Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, June 11, 1861, Image 1
MEE E 1 ,1 ,G It A P f3LISI1111) rvT,Ef :DAY, y (4.001;GE E31.-1-ZerNE. ~1 i . t :tent In t.., Yearly istit:dCrtber / • 1'11,1024PM 1,:1,11014,1 wioe, a Wa,k I.ItIfIN anti weekly 'luring the re r, and furnished to subscribers at the , • 1,,,Vjj„!.; i)or lila LAW OP mawseAras. oriks the discontinuance of their new,- iiolitisher may continue to seed them until • are paid, neglect , Or rftuse tO take them nowspa. • %Iwo to which they are directed, they ore in inuntil they hay" sett on ho And ordered ftliscellantims STEAM WEEKLY BETWEEN NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL , ANillts74l AND EMBARKING PAS SEDitifiltB at QIIEESSTOWN, (Ireland.) She laver. t. 1W York and Philadelphia Eiteatrisilip company mend despatching their full powered Clyde-built Ir Slearoshipa is folioed : FIINA, Saturday, let Jane ; EDINBURGH, Saturday, Stb J OW; CITY OF WASHINGTON. Saturday, 15th June; and every Saturday, at Noon, from Pier 44, North MUT'. RATM 01 PASIOR. FIIVT 11%% ...... .$75 SF ENRAGE.— .. —SW 00 do tc Le 0.1 .10 ... .4.80 00 I do to 10ni0a..133 00 Sverige lictura Tickets, good for Sin H0ntb5......60 00 Fsseeogerg fnrwarde yr PariS. iieirre, 13tented, KetturtiAtu, AnlArerp, ato., retaueti throUeb gri—lereocs wieldez tellitettheir Wends can buy ;Icitela 11: re We timinillag es, to New York ; 4403 r. Tihr; qi4er -; nfr stria, 375, SB5 and $lO5. t•toerago trym LlV.3epoot $lO 00 irom Quoenstown, 830 Ma 'fbe-e Ellearaeri have Foperior acceminadationt for pasiefig,rB, aui -amp esproneuce , l Sur.feons. Titer, are built tir.c ti,eOt ;cat 3....,t1033, and tom) Patent Fire Anal7~iePJi? ea inntrtl. For further tnrormation apply at tn.. I dC4d. JNO. G. DALE, Agent, ea:1:7.41 lb Broadway, New Fork. Ur C. 0. Zimmerman, Agent, Ilarrtsbnrg. gU Work Promised in One Week ;•,`.• • wtt „ O. 46 . PEN:NSYLVANI4II, STEAM DYXI2III ESTARLISHMEST, 104 Market Street between 4th and 5t it, HARIISBUII4, PA., VvilEftE every description of Ladies' and Gentlemen' Garments, Piece Goode, &0., are Jied, Cleansed and finished ja the beet manner and at Ktrortaat npllce DODGE & CO., Nova-Omar Pyoorietort ST. LOUIS HOTEL, CHESTNUT ST., ABOVE THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. TN the lunnodiate neighborhood of the Jobbing Rouses on , Market, and Chestnut lrietS, the Banks, Poet Oillee, iterchante Exchange, &o. NM NOTE ON TM &MI:RICAN AND EUROPEAN PLAN. trt .4D PER DAY,— $1.50. DiOtter betwoon 1 and 3 o'clock, 50 cents. Slagle r 0.) in kern 60 cents upward. A &Aromas Restaurant attached. Prices according to gas ul faro. Ibe cpp Cara tako Passengers from any Station to or close to thil uotel. a.rEngiab, irenob, German and Spanish spoken. e;1. 3m I • REDITOTION IN PRICES I Plain and Figured. 06.0E1WrItt.A., Plain and Figured. ALI, WUOL Iir.LAINV3, Extra Styles and Quality. 111100 A LONe ;;I:tAtitLS, different prices. YIN h: STOM OF "HAREM` 1114AW1LS. The prlcad lit alt Cie above Goode, on examination, will be found "mwer then ever,t , at CATHCART'S, Next door to the Ilartiaburg Bent. FRESH ARRIVAL OF Biteceirr, Rciate, SAW, Glum EIO MONT, 'RRAILER Coax, &ma Put., lisittxr, MARROW FAT Buss, Whets Pius, &c . Jot received and for Yale at the &owes? cum rumps. WSI. DOCK JR. & OU. eII"MIJI,X3EISS. QUINCE, PEAR, CUIUtANT, PEACH, APPLE, BLACKBERRY, ORANGE, RASPBERRY. Just rammed from New York and warranted ma. nue [feb2ol Wm. DOCK, Jr., &Co. JOHN B. OMITS'S BOOT & SHOE STORE, CORNER SECOND AND WALNUT STS., Harrisburg, Pa. ALWAYS on band a large assortment of BOOTS, SIMS, OAITEP.S, &c., of the very best stuitatts for ladies, gentlemen, and children' wear.— Prices to snit the times. All kinds of WORK RADE TO MR.( to the best style by superior workmen REP MING done at abort notice. octio.otf 3013 S B. SMITH, Harrisburg, DENTISTRY. R. GEO. W. STINE, graduate of the lidsitimore Dellege of Dental Surgery, having perms foully loomed in thie city 01 Ihrrlatturg and taxon the oWce formerly occupied uy Dr. Hergas„on Third street, between Marizet end Walnut, respectfully Inliorms his friends and the public in general, that he is prepared to perform all operations in the Dental prolesslon either surgical or ineehenical, la a manner that shalt hot be seri 'abed by operniere la this or any other city. Hui mode of Inserting artulcial teeth is Upt,ll the latest t in proved salentitie principles. Teeth ' , from one to . a full set, mutated on floe Hold, :sil ver, Plating plates or the Vulcanite Rase. 1 taco groat pleasure In recommending the above gen- Hemel) to all my forma pittiente of Harrisburg and vi cinity, sail feel confident that he will perform all opera tions la a Mantua manner, from my unewieage of LIM ability. Lins34.ltf F. J.S. GORGAB, D. D. 8. FLAGS 1 FLAGS 11 IVOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES with Natddial deeigna, LETTER PAPER with a view of taninty of Muria printed and for sale at SOMMER'S BOOKSTORE, Near she Harrisburg Bridge. RUSK *UPHOLSTERING. :A ATTHE&SEs, COrION TOP hIATRESSES, COTTON COMFORTS, FRENCH CARPET HASSACKS, CHAIR CUSHIONS, LOUNGES, &c. On tetrei and livable wholesale tad retail at the very lowietr.des lor cash. HAIR lIATRASSES and SPRING BOTTems MADE TO ORDKR. SOFAS, LOUNGES, CHAIRS, HATRESSES & Reeaired and made equal to new lß very MA reasonable, , c. all a N ).It9 Market street, between Fourth and Fifth, by inartll J.T. BARNITZ. NEW COAL OFFICE. tTRE UNDERSIGNED having entered in m Me COAL TRADE in this city, would respectfully Match the patzeeage of the citizens. i will keep On hand Coal et AU 102eA, from the most celebrated and approved Maw. which wal be delivered to any part of the city, free from dirt mid other impurities. Fru WZIOOT 43 " 84 /MD. Coal. Fos ails NT TOD BOAT LOAD, (WI Lam, Oox trams .err Pencils purchasing by the Bost r Car Load wig receive 3,240 pounds to the Ton. Othcel4o.l4 Market street, second door from Dowber iy alley. Yard on the Canal, loot of North./pest. Or itelw &Wi 17dlt eMes phial reoadvx 9}ll. JOU W. Ken{. - . - 1 - I // • t -10.ikTtlt/A-__V, collo./ olvp.X , 'W ii tlliViif, - -;-_;.: =---A,,... .P . -:., • , ~..:_.....„ it_ ~ ,,,y ...4- • ... - .7- , / : =- o,..SEDuarral ` l - 6 ' - ' ' t - -'•-• ' .., zY .11 . r, .5 2 00 12 00 15.00 VOL. XV. DR JOHNSON 13 ALLTX lidL4C3 'EL333I LOCK HOSPITAL 11AS discovered the moat certain, speed) arid effectual remedy in the WOrld lbr are Out. VITMINANIND, OR NO CILAIIIIM, IN runt ON] TO Weakness of the Back or Limbs;filtriaturos, Pains to Hie Loins, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic Weakness, Nervous Debility, Decay of thePhyste I Pow ers, Dyspoptiks languor, Low Spirits, Oonfusion of dews, Mit Bathes of the Heart, timidity Tremidings, Baum= of Slab: or Giddiness, Briease of the Btomee)3o.lleiltesae of tae Heat, l'broas, Mee or Skin—tbose .erritito dere arising . . from the Indiscretion or Solitary Habits td Yunth—tboie dreadful and destructive praotleee which produce constitutional • debility, tender marriage Impos sible, and destroy both body and mind. - YOUNG MIIN. Young men especially who have become the victims of solitary Vice, that dreatlibl and destrucfte habil which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands, of young men of the most exalted talent and brilliant= lest, who might otherwise have °Wended Senates with the thunders of eleenence, or waked to ec. taay the living lyre, may call nth full confidence. MARRIAGE.; ' Merriest persons, or those contemplating marais" lag aware of physical weakness, should Isamediatoty suit Dr. J, and be restored to perfect health. He who places himself under the care of Dr. religiously conide in his honor as a gentleman, Mid' fidently rely upon his skill as a physician. . . ;q -Office No. 7 lonth Frederick street, !Baltiumarev Md., on the loft hand side going from Baltimore stresio T or doors from the corner. Be particular in °beer Use name or number, or you will mistake the plane. Router for Ignarent,T _rpting Quarks, with fithl° hit k Of or Paltry Humbug (To , attracted by the reputa tion of Dr. Johnson, I ark near. . All letters must contain a Postage Stamp, to use on the reply. pa...JOHNSTON. Dr. Johnson member of the Royal College of Sur London, graduate from one of the meat eminent of the United antes, and the greatest part pt whose has been spent In the Bospltabi of London, Paris, phi* deiphie and elsewhere, has effected some of the most as, touishing auras that were ever known. Manytroabled' with ringing in the ears and head whennsleep, greatonevi vousnani, being alarmed it sudden sounds, bashfulness,' with frequent blushing, attended somethttes with derange, meet of mind were cured immediately, Dr. J. addresses all those who having Injured OM" sejves by private and improper indulgencies, that aeon * eat solitary habit which ruins both body and mind, tui• fitting them for either buslneasor society. Thee... are setae of ti m sad and melancholy selects pro, dticeo oy early habits of .youth, viz : Wooknosa of the IS Back and Limbs, Pains in the Dimness of 16 4 1, test or Muscular PoWer, PamitMteu of the loom, male, Nervous Irritability Derangement of th 6 Diges vs Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Osnanntp• lion, ate. MENTALLY: ShOISALLi t the fearful effects on the rated ars Mush in . be dreaded :—Loos of inemory, Omittuilon of Ideas, D. pression of Spirits, Evil Soren*,Slugs, Aversion taboo*. belftllstrnst, Love of Solitude, Timidity, ace., era some . of the evil effects. Ttiousawat ot person or all ages, Gan now Nays LB the cause (4 their decline In health, losing their Vtgor, becoming weak., pale, nervous and emaciated, have • • singular amustrauee about the eyes, cough, aid imp ala of consumption. YOUNG MIN who have Injured themselves by a certain practice, In doired In whim alone—a. habit frequently learned Cram evil zompanions, or at school, the sabots of which are 'Lightly felt, even When asleep, and if not cured; renders marriage Impossible, and destroy' both mind aid body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hopes of bls eons. try, the darling of his parents, should be snatched Irons all prospects and enjoyments o f lite by the oonsequences of deviating from the pub or nature, and Intlarglim fn a certain secret habit. du lb persons must, before ow= plating . . MARRIAGE, erect that a sound mind and body arte,the most decimal" requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimagg the prospect hourly darkens to the view;the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and Ailed with the melancholy redaction that the happiness of wither be. conies blighted with our own. DR. JOHNSON'S INVIOQRATiNQ REMEDY 11011 02 By this great and Important remedy, Weakness of ikt Organs are speedily cared, and full vlgor restored. bousanda of the mast nervous slid debilitated avhs earl lost all hope, hare been Immintlately relieved: All impaihnots to Marriage, Physical or Mental Ikeqlsalia , cation, Nervous, Tremenng, Weakness or Schanation or the most feerMicted, speedily eared. ' The many thousands cured atthis Instlntim within the last twelve years, and the amorous important Eargical operations performed by Dr. J. witnessed by' the re • porters of the pacers, and mint other persons, Mims at which have appeared again and agile' bettor, the pubUe, besides Ms standisig as a pentiessass or character `dad re rponsibitity, Is a eMMent guarantee to the afflicted. ONUSES or IMUDENCa—Whea the misguided and imprudent votary ofa ie ltud wil tLft Mtdd he has imbibed the seeds of this patent* It Marten happens that an ill-timed sense of shame or of discovery deters dm from applying to Limo who, from education and re. speembility can Mona isidriond Mtn, dehiylng the con• m eotional symptoms Ot thIS horrid &lease make their appearance, effecting the head, tracea, Leese, skin, an, progressing on with frightful rapidity, 11111 death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings b h y sanding him to /that. Imre* from whence so traveler returns. ' It Is a mei tucholy fact that thousands tall victims to this terrible disease, owing to the unskilfulness of Ijjuarant pretend ers, who, by the use of that deadly pCsestsl%,wlivraury, rata the constitution and make the regdue ofHie miserable. To eso.a.vorts.—Tho Doctors Dtplemma Nun In °Moo. in-Letters must *Wale a /Ramp locus of the rept'''. ,p -Remedies sent by Mall. a-No. 7 South Frederick street, neithacce apri&dawly 1861. 3D OPENING, 3D OPENING 1861. ur SUMMER DRESS GOODS 01 MILT Dill="11103. The qualty of the goods thr the prise will be an biduen. meat to every one to purchase. The meat desirable goods of the season at a great 444.• dace. MOZAMBIQUES, GRISSALIAS, VALRNCIAS, CREPE D'ESPANGS, BEREGE ANGLAIS, BROCADE POPLINS, NEAPOLITANS. LAWNS and LATELLM are among the lie CATHCART & BROTH:IR. Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. sir - ET:ETON SKIM: • at The largest stook of the very boat make to be tband CATHCART'S, ext door to the Harrisburg Bank. Parasols, Suu Umbrellas- and Wefts Twenty-pee per cent lower than can be Fardiallid elsewhere in the city. , CATHCART & OBOTHER. my 6 Next t0 N0.14, Market' Square, the Harrisburg Bank. HAMS.—Three Hundred 'Extra Styx cared Hama jam rewired by WY. DOGY ITY.4 I ‘ 00 `• • "INDEPENDENT IN A inieuttaneons DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. RXILIC7 nv lii TO TIMM liOrßa. Nd MierOClrr or NOXIOUS Drugs Two Thin. -se ORGANIC WEAKII.I= immediately c•-erefi and full viper reared. TABS PARTICULAR NOTICE. GALNIO WEAK 8. 11 '7 ~ ~1~l:M~ HARRISBURG, PA., TUESDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 11, 1861. Gross D• W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, MARKET ST V ; FT: HARRISBURG, PI ' DRUGGISTS, PHiSIO . . IitEPERS AID : I6 BIERS, We itstAatly addln to on tment of * AI 461 f, ( 4, 1 6 * , lin, ble, and wouldrespect lull, sail yonr attend i i n to the t i °l 4o nolocte ' d otkiE ilkho'citY, of tiittee t 'OlilillOALS *PAINTS ! r; term I Etreobtinf4VPstall, &atilt Colon anAtiolis, Pure GroundOikkelid, Purd litutd anik Alcoho lard,,Sperat and Pine Spitler, Vials and._lo4 , p 114olbes, 4. Motile Soo*, 1111401 arid Corks, &LI 4111 4, cte.. arr' With a generii, Aiti of .4: : ' III II :4 : Y &: 4 16114*ATICLES, I . ' tt el eoo t i l: A l l the beet loanufeatatereaact Per. Winos of Europe aud , tirle-oOdElry. I Being very large' deelors* • PAINTS, ivtimpogip, UNWED 014 r vAnins* it WINDOW CILMB r An risi , ',.. Autiviahnit Amut ARTINPS Strttntlir ... , -. 4,01 4:w...- - • . : ' L.- IN ALL THE VARIETIES,: COLORS AND BRONZES /F ALL BMW re )'% No;-Ai , • , DU .- Vr - 1151 . 3N14 914 i . 7L OF ALL KINDS, We respectfully halite a call, feeling cons dent that we can supply the wants-of, all on terms to their satisfaction. TEETH 1 TEETH L 1 L~1~! ~:li~e~l~~t4a~~L~;.~)~i~J~M~I: ~~;~;d;y~ PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR RESTORATIVES I Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietors. Saponifier and - Concentrated Lye , ! WhOlesale Agents for Ssponlfler, which we sell as low as it PM be purchased is the cities. THAYER'S MEDICAL FLUID BRACTS, COAL OIL! CARBON OH, 1 1 Being large purchswers in thee! - PBS, we -ami offer Iruincements to close buyers. Coal 011 lamps of the moat linprovoll patterns, "very cheap. All Ida& of lams chaigpsi to barn Coal Oil. FANNERS AND .GRAZIERS, Those of you who have not .givark our NORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS a trial know not their superiority, and the advantage they are in keeping Horses and Cattle healthy and in good_ condition. Thousands Gan testify to the profit thephave derived from the use of our Cattle Powders by the Increasing quantity and quality of milk, besides improving the general health and ap pearance of their Cattle. Our long experience in the business gives us the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and oar arrangements in the dike are such that we can in a very short time furnish anything IPPortsining to oar business, on, the beat of terms. - Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed on our house, Ire, hope by strict attention to bmineinot careful selection of P 177 4 -11 D Rl7 G , at fair pricta, atid the &tire to'loool6, .i 0; merit;ignt L THINGS--NEUTRAL IN NO`NE•" gl,l LATER FROM ILIGERSTOWN, ' 2 ‘4l FLIGHT OF VIRGINIANS. Ali iligintans between 16 and 40 to be 17666 ed into Service, Immediately. THE REBEL FORCE AT HARPER'S FERRY. • Departure ° Midland itiliolOiroD - • unteers for Harper's Peril. TWO Silk POUNDERS' tblidEALED'il2lll • WiLLIAiISPORT Commission from Governor Hicks. STORE. A AVGAbB 2V BE 4 - 771 7 ALEDBB- Disloyalty at Frederick among Members"' of Iheleglidatare. Forward Moiethenta of (len: Wil- hams' Third Brigade. DESTRUCTION, OF' DA-MS•DY REBELS A. Conflict in Progress at Dam Five .on .the.Pottense. The Virginians are escaping in great num bers., Twelve crosSedisl Lylienge creek, twelve miles above Clem Spring, last night;• arid twen ty•one are expected, to-night. Every, man in Virginia between the ages of sixteen and sixty: is required to enter the service on or before Thursday next. Virginiatus just' arrived ersy, that the secessionists claim to have 15,00(1 men at Harper's Ferry, , but the Union, men in VII. ginia Say there are not more than 9,000. The Berkley Border Guards and the Clark Birks left Martinsburg on Saturday for Harper's Ferry. They numbered 160 men. The Bine, Rangers from Winchester are stationed. at Mar tinsburg. It is reported that there are two braes Bold pieces. (six pounders) close to Willitunspntt, on the Virginia side, concealed from view. =MI 8 zoo= DraLLWEI, Friept4 of.. Goy. DAM t3enatctrliAds ro d - thrgaitaalfor'llatte, arrilied "herd this morning from Frederick. They have visited Gen. Thomas' Brigade, and askedtroops for the protection of Frederick. Gen. Patter son will immediately advance a brigade to that dint, - tuA it is understood they will march to y. Disloyalty is very strong at Frederick among the mete hers of the Legislature. Gen. Williams' third Brigade, consistig of the 7th, Bth, and 10th Regiment, and the 20th Regiment; (Scott Legion,) reached Greencastle yesterday, and forward movements towards this point.must be made to-day or to-morrow. Positive information has been _received here of the destruction of dam No. 4 on .the Poto mac, and it excites great indignation_ ;among the people of Southern Maryland. The members of the First City Troop are well, and but very little sickness among the Scott Legion—none ser.onsly ill. Good healih generally prevails in Col. Dare's 28d and Col. Baler's 21st regiments. There is.a report of a cimfliet at Dam No. b, on the PotOmac,, originating in an attempt by the Virginians to complete the dealzuction of thattrack.- This, It is said. ihey renewed this morning, and were resisted by the. Home Guaxds of Glear Spring and Williamsport, and that the , engagement is aow going op. No particnierS have yet reached here,. but an ex press has been sent and full particulars will probably be recekied to-night, as the distance Is only fifteen' miles. REBEL - ACCOITITT OF. THE PHILIPPI AF . FAIR—A SECESSIONIST SHOT. . Ortmoret,s2; June 10. The Commercial' s special 'reporter at Grafton says reports -from the Cheat Mountain rods state that the rebels are entrenched there.— There are also a few at Beverly 'and in camp at Fulinurville r but they are greatly demoralized, and companies are -disbanding. They report that 10,000 Abolitionists came down upon them at Philippi, that they cut their way through them, killing 1,000 men. They ad iiiitted at Beverly a loss of thirty men on their side. A prominent Secessionist wee shot in Randolph county on Friday, wnile warning 'the Union men to obey Governor Letcher's in struction. CONOIENTRATION OF TROOPS IN INDIANA Cumureen, June 10. A special dispatch from Indianapolis says There are still two regiments here of the first, and six of the second levy, all well armed and uniformed, and will compare favorably with any troops In the field, all anxious to go forth to•the war, and are expecting marching orders soon. The 12th Regiment of State troops, Col. John H. Wallace, paraded the streets yester day. Four weeks ago these man were at their homes, and are now ready for matching orders, full equipped and well drilled. Quartennas:' ter - Nen left last night for New York and Montreal, to close a contrast for four thousand Age rifieS. Over one hundred companies have organised under the new militia law, and are being arm ed fkod equipped in good style. ORDERED TO CAMP CITR'TIN. Gt. Simpson, has re* Company P? Captain J. G. t , Harri sbuig, ceived 'orders from iloadlitiLir erg ' proceed'mom to, bittap Curtin - on Thursday ~. to -, ,i,..,.1,1 with CQL 1161 W• lug next. .....:_ They - atezt adon - ,, a. the Arebtre't ars Regimen - A a c tc - 6 •t a k -- Aslit of, the f atnig4 l ' ' in drill, B es• but . their Proficiency ME 101 CITY. lhaeuerevfx, June 10 THIRD DISPATCH Pumuns.rnix, Jane 10. From the Federal Capital, , THE 'RXPEDITION TO HAIL PEWS FERRY. =e!= Gen. padwelader to COmmina, It. Departure of Troops for Chamben- THE REBELS REtELS'CONCONTRA7P/ m - oAsso GAP. Plot of Alio MarY/4/14.' nhis Dstpose.Goi• Mask, • • . -••• • 0 Troops sent to Frederick tie` Protect the Union Men. I==l Seventeenth Penna, Regiment 04 dared to Chambersburp THE WAR TO BE 'INAUGURATED IN litir t GERA. I M DIATELY. • WABAUNGITcrti, June It b now underitOod tbit ileueral Cadi der was relieved of his command in Itidilink*: for plan:purpose of taking the more mina/IWe command of the expedition .to iiarpeeS Ferry,'whlch begun Ito movement art Saturday night: - .the: Rhode blood Marine their fine battery of, six rifled gnna, wit hotses; 'calk:one, and everything completk f. service,nave gone by way of kialtimersAtit, Harristurgund Chambersbnt to ilagentloinr,i where they will join the expedition: Jo , Bap . per• s Ferry. The movement of troops hem qpnthitiebria l lr and the week ca fall to be nignittinted some, momentous event. -Ms es .74tietittn k where the rebels are oonoebtritting• gr,ent forces, is looked, upon with, epecialdaterest. No advance on, Ilarper',s yerry iy. ine Balti morw Sad Ohid is intended, as the, condition of the road and the brktgeti would make it a oyclimialuswellos •diffieulti basing* TEM 'Regiments that Iltt herc.this inorging go by chruriberstiur•g. zorlie troops wiAl be sent-to - to protect the 'Upton men althe election on' Threstfey; as the are intimations of an Intandtd: aittinipt to'depolfe Governor Hicks and sateOliahl a pint:Mortal Gbiieniment; by the Legislature now let the ting m •• ' Some. companies oft- metdf troops moved gp they ntbuseic Vertitt Hinted States Infantry. Captain 0. H. Kennedy, of the Navy, in was:- mend of the Naval Asylum at Philadelphia, has tendered his resignation. The'Department has refused to accept it, and it Is presumed his name will be stricken from the rolls. Reis, a Virginian. Toe Seventeenth Pennsylvania Segimertt, (Colonel Patterson's, usually known as the First Artillerists,) broke up camp early this morning, andlave started for Chambers- burg. The Now York Ninth Regiment is under or ders to move to-morrow morning. Other regi ments, it is understood, }ctli reei,i , e, marchnig orders belore night. TO'' PROCLAMATION TO': THE PEOPLE OF WESTERN 'VIRGINIA. 'Comeau, June 10. Dispatches from Grafton to-day state that General Morris, in connection with General McClellan, has issued the following prociataa tion : • -, . " lIRAD•QUARTERS P. S. VOVONTRICRB, WESTIGIN VIRGINIA, Grommr, June 8, 1861. " - Vrginians: In issuing .the proclamation of the Commanding General of thla department, I have, now pleasure in announcing that we have routed and completely discomfited the Secessionists in arms at Philippi ,-;Their forces • are demoralised, desertions are numerous and I the panic-stricken remnant have taken refuge .in the passes of tl,e mountains. Western Vir ginia'is free from the enemies to her freedom and peace.lln the full confidence in your ability and &sire to protect yourselves, I 'now call upon you to come to ths support of your Con stitutional. Government. I am einpowered to master' you into the service of the United IStates, to serve only in the defence of your own soil. Arms and munitions will be furnished t you. :Assemble at once at'your various county seats, and report to, me . for instructions. `Cavalry and infantry will be received at once. il (Signed) T. A. Moms, Brigadier General Commanding. The. U.. S. troops at Philippi are anxious to march on Hattonsville. Nothing is known, of the intended movements of our troops. Foreign News by the Aribia: DEATH ON THE GOVERNOR OF POLAlin. UNION MEETING AT PARIS SPeechea by Messrs. Fremont, 'Dayton, Clay and Burlingame. - ' 77, ' — llsrxrax, June 10. The steamship ;Arabia has arrived -with Liver pool dates to the ist haat. The steamship Ilamrnonia arrived out on the 80th ult. ; • The proceedings of Parliament on the - 814 ult. were unimportant; the House of Lords de bating the expediency of encouraging the cult• ration of cotton in India. • ' Count C:s - vorir has been dangwously ill, but at latest dates was better. Prince Gorlschahaff, the Governor of Poland, is dead,. The Americans at Paris have held a tinion meeting, at which speeches were delivered by Messrs.. FremontrDaytonv -fdlay and Burlln game- . - - - INDIANA FOEC gS yutiA NIA. Cmatotext, June 10: A special irloc4 from Cfraftpn.- edYs the evel4Agas*.:Agg ios p c(zdnarsi) 'tnr9.,PtAiemrionf4" rillaftlaUdidAty, whore they willjoinfte. Patterson's command. ifttam tiding Mark, Raving proaered Stem Power Presume, we se i k Prorated to execute th at mai BOOK PRINIMG of every \ description, cheaper It eon be dome et any other eg tabliehmentin the country EtaTeid OF ADVISETIt3I3O3. 'lB.-Four Hues or less cot:imitate one•hait SLUM Zit or more than tour constitute a square. aliatiganze, one dap...... 4013 , one week. 1 00 • one meth _ . ~ . ...... o three wapitis ' .800 8 lax manna 4 0 ..., ...,;.: OnnYeLr•-.. ............ ..... II Oe one Noire one day SO line 'week_ .. ...• .. ............... 2 OS One Muth 8 011 three =meths.._ 100 • “ mix snentbs".. • 8 001 . 1 One Par . ........ lo ag; Arßaeinenn nolices.innerled mane lona or bear* ind Mono, lIVII CENTS PIS or ineb tole ' - • - - " ' • ' ,401miia/olages aa4,1164014:01 Ile shined as repair advertise*/ - . '• NO. 35. THE SPIKEDSA M Ax..ron A% crEPSEY THEH3NrONP OD We learn that-the twcrheavrguns sent from Pittsburg to Fort McHenry, and which were spiked somewhere on the road, have had new touch-4°loi drilled, and ars 41 ready for ao t The great "Union" gun which was lost over board, will be raised initnedhately, and without much .difficulty. It. will be 'm uted at Fort McHenry, -- YAIIIIIM/P OP Taooks.—Tha . Ehode bland Marine Battery, Col. Einntaide commanding, paaeed, over the North Central 1141, to:AcjitaallPttri,,Naen !Wm fa" -: 4lt Otani rain; lids bit- ae accompanied by Ito fultgompkokent of ham, =munition awl 064;100 : #eceemzy sc cputzements. a , MID 2thverfaimun' to. FARE MEOW TO $J astOUGH TO OBIT'ITIRRIEO7/4,, PHE undersigned haw gaseddished s rtenspalswer-orkss ousosst nos Meehan* li g Tfirtigrak7 asfir pp Ounbir ad Va c Mao aril every Toesdiiillbutaday efeRT other day. Passengers fr fibiewrikagign, gadbulli Petersburg and Elettyabdtt ase eanterimasoes rata. )ell-dtr PROPOSALS wallet :rbeebved by the tutdet signed until six o'clock P. IL, a .111NR 14th, 1861, at his office-1n OhaMberabury„ Pa., for receiving and:AsedtderingOeubrument Beef Cattle, at and , . the Tar t yt re of the Army Coils, c 0 : 7 1 , ;INA `by, j n'L P teribrt: mei •:. 1 •.r to 44 Elides call Tallow,46th Austeem) 4 etetitleltibel the Wreek 40t euil Beef bi 'Putout of Atindijk mime mental comxistar of midarpysso time, as May be orde Bonds for the faith prtirOltiehiCS of the 'mouser will be required. . J. : , p ia . . B. J . :s r:Tt y. Harrisburg, June 10, 4AI:4I:Au The Oomniteder-fitai_ r. `IC. 1 _erects the ftglowing &claim lathe ditkalit Seitoll4 oom '=in the Stleee Pen l 4 l 9oiddsotalie pub tor the information pp 41), metes eta eeriest'. • :Abisolieamaap. 1 ;r,l • Irattilibint, • • Nth . ea. • a •.444.14.• '%!! ili =V. .. ... .. 4evittiewrvi. • • ME The following Rules pre established to fsofil tate the settling of mounts for,UansporUtios over your Road, of Troops andlgunitions of War: First—The State will not be respondble for the coast of Transportation of say Troops or Munitions of War, unless your Vompany through its Agents, nut been inatritctesi to pass them, or the officer in command Produces au thority, (a telegraphic dispatch to bevonsidered authority,) from the Governor, direpting such Transportation, or a pass from . the Governor be produced and banded over. Seasui—That the proper Agents' of your Road he instmoted to require tne signatures of the officer In command to a certificiMo t a copy of which is annexed, copies of teach will be furnished you, certifying'to amount of services perftnnied ; to -whicto.must, be hot:ivied tbe order under which the troops moved, or an order to your agents to furnish< the Aranrpor teflon. Third.—=These certificates, and bidets attach ed, will be considered• by the proper f Audiring Departments, when. approved by.the Governor, as vouchers in the settlement, of, your acoouuht. - .lilairth.—The account for the_ Trentlpottedee of Troops mnatlre produCed and sidled to and include the last day of each inondiort as early in each succeeding month as.possittled - , ./Ifth.--This order takes effect on; the first day of Jane, one thountud eight bu _ udred and sixty-one. ' " By order of the Governor nod atirinrander in-Chief. FARM or - cEltitqqA t ia Thereby thit the Coraptuty tuts furnished transportation for , ; From.. ON ware ooviiimitsta itut** l , By order of whibh order is herewith attached. • 1 y .1861- ~.—.. N. B. The number of Solgirklies an d *eight of Field Pieces arid ArbOiliialpion most be written at length. TO CONTRACTORS ,OR StRIILAIS. .. ~ We hereby give totide all l toi'ilibei who may be contracting to furnish:, supplies to ti 4 Stater under the recent apPropriation Of .three mil lions, that, ,recent received the power under that Act of appointing inspectors 0(41 sup plies, and other power also in refenrws to the settlement of clfims, which was not ilgegated to tra under ; the previous Act of April I,3th, we shall • • hold every contractor to the _papist ri g id aecountability in the settlement of hicelaima, and the inspection of his suppl#o„l44o l be of f thaf character which shall ' pre,ri t t, he , sitifirrnpon the State, and pro - . r mehu 7 i. t een w ho hey° so nobly feispcto*. Ifp call ; and no suPPlies will be. POW , for illt *y have been inspected by o ,o l clere- rhci 44, have been duly appomted for metliOrpOse. ~. HICNI4Y D. 2 .4 0 84, fititql'i;iiimur THOS. E. coemudy, Auditor NOTlCB.Nititiccs'it i ,h)nekr given tbstkitaraisstaausitiiri ceitheat'otWoir acm ot tok4trot Earrtsbatt;'Dauvbal zoterty, d-se**, NOlng b*n duly grluithttle the Bab otoiliwo who , rishio . lo7#o, ON a ll jtetwtet, herLeir Othoglop deatuttlis ootwitthowstoto Doff or dam dent } eV** delsb twiltiko/latowd'thb ihe* to the .;_ SIRAWs: LONE, WA EL. , Sals, fteentors. J•l444Qaw 13ibkrikoss, Jinni 10. ISM INgt Tr T.? 45 v* 4 =I JOHN A.. Mans, Aidrile ,Pan2P .(;tMAKet, sad Men. }l,f'm4. tO , 14,48112 w