pailp Eeitgrapij. ,i)iR I'Blll7llG Saturday Afternoon, July 0, TO ADVERTISERS. circulation of the DAILY TELEGRAPH is FOUR TIDIES LARGER than any other daily published or circulated in this city, and therefore presents greater inducements for the patronage of advertisers than is offered to them through any other meditnri !At those Ale want buyers, try advertising fu tue'i'LLE i; It IPFE. THE MORNING TELEGRAPH Is issued every morning and con tains THE LATEST TELE GRAPHIC DISPATCHES re ceived during the night. RECIDIKSTAL Rum:- The comet band of Bloomsburg, engaged as a regimental band for the sixth regiment of the State Reserve Corps, now at Camp Curtin, arrived here this after noon. The band is one of the best In northern Pennsylvania. KNIGHTS OF THE GOLDEN CIRCLE.-If rumor be true there is a lodge of this treasonable order in our city, and certain individuals are "spotted" as members of it. One of them recently left for Virginia, and the supposition is that his miasiou there is to communicate personally with the rebels. The movements of all sus pvi tell traitors in our midst should be closely watched, To THE CITIZENS or HAaanumao.—The Friend' hip Fire Company, No. 1, of Harrisburg, ,vould respectfully inform you that we have re eived a letter from the agent of the Company who are building our steam fire engine, that the engine will be here by the first of August, ur probably sooner. The collecting committee will now call on those who generously subscribed, and on those who have not already subscribed, and we hope you will all aid us as well as you By order of the Company. RAILROAD Accmsm.— The night express, which left Philadelphia on Wednesday night at eleven o'clock, met with a serious accident between the Westchester Intersection and Downingtown. When running at full speed, down grade, one of the axles of the 'Express car broke, throwing that and all the cam in the rear off the track, each one turning over and clown an embankment four or five feet high. Strange to say, no one was hurt beyond a few bruises and scratches sustained by three or four passengers. YEAST FOR FAMILY Ms.—Somebody wants to know how to make yeast for family use. We have given several good receipts in times past, but will give another from "one who always has good bread :" • Into two quarts of water put eight good tiized potatoes, and a handful of hops tied up in a bag ; boil until the potatoes are well done ; mash them through a selve; add seven table spoonsfuls of flour; pour over this the water in which the potatoes and hops were boiled, scald ing hot. Add half a cup of sugar; a tablespoon ful of ginger—stir well together, and when nearly cold put in a cupful of yeast. After it is done working, add a teaspoonful of salt, and bottle up for use. it will keep three months. N ARROW ESCAPB OF A CONSTABLB.-A fellow named Bill M'Clurg was arrested last evening by officer Wickert for drunkenness and disor derly conduct. He violently resisted "the trting arm of the law," and attempted to cut the officer with a knife, the sharp weapon slightly damaging the hirsute appendage of the latter, who narrowly escaped being severely wounded. With great difficulty M'Clurg was finally caged in the lock-up, where he remain ed until this morning, and came out duly sober. The Mayor fined him three dollars and costs, which he promptly paid, glad to get off with Each slight punishment. ARREST OF A SUSPECTED Spr.—This forenoon a 6tratiger, whose movements in Camp Curtin ex titva suspicion, was arrested and brought to the city, where he underwent a partial examination before the Mayor, and was committed to prison for a further hearing on Monday. He gave his name as John Benton, but had in his possession a certificate of membership of an Odd Fellows' lodge. and other papers, with the name of Charles Quirk. The man passed through camp this morning questioning a number of the sol dier,, and taking phonographic notes of the in formation thus gained, in a small blank book. Among the papers found in his pockets was one granting him a furlough for seventy-five days trotu a Virginia company. The man's actions and t outradictory stories pending the examina tion, were such as to increase the suspicion of his being a spy. His arrest caused a great sen bation, and fur more than an hour the Mayor's otlice, was surrounded by a large crowd of ex ulted People. AN 1" ITe3l FOR PAU:M.—The Sanitarillni, new and valuable publication, advises parents to let the little ones get all the sleep that Na ture allows thew, Never wake them. Nature will du that in a kind, gentle way. If they do not arise in season, send them to bed earlier and earlier every night, till they can be dressed for breakfast without losing ruaysleep. If you do not want your darlings to have the brain fever, or water on the brain, do not let them study in the evening. Do not lecture or scold them just before retiring. Let them lay their heads on their nice little pillows just after sing ing that sweetllttle song— " Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear me, Bless thy little lamb tonight; Through the darkness be thou near me, Keep me safe till morning light. l'h rough this day thy hand has led me, Alai I thank thee for thy care; Thou hest warmed me, clothed and MI me, Listen to my evening prayer. Let nay sins be all forgiven, Bless the friends I love 80 well , Take me when I die, to heaven Happy there with thee to dwell." RKLIGIOIIB gIRVIC69 AT CAKE'. — The - usual re ligious services will be held at Camp Curtin to morrow morning and afternoon. Ca= Arrzwrios.—A special meeting of the Citizen Fire Company will be held at their Hall this (Saturday) evening., July 6th, 1881, at 7 o'clock precisely. Every member is requested to be punctual in attendance.—By order of the President. E. W. Slum, Sec'ry. THE Fnurr Memory.—There was a profusion of cherries, raspberries and currants in market this morning, which sold at fair prices. The pavements along Market street and in the square were lined with tubs and baskets filled with red and black cherries of the finest quali ty. The crop is said to be unusually abundant. Leer BERM - D.—Some of the men belonging to the Mozart regiment, which passed through this city last evening, missed the train and were left behind. One of them, who got tan gle-legged and was provided with quarters in our lock-up, did not like the accommodations. The stragglers left this morning to rejoin their regiment at Washington. Tim COMET.—The sudden and unexpected ap pearance of the comet, now visible in the skies, is accounted for on the hypothesis that, with a swift northwestward motion t it has been setting before the sun. It is evident that, in such a case, it would become visible in a single night, twenty-four hours being sufficient time for it to fall far enough behind the day to disclose itself in the evening. CAUSE AND EsTzer.—Green apples and cholera morbns have made their appearance simultane ously in this city. We do not feel like sympa thizing with people who are green enough to su perinduce disease by indulging in unripe and unwholesome fruit. Our country friends should be prohibited, by ordinance, from bringing such trash to market. A Nurssitcs. —Bathing in the canal and river within the city limits, during the day, continues to be practiced by the juveniles and "children of a larger growth." We again call the attention of the proper officers to the sub ject, and trust they will at once take measures to abate the nuisance : If it can be done in no other way, prosecute the offenders under the law punishing "acts of public indecency" with fine and imprisonment. I= Rums HIGHWAY ROBBIERS.—On Wednesday a son of Mr. Jacob Kauffman, living on the west side of the river, while crossing the bridge on his return home, was attacked by three boys, ten to twelve years of age, and robbed of half a dollar in change. Suspicion attached to three lads named Charles O'Brien (colored), James Morrissey and John M'Collum, who were subse quently arrested and underwent an examination before the Mayor. The colored lad made a full confession of theguilt of the parties, and stated that they divided the spoils. The juvenile thieves were committed for trial, but one of hem (Morrissey) was subsequently liberated on bail. The probability is they will be sent to the House of Refuge—the best place for them. I== 'Nsltursar Psvnor,.—ln the last issue of the TRLEGBAPH we took occasion to compliment Captain Baldy for the promptness with which he responded to Mayor Kepner's request for a Military Patrol, and his men for their efficiency in suppressing a threatened outbreak and main taining order throughout our city, on the night of the fourth of July. It now affords us pleasure to print the following official and commendato ry recognition of the services of the Patrol on that occasion : hir t yoa's Omou, July 6, 1861 2b aqatain Baldy, of the "Easton Guards," Camp Curtin :—I take this public method of tendering you my sincere thanks for your prompt response to my suggestion to order a Patrol in the City to preserve the peace. The alacrity with which you acted in the premises deserves great com mendation. I am also pleased at the opportunity .to bear testimony to the very efficient manner in which Lieutenant Horn discharged his duties as the officer in command. The orderly, quiet, and respectable conduct of the men—their readiness to act, and sobriety of deportment, reflect the highest credit upon them as citizens, and clear ly shows that they are the right kind of soldiers to re-establish law and order in the country. This community unite in expressing their ap probation of the officers and men who have been thus instrumental in suppressing an apprehend ed out-break of turbulence. Respectfully, &c., W. H. Kum, Mayor TILE FLAG OF BEAUTY AND GLORY.