d i sap4 "41 111' + R a nosy Afternoon, Ju.6o Ty 1861. ----------- ~leDoe .—A mad dog was shot in the vi cinity of ituoiroelstown a few d this ay way.s ago. Keep on the look-out for them up two: Arromrsn.—iir. Henry Ufa, of o siu,do, has been appointed to a clerkship in the Auditor General's office. the papers of tlia place endorse him as well fitted for the orzeftD AATILLEN.T.--Capain Campbell has cued a recruiting office in this city for the rise of enlisting eighty-six men to form a of mounted artillery to serve for three t, up; in the Pennsylvania reserve corps. 11.1tATING AN ORDINANOIL—CompIaint has hien wade to the Mayor against Mr. Christian Ott% a huckster, for cresting a nuisance in the place. A hearing of the case will take ibis evening at seven o'clock. •• •••11...• .••••• \ Sou -cuing. —The summer sch effect on th.• l'entuylvania Railroad goes ',lntay nest. Some important changes have made in the arrivals and departures of Ile, voinns trains. The time table will be t another column. AMBRIC.O FLAG Will be raised over l b. public school house in Walnut street be to Front and Second, this evening after the dilitieed of the schools. We presume arrange ',lite have been made for appropriate care on the occasion. fne Lwleso7 isionarovis have manufac ,,, d and forwarded to the Cameron Infantry, ;,;;; in comp Curtin, a sufficient number of 11.,velix1;" cap covers to supply the whole mony, Cannot the ladies of Harrisburg do n itch for our companies now in service? We 1 .,;; ;.; 6 , rn reply. Tr.Airea AltlESTED.—Yeaterday Charles eau of Rev. Dr. Cole of Baltimore, was .'Ol by the military stationed along the lieru Central Railway, sent to Baltimore thfcce to Fort McHenry. He is charged Iwnig concerned in the burning of the r e 4 00 the above road in April last, and committing tretoon against the gen ; ,1 vorornment. tie Citruses PATtuarro.—lt was not to be • • tut that the military spirit which per ..! 1 the community would spare the juveniles visitations, who are ever disposed to iD2I - doings of their elders. Accordingly Lily meet with miniature soldiers parading •-rksvre with music and banners, whose cap imie the word of command with all the ,ity and energy of full grown officers. =3=:l :ET VACCINATID.—We again urge upon our tcer soldiers the necessity of bring vaccin- I before entering into service. If this is at .• u , l:d to in every ease a world of sickness and wanly valuable lives may .be spared for our misc. When ordered off, there is no knowing with what the troops may come in contact, ;nr I :ill precautionary measures to avoid disease uld be adopted. By all means, then, let the ...Mina be vaccinated. i'IVS OF FASTING AND PBATIR.—The General .. eddy of the New School Presbyterian , has recommended Friday, June 28th, observed as a day of fasting and prayer t!,e country. The General Assembly of the 1 hoot Presbyterian Church has ream- Monday, the Ist of July, to be obeerv r tilt. same purpose. Thursday, the 18th appointed to be observed in like , ler in the seceded States. srAwasmuzs.—The largest and finest s we have seen this season were upull the Keystone farm near our city. .;:rtlitly excel in size and flavor the stale ;..1 insipid berries brought here from the ; and for their superior quality, as well 1, I.n the patriotic reasons given by a correspon i.t yertertlay, they are preferred by all lovers thin &lie:tolls fruit. Mr. ?dish will have a 1.11 , ,;e supply In market to-morrow morning. COUNTERFEIT MOM.--A soldier nem. —1 John Templin, belonging to the Wayne was arrested at camp yesterday by °IS ] ole, for passing a counterfeit five dollar upoll Mr. Wm. Morris of this city. The , strited float lie wasignoraut of the note being itcripit, and promptly offered to redeem it. o ...in g so the officer released him. from zidy There is a considerable quantity of • 11ritorf,it bills and bogus coin afloat just now 11 LI ( Amenity, some of it so well executed I 1 (1 , 06 r 0 the best judges of money. (inn Is OUR TRUST.—The pupils of the dig -11..c tichnols in Cincinnati, numbering one :,.11,11 children, called upon Maj. Anderson. 11,elt3jor entered the reception room the le force street( up the Star Spangled Ban ''' Major Andereon in response to the song, : 1 cell your• attention, children, to one ex ; ~ :sioa is the Bong you have just sung—'ln ;• ,, 1 IS 011 r trust•' To be successful in this life, 111118 t put our trust in God. If you will 1, ..y his commands, you will be good men, .',),ki citizens, and good soldiers. At Fort nailer, I placed rny trust in God, and through ilim I obtained nay safe deliverance. Trust in , ~,I, children, while you live." 1 Intuit's Uousr.--The "ollaboose" contained '"' ° Qcul , auts last night, all of whom were laigued before the Mayor this morning.— ' ~rge Woolick and Joseph Fisher, for creating mum" la a lager beer shop, were sent to 1,1, 00 I A ielia for Fix days. Frank Weaver, John tll, Francis Murphy, Michael Carter and chistiau Sbentzer, all dilapidated specimens or humanity, were discharged upon promise t "eccf.sh" from the city immediately. Two mahogany-colored females, named Catharine Ilamilton and Fraelia Moore, found lying around loose in a drunken condition are dis turbing the public peace, were sent to the re oratory institution over the way for thirty days each. Perim' advisee young ladies "to remember that oranges are not apt to be prized after be ing squeezed a few times." Ammon! Emma Firsomus.—You will meet at Exchange Hall this evening at seven o'clock, for drill. Every member is expected to be in attendance. The company will also meet to-morrow morning at nine o'clock, to march to Camp Curtin. There is still room for a few more sober young men. SAM= WILT, Captain. Goon APPOINTIMIT.—We learn that Colonel Charles Stewart, son of Hon. Andrew Stewart, of Uniontown—popularly known as "old Tariff Andy"—has been commissioned as a . member of Governor Curtin's Staff with the rank of Lieut. Colonel. He is a West Pointer, and will no doubt make a brave and efficient officer when called into active service. ....- .w,41.----. Tax SILT= Comm BAND of Williamsport, which accompanied the German Legion to this city, honored the Governor and several other citizens with serenades last night, discoursing most eloquent music This Is one of the best bands in the interior of the State, and the members are all gentlemen and patriots. They left for home this afternoon. Tres Cairns °mos, a fine looking company from Bellefonte, arrived here at, two o!olock this morning, and quartered at one of the ho tels in the vicinity of the depot. This forenoon they marched, to Camp Curtin under the escort of the Williamsport Silver Cornet Band. The Guards will be mastered into the State re serve corps for three years. 141018LATIV1 GUARD.—Several theimembers of of this company are now in the city. We pre sume they have come to make preparations for going into camp. Some persons, who have not a proper appreciation of the patriotism of our legislators, express the opinion that Oapt. Da vis will not be able to muster a "cfirporal's guard" of his company on the 16th. We shall sea I ._.~•• .= k a tr ~. ~ .i Y. Limarx is very singular, says the Chicago Times, that in this most unlucky war, every prominent movement has ialreii Place on the most unlucky day—Friday. The bom bardment of Sumter was commenced on Friday; the troubles in Baltimore took place on Friday; the first and bloodiest riot in St. Louis occur red on Friday ; the attack on Sewell's Point was made on Friday ; Col. Ellsworth was shot on Friday, and the batteries at Acquia Creek were attacked on Friday. It has been all a "Friday" business. Swortn ra ea Lear.—The wild-cat companies have been sworn into service es part of the re serve corps. They . compute ten companies from what is knovin as the 41 wila-eatdislarici," and will probably be formed into a regiment* themselves. No more intelligent or braver men can be found anywhere than these sturdy representatives of the pine region. We pre dict that in the e'pnt of being called into active service, they will do some "tall fight ;" end ifatitared, return from th,e,Joen of conflict with "brows bound with victorious wreaths." SOLD'S& Plums Minutes. -- Among the volunteers in Camp Curtin are a great many ohristian men, under whose auspices prayer meetings are held every night in the Quarter master's department. These meetings are reg ularly attended by large numbersof soldiers, who seem to take great interest in the exercises, and are no doubt profited thereby. In this dark hour there is no thought more precious to Christian hearts than that the battles of our country are to be fought so largely by soldiers of Christ—a ciao of men who make the very best kind of soldiari. With a just and holy cause, and such men to defend it, victory Is sure to perch upon our national standard: "Then conquer we must, for oar cense it is Pun— ned this be our motto: pt Goo 15 mut mum" Fame Duress AND DINITRIJOiIoN or Tams AND Snacassay.—As the season is at band when persons who have a sufficiently refined taste to cultivate fruits of different kinds are likely to be annoyed by marauding thieves who pluck their fruit and mutilate their trees, we call at tention to a provision in the penal code of this State intended to meet such owes. It provides that "If any person shall wilbilly or malicious ly injure or destroy any fruit or ornamental trees, shrub, plant or grape vines growing or cultivated in any orchard, garden or close, or upon any public street or square in this Com monwealth, he shall be guilty of a misde meanor, and on conviction, be tined not ex ceeding one hundred dollars, and undergo an imprisonment not exceeding six months, or both, or either, at the discretion of the court." It is the duty of every one to prosecute offences •of this kind to the fullest extent of the law. Fruit and flower stealing is just as criminal as every other kind of stealing, and ought to be punished. Some of the finest girdens in our city have already been invaded and despoiled of their choicest flowers; and if an example is not made of the offenders, the work of vandal ism will be continued. Tui Sonmaa's Lira rEINIIMIR.—This morn ing we were shown an article styledithe "Com pound Aromatic Stomach Belt," which is re commended by physicians as indispensable to soldiers and others whose mode of life subjects them to change of food and water and to irrega_ lathy of habits and exposure. We believe this article will prove a God-send to our volunteers, and their friends shonidlose no time in furnish ing each with one. They are light, servicea ble and agreeable to the wearer, and calculated to exert a most happy influence in warding off affections of the !stomach and bowels, soothing pain and suffering, and promoting the cure of those affections—the terror of a southern cli mate—to be dreaded by those who, in going to the south, experience a change of air, diet, and particularly water. It is for such oases par ticularly that the "Aromatic Stomach Belt" is most adapted, by its protecting • the surface over the bowels—and then, by the powerful ef fects of the medicinal agents quilted between the folds of flannel, acting in a peculiar manner on those important organs, serving to keep them in an active, natural and healthy state. We adieu thole articles for,sale by D. W.' 04 & Co., and advise every volunteer to preoup ans. fleuttoiguattiet- Mailg telegraph, fribati afternoon, June 7, 1861 Tam Cum 0/ Poraca, Kr. liadabangb, Is again confined to his room by a severe attack of in flammatory rheumatism.. • A &ATM MICIETIN6 of the Washington Hose Company will be held at theliouse this (Friday) evening at eight o'clock. Punctual attendance is required. Tna Irmon Paem MIMING will be held in the Presbyterian church," corner of Market Square, to-morrow afternoon, commencing at fosuo'clook, as 12snal. •!. Foor RAWL—Last evening two men under took to see who could run the fastest. One was a constable and the other a thief. The letter proved entirely too "fast" for the short winded official, and made his escape. Fos Onamnsturenna.--This morning fifty or tdity more camp wagons leit the. Government depot in our city en route' for Chainbersbarg. Almost one hundred were despatched to the Entine point last week. A Fumy Tnser.—A w , , mis,L,n named Hannah Faliken was arthisliiffrning by officer Cole, charged wiMeding sixtVdollars worth of clothing from James Page , uOllll4l. . was com mitted for trial. •?, Tnazarsanto ro+ — -Allured desperado, named John Barton, was arrested to-day by officer Wickert, for threatening to kill Joseph Swartz, a huckster who attends our market. We did not learn the origin of the difficulty. Barton was committed for trial. Ton SrAWBURY TaAus.---There is a super abundance of strawberries in out market just now, selling at prices which enable even the poortht to i ndulge in the delicious and whole some fruit. Our neighbor across the way, Mr. Mader, daily. receives 'supplies of fresh berries of a very fine quality. Tax DooLaw.—The reason assigned for the non-enforcernent of this law is, that our City Fathers have ramie no arrangements for the disposition of doge that may be captured or In every instance, however', where Un muzzled canines are found tuning at large, and the names of the ' oiirreis can be ascertained, they will be fined under the provisions of the ordinance. DISTIAROID.—The three secessionists recent ly arrested on the line of the Northern.Oentral Railroad, charged with having assistedin burn ing the bridges and cutting the telegraph Ake% have beed.disclunged. The fellows took-:the oath of allegiance to the government, and signed a paper pledging themselves not to take up arms , against the tutted States, after which they were let off. Mona BoLining .Faetvio.-The ladies. of our ,city have been doing" the handbome thing" for the Wayne Rifles. In behalf o? the conk pany we return thanis to the faii. donors for a bountiful supply of delicacies.whiciquoved very tioceptable, We noticed another lot of " feed" to,=.E.Atlortinotal l and presume .sonci - of the other couipinfeß ( Rai triously." A gentleman who has v various State encampments 'informs us that nowhere have the volunteers been treated wi ' more generous hospitality than at Ilarriliburgi We note the fact as one high*. Creditable v. our patriotic ladies. • ~..,.....-.....- , Acounem— This iorenoon a N. child or-Ilis, Roberts was ran over by a vaicle on the vikiy i to Camp Curtin. • The little one, fortnnatel sustained no serious iujury, although the dent will confine bar 'to the house for a vteeg or two. We are informed tilit it was the re snit of careless driving .orßhe part of the hackman, who drove his cab so close to the house that it was impossible for the child tem I get out of the way. Since the grading of Ridge Road we had thought that the thorough-' fare was sufficiently' wide for travel, and reb, excuse, therefore, can be made for each acci dents as the above. AN OLD-Pssmozsn VOMITS of JULY.—The city authorities of Philadelphia are making ar -41 rangements for an imposing celebration of coming anniversary of our National Inds dance. Th e bells of all the churches will' _ rung at =rise, noon and sunset. Salutes wUI be Bred, and a grand civic and military pr..--,. sion will be made. A meeting will be hel, gh' Independence Square, where a large floral, will be thrown over the main walk four little girls and the same .number of bays appropriately dressed, will unite in singing the Star Spangled Banner. In the afternoon then will be a regatta on the Schuylkill.. evening, Independence Hall will be ill. and pyroteohnic dig Ain m,. in upp e rthe 1 ,. and lower parts of the `..,' ..' . lei old s : i generally" r ay be antics ; - .: , the --,': don will attract thousands' ~... ' ',.., , : . Phila delphia from . ; ~ dr : to ~ , '.'ages. Naw Goons r.i.. " ' , : Atomic-50 pieces of Grey s', - ' , 0 121 ehd 20 eta. 100 dozen Linen • . ' ' ::: , ,'. . ,lefs for 3, 6 and 6 eta. 10 pieces Lave 1 '',',. for 7 cts. 26 dozen Linen Pocket Han. 'y ."! efs for 12i, worth 25 cts. Splendid ktoh. ..,, t its at 31 and 37 eta. 16 dozen towels at 12/ , b' . l" , ts a towel.— Linen Sleeves and Collars at 25 cts. 60 dozen Sun Umbrellas and Parasols cheap. 100 pieces of the best Calla) ever sold for ot eta. 60 pieces Broche Bordering very cheap. A large lot of bleached and unbleached Muelin, Now is the time to buy bargains. Call at S. Irwi's, Rhoad's old corner. 1110171T . E1 ars Pius AND Psalm Brrnals.— Pree front ail Mineral Poisons.—ln oases of Scrofula 13 /c er st _Sourrh or Erupttong or the Skin, the . Operation the LiTellfediainee Is truly antordablug, often removing in a few days, vestige of thane loathsome diseases by their p WeeP , on the blood. Billions levers, Fever and ague, yapeptda, Dropsy, Piles, and hi shot% most all diseases soon yiel4 tp_their Qurative properties No family should be without them, as by their timely. see mush sulibrtsg and may be saved. Prepared by WY. B. NOITAT, Y. D., New York, and Wile by all Dreiteletit bel9W-1, MARHOOD . „ HOW ,j 4 OST, HOW RESTORED JUST PUBLESHXD- QN THE NATURE, TRH ATMENT AND Itelionioti. 00116 Or 8 PIIRMATOR. 11 / 30 1 ,0 r SeDliligNeekliselelietotei Debility, Nerve/be. lwroblatin bassteramid , Impotent % retteting 13eli-ailitse, ettherligli M. a• --= Sea wider i .. blebtetvrelopt,,to. isytiddresectetst • fliblitlekbyliblelitlilia. r" Itetlieifolerellieew ' 4 1 1, n-tr Aile rIVA, I== ..-..111,p...... -~~.-- 14u: 34 - &cuME) ,1.0)-1 • NOTICE Clouons.—The sudden changes of our climate are sources of Pulmonary, Bronchial and Asthmatic Al. fectlons. Experience baying proved that simple reme dies often eel speedily and certainly when taken in the early stages of the disease, recourse should at once be bad to "Browo'a Bronchial Troches," or Lozenges, let the Cold, Cough or Irritation of the Throat be ever so alight, as by this precaution a more serious attack may be warded off. Public Speakers and Singers will find them effectnal fbr clearing and a treugthening the voice. sea advertisement. delo-d-swaw6m The Confessions and Experienoe of an Invalid. Puma-Raw for the benefit and as a warning and a caution to young men who suffer from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, etc., supplying at the same time, the means of Self Cure, by one who cural himaeh, alter being put to great expense through medical Impost. Con and quackery. Single copies may be had of the an. their, Kamm= elernent, Esq., Bedford, rings county. N. Y., by enclosing a postpaid addressed envelope. apl9.3md HAIR DYE I HAIR DYE I ! Wm. A. Batchelor's Hair Bye ! The Original and Beat in the World All others are mere imttations, and should be avoided if you wish to escape ridicule. GRAY, RECO, OR RUSTY HAIR dyed in s tantly to a beautiful and Natural Brown and Black, without injury to Hair or Skin. FIFTEEN MEDALS and DIPLOMAS have been award ed to Wm. A.. Batchelor since 1859 ant over 50,000 ap plications have been made to the Hair of his pi roes of his famous dye. WM. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color not to be distinguished from nature, and Is warranted not to injure in the least, however long It may be ooutln. nod, and the ill °acts of Bad Dyes remedied ; the Hair invigorated fer life by this splendid Dye. Sold in all cities and towns of the United States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. ger The Genuine has the name and address upon a steel plate engraving on four sides of each box, of Wit tun A. azreneune. Address CHARLES BATCHELOR, Proprietor, SI Barclay street, New York jeB•d&wtang W. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE! HIS SPLENDID HAIR DYE has no equal—instantaneous in etrect—Beautlfal Black or Natural Brown—no staining the skin or injuring the Hair—remedies theabsurd and ill effect of Bad Dyes, and invigorates the Hair for litb. None are genuine unless signed "W. A. Batchelor." Sold everywhere. CHAS. BANHELOR, Proprietor. 81 Barclay Street, N. dw Yo diwtagi THE DR. KANE - REFRIGERATOR. THlSsuperior • REFRIGERATOR, to wi several other cheaper styles, may be fban t it e ihe manufactory, at exceedingly low prices. Also, a great variety or WATER 000LBRII, of sopa nor finish. EL S. FABSON Ii 00. Oar- Dock and Pear streets, Philadelphia sprain.Bm ITHE ATTENTION OF GENTLEMEN A. is solicited to our very large assortment of Usnignsuutzg AND Cuirass of (Miry size and quality. Gum' Joirmt Km tatovis, best article manufactured. All the diKerent kinds of Winces Own. largest assortment of Houma in the city. CRAMS, BORPUDIBB, 11Agnizactnars, Ready Hemmed And everything in Genie' wear, at CATHCART'S, Next to the Harrisburg Rama . THE-GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY MR :JAMES crLATurn CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS. _ Prgetred= s Pr Atr ererip a iion i fir the .r. Ciarke, N. D., Tarr Qucm Thisinvaltuible Medicine trundling hi, the cure of all Wove palatal and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution Is subjs.& It moderates all 8113e138 and re moves. ail obertretlons; and a speedy cure =Sy be ED LADIES It ix peculiarly suited. It will in a short time, bring on the monthly perletwith regularity. Each bottle, pricai One Dollar, beam the Goternmeirt il - -r- t , -1 ,-,toAugnoti . team show . marn•fete Awnsies durfm the 811411/01g MO ' as flesyhms sate ' ri1 1 °4 14 4 "2:4 5 /4 bed at ' 0 .4'. Aims Mei; are t In ell cases of, Nerm i tl . B pkt i Allbn. tient, ?du in • illinkand Limteh, I'' on 0 aertionViella er,n• of the . likpt, Hye - blidiF : tee,' dMe viU feet a onrewhen all othernieanilteire tared 't, da! 11, thanks powerful re do nok _oontl i lrorti t ealomet, t,/.ment p oor soy Ming h I teThhes6 tilt* Frillftehtiorus In the ' .phlet'arbbn • wilt package krbieb'ithonld be care ~ y PretiorKivl:_ • ~ : 1 , 4;:a1r.0 and 6 fortage .statn4 c Za ti ted tii ni,ran tberined Agent, will Wince a bo lng 60- yme, by return mall. ~,•• ' ‘ , . 2'T. 71.: . _ V0..%,7410bY.43. att,14.1464/111. , t- . dor9 dew)), vtifißD - D P; bup k°l4lB. oNain citalaN, FOVTENAIffIit BE argaillga a aorractffiir' rwlatingelaad remo - rin a obstructloss; frosatsveri• • • Ways saccestriu as a tfa: N. X1 i t.4,134VE - .BE ,A 118111) BY , - the doftraltie ' ''` Yea* both tklitearoe and ca, with mnparaltel &mem in .irmat 4 Jam • .be ia . liErld-ig. I*V MMus= Wire tlati . them to . inaßilnut 11 p wjgllifi th e alleviation l i e atillbring froth any irr Iles whatever, at w tt ]( AN! reveitt an Increase, . :fainitytwhem health Wm not . ..- remales plui4mtacts.. .fir. tiltlfsw 11 9P28.1N s elve s.so, are cauNoW. these PilleWmte In that condition as they are sort to produce ndsearringe, Aso the proprietor sasumea ponslbMi l, aNer; UM adze°. Sion, al t " b jhdr , , ifetdd ''pre. , any nds- • elilif to heea.—otheiMbei the Pills are recommended. lull and asphalt directlentiMitaiMiatityMulh box i ' Prise 100 per bar. Solt wholesale and retail by ° . ' ' 4MARMIN:At BANNTART,- Druggist, ' • ;No. 2 Jones' Itow, Harrisburg, Pa. ' "Laliletl." IV sending him $1 00 to the Harrisburg ,•• . t Office, can have the ' t free of ebseriatin kto • y p art o f the country ( . lly )) and "free of poe - :ge by ma& „Rad also, -,littia. H. mlivamt t. .1mo; notintrat.k:Cgailiiladethki, Jetia, Leo .:, its, Lebanon, 'llia - ait. H. Hume, Lancaster; J. A. our, Wrightsvillet'' E. T. linzaa, York ; .and by. one • ggiat in every tay and village in the Union, and by D. Sewn, ole proprietor New Yorit,, ,N. B.—Look out frderfeits. Mgr no 'Golden YU% any kind unless' boa is signaieh. N. HoWe. Ai '.. .era are a base imposition and una , ; therefore, ae I. - . value your lives and health, (to - , nothing of be I. : humbugged out of your money,) b ,onlir til ti show the signature or . D. Ware qmy 't .. ' • ch has recently been added on acoonil ,w i ti, lug counterfeited ..,,;. " ~..' .-.; dull -dwaswly. • , e' ' . IMPORTANT ' PRDIALES. ktlt.. °REESMAN'S PILLS, 'Prepared by Cornelius L. Cheeseman, M. D., NEW YORK CITY. TEEL combination of ingredients in these Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice. any are mild Mtbeir operation, and certain in correcting en Irregularities, Painful Idenstruations, removing all oh. 'nctions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain In the side, palpitation . 2f the heart, whites, all ner vous affection's, hysterics, Wipe, pain in the bank and limbs W , &c.,ere disturbed Bleep, which arise from interruption of TO MARRIED 'LADISH, Dr. Mammon's Piths are lnyoloable, as they will bring on the monthly period with regularity. Ladles who have bean disappointed in the use of other Pills can place the ntsnost confidence in Dr. Cheesemon's Pills doing all that represent to do. NOTICE. - . 2 Sere onecondition of thermals systems in Mint Ote Pals ULMlig be Wm stedhout mak/cm a PECULIAR SWUM. Ike acedintsa s mrred to is PRAGNANOT— , remit, ALLSGARIALIGA. &tek -at the srmistilde -of hie embeinste raters keened rtstations le a Normal condition, -CM isen the riprodsctise pow of Metre Calind mitt SG ' Warranted purely vegetable, and free , from anything Mariam. lixpliat directions, which should be read, so. company each box. Price $l. Smithy mail on enclosing $1 to Ds Commass L. Onsuasolss, Box 4,031, Pest Mice, New York My. Bald by one I. Aggistin every town In the (hilted States R. B. HUTCHINGS, Ilenesal Arnt fbr the United States, 14 Broadway, New York, do seises ail Wholesale Andra should be adcb , .sted. geld billanisburg by RT. Babliroas. noy29.dowly NO IMPOSITION. o ET_ 9LVERS con TO SOLDIERS! 74":41Vorr8tanit, Essies,'Airailms, Lace tuul eAi c tleiaglrent 0 VW :` 'Moak:above Walnut Streets. Nan 2bvertisenunts GENERAL ORDERS, NO. 12. HELD Quaaratts, P. M. Harrisburg, May 19, 1861. f Major General George A. M'Call is assigned to the command of all the military forces of Pennsylvania, raised or to be raised under the provisions of an Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwe filth of Pennsylvania, enti tled " an Act to create a loan, and to provide for the arming of the State." He will, without delay, proceed to organize these forces, according to the provisions of said Act, and to select convenient locations for suitable encamping grounds, for the instruction of the troops. By order of the Commander-in-Chief, JOHN A. WIIIGHT, Aid-de-camp. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC THE' UNDERSIGNED COMMISSION ERS of Dauphin county, in pursuance of an Aet of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, approved the 16th day of lfap, 1661, entitled "An Act to authorize the Commissioners of Dauphin coun ty to appropriate a certain sum of money for the sup port of the families of Volunteers during the present war," do hereby inform the public that they will make a loan to the amount of a sum not exceeding ten thousand dollars, for which bonds will be issued for a term not ex ceeding ten years, with coupons attached, for the payment or half yearly interest, payable at the County Treasury at 6 per cent. Said bonds are to be clear of all taxation. It is therefore hoped that the said amount in bonds of sn ch amounts as the lenders wilt desire, will be prompt ly taken by the patriotic capitalists or others, without rdsorting to special taxation at this time. JOHN S. /41).%11R, . JACOB BEEN, Commbellonere. GM. G&RVERIOM, ) Attest—Joseeu kliraxa, Clerk. my29-d&w SPECIAL ORDER, No. 23. iIIIADQUARMIS R. V. Costs, Harrisburg, Pa., June 8, 1861. f I. No officer, non-commissioned officer, mu; sician or private of the ReserveVoltinteerCorps at these Headquarters, or at Camp Curtin ; will leave his station or camp without permission from theAproppLanthority. H. The COP of each Department will be held responsible for the observance and enforce ment of this order in his particular Depart ment. The Chiefs of Departments will report at the office of the Assistant Adjutant General of the Corps when their duties require their absence from these Headquarters, the point to which their duties call them, and the probable time of their absence. By order of Mas. G. GEORGE A. McCALL HINNY A. Swam, Captain and Aid.