Etlegrap4. fiARRIBBURG Tuesday Afternoon, June 18, 1861 TO ADVERTISERS. The circulation of the DAILY TELEGRAPH Ifi FOUR TIDIES LARGER than any other daily published or circulated in this city, and it therefore presents greater inducements for the patronage of advertisers than is offered to them through any other medium. Let those who want buyers, try advertising in the TELE GRAPH. THE MORNING TELEGRAPH Is issued every morning and con tains THE LATEST TELE GRAPHIC DISPATCHES re ceived during the night. DICOISION POSTPONED.—The butchers recently returned for creating a nuisance in the market house, had a hearing last evening. The Mayor postponed his decision in the case until Satur day next. .--.--......--... Hoch Pam Numtuczs.—Three more citizens were before the Mayor last evening, returned by officers Cole and Wickert, for maintaining nuisances In the shape of filthy t hog pens. They were all fined the usual amount. --........--. TROOPS FROM NEW YOWL —Last night two car loads of soldiers, with several pieces of ar tillery, &rifted here, from New York city via the Lebanon Valley road, and proceeded to Ha gerstown to join Gen. Cadwalader's division. .--..•--. Tun FIINEBA.L of Mr. George Hammon took place this afternoon and was attended by the surviving old soldiers of the second war of in dependence, the Hope fire company, and 'mem bers of the fire department generally. ATTIND s Mkerma.—The gentlemen com posing the committee of arrangements for the fourth of July celebration, should not forget to attend the meeting this evening. There is but little time to complete the preparations for a proper demonstration on that occasion, and the work ought to be commenced at once. Tam FOIST CriT ZorravasZdrilled last evening in Capitol Park, in presence of a large number of admiring . spectators. We predict that on theoccasion of their first public parade in equip ments the Zonaves will do credit to themselves and their accomplished commanding officer. The uniforms will be completed next week. BWORD PRESICNTETION.—Some of the officers at Camp Curtin have ordered an elegant sword for presentation to Col. George A. C. Seiler, late commandant of the camp, as a slight testi monial of their regard for him as an officer and a man. Notwithstanding the frequent com plaints of soldiers with regard to the manage. ment of affairs at Camp Curtin, we believe the Colonel Lased to do his duty. Merl AGUT APPOINT ID.-Our young friend Mr. Isaac W. Hoffman, of this city, has been appointed mail route agent between Harrisburg and Lock Haven, in place of Perry H. Fox re signed. Mr. Hoffman is a worthy young man, and fully competent for the position. He en tered upon the discharge of his duties to-day. Two Promos come off this week—one to-mor row and another on Thursday. Now is the time to rusticate in the woods, and children shonld be allowed the largest liberty in this re spect. An occasional trip to,the country and a romp in the grass-carpeted and shady groves, will be found highly beneficiel to the boys and girl, who are daily confined in crowded and improperly ventilated school rooms. The pic nic is a glorious summer "institution." May it increase in popularity. A FOOT RACE took place yesterday afternoon in the rear of the Capitol, which afforded con siderable amusement to those who witnessed it. Two intoxicated soldiers attempted to force an entrance into one of the institutions peculiar to that locality ; and a constable of aldermanic proportions who happened to be in the vicinity was called upon to arrest the storming party. The soldiers, noticing his approach, beat a rapid retreat, and the fat official started in pursuit. After a short, spirited and exciting ruu in the direction of Camp Curtin, the constable failed in wind and limb, and was obliged to abandon the chase. He returned panting, sweating and swearing, while the "bold Roger boys" contin ued their flight towards camp, amusing the spec tators with some astonishing feats of pedestri anism. bUPORUNT RAILROAD ARRANGEMENT.—We un derstand that properly authorized represents tivea of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company and of the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Com pany have united in a mutually satisfactory ar rangement for permanently leasing the work of the latter named company, in its present in complete and unfinished condition, to the Penn sylvania railroad company. Three millions of the Philadelphia and Erie bonds are to be en dorsed by the Pennsylvania railroad company, which, it is estimated, will realize more than sufficient to finish and equip the road. Exist ing contracts for construction, etc., made by the Erie railroad company, are to be carried oat, but payments are to be made under au thority of the Pennsylvania railroad company kora the three millions of endorsed bonds.