Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, May 27, 1861, Image 1
ftfint larinting Offur. _., ( .., ~,vlny. procured Steam power Preeses, WO AN rep Le,•,l to execute JOB node,,ol( PRINTING of every .. -..,...[10n, cheaper that it; be dove at any other ea ,I,:hmantin the eenetr3 ~, ,;, ~ s ntt I 131.. , ( 0. 'Four 'tr., ,r is: Con41,(1110 Ow. halt , 1 ILI .re 1 Ig to 0 or t11)3 , .• iban 10,1 r poi:Ounce a square Flail ... ,, qo Ir , "t: • dap...... . .,....... ....„ .5.,.. . a .t 07 , 301.11 ~ . .... , 8.. ~ .. 0 *) ,:l. , :o . • • ..... . • <.: months ...... ...„., ...... „„ .3 Co . ~, year..... .......... , ~:m•: one 0 ova 0.,0 day 6o 2 00 000 week.....,.. ............... II coo month . 3 M ~ three months 500 ..ell mouths..., . ..... , ....... .... 8 oo—' .. one year ........................ .10 Oo .:4—R,:ranosa notkee Inserted In the Lecni ....... up pet,. Nlarriages and I,Peath4, FIVE CENTS PER LINN or Piet ilertlOD. g i r.larriagen and Deaths to be charged u regular filisullantong ARMY SUPPLIES, °MOB of Asur CLoritiNG Atm EQuiMitt, idelphia, Hay 2U, 18dl, bEATAD PROPOSALS are Invited end wid be r.e.leed ~t 'hie uillue, uutil 12 u'clotk, un 11uuday the thild thy of June next, tor fur- Itishidlt by contract the f .Ilowiug At my sup pales dud tuatettals, de iVertb e at the Udited Sates Clothing and Egiiivage D-pot, (ticbuyi. kill Arsenal,) iu qUalliideS tt9 rdcrdied, viz : /0,000 garde Cloth, 4144 blur, (indigo wool dyed ) for cap!, 54 inches wide, t‘ weigh ab tut 14 ounces prr yard. 100 : 000 yards Cloth, dark blue, (ludeu wool Uyerl ) twilled, 64 inches wide, to wti:h 21 ounces per yard. 130,000 yard, Th.-rdev, dark blue, ( ucl , go wool dyed,) 54 inches wide, to weigh 22 ount•ee per yard. 175,000 yards riAtit4e, ray blue, (indigo wool dyed,) 54 inched wide, to weigh 22 01/1:1Uld p r yard. ),000 Army 61 ukete, wool, grey, (with the le. t ere IL C. lb IA tat, 4 Lours 1 .ue. lu the centre,) to bo 7 lout long. and 5 feet 6 banned wide, to pounds ellen. X00,0)0 yards Flannel, dark blue, (indlio w.s)l dyed,) 64 inches wide, to weigt 10 ounces per 3 ard. /00,00 yards Pismo I. cotton and wool, dtrk blue, (:ndigo dyed, (to weigh mimes per yaril. 400,000 yards Fiatiod, white, cotton and wool, 81 inches wide, to weigh si r ounce: per yard. 440 000 yai de Canton Flannel, 27 inches wide, to weigh 7. ounces per yard. 000,003 yards Ctttun Drilling, unbleached 27 inches wide, to weigh e} ounces p r y rd. 100,000 yards Cotton Dri'llog, unbleached, 86 inches wide, to weigh 8 ouuces per yard. 200,000 pairs half. Stockings, gray, 8 share, properly made of goad fleece wool. with double and twisted yarn, to weigh 8 pounds per dozen pairs. 60,000 yards Russia, Sheeting, 42 inches wide, best quality. 10,000 yards Brown holland, 86 inches wide, best qu 60,000 yards Cotton Muslin, unbleached, 86 inches wide. 20,000 yards Black Silesia, best quality, 36 inches wide. 4,000 yards Buckram, best quality, 40 inches wide <r• S,OOO shouts Wadding, cotton. 80,000 pieces Tape (6 yards) white, f and inches wide. —Silk—red, white, yellow, green and blue, for flags, per yard. —Silk twist and Sowing Bilk, beet quality, per pound. 6,000 Linen thread W. 8., No, 86 and 40, per pound. 8,000 Linen thread, blue, No. 80, 85 and 40, per pound. 1,000 Linen thread, assorted colors, No. 85 and 40 per lb. 3 000 dosen spools Cotton. 1,000 pieces Webbing t (12 yards,) 1 and loth. 412.000 yards Cotton Duck, 80 inches wide, to weigh 22} ounces per yard. 15 000 yards Cotton Duck, 20 inches wide, to weigh 15i ounces per yard. 4'00,000 yarle Cotton Duck, 281 inches wide, to weigh lb ounces per yard. 160.000 yards Cotton Duck, 281 inches wide, t , . w.igh 10 ounces per yard. 40 GOO yards Cotton Duck, 24 inches wide, to weigh 14 ounces per yard. 0.10 yards Crtiou Duck, 83 Inches wide, to weigh 10 ounces per yard. 80.030 yards Cotton Duck, 22 inches wide, to weigh 9 ounces per yard. 9' , ~ 0 )atria Canvas Padding. CPJ 0 ga,de Bunting,—red, white and blue. 6a) Colds and Tassels, for trumpets and bugle, rted colors. aids 7 inch Sitk Lice, assorted colors. .L , ,uuo pada i anti iiinch Worsted Lace, ass,,rt, d Lairs. t,,CO hat cord, worst.d, assorted colors. 8 le inch &Kean, with a tassel at each end, two tomes bung. 40.0J0 Bla k Pelt flats, best quality, made of &utcb and Eugliatt coney and Ruse .10. 1,000 Bla k Ostrich Feathers, 12 inches lung. 1,000 8.8471 Eagles. 6,000 brass crossed canna,., ,000 Blass Bugles. 6,000 brass crossed 8 three. 200 Brass Gavels. 2 000 Trumpets. 60 ouo d, .s.lllipikCk trglaLling sets, brass 2LO du Sp arts and Ferrules, for gurtLaue and col re. 2,000 gross Buckles, Iran roller, 1 and mow, be,t quality. 601) gr But.klee, we neck stocks. 40J pairs 51. U. b. Brass Sautes end 100 pairs }trot se. 200 pisS ~s eant's brass, and 600 pair Br sized 5 ales. 0 CO) C .rputalle and Privates' brass, and Buo pair Buna LI swat, i t 1 g B mous, best quality. gro,* 17,14 Battoris, du. "t' Ka. sr. Shirt Bartow, do. ..110 groie Suspender Buttons, best quality 4uo Bu,lee , wrth extta mouth picots. 2uo Frump ta, do. do. 1.0 u Fires, B and C, each kind. 100 Ennuis, complete, artillery. 70t1 do. do. infantry. SWO du. beads, batter. 4,100 d do. sna re . 2 0011 do. *hates, 808. 4 0,9 do. Sticks , p dr, Uud do. Curds, of Italian limp 84 feet lung. 1,000 Drum Slings. lu do. Stick Carriages. Els) Fl.lbpital tent poles. 8 uou Wall Taut Poled, acts. 15 uuu cmnmon do. do. 'MO Fl.epital Tent Pius, small and large 20 ow Wall do. large. 000 Common do. til.lo Teut Buttons, (woo d,) large and Small. ~ 000 Tent Slips, do do 600 Garrison Flag Halliards of Italian hemp, 220 feet long. 1 000 B...cruiting Flag Halliards of Italian hemp 47 feet long. ),0(0 pounds Cotton Sewing Twine, 6 and 8 strands. 1,000 pounds IlanillaTent Cord, large me dium and small, beet quality. 600 pounds Bolt Rope. 8,000, do, Rope. MI do Flax. Twine. 6 ,000 pull Cotton Webbing,l an `\ s , \\Alb' /A • , s k. Ili, .. C 14.111101 •,...:'''s ;V k Tgifiss, • ,---___---=-- -- • .:z---:—._;--------r. .: : ---------- It ~..1, , i"-...1.. rt• "Te :''' '' ' . I ;fikazuccualf:---177-1 '-' .. 1 li VOL. XV. filiscEllantous. 60,000 Tiu Canteens with cork stoprers. 8 pints, to weigh 11i out.ces without the stopper. 800 Iron Pots with b tils. 26 000 Mess Pane, sile:t iron, weicht 2 pounds. 10,000 CAW as•tlees, do. Pr sizes, in Eisele, 181 poui,ds. 6 000 Picsux-s, 2 sis.s, to weigh ei and 7 pounds. 10,1)00 Frili• g Axei, cast steel, beet quality, 41 6 and Ei pounds. 10,000 CAtup Haicuttd, do. do. 18 oupc, 8 . 10.000 Pa k-axe Handles, best quality. 10 UOO Felling axe do. do. 16.000 0 .t.up,iet liandLA best quality. 6 WO Spaktes, two iizes, do do. 1 000 Stoves for Sibley tents. 15 000 fur Sibley tents, sits. All ttie ab .ve m-utioned articles must con firm in ail respects to the sealed staudard pat terns iu cola ut ee, where they can be examin ed, and any additional info] maiion in regard o them will be lat 'Ashy(' S tutple patterts of the Woolen and C moo Clothswill be sent _ b y mail to buttons. It is desirable that the arti- Acts be of dam-stlu m inufecture. t'r , p0:1114 wi 1 he received for any one of the articles separately, and for any portL n of each, .ot less lea. than inc mirth of the number or quantity ally, rtised f The ege is ri served by the United States of decrea-inz the quiniaty one-fourth on the aucepranie it the pruposat., and t f increasing it of to escectl doub a the quantity at any tme prior to the completion of the contrail, ny giving the contractor thirty days notice of such d sired tucreitee ; and of r j cting any proposal which may be considered exciavagant. The manufacturers' eetablishmeut or dealers place of bu•ieesa must be distinctly stated in the proposal, tJgetber with the names, address and r spuusibiiity of two parsons proposed as sureties. The sureties will guarantee that a nintrect shall be entered into within ten days after the acceptittice of said bid or proposal. Bids from manufacturers will be preferred, or from regular dealers iu thearticles, and con tracts will ba awarded to the lowest responsi ble bidders who shall furnish the required se curities for the faithful performance thereof. Deliveries to commence within twenty days after the accept.toce of the proposals, and one-fourth of the quantity contracted for must be delivered in equal monthly proportions within two mouths from said date of accept ance, and the remainder within three months thereafter in monthly or greater proportions. It is to be distinctly understood that con tracts are not transferable without the oonsent of the proper authority, and that any sale, as signment or transfer, (except under a process of law,) will be regarded as an abandonment of the contract; and the contractor and his or their securities will be held reponsible for all loss or damage to the United States which may arise therefrom: Paymente will be made on each delivery should Congress have made an appropri ation to meet them, or as soon thereafter as an appropriation shall be made for that purpose. Ten per cent. of the amount of each delivery will be retsiued until the contract shall be completed, which will be forfeited to the United States in case of defalcation on the part of the coutractor in fultil/ing the con tract. Forma or proposals and gunranty will be furnish d upon application to this office, and none will be considered that do not conform thereto. Proposals will be endorsed—" Proposals for Furnishit.g Army Supplies and Materials," and be addressed, COL. CHARLES THOMAS, m}23.Btawdt Asst. Q. M. Genl., U. B. Army. Toe o•unmander-in-CLief P. ?ff., directs the Edlowkg circular tone different Railroad corn• pAuiet , iu Lim State of Penueylvatda, to he pub hetied for the intninAtion of all pe.rtiee con ctrued. HEAD QUARTERS. PANNSYLVAsTA. 511LatA, Harieburic, Mx ) 15, 1861. The following Rules 4te tstablished to radii Otte the pettd g of accounts tit. Tr mapurtaldun over )our huAl, Ituups and liluuitiuus of W.r: Find —The State will not be responsible fur the c a t ul 'fra-seuriai ,, a of any Troops or Iluultious. of War, unless your. Cotelptny. ,nrougl, its agents, bee be,.11 instructed to past. vosm, Or the . liic•r iLI command produces au leg I aphic dispatch to be considered , uthurity,) frow tne (Jur. [Out, directing such raustaata i qt. ur u pus num the Governor be produc, d an I banded over. Sand —11:1 tt the grope; Agents of your Roue to iustiuct.•d to iequirs the signatures of hn otlimr in counhau , i to a certitteate, a copy of which ie auhrx d, copes of which will be fuiniehe d you, criiityiug to amouut of ertviCrs prit, rimed ; to which bluest titt aulerard the eider outer which the troops rho% ed, or au orier to your agtuts to handset the transpor t-al, n. Third.—These certificates, and orders attach win be cktoi,Jered by the proper Auditing Depertmeurs. whet' aAnoved by the. GOVtil Elk r, as v , uchers it' the del Llemeut of sour accouutb. Fourth.—thn»owunt for the ; Era env .t onion of troops Wllet be vioducrri and puttied to end include he lust day of enth month, or as (hotly in ea h buecteditig mouth as p - This uldrr tikes etf CI on the first day oi June, one thoutaud eight hundred and mixiy.une. By order of the Governor nad Commander in-Coief. Jam A. %mar, Aid-de Camp FORM OF CERTIFICATE. / certify, that dui Railro hereby ad Company has furnished transportation for Officers and Men Horses .Field Pieces. Ammunition. From. ............. to ON STATE GOVIRESILET a kVIOL By order of which order is herewith attached. .1861.} ............... N. B. The number of Soldiers, Horses and weight of Field Pieces and AnUtinnition =nit be written it length. d-tf "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN NONE." HARRISBURG, PA., MONDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 27, 1861 Ida. EDI ros is s lid that at Washington the Penus t ivania troops are beet known as " Tue ltagged-b,ckel Penneyl Val ian9. " know that a number of volueteenr now sta tion, d in Merylaild, guaruing to lroeds, al though furnished with new uniforms, are obliged to wear their long overcoats as substi tutes; fur pantaluves. As far as I know they have plenty to eat, and of good quality. Much has lately been eat(' in pubic prints on this shameful imposition on our soldiers, and it is quite possible teat some men in en thorny are blemed eho do nut really decent . it. Div oljett is now to state to the public what I know snout the treatthent of at least our c ut,peny now at Camp Curtin. About five weeks ago the 'deli Infantry of Munich Chunk,—Capt. Dennis McGee—receivers orders to march iuto Camp, which order was promptly obeyed. The men comptaiug said tympany expect* d, es they had a right to ex pect after re ,cluing the camp, that they vreut-1 be furnished—within a reesunable time—ii nut with unifolms, at least such at tides as are intlispeneible. They waited paii.ntly fr. m day to day, and from week to week, receiving very go d food end plenty of it, but not a rehoe, slob is or pair of pantaluone or any other a. tic! - iu that ti,e 801118 of them had no change or shit tf r five weeks Darin.: the extra eessiou of the Legislature I frequently visited the com pany, and felt called upon to give them the as surance almr at daily that "tee pewees 'hit be" would, iu a very snort time, attend to tht it wants. Isucceseled in satisfying some of tnem at lea-t, that this delay, or apparent neglect was unavoidable and they wee wiling, most ; heinfolly, to cuff r a little ionuer. Yesterdey I ...gain visi ted this neglected, p etient and truly patriotic company Some trine or ten were en drill entirely barefoot, d. Several could trot ap pear in the ranks at all for want of pantaluone, ehilet others were in the ranks with shirts cm their backs for five we, ks without change! They appealed to me, as their friend, whether this is tbe kind tre etrueut Arne.lean soldiers must put up with! They keew that the Legie laturo promptly voted =Mobs to organize, clothe, feed and equip the soldiere, and yet some of them were almost entirely baked! I pledged my word that something would be done for them without further delay. With another friend of the company I visited the Quarter Master's department, in the camp, and stated the case. I was told that, as the com pany was 'not yet ilirmally mustered into ser vice, they could do nothing for them without an order from Quarter Master General Hale. We immediately allied on him' at his department and stated the case to him. His reply was, "Can't do anything for them, sir." I re minded him of the fact that they are men and soldiers, but naked, and insisted that they must have something to wear. He_again re plied that as they are not formally mustered into service, it would be a violation of the rules and regulations to give them clothing.— I then appealed to hint to give me an order for about a dozen pairs of shoes, pants and shirts. to supply those who are really almost naked, at the same time offering to deposite into his hands a sufficient amount of money to indemnify him, and thus make myself 'responsible, the money to be refunded to me af ter the company shall have been formally mus tered in. This he also declined, because it would be "against their regulation," and com plicate tbeir accounts I Satisfied that the Quer termiester General bad no inclination to do any thing for these poor but brave mu n, I withdrew from his august presence and proceeded down town, where I bought thirteen pairs of shoes, ten pairs of pants and ten shirts. These few articles soon found their way to the company, and were properly distributed by Captain M'Gee among the. most needy. lam as eared that some of the Harrisburg ladle, are about furnishing this company with ad ditional articles of clothing. If they do I know that they will recieve many beauty "Goo bless you ye's" from lung neglected suf fwinz tellow-men. Now, Mr. Editor, who is most responFib'e for the saatplatious condition of our v. According to my expeii7nce and observation, it is this Q tarter Master General With a pi aAieat busiuree wan at the head of the de -I,artweut, it does seem to me much might b, done to supply tht wants of the sol tiers. But, according to his int reretation of rules ano ragu attune, Acueliahtu citizens who volunteer to lay down thrir lives li neces.-aty, in defence of the freedom we all enjoy, must go naked, and, I suppose. as far as the stme tuuctioa.arl is pohdel ua 41, starve, until some other function ary may think lit to pronouuce them " formal ly mUStcred into service." Such treatment of our volunteers is, to say the le.ast, disgracoful. Acc ,, raieng to my j edit rneht the fault is iu the Department 01 the Quarter Mister General H. H. Barrett. Sons A WRIGHT, Aid•dc-CAMP EXPLANATION. —Thetuiluwing card from Capt. Campbell, of the Ligot Artillery, was h4nded to us last evening. The item in the TRLIGRAPH, to which he takes exception, was based upon the statement of two members of hie company, made in presence of several respectable chi- EC3 A CONTRADICTION.—The report that my men were without ratio , a at Camp Currie is false ; their regular amount of redone was lamed to them proi.erly, and of the heat quality. Sorue new court I tiutd of nut having enough, but it was owing to the huptoper dietributivn of the amount received. Tux vent-rabbi ax tiuiernur Otveley. of Ken tneky, said the (Abel- day, ID the moat em phatic manner : " I will be the Imt man iu Kentucky to leave the Union, en,l when every other man has dote so, I will scuts toil Hag of my country and claim it for my uwo " ENGLAND AND THE COTTON Pitoottor.—A South- Ern plAuter, recently arrived from Europe, a man of standing and of extent.ive information. ray s, as per a letter Plat received flora a friend in New York "Mr - says that England will not lend the South a duller, and France cannot if she would. He says we have no idea of the ever gy with which England is prosecuting the cul tivation of cotton in India and Australia. In ladia twenty-six millions of acres are under cultivation for this purpose. As a planter he felt interested in investigating the subject. He says that in much less than ten yt are she will need no cotton from America. Why will not the South i•ee thief Tito mutaber of regatta and volunteer troops accepts:ld, , and soon to be mustered into the ger vice of the United Stake, togetbe with the old fous;;ltiover tali - hundred and thirty tlichisend. As many more could be called into the field in thirty days. forminnacAr.p.) THE 801.1111171111 1N RAG'S C. T. CAMFBItIi, CommandinK At allay BY TELEGRAM, LLTEST FROM FORT MON- ROE Gen. Lutler has Captured Sewell's Point. FROM 300 TO 400 REBEL TROOPS lULLED AND ,WOUNDED. FIVE HUNDRED PRIONERS TAX EN, S'eeond. Dispatch. Discrediting the Above Report. ARRIVAL OF TILE STEAMER JOHN A WARNER FromsooB to GOO Troops at Fort Monroe. MORE TROOPS ARRIVING. Skirmish, Between the Federal Troops and Rebels at Ar lin,gton. ALL QUIET IN ALEXANDRIA. More Troops Moving into Virginia. CAMERON GUARDS AT WASHINGTON, W.IBIiINGTON, May 26 The steamer Yankee arrived here yesterday from Fortress Monroe, bringing the following impnrtantintelligence : General Butler yester day captured Bewell's Point, with a loss of 84 killed and wounded. The enemy lost between 800 end 400 killed and wounded. Many prisoners were taken, numbering near ly 600. On Thursday evening the enemy's pickets near the fort were surprised, and 800 prisoners brought to the fort. - The War Department has Information to the same effect. SECOND .DISPATCH The U. 8. mall steamship John A. Warner arrived here at 11 o'clock last night hum Fortress Monroe. At 7 o'clock on Saturday morning, Captain Cone entirely discredited the report of a battle having taken place at Sewell's Poiut on Frid ty. He passed the point soon after leaving the fortress, and there was no apearance of au en gagement having taken place there since that of Saturday noon last, which he viewed float hie steamer et the Fortress. The steamer Live Ytukee, whose arrival was reported at Watzhington, was lying' at o.d Point whet, he left, and be d mitts Itt.r ability to make the passage to Washington in so short a time. Capt. Cone paid a visit to gortress Monroe ou Friday aftamoon and wituesed a dress pa rade, in which all the troops participat,d, There were from five to six thousand troops io the Fortress, an incr, 133 of nearly three mon sand over the previous week. The arrivals or the week include two Massa chuetta and one Vermont regiment. One of the Vermont soldiers mimed twin Under wood or Uuderville was burieQatl!'ortressMJa• rue on Wentlesday. 'Capt. C. wa , .ierstood, from conversation with Capt. Peudergras that a movement would be made on Sewell's Point and toward , Nor folk u soon as more reinforcements arrived. As the sten=er John A. Waruer was passing out of the bay else pisst-.41 just inside of the capes of a large steamer coming in crowded with trovs---some 1500 or more in number. The steamer Kingston left for Fortress Mon roe ou Friday with a large ship in tow, probs.- ify one of tbo frigates, several of which were takin daily by the blockading equAdron. Two or three of the vessels - from Richmond to Balti more which had been captured and had been released,. The Sag ship Minnesota. Commodore String ham, bad her steam up when the 'Morgan left. Ste would sail soon under sealed orders. Captain Cone viewed the action which took place at Sewell's Point on Sunday last, and says that the Star dismounted five out of the eight guns of the battery, but does not beleve any lives were lost. The Star Hied 109 shots, when her ammuni tion gave out. Sub:evently a small prop, filer came np and fired four shots at the battery and then retired. The captain is confident that he would have also been an eye-witness of the engage nen which la reported to havetaken place on Friday, had it really occurred. The remains of Colonel Ellsworth ariived here fatly this morning, and were received by a deputation of the fund committee and two members from each company'of the fire de- WASHINGTON, `May 28. I pattment. THIRD' INLSPA'faN There seems now to be no doubt that a skir mish took plato,batweem federal and secession troops near Atitogton. , Accounts from Alexandria, receivedlnim sources, represent ail quiet :there during last niglitto 'rho: troops gre,comfortably quer: tared, and ready fur all emergencies. That city i$ free from the alarm which yes terday aftejtoon prevailed, to the eftept that there were several District of Col , ,mbia rut enteer companies proceedieg Iu the of Alernindrid. The Eighth New York• and Fifth liass-ichu set's Regiments have moved into Vire All orders for moving troops are rot cheerfully, but anxiously obeye.l. veterans are lavish in their praises of them. Between ten and eleven o'clock. this mon& p the report cf a cannon near the C spitul occa hit), ed much alarm which, however, anon sub Ade l on Raining that a squad of the 2tl N. Y .tegitnaint were practising with-field howitts-rti taut being award at the thus• that drill' ir .prohibited in'tne streets. The'sqmsti alterwarr went thr..ugn their evailutione and passed along Pen6s3 I shod avenue eh *lug much earn. The First Fenno Ivani i r-giment, with whici the Cameron. Guards of Harrisburg are con nected, arrived here la-t, n•glit in excelleui ,ipitits, and were cumfortalily quartered. 'Latest from Ltageistown. Railroad tracks torn Up 10,000 TROOPS AT 11A.P, PER'S FERRY. Provisions Soiree---Rebel Troops Deserting. Cipatesasßutto, MFiy 26 Advices from Hagerhtowu state that the rail. road track has been torn up on both sides o llarptr's Ferry by the acessloald to: It le re portcd that not less than ID,OOO troops are at that polut and la the neighborhood.- There are no large guns stationed du the. Maryland heights. Although reinforcements had been expected daily at Williamsp,rt, , they hAd not reached there up to Friday evening. Provisions Were scarce, and the troops were without tents. Desertions were numerous. The Virginia troops are guarding all ferrys between Harper's Ferry and Hancock. This town is perfectly quiet, and but little fear felt of an invasion. If it should occur the havaders'will meet a warmetrecaption than they expect. SECOND PIEPATCH We desire reiuforcetn• rue neither of artillery dragoons, nor infantry' as soma mad in the diet) t mites publish, d I n the morniug papers, but sin prep tract to repel any iambi Jo of th..sui. of Pennsylvania promptly Signal, Gen. E. 0. Williams, per Julia J. Patterson, eicl-cle camp. FROM FORT PICKETS. —.— Arrival of Lieuts, Stemmer and Gil- man at New York• ALL QUIE i AT TIIE FORT. The Fleet Bsady to Co-operate With Col. Brown. INTERCEPTION OE IN WIRD BOUND TES- SEM 110VE11ENTS OF THE SEE . .MER 11.1011 EWE *1p4.......... New Yosix liav 2C The steamship Philad< lOLA. has arrived from n - Fort Pickens which she left on the 34th inst coming home vi r Fortuges and Key We,t. Sbe brought Lieut. Stemmer, L'eut.Gilman, and the command of the former, with twelve w"tnen and children, and twelve mechauice. Every• thing tvai quiet at Fort Pickens. Tne fleet was ready to co-operate with Col. Bruwn, the COMIDIVI ter of the &tit, and were intercepting all the inward bound r es-els. 7 be dret consisted of the S 4bine, Brooklyn, Pow batten arid Water Witch, while the Mohawk was at the east end of Santa Rush Island to prevent vessels of light draught entering by the eastern c cannel. FUNERAL OF COL. ELLSWORTH. IMPOSING MILITARY AND CIVIC PEUCESION. Large Turn Out of Firemen, C=E THE S7REETS THRONGED 111/111 PEOPLE. FLAGS HALF MAI C AND DRESSED 01 MOURNING. Nu You, May 28 • The remains were escorted to the Astor H .use - add' placed in dhaige of the tacciiy of the &ceased.Vete funeral e hseq.ii.s by the Z Juaireir were obierved theta this alter neon, ifterwhich the body lay in state for two Lours in-lb'ellovernoYa room in the City ban. , The thiiiii•bried* -- tu the' iteatrivi . Francis likeddo, on which they left for Troy by procession both large and inapreanve. The UHE TELEGRAPH IS PIIRLISHED &TERN' DAY. ByGEOTICIE BFI-tGNER. The Darts Trtgoaare Is served to stlbsatibers to the orough at ti cents per week. Yearly subscribers ill be charged 14.00. WORMY AND 83111-WOULT TUDORAPIL roe TitiIOILAPII to also clbbabvi twice a week during to session of the Gegistatare, and weekly during the re• 'tinder of the year, and fUTIODbOII to subscribed' at the ratee, iia : Single Sabeeribers per year Seven rt .4 Ten t subscribers order the outoootluuseee of their news avers, the puhhsher may couthrae to seal them Patti 1 trrearagee are paid. If abet:slams megteet or Weft to take their newer.. era from the of to artdattlkittY aro dimaedt they are +4. On.ibie uotil they hair set4oed the MIN and ordered *ire NO 22 E . iirepth, Fifty-firth, First and I hi 41 repair-lAA w re in ppeension, thi tar., ',titer being tits notinied. The eay.lry formed the escort, while th firemen turned out in grail numbers. The eirtets through which the funeral pro. cession re4,,l.ed were lined with people who, by uncovered h .d other demonstrations aspect, Pled heat tf it iribgte to the da,:eas ,ll. Iri the midst of the procossi u was the Inner of the New Yolt Fire Departmoni Aroutied in mourning. That igs all orrr the city aro at at ball mast, and many are draped in mourning. TROOPS EN ROOTE FOR WASEINGDON BALTIM' HR , May 25. A laree body of troupe came over the Northern Ceuti al Rai road thin evening for Waahiugtoo. From our Sunday Edition. The Report of an Engagement near Arlington not Confirmed. TROOPS DISAPPOTN rED AT NOT fifICETLINTG THE REBELS. Cause of the Alarm. AT TACK UT ON 7BE EDERAL PICKET GUARDS. The Seoessioniits put to Flight• FUNERAL OF COL. ELLS WORTH. Imposing Military and Civio Pro- The Captured Secession Flag Borne by the Avenger of Ellsworth. MOVEMENTS OF Tlla FEDER. AL IROOPS. The Artillery and Cavalry Marching Preparations to Guard Against the Approach of the Secessionists. LOCIIIRL GRAYS ORDERED TY, VIRGTVLiI An account just T. GAYS,' Muni Vlrgialg, which &team to be faithful, sari the amen of the alarm was that, the F,cl,nti Picket Guards at Little Falla Church, near A rhuicttu, were driveu iu by thleiccemusiuubste. The latter wen moue put to ght. Oteng to the immense throng of au;irais gazers at the retnaLat of C.latuel Elkwutth, •he footrest cortege was delayed from moving , r..m the executive moos'on till near one ck this afielno n All along the liue of Pennsylvetuia avenue the flags were displaytd a halt mast. and duped iu 'twinning. Evrry vai able p"iut, I..ciutliog the windnws, bal conies and housetops sere thronged with sor rowful g arra. the various te=timintals of respect were paid o the retnalue; beds tve.e tolled teed the lies& f the soldiers end eitizens uncovoied. Several com;Anies ef eitissn m.,icsry, followed by the New York Sevei,t ) -flint regiment, a company of markes acid the loco], e.tvalr y corps, formed .he militsry escort, wi , b atms reversed and (wimp) shrouded. Succeeoing the hearse follow ed a detect:l/meet of the Z 'naves ; one of whom B.ownell, the avenger of Elisaoith, carded the identical secession 11 g tyro down by the deceased. Then followed the President, ao— cotntanied by Secreted, s Seward and Smith. This evening some of the troops who nO hastily crossed the Aver returned to the city disappointed in their txprctations of meeting the enemy. The proceeditige, however, de• inonstrated the f.cility and expedition with which tutees can be thrown tutu Virgiuia. The New Yolk Regiment lett their Own work at the entrenebrueuts, and are now drawn up in a line on the brow of the hill. The troops which hastily left the city this afternoon, are halting within a miles distance. The artillery and cavalry passed on in the di recdou of Alexandria. The Pr, eidcut, while in the proceasiert ao compAnying the remains of CSI. Eilaworthlo the cars, was lammed by a cuurser of stilling I)oStiiitit sou the Vn giuht t•idu. Gen. Mansfield was similarly ad y ked, and this WWI the founds.- tun of tte military wovemente bete to day, A dense smoke was seen in the meanwhile on the line of PI niugtort Heights end can uonatiing heard. Tue latter, however, it now int:ware, were funeral minute guns, and the forma prob Ably arose from the camp flies. The troops now here have been ordered to hold theamelves in readiness to match at .a moment's notice. lite utmost watchmlnees on the part of Gm military authoiiti, s to gur.rd ,, cminst' the approecu of secession troops b Imp* eivetyvihttre noinife:t. The Lochiel Greys this afternoon received' orders to march, and their destination is sap. used to be sumo point in Virginia. nit Ine.—StaniA zillkMittrl::KO = cession. towards Alexandria. WatsatNorm, Mir 25. 1560 ./ZiD DESPATCTI WmaiscroN, 114,7 25. .S 2 00 . 12 00 . 10.00