i aitCeitgrao+ I . Forever float that standard sheet Where breathes the foe but falls before us! With Freedom's soil beneath our feet,' And Freedom's banner streaming o'er us OUR PLATFORM THE 'UNION-TEE CONHIIrUTION-AND THE ENFORCEMENT OF TILE LAW. HARRISBURG, PA. Tuesday Afternoon, June 18, 1861. 2D EDITION Ex-GOVERNOR REDDER has declined the tender of a Brigadier-Generalship in the army, prefer. ring'to remain in civil life, where his splendid abilities, vast leaning and great experience will yet make him useful to his country and still more prominent before his Countrymen. He declined the Brigadier• Generalship, because he could not be persuaned to accept a position for which he did not ornsider himself fully qualified, although his friends had every rea son to believe him perfectly competent. This last act prcves • his good sense, and will tend still further to ensure him popularity. GENERAL HARLAN, who has been appointed to the command of the Kentucky cavalry, raised for the service of the national govern ment, is a native Philadelphian, well known there, where he has long resided. He served with high reputation in the British army in the first Burmese war, under Pollock. Subse que.ntly he resigned his commission, and en gaged in •various adventures in Cabnl, during which he commanded a division of the army of Dost Mahomed with the most distinguished gallantry, performing the hazardous. act of crossing the Indian Caucasus, a height V twelve thousand five hundred feet, with his whole division and a train of artillery. General Har lan is an admirable cavalry officer, has seen much hard service, and will ts of use in the existing war. GENERAL SCOTT is wisely substituting light artillery in the army for that of cavalry. He ie induced to do this, because it requires more than a year to drill cavalry, to render the men proficient as riders, to make them perfect in the various evolutions, and .to accustom the horses to the shocks of battle, when gunpowder has to be wasted. Light artillery will make dreadful havoc among the knights of the south, who, true to their instincts of aristu- mach array themselves in the most gorgeous attire, mount young and_untrainin_horees,and thus caparisoned and equipped, they eipect to intimidate the infantry troops by the splendor' as well as glitter of their appearance. A few round of grape, well directed and copiously given, will soon change the courage and the • course of their silly chevaliers. CAPT. J 1R WIN GREGG We are gratified to learn that Capt. J. Irwin Gregg, of the Centre Guards, has been designa ted by the Captains of ten companies now in Camp Cartin,as the Colonel of a Regiment which will be organized out of these same com panies in a short time. Captain Gregg is 'a son of Senator Andrew Gregg and a cousin of the Governor of Pennsylvania. He wes a captain in the Mexican war, where he won for himself great credit, I. ot only for his gallantry and daring, but for the display of the highest qualities as a corm:banding officer. Personally we know and esteem Capt. Gregg very highly. He wins and retains his friends by the genial ontilitics' of manliness'and urbanity, and is one of the men who are bound to reflect credit upon the American arms and his native state, in any conflict in which he may hereafter, be engaged.- • • HENDRICK B. WRIGHT. The" neraination of this 'gentleman, by all parties, as the successor of the lamented Scran ton, in the Luzerne district, is one.of the hand somest compliments that could possibly be paid to any man, parilcUlarly when it is remembered that some of the best men and ablest Republi cans in the state of Pennsylvania reside in that. Congressional district. Mr. Wright has always been a prominent Democrat, but early in the infamous career of the late national adminis tration, he took a bold stand against its corrup tions, arrayed himself under the b...neriaised biStephen A. Douglas, and during the memor able struggle of that now mourned and distill guished,statesman, with the traitors in his own party and the rebels in the south, Mr. Wright stood manfully: 'forward, steady in his opposi tion to the encroachments of southern lactate cism, :and =ardent in his support of what was then called the "doctrine of non-intervention." He iati : brave, bold and energetic man, and, if tibe,to the pledgei by which he was unani mously nominazed, Will support the policy of the national • administration, • in its efforts to main tain thetnion and enforce the laws. He has supported the policy of Mr. Lincoln so far very cordially, and is am earnest advocate for coe don by'the Application of the law. : :.' ' . The".editor of the Scranton American, who. is a member;of the Republican County committee, protests against the nomination of Mr,:: Wright, 13riihe'ground that his prominence and bitter ness as a politician heretofore, will prevent many candid and honorable Republicans from voting for him. -He only asked that a man lesiebn4lousin this particular, he did not care fiol4 which political party) be nominated, Mid lai would cheerfully support him. While we are in faVor of a striallepublican organize iiOn in" Jbe - itate, IN:e . " - truet . 'that at this time nething - wililied‘Me to excite the ptiblic mind unduly=—hut that some fair arrangement will be made satisfactory to all parties in Wet 'Con- 1 gressional district. DISSOLVE THE UNION. It is not at all probable that more than seven men out of every ten know what is really meant by the declaration of "Dissolve the Union." We are certain that such is the case with the masses of the north and we are certain, too, that not a single one of the mob of men in . the south, who are now clamoring and ready to die in the cause of disuniori, ap preciate the results which would assuredly fol low such a consummation. From a Union of the American states, the people have not only derived their political equality, but they have gained alike their social excellence and reli gions freedom. The idea of being ranked as political equals, does hot constitute the free dom of man. We might have the right to vote, and still be deprived of the right of re presentation, and we might have the right of representation and be utterly powerless to legislate in .a manner conducive to our social welfare and political prosperity, with the fatal power of the veto forever suspended over our deliberations. But such is not the condition in the plan and operations of the government existing by virtue of the American Union. In the Union there is an equality running through all the ramifications of parties and society— an.equality, however that must be maintained _by the merits of men, and not vouchsafed to them in birth, purchased title, or royal prefer ences. The organization of society is such, that distinctions, if any one are attempted, cannot last long—they fade before the inexora ble changes of a still more inexorable competi tion for wealth, position and power. In wealth this is- particularly the case. The millions that one man may and can amass are certain to be squandered by, the heirs he leaves behind him, or as often lost by himself before the end of his days, in the wild pursuit of the very srpeeniation which at first crowned him with bonds and deeds, mortgages and money. The pcDr man of to-day is the millionare of to. morrow. The palaces which fortune's favorites erect to their vanity and for their dissipation, are scarcely ever occupied by a second genera tion, in the same line of descent—unless it be as man or maid - servant. • All these changes, some great, others small, tend to the develop ment and strengthening of society. What con stitutes society thus great, also contributes to the power of politics—and as our political system is, strengthened and enlarged and extended—granting to el what a few in other lands monopolise—the individual rights and happiness of all men are' equally guarded and elevated, until equality becomes a meritorious achievement for all men. But dissolve the Union. Let it be under. stood that these compact states are permanent ly and forever severed—made antagonists by a conflict of faith, want and interest--belliger ant when they should be reciprocal—jealous and envious when they should be confiding and mutually sustaining—let this be accomplished, as it assuredly would be by a dissolution of tbe Union, and where would be the security of society f—where would be the sanctity of our sAngien_the_neace of our communities and the meritorious equality us -.aro iv— the handl, of a mob—in less than one year in the hands of a mob as desperate and sanguinary as ever drenched the streets of Paris with blood, or made Rome howl like a wilderness in desolation. There would and could be no peace of society—simply because of the eternal efforts of ambitious men ' contract that socie ty or mould it to their intlrcnts and obedience. There would be no law to last any longer than it suited the passions of a mob or the interests of those in power. There would be no security in person, other than that gained by a strong arm or swift foot. There would be no right of property beyond that of possession, and tha." Would only last while there was might in ti.a possessor to maintain the right. There would be no open profession of relig,:on save such as would be prescribed and controlled by bigots and fanatics. And there cmld be no avoiding any of these calamities by a dissolution of the Union. It is well therefore to ponder these results that must assuredly follow such a disso lution. As we do this, we . are nerved for the conflict that has been forcs.l on us—and we are convinced, too, that we would far better perish on the battle field, than survive to drag out a miserable existence amid the chaos and gloom of a destroyed Union. GEN. CAMERON IN NEW YORK. Vie Media Tribune, the influential organ of the Republicans of Orange. county, N. Y., in the course of an able article on the national ad ministration, pays the following handsome compliment to the secretary of War : Thus far the course of the President more than meets the expectations of the country, and proves Abraham Vricoln to be an honest, capable man. The selection of his cabinet was a success, and to the industry of its prompt and ,efficient members we owe, in a grs.t de gree, our present s-..fety and flattering condi tion. In each depstment .there seems to be infused a new life and a determination to do_ all in their power to sustain the Government. The most important post in the cabinet, under existing circumstances, is the office of Secretary of War. Vest and com plicated are the interests' entrusted to this officer. Let him fail and the. Government at once becomes crippled and at the power of its enemies. Secretary Cameron hrz showed himself to be an able and indefatigable work er. He has given his personal attention to all matters coming under tie cognisance of his office: His industry and perseverance have seconded the efforts of Gen. Scott, and tended to preserve the confidence of the American people in the Government. By his prompt and efficient course, by hls gallantry and pa , triotism in noticing the death of the lamented Douglas, he he 3 won for himself a proud place in the affections of the American people, and in the history of this country. Tns NATIONAL Imumencra says that tie president' of the Chesapeake , and Ohio Can:- list Week visited the camp at Herper's Ferry, to endeavor to stop the destruction of the pro perty of his company. . He reached Dam No. 4, Williamsport, while the fight was going on between' the Marylanders and Virginians—the latter en4avoring to destroy the dam, and the former' to defend it . . He crossed the river under 'it flag 'of trtice, and demanded to' be taken te'llerfer's Ferry An esco't of twelie Men Wait - iniiiiislied; wl o conductO h im t° Gen. Johnston, the commander c& the some- Sign forces. Ile remonstrated against the de pennoptuattia Mailp ettgapt), itutobag lfttritoon, June 18, 1861. ettuction of the dams, boats and other pro perty of the company, claiming that they were the property of Marylanders, and should be exempt from seizure ar,d destruction. Gen. Johnston replied that his orders were positive to destroy all property that could in any way be made to benefit the United States forces, and-that it was, all nonsense to talk of the property belonging to Maryland. He should therefore obey his instructions, and destroy everything he could reach. LUTHERANS AND THE WAR At the meeting of the Lebanon Conference of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of East Penn sylvania, held in Schuylkill Haven, on the 11th inst., the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted Whereas, A long-cherished and wicked scheme for the destruction of our National Union has at length been fully developed, and has ex hibited itself in its true character by a series of stupendous crimes on the part of unprinci pled political leaders, embracing robbery, per jury, and the whole catalogue of enormities . that combine to constitute the vilest record of treason that stains :he page of history ; and Whereas, The pi nciple, put forward in justi fication of these out ages, is one that, if suffered to prevail, would not only rend our glorious ' Union into fragments and inaugurate an inter minable series of sang,uln , ry and fratricidal wars between rival sections, but would under , mine and overturn the whole fabric of civil society and social order, and reduce our coun try to a condition of absolute analblay, in which no law would be held sacred and no rights re spected ; and Whereas, The success of such an insurrection against the duly constituted authorities of the land, and of such unheard of treason against the mildest and most beneficient government on ean:,, would at the same time destroy the foandatons of our dearly cherished religious I liberty and retard indefinitely the progress of christen civilization and of all efforts for the evangelization of the world ; therefore Resolved, That, in the opinion of this Confer ence, it is the duty of all true patriots to rally around the standard of their country and con tend for the continuance of our Nation's life, againtit the deadly assaults of its foes. Resolved, That, in our opinion; it is the duty of all true christians, at whatever sacrifice of I treasure and even of life itself, to contend for the maintenance of those principles of civil and religious liberty that were triumphantly estab lished by our fathers, and which it is our solemn obligation to hand down unimpaired to our posterity. Resolved, That whilst relying upon the indle putable justice of our. cause, and confidently looking to God for his providential interference in our behalf, by confounding the counsels of , our foes and guiding our armies to victory, we should too bear in mind that our first duty is that of implicit and unwavering submission to our Heavenly Father's will, a conscientious obedience to all his holy commands, that true patriotism and true piety ever go hand in hand. Resolved, That we therefore look with sorrow and pain upon the open disregard of the Lord's day manifested by our military authorities in the holding of unnecessary military reviews, &c., and earnestly beseech them to avoid all needless display and labor on the divinely ap pointed day of rest. Resolved, That recognizing the hand of Divine Providence in all the affairs of men and of na tions, we humbly acknowledge our desert of chastisement for our national sins, and beseech our Heavenly Father to overzule this awful scourge for our purifieation and complete re generation, though it be by a baptism - of fire and breeci. the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of East Penn sylvania, held at Lower Merlon, also on the 11th inst., the following action wee taken: Whereas, The government of the United States, foundcd by the hit, the treasure, and the blood of the paLlots of the revolution, and tested by the exp3rience of more than eighty years, is confes - dly the mc.lt l s;neficent system of government that a kind Providence Ems ever bestowed on man, affording dignity and securi ty to the magistrate, unitsd with the most en larged and compreheivive fLcsdom to the citi zen, in which all Gcctlons have alike freely and honorably participated; and Whereas, This government is assailed by cer tain sectional combinations with an unjustifi able rebellion, which menaces its total over throw, and thus threatens to extinguish the light of civil liberty in our land: be it, there fore Resolved, That we esteem the expression of Our sentiments on this momentous subject as not only a dictate of patriotism, but also a moral and religious duty, sanctioned alike by our personal convictions, and by the Word: of Resolved, That as well in our individual as in our ecclesiastive capacity, we record it as our sincere conviction, that the men who are - now in arms against our, .nation, to destroy it, are under the dominion of evil counsels, and that their efforts should be met by the unyielding resistance of every lover of civil and religous liberty. Resolved, That as the present national admin- istration was chosen and inaugurated accord. ing to the requirements of the constitution and lawsi- and is therefore among the "powers or dained of God," our sincere and heartfelt sym pathies cluster around it in this seeson of peril, and that our fervent prayers shell continue. `5 be offered to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, that He may crown its efforts for the praerva tion of our Government with success, and that God may bless the brave men who have gone forth to protect our national flag from dishonor, and our national name from extinction. Resolved, That whilst we fervently play for our friends, we.would not forget the scriptural injunction of praying, also, for our enemies. Our earnest prayer to God in their behalf is, that they may speedily see the error of their ways, submit to the laws, disband their armies,: and as goal citizens, return to their homez, there to pursue the avocations of peace and industry. • FROM CAMP CAMERON [Correspondence of the Telegraph,] Ferursrowx, MD., June 16, 1861. When I left Harrisburg with the Cameron Guards I promised to give you an occasional note of our march into the enemy's country, and I intend to do so as the opportunity pre sents itself. Yesterday morning we left ,Camp Chambers en route for the Franklin railroad, in the ears of which we were loaded withontmuch ceremony, and then proceeded by steam to Green Castle, where we stopped to take Wood and water,: and just long enough too, to afford me a fine opportunity to examine the: town. Our reception in Green Castle wes very enthu siastic, and if the people in Maryland: are equally devoted to the Union, there .13.-no doubting their places in this fight. We re ac hed Hagerstown about 10 o'clock where we were also enthusiastically received. The display of the stars and stripes in Hagerstown from house tops, trees, sign-posts and other prominent points, is a good indication of the loyalty of its citizens. Our encampment is located three miles from Hagerstown, and one mile rrom Fankatown. While parsing through Fun.ketown we captured an old- iron , cannon, mountcd. on .the hind wheels of an old; agon; which seemed: to he a relic of a pest age: The cannon iii - now ed in front of the tent Of Col.. Yohe,.Where le an object cf great cariosity and interest. , OCr encampmentiu.beautifully Ideate; and is surrounded with• eve4rcenvinience'nf weed, water and a good market. The Begimente composing Camp Cameron are the Ist, 2d, 3d and 24th, the Philadelphia City Troop, M'- Mullen's Rangers, Scott Legion,. and several companies of U. S. Regulars ere on the march to join this encampment. I am requested by the officers and men of the Ccateron Guards to return their thanks to C aorge Bergner, for his donation of letter paper ao.,d envelopes to this :ampany. Those who rtzeemta the soldier while he is abroad in the serviel of his conicity, and endeavor to supply what to others 833 MS a small want, but which to us is really an important one, is un consciously doing his country and its defenders the greatest favor. w. A. P. BY TELI6HPI -Later and Important from Fortress Monroe. RECONNOITERING EXPEDI TION TO GREAT BETHEL. FIGHT ANTICIPATED. WARLIKE PREPARATIONS ON BOTH SIDES. The Rifled Cannon Brought to Bear on Sewell's Point. AN ADVANCE MOVEMENT TO BE MADE FORTRESS MONROE V) :A BALTIMORE, Jane 18. Three hundred Zmaves, under Lieut. Col= Warren, ac:3mpanicd by Capt. Smith of the Topographical Engineers, left this morning to reconnoitre the vicinity of Big Bethel, and up the route to Yorktown. They took artillery and two days' rations. Gen. Butler has directed several guns to be rifled, as soon-e:s possible, for the Sawyer shell. Guns have' been placed on board the Cata line, she having been fired at by the rebel tug boat from Sewell's Point. Men can to-day be seen at work on Sewell's Point probably constructing a water battery. The rifled gun on the Ripraps will be brought to bear on them. A battery of light artillery will be got in readiness es coon as possible. Lieut. Butler and others procssded t) Big Bethel tc day with a flag of truce for the bcdy of Major Winthrop. The rebels are understocd ICJ cmcentrating a large force near Sewell's point, two steamers on the James river being ergagTl in tratsprting trcops. There is every evidence here of a forward movement, and Gen. Butler has infused great energy into every department. FROM COL. STONE'S COMMAND. Firing Between the Rebel and Gov ernment Troops. A REBEL GUNNER KILLED. =l= AFFAIRS AT SENECA CREEK PROXIMITY OF REBEL CAVALRY TO COL. EVERETT'S COMMAND. WASHLNGTON, June 18. - The Siar extra outains, the following, latest ;.out Col. Storrs command CONES.D'S FERRY, east side of Montgomery county, Md., June 17, 1861.—T0 day the ene my have been practicing upon us, to no, pur pose, however, from .three or four six pounders planted on the other side: of the river, firing many rounds at the portion of Col. Stone's command stationed here. The total force of the enemy opposite to us is judged to be abut 800. strong. mere fire WB9 returned ;Jona the rFiLd pieces by some twenty picked marksmen, who in the course of their firing brought down one of the gunners. The distance across is so great, however, that even rifled muskets are of litle avail except by chance shots. Col. Stone's command are well and anxious to get to clo7.er quarters with the enemy. CAMP NEAR THE MOUTH Or CREEK; Montgom ery county, M. D., June 18.—There are about one hundred of the enemy cave:l7'in sight on the south side of the Potomac river, about a mile and three quarters f:om us.::' These are mostly visible around a defensive work they have thrown up, evidently to com mand the road leading from the ferry here to Lsesburg and Dansville. Col. Everett com mands here, and the troops under him are in fine spirits. . . ANOTHER OUTBREAK AT ST. LOUIS FOUR CITIZENS °KILLED AND SEVERAL 'WOUNDED. As a part of Colonel Kallman's regiment' of the reserve corps were returning from the Worth Missouri Railroad, about 11 o'clock-this morning, when opposite the Recorder's court room, on Seventh street, between . Olive and Locust, a company near the rear of the line suddenly wheeled and discharged their rifles, aiming chiefly at the windows . ior the Record er's &nut and theSecorid istory'orthe adjoining house, killing four citizens, mortally wound ing two, and slightly injuring one. The statements regarding the cause of the firing are very conflicting; one being that a pistol shot was fired'froin a, Window of a house on the corner of Seventh and Lccust streets, which took effect in the shoulder of one of the captains, when be gave the word to fire. An other is that a soldier accidentally discharged his rifle in the racks, at which the whole com pany became frigtened and discharged a full volley int) the crowd on the sidewalk and win dows of the houses. The Recorder's Court was in session,' and the room was crowded with prisoners...and specta tors. Policeman Pratt was shot in the side and died in ten minutes. Deputy Marshal Franso received three balls in his, legs, and will un doubtedly die. The navies of the other - per sons who were killed on the pavement below have not been ascertained. The windciw just behind the Recorder's•derk wee riddle,d witn bullets, and the broken glees was scattered aver hie desk. • The bodies of the killed were removed to the residences of their fnniilies. A thorough in vestigation of the affair will be bad, when full particulars will be given. FIFTY THOUSAND STAND, OF-ALNALS FllOll ENGLAND' . . • ~.Nser Yontc, June 18. The steamship • Bavaria has-arrived:;:from Bremen and Southampton, bringing fifty thon- ; 'sand stand of rifles for the Unitod Statefjov ernment, THE EXPEDITION TO VIENNA COWARDLY ASSAULT BY THE REBELS. A Number of the Federal Troops Flight of the Engineer - with the Rail road Train. Our Troops left Exposed to a Raking Fire from Masked Batteries. GALLANT CONDUCT OF OFFICERS AND PRIVATES. Four Thousand Rebels ' Troops at The Masked Batteries at Vienna to be The Washington papers of this morning state that a train of cars was dispatched from Alexandria yesterday afternoon to Vienna, taking Col. McCook's first Ohio regiment, ac companied by Gen. Schenck. They dropped companies along the line and reachzd Vienna with only three companies, when a masked battery was opened upon them, killing and wounding, according to the Inteiligencer, two hundred. The Republican says a number were killed and wounded, and when the messenger left the three companies were preparing to anault the battery. Large reinforcements wore sent out to their relief, but no later tidings had been received. . WASKINGTON, June 18. [By telegraph from Camp to Lieut. General Scott.] Left camp with 668 rank and file, and twenty field and company officers, in pursuance of General McDowell's orders, to go upon this expedition, with the available force of one of my (regiments, the regiment selected being the first Ohio volunteers. Left two companies, I and K, in the aggregate one hundred and thirty-five men, at Crossing of Roads. Send Lieutenant Colonel Parrot, with two companies of 117 men, to Falls Church, and to patrol roads in that direction. Stationed two com panies, D and F, 135 men, to guard the rail road and bridge between the crossing and Vienna, proceeded slowly to Vienna with four companies—company E, Capt. Paddock ; com pany C, Lieut. Woodward, (afterwards joined by Capt. Pease;) company Cr, Capt. Bailey ; company H, Capt.. Hazlett. Total 275 men. Oa turning the curve slowly within one quarter of a mile of Vienna, we were fired upon by rak ing masked batteries—l think three guns w:fa shells, round shot and grape—killing and wounding men on the platform and in the cars, before the train could be stopped. When tae train stopped the engineer could not, on ac count of clamage to some part of the running machinery, draw the train out of the fire. The engine being in the rear, we left the cars and retired to the right and left of the trail through the woods. ranaing-tnat rue enemy - a bmsturives .Nvrac, Duo tained by what appeared about a regiment of infantry, and by cavalry, which force we have since understood to have been fifteen hundr; - 3 South Carolinians, we fell ba± along the rail road, throwing out skirmishers on both flanks. This was about seven P. M. Thus we returned slowly, bearing offour wounded, five milsa to this point, which we reached at ten o'clock. CAM:MMUS --Capt. Hazlett's companny H., two known to be killed, three wounthi and five missing ; Capt. Belly's, company G., three killed, two wounded end two missing ; Paddock's, company E., one officer slightly wounded ; Capt. Pease and two missing. The engineer, when the men left the cars, instead of retiring slowly, as I ordered, de te,:ted his engine with one pasasnger :ar from the rest of the disabled train, and abandoned us, running to Alexandria, and we have heard nothing from him since. Thee we were de prived of a rallying point and of means of ac companying the wounded, who had to be carried on litters and in blankets. We wait here, holding the road, for reinforcements. The enemy did not pursue, I have ascertained that the enemy's force at Fairfax Court House, four miles - from Vienna, is now-about 4,0C0. - - - When all the batteries opened upon us, Ma jor Hughey was at his station on the formost platform car. Col. McCook wa with me in one of the passenger cars. Both these officers, with others of the commissioned officers, and many of the men, behaved most nobly under this galling fire which we could not return, and from batteries which we could not flank or turn, from the nature of the ground. The approach to Vienna is through a deep long cut on the railway. In leaving the cars and before they could rally, many of my men lost their haversacks or blankets, but brought off all their muskets except it may be a few that were destroyed by the enemy's first fire, or lost with the killed. ST. Lours,. June 17 ALEXANDRIA, June 18. The train which went to the relief of the Ohio troops, containing the lst and 2ud Con necticut regiments,proceeded as far asfour miles this side of Vienna, where they met the rem nants of Ohio trcops at four o'clock this morn ing. It appears that after .the engine left last night, and nineteen rounds were fired, the rebels made no farther demonstration, and the Ohio companies retired. Mr. Dorman, em ployed as brakeman on the road, who was the only one of the employees who started with the train, says the attack was made about half past four yesterday afternoon, and the rebels had planted their cannon immediately at the carve of the road, which is straight for some distance. It is supposed the rebels apprehended meet ing a larger force, and that the Ohio companies were only the advanced guard. Of the milita ry-movements consequent on these proceed• ings, it is improper to speak. WASHINGTON, June 18. Account from Arlington to-day say that Gen. Schenck is now there, and that the attack was from troops from Centreville, with, it is confidently thought, no ulterior object. ALEXANDRIA, June 18. So Us as can be ascertained, on what is be lieved to be good authmity, the following - are among_the - Allied - and woundvi : Of the Ohio troops, killed John Bames and Daniel Sullivan, both of company G ; wounded, Mercer of company H—in a dying condition, his arm hav ing been shot off. Privates Volmer end Smith ofvompany G. One of them killed sad three of them:imp:del:l7Bre brought to Alexandria, a n , dtwiciof the wounded were taken to the Wash-• i ng ;en hoSpitsl lad Right Killed and Wounded. Fairfax Court House• Assaulted. I=l BALTIMORE, June 18 LATER-:-OFFICIAL ACCOUNT ROBERT [Signed C. SCR d YKEcg t Brigadier General THIRD DISPATCH Foußra'Du4.imou MTH DISPATCH From Western Virginia. Threatened Attack on Cumberland, Delegates to the Wheeling Conven tion Imprisoned. lanArrox, Va., June 17. A report reached Cumberland yesterday that the rebel troops were marching from Romney to attack the Federal forces and burn the city. An intense excitement was produced, but up to this time they have not made their appeprance. A letter received from Cumberland states that the telegraph wires and poles on the Bal timore and Ohio Railroad, from Martinsburg to Harper's Ferry, have been carried away by the rebels. It also states that the delegates tl the Wheeling Convention, from Berkley and Jeff,,r son-counties, have been imprisoned at Charles town, Virginia. It is not yet known what movement is con templated from this point. Recruits from the surrounding counties the Vrginia Union reaiments are largely on the increase. CAPTURE OF SEVEN REBELS. Plan for Attacking Arlington Heights WASIILNOTON, June 17 A scouting party of the sixty-ninth regi ment, on returning to camp at one o'clock this afterncm, captured seven rebsl soldiers, one of whom was a c:lptain, and upon whose person was found the roll of his regiment and a diagram and details of a plan for an attack on Arlington Heights. THE RHODE ISLAND REGIMENT Arrival at Frederick—Seizure of Seces- slon Flags. FREDERICK, Md., June 18 The Rhode Island regiment, from RagerF . - town, arrived here this morning, as indicated last night. They were well received by the citizens, and will leave at noon for Washing ton. They seized several secession flags here, causing some excitement among Secessionists. but no disturbance. - • New abaertisements. FOR RENT. THE ROOMS now occupied by the Post Office. POS.T.33SiOri given on the first of July. En quire of jelBdtf GEORGE W. PORTER. NATIONAL AND RI GI NI E NTAL COLORS. ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, Prin. , Harrisburg, June 18, 1861. Sealed prop isals will be received at the office until three o'clock on the 26th day of June, 1861 for colors deliverable at this office as re quired, said proposals to be publicly opened at the time and place named, and the successful bidder to be announced 311 thereafter es convenient the right being reserved to the State to increase or diminish the number and quantity of any or ai) of the several kinds of colors, required, viz : 1 National Color for U. S. Artillery. 40" " "U. S. Infantry. 1 Regimental " "U. S. Artillery. 40 " " "U. S. Infantry. all to be in every respect as described in the TJ. S. Army Regulat'mes paragraphs No's 1369, 1370 except that the arms of Pennsylvania are to to embroidered on the National Colors,in the centre or the - Linton, therr size not to exceed one fourth of its area and the 34 stars to be arranged syaimetrirally around them, and that on the Regimental ,:olors the arms of Pennsylvania of same dimensions are to be embroidered in ui per coiner near pike ; all t, be entirely plete with pike, spear, ferule, cords, taLzels, fringe, ready for 11:3 and marked with No. and name of Regiment according to regulations shove mentlonsd ; also for 1 National Color for Rifle Regiment, 1 Regimental " " " gg as above described for Infantry colors, except the No. and name of Regiment are to; be em broidered in gold instead of silver and that green will be used instead of blue in all p.rtg except the field of the Union in National Color ; to be complete ready for use and marked as above mentioned ; also for 1 Standard for Cavalry Regiment, 10 Guidons "_ " as described in paragraphs 1372 and 1373 of U. S. Army Regnlatiops, the arms of Pennsylva nia, of suitable dimensiona, to be embroidered on each ; to be complete, ready for use, and marked as above mentioned. Sketches of the manner in which the arms of this State will be inserted in each kind of color and guildon, will be submitted with each proposal. Each propo sal will s^.te the price per letter additional for adding on each flag such other inscriptions in letters of same material, as name of regiment, as may be required. The workmanship and materials must, in every color, be equal to 11. S. standard patterns. Proposals for colors on which the decoratior 3 are painted, instead of embroidered, may also be presented, and may be accepted in lieu of the above. The material of the paint must not be injurious to the silk. Fifteen per cent. of the amount of each de livery to be retlned as a forfeiture, until the contract is completed. Time of delivery to be considered as of the essence of the contract.— Contractors to state in their prop, fate the time when the goods can be delivered. Successful bidders to give bonds with two approved secu rities. The speeiy delivery of a large part will be considered in awarding the contract. By order of the Governor of Pennsylvania, E. M. BIDDLE, Adjutant General, P. M. jelB-12td A. CHANCE FOR A BARGAIN. TO close up the concern the entire stook of SHOES, BOOTS, be., late el Oliver Bell man, deceased, in the rooms in the Market Square, will he - sold at 'private sale at COST; and the rooms wiil be rented to the purchaser if desired. The terms will be made easy. jel7•dtl .DAN'L. D. BOA, Agent. NEXT OF KIN WANTED Hundreds or Millions Pounds Sterling IN CHANCERY, BANK OF ENGLAND, &c., waiting claimants. A Catalogue of the heirs, andnames of those to whom letters should be addressed in Fngland, will be sent post froe, on receipt of 60 Cents, in stamps, or two for $l. Old claims must be uretentcd at once. lleferencs:—.4. K_ Hill, Boston; J. Burnham, Chief of Police, Haverhill. Address W. W. S. ORBETON & CO., jel7•d4t Box 2.60, Post Office, Boston, Mass. PEIPIIER'S DAILY LINE Between Philadelphia LOCK HAVEN, JEBILI 7 FEIORE, WILLIA3ISPORT, MONEY. / UNIONTOWN, WATSONTOWN, MILTON, LBWRIBITRG, NORTHUMBERLAND, i':UN. BURY, THEVONTON, GRORSYTOWN,LIRENSTOWN, MILLERS- „ • BING, HALIFAX, DAUPHIN, AND HARRISBURG t The Philadelphia Depot being centrall y At9.d the , tor goes Drayage will be at the lowest rates. A Can nniivery of through with each trek, to attend 0 the .., all goods entrusted to the line. Goody'vered at the Depot of :.-"iret Sleet, phi!, FREED, WARD & FREED, No. 51.1 0 ; 3 d e li veren in delphia, by 5 o'clock P. 31., Ifirning. . Harrisburg the negy other line. Freight (always) as low as Ithis line to prompt and Particular attention paid ~4,4 woods. Speedy delivery of all Darer past patronage hopes by The undersigned than merit a COntiIIUSLICO of the cm/ strict' attention to bunt T. pEigHER , same. : .... a and Reading Depot, ' " " I Philo, f Market Street, Harrisburg, )617-.10/p