THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, 13y GEORGE -BERGNER Susscom•nois Ariy TXI WORAPII 1 served to subeeriberr In the Bar,ugli ati CAi cents per Week. Yearly subeeriberi vtio be arra ,4r:d 44.00. WPIILLY AND SymaIVansIaTAIIIGSAPH I:; Cp. razes le .0,180 published- twice a week during the ; ,-., ; ,i0a of the LegistatureArd:Weekljaatting the rito maiuier ,11 the year, andlardelted totiubserlbers et tbc ionewq% :ates, via :• , .'mate Subeeribare per year " 2400 Seven 44 " 4 . ... 12 00 Ten 16.00 TIFF LAW OF NIWSPAPIES subscribers ordpt , the 4jaitithivisilei.of their news papers, the publisher .may continue to Bend them 11411 %Illtrrearages are paid; :L; - . : if subscribera: neglect be reales to take their nerve puF,STC6ll3 the °Mee to which they are directed, they are responsiblo until they harr sett ed the bill. and ordered hem dlseentinued Stisullantatto. DB, JOHNSON XLMII LOCK HOSPITAL. HAS discovered the most certain, speedy and effectual remedy In the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE, RUMP IN MX TO TIMM BOOM No Mercury or Noxious Drugs, Kira CURB WAIMANTILD 7 OR NO CHARM, IN FROM OM TO Two D 112.1011, • Weakness of the Back or Limb; Strictures, Pains in tho Lou;,i Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic Weakness, Nervetus Debility, Decay of therhysioa POW. ere, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Bpirits, Conrunion ot :dens, itaiion of the Hart, Timidity Trembling, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of die Stomach, Affections of too Head, Throit, Nose or Min.—those terrible diver. dere arising from the indiscretion or Solitcry Habits of Youth—those dreadful and destructive practises whist produce constitutional debility, render marriage impos sible, and destroy both body and mind. YOUNG lOW Young men especially who have become the victims ot solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually . sweeps to an untimely grave thousands al young men of the most exalted talent and brilliant intel lect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to ou ts/ay the living lyre, may cell with full couildence. MARBLIGE; Married persons, or those contemplating marriage „ be ing aware of physical weakness, should Immediately eCal• Walt Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. ORGANIC WEMLNICSS immediately cured and ftU viler restored . He who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and con, fidently rely upon his skill as a physiciar.. sir °lnca No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore, Me., oil the loft hand side going from Baltimore street 7 doors from the corner. Be particular in observing the name or number, or you will mistake the place. Be par ticular for ignorant, Trtilitig quacks, with false names, or Paltry Humbug Certiftcates, attracted by the repute• lion of Dr. Johnson, lurk near: All letters must contain a Postage Stamp, to use on the DP.. JOHNSTON Dr. Johnson member of the. Royal College of Surgeons, London, graduate from one of the meat eminent Colleges of the United ntates and the greatest part of:whose fife has been spent in the Hospitals of London, .Ittris, Phila delphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the moat as. watching mires that were ever known, Many troubled with ringing in the ears and head when asleep, great ner vousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derange. meat of mind wore cured immediately, TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE Dr. J. addresses all those who having injured thew selves by private and improper indulgencitel, that Norm and solitary habit which ruins both body and mind, im buing them for either businessor society. The., are some of the sad and melancholy cut este pro. doom by early habits of. youth viz : Weakness of the Back and Limbs, rains in the Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dys pepsia, Nervous Irritability, Derangement or the Digestive Minctions, General Debility, Symptoms of