—It is beautiful thing, the star spangled emblem of our American nationality. Beautiful in en graving, beautiful in painting, beautiful in its reality floating from mast-head or flag-staff. Beautiful every way is the flag our fathers made. Glorious in the memories that cluster around it—glorious in the freedom it symbo lizes—glorions in the inspiration it awakens— glorious on the field where American citizens lay down life for country, for freedom and for law—glorious on the waves where our proudest victories have been won—glorious in its power to call a nation to arms to defend it from foes— glorious in the respect paid to it by the civilized world. Glorious every way is the flag thit our fathers made. Blended beauty and glory shine from its folds, as it enwraps the dead forms of heroic defenders. Dear, dear old flag—symbol of freedom Oppression dies where it waves— wrong never triumphed beneath it—and yet American citizens would tear down, insult and dishonor our beautiful symbol of hope and lib erty ! Perish the system, the institrition or the influence that teaches Americans to hate that flag, forget its history and prove unworthy of the freemen it symbolizes The Stars and Stripes! What memories rise, NVlen'er that banner greets our eyes ! By patriots borne, o'er land and sea, It led the way to victory ! When slaughter swept the surging main— When carnage strewed the crimson plain— It It marked the spot where heroes stood, was baptized in heroes' blood The Stara and Stripes! 'Mutt power shall stay Immortal Freedom's onward way ? The heavens are the triumphal arch Through which she takes her 4aighty march Her mighty ;larch I Nor shall she halt Till, like the spangled azure vault, O'er every land around the world The Stare and Maim shall be unfurled ! petntopluattia glaUp telegraph, Zaturbat) lfteriteon, - ink 6, 1961. G. &nom CAMERON visited Fort McHenry and Fortress MOnroe this week, and was receiv ed with enthustiastic demonstrations of welcome at both places. The distinguished Secretary of War is exceedingly popular in military circles. SOLDIER/I ABauxtrito.—Two of the soldiers at Camp Curtin who commenced celebrating the fourth on Thursday and did not get through until last evening, were arrested for appropriat ing a horse and carriage belonging to another man, and indulging Ina "free ride" around the city. Their arrest caused considerable excite mentt, and attracted a large crowd of people in and about Alderman Bible's office. The "bold Boger boys" were sent to prison to sober up. CHLPLAM. —The old temperance pioneer, Rev. Thomas P. Hunt, well known in Harrisburg and throughout the State, has accepted the chap laincy of a Pennsylvania regiment. Some one asked him if he would fight. "Well, you know," said he, "that I must either fight or run, and you know I cannot run." (He is lame and humpbacked.) This reply is indicative of his character. Few men have more moral courage and real poroism than Mr. Hunt. A RABRIIIIIIIRGIIR Wominan.—A private let ter received here to-day states that Wm. E. Sees, of this city, orderly sergeant of the Pitts ton Artillery, was wounded in the left arm in the recent battle near Martinsburg. The In telligence is from the Sergeant himself. Two other Harriburgers are in the same regiment— Major Win. D. Earnest and Adjutant Asbury Awl. COWARDLY ASSAULT.—Last evening while a colored man named John Boyleston was cross ing the Harrisburg bridge, he was assaulted by Alexander Wells, formerly a resident of this ci ty and proprietor of the Wm. Tell House. The weapon used by the assailant was a large knife, with which he cut Boyleston on the upper lip and shoulder, Inflicting- two severe wounds, which were subsequently dressed bylDr. Ruther ford. This morning the Mayor issued a war rant for Wells, who lives on the Cumberland side of the river, and two officers started in pur suit of him. If captured he will be tried at the next term for assault with intent to kill. PASSAGE or TROOPS.—The Mozart regiment, of New York, one thousand strong, under com mand of Colonel E. J. Reilly, passed through this city last evening en route for Washington. The men were fully armed, neatly equipped, and presented a fine appearance. A full drum corps accompanied the regiment. The Mozart boys go prepared for immediate and effective ser vice, having with them a large number of bag gage wagons and the requisite camp equipage. Another Massachusetts regiment, over one thousand strong, armed and uniformed, passed here yesterday morning for Washington. This regiment is also prepared to take the field at once. Nzw GOODS FROM Nn► YORK AttOZION.-60 pieces of Grey Goods at 10, 12.} and 20 cts. 100 dozen Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs for 6 and 6 ate. 10 pieces Lavelle Cloth for 7 cis. 26 dozen Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs for 121, worth 26 els. Splendid Mohair Nitta at 81 and 87 cts. 15 dozen towels at 12} cents a towel.