THE TELEGRAPB IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, By GE 0 Fier E BERGNER I'F;:.„lc.--y:+Gl9 ~~L:.7AItIIOP. 9.,FLY fr,-Trmarn i; served to subscribersin tiv . cen a per rye •F: Yearly ettbaxiber. =1 'ND SIXI•WEIRLY rEL3Clitit?.3 • 1 , 4 also published twice a week during )i the Legislature and weekly during the re .. !er file year, and furnished to subscribers et. the ;,g . stes, viz: &Wilbert; per year., ME LAW OF NIIIVETAFPL9 ,chacribers order the discontinuance or their news wo publisher may continue to seirl them until i ; ~.wetages are paid. I: ::111) , Prieers neglect or ?ohm to take their neWsPil ....2, We tilMtic to which they ore directed ; they are te until they hay^ sett ed the hal and ordered hem d stiontinued faisteliantotte ORN SON _ LO" ktOSPITAL. t2isoovered be most certain, opeed) onctual remedy in the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE, KRUPP IN Fa TO TWELVE HOURS. ltlertzry or Noxious Drugs ,O . A - ,i.CRRT. WARRANTED, OR NO CHAIRAR, IN PROM ONs TWO DAY 3.114 Wcakwes of the Back or Limbs. Strictures, Pains In the Dania, Alrecinons of the Eidncys and Bladder, Organic W,..k..esa, Nervous. Debility, Decay of the Physic a Pow. Dysniincia, Izngner, Low Spirits, Confusiou et deaf , . itatien of the Heart, Timidity, Iremblings, of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Stomach, Affections of lee Head, Throat, it se or Skin—those terrible urier• dera arhiing from tile indiscretion or Solitary Habits oi dreadful and destructive practises which produce constitutionzt! debility, render marriage impos sible, and destroy lonh body and mind. YOONC I . Ynnitg men especially who have become the victims of solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which atiuttiilly sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exalted talent and brilliant intel lect, woo mignt otherwise have entranced listening &hates with the thunder; of eloquence, or waked to co tasy the living lyre, may can wile full confidence, MARRIAGE.; alszrled pennons, or theee contemplating marriage, be log aware of physical weal:nese, ehould Immediately con suit Dr. J. ; rind be restored to perfoot health. ORGAMC WEARNES3 immediately cured and full vigor restorod tic who places himself under the cure of Dr. J., may religiously cou2de in his honor as a gentleman, and cop, lidoutly rely upon Ms skill as a physlcia=. .r Dace No. 7 South F. ederisk street, Baltimore, on the left hand side going from Baltimore street, 'I doers [rein the corner. Be particular in observing the name or number, or you will mistake the place. Be par ticular for Ignorant, Trifling Quarkt, with false names, or Paltry ,filinzbug tir4ficates, attracted by the reputa tion ul Dr. Johnson, lurk All letters must contain a Postage Stamp, to use on the reply. DR. JOHNSTON Dr. Johbson memper, of tho Royal College of Eugene, London, graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges of the tinned utates, and the greatest part of whose hie hao been spent in the Hospitals of London, Paris, Phila delphia and. elsewhere, has adboted some of the most as toM,..laing cures that wore ever known. Many troubled. with ringing in the ears and head when asleep. great ner vousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derange meat et' mind were Cured immediately, TARE PARTICULAR NOME. 3r. J. addresses ail those who having Injured thetn• selves by private and Improper indulgenebes, that secret and solitary habit which ruins both body and mind, un fitting them for either business or society. Ihr, are some of Lilo sad and melancholy Oil etc pro dueeu by early habits of youth, viz: Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness of bight, Loss of 'Muscular Power Palpitation 01 the .Heart, Dys pepsia, Nervous Irrltibitiiy, Derangement of tho Digestive ilrunctious, Genera: Debility, symptome of Consump• Hon, mac. M=TALLY.I its - griarr, the fearful ofroctc on the mind are much to be dre.,(131 :—D3,33 of ,iictuery ; uourn4cc of press= of Spirits, Evil Foreliodiogs, Aversioa tom - Ao Lb Self-distrust, Love of Solitade, &e., ore some al_ the evil elfeols. Thoe&te,h; ei p0r:1013.5 at all aged, can now jadge what 1E the ettui:e of their decline la health, losing their vigor, becoudug wean, pale, nervous and ernac,Ated, have Singular apperrance about the oyes, Gough, and syrap• Ina of eat&arap:lou. YOUNG 1121.1 Who have Wl:trod themselves by a certain practice, In, ()toyed iu Waeil alone—a habit frequently learned from Sul Jempanions, or at school, the effects M. which are nightly felt, even whoa aalocp, and if not cured, renders Marriage impassible, and destroys been mind and body ; apply immediata!y. What a pity that a young man, the hopes of his coon. try, the darling of his parents, should he snatched teem all prospects and enjoyments of life by the consequences of deviating front tee path of nature, and indulging to certain uecret habit. l - ;*0 '-.hpwrsons must, before cordere plating BIARRIAGE, effect that a aouud tufind and body aro - the moot necesaaty requisites to promote connubial happinese. Indeed without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage; the prospect hourly darken; to the view; the mind beemueo shadowed with despair, and tilled With the meLineholy reflection that the happlueas of 'another be- Couee with our owe, ,LOENSON , S INVIGORATING R17,14.EDY SOR og4 GAIdIC WEAKNMS. this great and important remedy, Wealtness of 111 crgass are apcedily Cured, and full vigor reetorod. Zbuostinds of the moat nervous and debilitated wee had lest all tops. h sve been immediately relieved. All laipediseermi Marriage, Flaysical or- Mental Diaqualill. cation, :Nor TrOMILIng, Weakumis or liztaimtlon or ill mast teazle? lucid, speedily cured. TO STRANGERS The many thousands cured at this Instiation within the last twelve years, and the numerous important ittergiest operations poi formed by Dr. J., witnessed by the re. porter.; of the papers, and many other persons, notices at which have a;ipeoredagain and again before the public, betides his stanclirod as a gentleman of character and re- Stimosibitity, is a suifoneut guarantee to the adlicted. Dla,nSe.3 OF I.IIPRUDENCE.—Whoa the misguided and impralant votary of pleasure finds he has imbibed the seeds ct this patuful disease, it too often happens - that an ill umed saute of shame or dread of discovery deters him resin nlipiyiug to those who, from education and re• opeotabilky iian lions tiorriend MU; delaying till the eon. stinitional'symptonis of this horrid disease mane tiled appearance, affecting the head : threat, nose, skirt, progressing 9a who frightful rapidity, tilt death pnts a period to his dreadful suderings by sending him tenths% bourue from whotica se traveler returns," It is a met. .thcholy fieltt that thousands fall victims to this terrible ditioai,e, owing to the unskilfulness ni ignorant pretend. era, woo, fly the ash of that deadly poison mercury, rule the cynstaution and. make W e residue ui Ills miserable, To Svi.trinces.—the rk.o - ter'a Diplomas imig in h Ra—Letterg mast qor r talu a Ete , .mp tons sa the roply wßoznedicc cent by nail. 44 -No. 7 Soati:i lis:edarick street, Braiatore. v.pria.Alvdy 186 L 30 OPENING, 3D OPENING. 1861. OP SUMMER .DRESS GOODS OF EVERT DEBOMPTION". The qual ty of the goods for the prim will be an incluse. meat w every one to purchase. The most desirable :indite of the semen at a great sac rifice. MOZAMBIQtrES, VALENCIAS, • CREPE D'ESPANGS, • • • • BERME ANGLAIS, BROCADE POPLINS, NEAPOLITANS. LAWNS and LAMELLAS ammg the ES CATHCART & BROTHER. Nast door to the Harrisburg Bauk, SKELETON SKIRTS; Tho or the very best make to be fonnd at'CATHCART Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. Parasols, Sll uimbrellas and Umbrellas Twenty-five per c elsewhere in the city, lower than can be purchased _ "HCART & BRMERR- Hab10.1.4 Market square; the Harrisburg Baak. \\•,, t a p,_ tic ~,,,. ,-_, , . •v.. -:. .... •-•., 5( •' ' 57 ---- , --__ I . 4 : .: : • ; ~,....:,1,e&,, c . r „ , o )1", --- j titoap . ~,Z-IA: ' VP - A '(•:' ' 4_ ..." 6,...„......i,. ...:12a-lIITECO' 0 2 00 12 00 15.00 voL. xv. iCiites. of .41-fiibit'B4:l4itiiiiiJittitti_it Northern Central Railway I VOrf,, 1-!ijlL CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. TRITER TRAINSiDAILT TO AND FROM BALTIMORE ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, .TIINE.9th, the Pim:onyx Trains of the Northern poetral [tot way will leave Harrisburg and Baltimore es follows : GOING . SOUTH.. MAIL TRAIN Ns111: leave Harrisburg at 120 P. Itl. EXPRESS " " " RABRI:BURO ACCOMMODATION '..9.30 R E T URN IN G. • HAIL TRAIN will leave Baltimore at 8.15 A. IMPAIRS TRAIN " ‘.‘ .. 3 30. P. DI HARRISBURG ACCO3I3IODATIOI3.I„ SOO P. DI CitoiriG - NORTH. MAIL TRAM leaves Harrisburg at 116 P.M. AX.PRE:IB 8.06 " The only train leavtirg. Harrisburg on Sunday will be the Express, South, at 2.00 A. IL, and 'lvrea', North, at 8.05 P. M. For further intermatkan apply at the Office, to Penn's, Railroad Depot, • . • :. A. C. SCHNELL. Aget'o, Harrisburg. May 20, 1861.—dtS . • : NEM ASE LINE ROUTE, THREE TRAINS DAILY TO NEW YORK. TWO TRAINS DAILY TO PHILADELPHIA WITHOUT. CHANGE OF CARS. (AN AND AFTER MONDAY, J.IINE 10, iLif 1861, the Passenger Trains will leave the Philadel phia an Reading Railroad Depot, at Harrisburz, far New York and Philadelphia, as follows, VIE t • ' ••• . . EAST WARD. EXPRESS LINE leaves Harrisburg at 930 a: in., on ar rival of Pennsylvania .Railroad: Express Train from the West, arriving in New York at 4 . -p. m. .-!elpephag par is attached to the train through front Pl4SbMl:*lthout change. : MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at Ba.:in., irrivthein Near York at 4p. m., and Philadelphia at 1.251p..m. PA6l' 1.11 4 / 9 , 05br0.7.-M5.-crinetturipat p VMOIKTEVIIII - Pennsylvania Railroad Fast Mail, arriviiagrin:New York at 0.45 p. m., and Philadelphia at 6.40 p.' m: WESTWARD. . FAST LINE leaves New 'York at ti a. m...and Philadel phia at 8 a. ra., arriving at Harrisburg at .1 p. • 41AlL TRAIN leaves New..Yorkat 12.00 nooui.and Phil-: ade l phia at 3. 15 p. m., arriving at. Harrisburg-at 9 p.m. EXPRESS LINE leaves New'Mirk at B'. p. m. ; arri ving at Harrisburg at 2.30 a. m., and aonneeting with' 'the Peuneyiyania Exprea3 Train for Pinahnrg,..: A .aleaping ear is also attkobed to tnis • • : Connections are made at Harrlaburg with trains orathe feausylyania, Nortaern Central and cumberland Valley, Raiiroads,•and at Reading for Philadelphia, Pottsville; Witkesbarre, Allentown, Easton, fad.. L . • - Baggage checked through. Fara bet ween• New York and Ha tieburg, 00 betwa.m Harrisburg and rhila• delphia, $3 - 115 in cars, andl2•7o la No.' 2. - fear-tic:rata or othar Information apply to • - • • CLYDE. myls . General Agent, Harrisburg. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL.. ROAN SUMMER TIME TABLE. Five TRANS DAILY To:Pi ANO FROM .01,--11LADELPHIA. NIONDAY, JUNE 10th, 464, rho paosongor trans of tb.e Pennsylvania Barad Ocoo. pant WI I dopartpfrout .ftlid , arrioli at Uarrisboik •thladtlphlit sw fellows :•-• . _. EASTWARD. . . , FAST LINE leniva.Hdriliburt !tray Warning' (oxoePt Monday) at 1..15 a. lA., and 'airivoli at -Weaf-Phtlideiphii riAttoucalalPP,F.S2 TRAIN leivaS Harrisburg ,daily ai 9.110 and wives at West Philadelphia at 1.10 mAm TRAIN leaves Hardsbarg day (except Sun day) at C/6 a and droves at West Pliiiadoetpitia at 10.15 Mese train makcicioid. connect O h. at Phhadwruala with Lc Now York 'Ana% ACCOMtIuDATION • TRAIN, No. min Mount JOY, tees Harrisburg at 7.09 a,./11 1 .,,azu4 West P::i;adel2nla ai 12.00 noon, HABEURLiiia ACCOISHCIDiTioN THAI* ... Vizi Colti .. bia, leaves Harrisburg at 1.10 p. m., and arrives it W•st ebiludelplaia %t 6 26 p.m.' ACCOUMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, via Mount Joy, leavaa Harrisburg at 5.16 P. In.,•Dillbr villa with MAILEtna agiVell 0! , Weat..P 1 4481.. phis. at /0.15 p. . . VW' E 1 liV Ait D TREOIJGH EXPRESS TRAIN: leaves .Pbßadelphia sit 10.20 P Rarristnarg at 2.85. a. m., ..I.ltopiut 7,80, a. and arrives at Pittsburg ai 12.00 - amm . „ . ,„ IdAIL. TEALS leaves Ehiladeiptda at 7.80 a. E r tireiSbnral.Do p. m., Altoona, G.OO p. my .and arr lvei' . at Pittsburg at 12.00 midnight. • • " • • FART LINE leaves Philadelphia at 11.20 a. m., Harris burg-3.85 wm. 4 -41toona 1.10 p. m.i and arrives at. Pitta• burs, at 12.30 a.; . -• • -• ' ' . . ARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAM . Jaime! rhiladelphia at 2.80 p. m., Lancaster 6,08 Col umbia 6.46 p. m., and arrives at Hurrisiiiirg - .31 8.06 Thi3 Train connects at' Harrisburg,. at 8.05 with Northern Central Railroad Train. for Sunbury, Williams. port, 10.32 Haven, Reranbm and all 'points North. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Philadelphia at 1.00 p. m., Lancaster 7.60 P. in„.,Mouhtjdy 8,91 p, ni., Ru m , betntown, F. m., and arrivess at Harrisburg at . . Attention is called to the fact, that pitasengera leaving Philadelphia at 4.00 p. m., connect at Lancaster with MOUNT JOY AccommuDATiox TRAIN, and arrive at Harrisburg at 9.S e, p.m, • ' SAIICrEL D. YOUNG, Eupt. Emit. Div. Tonna. Railroad. Harrisburg, June 7, 184.--dtf. „ NO MOSUXON. lEVOLVERS AT COST TO SOLDIERS Gold and &Ivor Stars, Eseslea, Booth*.Taos and lIIMingS tairriyr for sac !SW. s 1ar,19 assortment Soi Tr as at : AGIVEO4-03,114 "IND-EPENDENT IN ALL THINGS:--NEUTRAL IN NONE." HARRISBURG, PA.. TUESDAY AFTERNOON„ JUNE 18, 1861. 1.1110 1 ,&,.. - • . 7:7-N ~=-ate M~IF, ~ n-4~ D. W. GROSS & CO., p.R..:Ti:..0..i0 : -Tis . J..s-: MARKET STRFFT: DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE- We are daily ad din to our assortment of goods all such ernncles as are desirable, and would respect hilly: call' your attention to the largest and beat selected stock in this city, of DAUGS, CHEMICALS & PAINTS, Burning Fluid and Alcohol, Lard, Sperm and Pin€oo4lB, PERFUMERY & TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the best manufacturers and Per fumersof Europa end'this Country, . . :Being very large dealers in ARTIST'S BRUSHES We reopecilully Invite a call, feeliamonfl- Aent that we can supply the wants of all on tore' to their satisfaction. TEETH ; ' TEETH I ! . - JONE'S AND:WRITES PORCELAIN rEATH. PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR - Of all kindlii direct from the Proprietors. Paponifter And Concentrated Lye . wholesale Agents 'Or' 1 - afronifier' which we eel] as low as it can't;e pitiohaled in the cities. TIMUWI.3 3M) . 194L 4ETR,4QTa, Being large purchasers in these Oils, we can oiler indicements to close buyers. Coal Oil Xamps„ofthe most improved patterns, very cheap. All kinchi of lamps changed to burn .FARMERS AND GRAZIERS Those of you who have not given our 110118 E AND_ CATTLE . POWDEWEI a trial know not their auperiority, and the advantage they are in keeping Horse and Cattle healthy and in good oonaltien. ' Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived trom the :ruse* our Cattle l'oirdefli by the increaMng quantity and quality of milk, besides improving the genera; health and pearaltee of . their Cattle. Our long experienee in the business gives us the'adiantage - ofit thoiough knowledge of the trade, and outarrangements in the cities are such that we can in a 'very short time , forniih anything appertaining to our buiinesii, on the beat of terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed on Our honed, we hope • strict attention' to business, a careful aelection.of ' PIIR1r"/) R 1113.13 , at fair prices, and: the desire to please all, to merit a inatbtaatkei of the favors of adiscrital !USW* TilZ ttl.:_'-:0:05iii:41.4..-,1110 WALOLESALIg AND RETAIL NO. 19 HARRISBURG, P 1 WA KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, Ms, Varnishes and Glues, Dyakilturre, Gimps and Patty, Artist Colors and Tools, Pare Ground Spices, - Bottles, Vials and Lamp Globes, CaStile Soaps, Sponges and Corks, dre., &e., die., die„ &a With a general variety of PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, LINSEEI) OIL,' VARNISHES, WINDOW -GLASS, ARTIST'S • acmiana,-razerr - gays, m ALL TEEM VARIETIES,' COLORS AND' BRONZES OF ALL KINDS, - Fs `O, • 1.-"•raliOnDr•:- • ,19m4V. • RESTORATIVES COAL OIL! 'CARBOY OA! Ceteßraplj. MILITARY APPOINTMENT& --NTEI learn that Capt. Jacob M. Eyster, of tbe Cameron Guardi, has been commissioned as, a Captain in the United States service. It is also rep , rted that Mr. James Morgan, of this city, has been ap pointed a Sutler in the army. SIM/MAR.—The Germantown Telegraph notes, as a singular instance of . sudden conversions, that since the discontinuance of the• mails in the rebel States, a large number of Northern papers and periodicals have found tongues, - and some of them have absolutely run up the American flag. It is queer. PASSAGE or Ittoors.--Col. Max Einstein's regiment, of Philadelphia, comprising eleven hundred and fifty men, and a number of vivan dieres, arrived here at eight o'clock last eveniag, and proceeded directly to Hagerstown via Chambersburg. The regiment Is composed exclusively of Germans, all good looking and able bodied men, who we feel assured will 416 good service for their adopted-country. • HORSE DROWNISD iii MEL CeNAL.—Last eve ning a wagon drawn by two horses. end.loaded with leather, went down the steep embank ment at the Chestnut street bridge. The leather was spilled on the towing path, but the wagon and _horses were precipitated into the canal, and before the latter could be detached. from the harness one of them drowned, The driver escaped without injury. The less is a severe one to Mr. Wagner, the oomer of the animal. ___.,~ Oqs BOTA AT Woax.---We learn by a letter received last evening, that on Saturday the Cameron Guards captured a cannon and a quan tity of small arms from 'the secessionists near Funkstown, Md. On the day following, Ad jiitant Waterbury, accompanied by some mem bers of the State Capital Guards, visited the dwellings of several suspected parties in the same town, and took possession of thirty or forty rifles found concealed therein. We regret to learn that some of tbe boys are suffering from the effects of diarrhoea, csused by a change of water. Tin OLD OOVE OF THE DISMAL SWAMP.—The arch-traitor, Jeff. Davis, still wants to 447 - '!Jet. for •peate, while robbing and stabbing his foster-mother :... • "Lis LS ALONE An the unclean spirit cried— "why t9&at thou to torment us ere the time P , "Let,us alone 1" situ adding cr,me to canto, Shriek§ the' Arch traitor aid Libar. Who, drank:Witt hms, his co .nit c. with &add, And, wittsewes lerate thuves would drag her down From the MO ploes of her old reuown, with her ruin, rate his devilkt pride. No, Rebel, no f—wulle knavee are usid'in semi, And plottersof sedition are abhorred WM* good men shudder et the wretch forsworn, Whose perjuries moan the vengeance of the Lord ; While illEtrea lives, and God MiluteiJs his throne, The ilevils are "•cast out"— no' tie along." • =0:2:1 TalßuTz or Brown—The following preamble and resolutions relative to the death of .oscar Snyder, weie - Unanimously adopted by the Citizen Fire Engine and Hose Company, at a special meeting held in their hall, June 16th: Wireazas, In the Providence of God,, whose. ways are past finding out, and whose summons we-must all sooner or later obey; ;and being re minded by this sad calamity "that in the Midst of life we are in death," and fully and deeply mourning our irreparable loss.... Ther efore, belt • - Resolved, That in the sudden and unlocked for .death of our late fellow-member :and: brother fireman Oscar Snyder, the Citizen Fire Company have lost one of the best, elficient,_ and most useful members, the social circle Via, ;beloved companion, parents a devoted son,' friends one that was loved, and the fire &pert inent one whose many virtues commanded their respect and genuine friend hip.. . , Resolved, That it is with deep 'sorrow we mourn his lose ; that our heartfelt sympathies we tender to his parents and family, and may lour loss be his eternal gain.. Resolved, That as a citizen, his example is worthy of imitation. As a.fireman, his use fulness we appreciated, and his many virtues and merits we will endeavor to emulate, that like him we may deserve the commendation of the department and the community at large. Resolved, That we will attend the funeral in a body;; that the - house and apparatus be draPed in Mourning for the period of thirty days, and theta copy. of the.preamble'and resolutions be furnished to the family, and published in the daily papers of the city. . AXERICIAN PROTSSTAM ABBOQtATION.—The na tional session:of; this:Association. „was ; held in Philadelphia a few. days ago. The patriotic resolutions passed by the State Grand Lodge were unanimously approved, the members rising in a body to vote in the afftrnaative. The following also passed unanimously : • ; Whereas, This Bight Worthy Grand Body has declared, in language unmistakable, "that positive obedience `to the Constitution and laws, and an undying love for the-:perpetuation of the unity of our beloved oountry," is one of the fundamental principles of Our Order: • • : And Whereas, There is no poSitive law .to in dealing with rebellious members, therefbre be it • • • ' • Resolved; > That , all persons, members of our. Older, uttering or , preaching traitorous or re bellious sentiments against'the laws of our land ; shall be: tried In accordance with our: laws upon charges and trials, and if found guilty, shall be promptly expelled. . • Reports fiom many of the:lodges In PenniA vanifAstate that the entire membership is now upon the "tented field," doing service in be, half of the "Stars and Stripes," and permission is asked for by the Grand officers presiding in the.dbitrieti to" grant A dispeniation . for ,sisapen; cation .the•laws In. their behalf, In, order that charter! may,nOt•beeome - foiteited. The per miwioA was protiptly gtikidad"; BY TEIEDIAPI LATEST FROM WASHINGTON. BRIGADE AND REGIMENTAL SITRGEONS. An Army Medical Board to be Con vened at Washington. Railroad Transportation of Troops and Munitions of War. AWARD OF MAIL CONTRACTS, THE AUSTRIAN MISSION. Col. Stone in Possession of Leesburg A SKIRMISH AT SEITROA FALLS. A Rebel_,Civtain and Two of Hla Men Killed. RETREAT OF THE ENEMY. COL. STONE CROWDING THE REBELS The Propeller Josephine Fired Into. THE COMRLDIENT RETURNED DEPARTMENTAL—It having been detetznined as announced in the General orders containing the plan of organization of the volunteelforces called into the _service of the United States, that the President shall appoint; by and With the advice and consent of the Senate; one Sur geon for each brigade, the Secretary. of War has instructed .the Surgeon . General immediately to cmvene in this, city, after due notice, an Army Medical Boani.whose duty it shall be to examine all .persons refs rred to. it by the Department as applicants for Brigade Surgeons, and report the result_of such exam inations. Appointments will be -.Made only frem among those who shall be . examined and reported by. the Board as qualiftecl. Another order has been issued by the Beere nary that the Surgeon Qe--- 021131 / 8 11 institute a similar ward - rn ooniequence of various com- plaints, having reached the Department of the incompetency of regimental surgeons who have been appointed either by the cornmand lug officers or by the Goverctors of the States. lhe Board is to examics,aurgeons of whom complaint . has been. made, in order to secure their dismissal if found. incompetent.: , ,The Eastern Pennsylvania Railroad - has made an offer, which has. been accepted, to re ceive government bonds In payment . for trans- portation of troops and munitions of, war on ' the route between New York and Harrisburg. Edward Clymer, the President of the company,.', in his letter says - : "Shotdclall transportation Companies unite In a like,offer it would neces sully relieve the pressure .upon the National Treasury, and also tend to :inspire confidence in the:credit and faith of,the gov_ernment.". The bids were opened at the Post-office De partment to-day; for carrying the' mails on. rdite No. 1425 for• four- years from the-first-of July next: That .for supplying 'the branch pest-office in New York theie wertiftfti-theee laiddeni, in stims . Of from $1,700 to $12,000 per annum. The contract was awarded to William play' at the former price. This service has here.' tofore been performed by 11: D. W. Morris at $3,500 per annum; '' • The withdrawal of liir."Burlingamelrom the Austrian mission wasmot cotasetineried - of any protest on tbe part of Austria, but of a= deli: Cate. uuofficial iutimation that . the. appoint - taunt was not agreeable to .that,government. ' Major Henry Hill, of Virginia, Army. "Pay master at New. York, has, resigned.. _ . - _ A gentlemaia Who rode down the tow path of theCheSapeakeand OnioCan4 report's that at. five o'clock yesterday afternoon Col- Stone vies MAW. t possession of Leesburg. He else 'con tireas the report,that Lieut. qo)..Everetee maintat Seneca Mills bad a brush witty. the Pir girths cavalry under Capt. Stireeve, and that the Captain and two of his men were killed:, • • Lieut.. Col. ,Everett 'drew the water out. of the level of the canal is front-of his position and' used the tow path for a;breastwork,avhich' gave , him a decided advaritak,e:in Positioti.7` The rebels were A government messenger,.arrived this eve niug, represents' . that some of consmand are still in the neighborhood ,of Rock ville, Md. He came down for Supplies. .As these forces advance tbii . inamY'retTents., ;,The. Propeller Diamond State arrfved at #lie Washington Navy Yard:this morning,with Virg tons of pig lead. She'repoiti'haVing . rilet and 'spoken the propeller Josephine going down the . river. The latter having_ beep fired into with muskets from the rebels it')ilathiu'''Polnt'cip posite part ' Tobacco, she Teihnied: the; coMplhnent With a shell, Wit i en . iha annoyance . ceased. COL. MORBECEA.D ; S iIFAULECNT_ Col Morehiaa's lit-gime4t instead of pro cee4ing to Washiegtoo, as reperird t ettoPPl4 it the Eelay House to rebels-the Ifeinctktuietts Regiment which _ has !cleeT-istatioA ;410T9 0.741*17..e.00.16 . , MO MEI NO. 41. =1 WAOHMaTON, June 17 Bexanktoam, June 17. ftlanr - riating Having procured steam Power Preens, we WS prepared to eaeowe JOB and BOOK PAINTING. of every description, cheaper that it cos be done at any Miter ei4 tabliahmentitt the country ; : itAtici Qp.A.DyEßTisnce, ial-Polir:lines or ice cenititine 000•holt KW , ' /P o ' Sees °r more than lOW' ooristituto'a - square. Half Square, one day.— ... . one week one month. . . . - - ------ -:. three month; 800 .. .1. six meaths- • 4 0 One year.:..... ' 600 " 6 ? rare one daY.:........ ...... . .... .... 00 one wee::: ...... 200 .. one month . . 800 " three m0nth5......., - . 1 01 h six =intim__ ... .. ... . . .... ;.. 8 08 one fear ' ' .10 00 jar Business notices Inserted in the Le& istam i er before Marriages amt. Heaths, FIVE CENTS FEE 01 or eech Insertion. sir ffarrt!igeiand Deaths to be charged ail , regular Wooed/cements; ••: ' THE. PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE June 17, 1861 The President is making good progrees with his Message. ,It will take.the highest ground in favor of Proitcuting the war'wiih theittrauet vigor, and of finishing it by Winter If that be possible, To make it possible, he will recom mend a cell for 500,000 merlo/den appropria don sufficient to cover all neoesaary expenditure at a cost cf-$2.00,001:1,000., . ....... The GOTertears : EfeeStatei Falre ki been :I . viltien , do on tbli'aubjecti: and :luive 7 ,- with only two exceptions, responded heartily, so that the President, in making these recom mendations, feels that. he Is backed by the people, speaking through their constituted au thorities. There can be no doubt that Con gress will pass bills in conformity with these suggestions, both to increase - the army and to supply funds for all needful purposes. - MPORTANT FROM SAVANNAH-REPOBTZD LANDING OF IJNIIED_STAIZS TELOCTA • Loturirmia, Jatie /T. The Savannah Republican of the 12th butt., Hays that a large number of Federal troops had been, landed on the lith itHilton Head. , . The olijeeVf this-moveminiwas_nuthilawit but bad caused a great sensation there. . [gilton's an•island On the Coad of South Carolina, bote;eert, the nionths of the Broad. river and the Savannah river, and with lila short distance of .Savannah.—Ene.7 . , REPORTED CAPTURE OF A SECESSION GENERAL IN MISSOURI. S. lavzs, Jane 17. A. report lays that Brig. Gen. Slack, of the Secersion army, while mustering troops Into the service of the State at Ch illicothe, was -ta ken prisoner by Col. Curtis •of the Federal forces. - the Federal volunteers were on their Way to St. Joseph. It is understood that Gen. Slat* wilt be taken to Leavenworth. PRObABLE ,LOSS OF TWO LAIIE 807100 - FRS' WItH CARGOES OF. GRAIN. • CLEM.LAND, June IT The schooner Fremont, with 14,000 I:nisheli of wheat , for Buffalo, sunk in the river last night. The schooner Bea Fiat, with a cargo of wheat for Buffalo, is ashore west of the'piete, Lai of water. Both of the hulls and cue.-Yre mont's cargo were insured in Buffalo. OZT VIRGINIA' BONDS. NEW Yomm, Sane 17. A. iater from a mercantile house in Bibb tnond, says there is no probability of any Pro bing made for the payinent of the inter est' On Iktrginia bonds' due here in July, but'ex presses entireconfidence that It ain't* paid in Virginia currangsit THE SCOTT LIFE GVARD, NEW You, Jaw 17 The Scott life Guard have been ordered to Washington. They . leave on .Triesday,. find Koeeed by way .of Harrisburg... -. • Tile Military Char;toter of Gen. Scott. The N. T. World pays the following just and discriminating tribute: to the qualities which harnoteriza the veteran General-in-Chief of the United States forces, who, it will be, remeMber ed, has never lost a battle : `,.`Our actual Commands r-in -Chief, the Lie% tenant General of our army, though as brave a Achilles, le as serene as . Agamemnon, and a 6 prudent as = Ulysses. From his youth he has been a soldier z and a victorious one. He has seen.more service than any wan under lds.ceen mend, and was never known to be even discos-. certed by danger. A evrict•diseiplinarian, and something of ti Martinet; it-wes joepsely said of him, in his younger days, that he, would drill a battalion under fire. Yet Gen. Scott is as chary`of Men's lives as a miser is of gold; lad so`was • the Duke of • Wellington. He never moves, if he can avoid it,. until he can &mons-- plish it at the least possible risk of his men. It is his avowed belief that an officer who exposes hie troops to needless peril is guilty of a ilegree of naanslanghter. • And he. not: only.. regards hilaself as respoiseible.tor the lives of the -men undep his. command, but he look's after, their health and comfort. He will not accept regi ments unless be can see clearly the tneane• f td. clothe, and. shelter: them.— The cons quence of. this prudence on his. part (joined, as it is known_to be,, with the most d • Ong spirit and great military itgacity,) is that, atter it lit tle experience, men fight. under him wits tire confidence. They come to believe that if he gives an 'order it is not one whicir wit). expeee them to needless risk, or to chances , of defeat, if. in battle they instify lais . contidence In their bravery.. Through all the excitement of the past few weeks at Washington he has remained undisturbed; _The announcement of the ap proach of twenty, , thirty, fifty thousand men, he has received' with imperturbable incredulity. He knew better.. He knew that Gen. Davis could. no . more March fif y thousand .men upon Washington than fifty thousand witchee,., : as knows: exactly what provision is resit/lied for the traosportittion of even a thousand men flve hundred miles. He knows when to be amities' and repose in oorifideace;.whenlo' re, press ardor and when to give it yitty, s H. ,knows that it b one of the; fin 3 t. dll ' ileeof tali leafier - to . reatiain and to direct thr own itary. ...„ . rth . iatbutitiane as wen a. tesese,t. tineri ander command:' .• He is prudent: -4.ltiyi , he prudence incarnate, and Ft so all other dim** qua lities attend him. „ 4pronrpresr: . . 7. l l7he %notary of War has ap: pointed :101tei ,trc6ke, &q., of Delaware 6110 y; ItPiii t Stafoi,:insii_eoor of SuppAeß for the Army, itt the differtint encaropinenta This er:polittreent seOOres. fo.the soldhire an. ilOneat and oom Offizerorho well seithat Oisprio* are gc9d and, !ky . 491e134241,. an ghat fey are : not 101.1004-,llPO# by rapaaoaa con -. - - S i ) 4•11.1. L