Pailg Eritgrap4. ~;a613R0 Frhloy Morning, July 5, 1861 TO ADVERTISERS. Th.; (.In:elation of the DAILY TELEGRAPH IS FOUR TIMES URGER than any other daily poldished or circulated in this city, and it therefore presents greater indnoementt3 for the patronage of advertisers then is offered to them through any other maithur, those who want buyers, try advertising to GiiAPH. THE MORNING TELEGRAM Is issued every morning and con tains THE LATEST TELE CT RAP Il IC DISPATCHES re ceived during the night. - - - TELE RUM Altus.—The only class who dese crated independence day by doing business, were the rum mill proprietors, who kept up a con tinuous flow of lager and whisky, making men .b unk and' coining money, while the mass of our business citizens closed their establish ments and observed the day in a patriotic man nor. The beer and whisky sellers are directly and solely responsible for all the drunkenness and disorder which disgraced our city yesterday aLd last night. ZOLIRVE Dom.—The First City Zouaves i lied last evening in presence of a large num ber of spectators, many of them ladles. They al through a variety of novel and difficult ;..,vetnents peculiar to the Ellsworth drill, all which were executed with commendable promptness, skill and accuracy. Captain Kelm reason to be proud of his young Zouaves we predict, will in a short time compare orably with the best drilled companies of the kind in the country. 1.1,M1 PRESENTATION.—The Union Cadets were Nciterday presented with a handsome flag, dmanfactured for the purpose, by several young ladies. The ceremonies took place at the reel koce Mr. Wm. Sayford, in Market street, and Joshua M. Weistling, Esq., presented the fag, on behalf of the donors, making an appro fq late and eloquent speech,' which was respond ed to by Captain Sayford. The young soldiers then gave three cheers for the flag and three for the ladies, and resumed their march. The flag is a beautiful one, creditable to the taste and skill of the manufacturers. SPLENDID FLAG.--One of the largest and finest silk flags displayed yesterday was hung out at the Susquehanna House, near the depot. The tlag was brought here from Fort Pulaski, Geor gia, by Ordnance Sergeant Luke Walker, through many vicissitudes. On being ordered to hoist the flag, by Col. Bartow, commanding the Georgia volunteers, Sergeant Walker pe remptorily refused to do so, thus defeating the socesslonists in their design of pulling down thu glorious emblem of our nationality and !misting their confederate rag in its place. On leaving here for Virginia, under orders from headquarters, last week, the Sergeant made ar rangements to have the flag displayed in this City on the fourth of July, and it was accord ingly flung to the breeze yesterday morning by his sou and Messrs. John Oslea and William A. Brumbaugh. It attracted general attention during the day. C==l SAD ACCIDENT.—One of the most distressing features connected with the celebration of inde pqlence day was the accident on Capitol Hill, during the firing of a national salute by a squad (,t Capt. Brady's artillery company, which re ,illted in very serious injury to one of the gun ners, Mr. Henry Welsh, of Philadelphia.— When loading for the second round the cannon prematurely exploded, owing either to a defect in the piece or carelessness In the vent-holder, hooting Mr. Welsh in both hands, and lace r.iting them in such a terrible manner as to render immediate amputation necessary. He was also struck on the breast and severely wounded. A piece of the rammer stick struck th e door of Mrs. Hurries, a considerable distance off, on Third street, making a slight indenta tion in the wood. The unfortunate man was taken into the Arsenal 'and subsequently re moved to Camp Curtin, where he now lies in a suffering and critical condition. - - After writing the above, we heard the death of Mr. Welsh reported. FLAG Raistsa.—At eight o'clock yesterday Inorning a large and beautiful American flag was raised over the truck house of the Mount Vernon Hook and Ladder company. While the tarry emblem of our nationality was being run p, the Union Band of Lebanon played the time-honored national air Hail Columbia in ex , ellent style. When the flag reached its dea r nation and spread its folds to the breeze, it was greeted with enthusiastic cheering by the I urge crowd of people present. Our talented rownsloan R. A. Lamberton, Esq., was then in oduced to the audience and delivered a brief, patriutik : and truly eloquent address. He allu ded to our present national career and the glory of our good old flag, in "thoughta that breathed and words that burned," and elicited enthusias tic applause. He briefly reviewed the causes which led to our present difficulties, and was ter ribly severe upon the secession s yntrathisers who talk of "compromise" with armed rebels mar shalled under the three -striped flag which rep. resents "theft, perjury and treason." B e held it to be the duty of every true American citizen to sustain the government in its effort to crush out rebellion awl treason, and main tain the laws, without stopping to count the C.,st As a whole the address was admirably suited to the occasion, and did credit to the head and heart of its gifted and patriotic author.— Mr. Laroberton was heartily cheered during the delivery of his brief address, and descended from the stand amidst 4 storm of applause,-- The band then played the 'liter Spangled Ban. ner," and the crowd dispersed to join in the general festivities of the day. INDEPENDENCE DAY IN HARNISBMIO-HAND INAS MILITARY AND CIVIC DISPLAY - PATNIOTIO DEMONTrEATION-CROWDS or Norms.— The eigh ty-fifth anniversary of American Independence has come and gone, and with it has ceased the noise and confusion incident to such occasions. The day was universally observed by old and young, the stores and shops being generally closed, and all business suspended. The entire demonstration was creditable alike to the public spirit and patriotism of our citizens, and afford ed a gratifying evidence of the strong Union sentiment which pervades all classes of com munity. On no occasion within our recollec tion has the fourth of July been celebrated with greater ark', or more genuine enthusiasm, in Harrisburg, than marked the festivities yester day. The day was ushered in by the firing of a national salute on Capitol Hill from the bat teries in charge of Captain Brady's artillerists, And the simultaneous ringing of all the public bells in the city. Everywhere throughout the city the "stars and stripes" floated gracefully in the morning breeze. There was a great pro fusion of flags of all sizes, the display in this respect being highly creditable. At an early hour our citizens were out in large numbers, and people came in crowds from the rural dis tricts, to see the sights and participate in the festivities. Before eight o'clock the streets were thronged with gaily appareled pedestrians, moving in various directions, imparting to the city an unusually gay and animated aspect. Before the hour fixed for the grand proces sion, the First City Zouaves made a parade through the principal streets, attracting gene ral attention and eliciting the admiration of all for their neat appearance, soldierly bearing, and the accuracy with which they marched.— Three other neatly equipped companies, com posed of juveniles, also paraded and created quite a sensation. At nine o'clock the military from Camp Curtin arrived in the city, when the procession was formed in the order pre scribed by the Committee of Arrangements, under the command of the Chief Marshal, Dr. E. W. Roberts and his assistants, as follows : The Chief Marshal, and Committee of Ar rangements, mounted. Artillery Corps from Camp Curtin, consisting of three companies, with five brass field pieces, drawn by four horses. The men were all equipped and presented a fine appearance. 4-- This corps were accompanied by the Hummels town cornet band. Soldiers of the war of 1812, marshaled by Capt. David Krause, wearing cockades and Union rosettes. The veterans were headed by R. H. McCoy, of the United States Army, bearing a flag of 1861, supported on the left by Mr. Thornton, carrying a tattered flag of 1776, and on the right by Capt. ,Wm. P. Brady, car rying a Sag which was borne through the war of 1812. Infantry from Camp Curtin, consisting of nearly two regiments, accompanied by two full drum corps, the whole under command of their regimental officers in full uniform. The men were unarmed, but equipped in the new cloth ing recently received, and looked and marched remarkably well. First City Zouaves, Capt. D. B. Kelm, about sixty strong, fully uniformed and armed with rifles. The Zonaves, with their novel and neat equipments, constituted a prominent feature of the parade, and were "the observed of all observers" on the line of march. They made a splendid appearance and were universally ad mired. Ellsworth Cadets, Capt. James Barringer ; blue caps and red shirts, and armed with rifles. These boys looked well and marched creditably. Union Cadets, Capt. Sayford ; blue caps trimmed with red cord, black belts and bine shirts, and armed with rifles. We have already noticed this company favorably. They nobly sustained their reputation yesterday. Hans Guards, Capt. Jarvis, composed of boys from eight to twelve years of age. Uni form red pants and caps, and armed with rifles. These miniature soldiers presented a very neat appearance, and stood the long and fatiguing march remarkably well. The Union Band of Lebanon, the Friendship Fire Company, with their engine literally covered with American flags. On the top of the engine we noticed a live American Eagle. The members of the company, forty strong, were equipped with red shirts and New York fire hate. Harry Shaeffer sated as marshal. Hope Fire Company, forty men, with grey shirts and New York fire hats, drawing their hose carriage elegantly decorated for the occa sion. Thomas Mine marshal. Citizen Fire Company, twenty-five men, with yellow hats and red shirts, drawing their hose carriage, trimmed with flags and flowers. : Geo. C. Fager, marshal. Mount Vernon Hook and Ladder Company, Wm. Lukens, marshal, thirty men with giey shirts and New York fire hats, drawing their apparatus, handsomely trimmed, with a live American Eagle occupying a prominent position. Paxton Hose Company, with martial music, David Crawford, marshal. Thirtyfive men, with blue shirts and New York fire hats. At the head of the company marched five men in full Indian costume, who attracted general at tention. The hose carriage was gorgeously decorated, and beneath a canopy of wreaths and flowers were seated two pretty little girls, guarded on either side by boys in Indian cos tume. The Paxton boys deserve credit for the novel and attractive display they made on this occasion. Good Will Fire Company, twenty-five men, with red shirts and black cape, drawing their new and beautiful engine, neatly trimmed with flags and wreaths. The Eintracht Singing Society, carrying a new and beautiful flag. Salem Lodge, I. 0. of B. 8., in regalia, with the banne r of their society. In this order the procession marched over the route designated by the committee, presenting as fine a spectacle as we have ever witnessed in Harrisburg on any former similar occasion. At various points along the line of march wreaths and hoquets were showered up3n the military and firemen by the ladies who occupied the bal conies and sidewalks. Thousands of people witnessed the parade and all were pleaSed with it. Arriving at State street the proceed* waa dkuomied, wkenthe Amen returned to ayste Peunsgthanta elegraph, intrap Morning, lulp 5, 186 1 respective houses, and the artillery and infantry took up the line of march for camp. The City Zouaves, Union and Ellsworth Cadets, and the two bands, proceeded to the Capitol to take part in the ceremonies there, some thousands of peo ple having in the meantime congregated within the grounds. The chairman of the Committee of Arrange ments, Major L. N. Ott, called the vast assem blage to order and nominated Hon. Jomi J. PEARSON for presiding officer, who took his seat amidst great applause, and returned thanks in a brief address, the patriotic sentiments of which were heartily responded - to. A long list of Vice Presidents and Secretaries were nominated and elected by acclamation. An earnest, im pressive and eloquent prayer was then offered up by Rev. D. Gans, the large mass of people reverently uncovering their heads andlhdenieg attentively during its delkery. After music by the band—Hail Columbia—the Declaration of Independence was read by James M' Cormick, Jr., Esq., followed with the singing of the Star Spangled Banner by the Eintracht Society. Both were listened to with intend, and ap plauded to the echo. The orator of the day, Rev. Dr. Charles A. Hay, was then Introduced, and addretwed•the people for over one hour in his usual able and impressive manner. As the oration is to be published at length in the Txracassim this after noon, we deem any comment upon it unneces sary now, further than to say that it embodied sentiments' f the purest.patriotism, and irre , Writable arguments against the heresy of seces sion and in favor of maintaining the union of these States "one and inseparable, now and forever." The oration made a good impression and the Reverend orator was enthusiastically cheered during its delivery. Mr. Hay turving concluded, a, resolution was offered and adopted, tendering the thanks of the molding to the, officers, the orator of the day and reader of the beclaration, the Mar shale, the Clergy who officiated, the Eintracht Society and the Bands, for the able and satis factory manner in; which all had discharged their duties on the occasion. Also to the old soldiers, the of f icers and soldiers of Camp Cur tin, the volunteer and fire companies, of this city, for their handsome display on the occa sion. A resolution was also , adopted request ing Rev. Dr. Hay to furnish a copy of his ora tion for publication. After another song by the Eintracht Society, music by the Lebanon Band, and the benedic tion by Rev. Dr. DeWitt, the meeting was dis missed and the crowd dispersed. This ended the regular.programme of exercises, and it af fords us great pleasure to say that everything passed off in a way satisfactory to our people generally and creditable to the committee of arrangements. During the afternoon the streets continued crowded with people, old and young, and immense quantities of fire crackers and other salt-petre arrangements were explod ed. Everybedyroomed to be "gay and happy," and determined to make the most of the na tional holiday. At two o'clock the old soldiers met around the festive board in Brunt's Rail, where they indulged in a sumptuous dinner, and had a good time generally. Among the outsiders present was Colonel Sherman of the United States Army, commandment of the new artil lery regiment to be organised here, who-made a highly favorable impression upon the vete ! rens. The festivities of the occasion wound up with private pyrotechnic displays in various sections of the city, some of which were very handsome and attracted large crowds of admiring specta tors. The streets were thronged with pedestrians until a late hour; and in the absence of a general exhibition of fire works, which has been customary in former years, the people con tented themselves with viewing the grand pyro technic display in the heavens, afforded by the Oomet which now looms up nightly in brilliancy and magnificence. In closing our report of the doings of independence day, we repeat that the demonstration was a splendid and creditable one, and proved that the spirit of seventy-aix still animates the hearts of the descendants of the revolutionary heroes. With a few exceptions sobriety and good order pre vailed throughout the city limits; and but one serious accident occurred to mar the pleasures of the occasion. May all who participated in the festivities yesterday live to welcome the ad vent of another anniversary of American Inde pendence, when " the Flag of oar Union " shall float over thirty-four reunited and frosperous States. Fran Tau Moasnia.—About four o'clock this morning the room occupied by Dr. Harris, in the Patriot and Union building, was discovered to he on fire. An alarm was nunle, but owing to the delay of the firemen in responding, at so early an hour, the flames gained considerable headway. When the machines were put in .operation, however, the room was in a short time flooded with water, and the fire suppressed. The Doctor's library and medicine asses, furni ture, &c., were considerably damaged. In one corner of the room the flooring was burned through, directly above a large pile of paper in the press room of the Patriot and Union. The press room was deluged with water, and one of the presses, a quantity of printing Ram. and other articles, damaged to some extent. But for timely discovery, a disastrous conflagration would have been the result. The origin of the fire is not known. "Tan Maw =sr. BI PRIOURVED." —We no ticed yestecday a large banner spanning Second street, is front of Mr. Win. S. Shaeffees paper store, containing the names of the thirty-four States. Attached to this banner was an Amer, ican flag with] the old Jackson motto : "The Union'must and shall be preserved." The af fair was neatly gotten up and did credit to our patriotic friend Mr. Shaeffer, 'who is sound on the Union qusetion. DR. T. J. MILES, SURGEON DENTIST OFFERS kis services to the citizens ,o• fierrill'Arg and its vicinity. He solicits a share o the public pureness, and gives assurance that his best , endeaVe y is shall be given to reader saffeactioniu his pro tendon. wag an old, well tried deaffetv he'd sere in NvlV,ag the public generallyy to call on him; sunning uw.n that they will not be with hisnervices; Office NO. 125Iffartun street,* dictu I ms& Anmerly oe- Mallble bullied by .10ish B. *by, near the Hatiedlilitai Hotel, r& - 4 3 1 4 41411 7, - .....-...... THE DH. KANE REFRIGERATOR. rpH 18 eI perior REFRIGERATOR. to -1 gather with several other cheaper styles, may be grand at the mauufaotory, at exceedingly low prices. Abe, a great variety of *ATM COOLERS, of cope. nor IL 8. PARSON & 00. Oor. Deck and Pear streeta, Philadelphia. aprillo-9m MANHOOD. HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED JUST PUBLISHED ON THE NATURE, TAivntsNT AND RADICAL CURB OF RPM RMATOR BREA or Seminal I Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nervous ness, Involuntary Boalslam and Impotency, resulting from SeII-abuse, ho. By Robt. T. Onlverwell, IL a— float under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, pest pald, on receipt al two stamps, by Dr. CHAS J C. &LINA 127 Bowery, New York. Poet Mee Box., No 4,586. m2O-6Endaw The Oonfeedons and Eroerience of an Invalid. hawrillo for the benefit and as a warning and a caution to young men who BOW from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, etc., supplying at the same time, the means of Self Care, by one who eared hlntaab, after being put to great expense through medical imposst don and qoacikery. Single mew 711 , kn. bad of the au. Oar, Katmai= MAXPAISti •"I 'MOP County N. Y., by enoloalug a pompa.7. . - • - ope. delSamd NOTICE. Oovose.—The sudden changes of our °Ulnae are soerces of Pulmonary, Bronchial and Asthmatio Af fections. Experience haying proved that simple reme dies often act speedily and certainly when taken In the early es of the disease, rooftree should at once be had to 4 ' is Bronchial Troches," or Lozenges, let the Cold, Clough, or Irritation of the Throat be ever eo slight, as by this precaution a more serious attack may be warded of. Pftlio Speakers and Singers will Ind them elibatind ibr clearing and a trengthening the voice. ass advertisement. delCkiawawern ' ,ll If Ativintrama., having been restored to health la a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affect. ion, and that dread disease, Consomption—is anxious to make known to his fellow-surerers the means of cure. To all who desire It, ho will send a copy of the pre scription used (free of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure cure ibr Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, &o. The only object of the advertiser In sending the 'Prescription to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be nvaluable and he hopes every suf ferer will try his remedy, as will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing, Parties wishing the prescription will please address RBI% BDWABD A. WILSON, Williamsburgh, Kings county, New York. octal-wly ConizaposoaNT of the Stecle Patio, the government organ of France writes from Tents, Algiers, MI Mows : "Our college of Philosophers at home, may, and pro bably do accomplish a great deal for the cause of Bolen,* but the Americans are the people to turn them discover ies to practical account. Many of the modern Inventions In use here are American. and one American chemist, Dr. J. C Ana, of Lowell, supplies much of the medicine consumed In this country. His Cherry Pectoral, Pills, Sarsaparilla and Ague Cure constitute the staple reme dies here, because they are of easy application, sure in their results, and have th e confidence of the people.— While the seienoe of Medicine la carried to a higher per fection in our own country (France) than any other, it strikes a Frenchman's a little singed .r that an American Physician should tarnish the medical skill and remedies for our Priniolpal Province. Wereere happy to inform our reader& that these rope ** Madiethes which the Emperor's Principal Province:is obliged to get from America may be had by our neigh -oat . Kumvart's, 0. K. Keller's, D. W- Grose & J. M.'Ltits's,"flolman & Armstrong,Marrieborg, and dealers everywhere.,• -irgd tw HAIR DYE 1 HAIR DYE I Win. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye 1 The Original and Beet in the World. MI others are mere imitations, and aboald be avoided if you wish to swap, ridicule. GRAY, RED, OR RIIRrY HAIR dyed Instantly to a beautiful and Natural Brown and Black, without Injury to Bair or Skim • lIITIGIN MEDLIS and DIPLOMAS have been award ed to Wm. A. Etatebelor since 1889, ant over 80,000 ap plloations haveheen made the Mak of his p drene of his hums dlie. • Wtt. A. DATPISLOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color not to be dittingnished from nature, and Is warruuted not to injure in the least, however long it may be contin ued, and the ill effect' of Had Dyes remedied; the Hair invigorated ter lite by this splendid Dye. Sold in 'all cities and towns of the United States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. It-le The Genuine has the name eidd address upon a steel plate engraving on four sides of each box, of Wu,- GAM A. ItArognes. Address CHARLES BATOHNLOR, Proprietor, eB•dB&wtaug St Barclay street,' New York W. A. BATCRELOR'S HAM DYE! ►(IHIS SPLENDID HAIR DYE has no eqnal—instantaneons in eftbot—Reautifbi Meek or laurel Rrewn—no staining the skin or Injuring the Hair—remedies the &bawd and ill effect of Bad Dyes, and nvigorates the Hair for Mb. None are genoine unless taped "W. A. Hatabolor."; Sold everywhere. . : WAS. BATOAdLON, Pr ' , nett°, dtortagl 31 Srt tho , icre st, ew Y • 'A dAILD TO THE LADIES DR• DIIPONOO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOB FEMALES. arallthie n oorrentiwg, regulating, and removing a I obatruedons, ilrom whatever name, and I ways sammtaful as a proven tin. THESE PILLS HATE BEEN USED BY the doetera for many years, both In Prance and erica, with unparalleled success In every case ; and he is urged by many thousand ladies who used them, to make the Pills public for the alleviation of those suffering from any Irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent an imams of family where health will not permit It.— Females particularly situated, or these supposma them selves so, are cautioned against, these Ellis while in that condition, as they are sere to produce miscarriage, and the proprietor assumes no responsibility after this admo , ninon, although their mildness would prevent any nib. owed to health—otherwise the. Pills are recommended. Pull and explicit directions accompany each box. Prise $1 00 per box. Sold wholesale and retail by . . CHARLES A. 13ANNITART, No. 2 Jones Bow, Hi= Po.. "Ladles," by sending him 11 00 to the Harrisburg Post OSlee, can have the Pills sent free of observation to any part of the Wintry (eonfldentlally=free n :Lc tag*" by mail Sold also by S. S. JOHNION, HOLLOWAY CORDON, Philadelphia,Lau'. Lebanon Dasom Hanitt, Lancaster; J. 4. Wear, Wrlghtavihe ,• B. T. Yuma, York ,• and by one 13.1” t in every oily and village In the Union, and by ./ 1) W 1, 01 . Proprietor, New York- N. B.—Look out for cottuterfelle. guy no Golden Pills of any kind unless every box Is signed - SL .D. Howe. Ai others are a-base' imposition and unsafe) Menders, as you value your lives and health, (to say nothing of be ing humbugged out of your money,) buy only of those who show the signature of B.'D. Howe on every box, which has reoentW been aided on account of the Pillr being counterfeited deS-Onswiy. IMPORTANT TO rimill.twas. DR. CH BESMAN'S PILLS, Prepared by Cornelius L. °bowman, M. D., NEW YORE CITY. rsrea combination of ingredients in these Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice. ey mild In their oper ation , and certain in correcting all irregularities, Paint iffenstraations, removing all ob. Stracticum, wh eth er from cold or otherwise, headache, pain In the Ode; patpltatim or the heart, whitw, all ner vous affections, hysterics, fatigue, pain In the bash and limbs, am, disturbed sleep, which arise born mterruptioa or ea cre • TO MUM LAME, Dr. Cheaserium's Pills are invaluable, aa they will bring on the monthly period with regularity. Ladies who have been dillaPPNOtodta tho Oft of other Pills can place the utmost confidence tri'Dr. Chettaeman's Pills doing all that they represent to do. NOTICE. There u one conduit* of the fastals system in which the Pills canned be taken without producing PRO RESULT. Th e oondeton t starred to is PREGNANCY— the result, JILIOARALAGL Such Ls the Irresistuele tendency of the atedualse to restore he swami functions is a worsted eotaddias, am Men the rqsr eductive power of gaff. CatillOt renal it. Warranted purely vegetable, end tree from anything _ltlitiOnm. Mpilint directions, nth% should be read, an. aimranyieralibon. Price ST. iferit - by mall on onoloatng $1 to Ds Cananutre L. Onsomus, Box 4,U1 Fog' Office, Now York Clty. Sold by one t. vent tn ererytown tn the United Siiteel HUTININGS, General Agent for the United States, 14 - BrdedwilMerfork, fo whom all ark/roma , Bold in by O.A. Deninrews. norldikinei = • ' .; 7,1! • ' ' ' • PIIRLFY THE BLOOD Moymes Lm arms AND PHOENIX Brrrraii.— Arse front all JUineral Poismu.—in oases of Scrofula Ulcers, Scurvy, or Eruptions of the Skin, the operation of the Life Medicines is truly astonishing, often removing In a few days, every vestige of these loathsome diseases by their purifying effects on the blood. MMus Fevers, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, POWs, and in short, most ail diseases soon yield to Weir curative properties No family should be without them, as by their timely use Laugh suffering and expense may be saved. Prepared by Wit. B. U(IFYST, U. CI., New York, and ltale by ail Druggis et uov9w-ly TEE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY SIR JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED PEXA.LE PILLS prepainstfools a Prot eription of Sir J. Marko, D Pay:Wan Alotraordtaary to the Qualm This invaluable medicine is tinthltagoic the cure et all those painful and dangerous diseases to *Bich the female constitution is subject. It moderates all Man and re moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. TO MARRIED LLDIEM it la peculiarly suited. it will In a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. Bach bottle, price One Dollar, bean the Government Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent memtertatue. CAUTION. These Pak should ad be taken by awake during Ms FIR' TERM E BONTIINV, they are owe to brio*, Zimarrisys, Ind at any tbse they aft In all cases or Nervous and Spine Abatises, Pain In the Back and lambs, Fatigue on slight exertion, birdie lion or the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, hese Pills wit effect a cure when all other means have Riled ; and al though a powerful remedy, do not contt o iS on oakenel, antitnony. or any thing hurtful to the co . Full directions in the pamphlet around package which should be carefully preserved. N. 8.—.41.00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au thorized Agent, will Insure a bottle, ematahting 50 Pills, by return mail. ro , isle by 0. A. BAADTAIT lyg dearly PROF. ADOLPH P. TEUPSER, WOULD respectfully inform his old patrons and the public generally that be will continuo to give (instructions on the 0 FORTEy ME LODEON, VIOLIN and also In the Balance of THOROUGH URI He will arth pleasure wait upon pupils at their homes at any hour desired, or lemons will be given at tile residence, is Third street, raw aeon below the German Reformed Church. .E.crwmitnei DJARRTREA. AND CHOLERA. ANTIDOTE, For the onre of these distressing maladies. Agreeable to the taste. Every soldntr should procure a bottle of this valuable medicine before they take up their line of march. For sale at C. A. ILSOINTART'.t Drug Store, sly 24143 m garritnurt.t., STAGE LINE FOR GETITSBIERG iffirAilt. • FARE REDUCED TO $1.25 THROUGH TO GETTYSBURG. fiIHE undersigned has established a 1. regular LINE OF sTakiE CU4CU i from Mechanics burg, oonnectlog every other morning with the Clamber laud Valley Railroad oars. the coaches leave every every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, returning every other day. Paseengere for Sheppardhown, Dillsburg, Petersburg and Gettysburg are carried at reduced rates. WU. J. TATA JOHN B. SMITH'S BOOT & SHOE STORE, CORNER SECOND AND WALNUT STS., Harrisburg, Pa. ALWAYS on hand a large assortment of BOUM., SHOES, GAITERS, ho., or the very beat twiddles Mr ladies, gentlemen, and ohildreas' wear.— Prices to salt the times. All kinds of WORK MADE TO °ODRA to the best style by superior workmen REPAIRING done at short notice. octl6.dtr JOHN B. SMITH, Harrisburg. LADIES' WINE. SPEER'S BAMBINI WINE, Of Cultivated Portugal Elder. Every Family Should Use. S.PEER'S SAMBUCI WINE. CELEBRATED for lie medical and bens tidal qualities as a genuine at 'mutant Tonle, Diu retic and liedordic,'highly esteemed by eminent physi c:fans, and some of the first families in Europe and America. SPEED'S SARUM:WI WINE is not a mixture or manufactured article, but Is pure, from cultivated Fortuial Elder, recommended by Onem lat3 and Physicians as possessing medical properties en perlor to any other Wines in use, and an excellent arti, ale for all weak and debilitaled persons, and the aged and infirm, improving the appetite, and benefiting ladies and children, A LADIES' WINE, bacon!. It will not intoxicate as other wines, as lt con tuba no mixture of eplrlte or other liquors, and is ad mired for its rich peculiar flavor end nutritive properties, imparting a bobby tone to the digthtive organs, and a blooming, suit and healthy akin and complexion. None genuine unless the signature of ALFRILO seEER, Passaic, N. J., is over the cork of 8 Loh bottle, HAKE ONE TRIAL OF THIS WINE. A. SYNEB, Proprietor. Passaic, N. J. Office 208 Broadway, New lota. • J. H. EATON, Agent, Philadelphia. For sale by D. W. "Grose, & Co., U. K. Keller, John Wyeth and by dragglets generally. -or B. M. GILDEA, D. D. S. STATE STREET, OPPOSITE THE BRADY HOUSE. A 11 (versions, Surgical and Mechanical, JOlLeoleatifleally performed. Charges moderate. Jed NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE. grECounty Commissioners hereby make known, that next WEDNESDAY JULY the Bd, 1851 at 8 o'clock A. M., they will sell at nubile out-cry In Brant's City Hall, Harrisburg, among the various arti cle. not here inumerated, one Bell, among as the old Conti House ;" Stone Coal, Stoves and Pipe, "Pigeon hoses" or Wises to store away papers therein, Desks, Book Cases &o. Terms of sale are "sash." JOHN S. MUSSER. jaooß BERM. GEORGE, GARVEBICU. June 26th 1811. Commissioners. Patriot and Union insert.) NEW COAL OFFICE. rHE UNDERSIGNED having entered in tothe COAL TRADE in this city, would respectfully solicit the patronage of the citizens. I will Keep on hand Mel of ail sines, from the most celebrated and approved mines, which will be delivered to any part of tne city, free from dirt and other impurities. Furs Wismar Gnu/Am= Co: YOE aura NY =I lion Loan, Oat Loan on tenors _Os. Persons puretutaing by the Bow or Car Load will receive 2,240 pounds to the Ton. Otlic No. 74 Market street, second door from Dew ber ry allay Yard on the Canal, toot of North street. Or dare let tat either place will receive prompt attention. an-sd lv JOHN W. HALL. &tent HIOKORY, OAK AND PINE WOOD. for sale, 002 TO STOVE OR CORD LENOIR . 2Y) PORORASRRS. ALSO, LOCUST POSTS AND uRRB7N7J7 RAILS OU7 2V ORDER. ALSO, STONE AND SAND FOR BUILDING} PURPOSES. testi:re of the subscriber at his residence on the Ridge road, opposite the Good Will Engine Rouse, or at the Yard, corner of Second and Broad streets, West Bar - risburg. 1n0y27-tf j G. B. OGLE. SCHEFFER'S BOOK STORE. OMAR T. HARRISBURG BRIG3R.) UNION ENVELOPES. NOTE PAPER, of six different designs, printed in two colors mold by the thousand and by the ream at City Cash prince. Mao, Flags, Union Breast PUts,. Bogies, Union Binge and Badges at very low Price,. ll " BOBBSFIR'S BOOKSTORE. . gQUANTITY of Bags, Checks and Ging_ • hams for sale by the dozen and Once, abeap ior cask at the DAUPHIN COUNTY PRISON, mys.3lß May 8, 1883. Elizttilantatts. DENTISTRY. D . GEO. W. STINE, graduate of the althnore Galles. of Dental Surgery, haying Form madly located in the city of Harrisburg and tat= the aka formerly occupied by Dr. Gorges, on Third street, between Market and Walnut, respectfully latrine his Mends and the public in general, that he is prepared to perform all operations in the Dental profession, either surgical or mechanical, in a manner that shall not be summed by operators to this or any other city. His mode or Inserting artineial teeth is upon the latest im proved scientific principles. Teeth, Irons one to a MU set, mounted on line Gold, Milne plates or the Vulcanite Base, 1 take great pleasure in recommending the p a ttern= to all my former patients ot Harrisburg and Ti dally i and feel confident that he will perform all opera tions n a scientitlo manner, from my knowledge or hie ability. imy&dtf] F.. 1. 8 GOItGAS, D. D. S. CIDER 11 1 VINEGAR 1I I MADE from choice end selected Apples, and guaranteed by ua to beatrlotly pure el2-d WV. " j e . .1 FOR SALE I A BUILDING LOT, situate in West Ear l& Mews fronting on Bro.d street 20 feet, and run ntng back lel feel, more or lets, to a2O foot alley, ad joining on one side the property of Kr. alamenattne. For partleulars engMrs of FREDERICK BCREFFBR Bergner's Bookstore. LIME FOR SALE. UNDERSIGNED having embarked in the LIME BUSINIitiO Is prepared w t (umiak m very bast article at short natio, and at the to WOK prices tbr ettah. He salts the lime burnt at Oolumbla and IMMO that burnt at home. my2a-dam PETER BgEOTHIREL. POPULAR. REMEDIES. MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP Infer children teething, and SPALDING'S CEPHALIC PILLS for headache. A fresh supply received at K.EL LIR'd DRUG STORE, where you eau purchase all the saleable Patent ldedlignes of the day. 91 Market street., two doors emit of Fourth street, south aide. STEAM WEEKLY , N BETWEEN NEW YORK v.. 74 -4,1 . AND LIVERPOOL. T_ANDII+IO AND EMBARKING PA5.1,41 .1,41 =GUS at QUILKNSTOWN, (Ireland.) The Liver pool, New York and Philadelphia Steamship company Mend despatching their full powered Clyde-bulk Iron Steamships is rollout' : KANGAROO,. Saturday July Slb ; ETNA, Saturday July 18 ; EDIMAIRG, Saturday July. 40th; sod every Saturday, at Noon, from Pler 44, North River. AT Of PASILIOII. lIIRST CABIN $76 00BIEBRABR .......$BO 00 do to L00d0n.....500 00 1 do to London -US 00 do to Paris in 001 do to Paris .... $36 00 do to Hamburg- 085 001 do to Hamburg $36 00 Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Rotter dam. Antwerp, &c., at equally 10. rates gip -Persona wishing w bring sot their friends can boy tickets hers at the following rates, to New Tor Prolog:. Liverpool or Queeostown; let Cabin, $76, $B6 sod 6106 . Sewage from Liverpool $4O 00 orom Queenstown, $BO 00. These Steamers have superior saeouunedations for pagsenpra, and carry experienced Burgeons. They are hunt in Water-tight Iron Sections, and have Patent tire Axadbnators on board. For further Intbrmatlon apply In Liverpool to WILLIAM INMAN, Agenl, 22 Waier Street ; la Glasgow to WM. INMAN, 6 tit. &ash &pare ; /2 Queenstown to C. & W. D. BEY MOUE & CO. ; In London to ItlYeS B MANY, el King William St. ; Pill 4 /12 1171.08 DECOOM, b Plano de la Bourse ; in Philadelphia to JOHN G. veLE, 111 Walnut Street ; or at the Company's Wiens. JNO. G. DALE, Agent, lb Broadway New York. Or O. O. Zimmerman, Agent„ Harrisburg. EMI 01111, UNION da OONSTITMON' 6 6 QUIt GOVERNMENT," by M. M'Ertr- NZ; Is a work containing the Cotrentwrion or vim taros srams, giving the construe don of tis Terms and Provisions, showing the relations of the several States to the Union and each other, and explaittl ng gene rally the System of Government of the Country. Price tl 00. Sold, and orders supplied, by him, at Harris burg, Pa. febfl Agents for Counties and States wanted. THUNDER AND LIGHTNING. rTIHR vast amount of property destroyed annually by lightning ought to be a warning to property holders to secure their buildings. All orders far Lightning Rods left at the amnion store of W. BARR, will be attended to. Rods put up in the latest improved Lyle and warranted. .124 SCHEFFER'S BOOK STORE ! (Near the Ikrrisburg Bridge.) ggI2S : UST RECEIVED from the sa II la a lot of tine coma:444w, NOTE sal'En, Nekton we will sell at $1.25 per ream. 'woo per ream for NOTE PAPER, dooorated with the latest and very handsome ambleme and patriotic mottos. $.3.50 for 1000 WHITE ENVFLOPES„ with national and patriotio emblems, printed la two colors. Please give us a call. THAD. F. @CHEFFER,• je22•d Harrisburg. H. L. GODBOLD 1 PRACTICAL Tinier and Repairer of Pianos, Melodeons, &0., &0., will receive orders In more Cl WM. ILNOCHA'S Maio Kora, .92 Market Areal U orders left , at the shave lamed plriee,*eNtheitieh !Or muse, will meet with prompt attenUoa. NUM, clash HAM& to , sale, seplB-dly • FOR RENT. PUB ROOMS now occupied by the Poet 11 Me. Pones,too gluon on the first of July. En quire of Jeledtf GSABGB W. PORTER. NOTICE. 'FHB ANNUAL MEETING of the Stack holdera of the Atlantic and Ohio Telegraph Com paq for the election of Directors, and the transaotion of their usual busineae, will be held stifle Telegraph office of said Company in Harrisburg on Thursday the lab day of July, 1861. H. H. SHILLINGFORD. Philadelphia, June 1.4th,1861.-td Secretary. FOR RENT.—A desirable Residence in Locust, near Front street. Three-story brick, with modern conveniences, as to water, heat and light. For Info motion apply to Dr. W. W. Rutherford. Poe session Oven Immediately. e25-6td. FOR SALE. F"'One to Five Hundred Dollars worth of CITY BONDS. Inquire of O. O, 21Mkt8101AN, mart% No. 28 A:pathslocoed street. REMOVAL. THE SUBSCRIBER has remove& :lie ..a_ PLUMBING AND BRAS FOUNDRY from Market street to Fourth street. above Market, opposite the Bathe church. Thankful for past patronage, be hopes, by strict attention to baguets, to merit a oonlinuanee of it, Inailaand BIM. PARMHIL REMOVAL. 'TIRE SUBSCRIBER would reolpeotfully I inform Me public thatiti bat; reireseal Ws Plumb ing and Braes rounding establishment to No. 22 South Third street below Berra ELMaL Thantahl for past pat ronage, he hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of it. apL2.4ltl J. JONAS. FOR RENT. THE EUROPEAN ROTEL AND RE STAURANT in Brant's Qty Hall Banding, Huai,- burg Chy, Pa. Apply to JOHN BRANT, .161141m* On the premleoa. • CIDER! 11--Striatly pure, spark ling and zwest,—has received a Silver Medal or 'M RA plorem at every elate Agricultural - Huh' since OK For ale br JOl4 ' , :SM. DOOL is OD, . ,