— Linen Sleeves and Collars at 25 cis. • 60 dozen Sun Umbrellas and Parasols cheap. lUO pieces of the best Calico ever, sold for 6} cts. 50 pieces Broche Bordering very cheap. A large lot of bleached and unbleached Muslin. Now is the time to buy bargains at Lewy's. IMPORTANT TO PEMALMB. DR. OHEESMAN'S PILLS, Prepared by Cornelius L. Oheeeeman, M. D., NEW YORK OITY. 1111 E combination of ingredients in these Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice. They are mild in their operation, and °Meth in correcting all Irregularities, Painful Menstruation, removing all oh • stria:Wong, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain to the side, palpitation of the heart, whites, all ner vous affections, hysWrice, fatigue, pain In the back and limbs, do., disturbed Bleep, which arise frcrminterraption of nature Ts) hinIiRLED LADES, Dr. Cheeeeman'e Pile are loanable, as .hey will bring on the monthly period with regularity. - Who who have been disappointed in the use of other Mils can place the utmost confidence in Dr. Chessemial Pills doing all that they represent to do. NOTIOS There u one condition of the fatale system is which the Pats cannot be taken without producing— a PEI/ULU/2 RAM?. The condition r eferred to is PREMENCIF— the rook AILSCARBLIGA. Such is the wreath/de tendency of the methane to restore he soot functions le a moat enstistion that wen the egooductioe power of nature cannot resin it. Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything injurious. Bilden directions, which should be read, sar company each box. Prioe $l. dainty Mallon shaming $1 to Da 00=111.11311 L. emunixen,llox 4,6E1, Post Office, New Tort Olty. Sold by one L vgglatin enerytownHUTCHINGS, tu the Oohed Mattel R. a GeneralArat for the Dialed Slates, 14 Broadway, New York, / 0 WWII all WhelOSO Ll 4 orders should be adds' etted.. Bold In Elanisbarg by O. A. Beenrmis. ner2o-dawly A CARD TO TEE LADIES. DR. DIIFONOO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES. nfallible n correcling„ and removing a I obstructions, from whatever causes and 1- ways suocceaful an a proven- tive. THESE PILLS HAVE BEEN USED BY the dealers for many yeas, both In Trance and erica, with unparalleled manes In every cue ; and he Is urged by many thousand ladles wh o used them, to make the Pills peddle fbr the alleviation 'of these sulibring from any Irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent an increase of family where health will not permit It.— Temaiea particularly siteeted„or thenorepposmg them selves so, are cautioned against these *Oa while in that condition as they are surf to produce miscarriage, and the proprietor assumes no responsibility after this lama akin, although their mildness would prevent' any mis chief to heal naive the Pills are recommended. Full and expliell. directions accompany each box. Prima $1 00 per box. Sold wholesale and retail by CHARLES A. RANNVART J Dru ggist, No. 2 Jones Row, Hantit, Pa. "Ladles," by sending him $1 00 to the Harrisburg Peet Office, can have the Pills sent free of observation to any part of the country (confidentiallyi=reeßeLms lege by mail. Sold aiso by S. & JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY D u i WE Philadelphia, 'J. L Lint Lebanon, H. Hasean, lancseter; J.. A.. Wets, rlghaviDe ; 21. T. Wane, York ; and by one in every city and village In the Union, and by S. D. ole proprietor, New York N. B.—Look out for counterfeits. Bey no Golden Pllls of any kind unless every box is signed S. D. Howe. AI others are a base imposition and unsafe; therefore, as you value your lives and health, (to say nothing of be kg humbugged out of your money) buy only of those who show the signature of S. D. Howe on every box, which has recently been added on account of the Nis being counterfeited deildwkarly. • L I . I 3 IttMimes Lira Puns arm Pliamax Brrvium.— Erre frost AU Mural Poison.—ln mina or &refute. Man, Scurvy, or Eruptions of the Skin, We operation of the Life Medicines is truly astonishing, often removing to a few dayy.,e, every vertigo of these loathsome diseases by their panryutgeibals on QM blood. Sanas Fevers, Fever and Ague, DrmapriDrope3r. Pbea, and In anon, most dISHMINS aeon yield to their curative properties blo family eboaltba without them, as' by their l amely umemineb aollbring and mom may be MTN, Mimed WWJII, B. MONA Y. D., Netr York, and tub by all Dre Wist novew-ly ==:i Tas kooscurr ar Num.—Mkt busy nation or Ameri cans have 12,000,000 working people, whose services may be estimated at $2 a day, and their annual loss by sickness at an average of ten days each In the year.