k TELEGRAPH 11:11LTSITED EVE1:1" DAY, v GEORG 1 ----- 1:1,h1:7.••••••'001.., to gllbFerillef9 'L Or Veariy subscrlbere tIALIII,ArfI• 14LatliM twicenweal. 4 ..w. ;,mro, and weekly during the re. ae I furnished to subscribers st the p , r year r.lll Liw OF 10713FANDIF. ",cr3 order am diseoutinusece of their newt may continue to Bond them until r -.re paid. , r ore neglect or refute to take their ruple . ...lice whieh they ore directed, they they fifty , sort td for NW and Ordered •-, i.cord IMO Oistrilantons. JOIIN SON A 6 I_AFX9EACCOEIL 3EI A c ji Hosprr,a. .‘,,,:)seovered the most certain, speed) r eiTeataal remedy in the wont for i,ISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. RELAY SIX TO TWITVII Herr eery or Noxious Drugs. s Ori•Wanrearan, oa so CHARM; 111 Mon One To Two DAr5,...44 ft.. , Back or Limbs, Strictures, Pains In e • ...I:Sections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Ort Pr gaow. nic V • • Debility, Decay of thoPhyno t • languor, Low Spirits, Confusion el deas, c ihe Nears, 'timidity, Tremblings, Dimness •• r Giddiness, Disease of the Stomach, A ilaidiOna Um :had, Dito,t, lilac or Skin—those terrible disor. . from the indiscretion or Solitary Habits or cd•e dreriful end destructive practises which • -t , teconqt debility, reader marriage lmpoi . • ' , u ;,: .)o-troy etch body' and mind. VOL , NO ALEN. who have becOmo the victims of ...;' :V , " th:lt dreadful and destructive habit which „. to an untimely grave thousands of the most exalted talent and brilliant Intel otherwise have entranced listening the thunders of eloquence, or waked boa lyre, ma' cell wrat full cruilidente. MARRIAGE.: 7r: f.,:rsons, or those contemplating marriage, be. ,ir physical weakness, should immediately con• t d. and be restored to perfect health. OIIGANIC WEAKNESS ntettiately cured sad felt rigor restored. • rr.o places himself under the care of Dr. J. may confide In his honor as a gentleman, and con, ..,Ly p. 'y upon his skill as a physician. y;.-tinted No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore, toe left hand stile going from Baltimore street, .) Is corner. Bailer tioular In observing the or number, or you will mistake the place. Be par tor Ignorant, Tufting Quacks, with false names, humbugCertitddoss, attracted by the repute : . or. Johnson, lurk near. :!•Lre must contains Postage Stamp, to use on the DR. JOHNSTON ir .I. , uason member of the Royal College of Surgeons, •?I 1 on, vntiluate from one of the most eminent Colleges the 1.. hued 6tates, and. the greatest part 01 whose life .. b,,..0 b pent to the Hospitals of London , Paris, Phtle, m At it 1,111 4 and elsewhere , hue effected some of .moetas. ..n Mug cures that were ever known. onbled ;h ringing In the ears sad head when asleep, t her aMll,:2ll, being alarmed at suddensounds, bashfulness, .:tit frequent blushing,attanded sometimeiswtth derange ,nut t mind were cured Immediately, TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. .ir. J. addresses all those who having insured thaw ,ecs by private and improper Indulgancles, that secret d ”litury habit which rotas both body and mind, an, ..;;Ing them for either bualnessor society. 'ih- are some of the sad and melancholy advcia pro- tly early habits of youth, viz: Weakness of the : ,ck and Limbs, Pates le the Head, Dimness of sight, of Maaeular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dye• S•:rvous irritability, Derangement of the Digestive hit , tiour, General Debility, Dyreptcoint of Consump. Wu, Rt. itgliTALLti tho fearful effects on the mind are mash to to dremicki, :—Luss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Do• ~ , r ,siou of $1.4163, Evil Forebodings, Aversion loSlocle Self-distrust, Love of Solitude, Tholdity,ere., are some et t) , o evil effects. Thuusan.le of pent= Or all Mel, can now Judge what Is the cause of their decline in health, losing their vigor, cecouung weak, pale, nervous and eniamsted, have a 9111gULAr appeurunce about the eyes, cough, and aymp• 1139 of coueumptton TOTING MEN who bavo Injured themselves by a certain practice, In delved lu when alone—a habit frequently learned from evil sompantons, or at school, the elects of whloh are algtitty felt, even when asleep, and If not cured, tendon marriage Impossible, and destroys both mind sad , body, should apply Immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hems of ls emus. try, the darling of his parents, should be Snatched from all prospects and efiloyments of life by the consequence' of deviating from the path of nature, and Indulging in a certain wore& baba. 