ItitbiraL Ay_er's CATHARTJ A. ILLS. RE YOU SICK, fee Lie -; Aro you out iit order, with your systtini deranged, and your 'eenuge uncemturti._bler ThoseOymptoma arc (Menthe prelude. to Lomas illness. some fit of sicknest Is creepmg ti pin YOU, ca d 1:to ult.' be averted by a thialy use of toe Ili tit remedy. lake Ayer'S Pills and cleanse' out too cisursiered tumors —tiuri.y tho. blood end letlbe bolds movo.,_ auoustructek w lt•alat again. They stibiu. late tae ,uuctiou, of the to iy tutu v igurous activity, pm ray the system stow discuse. A i;olit settler,' somewhere in Ma uoli t auu °tiara :tau; :lateral. tunctions. , Thes e it nut relieved, react upou t omisclvei and the surround ing orgaus, FtJam:La; sig 4rava Wu, suffering and m disee. to this cotiti.eo, enreSsed oy the de reegemeots, taco dycr.s Mils, tilt ass how directly they rmiturti the natural action of too system, and with it the buoyant leming ut aauilt sewn. It bat is true'and BO appnient In this trivial dud cummeu oomplaiot a is also true to tuauy udep.z,accil and dangerous (listener pers. The saute purgtitt , e ellec expels them. Canada' by similar tibstructams suu derangeinents of the natural tunclanw 01 we buoy, they are mistily, and many of them sure ly, curcu by the tame means. None who knew the virtues or Mese PI M:, will neglect to employ them when kullermg the It orders they cure. in come of the principal cities, and nom utter wall known public per NBC From a Forwarding illcreiaaot of St. Lout's, Feb. 4, 1856. Dtt. Assn Y our 1 ills are tn. - paragon at all that is great'. u medicine. alley hove t tired my littla itaugbter pi ulcerous sores on her hau a and feet that had proved tucuranle ior vt are. lt,r mutter has been Irma gricviouely atil.cted v.ttu btutunea and pimples ou her and to her hair. After our child wee cured, she raw tr tea tt t Yilla , and they have cured her. ASA AfoIiG.RIDGE, AS A FAICILS PUYSIO. (From Dr. E. W. Carta right, New' Orleans.] Your Pit's are the prlace of purges. Tucir excellent: quAlines DurpusS au/ ettlbarltu ve pUOSOSS. Tney are - UMW, but. very certalu and eileutual iu their action on tbe bowulB, Dinola tria4u taint). invaluable to us in the daffy regiment ol discus°. 13/WMCSII, *ICS 11ZADI.C3S, FOUL FTOMAC3I. [From Dr. ,Edward Boyd, Baltimore.) BUR. L'RO. Arno : I cam..ot answer you. wile con• plains I baVe CURED with your Pills better bawl to say all that we ever Grew uaat a perjattve upraic me. 1 Wane great aopenzlence on an ed,olosi, in my drily contest with dasease, aid UeUeviug as Ido that your Pin* ullord us the best we have : 101 course value them highly. PlrrzeußG, Pa, May 1, 1855. DR. J. C. ATER— Sir 111,.ve been repeatedly Cured of he worst headache anybody can luxe., Cy a dose or two :your Pills. SeetllS ho anus trom n foul stomach, willeu they cleanse at. mum. Yours vital great respect, Et.:. w. PREBLE, Ci:rl; 01 :Reamer Clarion. Banos E 3 COMPIAINTB. [From Dr. Theodore Dad o New York City.] Not only are your fills a.tat :ably adapted to their purpose as au aparieut, Lau buueaetial effects upon the liver very mLniea izuced. they hive in my praiMee proved more edema! or the sure of MMus Complaints than any ono faUJULW I taO 111041011. A sm. cerely rejoice that we have at length a purgative wllicb. Is worthy tllo confidence et the profession and the people. MUM:TAO:a OF van INTERIOR, Washington, D. C., 7th tee. 1858. Sir s I have used your PILL iu my geeerat and hospital practice ever smea you :fled: Mein, amresunol hesitate to say they are the Des- eato,rtis we employ. The'r re gulauug adieu un Lbe Lver is qii,eft tun! decided . ewse quusuy Lney ere 4.1 a....atn..u10 railway tor tiorahsement 01 that org•o. 1.Mee...1, :tore ;Afloat tumid a case of Eames Disuse so ohsim dal not readily yield to them. Yrltternally Jet•.l pl,siztar, c: t 110Spitai DY3KNITRIVI bIAkfiLLIJ A RELAY, Wattms. (From Dr. J. Ct. Grze , t, et Cil:eago. I - Your Pills la ve , had e. ong prfetiee, and. I hold them In esteem al on DI Lae cost Iper, eats 1 hsve ever wand., 'their•e. up:Al:Ate Ilver make - 6' them an exeetleut roinedy, When, vea ...n6ruali dese3 for /3.lnous Dy.entery and ;Jifrrite3l, faun! tugarAmatlng Ifetlte4 them Very ae,oei:taole suet catcva;:dont for the mie 01 women and children. LYETaFELs, 1111TRITY OP TrtE, BLooD. [From Rev. J. V. dames, Pester Advent Church, Beiion, Dr. AYER : i have Lima your Pith with extraordinary success us toy Malay and among Must:lama:lllml to visit In distress. To reZU:ulO ino Organs el digestion and-pu rity toe Utuotl, Ca..; are f'uo very beat remedy I have ever known, aal can comidemly reoommend them to My friends. YOurEy.:... - J. V. RIMES. Whimesr ; iti >10101111.6 Ca., N. Y., Oet. 14, 1855. Dun Ste : net u:teg your cathartic Pills in my pratice, and ha •Litu.ll au umankrut purgative to cleanse the eyetem and toe /00,Ma1715 0/ the blood. JOHN U. 11.1EACIIA11, M. D. COESTIIII.IIIO3I, I_I3:II,7ENY-B 61.71411it'Mailly, itayuatAXl3N. Gota, NECR AMA. iiRoPUY, PARALIay, Fire, ETC. [From Dr. J. P. Vauglm, Slob lrual, 11.1ullatla.3 Too much Mfulaof he cull 01 your ?Ills tor lita• cure el Clastiyenues. di cullora u 1 your Irateruity bare touint them as ettleacents as i tliaVe, May imuill 101.0 me In pro• claiming it Car Inc ucastii oi the uulutudue who culler from that roil - 3.0141dt ; .4•laMil, attbo tgh baLL on: _4l to It. emit, is toe pregenaur 91 (Miura that are worse. I betive Cmtleeness to ort„Mule it 10.0 ulcer, but your Fills affect that oreautimi aura we disease. From Alr3. S. Stu.trt, Lzuydr.;l,a and Mkirrita, Boston.] lind ono or urgu d0..1.3 of your Ella, tasea at tlia proper Ara t . /.2,2.1.:2 . ./4" ~003/10C/Ve.l of Vat: 4aral 01(4/1 1 4 /.1 /2 wa Lu• dupdroJsed, and also a:y ora:a.,ca and xxant W 08.113. TrLoy ACC dO , I IVIGEI tuG use 1/ mu wo Lava that: enoni mead no °war to my Ll,.tiac t 3. [Broth the kW. Dr. Dowries, of tho Methodist Z;iliospol ChurcO.J Ga., Jan. 0, 1858. noNORED : r 6ikiuld oe augr4i,iul tar . 1.110 relief your 841111.1 w Orougui lat.! not repJrt coy oasa to you. A cola seltie.t oruagrt oa oscrtL ciattu Neuralgic eri.ted to Unrocuo 1 - th Eal. MILLSII.I. Nutwiiusualut,-; tUe bout physiciaus, the illiease grow Wo . su LILLIII by Irk advice 01 your excelleut agettL to 1.3.:11. , Z10re, Dr. Maicouzio, I tried year eileet., ware claw but sure, By pen:eve" st; la Lie allot luain, 1 a.n no:Teiltlrely WOll. Co.tainen, tlatoa tiodge, La., Dec. 8, 1855. DR. AVM : 1 LitiVE beau et.u..!rely curet by your fills, of &mu:natio guar—.t pawn!! disease that had afflicted meter years. VINCENT 61..1.DELL. Lcirlldoat of the pills in market eoatain Mercury . , although a vatusole reaieLly in skillful hands, is dau.terous ins pubic pie, lroroe tee firesafel Coed equen• cee that irequeuily use. These contain no mercury or iniuerai sub:a:wee whatever. Price 25 acute per bos,ur z buses tor $l. Prepared by DA. J. c. al(Be. ta. CO., Lowell, Mass. Bold by O. A. lisne.v_irt, U. S. I.:Leder, IL W. Gress & Go., J. ii, Lutz, dolman & Ou,Armatroliz, Harrisburg, sea duelers everywuere. ap27-bmdaw "nAVID HAYNES, 110 MARKET, BT. BAHlild.BUttli, Agent for LILLIE'S PATENT Wrought and Cradled iron Ftro and Burglar Proof. Strictly the ONLY Mercantile Sale madra, that le both re and Burglar Creel. mar:a dly CANDLES! PARAFFIN E CAN OLEN, EVERY( CAN ADAMAN LIN E CAN DLEZ, SI RAM E CAN DLEd, STAN CAN D1.E.73, CHEMICAL 6t . ERNI CANDLES, TALLOW CANDLES. large lot of t.te abuia 01 store and for sale at the low cat prickle ay . cOCK JR. & CO., • Up, °site tile Court House. ]ant A VERY HEAVY STOCK OF BLACK AND SECOND MOURNING DRESS GOODS ! OF EVERY DESCRIPTION JUST OPENED. At Prices below the Cost of importation,. CALL AT CATHCArIPS, mayB Next door to the Harrisburg Batik. FARMER'S HOTEL. TTHEsubserther begs leave to inform his friends and the patita; tart ha has ca'6.. - eu the FA R:11- EA'S HOTEL, in ..4.trtriciat ateept.oppatue tap Pd . sr. Cane, itia , ,ra is prdit trul :o aduoni nao farinsrty J. :Stain's, date Wein on rctioaddite terms. reacted and. furnished the Guudo Patirdly now, no it.,2dd i>y tuna at• Whoa tV baPtneip, to rezeJvp s liberol papro of patron age. fap4-3111,11 B. G. PETtika. THE SOLDIER'S BOOK, I . l'Kiniley'e. "Our Govermnflut," as expasitKi4 of tha tion of tho urnitat States, explaining the nutara and oper. coca of our government, lion' judicial. and authentic sonrce3. Iliac $1 05, iOr gala at £listtßautona. -. I, 4 cs --- ISOM • ~, 11 rEE 1-131\1c, . . w APO. is ffetiow Fitmaia efoitio, Vreseiti'lr aheAttentioilef rkwr •SOOTHI.NG 4 For Children T ething, wiatoti greatly factlitatee'the proceam of teething, Ilyaol ening the gome,recioottag all Intammation—will alloy AD PAIN, and aimmodiu.action, and ts . • !ST.I)IE 'TO REGULATE THE. BOVVELbt 00pyid trlion taotaori *lit eve rant to ylitireetT:N. INA Kftl.l4 AND' &Ai TErti.) T01.71t111.4 ANTS We. DAVE put up end Bald 'Zia article lot , over: 'tee. year; and au . PAY, nc oonmpssos, ash :stings, Ashat have . never been able to Say of any other /mediums— NEVER HAS IT Et It .9.1; SINGLIA Reim= TO Lwri£o - 2 A CUE, Wnen timely used. Never did -we know an. Instance of Misatislacton by any. one. who, used It. L On the contr,ary, .MI are demghted with As Myers. tionts;and speak in tents ot highest. eMniMndation of its :magical effects and Medical Virttieti.:'*o Speak It this matter 4, vraes WE DO KNOW, atter tell Your& expo. rience, SEA 'r,PILDON . Oita; Wetting zolt THE SIIISILIDWT2 of Wan- WI tress Dachau. In, almost every instants , where "the infantis auffering from painand exhaustion., re• list will be found in fittesu or twenty'miitutes alba thi ayrnp Is administered - : • . • • This valuable preparydort is the r.reseripith. oh. at the most FIPtIitIJINCE L D,emi I 2'lll t.FUL NUE.S.II3.IA New England, 'and has been uSed with MEI PAIL* V09E10311 ' , . . 111011Walt3 or CASES • ' it not only reheves the child from; pigs, Out lung, orates the .Btaraacte and bowels, corrects acidity,. sec gives tone and energy to the whole. sYstein. lt will eV mostinstantly relieve ' ' • _ _ GRIPING 1N THE BOWELS, AND WZI)..COLIDi And overcome oonvnlslonsovhich if not ;speedily, route. died, cod in death;Vo believe' if themes tald-.00111111 MOLDY IN TEI WORLD, in fat. cases of DYSENTRRY,AND DURK - ARA' 1N CIEULDRIN, whether: it, arises' ireni teething or veto' any. other- cause. We would eay: te every mother who has a child suffering A'rom any . 04 the foregfaing complaintoo to me; 'tot* raiwurenzi, toe. snelentrjemone op' mums, stank between yeti and yeti suffering child and the rellet.that will be tilleN--yea, AB 30L1MILY 339. E.-to .follow the one 'et min medieme, it ticeefy'uied. EMI Mreetions for using will nwompany each bottle. None genuine' malts - Vie hlo-sliallie 01 MAT'S ¢t F EINONS,N ow York, to oritheoniiide wrapper, aold by Ji uggista throughout the:wend. Principal N0..13 Manor ht., Now York. Prise only 25 Conti nor , trilln. .0,-FOr 'Bale oa Phirrisbu.rg by P.. W. Grow 6, Do.; Ka 19 Market street, .1. Martin Lutz, No, IN litafMat Street, A; it. Keller, No. 81,• Market, strot, holaw tropetlk a ud o. w Mlles, 124 Markel stress. Dyspepsia Remedy DIL DMUS HAM'S AROMATIC INVIGORATINaspiatt . This Medicine has been used by . the public for six years, with increasing favor; It urecommended . to' Cure Dyspepsia, Nervousness, .11.erf-Burn ' Cotie Pains, Wind en lit blotnach, or: i - a risinthe Bowe. , Headache, Drowsiness, Aidney ann. plats/is; Low ispirits D tiriusi Tremens, Intemkra ce. 1: 6 / 1 11tillAnni, .11MelteRATze. S v 'arm, eez WILL NOT INTOSICATH OY O A S AMEDICINE it is quick nu offsctut• JCL al, curing nutmeat aggravating case o Dyspepsia, isieney Compiaints, and all other derange eat of tin dtemach and nowele, In a speedy manner. It will instantly revive' the most melacni ly one drooping spirits, and restore the weak, nerve - de e EIS, ly to health, strength and vigor. • Persons wife, from the injudicious usebr liquors, have become dejected, and their nervous systems shattered r,onstitutimus broken down, and subject to that horrich curse to humanity, the IntLlß.lnn ilitailala ' wilt, plena, immediately, feel the happy and healthy Invigorating Whatley of Dr. Dam's Invigorating . Spirit, WHAT IT W.LIAI, DO. Dear..--One wine gLase full as often as necessary One Sone will remove all Bad Spirits. Can dose will sure Heart-burn. • ..„ , ,Threo doses will cure Indigestion. Gne dose will give you a Good Appetite. EsunS dose will stop the distreising pains of Dysßepsis. Una does will remove the distrossleg and cligagreeahle effects of Wind or Flatulence, mid as seen tts the stomach receives the Invigorating Spirit, the distressing load ant. all painful lei:llB2gs will he removed. - • fine dose will remove the most distressing pains of either in the stomach or bowels. A law doses will remove all obstructions in their...hinny, Sladner or Urinary Organs. " Pei-sons who are seriously afflicted with any Kidney Complaints are assured speedy roller by a dole or two, end a radioed cure by the use of one or two bottlea. NIGHTLY DISSIPATION. • Parsons who, hem dissipating too much overnight, cad feel the evil ellectsrol poisonous liquors, in violent head aches; sickness st 'stomach, weakness, giddiness; Sic., will dud one nose will remove all bad Ladies or weak mad sickly eenstitutiens, should take ine Invigorating dptrit Guns times a day ; it will make Went itrOttg ; healthy' and happy, remove all obstructions and irregularities trot the menstrtuil organs; and nacre the bloom at health and beauty to the careworn lace. • During pregnancy It will bo found an inValusitile eine to remove disagreeable sensations at the risesach, All the proprietor asksa trial, and to induce this. ne has put up the invigorating Spirit in pint 'bottles, tit 60 cents, quarts $l. . General Depot, 48 Wars: street, N. P. Wholesale Agent; Philadelphia, ilk YGTf, Si CO. anc for sale in kiainSourig hy C. A. Baunvart, D. W. Gress St Co. and C. K. Keller, and by r.II Druggists everywhere FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, SERIES AND St.TICEN STYLES. 186 1 . PEUIADELPELIti'FASEabNB. GRANIT/LLE BTON.ES' ONE PRICE GIFT OLOTIIING . EMPORIU.NI No. 601.01(ESTNUI BTRBE2. A superb shack of 'fine French, thaglish and American OLOTE I / 4 cassmapag . . and VEKINEtt4 For City and Country trade, with an unapproachable as iertment et R 4417 MAIM Oinnurici at,tho lowest .cash prime Ear• -But ONE PRICE is Mired, and a GIFT . of use presented with each article sold. Yarn miar attention paid ,to the Customer depaxtment, and garments made andse n t to order to any address., is mange - luting this new system of doing business, OltiliN VII.' ir , 'S'i'OICES would impress on the minds or the patrons at his establishment, that, the cost of the gin is deducted from, and ism added le the price of the arti-, clo sold. His immensely increasing sales enabling Lac ID act thus liberally, and at the same Vine :to realize • remunerative profit. All articles guaranteed to.gtve entire satisfaction. CrRANVILTA STOKES' ONE PRICE CLOININGEMPORIIIIi 607 cErEsmnyr STREI.4I‘. • " octl94md—rdmaro-dif rril(11 COMMISSIONERS appointed undei the Act of lecerporauodof the any of Ilirris ars Laving made a plot or draft of said city, destgeatiag the .treeta, lanes, and aticye now exiatieg mud opeaiug„ and also:where avenues, streets, lanes dut alleys snail here. after be opened, and alio eesigenting 'within she of said eny a riot or piece of ground; containing not les. than twenty acres, lor the use of - Ills public and of Said city, tor the purposes and uses meouoaeLt la said act ; and having submitteli their Oral': anti report to the Court of Quarter seusious ; of ihtuplun county, tor the approval Of said Court ; the said draft- and report have been bleu by order of said Court in theulltee of the Clerk of Quar ter sessions of said county for public inspection , and Un less exceptiens are tiled thereto by pants:., interested tt, siticl.eity, the flame will be apprsved at the August term of said Court. By order of toe Court. try/-dtw : . Wit. itiTcHRTI , Clerk.- • SIN: Or THE • • • • • . • Glorious Star Spangled Banner ! NOTHER SUFPLY OF WALL PAPER, 4 [ll, BoliDati; ac. ' 6PIJOIDID. WINDUW BLINDs, to watch we call the odtontion of our friends, and cordially invite theatiiasamuit our goods and prices. iita are deterintgedlfo:inifsjinap, toted_ tne_plaoe. ..edIEFEER'S..II , 4OIi ' Nati 11114 Ukirrlatiurg kridge; AUGUSTINE L. envNE. CARrENTER °.s IPE itoith &Dna , H.13-4941Mitt ATTEMED TO dkreek _ P ennoatuCinict Zdelirapl), - e4uiff ban afternortii,- 2gif 186 E ittacc.›Nw, 7W a - LIFE PILLS AND PAR rriHESE MEDICINES' tot 'lltflibi+ be fore the public far aperitltterTgiftiornia, s bd during that time have matntaha It WO character like& most every part of the Globe, for , their„tixtra9rdlAary and immediate power of rester* pierfaet health 'to Per- Ma mitering under nearly evety.Abtafiercdtkeitire to. which the human frame is liable; The following are among the distressing tvariety of hu man diseases in which the ~ .11 L (k VEGETABLE • LIF bI Es,MEIMOINES. Aro *en known to be infalliec,"-• t; IP ISEPSIA, b' theroughlYbidatihigliteltat and nee nd stomachs, and creating a flow of pure healthy bile, instead of the Stale and acrid kind ,• F.LATII LNINCY, Loss of Appetite, Heratburn, Headache, Rest. lessees; 111,Temper, Anxiety, Languor and Melancholy, which are the general symptoms of Dyspepsia, will van ish, as a natural consequence of its cure. CosTIVENEss, by cleansing the whole length of the Intestines with a solvent process, and without Vio lence; all viotent purges leave the bowels costive within two days. F.EvERS of all kinds, by restoring the blood to a reviler circulation, through the process of respiration in 'Such cases, and the thorough potation of all Intestinal ob struetion in others. The LIKE hIEDICLNI;B have been known to curs RHEUMATISM permanently In three weeks and GOUT in half that time, by removing local inflammation fiem the muscles and ligaments of the joints. DROPSIES of all kinds,by_freeing and strengthen ing the kidneys and - bhaider , they Oneratemost delight fully on these important organs, and hence have ever been found a certain remedy' for the worst cases of GRAVEL Also WORMS, by dislodging - from the Writings 'et the bowels the slimy matter to which these creature* SCURVY % ULCERS, and INVETERATE SORES, by tne perfect purity which thole LIFE MEDI. O NES give to the blood, and all the Manors. SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD COMPLEX lONS, by their alterate effect upon the fluids that feed She :skin, and the morbid state of. which occasions all eruptive complaints, sallow, cloudy, and other disagree able complexions. . The use of these - Pilin Torii treiirshOrt time wt l effect an entire cure of. SALT. RHEUM, and-a striking im provement in the crearness of the skin.' COMMON COLDS and INFLUENZA will always be cured by one 'dose, or by two in the worst cases. IEIILLIS.—The original proprietor of thos° medicines, Wasicured of Film, of 35 years standing by the use of the LIFE MEDICINES alone. ..FEVER AND AGUE.—For this scourge of the Western country, these Medicines will be found a safe, 'speedy, and certain remedy. Other Medicines have the system subject to a return of the disease.--acure by these Medicines le permanent—TßY THEM, BE SaTISFIRD, AND BE CURED. _M -- LLIOUS SEVERS AND LIVER COIL PLAlNTS..Chteseat Thianunr,.l,oBB OP ANIMA, and TS or • FINALES—the Medicines - have been used with the most beneficial results in macs of this descrip tion—Rings Evil and Scrofula; in its worst forms, yields to the mild yet powerful action of these remarkable Medi -0314. Night Sweats, Nervous Debility, Nervous Com plaints of all kinds, Palp.tation of the Debility}, rs' Corte, are speedily cured. MERCURIAL 'DIRER SEE—person! whose conStitu ions have become impaired by.the injudicinue use bf Mercury, will find - these' Medicinee:a perfect care, as they never Sink) eradicate from the system, all the effects of Mercury, infinitely sooner than the most power ful preparations of Sarsaparilla. . • .. . . .. Prop tared and sold by ' W. B:MOFFAT, 836 Broadway, New York. ramie by all Drugs - Ma. - Iy2o-dawly . _ 1). - V-SP.VIPSIL4k4 •:: Liver dereiiaint Fairer anal, Ague L.- Tits eue - oes7sfer iti - ettnetloit• end tuie breed Bettie. ilyiiisibeen:the of compotintki eallecr"F,Bitterg," caged, In Fleerieili"' 101;1119, from g cplatt bottle to e'livetalkue bit this word l , Bitten?! itilnit ancilleriarpejfka 4irog,r,t; or . some 1 4 11latioria 'itackey raigtare. But theietilii , 464 relief ,Jeered Oteglthipstpintigf do% one talKeeriti4otsonr •- BotlavE -, Birraz - a, mid -the-entire -absence of after prostration, has-este, - Wished fork %reputation whiolt the,hcritof lmitatitaurc; and eountiartelte harcii!failad - bstinderzeinki, - tively a vegetable preparation, with barely Builkient pore spirits to preserve. It. -•. • .• • ' _ But one size : of tbs igesti:l4,o, MAU *Nat Bottles ' ) price ONE Douse, • et in a memcme of long-trledeaoy 4 7 . lbr tlie Blood, so essential fdr the fountlition pP good hoalth And. for correcting disoklera OW etenusatt'-• and . . _ . . . _ . & . Two or Ones doses will cons:loco thi Meted of its salutary effects. The stomach will speedily regain its stteagth t a healthy action of .0.• liver, bowel and, kidneys Will sood take place, 1124 raiewed /math be ti quick result. . c ~, ... , • Far nzDvansirzoN. Try Bcerhave's Holland:Bitters. For 71BARTBURN o rri ' Berhave's Holland Jitters. For ACIDITY, Try Bterhaves Holland Bitters. For WATERBRASIC, Try ` Beerhave's Holland litters. For ELTADACFCE, TI7 Ikerliave's Holland Bitters. For LOSS OF APIIDTTTE. Ti 7 Merhave% Holland)itters, For COSTIVENESS, Try- Borhavel IloHaltd_Bitters, PILES. Try In all Nervous, Rheumatic, and Murales Afft.a. eons, it has in numerous instances proved 1444 bimailcial, and in others effected a decided cum • : Read Carefully! • • •. 'The genuine, highly-ooncentrated Emma?* Her, LOD limns is put up in half-pint bottles only, and retailed at One Dollar per bottle. The great demand for this truly celebrated medicine has induced many imitations, which the- palls abnild guard - against pnrclxising. • •• Beware grimpesiffen thirsiiitieireile labei of every bottle you buy. Ben rage, CO. SOLE MANUFACTURER'S, _ , PITTSBURGH, PA. Fqr" ;salejn the:cll7lollHarrizb,rg ay D. W. oßoastit co. t 33130rd—pepl.d.tw1y • JEWELRY, WATCHES • CLOCKS FANCY GOODS, &C. • ALFRED F. ZIMMERMAN & NO. 52 MARKET STREET, Hariisburg, Pa., opposite Hinit's floret and adjoining the aliaoPELti Rom, having purchased the stock of •E, lending., and added a large assortment of NEW jEW . &JAY, we will sell the same at the lowest awh pram, and solicit patronage. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neatly and promptly ye paired and delivered. ALFRED F..EDIKERALAN k CO. Having disposed of my stock of Jewelry to A. F. Zim merman & Co., I cheerfully recommend them to m_y_ for mer. customers as practical and experienced Watch Wailers, and solicit for them a continuance of the patron. Age winch hie been sogonerously extendedlo me daring the last six years.. ' : !'• - . ' „lan29 aiNintitta • Of above we have all the chnOteht eisted packagee rom the HI rr to the iuttaim, la store *rid for sale at IN mat market rata; • . feble WM.:DOCK, Ja. ig 00. • ORANGES AND LEMONS.. ORTY BOXES in prime order Just'o. and for WO by WM. DOOR At• at co- SPERM CANDLES -• ••• - • A LARGIAMI IMIT swum ex AI WM. DOCK JIM& CNN ifitbital ... HO I *.tt i:: • Bcerhave's Rolland Bitters. N'UCISIME 3 SHAD, No. 1, SALMON, No. 1, HERRING, No. 1, COD FISH, No. 1, ' _MACKEREL, No. 1.- - irttbircti vathixat , lutts tiro; 'E. f 4/ ',. ifl .1: iXtrink ,:i' iCk;`,lll. l 4 l b'A.OAl s . a. • p.. flunElYi • '• tIERVOU'SREADAU.II-Et ;'P:l:t 7•TJ ~'i ,OFD- ;H~.A;DACHE~ ALL KINDS By . the use of these ; pills the perio,kio attacks of Ner vous or Rick Headache may prevented; Ind if taken a the :commencement or. an; uttack luirnetilataTellef Vona pain and eiekoese a ,y 7 obtoiaed. - - They teidotti fa) fa teem* g - Naissea and Head4hilio which ffgla.OeleTe: soB nnl e e L- . I: , They act gently 'spun' the boWels, removing Costiveness. )Cr Uterarylied; Radiate; Delicate remake, ind sit zztf Sedehr 44m, ,9ytr Toni let E a.nPronu ine : l l ghn : , v 0 to the digeetiVe Organs,: and:restoririg the natural 'elasti , oity!and strength to the w nobs : system. • Tbd agiVAimy Fria : A are the gallon and c 'Ninny eenducted . eirperlinent!, hayi n g helm lan:win '4144 Pugs; during which time they nave pire• ventedsand:relteVeT a peat Lainotint Of nateand suffering • from Headache, whether originating in the neryons Fyn teM or from a deranged state of the stomach. ' They Br9,PAtirett..7ege!ahi9An - theh':compositton,'and They be taken at all times with perfect safety without making ishithge diblrititdtlis absence , greeibie taste renders it easy teadesinister-them to children • _ BEWARE OW 0017NTERIPETV...f''' rtsi genuine 'niseiliva elgrigiiiies &Miry Oi . 13 on each 1? - • Bold by' drigglets and all - other dealers in taidleit(es. A Bon yid be Bent prepaid on reent)t, of the :mai{ TwhirlTY-Irtvx , maim: All orders should be addressed . . HERBY C. 48 Cedar Streei, New YorC TRH FOLLQW,Dia ENDQRSEPONTO .10 p n! p:A:'4: - :41' i i.N.'...q!!:..',..'. ct.T.n.:AL.ib..:.p:l.Lts WILL Mgt:INCH ALL Wklo SUB HEADA_CHE, THAT A SPEEDY AND SURE CURE IS •WITHIN THEIR .11EACH. AU there Yestinsortiats were an-nisei/a/ by.Mr..SPALD OG, they affand unquestionable proof of the gift envof thin truty - .4•Wirte discovery. • Masosvuta, Cotin.,Feb. 6,1861. PALM% ir I have tried your Cephalic Pills, and /ifise them . so mil :that' want'you to send me two dollars worth more. Part. of these are for the neighbors, to Isrbora i gave a few oat of the first box I got from you. ~44 1 3 end the Pills by mail, and oblige Your ob't. servant, ' JAMES KENNEDY. " RAVilandill, Pa., Feb. B,IBBL Na. &AIMS% slr I tallith you to send me one more pox Of your Cephalic Pills, luteerectived a great deal of boefit from Owns. Yours, respectfully, arauus 01/1301 .:1-" , Th Y ll " ntiu N gd7::: ll ., ° P lj a B : 2 ): January 18,1861, H4O. &ammo, ! • . . • - • YOu will 'please sent me two boxes of . your Capita° Send them intiediatoly.. IteSpeotrillly,yoUrs, /NO. B. BitiONS. S.—II/aye used one box of your rills and And Meat excellent. Scan Piano; Ohio, Jan. 15, 1861. MAY C. EtEadiDiNa 4 EN.: ' • Piease 'kid etiolated twenty-Svs cents, for which Bend ms another box of year Cephalic Pills. They' are truly the but I ',nails ever grid. Direct A. STOVER, P. M., Bello Tarpon, Wyandot. Co., O; BsOak.; Meas., Deo. 11, 1850. C. Ersiatio, req. I Fish for some trotters or large enow bills, to bring your Cephalic Tiihr more particularly before my custo mers. you lave anything of the kind, please send to One of my cuistamers, who 10 subjeot to severe Sot Headache, (usually hutting two davi t ) was cured of an attack ha ono hour by your PM, which' I seat hor. Respectfully yours, W. R. wii itnitroLlannino, Franklin 00., Ohio, January 0,1881. grin 0. Branum, ,No. 48 cedar St., N. Y. Dear Mr *closed find twenty-hire cants, Oa) . for whinti Bend bow of "Cephalic Pills' *Sand to att...r ame uf Rev. Wm. O. Stier, Reynoldsburg, Franklin county, Ohio. Your /Ilia work like charm—core .guidoeh s &mod imiantor. Truly yours nwER. Viarrai, Mich , Jan. 14,1861, EIPALISMI, Not long lime I sent to you fora box of Cephalic Ms for the sure of the Nervous Headache and Costive nese anctreceived the sinks, and they had so good as VIM that Issas induced to sarsd for more. Please sand by return mall. Direct to A. E. WHIMS, Ypsilanti, Mob. „ , , [From the Examiner, Norfolk, Va.] 4:aphelia Pills accomplish the 'object for winoh thei Weis made, via : Cure of headache he all its forms. [Prom the Examiner,. Norfolk, Va.] They have been toted in more . than a tlionsand eases, with entire success. ![From the Demootat, St. Cloud, Elm.] ityou are, or have been troubled with the headache, send for a box, (Cephalic Pipe,) so that you may have tux in case of an attack. • [From the Advertiser. Frovtdeues, R. L) Ville Ceibalio Pills are said to be a remarkably 'effect 'hre remedy for the headache, and one of the very best tbi 'that very frequent complaint which has ever been din:levered. [Prom the Western R. R. Gascite, Chicago, M.] We heartily endorse Mr. Spalding, and his unrivalled Cepludic IFrow. the Kanawha. Valley Star, Sittawba, Va.] We are sure that persona suffering with tha headache, who try them, will ado to_them. 47* stogie bottle of SPALDING% PREPARED GLUE Will save tea times its c. 9 4 a4nuallymig SPALDING'S PREPARED - GLUE! t3RAIDINGIS PAEPiRED' GLUE I SPALDING'S. PREPARED GLUE I SAVE THE PM= I • • ECONOMY I DISPATCH I Afir ,, A emu m mu emujau.ol..eir acaidengs WI happen, even in teen-regulated famines hire very desirable to have sow) cheap and convenient Way Mr repairing FarnitM'eefoys;'Cliockery au). 13PALD11311ritatrAixii'filitt -• •• . mom all nob exaergesele and no hooseholdtaa afford to he without it. It it alui aye ready lad up to the 'dick. .auauvik . .lx lIVITaY .110IISN." • • • • N. B.—A Brash accompiknies each bottle. Prioe2ll de. a mmo . • RENItY 0. SPALDING, .No. 48 Cedar. street, New York. CAUTION, - __do ce r tain unprineiphed pereaneare attempting-to palm off on the unseepeAus Public s imitations e t Tay. 1 1, 88 ; PANED OWN; I weelit ceethet to , examine wore puroiaitng, Wed • that the 1 (eI; ; a9eNeALUING'.II PREPAWFDAIRE.,jek,.;,_• • on th e Meade wrappeTish others aretieNtilliit Aar. GAUL nel64eWlrydrelitil Lints P.t . ,,Xr4141-$0 J4cinspiirtati,ou = ~~:,~ , NEW A LINE HRH THREE TRAINS 'DAILY TO NEW YORK. TWO TEAMS DAILY TO PHILADELPHIA WELKOLT CHANGE OF CARS. •• N-AND:A.FT.Vat' :MONDAY, JUNE 10,0 1861, the Passenger Trains will-leave the Philadel phia anu Reading Railroad Depo‘atharrlsburg, for Now _York and Philatielphls, as follows; viz EASTWARD. - ii ; EXPRESSIANEIearei Flarrlabtirg it 930; eta ar rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Repress. Train from, the West, arriving in Nevi .Railroad 4 p. m. A sleeping car is attached to the train through from Pittsburg without" change. MAIL TRAIN leaies HarrisbUrrat 8 ai rit:i arriving Note York At 44r. m.and Philadelphia at 1.25 - p. - • FAST LINE leaves harrisborg at 1.40 p. m,, on arrival orPerinsaleaula Railroad Fast Mail,'arriving to NeW' York at 9.45 p. m., and Philadelphia* . 6.t0.p. m. WESTWARD. . •, FAST LINE leaves New Yore. are;'ind'Philadel phis: at.B a. 38., arriving at Harrisburg p. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 19.00' rim); and Phll adelPhia at 3. 15 p. m., arriving itt Barrisbarg at 8 - p.m. EXPRESS' LINE leaves New. York at 8 p. m., arri ving at Hanisburg nr.; rind connecting with the Pennsylvania Express; Train for pittstoirg. A-sleeping • car is also attached to - tnis ajmientkiiiit are made at Ilarrlirburg Withlrainictiti , the Pennsylvania, Northern Central and cemeerlana Vailv Railroads; and at Reading for Philadelphia; Pett 3 Vlner Williesbarre; Allentown, Easton,' to. ... .• - . • • Baggage checked through. Fare betw.ean New York. and 'Harrisburg, $6 OD ;' hetweenAirrlshurg and Ph Oa- - delphia, $3 26 in No. 1 care; and ES' 7.0 2, • - bor tiaras or other information apply to - J. J. CLYDE; inyls Generil - Agent, Harrisba.rg, PENN.Syk.VAiNjki:ll)O.ll‘O44)l - ZlThrhillfft TIRE-T/03LE; FIVE TRAINS . OAiLY AND FROM PHILADELPHIA MONDAY; • JUNE •10thi,1864 . . pumen!ger trains of the Perulaylifants' zinrcid Qom= patty wi l depart front :Led arrive iit Entrieberg— lid}adelptda ae follows • 7 EASTWARD. Aka?' uNg liana Etarilaburi every zaTnig iszcitja lifoiaLay) a. guld, arrivas at 'West Madelphis TBROWS =MN TRAIN leaves. Hapisbuzg, at 9,20 a. 'm, arilves. at 19ast,' Philadelphia 'at .1.10 RAIL TRAIN- 'elms Harrisburg daily '(egappt,. Rua. dayi)'Al RITMO at West at 10.15 . p. m Ti2ese trains rapicepitilr ctßiticiagoil at Filli44eiPhia with ' • aoilfew York 'tines: ACOMMODATION'TKAIN;'-No. via - filount JOy, letaireg 4arrlsburg m., PAM!". st. , WAt YlaMidelpMa. at 12;(10 'noon. , ItAIIiWBUREPAIXOI,IIIODeIQN TRAIEI4, - ila Vaunt leaves liarrieltarg at 1.10 st.'in;; and airliesat West. Phinteeiplua ai . . _ ilboo,4llollEl l io'ON hc "via !lentil: rot; leavokv flarrisburg- at 615 m.; conaicting at: Diller: ville.with MAIL 3.ILtIN, and griv West, Plalladel. phis at 10.15 p: ]dl-:. • • • • , . Tafiorpfla 'EXPRESS TRAIN leave,s Philadelptila- at 10403 - p . in:, Efartiabirg at 245 in.,* Altoona 7.Z0, a. mdturiven akllttsburg at .4.00 noon -, KUL TRAIN leaves fhiLsdelphis, Sit 7.80 a. in., Hivrissurg . 100 V. Altookaki Bbo p. - tn., arrtysi at 14ullsurg at 12 , 0 0 11 /444 1 :: : • FAST LINII leaves Philadelphia:at 11.20 a, nt., - Ibtris. burg 3.85 p. m., Altoona 8.10 p. m., titidtarrhees• at Pitts burg at 11.30 a. in. .ACCOIdadoDATIONL:- . 04114' tortoil Philadetona at 2.30 41•Lattqaater 6.08 111 p.. 4 Pak amnia 4:46 p. tii.;itiattOritilis at Ilarrisbnrg at 8.05 p. m. Tlal3 Train! connects: at Itarrisburg., , at 5105 twill/eta central ttailroad Thou tor . Slittbury, pot%Lock liiirei:Oarantein and altpcduta 'North. =' ACCOIiktOriATIONTRAINi leav•ioTtilladelpfili'alt.oo 2 p. b 3., losnoaster 7,.60 p. in., Mount Joy 13.21 p..m,, El!za betotoWn, 8.47 p. and arriVon Harrisburg al Attention is sailed to the foot, titet oneeengen ima-fiss Philadelphia at .1.00 p. m y connect at Liu:wastes with MOUNT -JOY 4.CCOMMODATIONiIIAIN,. Irma SAIICTA Supt. East.'Dit: R,itroad. . Select SCItO:018 #4Y - -13,00 . 'and _rle - . : P'ti.O.NlL` Auk) y 7 . 11-161aP teruvot RUBERTIVELWg.inS :Coot tor Loy4.will open on 043 l ast Monday August.- fUellfl we. l l -- Velatitathieti ogritiortably • fur maned, tuia in every reApaCt. 0441 . 1e41. Tor .:School purpo,see, - WELWEFAS Sehool 'Mit girls, loostar. the same balleinsl. will open for the Fall term m the slime time: ••'The rOkan been elegutly - Iltted up - during - the veeetion; to, promote the headoke,hd comfort oreeliolum Jaol-cttf CITY LIVERY STABIiES: 214.4.001LR1CY -LUBA. 01: . • ,HE.1(.#24 .12941;1....; . • . : li i E undersign - 6d has re:ociianiiiked . livery busineis• In' ids' 101 W -and SPACIOCF3^STX 111,10 locatfollas abOV 4 .04-Mrithil., , laigeanct Titled Atobk 11.01ta1i . 3, CARRIAGES 011pj.pifJ§ES t which :he hire at inoidOrail Alai.' • • • -= F. 94;HWAITZ. - . elap2B.4ly . - • : • . - ' LIQUORS :TAT: = IClATlNG,tonetilded toAisCouttirmythe buipc42,Yire-atrer, olgAarke , and complete amorte, mentbt b7relirl 441taritt iddika ors arof - eat actiption at cO4 - intll2lls6so--;.., WM. DOCK JS. a co, Maas. tas cifqat, arana ON ANDiimut w to fili.otellantons ) , ORDERS NO. 2i, MILD QUAILT42I3 11. V. COI" - }- Heamsausa, June 5, 1861. 1. A Department of Ordnance and a Depart ment of- Transportation and,Telegraph,wlll: be , esthblisiltd at"these Head quitrieri. - will bays charge of - the Ordnance. Department,,a ? d Lieut. Cot. John A: - Wright ... will In like manlier have ohargelicif "Trainstortation and Telsieraph Department., _ . The c hief ' iief of the didninimll3VartMent l willireceivhandinceipt - foi ,orde auc e 6 , 4 4 • .Ordnance stores required for, this, corps. It will be his duty to see that all Btat• property placed .Under, his .charge and..appertaining to his:Department is preserved fri condition fit for service: ' He will issue the same only on regal sithms countersigned by the Commanding Gen eral ; and he will perform such other duties as - may be assigned him in connection with the Ordnance Department. IV. 'At Lient. Col. Jnbn A.. Wriht,. Chief of the Transportation and -Telegrap h Depart ment, is. committed al;-arrangements and. COP treats with Bailtoud'nh f Telegtapl( companies. HAMM have prepared all neuessary forms, and make sucti arrangements wifh the different Trarespertation and .Telegraph companies, as will secure a regular and correct settlement of their accounts, and deitie. - -mind prescribe all regulations requisite to give of idency to the business of the Department. .. .V. All orders - for'thettensportaften of troops, will bealgried by the Gourmanding General. The order cdthe officer in charge of this Department, together with the certitude Of the officer , coudnand of the troops, that the service has been performed; will "be "the"proper ' vouchers for the settlement of the account; and all passes to individuals, will be signed by General McCall .or lieutenant Colonel Wright. ;VI The Chief, of Ordnance, .9muter blaster General ancigommissary.(ileneuti isre„anthorls ed ? to ' Mahe 'reqUisitions for trinispettatlon of freight oirer-the relict:Weer' the State, by form ` the:Chief of the :Transportation And Telegraph Department., Onch reltaisitiens, with - certificate of service performed annexed, will he considered a sufficient voucher in the settlement of accounts. _ TH. .All bile: or aicOunta or - service- perform ed by railroad or_ telegraph. :companies wilt be forwarded to. the Chief, of the Department of TrinfiportatiOn and Telegraph monthly, and Must navel's apPriiVal beforethey are paid. 13y. order of • • • • GEORGE A. AL/CALL. thonny A. Smarm, Captain and Aid-de-Camp. je6-dtf GENERAL ORDEI3,S, NO. 12. Hain Quarrime, - P. N. fr • • Ikerris6urg,..ll4 19,1861. f • Major General George A..M'call is assigned to, the command of all ; the military forces of Pennsylvania, raised or to be raised under the provisions of - an Act of the General Assembly ofthe Commonwealth .of Pennsylvania, enti tled " an Act to create a loan, and to provide for ;the arming of the State." - - He will, without delay, proceed 0. organise the' e forces, acr.prdirk , to_ the provisions of Said Act, and to seiect convenient_ locations for suitable encamping potuids, - for tho lastractksi of, the tioope. • - • By order: of the,Command_er-in-Chief,_ , " JCifiN A. W,EIGI3I' Aid-de-camp ST. LOII/EIHCITEL, - OARSTNUT: I -84- AB 0 FIE THERA - • " .P.IIIiSIYALPHIA - - TN tfie -insinvitd4te nej orb, - tie Jobliter Hoene qui' *Arita, 414rit: led liaettesit arrow, the, Hants Poet thdre,,4erchantil illschaase vim dIJIMBiedIi..4I II LjEKIROP/C.411. "Air. Bopo PERD4Y-.t, ••-• • • 51.60. 'Antler ietereien'i 'Bid 1)6 041. See* room from 60 muds upward. d drat class Restaurant attached: - Phase Ciao:Whig to Bills of FRO. • Waxy Bitettertv'or - close kt e tee 890 31 . - 4 4 .2110 " 44 4 11 )11 4 h 174 . 7 W:01:44/ 6 • STON.E4O/t BALE' : .in I nIiANG :• '&OX.E -1 6k -: St01211' 'll%dtitea jurlor delivered Ati , arg/ Dotal. er:t1110401: ' " APPI7is - - cdarliir'• • • ' IVIIU-430 GERM. tatturic _ wHEELEgit .. . „ LA . S _ L , eH I Et. NEW -IMPROVEMENTS AT. REDUCED PRICES.- - ArICIEEE WEEERT,E4,&;WILZONAEIaufati-; t -haring Company nwring ; gained ma their euitekni: 11W, with infritivig manuracturore or SeWing bricinnia, , prqmengthre the , gablie - ahOuld:tie lienegiled thereby, . and have accordingly, reduced the: es ofrasir dewing After Min etiti3 Iberian be it 'rata that .wilipay fair prolikon the coat el ninargb,cture, capital kited, and avenue( mien% !Wee seek prices - Ira! enable Minx in mann trat 'chili luicidneg, end, an " heretofore, guarantee them knavery particular. -AirmoOrdalloe with , the annoenoement above I. .u'lU Boll; their ripinidieSsWhig Miohinee at - prlinw Mini - 146 to UAW theilherelk,rirdie PlePhilitew.: it*l:Well meeko• ibibedfant that the .74r heelef4 NV ll o.o . oos r lng Machina,. th a ne - 111Am ma rt . etohe beet made, moat settle an least tV 'Ott but o f ordir, aid they Oil , OOW as. for as :lnferior MaiOhinea." Ca and sae - - Weal Third and Market. W. 0. HICEOL, Agent •__ wg. _atria mow Gum TRAThLING AGENT OF OLI) TITIOWER I LINE. TIETtRANSPORTATION LINE' - ; ie atilila sueceseul opernitioitactimitOiaid kiearry .Iteklat LOW - as ear o th er: Indivntial 41,4 be :betwass , PtiOadelptilkHarbibti . ri, Sinibiar44idsliurg, wiajanw pert Seraey %ion), Lock likseni -, and ihir whits , on Ow Notthern Centra=p4larana Brie,- and Wl.lllazio . Alpgo.l4t HasTieburg, . D, lowan . . -Goods gait 10,PELOXIE,ISLLA EUNCEIXAN,:Nos. SOB 'BOOKS Madeketstreat, Ocve,ll4bUi p by 4 o'clock, Y. 11., SEIII. stritve; it roildr tor dellotry. Me next . - • C.. J. aktirgigal, - Traveling Agent. . , . • _ TIMPTY.: .BARRELB.--Two Hividred ,A2a Jimpty Flour, 614111 t and What Barrels of AIL dir adriptiona A.1141.11'161%1. • WALI,OWEE'S LINE, •• WILT. WW,trai HARRISBURG and .1" HILADELPHIL. Win:' E. Burk, 44ent, 812 Markel skid, Z'hitadaf. phicr, formerly .tivimplon de Co. ,Ciridoctiir in charge of each hjuitnt. (leads delivered atthe - Wartininue; phia, 1t434 o'eloner. EL, wit{ be deb sawed. W Hxreis , burg next morn/rig. J. WALLOWER, JP., Agent, nt,2l-iitt JOifioe-Fteatti .1:10ppot. aurrlubur.. ... • . Extra aagir :ca re d a l ms juin recolved. - by WM. ROCK JR: ar CD. iOP 11:138T - GLASS OROOEEIES I VAL! 11TAVIND: JUST :RETURNED from Iho 11 -autism cities ; tracts , Lace :WNW with , Os simmer &tie - large complitif Waimea se= Pericricodur wigal.Sultirsori airitabsi - kesik: ttatk city grocerish we respectfully nt cordially ;wits the pablio to caa end examine ear imam'ottt rams. teal. MG PQ " k CO. Wit..DOCK a. k CO: