Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, June 11, 1861, Image 2
N I)aitg bitgrapt, s(orever float that standard sheet I breathes) the fee but falls bero - rettil 129 • Itit readout's • .beneath our feet,, • And Freedom's banner streaming O'ier us. 'ova PLAT lMYttlt: 1=1133 olTft••;' • _ , Dixe •ONIONt-VIVI: CONSITTUTI,Citi-AND TRH ENFORCEMENT OF TH E LAW. , NE tit .7 tiARBIBBuRG.,I-.pA.: 1. of f ; ! '" 1 ilarfteiditYakftetio6nOtille 11, 1861 7 37 I . prey; now sixteen regiments en fdr the tiiree yens' service. , 14taoicrprevails,ln that that the ideeigu;attitCking that city on Thursday r"‘I I700; ;olio 4 1 partially bereft of troops. This I L; Of 'course al decoy,landed ,tWeliiedt the movement on tangs uap or ivier's Ferry. =IS ' 11°,1. 1 1 '`')4ll4l. 'Soon declares that ficiimportant move '="Vnent Will be made from Alaxandria:,Na., tow: and the enemy till the fortifications on that -1 'aide of the river have been completed and islaiaa possible, impregnable. ' UaLaittkleirtarbm 'Digerati:mu that the rebel Virginians have been busy for severaL days in destroyingrand-ettempting to destroy, 'canal ri i..blioata, , lncks, bridges and dams. They are also, obstructing . ..the river in every way they can ' • • • ' invent, ' , Maui!) Watizt, Esq.,'a member of the Le gislative Guard, from Philadelphia, was in ",f4slcli!to!dtty,"t!cil:epi:?rt liinaself to Capt. Davis. ifhe Guards are rather slow in reporting them salve% fist military, duty, doubtless being eon . ,viriced.that fighting is; not so .profitable as le t.' % 41siating-. • • - • 4 - I i/ MANASSAS .kruorrou appears- to be a refuge I . '• ,sefectedhi the rebels in their retreat , from gar 1, per's FeTry. IntaLugence from the Ferry indi '/ cates.that this retreat has already commenced, ll' said. that it is scarcely possible for the advancing ' `'obtincitts Of the federal troops to meet in time makethe large capture that was Mint an ticipated. Manassas Junction 'is strongly fort!- • Aed‘with cannons in a semi-circle aroind the °°. c A pT. HBNRY A. Haunlcurr, of the Lancaster A.l Mee, one of,the companiearst to respond th. , • ito theloalt of ' the President; baa been commis l'iihdad tut a captain in the iigular`tiiray. Tito comßlinsmt Is as deserved as it le distinguished, gum') , beeause no braver man lives, or no better sol dier now draws a,sword at the bead of a corn- LlTT : i pt,n!lnthe Hutted States service. Captain H. mpy• , battles during the Mexican war, • in alle:ot.which he won laurels for 41411arry • •and daring. • Panora OF illoNoa; which is • Ecolighl to MuAlccliit r ifidibindineby oith of allegiance., is, 6 " ll "foec:o l inbignOiii and more ridiculous.every:tiny. q aide agin -Idea of administering one oath to a set of ;•;4 0 tr 7 litbits; tho' Shave already violated another,_ uis is bad policy. The traitors whO are prisoners, while, in the act of assault on the. troope.of the government will be willing :4. 0 ;t5c4?,.44 any terms to 'be released: An oath " '"tilif no . Consequence to them ,If Jeff. Davis . r .hands of General Scott to-tiny, he II v,:l,l4wciuktpawn. his soul to be released to-morrow. ;VD tzHellsebuld: sivear'-any oath to be . permitted. to 1 46` . fiee his''prirole Of honor. Wbct. would kw a l perjury be , to the perjury that has al it 3 ready scaled his , sold ;for 'an awful' prudish ly Arleta? - Ntitbini, mere 'nothing; when weighed t 4 i.the:ti n alance with his other crimes. NiTcAust; tar , " tk; farce of administering oaths of .11, and setting men up as, good and ;;;;; -^ o `)lsayttl , citiatAS*ho are arrested ip'arined lion= !!* Itfiti , 440 government, Will stop.. It , t ;:oa Mopliery bs. 'the sight of God and man. If we have not the courage to punish these trat tors agt the lawProvides,,let "not:assume the L*/ l atidiccity "inventing perjured. eX0115.13 ‘ for ,gey crimes, .by gissing.them dully Ovidenceif of our weakness and credulity.'-Tit6 ' policy of to Traitors" alone will restore Peace .414311-idite4aotintry. Ttia - Prmaravii;a ern Ina; a higiily rawer; „. „otiatialM4 aerittaLjournal, pays‘tlie following compliment to the Secretary of WO', Gall. bicoltieron . - • 10.11 '- n t-t ~* ' gl en?: CIAXIMCSN.:-:-1.11 the 'present administrk .-;°',...; i tin, L i"; Penroylthirila his the good .fornme (ii,re p , .°"'""indetili,• in her experience,) to be ably repro. • • • - wesented. • 'Rat ht Vie right time, in the right Vi;;ige rjgtit4 man. )tktypcins to be Secretary -L - -ati•bffibe always full of trouble- and . - respowdbility, put vitally important to the na tion of the'presentiionient. . We hardly think that the Secretar y of , ..War has received ,the , • , credit justly doe tb him. 'He found the War 10:.44 1:isPartment, t 4-thlinks to• scoundrel Floyd— tau u" oditioritlizEid at:fin - A.1;4(6d hope of,restoration —everything had purposely been deranged= ~but the disciplined, practical, energetic mind i Abe. "f'ennsylvanian soon ; restored order out ` chaoo. His labors of reconstruction slid pal Edi3i,sy are only to be measured , by the do t ,tO, - -.3ii ghlalibion and dishonesty of his predecessor. . -Or ttalt on tiypig period, when, eight, or ten . 1 00 titittei are in the phrenzy of anarchy,: Gen. t tot itgaitieron Ts ibi:4'4lmi to the demands of the siit m i tt" The r. Makable celerity with Which ! Fselv , irglarae-of neat 'an :,husdred thousand has a" -u'betwiiiiilinchntrate arOm#l Washington, is with /1, f., , - 1 - out's i l ariiiiir. ,:This,„ added to the , rapidity' •` u, • 'with which' so -:tatiOY, ord ers , are executed . 1. 1 '•' throughout ' the 'Conatrlt taf 3 gare forecast in Iht." l ov§ty important, year Movement, and. the corn -10,,,-4pliste managerneitt,nr, the *fairs of his bsreau, : I i • . 'proclaim. Gen. catneiiNi's. adminiatAative aVill iti'vr Val to 'be of the higheid order. , , ~.-. ,_ aswi v)- ' 4l s u Pannsylvitniantr, we hav e : arig ht; to ' l " i ° „proud of • the' Secretary'of War, and we maybe . excbsed for Wit*" expression to our feelings. visherhi. Cameron began life a , poor, ,boy,', in a ,ps,ang Oilice—a college which luergiven strand, etfcal, brilliant men .to the nation. iSteadi .:::Tri — )iiilss ; won . 131 3 WAY to wealth', Power and .... :7 , - ,,,but he-has:preserved • the freshness of :';'. ' i , ;Ali heart, the simplicity of ,his , claraqter, and 7,;l rs the coltstanorklf• MS `7,efy ffroaly nature.. is ~ 84 1 Let p4S:jpgaol4igmatt,:struggling forward " b At &IA: eotiz , his sp,..ou' Cithilmize *Ll 14 _ son, t4O pouraget , - .7, ..L..2.1, Til • :- I '' I. i ~, ' , ,• 4 .17.: ..:',..W • r• -". • V..i.'n +4,1 ,14.!) .T 3. The movements of the several divisions of the army within the last week, and more par ticularly within, the last forty-eight hours, in dicate that we are either soon to have a battle, or the rebels, sill retire from their strongholds in Virginia."' Harper's Ferry seems to be the poidt in view, and id that direction the army is moving in several grand divisions, headed by experienced officers and folly armed and equipped for a desperate encounter of some character. Without pretending to know any thing positive in regard to these movements, we can fairly infer, however, that a battle is not far off—that an effective blow of some kind is about to be struck, and that the gov eminent will soon manifest its power to crush this rebellionin Virginia, where it now pre pares to army its greatest force, or that the rebels themselves will prove their ability to maintain themselves where they are now en trenched. It IS certainly time, now, that we had a battle, at least an encounter to test the mettle and the ability of the men in both ar- Mies. It will settle the question of prestige,. which will also decide the result of the cam- If the sebels are worsted in the first fight, thei•are defeated forever. If their col umns are broken and their armies dispersed, they can never again be rallied under the. eame officers. Ttebels are generally cow . They ire' easily panicised, and Tight with disadvantage under the most iatispickids circumstances.' There is nothing enduring hi their victories—nothing substan tial in their achievements. On the ether side, the govemment troops fight for tangible; iirac tical results. - They struggle to preserve, while their fads contend to'ilestroy. If the govern ment forces should happen to be defeated- in the first battle, it will only arouse-the country to greater. energy. Reverses tripur cause will haVe the influence to reviie any latent power yet unaroused among . the great resources of the government. Under any circumstances, there 7 fore, the first battle will result in the benefit of the government. If we defeat the rebels, we end the war—if the government troops are defeated, we inaugurate and arouse our korces for a future and more vigorous prosecution of the war, - the result of which will of course fall heaviest on the rebels themselves. ' The public mind in the north must be pre pared, therefore, to receive the result of the first battle calmly. If we are victorious, and it seems' now impossible for us to be otherwise, we, must be prepared to go on calmly with the government, enforcing the laws where our arms have gained their victories, with dignity and self respect._ If we are defeated, and such might be the result, as all things are possible, our neat duty will be 'to rally with greater strength in augmented numbers, and the , victory Will be certain and complete. , We therefore await the result of the first battle with hope and confidence. Till Amazes of the Border State Convention, recently held at Frankfort, Ky., has hem:4W)- lished•in pamphlet forth, but we do not deem it of sufficient" importance to lay before our readers, as the time for such theorizing on the parte the•border states is past. In justice to the committee that framed this paper, it is ne weary to state that / strong grounds are taken gakk disunion.. ,It is evident, from the fol lowing paragraph, that the committee cannot recognise disunion under any circumstances,: " It is ptoper for us to say that in our opin ion the, constitution delegates to no one de partment of the government, nor to all of them combined, the power to destroy the govern remit itself,as would be done by the division of the country into separate confederacies, and that the obligation exists to maintain , the Obn stitutien of the:United States, and to_ preserve the Union' A very strong appeal is made to the people to settle the national difficulties, and to - omit hostilities before the devastations of war shall be npon us. The people of the border states, are now convinced that the battle of the Union is to be fought on their soil. Hence their-ap peals for peace.. Four months since, when it wail secretly understood that South Carolina intended to force :the government into the idepthin of such measures as she in her as gumption of power might dictate, the border states had no appeal to make for peace. When the preparations were going on to starve or cat to pieces the hopeless garrison of Fort Sum ter, there was cry for peace. All then was just and chivalrous, because the traitors seemed potential, while the people of the great north and west were npparently indifferent to the re ,eolt. Circumstances since have changed the -position of the parties engaged in' this fearful struggle, and the' government having once 'gathered 03 strength,. ie now prepared to crush those, who have sworn its destruction. At such an hour it is useless for any set of men, how eler responsible infiY` baie been .their former Pcisition,to inteposeior peace. It is useless for those who were silently sympathizing with ,Faession when it was preparing for'the assault, to interpose for the safety of itiadlierents when it becomes known that they are impotent for mischig, Peace must either be inured by the 'lm - conditional surrender of the rebel forces, the giving up of their leaders to justice, or it will be forced upon them by such chastisments as will forever put at rest the spirit of rebellion in.this government It wilfbe a' peace based on a firmer foundation than a compromise or concession—a peace made lasting'. by the dis play of •the unmistakable Power of this govt ernment to maintain itself. Tin Rummy PATRIOT has been reduced in size, in consequence of a deirth of advertising, the result'of 'a suspemdon of business, which is itself the effect' aectysionism in Baltimore„ Baltimore . has receded more than fifty years, .by her mob influence and 'Partizan .zeal for dis union. Fifty yeuts will not again restore her to the position she, occupied , one year ago, and the people of that city have-Ithemselves to GE. Boma liaa„isaued an order sternly for bidding the destriction„ of private property, and heralao has refunded the amount of dani. age4ndleredly ebme in such attacks on their ,property.*' At Fort Ainnroe,, the heed:l : quoi n( of Gemlllitlerithriteliui htmdred blavtinerillenintiiiomattiMitiatOPerty 7 . -.‘ ecoxer-.0 3 . ,15 ' penttoptuania Clang ittlegra BATTLE. THE ARMY FRAUDS The United States Grand Jury, of which n thou E. Roberts of Lancaster county as foreman, have made a report. The 'Jury has been engaged for some time in investigaing the frauds alleged to have bean per - in r.i. ,i supplyibg the army with clothing and ions, and their report was looked for With . co - siderable interest. It appears from the repot that if wrong was done, those who perpetratel it have succeeded in covering it up as they pa sed from one act to another, because the Gran Jury was not able to bring a single fact to im plicate a single individual in these trausactions. l The character of the'festimonY before them was vague and ansatisfactory--tuid in thelanguw of the report, "the perpetration of frauds have , been detected, these' fraudilnitre been so case, fully concealed . , so sedulously guarded by the pariles (*Madding them, diet the Grand Jury has found it impossible so to separate them as to he able to present . cases,.. Which would properly bring the guilty pa:ties under t jurisdiction of this Court."_ The Grand Jury complain that no written co tract existed between the Government agent and the parties furnishing sup Plies. On this ttoil lave the inability to deteot the guilty patties, and also on the fact that no samples were pm served of ' the articles bid for and the articles supplied: On this portion of the investigitiOn the report declares that the requisitions iariper& to have been -made simply as, to quantity ;. .. quality and -price were rarely referred to, and . _ for ought that the jury could learn to the con trary, the orders were filled or not, as suited the disposition of the sellers. Beyond the mere issuing of the requisitions, the acting agents appear to have given the subject no fur ther consideration; If the"partleil filling the requisitions did not avail themselves of the doors for fraud, thus freely and 'widely opened, the fault was not with these Government 1 lagencies. . This failure on the part of .the U. S. Grand Jury:to detect the 'perpetrators of the alleged frauds, will throw additional responsibility upon the Commlssioners mently_ appointed by Gov. Curtin. . These Commissioners ai;eino* busily engaged in their investigation, and until they have concluded and reported, we must of course withhold any allusion as to' what may possibly be the result of their investigation. We dare .express the hope, howeVer, that it will be more satisfactory than the report of tt's U. S. Grand Jury. Tux Pitosaurrox or Summon is contained in the fact that the Constitution no where in any of its sections provides for such a measure. It has made provision for the admission of new data into, but does not contain a single word on the subject of states going out of the Union. It reposes the right in the'federal government t 6 declare war, make peace, form treaties, coin money, but no where gives any of these rights to the several states, which implies .that the assumption of any one - of them would be a vio lation of the laws growing out of the said pro visions of the Constitution. The Constitution provides peaceable remedies for.all wrongs. - It sanctions by legislation any change in the laws of the land made necessary by the public wants, butrefusee the recognition of any movement by which the peace.of society is placed In jeopardy or its disrupture violently threatened. It does not authorise a change of government by mititary . force or revolution. 'lt does not sanction the arming of the people for any other purpose than to repel invasion or crush insurrection. Therefore the rebels are again violating the expressed and the implied provisions of the Constitution. There is nothing in the Constitution that either, authorizes secession or guarantees it en couragement. should it succeed. It in every respect forbids its' existence,. and provides for the punishment of those, who ,essay to put it into practice. The Constitution exists by the Union. Destroy the one,: and you render the practical operatiOns of the other impotent and ineffectual. ' , . , The Philadelphia Stock market was dull but steady, yesterday, with a very light business to note, both at the Board and outside. Tn breed: stuffs the movement was ,small,, and the prices of deur, wheat and rye unsettled, but corn and oats were.firm. Nothing was deritrin cotton, groceries and provisions, and quotntions ruled about the same. Whisky was inactive. - Maxim tlus.ap .I.lsatioNTl Philadelphia city_has chosen the following officers : Colonel, U., G. Stees; Lieutenant Col o 'nal, John A. Stees; Wier, Wi C. G raham, • licocommo - to the Manchester Guardian' E'3l3- land is indebted to this country, thromih the operations of trade in. 186.0i.more. than one hundred milliona of dollars—a sum amuch greater than has been generally. supposed: It adds : liAinerica is likely to draw bullion from this country,,and thereby _augment the rate of interest." • &mama or TIM A-1131C—Tlie followink, table shows the ntenber..Of troops now intik! field, with thallium of the oominenaing- eke:Kira of each Division : Ist Div. Alexandria, eta M'Dowell, 21,000 men 2cl "Washington -4....; ...Gkm.' Manafield,-22,000 f. 3d ''Port Monroe..G , Rea.:Butler 10,000 - " ith Panneklvinia Gen. Beim 16,000 " sth. " Cincinnati.... Gen. M'Clellen6l 3,000 " 6th " Cairo • • Gem Prentiss 6,000 von 7th " Baltimore Gen.Cadwallader,s,ooo 44 Bth 4. Patterson', B,ooq Total DON'T Amin. ,Four Promms.--The Charles ton NerclOY OPPO ll es an attack on,Fort,Pickena It says: • • The batteries are a mile and a third !distant —too far , to breach with giertairay, The bar racks cannot be „burnt" Outi as in the case of Sumter.' - A atorniihg would, have to ad vauce tmdeethe 'lke of the fleet, and if they succeeded in passing through the , breach, would have, to take a large battery, protected by sattd-bags, within the fort: The whole under taking appears desperate and, uncertain in the result, and the lost( of - life cannot fait to be great. Bo= AB Evssi—Parson Brownlowlitehes in to a secessionist in his locality in the following lively style : A CARD.—ltsrairs Piramoss.t.—ln my last is: sue ' found it necessary to denounce Sperry, of t he Wider, as a:liar, a contemptible puke, and the tool of scoundrels. Tie has since chas tised me with four coltlmns of newspaper abuse: This inthoriseS the additional ,charge lhaffie .is 'a neward, even 'if I were not, i n pcs sessio4ttthe'.fact that due of our ditizens . flog_ 41234-1463T : r 4 h :1 14 rc,*.s:llmysmAiik3s4tly., eutobotp 'Afternoon, June 11, 1861. BY THEM. FROMUD POINT COMFORT. An Exciting and Sorrowful Day. FATAL COLLISION BETWEEN TWO NEW TORE REGIMENTS. Attack upon the Rebel Battery 'at Great Bethel, A Rebel Major and Two Prominent Secessionists Captured. MISMANAGEMENT OP BRIGADIER GEN ERAL PIERCE. TWENTY 7 FIVE : =:OVkHE FEDERAL TROOPS KILLED One Hundred Wounded . . RETREAT T 9 -PORTELF i ki MON -) P ROL' ; Caiiduct of Lleut. Butler and Col. Kilpatrick. padignation c, Against Brigadier General Pierce. IFULL DETAILS OF THE AFFAIR BALTIMORB, Jim 11. A steamer from Old Point Comfort has arriv d, with the following intelligence, Med' St Fortress Monroe last evening : This has been an exciting and sorrowful day at 011 Point Comfort.' Gen. Butler having learned that the rebels were forming an en trenched catwi pith EttrootliatterieS at Great VetlielitTrie mnei fairailampton, on the York town road, deemed it necessary to dislodge them. Accordingly movements were made last night from Fortress Monroe and Newport News. About midnight' Col. Duryea's Zonaves and Col. Townsend's. Albany Regiment creased the river at Hampton by means of six large bat teaux, manned by the naval brigade, and took up the line of march. The former were some two miles in advance of the latter. At the sametime Col. l3enedis's regiment with a detach ment of the Vermont and Massachusetts regi ments at Newport News moved forward to form a junction with =the regiments from For tress Monroe, at Little Bethel, about half way between Hampton.and Great Bethel. The Zonaves passed Little Bethel at about 4A. M. Benedies regiment arrived• next and took a position at the intersection of the roads. Not understanding the signal, the Ger man regiment, in the darkness of the morning fired upon Col. Townsend's column, marching in close order and led' by Lieut. Butler, son of Gen. Butler and also his aid; with two pieces of artillery. Other accounts say that Col. Town send's regiment fired first, At all events the fire of the Albany regiment was harmless, while that of the Germans was fatal, killing one man and fatally wounding two others, with' several slight cansualities. TheAlbanylleginkent being back the Germans discovered from the accontremenfe left on the field, that the supposed enemy was a friend. They bade in the meantime fired nine rounds with. small arms and a field pie*. The Zotitives heating the fire had turned and fired also npon:the Albany boys. At daybrelik Col. Allen's and Col. Carvi's regiments moved from the rear of the fortress to support the main body. The mistake at little Bethel having been ascertained, the buildings were burned and a major, with two proniment secessionists named Livery and Whiting, were made prisoners. • The troops then a'dvanced upon Great Bethel in the following order : The Zouaves, Col. Bendix,WAlL Col. Washburn,,.Col. Allen and Col. Cam: At thatpoint our regiments formed and succeislVbM endeavored to take the large masked battery of the secessiJnists. The ef. fort was futile; our three small pieces of artil lery not being able cope with the heavy rifled cannon of the enemy, according to rope ac counts thirty in number. The rebel battery was so completely Masked thittlp,o; uum could be seen,4but the flashes of guns only. There were probably leas than 1,000 men .behind the battery .otthe rebels.. A well concerted movement might have secured the .position, butlirig. ; Gen. lierce,;!bo,colximand 'ed tfi ," seemed eexpedition to haie 'lost his pre- Bence of mind.. . „ The .Trby regiment stood an hour exposed to a galling fire. An order to retreat waa at last given, but at that Moment Lieut. (treble of the United States Army, and, in command' "of the artillery:;wasiatruck•by a cannon ball and Instantly killed. He had spiked his gun and was gallantly endeavoring to withdrew his' command. Captain George W. Vlloon, of the Troy regiment, after the order, .to.retreat, took pos &Wht of the gnu, and, with Qtiarter Master McArthur, brought it off, the 'field, with, the corpse of hie beloved -- 'Lientenant. They brought them to Fortress Monroe this even ing. There are probably twenty-five killed and one hundred wounded. Lieutenant Butler de serves the, greatest credit for bringing, ff the killed and wounded. 'Several of the latter are now inthe hoaplial here. - It should have been stated that Col. M'Ches ney's regiment formed a reserve, and that Col. Hawkins' regiment moved from Newport News during the day._ 'The armed *easels went .rip to' Newport News, excepting the Cumber!and. Ail the regiments are now probably at their former quarters. Much indignation =is manifested against Brig. Ge - n. Pierce. General tutler bus been doing ill in his power to save our men and the honor of our cause. I have endeavored to get a list of 'the killed and wounded in the affair at Great Bethel, but succeeded only partially as but few of them had reached the Fort at the hocir for departure of the boat, whiclioniitally letties at 4 P. M., but was detained for, your correspon dent up o'9 P. 3t, ein this occasion. .The following are the rabies of those :who arrived : 98,000 " I Joseph Richards, company C, 3d N. Y. In , am slit yonet. wound in the thigh. I Will - C. Cady, company' F, same regiment • wounded by Mime ball in the abdomen, land supposed; to be dying when I left his room. James Garbetit, company G, same regintient; sustained , a comminuted fracture of the thigh, E very bad, and must enffer, amputation, even if he'anrvives. James Connelly, ,companY A, same regiment ; shot in the 'right knee, the ball not penetrating the joint. Philip Sweeny, Company- 0, 311 regiment Infantry ; very 1384 verely the ',thigh, but:. may escape amputation. Lient.g. W. Stone, company 0, saute regiment, slightly wounded in the leg. Mark A. Baker,. company.C . ,,, same regiment; shot ins the Jof-lheLfeg-; otlira flesh woind. Of these such as are conscious are . singularly „ nt-Afiunigthelcilled Ivas3:lßfull 'Gable of the W. S. Artillery. He was struck tipailtkaithtild:- of the forehead by a rifled cannon ball, which tore away the upper part of the bead. He was', an efficient officer, and greatly beloved by his brother officers, who, es may be expected, are keenly grieved by the bereavement. His fu neral will take place on Wednesday, and hts remains will be deposited in a metallic ccffia speciallynrdered from Baltimore. Orderly Ser geant Goodfellow, of Company D, First New York Regiment, was struck by a cannon ball and fell dead. Three members of the same company were badly wounded. It appears that the Albany regiment, under Col. Townsend, were in reserve. It was thought that Lieut. Col. Grinnell had been killed, as he was miseing. Capt. Judson Kilpatrick, Company H, of Zonaves, was wounded in the fleshy part of the thigh by the bursting of a shell, but gallantly led his company across a field to the attack. APPOINTMENTS BY THE PRESIDENf WASHINGTON, June 11. The President made the following appoint meals to-day : Charles A. Washburn, California, Commis sioner to Paraguay. Edward Joy Morris, Pennsylvania, Minister Resident at Constantinople. Henry T. Blow, Missouri, Minister Resident at Venezuela. Charles IL Riotte, Texas, Minister Resident at Costa Rica. Samuel Whiting, New Jersey, Consul at Naa• San, New Providence._ The Administration has resumed the diplo matic relations with Peru suspended by Presi dent Buchanan, and Las appointed Christ:•pher Bobinson, of Rhode Island, Envoy Extraordi nary and Minister Plenipotentiary to that country. TERRIBLE FIGHT EXPECTED WABI3327QTON, June 11.—A terrible fight is hourly expected. It is believed thlt the rebels have a strong force at the ,Manassas Junction, which they have so fortified as to defy invasion .from the Federal troops. • Every regiment in this vicinity momentarily expects to receive marching orders. It is reported that the reb,ds have brought from Norfolk, Richmond and Charleston, over two hundred cannon of the heaviest calibre. This, of course, is all surmise, but there is no denying the fact that a desperate struggle must take place before the close of the present week. CIIBIBERI AND IN POSSESSION OF THE FEDERAL TROOPS. Ctscnrssu, June 10. The Eleventh Indiana Regiment (Zouaves) Col. Wallace, reached Cumberland this mora jug, and took possession of the town. ANOTHER POST OFFICE SUSPENDED. WASHINGTON, June 11. The postmaster at Nashville, Tenn., having refused to obey the laws and regulations issued from this Department, and having resigned his office, it is ordered by the Postmaster General that that office be discontinued until further ordrs, and that all mail matter directed to that office be forwarded by all postmasters im mediately to the dead letter office at Washing ton, to be disposed of according to law. (Signed) Joss A. SessoN, Ist Ass't P. M. G. Nem ativertisements. ARMY SUPPLIES. QUARTERMASTER Grammes OPTIC; HARiussona, Jane 8, 1861 Sealed Proposals will be received at this Of fice until 12 o'clock, 31., on FRIDAY, the fourteenth day of June, 1861, for the following Army Supplies and Materials, deliverable at the State Military Store, Harrisburg, in quantities as required. Said proposals to be publicly opened at the time and place named, and the successful bidders to be announced as soon thereafter as convenient ; the right being re 'served by the State to increase or diminish the number and quantity of said articles. Twenty Hospital Tents, with poles, pins, but tons and slips, complete, any pattern. One thousand Common Tents, army pattern, poles, pins, &ccomplete. One hundred Wall Tents, army pattern, poles, pins, files, &c., complete. 1500 Camp Kettles, sheet iron, 8 sizes, in nests, 181 lbs. 8750 Mess Pans, sheet iron, weight 2 lbs. Proposals will be received at the same time for furnishing the Mexican or other pat tern of Tents, samples, drawings and specifications to be furnished with bid. 12,000 Canteens, army pattern, covered, with straps. 15 Regimental General Order Books, • full bound, demy. - 15 Regimental Discipline. 16 Regimental Orders. 15 Regimental Letter. 16 Regimental Index Books, half bound. 160 Company Order Books, , full bound. 150 Company Clothing Books, full bound. 160 Company Morning Reports, full bound. 150 Company Descriptive Reports, full bound. 160 Post Morning Company Reports, full bound. Samples of above books to be seen at this of fice. They are all to be full bound, ex cept the Regimental Index Book, and all to be demy except the Post Morning Re ports, which are to be two quires cap.— The Regimental Books each three quires, except Description Books, which are to be five quires ; the Company Books each one quire. See Army Regulations, pages 11 and 16. 12,000 Haversacks, with straps, complete. 1,000 dozen Knives and Forks, samples to accompany Lid. 12,000 Tin Cups. 12,000 Tin Plates. It is desirable that all the above articles be of domestic manufacture, and where any of the articles are furnished by the United States, the same must conform in all respects to the sealed standard pattern In the United States Quarter- master's Office and Military Store at Phila delphia. Ten per :cent. of the amount of each delivery . to be retained as a forfeiture until the contract is completed. Time of delivery to be con sidered as of the essence of the contract. Con tractors to state in their proposals the time when the goods can be delivered. And the speedy delivery of such articles as are, needed will be considered in awaiding the contract.— Successful bidders to give bonds with two ap proved bidders. R. 0. FLUE, jell-d2t Quartermaster General, P. M. ~ q B. M. GILDBA, D. D. B. STATE STREET, OPPOSITE THE BRADY HOUSE. A 1 1.operalions, Surgical and Mechanical, - 1 - 143oleaUtioa1y performed. Charges moderate. PS S 1 25 An ,excellent article of Coro ia mercial Note Payer can bo had for 2a per roam, at BERGNER'S ORRAP-BOOKS.GR.E. Attention Legislative Guard I The' GI civernor hiving accepted the sir -A.l4w or the ct Leglaticee Guard," the elember3 thereof ere hereby notified to report themoelvee at , Camp I .G6'l ' 4 in the citzr Aerrisburg, or the ?Ate of Ws szofith, a r grilditilrtsVidergi o ffom litrut Q waters. , 106441 & W. DAY/S, Nape, New ahertisittent. rIRAB CIDER :1-s tr i,-., k . ,/ ling and sweat—ha_s recel:cd vote& at every Sale Agr culturi, sale by jell,l A% WANTED -A IIot; : i ERLEE . , European Hotel. Apply to Jell-data , . 4 FOR RENT. T"EUROPEAN 'Toll', STAURANT ill Braun! City lit: 8 . ... burg MY, Pa. Apply to jell-amo Orrice A. Q. m Harrisburg, Pa., Juut WANTED IMMEDIAT Two hundred and fifty GOOD T,:, at Chambersburg or Harrishu— article of agreement at Harrisbu r4 A . 7 to Uhambersburg free of cest: ci:- any such men prove not to b t from being otherwise w .rthiesi to the service have to be tficctii[z.: week, no pay will be allow e d f, The Government plys $2O p,, r - furnishes each teamster with (.14e Con per day. -.. , Al! the men, after being Lonora', ed, will be returned to the pl ic „; were hired, at the expense of. States. None but sober and industriiz s z apply. Apply at U. S. Qnarterranster' s riaburg or Chamberabnrg. S. B. ROLA -- Captain A. Q u F 0 R 16ALE—Ttiree 1ar 7.11111 6 DEng capable of accbmmoils Sc , pai, arms Unit rate Stove, Bea. iy • oh* so if application be made soon aL 4 jelo4l2t* NOTICE TO COUNTERFEI - : Iv ia iy ERE . A !g s ag ev ed e i r n a c l o ! , ) ,i e t ,: r so Members of Coogroas and Senators on t metals, notice la wren) , given that such them nothing as they wilt not be recoga., 2 , : letters must be sent to the Dead Letter instep. Same seven hundr.d letter; s thIS office with counterfeit .rants on ton who deposited them had hotter c.,!' get them pro,serly mailed. If the author: : - can can be discovered is will be the duty a t-. to have them criminally prosecuted how. ;-. 1 maybe. jell) Ot.O. 13 EFJ, LIME FOR raTUNDERSIGNED /MTh he LIME BUSINESS It prepared very beet article at short mote and at t for cash. kle Eel's the Hine burnt at Col that burnt at home. my29•dam PETER ' COMMERCIAL NOTE Just received from the mi Note Paper at 31 90 per roam at I je6-fwd irjr ICKORY, OAK. AND Al_ for sale, • OM TO STOP'S OR CORD LJC • PURCHASER, 1, ALSO, LOOMS POSTS AND CI At 1"0 OEDW g, ALM), SIONB AND SAW j Foj PURPOI k&S_ hietuni of the eubearlber at Y ,i 3 rest road, oppoelto tho Good WIG Engle. Yard, corner or Second and Broad risburg. inky274l', PROF. ADOLPH p. WOULD respectfully ink. Parana and D'ablle generally, continue to give lasUlletirant on the PIDu LODEON VIOLIN and atso in the science of HAW. He will w'th Plear.tre wall epos pup.',n, ii homes at any hoer defile 4, or lessons hie residenoa s la Third r Amid, a few deer be' German Reformed ChM . a, FOR RENT. A Three Story / Brick House aze AU. stmt. Also D. Two Story Mme Hoak Burnet. Apply to 0.0. ZIMILEMIO Lae-tt] NC. 28, South Second At. , Harr EMPTY MOLASSES HOGSHEA:,i large quantity ot empty Molasses LiE - t , :- beads and Meet Outs, ibr male by raY 24 W.ll. Dual. FRESH FEIIII iF every description in cane nci ILI each package warranted.mitt. WM. DOCK a s.• STONE FOR SALE. BIIILDING STONE or Stone s. tot torapfklog purpose' Will be deotv.. par of the city or Ws • " grew. Apply to warll WM. CVP, JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER LOT OF THO EXTRA FINE POINTED GOLD PENS O F NEWTON'S (formerly Ea manufacture, warranted to be the bait the finest pointed, most durable and as market, for sale, with a variety of Gale Oases of venous sines and prices, at RIIIIGNEWB WRAP POWER'S DILEMMA AND CHOLED ANTIDOTE, For the cure of these distressing malea to the taste. livery soller should procure a bottle a. ill , ' S 9 y medicine batbre they take up their Hoe BR* at C. A. BANNVARVA Dreg .irt 117,10.1;. m72 -dam NO IMPOSITION. REVOLVERS AT COST TO SOLD . s Gold and Silver Stars, Eagles, dm , — L Trlmmlags always for sale. Also, a large assor LAGS at BARB'S AUCrIUS ap27 Second above Walect REMOVAL. THE SUBSCRLBIII has rotas' ied PLUMBING AND BBAS3 FOUNDAY street to Fourth street Rheas Haricot, oppoi , g church. inanitrul for past patroaaga, be he/ 4 3 : attention to business, to merit a corsinuia! mar26.3md P Harrisburg Brlsom Manr dactorY.. }FE, WI; hcB AIWA( Sl., BIti:CM.S sold Wholesale and re(& ueut. :Mealier tban can b! nsd. Cale and asSiniuo our stock. Itt..s4ithd .1. P RICE t(0 ALDERMAN. HENRY PF..:FFER. OFFICE-THIRD STREET, (SHELL'S 0) NEAR MABAET. Residence, Chestnut street near Fourth. MT OP HAlLEtralitatO, ?W'e' PURB RYE T'enisKY. BA _ RREL A r 0 v °ll R ys Wilton 'L 1-LIJALb " . , ante bY =GLI B, JON tit i trot , T. 1440 711 gar m;l2 dU El N a ~ A 11 1511