— This gives a total loss of $240,000,000 a BIM three times as large as the whole cost of the General Government, indcluding the Army, Navy, Post offices, Legisl store , Foreign Ministers and all. The amounrwelghis over six hunred tons in pure gold. A large properties' of this costly suffering might be averted by attention to diet, cleanness, and above all, by the proper use of the right remedy in season. When a 25 cent boa of Ayer's Pills will avert an attack of ill ness which It would take several days to recover from, or a dollar bottle of Ayer's Sarsspatilla, will expel a lurking disorder that would bring the sufferer to his back for weeks or months, does it take any ileum to show the good economy of the investment" When Fever and Agin is rankling in your veins, and shaking your life out °Lyon, is it worth the dollar it coots for his Aous Crate to ban the villainous disorder expelled, which it does sure and quickly? When you have taken a cold is it prudent to wait until it la settled ea the lungs, when days or wens or montbs must be spent ki trying to cure it, even if It can be cured at all, or is it chexper to take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, coining a few eki IMP, and remove the trouble Wore it is serious? U takes no wis dom to decide. For sale by 0. A. Baum" C. IL sever, D.W. Grose & Co., J. IL Lutz, Holman & Co., Armstrong, Harrisburg and dealers everywhere. Jy64law TIE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY BM JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBBA.TKD PRIME PILLS. Prqictred from a Presaripkon of Sir J. Olorke, Y. D., Physsukus Erstraardiciary to the Qum.. This invahmlide medicine Is onlang In the cure a all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution is subject. it moderates all mesa and re moves sit obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. TO MARRIED LAD/ICS II is peculiarly suited. It will hia short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. limb bottle, prim' One Bolls:, bears me Government Stamp of Great Britain, to present oounterteits. OAUTION. 27seeePais 4011142 not be takes by Mean duribv the mar TIME BORTHAf Prqinavey, as the, aro Mrs to briny en itielyenie" but at any other tins eery are seem In all cases of Nersons and Spinal Allibations, Pain in the Back and Limbs, on alight exertion, Palpita tion of the Heart, storks and Whites, hose Pills wU effect a Mire when other miens have ailed ; end al though a powerfUl remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimo, or any thing hurtful to the constitution. Full amnions in the pamphlet around each package which should be carefully preserved. N. 8.--11.1.00 and 8 postage stamps enclosed to any au thorized Agent, will insure a bottle, centaining 60 Pills, by return mall. Ps , UN by a A. BARNUM. fy9 dawly PROF. ADOLPH P. TEUPSER, WOULD respectfully inform his old patrons and the public generally that he will continue to give instructions on the 0 FORTE, MR. LODRON, VIOLIN and also in the science of THOROUGH HMEL He will veil pleasure wait upon pupils at their homes at any hour desired, or lessons will be given al .Bls residence, is Third street, a lbw doors below the German Reformed Church. deolfwiti .IPCIOWIEUEL'fiI DLII.RRECEA AND CHOLERA ANT/DOTE, For the care of these distretalog maladies. dgreeab,e to the taste. EVery aoklier should procure a bottle of this valuable mealldee Notre they take up their Due or march. For sale at U. A. HANN94.IIT'S, Drug Store, my 2-dttm . STAGE LINE FOR GETTYSBURG FARE REDUCED TO $1.25 THROUGH TO GEITYSBITG-. T H E undersigned has established a regular UNE OF STAGS COACHES bout' Mechanics bargt_oonneeting every other morning with the Camber land Valley Railroad oars. The coaches leave every every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, returning every other day. Passengers tor Sheppardetown, Dillsburg, Petersburg and Gettysburg are carried at reuced rate]. Jell4ll . WM. J. TATE. JOHN B. MUTH'S BOOT & SHOE STORE, CORNER SECOND AND WALNUT STS., Harrisburg, Pa. ALWAYS on hand a largo assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, &a., of the very beet 'wattles for ladles , gentlamen , and ohildrens , Prices to snit the times. All kinds of WORK MADE TO ORDER lathe best style by superior workmen REPAIRING done at short notice. ootl6-dtf JOHN B. SMITH, Harrisburg. _NEW, COAL OFFICE. IRE UNDERSIGNED having entered in to the COAL TRADE in this city, would respectfully ttlie patronage of the citiseni. I will keep on hand Coal of all sima, from the most celebrated and approved mines, which will be delivered to any part of the city. free from dirt and other Impurities. Feu Wroitil InAB.UIII3ED. COAL FOR BALI BY =I Boar LOAD, OAD Limn on &nu Ant. Persons purchasing by the Boat or Car Load will receive 2,240 pounds to the Ton. ORR t No. 74 Rol el street, second door from Dew ber ry alley Yard on the Canal, loot of North street. 