(Leitgrap. OUR PLATFORM Ate triflo*Linre CONSiniflloll--A111" :'r maitaiontorr OF THE Lew. RARRISURE: PA. tisturday lornlng; July. 6, 1861 LOYAL WIZENS" 01 , REEL STATES. of tll4.l.9lregun . to. 13111. U4434640* citizens of rebel:. stens, in their eirottlntifiellette their date' authority from the hE4 of ttttaeotl : Thitt will -he done in the case o:4.‘tsiC l o l , 90torth-Velterii , Virginia who Etzlicorsolinoblf.stnaggling to•raorganize the iegitiiiittelttiverntnent of that'ommuonwealth, witie2iirae usurped by the rebelstaking entire ,ion Of , the archives, finances and re sources of the Old Dominion. Such aid will be pfitiCihSpSor recognition and assistance in 11)11114,14 . ,:w and preserving order. It is also 44 determination, of the federal govern tzitiattitalstiatain and protect in their constitu tiOnpthisi le al rights all those citizens of Ten *7ol:o;`4their devotion to the Union, are iTeliitiMiiilingto wrest their state government hot ti.the bands of its unconstitutional rulers, and Wait will defend all loyal states against 'Witthereof claiming to have seceded, and tkuetStill afford them every protection 'against domestic , violence, insurrection, invasion, and rebellion." The 'government will furnish the loyal citi , sons . of such states with all the means neces sary for their protection and preservation, and, If lielleied to be unable to defend themselves against their Invaders and oppressors, will speed ily goms . to their aid, with men and arms, in defending and sustaining the aanatituted author- Moe df the Vetted States ♦ nistiza Tumor, long cultivated and cherished at the south, hi, - that on a field of battle, the northern are the inferiors of the southern people. This theory originated with thollivalry themselves, and is part of the fruit of that inordinate vanity which has imbued them with, the idea that they aro lineally de wended heroes from the Gods. But the theory is fast disappearing before the sturdy blows of the federal troops, who are proving to the chiv alry that in the art of war northern mechanics mem they do in the arts and the accomplish ments of peace, In battle, the chivalry are hatitY, when they feel certain that the foes they seek. :to..encounter are, numerically, their in feriors; but when they become convinced that theii enemy is an equal, they either leave the field in dismay, or refuse to fight in, feigned disregard. In this manner the chivalry escape the odium of the inferiority with which they afe* , ..li,accorning impressed.. Tliists*T-Eonarubtraa.—Yesterdayanother &rims lidded to our nationalliag, epresenting theetate of Kansas, which was admitted into the trzilon ox the 28th of last January. This is in mordant:4s with an act of 'Congress, peeked April 4, eighteen hundred and eighteen, which rims `thus : "Oh' 'the ,admission of s new state into The Union one star shall be added to the union of the flag;. and sucli:ad- , ditlen! shall fake effect on 'the 'fourth - day of July next succeeding such , admission." It 'la liking that, while we mourn the temporary loss—for we cannot call it a perma nent, one-..0f eleven of our family of states, a Rew_oaat representative alike of freedom an progsets~ should enroll its name on the old family register. Others there are to cope, but none, We trust; will encounter such diffi culties in the' ayite'l44 itanias. She asked for admlealoa,y* the ,aatiop was. at peace and,61361400 die step by internal troubles ; b*gai ne tienttattoe only when she was at peace and the nation at war. Trts , litencaufed or Etossame.—Knoh his ineiwellegrand learnedly written to expose theNlasiee Isg,Nnion is • nought to deduce frowthe political rehitions of. thi staters ;udder $ constitution a right of " peaFtul sea:34On". iircalilhie Bruton. But it ',ay be :iinubbsi whe n lii tit. has been eialaorsted oh 4. 4 11 ) thumbnai, a great deal has been adda(l,4 Way of StiOngifairteritfitateinent, 'to the folloir lzig; cif ;o:# lB e nt ig c o ntradictions, mast. duNisaini 4 ffeinter In the senate o 1; the .allo-43tatei mord than thirty year Sew eidori,'4li4l44;dihnes3r right, is infant e*, AM atriiht tole proclaimed in th e midst of *it i - xmenerkeaeg ra d averted Me 'head of armies, I oen'tindiratend it but `as a practical right, 41 0404114un1in the Qoaetitution and in conform ity *gilts , proilsiOni; it seemeto.be nothing but 111110innift for it' supionst , resishuice ,to goviiiitight Mader the anilioritylpf govern inesitkW,;,it supposes diameniberinent, with aßt iiligetingheltelininciplee of Vnion; auP proekiligektleirtilleir without minis; it sup. Pollett4 l %**4 o A 444 1 (ths Without responsi bility ;N ri govartheitotel #rerthrow of Gi* mount withouleieVolitian: nemosom Accum Citivesi§s. sintAlLltnniMD--A few days shwa stemnidfrop tks;nesni Of Governor aePeiture . sift' Like eliti for the With. It slow appear,,tattßetretexi,..W°ot" ton, la i ti . liatirting" GO44rnoii absence, has resigned. A letter - to that effect, dated 171inalth, harbeen.received at Washing_ tan. Walk, OM &trim—There is apprehension cr of W I, ' # W i l/birailfOadil and " machinery of thil 40144*tilit Ad.a.Aromphis paper iftonsposidathit4pAzdsmoti,t.orlationgers to eolleot the grease fp, the , temps, yrkicil, would iihwri4 t ,11S 4 *IPt91 1 : 74cst tail ,te., :iN..,,,,';,-.!...1 ADDRESS OF REV. DR. CHARLES A. HAY, DELI ratED Before the People of Harrisburg, JULY 4ru, 1861. (Pab)ished by Request.) Friends and Fellow-( tizem I congratulate you, this day, upon the fact that,the Stat-Spangled Banner still floats over us; that, though ruthless hands have insulted it, though American bullets have pierced it, though American tongues have derided it, though traitors have trailed it in the dust and trampled- .upon it, striving to ettinguish the glorious nationality of which it is the sacred emblem, honored by all men from the firing of the sun to the going down of the same ; I con gratulabs.you that, despite all this, hundreds of thousands of e.uthusiastio warriors are this day In the field to vindicate its honor and to defend it against every foe. I rejoice, with you, to-day, that the flat has gone forth that this flag shall be unfurled upon every hill-top and greet ed is every-valley from the Atlantic to the Pa ciflo„and from Gauada to Mexico We have not met, however, to-day, as we have often met before, on the anuivetsary of our national independence, with hearte full of 144ningled joy and exultation. It has-been ,our Custom , on such occasions, gratefully to re view:the past of our national history, recount . . ing the bowel:leads of our fathers in wresting this fair land from the grasp of tt•foreiga op pressor; tracing, through the eventful progress of the Revolution, the merciful interposition of Divine .ProVidence in behalf of onr righteous cause;: congratulating ourselves upon the amaz ing progress our /18.0112 had made in all that constitutes national greatness; and looking for ward with glowing anticipation into a future bright with visions of unprecedented splendor and glory. This day we look back, indeed, with more grateful reverence than ever before upon the hallowed scenes of the past; but, .when we turn our eyes upon the present,-we behold a gloomy cloud hovering over our horizon; and, as we at tempt to look into the near future, our soul shrinks with .hortor from the gory vision that starts up before our view—brother shedding brother's blood 1 Great God ! And has it come to this!. War unnatural fratricidal war Stalk- ing through the land! But a year ago, and who Would have believed it possible that such a scene could be witnessed on American soil I Had it- been foretold that some foreign despotism, or perhaps the - leagued monarchies of the old world, envious and jeal ous of our prosperity, irritated by the annoying contrast between our' people and their own, would resolve upon our destruction, and come down upon our shores, to lay waste our fields, tear up.our railways, bombard our clues, &c., we might, indeed, have smiled at their folly, and recalled with quiet satisfaction the reception that our nation, in its infancy, and again in its early youth, gave to such insane attempts. Yet, we could not fail to see that the very fact of our continued existence, as a Republic of freemen, and our unequalled progress in all the elements of national greatness, must naturally excite feelings of jealousy and envy in the minds ;of those who dread the influence ,of such an ex ample upon those whom they held in subjec tion. Or, had it been foretold that our nation, thirsting for gain and for glory, would buckle on its armor and wage a war of aggression upon surrounding States, and plead, in extenuation, some such impulse as "manifest destiny," that was urgin,g it irresistibly forward in the march of conquest, until from the isthmus to the ice bergs, all is ours ; for this, even, we could have conceived some ground of possibility, for the elements . of•such marauding filibusterism are confessedly rife in our midst. But who could have believed that this day would present to our 'view the startling specta cle of a huge organised rebellion against the existing government, embracing nearly one third of the States, and desperately striving to inveigle still more within tho meshes of its crimson crime and folly 1 That our own fel iharing with ourselves the glorious memorial of -the past, the bounties of the pre sent, ,the inestimable privileges of the freest and most beneficent government on earth, and the bright hopes of a still more resplendent future, that these should allow themselves,' in such numbers,, to be cajoled or driven to as same an attitude of open defiance to the duly constituted authorities of the nation, and Com bine in an insane attempt - to undermine and destroy the very- foundation upon which our , political fabric rests 'this surely would have been .deemed incredible. Nevertheless; the -stern and terrible reality stares thrill the facet' A wide-spread rebellion has arrayed millions of our people in open an tagonism to the loyal masses of the.naktin, and opposing hosts are even now nutirshalingthenr eelve.dor the - conflict that is to deeidii whether ,we shall_continue a nation, or be rent into frag urekrts and ruined. - And upon what pretence has Ms unnatural and wicked war been inaugurated? What charges have -these rebels in arms to bring against the government they are seeking to de stroy ? 'they answer, "We are seeking to .maintain our right*, and defend ourselves against north ern aggression and oppression." They denounce the North as seeking - to interfere 'in their state affairs, •and• to prevent them froni enjoying* the privileges ~ to Which they claim to be entitled under the constitution. "Kr. Lincoln," they say, `•'is waging a fanatical war against slivery, and- wanta to subjugate the Soutu." But these charges are not susceptible of proof. We challenge than to point to a single letter of the constitution mkt has been violated to their hint. The North, so far from trampling upon the sights of the South, has, even tolerated an 'exposition of that constitution in favor of the South; whereby the spirit of that noble instru ment has been egregiously misrepresented in the face of-the civilized world. No; there has not been, and there is not now, any desire or intention on the part of the . North to interfere in any way with the consti tutionally guarded rights of the southern states. It is only by acknowiedghig and maintaining these that we render our own secure. The con stitution, violated in one point, would be pew erlessin au, and it is therefore the highest in tenet of .every state in the Union to see ti It that , the' rights of every other are duly re spected. . -• , The attempt to fasten the blame of t hi s War upon the No, th must prove a total failure. The South,-tho guilty 'South, may as well accept at at - once ,the verdict which impartial .Idt:tory =not fail to render. The real 'oausenfthls war is nothing else than that which Mr Stephens lately declared to be the cornereteneW - the so-called Southern Con federacy; Viz: Slivery, bint", however, slavery in itself; for' his' existed in our government from the beginning: Not slairery, viewed as the fathers of the ltepubiio viewed it, as an t he and a scourge that should as soon as ixia4- ble be obliterated from our land. 'bit sravery, as treated by a modern race of Statesinen, who intve taught their constituents that it is bless ing, instead of a curse, and that it roust, afall hazyds, not only be perpetuated and. secured against all danger of ultimate extinction in the States in which it now exists, but that the Con stitution must be so amended as to nationalize thetrelationof master and slave and 'l46i:ignites it as legal all over the land. For the last quarter of a Century this bruit been the leadi* idea of the master 'minds of the south: a firmly united . and resolute minority ' National congFesb. : they have Ti**l ootkii.o‘,l# ;... 4 =9 n pautspluania _ iDatig etitgao r ,flaturbag—itkintingeJklit 6, 1861. proven by the testimony of each men as Douglas and Everett,) with the fully formed purpese of destroying the union of . the 'Notes if they could not completely control thectituse of National legislation on this srklect. Mein while, each succeeding census revealed to'them the startling fact that the free north was vastly outstripping them in the race of prosperity; that in population, wealth, enterprise, intelli gence, in short inpcwer, they were fast falling behind those whom they once in some respects excelled and whom they still are fond of derid ing. It was becoming painfully manifest that the political influenceof these leading southern statesmen, and of the South ata 'whole, was rapidly waning and that ere long their haughty career would be effectually checked ; that the government would henceforth be administered in accordance withtim interests of freedom, in stead of bending to the behests of, an oligarchy of aristocratic alaVeholdem. 'The prospect wad unendurable; they resolved not to submit, to such astate.of things-, but to-cut loose from a connection which. they foresaw would -become more and more •grevious to them so long as they clung to their cherished institution, of hu man chattelisat. , , But hoe?! to accomplish this purpose, tlikowas the question of questions. By 'the help of a portion of the people of the North they were till in possession of all the threeco-ordinate branches of the goierntnent---legislativei exeett• tive and judicial. There was -not so much, us one plausible pretext for an Op= rupture. with the government.; , Lind theyluiew toomell the deep-seated krie.fortho.Union in the hearts ef thp masses of the_people•aromid them:them to venture before them with ; thenaked-queation of 'll:ruion: orldennion. dllemnia:they adopted an ingenious expedient to-secure an ap parent growictifor. accusing.-the af t eth. of Alec tionalisin and Injustice. They -deliberately di vided one of the great .parties-of >the=country and became themselves instrumentid--:in: the selection of a Chief Magistrate' wlime-principlea were known .to be at variance--witii-their- own.; and who receiving an-overwhelming—majority of, the sukrages of the North,:couldibp held up as a sectional F,resident-andtempkopsi M as in strumeut of arousing the-paseione of= the south ern people, and stirring .the-uplo sets. of re sistance a gainst rn the:government administered by amen thus chosen. . _ Still, there was no plausible pretext:fork/au gurating.a revolution and openly attempting to throw off their solemnly pledged-allegiance to the Federal Government. cunning -ex pedient, fit to be regarded as a suggestion• from the source of all evilectune-to their- relief, Scanion—a masked battery I—Revolution in disguise I 81{0121UON FOR TEM &UM ON EILATEIRT, this has inaugurated the war of 1861. • • .„; Now, let us briefly examine its -theory, - and in its its. • . • •• • •• - • Consider the •Finciipie arelf4 • Whatis.it?—lt is the assertion of-the right, on-the• Part of any . State, at any.time.to.renounce itorisliegiance to the Federal:Union and.restune ail , the funOtions of independent sovereignty. What an absurdity-. is this i -How. prepos-• terouis I . • .•.. . • .. • - To nutintain.this right under the Constitution is equivalent to the declarationthat the framers of this Government deliberately conteinplated the contingency ,of Ate- _committing ainioide ! Nay, more ; that they framed , the-Governinent with iiviewto it destructiowl 7 , ,And this is as serted in the face. of the .notorionsfect-that the original federal compact waatietoidde and •the existing constitution adopted for ' , the-special purpose of securing a more perfect Uniofl.l.= , How. wretched met ••be; the anew i that •is driven. to such expedients in attempts at self-justification I In additioni tothe. Asurclity. of. thiszplinoiple, consider its flagrant ißunorality,.; What 'mutter perversion of the mond'aease is implied in :tile deliberate renunciationofmthesannutties of idle. glance, andandall the obligations:rating. upon the citizen in view. ot•liiip.relatiolutohis tormtry4 Do we ..not see in this 'smother sad proof:of the tendency of the instituticarof slavery to.debase' the moral sense and.pervertthejudginent so as' to render it difficult . kir those-exposed.to-these influences to appreciate. the sacredness of .an oath or the force of a logical demonstration? Consider, too, the inevitahle resuitsof the ap plication this principle of sectsedon:. - - , Admit this_td be -sound: , Ahab - O f :lath yon at Once ripen wide , the door frit aniiiersapanarthy. • Every, State at -. oxide begins -to onsoa whether its interests do nottiemend•the-application_ of the principle ,to iniow - acase:.:3fAndi if • applies' ble to States, why not • to• .counties .antl-cities„ and, even to villages?. Where -will the line. bel drawn : beyond which this individualism is-not} to extend?. • . • •• .z. ! But look, too, •at the manner in which our southern friends—must we call them enemies?— have seen fitto apply this principle. • - ~. • If the framers of :.our noble: 'Constitution had contemplated• a dismemberment of - this glorious Union it surelymtilimotbe.pretended, by the wildest disunionist, that they could sanction the method recently tidopteid to' ILCOOM plisti.this result. • . 'The facts; the shameful _facts,. scarcely Weed recital—they are fresh the. memory .of -all. Peaceful, honorable sacessioniwas theiheory, how far different Wu& been..the practice leading southern politicians,. high in ;official pcisition", abuse the. trust they havelsolecanly sworn te admiriister With. fidelitY i and fdl..the arsenals of the South with • national. cabs wand maw:kith:in, These. are presently,:seised- and turned against the governmentlhat awns:them , . Forts meagerly garrisoned are ;suddenly I/seized.' and customhouses and.minfs and past-calls are wrested : from Abe possession of theiFedeill-lau thorities and apprOpriated to -the lase-,of4the rebel& _Ccan4vartott. , An .:thea depantmeat fof the navy distributes., the. wangle of: war so . as to be o f little avail in Assisting: Sala the , authority of the government- An armed vessel; bearing provisions stoi a. ; feeble • garrison izt.the bay of Charleston , is ;fired upon and compelled to leave the aulfering.defendensof national.property unsupplied with food: : Mean while state after state is being. cajoled or drawn into a position of hostility to the-national 'goy-, ernmene and instead of a peaciefulsecession, we• have an armed rebellion. slumming more >and more formidable proportions from day to day:; . Amid ell this, the Governmentisisilent., Irv; sulk is added to injurr_but but:, _the sword of retributive . Justice withheld. ...These. way. ward, children , it is Jalnly. hoped, will . yet . see their folly and repent of their-misdeeds. . At length, however,,their.s-real:, purpose- be-. Gale unmistakably apparent.: ilithefrensy of , their madness they open &Ordinate:tries., npon their country's - fiag. With: the unutterable meanness of cowards _they. astault.a • feeble gar rison, less than "one hundretkpart „of ,thein nunicer and- athicet , starved.. -They , attacic..it from batteries, the,,,Oreetion , of- :which- could have been easily prevented;: but which were Al- to go up under the impression there was at least-a Wick of :chivalry,_ left, in. the. southern heart. But that illusion , has now been thoronghlydigelledl , The thunders of this bombardment at length effectually arouse. thnoation.;._ .2hefearfu% truth• can no longer be - doubted i• they are terribly in earnest and resolved ;to ,rule or ruin; Their army M W4king tO.Werd. ithematjonal capital and'they openty boast of their, purpose; to adze upon the archives the nation And proclaim, themselves the suPrenie authozityi.in the land; But hark! A shout is heard, reverberating frorri Maine to Minnesota, arnisilk,arees I POr the Onion, ik4 Unaiitutim - and Ow eafemowione of the dims r By tens of thousands loyaleiti. zens, of all.parties and creedsi cash.to tberescuep. and by, one„ . , :4 10 4auepuooutburst of :patriotism foreVen . Agence:she laseleekinsintuttion that the natioirsla4,Meset9o 3 oizeand-Chaatise thezebeis agairsii her authority arose from cowardice sr- Aefileic,gibwisikhefeiaJ 4 l,6 shwfatried liu9tos l ,4 !ex- 404 kblowoiliktkimirapaustir 944 4 ).ikOcittre. w. e.; 1,2= $4*Le....2. ; ;0 'haut 311011144 haliadllearinaltiltleabb ' MEI - toptrike a blow that will kirevencrush th: sad of treason, and render the theory-ot•- , :• - sed&si.on a hissing and a by-word for all coudneigenerations, she is gravely in formed that all .:the rebels desire is to be " let dont" we are correctly, informed, there are not wanting those in the loyal States who willing to purchase present peace at any cost, are suggesting a compromise with traitors 1— Can this bel What? Fall to bargaining with the man who has cheated and robbed you, who has set fire to your house and is holding the knife to your throat ? No ! =lf there's a spark of manhood about- you, if yotilave a heart to protect your property and your family, and ive. your own life, seize and disarm him, and deliver him to the authorities to be duly pun isbediucording to law ' Thank Gott, we have a Fresident and a Cabi net and a.Congress and a venerable Chieftain and 'a* patriotic -finny, - that Aillier:tand 'their duty, in this _ momentous crisis and will perform it I "No campmate with traitors 1 " is the watchword in the council chamber and on the tented field. And this, not 'in" the spirit of vengeance, even towards the' rebel leaders, much , less towards the deluded nitwit! whom therhave artfully and wickedly - beguiled, or violently forced ` , into this alitnis and raitiOus position of- antagonism to the goverinnetit.--' The spirit that animateiviaris one of 'iiirtutins and-holy-Indignation at the speddicle of' - crinics of unheard„of atrocity and a deliberate tit%-& -, to extinguish- the•very'llfe -of our nationality, to bequeath a•heritage , of hopeless anarchy: to ours children: Any,. compromise' 4hatever, mated:trona us by arniediebeli undeciftstim atanteirlike-these, wOuld" not - ohly uttetirfell to ware say real or enduring peace ; .- bilt ate vast premium for villainy, itwould'inausinate a system of-piallcal• terrorlinn'that-wolild for ever put ths law-abiding citizen atrthe mercy of the political demagogue ; it would Lin fact be a virtual- acknowledgment of the primilplie of accession,' which- ve 'have seen to be' 'utterly inconsistent-'with the principles of a'• sound morality or stable government. deirnind of. those who' have taken up araistlitirgovernizierit, - • ' . Ant; That they lay, down' there arms and: return toltheir allegiance. . - &May s That they•deliver up theinfainollo traitors who'havelnatigated and organised this rebellion, that they may be summarily•punish edi ait& feaultd warning torall coming tithe. -That with thkrewn 'hands; intoken oftheirlineere•and honest , recognition - of - the national authority; they tetu'dowutheemblerzui ot-rebelliofrand•run rip the Stant-and Stripes on-every afealakfort, oilstone houtar—whereVer, in shorty therlitiNie -insulted - them. -- • • -.Fotathiy, , That, in retuining to their' altegi ance,the seceded states , turnish satisfactory guar, =tees that hereafter no loyal citizen - 4V the 'United Statesahall be molested for his'Opirllons within their limits,- but that speech ant the press shall belts freein -South' Carolhm - as - in afeseschtsietts;•azicl -•-• ' • --.`• - - Artify, -That the costa of this war shall All upon those who have occasioned it. And . here weahall-not - be atall: sorry to learn 'that; in order - to accomplish this, it-may be necessary to pamel out the- irnmense 'confiscated - estates of the rebel leaders, among our industriOns - Oer mans, who would - tateh-their-southern: neigh bors a bettersystentof agriculture ;- among-out enterprising , Yankeet -rwho would- carry - the free press, the' Neelichool, the Cothavntill,:ao all state of useful notions; to wake nplhe - dor• meat energies'of , the Old Domistimr;—inshort; we would notuegred aliberal infintion - .of north enviodusstry -and default/ant,- aft - a- wholesome leavens real•bleesing to the South. - Thus 'we would return good forint. - ; • These-down - At , with -perhaps- a few- More that do not jolt now occur -to ns, we intend shalt he comphed , with. - We are not, indeed, nn dful of the-toriptural- injunction,- 9et not him thatputreth on the harness boast binfielf as'he that diketk'it off.;"• , -nor , -of 'that-other declaration. "the 'race is =note to the swift; nor thebattle to the strong:" Wetnowitis irethe power of God, the God of nations, to confound the counsels of the prudent and tel . break - the power of -themighty ; but In the pratient case we- see = arrayed on our side, not only superior numbers, superior resources, favorable geogra hied position, &e l bat so urimistakbly - the of and right,- .of justiceund.meroy, of leititulmtif..oreer..,.i.bAt we canned doubt thatihe arinrof-the Lord - will be outstretched-in oral:4111dt Andif God 'be for int, -who van be tignintt.us f • • ' • =But God-will not give -us a miraculous triz =ph. To•iittaluoinvends we mutt all do . our duty. . A word to you, citizen soldiers 1 We con gratulate you , upon being identified with -an army, in some reepecta superior to any that has ever gone forth` , to. the field of battle. - Nevi*, perhaps, since the world hien, was so large an army •so -suddenly collected - together and so' i rapidly . prepared , .for active service. ' Fever . Crimps, waathere an army containing siYlaiii; :proportion of general intelligence,, of skilli•Of dividual? energyand capacity. - - 6*ely - never 1 • , army clad iu the panoply of a mere righteuts • use -than that fer , Whichyori are eintendiug: • Remember, the of attrition are upon yon 'I .• ore important triter; than those-of the"dirys of he Revolution are now at stake. - Oui 'fatheni nangurated=thaexperiment of a Purely:Berri:lL icon Democraonwa-are about:putting it to the , test.'l , If our *email -of state can ontrids • storm we shallklitve te fears of •liei'eafety: . any other. Our trust is 44 , 6 1 / 4 4"r:rod in - your - Urns% Zplield ,by this confidence We' bet • 411.& a • bright and; cheerful future 'stretching • ut , before us, and nre , nlreadY- experiting - mien' - 'see :the gloomy eloild 4 tbitr tibrfkiiiishirdoWs duifringnWay onttleiVing us' to. bask "in `di ,', ,• , tot periceluid:oluied. prof -: 'tr.:, fro: yeu ,, alillet , 'Me 'shy,' tile" larr: , •e of arnitdatek of , the gospell6 hlirisitin • , rikuks;.switehride bine-farewell; "Do your • ty,to:Godi-4/eitswill •bei yot# libllcoybr • Amu ) , P,...' .- .1 _, .4 LAW of L': .11,. ........4 itt ... J L., ..41.. I aifyfellowcitiara-partinfr word to you', To have our , part to perform iithls great strugi.- 161,,Let hot 'otir lips•utterw.word tliat am 'be onstmed into sympathy-With bonuses'. ' Let 'Us • leak for--the Mick &fie • Ocritifidam,- mid , the- en= ressersoltblilcireat , jilldight-indisrd, will not ,00mplish much for thanationratiritiref-brit, 2:4l o riientheit weight , and should net - be y -thrown ;Into -the scale of injustiCe tieksuch;vast issues are at stake': - • L. 7 , - tigain,l-4et-us - cheerfully pay our part of - the .iniediate z.eripeinser , inciirrea , thict — the - war. it us nob be &Wined = ate the , Ilaktloll of the irt arnica expentied , fok arms, runniunitithr, tn., f these do not parratnttiorthe otrundy:a-they nreiyuhange hands:: 'The lick -ripen ' whom .ta burden willprincipally fall, bare' prOpor tnallyniuch:atzlitaktlarid 'can- well to ,r, liberallyfor securing the • - stabilitYLuf"the i eh:anent, without w h ich noneuftheir Prep; would be secure. ~ torywith cheerful readinesSi: liberally pee • for thefaMilleauf the absent de , ltinteers; ttitis give , phiticaPiooraf trur*airaite lir theaburdehs(of itlititiggre which' La :t i .., , . . -.• . a eiournowdrotracied - Coinorty i- More- y utedund more. peso isthan`ever,' ,',.---' ..etviisi- abOve all, reverently lbok up to the .filereign Disposer:lCl human events, and, ac iiwledging our desert of •; chastisement, as a phOli consequence of cru.v : liiitional sins • td7rpraythatime.) may soon 'hal:Myers(' Ilo.the fearfal , tcourgeE of afratricidal-wet: us earnestly , invoke - thn- divine - 'Menthe ri the, President -4,lthe. United - Stites - and b couxureliougtupon , lour '-: venerable 'Chieftain . , ~ the Lord hat preserved " fentettoll'is lima hisil, and rnpowthebNatitesl - Oongrati , it' hour assemblinvintljnituliout to' llastime , raylicsudig4ty of .asiingjudgmentnponthe , cyofi,thepreenteneucumtuktiorentel ado, • ...whaethell bectlaithirtherlokiduliOdr rhfir , Adicjiv•thekillid (*Ohl. lirthin, Arilikitheir sarenifp , kelticithigw6Witg ichi, , # , *alifrl I Llc rYttf *V Allarr : ....a:7;1 li I.lcwr) .., , 4.'; vz,,..%.4. =-3 , :ri: ~,f, -, .• . . . THE DR. KANE REFRIGERATOR. riIHIS superior REFRIGERATOR, to g_ gethsr with several Mbar cnacper styles, may be Mud at the manufactory, at exceedingly low prices. Alas, a great variety of *42= COOL/ILLY, of cm,. riorinleh. s. tissoN & 00. Our. peek and Peer etraele, Philadelphia. ' MANHOOD. HOW LOST, HOW . RESTORED JIINT PLIHUSBED ON THE NATURE, TRILSTYISNT AND DADiCALlicar: of SF'S Itsuroa un or SemilSALWealmessi, Sexual DabUlty, Nervous ness, Involuntary Emissions sod Impotency, resulting from Self-abuse, dm By Robt. J. Culvarwell, 51. D.— Sent under seal, Ina plain envelope, to any address, pest uald, on reoelpt of two stamps, by Dr. CHAS . J C. m wintry; NI". rot Poet Office Sox, No 4,588. tri2o-6indaw The Confessions and Experience of an Invalid. Piazza= for the ,-benefit and tai a warning sad' a mutt= to ming zee who - .Wks trtun Nervous Debility, Protestors Decay, eta, =VOA* - at the totem ante, the issue et Bair Cere s by , one whoottr , d blaitsb, anot.tledlitatlo grostsapessathnotottaretheal inipost t t i fi r , r46 l= At ir_FOOrjW: y. pd e{ :: me au. , -,•ars county s'Oestaz. L -1 - - - • ' OcbooKs.—The sudden clanged of out climate are wearoettYolutonsijr . ltronelsint and Aethinatki rootlons. .14pLotte p aZi: Prete& hint simple rime. dietidten:not. r ituk cleitagAy when tidtee the artyplobluraireboild'in ones be I.ol , l&ll , *oweeltdablibil Tratoln"," or-tosingee, let the Gold, Cough or Irritation of the Throat be env so . 111 4 1c a' al - b El l S t rW i ct! i -Wk i k rio4 M o P u l t dO s y Pdett Speakers and Suers .wlll, ttlreatitbenfreg the fake. see bdtirthentneut.. J , - .44/04-fri4Wlsol so oo~rsvii . 'Arnwittaxt, *Met ,betn. restored to health In .few weeks lkire, *tryNmple remedy, after having flOrer:,.*eirers/..Yeenit .1ellh: a severe:lung ,slThat. Inn, wad ee4 Abinsse, Conan 1 s sAn.Ounzt.9 mik tAt. e'kiideni."lo tkit faptok-aofferers tne - ,Oleans curo. To all who desire .I%;:bleT , seet — d- a copy Of the'pra soription used (free of charge), with the directions -for preparing alt.i'fl4kgsa sisad wi tlLic_4, they :wet -led a Bbre ch i c for unsung:xi4 ' xitosables,'o3. Th e bbiliet - er the ittrettstriestrnal dsvoiTreecriptton ciao biniellgthe4ftioted, and ainekild WfOroration which no.e O VSYSA wraineWei_stid :hoperovery *et reMX-AA 47 : 411 , ,reerkr. a s 0 9 , 1 4 thaw MOJA& and:msl mina ael trig; • Akitteeitstifeir diertresortpttoii eft ' .ED), AIM A. Willtemsburgh, county, N!II York. eot3l- - wly TaSECIONONT, ST• limilit..4lll3 busy Cation or Ameri cans have 12,000,000 working ; people,,wboes services may be estimated, at $2 a day, evil/111r eocual lose by talcum set& adetagi. of ri piyi doh hi the yipte.— Telitydit a total toad ‘4314210,000,000 Mune aslprapay thayrtudicest oraft lionerai.Oorernme.at,. icidcladine the ..Asuib 11 1 , 11t4,4,40 0 v: 1 902A tors, Foreign mintatere end all.: . Th. ,suosot vr.eisha ,9vtit; tittered ions la pure gold: ' - • ♦ large pioportien or this costly wafering- might be availed Oujttentgpo tuol64tdeselbmis, ann. above-ail, by PEOp-eper nee of the rif ht remedy In Illteleßzl 525 Cent boxeyer's - YU win avert as attack u nese which ti would take several days_to recover -from, or , dollar- bottle OLAyeet.Bsritiparilla, Williexpel a lerkiPt disorder that woatia.kifhtitiA4e,soffimer , Wails back for 'Pecks or Motilut,"does it take any lam to shoW-thii gcwd ecOnonty of this invettniekft 'Whea Fero' arodiguals ranking In. 'your+ veins, mid- %baking. your ilk out of yo,o, to dawqrtit the dollaritoostvlovow abvs. Veit .to havo the villainous disorder, pxyadiel, which ti does c ure and quickly? When you harp taken a cold is it prudent to wait until it is nettled on the ' icings, whoa days.or .wassa or_atonCbtsaint-ba spent in trying to cure It, even if it osa be put-441A all, or la It cheaper to take dyer's Cherry Peeteril,'octsting a .(ew abtAngs,.end. remove the - trouble before till serlods, "it takes no Isla . . dont to dicide. ikr_sile_ by G. A.: Bauman, K. Groom .1F.14k., J. M. Lids, uolman a . co., .irozsimog. gartistitirg, arid dealers arm : yr/bare. .6-davr -EWit DYE . l ,. ll;pv. 1 Wm. •A. Mehelot's , Stir - Dye I The' Original and ilea 'o' „gib Norld . - • - lli others are coma imitation& and eacedd b. Avoided It you what teneeins'ildlonie. GRAY; RED; en -Ruin ri HAIR dyed instantly to bambini and Naturat Brown cud Mut, without -Injury toNalr or Spin., • 11 FTIChNlatDdlillkisCALPLQMAS bars heed &WI! rd. WM ai.laiblielor thine 1860. atilt over 80;000, ap• plioatienstieve been -made toils, Nair - of Ms - p /trent of his famoue dye • Wet. A. BA'I I I.4I4UNL'a. HA I R pyll produce' a, color not to be dietingiiialied from_ nature, and is Yearranitid got to Injure hi the feud, hnersisilong it City be epptin tie*. ead..ths UL" el orlted-DVes-ventedied fife Hair Warted . 1 441 t. bYAMBPktudid , DY. , . • • .. 4"4 • (Foods -Vatted Ps er .kt r Drolegietsiiha- 7 s mogors ;sir The Oiderne his the nerve and 'tuidresr upon steel plate engraving on four sides ol each box, - o' WiL ttalt A./4=MM. ALLOW . - - PErAßLSAß4Ofilil(iN,Pmirlstor, mired, New York. e6.dklitaar W. A. BATCEMORTI HAIR 'DT splAgNlgo , R A,ls .ayz, has no expii—titiontaneoga in sect..., Black. or laurel Broviri—utclAtibing the' Wan bilo.rips the flair--remediesthlabsui'd and'lll taxi of Bad Dy.o and nvtgorates awash_ Or IA& Mow us genolueriirklon olirsmad astabdor.P, 1 .304 81107 There. CHAS. 8A.8341e14,1. tr onef qv t...ritar - rirreA. Z. set dawiagl A CARD TO, THE LADIES DR'01:1PONOO'S:GOLDEIT111.1,8 rim, Et;ltaL,RBJ uhn °Remount, 4lnpustingi • and reminfi4 obstructions, from _whatever. owns, and 1- waYB successful us:prorfin- . tive. 111FI1 E•PILL B ,IIAVE BEEN= USED By -..L. the . Moore ibis many years, .bOth in atrancelitid .Amerlca, crith,i.uaparalleted snoceesia 'Terrace valid he bfuried by many tuna ladies-who opted thsahmt, wake the Pine Oblige ' the' alleviitihn Of thine modartat trfn'anr - iriviniartistrirlatitertnri' is ' , WWI to trorw, an increase of Wally whirr health'irtil , Dot-priehdt-141:, o l itzstcir " 4 1Part i prii; "OW - PT , tbost iswasusplitenul PO Ve4 PP.a i trßl 4 tele 2 24r) 1 4 ME iut Flu .ibri ' . .P gr... Irph_iiicf. Vie aiesuinesho • haltdlltrattor th uttono:' rit irisill4twoo w t ou li l kored Nord* issiy-triki , to . swtroe Valt• taconismad • kid .. ne t t . iinkkito• sapp a d s, each box. ..,..1, I]l (*pee bealiarttobilwtiedetadirand Wail by , i CHARLES A. BANNVART, ' 1 ,4 h .A9clllP4.4o.l4Elourio urpl%. • 7 ""Lodie,n Ikeliiliwing,. .sr RD, p ) , t h w a inik ,,, pars Peet Oilloecian haveige: _. ...auk 'IYOe or lifiou' iiiii o 4o any.part.olthemoutdr"iitiondiok r ia: 'lrtir k .4. lodelAmisitaii.. Bold also .bir..4l-41. woo f . &wino; Ilotlowar A COWDZA, Philadelphia, J. L. LIS.. atom, 'Lebanon Dawn IL Hsrouto, Lanctoteri J, A WOLlA,Wttginovilia; 1a.:.1. ilault;-iont4 - mut' lry . 'oho .8111 A il k e7lerP.; 0 4, - owl-uk.huge.dw the tiniail f ADA:by. 2 011* ,proprlah*,,riew,n i Ili it.Esoh - oisr SA' tlC l thi* . . . no ' tisitdie titli. or aarkliul. Uglois owaiy wind- S.D. Silva Al taisrawA.bakt:twposakok..,antLzussztey theieftiO, au .you Wade -9 0 g Alm' - PP 4 .44 4 1 1 P r36t9,."7.30dadue0f . bp iug,liumbutg 04 br nut' *MAYA/ 4us ,047 at Won who atar. , the 4 , aiture of B.lY.'idowe -- ok every be*. iillilutao&rooUy .• beds' added tar tacisitoi of- , the PIN ' bel l 3 g " l ' it e."l" -,-•• • • , - 1 - i4P 3 l O .lrdWiY). •• iinvivratzij, *41:406L DR. -0 IT- RB- ,814 - *N 4 5.21 , IL 8, ftepfred _ )Ip/in, li. D., rJiin chwAkixektihh ofiugredienth in these p~y and nr o lPrarg 14 :5 ( entaa eertaia rPratIOW stardaleavabetbef oracle* .aaerwbe, ttputaatm, • laeo o /lcillf 13L-lbeafraity a/rhea guronioisritericFs, vtuv ii v ip Iwo ,btaca44l ,111115 . bei rk if fePi 111 9 ■ Arm'AntypV44a - . . MABIaIiaLADIIB, isupearasn's Pills are_layeleable, lbey bites &the assitely - peria iiit4 MOW:O Izabal vile Wye be dleanKlintel hi the' Pfdthei:PA/11 . 4Un palm the easesaisaufailiapie la Dr. Obeepersaa'a 'debt all ' D / V, ierg Ireas d ada ailidigea ra Patti antwist irektiaptitithAt 4:4• 040-ftle pEcuzrog RAM& Alueleoadatas.ififerridilfrarMlONS/R7r—: the Y01ia4,A13060,4u494 Anviatmei 401414 e ike.watios. raor_f .ggfV34 , flOctiew to a wow- eauffassfi'- mprersastee paw ft. - ..Werreinalliarely vegetable; mei Deal direfakina, which abated be read, as. 111°111 , 1• KMan each h< lt , Price ,s.t. ,sby inaux, j3clih a alvir . L'( Milika l o l 4: l 9e4est, fa ti = • f . f,, 'NOV. 19*.kalieS ' ' 114 " 1 /12"11*.i. NiEti tz ;,)*4 - 4 ;, ; - , s i attp; , y ."‘ 'llllO4 laikaf afillafith _ c.l • RZI NOTICE. MT Pleb te t city, oa the 2d teat, Mr 77 aged 77 yeirs acd 11 dlys. New rAbvertisenunts W ANTED. --Two or three btrg cir g . emiihs nd saver warn a Ike: EL: a -. 7 works. IVOTICE.=-Dr. JOHN .I_ll LIN having been declared r y th tibia county a habitual drunic,rt, cau'limeia not to give or sell him liq be enforeed egaluit ihem. 34:. - Jy3-dat Commutes of .hhi l A. SOMETHING FOR THE Tal A Necessity in Every 130u.s.:'—': ITOHNEJ & CROBLy American cement ci, -u The Strongest Glue in the L l ] FOACEMENTLNO WOOD, LEal IVORY, CHINA, MARBLE. - CILAIN, ALABASTER. CORAL, &c., &c., The onlyaridole of the kind ever pro-: t which will withstand We.t.r luiritsora "livery hogeekerper should hay Crasley'a anaerlcaa Corneas 0 ne." • *.ta la ea ceavenama to bave n _ ••ti la &wave ready. thasonmorud. -N: lanstrazamar. • “We ht‘e Tied it, and dud Res u eater.n—oiltuare friar? or tat T.ame • Price 26 Cents per Bott.e. Very Liberal Reductions to wtr,:e.:. „Dealers. TERM, ,_;/, Or Fos silo by all Druggists cad ere generally throughout the cour.try :URNS & ' (Sole Menlo actures.) 78 W.LLl...tax (Corner of Liberty Street,) jya.dly FIVE DOLLARS REWARD TS HE above reward will be pa i.l 'retain of • UvITED SPAT :3 . t 8 eh from the hotel of the niadaligne,f, mai and Fourth atrecs. Asa, PHILAD.E.I I }IIT.A &READ' N G EXCURIOI•I TIC ILATILL be issued between a , • y at REDUCED PARES, GOod for all - Passenger Trains from DAY - JUN/3 26th to 'MONDAY JULY . elusive. G. A. NIC.OLLz Julia t7tb, 1801.18 t General boo-r t3FIGED SALMON 11 MESH AND PERT DELICATE F npiteatly - hi ove pound 0.12;im WORCESTER'S ROYAL QUARTO DETIONAE FpflE best defining and pronouncii.,- .L.tioaary et the Barlett language ; auto, School Dictioaartes. Wobiter's PietoriAl • , SAIDOOt EXctlnnartes for mule at SCRUFF:WS 13i). %Ksr. Near the Ilarrigturg Cl= HENRY C. 811 AFFE DIAPER HANGER, Front street, secun doorabove Trabaut eitrooL AU or 'A.rd 0 stbleided ,Itr,Rakpe ratrenrbwrig tor 16 muitoi per roll or pie:4 wirk wOtt , - Horse and Carriages for iSarle, THE SUBSCRIBisct offers at IT': 4 1, 44,04 1 /oaa.: . an pOAßer.eutc .1. r Ortb,d.ottaied. Tte aar4 ay a aaYet years old. One carc:a4e to new a. 14 wr : . lalle4 Tor a artily, aitit'n ot Matti top ALI d ebie.eeatla front for chit !too, The otb , :r ea , raw: loyr i atatoit r9qtytymay, very "A.M. WOOL for aged The hOpte slid tertiagaa 0340 be watt at the rat.. the ietteoribeiti AO.ht i‘ root. tiarribbarg. ht 22-4 AMAKIIIA C Troop.- VVANTO'—" TO EL F., - Atleirur - Orki,toS4l:l nudJJWELR I,, O eas out tteirtAqutitham tau - `op purchased eLpu.- .Call pe orieddreeisOintop inclosed.) J I. BAIL:•., ..#I2STAIRd. • ./i1e..164 °marl Street, Boetou, . . GENERAL ORDERS NO. 3. ontiticniAwrika PXJ*TINANIA "Alarms, Awn's= (..18/tItAL'S Once, • June 22, 186: ) Iu sixotdrinha .the prpvieiA i sixth section of the Asia passed the 16th of 1861; eraitlid at Act to greats b loam. aL.I ; vide for aritdriglha State, the Ooveruor, L madder-ixt-nhlef, *dial the following rut regulationaLreaktlag to the organised the - military force" cif this COrarrionwe4ln. or hereafter to be•called into the service 0: State Or the' Milted Strike. REGULATIONS. L The commander of the regiment iri point the Adjutant from the subalterns regiment. He will also appoint the nu .ruiesioned staff of the regiment. He vy.; . 'l,la it Ole the regimental Quarter Master ir,ut c subalterhs of the regiment tn the PT approval end aPpohithient. II ~ln alias ofiracanot, the commander tegimeittr.l4- makii alemporary ,OQuaiter Master.: The commander of a ri . .menamay also impend a Quarter Mailer, w - piakea temporary appointment, reportit4 • suspension* and-;he rations th,leut tQrtu to the proper'authority, and all tempolar pdintmente Shall continue until a ilLejAi L be Made. fines Headquarters. These regulations shall be in Lace uLt., ther orders. By order of the Governor, Obnimander-la Chief. B. M. BIDDLE, Adjutant Licaell, Pity Property for Sale. LiIRGE, TWOnSTORY BRICK HI • . talL and tot ot grotind, pleassotly loau,d 0.1 Demon Maiberty street And Washington Ave/261: 6 Also TWO ItAgoDP.taNtitl In good oandluoa Cfneakt*Rik APP4•tc YtfS ._C. O. ZIYY6R t,.‘ NO. IS, South Won 6 "" • NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. IHE,I2I4ID.ERSIGIUD CO-M.113S I .s• • ERd of Dauphin wooer, In pursuance ai as the Ueaer I Asteratd,y of tae Commonwealth ul Irltrktik, apprOied tbe'llSdi day of flab Lid., ' • - ; • .ritgaottoattlborgieitte Coaontseloners et Oau,/' la 4i ', : 10 - 11 41PrOPTiailrev 0011Aill-SURI Of •Madey lor th part of thu ammo& pt : Voltanteera during . war," do hereby btfored tba public tad IheY lose t .6 "th•l. .. 111 WIrld of atom not exceeding oto LV`' .s ' n 4 dodarlyforwasooottoodelelll tie lowed fa e tor= t ceetliud-len,Tnerli with Itcatoone ausobal, fbr ,lit *Malt yearly interest, payable st the COnEtty 5 9er tent , Said bonds are to be clear of ail Ii itioretorshoindixist the bald spent in Ank o 4 l :oo.iii ibe leaders'-wilt down, will be iteletS4No taeitAttets o: adiont, Ni`' oc redlOntnttoipajw taxation at we Woo ,JORM'S. tatkamit, JAWS BERM, Comellttle" r GaltY =ION, •rlff Ablarb-i-Icerfl . iturta, Clerk. M . . JUST RECEIVED Ji.N OTHER LOT OF TUG S" EXTRA FINE POINTED GOLD PENS icy NEWTON'S Szr b te ti f e ly best E m aLl'2::? t+ 14 04044,.. cat skolg 014[704 and as cheap e` S' 7 a we at e , wick a • variety of Gobi, and , . . , mad trim. as ~ ', 1 "1 .3 : :11*- 7r iti ilNlNUgall IMP BOONETONSI IAZAHU