Gonsump• tioti, SW. MEN. TA_LLY,I ibiss'Ati-v, trio learnm be dreaded :—Loss of Memory, Catfusica of - Ideas, De prssion of Spirits, FOrebodings, Aversion toSacio ty,e Self-distrust, Love of Solitude, -Timidity, &e are some of the evil effects. Thousands of persons of all ages, oan now Judge" what is the cause of their decline in health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and amarasted, hare 8 singular appearance about the oyes, cough, and symp• °is of Consurnpnon, yonai KEN who have injured themselves by a certain practice, In delved iu when alone...a habit frequently learned frier evil aotapaulons, or at school, the +effects ot vrinob are tightly fell, even when asleep, and if not cured, renders marriage impossible, and destroys:both mind and body, should apply huratatiltilely.. . What a pity that 4 young Inonrthe noPeu of his coun try, the darling of his parents, should be snatched iron all prospects and enjoyments of life by the consequences of deviating from the path of nature, and Indulging in a certain seoret habit, Su thpersons must, before widen plating LT! I7- T'T . l offset that a sound odnd and body are;the moat nooeSsary requisites to promote connubial happinese. Indeed without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage; the prospect hourly darkens to the View; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and. Pilled with the meluncholy reflection that the happiness a another cantos blighted blighted with our own. - - DR. JOHNSON'S INVIGORATING RIPhIEDT _,Fo.R ow, GANN WEAKNESS. . ... _ _ By this great and important remedy,.Weekuess.of the • ',Elms are speedily cqro42. l tud foliligor motored. ' rhousacds of the most nervous stud debilitated Wila had lost all hope, have been burriedlitely-rellei t ed.. Aft hupediments to.efarriagej Physical or Menial. Dicquallii• exhort, Nervous, Treinnhng, Weakness or lahoustion or the most fearLM kind, speedily oared. TO STItaiGERIL The many thousands cured at this Instiution within the in-it twelve years, and the numerous nenC ingsartant SUrgicla operations performed by Dr. 1., witnessed by the re Id porters of the papers, and many other lii, M which have appeared again and again before the pablia, tesidus hir extra ling OS gendepean character and re epanaihilifs, is a suidstellt glarttOtOtt tO the afflicted , DISEASES OF IIdSRUDENCE....-Where the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds he has ,imbibed the seeds of this painful &naafi, It too often happens that an ill-timed Sense of shame Or dreed.of disokery.natear, him from applying to those mho, hem °duo/Wen-Lad re , Speetability can alone befriend him, delaying till the con. siltutloual symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, affecting the head, throat, nose, skin, progressing on with frightfel rapidity, till death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings by sending-him to "that bourne from whence so traveler returns." it is a mel. ancholy fact that thousands fall victims to this terrible disease, owing to the unskilfulness of Ignorant pretend ers, who, by the use of that deadly poi son, mercury, ruin the constitution and make the reel ue - ef life miserable. To Brtesstents.,..The Doctor's Diplomas hang in his office. xi-Letters moat contain a Stamp taus on the reply. tornemedies sent by NAIL ,o-No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore. uprl3-davly 1861, 30 OPENING, 30 OPENING 1861. SUMMER DRESS GOODS ON mar Mamma The quaßy of the goods for Wept:lee will be an Induce ment to every one to purchase. The woot dehrable g000,'3 of the MOOR at a great ego nilen. MOZAMBIQUES, GRISSALIAS, VALENCIA% CREPE D'ESPANGS, BEREGE ANGLATS BROCADE POPLINS, NEAPOLITANS. LAWNS and LIOTELLALE are among the lie r CATHCART & BROTHER. Nast door to the Harrisburg Bank SKELETON SKIRTS; The largest steekof the very best make to be found at CeTllo,titT Nom door to the HerrLabdsg Sank• Parasols, Sun Umbrellas and Umbrellas Twenty -PT° per cent Jerrer then the be leiwnero ioitise city, iCA^►HCaItT k BROTRiat. N 0,14, Market Squat% to the Sortiabott WAX wile •„ \ • •c \ ' • • , \ ie_::. .'