— Th. Philadelphia and Erie railroad company k ver and above the three millions named, betweekthree and four millions of bonds, the proceeds which are to be applied to the pay ment of the lmpany's debts. The rent wrier the lease is a p centage of receipts. So far as the negotiations_ ' , ve progressed they are rep, resented rie entirely .atisfactory to the mans gala of both compani!. and would be consum mated by them, butm tter of so much im portance it is deemed adv ' , l3le to have the ap provi4 authority of B 'reholders, whose unction will no doubt be obt, led as soon as raietingicaa be called for the I,lame. Tao ELLSWORTH Cams is the title of another military company recently formed in this city, composed of boys between the ages of fif teen and eighteen. We met the cadets on parade the other night, and were pleased to ob serve their soldier-like bearing and the accuracy with which they marched and drilled. WEIPPED Ills WlFE.—Another member of the modern order of wife beaters, named James Elliot, was before the Mayor this morning.— As usual in such cases whisky was the cause of his brutality. He was sent to prison, where he will have time and opportunity to reflect upon his inhuman treatment of those whom it is his duty to cherish and protect. I=L:G=I INPROMENTS IN CANE` CMITIN.—The Slifer Guards, Capt. T. Chamberlin, yesterday floored their tents and erected a substantial cooking shanty, tables, benches, shelving, &c. This shows a commendable spirit of industry, worthy of imitation by members of other companies who wish to promote their comfort and pre serve their health. I=l ONE WEAPON Errol:Am.—All experienced writers upon arms for soldiera_continue to die• countenance the use of pistols for privates, and they ridicule the idea of knives. In a close Sght the bayonet must be the means of attack and defence ; and say the officers, the skillful use of one weapon is quite as much as the volunteers are likely to become perfected in. The bayonet is the favorite weapon of the French. As against the Mexicans the bowie knife is powerful and efficient; but in this war nobody need expect to fight with Mexicans, and before the knife can be of any use, the soldier must climb over pointed bayonets. ARMY CLOTHING FRAITOS.—True bills having been found against Messrs. Frowenfeld and Ifforgansteras, of Pittsburg, charging them with fraud in furnishing clothing to the State, pro cesses were accordingly issued, and the defend ants were arrested and held to answer in the sum of $5,000 each. A process was placed in the hands of Sheriff Graham, for the arrest of "Bucky" Neal, of Philadelphia, charged with a similar offence. We learn that Neal dodged the Sheriff who went to Philadelphia to arrest him, and passed through this city to-day en route for Pittsburg, to enter bail for his ap pearance at the next Court. SERIOUS Ransoan AccrnsNr.—This afternoon an old lady from Churchtown, named Mrs. Leidic, met with a very serious accident while attempting to get on the Cumberland Valley cars. She was struck by the moving train and knocked down, the car wheels passing over one of her legs and almost severing it in two. The unfortunate lady was carried into the Cumber land Valley Railroad office, and Dr. Rutherford summoned. The injury to the limb was of such a nature as to require its amputation above the knee. She was accompanied by a little girl, who narrowly escaped serious injury. CZ= THE NEW COMMANDANT OF CAMP CIIRTLN.—We hara already announced - the" change at Camp Curtin by whicu Col. Charles J. Biddle, of Philadelphia, succeeds Col. Seiler in command. It will be remembered by our readers that the "wild cat regiment," recently organized, elected our gallant friend Thomas L. Kane, Colonel, and Major Biddle Lieut. Colonel. The former, appreciating the superior military qualifications of Major Biddle, with a magnanimity that did him credit promptly proposed a change of po sitions and insisted upon Major Biddle taking command of the regiment. After repeated and urgent solicitation the generous proposition was accepted, and the arrangement heartily approved by the entire regiment, which is now one of the best officered in the State. Those of our readers who have a desire to inform themselves with regard to the new and accomplished Commandant of Camp Curtin, will do well to consult the volume of official re ports published by Congress relative to the Mexican war. Colonel Biddle appears to have been particularly distinguished in the actions of Contreras, Churubusco, ay,Cha pultepee and the taking of the city of Mexico. General Scott's report of the storming of Cha pultepeo names Captain Biddle as " one of the first in the assault." General Cadwalader's report of the battle of Molino-del-Ray mentions that " Captain Biddle of the Voltiguer regi ment left his bed when the firing began and joined his company ;" and Col. Andrews, the Colonel of the Voltiguers, giving an account of the storming of. Chapultepec, which took place five days later, and in which the Volti guers led the attack, says : " Captain Biddle was, I believe, the second officer who entered the works and acted with his accustomed bravery. He joined us In the morning from a sick bed against my wish and orders." An emphatic encomium on his conduct appears alsoin the report of General Pillow, in whose col umn Capt. Biddle made the march from Vera Cruz, and took part in the operations incident to it, and in the decisive battles of Contreras and Churubusco. General Pillow speaks of him as "Captain Biddle, prompt, viiiilard and daring." After Chapultepec, in the attack upon the city, Captain Biddle's company seems to have been selected from'the regiment to occupy the po sition furthest in advance, and to drive the enemy out of it. The gallant services of the Voltiguers on this memorable occasion will not soon be forgotten. The advance of the regi ment was led throughout by Capt. Biddle.— His celebrity as a disciplinarian is not due to any severity of character. Always genial and gentlemanly, he has never had the reputation in the army of being a martinet. The habits of precision and accuracy which have made him a man who succeeds in all he undertakes, win their way irresistably with those around him. He is equally famed as a tactician and student of strategy. Col. Biddle's rank of Major in the army of the United States—"a most Inadequate reward for his sevices" in the opinion of Win field Scott—was given to him " for gallantry in the field in 1848." Since the Mexican war he has resided in Philadelphia, and at Anda lusia, the country place of his father, the late Nicholas Biddle. We feel assured that Col. Biddle will make an efficient officer, and rap idly win his way to popularity with the, officers and soldiers under his command. Ptunogluanta Qrelegraph, euesbau - Afternoon, June 18, 1.496 L ANOTHER REGIMENT COHlNG.—Michigan is sending another regiment to Washington. They leave Adrian to-day, and will be here some time during the week. THE MAYOR or THE CITY, in company with some other gentlemen, left this afternoon on a piscatorial excursion to one of the mountain streams in Blair county. May they have a good time, and capture lots of the " speckled beauties." The Mayor expects to return on Fri day evening. buring his absence the regular Mayor's Court will be held every morning by Justice Beader, for the disposition of offend ers who find their way into the lock-up. Tim Carroll MILL. —We learn that operations at the Cotton Mill are to be temporarily SUP pended, owing to an advance in the price of cotton, and difficulty in procuring sufficient supplies of the article. The Conestogo Mills gat Lancaster has already suspended, for similar reasons. All establishments of this kind, now idle, will be put in operation again when Jeff Davis and his treasonable confederates shall have been shotor hung,a consummation devout ly to be wished by all loyal and patriotic citi• LEFT FLANK, batten I—The soldier boys have fun as well as work. One of them writing home to a friend relates the following incident : A Dutchman, who keeps a lager beer saloon up town, a day or two since came to the Colo nel of one of the regiments here, and made a complaint in the following style : "Garnet," said he "on last night, you see, on my lager beer store, some gumpany, he march into mine store ; and he gum in dramp—dramp—'left— left'—and dey goes on mine bar, and de brin oipal soldier he say front,' and den said 'Give me some lager.' Und I draw de lager, more as sixty glasses, und dey drink that lager, und den de captain man he say 'Fall in, fall,' und den I say 'Where is my gelt for de lager—my money ?' Und de captain man he don't gif no money, un say 'Left, left,' und den dey did left, und I git no money. I don't like such trigs mit mine store und mine lager. Dat ish no goot business to *Left, left,' mit mine lager and mine money." Youso Amsarcet.—The other evening we saw a body of miniature soldiers at work with a seal and display of military pomp which can only be imitated by this particular style of boys. Their battery consisted of two joints of stove-pipe, one end of which was planted in the mud against a brick wall, and in the muzzle a fire cracker was carefully sighted toward an enemy on the opposite side of the field, while one little chap not bigger than a pepper box was blowing vigorously at a coal of fire prepa ratory to the discharge of the ordnance.— Surrounding this formidable battery were ten or a dozen "regulars," highly ornamented and caparisoned, stepping to time given upon a tin pan, and their file leader carrying about on a long splinter a small copy of the stars and stripes, while the hindmost boy in the ranks displayed a flag of truce from a rent in his gar ments behind I Go in young America ! WAR Num !—A shrewd old gentleman gets his paper every morning, and Rambo it care fully through, not to gut the latest - bows, brit to learn the exact truth of what he read that day a week ago. The difference and advantage in what we say to those who have the interest of their families at heart, and who take plea sure in seeing those around them comfortable, is confirmed by calling at the cheap dry goods store, corner of Front and Market streets. 2t Mum it BOWMAN. Losr I— A Poo air Boos containing a Dia mond ring ; two Plain Gold Rings, stamped 22 and 16 caret, and over Five Hundred Dol lars in gold and bank notes. Among the money was one $6O note on the Danville Bank, and one $2O note on the Harrisburg Bank ; two $2O gold pieces, and $BO or $B6 in smaller coin. A number of papers were also in the pocket-book. Twenty-five dollars will be paid, and no questions asked, if the finder will leave the same at this office. jell-dtf New GOODS FROM NEW YORK AIICITION.-50 pieces of Grey Goods at 10, 12f and 20 eta. 100 dozen Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs for 3, 6 and 6 cts. 10 pieces Lavelle Cloth for 7 eta. 26 dozen Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs for 1.2 i, worth 25 cts. Splendid Mohair Mitts at 81 and 87 cts. 15 dozen towels at 12} cents a towel.— Linen Sleeves and Collars at 25 eta. 50 dozen Sun Umbrellas and Parasols cheap. 100 pieces of the best Calico ever sold for 61. eta. 50 pieces Broche Bordering very cheap. A large lot of bleached and unbleached Muslin. Now is the time to buy bargains. Call at S. Lewes, Rhoad's old corner. IMPORTANT TO FEMALES. DR. CHEESMAN'S PILLS, Prepared by Cornelius L. Cheeeeman, M. D., NEW YORK CITY. THEE combination of ingredients in these Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice. They are mild In their operation, and certain in correcting all Irregularities, Painful Menstruations, removing all ob• atructions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, whites, all ner vous affections, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the bank and limbs, &c., disturbed sleep, which arise from interruption Of nature, TO MOOED LADIES, Dr. Cheeseman's Pills are invaluable, 118 .hey will bring on the monthly period with regularity. Ladies who have been disappointed in the use of other Pine can place the utmost oonfidence in Dr. Cheeseman's Pills doing all that they represent to do. a NOTICE There is one condition of the /mate system in which the Pills cannot be taken without producing a PIAJULLAR RESULT. the condition t iferred to is PREGNANCY— the result, MISCARRLAO.h. &eh as the Irresistible tendency of the medicine to remote he sexual functions te a normal condition, that even the reproductive power cf nature cannot runt it. Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything injurious. rapileit directions, which should be read, ao• oompanyeach box. Price $l. Sent by mail on enclosing $1 to Da Commune L. Onsusmain, Box 4,481, Post Office, New York City. Sold by one :assist in every town In the United States E. HUTCHINGS, General Arta for the United States, 14 Broadway, New York, lo whom at/ Wholesale orders should be adds a wed. Bold in Harrisburg by C. A. RIOSVABT. norkii-dawly A Coanaspomorr of the Sleek Paris, the government organ of France writes from Tunis, Algiers, as follows : ."Our college of Philosophers at home, may, and pro bably do accomplish a great deal for the cause of science but the Americans are the people to turn these discover ies to practical account. Many of the modern inventions in use here are American, and one American chemist, Dr. J. C. Area of Lowell, supplies mush of the medicine consumed in this country. His Cherry Pectoral, Sarsaparilla and Ague Cure constitute the staple reme dies here, because they are of easy application, sure in their results, and have the confidence of the people.— While the science of Medioioo is carried to a higher per fection in our own country (France) than any other, it etrikes a Frenchman as a little Ed ngulir that an American Physician should furnish the medical skill and remedies for our Principal Province. We are happy to inform our readers that these eupe rior medicines which the Emperor's Principal Province is obliged to get from America may be had by our neigh bors, at 0. A. Bamivart's, C. K. Keller's; I). W- Gross & 'Co.'s J. M. Luts'e, Holman & Co.', - s Armstrong, Harrisburg, and dolga eyarywhere. =I ...-.........-----. I=l =I A CARD TO THE LADIES DR• DUPONOO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES, n correcting, regulating, and remo - sing a obstructions, from whatever cause, and 1- ways successful as a prevail five. pIIESE PILLS HAVE BEEN USED BY X the doctors for many years, both in France sea America, with unparalleled success in every case ; and he is urged by many thousana ladies who used them, to make the Pills public for the alleviation of those sufferin2 from any irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent an increase of family where health will not permit it.— Females particularly situated, or those supposing them selves so, are cautioned against these pills while in that condition, as they are sure to produce miscarriage, and the proprietor assumes no responsibility after this adme. nition, although their mildness would prevent any mis chief to health—otherwise the Pills are recommended, Full and explieit directions accompany each box. Prise $1 00 per box. Sold wholesale and retail by CHARLES A. BANNVART, Druggist, No. 2 Jones Row, Harrisburg, Pa. "Ladies," by sending him $1 00 to the Harrisburg Post Office, can have the Pills sent free of observation to any part 01 the country (confidentially) and "free of pus tags" by mail. Sold also by S. S. Sravora, Reading, Joknox, Hounwer k COWDKR Philadelphia, J. L. LEM liEnthin, Lebanon, Denies H. Hortsitu, Lancaster; J. A. Worn, Wrightsvile E. T. MILIHR, York ; and by o n e druggist in every city and village in the Union, and by S. D. HoWs, ole proprietor, New York. N. B.—Look out for counterfeits. Bry no Golden Pills o f any kind unless every box is signed S. D. Howe. Al others are a base imposition and ens ale; therefore, as you value your lives and health, (to say nothing of be ing humbugged out of your money,) buy only of those who show the signature of S. a Howe on every box, which has recently been added on account of the Pills being counterfeited ds3-dw&Swly, THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY SIR JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS. - Prepared from a Prescription of Sir J. Clarke, M. D., Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. This invaluable medicine is unfailing In the cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution Is subject. It moderates all excuse and re- moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. TO MARRIED LADIES it Is peculiarly Suited. It will In a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government Stamp or Great Britain, to prevent countermits CAUTION. These Pitts should not be taken by females during the FIRST THREE RDIVTHSof Pregnancy, as they are sure to bring on Riacarriage, but at any other time they' are sale. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpita tion of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, hese Pills wil effect a cure when all other moans have failed ; and al• though a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package which should be carefully preserved. N. 8.—51.00 and 0 postage stamps enclosed to any au• thorized Agent, will insure a bottle, containing 60 Pills, by return mail. Im. gals by 0. A. BANsvAair. ly9 dawly HAIR DYE 1 HAIR DYE! I Win. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye ! The Original and Best in the World All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided it you wish to escape ridicule. GRAY, RED, OR RUM HAIR dyed Instantly to a beautiful and Natural Brown and Black, without Injury to Hair or Skin. FIFTEEN MEDALS and DIPLOMAS have been award ed to Wm. A. Batchelor since 1959, ant over 80,000 ap• plieatiens have been made to the Hair of his patrons of his famous dye. WM. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color not to be distinguished from nature, and is warranted not to injure in the least, however long it may be contin ued, and the ill effects of Bad Dyes remedied ; the Hair invigorated for life by this splendid Dye. Sold in all cities and towns of the United Slates, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. Hir The Genuine has the name and address upon a steel plate engraving on four sides oi each box, of WIL LIAM A. BATCH:MOE. Address CHARLES BATCHELOR, Proprietor, e6-d&wtang 81 Barclay street, New York THE DR. KANE REFEIGER &TOR. THIS supurlu nagritIGERATOR, to gether with several other cheaper styles, may be found at the manufactory, at exceedingly low prices. Alse, a great variety of WATER COOLERS, of supe. rior E. S. PARSON & Cor. Dock and Pear streets, Philadelphia aprill6.3m W. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE! THIS SPLENDID HAIR DYE has no equal—instantaneous in effect—Beautiful Black or Natural Brown—no staining the skin or injuring the Hair—remedies the absurd and ill effect of Bad Dyes, and invigorates the Hair for bib. No no are genuine unless signed "W. A. Batchelor " Sold everywhere, CHAS. BATCHELOR., Prnorletor. dtrwtagl 81 Barclay Streat, w Yo NOTICE. Comm.—The sudden changes of our climate are sources of Pulmonary, Bronchial and Asthmatic At feetions. Experience having proved that simple reme. dies often act speedily and certainly when taken in the early - stages of the disease, recourse should at once be had to "Brown's Bronchial Troches," or Lozenges, let the Cold, Cough, or Irritation of the Throat be ever so slight, as by this precaution a more serious attack may be warded off. Public Speakers and Singers will fluff them effectual for clearing ands trengthening the voice. see advertisement. d4310,1-s wawa m MIRY THE BLOOD MONNAT'S Lrp PILLS AND PHCLNIX BITTERS.— free Pram al/ Alit/era/ Poisons. In cases of Sorofula Ulcers Scurvy, or Eruptions of the Skin, the operation of the Ulcers, Medicines Is truly astonishing, often removing is a few days, every vestige of these loathsome diseases by their purifying effects on the blood. Billions Fevers, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Piles, and in short, most all diseases Boon yield to their curative properties No family should be without them, as by their timely use much suffering and expense may be saved. Prepared by Wit. B. MOFFAT, M. D., New York, and teak by all Drunk st tiov9w-ly The Confessions and Exnerien.oe of an Invalid. Pozusitan for the benefit and as a warning and a caution to young men who suffer from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, etc., supplying at the same time, the means of Self Cure, by one who cured himself, after being putto great expense through medical imposi tion and quackery. Single copies may be had of the au thor NATELMIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., Bedford, Kings county, N. Y., by °miming a postpaid addressed envelope. dll9-Bmd New 51Dtatiftements CRAB CIDER!! I—Strictly pure, spark ki ling and sweet—has received a Silver Medal or Di. plema at every State Agricultural Fair sines 1858. For sale by jell-d WM. DOCK & CO. $1.25 . mAeteixicNeoltleenpatpearr c ti a c ti le bo of ha C d ora fer . 22 per ream at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKS JOKE. FOR RENT. AThree Story Brick House on Second street. Also a Two Story Frame House on Paxton street. Apply to C. 0. ZIMMERMAN Sta7-tr] No. 26, South Second St., Harrisburg NOTICE TO COUNTERFEITERS. WHEREAS several persons have late ly been engaged in counterfeiting the names of Members of Congress and Senators on letters and dom. manta, notice Is hereby given that such franks will avail them nothing as they will not be recognized . , and all such letters must be Sent to the Dead Letter Office at Wash ington. Some seven hundred letters are now lying at this office with counterfeit ;ranks on them, and the per son who deposited them had better call tor them and get them properly mailed. If the authors of these franks can be discovered it will be the duty of the undersigned to have them criminally prosecuted however painful it may be. Job GEO. BERGNER, P. M. FOR RENT. T"EUROPEAN HOTEL AND RE STAURANT in Brant's City Hall Building, Harris burg City, Ps. Apply to JOHN H. BRANT, jell-d3m* On the premises. TO NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS. ACOMPOSITOR in ill-health and als having lost his hearing, is &drone of procuring employment on a country paper ; wise not as much on object as work in the country. Address c‘OOMPOSI. TOR," Harrisburg Past Office. jelS•d !Miscellaneous ST. LOUIS HOTEL, CHESTNUT ST., ABOVE THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. IN the immediate neighborhood of the Jobbing Houses on Market,. Third and Chestnut streets, the Banks, Post Office, Merchants' Exehano KEPT BOTH ON THZ AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLAN. BOARD PER DAY..., $1.50. Dinner between 1 and 3 o'clock, 50 cents. Single room from 50 cents upward. A first mass Restaurant attached. Prices according to Bills of rare. The City Cars take Passengers from any Station to or close to the Hotel. h'ngtish, French, German and Spanish spoken. a 1-3md SCHEFFER'S BOOK STORE.I (NEAR TUN lIAREUSBURO UNION ENVELOPES. NOTE PAPER, of six different designs, printed in two colors, sold by the thousand. and by the ream at City Cash prices. Also, Flags, Union Breast Tins, Eagles, Union Rings and Badges at very low prices. Call at myB BOHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE. REDUCTION IN PRICES I MERINO&I a Plain and Figured. CASHMERES, Plain and Figured. ALL WOOL HELAINE% Extra Styles and Quality. BROCA LONG SHAWLS, different prices. FINE STOCK OF BLANKET SHAWLS. The prices in all the above Goods, on examination,,will be found "lower than ever," at CATHCART'S, an 24. Next door to the Harrishurf Bank. DENTISTRY. DR. GEO, W. STINE, graduate of the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, having perma neatly located in the city of Harrisburg and tairen the office formerly occupied by Dr. Gorgas, on Third street, between Market and Walnut, respectfully infbrms hie friends and the public in general, that he is prepared to perform all operations in the Dental profession, either surgical or mechanical, in a manner that shall not be surpassed by operators in this or any other city. His mode of inserting artificial teeth is upon the latest im proved scientific principles. Teat; from one to a lull set, mounted ou line Gold, 'zil ver, Plating plates or the Vulcanite Bass. I take great pleasure in recommending the above gen tleman to all my former patients el Harrisburg and vl ioity, and feel confident tnat ho will perform all opera tions in a scientific rammer, trout my knowledge of his inty&-dtli F.. 1. S. GORGAS, D. D. S. DR, T. J. MILES, SURGEON DENTIST FFERS his services to the eitizeus o 'ILJ Harrisburg and its vicinity. He solicits a share o the public patronage, and gives assurance that his best endeavors shall be given to render satisfaction in his pro fession. Being an old, well tried dentist, ho feat safe in wilting the public generally to call on him, assuring hem that they will not be dissatiefled with his services, Mee No. la Market street, in the house formerly oc cupied by Jacob R. Eby, near the United States Hotel, Harrisburg, Pa myB dly NEW COAL OFFICE. 11HE UNDERBI(NED having entored in -1 to the COAL TRADE in this city, would respectfully solicit the patronage of the citizens. I will keep on hand Coal of all sizes, from the most celebrated and approved mines which will be delivered to any part of the city, frau from dirt and other impurities. FULL WEIGkiT GUARAIrtReD. COAL FOR SALB BY THE BOAT LOAD, OAR LOAD OR SEIGLE 20. E. Persons pulthasing by the Boat or Car Load will receive 2,240 pounds to the Ton, Office No. 74 Market street, second door from Dewber ry alley. Yard on the Canal, toot of North street. Or ders lett at either place will receive prompt attention. ap-edly JOON W. HALL,. agent. WORCESTER'S ROYAL QUARTO DICTIONARY TIIE best defining and pronouncing Die tionary of the English language ; Also, Worcester's School Dictionaries. Wenster's Pictorial Quarto and School Dictionaries for sale at SOHEEEKH'S BOOKSTORE, apl3-ti Near the Harrisburg Bridge. HENRY C. SHAFFER, PAPER RANGER, Front street, second door above Walnut street. All orders punctually attended to. sir Paper hung for lb cents per roll or piece. All Work warranted. my9-dif AMS.—Threa Hundred Extra Sugar enrart Dame just received by au WM. DOCK JR. & CO. REMOVAL. MBE SUBSCRIBER has removed his PLUMBING AND BRASS FJUNDitY from Market street [ft . :fourth street tt O Marset,oopotitii tile Bettie church. Thankful for put patronage, tie hopes, bir strict attention to business, to merit a continuance or it. mar26i3uid WM, Harrisburg Broom Manufactory, WC' Di&,718 (-"s PION i IN WALLY II 2 Bk sold wholesale and retail 20 CeEt.,,liespor than can bo bad elsewhere. Cal , awl exaTnioa our stock. Jps-3rud J. E. PRICE & CO. H. L. GODBOLD, PRACTICAL Tuner and Repairer of Pianos, Metodeons, 9r0., will receive ordera in inure at *M . KNOCHE'S Music Store, 92 Market street 11 orders left at the above named place, or at the Buehler Dose, will meet with prompt attention. First class PIANOS Ice. sale. seplB -dly THUNDER AND LIGHTNING. THE vast amount of property destroyed annually by Lightning ought to be a warning to property holders to secure their buildings. All orders far Lightning Rods left at the auction store of W. BARR, will be attended to. Rods put up in the latest improved style and warranted. jel2 d B. M. GILDE.A,, D. D. S. STATE STREET, OPPOSITE THE BRADY HOUSE. All opera 'ions, Surgical and Mechanical, edentilleplly performed. Charges moderate. ea CLARET WINE. 30 CASE d s a c d .Li for RE I T by WINE, just re aeive,. JOHN a ZIEGLER, jel-d 73 Market Street. FOR SALE, FROM One to Five Hundred Dollars worth of CITY BONDS. Enquire of C. 0. ZIMMERhfAN, marl. 4 No. 2$ South Second 'Oren 33111XACJ1.11113. QUINCE,_ . PEAR, CURRANT,_PEACH, APPLE, BLACKBERRY,. ORANGE, RASPBERRY. Just received from New York and warranted super. fine. [feb26] Win. DOCK Jr. -& Co. STONE FOR SALE. BIIILDING STONE or Stone imitated for turaplkin purposes win ire delivered to any per of the city or lie vicinity. Apply to =al Wa "USE) Jr. Ne 4 2btlfrtisMentS. STEAM WEEKLY BMWEEN NEW YORK AITD LIVERPOOL LAND' NTG AND EMBARKING PAS SENGERS at QUEENSTOWN, (baiand.) The Liver pool, New York and Philadelphia Steamship company intend despatching their full powered Clyde-built iron Steamships as follows : GLASGuW, Saturday, 22d June; CITY OF BALTIIIORE, Saturday, 29th June ; KANGAROO, Saturday, Bth July; and every Saturday, at Noon, from Pier 44, North River. RATES 08 PASSAGE. FIRST CABIN $75 001 STEERAGE.., . , $3O 00 do to London $BO 00 do to London ..$33 00 do to Paris $B5 00 do to Paris $3B 00 do to Hamburg.. $B5 00 I do to Hamburg $35 00 Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Rotter dam, Antwerp, /Lc., at equally low rates. a-Persons wishing to uriug cut their friends can buy tickets here at the following rates, to New York : From Liverpool or Queenstown; let (Sabin, $75, $B5 and $lO5. Steerage from Liverpool $4O 00 From Queenstown, $3O 00. These Steamers have superior accommodations for passengers, and carry experienced Surgeons. They are built in Water-tight Iron Sections, and have Patent Fire Annihilators on board. for further Information apply at the Company's Offices. JNO. G. DALE, Agent, jel.2-tf 15 Broadway, New York. Or C. 0. Zimmerman, Agent, Harrisburg. COMMERCIAL NOTE PAPER. Just received from the mill a-fine lot of Neto Paper at 51. 30 per ream at the jes-Iwd EiGLE WORKS. FOR SALE 1 ABUILDING LOT, situate in West Har riaburg, fronting on Itro.rdstreet 20 feet, and run ning back 161 feet, more or less, to a2O foot alley, ad joining on one side the property of Mr. Blumenstine. For particulars enquire of FREDERICK SCHBFFER at Bergner's Bookstore. May 8,1861. iny9 LIME FOR SALE. THE UNDERSIGNED having embarked Lln the LIME BUSINESS Is prepared to furnish to very best article at short notics, alid at the lowest prices for cash. He sells the lime burnt at Colamb is and anso that burnt at home. my29•d3m PETER BERNERSEL. HICKORY, OAK AND PINE WOOD for sale, CUT TO STOVE OR CORD DENGUE TO SUIT PURCHASERS. ALSO, LOCUS 2 paws AND CHESTNU2 RAILS CUT TO ORDER. ALSO, STONE AND SAND FOR BUILDING PURPOSES. Inquire. of the subloriber at 1113 residence on the Ridge road, opposite the Good Will rlogino fleas% or at the Yard, corner of Second and Broad strasts, West Har risburg. [iny27-tf J G B. COLE. PROF. ADOLPH. *P. TEUPSER. WOULD respectfully inform hie old patrons and the public generally, that he wilt continue to give instructions on the PIANO FORTE, ME LOUDON VIOLIN and also in the science of THOROUGH BASS. lie will w`th pleasure wait upon pupils at their homes at any hour desired, or lessons will be given at his residence, in Third street, a few doors below the German Reformed Church. deels-dtf City Property for Sale. ALARGE TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE and lot of ground, pleasantly locatid on Front St., between Mulberry street and 'Washington Avenue. Also TWO LARGE PIANOS in good condition and of ex cellent tone. Apply to _ _ . C 0. ZIMMER WIN, No. 24 South &cord z est POW EEL'S DIARRHEA AND CHOLERA ANTIDOTE, For the cure of these distressing maladies. Agreeable to the taste. Every soldier should procure a bottle of this valuable medicine before they take up their line of march. For sale at C. A. BANNTART'S, Drug Store, my 2-413431 II •e. AQUANTITY of Bags, Checks and Ging hamg for sale by the dozen and piece, cheap for ease, at the DAUPHIN COUNTY PRISON. elyB-3m HAFausehae May 8. 1861. MOUNTED ARTILLERY. THIRTY ABLE-BODIED AND SOBER MEAT wanted for the Mounted Artillery service.— Apply at Camp Curtin to lieut. JACOB M. BARR. jel3 dlw PROPOSALS wILL be received at the PENNSYL VANIA CANAL OFFICE during the present month for the construction of a BRICK SEWER, (about GOO feet in length,) from the canal of Market street bridge to Paxton creek. For particulars enquire at the office. TM& T. WIESDIAN, Engineer and Superintendent. Harrisburg, June 13, 1881.—je13-d STAGE LINE FOR GETTYSBURG FARE REDUCED TO $1.25 THROUGH TO GETTYSBING. HE undersigned has established a T regular LINE OF STAGE COACHES (tom Mechanics burg, connecting every other morning with the Cumber land Valley Railroad cars. The coaches leave every every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, returning every other day. Passengers for Sheppardatowo, Dillsburg, Petersburg and Gettysbnrg are carried at reduced rates. Jell.-dtf WAT. J. TATE. PHILADELPHIA NEW P.- BONN-ET s-* . STORE 4 11 .7' F HAS OPENED WITH A FULL aasortmen from the Philadelphia and New York moat fashionable establishments, to which, during the season, additions of the latest novelties from those establishments will be constantly received. NM A. B. BICKERTON, Formerly A. B. Carpenter, sign of the two Goldeil Eagles, first bonnet store from the Harrisburg Bridge. marl9.3md JOHN B. BMITH'B BOOT & SHOE STORE, CORNER SECOND AND WALNUT STS., Harrisburg, Pa. ALWAYS on hand a large assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, Ace., of the very best &noddies for ladies, gentlemen, and children' wear.— Prices to suit the times. All kinds of WORK MADE TO ORDER in the best style by superior workmen REPAIRING done at short notice. octle-dtf JOHN B. SMITH, Harrisburg. JOSEPH CASEY. JOHN W. BROWN. CASEY & BROWN, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW HARRISBURG, PENN'A. HAVING associated together in the practice of the law, will attend , falthfully and promptly to all professional 'business entrusted to their Office In Third meet three doors from Mortice N. B. Concuitations in English and German. ALDERMAN. HENRY PEFFER.. OFFICE—THIRD STREET, (SHELL'S ROW,)_ NEAR MARKET. Residence, Chestnut street near Fourth. OITY OF HARRISBURG, myl2 dtS _ . FLAGS ! FLAGS ! 1 XTOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES with IA National designs, LETTER PAPER with a view of the city of Harrisbnrg, printed andgter sale at SCHEFTER'S BOOKSTORE, %FM Near the Harrisburg Bridge. FRESH ARRIVAL gONONT, Bun, Gaon, 'IIOIIONY Sam= COEN, arm Pus, EARL!!, MARROW FAT Banos, Wilma rem, he., dx,.. , . . Just received an d for .ale at the LORIBT lalSa 0 NEW*: 016 WM. DOCK JR. & 0.