THE-TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, By GEORGE T3ERGNER. Stramothiilin pmvi Tu.atitira is served to subscribers in the tior •uff,h CCHIEI per week. Yearly subscribers .4 in 1 - ; eta' go.i3 • •-•sLv Sikt-Wssitir TnintotArn. , . , . 11: :''s touro 14 also, palklished ,twtoo a week durlog :",!. , ,',1' , 1)11 GI Llici - ttgialtitaie; iha*tbskr z . #4ri.ta g the re „,,,,,,50, tai the year, and fatioiahed to iiibstrvgekslat t.ra• 'olio oslog :"atea, viz :•: .;•:‘• • '....:: ;:'..- ••• :71 ~...-. i . im - gal 13uhoerib FO' poi Irearwki .761.: - ‘...„:. . :-.„11:2.00 ~CPOS TIM UN OP =imams suirzaribers order the discontlatutnee or their news- firers, the publisher may Continue to send them until arraarages areTaid, • • • • , If s:ibscribers negleo or nifise_to tslre their liewllil• vcrs from the office to,*hlah they:nre directed, they sre respou , ible until titay.harnett ed -tbn blll2 and ordered h em diquontinued ; • • ' filisittiancons. D R'.,;-: JQHNSON . . LOCK HOSPIT/IL A a 1 n 3 .1 d e i ff B e e c ra r r : d i sie d 1 l y the B t world er t faoirn speedy DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. =IRE IN ELI TO TWELVE 80171.8, . . No Mercury or Noxious Drugs. d CURS WARRANTED, OZ NO OiARGE, IN IRON ONE TO Two Days.sls Weakness of the Bank or Limbs, Strictures, Pains in the LtAns, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic Weakness, Nervous Debility, Decay of the Physics Pow ers, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of dews, nation of the Heart, Timidity, Trembling!, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Stomach, Affections of the Bead, Throat, Nese or Skin—those terrible dfser dars arising from the indiscretion or Solitary Habits ca Youth—those dreadful and destructive practises which produce constitutional debility, render marriage iinpar--. stble, end destroy both body and mind. • YOITNG MEN. Voung men especially who have become the victims of solitary Vice,.thai dreadful and destructive habit Which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men Of the most exalted talent and brilliant intel lect, who might otherwise have entranced' liStening Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to =- May the living lyre, may call with full confidence. • MARRIAGE.; Married persons . , or thoso contemplating marriage, be lag aware of physical weakness, should ImmedialAyeen salt Dr. J., and be mitered to perfect health. ORGANIC, WEABNSE•7 Immediately cured and full vigor restored. He who places, himself under the care of Dr. J., may religiously conade in his honor as a gentleman, and eon,' fidently rely upon his skill as a physician. • Sirollice No. 7 South Frederick street, , Baltimore, hid., on the left hand side going from Baltimore street, 7 doors from the corner. , Be par tieular in observing the name or number, or you will mistake the place. Beliar- Bonier for Ignorant, Trilling Quacks, with false names, or Paltry Humbug Certificates, attracted by the reputa. tion or Dr. Johnson, lurk near. - All letters must contains Postage Stamp, to use on the DR. JOHNSTON Dr. Johnson member of the Royal Deliege of Burgeons, London, graduate from one of the most eminent CoUrges of the United States, and the greatest part of whose life has been spent in the Hospitals of London, Paris; Phila delphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most as. tondstrnig cures that were ever known. litany troubled with ringing in the ears and head when asleep, great ner vousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derange. Moat of mind were cured Immediately, .. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE Dr. J. addresses all these who having injured them selves by private and qmproper lxidulgencies, that secret' and do tart' habit which ruins both body and 'Mud, un-' fitting them for either business or society. ; The:— are some of the sad and melancholy ell.-cts pro duced by early habits of youth, via : Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains .the Head, Dimness of Loss of Muscular PoWer, ?limitation of the Heart, Dys pepsia, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive Functions, General Debili y, symptoms of Consump. ton, tas. MENTILLY4 ailsviux, the fearful effects on the mind sre much to be dreaded :—Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, De. prossion of Ppirim, Evil Forebodinga Aversion toSocle ty, Self:distrust, Love of solitude, Tlmldity, are., are some of the evil effects._ • . . Thousands of persons of all ages, can now Mdge what Is the cause of their decline In health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, have a ningular appearance about the eyes, cough, and spiv ms of consumption. YOUNG MEN who have injured thereselven by a .certain practice, in dolyed to when alone—a habit frequently , learned from evil zompaniews, or at school, the iefteete .of which are hightty felt, even when asleep, waif nototred, renders marriage impossible, and destroys both nand and body, ebonld apply immediately. What a pity that a-young man, the hopes of his IOU& try, the darling of his parents, should be snatched trom all prospects and enjoyments of life by the consequences of deviating from the path of nature f and indulging in a certain escret habit. 2u Mpersons must, before cente.m plating iLARRJAGE, effect that a sound mind antibody are;the most um:4mq requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed without these the journey through life beoomee a weary pilgrimage; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and flßed with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be e-clues blighted with our own. DR. JOHNSON'S INVIGORATING - RICAMIr.FOR OR, ciANIC WEANN3I4O. By this great and Important remedy, Weakness of t). Organs are speedily cured, and full vigor restored. Phousands of the most nervous and debilitated whs_ had lost all hope, have been -immediately relieved. All impediments to Marriage, Physical or Mental Disqualid cation, Nervous, Trembling, WeaXrussa or Exhalation or the most fearful kinq, speedily aured.. " : TO STIUNGEBS The many thousands cured at this Instil:aim within Um last twelve years, and the numerous important Surgical operations porfornied by Dr. J., witnessed by the re. porters of the papers;anid many other persons, notices of which havo appeared again and again before the public, betides Ms standing as a geademan or character and re- • sprmaibility, Ls a suiliclerit gnarantee to th e &abated. . . DISZASiitt .OF IMP_RUDENCIW.—;When- the misguided and Imprudent votary of pleasure finds be has imbibed the seeds of this-pa/Mal disease, it too often happens that a n ill.tbied sense of shame or dread of discovery deters him from aPplyleg to these who, from education and re. speetability can atone befriend him, delaying till the con • stitutioind symptoms or this-horrid disease makmthelr appearance, affecting the head, .throat, nose; skin, sm., rmurmsing on with frightful rapidity, .till death puts a erlod to ills dreadful sufferings by sending him,to_utnat ne from umence ad traveler 'returns:" It is a mel ancholy fact that thousands fall victims to this terrible disease, owing to the unskilfulness of Ignorant pretend ers, who, by the use or that deadly poison, mercury; ruin the Constitution and make the residue of the miserable. To Snunctaa.—The Dealer's Diploma bang In hit agice. jaarLetters must contain a Stamp tons on the reply, rnemedies sent by Mail. grNo. 7 South Frederick street, 1861. 38 OPENING, a OPENING 1861. SUMMER DRESS GOODS OF 11111;11' plscuurylos The quality of the goods for the prise will be au Judaea• 'sent to every one to purchase. The most desirable goods of the ME% at tt greet sea rltlce. . MOZAMBIQUE.% GRIbSALIAS, YALENCIAS, CREPE D'ESPANGS, BEIIEGE ANGLAIS BROCADE POPLINS, NEAPOLITANS. LAWNS and LAVEI- are among the lls r CATHCART k BROTHER. Neat door to the Harrisburg Bank. SKELETON SKIRTS: The largest stool: of the very toast make to be found CATHCART IS, Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. Parasols, Sun Umbrellas and Umbrellas Tye:Ay-Aye per cect lower than can be purchased Isowitcro la the city. - . - L CATROART &BROTHER. - N 0.14, Market, Square, 414 to thilliluitilaurg Rai*, 1:13 ,•: ...... .... ... ..-... ...:- ... .. ..• .. .. ..... _..,..,: ,-•-, . - . . .-- -- .- 1 ... :.. . --- - .... .. -. .. . .....1 - • - ----- - -------• ---- -----` . ' --- "77 - '-'`" ... .±.. ... ... . . . .... I Irt9 / . __. . • - ,',..,:, , - D • ....... -. VW , '°'-- •• - t - • - - . . . . : , a .... it te . t .:•... ....:. ~.„.: ,L..,..c.:.;; _.: Tr, ~ :. mi•prs:-..-----7-t---;., ,„--,.,..::_.J.„:.:-'..:...,.:, .:.:. .:. .... .... ... . .....! ..„,. . .... , ....„,:: • ~,...,'.,..,:,,.. ~,.:, i E . 7, - , 1 -„ 0 -s j --1 ` , z,a): ,-,..4_.,7:- .. .. - --;.._-4 , _. - __'-, ~, ••• , -,.-. - -• • 7 - -- , . , -- .... , 12:00. vot. xv. ilk - ill;- . i . liiiia-:$ olla. . --%_,z,-..•- , _, - 7 - =_=- - .--..., 0 , - -- - - .., , - -7 :----- 7 11160 -iii. , ---;- ..1. • • num ~I ti sr igt* —, i .-..:,\ 4!...ta D• W. GROSS & CO, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, MARKET STRFFiT: ILARRISBURG, Pk NA' A DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIAN , STORE. KEEPERS AND. CONSUMERS, We are daily ad din to our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would respect fully call your attention to the largest and best selected stook in this city, of DRUGS, PR - EIiIICALS & PAINTS, 011 s, Varnishes and Glues, DyeAtittrs, Glass and Putty, Burning Fluid and Alcohol; Sperni and Pine Oils, Bottle ;Vials-and Lamp Globes,, PERFUMERY & TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the best-manufictureni and Per fmners of Europe and this country. Being very large dealers in PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, TARNISHES, ARTISTS BRUSHES IN ALL TIMER VABIETIES,I Vi 5 att :'D e: Ra 27 ,9) , i..... - :H.T4.. -4"..-: - - ,4,„4.-.., . . 1 P P ' '' :" DRLic.- 13m. 3 TV 9 0 Q: 4t4 R R.,3-,_'_-..., We xespectfullpifivite a call, feelingiconfi- dent that we can supply the wants of all on terms to. their satisfaction. TEETH I TEETH 1 ! JONE'S Aim - WHITE'S PORCTILLAIN TEM.II. PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR RESTORATIVES Of all klndi, direct from the Froprietore. Saponifier and " Concentrated Lye WhOlesale Agents for Saponifier, which we sell an low na it can be purchased in the cities.. THAITER'S 'MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS, COAL OIL! CARBON OM! ! Being large purchasers in these 01ls, we can offer, inducements to close buyers. Coal 011 Lamps of the most improved ,patterns, very . cheap. All kinds of limps chfuiged to burn FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, . . Those of you who have not given our HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS a trial know not their stiperiority, and the advantage they are in keeping . Horses and Cattle healthy and in good condition. Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived from,the use of .onr Cattle Powders by the increasing quantity and quality Of milk, berddesimprovirei tie general health and ap pearance of their Cattle. Our lung experience in the business gives us the advantage of .a thorough knowledge of the trade r and oar arrangements in the cities are such that we am in a very short time furnish anything ourbusiness, on the best of terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed on our house, we hope by strict attention to businees, A careful of • . PURE 'DRUGS, at fair prices, and the desire to please all, to merit a continuance of the fqyors of el:dis9rigg - Pub_lo; -• . ••••• , •• • "'INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN NONE." NO' 19 Artist Colon and Tools, Puke Ground Spices, Caittla Soaps, Sponges and Corks, &c., &c., &C., &c., &c., &c., dcc With a general variety of WINDOW WAS& ARTIST'S , COLORS, i'Auir 2a4D- COLORS .AND BRONZES OF ALL KINDS, HARRISBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 26, 1861. Arm Zbuertistmtnts. PEIPHER'S DAILY LINE • • Between Philadelphia LOON HAVEN, JERSEY Enna; WILLISKSPONZ, ZINO; UNIONTOWN, WATSONTOWN„ MILTON, LSWICSORO, NORTITURBERIANIi, SUNBURY, TREVORTON, . Gkonentrows, LYEEENETOWN, MILLERS- • . alma Rama DAUPHIN, . AN - D HARRISBURG. • The Philadelphia Depot being centrally located the Drayage will be at the lowest rates. A Conductor goes through with each train to attend to the safe delivery of all goods entrusted to the line. Goodi delivered at the Depot of FREED, WARD & FREED, No, 811 Market Steet, Phila delphia, by 6 o'clock P. M, will be delivered In Harrisburg the next morning. Freight (always) as low as by any other line. Particular attention paid by this line to prompt and speedy delivery of all Harrisburg woods. The un dersigned thankful for past patronage hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continuanoe of the 'same. T. PEIP/EIER, Philadelphia and Reading Depot, jel7-dAut Feet of Market Street, Harrisburg. • FOR RENT. THE ROOMS now occupied by the Post Possassion given on the arst of July: En- Alike of jelBdtf GEORGE W. PORTER. JUST PUBLISHED A MANUAL MILITARY SURGERY OR, HINTS ON ME EXERGENOIES) Field, Oamp,r,and Hospital Praotioe. S. D. GROSS, D PROPIMOR Or 81711131XiCY lIP THE .1111F7ERSON;XEDICALVOLLIIIM For sale at BERBNER'SCREAP BOOKSTORE FREIGHT REDUCED. HOWARD dr HOPE EXPRESS CO. Short and Quick Route to and from NEW YORK GOODS ORDERED IN TH.III MORNING RE TURNED THE SADIE NIGHT. Leave New York at 7,Y, P. M , by Fast Through Ez press Train, arriving in Harrieburg at 8 A. M., WITHOVI CHANGE OF Order Goode, marked via. HOPE EXPRESS CO., G e neral oilne l at Broadway, Ntiw - -Drw:al For lumbar information inquire of , myl6 BERGNE ant JUST REGE" ANOTHER, 1:0 • T'OF tHOSE. • EXTRA • -FINE • POINTED • Gmaitlxquoiv . oF NEWTON'S (formerly Bagley's) manufacture, warranted to be the best he water*, the finest pointed, most duralile and FM cheap as any n market, fOr sale, with a variety of Gold _ ` and Silver Galen oY variant: sizes and prlceif, MAGNER'S CAW 4.0 BoogspoßE, irnrket WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS - HOTEL, CARLISLE, Cumberland County, Pa.-;•The pro prietors take pleasure in announcing that they are now prepared to receive visitors. Persons desiring a healthy location for the summer will find this boo of tile . most de lightful places in the country, The water of these springs cannot be surpassed for &lazing, bathing and medicinal purpose% Nar iiifer*ation..and eiruciame address - ' "WM. 11: BURROUGILs, ! • D. C. BURNETT, • jels 2m DRENCH MUSTARD, - -English and do =Bac Pickles, (by the dozen or hundred,). slips for salad 011 , Ketehdp, Satiae.s and Condiments of every es.:ription my 24 Wit. DOOK. & CO, - - -FRESH -121111 OF every 4leeoription in cane and Jere, , eachpackage. Nyarianted• • naar4 WM. DOCK JR. & 00. . A _CHANCE FOR A BARGAIN. M O close up the concern the entire Mock of SHOES, Boors, &0., late. of Oliver Bell man, deiceased,in the rooms In the Market Egnare, .Will be sold - at viivata sale at COST;-and the ioomm will be rented to the purcheser if desired:,. The terms wi l be made easy. jen.dtf DAN'L. D. BOAS, Agent. NOTICE TO COUNTERFEITERS. IlinitEREA.B several persons . have . late v ly.been engaged in counterfeiting the names of 'w:aliens of Congreis and Senators =letters and docts- Meta , ' Make 1 0 hereby siVen that snelifraiiiii will weal/ thein nothing as they will not be reccinized„ and all such letters must be sent to the Dead Letter 'Office at Wash ington. Some seven hundred letters are now lying , at Mel office with counterfeit ;ranks on them, and Me per son who deposited them had better - call tor them and get than properly Mailed. 'lf the authors of Meats franks can be discovered it will be the duty of the undersigned to hat% them criminally prosecuted however it may be. ' ]elo'BisaGNO, SPECIAL ORDER No. 23.. Hearcuaarras R. V. CORPS, Harrisburg, Pa., June 3,1 1 861. f I. No officer, non-commissioned officer, mu sician or private of the HeserveVolunteer - Corps at, these headquarters, or at Camp Curtin, will leave his station or camp without permission from the proper authority. • 11. The Quiet, of each Department will be held responsible for the observance and enforce ment of this . order in his parthular Depart- The Chiefs of Departments will report at the office of the Assistant Adjutant General of the Corps when their duties require their absence from. these Headquarters, tha point to• which their duties call them, and the probable time of their absence, By ogder of MAJ. GEE. GEORGE A. MoCALL HENRY A. SWIM; Captain and Aid-de-Camp. SPECIAL ORDER, NO. 1 Hun Quarrels, P. M. Her/ninny, Nay. 27, 1881. f Quarter Master General B.C. Hale is ordered to forward 'the clothing, as per, requisitions dated 23d May last, by Colonels Harhaukft and Dl'Dowell, of the Fourth and Fifth liegiments Pennsylvania Volunteers,in place of sending it as heretofore dliected. The Fourth and Fifth Regiinents being now in actual service and in great need,ot . proper clothing. 73) , order of the Commander-in-chief, 'JOHN A. WithalLT, Aktilittamp. ~~~~, Jltiezettantous. ~• • • TA7M. FLINT WM. FLIN'I r i Y :- •.; WOE; FLINT I ;• •-• • .. FLINT! Wit FLINT No. 807 MARIM, No. 807 MAster, No. 807 MAssxr, No.. 807 Ream; No, 807,FAsur, N0. , 807 -PHILIDICLPnia : . klinAloouou.a, PA. PA. PA. TREMENDOUS SACRIFICE 0100,000 WORTH OF JEWELRY , AIL FOR ONE DOLLAR EACH.. A Large and Splendid Assortment of Jewelry, consisting CHAINS, BRACELETS, CAMEO SETS, &C., &C. And all : styles of French Plated Chains, Gold and Plated Jewelry. . . • • We do not keep or sell any gilt, gifted or galvanized geode. Ours is what are sold"by the beet Jeweler'as Gold Jewelry. ' We receive ear goods front the beat Gold Jewelry Manufacturers in the States, .: . • WHO ARE FORCED TO SELL. • :WHO ARE FORCED TO SELL. WHO ARE-FORCED TO SILL. • WHO ARE FORCED TO SELL. The rollowingls only a partial Bator our immense stook. TABS YOUR CHOICE . FOR $1 EACH. TAKE YOITD. CHOICE FOR Si. . Largo Size and Splendid Cameo Sets, General Retell. -- Prices.. ' $5 to $lO Do , • do,' . ... Lava " do:: /0 to 80 DO do. . Carbuncle d0..8 80 DoLa4ies' Enamelled and Coral do 7to 20 Do .. do • sod Carbuncle do c-7 :to- 30 .ro • do and Ruby. . do Ito 15 Do Gold Cluster Grape Setting seta do ' 10 to 80 Do do do Ifasedo. do .10-to 12 Do do • dolet Sets do sto 12 Do . do Black /Wield do : 6 Lp' 10 Do do . Gold -Stone Mosaic do . 6to 21 Do . . do Calico Seta do sto 82 Lo Ribbon Twists, with brilliants . do ' 6to 85 Do Boquet Bets, new style do . 8:10 07 Do Enameled Cluster. do - do 10 to .2 Gold Tisimbles, do Bto 50 Diamond Pointed Gold Pena and Cases, 3 to6o . ~ty doz. bllver Plated Spoons, • 2: 00 buyer Plated. Mugs, 4 00 — Over I,oOn ether initarent styles Ladles' Jewelry;. Me= dallions, all styles, patterns and sizes; Umtata, of every description ; • Gold Yeas, 14 karat, with Silver Erten sion Holder ; told Peaulls, &cove, Gut, , ons, ac.; Coral, lava , Cameo and Bawl ,Bracelets ; „Genie; Vest Chains, .warranted to wear ten yearn without changing color, a d will stand the acid—they are usually sold. by Jeweders as solid gold chains—all made in Paris, You mintage, your etuncafor :$1 each., Ladies' and Gents' Guard Chains, $1 each, usually sold_,by Jewelers at from . SU ts=sBo'-each; Ladies'-and Children's Neck Chaim, be a g tira A'P" tterns i 4r a l ." 9, briliMut,entuneledand ruby settings; Cruases, plain atid enameled, for $1 each, retail prices frona.s6:to 20 each. . : Every style -and Yartety of Jewelry and desirably gotals for $1 each. • . • This Sale; st•tini &Coin prices;; wilt continue .long enough to sell94 , :our. impose: stools; vhich was ,pur chased at a great Sacriflee from Manufacturers who have failed - _ TAKE YOUR CHOICE FOR $1 EACH SPECIAL NOTICE may :MU State,plain and distinct, as ws salt make ruxhing oat of Post maga- *al all letters with WAS, as Envelopes sealed with gum or wafers can be easily opened—the contents taken' out and re-seeled- --',Stead to • this, and we will be re 3pol:welt:defer your ,molity. . . - INDIICESIZNIS TO AGENTS. Any persestaotinguaagent,whovirill stades at one time, $lOO, we will give a (sold Hunting Case Watch, extra. $5O, -• " " . Gold Lever Watch,. " Silver:WatOb.; A Watch and•the articles Jtelected from the above List at ONE DOLLAR BAGEL: • - • - Persona ordering by mail must send $1 sad 15 cents to postagestamps. GIVE /13 A 111.1 AL. All communications must us a.:dressed to ILLIAM FLINT, . blO. 807 Market Street, jan3o Grow P • iladelphis, PHILADELPHIA WATCH AND JEWELRY ST94E O. CONRA.D, FORMER OCCUPANT, No. 148 North Second Streetii CORNER OF QUARRY. STREET THE UNDERSIGNED has . leased the above prep:desk where he will keep a large assort ment, of Gold and Silver Watches, of "American,. English and Swiss alanafacture of the most celebrated makers, in additiontolvbleh, will be found always on hand (and made, to order) an eztensive variety or Jewelry, Silver, and Silver Plated warp, together with a general assort ment of such . goods as are usually kept in a; first class Match. and Jewelry Store., . . ; . ' The paired' cif 0. Cedrad, and these of the subscriber, together witrtthe public. generallyotre invited to call, where they will receives good article for their money.-- As tam determined to do strictly a cash business, goods will be sold very law. ”S man PROSES .11312 , QUICK SLUip," is the motto of this eitablishment.., je2myw . . Voroperlyo4.GONEAD, No. iiil . North Second St., corner Q. orry, • hi'da. . .Pl-I OTO GRAPH Y - ,' In all its Branches,. - ,Eseeetett in the best kyle - know/21n the art, at C. G. CRANE'S GALTARY, I 582 iich-Otriet,'lcast of Sixth, Atli; - LIFE'SIZE' IN OIL Al l / 4 TD STEREOSCOPIC 'PORTRAITS,. embrotypes, iagnerrecoiypos; &c:, for•6ties, lea, Rtega, Are. • . -• • novl4 wly. 11.33NE0rlir AL Ta . You will pleaeo take notice that I" have tembved*my place of business from No. 187:South lourth Street, •to my ManufactOry 'SOS: 114 and 118 BELIEF STREET , . B4twien Lombard and South. and Front and Eccond Ptkiladelphia. Thankful for past favors I solicit a continuance of your orders. Al I have, enlarged my manufactory so as to enable me to haveconstantly on hand a large assortment of well seasoned- Waist, all of the hest quality and free from Fish OIL PALM, VARIEGATED, • WHITE, HONEY, CASTILE, and all kinds of TOILET SOAPS. CHEMICAL OLIVE SOAP of pure material. • SETTLED,, PALE and BROW N SOAP English Sal. Soda and Pass STARCH Constantly On band. .L•PNItli; ADAMANTINE-an TALLOW CANDLES of a i1F121313. Having adopted the cash system I am enabled to offer my goods at the lowest prices. Roping that you will call and examine for yourself both the goods and prices, before purchasing elsewhere. " I am Very Respectfully, • F. CONWAY, Philadelphia. NOTICE.--The,Harrisburg • Pioneer Beneficial Society, No. 9, have filed an application for a charter of incorporation in the office of the Pro. thonotary of the Coon Of:Common Pleas of Dauphin rounty, which wilt be continued by the Said ,Court at the nest regular term thereof if no sufficient came lit shown tothe contrary.. , m722-wit' Wil. MITCHELL, Prothonotary. ; . . - NOTICE: -The account of trenry•She a f4 fer, nurgnee Of George Navahold, has been filed in th e Court or Common _Pleas of Gaupkln, county, and 'will be connriniiil by the onid - Oolirt' on ttio 29th day of ,ALuguaviloyookoo maw be Sown la th e parley,- ' ault4t, WM. M=II.III4II9UKSOWy..: EY - 1' IMPORTANT FROM. BEDFORD: Movement of Pennsylvania Vplun , teers to Clamberland. [METAL NAPA= TO THE TELEGRAM) BE:DIM:1, , June 2E4 It is understood here to-thglit, that General McClellan has telegraphed to Governor Curtin for . the mthreinent,' iniiiPs to ,cumbOrland, and that General McCalllies ordered the two regiments encamped In this. viainiti, to' march to Cumberland to.morrcivi. The order creates great activity in cadp, and the boys seem delighted with the idea of a brush with the rebels. • LATEST FROM WASHINGTON. MORE SENSATION RUMORS. =I NO PEACE PROPOSITIONS OF- FERED —*— Rebel and Federal Pickets Drinking Together, WASHINGTON, June 25 The recent fears that some treacherous com promise was being hatched'appear . to haie been unfounded; as there is high authority fOr stating that no peace propositions have been offered to our Government by the. rebels. Onthe—pon trary, renewed assurances have been received apt the traitors intend to push the war to the bitter end. • • . A company of New Yorkers are here, .nrging the acceptance of the regiment of "American RitleMen," the command of which has heen tendered to Major Ben_ Perley Poore, of the Massachusetts Eighth. Our pickets and those of the, rebels, appear to be taking things coolly. 50171,0 of them. laid down their arms and went and took liquid re freshments together. The Second Wisconsin Pegbnent arrived to day TheinresAnt.d.rathoj .baled Ail reportiifrom the vicinity of the Potomac, reprttsent tiling* over there , dull to-day. Active Movements in . Western Vir- PROSPECTS OF A. BATTLE. , CINCINNATI ; June 25.: 11. special despatch to the dazate,,tirited Graf tOii yesterday, says it is considered certain that a body of fivOthousand'iebelsarebi camp thir teen - miles beyond Philippi.: This force in cludet at leist one Georgia and one Tennessee regibient. ' All are said to' be imitOrmed and anted. Potterlield:s troops and Others, num" bering some; three' thOusand, are kept ha* , tit' Skirrnishing continues between the pickets. The Sixth Indiana and Fourteenth . Ohio Ae ginients are concentrating at Philippi: wye,Six teenth Ohio reghnent is atCheat River, and the kighth and 'Tenth Indiana regiments - are at - Clarksburg. It is rumored that all the Seces sion forces excepting one hundred cavalry, have left Romney. " . About twenty prisoners were discharged to day ; most of them v"oliintarily taking the oath of allegiance. Coli. Kelly and ,Darow, who were detailed to examine prisoners, have *de cided that they will hold the traitors with the intention of tuning . them over to the civil au tberities for tried 'for treason, except in the case of Govery, who will be shot. IMPORTANT SOUTHERN Virgixdit May Secede front the Rel),e+l Coafederacy Loran ram, June 25. A. reliable gentleman from, Nashville, .w o: arrived" yesterday, repoits that two regiments of Tennesseetroops were under marching orders 'for Knoxville. There. are great hopes that the election in the First congressional bistrict" 4E6 favor of the Union candidate. McCracken county reported, by a . gentlernan . from there, to have giVed 247 majority for the. Union. The news comes in slowly.' , ' Pichice shippers here are about contesting the legality of the blockade of, the Nashville Railroad. The case will he argued on Wednes day. Letters in the Charleston Mercury commend that paper for havini courage toresent the insult'offered to South' Carolina: by 'a gentleman named llussell, the of the London Times. • - " A special despatch to the New Orleans- Pied"' yune,. dated, Itichinond, June 20, says that the Convention has adopted an pinendment to the Constitution of the Confederate States, Sivlng the right to Virgizda to secede on certain 01/ tingericiem - • ' RECESS OF THE MARYLAND UGOLI' Fusananuz, Md., June 25. _The Legislatureof Ittafp*' tciok - inathet reams to-deg ieljownhig tam 80th Of to mint NjainioXi that'ditititTridita. gt am tinting flu. Having. procured-.Steam'-Power- we ars prepared to execute JOB and BOOK PRIMING of every description, cheaper that it Cllc be done at any other ea! tablishnteutiu the country. ' RATES OF ADVERTISING. WFour lines or less constitute one-half square. ELT h once or more than four constitute a square. Half Square, one day SOL :t f° one week L In one m0nth............. •...... I .‘ three months 3 eo $ Mx months 4 0 one year.... . ...... ....... 600 One Square one day 50 ti one week 200 " ' one month.... .3 00 ii . three months.— .. . 5 00 BiX months...... ......... ... : .. 900 . . . one year 10 00 ifirSusiness notices inserted in the Local atom or before Marriages and Deaths, FIVE CENTS PER LAU or each insertion. • ! • NO. 48. jfirMarriages and .Deaths to be.charged ea regular advertigeatenta. ARRIVAL OF TIIE STEAMER EUROPA. Three Days Later. from Europe. he London Times on American Main A. SQUADRON ORDERED TO' THE. NORTH AMERICAN COAST. Recognition of Italy by •Prance FRANCE AND AUSTRIA-!-Wili ;INDICA- KOSSUTH AT LOM.PARDY. THE POPE SERIOUSLY ILL. AFFAIRS IN SPAIN AND DEATMARK. The steamer Europa hys arrived from Liver pool with advices to the 15th. GMAT BBITAM—In the House of Lords on. the 18th inst., Mr. Marquis, of Nermandy, in the interest of the Galway line,,moved for re turns of breaches of contract by various mail packet companies during the first two years of their existence, and penalties inflicted. Agreed to. In the House of Commons on the same even . ing, Mr. Gregory put inquiries to lkanisters on the same subject. Mr. Gregory moved the ap pointment of a select committee to inquire into the circumstances attending the termination of the Galway contract. He Charged the British Government with being aCtuated by an envious spirit towards Ireland. The Mmes, Man editorial on American affairs, and thit indignation of the north towards the attitude of England, asserts that the British pub lic have given much sympathy to the federal cause—more than it ever gave to the cause of British sovereignty and union in, any -of its trials. It claims that England Will do her duty, and leave the federalists to do theirs, knowing well that she could not do them a. greater xrds chief thaniy taking their tart. • — dicta) , to join the squadron ,about_ to ~be dis patched to the North American eoast. The recognition of Italy by France is near at hand,, and will be. hastened-by Cavonr's death. The Journal.des Deba.ts publishes an impor tant article showing that if Austria mosses the Minclo, France must ineviMbly, ,recommence the war interrupted in 1859. .- Imiaor. , -.—The new.ministry had taken , the oath,of allegiance. It *as stated that lliogauth was about to take a permanent - residen6 in Loinl3ardy.. Bardn:Ricascli, inatuaouricing the fornuttion.olthe new ministry, said that none had lost their faith in the destiny of Italy. The policy of the new Cabinet, ; he .said, would be the mune as that of CavoUr. . The - 1 3 oPe' was seriously Amun..—ln the Hungarian chambet'pf de putiis, on the fourteenth instant, the addreas to the Emperor having been revised, it iirct finally BpArs.—Spanish journals: publish edvices froth. St. Domingo that tranquility:and enthu di= for 'the Spanish goyernment reign throughout the island. DENNARE.—At the election of members for the falkellainge, the .mirdsterial candidates were successful. • WESTERN ARMY moirzs The Tenth Ohio . Regiment, Col. Lytle,, left Camp Dennison yesterday a,fternomr, for-West ern Virginia, and. the eizth and,seventhlegi ments will probalily leave to-merrow. The troops remaining at Camp Dennison ,am, : the fifth;, seventh, eighth, A;eiNiith, twelfth and thirteenth regiments, numbering , over 8,009 Men. The. First and Second. Kentucky Regiments will remove their quarters to camp Dennison to-day, swelling the number,to. 8,000 men. • - Patrick Kenney was shot andinstant,ly killed last night, by policeman Purcell, tor interfering in an arrest. The grin hod A, 0. Tyler, dropped down the river yesterday afternoon, and the Lein, and Conestoga will leave to-day. 'DIE PIRATE'S AT NEW YORK Capt. Baker.and crew of priyateer Savannah arrived here to -day in the steamer Harriet Lane 11.9 iXt 4amPtou roads,. and were 4tumediately arrested by District Attorney Smith, eba l gel with treason, piracy and robbery on:_ ; the -kigh dapt; LivipLgston, of, the brig J.ctsept4.Artio was seized by these pirates, is here as avii oo3B . The c.aseyrill be taken before the, grand jury to-morrow,, and the case will be triedearly next week. - The Vermont regiment UAS evening for Washington. TEE REBEL; CORGUSS: - . . FREDrijolc, , , The Virgins. , secession convention, 041: P. session at Richmond,. have elected a. uuo3 k * of members to the Confederate Congress . 1 174 e folldwing g,iitternext are chosen : Ei 4 tesWentityliic WalisD Aegion, ri4e4t4. Soofl Ww.Ez7senator A4 4 Q n end B9gfil TIONS. Nzy! YoßK,.June 25 cnICLYNATI, .J 1.111.0,25. Nov Res,: June 25.
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