!.....•._- • ,:,.•. ~. , ... ~ . ..:.. • . .: ._. . . . _. ... . .. ..., . ... y ( 4f....4 r. 0 1 . ...- ). . 1 .. / . 4 .. :. ._) ./.- „. .i ... C , .1a... lIIIIIII_I , II . I” . . . _. .. . . . . . ..........,..._• VOL. XV. w. tO. ei.ross $4. to D• W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, NO! 19 MARKET SrERFFT HARRISBURG, PI NA(' DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, We are daily ad dirt to our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would respect sully call your attention to the largest and beet selected stook in this city, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS & PAINTS, 01Ili, Varnishes and Glues Dye-Stuffs, Glass and Putty, &rad Colors and Tools, Pure faround Spices, Burning Fluid and Alcohol, Lard, Sperm and Pine Oils, Battles, Vines and Lamp Globes, Castile Soaps, Sponges and Corks, 4c., 4e., doe., &a., div., &a., dic With a general variety of PERFUMERY & TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the best manufacturers and Per fumers•of Europe and this country. Being very. large dealers In PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S ARTIST'S *BRUSHES IN ALL THECA VAVJETIE*I COLORS AITD BRONZU OF ALL KINDS, 6 . . ( ,:•'\g-:: 1 7 - 41 1 ' Cd‘ , , ,,, HoZak . 0 pi NU ? OR En• - •,:..0 , 412 9 6 /.1. 4 ..r_,.,:,-....;., We respectfully Invite u call, feellugioonfi dent that we can supply the wants of all on terms to their satisfaction. TEETH 1 TEETS 1 Jon's AND WHITE'S PORCELAIN TEETH PATENT. MEDICINES AND HAIR RESTORATIVES Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietors. Saponifier and Concentrated Lye I Wholpeale Agents for Saponifier, which we sell as low'as it can be purchased in the cities. _ _ THAYER'S 'MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS COAL OIL ! CARBON OIL I I Being large purchasers in lbw OH*, we can offer inducements to dose buyers. Coal Oil Lamps of the moat bnproved patterns, very cheap. All kinds of lamps changed to burn Coal Oil. FARMERS AND. GRAZIERS, Those of you who have not given our HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS a trial know not their superiority, and the advantage they are in keeping Horses and Cattle healthy and in good condition... Thou Sands can testify to the profit they have derived from the use of our Cattle Powders. ,by the increasing quantity and quality of milk; besides improving the general health and ap pearance of their Cattle. par long experience in the business gives us the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and oar arrangements in the cities are such that we can in a very short time furnish anything appertaining to our business, on the best of terms• Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed on our house, we hope by strict attention to business, a careful selection of PURE DRUGS, at fair prices, and the desire to please all, to merit a continuance of the layout of aldleerind , "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS-NE-UTRAL IN NONE." HARRISBURG, PA., FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 28, 1861 DAILY an LINE! Between Philadelphia Lace RAVIN, Jusur &MHz, PVETILIMEWOITT; Many, UNIONTOWN, WNISONTOWN, ItILLTON„ LEAIBIIIO7IO, NORTNTILentAND i T•I7NETURY„ TILEVOIiTON, thioRGETOWN, 4YtiNtiTOW/47111 rims• The Philadelphia Depot being centrally located the Drayage will be at the lowest rates. A . C.inductor goes through with each train to attend to the safe delivery of all goods entrusted to the line: Goode delivered at the Depat of FREED, WARD & FREED, No. Eli Market Shot, Phila delphia, by 6 o'clock. P. M., wtll be delivered in Harrisbtirg the next morrang. Freight (always) as IoW as by any tithe; line. Particular attention paid by this line to prompt and speedy delivery of alt Harrisburg iiOods. • The undersigned thankful for past patronage hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of the same. T. PEWHER, Philadelphia and Reading liepot • Feet of Market ntreet, Harrisburg. 3017 dem MILITARY SURGERY Field, Oamp l tand Hospital Praotice. lIIMIMM 08, SUROEItY SEFF2ESONL:MpIOALKOOLLIGII For sale at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE may 24 FREIGHT REDUCED. HOWARD & HOPE EXPRESS 00.. Short and Quick Route to and ..from . NEW YORE GOODS ORDERED IN THE MORNING RE TURNED THE SAME - NIGHT.. Leave New York at 7% 41., by riust TbrOUgli • press Train, arriving in Harrisburg at 3 A. M., ff 7111007 MANGE OF CARS. Order Goode, 'narked • - Ida: HOPE EXPRESS CO., Cieneral office, 74 Broadway, New York. Branch ~,...412'"‘ ." For further Information in .:Intro of ' ' ALN OTRE LOT.. 0F TllO FLNE -POINTED . GOLD PENS . . F NEWTON'S :(forraerlr • Bnev'ej iJ inanuttrottire, warranted to beilLe beet in material;- tun - fluoar-pointed, moat durable and" nerdheari4s n'market, for hale, ,with *-variety' Or GO& . 5334 SHOOT' Cases of various sines and pilosa, at BREONEW6 CHEAP 300.1i,TORg, . . - 51 ue-1/4—t WHITE StILP aUB SPAIN GS ItOTElj Cumb'er county, Pa.L:The' pro. prictors take pleasure ill announcing.that they are now to receive visitors. Persons desiring a healthy Location for the stammer will find this one of the most de• ltgbtful placer in the country. The water of these springs cannot be surpassed for drinking, bathing aud medicinal plargonos. Per infermatioa and ciraclars address WM. El: BURROUGHS, D. U. DUMDUM, . Proprietors. 11 4 1RENCH MUSTARD English and -do j: mestto Pickles, (by the dozen or hundred,) sups for salad Uii, Kewuop, ;Sauces and condiments or every ea riptlon. iny.l4 .WL BOOK & CO. , . . - - FRESH 1111JI1 IF every description in cans tad jars N s , each package warranted.. two 4 WA. JOCK "JR. & 00. A CHANCE FOR .A BARGAIN._. . , T 0 clops up the - concerti the entiie stook or SLEuES, BOOTS, Rio., litte of Oliver Bell. Ines, - detteased, hrthe rooms in the Ittaritet.Square,,Will be Bela at private sale at COST`; and the rooms will be rented to the purehaser if desired'. The terms will be made easy. jell•dtf DAN'L. D. BuAd, Agent. NOTICE .TO COUNTERFEITERS. HERBAS eevettil peliaone have late ly been engaged in eounterieiting the names of Members of Congress end Senate= on letters and docu ments, notice is twig ey given that - inicirtranthrwill themnothing as they wilt not be reeegnized,alld eli loth lettere unlit beaten& to the Dead:. Letter Mice :atlreah .wool, •Oome seven hundred letters are now-lying . at i this Mace with counterfeit iranks en - them t and.the per sou Who deposited them had better call tor - theta' and get them properly-mated; If the authors - of these franks discovered it. will be the duty of,themadersigned wave them Grin:o o,o ly. prosecuted however paintol lb may be. jell) - GlO. BEROKLI, SPECIAL ORDER No- 23 • Hunquearms R. V. Colas, Harrisburg, Pa., June 8; 1861. f I. 1 o officer, non-commissioned officer, mu , sician or private of the ReserveVoludeerCorps at these Headquarters, or at Camp Curtin, will leave his station or camp without perraisfion from the - proper autliority. • - II: "The Cnief of"each Department will be held responsible for the observance and enforce ment ofthid order in bis - parttuular Depart:. The Chiefs of Departments will report' it the offiOe of the Resistant Adjutant General of the Corpss - when their' diitiea require their abatises) from. these Headquarters; the - point to which their duties call them, and the probable time of their absence. By order of Ham. GaN.GEORGE A. MaCALL. RENItY A. IScuanz, • Captain and /dd-de-Camp. Ntin 12thrertistments. ZUZIIPISEM3M.POSS kIALZAS, AND HARRISBURG. JUST PUBLISHED. A MANUAL, OR, I HINTS ON THE lEMEHGENCIES) S. D. GRD.SS, ;tdl4t. AT DICLADELPHTA :15 2m SPECLII; 011 DER, .NO. 1 HEAD QIIAUTZIIO, P. M. flarresbury, Hag 27, 1861. Quarter Master General• R. C. Hale is ordered to forward the clothing, as per requisitions dated 28d May lalt, by Colonels Barhainft 'and' 11'Dowell, of the Fourth and -Fifth Regirrients• Pennsylvania Volunteers, in place of sending it as heretofore -directed.: The •frourth . and Fifth `=Regiments- being nowin actual; Service and in great need of proper clothing,. • • . By order of .the-Conitnander-iwomav JoiLli A. WBIGHT, - - Aid444lap.- CE:3 Inistellancouo. IXTM, FLINT C. , WM. FLINT I WM4FLINT vv• 1 1 714. FLINT I Wt FLINT I 'Wit. FLINT I No. 807 Itissei, No. 807 hUsegr, No. 807 MARICIT, PIELLADKLPELA, PA. i'ILUMENDOUS SACRIFICE $lOO,OOO WORTH OF JEWELRY, • ALL FOR' ONE•DOILAII MACH; A Large and Splendid Assortment of Jewelry, consisting of Ci4AIN3, BfI ACELETS , CAMEO SETS, &C., &C. . And all styles Qr. French Plated Chains, Gold and Platedd Jewelry. We do not keep or sell any gilt, gifted or galvanized goods. 'Ours is whatsre sold by the beat Jeweler as Gold Jewelry! . We receive ear 4ooils front the best Gold Jewelry Manufacturers In the . Stater, . WHO ARM FOROFD TO BELL WHO - AEHYOUED TO SELL. , Wiict,4 FORCED TO SELL. • Fo4p.w The following'is'otdy a partial list e mit/xi:manse steak: . . TAKE YOUR `OHOICE FOR • $1 EACH. TARE 'YOUR' CHOKE; FOR $l. Large Size and Splendid Cameo. Sets, General Retail. • ...... .....$8 to $lO Do -do Lays do. 10th 30 PO do - Carbuncle do Bto - 80 Do Ladies'iniantelled and Coral do • 7to 00 Do do - and Carbuncle do .q to .80 PO do and Ruby do Ito 16 Do Golc/Cluster. Grape Setting Sets do 10 to 30 Do de de'Vesido no /0 to 12 De do do Jet Seta. do' 6to 12 Do do Black Mosaic do 6to 10 Da doGold.Stoue MOSSICI do 6to . , Do do Calico Sits do 6to 32 Do Ribbon Twista;arith'brilliants do 6to 33 Do Baguet. Setei new style do Sto 07 Do Rnameled Cluster do - do 10 to . 2 Gad do 3 to , 50 Dianaond Pointed Gold rens and Oases, 3to do .34 doz. Silver Plated Spoons, 2 00 g i toiver. PAW .11 UgB_,_ 4 .00 Over 1,000 other odfskentstyles Ladies' Jewelry; Me didliOai, all styles, Patterns ant' sisos; Lockets of every deseriptioal: Gold renti,'l4 karat, with S:tver Eitennion .Holder ; Gold Pandits, Sleeie Sot ons, , Studs o attc. &c.; Coral, Lava, Cameo and Band, Bracelets Dents' Vest 'Chains, werianted:k.wear . ted years without changing chlOr, a d will Stand' the acid—they ire visually sold by' Jewetdro as solid gold - ottainS-2-all Made in Paris - . You can take yoorninnee'for $1 each. Ladies' and Gents' Guard Chralos, $1 each, usually sold by Jewelers at from to $3O - each . ; Ladies', and Children's Ne.,l( Ch-tuaa, beauttielpatte,ihs; armles, brilliant, enameled sad ruby Set."4 .B Pr° 8 . 1 e 1 ,..0 1 0 . 4 4 4 ._enaRt!/qoi lot 8 1 e a c h, prkies from $5 to .0 * eeida. - ;Every style and variety of. Jewelry and desirable goods for 11 each. This Sale, at toe aooye prices, mill continue long tuengn to' go, ad' our immense stock, which was par cbasl4 ILA Mat SaCrltice from Manufacturers who have faMtd. - TARE YOUR CHQICE FOR $1 EACH • SPECIAL NOTICE. AfirlaoW To Sant MONEY. 'MS lAL-11/rita_vuor_Nnim. -Plarc• of'Havi • -- gum or wafers' eau be easily tmened—ttreUntaa talein" out and resealed. Attend to this, and we will be re sponsible for your money. INDIAXIIIENTS TO AGENTS. Any person acting as agent, who will send us at one time, $lOO, We will give a God Hunting Case Watch, extra. $5O, ' 6 " Gold Lever Watch. $25 " " Silver Weigh. A Watch and the articles selected from the above List (MIS DuLLAII EACH. 7 - .Persons ordering by mail must Send $1 and 15 crania in postage stamps, ONE US A TRIAL All communications must pa ....Z4r4a.sod. to WILLIAM FLINT, N0..801 litlrket atre4t, J n3O Gnaw PHILADELPHIA WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE 0. CONRAD, FORMER OCCUPANT, No. 148 North Second Street, CORNER.OF QUARRY STREET. THE UNDERSIGNED has leased the above premises, where he will keep a large assort ment of gold and. Silver Watches, of American, English and Swiss Banafacture of the most celebrated makers, in addition to which, will be found always on hand (and Made to order) an extensive variety of Jewelry, Silver, and Silver Plated ware, together with a general assort ment of such goods as are usually kept in a bat class Watch and Jewelry Store. The patrons of 0, Conrad, and those of the subacriber, `together with the public generally, are invited to caU, where they will receive a good article for their money.— Ai I am determined to do strictly a cash business, goods will be sold very low. "Slurs. Pampa AND Quicktlitss," lathe motto of this establishment. LEWIS R. BROOMALL, je2o-lyw Formerly°. CONRAD, No. 14S North Second St., corner Q arry, bPda. xtmtgr.colir . You will please take notice .that I have removedimy place of business from No. 187 South Fourth Street, to my Manufactory • NOS. 114 and 118 RELIEF - STREET, Between Lombard and South. and Front and, Second Sta., • Philadelphia. • . Thankful for past favors - 13011dt a continuance of your !Orders. As I have as to enable me to have constantly on hand &large assortment of well seasoned soaps, all of ,the best quality and free from Fish Oil. PALM, VARIEGATED; - • WHITE; • HONEY, CASTILE, and all kinds of TOILET SOAPS. CfIEIIICAL OLIVE SOAP of pure material. - S E T TLED, -PALE and BROWN; SOAP, English Sal. Soda and Pull, Stamm militantly on hand. hPERtti - ADAILANTINE an 'TALLOVi r CANDLES of a I:sise.S. • • • :Having adapted the cash systeml am , enabled to offer J ay goods at the lovFeet.:prioess ..Hoping that yen. will Brill and examine for yoursigbOtaki4e SOcidg -0 44 Vic", 'before purchasing elsewhere. • • lath Very Beipectfully, 'al•wlY* F. CONWAY, Philadelphia. MEDICAL BOARD. EMMEN Ginniitn's Omen, t June 20 1861: BY ;THE DlttEettON OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR, a Hedicidßoard, to consist of Sur geon A. 'N. MoDents, the ::Medical Director of thellepartment of Washington, Burgoon L. A. Eli - winos, and Assistent Burgeon T. M. Gem, U. S. Array, Will`convene in this' city to-mor row morning, at-10 o'clock, or as" soon there after- as-practicable, for - tbe examination of such applicatits.for the position of Surgeon for 'a Brigade as' may be referred - to it by the &ere-- Mry-of War. • Appointments will be: made from among those only who-shall be examined and reported as !Idly qualified by said Board. r The cession of the Board will be held at No, 170 Penneylvtinhvavenue; (north - eidej be , tweenllthand.lBth - atreets. - • -- 0. - A. TINNEY, • - - je ,21%-dat Burgeon CfOnertd. E4t Gitgrap4 NO.' 807.MAsseri 'No. 807 11.1.Azisr, No. 807 814oxia 4iimasEns' AliqoaktlON--A number of gun ners of this iity - met last- evening to form an iasscelation having for its main object the en forcement of the -"game law." An orgardza was effected by the election of • the following officers: President—A. J. Herr. Vice Presi dent—Philip Lizin. Treasurer—Charles Bourn fort: Secretary—Francis Wyeth.• The mem bers are 'requested to meet at the office of the Presidentto-morrow 'evening at half past seven o'clock. Tux lfreurusal Manua; under command of Colonel D. A. Woodbury, and Lieut.• Colonel J. B. Duffield, arrived here yes terday afternoon, . and encamped above the Pennsylvania Railroad shops. The regimentis • eleven hundred and forty strong, accompanied by an excellent . band of music, and the men are the right material for good soldiers. They are substantially equipped; but come here with out arms, which they expect - to receive before leaving for Washington. The miment remains here awaiting orders from head-quarters. .IN TEE Crry.—Capt. Waltman, of the Mount Joy Rifles, arrived here yesterday afternoon, in crippled condition from the effects of in juries received while on a secret night expedi tion recently. Being unfit for active duty, he was granted leave of absence for one week to recuperate. The Captain gives a good account of "our boys," and reports them in goodhealth and spirits. He brought away a secession flag captured by him at Hagerstown, in the per formance of which exploit he made a narrow escape. Capt. Waltman intends rejoining his company in the course of a few days. FELL or rzr Baroos.