0, darn let tat either place will receive prompt attention. ao-itely .10111 e W. HALL agent. AQUANTITY of Bags, Checks and Ging ham; for isle by the dozen and place, cheap ior oast', at the DAUPHIN OOUN CY PRISON. myBsm Haaoranuan hfety 8. OW. JUST PUBLISIIED A MANUA I. MILITARY SURG RY ~ „ I Field, Ofunp, and Hospital Practice. BT S. D. - GROSS, M. D rT7r:e'?nrr7r} - ." - "r^I' , FMMTIVMTrI For silo at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE ,oar 24 ipluarrE SULPHUR SPRINGS HOTEL, F F CARLISLE, Cumberland county, Pa.—The pro. prleters take pleasure in announcing that they are now prepared to receive visitors. Persons desiring a healthy location for the summer will And this ono of the moot de lightful places in the country. The water of these springs cannot be surpassed for drinking, bathing and medicinal purposes. For Information and oiruclars address Wit. H. BURROUGHS, D. C. BURNLTT, Seib 2m ' Proprietors. JOHN WALLOWER, JR., Agt. GENERAL FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANT. EOM AND MERCHANDISE promptly forwarded by Philadelphia and Reading, Northern , Cumberland Valley and Pennsylvania Railroads, 4 0, Canal. RACILINEI - AND CRAVING to and - front aU parts of the city to the different Rallroad depots will be done at the very lowest rates. EAltilLIBB removing will be promptly attended . to. Orders tett at Brant's European Hotel, or at the of LB. Zollinger will reeetve prompt attention. Con signments of freight reopen:fully solicited. JOIN WALLOWEIR JR., Agt., apt Moe Beading Depot. OLUDEN SEEDS. • FRESH AND COMPLETE fmgmortment !bib reeeivisb bud for as.. by PRRSH. ARRIVAL OP Hozonz : BaumzOomar, Iltur - Pus, Ruin, • Kamm FAT 44448iisseitii, sae at WROUI PUB, al, Am the LAMM SASS 11RM eble WM. DOCK JB. & 00. Ntw atttertioments LADIES' WINE. SPEER'S SAMBUOI WINE, Of Cultivated Portugal Elder. Every Family Should Use. SPEER'S SABIBUCI WINE. CELEBRATED for its medical and bene ficial qualitlee ass genuine Stimulant, Tonio, Diu retic and eedorittc, highly esteemed by eminent phyid- Glans and come of the tiret families in Strops and Ameiimi. SPEER'S SAMBVCI WINE ' is not a mixture or manufactured article, bat Is pure, from cultivated Portugal Elder, recommended by poem_ lets and Physicians as possessing medical properties en parlor to any other Wines in me, and an excellent arti cle fbr all weak and debilitated persons, and the aged and Infirm, Improving the appetite, and benefiting ladies and Children. A LADIES , WINE, because ft will not intoxicate as other wines, as it con tab's no mixture of spirits or other liquors, and is ad mired ibr its rich peculiar flavor and nutritive properties, imparting a healthy tone to the digestive organs, and a blooming, salt and healthy skin and complexion, None genuine unless the signature of ALFRED WEER, Passaic, N. J., Is over the cork of etch bottle, MAKE ONE TRIAL OF THIS WINE. A. SPEER, Proprie. Passaic, tor N. J. Moo 21:113 Broadway, New Yotk. J.H. EATON, Agent Philadelphia. For sale by D. W. Gross, & Go., O.K. Zeller, John Wyeth and by dray,gista generally. Jyl-dawly. B. M. GILDEA, D. D. B. STATE STREET, OPPOSITE THE BRADY HOUSE. All opera ions, Surgical and Mechanical, aoleatitio. Hy performed. Charges moderate. 388 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE. - TEE County Comildeeteners hereby make known, that next WEDNESDAY JULY the Sd, 1851 at 8 o'clock A. M., they will sell at public eatery in Brant's City Hall, Harrisburg, among the various arti cles not here banmerated, one Bell, "kiloton as the old Court House Bcli ;" Stone Coal, Stoves and Pipe, "Pigeon holes" or Cases to store away papers therein, Desks, Book Cases atc. Terms or sale are "cash." JOHN S. MUSSER. JACOB BERM. GEORGE GARVIEWIL June 25th 1861. Commissioners. Patriot and Union insert.) jut ICKORY, OAK. AND PINE WOOD for sale, CM IV 8IVY& OR CORD LRNOTI TO 8017 Pintoßeisaits. ALSO, L 0003.1 POSLS AND OHRSTNII7 RAILS 007 TO ORDER. ILLS SZONX ILLY I? SAND FUR BUIL DEM PURPOSES. Inquire of the aubsoriber at bia residence on the Ridge road, opposite the Owl Will Engine BOUBO, or at the Yard, corner or booed and Broad streats, West Har• risburg. Imy27-tfj G. B. COLS. SCHEFFER'S BOOK STORE. (MLR MI ItARIII3BIOIO BRIDE..) UNION ENVELOPES. NOTE PAPER, of six different designs, printed In two colors sold by the thousand and by the ream at City Cash prices. Mao, Flags, Union Breast tins, Raging, Union Rings and Badges at very low prices. OW at myB • SOHRFFEWS BOOKSTORE. DR. T. J. MILES, SURGEON DENTIST OFFERS hie services to the citizens o J Harrtsburg and Its vicinity. He solicits a share o the public patronage and gives assurance that his best endeavors shall beliven to render satisfaction in his pro tension. Being an d, well tried dentist, he feels safe in nviting the public generally to call on him, assuring hem that they will not be dissatisfied with his services, Office No. 128 Market street, in the house termerly oo • cupled by Jacob R. Eby, near the United States Hotel, Harrisburg, Pa , myll-dly NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS. THE undersigned Collectors of County and State Taxes for the c resent year, within the city of Harrisburg, hereby inform the public that lye per cent abatement will be allowed on the Stale and County Tax up to the 17th day of July next. The places of residence of the co3ectors atorenal i are as follows : MOiMiZiNiMM;aI Nicholas Zollinger, Second Ward, Chesnut near Fourth street. Joseph Hoffman, Third Ward, Market between Third and Foorth streets. Daniel Stromlnger, Fourth Ward, State near 'third Arm,. Chambers Dobbs, Fifth Ward, Third above North street. Benj. ERitomel, Sixth Ward, near Round House. Therefore all parlours have an opportunity by calling on collectore respectively and save Bald discount by prompt payment or and ra es. By order of County Commissioners aim s! RUBBER, JACOB BERM, jy3-td GEORGIE GAR VBRIOEI. EMPTY FLOUR BARRELS. 100 LARGE NEW BRIGHT EMPTY FLOUR BAHAMA to good condition for sale tae by peal wlt. MOH, Jr., &)o. A NEW LOT OF LADIES' SHOPPING & TRAVELING BAG Comprising a number of new styles GEM' and L DIES' Money Puma and Wallets, fine assortme oat received and for sale at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSIORE, 61 Market Street SPECIAL ORDER, NO. 1 RIAD QoAßTzas, P. 11. Harristio, May 27, 1861. f Quarter Master General R. C. Hale is ordered to forward the clothing, as per requisitions dated 23d May last, by Colonels Harhamft and M'Dowell, of the Fourth and Fifth Regiments Pennsylvania Volunteers, in place of sending It as heretofore directed. The Fourth and Fifth Regiments being now in actual service and in great need of proper clothing. By order of the Commander-In-chief, JOHN A. WRIGHT, my2B Aid-de-camp. • ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-- THE undersigned being appointed j.. A dministrator's of the Estate of tieorge Hammon, dee'd, hereby notify all persons indebted to said estate to make payments, and those having claims to present them for settlement. WM. H. BOHL, //WALT EMILIE, Jane EL 1881-Iwd Adminlatrator.s. REDUCTION IN PRICES IUIRINCES, Plain and Figured. panalfEßES, Plain and Figured. ALL WOOL DELAINE, Extra Styles and Quality. BBOOA LONG SHAWLS, different prices. FINE STOOK OF Bun.= SHAWLS. The prises In all the above Goode, on exannuation,,wlll be found "lower than ever," at CATHCART'S, an 24 Next door to the Harrisburg Rana. JOSEPH CAETCY. JOHN W. BROWN.. CASEY & BROWN, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW HARRISBURG, PENN'A. HAVING associated together in the practice of the Lux, will attend faithfully and promptly to all professional business entrusted to t h e i t . Office to Tturd street three doers from Market N. B. Commutations in English and German. EMPTY MOLASSES HOGSHEADS.-A large quantity of empty Molasses Barra, Hogs needs and Meat (bake, for sale by my 24 Wlt. DOCK 8 CO. NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED has opened his OFFICIE, Corner of Third str eel Bleak. berry alley, near fleres Bond. Dry isunber of sal kinds sad toudities, side by W. 6 . MURRAY. The undersigned will sell Bones, Cernagee a ry l kw . 41111 IoW Ibr cash, • AUG—Horses and Osrrisges to hire lithe sante °wee. marls stoic A. MURRAY. iiligtttiantous. 10$410:1111:4'4i n• GEO. W. STINE, graduate of the Oolle ge or Dental Surgery, having Permit neatly located In the city of Harrisburg sad taken the °Moe fcemerly occupied by Dr. Gorges, on Third street, between Market and Walnut, respectful inlbrms his friends and the public In general, that he Is prepared to perform all operations In the Dental profession, either surgical or mechanical, In a manner that shall not be summed by openuors in this or any oiler city. His mode of Inserting artillelal teeth is upon the latest Im proved scientific principles. Teeth, from one to a lull set, mounted on line Gold, Sli ver, Kathie plates or the Vulcanite Base. I take greet pleasure in recommending the above gen tleman to all my former peUents of Harrisburg and vi lnlty, and feel confident that be will perform all opera- Uona In a scientific manner, from my knowledge of Lai ability. isny3.dtf] F. J. S. oußGies, D. D. S. CIDER I! I VINEGAR I! I MADE from choice and selected Apples, and guaranteed by unto bestrictly pure 1024 WM. II IK & W. FOR SALE ! ABUILDING- LOT, situate in West Har deburg, fronting on Broadatreet 20 feet., and run ning back 161 feet, more or less, to a 26 foot alley, ad joining on one side the property of Mr Egnmenstine. For particulars enquire of FRIEBBRICIC faliliFFEß • Bergner's Bookstore. . LIME FOR SALE. rpHE UNDERSIGNED having embarked `in the LUSE RHEIMS Is prepared to furnish th very best article at short notice, and at the lowest pr loos for wish. He sells the lime burnt at Columbia and laltlo that burnt at home. my2949m PETER BERNHIBEL. POPULAR REMEDIES. MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP for children tee , and SPALDING'S CR PHALItI for headache, A supply received at HEL LER'S DRUG STORE, where you can purchase all the saleable Patent Medicines of the day. 91 Market street, two doors east of Fourth street, Routh side. STEAM WEEKLY X. BRYWEEN 1111 W YORK c• 4,1 AND LIMPOOL. LANDING AND EMBARKING PAS SENORES at QUEENSTOWN, (Ireland.) The Liver pool, New York and Philadelphia Steamship company intend despatching their ran powered Olyde.built iron Steamships as follows : KANGAROO, Saturday July fith ; ETNA, Saturday July 18 ; EDINBURG, Saturday July 20th and every Saturday, at Noon, from Pier 44, North Rive r. FIRST CABIN $76 00 I SIPARAG2.. $3O 00 do to London. 460 00 do to Unties —OB3 00 do to Pare $B6 00 do to Paris ....$3B 00 do to Hamburg..sB6 031 do to Hamburg $35 00 Passengers alao forwarded to HIM*, Bream, Reiter. dam„Antwern, do., at eqoady lo* rates derrersons slatting to beteg *UMW friends can buy tickets bore at the following rates, to New Tor Fromk: Liverpool or Queenstown; let Cabin, $76, $B6 and $lO5 . Steerage from Literpool $4O 00.. From Queenstown, $3O 00. These Steamers have superior aooomtnedationa for paissengers„ and muTy expetienoed Surgeons. They are built In Water-tight Iron Sections, and have Patent Tire Annibilators on board. For Author Information apply In Liverpool to WILLI&N INMAN, Agent 22 Water Street; la Glasgow to WM. INMAN 6K. Gooch Square ; Queenstown to C. &W. D. SEYMOUR & CO. ; In London to mils & MAZY, 61 King William SL ; in Pads to AMOS DECOMI, 6 Moe do In Bourse; In Philadelphia to JOBN G. DALE, Jill Walnut Street ; or at the Oompanre Mom. JNO. G. DALE, Agent, lb Broadway New York. Or 0.0. Zimmerman, Agent, .Hartisburg UM OITIL UNION di OONSTITWIION , 46 91)R GO'aRNMIIIiT," by M. Itt'll.tx- MIT, Is a work containing the Ooissivirnor or TIM man Suns, giving the construction at ha Terms and Provisions, showing th e relations of 'the several -hates to the Union and each other,' and explaining gene rally the System of Government of the Country. Price 11 00. Sold, and orders supplied, by him, ''at Harris burg, Pa. rebn Agents for Counties and States wanted. THUNDER AND LIGHTNING. f RE vast amount of property destroyed annually by Lightning ought to be a warning to property holders to secure their buildings. All Orders far Lightning Rods left at the auction eters Of W. HARR Y , will be attended to. Rods pot up In the latest Improved tyle and warranted. ' Jel2•d SCHEFFER'S - BOOK SMILE 1 (Near the Harrisburg Brielpe.) :sl•2sw j n U„k bT r a Io R t!Ze I CO VED fr°M Et3AL NOTE th . APRS, which we will cell at $1.26 per ream: Ilit.Oo per ream for NOTE PAPER, diiiimated with the latest and very handsome ambient 'Mid' patriotic mottos. 113.150 for 1000 WHITE ENVFLOPFEI, with ii ioeal and patriotic emblems, printed in two colors.' Please give us a call. THIIO. F. 1301111FFER - Je224 ,garrlaburg. H. L. GODBOLD, RAPTioAL, -_Tturii*--7-Wlt ß Alrer of P Melodeons, 80., will receive orders in mare at Wed. KNOCHE'S Wale Wore, 92 Ma4cet atm, a orders left at the above named Otos, or Mlle Baeh ler ease, will meet with prompt attention, first class PIANOS kr pd.. • • FOR RENT. THE ROOMS now occupied by_the Post 1. Office. Poseeseion given on the first, of July. En quire of MEM( . MAGA W.ROBTBIL NOTICE. PHE ANNUAL MEETING of the Steck holders of the atlantic and Ohio Teidgraph Co.zt puny for the election of Directors, and the transaction of their renal business, will be held at the „Telegraph ice of said Company in Harrisburg on Thursday the 18th day of July, 1881. H H. EIBILLINGFORD. Philadelphia, June 14th, 1881,441 Secretary. FOR RENT.—A desirable . Residence in Locust, near Front street. Three-story brick, with modern conveniences, as to Water, heat and light. For Info matlon apply to Dr. W. W. Rutherford. Poe • session liven immediately. ie2s-std. PO SALE. FROMOne to Five Hundred Dollars worth of CITY BONIK Enquire of Co O. YINNIINIMAN, No. 28 SoathSecondrAtmel, 1=23 REMOVAL: TIRE SUBSCRIBER has removed his PLUMBING AND BRASS FOUNDRY iron Market street to Fourth street above Market, opposite t h e . Bathe a ut o. Thankful for past patronage, he hopes, by atrial a ttention to boldness, to merit a continuance of M. mar26-3md , • 4 REMOVAL - THE SUBSCRIBER would respectfully ± Worm the public that-he has removed his Plumb and Brass Pounding No t. pt South Third street below Beres Hotel. Tba ;kr Pet pat swage, be hopes by strict attentien to Wain** wo merit a continnanee of it. tys. , aeLS-dte .1,119/4111S• FOR BENT. rpm EUROPEAN -- 110T1EG . '23 ., a) RB- A_ STALIBANT in Brant'a O4y Han Building, Hants' burp City, Pa. Apply to JOHN'S: BEAST, Jell-dam* - .02110 prookboho CIRAB,,,PIDER. 1 !--Striotly.pamiVark- N,,, , ,/ ltog inetweet—tta received a Silver lor Di. plums at every gtate Agricultural Bak uloe.llBS6. f ur t ie 67 *l4 Whi. DOCK . seplBdly
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers