E • • p Ar k; IS 813 RG %. • Wednesday Afternoon, June 1 _ -- - TO ADVERTISERS. The circulation of the DAILY TELEGRAPH IS FoCR TIMES LARGER than any other daily published or circulated in this city, and it therefore presents greater inducements for the patronage of advertises than is offered to them through any other medium. Let those who want buyers, try advertising in the TELE GRAPH. THE MORNING TELEGRAPH Is issued every morning and con tains THE LATEST TELE GRAPFITO DISPATCHES re ceived during the night. INDEPENDENCE, DAYI TOWN MEETING. A meeting of the citizens of Harrisburg will be held at the Court House on THURSDAY EVENING next, at i o'clock, to devise means for celebrating the Fourth of July in an ap propriate manner, and to appoint committees to carry the plan into execution. The present state of public feeling and the affairs of the nation demand that the public should show their respect for and appreciation of the senti ments implied by a Fourth•of-July Celebration, and hence it has been determined to make the day in Harrisburg one which will be long remembered. Everybody is invited to attend this meeting and add their efforts towards the accomplishment of the object. MANY CITIZENS. THE Deo LAW.—Several more owners of ea- Dines were "put through" to day for allowing .Lem to run at large without muzzles. TUE FLAG Itertrmo at the Lancasterlan school house takes place at half-past six o'clock this evening. The occasion will be one of more than ordinary interest, and the ceremonies of very pleasing and impressive character. DzszwrEss Suor.—We learn that the two fel lows who recently deserted from the United States Cavalry at Chambersburg, and were sub sequently captured while en route for Harper's Ferry, were shot yesterday. Such be the fate of all traitors ! -......,........_-... A DIIIMONAL COLLISION took place in Market sqnare last evening between a soldier from Camp Curtin and a colored individual. The latter proved to be the moat skillful pugilist, and after a few rounds the soldier struck his colors and beats retreat, with one eye shrouded mourning, sad his countenance damaged. I=l=l CREATING A litasescs.—Another of the par tie :, Mr. John H. Haus, returned by officers Cole and Wickert for creating a nuisance in the market place, had shearing last evening before the Mayor, and was lined three dollars and costs. The case of Daniel Hinkle, returned for the same offence, was postponed until Friday evening. Ramos os TAooll.—The first Wisconsin re giment, numbering about one thousand men, well armed and substantially equipped, arrived here at one o'clock this morning, and proceed ed directly over the Cumberland Talley Rail road to Charnboraburg, en route for Hagerstown, which point they expected to reach at noon to-day, on their way to Harper's Ferry. Mole MICHIGAN TROOPS CORING.—The best armed and equipped troops which have yet passed through this city were the Brat and sec ond regiments of Michigan volunteers. The third regiment, now encamped at Grand Rapids, will pass through here in the course of a few days ; and the fourth, now at Adrian, will quickly follow. The Michiganders are fine soldiers, and will do good service against the southern ri:bels and traitors. THE WAY OF THA TRANKIHISSOII," &C.-Ma ry Weller offended against the peace and dignity of the Commonwealth, by keeping a badly reg ulated institution where "bummers" and die.- orderly characters generally most did congre gate. The neighbors bore with the annoyance of this institution until forbearance ceased to be a virtue; and on making known their griev ances yesterday to the Chief of Police, he ar rested Mary and took her before the Mayor, who committed her for trial. " A friend in need is a friend Indeed ;" bat not one of Mary's numerous patrons proved to be such. In de fault of ball she went to prison. ........,,....., PUBLIC Istommicy.—We have repeatedly called attention to a matter which demands the intervention of the police. Almost daily men and boys are in the habit of bathing in the Susquehanna at the most public points, indecently exposing their persons in open day, and in some cases watching their opportunity to do so when temales are passing along Front street and the river bank. The forty-fourth section of the revised penal code provides for the punishment of all such " acts of public in. decency" as follows : "If any person shall commit open lewdness, or any notorious acts of public indecency, tend ing to debauch the manners or morals of the people, such shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction, be sentenced to pay a hu e not exceeding one hundred dollars, or undergo an imprisonment not exceeding one year, oit Bou t or either, at the discretion of the Court." , Thus it will be seen that the penalty for the offences referred to is quite severe enough to reach the care, and we trust Mayor Kepner will instruct the police to enforce the law strictly and impartially. There are enough secluded spots along the Susquehana suitable for bathing, without resorting to such public places as the bridge piers, and other points promhiently in view of Front street POMO" NOM CAMP CURTIN. —The volunteers in Camp Cur tin accepted into the State Reserve Corps for three years, are now being organized into regi ments. ......•11pw....... Coaasorrou.—The german who was drummed out of camp on Monday evening, for insubor dination, came from Lebanon county, and not from Montour county as incorrectly stated in our notico of the affair. I= Dauanitsn OUT.—Two men were drummed out of Camp Wayne, at West Chester, the other day to the tune of the "Rogue's March." They declined to take the oath. They were followed by men and boys who made various demonstra tions expressive of their opinions. To CURB DYSPEPEA.—Take a new axe, put a white hickory handle in it, bore a hole in the top of the handle, fill the hole with gum cam phor, and seal it up. Then take the axe and cut cord wood at fifty cents a cord, until the heat of the handle dissolves the camphor. Tux Locum Gum are not likely to get Into active service, except in the event of an inva sion of the Federal Capital. We learn that the regiment of which they form part will be kept in Washington on guard duty. It is not known whether the " boys " intbnd, to serve during, the war, or return home at the expiration of three months. =I CHIMP Burn:R.—During a residence of many years in Harrisburg we have not known butter to sell as cheap as it does the present season. This morning our rural friends were glad to dispose of the grass-flavored and golden colored rolls at ten cents per pound. Now is the time for economical housekeepers to put up their winter supplies of butter. AN Exams(' Tl7dl.—Quite an excitement was caused in the vicinity of the Mayor's office this afternoon by the arrest of Jacob Balser, a citi zen of Harrisburg, charged with having indul ged in seditious language. A hearing of the case was ordered to take place at five o'clock, and Balser gave bail for his appearance at that hour. COL. ABUOROXBIS AND Feeenz, of the Second Infantry, 11. S. A., passed through this city to day en route for Chambersburg to join his regi ment. A company belonging to this regiment, which has been stationed at Fort Ripley, Min nesota, for the last three years, passed through at the same time. They numbered sixty fine looking men. Slum; LIQUOR ON Sonnev.—Another viola tor of the law prohibiting the sale of beer and liquor on Sunday—Henry Bastian, the keeper of a groggery on Ridge Avenue—was arrested yesterday by officers Cole and Wickert, and bound over to appear .at Court. This is the second arrest for Sunday beer selling within a week, and the officers above named deserve credit for their efficiency in enforcing the law. Let other offenders take warning ! VIOIATINO FHB MARKET ORDINAKCE.—In the case of John Paulis, arrested for selling meat before, the hour designated for the opening of market, a hearing took place gefore the Mayor yesterday afternoon, and John was obliged to pay one dollar fine and costs. This morning several of our "country cousins" were arraign ed befcre the Mayor for violation of market regulations, and fined one dollar each. Dam or Artorime SOLDEBIL—Wm. Loons, of Campbell's Flyiag Artillery, Camp Curtin, died last night. He had been prostrated for several days with typhoid fever. News to the effect that his father, resident at Harper's Ferry, was hung by the secessionists, was reported here yesterday, and it is presumed hastened the crisis in his disease which has so lamentably terminated. The deceased will be buried with military honors, Hoo Pan Numescss.—We owe a vote of thanks to officers Cole and Wickert for their prompt action upon our suggestion relative to the abatement of hog pen nuisances within the city limits. Last evening they arrested John Madden, corner of Walnut and South streets, for maintaining a nuisance of this kind on his premises, which for some time has been a stench in the nostrils of people residing -in that lo cality. A hearing took place before the Mayor, and Mr. Madden was fined two dollars. If the officers extend their tour of observation to other sections of the city, they will have an opportunity of making more arrests for the same offence. I=l A Lrrna Gnu who has a brother in one of our companies now in service, and who has been taught: by her mother to say her prayer on going to bed at night, was told that she ought to remember her brother in her prayers, but nothing further was suggested. The next night, on retiring, the little one in her prayers said : "0, Lord, let brother Joe shot the others, but don't let the others shot Joe." A great deal of human nature as well as patri otism in that prayer. I== Daces.—Three colored victims of tangle foot—Owen Jones, Joseph Parker and Sarah his wife—were before the Mayor this morning, charged with drunkenness and disorderly con duct. These parties inhabit a den in the clas sic locality of Bassa Cove, and create a "m uss" whenever they can raise money enough to pur chase a supply of whisky. In consideration of the woman having a small child, she was dis charged. The two men were sent to prison for four days. John Doyle, a white "bummer," found lying around loose, was committed to prison for forty-eight hours. THE BAR AHD vi Was.—We have alluded to the alacrity with which the printers have taken up the "shooting stick," and it is but fair to say that the Bar has come forward with equal promptitude. It is stated that one of the Carlisle companies has seven lawyers in its ranks, while Capt. Todd, and probably others of the same profession, belong to other com panies from that place. Williamsport furnishes five or six young lawyers, all members of the Woodward Guards, and West Chester about the same number, besides several law students. The Harrisburg Bar Is represented by Messrs. Aia.vso, AwL and Pima, all holding the po sition of Lieutenant in their respentbre oom• puha hyrax to them 1 tkutteinlyania telegraph, itleinttobau 'Afternoon, June 12, 1661 [Tun romowmo vasszs are the production of a little Fchool girl in this city, whose father is now serving under the "stars and stripes" as Captain of a company in one of the Pennsylva nia regiments We're of English descent, es every one knows, And a "wind of ill luck" sometimes over us blows. We left English soil to flee from oppression, And bad not a thought of any secession. Our forefathers' fleck lauded on Plymouth rock, Then knelt and thanked God they were safe from the rod ; They bad not a flag then to fight for or arve, And there then was no land of the free r the brave The land was then owned by an Indian tribe, Wes purchased from them by a very large bribe. They formed than their States, adopted a flag, The "red, white and blue," of which we now brag— The flag which 'fore long In foes blend will lave, And we'llperil our lives that ensign to save— That "star spangled banner' , which in triumph still waves O'er this beautiful land that God to us gave That flag is now threatened—through all It shall stand— Our glorious ensign shall be marred by no hand; For that flag we will die, and tight to the last— Then up with that banner, nail it fast to the mast. That banner shall fly—for the Union we'll die-- And even in death to that flag we'll hold fast That star tweed banner in triumph shall wave, O'er all the lair land of the free and the brave. While in heaven's blue veflt there glistens a Eder, That flag sirceba known fly all near and far; To that flag all shall bow, both the high and the low, Totiends a protection, a terror to the foe. Then let the south tremble and peace quickly make, And oh l let them see their lives are at Stake, And bow to that flag whtelt, spite all, shall wave, O'er this beautiful land of the free and the brave. ErABRLSBI7B6, June, 1861 STRAWBgEtia Fesuver..—The young ladies connected with the old school Presbyterian con gregation, Rev. Mr. Cattell pastor, design giv ing a strawberry festival in the spacious and elegant dining room of the European Hotel, on Thursday and Friday afternoon and even ing. The object is to raise funds for the pur chase of an organ for the church, and of course the Festival will be a success. The choicest strawberries in market, with pure and rich cream, will be served up by the fair ladles who have the management of this affair, and all lovers of the luscious fruit should be on hand to luxuriate. The object being a commendable one, we hope to see the ladies liberally patron ized. Ice Casem, los CIUMIL—Come see Pyne 8z Ban's Patent Freezer in operation at Brant's Hall, during Thursday, Friday and Saturday, making Ice Cream, for the Old School Presby terian strawberry festival. Two silver medals awarded for the best cream, made with lees Ice, and less labor, than any other freezer in use. St. Loa I— A Poorer Boor containing a Dia mond ring ; two Plain Gold Rings, stamped 22 and 16 caret, and over Five Hundred Dol lars in gold and bank notes. Among the money was one $6O note on the Danville Bank, and one $2O note on the Harrisburg Bank ; two $2O gold pieces, and $BO or $B6 in smaller coin. A number of papers were also in the pocket-book. Twenty-five dollars will be paid, and no questions asked, if the finder will leave the same at this office. jell-dtf New GOODS FROM New YORK ALICTION.-60 pieces of Grey Goods at IQ, 14, and 20 cts. 100 dozen Linen Pocket Handkaroblefs for 8, 6 and 6 cis. 10 feces Lavelle Cloth for 7 ets. 25 dozen Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs for 12*, worth 25 cts. Splendid Mohair Mitts at 81 and 87 eta. 15 dozen tones at 121 cents a towel.— Linen Sleeves and Collars at 25 cts. 50 dozen Sun Umbrellas and Parasols cheap. DO pieces of the beat Calico ever sold for cts. 60 pieces Broche Bordering very cheap. A large lot of bleached and unbleached Muslin. Now is the time to buy bargains. Call at S. lames, Rhoad's old corner. MOPIAT'S LIFT" PILLS AND PHOINDE 13LITINS.— free from all Mineral Poisons.—ln cases of Sarong& Dicers, Scurvy, or Eruptions of ihe Skin, the operation of the Life Nedlehtes is truly astonishing, often removing In a few days, every vestige of these loathsome diseases by their purifying edbots on the blood. Billions Fevers. Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Piles, and In short, most ail diseases soon yield to their curative properties No family should be without them, as by their timely use much sneering and expense may be saved. Prepared by WM. B. MOFFAT, A. D., New Tors, and hale by all Druggists nov9w-ly HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE 1 ! Win. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye I The Original and Best in the World. All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided if you wish to escape ridicule. GRAY, RED . , OR BUSTY HAIR dyed Instantly to a beautiful and Natural Brown and Mout, without injury to Hair or Skin. FIFTEEN MEDALS and DIPLOMAS have been award ed to Wm. A. Batchelor since 1859, ant over 80 , 000 ap plications havebeen made to the Hair of his patrons of his famous dye. Wit. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color not to be distinguished from nature, and is warranted not to injure In the least, however long it may be oontin. ned, and the Bl effects of Bad Dyes remedied ; the Hair invigorated for life by this splendid Dye. Sold In all cities and towns of the United Shiites, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. gir The Genuine has the name and adiVess upon a steel plate engraving on four sides of each box, of Wiir Liam A. RLTCHELOR. Address CHARLES BATCHELOR, Proprietor, Je43-dawtatig 81 Barclay street, New York. W. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE! TILMSPLENDID HAIR DYE has no ual—huitantanootus m effect—Besetind Block or Nawral Brown—no staining the skin or Injuring the Hair—remeltes theabistud and Medea or Bad Dyes, and invigorates the Hair fir life. None are genuine unless signed "W. A. Batchelor." Bold everywhere. CHAS. BAMNEKLOR, Proprietor. dawtagl 81 Barclay Street, ew Yo DR. CHEESMAN'S PILLS, Prepared by Cornelius I, Cheeseman, K. D., /TRW YORK OITY. TEM combination of ingredients in these Mils are the rseuh of a long and intensive practice. They are mild In their operation, and certain in correcting all irregularities, Painful Memstruations, removing all ob. etruistions, wh eth er from gold or otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, whites, all nor "MB affections, hysterias, fatigue, pain in the back and limbs, he., disturbed sleep, which arise froastaterraptlon of nature, TO MARBLED LADINO, Dr. Cheeseman's Pills are Invaluable, as they will bring on the monthly period with regularity. Ladies who have been disappointed in the use of other Pills can place the utmost ionddence in Dr. Cheeeescusn'erlis doing all that they represent to do. NOTIOZ. There ss au *nation cir the fenale merest er labia 0111 Pali came be !Oen When predawn° a PEOULZAB /MULL The Cosidalic r . eforred to PABGZITANOY— the rank MLICARBI4O.h. seek so the orresnithis andoseyq. the isedscies to more he sissesi fieschions to e normal manias, that 11001 the MlNalligind mew of wore mama resist it. Warranted purely vegetable, and tree from anything worms. Biadkat directions, which should be read, ai -1 company each box. Price $l. Bent by mail on enchains New te 05 CORM= YorkORM=L Ceireeeee, Bon 4,531, Paw Once, CO.. BM by one I...Mba In every town In the United Bathe B. 1113T0M14418, General Ar ß. at its the Dulled States, 14 Broadw, New York, le whoa all GUN& adore thasld be . rwerl old Hinideing by C. A. Beeman. noyaktsw OUR FLAG PURIFY THE BLOOD IMPORTANT TO A CARD TO THE LADIES DR• DDPONOO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR alums, orange n correcting, regulating, and remcrfleg a•• obstructions, from whatever cause, and I ways successful as a preven tive. rpIIEBE PILLS HAVE BEEN USED BY the doctors for many years, both in France and America, with unparalleled success in every case ; and ho bf urged by many thousand ladles who used them, to make the Pills public for the alleviation of thccee suffering from any Irregularities whatever, ea well as to prevent an Increase of family where health will not permit it.— Females particularly situated, or those supposing them selves so, are cautioned against these Pills while In that condition, as they are our to produce miscarriage, and the proprietor assumes no reeponsibillty after this mime ninon, although their mildness would prevent any mia chief to haalth—otherwise the Pills are recommended. Full and explielt directions accompany each box. Prise 21 00 per box. Fold wholesale and retail by CHARLES A. BANNVART, Druggist, No. 2 Jones Row, Harrisburg . , Pa. "Ladles," by sending him 51 00 to the Harrisburg Poet (Moe, can have the Pills sent free of observation to any part et the country (confidentially) and "tree or pod tags" by mall Sold also by 8. 8. &Iry ma, Reading, Jomeos liououni & Cowper Philadelphia, J. L. Lis samealt, Lebanon, Mem R. Hamm, Lancaster; J. A. Wor" Wrightsville ; N. T. Mama, York ; and by one druggist is every city and village In the Union, and by S. D. Hows, ole proprietor, New York N. B.—Look out for counterfeits. Boy no Golden Pllue of any kind unless every box Is signed 8. D. Howe. Ai others area base imposition and ens ale; therefore, as you value your lives and health, (to say nothing of be ing humbugged out of your money ) , buy only of those who show the signature of 8. D. Howe on every box, Which has recently been added on account of the Pills being counterfeited deS-dwaswly. TR, GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY * l- 31fC JAMB OLA_RKEI3 .'m'w.r7i.MMVl Prepared from a Proscription of Sir T. Clarke, Y. D., Phyncian /xtraordinary to the Qwem. This invaluable medicine Is nnettling in the cure at all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution is subject. It moderates all excess and re moves all obstructients, sod a speedy Imre may be relied on. TO lIMARLED LADIES It 1 / 1 peculiarly Bulled. It will in a short time, bring ou the monthly period with regularity. leach bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government Stamp of Great Etritaln, to prevent conntertetia. OAUTION. rheas fate should not be taken by itinatee during Me FIRST TIM= IIONTHSqf Arpnaucy, as they are sure to bring on Miscarriage, bed at any other Mae they are In all cues of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain In the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpita don of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, hese Fills wil effect a cure when all other means have failed ; and al• though a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitution. Fell directions in the pamphlet around each package which should be carefully preserved. N. 8.-41,00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au thorised Agent, will *are a bottle, containing to Fills, by return Pa• gale by C. A. Baservare. bre dawly A COILIZSPONDENT of the Siecle Paris, the government organ of France wrlies from Tunis, Algiers, as follows : "Our college of Philosophers at home, may, and pro bably do accomplish a great deal for the cause of science but the Americans are the people to turn these discover ies to practical account. Many of the modern inventions in use here are American. and oue American chemist, Dr. J. C. Arn, of Lowell, supplies much of the medicine consumed in this country. His Cherry Pectoral, Pills, Sarsaparilla and Ague Cure constitute the staple reme dies here, because they are of easy application, sure In their results, and have the conlidence of the people.— While the Wanes! of Medicine is carried to a higher per fection in our own country (France) than any other, it strikes a Frenctiman as a little si ngul that an American Physielan should furnish the medical skill and remedies for our Principal Province. We are happy to inform our readers that these supe rior medicines which the Emperor's Principal Province is obliged to get from America may be had by our neigh bors, at C. A. Bamyran's, C. K. Keller's, D. W- Gross & Co.'s, J. K. Lutes, Gelman & Co.'s, Armstrong, Harrisburg. and dealers everywhere. MANHOOD HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED JU PUELT:PITI 1 - 1 ON THE NATURE, TR.I AND RAOLOAL. OURS OF SPIIIRSLAIIOR. ARRA, 1 Neatness, Semi Debility, Nervous. uess, level y Omissions and Impotency, resulting Dom Solf-aboss, By Robs. J. Caverwed, N. D.-- Bout under nod, lain plain envidope, to nay address, post paid, on receipt of two stamps, by Dr. CHAS . J. O. R.LJNB, 127 Bowery, New York. Post Oftice Box, No 4,686. m2o.smeaw The Confessions and Enerienoe of an Invalid, Posusein for the benefit and as a warning and a caution to young men who suffer from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, eta., supplying at the same time, Ute Jpearia of Self CUM by one WOO Clll%l 111=014 alter being pot to groat expense through medical imposi tion and quackery. Single copies may be pad of the au. thor, H,EIBASTIL OPATFAVI, 1 139. 2 Bedford , Kings county. N. Y., by enclosing a poOpaidaeldress .. ed envelope. sat. 'Abvtrtisibunts The Commander-in-Chief P. M., directs the following circular to the different Railroad com panies in the State of Pennsylvania, to be pub lished for the information of all parties con cerned. HEAD QUARTKELS, Panumve..l4 - u. Harrisburg, May 15,1861 To The following Rules are established to facili tate the settling of amounts for Transportation over your Road, of Troops and Munitions of . Warr Ara—The State will not „be responsible for the coast of Transportation of any Troops or Munitions of War, unless your Company through its Agents, has been instructed to pass them, or the officer in command produces au thority, (a telegraphic dispatch to be considered authority,) from the Governor, directing such Transportation, or a pass from the Governor be produced and handed over. &cond.—That the proper Agents of your Road be instructed to require the signatures of the officer in command to a certificate, a copy of which is annexed, copies of which will be furnished you, certifying to amount of services performed ; to which must be annexed the order under which the troops moved, or an order to your agents to furnish the trantpor teflon. Third. —These certificates, and orders attach ed, will be considered by the proper Auditing Departments, when approved by the Governor, as vouchers in the settlement of your accounts. /bora—The account for the 'Transportation of Troops must be produced and settled to and include the last day of each month, or as early in each succeeding mouth as possible. liffh.—This order takes effect on the first day of June, one thousand eight hundred and slaty-one. By order of the Governor nad Commander in-Oldef. I her FORM OF Ma CERTCERTIFICATE. eby certify the Railroad Compan , y has famished transportation for From.. ON BUTT GOVNIGIONT BENVION. By order of which order is herewith attached. ..1861. H. B. The number of Soldiers, Horses and weight of Field Races and Ammunition must be written at length. &if 111. The chief of the Ordnance Department will receive and receipt for all Ordnance and Ordnance stores required for I his corps. It will be his duty to see that all State property placed under his charge and appertaining to his Department is preserved in condition fit for service. He will issue the same only on requi sitions countersigned by the Commanding Gen eral ; and he will perform such other duties as may be assigned him in connection with the Ordnance Department. IV. To Lieut. Col. John A. Wright, Chief of the Transportation and Telegraph Depart ment, is committed all arrangements and con tracts with Railroad and Telegraph companies. He will have prepared all necessary forms, and make such arrangements with the different Transportation and Telegraph companies, as will secure a regular and correct settlement of their accounts, and devise and prescribe all regulations requisite to give efficiency to the business of the Department. V. All orders for the transportation of troops, will be signed by the Commanding General. The order dills officer in charge of this Department, together with the certificate of the officer in command of the troops, that the service has been performed, will be the proper vouchers for the settlement of the account, and all passes to individuals, will be signed by General McCall or Lieutenant Colonel Wright. VI. The Chief of Ordnance, Quarter Master General and Commissary General are authoriz ed to make requisitions for transportation of freight over the railroads of the State, by form prescribed by the Chief of the Transportation and Telegraph Department. Such requisitions, with certificate of service performed annexed, will be considered a sufficient voucher in the settlement of amounts. VII. All bills or accounts or service perform ed by railroad or telegraph companies will be forwarded to the Chief of the Department of Transportation and Telegraph monthly, and mast have his approval before they are paid. By order of MAJ. Gra. GEORGE A. IttoCALL. Ham A. Sonaive, Captain and Aid-de-Camp. je6-dtf HEAD Quassmis, P. M. t liarriabury, Nay 19, 1861. f Major General George A. M.'Call is assigned to the command of all the military forces of Pennsylvania, raised or to be raised tinder the provisions of an Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwedth of Pennsylvania, enti tled " an Act to create a loan, and to provide for the arming of the State." He will, without delay, proceed to organize these fora', according to the provisions of said Act, and to select convenient locations for suitable encamping grounds, for the instruction of the troops. JOHN A. WRIGHT, Aid-de•Camp JOHN A. WRIGHT, Aid-de.Camp Officers and Men. Horses. Field Pieces. Ammunition. New t2thnertisentents ORDERS NO. 2 HEAD QUARTERS R. V. CORPS, I . HARRISBURG, Jane 5, 1861. i I. A Department of Ordnance and a Depart ment of Transportation and Telegraph will be established at these Head Quarters. ----- will have charge of the Ordnance Department, and Lieut. Col. John A. Wright will in like manner have charge of the Transportation and Telegraph Department. GENERAL ORDERS, NO, 12. By order of the Commander-in• Chief, JOHN A. WRIGHT, Aid-de-tamp NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC THE lIN.OERSIGNED COMMISSI ON- Esi of Dauphin county, In pursuance of an Act of trio General A.ssomoly of Lae Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, approved the inth day of nay, 1881, en titled An Act to authorize the Commissioners 01 Gaup bin coun ty to appropriate a certain aunt of money fur the sup port or the families of Volunteers during the present Nar, ,, , do bereoy interim the Pehlke that they .fill. matte a loan to the amount of Kadin not +AM:toting Len thOunand dollars, for which bonus wtti be issued fur a term not ex ceeding ten years, with coupons attached, girths payment of half yearly Interest, payable at the County Treasury at 6 ter cent. Said bonds are to be cleamr,ail taxation. IL is therefore hoped that the said amount In bonds of a Itch amounts as the lenders wilt desire, will.:148 prompt ly taken by the patrbtio capitalists or others, without resorting to special taxation at this time. JOILV MU. Eft, JAWS BUM, Commissioners. 6110. GARVEGIOW, Attest—lowa Baum, Clerk ; my-dew SPECIAL ORDER, NO. 1, HUD Qukarsas P. M. Hamsbury, May 27, 1881. Quarter Master General R. O. Hale is ordered to forward the clothing, as per requisitions drited'2Bd May last, by Colonels Harhamft and M'Dowell, of the Fourth and Fifth Regiments Pennsylvania Volunteers, in place of sending it as heretofore directed. The Fourth and Fifth Regiments being now in actual service and in great need of proper clothing. • By order of the Commander-in-chief, JOHN A. WRIGRU my2B Aid-de-camp. WORCESTER'S ROYAL QUARTO DICTIONARY ! TIRE beet defining and pronouncing Die tionary of th e Mulish language ; Also, Worcester , . *noel Dictionaries. Weoster's Pietorial Quarto and School lactionaries for sale at SOBEITEKIPS BOOKSTORE, apia-tt Near the Harrisburg Bridge. HENRY C. SHAFFER, DARER lIANGIIR,, Front street, second j_ door above Walnut street. All orders punctually attendadto. Aar Paper hung for IA cents per roll or plate. en work warranted. my9-dtf FOR SALE! ABUILDING LOT, situate in West Har risbarg, fronting on 8r0,,d street 20 tem, and run ning back 161 feet, more or lets, to a 20 foot alley, ad joining on ono side the property of Mr. Biumen.stine. For pextioulars enquire of FREDERICK 13CILEFFRE. at Bergner's Boorstore. Ray 8,1881. my 9 FREIGHT REDUCED. HOWARD & HOPE EXPRESS CO. Short and Quick Route to and from NEW YORK GOODS ORDERED IN IRE MORNING RE TURNED TEE SAME NIGHT. Leave New York at ?MP. It, by Feat Through Lx press Train, arriving in itareaburg at 8 A. 11., W. 1.791001 ORANGE OF OARS. Order Goode, marked via. HOPE EXPRESS CO., General office, 74 Broadway, New York. Branch " 412 " ti For farther faqQuire e 3 r ß NE ant myl6 'l7 . El . PROPOSATS will be received by the under signed until six o'clock P. M., of MITE 14th, 1861, at his office in Chambersburg,. Pa., for receiving and slaughtering Government Beef Cattle, at and near the various Camps of the A rm y Corps, commanded by Maj. Gen'l. Pat terson. The contractor to take the Hides and Tallow, (sth quarter,) and deliver the Fresh Beef in quarters, to various Brigade and Regi mental Commissaries of said army from time to time, as may be ordered. Bonds for the faithful performance of the contract will be required. E. G. BECKWITH, Captain, 11. B. Army. Harrisburg, June 10, 1861.—jell-d4t FRENUII MUSTARD, English andj do meette eleklee, (by the dozen or handred,") ler 014 lietehubSauees and Coadltne4bl of `every ee:tiptkeu . > WL999!. New 21wertisinvits. (IRAB CIDER ! !--Strictly pure, spark ling and sweet—has recelvtd a Silver Medal or Di ploma at every State Agr.cultural Fair MEMO 1856. For sale by jell-d WM. DOCK & CO. WANTED—A Et OIISKR EIPER s at the European Rola Apply Co TNO. IL. BRANT, jell-d6ob on the premises. FOR RENT. THE EUROPEANHOTEL AND RE STAURANT in Brant's City Hail Building, Harris. burg City, PA. Apply to JOHN IL BRANT, jell-d3m* on the premises. OFFICE A. Q. M., 11. S. ARMY, t Harrisburg, Pa., June 11, 1861. r WANTED IMMEDIATELY, Two hundred and fifty GOOD TEAMSTERS, at Chambcreburg or Harrisburg. Mats who sign articles of agreement at Harrisburg will be carried to uhambersourg free of cost : in case, however, any such men prove not to be teamsters, or from being otherwise w,:rthless and unsuitable to the service have to be discharged within a week, no pay will be allowed for that time. The Government pays $2O per month, and furnishes each teamster with one soldier's ra tion per day. All the men, atter being nonorably discharg ed, will be returned to the place where they were hired, at the expense of the United States. None but sober and industrious men need apply. Apply at 11. S. Quartermaster's Office at Har risburg or Chambersburg. S. B. HOLABIRD, Captain A. Q M., U. S. Army NOTICE TO COUNTERFEITERS. Av il l E y Ea n A e s ,4 B .43 o:f d e i r n a c l o te u r: r a ti ng hay n e am i a u t e ce - Members of Congress ant Senators on lams and Liana meats, notice is nano given that such franks will avail them nothing as they will not be recognized and all such letters must be sent to the Dead Letter Mee at Wash ington. Some seven hundred tatters are now lying at thLi office with counterfeit .ranks on them, and the per eon who deposited them had better cell tor them and get them ;moody mailed. If the authors of these franks can be discovered It will be the duty of the undersigned to have them criminally prosecuted however. palml It may be. Jelo (ILO. Bs:ROSIN, Y. City Property for Sale. ALARGE TWO-STORY BREOK HOUSE sad lot or graucii, plasaaatly located on Front st., between Mulberry street sou Vissuington Avenue. Also TWO LASGE PIANOS In good °audition and or ex cellent tone. Apply to C. 0. ZIA6IE.RMAN, No. 28, Solna Second street. LIME FOR SALE. rE UNDERSIGNED having embarked i! the LIME BatiENE& la prepared to furnish to very bait article at short note 1, a la at taaa to wan pr ices ler cash. lie sells Mu il/113 burnt at Wlumbia and awe that burnt at home. my29-d3m PETER BERNHLSEL. COMMERCIAL NOTE PAPER. Just received from the mill a film lot of Note Paper at Si SO per ream at the jab-fwd S tGLE WORKS. fIICKORY, OAK AND PINE WOOD for sale, C.:112 2t, STOVE Olt CORD LENG2X TO SUIT PUROGIASNRS. ALSO, LOCUST PUMA AND CHESTNUT RAILS CUT TO GIRDER. ALSL', STONE AND SAND MB BUILDING Plait'OSES of the aubcribuest eel residence on the Ridge rows, i3ppeelte the Good. Will ii:ogino tlo Ise, or at the curnar of so old awl de.p.p.l mreet3 Wait elar risburg. Liny'27-if J et. B. outß PROF. ADOLPH P. TEOFSER. WOU.LI.) reapocttully Worm Aib old ;A. peitroue sod the public -enmity, . Lµ a.. will oontume to give instructions on t he PIANO VoR ltit- LOGIODN, VIOLIN and also in the =ORM of THOROUGH RAM. He will Witt pleasure wait upon pupils at their homes at any Dour destruct, or lemma will be given hie realdenee, la Third strait, a few doom below the German Reformed Church. deelb-dti FOR RENT. A Three Story Brick House on Second 11 street. Also a rwo story Frame Bosse o Parton street. Apply to C. 0. ZIMMERMAN No. 28, South Second St. , Blarruhturg £m7-tri VIIPTY 11.01 , A SSES HOGSHEADS.-A barge quantity of empty AtOtaSIMS Barre/is, Bogs• abada.attd , Meat etiska, Mr satu by my 24 WM. 000 g at co. • FRESH - Fitilni . . F every deservimin cans a nd jars, O wren package warranted. umii4 • 'WM DOCD{ .ra. & co. 'STONE FOli. KA.LE. STONE or Stone suitable ter tornplicing purponee will oe delivered to any par of tho city or no vicinity. Amoy to r0ar . 2.1 Wit . COLD EIL JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER LOT OF THOBE EXTRA FINE POINTED GOLD PENS OF NEWTON'S (formerly Eagley's) manufacture, warranted to be the best inmatcrial, the Awn pointed, most durable and as Cheap as any a market, for sale, with a variety of Gold had Salve: Owes of various slam and prices, at BRAIGNER'B CBKBP BOOKSTORE, POGO MAR: WEA. AND OHOL:EllA ANTIDOTE, For the cure of them dtstraming maladies. Agreeable W the taste. Every soldier should procure a bottle of this valuable medicine before they take up their line of march. For sale at C. A. RANNVAST'S, Dreg Store, my2-d3m 11...rri304 .4, NO IMPOSITION. IpP EVOLVERS AT COST TO SOLDIERS ja Gold and Lidvar Stars, E4g4a4 ' tloulbnis, Lace and Trlmmlngs always for sale. Also, a large asSOrtntant o La GB at BABA'S AUCTION STORB, apt 7 .tecond above Walnut streets. REMOVAL. T E SUI3SCRIBER has, removed his i LumeiNe s:io BUIS lOJUNDRY from Markel street to fourth street above nurse; opposite the Bettie obarab. Thankful for past patrotuage, be hopes - , by strict attention to baldness, to merit a tominuanoe of It. mar26-3me WN. PARICRIL Harrisburg Broom Manufactory. Wa i.k.t...k3 Fa La Pil.l _I a ...7., ii' tric, tr (7.2 DRCOMI3 sold wholesale and' retail 20 per.e.ent. dheaper lbext oat th, had eidewhere.— sund exammo our stock. J. E. PICK a CO. aph•Smil ALDERMAN., HENRY PEPPER. OFFICE -TD STREET, (SHELL'S ROW,) NEAR MARKET. Residence, Chestnut street near Fourth. CITY OF mylS•dtt PURE RYE . WHISK 4. 20BARRELS PURE RYE WHISKY in store and for isle by ' JOHN H. ZINGLSZ, my3o TS Market street. 9g„ An excellent article of Corn 41.1•AGitY• maraud Note PatAr can 'be had An pee ream at. BERGNER'S MILD BOOSSIOKE. , PitrieA.