Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, June 01, 1861, Image 1
THE TELEGRAPH IS PITELISLIED EVERY DAY, By GEORGE BERGNER. TERMS.-SINGLI SUBSCRIPTION a Nos TUE:MUM Is served to subscribers in th. t!or 110 ,A i. cems per week. Yearly subscriber , "st ,4.00. iZaI.,T AND SISMI-WZIELY TELEGRAPH , zwz.e,F,. , is also published twice a week during tki the Legislature, and weekly during the re ~per the year, and furnished to subscribers at tin . Mee, viz: Subscribers per year Seven = f subscribers order the discontinuance of their news p.ip.:re, the publisher may continue to send them tint' irrearages are paid. If ;Inscribers neglect or refuse to take their newspa per: from the office to which they are directed, they art tee ocsihle until they haves sett ad the Nth] end ordarec them discontinued J. 111. Bross Se; do. D. W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, NO. 119 MARKET STBFFT HARRISBURG, PI H.N'.A DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS. STORE KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, We are daily addib to our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would respect sully call your attention to the largest and best selected stock in this city, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS & PAINTS, Oils, Varnishes and Glues, Dye-Stuffs, Glass and Putty, Artist Colors and Tools Pure Ground Spices, 11 - coldng Fluid and Alcohol, Lard, Sperm and Pine Ong, 1301 ties, Vials and Lamp Globes, Castile Soaps, Sponges and Corks e&e., &e., &c., &C., Ac., 6ze., With a general variety of PERFUMERY & TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the best manufacturers and Per furriers of Europe and this country. Being very large dealers in PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S COLORS, PAINT AND ARTIST'S BRUSHES IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES, COLORS AND BRONZES OF ALL KINDS. 'C r OVG: 1 1 4 , ,, iTaTT EN 1; We respectfully invite a call, feeling con& dent that we can supply the wants of all on terms to their satisfaction TEETH ! TEETH I ! JONE'S AND WHITE'S PORCELAIN TEETH PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR RESTORATIVES Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietors Saponifier and Conoentrated Lye ! Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, Which we sell as low as it can be purchased in the cities. THAYER'S MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS, COAL OIL! CARBON OIL ! ! Being large purchasers in these Oils, we can offer inducements to close buyers. Coal Oil Lamps of the most improved patterns, very cheap. All kinds of lamps changed to barn Coal Oil. FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, Those of you who have not given our HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS a trial know not their superiortry, and the advantage they are in keeping Horses and Cattle healthy and in good condition Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived from the use of our Cattle Powders by the increasing quantity and quality of milk, besides improving the general health and ap- pearance of their Cattle Our long experience in the business gives us the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrangements in the cities are such that we can in a very short time furnish anything appertaining to our business, on the bent of terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed on our house, we hope by strict attention to busine4s, a careful selection of PURE DRUGS, at fair' prices, and the desire to please all, to merit a continuance of the favors of a discrimi nating public,. . .. „.,,7._.:____,:..,„.,. .. . ........, , .-.--1.1, ,tx, --1. i.- , . ___. 2 2 01 12 V 15.01 VOL. XV. New 2Zwertistments. Proposals for a Loan of $3 1 000,000 to the Commonwealth of Pennsyl- vania. In pursuance of the first section of an Act of the General Assembly, entitled an Act to create a loan and provide for arming the State," approved May 15th, A. D. 1861, and the sixth section of the Act entitled "an Act to proyide fur the payment of the members, officers and contingent expenses of the Extra Session of the L?gislature," approved May 16th, A. D. 1861, and by the authority of the same, NOTICE is hereby given that proposals will be received at the office of the Secretary o: the Commonwealth, until three o'clock P. M. of Wednesday the fifth day of June next, fot the loaning to the Commonwealth the sum of THREE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, for the pur poses set forth in the before named Acts of As sembly. The said loan to bear an interest of six per cent. per annum, payable semi-annual ly in Philadelphia, and the loan to be redeem able in ten years from date; and for the pay ment of the interest and liquidation of the principal thereof a special tax of one-half mill on the dollar has been directed to be levied on all the property in the Commonwealth tax able for State purposes. The certificates of loan shall not be subject to taxation for any purpose whatever; and all certificates of the denomination of one hundred dollars or less shall have coupons attached ; those of a larger denomination will be issued either as inscrip tion or coupon bonds at the option of the bid der. The proposals must state explicitly the amount proposed to be taken and the rate to be paid. The State reserves the right to accept the whole or any part of, the amount offered to be taken unless the proposer stipulates other wise. No conditional proposals will be con sidered. Upon the acceptance of any proposal at leas ten per cent of the amount must be paid down, the balance, if preferred by the bidder, in thir ty and sixty days, when certificates shall issue for the same, bearing interest from the time of pay ment. The proposals must be directed under seal to the Secretary of the Commonwealth endorsed " Proposals for Loan." The bids will be opened at 3 o'clock in the afternoon of the day above named in the presence of the Governor, state Treasurer and Auditor General and such other 'persons as may see proper to be present, when, after examination of the same the Governor will award the loan to the highest bidder or bidders. By order of the Govcrnor. ELI SLIIPE Secretary of the Commonwealth. Office of the Secretary of the Common wealth. HARRISEMIG, May 17. 1861. The time for receiving proposals and opening' bids for the above loan is hereby extended to the lath instant. . By order of the Governor ELI SLIFER, SeCTelary. Tne Commander-in-Chief P. M. directs the ff following circular to the dierent Railroad com panies in the State of Pennsylvania, to be pub lished for the information of all parties con cerned. HEAD QUARTERS, PENNSYLVANIA MLLITIAL, Harrisburg, May 15, 1861. The following Rules are established to facili tate the settling of accounts for Transportation over your goad, of Troops and Munitions of War: first—The State will not be responsible for the coast of Transportation of any Troops or unitions of War, unless your Company through its Agents, has been instructed to pass them, or the officer in command produces au thority, (a telegraphic dispatch to be considered authority,) from the Governor, directing such Transportation, or a pass from the Governor be produced and banded over. Second. —That the proper. Agents of your Road he instructed to require the signatures of the officer in command to a certificate, a copy of which is annexed, copies of which will be furnished you, certifying to amount of serv , ces performed ; to which must be annexed the order under which the troops moved, or an order to your agents to furnish the ttant,por tati..n. Third. —These certificates, and orders attach ed, will be considered by the proper Auditing Departments, when approved by the Governor, as vouchers io the settlement of your accounts. Fourth.—The account for the Transportation of Troops must be produced and settled to and include ihe last day of each month, or as early in each succeeding month as possible. ' Fifth.—This order takes effect on 'the first day of June, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one. By order of the Governor nad Commander in-Chief. FORM OF CERTIFICATE. I hereby certify, that the Railroad Company has furnished transportation for From to ON STATE GOVERNMENT SERVICE. By order of which order is herewith attached. .1861. f N. B. The number of Soldiers, Horses and weight of Field Pieces and Ammunition must be written at length. d-tf SIGN OF THE Glorious Star Spangled Banner ! ANOTHER SUPPLY OF WALL PAPER, BORDi.ES, &c., SPLENDID WiNDUW BLINDS, to which we call the attention of our friends, and cordially invite them to examine our goods and prices. We are determined to sell cheap mind the place. BCREIFiErt'S BiIOKSAME, apl3•tf near the Harrl3burg Bridge. THE SOLDIER'S BOOK, M'liiliney'e "Our Government," an expait'on of the Constitu tion of the United States, explaining the oat are and oper ation of our government, from judicial and. authentic aourrot. Price ii 00, For rale at my 2 DEBONERI STOLE "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS NEUTRAL IN NONE." HARRISBURG PA. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 1, 1861. PRESERVE' THE , EYE SIGHT! TNFORMS the' citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity, that his protesaional stay in this city is limited now to .WEDNESD&Y crane 5, when he will close his office bore for the sale of his CRYSTAL SPECTACLES. The sale of his Microscopes, Telescopes, Military. Field Glasses, Opera and Marine Glasses, Mathematical, Surveyors' and Physical Instruments, Stereoscopes and' Stereoscopic Views, &c., will close on the PRETIOII day, Returaring bit sincere thanks .to the , pubdc for the liberal patronage and attention he has received here be solicits the continuance of [bonnie at his establishment, where he will be happy to execute all orders with promptness and speed, GENERAL ORDERS, No'. 13. HEAD QUABTEBS, l i . M. Harrisburg, May 23, 1861. In mustering companies, inspecting: and en listing recruits for the. "Reserve. Volunteer Corps of this Commonwealth," the officers and surgeons assigned to such duty are required to conform strictly to the directions of paragraphs 1135 and 1299 tr. S. Army regulations, (see copy annexed,) excepting that the maximum age of the rank and file shall be forty-five years. No. 1136. In passing a recruit the medical officer is to examine him stripped ; to see that he has free use of all his limbs ; that his chest is ample ; that his hearing, vision and speech are perfect ; that he has no turiaors, or ulcer ated or extensively cicatrized legs ; no ruptuie or chronic cutaneous affection ; that he has not received any contusion or wound of the head: that may impair his faculties ; that he is not a drunkard.: is not.subiect to convnlsit.ns ; and has no infectious disorder, nor any other that may unfit him for military service. No. 1299. Any free white male person above the age of eighteen and under thirty,five years, being at least five feet four and a half inches high, effective, able-bodied, stiber, free from disease, of good character and habits, and with a competent knowledge of the' English language, may be enlisted. This regulation, so far as respects the height and age of the re cruit, shall not extend to musicians or to sol diers who may re-enlist, or have served honestly and faithfully a previous enlistment in the army. my 23 1w , No Home Without a Stereoscope 1 THE WONDERS OF THE STEREOSCOPE! JOHN A. WRIGHT, Aid-de Camp STEREOSCOPES MANUFACTURED IN EVERY STYLE :WITH THE FINEST LENSES. TEREOSCOPIQ VIEWS, comprising the 17 latest novelties by. Amerman, French and English Art.sts, representing Landscape 3, Statuary, celebrated Edifices, Groups with the utmost fidelity, at the lowest prices, at M. I. FUNKLlN'S,,Ophician 112 SOUTH FOURTH ST, BELO* CHESTNUT PHMADFLENIA. OFFICE IN HARRISBURG, THIRD ST., (NEAR WALNUt.) my24.dlw Quarter Master General H. C. Hale hi, ordered to forward the clothing, •as per requisitions dated 23d May last, by Colonels Harhataft and M'Dowell, of the Fourth and Fifth Regiments Pennsylvania Volunteers, in place'of sending it as heretofore directed. The FoUrth and Fifth Regiments being now in actual service and in great need of proper clothing. By order of the Commander-in-chief, JOHN A. WRIGHT) Aid4re:canip. A VERY HEAVY STOCK. OF BLACK AND SECOND MOURNING DRESS GOODS ! OF EVERY DESCRIPTION JUST OPENED. At Prices below the Cost of Importation. CALL AT CATHOARMS, mayß Next door to the Harrialgurg Bank. JOECti A. WEIGHT, Aid-de.Camp Officers and Men .Horaes ....Field Pieces ...Ammunition Ilituslins, Pant Stuffs, Calicoes, Linens, Ginghams, Towellings, Sbeetings, Checks, Table Linens, Tickings,, Diapers, Flannels, &c., &o. Never were offered as low as are now selling at CATHCART'S, Market Square ' myB Next to the Harrisburg Balik. REDUCTION IN PRICES ! IifERINO, Plain and Figured. CASHMERES, Plain and Figured. ALL WOOL DELAINES, Extra Styles and. Quality. BROCA LONG SHAWLS, different prices. FINE STOCK OF BLANKET SEIAWLd. The prices in all the above floods, on examination, Will be found "lower than ever," at. - • CATHCA.RT'S, ;,i an 24 Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. Homory, BUNS, &INF, GRITTY, 110XONY, §lLurea Cosa 3Tern libritrtisemtnts M• L FRANKLIN, Optician; TUESDAY, JUNE 4th. M. I. FRAMKIIN, (Store and Factory 112 K , uth 4A street, Philadelphia.) Office iu Hunsbur, l'aird street, near Walnut. my2t•lwdtzw By order of the Commander-in-chief, JOHN A. WRIGHT, Aid-de-camp SPECIAL ORDER, NO. 1. HEAD QUARTERS, P. M. Harnsbury, Nay 27, 1861. my2B DOMESTIC GOODS FRESH ARRIVAL BFur Pus, Battey, MAZZOIF Fn. BUM, WHOLE Prit, &C., 10. Just received and for sale at the Low's: GABB PRIM& WM. XXXI& JR. I CO. Kew "Abratisincuts. . STEAM WEEKLY , _ BETWEEN NEW 'YORK AND LIVERPOOL. L®NDINGI AND EMBARKING: P9.S -..SEN6IDRS at iriiikENSTl3WN, l (lfelartd:) . The Liver. pooLNeiv ydrkatial,Philudelphia; iteamship company intenddespatching their full powered Ciyile;bnilt icon Steamitillie as follows:ct" -• ; LTNA, Saturday, lat June t gigNl4l.l.tGli,'Satorday; Bth June; CITY OF WAS alNGTON,"Bithrday, 15th June; and; ;eve!) , ,'Saturday, at ;Noon; frOm Pier 44,' North River. suits 'otr PASBAae CA81N.....,,..573 OD B;ER:I:CAGE.... . .. :$3O 00 do to Loudon sso 00' I do to Leridott.. $33 -00 3teerade Return Tickets, good for Six:llloettts .60 00 • Passengers forwarded to. Yarns; 4ae r e) . Hamburg ; Bremen; Rotterdam, iiktwerp, tia., at reduced through faree4:: , ; . , . . ,Personswishing to bring euttheir friends can buy tickets the following tales, to Nei Ybrk : From Liverpool or Queeosto,wn; Ist Cabinisl6,lBs, a od. 8106. 'Steerage from tivOtpooi $4O 00. From Queenstown, These .Eteamere have soperior accommodaoone for paseengere, and carry experienced Surieone. They are built hr Water-tight iron . dactions, and hate Pateht• Fire ..anninifitere on board. For further information apply 'at the Companrs'Offleag. • JNCIr. G. DALE, Agent, myp-tf - . . Broadway, New York.. ' Or C. 0: Zimmerman, Agent, Ilarriaburg. TO • CONTRACTORS . FOR SUPPLIES. We hereby give notice to all those who may be contracting to furnish supplies to the State, under the recent appropriation df three. mil lions, that, having :received' the power under that Act of appointing inspectors offal' sup plies, and other power also in reference to the settleinent,of .claiuis,:which was not delegated to us under the previous Act of April 12th, we shall hold every contractor to' the most' rigid accountability in the settlement of his claims, and the inspection of his supplies must be .of that character which 'Shia 'prevent any inoo sition upon the State, and .protect the volun teers who have so nobly responded to its' call and no supplies will be paid for until they have been inspected by, officers wtto shall have been duly appointed for thatpurpose. HENRY D. MOORE, State Treasurer :THOS. E. COCHRAN, Auditor General. GENERAL ORDER% NO, 12. HEAD, QUART E RS, P. M. Harrisburg, May 19, 1861. Major General George IL M'Call is ,assigned to „tbe command of all the military' forces of Pennsylvania, raised or to be raised under the provisions of an Act of the General Assembly of the Cornmonwe ilth of 'Pennsyliunia, enti tled " an Act . to create a loan,' and td provide for the arming of the state." • He will, without delay, proceed, to organize these forces, riccordbag to ,the provisions of said Actiand to select convenient locations for suitable:encamping grounds, for the instruction pf the troops. . „ By order of the Commander-in• Chief, JOHN A. WRIGHT, Aid-de-camp. [BY .AUTHORIT .: . . . . UNITED STATES INFANTRY TACTICS: FOR THE • Instruction, Exercise, and Manceuyres OF TM U. S. INFANTRY , INCLUDING • INFANTRY OF THE LINE, LIGHT IN ! • FANTRY - AND RIFLEMEN': - Prepared ui.der the direction of the War Departnent, and authorized and adopted by Samos CAR R.RoN, Secretary of War. CONTAINING The &hod of the SOldier; The Scheel of the Comp- . ny ; Instruction for . Skirmishers; The General Calls; The Calls. for ShirmiShers, And .tha School of the Battalion; INCLUDING A DICTIONARY OF MILITARY TERMS.. One Volume Complets, illustrated with numerous En . gravings: . • •- - . .. WAR DEPARTMILNT . , Washington; Hay; l; 1661. This System of united States infantry 'factici for. Light ;Infantry and Riflemen• prepared under the direction or !the War Department, having been approved, by the Pre: sidcnt, is adopted for the instruction of the troops v when acting as Light Infantry or itiffrmen; and, under the act otMayl.2, 1820, for tile observance of the militia. when ,so employed. v SIMON CAZINgON, ' ' ' Secretary 'of- War: - For sale at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKsTtni.c.. ra-. :mating the regular price the book 'wilt be sent to any place free of postage. my 24 JUST PUBLISHED. A MANUAL, MILITARY SURGERY; OR, HINTS ON THE FmvRGENCIES OF Field, Camp, and Hospital. Practice. S. D. CROSS, M. D PROFESSOR OF SURGERY IN THE JEFFERSON =Mat OOLLEGE For sale at BERGNEIVSSHEEP BOOKSTOHE. may 24 D.R. T. J. MILES,; - „ SURGEON DENTIST 0 FFERS his serviies .to the cisizens o Harrisburg and its vicinity. : He solicits A share 0 the public patronage, and gives asSurance t his best endeavors shall be given to render satisfactio in Milne fession. Being an old, well tried dentist, he eels safe In tiT nviting the public generally to tall on him, services, hem that they will not be dissatisfied with his services, Office No. 128 Market street, in the house ibrmerly OGI guided by Jacob R. Eby, near the United ritareS Hotel, Harrisburg, Pa. . . rnytilily QUINCE, PEAR, • CURRANT, PEACH, : APPLE, BLACKBERRY, ORANGE, RASPBEIRRY.: Just received from New York and warranted super floe. [feb2E.] Wm. DOCK, Jr., & Co STONE FOR SALE. TIIIILDING STONE or, Stone enitabf e AI for turiapikmt purviews will Ye delivered p Of lie dty or its vicinity. Apply Dorn W. COLDER, JR. BY THEM. LATEST FROM WASHINGTON. Attack on the Rebel Battery at Aquia Creek. Two Men-of-War despatched to the Scene of Action. GEN. JAS. I7 WETSON WEBB APPOINTED The Revenue aws.—lmportant De cision of the See. of the Treasury. Hon. David Taggart Appointed a Paymaster in the Army. The Loyal Districts of Virginia not to be Deprived of the Mail Service. The Port of Alexandria Re- -.- PAYMENT OF THE VQLUNTEERS MUNITIONS OF WAR SENT TO FORTRESS MONROE. It was stated in my dispatch last night,. that a number of vessels were fitting put here for some destination not publicly disclosed. The following `'dispatch, received from the navy yardlbetweeci four and five °dock this even ing, affords an explanation.. my2B d2w. "the Keystone State reports that kin passing Aquia Creek at noon, the steam gun boats .Freeborn aud Anacesta were engaging the bat tery at that.. point with success. ' , Shall I send the Pocahontas with her ten (10)inch guns to asAst ?'' The' dispatch was signed by Clpt. Dahlgreen, the Commander at the Navy Yard. Immedi ately on the of the diapatch ' the Navy Department ordered two men of war, down to thesupport of Capt. Ward. I . Genl. Jas: Watson Webb, of New York,. has - been appointed envoy extraordinary and min ister-plenipotentiary to Brazil: , • The revenue laws require vessels entering port with'informal papers .to be seized, but in asadich as'those coming from'the south, where the custom - houses are in the possession of in surrectionary parties, cannot obtain the `proper clearances, the Secretary of the Treashry, with the viereruedying'the ,embarraesment and trodble under these cirournstances,, has de cided that .in all cases where it appears that there was no fault on the part of the com manders, the -latter shall not be compelled to go into' Court, but on the correct representa tion of the collectors where the vessels arrive, the fines and fees which the law imposes' shall' be remitted. Several vessels, improperly cap- . tured by 'the blockading forces, have been or dered to be released. . The Government will act promptly in, all, future cases of a similar character. Hon. David Taggart, formerly SPeaker of the Penttsylvhnia Senate and late candidate fo r Governor of that State, has been appointed Pay Master in the army. The post /antes and post offices managed by loyal'citizeos'ancl in loyal districts in ;Virginia, are not to be deprived of the mail service un der.the recer.t order of the department. If thoTshould be suspended temporarily by the general order, they will be restored upon due' notice of the facts. • • • The port of Alexandria, a new collector hav ing been appointed, has been re-opened, to commerce. , • . • The Secretary of the . TreaSurY has Mule con sideration the proper course - to be pursued with a view to the pay tog . of volunteers Who have not yet received any money from Government, apart froth the provision made by the States. Several vessels went' to-Portresa' Monroe to day, carrying hundreds of thousands: of cart ridges witla other war requisites. The supply in that direction is now. ample. • Ode half Of 'the amount of bonds awarded on Satdrday.havingalready been prepared, will at once be successful bidders. LATE MAI KENTUCKY AND TENNESSEE Immense quantities of freight for the South are now, going over the Nashville Railroad. It is rumored that the transportation of goods. South 'Oy . ' this route will be stopped on Monday neat..: •the exodus of Southerners for the North by railroad through Louisville is unprecedented, and is partly attributed to the stoppage of the boats on the Mississippi river. It is rumored that if the trade over the Nash ville road is stopped, the Tennesseans will ad vance into Kentucky and take possession of the road. The Union men of Kentucky have determined to'permit no aggression from any quarter. . . The tilemphisfialgin announces tie arrival of Gen. Beauregard, on the 29th instant, to 'take command of the we's'tern division of the Rebel army. SECRETARY CAMERON AND THE NEW YORK SEVENTH REGIMENT. WASILISGTON May 81. After the parade of the Seventh New York • Regiment last evening Secretary Cameron made a speech; in which he thanked the regiment personally; and on behalf of Government, for their services: He said that they had done all that .was required , or expected of them, and read an - order from the Adjutant General di recting their return at 3/ o'clock to-morrow afternoon, to New York, where they would'be mustered out of service. In the course of his remarks Secretary Cameron said, whether the war would be loog or short, before it is ended the cause of the rebellion will be blotted out. _ SECOND MAINE REGIMENT. - • Bermioni: Slay 31. The :Second Maine regiment paated through the city- at ten o'clock. this morning en-route ior WitohUgton. NO. 27 MINISTER TO BRAZIL opened • WASHINGTON; lilay 31 LOVEVILLE, May 31 bamtiding atm Having procured Bteam Power Presses, we are prepared to execute JOB and BOOK PRINTING of every description, cheaper that it can belling at any other es: tablishmentin the country. - RATES OF ADVERTISING. • rErFour lines or less constitute one-halt square. Eli Dues or more than four constitute a square. Half Square, one day $Ol4 one week I. Or one month—. ..... ....... three months 3 60 L six months 4 0 one year.— 00 ............ •• •• • Ono Sitar* one day one week.... 44 one month.. three month; six mouths one year . /sr Dulness notices inserted in the Local atom, or before Marriages and Deaths, ME CENZMT.EB LENS or each Insertion. sir Marriages and Deaths to be charged as regular advertißomenta. WESTERN WAR NEWS. Progress of the Federal Troops in Virginia. A SECESSIONIST KILLE D. REBELS TAKEN PRISONERS THE SOLDIERS FROM THE SOUTH. -*-- THE CINCINNATI TREASON TRIAL. MOVEMENTS OF GEN. PILLOW Pan3smag, May 81 The progressof the Federal troops in western Virginia, as reported by the Wheeling papers, has been marked by no' hostile 'demonstra tions of a serious nature. Most of the violent Secessionists left before the troops arrived. Stephen Roberts, a leader of the Secessionists at Glover's Gap, seven miles west of Man nington, was shot, and instantly killed, by a squad of Capt. Rage's men, who have posses sion of that post. It appears that the squad were scouting, on Tuesday mornirig, and came across Roberts and two ether men; all armed. The Lieutenant in command of the: squad call ed upon the Secessionists to halt, but instead of doing so, they wheeled about and'fired upon the soldiers. The fire was returned, and Rob erts was killed, though the otheritook to their heels and made their escape. , • A number of violent Secessionists have been made prisoners at various points. The people 'of Western Virginia welcomed' the Federal troops with great enthusiasm. The volunteers were hard at work rebuilding the b grat bridges. Louisville papers state that the exodus from the South at present is immense. An attempt was made by the Secessionists, a few days ago, at Sedalia, Mo., to assassinate E. M. Joel, the United States Mail Agent, and one or two others who endeavored to rescue him. The trial of Ogilvie Byron 'Voting, for trea son, is in progress at Cincinnati., The evidence is strong of his complicity with the rebels. It is reported that Gen. Pillow has ten thou sand troops between Memphis and Randolph, with plenty of steamers for their transporta tion, including twelve seized and confiscated. No movement had been made . for Cairo op to daylight, though one was hourly expected. The telegraph and railroad had been seized at Memphis. SECRETARY CAMERON ON TEE CONTRA BAND " °HAULER " QUESTION. WASHINGTON,: May 81. Col. Butler returned to Fortress Monroe last evening bearing with 'Ana the following letter of instruction to his brother:— WASHINGTON, May 30, 1861 " Srs:—Your action in respect to'the negroes who came within your lines, from the service of the rebels, is approved. The Department is -sensible of the embarrassments, Which must surround officers conducting military operations in a state, by the laws of whfch slavery is sano tiOned. The Government cannot recognize the rejection by any State of its Federal obligation. Resting upon. itself, among these Federal obli gations, however, no one can up more impor tant than that of suppressing 'and dispersing any combination of tile former tor the purpose of overthrowing its whole Constitutional au thority. While, therefore, you will permit no interfer ence, by persons under your command, with the relations of persons held to service under the laws of . any State, you will, on the other hand, so long as any State within'which your militarysperations aresonducted, remains un der the control of such armed combinations, refrain from surrendering to alleged masters Any persons who come within your lines. You will employ such persons in the - service to which they will be best adapted, leeping an account of the labor by theni performed, of the value of ,it, and the expense of their main tenance. The question of their final disposi tion will be reserved for future determination. SIMON CAMERON, Secretary of War. To Major-General Btrrrsa.. ARRESTS BY THE FEDERAL TROOPS AT FEDERAL HILL CAMP. BALTIMORE, May al. Shortly after midnight a party of disorderly men_ approached the picket Federal Hill camp. the guard bailed them, and receiv ing no reply, fired, resulting in one man being wounded. The balance retreated. - 'A party of one hundred men were sent -out, who arrested six men, four of whom were direnarged and two retained for further investigation. CHIEF JUSTICE TANEY. WeaßaxciN, May 31 It is rumored here that Chief. Justice Taney, warned by the shadow of coining - events that his course in regard to the arrestot Merryman in Baltimore is unpopular, has thought it most prudent to tender his resignation. Although this rumor has been extensively circulated throughout town to-day, T have not received an official verification of it. MORE 11. S. TROOPS FROM TEXAS The schooner Horace, with Captain Wallace and his command of the Firat U. S. Infantry Regithent; arrived this Morning from Texas. GEttrasE Cass is resolved, even in his old age, to die with the harness on his 'back, has mounted his old uniform, and reviews the troops now congrega ed in Detroit:every morn ing. He has contributed out of hisiprivate for tune $25,000 to the equipment of . the Michi gan volunteers, and $lO,OOO to' nits" !support of their families during their abience.: Tem NEw PLLNEr.—It is announced that the planet recently discovered at' Cambridge by Mr. Tuttle, has received the name Mats, in ac cordance with the established planetary nom enclature, which limits the selection of names to those found in the Greek or Roman mythol ogy. • !dais was the mother 'of names, and the eldest and most beautiful of the seven sis ters known as the Pleiades the dEtughtir of ?alas and Pleione. ANDREW JecirsosDomsou, of Tennessee, has gone into active services in the rebel ranks.— Phe sword which Gen; Jackson gave him to draw only itt:tiefence of the Union, he will pro bahly now use to destroy it. • Tim New York Ledger says the . best servant of the republic is ita Butler. . 2 00 . 3 00 . 5 00 . 8 00 .10 00 NEW Yowl, May 81