Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, June 01, 1861, Image 2

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Forever float that standard sheet I
Where breathes the foe but falls before - as:
With Freedom's soil beneath our feet,
And Freedom's banner streaming o'er us
Saturday Afternoon, June 1, 1861.
ROD. WILLIAM M. MEREDITH, of Philadelphia,
Attorney General of the State.
Gov. Curtin was very fortunate in the se
lection of Mr. Meredith, because he is really
one of the ablest lawyers in the Union. N o
man in the country bears a better reputation—
no man enjoys to a larger degree the confidence
of the people, and no man could possibly bring
with him into any position more self-respect
than Mr. Meredith will carry with himself into
the position of Attorney General of Pennsyl-
Mr. Meredith has been for many years a
prominent lawyer at the ablest bar of the
nation. In Philadelphia, where he has prac
ticed from the day of his admission to the bar,
he is regarded as the leading councellor in a
profession that has made the bar of that city
renowned all over the country. In the ad
ministration, of Millard .Fillmore,' Mr. Mere
dith was Secretary of the Treasury—in which po
sition he was eminently successful as a financier,
and where, too, he displayed his devotion to
his native State of Pennsylvania, by uphold
ing her interests and defending her rights
whenever either were in danger or attacked.
It is not out of place to add here, that Mr:
Meredith was the friend and confident of the
immortal Henry Clay, and one of those old
line whigs who stood by the gallant Kentuck
ian in all his struggles for human rights and
civil liberty.
We congratulate the people of Pennsylvania
on this appointment, particularly at this time,
'when the public service seemed to be sinking
under a load of dreadful suspicion. By this
appointment, too, the Governor has assured
the people that 'his a.dministration will be con
ducted in compliance with. the pledges and
principles on which he was elected.
GENERAL SCOTT has been engaged in some
splendid military movements, caution and re
serve during the progress of this rebellion.
He has been abused impatiently by those who
do not understand his calculations, and he has
been traduced as cowardly by the foes who
have themselves been led to victory under his
guidance, and who will yet live to writhe and
cry for mercy beneath his chastising blows.
General Scott is acting wisely. He refused to
move until he had the material at his command
which would justify precipitation, invasion or
battle. He has steadily and surely been en
gaged in occupying Washington city with the
volunteers, while he throws forward the regu
lars so as to meet the enemy if he should be
organized and prepared in any considerable i
numbers, either far attack, invasion or resist
ance. General Scott has shown a disposition
to save life while he is endeavoring to contri
bute his share to the safety of the country.,
There is a calm dignity about hii movements
which indicates the confidence he has in his
resources. Had he precipitated raw recruits
into a new territory—scattered them over a
hostile country, and left them ignorantof strate
gy, feint or march, to the mercy of the rebels,
the country would have doubted his loyalty,
and the world questioned his military sagacity.
In connection with these apparently slow
movements and calm.positions . of the Old Hero,
there is a practical spirit in which they are
accomplished, which speaks well for the busi
ness and order of the War Department. Be
tween Gen. Scott and Gen. Cameron, Secretary
of War, the greatest confidence and friendship
exists. They operate 'together. The keen sa
gacity, the stern energy and indomitable will
of the Secretary of War infused their spirit
into the military ardor and martial skill of the
veteran Captain, and together, these tivo men,
each representing a spirit and an element of
great vigor in the governmen, they are accom
plishing wonders while others are grumbling
at commonalities. Long may the veteran
Scott live, to serve his country. Long may
he survive to be its ornament and its pride.
And when he has sheathed his sword, and gar
landed himself with the victories he is about
to achieve over rebellion, may he pass to the
enjoyment of that repose in peace which he
has so often earned in the service of his coun
WE CAN ONL reply to the Reading Daily Tines
that it became perplexed with the paragraph at
which it endeavored to exhibit its sharpness
while foraging through the columns of the
TELPARAPH on a plagiarising expedition—and
when it learns to print more original articles of
to own, we will explain those, in our own col
umns that so offend the fastidious taste of the
hypercritic of the Times.
Tau New York News goes into raptures over
the prospect of the recognition of Southern pi
rates as " belligerents" by England ! We
presume it would be equally rejoiced to learn
that Jefferson Davis had seized the Capitol and
proclaimed himself President de facto. That
journal is making rather liberal drafts upon
the popular forbearance.
MAT fifteen million loan, so often taken in
the Confederate States, is still offered,
War costs blood, limbs and life. View it in
any light we can or regard it as we may, life,
limbs and blood are the result of war. The
best disciplined troops are often the soonest de
stroyed—the worst equipped and armed are
those which enter the battle field under the
most inauspicious circumstances. In duty to
the soldier, a state or a nation that is at war,
is in honor bound to see that he is disciplined
for the fighting he is expected to do. If he is
not so trained, the consequences are certain to
be disastrous. If he is not armed equally in
all respects with those with whom he is ex
pected to engage, the consequences will cause
blood to flow. If the best officers are not de
tailed to command and lead him into battle,
his life is not only in danger'from the foe, but
it is placed in jeopardy in the false position he
may be forced* take by an ignorant com
mander. The soldier suffers, whoever may be
to blame. He it is who takes the brunt of
consequences. Others may assume the respon
sibility—but the • soldier in the ranks must
take the sabre's gash and bullet's hole. We
'must think of these things as we count the
costs of this war. And we must think too, that
while we are carping, 'eliminating and re
criminating, the blood of our soldiers is at issue
in our complaints—human life is at stake while
we are discussing human frailties and short
comings. Never before was an army organized
under such difficulties as those which beset
and hamper the organization of the army sum
moned to the field by the President of the
United States. Military skill is measured by
civilian criticisle—and thus life, limb and
blood are all in danger, while human beings
are cast into the scale with human judgment, to
be disposed of as lightly as we get rid of our
articles of barter or production of trade. It
seems as , if no man knew anything, while all
men understood all things. The press talk of
battles, Beiges, storms and victories as lightly
as they do of politics. They direct the move
ments of armies, challenge the judgment of
soldiers, impugn the motives and question the
ability of captains, as recklessly sometimes, as
they do those of their cotemporaries—forget
ting, the while, that this too costs blood.
Who will dare to say that this is not wrong
No sensible man, however modest be may be to
express himself on other subjects, will hesitate
to declare that there has been too much inter
ference by civilians with the organization of
the army. Men deficient in military know
ledge—intent on gain instead of glory—have
intruded themselves in this business, and
when is too late to remedy this evil, we will
find that it , too will cost an immense treasure
in blood, limb and life.
It is terrible to contemplate this condition of
affairs—but it is not too late to apply a reme
edy. Let the people await with more confi
dence the organization of the army. Let the
authorities who have it in charge be untram
died with this ceaseless complaining—let the
military authorities shake off the speculators
who have fastened themselves like leeches on
their resources—let the military power assert
its supremacy within its own department—
let it rise above petty jealousy, mean spites
and small revenges—let the press be cautious
and judicious—let all be more discreet—be
csuse if we do not, we must, in our anxiety to
discover frauds and denounce wrong, inaugu
rate a bedlam in our own miciat, and dedicate
to confusion and anarchy those who should be
disciplined for war's rigors and battle's dan
The telegraph is a great concern—a very use
ful concern—a very fast concern, but it won't
do to tie to. By aid of the telegraph, says a
facetious and truthful western cotempOrary, the
rebel General Beauregard has been enabled to
perform the wonderful feat of being in six large
southern cities at precisely the same moment
of time. The telegraph can raise and concen
trate armies with wonderful dispatch. For
instance, the telegraph in the last ten days has
concentrated not less than one hundred and fifty
thousand men at Harper's Ferry. Adding to
gether. the different numbers of rebel troops
marching into Virginia, as announced by the
telegraph for the last ten days, and we are in
possession of the startling fact that not less
than half a million of traitors are in arms in
the Old DoMinion. Then the telegraph has
skirmishes at will. It has naval engagements,
and fighting on land. We, the newspaper edi
tors, glorify or mourn over the result of the
different conflicts, according as we love .or hate
the stars and stripes. Scarcely is the ink dry
on the sheet that records our glorification or our
lamentation, when the telegraph advises us to
keep our nether garment on, as there hasn't
been any fighting anywhere ! The telegraph is
honest. We have had too many evidences of
its disposition to correct errors to charge it with
uttering deliberate falsehoods. The telegraph
startles us at night, but it quiets our nerves in
the morning with the declaration that there
was not a word of truth in the last evening's
dispatches. The telegraph magnanimously
gives the country the benefit of all kinds of
reports, and, in effect, says to the publishers
and readers of newspapers : " Gentlemen, you
pays your money, and you takes your choice."
But, after all, neither the telegraph nor the
newspaper men are to blame. The agent of the
associated press sends over the wires such news
as he deems to be reliable. The special corres
pondents of papers do the same. One is not
responsible for the dispatches of the other.
Each does his best to get at the truth, but con
tradictions will sometimes occur. The publish
ers of papers must take what comes—they can
not tell the true from the false. The readers,
who pay their money, must "take their choice."
There should be some remedy, some punish
ment devised and provided to put an end to
the praetice of imposing on the public, in a
crisis like this, with false reports and exagger
ated accounts. If a law to punish libel can be
kept in , just force and operation, a law to pre
vent reporters by telegraph from impairing
business and convulsing whole communities
with unnecessary panic, could also, be enacted
and carried. out. The subject is worthy the at
tention of legislators, and the press, that is
made to pay and suffer most by the swindle,
should take it in hand and continue , its agita
tion until a remedy is devised and applied.
Pennopluania telograpk, Saturbaig 'lftertioott, June 1, 1861.
TER UNION will find friends while there are
two States remaining on its bond—two stars
and two stripes upon the folds of its glorious
flag. Of all the achievments of modem times,
the American Union is the grandest. The alli
ances of nations for defensive and aggressive
purposes, have been sundered and destroyed,
while those who were allies suddenly became
belligerents. The holy alliance to crush toe
elder and the greatest Napoleon, in'which the
world joined to conquer one man, because he
was individually the moat liberal and the most
powerful of all the potentates, finally was chug.
ed . to an unholy compact to destroy liberty, and
was joined in by the same France 'which it
once crushed to assist England in rebuking
her old ally, Russia, in. the Crimea and the
Baltic. Our Union is not an alliance, and
therefore should not be swayed by passion. It
is not merely .a political bond, and therefore
should be regarded solemnly. In this Union
we have attained our importance and reached
our position beside the most formidable na
tions and enterprising people that have names
in the history of the world. Why then should
its prosperity be impeded and the greatness of
its character reduced by internal disagreements
and civil war ? By every consideration,
whether of enterprise and prosperity and hap
piness at home, •or character and usefulness
and importance abroad, should our states and
their inhabitants be impelled to Union and to
the steady march of progress in the cultiva
tion of the arts of peace and advancement of
civilization and human' liberty, under the
proper guardianship of government and re
straints of law, in whom we have strength
and power and importance and character.
In disunion we lose these advantages and
fall below the standard of excellence we have
reached, and which it ought to be our pride to
maintain. Why then should the friends of the
Union be regarded as the enemies of liberty
and of human progress, and taunted and de
spised for their adherence to what is termed an
obsolete idea ? There is nothing yet obsolete
that American valor has secured and American
genius sustained, and the Union is in the front
and the foremost and uppermost of all Ameri
can achievements and hopes, and'we hope we
shall find friends that will cling to it while
there are two States included on its bond, two
stars and two stripes upon its flag..
Du. JAMES C. Wurremm, publishes a letter in
the North Aineriean and United States Gazette, in
which.,he labors to excuse himself of the suspi
cion and the charge of being a traitor, by de
claring that his letter to Jeff. Davis was written
as a joke, at a time when he considered the
Southern Confederacy of no account or im
portance. If this is really the truth, the Doc
tor has been justly punished for his indiscretion
and nonsense. He explains the sympathy
which he expressed in other letters that were
published in southern papers, and which after
wards found their way into the northern prose,
with the lame excuse that the north had been
imposing upon the south for the last twenty
years—the very argument which the south now
uses to justify its treason. We have no desire
to injure Dr. Whitehill, but, like too many
other sympathisers with treason, he only dis
covered his error when he found that the people
of the north to a unit were loyal to the Union.
Repentence will do the Doctor more good than
explanation—and we recommend him to silence
instead of prominence in this entire matter.
To one who has written to us on this subject,
we must express our admiration and respect,
alike for the evidence of eloquent devotion and
love as a wife, as well as for the courteous dig
nity and zeal with which she seeks the defence
of her husband. She is undoubtely an orna
ment to her sex and country.
An old and crippled veteran to the War Department
He sought the Chief who led him, on many a Held of
' fame—
The Chief who shouted "Forwards I" where'er his ban.
ner rose,
And bore its stars in triumph behind the flying foes.
„ Have . you forgotten, General,” the battered soldier
"The days of, eighteen hundred, twelve, when I was by
your side?
Have you forgotten Johnson, that fought at Lundy's
'fis true I'm old and pensioned,but I want to fight again."
"Have I forgotten ?" said the Chief : "my brave old sol
dier, No I
And here's the handl gave you then,and let it tell you so:
But you have done your share, my friend; you're crip
pled, old and gray,
And we have need of younger arms and fresher blood
"But, General l" cried the veteran, a flush upon his
brow ;
"The very man who fought with us, they say, are trai•
tors new:
They've torn the flag of Lundy's Lane, our old red, white
and blue,
And while a drop of blood is left, Pll show that drop is
"I'm not so weak but I can strike,and I've a good old gun
To get the range of traitors' hearts, and prick them, one
by one.
Your Minh) rifles and such arms it ain't worth while to
I couldn't get the hang e' them, but I'll keep my pow
der dry I"
"God bless you, comrade V' said the Chier--"God bless
your loyal heart I
But younger men are in the field, and claim to have their
They'll plant our sacred banner In each rebellious town,
And woe, henceforth, to any hand, that dares to pull it
"But, General t"—stiil pdrsisting, the weeping veteran
cried :
"I'm young enough to follow, so long as you're my
And notes, you know, must bits the dust, and that, at
least, can I ;
So, give the young ones place to fight, but me a place
to die I
"If they should fire on Pickens, let the Colonel in com
Put me upon the rampart, with the flag-staff in my hand:
No odds how hot the cannon-smoke, or kow the shells
may 11 9,
I'll hold the Stars and Stripes aloft, and hold them till
I die
"I'm ready, General, so let a post to me be given,
Where Washington can see me, as he looks from highest
And say to Putnam at his side, or, may be, General
'There stands old Wily Johnson, that fought at Lundy's
"And when the tight is hottest, before the traitors fly,
When shell and ball are screeching, and bursting in the
If any shot should hit me, and lay me on my face,
My soul would go to Washington's, and not to Arnold'i
pia* I"
Movements of Troops Cautiously Guarded
A Sentinel Killed and One Wounded
by Rebel Scouts.
Firing Heard in the Direction of Aquia
Secession Sentiment in Alexandria
All prders for movements of troops are cau
tiously guarded from inquiries, for reasons em
inently proper, and what is known of them
can therefore be gathered only from public ob
servation. That frequent alarms startle the
respective camps is a fact beyond doubt, and
excite if possible increased watchfulness.
Programmes are suddenly changed accord
ing to circumstances, the department being
constantly advised by day and night, of all im
portant incidents requiring attention. This
will account for the non-execution of pre-ar
ranged plans.
It not unfrequently appears that accounts
are greatly exaggerated, though unintentionally,
by. those who are most to be relied on, while
events of minor importance are magnified.-
0 wing to the excitement occasionally prevail
ent in the camp, it is a reasonable presumption
in military circles that the Federal Authorities
know as much about the rebel movements as
the enemy does of those of the Government.
Col. James Cameron, brother of the Secre-
tary of War, has left Washington for the pur
pose of gathering and forwarding all the seized
telegraph despatches—to be examined here by
a board of examiners appointed yesterday for
that purpose.
The note of preparation is everywhere mani
fest, and indicates, most conclusively, an early
forward movement. Immense quantities of
bread and other provisions are prepared. Gun
carriages for heavy artillery and ambulances
for the wounded are moving, and everything
in connection with the war movement has re
ceived an impetus not before witnessed here.
A sentinel at Cloud's Mills, on the outskirts
of Alexandria, was shot and killed last night,
and :mother wounded it is cuppozed by rebel
scouts. A river rtftsman, who arrived late
last night, reports having heard continuous
firing in the direction of Acquits creek.
The earnest hope entertained by many at
the north that secession would dwindle away
before the United States forces and loyalty raise
its head, is not reassured by interviews had
with the prominent citizens of Alexandria, who
express their grievances in the strongest lan
guage. The officers of the command here exert
themselves to the utmost to create a better
feeling, with only partial success.
The experience gained from this occupation
will doubtless lead to great discrimination in
the future relations of the troops, For this
purpose Col. Stone, while in command here,
gained great favor among the citizens for his
efforts to subdue some unruly spirits among the
military, whose conduct had an injurious effect
on the successful dissemination of Union prin
There are many unsatisfactory rumors afloat
with reference to the movements of General
the present unprotected situation of Alexan
chla assures many, as it is not believed that
the movements of the Rebels will be so con
ducted as unnecessarily to hazard the lives of
southern women and children and the property
of southern citizens.
It is not likely that there will be a moment's
warning of any engagement that may occur.
This uncertainty breaks the rest of the officers,
soldiers and civilians. Your reporter slept
standing last night, with a trusty sentinel by
his side, to awaken him on the first alarm.
There was some uneasiness last night, but it
passed off without any alarm.
Rumored Arrest of Ex•Govcrnor Lowe,
Ex-Governor Pratt was arrested laSt evening
at Annapolis, by order of the Government,
and taken to the Washington Navy Yard. It
is also rumored that Ex-Governor Lowe has
also been arrested.
Mr. McLane, late Minister to Mexico, was
nominated by the Secessionists in the Fourth
Congressional District last night.
The monster "Union" gun, recently cast at
the Fort Pitt Works, has been completed, and
is now being removed to the Pennsylvania
Railroad depot, whence it will be shipped to
Washington, and thence to Old Point Comfort,
with as little delay as possible. It is intended
for Fortress Monroe, and will be put in position
immediately on its arrival at that point. The
"Union" is heavier than the "Floyd," and
Rill throw a ball between six and seven miles.
It is perhaps the heaviest piece of iron artil
lery ever manufactured, and the result of the
experiments which it is proposed to make with
it will be looked for with interest.
A gentleman who accompanied the Ohio
troops in their recent descent upon Parkersburg,
states that the Union men were completely
frantic with joy on seeing them. Some of the
Secessionists had given out word that 50,000
men could not land there, but when the Ohio
No. 3 rounded to, with her decks, guards and
roof blade with blue coats, not a scoundrel was
to be seen. They marched to the beautiful hill
back of town,
and prepared to encamp. The
occupation of Parkersburg by the United States
troops has put a complete extinguisher on se
session there, and now the people seem as earn
est in their devotion to the Union as any in the
Col. Bartlet passed with nearly five hundred
men in full view of the enemies batteries with.
out arms to defend themselves. Two more
regiments from New York are hourly expected.
A battery of heavy cannon is being erect
ed at Newport News Point.
The Federal transports are constantly pass
ing Sewell's Point, just beyond the range of
the rebel battery, whose sentinels are visible.
There is no recent intelligence from Norfolk.
Commander Pendergrast will not allow a boat
to go up with a flag of truce, although parties
here are anxious to bring away relatives.
The steamer Quaker City yesterday brought
up the prize schooner Lynchburg, of Richmond,
from Rio Janeiro, with a cargo of 3,000 bags of
The fugitive slaves in the fortress and camp
are mustered and provided with rations like
the soldiers.
Gen. Butler issued a stringent order against
plundering in the vicinity of the camp.
Last night Major Oaks left here with a de
tachment of Capt. Gazzam's Fireman Zouaves
and Captain Plankley's Rifles for Sistersville,
on the Ohio, and seized two pieces of artillery
and some ammunition belonging to the State of
Virginia, which were at that place. The troops
went on board the steamboat Eunice, owned by
Messrs. List* McClure, both of WHOM were on
board. J. P. Bags, Esq., also accompanied the
expedition, and the success of the enterprise
was much aided by the information and assist
ance given by him. The whole party has re
tin:nod to Camp Carlise.
A lady, who lives near Manassas Junction,
who reached Washington this afternoon, states
that the rebels are concentrating rapidly at that
point. Their troops are being thrown forward
from Lynchburg in large numbers, and the
troops, in considerable bodies, are marching in
advance and occupying prominent positions
this side of the Junction. They evidently ex
pect an attacit immediately from the United
States troops somewhere in teat vicinity. The
rebels were engaged in fortifying every availa
ble position at and near the Junction, with the
view to make their position as defensible as
Demonstration Against the Secessionists
WARSAW, Mo., Jne 1.
The Union men from Pettis, Henry, u Benton
and Morgan counties, numbering 700 men, or
ganized seven companies near the Call Camp,
on Tuesday, and threatened death to every
Secessionist in the Osage Valley. They have
sent an agent to General Harney for arms.
Great excitement prevails here, and had it not
been for the peace arrangement between Gen
eral Barney and Price, the military companies
would have driven these men from this county,
at whatever cost.
John Dooley and Joseph Hood, arrested by
the United States Marshal, on warrants issued
by John Henan, United States Commissioner,
charging them with treason in enlisting and
bearing arms against the United States at
Point of Rocks and Harper's Ferry, had an
examination before the United States Commis
sioner, after which they were fully committed
to jail in default of $5,000 bail each.
Prepared from a Prescriplion of Sir J. Clarke, M. D.,
Physician Extraordinary to the Queen.
This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all
those painful and dangerous diseases to which I he female
constitution is subject. It moderates all excel is and re•
moves all Obstructions, and a speedy cure may be
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it is peculiarly suited. It will in a short time, bring on
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Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government
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In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain in
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Full directions in the pamphlet around each package
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N. 8.—51.00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au
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als . a great variety or WATER COOLERS, of sups.
rior sh
From Old Point Comfort.
A Battery of Heavy Cannon erected
at Newport News Point,
From Fortress Monroe
Federal Transports Constantly
Passing Sewell's Point.
Capture of a Schooner and Three Thou
sand Bags of Coffee.
The Fugitive Slaves in Fortress _Monroe
Well Provided For,
The steamer from Old Point Comfort brings
the following dispatch :
FORTRESS MONROE, May 31, 5 o'clock, P. M.—
The naval brigade from New York has arrived,
and been landed near Hampton. Great com
plaint is made of their want of arms, uniforms
and camp equippage. When will the author
rities of New York learn that it is the height
of folly and cruelty to send troops to the seat
of war in such a condition?
Two Pieces of Artillery Seized.
An Immediate Attack Expected.
8. FARSON Zs 00.
Car- Dock and Pear streets, Philadelphia,'
Prepared by Cornelius L. Cheeseman, "
T HE combination of ingredients in the
Pills are the resu a long and extensive practice ,
They are mild in their operation, and, certain in correctil,
all irregularities, Painful Menstruations, removing all 01:
structions, whether from cold or otherwise, headiul-,
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normal condition, that nen the reprodisest a ,
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A CARD TO Tlll3 LArn s.
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ways successful as a proven.
the doctors for many years, both in Prance
merica, with unparalleled success in every case
he is urged by Riau tbousanu ladies who used them, :
make the Pills public for the alleviation of tho,:e
from any irregularities whatever, as well as to pre v ,„
an increase of family where health will not peewit it
Females particularly situated, or those supposing the.L.
selves so, are cautioned against these Pills whil e i n
condition, as they are en?, to produce miscarriage, ee:
the proprietor assumes no responsibility after this ado,
nition, although their mildness would prevent any
chief to health—otherwise the Pills are recommen d '
Full and explieit directions accompany each he..
$1 00 per box. Sold wholesale and retail by
No. 2 Jones Row, Harrisburg, p,
"Ladies," by sending him $1 00 to the Harrigutr.
Post Office, can have the Pills sent free of observann
any part of the country (confidentially) and "free of vw .
tage" by mail. Sold also by S. 13, Smars, Reinhc.,
JOELNSON, HOLLOWAY k COWDEN, Philadelphia, J. 1,. Ur:
smogs Lebanon, Dam= H. Hamserc, Lancas ter; A. A
WOLF, iVrighLsvi Ile ; E. T. Mulant, York ; and by
druggist in every city and village in the Union, Ahab.
S. D. Howz, ole proprietor, New York,.
N. B..—Look out for counterfeits. Buy no Golden
of any kind unless every box is signed S. D. Howe. A
others are a base imposition and =sale; therefore.
you value your lives and health, (to say nothing o:
ing humbugged out of your money,) buy only of :Ls,
who show the signature of S. D. Howe on every h.t.
which has recently been added on account of the P.i.
being counterfeited diii3-dweswly.
RHEA, or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nerrcui.
ness, Involuntary Emissions and Impotency, resul t ,
from Self•abuse, &c. By Robt. J. Culverwell, 31. D._
Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any addreisi, cw,st
nald, on receipt of two stamps, by Dr. CHAS. J. C.
KLINE, 127 Bowery, New York. Post Office Box N,
4,556. m2O-6redaw
tree from at/ Mineral Poison.—ln cases of Seroirdi
Ulcers, Scurvy, or Eruptions of the Skin, the operatiot
of the Life Medicines is truly astonishing, often renovitp
In a few days, every vestige of these loathsome diseases
by their purifying effects on the blood. Milieus Fevers,
Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Piles, and in short,
most ail diseases soon yield to their curative properties
No family should be without them, as by their timtl .
use much suffering and expense may be saved.
Prepared by WM. B. MOFFAT, M. D., New York, at .1
tsale by all Druggists novtw-ly
On the "29th ult., at Umbergerg Hotel, Waluut streeL,
by Rev. D. Gana, Mr. JAMES FESIZR, of DULICaIMOD,
MISS RUTH A. UMBERGER, of this City.
New 2U
with THREE LOTS of ground, stable, &c , near the
Water Basin. Possession given immediately.
Harrisburg, May 31, 1861. CHAS. C. RAWN.
e 1 dl
cetved, and for sale by
jel-d 73 Market Street.
Miss LAURA LE SEUR, has taken rooms at
THE l -1 147 M HOUSE, in the City of Harrisburg ,P
Where she will treat diseases cf the Eyes, on a system
which is perfectly safe, and which has never been kcoaU
tl fail in removing inflammation, either acute or chrome.
will remove films,opacities and all extraneous substwc,i
from the eyes, whhout the use of the knife. She pr ,
poses curing all who place themselves under her ;Nit
merit; but if she does not cure the eyes, she charges
nothing for time or medicine. jel•dlo*
burg, a pair of GOLD SPECTACLES, in a red ace.
Toe finder will receive a suitable reward by leaving Limn
at the f , Erady House."
May 31, 1861. my3l-21.6
THE members of the Union Sabbath
School Association are hereby notified that the An'
nual Meeting of the Association will be held in the
Second Presbyterian Church, (Armory Building.) On
next Sabbath afternoon, at 8 o'clock. Reports of the
Superintendent, Librarian and Treasurer will be re ad,
and highly interesting addresses delivered by the Rec•
Mr. Cattel, Rev. Mr. Robinson and others. llteathers,
friends of Sabbath Schools and the public generally 900
invited to attend.
By order of the Board of Directors.
ROBT. J. FLEMING, President
Jos. C. Busrru,
in store and for sale by
my3o 73 Market street.
rE UNDERSIGNED having embarked
ri l ! the LIME BUSINESS is prepared to furnish th
very best article at short netts% and at the lowest Pric e 3
for cash. He sells the lime burnt at Columbia and alo
that burnt at home.
ERS of Dauphin county, in pursuance of an Act or
the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, approved the 16th day of May, 1861 entitled
"An Act to authorize the Commissioners of Dauphin coun
ty to appropriate a certain sum of money for the sup
port of the families of Volunteers during the !preset
war," do hereby inform the public that they wilt make
a loan to the amount of a sum not exceeding ten thousand
dollars, for which bonds will be issued fur a term not ex
ceeding ten years, with coupons attached, for thelpayment
of half yearly interest, payable at the County Treasury at
o per cent. Said bonds are to be clear of all taxation. It
Is therefore hoped that the said amount in bonds of such
amounts as the lenders wilt desire, will be prompt
ly taken by the patri tic capitalists or others, without
resorting to special taxation at this time.
Iy9 dimly
JACOB ligHM, Commtnionere.
Attest—JOlßß MILLER, Clerk.