re l A S 1 0 19' , . wtlcatafth HA.RRISEtrRa- Wedileeday Afternoon, June 19,1881 MYVERTISERS. The circulation of, the DAILY TELEGRAPH IS FOUR TIMES LARGER than any other daily published or circulated in this city, and it therefore presents greater inducements for the patronage of advertisers than is offered to them through any other medium. Let those who want buyers, try advertising in the TELE GRAPH. THE MORNING TELEGRAPH Is issued every morning and con tains THE LATEST TELE GRAPHIC DISPATCHES re ceived during the night. Uzi/aunt - No.—A bath in the Susquehanna river before sunrise. Try it I Otnz FLA.G.—A ne4t flag-staff was erected on the roof,of the TEJAGRAIII building this morn ing, from the top of which, at an elevation of seventy feet above the ground, the star spangled banner iLats gracefully in the breeze. A Wuxi Goon was captured in the river yes terday afternoon. It had been wounded in the wing and was unable to fly. These "birds" frequently pass over our city in flocks, but at eo great a height that it would require apatent Minnie rifle to bring them down, MRS. STEPHEN A. DODGIAS and suite left this morning in the eight o'clock Northern Central train en route for Washington city. We had not the pleasure of seeing the distinguished visitor, who is said to be one of the most beau tiful and accomplished ladies in the country. STRAVBERIIIES.-Our market was never better supplied .with strawberries than now. The crop is unusually abundant this year, and prices are therefore somewhat lower than formerly. The supply on hand this morning far exceeded the demand, and boys peddled the luscious fruit about town at ten cents a box. Otra Kamm is now abundantly supplied with every variety of early vegetables and fruits,. at prices which enable all classes pf citi zens to "fare sumptuously every day." Gen erous mother earth has yielded bountifully the present season in this region ; and fortunately for the people !f money is scarce a littlo of it goesa great way. Let us be thankful! --o•- - - WENT TO Tan Woons.—This morning we met a party of blight-eyed, happy-hearted lads and lasses, on their way to one of the beautiful groves in the vicinity of the city. The meatlaer being highly favorable for picnic purposes, of course the participants enjoyed themselves as Only young fJlks can on such occasions. An other party will visit Spruce Hollow to morrow. =I PATRIOTIM AND SALITATRE.--We are remind ed of the approach of the "glorious fourth" by the occasional explosion of fire crackers, — the juveniles being unable to restrain their patriot ism until the advent of our national anniver sary. There will be an unusual quantity of saltpetre burned on the coming fourth, and dealers in squibs and pyrotechnics should pro vide ample supplies In time. BODY Foram —A few days ego the body of a man was found on a rock st Conewago Falls, in the Suequebanaa river, near the Dauphin and Lancaster lioe. The body was very much direigured, having evidently been in the water for BOMB time. The deceased. appeared to have been respectably dressed, and s silver watch was found on his person. He was supposed to have been an up-river lumberman. Tian Zoe:Ave, Annus= BEGIUM.—The regi ment of Col. James Brady, now in Camp Cur tin, Will be uniformed in the genuine Zouave ,stsle. , The,material for their clothing is ,fine and handsome, and they expect to be clothed within a week or two. The regiment will be furnished with rifled cannon, and each man will carry a rifle and pistols. The drivers wilt be armed with Burnside's carbines. The off' cat are determined to make their regiment crack corps. The men were sworn and mus tered into service under the State requisition on Saturday last. MIITINY IN A. Przsanace COMPANY—ONB MAN finer DEAD ^AMEND. WOUNDED AND Two Tana Peasonnas.—A few days ago the camp at Mall fire miles this side of Baltimore, on the Northern Central railroad, where the "Fire men's Legion," of Pittsburg, attached to the twelfth Pennsylvania regiment is stationed, for the protection of the road, was thrown into no little excitement •by four of the pri vates attempting to murder one of the picket guards. It appears the captain gave the foul. men leave of absence for several hours, and they repaired to' a place near the camp where they obtained liquor, and became intoxicated. On their return they assaulted the guard, took his musket from him and attempted to bayo net him, whereupon the guard ran to the cap tain's quarters and informed him of the fact. The captain immediately detailed five men to pursue them, and bring them to his quarters dead or living. As soon as the detachment came in sight of the disorderly soldiers they were rallied upon, and the sergeant, upon hear ing the shouts of " kill them! kill them !" or dered his detachment to fire, which resulted in one of the mutineers being shot dead on the spot, three balls entering his breast and one taking effect in his forehead ; another was shot through his left hand, and the remaining two taken prisoners. The wounded man is confined in the hospital at Meliville, and the two pri soners were taken to Fort McHenry to await trial. ; The fellow who was shot has long been familiarly known in Pittsburg as " Loafer," and :when under the influence of liquor was 'more dem'on than man. The two pritoners, if convicted, will be slid iinutedietely. Onoaous.—The air with the perfume of "posies" and new-mown hay. I=l Amu:lm —The Union Rifles, of Williams burg, Blair county, have been accepted by the Governor, and are making preparations to come to Harrisburg and go into camp. = - .l=l Sas. LEIDIG, the old lady injured yesterday at the depot, had improved this morning. Little hopes, however, are entertsinedifor her recovery. She is at the Bomgardner House. -- •O' -- Tam ROBERTS GUARDS continue to drill regu larly, and are making rapid progress in acquir ing a knowledge of military tactics. This com pany, which is likely to become a permanent organization, will be a credit to the city. INORDINATE TRIRET.—To those who have a strong desire to drink great quantities of water in summer, a writer gives the following ad vice : " Take the twig of a birch. elm or other tree, having a pleasant taste, and cut it into several pieces about half an inch in length each. Keep one of these in the mouth while traveling or working in the sun, for about an hour, throw it away and supply its place with another, and thus continnedming the warmest hours of the day. By following this advice, a person will feel no more desire to drink in warm than cool weather." -• e •--z Slums!. Fon A FIGHT.—One of the Michigan boys got very sick in this city and was unable to accompany his regiment to Washington.— He was ordered home when convalescent, and furnished a pass to go, but that did not suit him at all. The other day, very unexpectedly to his comrades, he made his appearance in the =hp at Washington. The Surgeon seized him in the ranks, and as he was really unable to withstand the hardships of the service, ordered him out. It was just as the troops were in column to march to Virginia, an alarm having been given. He• left the column crying, and said, sobbing loudly : "Never mind, boys, you'll find me on the other side of the bridge.— I'll be d—d if I don't be there." And if there had been a fight no doubt he would have kept, his word. The brave fellow started for a fight and if there is a chance he is going to have it. That Mlchigander, if he lives, will return home covered with laurels 1 IarrENELAN SYNOD OE PfiNNSTLvANTA.—The fol lowing resolutions in reference to the present condition of our beloved country, and the duty of its citizens towards the government, were unanimously adopted by this large and influ ential body at its recent meeting in the city of Philadelphia : Resolved, That with all true friends of our hitherto favored country, we earnestly deplore the present melancholy condition of our Union. Resolved, That in firm reliance on the infinite mercy, wisdom and frabfulness of Almighty God, we trustfully hope that the bright sun shine of day will again rise forth out of the present night of gloom. Resolved, That we especially keep in view the duty of unalterable fidelity to the Union, and of conscientious obedience to the lawfully con stituted authorities of our country; and that we cheerfully do all irrour power to promote and to secure the perpetuity of our Union. Resolved, That we gratefully remember the faithful defenders of our country, commending them in our earnest progress to the rich and tender mercies of God, whilst at the same time we do all in our power to relieve and comfort the peculiar daps of sick and suffering soldiers to whom our attention has been called. .—aiip... INDICPENDSNCR DAY IN HAREISRIFREL-AN 11l roam AND PATRIOTIC DAIONSTRATION.—III ac cordance with previous notice, the committee appointed to make arrangements for a celebra tion of the forthcoming anniversary of our tional Independence, met in the Mayor's office last evening. A general plan of celebrating the day was adopted, consisting of a national salute to be fired at sun-rise, and a/ simulta neous ringing of all the bells of the city ; a parade of the various civic and military organ isations and citisens generally ; to be followed by the reading of the Declaration and an Ora tion in Capitol Park. The committee also recommend a general flag display by our citi zens. A committee, consisting of the follow ing gentlemen, was appointed to solicit sub scriptions to defray necessary expenses : Ist Ward—Daniel, Hacker, Alexander Koser. 2d Ward—Frederick Trace, J. Brisben Boyd.- 3d Ward—John L. Sieel, Oliver Edwards. 4th Ward-41Amnel Kline, John Gastrock. 6th Ward—A. Oves, J. B. Hutchinson. Bth Ward —3, W. Laury, John Brooks. The Secretary of the committee, Joshua AL Wiestling, was in structed to procure the necessary subscription books, 80., from whom the ward committees are desired to receive them and attend to their duties without delay. These committees will will please report the result of their efforts to the general committee on Saturday evening at 74 o'clock in the Court House. Mayor Kepner has been selected to receive the amount col lected and make the necessary disbursements. HAYELOCE.B All A CMS INsmonoz.—The havelock is by no means as recent an inven tion as many persons suppose. It is a new thing to see them worn in this locality by men; but for time almost out of mind they have been patronized by the gentler sex, The sun-bonnet, so familiar to every one as a favorite article of bead-gear with children, country maidens, washer-women, and watering place belles, Is nothing more nor less than a havelock in all essential particulars, and sun-bonnets were worn by the grandmothers and great grand mothers of the present generation. General Havelock, when he saw that his soldiers in In dia were suffering with the roasting heat, and that the backs of their necks and their shoul ders were blistered by the sun's rays, no doubt thought of the long-caped white bonnet worn by his mother's maid when engaged in out-door work, and he applied the cooling fixture to the caps of his men. We saw a citizen on the street yesterday with a havelock upon his head, and shading his neck and shoulders from the sun. He was about as much an object of attention as Jonas Hanway was when he made his first ap pearance on the streets of London with an um brella raised above his head. Had the wearer sported a military uniform, his unusual bead . gear would have excited no comment; as it was, be attracted general attention and was no doubt ridiculed. We regard the havelock as a good institution, and have no doubt it will soon be come mules is SITU cirolei. iptimegthattia IDaitln Ztlegraph, Wantsban "Afternoon, June 19, 1861. "AND THB STRIPBB."—A little four year old girl, while repeating the catechism to her moth er, was asked, "What did God create ?" The child promptly replied, "The earth, the sun, the moon, the stars—and the striper 1" Noma.—Owing to information received to day, the Committee of Arrangements for a fourth of July demonstration are requested to meat at my office in Walnut street, this evening at fight o'clock. Business which will not ad mit of delay will come before the Committee. JOSHIJA M. WIZITUNG, Secretary. A Eisen Max.-4 Cumberland Valley farmer charged some of our hungry soldiers two shill ings for a pound of butter and four shillings for a loaf of bread I That fellow is mean enough to steal acorns from a blind hog in the forest, and would chase flea through a five mile swamp for the hide and tallow. He ought to migrate to the south and enlist in the rebel army. Pusarawrio.—This morning two dilapidated soldiers, stimulated with a copious supply of lager, gat to quarelling about nothing, and concluded to light it out fairly and squarely. So they pulled off their blouses and pitched into each other promiscuously. They fought in true artistic-style, and though each swore he whipped the other, neither could show a scratch or bruise upon his enemy. Evidently, "nobody was hurt ;" but there might have been, had not a police officer suddenly appeared and in terrupted the performance. LOST I- A POCKET Boom containing a Dia mond ring ; two Plain Gold Rings, stamped 22 and 16 caret, and over Five Hundred Dol lars in gold and bank notes. Among the money was one $5O note on the Danville Bank, and one $2O note on the Harrisburg Bank ; two $2O gold pieces, and $BO or $B5 in smaller coin. A number of papers were also in the pocket-book. Twenty-five dollars will be paid, and no questions asked, if the finder will leave the same at this office. jell-dtf NEW GOODS FROM NEW YORK ADOTION.-50 pieces of Grey Goads at 10, 121 and 20 cts. 100 dozen Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs for 3, 5 and 6 cts. 10 pieces Lavelle Cloth for 7 cts. 25 dozen Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs for 121, worth 25 cts. Splendid Mohair Mitts at 31 . and 37 cts. 15 dozen towels at 12} cents a towel.— Linen Sleeves and Collars at 25 cts. 50 dozen Sun Umbrellas and Parasols cheap. 1.00 pieces of the best Calico ever sold for 61- cts. 50 pieces Broche Bordering very cheap. A large lot of bleached and unbleached Muslin. Now is the time to buy bargains. Call at S. LzWT's, Rhoad's old corner. O.IIEESMAN'S PILLS, Prepared by Cornelius L. Cheaseman, M. D., ph combination of ingredients in these Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice. They are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting all irregularities, Painful Menstruations, removing ail ob structions, whether from hold or otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, whites, all ner vous affections, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and limbs, &c., disturbed deep, which arise from mtorruption of nature TJ MARRED) in.PM, , • Or. Cheeseman's Pills aro invaluable, ss Il.ey will Mugs on the monthly period with regularity. I,edies who have been disappointed In the use or other Pills can place the utmost confidence In Dr. Ch.:mamma% Pile doing all that they represent to do. There is one condition of the female system its which the Pals cannot be taken mahout orodnentst a PROULLIUR RESULT. The condition 7 tterrid to U PREGNANCY— the result, ALISOARAIAGb.. Sesta es the irresistade tendency of the medicine to restore he :renal {unctions to a normat eandttion that teen the reproetnctice power of nature cannot resist it. Warranted purely vegetable, and tree from anything injurious, Ntpliett directions, wbloh should be read, as company each box. Price Si. Sent by mail on enclosing $1 to Dn Coaxsurs L Csitaxwax, Box 4,531, Poet Office, New York City. Sold by one L ngl.2t iti every town In the United States H. B. HUTCHINGS, General Artit for the United States, 14 Broadway, New York, whom. cIl Wiugade orders ;hated be add.4mid. Sold in Harrisburg by O. A. BAsitturz. no:1g •I, ♦ Comm:awn of the Sieele Pans, the government organ of France writes from Tanis, Algiers", as ibllows "Our college of Philosophers at home, may, and pro bably do accomplish a great deal for the cause of science but the Americana are the people to turn these discover ies to practical account. Many of the modern inventions in use here are American. and oue American chemist, Dr. J. C Ares, of Lowell, supplies much of the medicine consumed in this country. His Cherry Peotoral, Pills, Sarsaparilla and Ague Cure constitute the staple reme dies here, because they are of easy application, sure In their retuirs and have the confidence of the people.— While the Science of Medicine is carried to a nigher per fection in our own country (France) than any other, it aUlges a Frenchman aB a little al ngul rthatanAmerican Physician should, nernlals the medical skill and remedies f..r our Principal Province. 'Ste are happy so inform our readers that these supe rior medicines which the Emperor's Principal Province is obliged to get from America may be had by our neigh bors, at C. A. Banswart's, C. K. Keller's, D. W- Grass & Co.'s J. M. Letts's, Holman & Co.'s, Armstrong, Harrisburg, and dealers everywhere. j:11-darr HAIR DYE I HAIR DYE I I Wm. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye I • The Original and Best in the World. All others are mere imitations, and shoald be avoided if you with to map. ridicule. DRAY, RED, OR tour HAIR dyed laeleetlY to a beautiful and Natural Brown and Black, without Injury to Hair or Skin. FIFTEEN BEDAI2 and DIPLOMAS have been award ed to Wm. A. Batchelor since 1a69, an 3 over 130,000 ap plloatiens hsve been made to the Hair of his patrons of his famous dye. WM. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color not to be distinguished from nature, and is warranted not to injure in the least, however long it may be tonna tied, and the ILI effects of Bad Dyes remedied; the Hair invigorated for life by this splendid Dye. Sold in al cities and towns of the United States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. My' The Genuine has the name and addreas anon a steel plate engraving on four sides of each box, of WI LIAM A. BATGEEKLOE. Address eflAßtsA BATCHELOB, Proprietor, eB•d&wtang kl Barclay great, New York THE DR. KANE REFRIGERATOR. pills superior REFRIGERATOR, to gether with several other cheaper styles, may be found at the manufactory, at exceedingly low prices. Also, a great Variety of WATER COOLERS, of sups- Vier finish. E. S. PARSON a CO. Cor. Dock asd Pear streets, Philadelphia. aprlll6•Sm W. A. BATCIEKLOR'S HAIR DYES THIS SPLENDID HAIR DYE has no cone—instantaneous in ereot—Beautiful Black or Natural Brown—no staining the skin or injuring the Hair—remedies the absurd and Melina of Bad Dyes, and Invigorates the Hair for life. None are genuine unless idgned "W. A. Batchelor." Sold everywhere. CHAS. BATCHELOR, Proprietor. dihwtagl SI Barclay Street, New To MANE OOD. HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED JUST PUBLISHED ON THE NATURE, TRBATMENT AND RADICAL CUBS OP lIPB BMATOR BHEA, or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility . , Nervous ness, Involuntary Batiesione and Impotency, restating from SeTines', ate. By Robt. J. Culverwail, N. D. Bent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post paid, on receipt of . two stamps, by Dr. CHAS J C. ILINN, 121 Bowery, New York. Post ONoe Bas No • .-.--••••..... In_PORTART TO FEMALES. SEW Yolax. CITY. A CARD TO THE LADIES. DR. DITPONOOIS GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES. n correcting, regthaung, aria renso-Fetit obstructions, from whatever cause, and ways successful as a preven tive. _ _ _ r - li&E PILLS HAVE BEEN USED BY 1 the doetors for many years, both In France ens America, with unparalleled success in every case ; and he is urged by many thousand ladies who used them, tc make the Pills public for the alleviation of those suffering from any irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent an increase of family where health will not permit it.— Females particularly situated, or those euppoamg them. selves so, are cautioned against these Pills while in that condition, as they are aursr, to produce miscarriage, and the proprietor assumes no responsibility after this admo ninon, although their mildness would prevent any mire chief to health—otherwise the Pills are recommended. Full and explicit directions accompany each box. Pries 11 00 per box. Sold wholesale and retail by CHARLES A. FIANNA - UHT, Druggist, No. 2 Jones Row, Harrisburg, Pa. "Ladies," by sending him $1 00 to the Harrisburg Post Moe, can have the Pills sent free of observation tc any part of the country (confidentially) and "free of )?as (age" by mail. Sold also by S. S. Swam, Reading, JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY a Cownete, Philadelphia, J. L. Lam- Rieman, Lebanon, DAMN'. 11. 111111:030, Lancaster; J. A. Wore, Wrighteville ; H. T. Stamm, 'fork ,• and by one druggist In every city and village in the Upton, and by S. D. Howe, ole proprietor, New York N. B.—Look out for counterfeits. Boy no Golden Pills of any kind unless every box is signed S. D. Howe. At others are a base imposition and tins ere; therefore, as you value your lives and health, (to say nothing of be ing humbugged out of your money ) , buy only of those who show the signature of d. D. Howe on every boa, which has recently been added on account of the Pills being counterteited des-dweawly. No) 21brertisemtnts , PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES QtrARTER MASTER'S DEPARTMENT, Case CnstriN. Sealed proposals will be received at this Of fice up to 5 o'clock, on TUESDAY, the 25th day of JUNE, 1861, to furnish the following articles of Supplies, in such quantities, at such times, and at such places as may be directed by this Office : SOO CORDS OAK WOOD. The same to be inspected by proper persons selected for the purpose as provided by the Act of As sembly. R. C. HALE, jel9•d2t Q. M. G. ARMY SUPPLIES. HEADQUARTERS, PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA, COMMISSARY DEPARTMENT, Harrisburg, June 19, 1881. Sealed proposals are invited and will be re cieved at my office in. the city of Harrisburg until THURSDAY, the 27th inst., at 12 o'clock M., for furnishing by contract the best quality of FAMILY BREAD at a Camp to be estab lished near New Freedom, York county, Penn sylvania. Also, the best quality of Fresh Beef, with Skins, Necks and Tallow taken off. Also, Sugar, Ground Coffee, Tea, Rice, Beans, Vinegar, Pepper, Soap, Candles, Salt, Pilot Bread and Potatoes ; all to be of the best quality, and to be delivered in such quantities and at such times as they may be ordered by the Assistant Commissary during the time the troops may remain in said Camp, and to be in spected by the Inspector appointed for the pur pose of inspecting Army supplies. Bonds with approved security for the faithful performance of the above contracts will be required.— Nothing will be. allowed for freight, drayage or packages. W. W. IRWIN, jel9•dtd Com. Gen. York Daily Recorder insert till 27th inst. and charge this office. ARMY SUPPLIES. HEAD QUARTERS, PENNSYLVANIA COMMUMART DEPARTMENT, Harrisburg, June 19, 1861. Eittaled proposals_ ere invited and will ba re ceitiaat my office in the city of Harriaburg untilthe 27th init. at 12 M., for furnishing by contract FRESH - BEEF of the best quality.— Skizia, - Ifecka and Tallow taken off. Also, Brown Sugar, Tea, Rice, Vinegar, Ground Coffee, Pepper, Salt, Soap and Candles. All;the above articles to be of the best quali ty, and to be delivered in such quantities and at such times as may be ordered by the Assist ant Commissary, and to be inspected by the Inspector appointed for inspectarg Army Sup plies at said Camp. Nothing will be allowed for drayage or packages. Bonds with ap proved security will be required for the faithful performance of the above contracts. W. W. IRWIN, j e/9.dtd. Corn. Gen. Patriot and Union insert until 27th inst. FOR RENT. ROOMS now occupied by the Post Office. Possession given on the first of July. En quire of jelfidtf GEORGE W. PORTER. A CHANCE FOR A *BARGAIN. T 0 close up the concern the entire stock of SHOES, BOOTS, am., late of Oliver. Bell man, deceased, to tha rooms In tee Market Square, will be avid at private sale at COST; and the rooms wl , l be rented to the pardoner if desired. The terms will be made easy. jerldtf BAWL D. BOAS, Agent. NEXT OF KIN WANTED ! Handre_ds of Millions Pounds Sterling TN a CHANCERY, BANE OF ENGLAND, ego., walling claimants. A catalogue of the heirs, an names of those to whom letters shawl be addresse a In England, will be sent post free, on receipt of 60 cents, in etamps, or two for $L - Old claims must be mama° d at once. References:—A. S. Hill, Boston; J. Burnhaba., Chief of Police, Haverhill. Address W. W. S. ORBETON & CO., dAt Box 200, Post OBLe, Boston, Mass. PEIPHER'S DAILY LINE Between Philadelphia Loot Haves, Jen= SNOBS, Wurworottr, MINIB UNIONTOWN', WATRONLOWN MILTON, LEWIELNIIP.G, NONNUIIMBINUND, ti1430111;', lgeVO.vos, GtosorrowsLTKINSTOWN, Pi L viam_ uvRO, bisursx, DAIIPELN, AND HARRISBURG. The Philadelphia Depot being centrally located the Drayage will be at the lowest rates. A Cmductor goes through with each train to attend to the - safe delivery of all goods entrusted to the line. Goods delivered at the Depot of FREED, WARD & FREED, No. 811 Market Sleet, Mk delpbls, by 0, o'clock P. M., will be delivered in Harrisburg the nest morning. Freight (always) as low as by any other line. Particular attention paid by this line to prompt and speedy delivery of all Harriabur4 The undersigned thankful for past patronage hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of the same. T. PRIPMER, Philadelphia and Reading isnot, jail-dim Feat of Market Street, Harrisburg,. NOTICE TO COUNTERFEITERS. W ged n persons nter, e tu g t4have nameslst eo-f been eßn s everal Members of Congress end Senators on letters and dor4 manta, notice is hereby given that inch franks; will avail them nothing as they will not be recognized and all such letters must be sent to the Dead Letter Wilde at Wash ington. Some seven hundred letters are now lying at this office with counterfeit .ranks on them, and the per son who deposited them had better call tor them and get them properly mailed. If the authors of these franks tan be discovered it will be the duty of the undersigned to have them criminally prosecuted however painful it 1 1 may be. jelo GEO. BERGNER, Y. M. FOR RENT. AThree Story Brick House on Second street. Alm a Two Story Frame 8011315 on Paxton street. Apply to C. 0. ZIMMERMAN LoiT-tri No. 28, South Second EL, Harrisburg. FOR RENT. THE EUROPEAN HOTEL AND RE &MEANT In. Branlle elky Hall Budding, Harris burg City, pi. App l y 10 JOHN H. BRANT, isol•atme On the premises. CRAB CIDER! !I—Strictly pure, spark- Ins and aweel—has received a tillver Modal or Di plems at every elate Agricultatal Nair km 1668 For uI by 1•11-4 WM. DOCK k CO. Nen) 2thriertisements- iATIONAL AND RiLOINIENTAL COLORS. ADJUTANT GT,NIMAL'S OFFICE, P. M., } Harrisburg, June 18, 1861. Sealed proposals will be received at the office until three o'clock on the 26th day of Jane, 1861 for colors deliverable at this office as re quired, said proposals to be publicly opened at the time and place named, and the successful bidder to be announced as soon thereafter as convenient the right being reserved to the State to increase or diminish the number and quantity of any or all of the several kinds of colors, required, viz : 1 National Color for U. S. Artillery. 40 " " "U. S. Infantry. 1 Regimental " "U. S. Artillery. 40 " "U. S. Infantry. all to be in every respect as described in the U. 8. Army Regulations paragraphs No's 1869, 1870 except that the arms of Pennsylvania are to be embroidered on the National Colors,iu the centre of the Union, their the not to exceed one fourth of its area and the 84 stars to be arranged symmetrically around them., and that on the Regimental colors the arms of Pennsylvania of same dimensions are to be embroidered in up per corner near pike ; all to be entirely com plete with pike, spear, ferule, cords, tassels, fringe, ready for use anti marked with No. and name of Regiment according to regulations above mentioned ; also for 1 National Color for Rifle Regiment, 1 Regimental " II II i{ as above described for Infantry colors, except the No. and name of Regiment are to be em broidered in gold instead of silver and that green will be used instead of blue in all parts except the field of the Union in National Color ; to be complete ready for use and marked as above mentioned ; also for 1 Standard for Cavalry Regiment, 10 Guidons " " as described in paragraphs 1872 and 1878 of U. S. Army Regulations, the arms of Pennsylva nia, of suitable dimension=, to be embroidered on each ; to be complete, ready for use, and marked as above mentioned. Sketches of the manner in which the arms of this State will be inserted in each kind of color and guildon, will be submitted with each proposal. Each propo sal will state the price per letter additional for adding on each flag such other inscriptions in letters of same material, as name of regiment, as may be required. The workmanship and materials must, in every color, be equal to U. S. standard patterns. Proposals for colors on which the decorations are painted, instead of embroidered, may also be presented, and may be accepted in lieu of the above. The material of the paint must not be injurious to the silk. Fifteen per cent. of the amount of each de livery to be retained as a forfeiture, until the contract is completed. Time of delivery to be considered as of the essence of the contract.— Contractors to state in their proposals the time when the goods can be delivered. Successful bidders to give bonds with two approved secu rities. The speedy delivery of a large part will be considered in awarding the contract. By order of the Governor of Pennsylvania, E. M. BIDDLE, Adjutant General, P. M. jelB-12td An excellent article of C 051.25 $1.25 rn . meroul Note Parer can be had fur 264 per ream ac BErtGNeM'S MAT WOES JOKE. TO NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS. ACOMPOSITOR in ill-health and also having lost his hearing, is desirous or procuring .mployment on a country paper ; wagestiot as madden 0 Sect as work in the country. Address 6,CumPuSl - Harrisburg Post LIZIoa lelS4 [BY AUTHORITY.] UNITED STATES INFANTRY TACTICS: Ma TES Instruction, Exercise, and Manonvres I= 11. 8. INFANTRY; INCIIIDEM INFANTRY OF TALE LINE, LIGHT IN- FANTRY, AND RIFLEMEN. Prepared under the direction of the War Department, and authorised and adopted by ftos (lax sw3s, Secretary of War_ cosrrAmax, Ths School°, the Soldier; 2he School of the Compa ny; Isnruction for Skirmishers; The General Galls; The ails for Skirmishers, And the School of the Battalion ; ISCLUDING A DICTIONARY OF MILITARY TERMS. ate Volume Complete, illustrated with numerous En gravings. $1.25. Wait D'ustratztrr, Waiiingfcn, May i, 1861. This System of Dolma :Fates infantry tactics for Light Infantry and Rllnnen. prepare.l under the direction or the War Department, haring b2en , :pprored by the pre. sidtzt, is adopted for the Instruction of the troops when acting as Light Mott:: or Waft:men, and, under the net of May 12, 1820, for ton observance of the militia when so employed. SIMON CAMERON, Secretary 9f War. For sale at BERGNER'S GaRAP BOOKsTuRE. By re• miffing the regular price the boot wilt be sent to any place free of postage. my 24 NOTICE. TN the matter of the application to the IN Orphans' Court of Dauphin away, Pennsylvania, to (Levee the specific performance of the contracts of ADAM WlLallsti, of Lye ens to cashlp, la said county, deceased. -• • . The Court. on the Bth day of May,lS6l, appointed Henry Peffer, Esq., Commissioner to tiuse mammy after thirty days notion by an insertion in a newspaper published in the city of Harrisburg, Pa. lo pursuance whereol. notice Is hereby given to Sarah, Wilber t widow, and to Joseph, Jacob, Jonas, George, Joon, Hoary and Adam Wither, William Hoffman, and Lydia, Ms wits, George Shepley and Mary his wile, and Joan loodenslager, Guardian of John, Adam, and Ma. ttitta, t had. en of grab, late Willier, dee,ased, who was Intermarried with Joseph Londenslager. deceased, that depo.itims to be read In evidence on toe hearing of said case in Court will be taken beta. said Henry Petra, Esq., at his Mae In Louth Third Street, in Harrisburg, on ECE,DAY, the EhiEffEEICH DAY OF JULY, len; tetween the hours of two and four o'clock on the after noon of said day, when and where yon may attend if you think proper. WM. T. Ittull"P, Attorney for Joseph Waller and WM. Hoffman, June 11, 1801.—jel2ar .d.cfmtnistratiirs. - ‘lsT B. M. GILDER, D. D. S. STATE STREET, OPPOSITE THE BRADY HOUSE. All opera ions, Surgical and Mechanical, seleutifusaly performed. Charges moderate. je6 All Work Promised in One Week 4:1) 4 . PENNSYLVANIA STEAM DYEING ESTAI3LISENE4 T, - 104 Market Street between, 4th and fith s HAUBISBURG, IXT HERE every description of Ladies' y V and Gentlemen& Garmcntt, Mete GOLldl,sti=" art Cleansed and linlahmitila the beat intaner and et .'reshorteetnotice DODGE rtovi•dawly Provelistare Nun 51bwrtisntent3. STEAM WEEKLY ir k\, BETWEEN NEW lOU 4 7-SICA: AND LIVERPOOL. LANDING AND EMBARKING PAS SEWERS at QUEENSTOWN, (Ireland.) The Liver. pool, New York and Philadelphia Slim:nal:tip company Intend despatching their full powered Glyde•letilit iron Steamships as follows : GLASOuW, Saturday. 22d June; CITY OF BALTIMORE, Saturday, 29th June ; KANGAROO. Saturday, 6th July; and *every Saturday, at Noon, from' Pier 44, 'llart.h'lllver. = . . . . .... . ITEM' CABM $75 03 SiEBO.l..clE.. $BO 00 I do to London $BO 00 do to London ..$B3 00 do to Pada $95 COdo to P.4r.i.g .... $39 12 4 do to Hamburg..sBs 001 do t, Hamburg 035 00 Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Rotter dam, Aniwerp, &0., at equally low rates. . _ _ wiehing to untig eut their friends can buy tickets here at the following rate; to New York ; Frew fiverpooi or Queenstown; let Cabin, $75 ; $B5 aed $lO5. Steerage from LiTerpo,! $lO 00 From Queenstown ; 880 00. These Steamers hire superior ancommodationa for paanengers, anti carry experiencod Surgenna. Tony are built. in Water-tight Irot serclaa,r, and have t's.tont Fire Annihilators on bon.rd. For turthor inter:nation- apply at the. Company's Offices. JNO. G. DALE. agent, 2-. f 1.5 Broadway, New York. Or 0.0. Zimmerman. , k;:tent. Elarrirairz. COMMERCIAL NOTE PAPER. Just received from the mill a fine lot of Nate Paper at SI. SO per ream at the lwd & aGLE WORKS. FUR BALE A BUILDING LOT, situate iu West Mir risburg fronting on Bro:i street 20 feet, and ran mug back 181 fees, mom or leas, to a 20 foot alley, ad jolaing on one F.itie the z;roporty at Mr. alttna ,, nstine„ For particular," enquire .61tEDMIICK BCELEFEBR st Bergner's Beo:tato , e May 8, 1861 LIME FOR SALE PE UNDERdiGINED having embarked the LIME BUSINESS L; wepared farni3h to very beet article at sheet not c aua at th e oreet Prbra for cash. Ie sells the limo barb? at Coiacab la and aux) that burnt at home, aiy2b-e3m ICKORY, OAK. AND PINE WOOD for sate, CM 2Y STCVE UR CURD LENG2N 'Pa SUI PURCHASERS. ALSO, 1.<10052 P 0575 AND CHEB7NU.7 RAILS 001. TO ORDER ALSO, STONE AND SAY D 6C.78 BUILDIN PURPOSES lugthre of the sub3cribe” Lt resilanOe on the Ridge road, opposite the Good Wth Reglue 13043 e, Or a 6 the Yard, Corner Of Sozoo , i sad 2e0.1.11 , treets, ge:t &tr. rieburg. I edy2i-if j G. B. OOLE. PROF. ADOLPH P. TEUPSER. WOULD respectfully inform his Old patrons and tae public zenerally, that he will continue to give instructions on the PIANO FORTE, Kg LODEON, VIOLIN and also in the science of mußorie.c . BASS. lie will w'th pleasure wait upon pupils a; the.: homes at any hour desired, or lessons will be given., his residence, in Third street, a few doors below tab Oerman Reformed Church. decls-dti City Property for Sale, ALARGE TWO-STO BRICK - HOUSE', and lot of growl', pleasantly - lac tt. on Front St., between Mulberry street a .0 Wasuingtott avenua. Alao TWO LARGE PIANOS in good cindittod. and of ex cellent tone. Apply to C O. ZINIIIRRIIAS, No. 28. Slum Second street 3.a.M91..' Nib DIARRHEA AND CHOLERA ANTIDOTE, For the ours of Mass distrestbig maladies. Agreeable to the taste. Every so:dder sheun procure a battle of tills valuable medicine before they taco up thew line of march. 10: sale ar. Q. A. B.A.::.tiVAErd, Drug Store, my2-d3m AQUANTITY of Bags, Checks and Ging ham for sale by the dozen and pieoe, cheap tor ennu, at the DAOPHDI CAJUN I'V etti, , •.)N .c.,78w , 43 llasatasuse try d. 15:4. MOUNTED ARTILLERY. 'THIRTY ABLE-BODIED AND SOBER ...I. MEN wanted for the Mounted ArM!Mu' srarvios.— Apply at Cimp Cnrdrt to Lieut. JACOB M. BABB. Jen raw PAOPOS ALS IiVILL be received at the PENNSYL VANta oFilCrc during the present month for the construction or a BRIC.i 6/SWaa, (about 600 feet In liagtb,) from the mad of Marge; areas bridge to Paxton. eree . .t. For pardculare enquire at the aloe. 'Lit) T. wis.;KAAN, E'ogineer and 6uperlutendent. Elerrieburg, June 13, /601.—je1.34 STAGE LINE FOR GETTYSBURG FARE REDUCED TO $1.25 THROUGH TO GETTYSBURG. THE undersigned has established a regular LINE OF :SLICE COACHES tiom Mechanics burg, coonectiog every other morning with the Cumber land Valley Railroad care. The coaches leave every every Theeciay, Thursday and Saturday, returning every other day. Passengers for Sheppardeiowo,leborg, Petersburg and Gettysburg are carried at reduced rates, Jell.-dtf SVII. J. TATE. 11 - EADELPRIA NEW •' 6 ' • BONNET Fiv STORE ... 40, 7 el • • A S 0i" iN ib WITH A FULL aBSoaTileia iron the Puutiamphia and New 'tech moat fashionable establishments, to watch, during the season, additions of the latest novelties (rum those establisamentil-Wih constantly received, MM. A. B. BICKERTON, Formerly A. B. Carpenter, sign of the two. UOlden Eagles, Or bonnet store from the Harrisburg Bildge. marl9-Bmd JOHN B. SMITH'S BOOT & SHOE STORE, CORNER SECOND AlsID WALNUT STS., Harrisburg, Pa. ALWAYS on band a large assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, CIAITEAS, &0., or the very beet tamales for lathes, gentlemen, and children' wear.— Prices to suit the times. All kinds of tti ORE. MADE TO ORDER Mille best style by superior workmen REPAIRING done at short notice. cmtle-dtf TORN B. SMITH, Harrisburg. 0/SET. JOHN W. BROWN. - CASEY & BROWN, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW - HARRISBURG, PB.g.N'A lI.A.VING aesoeiated together isthe practice of the Law, mill attend faithfully and promptly to all professional business entrusted to their Office in Third strenc three doors frola N. E. Continuations in English and rierman„ • ALDERMAN. - HENRY PEPPER. . OFFICE--THIRD STREET, (SHELL'S ROW,) NEAR MARKET. Residence, Chestnut street near Fourth. CITY OP HAREMBITRG, myl2 dti • FLAGS I FLAGS I I NOTE PAPER AND EN V ELOPES with National doxigns, LETTER PAFfitt with a view of the city of Harristr.wg, printed audjor sale at BCIIEFFEWS BOOKSTORS, al 24 Naar ihe Harrisburg Bridge. FRESH ARRIVAL Ectierr,.EVANS, 8& Glarus, HOSOXI, SPLASsa 00934 Etta PEW. BAlart, ' • , . - moutow rex DNA*, WBOLII Pais, Just received sad *a sale at the 1.0113117 Cl= TSMINI. 6130 WM. DOCK X. & CC. my 9 LERNHTSEL