—Yesterday afternoon a boy named James. Rogers,' undertOok oto climb down one of the piers of the Harrisburg bridge, and missing -his hold was precipitated with con siderable force into the river. - The water being . quite shallow at the base of the pier he fell' upon atone*, sprained or dislocated one 'of his ankles, and was severely :injured 'in other re-- apects. Some soldiers - who witnessed the lad's fall went-to his rescue. Finding him unable . to be taken:to the poor house, and a wagon was procured for that purpose. Vales -Trut•Ccattmirrxezof - the liclitiederate states and the laws el: their Congreiwthe first election by the people for: President and Vice' President of the confederacy will he held -eit the first Wednesday in Novemher next. . 'EI ec tors will then be clioieri, 'who are required to meet in their respective States on the first Wednesday in December thereafter, and pro ceed to cast their votes' for President and Vice President. The return'of the -different state electoraleolleges -shall be' returned to the Sen ate, and on the 19th day ofTebruaryihePresi dent of the Senate shall open` the 'Certificates, the votes shall then be - Vaunted; and the Preal dent inaugurated on the '22d daY of February, 1862. The -executive tern Under the perma nent constitution is six peen: - 'All these'provi' slow --and 'purposes must betaken' with the mental renervation that they will be carried 'out if the confederacy Is a success. Of this - there are some serious doubts existing even in'tile - iiinds of scnrthern politiviarts, Who are a.l.readYit their old - game of attempting to - compromise 'What they cannot fairly acomplish. By 'the 22d of February,- 1862, the . record elf 'Davis Sid his confederates, inaY be ',reserved in the ciiminall calendars of -the etr,,untry. - ' - before this' provided time of -eleaingra new= ?resident, We expect to see the individual-who now assumes such a title in the rebel ranks,- either a prisoner at Washington, or a fugitive in a foreign land. Viva la, Bagolelle, _ _ Tan Weis DELPARTNICET EELS 'aCcipted for three' yean3, or the war; a Chicago . bittallion raised by Capt.' J. W. WilsOrl, 'consisting. of '212 - Men. rank mid ille'adled- "The Illinoiltridge, Breast work and 'Fortification Rtsileers." It is camp posed ofl2o 'carpenters, 70 'railroad track men, 7 railroad and•bridgeblacksmithe, El boat-build ere, '2 engineers and 9 locomotive builders. Amnion fair. specimen . ef - traitor truh-telling . iis in the Charleston Mercury of the ;l2th. letter writer from New tork avers that a cotn• plete - reaction has taken place among our ; monied men,.which staggers the PedengCtov ernment, and that, but one battle only will je fought before President Lincoln -will sue for terms of separation from Jeff Davis.. Tna reason of Gen. Cadsvalader not moving on to Martinsburg, is said to have been in con sequence of the receipt of positive - instructions from Ganeral Scott. The latter was not yet ready for that move, and hence it was not at tempted. A Faw years ago the fastest runner in the United States was known as - "Jackson; the American Deer." - Olairb. Jackson, of Missouri, is said to be tlae same nanog at least lais brother. Tao editor of the -Gliarierton MerCUI oar that the SoUthern Cottiederaey' won-yr. comprish ifs putvaie." ' Perim* he wiithP r o - . perly oay that it will *QQ attain NO. 50. 1=1:= ---.--- =I Cam tinting . gam Having procured Steam Power Preases, we are prepared to execute JOB and BOOK PBINTIN( Of every description, cheaper that it can be done at any other es - , tablishmentin the country RATES OF ADViIIITISINO. ,e-Four lines or fez- constitute one-halt square Eigh or more. than four constitute a square - Half Square. one day one rnontb. .... three monthe..... • - • six months ........ • 000 year... • . ..... . . One square one day I one week._ 200 Si one month._ a 00 three months ......... . 