beneficial, and in ether, effeded a decided cum • Read Carefully ! The gersein highlreoncentrated Beenikere !Imp Lure Bremen b putlawln.lialfidat bathe— only, said retailed at One Dollar per bottle. The great demand for this truly celebrated medicine has induced ;many imitations, which the mai% Mould ` guard against purchasing, . 1.1 Beware of tnaponliesn . / See that our name is'on ihe label qf nary bee& you buy. Berij:Page;ltYlk Co. SOLE MANUFACTURERS, ITITSBURGR, PA. tbe,osilita theigitylotjberisthog oy D. W. (iROBiI, Do. laßOrd—ooplAilkwly JEWELRY, WATCHES, ()LOCKS, FANCY GOODS, &O. ALFRED F. KINXEBILM & 00i NO. 52 MARKET STREET, Harriablul, ya., °mocha Hun's Emu and adjobling th e YMAN Ham, having purchased the stock of N. ? jannings, and added a large assortment of NEW .rmw4 SLAY, we will sell the same el thelowest cub price, mid solicit patronage . . .-• Hatobee,,.CloaksandiJewelry neat*land promptly r a paired end delivered. , Atarap p(1 NT a CO. Having Amend of my stock of Jewelry to A. P. 'Am monia= & Co., I theerfully mammoth theta to my for. mar eustemere , ita practical and- experienced Watch gag er s, and soma fir.them a wmtinuance of the patron. age which hen been no generously extended t9,eth during the last Mx yemn, Janes ELKIN F. UNPINS& .IMXISUEL" SHAD, No. 1, SALMON, No.l, HERRING, No.l, COD FISH, No. 1, MACKEREL, No. 1. Of „he above we have eh the different deed package* rem the tea to the Rama in store and kw lab at the owed warble rages. febl6 WX. DOOR, .11, h ORANGES AND LEMONS.. FORTY BOXES in prime order just re prime%Ord and for solo by lOW. DOOR JR. Ali 00 SPERM popus site . zu aite ugarinto as! /7 WILIDOCKii&p.bo. ifithical EM Bo rhaveos Holland Bitters. ittelrimi. CEPHALIC PILLS SICK HEADACHE NERVOUS HEADACHE; ALL KINDS OF HEADAOHE• By tite-nse of these PM' the periodic Auks of Ner• weir w Mid Headache emy be prevented,• motif taken • the conunencement of an lOWA Iluallidiati *Witt= pain and sickness may beebtateed. They, tail in remold/mg Naulya and Headache to which felmales are Bo subs:act, They act gently upon the bowels, removing Carftwatao /or Literary Men, Modest', Delicate Temalee, and all of sedentarythihhet they are valuable as a = Improving the arms; givisup mom kith maim to Me eigeadve organs, and , rectories the ordcar4l slash - oily had strength to the w hole system. ThicCißda P1,41,5, , are sae re/lanai long licrestl gallon and aurefully conded_experiments, haying ;ta dmorinnLg winch time they key° pre- voided and,rallared vast mope= of pain and antlirlag man goitalecit, Wh. sr ortgibatlng m the mom xis. into er,greor adieranged state ofthe stammic t _ They are mutely. vegetable io Moir encapaidm. and 4* be aka at all times with parted safito,2rdt making afro:hangs et diet and theadeasal 4/1 fitqf Arithistdslt 1 1 1 , 4040 agile 112adaiili War 44ii td children lOW OT COONITTITICCre That(ennine haveitve signature. of Beery 0 I NON; on:eahh bon: 4dold by, elfailillits and eliding. dealers la meandoes. [Box will be seut..by lasil:prippl4l.:oll reed* of the • - OTINTIL All cedars should be addiraied bi - . IiENBTO. 13PALDUTO,,, 48 Cedar litelett,HetrTeck: : ' TEM FOLLOWING ENDORBMIOII3 c? .. . _, , z .-:. ,S...P.',A.III:O.:LN:Gr,,is:-.,.:.. .OEPHALIG:_PILIg "nu. uoN l 7,wers,Au.wao sumo ram 111 A D . H E I/PNEDT AND SURE citatz IS WITHIN THEIR REAqH. As l Ados isionwitau wav tissikaibmi by Afr. 13P114 0 - •;11 , 16, Ifkg/ lewd utspeationable par or Chi di- • awy of tido tnsiy aialtfits disootly. Oonn., Feb. lam 'I hays tried your 000 hallo ETU, and /Inks AO* ao twU *Litt want jawbone. ow two dollars worth wore. Part of then, are Ibr tho nehglittorly whet/4 save a *molt. of the - Slit , box Tgot from you: Seed IMMO' Igt mall, Juin oblate Your obit. Servant. • • .TAKIS Feb. e, /au. , SPAUII/1111x • . - tPir •1 wiiL you to mud me one' more pox o your Oephillo Pahs,lihewcreoedeo3.ctipreat desiy_:tt *w • c l u tZ le afTA m iilol33loo/Da LIMMMI , , • January 111, j• WO. larmaime, ears . Too will Ideasesend me two boxes of yourpeptalki Bead thembumodiately. , Respeciftaly, your* MO B. WM ••... • 13, 1 -1 have umd one box of y o ur Pills end d them excellent., - • Bats Psalm; Ohio, Jen. 16i DD. Dim 'o.l3rdututo, E Please kid enclosed twenty-live cents, tor which mad me another box at your Dacha° Pills. Thy ire truly the best 1.0/4 /Item tar tried. & _ • Brent . • A. BTOVIIII, P. hi., Belle Tomo; Wyandot 00., 0. Bast=, Mos., Dee. , H. O. Oralmett, I what ihr some Oculars or large ehow OQie.ite brie/ your alphaOs tills more particularly before D 7 Ouito maw. If you hump anything of the kind, phase mad ,to MIL Quo of my customers, who le eubjcot to sewers' et a Headache, (usually Jesting two days,) was mixt of es attack la owe hour by your fills, which I seat her. Bespodully yours, W. B. WILIUO3. ifreakiln 00., Ohio, Amery 9,16.1. now 0. Sumas, No. 48 °MariIS,N. Y. Dab Sir : Sualosed Sad twenty-Ave sews, (26) for which-mad box of 6 0ephalki Me." Saud to soar as uI Riff, Wm.. 0. Mier, Reyncedalen, Franklin malty, Ohio.; -; Tow .litlAs work Mks a Worm—are Hemisair Maio* isitaiber. Truly scan, rm. C. PALM Vrietesti, Ash , Jan. 14,1851. Nit beetaank_ sdr Not long linos I sent to you tor a box of Oephillo Pais fbe the sure of the Nervous Headache sod Oostivebese, and received the same, end they had reseed API frit ihst Zrom induced to and for were ' • - These mad by return matt. . Direct to A. 3.1171101741114 • Yysilantld [Frogithe Itaaalage, Nortelk, Vs.] , *gaols Pills sooomplish the eat Am was. .Ithey Were 10/1416, : CUre Of heimisake l °bl b all its lora*. Wont Ws Ziandnerr, NoribarTa4 They have been tested in more than a thous* with eattie so ![bout the Deatootak lit. Mud, Min.] . If you or been troubled with Use headache,. mad [or a (Cephalic !11/10 so that yea may have them In one an'tataok: • - • groat the Advestber,Providhacm, &14 L. 1...; he 00dadMPthe ars midto be a reauutably ,1410 , me remedy for the hereleohi, sad oae of the Iran - bar{ tar that Ver7 *egoism comaplaiat which has weir -bead . • - [!rent the Wader! Rs & eamite, Callow, tn.] WeW% heartily mildew Mr. Elpakthig, and Ws imp vii!!‘ild. NO Wow thennawbs Valley IWar, Kanawha, Va.] . We are aura that parmrala muttering with the tefti/etil4, wbotriteem, will Wick to teem. • • airsi inipbottle at TRALMINPS PREPARE) Grip! via asye Ma lbw It. met sannallymis SPALDING'S PREPARED - EP.AIDING- 7 8 PREPARED 4LDE SPALDING'S PREPARED GU:4O, SAYE TEA PLIIOI2 I KODNOMIt I DIIIPATUEI!• irr"AINEICIII EMI 11171111_110311."JE. - As anadents WU hal von, etas in walkapfaledVdaffaief Nis very diffdrable to cheap dad oottslant way f°r rapal gPursKnra,Toys, CredkerY9 BELDING% PRIM= GLUE meals dB mica emafffsdl dee, and no bouaehold can afford to be without It. I fa la lowa ready add up to the stick. Ida Pdtdt• "I:93EFUL 111 " WEST ROM." N. B.—A Broahampora louden awn bottle. Pries % eta. Athlrees . MNST Q. SPALDING, NIL 48 Oulu Weed, New ?Uric. OaIITION3 As certain naprosipled.permsamatAmmtiog $0 palm off m the leseipectieg smilaileas of PAP= GLIM' would maim/ al/Wm/ to eltuatolt PIP"' h' oott 1100 tbalL4Msfull maas,,, Mirgesumuirs mo= etas,air le ell the elitifile lagporptil Okamoto mut. Bettis... , • mar elf tines of iffravel 83 Ill" rctnspartatitni • ROUTI instil Mao tart' • lOU. TWO TWINS DAILY TO PHILADELPHIA , WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS, • 'ON AND MONDAY, TUNE io, 1861, the Peelenger Trains will leave the Philadel phia anti Rotelleg Railroad Deptot,ed Banistawg, for New York,and Philadelphla t as (dhows, , :EASTWARD. sgtpßzektuskierei nitirbibnig at 9.30 s.in. , oe sr. MidofTPD*Wi l lanin -dSIP9 I 9 I Elepresagrain from the 'West, anteing inWeVr 'York' ati 4 p: le. A 'sleeping oar m :attached ths Arain'tkrosighlro9l Pittsburg with oat' , ' 31 =1114,1N leaveillarrishurgit M.; arriving in New York aid p. i m.,.and Philadelphi a /.2.6 p. m. FART LINE leaves Narrbilitwgit 1.40 p. m., oh arrival of Pennsylvania 'Railroad Awl Mail, arriving la New York at 9.46 p,m.„„and Philadedgeda at 6.40 p. m. WESTWARD. , . PART riNtleevel New York et 6a. m. and Philadel phia et arriving ad:l3ettitturg ael p. re. MALL TRAM leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and Phil adelphia at 8.16 po: Harrisburg at 8 p.m. WAREN MIN leaves. New, Y o rk at 8, , p. in., ani- Wing at Harrisburg at 2,80 a. In., and eoluileting with the ,Peommtvents. Repress Train lbr ?Mews. A aleeping oar is also attached .te. tills main. • Ocinneettelteire lido at Earimbnig With trains on the .Pannallvania, Northenttclemtral sad Quaberland Valley Railroads, and at Ree4lng for Xhilidelimis, Pottavil le, .Wilkasharret, 'Allentoirn, UM* 'ha B chocked through. • ,liaro between New York ind ill =barg; 86 00; Winton Harrisburg and $Bl6 Jet No. Mali Mid 22 7.2.21 NO. 2. For t ickets or o u t er, ap pl y to •J. 7. CLIMB, min • - 0 • 7 ± 44 1 1 4 44 11]1 ; •. airriab axle POINSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD BUMI► ER TIME TABLE. • - • • - . FIVE TRAINe`.D'AIL . Y. TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. , Olt :AND ASTIR MONDAY, 'DINO • 1 - :Oth, 11861, paseart trains o[l4 ,rennsylvanda &Amid Com pany 'will deptii thin aid arrive at Rsrrlsburg an& tollotaw4-4.1:. : AL Vir : Al; /1/ For LINE limmedilsrrisburgeTnry morning (endaPr Monday) at 1.16 a. tn,, itadarrivea . West Finiattolphla at b.lO a. in. , . THROUGH =PR= TRAM leaves Mesrislnirg daily at 9.20 a m., and arrived at Went Ylklaiteiprila at . AWL 'IMAM Marto JimiLibitig: &AY' (miospt Sun— dayliat kW Li. ret., Marmites at Man- Pteadoiphis at 10,16. p. nt. • . „. Tliaee trahM milts aid onmatition at Fhliedifistelei.mith, 1 4 0 *o* Yoric.grel- , ' MVO/lit/D.410N Mini, Mo. i,- vie; Mount Joy, *ye*, > btti ns gm) a, and t: eifftvee at West Padadaiptda at 1140 noon. ••, HARfitiIUite•AOCAMMObATIIIM 'MUM% 4is Golum bhtt Marriabing xl.lO p .m y lug arrival at Well , P,Artt4r/44 1 / 44 1 1 4 PLat.- ' M;COMM,010;t 1 .1341351,_ , No. 2, it% •Mcdisit Joh 641 i, p. DX, 0441A40411 at . Diller vilni with MAIL TRA.MV • and arrives at Vast Plataital phla at 10./6 — W.E.STWARD. • 110101.2214t1N kayos at 16.20 p. m.,.Xiarriabarg at 2.86 -a. 411tcom 7.80, a. m.," and anti* at fliteniig at 12.80 hoop" " ' yFaiGAMAIN loatnai rat Y.BO s:'.sa., l aarlimargDA p. pt.".Altoona, .6.60 At" and' arrival Pittabasitnt 1240 midaAlt. . 7121TIINE'leaves ktdiadeaPitia' at 11.20 a. zo" liMgbun 8 44, 31. J 3 /4 4A 10 1 4 0./4 . 1 4 1/ 2 ., and Mina Pitta sit m. • 'I:U=OIMM ACOOKIRMATION Naval aplaksalppla km44o ILinoaster 8103 p. m.,- Oot, 0=10.0.46 p, at., mid antral. at Xi/arriabarg m 8 .05 p. m. -Tids Train. capoilaoir At Hmriabarg; at B.o* p. m" wilt Potthaarn Amtrak isMtroad tram for iziunOnr.r.; WaLliaomi. port, poOkliavati;boraakiii au& ag. points. No nit • - Aooolll4oDansisi taut, kayos rintaielPhla at 4.00 4 , 4 4 4etar, 1• 60 PILAU, ha a gOLAP3 gi P. M., Lihia. Mown, 8.81 . p. and afriyami at HarNaburg at AMMO= M Miami to tha fact, that Fasteners leaving PU 6 8 8 4411* al 4.09 p. zo., esseateet at Uuteaster with /dOUNT , JOT ATOOMatuDATION TRAIN, sac arrive at : 111 47 11, barg at 9.0 9 1 'P:+o• . Sak)AOKL 11. YOUNG, Supt. Eart.lliv.-Ponon. Fiarriraparg, Jam 7, 1,15.1.117/.; • , , „Baia and Girls OtteftE # 9 g9; 1 4 , 44* ;4 11 4 0 1144 LaCIOUST. 11 1 .4.4. Fat term. of ROBERT. WELWEE'B 1 ocuooLtor boys,yill °poison the last Monday in -*tips& Ane roan L win ventilated, oonitorlibly fur oeteatesed .4,lsr4l,,p#tptioc_wol4 . adapted, for senocs , ilerposea. WALWillf:l3 Sohoill. tor girl% located in Otatto balitnogi iglll open for.!he ran term at the SAWS UMIL" The reozn - nae new elegantly flew up Miring the Yooottolti to Prtenelf6titichealtnand comfort et eoliolarga )anal-titf CFII LIVERY STABLES. aracaraiiilli saw 01 - ipUarZHQ.TAL rrtiffi l andtamignect has re- - commenced the LL.lfirairtonatheat is lite-lIHW said SPACIOUS StA 14414.2 ... .10010.111i LS *bow tritlas targeted looted moot o HO :kittak gmtimik imm hswa uval; two be ea, biro at modonito rataa. F. K. WARM . nolo3-417 . • IRWORS—AT 'COST. 1 disoontinue the Val w! , ven- ear aid pk*a wort- PUSSairegli =itianstraiii.= of wery . de- IRI martt. ' -1' AL ill ' CO, . Oppoidt• She COCA itgase7 ORDERS No. 2, HEAD Queszka Juan -v. Hanaliorrao, 5 ,1., ;;, I. • Department of Ordnance aro! s went of Transportation and Tel egra . established at these Head Quarters. 11.- -- - will have • the Ordnance Department, and y . John A. Wright will in like charge of the Transportation atici 'Department. 111. The chief of the Ordnance D el .., will receive and receipt for all Ordatii,,,.z' Ordnance stores required for i e : will be his duty to see that all gate 7. - placed under his charge and ap. E . rt ,:": hi s Department is preserved in Lvw.Ltc,---- service. He will issue the erne •.,16- - e s m i ra ti ay ons ;bean co lumignd u h n e te wi rs ed i a gn hpe ed igrnf b o y irrim th wd ei a:,,,,, .. , Ordnance Department. . IT. To Lieut. Col. John A. Wri,st t: of the Transportation and Telegrap went, is committed all artazeieule cta a • tracts - with Railroad ant Telegraph ix it. Be will have prepared ail neztesdry • make such arrangements wi h panspertattion ,and 'Telegraph will secur e a regular and correct their aocormts,. and devise and pr regulations requisite is give effluct..., • business of the Department. V. All orders for the transportatio n e :.. will Designed by the Commanding Gent:i ,order of the officer in charge of thu. together with the certificate of the command of the troops, that the i erl `" been performed, will be the proper r,, ; ,_ the settlement of the account, and to individuals, will be signed by Gtaers or Lieutenant Colonel Wright. VI.- Tire Chief of Ordnance, Quart:: General and Commissary General a:e ed to int*e requisitions for trantrp t t,. freight over the railroads of the Scot t piescsibed by the Chief of the iraas.• and Telegraph Department. Such re;:: : . with certificate of service perforate:, will be considered a sufficient vozce settlement of accounts. VII. All bills or accoants or service ed by railroad or telegraph core pan.- forwarded to the Chief of the 'icor. Transportation and Telegraph r u Lt -, must have his approval before t Ley a:- By oilier of MAJ. GNI. GEORGE A. annor A. 8011111111, osptsb sad Aid-do Cam,) 'le6-citt GENERAL ORDERS, Na BULD QUARTka_4, P Bar lis bur y , Noy Pi, It. Major General George A. Call 4o the command of all the wilitar., Pennylvaxda, raised or to be raise i provisions of an Act of the !locum 1- Oflhe Commonweilth of Pcuu,1)1v.,:... tied "an Act to create a loan, n for the arming of the State." He will, without delay, procoed these form, according to the :o mid Act, and to select convenieut imitable encamping grounds, for tho of the troops. By order of the Commander-in k. JOHN A. WRIGHT, Aid ii BT. LOUIS HOTEL, OBESTIVU.7 SI., ABOVE TLC.: IN the' immediate neighborl : Jobblat HONKS on Market. anent; the Banks, Poet Othee, Ynr ba n Cm. KEPT BOOS OX TES AMERICAN AND ICUROPEA% Pi .e: MARTS PER DAY.... Mum between / and 3 o'cloca, mom fr,ora Oints upward. A Ares emu; Restaursnt, attached. rric . BUM of Pare. 1 1,0 ourA.Ara tate easseagery truce •,-. to the Hotel. aigast, freigh, German and Epacac . :STONE FOR SALE BIIILDING ' STONE or Stoue for torapilleg perpliekisi 130 of the ally or tie viewer. Aoply W 10g43 %Pd. 01: MEI -• • • • GIOSA.T. BIRD LTU 110.111 • WHEELEIT. & WILSON'6 MACHINE , .wee NEW - IMPROVEMENTS AT REDUCED T" WfLEELER & WILSON ' Luring Canavan, balring gained at -1. t.' •.. Ayr, withinfrimpug manufacturers of - propose that the public should be beiietit,l and DIM aroordin6y reduced the prices i,, - Machines. After date they wall be th. J . pay a fair *oh; on the noel of manut Invested, and expanse of making gale., will enable them to make drat class mac- -- heretofore, guarantee them le every part:. In esniOrdsuLOO with the annonooomea: • • sell their splendid Sewing Itauttioea at S9O. for the Ireful! miasmal:dna'. **,. ' bawd tact that the Wheeler do Wilson tb0t.4.4.0ne in the market, the beet made, cc • and least dekko to-gel out 0 I order, and may • lowan the Inferior machines . deal Third and Market. def-Ord W. O. I.llcl' h. " :'. EIZT CS . OLD - WALLOWER s. Li) —, rus - OLD TRANSPORTATIo) - - . • is sail ID ssooessftd operation end prep , - ' freight. as LOW is any other individdsl 1 , - Pailidelphiaddarilsbarg,danbury, Lew:sear, ' - Forli-JersilY ttioro,Litioit Haven, ..nd all 1 , - ,, ' Northern Ossiwaliamille olds. sad Kris, all + iioit sad Sizotra . . Local Agent at Her—, L- B. it ',' - Goods sent to PEACOCK, ZELL & ELINCIDLO and 810 Hark* street, above Higeth, by 4 0 will arrive. at Harrisburg, ready for d4.irez - morning. C. F. TrlV,,i IZUPTY BARRELS. —Two 1- 1 Eallitilrlour, Sugar and Woe RlmiPliclall tot prima. r ssB . DLCS WALLOWER'S LINE , DAILY BETwEED I HARRISBURG and PEI ILADELI 1; ' Wm.-E. Burk, Agent, 812 Itarkg strew, f" — phis, formerly Lir/wean k S wig' Peciai Conductor in charge v.. ',— . - goods delivered at tee `Vo , re , at4ge'elo:k will 100 Jed, rd - • bllzirefAt mornuig. J. WALLOW 5.8., ray2.l4tl I.lrAMS.L—Three Hundred EsE:.l a Cared Hama Met received by MIST CLASS GPbOCEBIE BI LARGE AR.1111,1"" HAVIN4I JUST RETURNED Eastern cities where we navo ginatuur Mal 111 large and oonspiote tissor, tePt P IMOr 11 00 da artiladi autbraca ao y thin ordiallY pu g 4,tyrol°l4°Cire reepecaindy aod c to nail -sad examme oar awn and YOlit, belt, • itlistdlartrou s TaaVILING 4OENS OF TEL TOL DOC g "Til 9 C‘j
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers