Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, May 30, 1861, Image 3

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    LiailQ Lzltapb+
Thursday Afternoon, May 30, 1861.
RAILROAD ACOIDENT.—The other evening a
freight train on the Lebanon Valley Railroad
run off the track and a man named Patrick
M'Cabe had his legs badly crushed.
NEW FLAG ORDERED.—The pupils of the
North ward male schools have ordered a new
and beautiful American flag, of large dimen
sions, to take the place of that which now floats
over the Lancasteiian school house. When
finished, it will be raised with appropriate cere
GRAND Plestc.—The first picnic of the sea
son will be given by the " - Union Assembly"
iu HaLlinlen's woods next Thursday. Owing
to the war excitement and hard times, it is not
likely that parties of this kind will be so nu
merous this season as in former years.
SEND A STAMP.-It would be well for those
who correspond with volunteers now in camp,
or on duty away from home, to enclose a pos
taße stamp in order to secure a reply. It is
sometimes difficult for the soldiers to procure
stamps, and this difficulty may lead to embar
rassment in correspondence.
THE Ho= GUARDS of Susquehanna and
Lower Paxtori townships, will meet for drill at
the store of John C. Shoop, in the village of
Shellsburg, on Saturday evening next at half
past five o'clock. All persons who have not
yet signed the roll are invited to hand in their
names on or before that time.
SNOW BALLS IN MAL—This morning we met
a lady carrying in her hand a large bunch of
"snow balls," which made one shiver to look
at, so suggestive were they of winter. While
admiring the beauty of the flowers, we could
not help thinking they were sadly at variance
with the raw, cold air of the early morning.
Pass THEM ROUND.—Three members of Capt.
Baldy's company of Easton, named George
Bowers, Thomas O'Conner and Levi Muthart,
having been recently guilty of disrespectful
language and insubordination, were ordered to
be marched out of Camp Curtin before a charge
of bayonet, to the air of the " rogue's march."
The order was immediately enforced, and the
fellows were thus driven from the camp.
HON. THOMAS W. DUFFIELD, a member of the
last Legislature, has been chosen Captain of the
Frankford Light Artillery, now drilling in ex
peAalion of an early call for their services.—
The company could not have made a better
choice. A more gallant gentleman or braver
soldier than Col. Duffield does not tread the
free soil of Pennsylvania. He will do his duty
to his country and the men who follow him to
battle and to victory.
OFFICERS IN TOWN.—Adjutant Knipe and
Lieut. Charles Davis have been in town for a
day or two on a visit from Camp Slifer. They
look well, and report the Harrisburgers at
Chauibersburg in fine health and spirits, and
anxious for a brush with the rebels. Lieut.
Davis returned to camp this afternoon. Our
good-looking and gallant friend Brigadier Gen
eral Williams makes an excellent officer and we
learn is in high favor with the troops under
his command.
MAYOR'S COURT.—In the absence of Mayor
Kepner from the city, Justice Beader officiated
in his place this morning and disposed of the
inmates of the tombs. Wm. Walker, a reject
ed volunteer, arrested for drunken and disor
derly conduct, was discharged upon promise
of good behavior hereafter. John Stees, a reg
ular "revolver," found lying around loose, in
a tangle-footed condition, was sent to the assy
lum for inebriates, where he will remain for ten
days the guest of Mr. Boyd. All efforts to re
form John have proved abortive—he is "joined
to his idols."
THE WORK GOING ON —From our own obser
vation in this and neighboring towns, we think
that the farmers are doing the right thing. A
much larger space of land is being planted than
usual. In going through the country we
thought we saw more plowed land than we
ever saw before in the mouth of May. This is
right. The man who faithfully tills the soil
this year, ranks next in patriotism to him who
goes to the battle-field.—Exchange Paper.
Such is the fact. Let the soil of the north
be made to bring forth more than at any pre
vious period. He who uow makes two blades of
grass to grow where before was but one, is
both a patriot and a christian.
lowing extract from a letter written by an offi
cer high in command, is worthy the special at
tention of all our volunteers. Numerous let
ters have been published in the newspapers
reflecting very harshly upon the officers in
actual service. They are written, in many
cases, by soldiers to their friends, not designed
to be published, but handed to the papers by
the recipients. Editors should know that by
their publication serious damage may be done,
both to the writer and to the service. The
officer referred to has no personal reason for
the suggestion, as all the letters from his com
mand indicate the warmest feeling of attach
ment to him and his officers :
" I wish you would call the attention of the
papers to the letters from privates, praising
officers, &c. It is strictly forbidden by the
army regulations, and is a cause of punish
ment by court martial for any officer or private
to write or publish in any way any article
praising, or blaming, or discussing the conduct
of any officer or man. You will see the pro
priety of this while the service continues ;
after the term is over each officer and private
will be fairly tried by the judgment of his
neighbors at home. But a severe article on an
officer written from the camp and published at
home, and then returned to the camp, might
do most serious mischief and injustice. I
make these suggestions to the papers with
more freedom, from the fact that everything I
have yet seen from the men is of the kindest
description ; but no man can tell how soon he
may be compelled to give orders which will be
CAPTAIN SIMMONS, of this city, who has bee❑
visiting the various Pennsylvania camps in his
official capacity, as a United States army offi
cer, has returned home, and will remain here
soma time for the purpose of inspecting and
mustering in the troops which have been ac
cepted under the three years' requisition.
PASSAGE OF TROOPS.—This morning two regi
ments from Philadelphia passed through this
city en route for Chambersburg. The Scott.
Legion, destined for the same point, is expect
ed to reach here this afternoon. The First
City Troop, now under marching orders, will
probably be sent to Chambersburg also. Two
or three regiments of New York troops, from
the Elmira encampment, passed over the Nor
thern Central R 'Broad this morning en route
for Washington city. Some ten thousand
troops are to be concentrated at Chambersburg
within a few days, and a march upon Harper's
Ferry from that point may be anticipated 130011.
HOME DEFENCE.—The farmers in several of
the adjoining townships are organizing com
panies for home defence, in case their services
should be needed. This is a patriotic and com
mendable movement, and should not be con
fined to any particular section of the country.
Let the stay at-home patriots throughout the
entire country, in all the towns and villages
and rural districts, organize home guard com
panies, and perfect themselves in military
drill, so that if called into service they will be
prepared to take the field in good fighting con
dition. Nearly all our farmers are supplied
with rifles or muskets, and they should famil
iarize themselves with the use of these weap
ons. We say, go on in the good work of or
ganizing home guard military organizations.
ladies to take charge of the box of provisions
and delicacies forwarded by them to the State
Capital Guards, met with a cordial and enthusi
astic reception on his arrival at Chambersburg.
While the "fodder" was being distributed, the
boys made the welkin ring with cheers for the
Harrisburg ladies; and when assembled around
their mess tables to luxuriate upon the good
things so bountifully provided, many were the
blessings invoked upon the fair donors. On
leaving for home this morning the " commissa
riat, " Mr. Charles C. Mathews, was honored
with au escort by the entire company, to the
Railroad depot, where numerous hearty cheers,
interspersed with terrific " tigers," were given
for him and the patriotic ladies he represented.
ed yesterday that impositions had been prac
tised upon and money extorted from various
persons by individuals representing themselves
to be connec' ed with the constabulary and po
lice department. With a view to block this
swindling game, and protect citizens from sim
ilar impositions in the future, we give the
names of the city constables : First Ward—A.
J. Wickert. Second Ward—Moses Fleck.—
Third Ward—Henry Becker. Fourth Ward—
John Stouffer. Fifth Ward—Samuel S. Cole.
Sixth Ward—Solomon Hoover. These gentle
men constitute the regular constabulary force
of this city. In the Police department Henry
Radabaugh holds the position of Chief.—
Messrs. Frederick P. Haehnlen, Daniel Callen
der and Daniel Weaver, all holding positions
under the City Council, are invested with po
lice powers, as is also Mr. Michael Neuman,
engaged in a police capacity at the Pennsylva
nia Railroad Depot. Any other persons than
those above named, who represent themselves
as constables or police officers, are base impos
ters. We trust the expositions made by us may
have a tendency to check the "bogus" officials
in their infamous and criminal career.
will be a gratification to the tax-payees of this
county to learn that it is expressly provided in
the new loan bill, recently passed by the Llgis
lature, that the law authorizing members of
volunteer companies to receive pay for mili
tary parading, not actually in the service of
the State, has been suspended during the exist
ence of the present war; and that the militia
tax imposed by the laws of the Commonwealth
is to be collected and paid into the treasury of
the State, to meet the expenses of the militia
mustered into actual service. Our people can
now pay this tax with a cheerfulness that
would have been wanting had the money gone
to bogus volunteer companies, as heretofore,
to be squandered upon men whose only object
appears to be to play holiday soldier. The peo
ple of Dauphin county, just at the present
time, are heartily sick of paying a military tax
for the maintenance of volunteer companies
which are of no service whatever when soldiers
are really wanted. Judging from the amount of
batallion parading and other military move
ments on paper, going on from year to year in
Dauphin county, and the money drawn from
the county treasury for this purpose, it might
have been inferred that we had at least a dozen
efficient volunteer companies in our county.
This seems not to be the case, for when govern
ment called for troops only one of these com
panies—the Cameron Guards of this city—re
sponded to the call. The whole thing proved
to be a sheer farce, though they had all been
drawing their pay as bona fide companies, in
actual existence, ready to serve their country
in any emergency. Our people are disgusted
at paying military tax for the support of men
who are brave soldiers in time of peace, but
when their services are required on the tented
field, prove to be as gentle as sucking does.
Of the five or six companies at the upper end
of the county who make a grand "splurge" on
the occasion of every semi-annual batallion
training, not one is now in the service of the govern
ment ! None of the men in that section who
have been playing soldier for years, are on
hand when soldiers are really in demand. Thus
far all the companies organized for the war in
Dauphin county, with one exception—the Cam
eron—lnfantry were raised in the city of Har
risburg, and are mainly composed of men who
bad no connection with old military organiza
tions. If the holiday soldiers of the "upper
end" do not intend to enlist in the service of
their country, for the preservation and perpet
nation of the Union, we advise them to doff
their tinseled uniforms, sheathe their orna
mental swords, and dispense with their pom
pom and farcical parades,
Ptunsvlvattia toativ gait.• ir
ty.A.4 4.gip
FOR CHAMBERSBEFFIG. - A number of camp
wagons, loaded with provisions at the govern
ment store house in this city, left last night
for Chambersburg. Others will follow during
the week.
A SUGGINSTION. —Bunting has so rapidly ad
vanced in price, that a good sized color costs
double what it could be procured for a few
weeks ago. Let the military rule be adopted,
and the flags will long be preserved—that is, to
run up the flag at sun-rise, and take it down at
sun-set. Night damps and dews are very in
jurious to bunting, and if the above direction
is followed your flags will last a long time.
The Judges of our Court, constituted by a spe
cial law of the Legislature, a board to disburse
the funds appropriated by the County Commis
sioners for the relief of the families of volun
teers now in service, wil I enter upon the discharge
of their duties to-morrow. We presume their
plan of operations, when systematized and per
fected, will be made public for the information
of all interested. The loan of ten thousand
dollars, solicited by the County Commissioners ,
has not yet been taken.
NOT NEEDED.-A quarrel occurred in this
city last evening between some soldiers, and
fears being entertained of a general outbreak
and assault upon one of the " peculiar institu
tions" in the rear of the Capitol, during the
night, Col. Seiler ordered out one of the com
panies at Camp Curtin, and placed them at the
disposal of the Chief of Police. No disturbance
occurred, however, and the services of the mil
itary were not required. The men were armed
with muskets and presented a formidable ap
pearance when drawn up in line in front of
the Mayor's office.
MEDICAL Ex AMINERS. —The Surgeon General,
Henry H. Smith, has selected the following
Board of Medical Examiners to examine candi
dates for surgeons in the volunteer corps of
this State, viz : Dr. King, ,of Pittsburgh, Dr.
George Dock, of Harrisburgh, and Dr. Agnew,
of Philadelphia. The Board is now in session in
this city, having met this morning, and their
rooms in the Capitol are crowded with candi
dates. All the surgeons heretofore appointed
are required to pass the Board. This order
has created quite a sensation in medical circles.
We presume the Board will continue in session
several days.
COURT ITEM—Joseph Kahnweller, of this
place, who was arrested several weeks ago upon
complaint of his Philadelphia Creditors that he
had fraudulently contracted the debts due them,
and had secreted, removed and assigned his
property with intent to defraud them, had a
hearing yesterday and the day before, before
His Honor Judge Pearson. The Court sus
tained the charges against Kahnweiler, where
upon he gave bail to try for the benefit of the
insolvent laws at the next Court. We judge
Joseph will have a hard time of it. It was
proved that he bought neatly $20,000 worth of
goods last fall for his store at Trever ton—broke
up in the winker—and left all the creditors un
A DEN CRUSHED OUT.—For some time past the
people in the upper section of Verbeketown
have been annoyed by a disreputable institu
tion where the most degraded class of the col
ored population, of both sexes, regularly congre
gate to drink cheap whisky, dance and sing, and
make night hideous with their drunken revels.
A day or two ago six of the female patrons were
arrested and four of them sent to prison. Last
night a storming party of soldiers from Camp
Curtin made a descent upon the den and com
pletely crushed it out, demolishing the win
dows and furniture, and causing the terror
stricken inmates to fly in confusion. The color
ed women sought refuge with some of their
sable sisters in the vicinity, and the attack
ing party, having accomplished the object of
their mission, returned to camp.
ANOTHER VICTIM.—A few evenings ago a
young man from one of the upper counties, the
son of an eminent citizen of our State, while
passing through Capitol Park in an inebriated
condition, was accosted by an individual wro
represented himself as a police Officer, and
threatened to take the former to the lock-up,
unless ho "socked" to the amount of one dol
lar. The young man readily complied with the
demand, rather than suffer the exposure and
dirgrace which his arrest would lead to. On
the following morning the young man met the
person to whom he had given the dollar, and
pointed him out to a friend to whom he was
relating the circumstance, when, to his aston
ishment, he was informed that he bad been
victimized by a "bogus" officer—the fellow
who threatened the arrest having no connec
tion with the constabulary or police depart
ment of the city. This is not the only instance
in which the same sharp operator has imposed
upon and extorted money from strangers.
Titoromr..—The female thief who stole a consid
erable amount of money from the bureau
drawer of Mr. Snyder, a lager beer seller, was
arrested last evening by officers Radabaugh and
Wickert, and taken before Justice Reader, who
committed her to prison. The woman gave
her name as Rebecca Sellers, and from the
statement made by her to the justice, it ap
pears that when arrested by George Garman,
who is playing constable "on his own hook,"
she gave him all the money, on condition that
he would let her off, which was done. The
woman further stated that Garman subsequent
ly met her in a lager beer shop, treated her to
some of that delectable beverage, and advised
her to leave the city. Upon the failure of
Garman to return the whole of the stolen mo
ney to Mr. Snyder, that gentleman made infor
mation against him for the larceny of twenty
one dollars—the amount missing. This morn
ing the "bogus" constable was captured by
officer Cole, on a warrant issued by Justice
Reader, and. entered bail for his appearance at
the next Court to answer the charge of con
structive larceny, Mr. George R. Kemble going
his security. The case will be fully ventilated
when it cornet up for trial.
"() 1011 cotin '
Latest from Washington.
Arrival of the Garibaldi Guard.
Arrest of a New Jersey Spy
The Advance Line of the Grand Army
about to Move,
A gentleman who arrived this morning from
the neighborhood of Centreville, Virginia,
twenty-three miles from Alexandria, reports
that he was informed that there was about
4,000 tro Dps in that vicinity. He also confirm
ed the report that prominent union men con
tinue to be seized by the rebttls and conveyed
further into the interior of Virginia, to be held
as hostages for the safety of about forty rebel
soldiers now in Washington awaiting the order
of the Government. The Garibaldi Guard reg
iment from New York arrived here at two
o'clock this morning.
Hanna, a New Jersey spy and the Postmas
ter at Camden, who has been under arrest for
some time, has been released.
In a day or two a column of the advance
line of the " grand army," will be putlied
ahead as far as Manassas Junction. This
point is twenty-seven miles from Alexandria.
Quiet at Present.—No Hostile Buil,.
cations at Newport or New Point The
First N. P. Regiment landed at Fort.
ress Monroe.—Gen. Butler's Aid-de-
Camp en route for Philadelphia.
Bosrrozl, May 30.
The steamer Adelaide, from Old Point Com
fort, arrived ehis morning, and reports all quiet
there up to last evening. Most of the troops
are encamped outside the walls, and at Newport
and New Point there are no hostile indications
on the part of the Virginians in that direction
The steamer State of Georgia landed the First
Regiment of New York at Fortress Monroe yes•
CoL,Fay, the aid de Camp of Gen. Butler, ar
rived here by boat, and proceeded to
A large number of Ohio troops are reported
at Little York, Pa., this morning, on the road
to this city.
Col. Blair's Regiment Sworn in for
Three Years— Two Hundred Illi
noisans left for the South to Join
the Rebel Army—Suspension of Se
cession Newspapers New Orleans
Troops en route for Arkansas.
ST. Lours, May 30.
Col. Blair's regiment has been sworn into
the United States service for three years.
About 200 citizens of Southern Illinois lefi
for the South a few days since, to join the
rebel army.
The Paducah. Herald, Columbus'Creecent, and
Hickman Courier, Sectesion paperS, have sus
pended publication.
Four steamers passed Vicksburg on the 23d
inst., with confederate troops from New Or
leans for Fort Smith Arkansas.
Retreat of the Rebels to Falling Waters
—Two Hundred Virginia Troops e'
camped at Georgetown.
Private dispatches to the American, dated
Williamsport, May 28th, says that the camp
opposite that place has fallen back from the
Potomac about four miles to Falling Waters,
the church at which place has been occupied as
a hospital. On Sunday about 200 Virginian
troops reached Little Georgetown, seven miles
above Williamsport, and have encamped there
using the church as barracks.
Interesting from Norfolk
Movements of General Beauregard —Preparations
for defence against General Butler—The Rebel
Troops Badly Disciplined, but Well Armed —.a
Whole Company Votes Against Secession.
A gentleman who has just arrived jrom Nor
folk says General Beauregard was expected to
reach there on Tuesday night.
The whole number of troops in and about
Norfolk does not exceed 7,000, though large
accessions are daily expected from the Gull
The battery at Sewell's Point was almost de
stroyed by the Minnesota guns, but a large
force was engaged in repairing it.
It being anticipated that Gen. Butler will
land his forces at Ocean View, on Hampton
Roads, about six miles from Sewell's Point and
ten from Norfolk, three hundred negroes from
Tennessee had been sent out to throw up en
trenchments on the road leading to Ocean
VI w. •
Seventy of the eighty-three votes east in
Portsmouth, Va., against secession, were by a
rifle company, who were immediately disarmed
and disbanded.
Gen. Huger is in command at Norfolk. They
have but one piece of rifled cannon, which is at
Sewell's Point.
CAIRO, ILL., May 29
A fall regiment of St. Louis volunteers, un
der command of Col. Shuttner, arrived here
this afternoon and proceeded at once to Bird's
Point, which they will permanently hold.
They are supplied with Mule ritle,4, camp
equippage and provisions for thirty days. Two
batteries will be sent from here to-morrow.
A gentleman from the South reports that
of all the troops under the command of General
Pillow, only 5100 are well armed. These are
principally at Union City and Randolph.—
Arms are, however, daily arriving for the
Three thirty-two pounders, three twenty-four
pounders, oae eight inch howitzer and one
eight inch mortar are now here and will be
mounted to-morrow.
The news that troops have been sent to Vir
ginia from Ohio strengthens the belief that a
movement will soon be made from that point.
Arrival of Hon. Geo. M. Dallas—De
bate in Parliament on the American
Blockade—Mr. Adams, the new Amer
ican Minister, presented at Court.
The Cunard steamship America arrived here
this morning. Her dates are to the 19th inst.,
by telegraph to Queenstown. Hon. George M.
Dallas, late minister to the Court of St. James,
isga passenger. . .
lhe America has over a million in specie on
The steamship Hibernia, of the Galway
line, put back to Liverpool on account of dam
age to her machinery; and the North Briton
took her place, sailing on the 18th lust. The
steamer, City of Washington had arrived out.
The Galway steamship contract had been
annulled by Parliament. The boats will, how
ever, continue their trips to America.
Mr. Adams, the new American minister, has
been presented at court.
A debate had occurred in the House of Lords
on the American blockade, the speakers gener
ally opposing the idea that privateers should
be regarded as pirates.
The ship Ida Lilly, from New York for
Clyde, had gone ashore at Islay, and was full
of water.
The Destruction of the Defences on Ship Island
Texas Ports Blockaded.
The New Orleans Picayune of the 24th in
stant has this account of the destruction of the
unfinished fortification on Ship island.
"Biroxr, Miss., May 22-2 o'clock, P. M.
"Editors Picayune—Our village is all excite
ment at the supposed destruction of Fort Ship
"The fort is located from this place distant
thirteen miles. The flames are bursting from
the direction of the fort, and all come to the
conclusion that the quarters in the fort are be
ing destroyed.
"One of our citizens, with the aid of a fine
telescope, says he discerns a large ship outside
of the harbor, steering directly from land.
"There are ono or two groan vessels now in
in sight, steering for Biloxi, supposed to be the
lighthouse boats. Should they get here in time
fur the steamer Creole I will give you full par
"We have a home guard of one hundred of
our beet citizens, who a e ready to greet any
guests with Lincoln proclivities with a warm
reception. "Yours, in haste,
An extra of the Handsboro' (Miss.) Demo
crat, dated May 22d, 4 P. M., says :
" We have just received in'ormation from a
number of eye witnesses that the unfinished
fortification on Ship Island has been levelled to
the ground and completely destroyed. The
buildings, comprising a large dwelling and va
rious out houses, have been set on fire, the
smoke of which can be plainly seen from the
`This interesting specimen of vandalism is
the work of parties landing from a ship (Yan
kee, of course,) anchored in the harbor, who,
having duly accomplished their villainous
work, with their usual alacrity, sneaked off to
parts unknown. There is no telling but they
may return and destroy the towns on the
A letter from Galveston, (Texas,) dated May
19, says :
"I ]earned yesterday that all our ports are
blockaded. The Government vessels fired into
ind stopped a couple of southern vessels, and
our ardent sou throns are as hot as fire about it.
We have got two forts on the beach, built of
sand bags and barrels, and seven or eight pieces
of artillery. Everything is very dull here at
present, and every one out of employment.
The latest advices from Harper's Ferry say
that 10,000 rebel troops are in the town and at
Bolivar, and 400 on Maryland Heights ; but
the latter have no field pieces.
The secessionists at Hagerstown who are ter
ror stricken at the late reinforcements at
Chiimbersburg, held a conclave, which lasted
till near daylight this morning.
Emissaries from Harper's Ferry are in Ha
gerstown nearly every night, but the Unionists
are watchful and aware of all movements.—
Additional reinforcements are expected here
early to-morrow morning.
Considering the number of soldiers in town
and the vicinity, comparatively good order pre,-
rails. The soldiers are all iu good health and
anxious for a brush with the rebels.
Three Pennsylvania Regimen ts —twentieth,
twenty-first and twenty-fourth—started from
Suffolk Park within the last twenty-four hours
for Chambersburg. First City Treop is under
marching orders, and will probably go in the
same direction.
Fuxin' FELLOWS, OUR POLICE.—The full and
explicit instructions given to the police force
by our worthy Mayor, is evidenced in the
prompt and satisfactory manner those gentle
men discharge their duty. The best intentions
and exertions, however, on their part, some
times are fruitless, as for i,,stance : Ever ou
the look-out to overhaul an 3, suspicious looking
craft sailing about loose, one of the aforesaid
police might have been seen yesterday having
in charge a stranger with two large packages,
marked from the South, which created a great ex
citement ; but upon examination they were ,
found to contain dry goods bought at the cheap '
store South-east corner Front and Market
streets. Uaicw & BOWMAN.
pieces of Grey Goods at 10, 12,1- and 20 cts.
100 dozen Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs for 3,
5 and 0 cts 10 pieces Lavella Cloth for 7 cts.
25 dozen Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs for 12k,
worth 25 cts. Splendid Mohair Mitts at 31 and
37 ets. 15 dozen towels at 121 cts. a towel.
Linen Sleeves and Collars at 25 cts. 50 dozen
Sun Umbrellas and Parasols cheap. 100 pieces
of the best Calico ever sold for 61- cts. 50
pieces Broche Bordering very cheap. A large
lot of bleached and unbleached Muslin. Now
is the time to buy bargains. Call at S. LEVY'S,
Rhoads' old corner.
BEAUTIFUL AND CHEAP.—Tne elegant styles
of umbrellas and parasols at Lee's in Market
street, which are sold wholesale and retail at
less than city prices. We commend this estab
lishment to the patronage of citizens and
traders. fi
is solicited to our very :urge assortment of
UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS Of every size and qualify.
GENTS' Jouvus Km Giovzs, best article manufactured.
All the different kinds of WINTER GLOVES.
Largest assortment of HOSIERY In the city.
And everything in Gents' wear, at
No T t In the Ftartleherg Ew,.
AQUANTITY of Bags, Checks and Ging.
hams for sale by the dozen and piece, cheap ler
cash, at the DAUPHIN" COUNIT PRISON. m ys.g m
I:I4.IiRIABILRG lay 8, 1861,
Arrival of the Steamer America.
HALIFAX, May 30th
The Southern Blockade.
CIIAMBERSBORG, May 29, 10 o'clock, P. M
Neu) ainurtisenunis.
I• FRANKLIN, Optician,
INFORMS the citizens of Harrisburg and
vicinity, that. his professional stay In this city is
limited now to
FRIDAY, the 31st Inst.,
when he will close his office here for the sale of his
The sale of his
Military Field Glasses,
Opera and Marine Glasses,
Mathematical, Surveyors'
and Physical Instruments,
Stereoscopes and
Stereoscopic Views, &a.,
will close on the PREFIOIT day,
THURSDAY, the 30th Inst
Feturnring his sincere thanks to the pub is for the
liberal patronage and attention he has received here be
solicits the continuance or tho same at his establishment,
where he will he happy to execute all orders with
promptness and speed.
(tore and Tacory 112 &Rah 4th, street, Philadelphia.)
Offle, in Harrisburg, Third street, near %Valimt.
Harrisburg, May 23, 1861.
In mustering companies, inspecting and en
listing recruits for the " Reserve Volunteer
Oorps of this Commonwealth," the officers and
surgeons assigned to such duty are required to
conform strictly to the directions of paragraphs
1135 and 1299 U. S. Army regulations, (see
copy annexed,) excepting that the maximum
age of the rank and file shall be forty-five
By order of the Commander•in-chief,
No. 1135. In passing a recruit the medical
officer is to examine him stripped ; to see that
he has free use of all his limbs ; that his chest
is ample ; that his hearing, vision and speech
are perfect ; that be ha 3 no tumors, or ulcer
ated or extensively cica.trized legs ; no rupture
or chronic cutaneous affection ; that he has not
receivel any contusion or wound of the head
that may impair his faculties ; that he is not
a drunkard ; is not subject to convulsic ns ; and
has no infectious disorder, nor any other that
may unfit him for military service.
No. 1299. Any free white male person above
the age of eighteen and under thirty-five
years, being at least five feet four and a half
inches high, effective, able-bodied, sober, free
from disease, of good character and habits, and
with a competent knowledge of the English
language, may be enlisted. This regulation,
so far as respects the height and age of the re
cruit, shall not extend to musicians or to sol
diers who may re-enlist, or have served honestly
and faithfully a previous enlistment in the
army. my 23 lw
the Recaots and expenditures of the. Harrisburg
Otnitt2ry Association from the 4th of June, 1860, to the
2nd day of May, 1460 :
To balance on hand June 4, 1860 $1,539 82
To receipts from sale of lots and digging graves
during tile year
To cash paid officers of election......
Tocsah police ofiLers 13e,Iter and
To cash Willism Putt for 11 months
To case Bennevol Putt for labor
To cash laborers and hire for hJrses
and carts macadamiz ug roads 382 00
To cash refunded for lots surrendered 23 50
To cash repairing tools 13 08
To cash making fence, labor and stuff 59 32
To cash scythes, t,ols, nails, . 16 83
To cash advertising, carpenter work,
coal, Se 81 02
To cash invested in city bonds ..... 1,923 00
To cash John A. Weir, Secretary 25 00
to cash A. K. Fahnesto.rk, Treasurer, 50 00
superintendent 5O 00
Bal wee due Treasurer
We do hereb y certify that we have examined the above
account in detail, and compared it with the vouchers,
and find it correct, leaving a balance due the Treasurer,
ot ninety-five doPar> and ninety three cents.
IVSI. COLDER, } Committee
May 18, 1861
Extract front the Minutes of August 16,1858
Resolved, "That five hundred dollars of ,ur present
fund be put to interest on good security, with a
view of increasing the same from year to year, until the
interest of the increased fund will defray the ordinary
expenses of the Cemetery."
J. A. WEIR, Secretary.
Under the foregoing resolution, and by submguem di
rection of the Baird of Slamigers, an additional amount
has been inves Led, and boa& aruounun; to three thou
sand dollars are held against the city of Harrisburg,
bearing interest of eix tier cent. per annum clear of tax.
The lot hollers in the Harrisburg Cemetery are here•
by notified that an election for President and five 31‘na
gen of the association for the ensuing year, will be held
-t the Ai:, of A. K. Fahnestocir, Treasurer, on Monday
the 3d day of Julie, 1161, betwo,n the hours of 2 o'clock
and 5 o'clock, P.
my23-dlw J. A. WEIR, Secretary.
No Home Without a Stereoscope !
STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS , comprising the
latest novelties by American, French and. English
Art.sts, representing landscapes, Statuary, celebrated
Edifices, Groups with the utmost fidelity - , at the lowest
prices, at
M. I. FRANKLIN'S, Optician,
(NSAR WALN my24-dlw
Harnsburg, May 27, 1861. r
Quarter 'Master General R. C. Hale is ordered
to forward the clothing, as per requisitions
dated 23d ➢fay last, by Colonels Harhamft and
sl'Dowell, of the Fourth and Fifth Regiments
Pennsylvania Volunteers, in place of sending
it as heretofore directed. The Fourth and
Fifth Regiments being now in actual service
and in great need of proper clothing.
By order of the Commander-in•chief,
Reapers and Mowers For Sales
THE SUBSCRIBER has on hand a num.
ber of Reapers and Mowers (Manny's with Wuods
improvements) with all the late improvements, which
he will sell at nearly fifty per cent. less than the regular
prices at which they are sold.
Persons wanting machines of this kind can save fifty
dollars on each machine by purchasing from the sub
scriber. MVO MUMMA, JR„
my2ll-3td-atw ad street Tiarrisburgl
1,458 00
2,997 82
SS 80
2 00
275 00
193 00
3,093 75
95 93
3,093 75