'au *'person must, before coot= 0-Mug . . tiARMAGS, effect that a sound taint' and body are'the most necessary roquithei to promote connubial happiness. Indeed without them, tho Journey through life becomes a weary pilgrint,ofe; the prospect hourly darkens to the vievnthe mind bucomos shadowed with despair, and filled with the melm , holy reflection that the tutppluars of another be comes bll3hted with our own DR JOBNSON'Pr INPIGORATiMG REMEDY ,FOR OR GAMIC WEAKNESS. By this great and important remedy, Mongoose of Um nrgaue are speedily cured, and full vigor restored. .I:hues:lnds of the moat nervous and debilitated wht had lost all hope, have beau immediately relieved. AU impediments to marriage Physical or Mental Disumillll. ashen, Nervous, Trembling, Woukoose or Itthoustion or the most fearful kind, speedily cured. TO STRANGE:RN. The many thousands cured at this Imitation within tnt last twelve years, and the numerous important Surgicat operations pertermed by Dr. .1., witnesaed by the re. porters of the papers, and many other persons, notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, besides Ate standing as a gentleman of character and rt. spentienity, lea sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. DISEAek.B OF ISiPflUDENCii—Whon the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds he has imbibed the sewn tit this painful diseente, it dreadsoo often happens that as tii•atuett souse of shame or et discovery deters him from applying to those who, from education and re. apectability can alone befriend hun, delaying till the coo. stitutionni symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearanue, affecting the head, throat, noes, skis, ex., progreasiug on wan frightful rapidity, till death puts a period o his drdfulelaerielai/nehr:Tnofromwaleosotraieeretur.l blot to °last ifeCt that thousands tail 'flail= to that terrible it lea met. disease owing to the uuakilfulneas of ,Ignorant pretend era, who, i by the use of that deadlypenson, mercury colt the constitution and make the residue of life casterabla. To Scatasazas.—The Doctor's Diplomas bang In bit &ace. AhrLetters must eontaina BiaMp tons on the reply arsraemcdiee sent by Mal. iFirNo. 7 south Frederica street, Baltimore. eillZaawly 1861, 80 OPENING, 38 OPENING 1861. SUMMER DRESS GOODS OP lIIRRY DIPCIZIPITON The quality of the Rued% for the price will be an induce ment to every one to purchase. Ak The moot dinitratat gOOds of the seam at a great sac e. MOZAMBIQUES, GRISSALIAS, VALENCIAS, CREPE D'ESPANGS, BEREG ANGLAIS, BROCADE POPLINS, NEAPOLITANS. LAWNS and LAVELLAS %TO eziOrtg the lie V" CATHCART h BROTHER. Next door to the Harrisburg Bank SKELETON SKIRTSI at Thr likr,Nst :look of the very beet make to be found .Next door to tho Etarrbiburir CATHC A.RBank. Parasols, Sun Umbrellas and Umbrellas ei z w r u ty.- i l l o thr. r .r. ce.. lower than canbe purobetted ATEWAIIIt BEOTHIR. N 0.14, Marko& &imam next 19 thenArrhbliri 8104 • v o ,A- 1 4 1 ,94:, _ . • • .. 41. ,-,larcuras s 700 12 00 16.00 VOL. XV. 3sl . tAblUttigtltittttil. SPECIAL ORDER, NO. L Plum Queameas, P M. Hamalnay, H ale 1861. Quarter Master General R Is ordered to forward the clothing, es per re4ulsitiops dated 28d May last, by Colonels Harhamft, add M . Dowell, of the Fourth and Filth Regiments Pennsylvania V.elirinteent, in idace of sending it as heretofore directed. The Fourth and Fifth Eggimepts belw now in .actual.o7l, oe and in great neea of prolier cloadhg. "'- - By order of the Commander-in-chief, JOHN A. WRIGHT, my2S Aid-cia•camp. SPECIAL ORDER, No. 23. HIaDQUARTAIRe 13. Vs CWII4, Hurisinug - ,, Pa., June 8, 1881. L No cfficer, non-commissioned officer, mu sician or priyate of. the Reserve Volunteer Corps at these Headquarters, or at Getup Curtin; will leave his dation or. camp Without• permission from the proper . authority. - 11. The Chief of each Department:will leg held responsible for the oteervance and enforce ment of this order in his -particular , ' Depart ment. The Chiefs of Departments will report at the office of the Assistant Adjutant Commal or the Corps when their duties require their absence from these Headquarters, the point to whibh theirActies call the n, the probable time of their absence. By order of • - MA.r. Gee. 'GEORGE A. MCCALL. 116NIM A. Sowntrz; Captain and Aid-de-Camp.; NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. THE lIND.ERSIGNED 'COILMISSION- Illt3 of Dauphin eounty, la urarsaancia Of in Apt of the General Altembly of One Canaanite&nit of Yen si oYilvoulo, APPreire4t Um 16th day of ably,. L9Bl, ;ad ailed “An act to authorize the Comminiksers_ot Datlphla,conn ty tO' approlirlara a certain bum of Money [Or "ho 'sup- port of the Mirage of Volunteers - dining tree present War," do hereby inform the public:that they will make a loin to the Ammon of smite not 04ratedrair ton thalleb/td dodos, lbr which bonus will be loosed lar Ater= not ex ceeding ten years, with concept attaobed; lot the payment of half yearly Interest, payable at the County Treasury at 6 per cent. Sabi bends are to be clear of in teXatlon,, to thereforehoped that themddnaromit in bonds of s u eh amounts as the loaders will desire, will be prompt, ly taken by. the pittriltio_olidtothito :or Oben, with out resorting to special taxation at ibm trate. JOHN S. MlJ*ltit, JACOB BEIM, }Com miseleserik , GEO. GARIfititICA • • . , .•. w Attest--Joggra Mims% Clerk .. my2O-ds JUST PUBLISHED A MANUAL MILITARY SURGE RY Olt, 4 FLINTS ON THE ENERGENCIESJ Camp, and 16 . 00.tal Praotice, • BY S. D. G 11,0.58, Pi. p. , . marsseox o 7 auttoltr at VIZ MHZENNgfwrixplcarlipizzah AT Pt*UDe [ lli~. For slue at BBRGNER'S CLIDIV BOWEMRS.- • • • may 24 MEM= REDUCED. HOWARD & HOPE EXPRESS 00. Short and Quick Route to and : from NEW , - YORE. GOODS ORDERED IN THE MORNING TURNED THE SAME . NIGHT. Leave New York at Tg P. Y., by Fut ThronglL Mx prow Trak', Art/311413 klarrlabarg, 33 3 A. M., WITROCI MAMA' QJ OARS. Order Goode, marked' - - • HQPRIELERESS General offitie,•74 Broadw4.,•NreetYokk. Branch " 412 ••_ • " For veneer agermanen inquire le M9/8 GBUSaII IMIROMg tit JUST . ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE EXTRIV• FINE' POINTED , GOLD ,PENB NEWTONS • (formerly ::Baglers) otaughoukro, warrantod to belho boa} le mow* the finest plated, tooardurobia add' kof cheap is Ley o market, Tor sabh let u t i e Wit or A . 10 4 ."4 slyo 4ey of =WWI '8 ,!!JP 8008 TORS, at I, ll,Agt straw. CHEAP BEVAN?. 1 1 1 Qin at DOOR'S, .1.314 Oppopt,th* O .deart. Bows EEMPTY'MOLABS, RO.GalikaADS._—A. Wege quaadltrirransi ltdlaaria-Bariraistwoo naada and Mao 011 aka, far salepr my&l Alf. DOCK & CO. NIVIIITE SULPHUR SPRINGS HOTEL, CARLISLE, Cumberland county, Th.—The pro. prietors take pleasure la sanoonniog Stud duty' its hots prepared to receive stalks. Perna desiring a healthy locadon for the stuntner'will Mid thisans of the most de -46011 places in the country. The water of thew springs cannot be surpassed for drinking, bathing and medicinal SUMO. For inibrmatical and °insight address Wii. DURROUGITS, D.C. felt 2.m Atmthwoos.. FRENCH MUSTARD, Rugliah and vdo mom Pickle., (by Dm dozen or bundrod,) tope lo r :Wad Oildiatobup; Banes and Condiments or every as ,:rlpdon. oky'al WIL DOOR 4 CO. FRBEGEE 14.1312: OF every desoription in oane - ant - jars, each BO WVr.1.90614 mar 4 Vjg. DOOR JR. a 00. JOUPIi CALM • 'JOSix W. mom CASEY 85131tOWN - • IiTTORNEYS-AZZAW Dr AXING at/8°4;140d together in - the; ij Prootlce of the Law willetonvaithf* quit promptly to am proteastralannudnees entreated , Itt,thelli Office in Third Street three de01e_,A1101,........iderk4 4 .; N. B. Cuosuastkooo loiteglish EX.ECUTOR'I3 NOTICE. rr USEI luidersignpd Exequtore of the estate; A. caßisvial Bun, late of toxemia g 0 toiinsia 4630410 4 he r''br • 111 Primula IndAitotedicildd t e, make paymegajmulediately, Wee ha ad= wirregent Ulan •,` 41104 ,wear :•..-- • „ "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN NONE•" HARRISBURG, PA., MONDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 24, 1861. Eijt EttegraflJ. Tan Itouir's Ouiani will meet this evening for drill, and to make arrangements for a parade on' the fourth of 'July.. The =unbent of this fine &ups haiii determined to equip and make it a permanent organisation. Os rim Mums.—We learn that the two regi ments under Colonels Biddle and Simmons, which left here on Saturday morning, and were telegraphed to atop at Hopewell, subuquently received orders to proceed to l3edford, for whisk place they took up the line of niarch•yeaterday morning, a distance of twenty-tlrottillei: ' A RIODLINT OF SOIAIMMSI /11 UM RlFan. Yesterday afternoon nearly the entire !boon sin regiment. marched 'in companies froth 'their encampment to the Saignehanns. river, above the Witiir indulgid in the initiry of a bath in its 000 l and limpid waters. The novel sight was -witnessed • crowd of male oitiserui,)whA4mjayed: the scene as much as the soldiers seemed to enjoy their aquatioliports. .TtuiLtrea, AfreshatilArtd' in vigorated by their ablutions,- reformed and re• turned . 41 1: . .g 00 4 .0 *T to..tha camp/ aPPikrentir gratified that an opportunity-had been afforded them; to bathe in the noble old Susquehanna, Barns Ostutotra.—A geatleman who arrived last pight, 'from Hagerstown, Md., states that there is a strong seceseion element in the viol nity,Of that place. On Tuesday:. night, after thatroopti left for Williamsport, the inhabitants of Yalikatowit hauled' down the Union colors: and substituted secession ones. The guards who •were left at camp became alarmed, but lurkilY a portion of-the troops returned from Williamsport, and the U n ion flags again floated on the tweeze. A member of a• Columbia com pany,- hearing that a tavern keeper named Martin, a leading secassioidit Was determined to keep his colors up, went in company with two companions to the tavern, seizedthe tavern keeper by the hair of the head, and holding him oat arms • length, made him give three cheers for the Union: It had the &aired effect. This circumstance, with others,. shows plainly that Maryland is "a snake in the grass," and is only loyal when kept in 'subjection by strong IYr:don forced. • Hartman Acruneirr.—*siteow Fecal% —On gfidx./ let Now. A.J. douse, DAVid ificCor• inick,4lacob B. Eby, and O. O. Zimmerinsiff, Of this city, Visited - Bakerstown. They' in tended returning on Saturday mornilg, but miming train,_ they took passage on a luuid oar, with a view of making connection with thir passenger train leaving • Ofifukibersburg at noon. When rounding:a curve some Ave miles tide side of Hagerstown, :they discovered& loon-: `motive approaehh• ig•from•the opposite direction. They signailed to tee engineer, who 'promptly 'reversed the 1 niotion : 9 • the engine ; but the .close proximity, of the machines, and the speed 'at which-both were going, rendered a collision' inevitable; seeing which. the oCcupants of the oar jumped out to Save their Aim. They had scarcely made the perilous leap, when. the coil ;Sion took place, the locomotive thundering in to the hand ear and shattering'it'tiyatiome I Had the gentlemen zetained•their places a moment ;longer, the- probability. - is-that • all of • them would -brief lustantly • -killed. I We' learn that Mr. Joni's - was titasiderat • by the force of the .fall, ,as was also Mr:ldleormkk, and one of the otheit•were• slightly bruised: - Bin Stneneriruiii,Arnorci landed !afer r i:ePc9 ttittlto. to Yr=4l The gentlemen, lafter re coyObig freatheir fright, and exfuninhigtheir Wounds, 'Oil passage on_the loco/if:lilte and proCiteded to the next station, wbiirs they pro cured anotherhend-oar, which conveyed' them to Chsixibinebing, arriving therein tinifitelake tyro Harrisburg.• PABLIGIII Or DIAXRd. —On Saturday evening several regiments from eastern and western New ;York; about 'six theueond- in all, arrived hire over the Northern Candor 'and Lebanon valleyfadse on - to * Was l 4okitiit city --:The men were armed and :equipped; ready to go info 'tervide. -Spine diem aocompaniocithessroginunita.- The second Wisconsin regiment - also reached hareem Satnr day evening• anti ; pitched their tents on a vacant lot near the. Pennsylvania Railroad idiom with. the -expectation , of • remaining tag or three days, to Main arms.— Yeiterday; however, , they . . readied *dent to proceed diftvglio.WaWilgiont-thaSeoretarY of War having outdo provision for army which werlfumigied :thrn in the afternoon by the 141404_ authoriti es . h ere . Accordingly .they struolsibeir . tents this morning and left for the Federal: Capital. ;.:' The liriscimain Sobilera area 414000414 set of Ruh, elegantly et 4pctd;:and wereo°tit citizens who visited their etictiinpnieni : during the day. thousand and fifty strong, composed unduly of met:arm:a the Min ing and lumber dlstrictsolialercornmand of the f 011 0. 04 143 Oniciko *hied , * General, Rufus King, editor of lheiMilwenkiti Nottisel, ; Colonel, "Park O og ; ' Lleuteasni-Gniond, Hen r y .L Peclghtslor;:rintourilaedonabi;-Adjutantili. M. Hnnteri.Gio, stamp D. Ruggles; QuartermasterSargenut,4: -M.-Lowis; Colonel:o iieniyi3andr In wend titteige64 ti t aiiAiaci* SW: *ifig4WOriiii#j*lfklfis B W-thei foaming.to"" 7!•;- *44 tv.t sit,m I= . . , Drenthe= Ariswer To &sandman - As bier ors ea Omar Comet.:---Cin Saturday some little excitement was occaekthed by= an - attempt of a discharged soldier to assassinate Capt. John H. Taggart, of the Wayne Grards, of now stationed at Camp Curtin, .Among the then enlisted in t.hil carps in Philadelphia; walton4 tithed Bohn' Totier, a large,' powerful man, over qtr feet high, Weighing some two hundred pounds. On the arty the company left Philadelphia, Votier was seised with a fit on the street, and it required threii foilr of his ocunriddiAoiiiisist ' Alter his arrival I leitia; : " *ere tdmosetlaili at.Cartip occurrence, and Votler frequently fell down in thb !reeks: laboring' 'tinder their incept talk disabillty," l hie. gen 'Mal health was good - : The Captain felt it his dui); Zaa discharge Totter from - the company on account of his disability, and on FittA.Y./Ijkorliinit took rb3:atike the camp for examination..._ The surgeon being eniregedatthe time, -fixed three o"edock in Calf! afternoon for the examination. About noon Volley call-. 4 at Captain Taggart's tent, and wietar"clifi'nol- - think'the as ifs Called them, Witted him for - duty, and he had matie iiiihiathind not to go - tei the • eurgeori"s to be examined, and - that he was determined tite.:comPany:-.CraptzTaigart an s husked to him that he had better not make Up 141 mind ,unt4 l 4 ll !xeis 0 '9 1 .4 epPr4 No thing further -was-said on either eide, - and To• tier left the tent. At three o'cfta . capf. Tag gart-ordered-illergeant • Vallee to--take Votier over to ' tlie eurgeo - h: The' Sergeant Wen t tier's tent, and cathrunnicated the order to him. Votier' positively: refined- to go, and said. no" one in - the company' could ' "make *him go." lergearit Valise reported Toi ler 's answer to the I - 0 , who, as a prep .utiou, knowing the dasperatedetermizuttion of the man be had to deal with, took his' revolver with him, and pfalenidecito Totter tent. The Captain spoke' kindly to lithm, at fist, saying it would be bctter for •him to go quietly to the surgeon than to be forced to go. To'this -Totter replied he would.nept go, and no mita could - Leak,. him go it he did ribt choose to. • Capt. Taggart, 'thew in -a;peremptory manner,' ordered OW to go: with the Sergeant; or le would hive tam' put' under arrist. -At this Votier approached 'the Captain in a threatening manner r and raised his hand as if to strike. 'Capt. T. drew his revolver, aid • told Toner if he ad lanced ormatep . fearther he Would shoot Mat. dewn.. cheated his. ;hostile demo. ;oreitration, and in a few minutes Votier weikt with the peigerant "to the , anrgeiin, and after.teful examined, he was declared to be unfit for service ; and discharged,. Capt. Taggart theki told - Totleeto get ready to go to Philadelphia hi the fi T 5 P. lli. . train. , Varier immediately absented himself; and could hut beleiged irCtime ;totem 'the train. AIN:Mt six• o clock, daiiiig the "absence of Capt. Taggart in kter4lberg, Toiler apiearedAnTearap, and die played a large dirk knife, which he declared he intended to kill the Captain' with.- He sharpened it on the teine l Wed by * the men for sharpening theirtablo knives. Capt. Taggart arrived shortly after this, and being warned' , of the interitiotis of VOtier; he detailed a guhrd lel I sis then under Sergeant Dougherty, to ar , rest Votier,•and confine him until mid-night, tend then take'hins. to Harrisburg and pat him on board the clue 'for 'Philadelphia: Barb: in the eveaiog, Vetter agedn appeareain .the com pany's quarters; prowling ;between two tents: Two of the-girard apprifeched hinr ivhenlie died his knife, arid'oommtiniied Parleying with them. Capt. Taggart cameftem'his tont, said ordered toe Enexd!to.'arreet , Voier. At this Votier, With the knife in'hie hand, sprang toirarde the oa - Opia;vibui stood in front of his tent. Capt. Taggart was ready:for him, howeverrearacock ed hie iireblver to "shoot. seeing Votierl changed' ble coarse, and 'darted on One side of' the tao; and ran a square.or two down to thei lower end of-the oamp,Aourishing the open! knife in• his hand, eiad inikfng a general "clear- 1 lug'among fsiej . companies, who did not know what to wake of the strange apparatiob: Theguird , followed-him, but could not lied hair, and 'returned' again to 'the Company's queiteni: leaPt . ; * raigert Ordeied 'them to' . bed on the alert, •for'2o3 felt sure . Votier •weal(' rethrnage in before ; midnight • Hare though; a little.` diet" eleven o'creck ) thin was seen preiwling about the back part of the toga...El It proved to - be -Xptier. • The • • guard iratehad Arial; 'end' sari` inakd for the same, quirter, he had entered early in the evPliegi 06 9e*Jskl'e4 0 4gPterell hiar, at a charge : bayonet; and demanded him toi l surrender. ; He drew Abiltrille wheiktbir 4:kaporal told him if he attempted use It-he would bayonet him. 'Tiro ethers cif - the guard verb 1106 . 0, - * t1:0 eptit; and Toiler was rienureit , . ,The guerii-elomied him to the;depot at mill-' - P-ightralla obi:Whim; to Philadelphia: The roffij VON' of the' - tempear believe that Teti - bed mind had beconte unsettled In . nonaqquenee Of :his discharge, as -: previous to this affair he has glien little or no trouble. Fortnnately,: i the affair terminated' without any serious 'colij iii?Tatten:do6;ll:l,thongh - lor a time it looked as if blood was sure to be spilled. ; ; , . . . IT:u. announced in_the Washing to4Paßete that- the President, in consequeneet of the pressure of public Wetness, is otbliged, to decline 'molting iety l abdtots from this time until the' Mining of of 00 40 018 .1 ...COMO* iii.Austeamess,_ son of J. J. arittan-, dint who . seifiried 'eta otd atnirsonigilthied ddb,hira i lliCtilted: 111 6044 1 1 1 .0 11 4 JOU 614 1 fffit is" :a ctrin - . , B y THE ARREST OF A REBEL-SPY - A TrOtor T4iped ezta Captured Sharp Dodge by One of billullifee . Rangers.. IMPORTANT SEOREIS DIVULGED [Special Dispatch to the Daily Telegraph.] atalatarawN, 'June 22 4 man was °beamed fording the river yester day, dressal in it peenl . ated upon reach ing the ',amyl - Mid side tonp . Of Clapt McMullin's ',Bangers arrested him. ' Was searched at once When it watt - discovered thit he had very important letters for a laWytir of this place harried Alvey. The 'prisoner was quietly con atibted to a place of safe keeping:and divested of his'ClOthlng. One of bapt; MOilallin't men disguised himself in the same; 'and More- Seated himself as the genuine' beirei of dis pitch& to Mr. •Atvey, who tell into the trap and divnlged important matters to his ii:tptiosed Virginia' friend: — *tier : everything had ' been . surely acceruPlished, l 'Xi.: Atvey was arrested and :subeelluently • tient Washington' city. His arrest created twilit &sensation in - thistown as he was'never suspected of thason, and stood bighlA the estimation of the citizen.; here. A traitor's doom awaits him. Affairs at timberland. ,- ...- Report of the Massacre of Maa7lami Home Guards Oontradioted. COLONEL WALLACE SAFE THE MOUNTAINEERS IN THE,' FIELD I= Colonel Bowman and Sargeant Cliase in Jail at Martinsburg. Capture of a Tirginia Colonel and Elgh Prtraileav _ I-; Etaineratx, Sune 22 An express has arrived from' Cumber land; which sayil there is lib* truth in 'the report of the Cumberland Boma Guards heving- been inalimered or wounded at their station at'New Creek . Bridge. • They !numbereni 26, and all eacaped.! t .They had wo einalt !hen cannons, but spiked them both, and threir than into the meek.. Col. Wallece was - endear:pod near Cumbernuid, oh an elevated point ciehmandirk the town. lie has no present apprehensions of an.attack, but'has full confidence in his ability to defend hie position. has also an abun dance of proviaions and amunition. 0/1 Wednesday Lifter' the burning or the rail road bridge the mountaneets collected to the number ofhundred to seven hundred, area , ed with ahotguns and hunting rides, to assist Col. Wallace to defend his position, under the apprehensions of an attack by the enemy, and , are ready to return at a moment's notice, Quo of them killed, another, and one was Slightly' Wiiinided by the careless use of their firearms. A 'Virginia oeionel who was taken at Itoputej, together With eight Priv ) alas, and uudar , guard tit Ounibirland: Col.l3ewman and Mr ; Chase, who were seiz ed ieoaito — OnidtaOppOSite are safe in jail at Martinbtirg. Mr. Barker of the 18th regiment, at kitia burg, was shot in the knee on Thursday ; and a private of the Bth regiment was accidentally' shot u the Jog Yesteday, and Mint suffer r potation There .is no ser i o u s s i ckn essid the . hospital here, and but thirtPeight cases in all : SENATOR Jalittsok/Aamm4ToN. Attempt to Asoaseinate Kim RECEPTION AT TEE FEDERAL • CAPITAL. • • ' ' 11:=E1=1 ADDRKSS., OR HON. JOHN B. HASKINS Elovent and PiityiotipUnion Spppelk Se - into/. Johnson. LOYALTY OF FAST. TENNESSEE TEE 0, P. F. .D.B4OI;II4VEp. COMPLIAINNT TO GIN. SCOTT : WM/EMOTON, Jui2e 22 Senator '-Joimson of Tennessee has arrived here. He was Bred at by the Secessionist* while coining tinfoneh the Cumberland;Gap, but the . rascally 'attempt a t assassination failed. Mt. Jokimam escaped:will:put - injury.= - ` .• • _ He says' that thelJnicisi men Beat Ten inane will•imltate• the adieu of- Western Vir gbahrfni cutting 'nose from the irobelliona au thorities of thiState; and, 'moreover;, that they' will fuitt - forthe Unicn2... • : '814:10 4 RD ; DISP=III2 Senator Andrea , Johnsen - ' of• Tennessee, WAS IrehSensed to-night w a 'oerenade and azlarge• onnoorntoof )citlierut. 'mos Introdneedlti 4tdbgbdifitssiaa by Ron Job B: Etasida.. - 31, • JohnsoriTaiforpondedeva - eptseal' frecleidirtsi,; rapAbarelo ligOtre!hiittilterhhnij tentrpiell by ',114 te'. , .:4.1,1,;.1.> .:;10 t 4 d 1 tam Having procured Steam Power Presses we are prepared to execute JOB and - SOOR — ftitaTAl VVlTY description, cheaper that It tea be Oft at any area; tabled:mantle the country . ,_ , . tc.ATBil bir.ADV.KII.4II3/249 . . i. ' ' ....._.... /arrow* tines or keeb conelltato one-ban sqltare , mg. - ,Lee or mor.• than tour constitute a square. Half ,guars, ono day.— .....• ..... ........... i 4 one weer.. ;.. ::: — :',:;73;:;. . ..... - 110 , -- one month " • • .three months 5 et: months .... _ One square one day ene week._ _ ~. 2 00 66 one m0nth... ... . 8 00 64 three m0nth5 .......... 5 00 . 4 elx months.— ..... _ . :.. Bop ... 000 year 10 00 ifirßusinen nonce Inserted to the Lend edema ce betbre Marriages end Eesa9el, FIVE CLVIS p URA or each Lnaertlen.. I Z.. " ... :- .... Eartterrieges and /011210 Jo be -edutrged ea regular ladvertisementa. . . NO. 46. , . . batted -secession" atta hereay_ciPd.trytive of the Government, which titould ) effectually crushed out. The , war nel - w in progyil*Ae 00 2 - tended, was not of the itigilll4#*--6F. South, but 'as conducted. by.i to Geieitatn4,„ for the perpetuity of the Union, the mainte nance of the Conatitutituk,, and the enforce- Ment bP thg; 'lawa made in pailiusuaectiethat ithitrutient. - '' ,Be earnestly appealed to his anditora Ili- . hold atidtlefend the timehonoredlag and mi..' silt the despotism now menacing even thliv capital, reminding his hearers that history shows a republic once destroyed is never re-ee tablished. He in effect Oondemned the.lato ministration for not suppeseing secessliititefqie it 'assumed" foriuldable prOportions and died the example, of (len:. - Jackson as one which shOtild hitei beau' followea. lie thanked Godwe yet ' . . have in ourmidit that glorious old soldier Gen. Scott, wh, stands trp with a stalwart form anditrateerm; now as heretofore;' in defence of hia'ciAntri.' ' He eiolit; of the peTriii attending tke „deftrii thin orHnion ettrithmentiiik'dialoyal `si t iittp, and: said if the' southein deep, aittirdec to wards Teruiessee Out of thqeatthiftitit of that Statojntonda:tO;olitcynonlika.:Poiern ment to sustain her in . the etr They might,overcome her before a4Pald•ro l 4, 49_rt —her enemies mightcietrasiatti hsr 4e1 . 4144E0 3 drench them in _blood--they might : !.itArqp4, burn her cities and towns and uteri COATt3ri, her, hillsides, and valleys into burial iro:undsibut, they never could make of Eistiennespee a ;hilt of slaves. POSITION OF KFaNTUOKk. 4FlAN6po4t . q . ...wqk..Gkri; mp..O.W asiiesttion Foroes to Keep out otthe:Statek* The morning papem contain' liittim from" General Bucliner and Gote'&l4 the articulate of an agreement Mat% with Oen: 6tdOlellan '• The Kentucky authorities will ppterit — the United States, property the-State, - erif i n4 the limvs . ot- tka United States ) a,poogijpg fp, the interpretation pf . the ljnited 13tates ..Qom .t 9, and , enforce all, ptollAratione of neutocalityou; votailt Southern litatem. . • , General McClellan'agrees to reepeoti ritory. of -'lEta6tioky, even though iroatherii armies 'Niche it. i; In such ease he4lll , salt the iiehttiokY aiitherltlas remove " tbe :iidatheni fotees.` Slivala Kentucky fail • Ockeili r is, thi olaitas the same ifghE oftterlAblittlialtiVelito the tiohtli ; and duo Ifirebtadk3l adabli t ta remove the holithem: &tette ; tat rg3i i the aid of the government troops, and 'it waste in rents:Mai 'them, 'General I ldealefle agreestio withdraw.' • • . If the Adiainletration idOpte dlffefetil policy, Kentticitils to hit§re timely nictfc4 and' ft Ketet4cky - phabges the seine notice given by 'tliie nicreezTint. Oen. Buckner gave Governor Harris, of pm hew's,. notice, and ELFris gave assurtnlctsktflat the . AOrritoty of _Kentucky would .1 - 4e_reseestert WO , occupied by the reileP4 troops, Slut able gave peremptory orders to the Tepne. , ,o r ogi f curs to this effect. Latest From WaslOigtizzk, - ARRIVAL OF FEN= TEMPS A CALK ill AtirnAgY CAPPIi Glen., Scott on Rio - Oggnpo The Second Rhode Island and ...New York Twenty-air:tit regiments have arrived, the lat ter at ene•o'clotik to-day: Soldterifrom the Virginia side of the Pot* =to sky there well no importatit' alarms last night, while . others represent - affairs quiet,' more so dining the last two nightohan heretofcwo. Gen. 136ntt Vas hien rerathistrifed l Wi ttrb Westein men for 'ordering the retreat of Did • walader oVer the Potoinac. The old " lletir id': "It's all right—all 'right; 'you will Akin months hence. Eight car loads of muskets. hawk:bee& sent froln the arsenal here to I{artisburg, aid seven car loads of 24-pounder cannotoballs have been brought to the arsenal. . Rebel Accounts from Manassas. lamps =imps IN THE, PAP. NEußio Lamm= Ai - nen I The Manassas correoPcmdellt o f ton Mercury, dated the :18th, writes :t h at the people about the rebel iamiritteneettle, and that Itfe 1 4ngerdP 8 for -amp 1 4 61 44::: 4 . 04 1 '0? 6 ;i ll 4' daily, Aid fear inelr own -demi:mill' murder t h em • • • F., .. 'the le theprhMks. *We kp *tialkiinak a detrtei) that war 15 on the point of ibeing inaugureed;•nd 7 0tilibtr pt4l, : itio hostge , hktheit4ear: latter air vigaggilite,swwwilthAtragt hallT0 0 1 4 : 011 1 twoirotilkOn frau *State.-' .4,74:1 gaCteSfiyY c9 akr d 800 , 4 0 600 Lootimus, Ithae ME MOM =ll