....,..- LE . 'I:E 'l'l L E G It A P II I, rumisiii.i) i:VEI:Y DAY, .!3:`,' Ci-EORCIP: 13ERGNER. ------ : 4 1 .K.CillrnON to subscriber. '0 1 r weck Yearly Buieroribr o• , .A do Ssmi-WZgicut Li/Lit/NAM IS ago published twice a week durica • Lei:fa:Mare, and weekly dert:a the re. • ) etr, and furuiabed to subacnbera at Lbe a, V 17.: • 73.11,:nbers per year TETI LAW OP NIWNPAPISL9. ~tri`.r:bers order the to ne discontinuae of their news -. • the publisher may continue sed them until , are paid. b eribere neglect or refuse to take their newsp• • tr r •al the glace to which they are directed, they are until they hat — lett ed ths bills arid ordered e continued Miscellaneous R a JOHNSON 73.ALLITI3VICII/Et l3 ; , _,,OCK HOSPITAL , 1118 (iiscoverod the most certain, speed) . , :factual remedy in the wont for t EASES OF IMPRUDENCE. IirLITI IN PIZ TO TWILler HOCES. Mercury or Noxious Drags. .1 et WARRANUD, OA SO CHARCE, Lr ream Uri To Two Para.lat of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Paine in .I.!reeliOnS of the Kidney , and Bladder, organic . ':ervulla Debility, Decay of the Physic Pow . I t, languor, Low Spirits, Contumuu o. deal, 0 .1 .11 Of the Ilcart, Timidity, lremblings, Mem/elle o/dinesF, fesea..ve of the Stomach, Mkt:Boni , fhro .1. po se or —thosv terrible disor . t r ,en the indiscretion ur Solitary Habits 01 oilui and destructive practises which debility, render marriage impos -troy buth body and mind. YOUNG bIEN. specially who have become the victims el ~., that dreadful and destructive habit which cps to an untimely grave thousands of 1,•;, the most exalted talent aqil brilliant Intel might otherwise have en need listening %. the thunders of eloquence, or waked to en . I crag lyre, may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE. }arsons, or those contemplating marriage, . physical weakness, should Immediately con• bo restored to perfect health. ORGANIC WEAKNESS Immediately cured and fun vigor restored. „., places himself under the care of Dr. J., may confide in his honor as a gentleman, and con, ~.;y rpen his skill as a physician. , .; : \ (I. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore, • ;• ;eft hond side going from Baltimore street, 7 ro.n 1 . .0 Corner. Be particular in observing the ; wikher, or you will mistake the place. Be per. ignorant, Yelping Quacks, With false names, Humbug Certificates, attracted by the repute. ,; , ..l.husou, I urk near. must contain a Postage Stamp, to use on the DR. JOHNSTON member of the Royal College of Surgeons, ra duos from one of the mast eminent Melee -rates , and the greatest part of whose lift pout in the &syllabi of London, Verbs, Phila. ...IAI elsewhere, has effected some of the most as. u roe. that were ever known. Many troubled ug iu the ears and heed wbeu asleep, great uer• 3 , 'wail! alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, queot blushing, attended sometimes with derange mind were cured immediately, TAME PARTICULAR NOTICE. ' nthlresseß all those' who baring Injured them by and Improper Indulged°lea, that secret Ary tuba which ruins both body and mina, en tor either businessor aoniety. -r.ide of the ea 4 and molanoligly ott eta prc.. eerly habits of youth, viz NVellcuose of the ratas in the Read, Damn of tiight, r Power, l'ulphatioe of the Heart, Lye- N. \ .16 Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive ti.:veral Symptoms of Consul:up Iitb:NTALLY.' the fearful effects on the mind are much to of Memory. Confusion of Ideas, De. v. Spirits, Evil Forebodings, dvereiot tozisd., Love or Solitude, Timidity, t.e., o.re. some of parsons of all ages, eon now Judge what r. • Cu 44 13 of their dordine in health, losing their vigo.', weak, pale, nervous and emeMtatod, have a :Our appo.tranee about the eyes, cough, and Hymp• ' , lt; of consumption. YOUNG mEN alai have injured themselves by a certain prautioe, in ompr.l to whoa alone—a habit frequently learned Iron ..iompanionS, or at school, the effects of which are id,ititly felt, even when asleep, and if not eared, raiders marriage imposithie. and destroys both mind and body, ahunid apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hopes of tils couu. try, the darling of ha parents, should be snatched trots oil proof eal and enjoyments of life by the consequences of ducat lrece toe path of nature, and indulging in a certain sectul habil. *I %persons must, before centers rdAfttlIAGE, thlt a sound , rOnd and body are the most necessary to promote connubial happiness. Indeed , :':.gut theso , thojourne through life becomes a weary ;:riniagei the prospect hourly clarions to the viow;the becomes shadowee with despair, and filled with the .1 neholy reflection that the happiness of another be. 03 blighted with our own. 1 , 1; JoHNSON'S INVIGORATING RIVIMERY FOR OR . GANIC WEAREEBB. 0' Italy great and important remedy, Weakness of at ' , sans are speedily cured, and hill vigor restored, in.us.Ands of the moat nervous and debilitated wht ai lour ali hope, hove been Immediately relieved. Ail up...moods to Marriage, Physical or Mental Disqualifl ,b,m, Nervous ' Trembling, Weakness or Exhaustion or motq fearful kind, speedily Cured, TO curedNERS. The many thousands at this hesitation within the taut twelve yours, add the numerous important hurga:e, operations performed by Dr. J., witnessed by the re. riere of the papers, and many other persons, notices o; widen have appeared again cud again before the public, besi3Os Ida standing as a gentleman of character sad re *plea:M:llly, is a sufficient guarantee to the !aided. Adr,d IMPRUDECCX —Mice the mffiguided rod ireprmieut votary of pleasure Iluds he his imelboo the seed. Co this painful dtioase, it too often happens um" ha ill-timed sense of shame or dread of disc ivory deters lArn .rum applying to those who, from education and re , tpectability can alone befriend him, delaying till the eau • otitutional symptoms of this horrid disease =An than' hppeantrine, affecting the head, threat, U 08 39 Skill, so, progressing On with frightful rapidity, till death pate a , nod to his dreadful sufferings by seoding him to ' , mai .-Queue from whence so traveler returns." It to a ino.. ...choly fact that thousands fall victims to this terribit d , it . .tPi(l,, owing to the unskillinneas of .ignorant pretend who, by Om use of that deadly peason, mercury, 'llia • constitution and make the residue of file miserable. ncv. mnaaustia.—The Doctor's Diplomas bang In his esrlktters must cOlatillri a Stamp taus on the reply Sti - htmedies sent by Mall. lie No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore. .1;r1;) dawly 1861. 3D OPENING, 80 OPENING 1861, OP SUMMER DRESS GOODS Or EVPAT DEPORIPPION. Th e quill of the goods for the priee will be an hide'se. moot to every one to Purchase. The mrstdostrable goods of the season at 1 great no. z 110 ZAMBIQUES, CiRISSALIAS, VALENCIAS, CREPE D'ESPANGS, BEREGE ANGLAIS, BROCADE POPLINS, NEAPOLITANS. LAWNS and /ant/a ere em-Jo g thither . CATBOARTSI BAMMIR. Fdirt door to the Ilarriebnrig • Eirt& - • SKELETON S -- The Itrvivt hboL et the very best make to be Ibunit CATHCARTA Neu door to the Harrisburg Bank. Parasols, Sun Umbrellas and Umbrellas eW Tv,„,..y.fivo Der coot lower than can be purchased where In the thy. earwax , 'aye io.l4,l4Arket Ainefe, L'i; t o Market Hank, clT_TlB.—Three Hundred Extra Sugar m PO Heibil but received by WY. DOCK Jll. CO: A , ` 1, ;-. , ' AII/LP, eilbar, cb i 4 • ~._. o : i. 4s______ , : ; , -7 7 :--)s-= -ms: 4 V t I 2 i.. 12 00 It, cv, VOL. XV. eross stQo -" - - • ' ~‘ • ;* • D• W. GROSS & CO., WIIOLIESALE AND REtAIL DRUGGISTS, NO. 1`,9 MARKET STRFFT: HARRISBURG, PIM , ' A DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS. STORE- KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, We are daily ad dib to our assortment of goods all such F tildes as are desirable, and would respect lull) call your attention to the largest and best selected stock in this city, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS ct PAINTS, Oils, Varnishes and Glues, Dye-Stuffs, Glass and Putty, Artist Colors and Tools, Pure Ground Spaces, Burning Fluid and Alcohol, Lard, Sperm and Pine 01Is, Beatles, Vials and Lamp Globes, Castile Soaps, Sponges and Corka, ac., &c., With a general variety of PERFUMERY & TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the best manufacturers and Per fumers of Europe and this country. Being very large dealers in PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S ARTISTS BRUSHER IN ALL THEIR VARTETLES,I COLORS AND BRONZE OF 4U4L KINDS, to 0 0, \ •two Nry te, !rn _ We respectfully invite a call, feeling confi dent teat we can supply the wants of all on termd to their satisfaction. TEETH 1 TEETH ! I JONE'S AND W.tu'iT,'S POItOELAIN TAW PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR RESTORATIVES Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietors.'` Saponifier and Conoentrated Lye I Wholeoale Agents for Saponifier, which we as low as It aurbe parchasisd in the attics. TELAYER'S MRDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS, COAL CARBON OM!! 13eimfg large purchasers In, these Oils, we can °anti, indacernenli to dcee huyeni. Coal Lanlps of the moat improved patterns, very cheap. All kinds of lamps changed to burn Coa4 Oil. RAMO - IRS AND GRAZIERS; Utak, of you who have not given, our ActlISE AND CATTLE POWDERS a trial know not theii superiority, and the advantage they are in keer4ng Horses and Cattle healthy and in good condition. . 4 . Thousands can testify to the profit they have derited from the nee of our Cattle Powders by the increasing quantity and quality of milk, betides improving the general health and ap pearanoa of their Cattle. Our long erperience in the busirwat gives us the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, anti our arrangements in the cities are such that we can in a very short time furnish anything appertaining to our business, on the best of terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed' OD our house, we hope by strict attention to businees, a careful selection of PURE DRUGS - at tiiitsiCand the desire to` &hew all; " merit a continuance of the favors of a:discrim mating pito. "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN NONE•" HARRISBURG, PA., SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 8, 1861 COLORS, PAINT AND New tabuirfunneute. . • - STEAM 'WEEKLY BETWEEN NRW YORK w 4,1 - AND LIVERPOOL LANDING AND EMBAR ING PAS SENORRS at QUEENGTOWEI - Airrland.) The Liver. pool, New York and PlUladelphla Steamship company Intend despatching their - hill powered Clyde-built iron Steamships as follows : ETNA, Saturday, Ist June; EDI.NBURGII, Saturday, Bth Juno; CITY OF WASHINGTON, Murddy, 15th June' and every Saturday, at Noon, from Pier 44, Nort h River. Rens or mum. FILM CABIN $75 0D..... 00 do to London $BO 00 1 do to London„s3B 00 Steerage Return Tickets, good for Six Monthsk.....oo 00 Passengers forwarded to Parts, Havre, Bamberg, Bremen, Rotterdam, Antwerp, &c., at reduced through fares. —Persons wishing to bring eat their Mende can buy tickets here at the following rates to New 'Fork : From Liverpool or Queenstown; tat ()shin, Sib, SIM and $lO6 . Steerage from Liverpool $4O 00 From Queenstown , $3O 00. • These Steamers have superior accommodations for pmengers, and carry experienced Surgeons. They are built in Water-tight Iron Sections, and have Patent Fire Annihilators on board. For further information apply at the Company's omaea. JNO. G. DALE, Agent, my 27 4f lb Broadway, New York. Or 0.0. 'Zimmerman, Agent, arrisburg. All Work Promised in One Week 1 0 96 PENNSYLVANIA STEAM DYEING ESTABLISH/tint", 104 .Market Street between 4th and sth) "HARRISBURG, PA. 'VV''HERE every description of Ladies' and Gentlemems' Garments, Piece Goods, &0., are ;fed, Cleansed sea Onishedja the bast manner and at "..teshortest notice DODGE & CO., Ntovit.dawly Proprietor" ST. LOUIS HOTEL, CHESTNUT ST., ,Ui'OVE THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. IN the immediate neighborhood of the I. Jobbing Houses on Market.. Third and Chestnut streets, the Banks, Yost Office, Merchants' Exchasgs, 80., &G. KEPT BOTH ON TEI AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLAN. BOARD PER DAY.... $1.60. Dinner between 1 and 3 o'cleet, 50 cents. Single room Prom 50 cents upward. A. first class Restaurant attached.. Prices according to Bills of Faro. The City Cars take Passengers from any Station to or close to the hotel. grarEngiish, Frenabs German and Spanish spoken. .1 Bind REDUCTION IN PRICES! ICEEtTNO&: 4 , Plain and %E a red. NS OASIIKER, Plain and urfri, ALL WOOL DISLAINES, - trie Stylerrand Quality. liiRCKM LONG SfIAITLS, di ff erent Woes FINE STOCK OF BLANKET SHAWLS. The prices lu all the above Goode, on examination, will be tbund "lower than ever," at OATIILINVS, an 2,4 Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. FRESH ARRIVAL, 07 Heston's, Itsaav, awe, Germ, Bolcom Situate OORN, • Item Pus, BASIST, Mamma' FAT BRA" Wawa Pus, la, S. Just received and fbr sale at the Lomas CAM Petals. ehl6 WM. DOCKQE. & CO. QUINCE, PEAR, CURRANT, PEACH, APPLE, BLACKBERRY, ORANGE, RASPBERRY. Just received from New York' nd warranted super. [ 1 026] W i etP O C K s 4 W it f i t JOHN B. Eirrtaik BOOT & SHOE STORE, CORNER SECOND AND WALNUT STS., ; • Harrisburg, Pa. ' - ' !!!• LWAYS on hand a large assortment of BOOTS, MOJA GAITERS, &c., or the very best tuehtlee for ladies, gentlemen, and children' wear.— Prices to salt the times. All kinds of WORK MADE TO MORA lathe beat Style by superior workman REPAIRING done at short notice. • :Ixttle.dtf , JOHN_ B. SNITS, Harrisburg. DENTISTRY.. DE. GEO. W. STINE, graduate of the Baltimore mop of Dental surgery, having perm newly located in the city of HarrLsb erg and tandn the Mice lormerly oticupbei by Dr. Gorges, 00 'r bird street, bet:Orem Market, and Walnut, respectfully inflarmtv his ,frefeds had the public; in general, that ho 'surest:ad to 1 perform all operations to the Dental profession, either surgioal or mechanical, m a manner that shall not be surpassed by operators in this or any other oity,, RIB ' mode of inserting artiOcial *Di ie UP:4I4 the latest im proved scientific; principles. • - Teeth, from meta a full set, mounted foible Gold, :li ver, Pled= plates or the Vulututlleßage. ' I take great pleasureeadius the above gen tlemani4 to a ll my form trEfarrhibitrg and vi zlnfty, and feel cond.:len ' wiltkieform 'all opera tions to a mit/tido maantai ntyllitoomiedge of We ability. Linyldul 7. ~atGOßlfikp, D. D. S. ~ ... FLAGS 1 FLAGS.! 1 XeOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES with National designs, LETTER PAPER with a view of city of Harristr,rg, printed and for sale at SCHEFEEIted BOOKSTORE, 424 Near the Harrisburg Bridge. UPHOLSTERING. HUSK MATTRESSES, .COTION TOP MATRESSES, SOO2TON COMFORTS, • FRENCH CARPET IEASSAOKS, CHAIR, OUSEfIONS, . - LOUNGES • Sm. iluitand and for sale wholesale 24 retail at the very lowest rates tbr tlstidf HAIR IikTRASSES gad SPRING BOTTOMS MADE TO ORDER. SOFAS, LOUNGES, • CHUBS, HAIR MATRESSES, &o. ftepalod and made equal to new very reasonable, all at No.ICM Market street between Routh and Filth, by men . LS. BAItWIFZ NEW COAL OFFICE. . rEUNDERSIGNED baying entered in- H E tbe COAL TRADE In tide city, would respectfully 1, po petronage of the citizens - . I will asap on band Oast of all Om front the meet celebrated and ,approved m i n e, villiolotl,l4 bw. delivered _to say part or OA On fto , W. free - dirt • and other impurities . irrwa;: - waioar ibusturresti. - - Ckal lot asza wr war Woo .10:iiin'Ob Iskaiagas -as.l:.'airwlPersone.Pot by Sht.lbate: arCbriLeed will receive 2,240 pounds to the lbit;,o , 0 Office No. 74 Market street, second door fromDewier ry alley. Yard on the Canal, toot of North street. Or ders left at either place will receive prompt attention. PIKTd JOAN W. NALL, alai. Written for the Telegraph PENNSYLVANIA'S BATTLE CALL. Fling out our glorious ensign, the banner of the Free, The beacon•light of nations in the future yet to be ; Let not a baseborn traitor its majestic foldings mar, Take away a single stripes or dim one glorious star With that flag unfurled, 0 man ! from your firesides go forth ! For noble Watt and Justice aro marchiug with the North None, save an ingrate rebel would tratnpel In the dual. Fair Freedom's chosen banner committed to our trust. Then aroua/, Oh I Pennaylvamans I by the hallowed scenes of yore, By many a hill and valley onoe red with human gore, By a Franklin and a Morris, by a Mahlenberg and Wayne, By the glorious achievements of the memorable aLalm By the sufferings of our fathers at the camp at Valley Forge, Who kept at bay and worsted the minions of King George, By the battle-fields of Brandywine and Germantown be- reit, Let us show the southern rebels that we still have mettle left. Then arouse, Oh sire and son ; arouse and show to all How quickly you can answer to your noble country's call I • gird your armor on and hasten, and that Danner of the tree Plant again on mount and hill-top till you meet the Southern sea. Harrisburg, June, 1861 THE Sick AND WOUNDED. —The following list o: articles, desirable for h 'vital and field sup plies for the sick and wounded of our army, was prepared for the Women's Central Relief Association, of Connecticut, and may be useful to those engaged in supplying such necessities here : 1. Bandages—Assortment and proportion ate numbers of each variety required :-1 do zen, 1 bah wide, 1 yard long, without eel vedges, shrunk; 2 dozen, 2 inches wide, 3 yards long; 2 dozen, 2 1 inches wide, 3 yards long ; 1 dozen. 3 inches wide, 4 yards long ; dozen, 8i inches wide, b yards long; dozen, I inches wide, 6 yards long. 2. Lint—Scraped and raveled in equ d pro portions, packed in boxes of uniform size. 8. Old linen and cotton cloth, without sel vedge or seams, for compresses. 4. Ring pads and cushions. b. Cotton batting and cotton wadding; fine flax and sponges. • 6. Red flannel in the piece. 7. Bookbinders' board, for splints ; pieces 18 inches by 4 inches. 8. !Saddlers' silk, for ligatures skeins wax .d, and wound on cards. 9. Scoring needles, assorted in cases ; linen thread, tape and scissors. 10. Adhesive plaster, camel-hair pencils, oiled silk, oiled muslin, India rubber and gutta percha clothe, in the piece. 11. Wrapping paper. 12. Cotton bed shirts-1i yards long, 2 breadths of unbleached inuelius, 1 yard wide ; open one-half yard at the bottom ; length of sleeves three quarters yard, length of arm-hole 12 inches, length of collar 20 inches, length of slit in front 1 yard, fastened with four tapes. Louse muslin drawers-1 yards long, with a breadth of 1 yard wide muslin in each leg, with a hem and drawing string round the waist and the bottom of each leg; length from waist to Crotch on the back 22 inches, and In the front 18 inches, with three buttons and button holes. Short rad gowns—made long, only 1 yard long uud open in front. 13. Dressing gowns of duuble adieu, of which a paper pattern can be furnished. 14. Bed sackings of ticking, 1 yard wide and 2 yards long. lb. Linen and muslin sheets, 4 feet wide and 8 feet long. 16. Pillow sacks of ticking, .16 inched wide and 30 inches long. 17. Towels, hindkerchiefs, socks, slippera. 18. Eye-shades of green silk, with elastics. Various articles have been named in the newspapers as desirable gifts for the use of the Sick and wounded. The following are added as of especial value ; Juice of beef, as stock for beef tea, put up in sealed cans ; arrowroot, packed in light wooden boies of one pound each ; brandy ; white wine, for wine whey, etc; champagne in small bottles, for cases of sad ,den sinking ; china feeders, of different sizes, kir administering nourishment where the head cannot be moved ; bent glass tubes for similar use, castile soap, for washing wounds ; old table linen, to serve as soft towels ; distilled vinegar; cans of fruit, tea, whisky, tobacco. sugar, condiments, coffee, crackers, cocoa, spices, oatmeal, pure lemon syrup, dried sub said fruit, desiccated vegetables. AN lux nu yomnrresas.—We find. the fol lowing item floating about on the gieat sea of newspaperdom, like "Japhot, in search of a father," and print it for• the benefit of our sol dier-friends, many of whom are readers of the TELEGRAM. It contains excellent sugges tions and good advice by which they may profit : Boum Lass DANGEROUS THAN FErsas.—Be emits going to the war always talk of their re turn with a proviso, that the enemy's bullets do not prevent them. Yet It is an established fact that in the modern campaigns the danger to life is three to one greater from disease than from the bullet. The British army in the Crimea war lost 83 043 out of 94,000 troops. Of these, only 2658 were killed in action ; and only, 1761 died of their wound& But 16,298 died of disease at the seat of war, and nearly 13,000 were sent home on account of sickness. Where one man was under the surgeon's hands forwounds, twelve were wader the doctor's hands for typhus fever, dysentery, or some other of the diseases brought on by bad food, improper or insufficient camping arrangements, or the dissipations incident to a crowded camp, in which men have much idle time. 7,500 French soldiers were slain in battle; 50,000 perished of disease, and 65,000 more were dis charged and sent home from the seat of war, as inbalids. In our Mexican war our army lost nearly 13,000 men, while quite as many were discharged for sickness. Only 1848 men were killed, or died of their wounds, in all the bat tles fought; as numerous as they were. These facts, while It should' inspirit the soldiers in battle,_ should also.make them cautious of their healitt4Magi lying in camp, or,ou long marches. (fecal plain food, eaten. at regularint ervals, healthftil and '.amusing, eierciaes, sufficient .cdotbisg.tb ~Vibe body' -*hie rthVilifdden eibaages of weather, and the..aVokboloti offal! excess in eating and drinking, especially in toxicating stimulants, will do much to preserve she good health of the golden. TROOPS FOR CAMP CURTIN The companies of Capt. Chapman, Capt. Mar vine, Capt. Taggart and Capt. Beal, of Phila delphia, arrived here last evening, and marched directly to Camp Curtin. These companies are accepted under the . State requisition under the three million loan. BY THEGltirli. (Special Dispatch to the Daily . Telegraph.] ARMY AT CILIMBERSBURCr. ADVANCE OF THE FIRST BRI GADE TO MARYLAND. THE COLUMN SIX MILES LONG. &butted. and. Imposing Boone, SOLDIERS IN HIGH SPIRITS. ENTRUSIAShi OF THE PEOPLE The Troops Expected to Reach liners town To-morrow Everting. Onexuaanunn, June 7 The southward march of the army collected at this point commenced this morning at eight o'clock, in splendid order and brilliant appear ance. As the head of the column left the the camp, the scene was animated and impos ing—the citizens cheering, and the soldiers re sponding, while the feeling of both commanders and troops was full of hope, courage and ani mation. The column extended along a line of six miles. The: troops spread along this column consisted of a portion of the Second Regiment of United dtates Cavalry ; the First City Troop of Philadelphia ; Capt—Doubleday's command from .h`ott Sumter ; Capt. hi'Mtillin's Rangers from Philadelphia, and the Sixth, Twenty-first and Twenty-third Regiments of Pennsylvania votunteers, commanded respectively by Col. Nagle, Col. Balker and Col. Dare. The line moved precisely at - eight o'clock this mottling. It is expected that the troops will encamp at Greencastle to-night, a distance of eleven miles from Chamberehurg, and within a low miles of the hisrylaud line. TLe match to-morrow will be to Hagerstown The movewent of the remaining force here is not known positively, but it is understood all will be ordered hence to the south in a few days. LATER FROM PHILIPPI. Col, Kelly Improving—Hopes of His Recovery. =I THREE THOUSAND FEDRRAT, TROOPS AT PELILIPP/ RETREAT OF THE REBEL. Fifteen Bodies Found. •r-o-- A special despatch from Graftorko the Com mercial says that Colonel Kelly was much better last night, and there Is much to encourage the hopes of his recovery. Three cempanies of the Fifteenth Regiment, three of the Sixteenth Ohio Regiments, and three of the Sixth Indiana, with two pieces of artillery, advanced on Philippi last night, making the force there about 3,000. The rebels are probably in force at Beverly, to which point they fell back, from Philippi. Over five hundred stand of arms and fifty horses, with wagons, were taken at Philippi. Fifteen bodies have been found in a thicket, near Philippi. After the fight, the rebels hid there, and the Indiana troops, without know ing the fact, discharged their Minnie rifles into the bu:hes to clear them. • Rebel Camp Dispersed in Kentucky. GALLANT CONDUCT OF GEN. PRENTISS. ARREST OF A. TRAITOR, Gen. Prentiss, haying learned that some Ken tucky sccessionists had established a camp at Elliott's Mills, Kentucky, ten miles from here, sent two companies to that place; but when they arrived, the enemy had fled. •. Col. Wicliffe, who represents Kentucky in a semi-official capacity,. visited Gen. Prentiss, yesterday, for the purpose of protesting against this invasion of Kentucky soil. Gen Prentiss showed several letters froin The western part of the State; 'asking protection from ruffianism, and declared that it was . his intention to, send trodps in whatever direction an .nponsO9h soil as,tia-Governinent Ordered." .. , . . ~ I srael Blanchard ant i 14960101 a firillpar ~ thuser, living near C ' arbon V, L iiss' 4 " hienazinie ed and sent to Springfield to be tried for treason. ktram Erintig gfitte. Haying procured Steam Power Presses, we are prepared to execute JOB and BOOK PRINTING Of every denription, cheaper that It can be done at any other ell: labllehmentin 'be country RATES OF ADVkftTIBISO. ,Four Imes or less constitute one-halt square. br tic. or more than four constitute a square. Half Square. one day__ one week.... one month.., • three months , six months... one year One Square one day tt ene week.... one _ three ....... en e six months.— ........ ... .. 3WI • one year .—..... 10 001, ORY - Busineas notion inserted In the Land whom, or before Marriages and Deaths, BTU! CENTS PER LIN or each Insertion. Sir Marriages and Deaths to be charged as regular advertisements. NO. 33 Latest from Washington. The Troops Anxious for a Forward CASSIUS M. CLAY'S LETTER DISAPPROVED Prussia Opposed to Recognizing the Southern Confederacy. --..b.-- Thiriy Rebels Killed at Aglaia Creek Ifll:I.3l1?14pjg 1, aiezrow (it The prospect of better weather cheers the soldiers and increases the excitement for some forward movement ; but up to this evening there is no news of any. It is said that the Government does not ap prove of Cassius M. Clay's defence o f the Uni ted States in the London Timer. It is regarded as a violation of a law forbidding ministers or consul, from making any publications on po litical affairs. News is said to have been received that the Government of Prussia has received favorably our Trotest against a recognition of the South ern Confederacy. Mr. Seward had another large and brilliant reception last evening, at his mansion 'on President Square, formerly the Waahington Club House. In the late affair at Acquit Creek it is ewer tabled that the rebels lost twenty killed. In the affair at Fairfax Court House it- is now said that not less than ten were killed. The ten regiments for the regular army are nearly organized, and the officers will soon WI announced. They have been selected in pro portion from all the loyal States. "• • Three Regiments in Camp Waiting This three new regiments called for from this State are now encamped at Camp Olden, three miles from this city, awaiting the prop er firms and equipments prior to moving to the seat of Hostilities. The clothing will be fin , : niched next week. The Governor has con tracted for the alteration, in the most approved manner, of the three thousand flint lock mttit kets to render them effective. It is the desire of the department here that the troops shall not leave until they are fatly provided with everything necessary. Additional ground foranother camp has been selected, which will give better opportunities for regimental drills. The troops are being drilled many hours eaoh day, and'are becoming pleased with camp life and are in.good health'. The obsequies of Hon. Stephen A. Douglas took place to-day in this city with much so lemnity, according to the services of the *- man Catholic Church, of which his widow is member. The turn-out of people was immense, and, all business was suspended. Hewes burled at Cottage Grove, south of the city; on proper ty belonging to him, near the shore of lake Michigan, where the Baptist University is sit 'uated, of which he was a liberal benefactor. Omonssein, June 7 Will be received at the office of the Assistant Quartermaster 11. S. Army, in this city, until niORDA,X, the 10th intd„ at 10 o'clock, 444.41, for the furnishing for the U. S. Army ORE HUNDRED MULES for draught purposes. They are to be sound and broken to harness, not lots than four nor more than nine years old, and not less than fourteen hands high. To be de livered by 10 o'clock, A. Id., on the',l6tli of Jane,lB6l. A. PORTER, " Lt. Col. ID 8. Army. Harrisburg, June 3, 1861. Jed dBt MILITARY SURGERY; CAIRO, Tune 7 Field, Camp, and Hpspital Praatioai rsoF-4.93R OF , suscacint IN Ten mamma imam; auntie 'SU ST .. „RECEIVED ~. - , • ANOTHER LOT.kU.TIOS E A - - ;EXTRA: FINE 'TOINIIID .:i: 1 z.• -' GOLEVPL'AIS -' , it NEWTON/a , :fformeibri‘ - taglery7s) . 141ErViltari * oruI ta4 brerwil °28m geTras teri es al i n =tenet, fo sale, with a variety of Gold and Silver Cum of yahoo s BBIB hoo and prioe4 M'S MAU BOOKSTORE, 11 Martot St =::=0 Movement. BY THE GOVERNMENT -40,- and Fairfax. I==l Wealwarren, June 7 TEE NEW JRR►:' TROOPS, Marching Orders, Full Equipments to be Furnished- FUNERAL OF SENATOR DOUGLAS. Arty) 2tburtizemtnti PROPOSALS JUST PUBLISHED. A MANUAL OR, _HINTS] ON DIE ENEMENCOMS s. D. GROSS, M. R. Foi sale at BMIGNEI'S CHEAP - 11001CSTORL nisi - . $0,15 ........ ► Ge . 3 00 ..4 0 . 600 .. 2 00 . 3 OD Morrow, June 7 CHICAGO, June 7