Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, May 16, 1861, Image 2

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Forever float that standard sheet I
Where breathes thrfoe but tails before usi
With Freedom'," soil beneath our feet,
And Freedom's banner streaming o'er us
Thursday Afternoon, May 16,1861
The extra session of the Legislature termi
nated to-day at noon, after fifteen dile pro
ceedings. The session was a very important
one, and the legislation which has now passed
Into laws has already been noticed in our col
umns, and has also been endorsed by our co
temporaries of all parties throughout the State.
We cannot permit the adjournment to pass
without noticing the good opinions which were
expressed for the Speaker of the• Senate, Hon.
Louis W. Hall. During the short time he has
presided, he made for himself a reputation 9f
which older parliamentarians might well be
proud, and which will go far to re-instate him
iet`the chair at the next session of the Senate.
Speaker Davis of the House, also carries home
with him the good opinions and esteem of the
members of the House, as well for his impar
tiality as a presiding officer, as for his courte
ous demeanor as a man.
A Goon APPOINTINNT. —We chronicle to-day,
with more than ordinary pleasure, the appoint
ment of Jacob Knabb, Esq., as Postmaster of
the city of Reading. Many of our citizens will
recognize Mr. Knabb as a former resident of
Harrisburg, and an active participant in the
exciting political contest of 1844. He will be
tainentbered in that campaign in the capacity
of assistant editor of the Clay Bugle, whose
music echoed in those days the glorious senti
ments of gallant "Harry of the West 1" Mr.
Knabb left Harrisburg for Beading shortly after
the campaign of 1844, and has ever since re
aided in that city, publishing and editing the
Itrear tt ni itkayikii?„,Tournal, which uuder his
• ablirand - jtiPTions - supetvlaion, has become one
2= popular and influents ar journal in
r of,thecommonwodth. .
March', mos and Republican sentiment <,
the "Gibraltar of lietno.racy," is mainly attri f ,
imitable to the able and prudent, conduct of Mr t :
4bb's paper. Ilia appointment Is not
well merited, but is wise and judicious, a*,
eni l litently "it to be made."
.Quinornixon OP COLOKIL ANDIRPON, afters gaii
obliftwininutes into his face, from among a wilt
gio s 4 excited' Crowd ofsoldiers / citizen e, women am(
cliticliao, was favorable and pleasant. He rot
gambles most of the pictures vs me seen of
him--has a oiLici r and benevolent tof corm
tenance, a inoutt'denoting'firmness, eyes that
Hashed with.courage aa he acknowledge& the
welcome cheere.of the people. Colonel Asides
=le no coward. He has no blood of a tolitor
ha hid veins, nor ani guile or 4ecekt NA in
hie oul. God never gave a coward a mine
such as wreathed his lips while he bolted to
the shouts of the crowd, nor can dectq,.and
guilt be harbored in the heart withort being
ndurosej on the face when whole cf-Atitudes
wighosing atioid greetleg.a_roan., *oriel
.11040.04atesroot love his country, isAloe not
love anythimp,..„lf be is *coward em -t a trailer,
be is irresponsible, and 'should be platted in an
inseitleasylum. But we regard him as a sot .
dler, &Not and true in his allegiance to his
country, and 161410, of the highest meed of
praise which Vliowed on milhly valor.
WX WWI highly gratified with the appear
ance of the volunteers who marched from
Camp Curtin yesterday afternoon,' 14 Ipin in
the salute of welcome to Maj. Anderson.—
They looked like soldiers, although they were
neither accoutred, equipped or armed—and for
shitvery reason they won our adusithtfoa and
app lle
e: hey marched through the airests
of tfi with a firm and steady step, :and a
slipMssi r that spoke in eloquent tertaskif the
MneerityWhich actuates them, ef sval4ss of
Stilialbia:which they hasiThothlithrned
respect. It must be remembered that the
largest number of these men were yet in the
clothing which they wore while at work at
home, their hunting shirts and caps—that they
were in the ranks without arms—and that only
a few weeks since they knew nothing of the
order of march, the rules of the camp, or the
discipline of drill. ' Now, however, they seem
to appreciate and understand all thatiajooldier
Pennsylvania owes a lasting debt of grati
tude to these men. She must urge forward,
the work of arming and equipping these com
panies that are now without arms and equip
ments. This fact seemed to impress those who
witnessed the parade yesterday—and as com
pany alter company passed along the crowded
sidewalks of Market street, we heard the ez
chunation repeatedly, "They are a noble look
ing set of men, and would look better and
more soldierly, if only armed and equipped."
Tau applications to the Montgomery Confed
erates for letters of marque, which first started
out at 300,000, and then fell to 3,000, are now
down to 300, and by striking off another 0 we
shall doubtless approximate to the truth. Still
another 0 may be safely struck off to get at
the number who will be likely to risk their
.necks at the business.
Tin Lsornannts of Maryland have passed a
resolution declaring it inexpedient to arms the
militia of the State at this time.
North Carolina, out of a population of wren
to eight hundred thousand, contains more than
seventy thousand white persons, over the age
of twenty-one years, who can neither read or
write. This is a ' , sinful conditiod of things,
and speaks not well for the capacity of the
divas so accursed to understand the principles
and blessings of the government under which
they live. For a man who cannot read or
write at the age of twenty-one years is surely
accursed. He is no better than the perrenial
plant which puts forth its leaves and blossoms
mechanically under the influence of the sun,
and with the frosts relinquish( a its beauties
and retires to a season of torpor. He is only
an implement in the hands of his superior to do
as he is directed, whether for good or ill. Help
lessness is his characteristic, and only by an ac
cident are his harvests not the accumulation of
those errors which must result in ruin. Such
persons cannot divert evil, and may not be in.
duced to do it, until they have been personally
and seriously damaged. The cry of secession
has been taken up by them, under base leader
ship, and without knowledge to point out the
crime of the act, they follow on in the course
that will cause them to think only when
slaughter has made them helpless. There is a
large element of this kind in the seceded
States, and upon it, and its almost Dahomey
like nature, do the leaders of the rebellion de
pend for their success. But the brute and the
savage eventually fall before intelligence. The
ferocity of the brute, of whatever species, lasts
not forever ; by its own violence it is exhaust
ed, and then cowering and defeated it crawls
away to seclusion or death, There are in the
no**, too, men who can neither read or write.
Bat :they are surrounded by associations to
which they in some degree assimmilate.
stead'of a home in the retired stillness of the
pine barren or the sandy upland, they are in the
midst of commercial or agricultural activity.
The operation ot, intelligence is hourly before
their sight, and they feel daily the effect of its
might. The supremacy of the law they learn
by experience and observation, and the doings
of the world they hear read or spoken of so
constantly, that they incontinently acquire an
interest in what is transpiring. The southern
unfortunate has none of those opportunities.
His life is a state of nature in a very original
and peculiar style. Associations are confined
to his own class ; the world is restricted to. his
own sphere, and instead of ever rising out • of
the slough of barbarism, he but sinks deeper
in it, and with him his progeny.
Between the two classes the difference is mark
ed. In one (here is no improvement, but a
certainty of usefulness superior to that of his
southern type. For military purposes, the last
will be the most reliable, and according to his
more frequent contact with civilized life, he
Will possess greater activity and resourn*, ln
the onetteri " Tedtte,"if..trA,
w tttette other hasscAV.ll. sn obto
Oordfnation and yield to i iiiiitiently ohnoz
ionstequirerparies. liolh may be equal in the
abitract of bravery ; bat this without some
nioralqinlities such as intelligence affords, is
dot t irrepErhicb
,conquers. What military
men ATI, ‘lood forpowdei;': is decidedly
of a "lima in our rap .in thOse, of
the need -.‘ 'And on di , iiii i c pie that - the'
nutchialida the beat which ittehe most practical,
the conflict between the forces should, not be
protracted after it is actively commencod. The
declarations of the rebels that they will never
yield, is of no more effect than if they should
resolve never to die. They are striving to ar
rest the march of civilization• and. progress ;
they are in insurrection againstoreligious teach
ing and the prosperity of mankind, and by a
natural process, if let alone, therwould reach
the little end.
To the Editor of the Telegraph:—
Isaresiff' ylvanian by birth.' lam proud
nill.sity • ith place, and trust 'God will nerve
my arm while he animates my heart; ever to
defend the honor and glory of ran:ltaly° State.
ram In uneducated man—used all my life
time to toil in the woods and the field, through
winter's frosts and snows and summer's heat,
for the poor pittance which affords the poor
man all over the world his living. When Pre
sident Lincoln Issued his proclamation, calling
lot soldiers, I left my are in the trunk of a
tree, hurried with my companions to the near
est rendez vuus, and marched at oue to muster
illatin Harrisburg. I sweet, Stopped to..kist
mrsilktetheart, or say good by to my mother.
My countty's appeals were ringing ii, my ears,
and the cry of treason made me forget almost
home, mother and sweet-heart, for what would
all these be worth if we had no country, if
liberty waslagren from us, and tyrants ruled
the land ? Me•l have teen 15t . a month—
marching, drilling Awl obeying orders—and
while I have been dolug-bbis, wearing the flan
nel shirt I brought with me—,the ,same dress
and the old hat with its buck tail, other vol
unteers, who came into the camp after those
with whom I mustered, have,been equipped
40 armed, and are now metered into the
tiiYce. I consider ta t those who started
millawirthelmat eornneed should be allowed
itstat,the dittettiligad'not be abided out
:either by favorittna 'dr' Neer tilithusilittit. I
can just write what I think. I believe, and
so do my comrades, that there is too much fa
voritism being shown in the volunteer system,
and if it is continued, it will certainly destroy
the devotion where the strength of the army
rests, in the rank and file.
Don't be afraid to print this communication.
The boys from the country take the TELIGRAPH,
and I want the boys to read what I have
written. A COMITRT SoLnuot.
We give the above a place in the columns of
the ThraculAza, because we consider it right
and just to hear the humblest volunteer in the
ranks, on any subject affecting his rights, feel
ings or reputation. So far as his complaints
are concerned, we are not the proper source to
apply for redress, but we dare suggest that it
is too true that those who started enthusiasti
cally at the first call of the President have not
been pushed forward as promptly as others who
have offered their services lately. It is useless
to conceal these facts from the volunteers in
camp. Men have eyes to see and judgment to
comprehend whatever of wrong and favorite
ism may be done or shown in a moment like
this, and their complaints are bound to be
heard. When the hour of battle comes, if ever
it does, some of those who are now apparently
neglected, and who loiter about the camp and
roam our streets almost unknown and friend
less, will rise to the grandeur of heroes, and
elicit the applause of that very sickly senti
mentality which now recognizes none as sol
diers save only those who are dressed in soldier
"Give fools their silks, and knaves their wine
A man's a mu for a' that." ,
pennopluattin Wait a titgrap4. alms fatal) 'Afternoon, Alan 16, 1861.
The Governor has this day appointed by and
with the advice and conse.,t of the Senate,
George Archibald M'Celi, of Chester county, to
be Major General under the act of Assembly
for reorganizing the militia, passed at the spa
cial session of the Legislature which has just
General M'C.tll is a native of the city of
Philadelphia, graduated at West Point, and
was afterwards appointed second Lieutenant iu
the first Infantry, on the first day of Ju1y,1822,
and remained in the service until June 18h0,
when he resigned from ill health, and as
since that time resided In Chester comity, "of
this State, where he has been engaged in api
culture! pursuits.
At the time of his resignation, he was ur
gently solicited by Jefferson Davis, then Score
tary of War, to remain in the army, with
every assurance of having such service assigned
him a., would relieve him from arduous duties.
Lieut. General Winfield Scott also united in
urging General M'Call not to relinquish the
During his long connection with the army,
his course was steadily upwards, distinguishing
himself in both the Florida and Mexican wars,
and being twice brevetted, once in thebriitle
of Palo Alio, and again at Resaca de la
The following shows the promotion of Gen
eral M'Call, from the time of receiving his first
commission, as above, in July, 1822. Second
Lieutenant, First Infantrylin December, 1822 ;
Second Lieutenant, Fourth Infantry, in Janua
ry, 1829; First Lieutenant, in November, 1829 ;
Assistant Commissary Sub jstence, in April,
1831 to 1836; Aid-de-Camp to Major General
Gaines, and acting Assistant Adjutant Gen:Ual
in January, 1832.
September, 1836, Captain, distinguished
under Colonel Worth in the Florida war--
Brevet Major and Brevet Lieutenant Colonel,
for gallant and distinguished services la bat
tles of Palo Alto and Reseca de la Palma.
July 7, 1846, Assistant Adjutant General,
with rank of Major,
December, 1847, Major Third Infantry, and
relinquished staff appointment.
June 10, 1850, Inspector General, with rank
of Colonel, and relinquished rank in line.
The above is obtained from authoriZed pub
lications of the War Department and reliable
military authority.
Since his residence amongst The peaceable
citizens of his adopted county of Chester, Geo
McCall endeared himself to all by his unas
suming depot talent and excellence of private
character. We congratulate Governor Curtin
upon so worthy an appointment, and the peo
ple of the State.should rejoice that they have
received the assistance of so excellent a man
and inch Lthorough soldier.
Ailli Nsa
' . :.4634manC tin
- Ttio - Tatehwi ng in ,,.._ lir
was sent to the House A mooning.' It ex
plains itself-
Harrisbuigi M 0.100.8614
To the Senate and Bow of Repeigitatives of the
Commonwealth of Penneylama:
:—I have the honor to answer
your resolUtion'tekguiry„ this morning receiv
ed, of which the firllctwinrin, cd,py :
May 15;11381.
Wiranzas, The first requisitieu by (he Na
tional Government upon the militia of this
Commonwealth, for the defence of the Capitol
at Washington, at a moment when the persons
of the President and Heads of 'Departments and
other Government officials were threatened with
imminent danger, was : responded to with an
alacrity and generous proffer of services, of
which our State may well be proud.
And whereas, fiirther requisition's were made
upon the Governor and a very large number of
companies throughout the State have at great
inconvenience and personal sacrifices maintain
ed their organizationally to this time and held
themselves in readiness for instant service, and
it is desirable to know whether all regiments
have been filled or if there are any to be filled.
Relayed, That the Governor•.be requested to
furnish this House with a statement of the sev
eral requisitions and orders under which the
three months volunteers were mustered into
the service of the United States, and the num
bekof regiments so mustered. together, with a
copy t of the requisition for three years militia,
if such requisition has been made.
[Extract from the Journal.]
Te first requisition made on me by the Pre
sident for troops was, for sixteen regiments,
whiCh, on the sixteenth of April, was changed
by the foll Owing order from the War Depart
ment :
Wsn Daraarmen,
April 16, 1861.
SIR : —The President has modified the requi
sition made on you for troops from Pennsylva
nia, so as to make it fouilegn instead of sixteen
regbldents. Yon are i riulder this mortified re
etlatjed. idilbirtkiajor Generals, four
Aids,rwo Divistn Inspectors; three Brigadier
Generals, Arse .Aids, three Brigade Inspectors,
fourteen Colonels, fourteen Lieutenant Colonels,
fourteen Adjutants, fourteen Quarter Masters,
fourteen Surgeons, fourteen Surgeon's Mates,
fourteen Sergeant Majors, fourteen Drum Ma
jors, fourteen Fife Majors, one hundred and
forty Captains, one hundred and forty Lieuten
ants, one hundred and forty Ensigns, five hun
dred and sixty Sergeants, five hundred and
sixty Corporals, one hundred and forty Drum
mers, one hundred and forty Fifers, and eight
thousand nine hundred and sixty Privates.
'Very Respectfully your obedient servant,
Secretary of War.
His Excellency, ANDREW G. Ccum,
Governor of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg.
The fourteen Regiments were raised imme
As stated in my message of the second of
May instant, "I continued to receive companies
for the reasons assigned in my message of April
80th, until twenty-three regiments were must
ered into the service of the United States."
The next order received by me was the fol
lowing, (as contained in my message of May2d:)
Philadelphia, April 25, 1861.
His Excellency Andrew G. Curtin, Governor of
Pennsylvania :
Sm : I feel it my duty to expreist i oyou that
the force at the disposal of 04;Juptatment
should be increased without delitxk:
I therefore have to request youtExcellency.
to direct that'twenty-five additional regiments
of Infantry and one- regiment d - Ca*alry -be
called for forthwith, to be mustered Into the
service of =the United states. Officers will be
detailed to inspect and muster the men into
eery*, as soon - as I am uifonnoti of opoints
of rendezvous which may be designated by
-your Excellency.
I have the honor to be,
With great respect,
Major General.
And as stated in the same message, this or
der was revoked by Major General Patter:on,
under date of April 30th, and some days later
a telegraphic despatch from the War Depart
ment confirmed this revocation.
Twenty-four regiments in all were mustered
into service, besides the Scott . Legion in the
city of Philadelphia.
On the seventh of May I was requested by
telegraph from the Secretary of War to
tain how many of the regiments mustered into
the United States service, and not sent forward
were willing to change the time of their service
from turee mouths to a term of three years or
during the war. In pursuance of which I di
rected a copy of the following letter to be sent
to the Colonels of all the regiments, (as design
ed in the request of the Secretary of War :)
Harrisburg, May 8, 1861.
Sin : I have been requested by the Secretary
of War, to let the Regiments now in the service
of the State, know that it is " prefered to have
all the Regiments already mustered into service
for three months, which are not actually sent
forward, re-mustered into service for three
years or dui ing the war, should they be willing
to do so." 1 therefore deem it proper to direct
that you immediately ascertain the preference
of your Regiment upon this question, and com
municate the result forthwith to me.
Those who do not desire to re-enlist for this
additional period, can be formed into Regi
ments, or have such arrangements made as to
enable them to retire with honor, in accordance
with their enlistment.
I cannot refrain from saying that it would
afford me pleasure, to see the regiments so
promptly and patriotically offered to the State,
gives this additional and more enduring evi
dence of continued devotion to their country.
Very Respectfully Yours,
Governor and Commander-in-Chief.
I have bad since that no other order or
request from the War Department, except one
received yesterday of which the following is
a copy.
Muhington, May 14, 1861.
Gov. A. G. CURTIN : Dear Sir:—Enclosed
herewith you will find the plan for the organi
zation of the volunteers for three years service.
Ten regiments are assigned to Pennsylvania,
making, in addition to the thirteen regiments
of three mouths militia, already called for,
making twenty-three regiments. It is impor
tant to reduce rather than enlarge this num
ber, and in no event to exceed it. Let me
earnestly recommend to you, therefore to call
for no mote than twenty-three regiments of
which only ten are to serve during the war, and
if more are already called for, to reduce the
number by discharge. In making up the quota
of three years men, you will please act in con
cert with Lieut. Col. Andrew Porter, who will
represent this Department, and so far as possi
ble make it up by taking in preference, regi
ments already offered for three months, having
of course due regard to a fair distribution of
the forces among the different sections of the
State. If it should be agreeable to your Excel
lency, it would be especially gratifying to this
Department to have some of those regiments
offered for three years service from Allegheny
and other westemcounties, including the "wild
Into Birilee under the,
(Biota for ybur..StaA.
- •
l' . cluraloasif;•
Secretary of War.
It is proper that I should, remark in this con
nexion, that I have no control over the regi
ments mustered into service by the properly
authorized officers of the Federal Government;
nor have I any power to change the terms of
their service, nor to disband them, or in any
other manner to affect their movements.
I received the letter of the Secretary of War
yesterday evening, and have not had time to
reply to it. 'So far as it is in my power I will
conform to all the directions contained therein,
and will, during the continuance of the troubles
now impending over our country, give to the
Federal Government in the re-establishment of
peace a cordial and active support.
The bill for the regulation of the currency
passed Busily both Houses this morning, and
will no doubt receive the signature of the Gov
ernor. The bill reads as follows :
SUPPLEMENT to an Act for the equalization of
the currency of the State, approved the sev
enteenth day of April, Anno Domini one
thousand eight hundred and sixty-one.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Howe of
Representatives of the Omdiumwealth of Pennsyl
vania, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby
enacted by the authority of the same, That the banks
of the Commonwealth are hereby required, un
til the second Tuesday of February next ensu
ing, to receive at parrin. Ayment of all
debt; due or to become due to them respec
tively, the notes of all the solvent banks
of the State which paid specie for their liabili
ties on and immediately prior to the nineteenth
day of November last, and which shall continue
solvent ; and the said banks are also hereby
authorized to pay out, in all their business tran
sactions and discounts, the said notes so long as
the baalts issuing, the same shall remain solvent;
but in case any.president and a majority of the
board of directors of any of the said banks
should certify to the Governor, under oath or
affirmation of the president, that they have
just reason to believe that any bank included
in said category is in an unsound or unsafe con
dition, the Governor shall appoint a commission
to investigate the same, as provided in the third
section of the act of October thirteenth, one
thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven, entitled
"an Act providing for the resumption• of specie
payments by the banks, and the relief of debt-'
ors, and no bank shall be required to receive
the notes of any bank thus discredited until
reported sound and solvent by such commis
Sec. 2. That the several collectors of taxes,
tolls, and other moneys of the Commonwealth,
and also county treasurers, are hereby author
ized to receive for State purposes the notes of
the solvent banks of this Commonwealth, though
not specie paying banks, in payment of the
said taxes, tolls, and revenues ; and the State
Treasurer is hereby authorized to receipt for
the same, in the same manner as though said
banks were specie paying. •
Sac. 3. That on failure of any bank in this
Commonwealth to comply with the provisions
of this Act, such fact being satisfactorily made
known to the Governor its charter shall thereby
be forfeited, and he shall so declare such for
feiture by proclamation ; and the directors there
of shall forthwith make and execute an assign
ment in the manner provided by the Act enti
tled "An Act regulating banks," approved the
sixteenth day of April, Anno Domjui one thou- .
sand eight hundred and fifty.
Sac. 4. That any bank or incorporation
which has within one year suspended specie pay
ments, or refused to redeem its notes as provi
vided by the laws of this Corrim' onwerdth, the:
forfeitures, penalties, orliabilities arising there
from not having been heretofore remitted or
suspended by Act of Assembly, shall be deem
ed thereby to have forfeited its charter and
upon such fact being satisfactorily made known
to the Governor, he shall declarer such forfeit
ure by proClainaticin, and arisiinnipt shall be
made by.the directors of such lit k, as hero,:
bibeforo provided.
EEC. 5. That stated or special meetings of thel
directors of banks shall be held at such time s.
and under such rules and regulations for the
transaction of business as the directors may
adopt, and in the case of the sickness or ab
sence of the President his place may be suppli
ed by a President, pro tempore, to be appointed
by the directors from among their number ;
and so much of any act or acts of assembly in
consistent with the election of said President
pro tempore, be and the game is hereby repealed.
Sec. 6. [hat the several banks of this Com
monwealth shall be required to redeem in specie
or its equivalent, so much of their circulation
as may be in the hands of the State Treasurer
and may be necessary to pay the August inter
Sec. 7. That the president, cashier or other
officers of any bank iu this Commonwealth
shall take an oath or affirmation, to be admin
istered by some officer authorized by law to ad
minister oaths or affirmations, that they will
not knowingly or intentionally violate any of
the provisions of the act to which this is a sup
plement or the provisions of the act regulating
banks, passed April 16, 1880, and its supple
ments, and that the fifteenth and sixteenth sec
tions of the act regulating banks, approved
April 16th., one thousand eight hundred and
fifty, any other acts of assembly conflicting
herewith, be, and the same are hereby repealed;
Provided, That no cashier shall engage in any
other profession or calling, directly or indirect
ly, than that appertaining to the office of cash
FOUND.—In this city, on the 14th inst.,
a small portemonale, conlainiog a email SUM of
money. Persons claiming the same must dasbriba the
Article, state the amount of money, etc., and pay for this
advertisement, Dayl6 ltd
ACANARY BIRD escaped from the cage
yesterday afternoon. The Boiler will receive one
dollar by returning it to
myl6 tilt* WELLS COVPRIA.
Short and. Quick Route to and from
Leave New York at 7) 1 ,' P. M , by Fast Through Ex
press Train, arriving in itartlaburg at 8 A. M.,
Order Goode, marked
General office, 74 Broadway, New York.
Branch " 412 " "
For further intatmation inquire of
myl6 GEORGE BERONF.R, Agent.
The following Rules are established to facili
tate the settling of accounts for Transportation
over your Road, of Troops and Munitions of
Arsf—The State wits not be responsible for
the coast of Transportation of any Troops or
hintkitiOus of. War, unless your Company,
through its Agents, has been instructed to pass
them, or the officer in command produces an
thority telegrailtic dispatch to be considered
authority,) fronsitte—Governor, directing snob
Transportation, or a pass from the Governor be
produced end handed over.
Second.—That the proper Agents of your
Road be instructed to require the signatures of
the officer in command to a certificate; a copy
of which is annexed, copies of which will be
furnished you, certifying to amount of services
performed ; to which must be annexed the
order under which the troops moved, or an
order to your agents to furnish the transpor
Third. —These certificates, and orders attach
ed, will be considered by the proper Auditing
Departments,iwhen approved by the Governor,
as vouchers in the settlement of your accounts.
Fourth.—The acodunt for the Transportation
of Troops must be produced and settled to and
include the last day of each month, or as early
in each succeediogimonth as possible.
Frfth.—This order takes effect on the first
day of June, one thousand eight hundred and
By order of the Governor and Commander-
I hereby certify, that the
Railroad Company has furnished transportation
From. to
By order of
which order le herewith attached.
.1861. I
Harrisburg, May 15, 1861.
The Regiments of Pennsylvania Volunteers
now mustered into the service of the United
States have been designated by numbers, in the
order in which their. .reporta clf organization
and acceptance havehbeen,receilladist this oirsce,
as follow*, viz :
No. ov Nazis or:
REarmzur. Oman..
1. Col. Samuel Yohe
2. " Frederick S. Stambaugh.
3.- " Francis P. Minter.
4. " John F. Hartrauft.
6. " P. M'Dowell.
6. " James Naugle.
7. " William H. Irwin.
8. " A. H
9. " L Longenecker.
10. " Snltlvan A. Meredith.
11. " Phaeon Jarrett.
11. " David Campbell.
13. " Thomas A. Rowley.
14. " John W. Johnston.
15. " R'd A. Oakford.
16. " Thomas A. Zeigle.
17. " Francis E. Patterson,
tat Division Ist Reg't Artillery.
18, " William D. Lewis,
let Division let Reg't Infantry.
19. " Peter Lyle,
let Division 2d Reg't Infantry.
20. ," William H. Gray,
Ist Division 4th Reg't Infantry.
21. " John F. Ballier,
Ist Div. 8d Brigade Rifle Reg't.
22. " Turner G. Morehead,
Ist Div. Ist Reg't Infantry.
23. " Charles P. Dare,
Ist Div. 8d Brigade Artillery.
24. " Joshua T. Owens,
o lst Div. 2d Brig. 2d Reg't Lary.
26. " Henry S. Cake.
By order of the Governor,
Commander in Chief.
Adjuient oriftflOrta.
Nem abvcrtistatents
Harrisburg, Hay 15, 1861
Officers and Men
. .. . . Horses
.. Pieees
Nap 2tZtriertistiniits
Harristivri, May 16, 1 36: - •
The Governor of Pennsylvania Lk. ~..)
from the War Department, at Wait
following announcement, in referenc: . .
second requisition of militia nude 1.• c•
eral Government • -
" Ten Regiments are assigned to
nia, making, in addition to the thirt••,'
merits of three months already
twenty-three regiments. It is in;.
reduce rather than enlarge this 1:111Wler,;
no event to exceed it."
Pennsylvania has already itithiti,i
Uuited States service twenty-fir e rrzi w
Of this number at least ten
amount of the eacond
Sid a willingness to change tku.ii
vice from three months to thr,,
more companies, therefore, from tt,i;
wealth can now be received fur th , r
States Governmeut.
By order of the Governor,
\ortheru Ueutrai Kin k\
1 N AND AFTER MONDAY, 31 - 1 y.
1. the Passeu ger Trahia tho h"rtt,s,„
way 'rill lettvollarrtsburg en
MAIL TRAIN will leave it.... I lu p
EXPRESS " " . t I', i
sfAll. (RAIN artllteare at . 13t) P
EXPREFS TRAIN •• %,115 1.
UT further Informetteo apply at the office, m e
)141!rood Depot
A. C. 4:
, rt•nurg, April 30, L861.-1-3tf
- -
bit 1 .0
MONDAY, APRIL 16th, 1861.
The puseoger trains of the Penneylewd* RUN':
pally will depart from and arrive at Harr, bL
Philadelphia ae (OtiOWII
IiROUGH EXPRII3O TRAIN leaves flarrtsb,..g
1. M. nub arrives at Wad Pledsdeiphia at 6.1 u t c
vAsr LINK loaves Harrlsburg at 6.20 a I.
..rrivos at West Philadelphia at 10.06 a. ea.
FAST MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at i LI
arrives st West Phllsdeipbts at 6.10 p. m.
these trams makeelose connection at
the New York Lines.
LACCOMMODATION 173A1.', So. 1, via Mount p
ams Rerrillburg at t aria artisan at tt
ebtatdolphia at 12.30 p:XI3.
bla, leaves Harrisburg at 4.10. p. m. , arid arr. 7, o
Latio. .t 926 p. na.
leaver Harrisburg at 4.20 p. m, , 000nacuni
arrives at West Pbtladelptda at 9.26 p. m.
10.45 p m, , Harrisburg at 8.05 a. m., Altoona •
riven at Pittsburg at 12.40 p. m.
MAIL TRAIN loaves Philadelphia at
B , rrieburg 1.10 p. m., Altoona, 7.05 p.
at Pittsburg at 12.20 p. m.
FAST UNE leaves Philadelphia at 11.0 a. 1..
burg 4.06 p. in., Altoona 8.40 p. at., and am% fel .".1.
burg at 1.00 a. in.
Philadelphia at 2.30 p. m., Lancaster 6.05 p .
omloa 8.40 p. m. , and arrives at Harrieburi I
ACIXIMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Phila4.lpnie e:.,
P. m.. Lantaster 7.44 p. m.,Mount Joy 8,28 p En
bettioarn, 8.48 p. in., and arrives at lidrr.e. ,
9.46 p. m.
iltiBOllol3 hi Milled to the Met, that paaseaen .
Philadelphia. at 4.00 p. m., momeet at'a,t,
flarriaburg at 9.46, p. m.
Supt. Sari. Ranua.
itpl2 60-dtt
1861, the Feast Nies Trains will leava u.
phut ana Reading Railroad Depot, at liar! lOU r.
York and Philadelphia, as follows, viz
EXPRE.E.S LINE (eaves Earrieburg at I 311
rival of gennsylvanta Railroad Expresg Trni ,
West, arriving la New York at 930 am At At
is attached to the train through [rum Vas g -
MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg ate, a. m. -"
Na. , Ztork. at AX.p. m and Phlladoloato at
PAM UNE 10111 , 08 keirriabarg at 1.40 p -'
or Peo,ciaTlvaniii Railroad Fast Ilan, arr V.-
Yorleat 9.p. tn., and Philadelphia at 6AO p
KART LINE (eaves New York at ea. m., aLI
phis at 8 a. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 1
MAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 12 00 II.)_
adelphia at 8. 16 p. m. , arriving at ElarruburE
RSPRILM LINE leaves New York at 7.30
ving at Harrieburt at 8 a . no..
spd. conpet...,".
Pennsylvania Ramses Train for Plusbari , -
oar Is also attached to this train.
Connections are nude at Harrisburg wilt tra
Pennsylvania, Northern Central and tuni , ..t. , •.!
Railroads, and et Reading for Phdadolyb 5.
Wilkesbarre, Allentown, irsaton, &c.
Baggage checked through. Faro betwe , l
and Harrisburg, 05 00 ; between Ilarrisbu7:
delphia, $3 26 in Na, 1 care, and $ 70 :a ,
For tickets or other information ap,,1," to
m • 16 General Agent. a
Dissolution of Partnership ,
NOTICE is hereby given that
mental) heretofore existing between
ming and Reward Currand, of Harrisburg,
Of Hew= &. CuRRA.ND was t:lssolved oa its
April last. The accounts of the ttrm will be
myl.2-fwd SAMUEL
• gar':
(In Thursday, the 9th Wilt. Li _,-
Ur or Fecond streets, a large P ASTE:BOd RD ,'
oontaining one Barometer, one Thermomi.r, ~.,,-..,
.: ..
dies Wearing Apparel, Dress Patterns and olio
A liberal reward will be
of no value but to the owner. to itt± --
or for any positive ii.foln_lt iv —, r ,
paid if brought ,-: ,
~T L; .
able rooms to be occupied by man and w e _l,,, ,f
sons baying suitable rooms will Mid a good _:
aPPIIng, by note, to Da. crft "
some Asatobwil