tlHebual. 1 Ayer s CATII.ARTIC PILLS. gRE YOU SICK, feeble and complaining? , Are you out of order, with yosr system deranged, and your feelings uncomfortable? These symptoms are often the prelude to serious illness. SOMO lit Of elekiaeig Is creeping upon you, and should be averted hy s„ timely use of the ri s ht remedy. Take Ayer's Pills and cleanse out the disordered humors—purifythohka end let the Maids move on unoostructosl In health again. They stimu late the functions of the body into v igorous activity, pu rify the system from disease, a,cold settles somewhere In the body, and obstrUCts its natural functiOns. These, if not relieved, react upofi themselves and tee surround ing 99tInnEl,prOdiacing•general ageavation, suffering and disease. While in this condition, oppressed by the de rangements, take Ayers Pills, and see how directly they restore thematural. action of the system, and with it the buoyant - feeling of health again. What is true and so apparent in this trivial and COMMOtt, complaint, Is also true in many ektheLnomseatesPind.dangeroils'distem pers.The .same purgative effect• expels them. Caused by stiller• obstructio,,s and derangements of the natural functions, of the - body, they are rapidly, and many of them surely, cured by the same means. None who know the virtues of these Pills will neglect to employ them when and:Using from the di:-Orders they Cure, , iltatetdentir from leading rhYsicians in some of the prlteMpal cities, and from other well known public per COOL =I From a Fcrwardlnglitsrebact of 6t. Louts, Feb. 4, 1556. DR. ATM, : L .Your. Pills are the paragon of all that is greathrineitalne.: .They have cured my little daughter of ulcereas ;ES Ore 3 ' upon ,her'llantis and, flat than proved bearable I - Or - years: Her scioibei has been long grleviouuly aflaicted with blotches and pimples on her lterhacr. After our child was cured, she also tried your Pills, and they have cured her. ASA. 110114 RIDGE. ?HMO. (From Dr. E. W. Cartwright, New Orleans.] Your Pills are the priace of purges. Their excellent qualities stirpass any cathartic we possess. They are Mild . , but very certain and effectual in their action on the bowels, which make them invaluable to us in the daily treatment at disease. HEADACHE, SICE HEADACHE, FOUL OTOILACH ' [From Dr. Edward Boyd, Baltimore.] BUR BRO. AM': I cannot answer you weer cora-. plaints 1 bave Maio with your Pills better than to say all that we ever treat with, a purgative medicine. I place great dependence on 'an effectual cathartic in my daily contest with disease, and believing as I do that your Pills afford us the best we have, I of course value them . . Prusatuto, Pa., May 1, 1855. Da. J. C. Avnt—Sir : I have been repeatedly cured of he worst headache anybody can have, by a dose or two coyour Pills. it seems to arise from a foul stomach, Which they cleanse r 4 once. Yours with great respect, El). W. PREBLE, Clerk of Steamer Clarion. BILIOUS IMSORMEN -lATER COMPLAINTS. (From Dr. Theodore Bell, of New York City.] Not only are your Pills admirably adapted to their purpose as an aperient, but I find their beneficial effects upon the liver very marked indeed. They have in my practice proired more effectual for the cure of Bilious Complaints-than auy one remedy I can mention. I sin cerely, rajoice that we have at length . a purgative which worthy - thels confidence of the profession and the people. . . DEPARTMENT 01 , THE iPTTIRIOR, Wasbiagton i D. 0., 7th Feb. 1856. Er :'have used your Pills in my general and hospital practioe ever since you made them, and cannot hesitate to say they are the beat cathsrtic employ. The'r gulatlng action on the liver Is quick and decided_ n.muse• nuently theyere nil admirable retrial' for derangement of that organ.: :Indeed, i have .seldom found a' case , of , Bilious Disease so obstinate that it did not readily yield to them. Fraternally yours, ' ' ALONZO BALL,II. Physician ottlia.Marine Hospital JOYanninnY, DIARRHOEA., RELAX, WORMS. [From Dr. J. G. Green, of Chicago.] Your Pills have had a tong trial to my, practice, and I hold them to esteem as one'of the best aperients I have ever found. 'their alterative effect Upon: the liver makes them an' ekcedent - remittily, when given iu smelt doses for Bilious Dysentery aud Diarrhoea. Their sugar-coating znaker them very acceptable and convenient for the use of women and children. 4thurairi OF THE BLOOD, lyrom Rev. J. V. Hines, Pastor Advent Church, Boston. Dr. Ana : I haveused. your, Pills with extraordinary success in my famfiyund among thOue I am called to visit in ri 'stress. To regulate 'theorgans of digestion and pu rify the-bloed; they are the very best remedy I bairn ever intritn, and 'I can confidently recommend them to my friends. Yours, J. V. HIMPS. WainieW, Wymning Co., N.Y., Oct. 24,1866. DEAR Sit lam using your Cathartic Pills_ in my pieties, aud find them an excellent purgative to cleanse the system and Ilarify the fountains of the blood. •.1 MEACHAM, .11. D. CONSTIPATION, Coarrvmaiss, —SUPPRESS/OH,' RHEUMATISM/ GOUT, NEURAL:HA, DROPSY, PAEALIEHS, FTMs„ HMO, [Prete Dr.'‘r.'P. Vaughn, Illontreal,'Clinada.j Tao much cannot-be said of your Pills for the cure of Costivimess. If others of your fraternity have 'found them as efllmeious as I have, they'should loin me in pro.' elaimlng itfor 'the benefit of the multitudes who Suffer from that complaint, which, although bail enough in 'it self, is the.pregenuor of others that are worse. Costiveness to originate in the liver, but your Pills affect that organ and cure the disease-. = e • • ]From hire. B. Stuart, Physician and Midwife, Boston.] I find one or two large doses ef your Pißs..taken, at the proper WIC. see - emucient promotivaa or • theNattear Secretion when wh illy or partiAtly suppressed, :end also very elfeotual to cmorve the ermine' - and'eszet. wonsts. They are to:muen.tho best physic we have that kreeorn mead no other to my patients. : (From the a tte 11r. Hawkez, of the MethodistiEpiseopal _ char.cli] . . PULAI , k.IOI7IIE, BsvanissEi, Jan. 6, 1866. HaNORED 'Ll3tiould'l36 'ungrateful - fot *the your skill has brought me it I did not repurt my case to you. A p . 41,8114E00. to my limbs: andbrodghs on eicru ciating-Neuialgic Pains, which ended in Crironio Rhea inahigna. Notwithstanding I had the best of playsiclam„ the disooo3 grew we , se tecid . wcirie; until lip the of your excellent . aeent Baltimore, Dr. Mailerrzle . , , l tried your Pals. . Tiaq:r.efiTects were slow but sure.. By persevering in the use of them, I am now entirely wel). Bingen Ca sea, Raton Rouge, La., De 0,6,1865., Ayys : I hive been entirely . cure liy your Pills, of Rhemisatic4V-ottt—a painful-6Esov') that had a blated rll4) for years. VINCENT- Air Most of the pills in market contain Metcury,- wbiuh, ithouith`a Valli - ibis' remedy in skillful hands, is dangerous in a public pill, from the dreadful consequen ces HIS& frelitfinily follow its incautious use. These contain no mercury or untwist substinice whatever. FAN 25 cents Pet boa, or A boxes for $l. Prepared_by D.d. J. C. AYE& & CO., Lowell, bassi- - - Sold by 0. A BiyiLtiert., Keller, LAW—Gross & 00., J. M. Lutz, Holinan & 00,, Armstrong, Harrisburg, ens deakrcev.erywOcria... . - i1,P27-6bidaW • —ELA-V - 11,N4i. CIGARS! A fine Fillsortraeni,cilinprisitg - ' - Rosso, FIRE FLY, PARAGozerfa; " ' ' Eriavare; Ida: am, BENINTO, Of all sizes and qUalltlo3, Inv:Lifter; one-fifth and one. tenth boxes justrocelved and for Baia low by . • JOLLY EL zizetizat, TiMaiket Street.: pug* FIRST DUBS. GROCERIES ! LARCH -E~ ARRI_VAL,I HAVING JUST REzuRNED. Eastern cities where we have selected with the soutaritat Was o:large and compiete...aseoftPafint _ su perior goodieWlifch embraceanything kept in the best city groceries, we respectfully and cordially invite the public to call add examine our stock and Nonom ens PRIM forbl6 f lit Di • HATTON'S t., Strawberry Alley „betive6l,..Wth and Sixth Streets. _ THIS EStABLISHMENT iisiookqd with exeellent OARRIAGISj •BUOGIES, &0., which will be hired on reasonable terms 7-Bta , ••• ••• r' '' ' Q. ADA , , ,CANDLE . I PARAFFINE CANDLES, SPERM CANDLES, JOATILANTINE CANDLES, Dr •qv • - 11 IMK ErrAs , r,ANDLEs, OREMICAVSPERIT CANDLES, TALL°. , CANDLES iparge lot Cfir the Above in store and for salikagthe low est prkial . • WM.-DOCK JR. & 00., Op (Mite the court ija"T/ 1 4te Hundred Utra su ga i o#lo.4 l o l ,itvi **yea b 7, , Iggifigo WHISKEY Avia-rftperfor arti o , 0f,13.0m36N .4,,,,,,,,„_„...,k0ttizt0irie and for Witty ibakesCse. 1211 SANFORIYS LIVIR INVIC R :kORATO NEVER 1-3EBILIT4TTER- . . "TT is compoxinded - ,eiititely7._4iwklbais, ji_ and has beoome an eiltattlbil*Ficp,algliMdaid- Fine, known and approvedia by all—thiChavi - used it. and is now resorted to MI with confidence in all the diseases for which it is re-I0 commended. , It has mired tbrinstindely,- , within , We lasi tWO yeart who had given up allhopes'4 of relief, ;lathe anineroup unsolicited certificates in my possession show. The dose must be adapt- ir, ed to the temperament of the Individual taking it,ttrid[ - used siich — quitritities as .10 to act gently on the bowels.) - Let the dictates of your I use of theIIVER INVIGO, I, Lrrna`CoiniamTs, Humus I claAmmor.a, Stwxra COI -II 1' SOUR STOMACH, HARM. Mune Monaca, Cnounii, JAIMD/CR„ FIREALI Witiu successfully as an ORJ3DIA wiII cure SICK HEADACHE ' is TWENTY Itruntas, rs TWO Luxe/ at commencement of ALL Imo mum Vim, Gil% laver Get. P. .a-ditir Water In the month with the. igoratork, and. awsillasidooth CATHARTIC PILLS PURE VMETABLE EXTRACTS, AND ELT, UP .I.N:G 1 4 188 PASEBrAM.Thaidi, AND WI LL KEEP IN ANY CLIMATE. TIR. FAMILY CATHAR sotiVe Cathartic which the pra . ctice more than twenty. The constantly increas have long used. 1110, PILLS all 'express In regard to to place them, within the The Pipfession weirknow on diilerent portions of the. The FAMILY OATH Alt ferince to this weil estab ded.; from a variety of the which act alike. on 9Very 11E141 and are good and cafe thartieneedod, such %g Skeyine 81, Pains in Pave and Soreness over tae; or Weight in - the . hiid, Woims in Children or Ad- 1 PuiVer of the Blood, and , flesh is heir, too numerous treemeht, PRICE 80 CENTS. THil LIVIRINVIGORA.TOIt 'CATIELAR /0 PILLS ara retailed by Druggistegenerally i and sold wholesale by the Trade in, all, the large towns. 8. T. W. BANTOED Manufacturer and Proprietor, je2o•dewyly.. 80.11roadway,,New..York, . IVIADERIN W I . Sa i BROTHERS OLD RESERVE WINE full bodied and fruity. In store and for al seiby JOIEICH,ZLEGLER, fet)l6 73 Market street. SSTORAGE I . STORAGE ! TORAGE reoeived_at the Warehouse JAMES M. WHEELER El EXTRA SUGAR CURED HAMS For sale by WV DC4113 J. &CO CITY LIVERY STABLES. BLACKBERRY ALLE . 4:II 4 I. - REAR 01 1 HERR' AT tirgET4 /TIM undersigned: " & the , livery business in hre', - NEVrieui SPACIOUS ' W.& BLER, located as above, VitlVtilaiteiid:varied -stock o HORSES, CARRIAGES and. - -Obich he wig hire at moderate rates. F. 5. :SWARTZ, 8 44.7d 1 7 i AUGUS,TINE L. IMAYNE. CARPENTER AND, BUILDER. N. Residence No. 27 /Voith 'Seeo - nd - Striet. - N. B--JOBBING, ATTENDED TO E 'a rTY BARRELS. --Two Huudred rapty Flour, angar• and Wine Barrels of all de scriptions and prices:- ^it a aP B .i Wlt. DOCK JR. Si CO. CENTRAL NURSERIES. - - " , aor i - remistivama. EDWARD J. EVANB - - tors. Fruit and Ornamental Trfra, GraP9B_, small truitsj Rhubarba; Aspariegus;Shrabl, Riasek. seddliig ,plants in great variety. Orders teR with G. H. ,§gusil at tho ,Rtam_QapitaLßa will receive prompt attention. Catalogues gratis on application. .C - Onasl6-Icodaiv. G.AL.SMAkt.-`,. _ 0131 UNION, (t, ONSTIT II T 6 6017 R c . .+ 0 WERNME.NT,"by•A. Af:Krzi, a containing - the CONSTUITTION OB 19:11 USD SrATZ B , glvlQg ttetCOristritc tionml Ms Terms and. Proilidons, showing ' the relations of the several itates VOX andPanit 9ther,.and explaining. gene. rally, tle Syitem of Goternment of the Gauntry. Price 'st 00.. . Bold, and orders supplied, by him, at. - Harris burg,Pa. feb2l Age4its for Counties and States wanted. ALL-HEALING OINTMENT g, t I RY -IT- I -T-RY feadis#Reateratipeotinsaisibk:Berapiratum • Tir is a fact, beyond the power of- , ;- i,:;centradiction, that it is infallible in the cure of : :'.ll44rns `Scolds; Nervous' Dinette - 6i," Touliora,,Plbao, Scrollala,,*r , Soria Eyea, •Group ' — Cold Fie i; Liver Oomidainta • • - 1 DISEASES — OF — TH:E • rit,' is rightly termed fAll-Healing, for there lo :; • scalfcely a...Dlseaseexternal or internal that • not benefit. _ For -sale at the Grand-Depa";' •- - - - ' No. 143 FULTON STREET ; NSW YORK . And by all Druggists throbighout-tho - United Stalea, MOALISTER, 04 - • • 113 Fititcat Strebt:"M. 1" . ." Agents wanted immediately to introduce it into. _ OO who may recelve it on liberallarits;ltir , ol Es cash marl-d3rm I—. tint WM. DOCK Mt. &.6:0 NOTICE.-1 Tut ,I:II`._TD.ERSIGN_ED . has. ; _dr.433.led-... hie LUMBER OFFICE, corner of Third ear e:i berry alley, near Herr's Hotel. Or 7 .umber of all kinds and qualities. 1.1 oL by The tuidergigued eell es As 10* for hash; and bar. gligil—Horsee and Carriages tolhire at the same mar4l. • .X4iANK... A. -4.4"..KAAY.., FRESH :FRIII}.. ri F every Alesorptiop in ppl; l§ , ajk o , j a y q , each pacage Warrinted. Inv „ • • WM. aiCK. 00. . . EGADEN, a n dr4PW44 SgEDS. *l eat iitoo in j k• - the:oV. AM 11 .41de ..or. - Warden . Buds In largelkaperp ..14,:girae.eeata ,per Iptippr.,.foraxie by. ; ,• • J DAVID HeyNEs, .x284,2-im , „, ? 110 Market street. 01tANGES AND LEMONS VORTY,BO_ _ICJI3 toritne: ax der. gust adved acid Tor rale by , • vim 1 +.ll ,t 40.) FREEANA-COMPLETE assortment iiiikrecat94 and for sale by 7D a - WM. DOCH ab. & pautoptlititid_)'Dail u Oatu bau Afternoon ; /Ha n 18, 1861. intsultantous jui4gment gulch - Yon in 111 RATOR,,Iiind 4 wiil s , cute leittel:B;'unorrsti,umptcm• PLAINTS Dysiorrm or bALI, V)1311V221224, ' CHOLIO, FLd Tif L N CI, maims, and may be ueec 2Y Rotas Mamma-a., ' (as thousandi 'Cali testi)y) OH IRWIN ILASPOONFULS A 9) atia,clc.. thor '63kilitiolissin it* I= • SANFOREYS FAMILY COUPOUNDEfi •FROM TIC: PILL. its: aigattla • n proprietor has used in hi ing demand from those who and 'the, satisfaction which their use, has Induced me reach of that different Cathartics ad TIC PILL has, with due re lashed fact,:been eompoun-. purest Vegetable Extracts, part of &he alimentary ca. in all oases where a ca- Derangements -of Stomach, Bads and Loins, Costiveness .ofArtY,RPstienness, Headache Inflammatory Disease s, oils,Rheumatism a great Many diseases to which to mention in this to Ives. co MEI APPLE' WEISE:V . ' RE JERSEY-API:1%1 s' st6te- and 'for sale by JOHN H. ZIEGLER, 6 (1. 74 1 X4cke6 = , 13vr.c..WWW.A1"1" 7 151 LIFEWILISAWDBIWENIZBITTERS. iIErE6V4,M,EDICINES have now . ,been be fore the public fay, a period.of TEURTY.YEARS, and dur lag:that : time haye maintatmd a,high character in al, most tir er-P Part 'of the' Globe, for their extraordinary and immediate poweerif restoring- perfect litealthlii per; sons suffering Juaierinearty every. kind -of disease to which the human fram,e,islikP,ie; The.folletkittg ii*eamong, the distreSsing.varlety of ho. man diseakeslif irt.tch the-'' VEGETABLE-LIFE M.EIIIOINES Are wellicnowino ' DYSPEPSlA;*thoiTltighty , cithimmii the Hist and' second alOraachsi,aratereating.:a flovFof pure healthy bile, instead pf tha •stale u and acrid land ,•• •FLATU A.M.NCYth ~ith Aptietilte, lEreicithurn i Meadache, mat. lessness,All-TendPer; AnzietY;Lanatior and Melancholy, ;which are the general sYnaptoins Or Dyspepsia; will van' 'Ai as a natural consequence of its cure. , COSTAVEIN.F.SS; 6y cleansing the wholelenitli of the Intestiiigsvigiiktuyeivent process, and without vio lence; all violent purges leave the bowels costive within twodays, _ _ _ VEVEK,S of ail kinds, by restoring the ble0:to A regular circulation', thfchigh'thblireeiiss ietlitratiOn snob eases, and the therougheolutiotrotalk inteettilarqb.; struction in others, . . . The LIFE :MEDICINES heed .101.0W14... tO 'Gni& HEU.MAXIAIIi iiernianeuely In three weeks and GOUT in Will that time, by tetrioMng ibtatinftinitricitloia from the muscles and Ilgameute of the joints. '''' DROPSY,ES.of.aII kindB,,by freeing atudstringttion;- Mg the kidneys and bladder,. they operate most, delights; fully on these Ottani, mid liens have ~e ver, been founds certain - remedy for the worst - ciied 'of GRAVEL .............. . . . Also WORMS . , by, dielodglng.frcun. Ale _turnings. of thelmwels the slimy matter to whioh these creatures Adhere. SCUIR.VV, ULCERS; and- iNvEirmat.A.TE SORES, hrthe perfect purity whichthese LIFE MEDI. C NES give to the blood, and all the humors, SconnuTic ERUPTIONS and BAD . " BAD COMPLEX lONS, by their alterate 'effect upon' the' fluids 'that' feed fhe; skin, and the. morbid. state of which -occasions 'all' eruptive complaints, sallow, cloudy, and. Other disagree. 'Able complexions. „ The use of these Pills Ter d Very elicit time Wilf an entire cure of SALT -RHEUM.; and astrikitieltd-' provement id. the .clearaesa of _the commoN , Copps and,.INFLUENZA will Always, be cured by one:dosc, or by two to thifiroist cases. LIMES .4The original propristor'ef 'thesdinedld l uee, wax cured of Piles, ado years standing-by the-newer the LIFE MEDICINES alone. SIEVER,AND AGUE .— For this scourge 'pt pp, _Western couritry;thOS6 Medielites tound a safe,. speedy, and oertain-remedy. - Otherldedleineititatelhe' system subjed to a return-of the disease—satire by:thefts' Medicines is permanent—TßY T58A,..48. SATISFIRD„: AYR RE CURED.„, „. , f BILIOUS - FEVERS Awry -LIVER' COIN. PLAINTS.oxforitAL Dionurv-, LOSS or •APPIFITM anti DI SICASSIII OF Yrateracx—the Medicines_ have -heal .trited witli the most. beneficial results is cases of tbiadeiforfpr, tionl:—Kings Ind' Sol:deli; lh'iid worst fornliodelds to the mild yit powerful actlairof - these remarkable' : cinet. Night :Sweats, Nerveus-Debilityi'lliiiiro r di'OCA; , plaints of all , kin palp.tatien.of_the_Eeart; Paint re' Aolio are speedily cured. MERCURIAL' DISEASES—Persons whose conetitu ions have- become -impaired' brthe injudfclouif 'Use of MercurY, will find. these Mediciacia-a perfea- bare,- as they never, fall to eradicate from tile ; sy.stero,.alhthe. - drools of Merohry; Infinitely sooner than the most power _ tot preparations of Sarsaparilla. Prep tared and sold by. - - -W. B. dYUFIpxtT~ `' 3.3,5,8r0adway • New York. . Porsale by all Druggists. iy2o-dattly vozERHAvz,,,, ........ Holland Bitters EMI LiVer Complaint, Fever„and Ague 84e. Tan successful intreducifon . and ,nse ot , :ads:ocl* United Beraedylnis , been , this for - selißiralltood of compounds called " Bitterep &Sirs:llin 40.11i:ins forins, from a quart bottle to a five.gallon keg, until this word "Bitters" is but anothsedisimisl for 4 .‘ grog) , " or some villanous whiskey mixture. But the really great relief derived froth vo'tisinnte doss, one teaspoonful, of ouriniedicinei: ,, - ECERHAVE'S HOMAIPD TTEB ; ail the entire absence of after prosti!difoA:l3 - 0 hed for it a reputation which the host Of Imitations ant counterfeits have flailed to undernifne:=: . .lt Osi tiv ly a vegetable preparation, with bfwely - sulllclent pute spirits to preserve it. But one size of the genuine, (Half-Pint Bottles,) prize ONE , '- • 4t is a medicine of:long-tried:efficacy for;it..rifyinp_ Mc; NOW, - Sn" esifinitiaT - for the Ainndrition,a . good hedlth, and for correctitiedisordeki ) 6l The `Stoinisdh and laoyfehi. • 71.2 Ou:ee dames FfiLePaYinot salntaryeff&tii. Tfie stotaaenliill speedily regain its strength; healttiy iittirtn=6f - the Itc'er; • bowels - and kidpieys soqn lakeplaca,jand•renewed health-de tithe Fdr..IIMIGES-TIONi Try' Pdr 'AT-BOA:ad ukka TIT v - ikerhavev , Holland Bitters. Fd,rA.Clintir,VO• 1,, - ittierbeie?s_ Holland Hitters. WATERBRASH. ry '" 8RK,44 1 :0:09,11#1fd . Bitterg. ,Fok. 'I34'ADACIZE, Try I llerhaves Holland Bitters. 14 Loiaii dintiOintihkind Tinizah Berhave's_nollud Bitters. COSTl.lF.ithhat - Tr'f'" E ',...Beritavel&Holla,mlLßitters. In All , NeriPous;'Rlientia e and liettr c "Affecr 'tionp,Jit - haa , int.niunerona•instanoso-proVed tiichky•- .. . , benOleial, and in others effected &decided cure ..„,,, ; n, ea d, A rj are fai l y TicTgeStifileihighis-coimentratejLilatatraw's Hou lard limns is put up iEtlalf-PiPt. heti* 9rilhAnd retailed atOiMisillar-per bottie.. .The great demand for this titiliefirated niodtChie`liamAndiked'ina4 "' iuiittggtioos , which the public should guard against. , Eiwareotimposi*oill nAnteisun .the label of every' bO etre y 614-621. -Benj. Page 'Jr &-Co ; SOLE MANUFACTURERS; ITT_TSBITIIGH, PA. Fer:Ettle in the eitylefillerighAt OROSSik m3Ord—seplAtwly JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, 1 _FANCY 400DS, &C. aßßEDFmpLpatmit co; d., 52 MARKET STREET, gq_yrjaburg, --- vp4 t l: ; tiumuuesixpoonc.gaid aaptilin g ;lb w Eltgoy N HOTEL, having purchased the stock of E. F Jennings, And auided .a Jorge aSj3ortMetit •of ;NEW Jim.. y,lwe wnt FP I I tlit? stittit, pt thq learoit , casli prioe, and solicit patronage: . •• • . . • W,atdhili;Clocliti Mid 'Jesrefrihently and promptly paired ;and delivered. -: . 4*RKI ) ..*44 I 43EEVAN & CO. 1 a. ' - fftttlng-disPOslid-ot-inYitiielt-Ot : Jewelry to A. F. Dm itierhaain & Co., I oheyroltryeEmnsttend•them Atimydor -cpstomers :_pactintiliandliexpikienolid, Watch Makers, and solicit for them a conthisanee of the patron age wlnCh has beenz geheiouslfaitetld-to nis• &ring • the Ifni, six years..., • . ,• • - • ..KLMEICF..TENNTNES. , At the Ninth Exhibition of 'ilie Hass. Charitable • tr echP v ic4 BBll °.4 l l ol l, .1860, ICE4S - RE 1 - SONS WERE A WARDED' " • ' THE GOLD: MEDAL .-YOB 888 01011? 1 SEMI•GRAND, 1 SQUARE PIANO FORTES ; MBYTE" ONLY PRENBUI; " • A SILVER MEDAL, FORT TES BEST ITRFlGHtetetj PIANOS k i t4ro WENT ;FOR THE BALE OF - THESE 'PIANOS, No, 92 ,MARIfET ST., kirmantsßutto &Tim CANDLES I_ • LUCA IiIIPPLY JUST REONIVID Br :IWM.E.DOCK)II.Ik:XI. ~teb'ctaL CEPHALIC PILLS- CURE SICK HI.E - AITA CHE CURE N ERYOTJS 11 - EADA.e . HE, CURE ALL BINDS .OF`" lIEP4og• By tho use of these Pills the p.erimlic attacks of Ner vous or Sick Efeadaptre may be prevented; and if.taken a conatagttog menr, n, .:Ut. quip, llllMetliate.rellef Wont pain and sickbes ,, u: •r he obtained. • — They seldom fail in remtovL as - 2vaveri and Headache to which females.are so subject. They Oct genely upottihelleiviels, removing Costiveness. For LitUrary. Igeo t nialudenks, Delicate Femmes, and all .persOde of sedentary .Taluab ie:aB La.vtiteeiiMpritivbig 'ttles iPPETrtst, 'roam' ViGOIX to thealigcstivourgensi and resteringthe" natural elastic `city. and utretigth to Mae w . bole system, tte:C.kilfeLlC !irewe itmg Joyeatt.... gated and'Careffilly ctiriciefed'elperithccatis, uaving in uslri tniany 'years; dering tattier,' ttnie they have been vented And. relieved .a vast: amounpof pais and suffering front Headache, whether ,oxigtnatirkg sn the nervous. art !tent or from a deranged state :Atha stomach. They are entirel , vegetal - 4a in theft coMposition, and may ..beltaken at all litnea perfeetL ) safeek ;without malti4giny.chango and the absence of any disc Bramble edge renders it tocihnininetthem, 0 children. , _ BEWAREN COUNTERFETI? t ) , The genuthe hait(ftfeilinattire4 of Henry C. Bpaldlil on each boa. . Sold by. dingglets and nll other dealers in medleines. A Box will be sent by mail prepaid,op, Feeeipt or the, prucE Tw.ENriv-FrvE OENTs... clF4ers.§.hour.d be addreoaed t 0,,„ , • HENRY. , SZALDING • 48 oe4ar Street New York ; THE . FOLLQVGINIQ, ENOOF.SEMENIS OF S'P A L..D CE:PHALI:C:_ ILLS W ILL V.P.1 1 1 _LSL:k2 ALL W2.G _ILFAI H_E A,P,,A : Q, HE, 7 ' - THAT SPEEDY AND SURE' -VCIEE IS WITI-11-W-TIEBIR-- REACH. Ail these lestimbiiittt u.rire ..-,YPdLD ING, iNG, they afford unquestionahle-proof of the effi. • cacy of this truly xienttfic .discovery.- 11Atinvfus, 5,186 L : I have tried your Cephalic mils; an 7 like them so well bath want you to send txte two dollars worth more. reit of these are for the neighbors, to whom I gave a few out of the first- box-legot from you:- -- ',4Blend.the layman, and, oblige -r. . Your obl. Servant • 3;4 ,rfig-EiNififyir. HAlntavoßDi Pic ;Feb. 8;1881 I slab 'Oa to send tni'orre Mioteb'oi of' your 'Cephalic Pills,'//ime-received a-gruM &kat of benefit-7'2'ons them?" - . , MARY ANN STOMLROUSM • bravos' Pit,4l ; ‘' • .6 • •s. Janintry 1881= You,will plea:se aeu me two.. axes of. year, Ceph a lic 'Oeild‘tkem - Ties edtfull youre,-=•' .J k. 4.01 „ . . P. $.-1 ha - ve used One box of your Pills and find them, excellent. Oilie r Jail. 15, - HENFri C. sp4R/N4, 3 44, 3 - ; „ Please enclosed twenty flee amts inr whien ' send me another boxiof yottr'Oephalld'PlllB. Thkir abi-eriav _at bets. Pals /have ever tried: - elle Vernon, Tyandot.C4i 8 CO. ~O . - Barstrr, hiaes. , Dena ; O.!SPIIImItyEsq. , -• ; - - ;- ; tir,ohial ilarge .show bills , to, bring ; ; your Cephalic Pills more particularly before JoiTi}listp, mere; 'lryevitiV'o'a4ny thing - dtthickfikr i - pleiie seMrto . One of.-my ousMinerai..who dabjeot to: severe Sick „aeotmoim,(tptAly,lpuning ,two.4ays,) was ,eured j ot an: glitch In one hour, by your Pills, whiCh I sent her. . — 'ReapEntfulf yOna; = _ Itgrspipstitria, ,Fraukitzt Co. 0610, 7in - Carf9B.Bl • . f t anner 0: -- SParmster', ' • s• • • . No44B4Ceslar9t,,N.-11, • • , ‘I. , Dear Sir Enolosed find twenty-five sew:, (20) , r widen semi box of"Ceiptialielnlli." • 'Warta to uaur , •P.e'v,.• .. C. Piller; Reynoldshurg,-Friinklitrcoeuty,''Oho.' - -- Your_Pabit work Wee a .charm=-.Cure Headache /almost Truly your • - " Wit C. FILLER." . Yrumeatu r liiipti I.Notabug'since t Sent to for the 41084 f-the Nervonsßeadaelie imitostivenessi• indydeelved the same, and they had so good.astAlfect.that, wag induced to send for more. • Please send by return mail. -- teret to : At; WHEELER, Ytillanti, Mich. fkrortirhaqSzaminer,, Norfolk, --Cephalic Ping- accompliSh-the'ebject for . vrhtoh-,,-they' were made, viz : Cure of headache in all its forms. [From theExaminer i Norfolk,. rVa. , ] -- • ".""they , have been tested In more than a•tholagand oases-, 1 1 With entire success. c;: .• • • . . . [From the Doman it St: Cloud youfiri, er have 'been troubled with the headache, send fora' bok; (Cephalic 'Pills ) ) to' that'ylia nifty' hive them in ease of an attack, [From the Advertiser Provicienee R. L] , ....... , . ...... .... ...,......... eThe ICeph3lio Pills are said te be a remarkably, effect tveVemelly`for' the headaehe"; aMi . One ef-liie very Vest for that very frequent complaint which has ever - beed discovered, .:: . :, . : . . :. : :.„ Vesi,firn R. lt,!.e, We heartily endorse unryage.ii. " "— [Fiem the Kanawha Valley Star,Kattawha r Ta;], , We are sure that persons sotto - 11141v' ith the headache who try them, will stick Sco them, _ . garA 'single. bottle of.. , I3PALDING'S PREPARED GLUE will save ten times its cost annnally.-“ , . SPAIDING , B 'PREPARED GLUE 1 - •- -SfALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! Sii:Lbll4B PREPARED GLITE.I • - BAVE PIECES f • f • b.9:ll.4dAdtt 1148 Eleigli• I - i f ; /arms SITAIR 'IN :Mai 1 11, 0111 1 eles.".jer 1.% ":0 accidents wik happen, ermi . fn tea-repaatedfamaies 11;is very desirable to have some &Saki and convenient way t'or repairing.Forniturp, Toysi•Crogkerykt..,; SP*IIDINIPS.RIOPARED GLUE meets au limb omergeuelea, anstAo houaehold can .afford to bee s without it; alwaws radraud up to the.stlek; . “12iShi.UL- IN kvat - raousit..i - N. B.—A Brwshaeconspautekeitch bottle.. PricioNh eta. 'AdOCIM • ZENNYO,,hPALDINN, No. 18 pedar ,Street, New York. • . . • I -. • CA:11110N.. '.: As ebrtabiunpritimpkailiertons ate attempfinS:nrPalur off - on jthe:unsuspectlog. nubile, imitations of , my PIUS taRED AUJA , kivfou l .o P#4tlpti. akparsons , toz,. matnine btforefpurenanint_smAt speithat the, fill nati o . ineSPAL is on , tne outside wrapiitieldinit ar r eswiluniuto , o46:_ arleitsi -------itoits%-detny,rdrebte • - • RESHAWitstN.j.IELDiandiI.QWER SEEDS. An entire new etock.gtg• lAgsp,ainst_sinall packakee Just received et SELLER'S DRUG STORE, 91 Market street itliactitantzus. Dyspepsia Remedy: DR. DARIUS HAM'S AROMATIO'IRVIOORATINO SPIRIT. This Hedieine'hai been used by the . pubtic for 'years, with increasing floor. It is recommenckci_ to,Oart DitiPePeut,Nermentiss, H art-Burn, Oolic.Fains, Wind in the Stoniach r ar /My , " in the Bosock . i. Headache, Drowsinesk,Xidney plaints, tow ,6ptrit4 Brines • . mg+, IntaarATlCS. i ,i Sri • WILL FM InTOXICATR OR o = A :S . A: MEDICINE it is pia nd 'ettedtti ialaL al, curing the moist aggravating case - o Dyspepsia,: Kidney Complaints, and. ali_illlow-danunge ant of the 'Stomach and Bowels, in a speedy manner. Itswill instantly , revive the mast. iy , drooping spirits, and restore the weak, nervous d sic ly teatealtle,:fitrebgilikid vigor: '• '••• • - Persons who, from the, Minffle,fflus, use of liquors, hay.: becoMe dejected , and 'their nervous systems shattered. . constitutions bri:Saine.ownyand.•aubject W• that bereft:di; curse to humanity, the TuassaUstakwunts, will, almost immediately, feel the happy and healthy invigaratins. efficacy- oitZre blidn'S:luvigorathin , Spirit: - • X.-tcLikT, . WILL . .Dopy.—One wive glass full as Otters. as nernssar.Une ; itosia , WilliiitsioVealtßad " • • , One dose WAl,eUreAeikrl.-burA4 . `Three donee wilteure One-deie will give you• aXiocid Appetite.. One dose will stop the distressing pains of Dyspepsia. . One dose will remove the dittressuag and disagreeable effects of :Flatulence, and as soon. &sine stomach I rebeives the Invigorating Spirit the distressing load ant' all painful feelings will be reinoved— , ,Oneslosnis , lll' remove then:Lost distressing pains of Colic, : .-One in the stomach or bowels. . . ' few dOses'iiill remniVe all - obstruct:bins the Widely,' shuiderur Urinary Guam; . , . . tdersouli who are seriously afflicted with any Sadeet Cemplatnts are-assured speedy relief by a' dose :or two; and a radical cure by the use of one or two bottles, : . NIGHTLY. DISSIPATION. reigOinriphO, from dissipating too midi deer night, and feel .the evil effects of poisonous liquors, in violent head -itches, sickness at stemach, weakness, giddiness, km., will llnd (kir demi:Wilt' remove - till I. • Ladles; of weak and sicklyconstitutions, should take the "fivigoratinq Spirit three times a data it w ill make teem 'sitting, healthy and happy, remote all obstructions and Jirregnlarities tram therummtrett,l organs, aind.rgstore.the :Mown 'cirliiiltit - aid - beauty to the careworn (-lee. During , pregnancy- it will be round an invaluable meet- - eine to remove disagreeable sensations at. the stomach. , • "All - the'broprietor age Is' atrial, and to filthier, - tins; he has wiLIIP the Ihvittirattis pint hi:atlas, at 60 ,cents, quarts $l. Genersil"DePet,4llf Water street; - N. - • - - • ' 'Wholesale4gent,. p. Cu. sad `for safflia n tla'rrisTaurg - Vo..a. 11 - wirivaii, D. W. Gross tic Co. and ELK. Keller, and by_ all.pruggists evorywhere . :" FASHIONABLE- CLOTHING. SPRINGAND - SIMMS STYLES. _ . 18_ 6 ,I_- PHILADELPHIA FASHIONS, GRAMITILL.E STORMS' ONF 4 PRICE GIFT CILOTIIING EMPORIUM No. 60 CHRSTNETI =BEM. .ittiperb stock or fine French, aloglist and American - JOASSIMEREsr •-•- - and. VESTINUS. For City and Country trade, with an unapproaohable as soitment , Of Swaim 3.lanz'OtozaiNG : ltt the' lbwest cash prtcet - "ThietiEETtlCE'falulied; afia - Worthlazul use presented with each artictwsol - -- Partt der attention paid to the Customer dapartme h t, awl liarmerdn' miderandsieht to' ORter fag. ,Inarnraretiligthigunew....aryste.m .of basmess; GR I iEVILLE STOKES would impress on the minds of the jettroits'efitleWitahlishnient; -that' thw cost of the gin deducted-fron4,... t a4cUtoLa . i . dod to tt4: prlce of the:arti cle sold : immensely i ncreasing IMAM enabling him ,t o ck act thug diherally,i'and ati the .aame , time= to .realize c rimunerattve profit. • • . ' all irdiltergtrarantibedlai give`eitire sett — GRAITVELLE STOKES' ONA-PiaidEolkorkiliNdr.Empoßium IMUM BNIMMM oc6,l94kidtdmat6:dtt I, FRESH: AIi,RIV 0; OF 14isaitooitir, •• .. SPLII Puri ; • si • • • : ALutuqw FAT SsaYa, •' Witol4 PR - A 3, 651; WO, „iinit received and for sale at the LOWEST Oath PRIGS. eb,l6 & CO. DENTISZRY. underelgpg4, DOTOtf, DF. DENTAL SIIIIGERY, has retutied'saii , resumeU his plitctie, Otate . .Ettrees opposite the-"Bracy- libtise,'".oni ere he ettehit who easy tfeeire Ws , sec {se. 2 71. u: 11,s, Tu t, ti r. . ,o D OF EltlfiY bESQIIikTION. laoiterz, plOyel„Gailagottls, ILI large qv:luta/es.. ;. lFreat assortdavit, 9r 'Embroideries. Ladtiditllitletwoir;'dilfereid; Rios and ,Gedt,lortoih's do do do • ' • do, do ' do ..tioys! do Cfolibi i .Caseinteree, Batinotis, Joao , - , ALICI EiVitAililig for Mei' alid )304 wear.. tiloottedions , shawls.. ,"' • - " Ali koala; wilt/out disditotion to. litylo dottaxiity, will be itild at a.v_o!y; 044 advs,pdo, 410 loot latua. cost et importation.' . CATHCART & MOTHER Nexedocetb the rilaVtiburg , Bonk d 7.7; Ms.rliet aquare. .7.11333Ca1-1X10,15. QuE4 , Tec' _FEAR - CURRANT! - " ALP, kizi - ; • ;Citt.40.04,„ . Just received from ilow. York timid . warranted.. super- Ope. , geb33 , , Er Co. ' SCOTCH , VTLIISKY. . of PUFF, ISCOTCEI ivKlenx jusSrecOved and for,sale by • JOHN a. ZIEGLHH, 78 Market, Strea, 1 . , FOR .THE :SEASON. FLATORING ~ Vanilla, best in market, ..• Bose, Lemon, , • Pine Appe, • • - - Strawberr.Y, , Celery,. • • , ;Nutmegs, .• Parsley ggreiisfilled goad Water; .• Rest libigliih-Baluiag &mai Pure Cream Tartaic-'- 4Pra . ;Pure-plees,, _Fresh Our/Jury * ileitis • • ' Ditt3o • STultE,' • ' • •,: • 91• Market Street. • AetuttoksEam .virt T'us 014ENND...,HAIR.:IDYE has TI 0 . 4141111-Ithotaxitooeous effort-Illeoopful Black or Nisi/rid 'Bfdwff—no akin or; injuring the Hati--reinedienthi absurd and Meteor 6f 164 Dyes, and lo.vigorates.thwEtair for afe. • No no-are , tonuino unless 81 2 1 . 1 .9 d . .`"k. 84 01 1.010 Sold everywbere.. Cll/.1.5. BATCEIELOR r EroorbSor. • Writ dawly - "" 81T.'figrcray. Strcidt, r: 4'4 TO . . NOT OE TO COiesU - Ras of will.. E -- PATTE -- NT W — EIG - 1 — •-0=i3' -- toste - d aid-4iirtiaid-16-bir-the SEALER 01 isirgoirrs D MASI:WI:a— , --,- ' ' 1 . 1 -11 _ . Mr. ime m. mrrumuk....ger, v ing tads day tested year:. Pateit:Weigft Carta, and found them perfectly corn+ et, .1. Iberitifdra ills& thy seal upqii them acstordlgk to Isiw. '---.., -, , ,--- —FREDERICK TRACE; ' " Sealiff,olWeigbMand Itlea.trzeis,•:- • tfalrriatouri January _ AL 1061.:•.ELL .-.: 'D t;:ii:l.J.J.lB.—a {JUST IRECE,IyED OT Loil - OP'—rlibiE EXTRA IN POINTED • - _ . WTNNN'S_ lf uerly. . Bagley' s` PlotLfrorei Wren to. l?..est laLttsT* ,ine.finasi po nted, mod durable and as Q eap ae lintivjtet, for sale with a variety ofokrat.ix4llllaser Cases of various sties al_kdprises, at WIESNER'S CHEAP 110011STVE, FI Itertet atreel, Ottbital. DR. JOTINSO • 33.431,17,126XC1NLE e in in ,t , h op w c or e u rt f a o i r n , LOCK — HOSPITAL, and effectual speed; discoveredrremedy ihy DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE, 1 • .• • maw ticlex•wi rhilitvz notuta. rio Mercury or Rollout Drugs tfirA CIIIIII WAPJaNIXD, ON NO. CELiuma, rx ~,,, os a 1.,... TWO DAri.lEO Weakneea of the Baok or. Limbs, Stricturea, Pains . 1. the Lolne;• Affections et the and Bladder, Or Weak nese,. piet•yeua.DebilityDecay of thePhse, t pe w , 8 re, DyiPepS ra, ,La 11 &La i 'Low Spiilta, Con fu ion a de, tealsßation of the Heart, Tbinidlty`Tremblings, BrsLec,, of sight or Giddiness, Thseate of hhe Stomach, Affecnoat 1 ' or tne Head, Throat, Nose or Skin—those terriblr d;,, r . dais arising-fromthe indleceetion or Solitary B a b a ; oi liNiuth—thoce dreadful and degtructlve practices ' wh., Produce constitutional debility, iender marriage • a - rm- Bible : and destroy both body and mind. YOUNG 3.12 N Young there especially whd have become the vial:Bo: solitary yie,t. twit, dreadful and,destruotive baba *inch annually avraeila to an untimely grave thousands young_ men of thelzhost exalted talent and brilliant itnel low; who might otherwise have entranced listeSu2 Senates with the thunders ofeltignence, or waked to eel 'tatty the living lyre, may call - wilt full confidence MARBIAGFE - ; . Married personsor hose-contemplating Martine. ing aware of physical weakness, should lmtnediatelicw suit Dr; and be restored to perfect health. ORGANIC WF4RNE.9.9 " Immediately cured and Fall vigor restored . Ile who iiilaceihintselt tinder the cram of Dr. ; may r eligiously.cOulldelA Ma honor as a gentleman, and on, 'Adeptly rely upon hie skill as a physician, ,office No.'•4 Smith Frederick street, Baltra;re on.the left hand 814;le going frpm „Baltimore street., doors from thecorner: Be particular in observing the name or number, or youlwol miiitakeithe place. Be par tibular for ignorant, Trfiling -Quack; with false unmes or. Paltry Humbug Certificates, attracted by the reputa lion of - Dr. - JohnsortOmic near. - All letters must. Wr.ltlillAJ4reelageStamp, to use on ttic reply. timr. - JtamTrox Dr.-JO:time miliabai 2 ef Royal-College of Surgeerli Lbadon, graduate from one of lie meet eminent College; .of the United :AM.* greatest part of Rhone has been spent in the FloepitalaticUrridon, Peri; Phil; delphiki . 4lll , 4 elgewhore, has effected tome of the most Welshing Mires that were ever known. Many troutke with ringing-in the eatUandhetutithen esieep, great ter Vonsness, being, alarmed atauddatt sounds, bashfulneu with frequent sometimes with &rang , : mentof mind were cored immediately, - TAKE PARTICHLAR-NOTIGE, addressee all :those :who. having infused "them selves by private and Imeroiier induigencies, that secret and solitary habit which ruins tuitit - body and mind, cc. fitting them for either busineseorety. Thm.. are some of the sad and melancholy en, cts pro 'ducat try eirlyilsablte of youth; Ws Weak - ness of the Back amd"Limbs ) Pains, in the head, Dimness of nlght ; Lois of hidscnYar Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dys pepsia, Norrouslrritability, Derangement of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Cot:rump - - - itifirraLLY, the fearful effecis on the mind are Muche be dreaded:.z-Lissit 'of teniory`edilTusidif orldeas De pression_oLflpirlts,-Avilt)Forebtadings,_ Arerstotie ty, Self:distrust, Lore of Solitude, Timidity, Ar., are some of the evilvffects. ' - Thousands or personaArall agea r eari-RitWjadge wtult is the cause of their dealing ii health, losing their vigor, becoming weak? Vervous end-emaciated,- have a singular 'appearance about tbs . ey,eerragb, and, lump ms of consuMption:, YOUNG MOT who'have iejured themsetvy•-tte• 'in practice, lo aulledM, ?ie.hen alone—gt imbit-fteeeehttia/earned-from zoinnanimus, or, et ectiopi, the effects of which are alghtty-felt,-evere . when asleep' and 'if net cured, renders mar riarel*PosAPle 41431t1an.b9f4 impart And body should apply iMmediately. What WpityAbat a =young:ma 14411'414M of hts oor.L, the darling of his pmenteotheah.t be eoetebed from preeteCteeha bAjoymeia of lira by iftircidieiviescEA of deviating from the path of nature, and hirinigiug Mirtsin secret habit. Su •bpersona must, before contsri. ' - - & • ,A4P44 13 110,_ elect titat'it 'swat Mind endtiody areltbe most neceseni reculeites to promote connubial happinas. o Wee: these, the journey through life becompa a weary pilgriniagic the' prospecthetitilk difiteita to' the view; in: mind becomes„shadowed witAilespair v anddlled.uitti the iil.'3lanelioly reflection that the happiness of another be ..x_mes-blighted with oar OWEIv • • DR: . Agit. l ,s9/VS;INVI,QQI3ATANGAZIEEDYjOR OB - GANIC WEAKNES& thle great-iid irdpOrieniTernedy, - Weiblese of tt " ) rgana are elleedil„T reetored., Thousandsine loop n?rvous and .debilltated had loet all hopildsateluin , itifeleclijitely relieved. Al! impediraants to Narrlagei,Phyaleal or Ideate Die:iota& .3ation; Nervous - Treteiblinig, Weitkoese or Echuitioa or he eaost fearrelAtled, aptettlily,eared.• To. 9rssiterrxs - The meilLY'4 l .9elaedg . 0 1u.114 0041. button Within gni last tWelVa Yeirs , arta:the numerate! important. /Surgica operatiblis• pbribimeid‘ hy'.l3e:l'444ritheesied . the re. poreks of the papers, and Many 'other persona, notices which have appeared again and siohrbefore the paha°, beside hits stroidiftrif 'O'S . Oflaseah orcitiraiter - and re vel:WU/oos a allgieigatt glaarailtaa to the articled. . MUSES OF IMPRIJIMIWK—, When the misguided 'arid' kap:of:tent votary ofideiuMuis Iltittalte has • imbibed the 'seeds ct Mia painful dAlaisimeAteporten happens that an'ilf r timeii sense Of shim* or dread of discovery defers him from applying to those who;lSim education and re speethbility can alone bdriendhlm i tiehlyhigtill the con idittlffettarsymtiMms ortfils I:M7rid - dbiease make to.o. aniearnuoe, affecting. Me headialareatonese, skia, . progressing en with frightful rapidity, tllideetn Puts period to .hin.dreadful sufferhitlersending him to Nast rioarne from tvlteace Ile treVe. reaarna.!! It. is a mei inCholY Tact that thousands, fall victims to this terribly dlsercie, owing -to the malillfainestref L'igeoremt-pretend ers, who, by the use sit that deadly Nips, mercury, rum the,coustititield 'atiffronke the residue of lite miserable. Td ;Sreasonas.-.-The ,Doctor's. Diplomas hang In ha office: sallottere totudoontato'slitatop to'tut on the reply Siirliploo' isir•No. South FrodortoXatcoet, epritt.dawiy_ t ... . - REIT4 . .....TEETHING RBa Vi r rlgBto " VAT An exppreneedl!,lum and FeatalelVelomq, present, - theiiittOsittoii - crinothera tier - • sOOTßlSOrl'isYntp, For Children -Teething, 'which greatly fitelhtataa the brocesa ate:lining, by 2.011 suing the guma,redneing all biSainntatlon—will allay All NUN; and aptusmodie aationauld Ut SURE TO REGULATE'' :TBE BOWELS. Dept '!,--ftrA,4itl,P l se,"ll/ 1 t . „.,"111, give Lreetto yourzeiva. _ yea,— AND, MLLE, AND H EB.j,THT TO YOUR - INp ANT:.: . Mere "up'aild hiticda for over ittEi year and Access, xi tioarimumi j e. rem, what we have never' been able to say of any other medicine— SEVER . - -HAS IT - FAILED,'IN'A SINGLE INSTANCE 10 EFFECT A Co4 . E.,,whet‘ timely , need. Never did WE .d.OW .alilisstinee of dissatisfaction bY any one who en . : it. Oh -the contrary, all are delighted- with dos opera tiona, And speak terms of highest oommendation da Anairt, cal tifeete • and reedleal italics. We epesdc this Itiotter ilk or, _after ten years' exPe rieneo, exp ?Innen OQII . startrtanow lea FOLF/12111( 7 0i'111111 ., 1111-Itaki DSCIAIL ' In alniost every Infitanee _whend the InteMieenffertegrom Finland exhaustion, re lief will he round in liftion or twenty minutes eater the - - • MIA valuable preparation le the preemipton of aaa el the . moat MOKEUKNCED and SKILLFUL NURSE. in New_ England, iald las been used- with awn mums taren#l/1, CAMP It nid..only,.rtliovea the'ahild - remit pala,.ant tu r i g . 3 . FAt* the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, end grrea tonecand - energY to the - whole - spasm. It will Ai , MOW ta B l4o.lY:r9/14V0,' : _ GRIPING IN TER Down.; AND WIND COLIC, and_oiertiotas convultdOni f which i_not speedily reme died, ad in death.. We, beltoye.G the sun and warn teettcr" worai lit 'air dames or DVENTRRY ..114 1 D ' Whetheri It -arisen hum untriataLor Enna any other cans.. We Would say to ttruery!mathirr . whrilhaira'sldkt !Waning frbruitnY of the ( orogoble, .00roplattitanG . LIT 'ova 19UUCIDIale, sod rani ?MIMIC= OP . OSILI*B„ stand between you avid your stillerina childarrAther renal thit . wffit: suße—yeg, A l 3" dOLUTRIN ScIPl&-_ todrjlorr, use this pedlar., it timely used . Full dliectionifbr twiny aa com roch• - ,bottla.t Saba vgeualnii-anlasi tb• e at :=rn KlN4NeW•Vark t la an the onigda wrapper. Sad, brDrigguratilircittglibit de *bid& rrlootPl Met WO. IS Gaditr 84,,,Nr_wiratt. Price Palo 25 Coati per ,0400 p, • l'ittirbildtje'itartrriabuli by is W. Gioss a Co., P:3 t3dasket street, J. Martin Luta, No. 221Sarbet Brae 0 . Keller No. tn., Market Wrest, Allow Towatlti and alif Mtrlast **IL am= &NUN.,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers