Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, June 19, 1861, Image 1
THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, GEORGE 13ERPNER TENDL- 4 .—aUnill 31/29t011. fl a rct. Trtr.rntAPE is served to subscribers in tbr epr a t cents per week. Yearly subscribers orar.rr 0.00. . WHIM: AND SoapWren's' TZLICIRAPH far anliira 'Salmi :published twice at Week during , se;siou n 1 the Legislature, and.weekly during the re • vilader the year, and farlished to subscribers at the foihrritiv, :ail; 91E: " • Subsoribere per year seven Ten N. Ci THII 1411 op 11111SPAPIRS t subscribers order thei discontinuance of their news papers, the publisher may entitinuo to send them until Arrearageo arevild. •.. : If subscribers neglect or refine to take their newsp. 8- pers trete the office to'which they are directed, they are responsible until they bay. sett ed the bills and ordered hem , diseontinned. • ilti. ill. Brass & to. D• W. GROSS & CO., 'WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, NO. 19 MARKET STBPPT TrAI?RISBURG, P 1 NA' DRUGGISTS. PHYSICIANS. STORE KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, We are daily ad din to our assortment of goods all such Articles as are desirable, and would respect call your attention to the largest and best selected stock in this city, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS & PAINTS 011 c, Varnishes and Glues, GyaStuirs, Glass and Patty, Artist Colors and Paola Pure Ground Spices, flmning Fluid and Alcohol, Lard, Sperm and Pine Oda, Bottles, V6tas and Lamp Globes, Castile Soaps, Sponges and Corks Otto., oto., sic., eic., &a., &a., &C With a general variety of PERFUMERY & TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the best manufacturers and Per fumers of Europe and this country. Being very large dealers in PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLAS, ARTIST'S COLORS, PAINT AND ARTISTS BRUSHES IN ALL TIMER VABIETIES,I COLORS AND BRONZES OF ALL KINDS, . . A 1 •• - rri Q 441.9 may. We ra3pectfully invite a call, feeling,confl- dent that we can supply the wants of all on terms to their satisfaction TEETH I TEETH I I JONE'S AND WHITE'S PORCELAIN TEETH. PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR RESTORATIVES Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietors, Saponifier and Concentrated Lye ! rloleisde agents for Saponifier, which we safes low as it can be purchased in the cities. THAYER'S MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS, COAL OIL! CARBON OIL Being large purchasers in these 01ls, we can offer inducements to close buyers. Coal Oil Lamps of the most improved patterns, very cheap. -All kinds of lamps changed to burn Cour OIL FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, Those of you who have not given our HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS a trial know not their auperioriry, and the advantage they are in keeping Horses and Cattle healthy and in good condition. Thorusands can testify to the profit they have derived from the use of our Cattle Powders by the increasing quantity and qnality of milk, besides improving the general health and ap pearance cf their Cattle.' ' Our long experience in the business gives us the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and oar arrangements in the ogles are such that we can in a very short time furnish anything appertaining to our business, on the best of terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed on our house, we hope by strict attention to business, &careful selection of PURE DRUGS, at fair piices, arid the desire to please ail, to merit a continuance of the favors of afcliaorimi atlas public. I/ • . :.:--: --- -- , ,.' - '''':,*A --- 'vf,y f ,-,4t"'l-::-.__,-,----v------Jc-----P -, it - -- - -- ~,,,, o ~.,_%.0 , 5, ..4, . - 4 N.._D 4.-..,- .„ . , . ,S 2 OU . 12 00 • 15.00 VOL. XV. inikettantous. DR. JOHNSON 3BAL-1-iri'IMIFMC:I)Ei.3III LOOK HOSPITAL Athiiscovered the most certain, speeds AA_ and effectual remedy in the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE, ALUM IN NM TO TWEET/ BOORS. No Mercury or Noxious Drugs, s3rA Cuss WARRANTED, OR NO CHARGE, IN FROM ONN re _ Two DArs. - Ut. Weakness of the Back or Limbo, Strictures, Pains in the Loins; Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic Weakness, Nervous Deliiiity, Decay of thePhysial Pow ors, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion ot deals, all Ration of the Heart, Timidity, , Trembliugs Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Stomach, ' Affections of the Head, Throat, Mae or - akin—those terrible disor -ders arising from the incliscretide or . Solitary Habits - el Youth—thole dreadrul and destructive practises Which produce constitutional debility, render marriage imPos siblo, and destroy both body and mind. YOUNG MEN, Young linen especially who have become the victims of solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which sunuaillc sweeps to an untimely grave thousands . of yoting men of thomost exalted talent and brilliant intel lect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waixed'te tv titay the living lyre, may call art- h full ooultdence. MARRIAGE. Married persons, or those contemplating marriage, be ing aware of physical weakness, should Immediately coo mit Dr. T., and be restored to perfoot behlth, ORGANIC WEAKNESS Immediately cured . coul . full vigor rafor ed . He who places himself under the care of. Dr. J. may religiously son Ade in ins boner as a gentleman, and con, fidently rely upon his skill as a physislan. • liirOffice Ne. 7 South Frederick. street, Baltimore, Ka., on the left hand side going from Baltimore street, 7 doors trout the corner. Be particular in `observing the tame or number, or you will mistake Be par. denier for Ignorant, Trifling Quack'', with false names, or Paltry humbug Certificates, attracted by, the repute. don of Dr. Johnson, lurk. near, . • All letters must contain a Postage Stamp, to use on the DB. JOHNSTON Dr. Johnson member of the Royal College of urgeone, London, graduate from one of the pest eminent . Colleges of the United states, and the greateit part of •wliOse life has been spent in the Hospitals of London, Yarie, Phila. delphia and elsewhere, has effected NIXIE) of the most at- Loathing cures that were ever known. Many troubled with ringing in the ears arid head when asleep; great ner vousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derange sent of mind were cured immediately, TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. T. addresses all these who having injured them. selves by private and improper indulgeucies, that secret and solitary, habit which ruins both body and mina, un dtting them for either business or society., The..,, are same of the sad and melaneholy eliit.ts pro duced by early habits of youth, viz : Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the .Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Paiphatitm of the Heart, Dp pepsia, Nervous Irritability Derangement of the Digestive Fuuctions, General Debility, dymptothe Oonsump. MENTALLY.I hlurchtuv, the fearful effects on the mina are muzl to tm dreaded :—Loee or Memory, Confusion of Ideas,,De pression of Spirlta, Evil Forebodings, Averitiolt to*mie, ty, Self-distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, &,e., are some of the evil erects. ThousandEs of persons of, all ages, can now judge _what lithe cause attbefillechno health, lain; their vigor, becoming weak, gßieoiervous and mac...stud, have a singular appearance' about the.eyes, zotigh, and symp• no of consumption. YOUNG MEN who have injured tharaselyel by a certain practice, in Allred iu when alone—a habit frequently learned from sill companions, or at school, the effects of which are alghtiy felt even when asleep, and if not cured, renders taarriage . impossible, and destroys ban mind and body, should apply immediately. • , . What a pity that tt_ young man, the hopes of his coml. try, the darting or his parents, should , be snatched trout prospents.and enjoyments af life:by the consequences of deviating from the path of nature, and Indulging in a certain secret habit. • Su :hpersons must, before canton plating riSABHT effect that a sound mind and body are - the most names), requisites to promote connabiSl happiness. Indeed without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage; the 'prospect hourly darkens to the view ;the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and flied with the melancholy ,reflection that the happidess of hnotifor be• domes blighted with our owe. - DR. JOHNSON'S INVIGORATING REMEDY FOR O GAMIC WEARNESS. By this great and important remedy, Wpaknesa of iki qrgans aro speedily cured, and full vigor restored. Yhousanda of the moat narvons and debilitated wha and lost all hope, have been imMoctlately.rellevad. All impedimenta to Marriage, Phyalatt or Mental Diagnalik. ,ation, Narrows, Trembling' Weakriesror lihaustlon or ttio most tearful kind, aPil9 Oared: TO STRANGERS . . The mpny thOnUiltde onred st Cl* hiShOhen Within tie last twelVOyeargillid the numerous impostapt Surgical eperationesTorfortned by Dr, J., whoa/Med by there. porters of theipapera, and many other persons, notices of Which have appeared again and naafi betore the public, besides his siandiwg as it gtoqtkonian of ekirracaii. 'cold re sponsthility, is a sufficient guarantee to the . aithoteeL Dl3FAc> , q OF IIkiERUDIeLNIX-,When the misgekletf and imprudent votary el pleasure finds be has imbibed the seeds of thlS pairdnl disease; it too often happens that an il4timed sense of shame or dread of itiScovery deters him front applying to those who, from education and re: speotability can alone befriend hint, delaying till the con: stitutional symptoms of this horrid disease Make their appearance, affecting the head, throat, nose, skin, ese., progressing on with frightful rapidity, death puts period to his dreadful enderings by sending him to nthat oourne from whence no traveler mums." It is a mel. meholy feet that thousands fall victims to this terrible disease, owing to the unskilfulness of ignorant pretend. , era, who, by the ase of that deadly poison, raerow`y;Miiii the constitution and make the residue of lile miserable. To Elmasosas.—Ths Dootaes Diplomas hang In larLettere must contain a Stamp tons on the reply iiiirltemedleit sent tiy,Mail. jairNo. 7 South 51•5410rt0k street Baltimore. aprl3.claw/y 1861. 8D OPENING, 3D OPENING 1861. SUMMER DRESS GOODS OA mar Dircrirnow, The qua ty of the goods for the price will be an induce. meet to every one to purchase. _ The mc, 'desirable goods of the seaacia at a great sac dike. 1110ZAMBIQUZ3r GRISSALIAS, VALENOJAS, CREPE D'ESPANGS, BEREGE ANGLAIS, BROCADE POPLINS, NEAPOLITAIiS. LAWNS and LAVELLAS cATHOART & BROTHER. Next dotlr to the Ilarrittourg Bank.- SKELETON SUIT& aro among the Ds 9' The largest stook. of the vary beet utak° to .be found at .. . CATHCART 8, lie.Tt door to the Berrianarg Bank. , Parasols 7 Sun Umbrellas all Umbrellas Ti!enii.ilf,Te per wit joyfer (FM . be Platehascil einnwhere 1n thealty, ' • .CATEKIART & Wang elleens Olt to the ilerrillbell 84Miro I= "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS L -NEITTRAL IN NONE:" HARRISBURG, PA.. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 19, 1861. Com of graottialtramortatiois Northern Ceittrial Railway - • ." • .I'.:-c.'!-*':!';‘:l4 o'ft.tdE 'i . 3P--' . ... CHANGE OF - SCHEDULE. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Tama TRIINDAILY TO AND FROM • 33 A. 1:3 M.ll/1" 0 12,M R "AND AFTER SUNDAY, JUNE 9th, the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central (tail. way will, leave Har . rialterg and Adlinthia infallows COIN ::SOUTH. NAIL TRAIN will Nave- Hp-rrlsburg . at. 120 P. M EXPRESS" " " u 3.00 A. aI IiABRIsRLIRG ACCOMMODATION .0.30 " RETURNING. MAIL TRAIN will Wive Baltimore at RJR A. M SIXPRMS TRAIN " 330 P. DI BARFORBDRG ACCOMMODATION ..... ...3.00 •P. II 0-01 NG-. MAIL TRAM leaves Harrisburg at P.M EXPRESS The only train leaving - Harrisburg on Subday will be the ktpress, South, at 3.0) A. M., and Express, North, at 8.05 P. M. For furtberlarormatioa apply at the °thee, m . Penn's. . Railroad Depot. • . . Harriatiurg, May . .:20," IM.—dtt NE I :O4INE ROM THREE TRAINS DAILY TO NEW TORR. TWO TRAINS DAILY TO PHILADELPHIA WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1861, the Passenger Trains will leave the Philadel phia anu Reading Railroad genet, at Harrisburi,t;r New York and Pialladelphlt, as follows, via • EASTWARD. - EXPRESS LINE leavos.Harriabarg at 930 a. ra., on ar rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the West, arriving in.NeW York at 4 p. m. A sleeping car is attached to the train throug,ll from Pittsburg without chance. • MAIL TRXIN loaves Harrisburg at B a. na., arriving in New York at 4p. m , and Philadelphia 'at 1.56 p: m. FAST LINN leave; Harrisburg at 1.40 p. m., on arrival of Pennsrivanta Railroad _Fast -mail, arriving ; New York at 9.46 p. m., and Philadelphia at 6.40 p. m. • WESTWARD.' : -- FAST LINE leaves New York at 8 a. in., and Philadel phia at 8 a. ta., arriving at Harrisburg at 1 p. m. TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon, tuni-Phd adelphia at 3. 15 p: m.; arriving at Harriabarg at 6, P.m. EXPRESS LINE leaves New York at 61 , p. tn.; mini. ving at Harrisburg at 2.30 a. m.,.andconnecting with the Pennsylvania Express Train.for Pittsburg. A sleeping car is also attached to tuts' 'rain. Connections are made at Harrisburg with trains on the Pennsylvania, Northern Ceutral and Cumberland Valley Railroads„and at Reading for Philadelphia Pottsville, WilkiiabarreiAllentowa, Easton, 5m... , Baggage checked through,. Pare between Newlork - and Harrisburg, 46 00; between Harrisburg and Phila dsiphia, 83 25 in No. 1 cars, and $2 701 n No. 2. . For tickets or other Information apply to . J. J. CLYDE, myl6 • • General Agent, Harrisburg. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL FIVE TRAINS DAILY-TOI AND The Pita:longer trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com'. piny will depart from and arrive at Hanisburn and Philadelphia as foThiws , . FAST Lin leaves Harrisburg every. morning (ono.Pl Monday) at 116 a. m.; and arrlyeill at.',Welft ThiladelPhia at 6.10 a. L . • - • . THROUGH Wallas TRAIN leave' Harrisburg' daily at 0.90 a. m.,.and. arrives it West Philadelphia at 1.10 P. 311. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sun day) at 6.16 p. , an d arrives at West Ph il adelphia at 10.16 p. m. ' . . , These trams make close eenheetion at Philadelphia with +he New York Lines. - ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 1, via . Mount Joy, leavea Harrisburg at 7.00 a. m:; and mimes •at West Philadelpnia at 12.00 noon. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION THAIS; via Cohan , bia, leaves Harrialiurg at 1.10 p. nt., and arrives at West Philadelphia At!!! 26 p, , • ACCOMMODATION - TRAIN,' No. 2, via ]Gran t Joy, leave's Harrisburg at 6.16 p. m., compacting at Diger ville with MAIL IRMA and arrives at-West Philidel2. phia at 10.16 p. m. . . . THROUGH Kapßigs TRAIN' leaved' PhEladelphia at 10.20 p. Harrisburg dtt -Us -a. m" --Altoona 1..10, a. and arrives at Pittsburg at 12 . 110 H opp MAIL 'MAIM at . 7.80 a. Hirrtsbnrg 1.00. p.m., Altoona, 6.60 p. m. , and arrives at Pittsburgat 12.00 midnight. . . . „. /AV LINE leaves Ptillathilphia at 11.'4) a. ta.tiElarzia burg 8.35 p. m., illtm!na B.l(tp. and - arrhiaa a; Pitta• HARHISIIIIIMit AOOOILHODATHiN TRAIN •leaves Phile.delpbla at 2.24 p. m., Lancaster 6.08 p. m.,:Col umbia 0.46 p.m., and arrlvesat Harrisburg tt 8.05 p. m. Tbt3 Train connects at Harrisburg, at 8 05 p. northern Central Railroad prat❑ for Sunbury, port, Look Haven, Beramon and all points North. ACCOMMODATION MAIN, leaves aillidelphla at 4.00 p. m., Lancaster 7.60 p. m., Mount Joy 8.21 p. m., Enka betntown, 8.87 m, • and arrives at Harrisburg at 940 p. m. . . . Attention is caned-AA) the fact, that passengers leaTtoB Philadelphia at 4.00. P. m., sonsact at t.ancaster with MOUNT. JOY AccolgaiuDATlox TRAlN; , anct arrive at Harrisbtirg at 9.oth, ihro. • - ' - BANCEL.D, Y0E12,7_ guilt. East- Div. Patna, Railroad. liarrisburiJuite 7; 1e51.r--d... DE from'choice and seleoteiTAiple LA. and gnaraideed by as to be strictly Pura SUMMER TIME TABLE. FROM PHILADELPHIA ON AND APTKR MONDAY, JUNE 10th, 1861, EASTWARD. WEBTWAR,D. rOIDER'III VINEGAR 1I 1 New 2thvertigements. ARMY SUPPLIES. AZAD QUARTZES, PIERSTLVANIA COESILLARY . LIKPARTJEZIVT, • liarruburg, Tune lb, 1881. . Sealed proposals are invited and will be re ceived at my office .idttie city of Barrisburg, Midi THURSDAY the 20th inst. at 12 o'clock M., fur turnishing by contract the best quality of FAMILY BREAD ut Camp Curtin, in such quantities as may be ordered by the Assiktant Oomcnissary front' day to day during the time the troops May remain in said Camp. The Braed btibAkeit of the best quality of Extra Family _Reim, and to be inspected by the In spector - appointed for The purpose of inspecting Army Supplies at, said Camp. Bonds with ap proved security will be required for the faithful performance of the contract. W. W. IRWIN, jel.s dtd • Com. aen. SPECIAL ORDER, NO. L HEAD QuAavats, P. M. IlarnOstrg, -May 27, 1861. - j Quartet. Neater General it;O: lisle is ordered to forward the clothing, as per requisitioris dated 28d4tAy list, by Colonels Haritanift and ,of the Fourth and Fifth Regiments Pennsylvania 'Volunteers, in place of sending it as heretofore directed. The Fourth and Fifth Regiments being no* In actual - service and . in great need of proper clothing. By order of the Commander-in-chief, JOHN. W RIGHT , my2B • Aid-de-camp. SPECIAL ORDER , No. 23. HBADQUARTERS R. V. CORPS, Harrialdurg, Pa., June 8, 1861. I. No officer, non-commissioned officer, mu sician or privata.of &serve Volunteer Corps at these Headquarters, or atcataip Curdle, will leave his without permission from the proper authority. The. Cold of each Department will be held resimeible for the observance and enforce. Ment'or this :order in his particular Depart 'Meat. - The Chiefs of Departments will report at the office of the Assistant Adjutant General of, the Corps When their duties require their absence from theie Headquarters, the point to which their duties call teem, and the probable time of their absence. By order of MAJ. Gen. GBOBGE A. MoCALL. HURT A. SCIISITZ, Captain and Aid-de-Camp NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC MILE UNDERIGNED COMMISSION.; joy of Dauptan couuty; la puisusuoe or an Act Of tan -elene /Use m oly or Lac Coal:none ea I te. or, Yenta sylvanta, approved_the 16th day of nay, 1861, en titre,d "4014\0{10 authorial/ Sae 41ELL-111.0171411%3 bt,lnerpluiteetult ty tel appropriate r eariainetint of money tor the sop-. port of the litratlifea of Volunteere:during 'me primula war," do hersoy inform the ponies thatthey . wilt neat. loi} 10 the amount of a sum not exceeding ten:thousand dollars, for which boas wilt be issued r..r a term not ex ceeding ten Yalu*, with coupons attached, for tne liayrueut' *lkea-yearly interest, payable at the County Tretteur7 at 6 per cent. Said bonds are to be clear et 011 tIIXE{IOI/: It IS theretore hoped tnat the acid amount In bonds of s uch isilebrits as lb, loaders., will desire, will be prompt ly taken by the patfistle espitallete o: others, with out- riwortini to speclai taxation at this time. JOHN b. HIUbSBE:,. • : JACOB E1N.H11,,. • C.Ommisatonere. 080. GiRY4AIOII, . Attest—Jou:Pa Mali; Clerk, MY29-d4W JUST PUBLISHED A MANUAL MILITARY SURGE RY • • OR, HINTS ON THE EXESGENCIEST Field, Camp, and Hospital FraOtioe. S. D. GROSS, M. D 11101T.SSOR 01/ SVItSIIBRY IN THE .rIEFFERSON..IfXDICV, COLLILOB ' PaiI.i.DELPHIk. Mir ealit µ BEAGNER , a tEac IP BOOKSTORE. FREIGHT REDUCED HOWARD & HOPE EXPRESS 00. Short and- Quick Route to and from NEW YORK 0001:10 *ORDERED IN THE MORNING RE- :MANED THRSAME NIGHT. Leave L New York;at 7XP M , by Feet Through ar. press Train, arrivtni in Harrisburg at 8 A. M., WA TEO V 2 • CHANGE 07 CABS. Order Goode, marked ' - • - via. HOPE EXPRESS •CO., General office, 74 Broadway, New York. Branch ' 4 412 4 ' d For further Isitormailon iagiih or • • • 6k.011 i BERGNIE ea, JUST- , - RECEIVED ANOTHER`S'E • - • EXTRA: - FINE POINTED GOLD PEPTEV OF - NE*Tios'4, ({formerly Bagley's) man utacture, warranted M be.tha beat in material, the On =pointed, most 'durable and aa cheap as fay rupmehed, for sale,:wlth w :variety otliold and Silver . 11seca-ti rirarloas item ind MiCise,' at- --- ". - ••• P!IRqNSit-1 Cl(Wsi3UTTtOlE'et. . CH" r. SUGARS 1.! I • Call at DOOVS, J'4 Oppost the Voteurt nous EMPTY MOLASSES HOGSHEADS.-A large quantity of etioy Mellow Bar rels,Megs: neuas arid Meat Chaim, for sale by myZ4 WM. DOCK & CO. WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS HOTEL, C 4 LISLE, Cntaberhuid comity, Pa.—The lira prieters take plessure.ta_announcieg that they are now preptred io restive visitor,. PersOes deSllius a healtny uhatiOa for the Ent:Bluer WM 1144 tbitnna of the Mee!. de• lightfel tilacea in the country. The water of these apthigs cannot be burpitsivid for drlnsing, bathing a d meatotual parpooes. Pot Infermation and °treaters addraes H. lifi.RItoUGElB, Et.:l3:lllDittN.S.T froprietori.% jels 211 i, 14 1 RENCE1 MUSTARD, 'English and do zuosue•Filiklak( by: the dozen or-hundred.) siva . Lai :sled WI; Keteftup, SaClON'aud Condiments of eve r 9 . 082Tiption mys :•• • Ng. DOCK. a co. rma F$ I 1 uF every description in Calla and jers tech paokaie warranted. Ely Ertegraft. SELLING Goons.Wrraour Licratss.—Messrs. L. & a Williams, of New York, -who - recently opened a store in this city for the sale of dam aged dry goods, were last evening arrested by officer Cole for selling without license. A hear ing took place before Justice Beader, and the parties were fined the amount usual in such cases. The firm sublequently took out license. Foa xas Wan.—A gentleman direct from Camp. Cameron, near F'unkstown, Md., where the first and second Pennsylvania regiments me encamped, informs us that our boys gener ally enjoy excellent health, are in good fight ing condition, and anxious for an engagement with the rebels. Many of them have determin ed to enlist for the war, at the expiration of their present term of enrollment ; and we con fidently expect to hear of the promotion of some of them. ~~~ MRS. STEPRRN A. Downes, accompanied .by her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Cutts, and her two sons, arrived in this oity last eve ning, direct from Chicago, and en route for Washington city. Mrs. D. is not iu the best of health, and of course her stay in Harrisburg was perfectly private. Many of our most pro minent citizens, accompanied by their wives, called at the Jones House where Mrs. D. and suite had taken rooms, leaving their cards as a token of re - spect for the widow of the lamented and distinguished statesman whoa, death the nation yet mourns. ORDERED Macx.—The Fort Sumpter Garrison, Capt: Doubleday, left Chambersburg on Mon day for Washington, under orders from the War Department. On arriving at York the Captain received a dispatch countermanding the order, and requiring him to proceed directly to Hagerstown. The company passed through here on Monday night, on their return, and reached Hagerstown in t me to march with the troops which left there yesterday afternoon. HABRISBI7IiIa POST OFFICE —The various mails now close ti e follows : Famr—Pennsylvania Railroad, 8:45 a. m. (way- mail); 12:15 and it p. m,; Columbia Branch, 4:415 p. m. Lebanon Valley, 7:30 a. in. WasT.—Pounaylvania Railroad, 12 m., (way mail); 8 and 9 p. NORM. —Northern Central Railroad, (way mail), 1 p. Sorra. Northern Central Railroad, (way mail), 12:15 and 9p. m. Dauphin and Sus quehannah Railroad, 1:30 p, in. Cumberland Valley Railroad, 7:90 a. m. and 1 p. 132. -•-.1 0 ..-.-.. CAVAN AND MUM—Last evening two drun ken soldiers visited a disrespectable house in the upper section of the city, where they met two Harrisburg rowdies equally intoxicated. The result was a free fight, in which the litter were badly damaged and forced to beat an in glorious retreat. One of them left his hat be hind, which the soldiers retained as a trophy of their victory, and took with them to Camp Curtin. This disgraceful affair, like all others of a similar character, was caused by a too free indulgence In fightimg whisky. As the munici pal 'stars" do not shine in the secluded Wean ty where this scene was enacted, of course no no arrests were made. OUR TROOPS CROSERG Ta POTOMAO.—NOVII lAND EXCITING SOENB.—A letter from Hagers town, descriptive of the advance movement of the Pennsylvania troops, contains the fallow ing paragraph relative to the crossing of the Potomac river on Sunday last ; The wing of the army that marched to Wil liamsport creased the river on Sunday ; the 1 water in some places reached to their waists, in others to the arm-pits. The boys got their ' crackers so.aked, but kept their powder dry.— They went into tte water singing, holding the muskets over their heads. The moment they reached the Virginia shore, they yelled an,: hurrahed ,in a manner calculated to make Jeff. Davis' hair stand on end, and cause his knees to smite each other. It requires no artificial 1 means to stimulate the Federal - troops, as no army ever bad the morals or enthusiasm of this army of Freedom. To GEO. BERGNER, EEG., EDITOR OP TUE DAILY TELEGRAPH :--I,3ir:—Tue article in the last issue of your paper, relating to the sword pre sentation to toleuel Seiler, is M no partimilar a reflex of- the opinions and consideration in which the officers of the Artillery and Infantry in Camp Curtin hold their late estimable Com mandant On the contrary, they all bear tes timony to his uniform courteous and gentle manly dellortment. - • JAMBS BUD; Colol2el.° DUNG Yon on's COMMIT.-- The editor of the Green Bay Press discourses on this subject in a style .4uatrit as that of Sir Thomas Browne or old He says : "Here is an oppor- - tuoity of going out of the world . which is very well worth one's while to come in for. Here is a consummation of_ the_ acts of our lives which Is like the last number in a sum, ten times greater than all the rest. lo die of a dry rot—to go off wish lazy languor—with convulsions and_deformity, is ,a terrible rebuke to the dignity of human nature. A piece of ordnance or an "esocutionetdoea up one's bust neas gingerly and more gently'than fe vers and cholica ; and we ought to thank God for the honor and the opportunity. a a : a To nurse up the vital Dame as long a it wil last; like a' kitchen.wench, ie infamous and ridiculcius; 'lt were 'bitter To :"cover It over with an extinguisher of glory, than let 'it consume till it burns bine and liaragonizing within the socket, and at length goatout smell big badly. fttam Frinting Mr. - - Raving procured &cans Power Presses we Are Trepared to execute JOB and WOK ?EDITING of every escription, cheaper That it owe be done at any othero4 ablistimentha the country iutir.c. Or ALA , .11.1P•Pour lines Cr !c4.5 nozotitutt, one hail eiltiAL .Ig, k. iitef , or aliac than tour constitute a-square. - Hatt Square. one day .... .• one week. .. one month. three mont hs., six months-- tine Square one day one week— 200 41 One month . 8 00 44 three m0nth5........ 5 00 era months.— .......... :•• 8 0 0 one year 10 co .q-Business notices inserted in the Local osiwessaor before Marriages and Aiaths, FIVE CENTS PER LINZ or each insertion, NO, 42 Sir Marriage s and Deaths to ba charged ea 'regnitie advertisements. BY THERM. Important from Hagerstown Sudden Advance Movememis of Federal Troops. TIDE MARCH FROII HAVERSTOWN. Novel Spectacle—Fording of the Po- ENTHUSIASM OF THE VOLUNTEE.Rt The Rebels to be Intercepted in their Maroh to Wasnington, , STIRRING TIMES ANTICIPATED. [Special Dispatch o the atily Telegraphl, HAGERSTOWN, June 18.: Couriers from the Potomac river arrived "in Camp this morning at 2 o'clock, bringing r oeiVe of the most important character, and an ordet was at once issued for•ct movement of troops in camp at this point. in the midst of the greatest excitement the encampment was broken up, and regiment af ter regiment took up the march to the river, some six miles distant, where the troops crossed in good order. They left without rations or baggage wagons. This movement is intended, it is surmised here, to attract the rebels from a march on. to Week ington city, and to support seven...thousand troops that are already in the direction In which the troops from here have marched. FROM WASHINGTON CITY. -.- THE AFFAIR AT VIENN4.. Rumored Retreat of the Rebels from OEN. PATTERSON'S DIVISION ORDIIIEJ TO HARPER'S FERRY. Wasrmicirmt, Sane 18. It is impoesille to obtain the particulars of the engagement at Vienna, although the scene of it its but ten miles distant. The Ohio regiment was taken up in the train for the purpose of _protecting the telegraphic corps, which is erecting wires along the road. They, were not aware of the existence of the batteries, which are on hills and in the woods. The Federal force; not being sufficient to en gage such works, retreated. At least eight of the men were killed, and several wounded. Among the killed' is: Mr. Barnes, the editor of the Cleveland Herald. Rumors are quite rife that the rebel troops have commenced a retreat from Manassas. Oen. Fatterson's division, it is believed, is ordered to Harper's Ferry, where it will re main stationary. COL. SMALL'S AND COL. EINSIUN'S REGI MENTS IN WASHINGTON. • • WASHINGTON, June 18. Col. Small's Regiment (the 26th Pennsyl vania) arrived here this morning, from Phila delphia, via Baltimore. • • The Massachusetts Regiments at the Relay House, yesterday, celebrated the anniversary of the battle of Bunker Hill in fine A arge number of Baltimoreaus were present. BALTIMORE, June i 8:, The Pennsylvania Regiments, under Colonels Small and Einstein, passed through to Wt - ington this morning. The latter regiment came via the Northern Central Road. VESSELS ORDERED FRO3I NEW ORLEANS. Louisvaneljune 18. The New Orleans Delta says that the City Council has appropriated $200,000 for the de fence of the city, and 830,000 for the support of the families of the volunteers. The ships David and Land, from Bordeaux, were ordered off the bar and sailed for Philadel phia. The ships Africana and Parsons went - to sea on the 12th, and , the National on the 11th • The only ships inside the bar were the Alham• bra, Vigilant and Iken. The yatch lipsey, an der British colors, was taken at Pass a l'Outre, on the 12th, by the Brooklyn. PENNSYLVANIA. NURSE CORPS.. • PailAvarms, June At a meeting of the renasylvania Nurse Corps, composed exclusively of ladiesi:held_in Ulla city, a committee was appointed to intern the Governor that the association is frilly or ganized and ready for duty. - • Nay Zbnertisnitute. ONE DOLLAR REWARD. ". Monday, a PUP—Amwere to the name of NIS: The here reward:wilt be paid by 1 acring me Dog at • • • EOUDIFOR - f'S 8438 r-RT. " th-ana Ch Etngt. Jel 9 -duk&3lo* NO IMPOSITION D EVOLVERS-AT COST .TO.SOLDIERS JUL ; Gold and Silver Stars, Fasde3, &Mhos, boa eual wilco always for sale. Al s o, a large aaaortiailOt o BARR'S Aucriam STORM, Bei:pad above .W Omit litteeit 00 ........• 4 0 ..„. 600 ........•.-.... tomac River. Manassas. CC= ] El