TIIE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVEPY DAY,_ B GEORGE 13ERGNER. t12,-SIN3LT4 Z,ML.XCEiPTION • luso is served to aubscrlberk' trn •4 • - . 4:a per we ‘k.. Yearly' Vukadiltiehl -p . WSS. L . ssat- . lViticktir , • -Al 1431B1) pabllsped twice a week darlti Ole Logialatoro, and weekly during the .o ri the year, undlttiOlhed to sulilsoFtl?era , .atag, Or, Subsorlharo.per tear Tee vim iciwereArras, subscribers Order the discentinuinee of their neiis ,,;,,rs, the publisher may , . continue to semi them until ..ill.rrearages are paid,. subscribers negleet or r netuse to take their newipe ,..?:::: irom the office.to which they are directed, they are o paiisibbi until they-iiiiir.isett ed the bffix sad ordered r.;discontinued faiscettantons. 0 •R .JOHNSON ,13.A..14 6 3CTIVICIX'IMO LOCK HOSPITAI + s discovered the most Certain, speed, and e➢ectual remedy in the world for DISEASES OF DAPRIIDENOE REIM: IN 13517. TO TWELVT ' , lO Mercury or Noxious Drug; -ti--A GYRE WARRANTED, OR NO PRAEGB, lit FROM 0.311/ 10 710,;PliYa ii . C.LKIICSS of OS Pack tir Limbs, Strictures, Pains In the Loins, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder,prganic Weakness, Nervous Debility, Decay of thoPhysiei Pow ers, Dyspepsia, Languor,Low Spirits, Confusion.ol dens, fall Ration of the. HearTlnaldity, TreralAirige,' Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Stomach, Affections of the Head, Tlifoat,Ncse• or Sitirlibse terrible disor ders arising from the indiscretion or Solitary Habits of Youth—thoseidreadnff. and destruCtive practises whicb produce constitutional debility, render marriage impos sible, and destroy both body and mind. YOUNG MEN Young men especially who have become the victims of solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit widen annually sweeps to •an untimely grave thousands 01 young men of the inost . exaltdd talent and brilliant intel lect, who might otherwise' have entranced . listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to ec. tasy the living lyre, may call with Pall confidence. MARMAGE.: Married persons, or those contemplating marriage, be- Mg aware of pbysical weakness, sbouldlmmediately con sult Dr. J. And be rastoredto perfect health. • ORGANIC WEASNESS hurliately cured and felt vigor restored Tie who places himself under the care of Dr. J., may religiously confide in his honor its a gentleman, and cos, &loopy rely upon his skill as a physician. fair Otlice No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore, Md., on the left hind side going from BaltimOre street, 7 doors from the corner. Be particular in observing the name or number, or you will mistake the place. Be par ticular for ignorant, Trifling Quacks, with false names, or Paltry Humbug Certificates; attracted by the reputa tion of Dr. Johnson, lurk 'near. All letters must contain a Postage Stamp, to use on the reply. DR..JOIDTSTON Dr. Jobllsoft.ilaelnbee of the Royal College of Burgeons, London, graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges of the United States; and the gfeatest part of whose life has been spent in the Hospitals of London, Paris, Phila delphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the meet as tonishing cures that were ever known. Many troubled with ringing in the ears and head when asleep, great ner vousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derange meet of mind were cured immediately, TARE PARTICULAR 'NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who baying injured them selves by private and improper indulgeneles„ that secret and solitary habit which ruins both body and mind, un fitting them for either businesses society. The:... are some of the sad and melancholy au, ces pro dueed ny early •Itablis of youth, viz: Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the. Head, Dimness of Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation Of the Heart, Dys pepsia, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, symptoms 01 Consurnp. tion, Lea KMPi.LLY.9 la mem, the fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded :—Loss of Memory, .Conftution of Ideas, De pression of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion toaxie. ty, Svlf•dlstrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, &c., are some of the evil effects. •-- - • • Thousands of persons of all ages, can now.jadge what Is the cause of their decline in health., losing, their vigor, becoming weak; pale, nervous and. emaeiated, have. a singular appeaniMee about the - eyes, : cough, and. spun . M 9 of consumption. . YOUNG lON who have injured themselves by a certain practice, - In delead in when alone—a habit frequently- learned from coil zompacions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, renders marriage impossible; and destreys hoth mind and body, should apply immediately. . , • • What a pity that a young man, Ate hopes ,oi his coon. try, the darling of his parentg, should he snatched trom oil prospects and enjoyments of life by the consogitencei of deviating - from the path of nature; and indulg,ifig in . certain secret habit. Su Mpersons must, before conies. plating aARRIAGN, effect that a sound mfnd and body arelhe most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed without these tbejourneyrthrough life becomes a weary pilgrimage; the prospeetheurly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the melancholy reflection that thehappiness Of tinOtheirj be oorne:4 blighted !NM our -' OR. .I.OFINSON'S INVIGUUTING REMEDY FOR. OR; GANIO WEAKNESS. By this great and important remedy, Weakness of ths ..rgaris are speedily cured, and full vigor restored. ihoueaads of the most nervous and dohAtogdit: , ..itt had lost all hope, have been Ithitiedstatalit relieved... All impediments to Marriage, Physteal'Or !dental DIBVIIIiiV (ration, Nerveras ' Trombllns; Vg . .opitien EX.b116111013 or the most Marini kind, 'weedily cured. TO STRANGERS The many thousands cured at this Instintion within the bast twelve years, and the isaraerous important Stirgical operations performed by Dr. J., witnessed by. the :re. porters of the - papers, and'many other persons, adieus of which have appeared again and again before the public, besides his sferactinti as a gentleman'ot charactei• nudge, spsisibifity, is a sufficient gdaranteelo the afflicted. DisEASEO. OF INIPRIIDENCE.—PirIien the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure nude he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease It too often happens that an ill-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who, from education and re• epectability can atone befriend him, delaying till the con. stitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, infecting the head, throat, nose, skin, ex.. progressing on with frightful rapidity, till death puts a period to his dreadful sullerings by sending him to mtbat bourne from whence so traveler leturns." It is ancholy fact that thousands fail victims to this terrible disease, owing to the unskilfulness of ignorant pretend ers, who, by the use of that deadly poison, mercury, ruin the constitution and make the residue of file miserable. To STRANG2RB.—The Doctor's D19101:011.3 hang in his °lnce. iv-Letters must contain a Stamp to us on the reply. Rairßemedies sent by Mall. $3 6 - -No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore. aprl3. dimly • 1861, 3D OPENING 30 OPENING 1861, SUMMER DRESS GOODS OF .VERY DPBOWIVION. Tila Traits , of the goods for the prier) ss:lllbe an Induce,- Lunt to every 011 U to purciasse. The most desirable goods of We season at a great eakt• 'AJOZAIIBIQUES, - GRISSA.LIAS, VALENCIAS, CREPE D'ESPANGS, BEREGE ANGLAIS, • BROCADE POPLINS, NEAPOLITANS. LAWNS and LAVELLAF. are cop:long ttolis r CATWART & BROTHER. Nest door to' tb.e Harriab erg Itturk.. SKELETON SKIRTS; The largest stook of the very hest snake to be found at CATIICART. rest door to the Harrisburg Bank. Parasols, Sun Umbrellas all Umbrellas Trronty.dve per. Cent jower than can be purchased is:waere utilise city. hCATHCABT & BROTHER. N 0.14, Market Ever% mYQa Nut to the ilarrinimg . t '4 I ' 7 : t i. • 4 -,T I 4+: , - - 1• 4, ....P.,t 4 ' T 4 ''." , l , :i`r; r'V . : 2:•V.Ar: ;-;•;.", ' z ,,• -- 1.. - t •, , q. , .., .., e . ~, ;--' 7 , .. x? ', I.', .ji/C.,4,1, • 1 , 3.. ..'',V. , 4-4 4 ''' , - 1 4, t.', r r 1 . / if ....... \ 1 . 117 . , i , , ~ , . • d , - ~ , 1 2 4•• •••., '‘'''.' '-''' -','• ..4' .1 .- -, - -- " -.-- 11. ' “ ''' ''.. ''' `."'"• • 1 - . . ' .1 ' - ' ''i t' f : I j1: -.. , 1 ',.. J ' r -; : ; t' '': 77-- '" - : 4 : 74 4 4 ' ' : 1 ' ' SI T - -.--.- - . ? j ; C! . ' 1 -: 1 , I •.• - r ' .. . " : . I ..., , i d _...,,,, , -------- • - -,- - c:- -*41, --- -, ~..-- - , „ 1 1. .. i ._ . , ---- - 7 ,- --t.,-- , v.•,!.! .. ~ ~-. , ......., _ , ......::.a.:;.:.32:00 -120 Q: 1.6.0 q VOL, XV,. A - - • 3 ‘-•-• - _4, D• W. GROSS & .1) R U G - 07I•-S T a: 4 ; N 0 _!•:::19 MARKET STEFF'3I DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS. STORE. KEEPERS AND gONSUMERS, We are daily ad dio to our assortment of goods all such !Articles as are desirable, and would respect tail) call your attention to the largest and best . selected stock in this city, of'.: DRUGS, CHEMICALS & PAINTS,. Oils, Varnishes and Ghos, Burning Fluid and2Alenyed, - Lard, Sperm and PliMolls, PERFUXERY & TOILET ARTIOLEO; selected from the best manufacturers and ,Per fumers of Europe and .this country. Being very large dealerein. PAINTS, WHITE TNAD, LINSEED OIL,.VAILNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, AIiTIST'S , , - COLORS, PAINT ANA ARTIST'S BRUSHES IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES, We respectfully invite a 'call, feeling.,confL -t. dent that we can supply-the' Wants of all on teireiio their satisfaction.: _1 .; JONE'S AND WHITE'S PORCELAIN TEETH: PATENT MEDICINE§:,AND HAIR ,Of all kinds, direet fro4ilia:Proprietors. Saponifier and COnoentrated Lye 1 Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, which - 'we sell as low as itoan be Purchalied in the cities; THAYER'S MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS, COAL OIL ! CARB,ON Being large purchasers •in• theifie Oils, we can' offer, -Inducements to °loan buyers. Coal 011. Lampe of the most improvekpatterns, very. cheap. All kinds of lamps , ,ohatged to burn Coal Oil. FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, Those of you who have not given our HORSE AND CATTLE POWDEIRS.4,4AaI know not their superiority, and the edvantage they are keeping Horses and Cattle healthy and in good condition. 1 Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived from the use of our Cattle Powders by , th9,.-lncreasing quantity and qnality of milk, I:4sideeimproving the general he4lth and ap pearance of their Cattle. Our long experience in the bits4Less gives ni the advantage of a thorough kno7ledge of the trade, and oar arrangements inrthc cities are such that we can in a Veryfahoit:time furnish anything appertaining to onr business, on the best of terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed on our house, we hope by etric , attention to business, a careful selectiop,nf PURR DRUa;fi, at fair prices, and the desire 'to'please all, to merit a continuance of tie faN;tireiOf afdiscrimi- Ailth!,g publicl.l4‘ , _. " i -.,1N blg rgs D Rxx,:.';l*. A LI: . T . STN G S --- N. T R A' , : - ..L.-.. IN tr,0,N."E.;,:-'::7: tif. 7. ogtio F. WHOLESALE. AND RETAIL HARRISBURG, PI NA' Dye-St, p-p:li ! pudt Putty, Artist, Colors ;And Tools, Pure .GroUnd Spices, !; Battles, Vitali and Lamp Globes,. Castile Soaps; Sponges and Onrlts, &e, &e, &0., die, ate With a geneial.7iayiety of COLORS AND .BRONZES OF ALL .KINDS, ma '. DRilitrirg-: -.--,--,---.:-----" 011_90,v , 41 ARFA? .' F _ TEETH ! TEETH 1 RESTOBATM,ES , .1 HARRISBURG;, ',PA, MONDAY: AFTERNOON;; JULY 1 "1.861 1 - .. • alititettantotts. . 1r M. FLINT I WM. FLINT I NS.; FLINT I iii - W6l. FLINT! WM. FLINT - HO! 807 MARKET, No. MT MABEE; 146;, 807 Memo; =l4O. 807 MARKET 1504 807 No.. 807 3141041! PimAnxixhie; F'.ll.ther.pdpme 'E ;: . . TREMENDOUS SA.ORIFLUE $lOO,OOO WORTH OF JEWELRY . -- • ALL FOR ORE DOLLAR EACH: • ' • A.l.,arge and Splendid Aisoribieth of,Jewelry, corialatini • of. . „ • .CHAIN 3 BiACELETS . U., And all styles - tit Freircii. Gutted Chains, °cid. and i..listed Jewelry. . ' :We do not keep or Sell gilt, gifted or galvanized - Ours is what are 'sold _by the best .Jeweiler-M- - GoidiJetvelry. • • We receive eitr . gohils froi lie best Gold Jewelry. Mandfacturers in the' tatet; ' WHO ARE-FOROEDITO SELL. WHO AEG:PO/WED. TO SELL. :• ..• : . WHO-ARE.FGEOEG TO. WHO AEI' FORCED ,TO L- SELL , The following is only a initial liet of our immense'stock. - __t • TAKE Y 0 4 17 .E R A . C c li a. OICE FOR - . TAKE YOIT . OtIOTOE FOR $l. - • MIME Largo Size and Sple4Hid Cameo Sets, General Retell. Prices $S to, 410 --Do • ao : Lava.'. do 10 to 80 Do do ; Glirbimble do 8 to, 30 DO _Ladies' Enamelled and Cored. •do 7 - 20' • 'Do do and Carbonelz do 7 to ;SO Ed i do 'and do 7 to , 15 -.Do Gold Cluster Grape Setting sets do 10 to .20 " : do &blase do 00 10 to :12 - DO. ' do do,,let' Sets . do 6 to 'l2; • :13° do Blaolr - llosiio do 6to I.d, , do Gold'StohO",h•TO-sale do 6. to: 11 . Do' . .1 do Cando Sefe - • do 6to '32 Do Ribbon Twists, with briilialits do 6 to' :33' to'lloquot Sets, 1105 i, style ; . do 8 to; . 07- ;Do..4nameled - do 10 to 2 cipl.4 Thimbles," " do 81b HO' Dimond PointeiliGoldl'ens'andGases, to 'GO' Plated,Spoons,• 2'oo isAbihrer Plated , Mugs, .! • ! 4:_00. 'Over 1,000 other iiiiregent - style's' Ladies' Jewelry; Me, drtiliorat, all styles, patierus and sizes; Lockets of every deserlptioa ,• Gold l'ens,'.l.l.kliraywittrEriver Exten Mon Holder • Gold rencils, Eutiongi studs, enc. , drc„; Coral, ' Lava, Cameo aritiL . Band _Bracelets ; Gents' Vest CIA2BO warranted to wear ten years'without changing color, a d will stand theiaaid—they are usually sold by JOeler B as solid gold chains-all, made la Paris. You 'cart take your choice for 41' each.. Ladled' and Gents' Gaard Chains, Si each, rneilly . Sold.by Jewelers at fr o m s'o to. , $3O each ; Ladles' aria - Children's Neut. Chains, be,antifel patterns; armlets; brilliant; enameled and 'ruby 'nettiliga; Crosses, plaicanil enameled, for $1 ea:on,!setail -wines from $5 to 20 -each, Every style! and variety- of .le,Wed4 and. desirable:PAS each. This ;Sale, at the :abode priCe*,, , -will continue Icing eartitghito sell ca our immense Stack, which was pap chased at a great Bacilli° front Dlahndfacturers who have . TAKE TOUR CEI„Cdp.R It: $1 EACH, RPECI A NOTION. • SHOW TO SENI.V.RONEY.-V$ 'lst.,Write your Name, Flacoppi t elidence, County and State plain and citsitn9l,,as wb daß.pake nolting out of ROB. trtlWkS. Seal all letters with WAS, aa--.llaVelopes sealod with'- gum Or wafers can be easily .optinett4the contents taken out ''and re-sealed. ALtenC tu.. trtax,".;ant WO will be ve4 aptinbiblP for your money. ' " INDIIGEDINPBI•I4-IGENTS. ;Auk person acting as agent, who will send us at one time "$l.OO, we will give a tiohl Iteevtg.Case Watch, extra. : $5O, " Gold Lever.tch.' 425 " " Saver" Wsiteh. AWatch and the artiolei seleoted from the above, List at ONR DOLLAR EACH. i, Petite* ordering by n#l,nrot.settil $1 and 15 oeble pialdpi. -stamps. . • 1 GIVE UB'..-••A TRIAL. . . -All coinmunications must ne ..Idresked to • . ..i:r:-.1,W.1.1.11A11 FLINT, 4.. 801 Market btreet, jaklBo.6niwPhiladetphim, Pa. 1 7 . PHILADELPHIA WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE. „ O _CONRAD, FORCER 'OCCUPANT, No. 148 North Second Street, l :, eI:pRNER OF' 10.4,111CMISTREET. PRE 'MERE:ICI-NED—has leased the' above premises, where he will keep a large .assort- merit of,tiold and Silver Watches, of. American, English and ScrfssManaracture of, the, bloat celebrated makers, addnion'to which, will be found always on hand (anti made to order) an extensive viriety.of Jewelry, Silver; and Silver'llated ware, together with - a ,genera! assort: merit of, such goods as are uswaly kept :in a first classi Watch and Jewelry Store. - , r, • •• The patrons ,of O. Conrad, and those of the subscriber' : together. with the publicienerally, are invited to call, where they will receive a good %rude for their money.--1 'AsA incdatermined to do strictly a cash business, goods WA! b&Sela very low. ~S iNa, Paosrrs,Atin-Quieg Baru, fiabolsotto of this establishment" t•••iff:t.e.. LB BROOMALL, „ i Formerlyo. CONRAD, - 1 No.'l,4:..Morth Second Si, corner Q drry, hi'da - • • M IVIE CI 3r.J please take liotleeAltittil , ltaye removedf:mp .•plaee of business from Ndt 187 . So .. utilr 'fourth Street, to' Afanufaatory t ,; REi. 114 and 118 BELIMPSTRXET,, liatiiiietilActinbard and South,imd ir'roai and Secoricf 4tairdifol ' for past favors solids a..ontinuanee of your .orders,,/ , 7.,6q I have enlargetrOy,ManUfactory so as to Oftickke: l3 ifiA o have constano ontand•agarge assortment of well,hasenod Soaps, all of.: the .hestiquehty and free from Plsh.Oll. : '•: ' v • - VARIEGATED; i WHITE,. HONEY. bAkii..4 and all kinds : f TOILET SOAPS. _ _ 03.E.1110AL OLIVE SOAP lii phreinaterial. SETTLED, PALE:gn,Q , „IiROWN SOAP, Jlnglisli •Ealir Soda and Pass 'Sriaatt.constantly on hand, 4PER.34.4DARaN'I'INE an TALLOW. 'CANDLES of a „-• • • t EitTil*adhpted the casbayiteni lam enabled to offer my goods at,the lowest pi loos. noising, that you will sail Andexalt:dna for yourself both- :go and prices, befbiepitiphasing elsewhere. I'ana Very ItesPeolfully Th , CONWAY' iladelphia. MEDICAL 'BOARD. al.wly , BY THE DIRECTIONCF'TBE SECRETARY , OF WAR, a Medical Beaisl,"thi consist of Sur= geon Mo thelStedicat Director of the Department bf WaShingeOn;Argeon L. A. Enwecalgs, r iarid Assistant Surgeen T, AL Garry, U. S. 'Army, will con-end in 'Os City to-mor row morning, at 10 o'Clobli,"br as :soon there after,. ea :practicable, for the examination of such applicants for the positiMi of Surgeon for:, a Brigade as may be referred to 'it by the Secre tary of , War. Appointinents will be made from among those only:who shall be examined and reported as lullyAualified by said B'oard: The setaions of the Board will be held at No. 170 "Pini4ylvania avers c; side,) be-, tiveen•-I.7th and 18th O.4: 4 I I tTNEY, Amt.- Piquomibt, Suminoi tiENzateVisOrzios, " t ide 2(4, 1861. Alta taitilertizeumitstf • . P~3~~SFi~~ DAILY i LIN-E 1 d ; Between Phila elph.o) LOOK RAVEN, JEII.9SY ILLIAMSPORa ? 611:11*(X, UNIONTOWN, I ANY/Sl3ll/20, NORMIIMBIIRLAND, 1-17NBIIIIY, - GEORGFTONAIATUNt3TOWN, i , ri/LLLES- i Unite rkIAL44.2 ' DAIMBIN, , - AND AIARRISBURG. . - . . . . , . , ..., The Philadelphia Depot 'being centrally Located. the • Drayage will be at the 10 - WeA 'rates. A C.nithieteir goes' through with each trala toatterid to the safe delivery of ••all goods entrusterlto the line. Goods delivered•At the Depot or . FREED, WARD & PRRED,'lsfo.:lttll Mar. et Sleet, Phil a . .' idelphla, by . 6 o?eloci! . . - ., FICK will be ( , livered - is Harrisburg thei host mornin 1 - . Freight, (always) as low IS hyany other ne. ) ''Particular attention' Petit: brthis linet. , ~,-ciatpt and- . ._.. ... speedy delivery of all HarriebtirA ..00d4„ ''. The undersigned thaitiral got-past patro . e hopes by' itriet attention to businezey..erit EL COIL , 111 LLee of the same. ..; ..., I P, nue . , rhitadelptik,analieigto •,, . . 3517 I d6m Peotioll Itaitit'Stred . • 1 ,e i. burg. JU ST ''PLJBLIS A MA.NUAI MILITARY' SUR,G tt, , • o} ?kJ HINTS ON rlis 'Field, Camp l ifiad - Ho4pital Practice. sr S. D. D 'PRON.4BOII OP . s VIE reinILSOIN.MEDICA.L. ,COLLEGe • Foiaale at SIERGgEI2'O'CIikII S :IIOOKSTORE. • *.ituLY 24 F-REIGHT'REDUCED. Ht WARD IS; HOPE.EXPRESS'.OO. Bhot and Quick Itonte to and from , "SEW - YORK GOODS ORDERED-11%PM, MORNING RE , TURNED TELE SAME NIGHT. Le4ve New Yor& 7% Y. oy Fast Tat ougn press Train, arriving atiarrisnarg et 3 A, WITIIOU2 GEl4lXoR •Orde:r Moods, marked , , via. HOE% EXPREh3. CO., General office, 74 Br° . Licl,wa.y, New Yea.. 'Branch " 412 'tc; " ..Foiftirther informadon inquirm of rnyL6 Gho E - Ente.GN. en JUSTII_3 - 2i.N;OTHEJR, EXTRA Fiat' 1 4 0i.td _bit GOLDJ:PENS F NEWTON' Bag i e y ti Ng. rotinutitcturei bdthe !Jest iu unnere,, the W?kst pointed, moattidrantil'and as onedp pinrirst, tor sale with qi :viol:eV-tit Unit/ alld r3j/rll . Wei , o:varioue eL4k - a, and pricesi-WE 7••• • REIWS.O . I. 4 ,4:t146;:•4 - e: sou f:.To . • - - • • T .VNTALTE iS LEO Et, take Cumberland county, Pa.—The pre. :tritittorS take pleasure, 'artnounolig , tbat they are now :prepaid& to receive vilaltorer:i:PerlsOuP.eiesiria,,. bealtby. tostilltpg . for the summer vitlf au& iiii.4ione of the most, de-.' 110ifM,4aces in thertduntry,, , Oemdtee of these sprini,tt eantiot - he surpassed for arlASlngo battling and me eicutair 020404 Per irLfermatioir:ani4,i4tf . deTars adttrms ;Anti' i D. C. BUHNET.C, 'A/A7.../4 Proprietor: • fiIICENCH AVlUS'rAßDlitiglish and do iisOsito Pickles, (oy't4o ee emeur suce wei.-iattet ou, Ketcuev, iiiciteooluneuta oL 6:l‘;`sll4Pa myl4 I. ;;1,V41, 1,00 K& CO. • FRESH .FROV ery descrxpEio lu faue ,u+l jars, fkfAitich package warranrca . ; murj !V 41310 1 . 4N. ad. a - ~1.4-CHANCE FOR ,ik'.ll'A.Li(3-AIN. To 'close up the botieti* the euuire. stix4c of SiluES,oool'4,:&o4 - ,hiM of 01 , vev .reauf fleoehaed, he the rooms in tiiii.l.tOrket, '44loen. be , sfftd. Lei private sale at - g,osT, , : - arkOthe rounta %cid be ivniM4"to; the porobisser ts. ins Vial - be met4e - SeSy. jeti•ilts Aoent. F , NOTIOE TO OOVNT-E4-01;1TERS.. .11VEREAS se'errl,pppriAL eve Lite been engsge4-irr.pountli:o4l44 names of meemeke!of Congress and and doom meniicltuitiee is nereoy given that r Anecappthing as they will itot be ree,4 . .! 1 and all sat h . lotigre, meet be sent to the Deade.l64,teiltntioe at Wash litgthni:" Some seven hundred lettiec6tare now lying 'at tifitoi3'with counterfeit irelikti . 04,them, and the per somwhto deposited them had:- beffter-titt tor them and ge_t.o49grpzoperly mailed. act,heiatlibra of these franks' canAzipAiseovered it wilt tie : the duty of the undersigned-. : to them criminally prosecuted however painiul jt jelo Gb.o.` 4 - .L.P.Gtillit Y. at, SPECIAL ORDER, cNo. 23 , IlEADQuariinas• B. Xi:CORPS, Harriateurgl'Tal r 'Rne 3, 1861. 'lo.No.oFficer, non-cOmrnission__e4 officer,mu aiehmorvivate of the lieaeryi Volunteercorps .at.theile !Headquarters, or at NV Curtin; till., leave:hie 'station or camp Withent permisii6a from the proper authority; It' 11. Wile; Cold of each; LiepartMent will be held responsible for the obierVance and enforce' mientlof this order in his r partionlar Depart,. : r , .The. Chiefs of Departments at the office of the Assistant Adjutant General of the, Corps ,whein their duties require their absente from these Headquarters, the point to which their.dtities call them, aad the,pri+bable time of their absence. .By. order of GEN. GEOItG42I,•; I .IYIoCALL. Monti A. SCUEL'T; • , • • Captain and ild-iifi:Camp. -SPECIAL ORDER' NO. 1 HEA 33 ,QVAMVA P. M. , • , Harnst , urg,Jl4:::47., 1861. QP.4* . ter.Master General; 4..Cataie is ordered :forward the clothing,,,Asi. requisitions dated 2311 May last, by !Golconda liarbaraft and pf the Fourth.and giftti Regiments lieunsylv y apia Volunteers r in_plao of sending it a"e„beretofore directed. ciTike.,Fourth and Aegignente being now la , ...actual service ,and in great need of proper . 001)4)4• ordqr of the Corignander4iktoldef, , o; JOlll% 4..r,.M . F81GHT, iud-de-camp. itterictit dog sTiTurtiON WATER !, t KNOWN Itt-MEDY FOR DIABBTES. f 111 •t.RATIVE properties of this Itte ak, on ect themselves entirely to the omens;of sedre 11 t y so alttring the condition octite stomach an t i I • the Starchy pi icemle of the FOOD'Is Del cot .( sugar so long as the SIBTEgi is ander the l3onstitution Water • whiob. give , those e , gans tine - to recover , their healthy tun, "and vigor. We are - able to state that ,the ooldsn. TOTION WATER has cured every case of DIABETES in which Riess teeen given. ' OF THE NBOR, OF THE BLADDER, IN ' FLAtIMATION OF Tit)tilliNcYS, viD CdTARDH.OF I TE. BLADDER, sTRANGt74II,Y, AND BURNING.OR I NFUL ÜBINATEiti. •• r these diseases it 1s truly a sovereign remedy, and tOo och cannot be said in its praise. &single }:1050 has bee 'Known to rellet o the most , urgent symptoms ; TRY rX BEG OF TOO, in these cases, arid you will give your praise to CONSTITUION WATER, ULf4RATION OE TIE SIDNETS, BLADDER AND URINARY PAe• GE; REIIiNTION OF URINE, DISEASEg Or nut Enos. TRATE GLAND; STONE r.l THE titADDER CATOULTIff I GRAVEL, BRICBDUST Descend AND MOODS OR MUDGE OR 111TIKEY Disclianaids, METER URINATISO. Di3eases all occurring trom one and the same cause widisn entirely eared by the Coarlitittion Water. biere is no class of diseases that produce such Calk/1113- tiMg hirects upen the human constitution as Diabetes and Disegia of the iltdueys,. Bladder and Urinary Passaged, and through a false modesty, they are neglected until theytare so far advanced as to po beyond the control of ordinary remedies, and in a male rity of cases little can be done op the physicians and we present the - - • ONSTITUTIOX WATER . , _ Tote public with the cotivietion that it bee no equal in rehe mg the class of diseases bur:W . l6oh it Ina been found so eMinently-sue*sfal in curing; and We trust that we sh rewarded for our - -drone in phial)* se valuable e rethedy in a form to meet the .requirements of patient and tibyAcian. - For gale by all Druggista.. . r .! Nit . H. GREGG k CO., Proprietors. NiiiRNAN & ALLEN, general agents, mai-30.6m w No. 46 CISf Street - New York.' lIRISH STEAMSHIP LINE: . Steini - Wiwrien Ireland and America NEW YORK; BOSTON AND GALWAY .. . '.EIE following new, and magnificent first . .... j class paddle-wheel Steainships compose the above ADItSATIC, 6,888 tons burthen ..L.........Capt. J. Maury. i . (formerly of the Collins Line.) j.. , liilliE NIA,,, .‘ 4,4ia) tonsburthen, Capt. N..Prowse. (Anil tBIA, . 4,400 . " " ' R. Leitch. ANGL A,' ' , 4400 " " - NichoLSon. PACT (1.0, . ••• : 2.600 ". . " ''' . L L siaith . PRINCE ALBERT, (Screw). , , T • 3300 "" , :• . I. Walker. One r the above ships will leave NOW York or Boston altern m.iy:every - Tuesday fortnight; for 'Galway, carry ng the b serument mails touching at St. Johns, N. F. - The 'maulers of this line nave been constructed With the'greatest'care, 'under tue supervision, of the govern., meat, have water-tight compartments and. are 'lnez-, '.:oiled ;rot-comfort, safety sod speed ' - by any steamers at 6 idt• I They exe,cordlnaladeb by able and expirieneed ' alcemi and every exertion will be made to promote the comfort, of 'passengers; ' ' L ' ~ An'akporionced surgeon attached to each snip. • • newts or rAssAck . Virepcibes fromN. Y. or BOStOli 10 Galwayor Liverpool, Xloe. . . . ,Sccond'closs,. , " ".‘ .." 7 6 Fillt'° l .l' B *; . • • • " ", • to sl.4ohns, 85 Tlairfli,mass '•. , ' " .". to Celway. or Liverpool, ~ tor any town in Ireland, 'On itailiway,.. ' 90 Wisirahelass passengers are litiefilly Supplied with pro vietons of the b:et.qt.talltyipooked and served by the serrant) of tha CoMpany. - ... • ..' :, . l . EXTORI4 molars. - - Part+.. _ . ;wishing to send for their friends from the old oclutlll'Y l'iln obtain t i C i i .eta r o Pla.uY town ..o - na a railwaY, bellAbellf , r from the principal cites Of Engla . nd and i rii Saoi len at very low rates . .. • Past' avers for New York, arriving by -the .*Boston Stetirtierv, wilt beTorwardect to New YOrk treeof charge, :-. I , Or'passage or further Wore:Latina apply. t 0... • • • , , •! • - . WK., H. WIC4RAM, 4 t t.1'43 office of the Company on the *bare foot of Cana streWNlew York. . - atig4ivltial HOWLAND 'ti• APiNSVALL Agents. UNION FURN/TURE DEPOT, GOULD & CO., 208 . and 205 North Second street-and 145" 147 r t and 149 Race St., -•::.'" - - I - PHILLADZI.PitIA: • [From the. Philadelphia Ledger.] • Cr ir-TNI9N FURNITURE DEPOT.—Every lievid 6i a family has a house to. furnish, and, no Matter itetherXich or poor; edery one' wants the nest '. FurialtUr his or her mosey will :buy, and .overy home can be 'II7EL FURNISHED if the money intended for that ..urn e. be carefully expended. ' , • The 'clafeat way to purchase is to send an order to .4 fair admit!' ,- firm i- who have the facilities to Manufacture and ad lathu lowest : rices. But no matter. how 'honest aflrm ront bo;'Mileei they have the best machinery, to manufactard - acid the'trade whieli will enable them to make Jars.. purchases , of stock and - materials at the low.; est prices * it islolty to expect them to sell as : low as -a larger .-nstalV l 44 l3 -eitt, The - . 1 13W101 , 1' 81JR&InfRE DE - POT" coubines,_ perhaps,. the groatestiodvantages,to he foalid,anywiiereby housekeepers i its extensive ware. Deb*, w'eh occupy, a front of Burr .. feet. on . &zeta! street, 'wit our. EIIIIDRED feet In depth and stxxy feet on .E , ilee afr,fle , Nith 8.610.17-£lnfefit depih, are well 'stored wits e41.;11 ertment ei the best made.PITitNITIIP.I; of the ititeSt Midpest styled, *Mel' Cajun.° f fail to satisfy any 11 'family Want in that direetitm.-. Kesgrg: GOllt,D it• co.; the proprietors, have every manufacturing facility Itnowo to the lradn,''and bay order entrusted to them,whether a single-aril° e er a geaeral assorttrient,:at tchole.als sive tail, Is' Xdre to* 'bellied at the lowest price for which. the sate attic as can be procured anywhere, and'formuch Ass term le l paid at some places., --There is some eat's:fac tion, too; -when sending orders tobaem,.to know that you haVe ri burtdoaling firm to trausact'bilsiness 'with. • :iniii3-ilm.* . - . , R. NEWELL'S PHOTOGRAPH-GALLERY NO; 724 ARCH - STREET, PIEUILDELPHTA. . • , • One .of the ilirgest 'and most Complete Gallertesin the llntted stittes j wkere.the beat:Pictures, known to the - Thetercaphio art, are taken at, prices no higher ; . thatt ate paid' for miserable' caricatures, LiEVROPRIETOR; A PRA.dTICAL attends personally. every sib: - tieg - -=and andife no picture to leave the Gallery unless it gives perfect satisfattion. Dagiierreetypes and.embretypee, gf abient.ordenanied • Meant; pnelegraptied to any required siza,iir taken. on Can.as t lite ape, and painted in Oil 'by the best arti.g.4 At thin Gallery pictures can be taken in any:weather—L as - perfect irt cloudy days as when the sun entrils. peril:di 'visiting the , city: are respectfully livilted to ex- amine our specimens, winch for ,price and.guality : dery conipeittionJ . • • _ • • iirinstriictione given in the art of PhOtograPhy"..‘.. . NEWELL, Gallery or Art 724 Arch.Streati Philadelphia. • , • • • COMMENDATIONS ' • . . _ Erna:L*4m Lewis D. Campbell, M. C., Ohio: My family': and friemde al/ honour in the opinion that the (lieweligiutuie is mere lienlikelliari 'anything they ever saw : I.y:likeness . llas been repeatedly-taken by different Aids in various ways, but I have • never . yet had tone whi h presentsi so true to nature, an the features and. expressilms of countenance as this. • :EKLun Mein. E. Joy Morris, late Minister. to Maly. 1: The eitTuisite finish, beauty and 'softness 'of,'your por traits; conjoined with their "durability of color and faith fulness...as likenesses; cannot fail to commend them to the attention and patronage of all who *appreciate true . .. . , . . , .. . _ ... - Fro:11W. JameS Page:" -;- Idartng °Cession for a portrait, I procured one from lar. IMeert Newell, of the city or, Philadelpine„sb minia ture in pil Colors, , antlerthe new iioCeSi 'd inetnere 4 by him, and ta•igglfiatqwleasure.iii - expressing ttie ististiretion gien me, noConlir,by the accuracy, of ;Ahe likeness but its artistic: Biatslicltt altreapects,.aud recommend him In, the pe,totAtti of those disposed to encourage the- helm' Wel nit. JAMES PAGE. iftli2c/YW eirV - Stram lirtitung firms. Batting proonfed "Euiam POWer Presses we are Prepared to execute . JO 'end BOOK PBINTINO of evert 'description, cheaper that it can lee done at any other es„ ishlishmentin the country. fLATES OF ADVERTISING. ,t-Four hues or less constitute one-halt square. Ell h Ilcos or more than (one constitute a square. Fish !guars one day .. one week.... ORB month... . r. three mont hs:. six tnonthe.... one year < tine Square one day • 61 one week 300 one month ' a oo three months ........ • 11 , OD - six months..., 8 ' 00 one Sear 10.00 - sa-Business notices inserted in the Local colusWor *tbre Marriages find Deaths, I. 1.V.1S CENTS PE& MIS or each nizertlon. • ',ago -Marriages and Deaths to be Charged RE regains. -- NO.: 52. TELEGRAPH. FROM HAGERSTOWN. REBEL TROOPRPUT TO FLIGHT BY MAJOR DOUBLEDAY• ADVANCE OF .THE RESERVE .GUARD• The 'Virginians Short of Provisions, TILE TROOPS ANXIOUS. TO ADVANCE MOO REBELS . AT STEVENSON'SSTAIION. Further Destruction of Property at Harper's Ferry. TriE UNION MENDRIPEPi OUT. BABIES TO BE ERECTED TO CIMIKAN HAGEP.STOWN, Juus 28. The body of young Welsh, of York, Penn sylvania was sent home. . _ This morning Major Doubleday saw a party of rebel troops clustered around the Cage woods, upon the high hill opposite Williams: pOrt; and threw twenty . ..four pounds of shot at the' ithis afternoon. They scampered over the rest at more than a double quick. _ . Oiders for the march of the reserve. guard consh4ting of the First Wisconsin, Fourth,,cen, necticut and Eleventh Pennsylvania; regitnents, were, issued this afternoon: ldolfulliti - s - Lade pendent Rangers also,• from the fact that% thLit corp 4 is a special body guard to Gen. Pattersoni I presume that he too moves his head quitters southward: Dent. Elder, of Capt. Doubleday's C9thirland, learned from the party who brought in a "fleg . of trdce yesterday, that the Virginians mamba to feed their horses exclusively upon corn, they-, I have no old hay and aclmowledge that not only provinder btrt provisions of all kinds are very scarce. They said everything in the "ial ley ogirginia has litterally exhausted._ It is believed that our troops will cross the; FotonMe, partly at Williamsport and .partly Sheppard's ford, nine miles below. Both are = 7 cellent fords. If they cross at the latter point and push rapidly forward they might snow:din capturing at least three hundred cavalry.. The, troops; are all inspired at the idea of a forward movement, but: their - eiithirsiasin is chilled by the fear that they, mill be marchedten or fifteen • miles and' halted again. Intelligence from - Stevenson'. Station, where Johnston's headquarterrs - nc4 ire," declares that the foie** encamped , immediately about -Thini amount to full .6,060 men. He has, sixteen:l: pieces of artillery, 'of "these six are rifled twelver . ‘, pounders, two twenty:tour pounders of Old_ kind, two, twelve _pound howitien of the Old kind, and the remainder EliX pounders—none of the latter rifled. The troops are well drilled; but not SO well. equiPPid. As they are not under very atilet,, discipline, they seem discontented; and are in sloienly their habits. Two regimentsy-one of Alabamians; and another of liissiseiggisne, reached Harper's Ferry this Morning, and de-, stroyed!the balance of the railroad trestle seizing 'all the boats they. could get, 'either breaking them up or taking them„over_..ther• river. All the Union men of Harper's Ferty. were again driven out. I have just learned that Mclinllln's Rangers, eneartiiii to-morrow night at ShappardstOwn. Some regiments will. be thrown forward_ with.", them. ct quartershe'hea of General. Patterson:.- : will be 'advanced farther souttmard withinn day or two. Capt. Newton, of the engineers, has visited , Maryland heights. for the purpose of selecting the point upon which to erect a battery to own .mand Harper's Ferry,' From Fortress Monroe. Departure ot Troops to Occupy Position Beyond Hampton. RE-ARREST OF COL. CARY TONES., Capture of Schooner Tropic Wind. SENATOR ItioDOITGAL AT OLD POINT Important Dispatches to Gen. Butler. Mr. Wistar Appointed Settler: ege Old Fos:alums MONIt011; The Third Massachusetts Regircumt will more from the Yortra# ellr/Y. to-morrow-to a, strong position beyond, Hampton and New Market bridge, where it will beloined by the Foirtli _ Massachugette Regiment from Newport * NeWi. Col Alien's regiment goes-to Newport Neil. The ineessint rain has prevented these meats to-day 4111 m - wait pieced tomer arrest yestenday - morning kir disregarding safeguard issued,, by e'en. Butler. He is it s large on parole. • ' C°l -' Calf- "Tones of gampton, has again been arrested, probably on account of letters found on schooner Tropic Wind; inkPEratkiz "--.---1— noted indiiiduals. The v_ettel:,,a, — _est - to• Wasidnektt some time d uce, as ' l4 " 4 "L but °in-._ being per,utitted depArtran haunock, and waa _ to.da 'IP. the; -R,appg= among numerous, urc'Pght into port. sen At .Qld,Point to-day awr.B°•evolagal of C The Motilkyernon bZO ' n . ght down `imp° despatches.tiiiier and - 14131 She will: ret with _,C o mmod ore . I !___entY - foriPuhdhowitzeta. - twel). • - Mr. Wietii 'has it last been appointed Sntlir ={ at Old Poini, in place of Mr. Mody. The pointment COIIIOO from Waehipgton. ap ~ , ' esti 4 0 _.._...~ HARPER'S FERRY Point.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers