fitebitai. Ayer' s CATHARTIC PILLS. A" YOU SICK, feeble and complaining? Are you out of order, with your systeng 'deranged, and your feelings uncomfortable? These symptoms arc often the prelude, to serious illness. Some fit of sickness i s ..ereeiang ',igen' you, and should be averted by a timely use of the remedy. Take Ayer's Pills and cleanse nal the disewered humors—purify the blood end let the all* Move s smonstructed in health again. Therstimu cite the Inactions of the body into u igo - rous activity, pu rify,' the system Item dkciaSe. , 'A cold settleS 'somewhere an tee body., auitobstru - its its natural tonctiona. These, not relieved, reset uron themselves and tre iorround gig organs, producing ge .eral aggravation, sneering and disease. Whlis is ihis condition, Oppressed liy the de raugethents, lake Aver s t lls and - see bow directly they restore the natural evuou of the system, and with it the buoyant Iselin 01 In euh again. What is true and so apparent in this trivial end common 'complaipt, is also 'true in 'many o. the deep-Seated and dangerous distem pers. The same purgarve dice expels them. Caused by similar obstructio.s and derangements of the natural lbnctiuns of the body, they are rapidly, and many 01 them surely, cured by the carne means. None who know the virtues of these Pills, will neglect to employ them when sudering from the di-orders they cure. frtatements from physicians. in sense of the principal cities, 'and from other well known public per eons.. ' Froth. a 'Forwarding Merchant'of St. Louts, Fen. 4, 1855. Dri. Alan d Your Pills are th piragon of kit that is great is medicine, They have :led my little daughter or. ulcerous cores nron her inn s•and,feet that had proved locuroble ior yt ars. Her nt uher has been lune grievionslY taieted with blotene3 and pimples en her skin and faker hair. After out— child was cured, she also tried your Pills, and they have cured her ASA MuIiCTRIDGE. As A FA3IIL4 PHYSIC. [From. Dr. E Carta right, New, Orleans ] Your Pjls .aro the pri .ce of purges. Their. excellent qualities surpass any cathartic we possess. They are mild, but very certain and etlectual in their. action on the bowels, which make them invaluable' to us in the daily reatment of disease. REARACIiS, HILD,LO9B, FOUL .STeIIIADI iFrum Dr. Edward Boyd,l3altiinore yp~R BRO. ATER : I cunot answer yon , W . H.LT com plaints 1 have Cl/RED with your Pills better . than to say all that un ever tree! with a purgative medic:mt. 1 plat- great dopes fence on as eff.anual cathartic la; ay dilly contest with disease, and believing as I do; that ya r Pins afford us the b e st we have; I of course value them highly Prrrsvußa, Pa., May 1, 1855 Da.•l. C. ATER-Slr : I have been repeatedly cured of he worst headache anybody can have; by a dose or two cyour Pi 11 5... :.. seems to arise from a foal . stomach, which they cleanse at once. . Yours with great respect, El). W. F'REBLE, Ct rk of Steamer. .olarion. • EntOrslnsoanaas.—P Ccinst,Ancre. [Rrona Dr. Theodore Belt New York thy.] Not only at's, 'your Pills a rably adapted to their purtioswaa an:apernint, bat I Cad their beeefieial enacts upon the : Liver very marked I iced... • iheyheme in my practice proved more mtectual .or the cure! ,I Bilious Ceimplaints than any one reuteay I can mention:' I sin. •cerely - rejolee'that we have at length a purgative wiliet ta. worthy the, confidence ot the profession and the , DEPARTMONT OF 1:1011 - 11'7.11101l, Washington, Feb; 1858. Sir : I have used you Yule in my. general and hospital prim:glee ever since you made Meta, and cannot hesitate , to say they are the bes. oath rtiu Nye employ. The!r re gulating option on the I.ver is decided conse quently they are an au:a:cable remedy for derangernent el that organ. Irides 1. I tmcce seldom found 'a case of Bilious Disease so onstia r,e teat ' it did not readily yield to them. Fraternally y....ur _7 A' UNZO BALL, M. 8., • Pit I 1 the Marine Hospital DYSENTERY t RELA.; WoRm E . [From Dr. J. G. Great; of Chicago.] Ytkir Fllls 'Ave bad a ng t• ial in my practice, and I hold them to esteem as one of the best sperients I have ever foand. Their alterative effect upon the liver makes them an exceilein remedy, when given in small doses for /Miens Dysentery and Diarrhoea. /heir. sugar-coating 'naked them very acceptable and convenient for the use of woMen andehildren. DVRH2 . SId, /lIIPURITY OF' TER BLOOD ',Prom Rev. J. V. Hanes, Pastor Advent Church, Boston. • Dr. AYER : I have usel your Pills 'with'extrdordinary ancoese in my family and. among triOse I ant called to visit in distress. . To regulate the organs of digestion and pu rity the blood„they are the very best, remedy I have ever known; and I can confidently recommend. them to my friends. • Yours, "' ' J. V. RIMER. Wattesw, Wyoming Co., N. Y.', Oct. 24,1855, Dania SLR : au using. your ...2athartic Pills in my ,prattoe,.and And tharn an excellent purgative to cleanse (be system and pule/ .v the founmins of the blood. - JULIN CI.; id Ed.c114...11, 11. D. , . OonarreAtuks, CUST.VENESS, RHEUMATISM] — OOEY, NEURALGIA. DROE.II - , PARALYSIS, PITS, ATO. [From hr. J. P. Vaughn, Montreal, Canada.] Too much cannot he , said of your 2111 e for the cure or Ointiveneas. I 6 oiners o 1 your fraternity have found them as efficacious as I have, they ,hould'toln me in pro. claimi eig it for the benefit 01 the multitildes who suffer front that complaint, although bad enough in it tietf,is the progenitor .d others that are worse. I I belive Destiveness to originate in the liver, but your Pills affect that organ and cure the disease. ! 1 From E. Stuart, Physician. and lilidwife,.Boston.] laid one or two largo doses of your Pills, taken at the proper, time. are el:co:teat proinotiVes of MO Natural Seeretion when wb illy or partially suppressed,.aud also very elfoctlial 'CO otr,ASsE the stanacit and. EXPEL WORMS. They are so mach the best physic we have that .Irecom wieud no other to my pltiouts. • [Froth the:itev. Dr. Hawkes, of the Methodist:gpiseepal , • Church.] , , POTASICO3.OIISS. 54V8.1311E.1, G. Jan. 8, 1858. Emanfliti Sat : should be angrataful 'for the relief Yon,' skill nastionght Ina u I ib• not report nay case to you. •• A eeld!Settled in thy 'Ulan ,nd , orought 'on excru. Ciatinc;Neuralgia Pain -ado ended in Curpnic Rhea ' 29utw tbstaaita:::uld tthi best of physicians, the dlielse'greW - we sa J.lll worse, until by tbe advwe of Year .excellent:. agent ze b . thimere, Dr. Makeuzie, I trielt year 4',113,. Thatetlbets were'slow but sure By perzent ne,tn the use of :Rai now entirely well. &mai. citaminta, buten. dolga, La., Dec.; 5, 1855. Da. AYER : I uave I.)eifla oaLirely cured Og your Pills, % Rheumatic Goat—, diseire aka ., had'atllicted ifte'lur years:VINi.F_NTSLIDR LL • 'trivet of the Pills in market contain Mercury, wbiuti, although a vamaule remedy in skillful hands, is dal/Ai:ll'os in a public 'rum Um dreadful cousequsn nos ,that .Iraquemly lulus ita incautious use. These ifieledry or mineral subitanco .wlantever. Price 25 cents per bur, or 2 buxei lor 51. • , PreOrtm D,t..1. U. AY Ill& & Lowell, Mass. Bold by O. 'A Battuv vt, U. k . It D. WiGross CO., J. M. LAU, Eitthtuu & 00., Armstrong, Harrisburg, an 4edlers'eyerywuero. 2 , ~.ap27.6monw SA V ANA C/aAkl.5 A fine assortment, ',UWE), • Fins • FARAGOWIA, FaLLVILti, • LA Son, Li. Ramiro BIRD, 6.1.170L10 Of all sizes and , qualities, in quarter,one-fiftla anu one. teeth Vsmais, iilitroceived and for tilde love - 'by JOHN B. xiiggLnit, ig MurKet ,"rent. J anBo FIRST-CLASS GROCERIES I I. A Lta•••.E.\-A. .1- VALI HG `JUST RETURNED from the gi st Oip;:cittes where we have selection ',with the BKlarligr oiss a large and complete-assortment of on. peitor gigithl.jitieh em orate anything kept blithe bat onty gracertes, we respectfully an 4 cordially Jayne the pubriu to WI and examine our stock and -none on INtet. : DOCR JR. & CO. • BATTON'S • , L I V E•lt. Y A 131.4 E . Strawberry,' Alley bet Fifth and Sixth Streets. : TEtis EBIW3LIBIIMENT is stocked with exoeuent, noasEs, CARRIAtiPS, .SUGCIIIO, whit& will be aired on reasonellle terms:: • mar7-8m - J. I. ADAMS •t. • CANDLES! pAra.a.v. cANDLF9,.. , BrEatol BDA~ANTINE CANDLES, CA.N.ULES, v-ffrAft--OANDLES, SPERM CliN. DIMS, . 'TALLOW CANDLES. ! A large lot of the above m str,ed and for sale-at - the low est pip:P.: l3 T • ,Ye - ai . j• OQK JR. & Sera Oproeite the Court:House. AMS.4Three Hundred Extra, Sugar cured Jaitins just received by BOURBON WHISKEY 1 k.VERY su perior article -BOURBON 11011LWauutEy, in Tart bottles; in store and f r sale by 41 N H. Market . Break Mil Miscellaneous. SANFORD'S LIVER INVIGORATOR NEVER DEBILITAT.ES. T Is compounded entirely from Gums, and has become an established fact , it Standard Medi. sine, known and _approved by all tlur have used Lt, d is now resorted toot with coiandenco t in all the dlseases for winch it is re- commended. - has cured thousands Et within the 'last two years W.. dinvenup all hopes of relief, as the numerous unsOlk certificates in '' 4 4 my possession show. The dos Lsi be adapt- ed to. the temperament of he individual 'og it,and e l used in such quantities at toact gently.on t f.e bowels. ;lr, Let the dictates Of your ta use of the LIVIXINVIGO- 1 7€ :AVM etrsisuillm; emuouspr O Ihsairstom,SintasaClom lt Soon STOMAO.U, Hserr- GROWL/. gown:re, Gnome JAUNT/16g, FIIMALI WELK succdasitilly as' an Okenis will cure SICRII.EADACHE or TWCIM MlNtslr, se TWO TAIDC.I at cthiturencement of ALL Wnd OW? en ors taws • ' W. 1.4 afraux Water hi the month with the ins olgoratoir, and AIWR.UOIO, both together. ritax osia DoLiar, Pl* 1101714 SANFORD'S FAMILY, CATHARTIC PILLS COMPOUNICD FRAM PORE 'VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, AND PC UP IN GLASS CASES, AIR TIGHT, AND WELL KEEP IN ANY CLIMATE. -,fit. • .e./1.611LY CA'I'HAR• active to.thartinwhieb the pine:tide nuirethhtt twenty, The-constantly inereas.' have tong used the PILLSI all espreinr In regard tel to. pittee 'thum with - ° the, The Vrefession well know! 313.dgierent per.tions of the • : 'IO.S.TH AR terehne to tbia Well estab. rind trout a variety of the vitich act 'alike on every Jai, and. are good and tafe thartio : in needed, such 19 Sleepiness; Pains in flu: , Pam and SoreiVos over tut or weight in the head, all Wortna in Chi'ld'ren or Ad- Purifier of the Blood, and Bush is heir, too 'numerous moment.. Dotai; J. to 3. PRICE C) M 14 C) so amts. TH2 LIVER INVIGORATOR AND FAKCET LO ' PILLS are retailed by Druggists generally,atu3 sold wholesale by the Trade in all the large towns. El.. T. W. SAN'OBD, D., Mannfact4rer and Proprietor Je2O-klkicyr.l - : 335 Broadwak,'New York. '' • r,U NERS. NVEI4I3LOV7 An experienced'Nurse and Female Physic:an, presontb sr • , ; Ejle attention of mothers At, SOOTHING SY P `` Vol Children Tr2ething., kreetly.facilitates the proceV oPteoihing, by Eon anin . g tka gtnna,Toduoing all inflammation— _will &bey Au ?All and ap . ostnodic action, and la SUBE 'Td ; REGULATE'. TIFE..kArEI,B. .„ . Depend - upon li,, mothers, it will give 'rest Vi genreeive AND, RUM 'AND HEALTH TO.YOUR INNANt , . , We have put•np and sold this' artiede [Mit over teL years, and °An !SAY, iN ooramessai Ann situp,' What we have never been able to say of any 'other medicine— NEVER HAS' IT FAILED, IN A SINGLE INSTANCE 10 EFFECT , A CURE, when timely. used.',Nover did we 'mow .an .instanCe of dissatisfaction bylany one Who used it. ha the Oontrary„ all are delighted with ita opera tons, and sPeak . in terms of highest 'emmtendation of lie InAgIC/I' 'afflicts and medical ,Virtnos.' We speak it this muttog.trav WI DO KNOW , atter ten years' expo rienCe, AND.. ?MOON 0113 IMPUTATION POI rite ICLYILISINLI OP IMM le* Mins' Dintatan. In alsnost every, illatanei Rhin : a theinfaiitis suffering from pain and oxiinuation, re liefwill he found' in .fifteen or twenty 'intones after tht syrup is administmved This valuable, preparation is the prescrlatCal Or on, at the 'most EgFERIENGED and RICALFUL - NURS.Td is Now England,' -and bus been used -with salVis. TABOR SIICAISS In , . fi ''PHOUSANDa OF 0.65.1513 It not only: relieves the child' from pain, _but invig orates the storciach and bowels, corrects' adidity tun giVes tone and'ehergy to the whole system. ../1, wilt al. must instantly,refleve (IRVING EV IHR BOWELS, AND . WIND COLIC, and overcome MiliVillMOSS, which if not . spebifily tome. died, endln dath. We bellevci lt'the Ban and Sums 31IkfiDY mf vim *Wimp, in all cages of. DYSENTERY AND OLARELOYII. CHILDREN, whether it arises from teething 'or 'my other cause. We ..would say to every mothei who has a child stiffering train any of the !oregouig complaints—DO 10r LCS - YOO I 7I I. 3VDISIZEI, 101 THAI XlllOllOl4 01/ 013119, stand between yOu and your suffering child and the relied that will be SUllEyes, Aft S)LUIRLY'RFRE—to follow the nee of this . modicum, if timely used. = Full directions for using will'accompany often' botti=it:', N'One genuine unless the' o. L'UktflSOil,ilßll.DlS,New York, is on.the outside wrapper. Sold fig-gists throughout the world. Fria:loprd .• I:eo,'No. 13 Cedar St., Now York., Pribi:oglir 25 Gents ilor Wr - For Saie ktiALarrisettrg by D. Vy. Giotts' 400., Ne Market atreer.,4.. Mania Lutz, So. :22 Market street, 0 geller, No. 94. Market st.rcet, lerlow Tren^te.• sett O.W rtrtr.t. OUR UNION ck OONSTITUTIO.N• 66 p GOVERNMENT;'by M'KIN Worn oro. couLaluing 010 CONSTITOrioN ON Twig mitt. giving the cOnstrhotion orris Terms and erorioioa , •,•ohowin4 the • relations , of . the ; several itateo tp the (Talon and etch other, and ikg gene rally the system of Government of the CitllltrY. Price $1 09. Sold;lhid eiders supplied, him, at Harris burg; Pa. • , : " " feb2l ..dgente for CoMities and Rtates 'waited. • NEALLISTEWS • ALL-HEALING OINTMENT. I -" TRY IT I TRY T 1 - , Aliculical Restorative of Insmaible Perairinahon. T- is !:a. fact, beyond the power of contrectiencin, titian is infallible in Meanie of isauriis, :Enable, Nervous ::Diseases, All Tumors, PIUS, SCrOfilla, Errs' palms, Chtiblaiiis; Sore Eyes, Rheumatism; Colds, Cold Feet, Liver Couiplalint; Asthma, and. ail, . ; DISEASES OF THE COST. It tB rightly termed . All Healing, for there le scarcely a Disease external iar internal that it will not benefit. , For sale at the Grand Deps:4: ;•.3 • • NO. 143 Flamm Nara , Fess. I m. And by all Druggists throughout the truitea Dialect J.MOALAS . TEit, Ft:ltal. 'Street, lit T. o , Agents wanted - immediately:to introduce it into ,a .g families, Who may receive it on. liberal terms, for • marg-dßm NOTICE. frIHE UNDERSIGNED. has opened hie I . UMBER OFFICE, corner of Third str ee; and Black• berry alley, near Herr's Hotel. 14 Lumber of all kinds and qualities. sale by W 2.1.U.8.1tAY. Theliiidersigned will sell Horses, Carriages and har ass:Ow 2 4. ALSO and CarriageS to hire itithe same office. marl]. a„L mTr!,tRAY. 'lll GARDEN andfLOVirEWBEEDS. F TheE B larges t, stook In the k1n4..0f Garden '. Seedi,-fit Jug, ,papers at thrse,cepts per.paper, for sale SVID ElorNza. marl2-I.m !.. 1 .:;- , A11 . 0 Market street. - • ' OA.RDEN, z A F 1 IE•11 AND COMPLETE: iiikitortment a ' e ".'ll. tan rescatied and fur We by WII.IDOCK JR. 4.00, Penniminanict Oatlg etlegrapl), fiatttrbav Ifterttoon, juut 1, 1861. LIFE PILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERS. rriEESEMEDICINES havemi. been be , Tore the public for a period or THIRTY ,YEARS, and during that time have maintained a high character in al most every part of the Globe, for their .extraordinary and immediate , power of restoring ; perfect health to per sons. Suffering under nearly every kind of disease to which the human frame is liable; The fol lowing areamong the distressing variety of hu man diseases in, which the VEGETABLE LIFE 'MEDICINES .ore *ell known to be infallible. DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first and second stomachs, and creating a flow of ; pure, healthy bilis!'inatead of the stale and acrid kind"FLATU LENCY, Loss-Of Appetite, Heratbrirn, Headache, Rest lessness,lll-Temeer, Anxiety, Languor and Melancholy, which are the general symptoms of Dyspepsia, will van ish, ai natural consequence of its cure. COSTIVENESS, by cleansing the whole length of the iutestinels with a solvent process, and. Without vio lence; Ml:violent purges leave the bowels costive within two dare. FEVE'RS of all kinds, by restoring the blood to a regUlar circulation, through the process of respiration in such :cwies, and the thorough solutioncf all intestinal ob struction ' • i in others.. 'The LIFE- MEDICINES have been' known to cure RILEUSIATISSI permanently in three • wee ks and GOUT'in half that time, by removing thealliManamation from the muscles and ligaments of the joints. DROPSILES of all kinds, by freeing and strengthen ing tlitilidtiera and bladder; they' operate resist delight , fully on theta hisportant organs, and hence have ever been found a certain remedy for the worst cases of GRAVEL , Also VVORII.S, by dislodging, from the turnings of the bowele the - Slimy matter to which these creatures adhene.! ,• , • • - SCURVY, ;ULCERS, and INVETERATE SORES; by, the perfect purity which ihese LIFE MEDI. C NW give to the blood, and all the SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD COMPLEX IONS; by. their alterate effect upon the fluids that feet , the skin, and the morbid state of • which .occasions all eruptive complaints, sallow cloudY and other disagree able complexions. •, • The nee of those Pills for a very short bine will effect .an entire meet" SALT RHEUttli and a striking im provementin the clearness . ofithe COMMON COLDS andINFLUENZA will always be cured by wite'dos,e or by two in the 'worst easel.' '• " f. ell-.14.E5,..4itie original prOpriettirof these medicines, was cured. B of•Plies, of 35 ;ears stied : l4),y tbeiuse of the IREEDICINES alone. • 'I 4 `EVEWAND AGUIL—Feir this: scourge of the WesterMoountry, these lidetlishaeamW be found a safe, speedy i tied certain remedy. Other Medicines have the system subjectito a return el the disease—a curb by these teilttbieir is permanent—TßY THEM BE SATISFIED, AND RE CURED. FEVICRS AND -LIVER COAL PLAlNTmaxmai, Dweartr, Loss or Arlierro, and Di axisie or---Fmmen - s—the Medicines have been used 'with them* beneficial results in cases of this descrip tion :—Kingeßvil and Scrofula; in its worst forms,yields to thexaild yet powerful actioadf.theseremarkable Medi- Pineli Night, Sweats, Nervous Debility, Nervoui Con plaints of ell ,kinda, Palp,tation of the Heart, Paint rs , Colicotre speedily cured. IiMERICUttIAL DISIFf. A SES.--Persone whose otinstitu lons hare become impaired by the Injudicious deer Mercury, find theme Medicines a perfect cure, assthey norm' Mil to eradicate from the' system, all the effects of Mercury, infinitelysooner thanthe most power. fhPpreparationaof Sarsaparilla! • . ' judgment guide you in in BATOR, and it 'will our: _Swamis, DYSIMPSIA,CHRON. PLA14111; DYSILFIMRY, rams. t 1 Cosrivssimi, CHOLIC, INFAITXI7II, FL`~TIILi NCB!! N151812,A1311 maSr be ogee Mr FAMIL HIEDICINI. (as tliOusiinda" can testify) Clii Tum TVAMON7GLSAR/ attoi.. • inq Altar tesifinsony in IUP TIC PHI a gentle ba propristor has used in hi 70,1111. , lug deniaid from those whe and the Satisfaction which their :use, has 'induced me reach of all.. that different Cathartics act bowels.. TIC PILL has, with due re lished fact, been composts: purest Vegetable Extracts, part or the 'alimentary ca. in all- eases where a ca. Dercangemente; of Stomach,' Back and Loins,lCestieensn body, liestlessnisi, Headache , inflammatory - Disease I, nits, Rheumatism, a great many diseases .to which to mention : in this s Wes, Prop tared and sold by W. B. DiltiirleAT, - • • 8.35 Broadway, New York. Foieale by all, Druggista. Jy2o-dawly „cERHA,,,, s Holland Bitters DYSPEPSIA, Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, &c. . . . Tux successful introduction and use of this eels brated REkried , . has been the input' fora Metal flood of.romoounds: coiled "Bitters, .offered iu various forms, .from a quart bottle to a live-gallon beg, until this' word "Bit tee Is but another name tbr " grog," or some villanoui whiskey' mixture. • But the really great relief derived frond the minute done, one teaspoonful, of our medicine; and 'fhe. , entir' e absence of after prisetration, has esta- Wished ler it a ieputation which the host of imitations ; and counterfeits have tiled to. undermine. It is posi tively a vegetable preparation, with barely Sufficient :pm* spirits to ~p reserve It. But one. eiza of the gozo;hair, (HaltPtut Bottles,) price.ONZ wises. At is a inediCine of long-tried efficacy for Purifying Wu 'MA 'so essential for the fmndatiou of. good health and .for. correcting disorders of the stomach and Tw : o or three donee will convince the- afillaied of its salataixeffects. The stomach will speedily . regain its streagth, a healthy action of the liver, bowels and kidneys will. soon take place, and renewed. health be the quick result. For INDIGESTION, Try Ikerhave , s Holland Bitters, For HEARTBURN, Try . Berhave's Holland Bitters. For ACIDITY, Try Bierhave's Holland Bitters. For W.A.TERBRASH, Try Bterhave's Holland Bitters. For. HEADACHE, Try terhave s Holland Bitters. For 4,084 OF APPETITE, Try Borhave's Holland Bitters. Folk COSTIVENESS, Try Berhave's Holland Bitters. For PILES; Try -I' In. aII Nervous, Rheumatic, and. Neuralgia Aireee tone, ,1E has in numerous instances proved highly beneficial, others effected a 'decided cure. . • . I . : tremd Carer The genutne, highly-concentrated HOL LAND Styrene. b put tip in half-pint' bottles only, and r.etntled at One• Dollar per bottle. • The great demand tor this truly, celebrated medicine has induced many imitations, which the public, ehonld guard against purehasing Beieareoftiiipotttiont See that our %NMI! on the label of exalt bottle you buy. 1. •• ; - . ` • : Benj.;Page,-Jr.BcCo. 1 0 01:_salo in ths - olty;of_Harrhb,4g iw D. W. GROSni Co. F ' mBordsept.d&wly iTEWELRY; WATCHES ; CLOCKS, FANCY GOODS &O • ALFRED F. ZIMMERMAN:. (E. CO; N o 52 MARKET STREET . , Rarrisburg, opposite Hintit'a Horn and adjoining the guaoradt.: Horn; 'having purchased the steeir of E. F Jennings; and added a large assortment' of NEW JEW ELRY, :wo Will sell Ws same at the lowest hash price, and solicit patronwp. • Watcheri,'Cloctis and Jewelry neatly and promptly re paired lad delivered. . . . ALFRED F. ELIBLERMAN & CO. _ . Having disposed of my stock'of deirelry to A. F. Zim mertean & Co., I cheerfully recoil:intend them 'to my for mat ‘ , O ustomers• as practical and OxperieiMed Watch Nam, and solicit for them a oontlnuance.of the patron age wkich has been Co generongy extended tome during the last siX years!.. WSW/ F. • SHAD, No. 1, -SALMON, No. 1, • ,HEIWING, , No.:1, • . . COD FISH, NO.I, • ..AIACKEREL, No. I:. Of be above we have all the difla: ent sized packages rom the earr to the natal in store and for sale at the owes mar . ket rOfe.4. feele— - WM. 'DOCK, JR. aL CO. 'ORANGES AND LEMONS. TARTY, BOXES in prime order lust re. „V•Oolved and for sale by ; • . Cfi SP4ltlii OiNDLES ", , A IdWit IFOITLT ANT 11 1 010INAd.-411E 17 WM. DOOKLJB.1&,00. glebical I~'~FFAT'f3 Ecomtvrs noumm Emma, Boerhaves BqHand Bitters. SOLE' MANUFACTURERS, PITTSBURGH, PA. ittebicat. CEPHALIC PILLS CURE SICK HEADACHE CURE NERVOUS lIEADACHE, CURE ALL KINDS OF HEADACHE. • By the use of these Pills the periottic attacks of Ner vous or Sick Secidache may be preyentcd; and if taken a the commenoement o. an --meek immediate relief from v piti e n rso a: s d sickties- rr ,v he obtained. They seldom fail in removitg Nausea and headache to which females are so suniect. They act gently upon the bowel, removing Costiveness. Poi Literary Mee, students, Delicate Females, and all ,of sedentary habits, they are valuable as a Lt,Tatinf, improving tile APPETITE, giving TONE AND VIGOR tn tbe digestive organs, and restoring the natural elasti city and strehgth to the w ioie System. The CEPHALIC PILLS are Lao al I.d: invest gallon and carefully emiciucted experiments, nsving been in Use . .in many years, miring winch time.iney have pre. vented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suflring from Headache, whether originating in the nervous sys tem or from a dmanged state ot the stomach. They are entirely vegetubls in their composition, and may be taken at all times pertect safety without making any change of die and the absence of any disa prreabe Mee renders it ea , , to administer them to children BEWARE OP COUNTERFEITe • The genuine have live signatures of Henry C. Spalding on each box. Sold by druggists and all other dealers in medicines. A Box will be Bent by mail prepaid on - receipt of the RIME TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. All orders should be addressed to HENRY C. SPALDING, 48 Cedar Street, New York. THE FOLLOWING DiraORSEMENTS OF SPALDING'S CEPHALIC PILLS WILL 03NViNCE WHO SUFkila FROM HEADACHE, THAT A SPEEDY AND SURE CURE IS WITHIN THEIR REACH. AU these 7estimontats were unsatzeited by Mr. SPALD 11VG, they a f ford unquestionabie proof of the effi cacy of this truly .cientific discovery, MASONVILLS, Conn., Feb. 5, 1861 MR. SrApora' Sir I have tried your Cephalic Pill; and !lite them so well that I want you to send me two dollars worth more. Part of these are for the neighbors, to whom I gave a few out of the first box I got from you. Bend the Pills by mail, and oblige Your ob't. Stirvant, JAMES KENNEDY. HAN - mom, Pa., Feb. 8,1861 ML DALDIN9, Sir: I wish yon to send me one more nos of your Cephalic Pills,l have recetued a great deal of benefit front them. Yours, respectfully, " MARY ANN STOIRROUS.E. disuse Casco , Mintilagdoll Co. , Pa., 1 January 18, 1861 f H.C. SrAtmao, :Sir: You will 'please send me two boxes of your Cephalic Pills. Send than immedialsly. Respectfully, yours, JNO. B. SIIIONS. P. S.—l have used ono box of your Pills and dud them excellent. BELLE VERNON, Ohio, Jan. 15, 1861 HICNIIT C. SPALDLNG, Req.: Please And eaciesed twenty, five cents, for which send me another box of your Cephalic Pills. They are truly the best Pills/have ever trait - Direct A. STOVER, P. M., Belle Vernon, Wyandot Co., 0. BirERLY, Mass., Dec. 11, 1850 H. C. Snyzact,-Esq. I wish for some circulars or lar.,:e show bill; to bring your Cephalic rills more particularly before my C men. If you have anything of the kind, please send to me. One of my customers, who la subjeot to severe Sick Headache, (usually lasting two drys,) wan cured of an attack in one hoar by your Pills. which I sent her. Respectfully yours, W. Is. NVILERS. REYNOLDSBURG, Franklin Co., Ohio, 1 January 9, 1861. f ENNAY C. SPALDINO, No. 48 Cedar St., N. Y. llear Sir : Enclosed find twenty-five yea:, (98) which send box of "Cephalic Pills. Sand to ane.r ass Ref. Win. C. Filler, Heynoldiburg, Ergnklin county, Ohio. Your Hlts work like a charm—cure Headaihe canton instanter. Truly yours, llll.l C. FILLER Yeszum, Inch , Jan. 14,1861 Snanncar. Sir Not long since I sent to you for a box of Cephalic Pine for the cure of the Nervous Headache and Costiveness, •nd received the same, and they had so good an effect that I was induced to send for more. Please send oy return wail. Dtrect to . A. R. WHEELER, Ypsilanti, Mich. Moir the Examiner, Norfolk, Va.] Cephalic Pills. ,aecomplish the 4 1, ject for which they ware made, viz ::Care of headache in all its forms. [From the Esasllner, Norfolk, Va.] They have been tested in more than-a thousand cases, with entire success, HFrom the Democrat, St. Clond, Minn.] If you are, or have been troubled with the headache, send. tor a box, (Cephalic Pills,) so that you may have them In case of an attack. [From the Advertiser, Providence, R.' I.) it The Cedhilhi rills are said to he a rernarktbly effect ivereasedy for the head mho, and orsocf the very best for that very frequent oonapLiiot which has ever been discovered. [From the Western R. R. Gazette, Chicago, Ill.] We heartily endorse Slr. Spalding, and his unrivalled Coptialln Pills. [From tlao 11.aaawha Valley 6tar, Saoawha, vaa Wear sore that persona suffering with the headache, who try them, will stick to them. ara-Afsingle bottle of SPALDING'S PREPARED . GLUE Will 494 , e ten times its cost 44uctlanY•lalll SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE 1 SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! • SAVE ME PIECE I ECONQIIT I DES PATCE. I iiilrl'A : tarca IZ mg 4vEB mats."..ffir As. accident - Le wgdd happen, even in weg-regulatedfainiliet very desirable to have some .cheap• and convenient way fecrepaiting Furniture, Toga, grociFory,Litc. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLIM • meets all such emergencies, and no household can afford to be without it. It is always ready and up to the stick. ing paha. • "USEFUL TN EVERY HOUSE." N. B.—A Brosli accompanies each hottle. Price 926 de Address RENRY C. gPAI.DENG, : . No. 46 Cedar Street, New York. , CAUTION As certain maprincipled persons are attempting to palm off on the nnsuspectiog public, Imitations of my PEN PANND.GLUN, I Would caution all persons to , examine before purchasing, and see that the full name, ..• ? OALDING'S PREPARED OLUE,4OI is on me ontiicle;*rapper ; all others are swindling corm erreit& ,z.:L.riiirviov26.44wl7-rdrob/0 Miscellaneous. ARMY SUPPLIES. OFFICE Or ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE, Philadelphia, May 20, Mil. SEALED PROPOSALS are invited and will be received at this office, until 12 o'clock, on Monday the third day of June next, for fur nishing by contract the following Army sup plies and materials, deliverable at the United States Clothing and Equipage Depot, (Schuyl kill Arsenal,) in quantities as required, viz : 10,000 yards Cloth, dark blue, (indigo wool dyed) for caps, 54 inches wide, to weigh about 14 ounces per yard. 100,000 yards Cloth, dark blue, (inciv,o wool dyed,) twilled, 54 inches wide, to weigh 21 ounces per yard. 130,000 yards Kersey, dark blue, (Indigo wool dyed,) 64 inches wide, to weigh 22 ounces per yard. 175,000 yards Kersey, sky blue, (indigo wool dyed,) 54 inches wide, to weigh 22 ounces p,r yard. 60,000 Army Blankets, wool, g rey, (with the letters U. S. in black , 4 inches long, in the centre) to be 7 feet long, and 5 feet 6 inches wide, to weigh 5 pounds each. 200,000 yards Flannel, dark blue, (indigo wool-dyed,) 54 nches wide, to weigh 10 ounces per yard. 100,000 yards Flannel, cotton and wool, dark blue, (indigo dyed, (to weigh 6i ounces per yard. 400,000 yards Flannel, white, cotton and wool, 31 inches wide, to weigh 61 ounces per yard. 400,000 yards Canton Flannel, 27 inches wide, to weigh 7 ounces per yard. 300,000 yards Cotton Drilling, unbleached, 27 inches wide, to weigh 6 ounces per yard. 100,000 yards Cotton Drilling, unbleached, 86 inches wide, to weigh 8 ounces per yard. 200,000 pairs half Stockings, gray, 3 sizes, properly made of goi,d fleece wool, with double and twisted yarn, to weigh 3 pounds per dozen pairs. 50,000 yards Russia Sheeting, 42 inches wide, best quality. 10,000 yards Brown Holland, 86 inches wide, best qu ,lity. 50,000 yards Cotton Muslin, unbleached, 86 inches wide. 20,000 yards Black Silesia, best quality, 86 inches wide. 4,000 yards Buckram, best quality, 40 inches wide 8,000 sheets Wadding, cotton. 30,000 pieces Tape (5 yards) white, and inches wide. —Silk—red, white, yellow, green and blue, for flags, per yard. —Silk twist and Sewing Silk, best quality, per pound. 6,000 Linen thread W. 8., No. 35 and 40, per pound. 8,000 Linen thread, blue, No. 80, 35 and 40, per pound. 1,000 Linen thread, assorted colors, No. 36 and 40 per lb. 1,000 dozen spools Cotton. 1,000 pieces Webbing, (12 yards,) 1 and 1} inch. 40,000 yards Cotton Duck, 30 inches wide, to weigh 22i ounces per yard. 15,000 yards Cotton Duck, 30 inches wide, to weigh 15i ounces per yard. 200,000 yards Cotton Duck, 2si inches wide, — to weigh 15 ounces per yard. 150,000 yards Cotton Duck, 284 inches wide, to weigh 10 ounces per yard. 40,000 yards Cotton. Duck, 24 inches wide, to weigh 124 ounces per yard. 8,000 yards Cottou Duck, 33 inches wide, to weigh 10 ounces per yard. 30,000 yards Cotton Duck, 22 inches wide, to weigh 9 ounces per yard. 40 000 yards Canvas Padding. 50,000 yards Bunting,—red, white and blue. 600 Cords and Tassels, for trumpets and bugles, assorted colors. —yards 7 inch Silk Lace, assorted colors. 40,000 yards 1, and lunch Worsted Lace, assorted colors. 40,000 hat cords, worsted, assorted colors, 3-16 loch diameter, with a tassel at each end, two inches long. 40,000 Black Felt Hats, best quality, made of Scotch and English coney and Rus sia Hare. 40,000 Black Ostrich Feathers, 12 inches long. 40,000 Brass Eagles. 5,000 brass crossed cannon. 30,000 Brass Bugles. 6,000 brass crossed sabres. 200 Brass Castels. 2 000 Trumpets. 60,000 do Knapsack trimming sets, brass. 200 do Spears and Ferrules, for guidons and colors.. 2,600 gross Buckles, iron roller, and 1 inch, best quality. 300 gross Buckles, tor neck stocks. 400 pairs N. U. S. Braes Scales and 100 pairs Bronze. 1,200 pairs Sargeant's brass, and 500 pair Bronzed Scales. 30,000 pair Corporals' and Private's' brass, and 800 pair Bronzed scales. 6 000 gross Coat Buttons, best quality. 6,000 gross Vest Buttons, do. 8,000 gross Shirt Buttons, do. 8,000 gross Suspender Buttons, best quality 400 Bugles, with extra mouth pieces. 200 Trumpets, do. do. 1,000 Fifes, B and C, each kind. 100 Drums, complete, artillery. 700 do. do. infantry. 8,000 do. heads, batter. 4,000 do. do. snare. 2,000 do. snares, sets. 4,000 do. Sticks, pairs. 4,000 do. Cords, of Italian Hemp 34 feet long. 1,000 Drum Slings. 800 do. Stick Carriages. 300 Hospital tent poles. 3,000 Wall Tent Poles, sits. 15,000 Common do. do. 8,000 Hospital Tent Pins, small and large 20,000 Wall do. large. 200,000 Common do. 300,000 Tent Buttons, (wood,) large and small. 80,000 Tent Slips, do do 600 Garrison Flag Halliards of Italian hemp, 220 feet long. 1 000 Recruiting Flag Halliards of Italian hemp 47 feet long. 10,000 pounds Cotton Sewing Twine, 6 and 8 strands. 20,000 pounds IlanillaTent Cord, large me dium and small, beat quality. 500 pounds Bolt Rope,' 6,000. . do. Bailing Rope. 300 do Flax Twine. 5,000 yards Cotton Webbing, 1 an at inch. 60,000 Tin Canteens with cork stoppers, 3 pints, to weigh 11i ounces without the stopper. 300 "Iron Pots with bails. 25,000 Mess Pans, sheet iron, weight 2 pounds. 10,000 Camp Kettles, do. 8 sizes in, nests, 14 pounds. 5,000 Pickaxes 2 sizes, to weigh 6i and 7 p Mundy. 10,000 Felling Axes, cast steel, best quality, 4-1, 6 Hattiel. pounds. 10,000 Camp ts, do. do. 18 ounces. 10,000 Pick-axe Handles, best quality. 20,000 Felling-axe do. do. 16,000 Camp Hatchet Handles best quality. 6,000 Spades, two sizes, do do. 1,000 Stoves for Sibley tents. 16,000 Chains for Sibley tents, sets. All the above mentioned articles must con form. '+aid retpect4 to the Wed standard pat! inincilantauL terns in this office, where they can be examin an' and any additional information in regard to them will be furnished. Sample patterns of the Woolen and Cotton Cloths will be sent ty mail to bidders. It is desirable that the am. cit s be of domestic manufacture. Proposals will be received for any one of the articles separately, and for any portion of east, not less than one tourth of the nutubcr or quantity advertised for. The privilege is rt served by the United State; of decreasing the quantity one-fourth on the acceptance of the proposals, and of iucreasinz is not to exceed doub.e the quantity at a ny time prior to the completion of the contract, by giving the contractor thirty days notice of such desired increase ; and of rtj-cting a ny proposal which may be considered extravag tut The manufacturers' establishment er (hate rs place of business must be distinctly stated in the proposal, together with the names, addrets and responsibility of two persons proposed es sureties. The sureties will guarautte that a contract shall be entered into within ten thy, after the acceptance of said bid or proposal, Bids from manufacturers will be prefer re d or from regular dealers in thearticles, amid co. tracts will be awarded to the lowest resp-Jn-i ble bidders who shall furnish the required s curities for the faithful performance thereof. Deliveries to commence within twenty du: after the acceptance of the proposals, a:i one-fourth of the quantity contracted fur tr. , 151 be delivered in equal monthly proportion ; within two months from said date of accept. epee, and the remainder within three mantra thereafter in monthly or greater proportim. i It is to be distinctly understood that cu.- tracts are not transferable without the conitni of the proper authority, and that any sale, as signmeut or transfer, (except under a process of law,) will be regarded as an tabanclunmeut of the contract; and the contractor and Ms or their securities will be held reponsible torah loss or damage to the United States which may arise therefrom. Payments will be made on each delivery should Congress have made an appropri ation to meet them, or as soon thereafter a; an appropriation shall be made for that purpte. Ten per cent. of the amount of each delivery will be retained until the contract shall b e completed, which will be forfeited to the United States in case of defalcation on the part of the contractor in fulfilling the co.— tract. Forms of proposals and guaranty will be furnish d upon application to this office, 30 none will be considered that do not conform, thereto. Proposals will be endorsed—" Proposals fot Furnishing Army Supplies and Materials," au be addressed, COL. CHARLES THOMAS, my23-Btawdt Asst. Q.•M. Genl., U. S. Army Dyspepsia Remed, DR. DARIUS HAM'S AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT. This Medicine has been used by the public for tie Ye-: , 4 with increasing favor.' it is necarnmended to Ca Dyspepsia, Nervousness, H art-Burn, °olio faint, Wind en the Stomach, or to twin the Howse., Headache, Diawriness, kidney eme.- plaints, Low Spirits D brims Tremens, Intenpera xe. ..:ii.yrrocus, elSiinsltATM, i V WELL sot IwinzICATI 01 il IS , S A MEDICINE it is quick 'ad effect& al, curing tile' moat aggravating ease o Dyspem.., . ' ones" Com ilainti, and all other timings ant ut L., A- Stomach end dowels, in a lipsedy manner . It will instantly .revive_the most , Iy la drooping spirits, and restor the weak, nervous i d ti.; ly to health, strength aud vigor. Persons vino, from the injudlitious nee of liquors, hey_ become dejected, and their nervous systems chatters.:, constitutions brogan down, and subject to that OW a.•_ curse to humanity, the DimullilY Tamale, Will, Mal . ai Immediately, feel the happy and healthy invigotwoue edicany of Dr. Ham's invigorating 'Swat. WdAT IT. WILL DO. Doss.--One wt..e glass full as omen as necsimary One Lose wit remove all Bad Splrlti.., vile dose will sure Heart-burn. Three doses will cure Indigestion. One dose will give you a Good Appetite. One dose will stop the distressing pains of Dyspenss. One dose Will remove the distressing and disagreeshis effects of Wind or Flatulence, and as soon as the stomi receives the Inv igoraung Spirit, the distressing load an. ail painful feelings will be removed. One dose will remove the most distressing pains of 11,,, either In the stomach or bowels. A few doses will remove all obstructions In the iii , -;4. Bladder or Urinary Organs. k't:soos who are seriously afflicted with any Kunsj Complaints are assured speedy relief by a dose or .*a ; and a radical cure by the use of one or two WAIN. NIGHTLY DISSIPATION. Persons who, [cora dissipating too much over night, i:oi feel the evil cumin of poisonous liquors, to violent heel aches siCknsSa at stomach, weakness, giddiness, ..t..; , will dad one dose will remove all bad Melinda. Ladies of weak and sickly constitutions, stuiald take .re Invigorating Spirit aired times a day ; it will sank,, L.l , 211 strong, healthy and happy, remove all obstructions 5.,: irregularities from the menstrual organs, and. restore. t:.- bloom of health and beauty to the careworn Ewe. During pregnancy It will be found an invaluable me: eine to remove disagreeable sensations at the atOmi.:3. All the proprietor asks is a trial, and to induce this. cs nos put up the Invigorating Spirit Ia pint bottles, at 5. Genie, quarts Sl. General Depot, 48 Water street, N. Y. Wholesale Agent, Philadelphia, D. YOTT, h CO, arc for sale m Harnebarg by C. A. Ba...nvart, D. W. Gros. a Co. and C. K. Keller, and by all Druggists everywhere jeld—dawly FOR THE SEASON. FLAVORING EMI:RACES i j Vanilla, best in market Rose, Lemaa, Flue Apple, litrawbeiTy, Celery, Pare Distilled Rose Water, Best Engßah Baiting Soda, Pure Creaua Tartar, Extra Pure B,Ptoss, Fresh 011atiary flar KELLER'S DRUG sT.J9E, 91 &Liman Strd, MADERIA WINE. IitrELSH, BROTHER'S OLD RESERVE W111.r.: full bodied and fruity. fa store wad Or Sate by JOHN H. ZIEGLEtt, tebl6 73 hi , trlCE strFc. CITY LIVERY STABLES. BLaCBBE4.I2,F (ALLEY, IN 2' JUAIt OI HERR'S HOTEL. THE undersigned has re-commenced the hvery business In his NEW and SeACIOJi SCA ttkiS, located as above, with a largeand valet ito3t: o HORSES, oAlutuas3 and OMNIBUSES, wawa na hire at moderate rates. F. h.. 6VVAtti4 seira-dly AUGUSTINE L. CRAVNE. CARPENTER AND BUILDER. Residence No.. 27 ,North Second Street. N. B—JOBBING ATTENDRIn APPLE WHISKY 1 DIME JERSEY APPLE ! In store and for sale by JOHN H. ZIEGLER, 6q 7:4 War Wet stra..t FPTY BARRELS. --Two liaadrdti Empty Flour, Sugar and Wino flarrids of etti da* sta• ptioaa and prtoes, ' apB VE.E6II. , EIELLIJ isuu EL,/ yr SEELti. An enure new Stock of large and detail packages just received at KELLER'S DRUG STORE, JUST RECEd Vii ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE , EXTRA FINE POINTED GOLD PENS ( - 1 F NEWTON'S (formerly Bagley's) J manufacture f warranted to be the best in materia, tne tbaest pointed . , most durable and as cheap as say: market, for sale, with a variety of Gold and dilve . Cases of various sizes and prices at .. BABGINER , S BOOKSTORE, it Markel 810.11. ATE, Br; ,Nutmegs, Pars W. DICK .TR