ilitbical. Ay el.'s CATHARTIC PILLS. ARE YOU SICK, feeble and complaining? Are you out of order, with your system deranged, and your feelings uncomfortable? These symptoms are often the prelude to serious illness. Some fit of sickness is creeping upon you, and should be averted by a timely use of tho right remedy. Take Ayer's Pills and cleanse out the disordered humors—purify the blood and let the fluids move ou uuobstructed in health again. They stimu late the functions of the body into v igorous activity, pu rify thusystem from disease. A cold settles' somewhere In the body, - and obstructs its natural functions. These, If not relieved, react upon themselves and the surround ing organs producing geueral aggravation, suffering and disease. Whits In this condition, oppressed by the de rangements, take Ayer s and see how directly they restore the natural action of the system, and with it the buoyant feeling of health again. What is true and so apparent in this trivial and common complaint, is also true in many of the deep•seated and dangerous distem pers. The same purgative effec expels them. Caused similar obstructions and derangements of the natural functions of the body, they are rapidly, and many of them surely, cured by the same means. None who know the virtues of these Pills, will neglect to employ them when suffering from the disorders they cure. Statements from leading physicians in some of the principal cities, and from other well known public per sons. From a Forwarding Merchant of St. Louis, Feb. 4, 1856. De. Assn : Your Pills are th. paragon of all that is great in medicine. They have cured my little daughter of • ulcerous sores upon her ham sand feet that had proved incurable for years. Her in ithei has been long grieviously afflicted with blotches and pimples on her skin and in her hair. After oar child was cured, she filso tried your Pills, and they have cured her. ASA MORGRIDGE. As A FAXILS P113%. , 10. [From Dr. E. W. Cartwright, New Orleans.] Your Pills are the priuce of purges. Their excellent qualities surpass any cathartic we possess. They are mild, but very certain and eflectual in their action on the bowels, which make them invaluable to us in the daily reatment of disease. EtiLiDACJIZ, SICK EtEADAGUE, FOUL STONALLU [From Dr. Edward Boyd, Baltimore,] BEAR Beo. AVER cannot answer you tow com plaints I bave ammo with your Pills better than to say ail that we ever treat with a purgative medic cue. I place great dependence on an - effectual cathartic in my daily contest with disease, and believing as Ido that your rills afford us the best we have, I of course value them Prrrssraa, Pa., May 1, 1855, DR. J. C. ATER—Sir : I have been repeatedly cured of he worst headache anybody can have, by a dose or two cylour Pills. At seems to arise from a foul stomach, which they cleanse at once. Yours with great respect, ED. W. PREBLE, it of Steamer Clarion. BRIM DISORDER9.-4..1 ER COMPLADITS. [From Dr. Theodore Belt New York City.] Not only are your Pills artio rably adapted to their purpose as an aperient, but I rind their beneficial eflects upon the liver very marked huleed. They have in my practice proved more effectual for the cure of Bilious CoMplaints than any one remedy I can mention. I sin cerely rejoice that we have at length a purgative which Is worthy the confidence of the profession and the people. DEPARTMENT OP THE Iwrstuon, Washington, D. C., 7th Feb. 1.556. Sir : I have used you Pills in my general and hospital practioe ever since you made them, and cannot hesitate to say they are the beg cathartic we employ. Their re gulating action on the Ever is qn.ok and decided conse quently they are an admirable remedy for derangement of that organ. Indeel, t have ;seldom found a case of Bilious Disease so obatia tte that it did not readily yield to them. Fraternally yours, A' iiNZO BALL, M. D., Pay sielan c the Idarine Hospital DTEILNTERY tIARaIO A. RELAX, WORMS. [From Dr. J. G. Green, of Chicago.] . . 'Your PHIS laave had a oug trial in my practice, and I hold them in esteem as one of the best aperients I have ever Aland. 'their alterative effect upon the liver makes them an excellent remedy, when given iu small doses for Dysentery and Diarrhoea. Their sugar-coating makes them very acceptable and couvenieut for the use of women and children. trraPKran, IMPURITY" or. TRE BLOOD 1 - From Rev. J. V. Hanes, Pastor Adveat Church, Boston. Di. Ana : have used your Pills with extraordinary - 'truecese in my family and among those I am called to visit - d 'stress .To regulate the organs of digestion and pu rity the blood, they are the very best remedy I have ever known, and I can confide ally recommend them to My friends. Yours, J. V. HIRES. "'WARSAW, Wyoming Co., N. Y., Oct. 2J,1855. • . SIR : nm using your Cathartic Pills in my 'pratice, and find them an excellent purgative to cleanse system and purify the fountains of the blood. JOHN 6'. MEACIIAM, H. D. , . COSTiV6i6BS, SUPPRESSION, RIIERMArami • °OEM s ,NEITRALCIA. DROPSY, PARALYSIS, Fun, [From Dr. J. P. Vaughn, Montreal, Canada.] Too much cannot be said or your Pills for the cure of Costiveness. If others of your fraternity have found them as efficacious as I have, they should loin me in pro. claiming it for the Fmnetit of the multitudes who suffer from that complaint, winch, although bad enough in it. 'self, is the progenitor of others that ere worse. I belive Costiveness to originate in the liver, but your Pills affect dust organ and cure the disease. Troia Mrs. E. Stuart, Physician and Midwife ' Boston.] I find one or two large doses of your Pills, taken at the proper time, are excellent promotives of the Nataral Searetion when wholly or partially suppressed, and also very effectual to CLEAN3E the smalsou and. Earn wosass. They are so gluon the best physic we have that Irecom mend no other to my patients. •I - From the Rep. Dr. Hawices, of She MethodistlEpiscopal Church.] Fulmer-Rolm, Savannah, Ga., Jan. 6, 1856. EOM= SW: Fit:mid be ungrateful for the relief your skill has brought me it I di. , not report my case to you. A cold settled in my limb; and brought on excru ciating Neuralgic Pain% whin ended in Chronic Rheu matism. Notwithstanding 1 nad the best of physicians, the (Meese grow worse and'warse, until by the advice of your-excellent agent in Baltimore, Dr. Makenzie, I tried your Pills. Their effects were slow but sure. By persevet ng in the use of them, l am now entirely well. BISSAU COMM, Salon Rouge, La., Dec. 5,1855. DE. AYER : i have hem entirely cured by your Pills, of Rheumatic Gout—, pamiul disease that had afflicted me, for years., VINCENT SLIDELL. - - .Most of the Pills In market contain lgereury,! which, although a valuable remedy in skillful hands, is c/angerous in a public'pill, fronellie dreadful consequen ces that frequently follow its incautious use. These contain no mercury or mineral substance whatever. 'Trice 26 cents per box, or 2. boxei for $l. Prepared by DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell; Mass. Bold by C. A: .Banavart, G. K. Keller, B. W. Gross IC Co., J. M. Lutz, Holniau k Co., Armstrong, Harrisburg, one dealers nverywhere. ap27-Bmdaw . HAVANA CIGARS 1 A fine assortment, comprising nun°, Funs Fr.r, Y.A.124.1102A1tk, ITYLVIICA, L► Sitc, Le BENINTO, BISDi CAPITOLIO. Of all sizes and qualities, in quarter; one-fifth mut, one. tenth boxes, justreceived and for sale low by JOHN H. zizumit, 7R Market Street. Jana° FIRST CLASS GROCERIES . LA.RG I VALI TTAVING JUST RETURNED' from .the j"UEtistern cities where we have selected with the Ailigggiir CARS a largo and complete assortment of so -1400de: which embrace anything kept in the Nei city grpceriei, we respectiutly and cordially invite the public• to call and examine our stock and comes ens MOO. _ rem . WM. ROOK JR. & CO. , ria rd. HATTON'S LAVER Y sfr aw b er iy Alley between Fi,fth, and • Sixth, Streets. epHIS ESTABLISHMENT is stocked with ..L. excellent LIQRSES, CARRIAGSI3, BUGGIES, &o, Nbtoh will be hired en reasonable terms mail-3m... J..Q„ ADAMR. 'art. CANDL'ES! • .PARAPFINE CANDLES, SPERDJ CANDLES, .A,D4DIANTINE CANDLES, BrimiltlNE CANDLES, STAR CANDI - mg, CHEMICAL SPERM.' CANDLES TALLOW CANDLES. ii,rge lot of the above in store and for sale:atlthe . low ,det prices by DOCK JR. & CO • , )on2 oo , oslte the Court Haase. AMS.—Threaliundred__Extra_. Sugar jir It Cared Hams just received by WM. DOCK J. & BOURBON 'WHISKEY I• , ,YERT.ll.oeilor artiele - of 'BOURBON .Avvigista t in quart bottles, in store and for sale by pax H. ZIEGLER, Igzre Market Street, 1:113 illioultantous. SANFORD'S LIVER INVIGO:RATOM NEVER DEBILITATES TT is compounded entirely froth . Grimei ± and has become an established fact ft Standard Radii oine, known and approvedia by -all tba 'have used it, and is now resorted lOW with, confidence in all the discoies for which itisre- 0 commended. has cured thousands Ei within the last two years Wt. d given up all hopes _A of relief, as thc numeroug unsolb. certificates in "II my possession show. The deb I,ftbe adapt- Sri ed to the temperament of the Individua. ng it,and n used in such quantities as to act gently on t..e bowels: Let the dictates of your fiai use of the lIVER IRMO LIVER COMPLAINTS, BILLTOUS IRNERSORA, SUMMER CAM- tpt Y SOUR STOMACH, HARM FI CHOLERAhiciffnue, Cuoiatut •-• JAUNDICE, FINALE • NEAR- y successfully as an Cunfers will cure SICK HEADACHE IN TWENTY MINUTES, IF TWOr wrist at commencement or ALL RAO MITT Ana lei %Vol' •uarld.lx Water In the mouth , with the In. figorator, and 0 - wallow both together, TRICE ONE DOLLAR ma NOME .......AL50....••• SANFORD'S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS CONEPOUNDKD FROM PORE VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, AND PIT UP IN-GLASS CAM, AIR TIGHT, AND WILL KEEP IN ANY CLIMATE, Thc - ksiflLY VATlLUl active Cathartic which the practice more than twenty The constantly increas t have long need the PILLS all seeress in regard to to place them within the The Vrpfession well know on different portions of the The FAMILY CATllkit ference to this well eatab fled from a variety of the which act alike on every am, and are good and safe thartic is .needed, such as . 81e077,41, - Paid . fitej Pain and Bareness over he 'or weight in the head, all Worms in Children or Ad- Purifier of the Blood, and flesh la heir:, too. numerous fasement. Doss, 1 to 8. 30 MM PRICE THE LIVER INVIWRATOR AND FARLLI CATRAR JO Prus are ietailed by Druggists generally,and sold wholesale by the Trade in all the large towns. S. T. W. SANFORD, M. D., Manufacturer and Proprietor, je2o-dawyli S3O Broadway, New Faris. _~►~~ ~`EETHI &RS. WIIIBLOIW, An experienced Nurse and FenialePhysiclan, presents It the attention of mothers her SOOTHING S YRU P For adhlimi Tvetising, . whie,b 'greatly fbcilltiateb tb.e . ,prSicess Or teetbing, by eon ening thekunas,iettublitg all inflammation—will allay ALL PAIN, and tipaamodie action, and t • • htinDifoßA sr Akieklo:C;l4:MPin3 Depend upon it, moil:tare it will give rest to . yeursolve AND, MI, AND'HEALTH:Ip YOUR iNfAITIN We have put up and sold this article for over tea years, and CAN RAY, In tintrioseroa no Timm, what we have never been able tosay of. any other medicine—, NEVER ELAS IT FAILED, IN A SINGLE INSTANCE 10 EFFECT A CORE, when timely used. , Never did we know an instance of dissatisfaction by any one who used it. On the contrary, all are delighted with its opera Lions, and speak in terms of highest commendation of Its magical eirecta and medical virtues. We speak in this matter "wan ws Do xsow, after ten years' expe rience, Asn manna OEM niagrrAries FOR TOR PIILYILIFIFFI OF WHAT WI BIEN DBOIAIO. In almost every instance where the infant is suffering from, pain and exhaustion, re. lief will-be . found hi ilftsoa or twenty minutes after the e , syrup illadiabgst9F.e4 Thit'vuluableriiteriiien is the pieserildon (dent of the most EXPEFUENCED:and'ELK NUBSIEIi New' England, and has been used with 111 - 41 vas OUCCISSIU ' . . ' THOUSANDS OF OASES It not only relieve% the child from pain, bet lung. orate" the Stemach . and hoWels, corrects Wilily; and, gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will Al. moat Instantly relieve GRIPING IN TILE ,BOWELS, AND WIND COLIC, and overcome centrulsiotut, which if not speedily roam died, end in death. We believe it the BOST and moms matzo/ is SKI wolom, in all cases of DYSENTERY AND' DISR&G;YA IN CYDLDEEN, whether It arises from' teething or Dom' any other astute. We would say to every Mother wbe luta a child euffering dread - any of the foregoing complaints—no non IST Toro roominess 1501 ml PRNJUDIOI2 OF Orlrdica, stand between you and your, suffering child and the relief that will be SURE—yes, BOLUTELY SURE—to follow the use of this medicine„ if timely used. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. None genuine unless the, taa-simile of cultns & r ERKINS,New York, is on the outside wrapper. Sold by u, ugg,ists throughout the world. Principal No. 13 Cedar St, New York. Price' only 25 Cents or Brttle• 44—For Sale Harrisburg by D. W. Groan & Co. , No 19 Market street, J. Martin Lutz, No. 22 Markel street, K. Ke ll er, No. 91, Market street, note,: Wea.tit awl O. Milne; 122 Market itreat. =:=A . . . .OUR UNION 4 CONSTITUTION 4 '44(;):uR GoVER - MilitsiT;''by Witig . :Nair is a work ;containing the CoNSVirtmoN rssmph Sims; giving the construe tion of its Terms and ProVision3, 'showing the . relations of the several States to the Linldn and each other, and explain' ng gene rally the System of Government of the Omar'''. Price $1 00.' Sold, and orders supplied, by him, at Harris burg,.Pa. -' • • fob= Agentit for.Comittes and States wanted. M'ALLISTER'S ALL'HEALING .OINTMENT 4" TRY IT S TRY IT . S : A Radioat Reatorativeof &Tensible Perspiration. TT is a faot, beyond the power of I. contradiction, that it is infallible in the cure of Burns, Scalds, Nervous Diseases, All 'rumors, Piles, Scrofula. Erysipelas, Chilblains, Sore Ryes, Quinsy, Croup Rheumatism, Colds, . Cold Feet, Liver Complaint, Asthma, and all DISEASES OF THE OUST. is rightly termed Allßealing,--for there is scarcely a Disease external or internal that it will not benefit. For sale at the Grand Dem. No. 143 FULTON STAMM, MITI' YORK. And by all Druggiets thronghotit the United states. • J. MoALIS'TER, , 143 Fulton Street, N. Y. 4 gooto,w(oapooototoiy to introoocott Into"„ faminea, who may receive It on liberal terms, for E. cash. marl-dlm • THE UNDERSIGNED has opened his PPMBIa ;OFFICE, corner of Third . otr ind Black; lin serryay; naai Herr's - Hong. - • - -•-- - - iNy Lumber of all kinds and qualities. EDI. sale by W.. 8. MURRAY. The undersigned will sell Horses, Carriages and har , .1313 low for cooly MAO—Boma and Carriages to here at the lame office, FRANS A. MURRAY. II.GARDEN and FLOWERISEEDS - - The largest;stook In the city. All kinds or Garden /3eeds In' large Papers at the 'cents per Paper, ftir sale by . ; .• niarl2-1m • . , 110 Market street. GARDEN SKEDS. , A PRESII AND COMPLETE stisaiiinent aLluat.recored ankfor male by Alba° WiL;DOCH JR. koo. Pentuygluania Daiti telegraph, itiontrav Afternoon, June 3, 1861. 4•01111EMI CoM.IFT" T 7 Bl LIFE PILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERS. rrHESE:I4 - .PIPINES have be -11 the publicter it - period of THIRTY "ki,ARS, and during that time have maintained a high character in al l most every part of the. Globe, for their extraordinary and immediate power of restoring perfect health to per sons suffering under nearly every kind of disease to which the human frame is liable; The following are among the distressing variety of hu man diseases in which the VEGETABLE.ELIFE MEDICINES Are well known to be infallible. DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first and saeomt stouoachs,dtrid creating a flow of„pure,- healthy bile; instead of - the stale' and acrid kind ; FLATU LENCY Loss of Appetite; Reratburn, Headache, Rest. lessness, ill-Temper, Anxiety, Languor and Melancholy, which are the general symptoms of Dyspepsia, will van ish as,a natural consequence of its cure. - . COSTIVENESSiby cleansing the *hole - length of the Intestines with 'a solvent _process, and without vio lence; all violent purges leave the bowels costive within two days. FEVERS of all kinds, by restoring tho blood to a regular circulation, through the process of respiration in such cases, and the thorough solution of all intestinal oh-, struction in other'. judgment guide you In th BATOR, and it will cure Ananias, Dirsensia,Caaoi- puma, LWLINTISLY, DROP. UAL COMITINEMI, CHOLIO, INPA2MIM, FL A TOL N CI, awl may be used RY FAMILY MEDICINE. 1.1 OW thousands can testify) OR TERKII TIABPOOMITILS ANN attack. lioskthely testimony In IM . . The LIFE MEDICINES have been known to cure RHEUMATISM permanently in three weeks and GOUT in half that time, reinovingiocalinflammation from the muscles andligatnects of thejoints. DROPSIES of all kinds, by freeing and strengthen ing the kidneys and bladder; they operate most delight, fully on these important .organs,. hence. have ever .been found a certain remedy for the worst cases of Also WORMS; by dleloaglitioSti the turnings of the bowels the slimy matter to which these creatures adhere. SCURVY, ULCERS; and INVETERATE SORES; by the perfect purity which these LIFE MEDI. 0 MiS give to the blood, and all Ihe humors. • SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD COMPLEX lONS, by.their :Literate effect upon the fluids that feed the skin,:and•the morbid state of which occasions all eruptive complaints, sallow, cloudy, and other disagree able complexions: r . The use'of these Pi le for a very short Bina will effect •an entire cure of:SALT RIIEUBI, and a striking itn provement in -the =clearness of the skin.. ' COMMON COLDS and INFLUENZA will always be cured by one'do_ p ie or by two in the Worst cases. • PILES.—The original proprietor of these medicines, was cured of Piles, of 35 years standing by the use of the LIFE himmaNas alone.. .• , TIC PILL is a gentle be proprietor has used in hi years. tug demand from those who and the satisfaction which their use, has induced me roach of all. that different Cathartics sal bowels. TIC PILL has, with due re' !Ashen fact, been compoun• purest Vegetable Extracts part of the alimentary cat in all cases where a ca; Derangements of &muck Back and Loins, Cogneness bodY,Rediessness, Hdukchi iiiiiammatorit Diseabei is/fa; Rheumatism, a great many diseases to which to mention in this a Iver. FEVER AND' AEUE.—For thls ,scourge of the Western country, these Medicines will be - found 'a safe,' speedy, and certain:remedy, • Other Medicines have the system subject to .a rental of the disease-I'ounit bt these Medicines, is..per manenb.TßY BE SATISFIED AND BE CURED „ , BIEJOUtif leE VRRS IND'. LIVER COAL PLAINTS:-432NIERAL DZIALFIT, Loss os Arrrraz, and Di swum OF . Fistuas--the Medicines have been used with themoit beneficial-.results in cases of this descrip tion :—Kings Mil and Scrofula, in Its worst forms,yields to the mild yet powerful action of these remarkable Medi cines. Night Sweats, Nervous Debility, Nervous n plaints of. all kinds, Palp i tation ot the Heart, Paint re' Colic, are speedily cured.. . MERCURIAL DISEASES.-Persons whose constitte ions have. become impaired by the injudicious use of Mercury, will find these Medicisesu ,perfect cure, as they never fail to eradicate from the system, all. the effects of Mercury, infinitely sooner than the most power ftil preparations of Sarsaparilla, Prop tared and sold by W. B. 1101.0FILOAT, , 835 Broadway, New York. Portiale by all Druggists. jy2o.dawly DYSPEPSIA., Liver Complaint, Fever' and Ague, &c. . . Thu successful introduction and use of .this oaks. brated Itemiedy has been the signal for &literal flood of compounds called' "-Bitters," offered in various ferule,' from -a quart bottle too live-gallon keg, until this word "Bittern" is s but another name for ."grag," or some villinions whiskey mixture.. . But the really . great relief derived fromthe minute . dose, one teaspoonful, of our medicine, • 1103RHAVE'S ROLLAND BITTERS, add' the attire absence of otter prostration, lu/a eat& blished for it a reputation which the hoot of imitatious and counterfeits have failed to undermine..: It in post tivelyu vegetable preparation, with baxely atnneient: pure spirits to preserve it. • But one size of the genuine, (Half-Plit Bottles,) price On . - It is a medicine, of long-tried efficacy for Punfying the .Blood, so essential for the foundation of good heath and for correcting disorders of the stomach and lbowels. • Two or three dosed will convince the afflicted of its salutary effeets. The stomach will speedily regain its strength, a healthy action of the liver, bowels and kidneys will soon' take place, and renewed health be the quick result. For INDIGESTION; Try Berhave's Holland Bitters. . • For EfE/LBTBURN, Try • • Berhave's Holland Bitters. For .1 1 .1.0.T.D./T_YilTry - - • Bierhave's Holland Bitters. For •WAMERBItAt3EI, • Bterhave's Holland Bitters. For HEADACHE, Tr3r berhave's Holland Bitters. Poi LOSS OF.A.PiiiiITE, Try Bierliaies Holland Bitters. For COSTIVENESs, mr3r- Therhate'S Holland Bitters. For PILES, Try , In all Nervosa!, Rhenmalic, and Neuralgic Airec tiona, it taus In numerous instances proved highly beneticbll 7. as!d in 9th.qs:effectoika, decided cure. . . Tbe gurtulno f higbly-couceptrated EGEHILM 4 I3 LAND Simms is put up,in half-pint bottles only, and - `iatailed it One Dollar per bottle. The great demand for this truly celebrated medicine hasinduced many imitations, pliblic should guard against Detriare olimpin*Onj See, nano i; on the Wit ever? bqttle bus/. ' ' Belt Page, Co. SOLE'MANUFACTUtitIiS ?1:1751317RGH, - PA. yorsidejii .dye t".. • -- 44 1 0 / 44 "04 1 Y , • JEWELRY WATCHRS CLOCR.S FANCY GOODS, &O. arm CO: NO. 52 IiLA_RBIIIT STREE'ri•Harrigstirg,l Pa., opposite KERR'S Horn :and adjoining the suaorican; Horst, , hazing, pumbesed_the stock or E. F Jennings, and added a large assortment , of NEW JEW ELRY, Ws will sell the SainOlit the lowest cash price, and ! solicit patronage. Watches, (lecke Jewelry neatly and promptly re paired axid delivered— . ALFRED r• ZrALMER3WI a , CO. Having disposed of ray stock of Jewelry to E. F. Zim merman & Co., I cheerfally recommend,them to my for mer customers as practical and experienced Watch Makers and solicit fine them a chntinuanco of the patron age which has been so generoualy extended tome during the last de years. - i.- Jan2k ELMER F. JENNINGS. . 2' SALMON, &o 1, HERRING,go. - 1, - COFISH,.Xo.'I; ••• 111.ACKERE14; No. ,1. Of 'he above we have all the chbez4nt sieedipackages: rom the tern to-Chanute= in store and for sale at the mat raarket rates— . , , : , . WM. DOM, JR ; & QQ. ORANGES - IAND LEMONS. VORTI" 'BOXES' m prime order just re = calved and lor Ede by • II , . • • WY. OM e ''. l Ae OD , - . B PkibIzOAPPOOT; A LAUB 111)PPLY JIIBT REOSIVID BY 17 WD[. DOOK.41.1&,00. Kabuli VORHAVz , s Holland Bitters CM Bterhave'S Holland Bitters. = iJLTtñcaL CEPHALIC PILLS CURE SICK HEADACHE -CURE NERVOUS` HEADACHE, . . CURE. .... ALL KINDS OF HEADACHE. By the use of these Pills the periodic attacks of Ner vous or Side Headache may be prevented; and If taken a the Commencement of an attack immediate relief from pain and sielmess mit: be obtained. They seldorni fail in removi tg Nausea and-Headache to which females are so subject. They act gently upon the bowels, removing Costiveness. For Literary Men, Students, Delicate Females, and all persons of sedentary habits, they are valuable'as a Laxative, improving the Anwar, giving Tenn AND 'VIGOR to the digestive organs, and restoring the natural elasti city and strength to the w hole system. • The CEPHALIC PILLS are um result in song invests gallon and carefully conducted experiments, having been In use in many years, during Witich•time they have pro vented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from Headache, whether originating m the nervous sys tem or from a deranged state of the stomach. • - They are entirely vegetable in their composition, and 'mat be taken at all times . wish Perfect safety without making any change of die' and the absence of any disa greeable taste renders it eas to administer them to children BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITP! The gendine have live Signatures of Henry C. Spalding on each b ox. Sold by druggists and all other dealers In medicines. A Boat will be sent by mail prepaid on receipt of the, PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. All orders should be addressed to HENRY C. SPALDING, 48 Cedar Street, New York. THE FOLLOWING EDIOORBENIENTS OF SPALDING'S CEPHALIC PILLS WILL CONVINCE ALL WHO SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, THAT A SPEEDY AND SURE CURE IS WITHIN THEIR REACH. AU thees Testimonials were unsokcited M. SPALD INt;t; they afford unquestionable* proof of the effi ' cacy of this truly .cientific discovery, Mamma, Conn., Feb. 5, 1861, MR. SELLIgNG !Ali ; I have tried your Cephalic Pills, and I lace them so welt that I want you to send me two dollars worth more. Part of these are for the neighbors, to whom I gave a few out of the first box I &afro m you. Send the Pills by mail,' and oblige Your ob't. Servant, - JAMES' RENNEDY. Nemo° Pa., Feb. 6, 1861 ME.' Spam:tic', • I wish youto send me one more oos of your Cephalic Pills, '/ have received great deal cfbemejit from them. • • ours, respectl - ull y, • MARY ANN STOIKHOUSE. SYRIIOIC OREM; Huntingdon Pa,, January 18, 1861 .1 H.IC. Siketinsa, sir - Yon will 'please scud me two boxes of your Cephalic Pills. Send them Immediately.: ItespectfullY, yours, :MO. B. SAMON.S. P. have used ono box of your Pills and, find them excellent BELLE VERNON, Ohio, Jan. 15, 1861. HENRY C. SPALLIDIG, Esq.: Besse find enclosed twenty five cents, for which send Sae another boa or. your Cephalic Pills. They are trul y the best Pills have ever tried. Direct A. STOVER, P. M., Belle Vernon, Wyandot Co., 0. BEVERLY Mass Dec, 11, 1860. H. C. SrAtimva,..Esq. • I wish fornOme circulars or large low bills, to bring your Cephalic Pills more particularly 'before my custo mers. If youhave anything of the hind, please send to me. One of my customers, who is subject to severe Sick Headache, (usually lasting two days,) Wl3 cured of an attack in one hour by your Pills. which I sent her. Respectfully yours, W. B. wit,Kvs. . . REYNOLDSBUAG, Franklin Co., Ohio, 1 January 9, 1861. f HVrRT O. &AIDING, No. 4S Cedar Se., N. Y. Dear Sir Maclosed find twenty-five cents, (25) or which send box of "Cephalic Pills." Send to attar da3 Rev. Wm. C. Filler, Reynoldsburg, Franklin county, Ohio. Your .Pals work like a charm—cure Headache almost instanter. Truly yours,. YPSILANTI, Mich , Jan. 14,1881 OPAIDING. Sir. Not long since I sent to you for a box of Cephalic Pilia for the cure of the Nervous Headache and Costiveness, and received the same, and they had so //tad an effect that I was induced to send for more. Please send by return mail. Direct to A. R. WHEELER, Ypsilanti, Mich. [From the Examiner, Norfolk; Va.] Cephalic Pills accomplish the object for which they were made, viz : Cure of headache in all its forma. LFrom the Examiner, Norfolk, Va.] They have been tested in more than a thousand cases with entire success.' a [From the Democrat, St. Cloud, Minn.] If you are, or have been troubled with th e headache, send for a box,(Cephalic Pills,) so that you may have them in cose_oan_attiteki7:. . From the Advertiser Provitience*-It.- L . ,)* 4: The Cedhalio Pills are Said to be a remarkably „effect ive remedy for the headache, and one of the very boat. for -that very frequent complaint which has ever been discovered. - • • • • • - [From the Western It. R. Gazette, Chicago, Ill.] We heartily endorse Mr, Spalding, and his unrivalled Cephalic Pas. [From the Kanawha ValleY Star, Kanawha, Va.] We are sure that persons suffering with the headache, who try them, will stick to them. IlarAj single bottle of SPALDMPS PREPARED GLUE will save AUL Drees* Its cost atuauelly.lis, BPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SP.AIDING'S PREPARED GLUE ! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SAVE THE. PIEOE3 I ECONOMY I ' DISPATCIII Eamon ER TINE SAITO NLNII."4O( At accidents will happen, even' in well-regulatedfamuies Nis very deeirable4o have some cheep and convenient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crockery, Sui. SPALDIN4 1 kIiIeaPARED-RLUE meets all such emergenclek.and no household can afford to be is always ready and up to, the stick. - '“IIST&IIL IN EVERY HOUSE:" N. 11 , —.A Brush accompanies each botlle.. Ittenti Ms. Address HENRY C. - SPALDING, No. 48 Cedar Litreet New York. OAUPION „Ai cattail unprincipled persons are attempting to palm otf `on: tine unsuspecting public, imitations of my PRE, PAREDjatiuE, I,would imutionall 'persons to examine beffip prohasing, and see that the full name, igeSPALDING'B PREPARED GLUE,4, is on the outside wrapper;all others are swindling cowl erfeits. novlb-diWirrdfeb),(l OFFICE OF ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE, 1 . Philadelphia, May 20, 1861. SEALED PROPOSALS are invited and will be received at this office, until 12 o'clock, M., on Monday the third day of June next, for fur nishing by contract the following Army sup plies and materials, deliverable at the United States Clothing and Equipage Depot, (Schuyl kill Arsenal,) in quantities as required, viz : 10,000 yards Cloth, dark blue, (indigo wool dyed,) for caps, 54 inches wide, to weigh about 14 ounces per yard. 100,000 yards Cloth, dark blue, (indgo wool dyed,) twilled, 54 inches wide, to weigh 21 ounces per yard. 130,000 yards Kersey, dark blue, (indigo wool dyed,) 54 inches wide, to weigh 22 • ounces per yard. 175,000 yards Kersey, sky blue, (indigo wool dyed,) 54 inches wide, to weigh 22 ounces per yard. 50,000 Army Blankets, wool, grey, (with the letters 11. S. in black, 4 inches long, in the centre,) to be 7 feet long, and 5 feet 6 inches wide, to weigh 5 pounds eat. 200,000 yards Flannel, dark blue, (indigo wool-dyed,) 51 nches wide, to weigh 10 ounces per yard. 100,000 yards Flannel, cotton and wool, dark blue, (indigo dyed, (to weigh 6i ounces per yard. • 400,000 yards Flannel, white, cotton and wool, 31 inches wide, to weigh 6 ounces per yard. 400,000 yards Canton Flannel, 27 inches wide, to weigh 7 . ounces per yard. 300,000 yards Cotton Drilling, unbleached, 27 inches wide, to weigh 6} ounces per yard. 100,000 yards Cotton Drilling, unbleached, 36 inches wide, to weigh 8 ounces per yard. 200,000 pairs half Stockings, gray, 3 sizes, properly made of good fleece wool, with double and twisted yarn, to weigh 3 pounds per dozen pairs. 50,000 yards Russia Sheeting, 42 inches wide, best quality. 10,000 yards Brown Holland, 36 inches wide, best quality: 60,000 yards Cotton Muslin, unbleached, 86 inches wide. 20,000 yards Black Silesia, best quality, 86 inches wide. 4,000 yards Buckram, best quality, 40 inches wide. 8,000 sheets Wadding, cotton. 30,000 pieces Tape (6 yards) white, and inches wide. --Silk—red, white, yellow, green and blue, for flags, per yard. —Silk twist and Sewing Silk, best quality, per pound. 6,000 Linen thread W. 8., No. 35 and 40, per pound. B,ooo' Linen thread, blue, No. 30, 35 and 40, per pound. 1,000 Linen thread, assorted colors, No. 35 and 40 per lb. 1,000 dozen spools Cotton. 1,000 pieces Webbing, (12 yards,) 1 and inch. 40,000 yards Cotton Duck, 30 inches wide, to weigh 224 ounces per yard. 15,000 yards Cotton Duck, 30 inches wide, to weigh 16i ounces per yard. 200,000 yards Cotton• - Duck; 28i inches wide, to weigh 15 ounces per yard. 150,000 yards Cotton. Duck, 28i inches wide, to weigh 10 ounces per yard. 40,000 yards Cotton Duck, 24 inches wide, to weigh 12i. ounces per yard. 8,000 yards Cotton Duck, 33 inches wide, to weigh 10 ounces per yard. 80,000 yards Cotton Duck, 22 inches wide, to weigh 9 ounces per yard. 40,000 yards Canvas Padding. 50,000 yards Bunting,—red,_ white and blue. 600 Cords and Tassels, for trumpets and bugles, assorted colors. —yards inch Silk Lace, assorted colors. 40,000 yards I, and 1/inch Worsted Lace, assorted colors. 40,000 hat cords, worsted, assorted colors, 3-16 inch diameter, with a tassel at • each end, two inches long. 40,000 Black• Felt Hats, best quality, made of Scotch and English coney and Ras .' sia Hare. 40,000 Black Ostrich Feathers , 12 inches long. 40,000 Brass Eagles. 5,000 brass crossed cannon. 30,000 Brass Bugles. 5,000 brass crossed sabres. 200 Brass Caste's., 2,000 Trumpets. 60,000 do Knapsack trimming sets, brass. 200 do Spears and Ferrules, for guidons • and colors. 2,500 gross 13uckles, iron roller, and 11 inch, best quality. 300 gross Buckles, for neck stocks. 400 pairs N. O. S. Brass Scales and 100 pairs Bronze. 1,200 pairs Sergeant's brass, and 500 pair Bronzed Scales. 30,000 PairCorporals' and Privates' brass, and -800 pair Bronzed scales. 6,000 gross Coat Buttons, best quality. 5,000 gross Vest Buttons, do. 8,000 gross Shirt• Buttons, do. 8,000 gross - Suspender Buttons, best quality 400 Bugles, with extra mouth pieces. 200 Trumpets, do. do. 1,000 Fifes, and C, each kind. 100 Drums, complete, artillery. 700 do. do. infantry. 8,000 do. heads, batter. 4,000 do. do. snare. 2,000 do. snares, Sets. 4,000 do. Sticks, pairs. 4,000 do. Cords, of Italian Hemp 34 feet long. 1,000 Drum Slings.. 800 do. Stick'Carriages. 300 Hospital tent rides. 3,000 Wall Tent Poles, sets. 16,000 Common do. do. 8,000 Hospital Tent Pins, small and large 20,000 Wall , do. large. 200,000 Common do. 300,000 Tent Buttons, (wood,) large and small. 30,069 Tent, Slips, do do 500 Garrison Flag Halliards of Italian • hemp, 220 feet long. 1 000 Recruiting Flag Halliards of Italian • hemp 47 feet long. 10,000 pounds Cotton Sewing Twine, 6 and 8 strands. - • 20,000 pounds Manilla Tent Cord, large me dium and small, best quality,6oo pounds Bolt Rope. 6,000 do. Bailing Rope. 'BOO db Flax Twine. 6,000 yards Cotton Webbing, 1 an dll inch. 60,000 Tin Canteens with cork stoppers, 3 pints, to weigh 11i ounces without • - the stopper. 300 Icon Pots with, bails. : . 25,000 Mess Pans, Sheet iron, weight 2 pounds. 10,000 Camp Kettles, do. 3 sizes in, nests, 18* pounds. 5,000 Pickaxes, 2 sizes, to weigh 61 and 7 pounds. .' 10,000 Felling Axes, cast steel, beat quality, _ q, 5 and 51 pounds. 10,000 Camp Hatchets, do. do. 18 ounces. 10,000 Pick-axe Handles, best quality. • 20,000. Felling-axe do. • . do. . • 1.6,000 Camp Hatchet ...lianclles beat quality. 5,000 Spades, two sizes, do do. 1;000 Stoves for Sibley tents. • 15,000 Chains for Sibley tents, Beth All the above mentioned articles must con form in aZi reaped: to the sealed standard pat- WM C. FILLER ISiiiillantous. ARMY SUPPLIES. tisullanwus. terns in this office, where they can be examin an, and any additional information in regard to them will be furnished. Sample patterns of the Woolen and Cotton Cloths will be sent Fy mail to bidders. It is desirable that the art; des be of domestic manufacture. Proposals will be received for any one of the articles separately, and for any portion of each, not less than one fourth of the number or quantity advertised for. The privilege is reserved by the United States of decreasinr , the quantity one-fourth on the acceptance of the proposals, and of increasing is not to exceed double the quantity at any time prior to the completion of the contract, by giving the contractor thirty days notice of such desired increase ; and of rejecting any proposal which may be considered extravagant The manufacturers' establishment or dealers place of business must be distinctly stated it the proposal, together with the names, address and responsibility of two persons proposed as sureties. The sureties will guarantee that a contract shall be entered into within ten days after the acceptance of said bid or proposal, Bids from manufacturers will be preferred or from regular dealers in thearticles, and cot tracts will be awarded to the lowest resm.i. ble bidders who shall furnish the required 6,- entities for the faithful performance thereof. Deliveries to commence within twenty dap after the acceptance of the proposals, and one-fourth of the quantity contracted for must be delivered in equal monthly proportion; within two months from said date of accept ance, and the remainder within three months thereafter in monthly or greater proportions. It is to be distinctly understood that cau tracts are not transferable without the consent of the proper authority, and that any sale, as signment or transfer, (except under a procee... , of law,) will be regarded as an abandonment of the contract ; and the contractor and IQ or their securities will be bald reponsible for all loss or damage to the 'United States which may arise therefrom. Payments will be made on each delivery should Congress have made an appropri ation to meet them, or as soon thereafter as an appropriation shall be made for that purpose. Ten per cent. of the amount of each delivery will be retained until the contract shall be completed, which will be forfeited to the United States in case of defalcation on the part of the contractor in fulfilling the con tract. Forms' of proposals, and guaranty will be furnish,d upon application to this office, a❑d none will be considered that do not confortn thereto. Proposals will be endorsed—" Proposals for Furnishing Army Supplies and Materials," and be addressed, COL. CHARLES THOMAS, my23-3tawdt Asst. Q. M. Genl., U. B. Army. Dyspepsia Remed DR. DARR'S HAM'S AROMATIC. INVIGORATING SPIRIT. This Medicine has been wed by Chi Yedildlic for six year;, with increasing favor. it is recommended to Carr Dyspepsia, IVervouniess,llArl4havi, Cblie Pains, Wind in the t Stotnaeh, or 1-is win the Botoek, Headache, Drowsiness, Kidney eon ptainta, Lose Spirits Zi /alum Tremens Intemprva - ice. STIMULNUNI, IRTALLILWDON, I V ARM, RUT WILT NOT INTORICATI OR S A MEDICINE it is quick nd eft setu ps_ al, curing tne most aggravating case o Dyspepsia. Kinney Complaints, and all other derange ent of Stomachandiflowels, in a speedy manner. It will, instantly revive,, the most .melanc.i ly an drouPing Spirits, and restore the Weak, nervous a d ate ly to health, strength and vigor. Persons wrio, from the injudienms use orilenors, hi,' become dejected, and their nerviins systems shattered constitutions broken down, and subject to UM herr, die curse to humanity, the Dstutnim Tautens, will, shad; immediately, feel the. happy and healthy invigoratiud efficacy orDr:ilaries Invigorating *fir% • _ WHAT IT 'WILL DO. DOOZ.—One viice glass full as otters as neceesary One ,lose will remove alt Bid Spirits.., One dose will cure Heart-burn. . Three doses will cure Indigestion. ' One doge will give pad a Good AOPetite. One dose will stop the distressing .pains or Dyspepsia. One dose will remove the diStressing anci'disagreeetue 'effects of Wind or Flatulence, and as soon as the stomacu receives. the Inv igoratinglipwit„ the distressing load as all paininl feelings will be removed. Ono dose will remove the most distressing pains of either in the stomach or bowels. A few doses will remove all obstruetione in the Ki lc c; , Bladder or ' Urinary Organs. . Persons who are seriously afflicted with any Maw.? Conaplainti are assured speedy relief by a dose or .or. and a radicalcure by the use of one or two bottles. NIGHTLY DISSIPATION. Persons who, from dissipating too much over night, Lod feel the evil effects of poisonous liquors, in violent had aches, sickness at stomach, weakness, giddiness, he ; will find one dose will remove all bad feelings. Ladies of - weak and sickly constitutions, should take inyigorating Spirit three times a day ; it will make teem Strong, healthy and happy, remove all obstructions au irregularities troni the menutruai organs, and restore to bloom of health and beauty to the careworn face, During pregnancy It wilbe found an invaluable me i• nine to remove disagreeable sensations at the sterna;L: .411 the proprietor asks is a trial, and to induce thus. It,: has pit up the Invigorating Apirlt in pint bottles, at .5d cents, quarts $l. . General Depot, 48 Water street,H. F. Wholesale Agent, Philadelphia, D. YOTT, & CO. El ul for sale in Harrisburg by C. A. Baunvart, D. W. Grose Co. and C. K. Keller, and by all Druggists every - where jele—dawly • FOR THE SEASON. FLAVORING EXTRACTS d Vanilla, best in market . Rose, Lemon, Pine Apple, StraWberry, Yur 'Rosu Water, Rest English Baking Sala, Pure Cream Tartar, Extrie Pare Spices, Fresh Oultn.ry tier. kUELLZR'S DRUG STORE, 91 market Street. IvIADERIA WINE. WELSH, BROTHER'S OLD RESERVE WINE fall bodied and fruity. In store 'had for sal%bin e by MEM H. ZIEGLER, 73 Market street. • CITY. LIVERY STABLES. BLACE.BICRItY PALLEY, IN THN BLAB 0/ HERKEHOTEL. THE undersigned has re•commeneed the ,JL livery Mishima in his -NEW and SPACIOUS spA. ,1314, located, as above,.witk a Jame and varied 5t0,31 u HORSES;OARRLAGES and OHNIBUSEN, wawa he wi t hire at moderate rates. F. a. swear& sep2S-dly. AUGUSTINE L. CHAVNE. CARPENTER AND BUILDER. Residence No. 27 North Second Street. N. B—JOBBING ATTENDED TO APPLE WHISKY I PIIRE - JERSEY APPLE 1 In store and :for Rale by JOHN H. ZIEGLER, TS Market Street. BARRELS,—Two Hundred Empty Flour, Baps and Wine Barrels or all de• ser.idions and prices, tkpft Fittlsll 141ELli ana Fla.) W Dri• aims. An emirs new Stocr. or large and SDLIII packages just received at KELLER'S DRUG STORE, qt- at JUST 11.E.0.E1 V. 161) ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE EXTRA FINE • POINTED • GOLD 'PENS 0 F NEWTON'S' Obenierly Bagley's/ manufacture, warranted to be the beet in material, the finest, pointed, moat durable and as cheap as iiitY market, for sale, with a variety of Gold and Silver Oases of 'vicious sloes and prices, at ealmorza , s MAP BOOKSTORE, I/ th*ss otroaL iIiEM Parstey WM. DOCK. JR. & CO.