6 00 six months.... one year 10 04) Erßusinen notices inserted in the Local column os before Marriages and Deaths, FIVE CENTS PER LINE or each insertion. la-Marriages and Deaths to be charged as regular advertisements. BY TELEGRAPH. FROM BALTIMORE CITY. POLICE FORCE DISBANDED BY TRE PO- LICE COMMISSIONERS Swearing in of a New Force by the Pro- Yost Marshal. Treasonable Demonstrations. GREAT EXCITEMENT IN THE CI4Y. [SPEVIAL DI6PATOH • TO THE TELEGRAPH. ] ' This afternoon the Police Commissioners dis banded the Police force, and the Provost Mar shal immediately commenced a reorganization of the police department. Some of the old policemen took the oath of allegiance, but the great mass of them refused to do so, and 'exhibited unmistakable evidence of their se= cession sympathies by shouting for Jeff. Davis. The wildest excitement prevailsthroughont the city, 'and fears are entertained of an uprising on the part of the rebels, who it is reported have large quantities of arms concealed. ANOTHER CONTRADICTION OF THE RE PORTED HENTI7CZY COMPROMISE. Cmizavarr, June 27. The following despatch was received yester day by an officer of the navy, who had tele graphed Gen. McClellan for information, as to the reported authenticity of the arrangement between the Government and Kentucky. " GRASTON, Va., June 26th, 1861. "To Captain W. Nelson-, Ef. S. N. "My interview with General Buckner was personal, not official. It was solicited by him more than once. I made no stipulations on the part of the General Government, and re garded his voluntary promise to drive out the confederate trooni as the only result of the in terview. His letter gives his own views, not mine, (Signed) "G. B. McOur4,A.N." ! RIOT_ AFF/0 Ment was Manifested in the upper wards, but tictSetiotti'eesults transpired. Committees from'the various wards are said tp have been appointed, to -demand the banks tp Make-good all money they 110 W hold. • Eight hundred troops are ready at all times, at a moment's notice, to quell any disturbance. • The Governor was here Yesterday, and an ar rangement is on'fboi to make the securities of the solvent banks liar by substituting State itiondt, for the depreciated Southern stocks. COL. ANDERSON AT CRESSON. AisooNA, June 27. Col. Robert'Anderson, the hero of Fort Stun • ter, -'arrived at Cresson yesterday, from the West, and talk rooms at the Mountain House, kept by Mr. George W. 'Mullen. He has writ ten for his family, who will shortly join. him. The health is 'still delicate, but the Mountain air "will doubtless benefit him. Senator Rice and his wife and family, of Minnesota; and Mr. Kramer, of the - Western Virginia Conven tion, are alio at theMount'sin. House. WILSON'S 201/AVE REGIIIFST. - - " NEW YOUR, June 27: ' The Star of - the :South, from - Piekins - on the rtili hay; arrived.' The Vander, with Col. Win. Wilson's regiment; passed Fort Taylor on the . 215t., - Lieut. Duncan, of the navy, is one of the' passengrs. ANOTHER OHIO REGIMENT FOR VIR GINIA. 'The Seventh Ohio regiment left Camp Dort nison, yesterday, to join Gen. McCiellan's col uinn in Virginia,. DESTRUCTIVE FIRE AT . QUEBEC. Quzur.c, June 27 Nearly two hunched of the laboring class were rendered. houseless by a fire today. Lois $BO,OOO, alrtiost wholly uninsured. MOVEMENTS OF PRINCE ALFRED Prince Alfred has arrived at Gen. Williams' residence, near Lachine, and visits this city to- morrow. He leaves for Quebec on Saturday. RAILROAD, DEPOT BuRNED. • NEW Yoßlz, June 27 The Tura Avenue Railroad depot, at 85th street, was totally destroyed by fire this after noon. Ceacilonoan VANIMILBILT has offered all the steamships of the Atlantic and Pacific Steam-. sh i p C o mpany to the Government, including the Vanderbilt, Ocean Queen, Ariel, Champion and Daniel Webster, to be paid: for at such rates as any two Commodores of the United StateS Navy and ex-Commodore Stockton may decide upon as a proper valuation.' If the Oovermieut is notwilling to purchase the Van derbilt on - these - terms, the Commodore ex *emelt& readiness to hand her over as a gift the mufti. an: L Cir. 3 CO ,4 0 5 00 BALmioRE, June 27 CICINNtTI, June 27 June 27
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers