in-• _ 4itt (6 ettgia,A, HARRISBURG Tuesday Afternoon, Kay 14,186 ENVELonrs, Note Paper and Badges aim be Lad at Bergner's Book Store. ATTESTION, CITLZIC—TiIe members of the Oit,iren Fire Compattylavorable to the fa to o f a military company, are requested to meet at the engine house at half-past seven o'clock.this (Tuesday) evening, 1 0 o.F.—Tbe meral;sreef Dest,Phln. Lodge, So. 160, I. 0. Ci. F., ,will matt t at their hall on. Wednesday evening, .the 15tilLiost., half pot seven o'clock,, to rein rye officers of the o , and Lodge. By order of the Lodge. Fess= FINALT.—The bill to authorize an odditional tux in thecify, and toanthorize the County Commissioners ickborrow fifteen thou land &Ilan in aid of thevolunteer fund, have psimed thelkonso of Ilepresentatives, and been tcportud escommitted in the Senate. —.4-- mas thegirla de for beaux, when ell r a bravest aruibestivlookingyouttg memirw off tto warse f Thit 14 a anstvity in the _ utritzPia#tl tturriret, s - dearth of to t super evenings. The pale torch of TtTqulen fit envied by 'the grim rbusge of -s arc Is,: DOWNINGTOIVI BAINE.—T6a inatittekbn i cc) Into operation within s fortnight under . s Linking law. The plates for the odes ~ t 1 engraved, and the notes eari new cr; pt n ted, Tiedntent of the Bank oa— rask-i Downing, Proaidenti and hicadanst. T. 4, Cornier. The estdtatatoak of flip.. .link Arty thousand dollars. ~~~ :r.L.l:rmunts.—A/eomparif of - volunteers is nE, °SOW la , 1 / 3 4011,Tit r gObil county number Son* frVntimbem, bairoebotles tulh..w:ng officureoma tendered their ser ?Q the GovmpAt. yit'otain, Irene Miller;; t Lieutenant,- WM= A. Armstrong and Lieutenant; tit . iftster Bank. L. ANDenson.-.4eVeral hundred of oar cit i:elf4, incluttipg linny'ledite l / 2 140 itt4tOted Lho - depot st,n-Wdey to ribttin k eight of ILL pliant herirof Port Sumter,. Who Tam Or: pectedto ;re OW het° ekrOatuftieLottbr. Mlle, , alibtbegrotidleimicrialtmend, f the erkidnidirefier, the 4040 W fad: denien did not mate. 'is a LAID sfii • ileisou U. zy Clink% taffletllo:ol l .64l t 6; new tavola, of Imp shades, wEIIIW 'bakat,y. (ad 14 44 - T3o l*-4 6 5 0 0M tbst able we hs a les fets 147.11fsaifity, called :be 4 ' thai4p,'l OtheSkill illits of the 11 ,; "WO oa !idea, are pa:clouted.* -12 * 1 hte4wthe ',:Quicholtl of . ` r . . plitdoe4 ; -4-31ta.- : 461* /4"ift4 /sane to our lady readers to learn that the style of bonnets for the coining season contem plates nothfog smaller than those worn in the past season. The new Pads shape is very dis. 1;49E4, hat it will disappoint some of the ladies who are trying to Introduce thts fiat Marie Stuart amts. The new style is worn very high, close to the lower part of the face, and slopes very much from the tip to the crown. Ruches will be worn still, bat not generally. The hair will be worn to curls and In braids in the bonnets, as was the fash fen before ruches came in vogue. They will, however, still be worn on some of the most stylish bonnets. The trimmings for the bonnets will be simple—lace and small dowers, in clusters and in loops on top, or as neatly on the top of the bonnet as it is possible io get them. Fancy straw will be much worn ,his spring and summer. A great many costly ones have been imported. The dress goods for ,he coming season are chaste and beautiful in pattern. In silks and bareges the ground colors or promenade are various shades of gray,bt own and creen ; but the gray seems the favorite Eoglish bareges will soon be made in gored dresses, having one large flounce on the bottom of the skirt. English grenadines—a much more elegant and expensive fabrlo-'-4111 be made in seven or eight flounces. Mild! REGULATIONB.—The following from the army regulations is interesting : The commissioned officers are obliged to clothe, (quip and arm themselves (with a sword,) at their own expense, the pay received by them befog intended to cover all outlays. It is a nuttier of personal choice with the officer whether to carry any arms, (pistols, &c.,) be yond the regulation sword. When it is necessary to employ the army at work on fortifications, in surveys, in cutting roads, and other constant labor of net less than ten days, the non commissioned officers and soldiers so employed are enrolled as extra duty men, and are allowed twenty-flve cents a day when employed as laborers and teamsters, and forty cents a day when employed as mechanics, at ad stigma, Ent of the Rooky Mountains ; and thirty-five and ility.cents a day, respective. ly, at all stations West of those mountains. Enlisted men of the Ordnance and Engineer Departments, and artiflers of Artillery are not entitled to this allowance when employed at their appropriate work. A day's work shall not exceed ten hours in summer, and eight in winter. Soldiers are paid in Proportion for any greater number of hours they are employed each day. Summer _is con sidered to have commenced on the Ist of April, and winter on the let of October. The ration is of a pound of pork or bacon, or lt pounds of fresh or salt beef ; 18 ounces of I read or flour, or 12 ounces of hard bread, or 4 , pounds of corn meal ; and at the rate, peas or beans, or to luf) rations, of 8 quarts of in lieu thereof, of 10 pounds of rice ; 6 pounds of coffee ; 12 pounds of sugar ; 4 quarts of vinegar; pounds of tallow, or 11 of ads. nututine, or 1 pound of sperm candles ; 4 pounds of soap, and 2 quarts of salt. On a campaign, or on marches, or board' of transports, the ration of hard bread (sea biscuit) is one pound. Soldiers are expected to preserve, distribute and cook their own sub sis ence. 11 enlisted men are entitled to one ration a day. No provision made for the pay of chap /aloe. If they are sent with the regiments front any _State, the State Authorities will have to fitheir rate of Cpmperisation guad- Make pool their for their varmint. by tkwatatik, INFORMATION FOR Cr...runic Votuarssas.— Ilis Holiness the Pope, at the instance of the Bishop of guitAlo, granted a dispensation to the Catholics in the army and navy of the United Stafts—a dispensation from the, rule of abstinence, except on six days in the year, namely : Ash Wednesday, the last three days in Lent, tile Vigils of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, and that of Christmas. An ai slel notice to this effect appears in the Catholic, and the different clergymen of the alocesce are revested to give publicity to it from the altar, or in such other manner as they may deem most expedient. RAILROAD Accomer.--Sanauel Rose, a ma chinist employed at the noteldne shops of the Nullity'Artie Railroad in the timer end of the city, met with a varyligilousl.acadani. rmon to-day, which nag in . cobliMy wilt in Me i death. It appears thatohwvraLreartruing to his work from dinner on lit i catmehatottire of th : ' train, as was his usatii-,practice, and in at tempting to jump from the locomotive at the Round House, Ms foot Blipped, and he fell to the ground betwwm the wheels 8f the cars which run over Melt*, trhovethe knee, mang- Hog them In a such condition as te 'to render amputation necesaarY.- Since writing the above, we ,are , intormatii that Bose is dead. An Inquest was held over his.renssdas, hist we could not learn the verdict cif titotatrWSWele *Mitred di swami , '• ASTRAY Al CART SOcax.—Quiteasinious dif fkadqoccared day before y4terday; kt Camp Scott between two of the troopeitstleded there. Nada Grant, a Pittsburger, and Saha Vidziovt am, both members of the Segley 0014 coin patty 0, of the fifteenth regiment, had a dik oulty a few days ago, and torlay they quarrel lad again, Grant being nett / 06%11T, a spitit" of revenge, and McGowan aetinionthe defimatvi, It occurred about noon, while the men rt‘re eating dinner. After'a - few woks -had been exchanged, Grant dretv a lmille-luilfe%asicilell I nifien McGowan, cfiel d atir t i W cdttink it and alk ,•• A r g, th e l creek, the secondffniktdpteßdon the elbow, and whye a e V nient upon taking McGowan's life, toThilgArther ,at him with the knife, h "bna`i4i render ed poweßess lotus tbliCsiblei ' shot;' the ball strikfthlMPL. htlie fultioad in tha region of the temple; but fortunately &nein imund the ilea* ilitof4ett-Wali-Ewr barreled, one OfallYetthaballaCtliret and Mc - Gowan, while he was lying prostrate, mans to have placed it cloSe - to Grant's face. tall been a Cult's pistol, it would hale bean all day with Grant. ' Ai' Itis, de shot nay produce inflarnationo antircrender treptddrir necessary to saveld'lfft' i takY weral4 taken to the healdtalmtattßtalilled•tohyliams. Robinson and ii . ",;,lll6ii,itaia entrance sill be t&oenom 'Mere At; ust small arms, orat leastkito prevent . ..the:ou fuer *tying their 'favpltotteharged whlltjta *imp. Gen. Negttylest !ordered the , affiliMito reinvestigated, anctthe oftettider ,(moat pat ,bfridbm ere.: •) The ditty of exaithier . . r. • esslgnltrt• s' • _ a'. • •• . Poises Masnas.—Thereltie,been quits ate frothing stir in police matters at the Mayor's office within the last few days, oocaslened by a full Lock-up, violations of ordinances, arrests of suspicions characters, and assault and bat tery cases. The first case on the police sheet was that of a stout, burly looking customer with a face as broad as the full moon, who was arrested by some citizens as be emerged from the Harris burg bridle into Market street. He carried with him as suspicious looking bundle, which., led to his arrest. Upon a hearing before the Mayor them= acknowledged himself a "rag," and that ha was in the habit of "lying around loose" and picking up small thing's by way of amusement. an examination of its bundle discovers two fine plump loaves of bread, a fresh roll of butter, several pieces of country made soap, and various other articles, all of which he confessed to have stolen from a spring house. The Mayor sent him to prison for twenty days. Mary Maguire—a dapper, fresh looking little woman---ivas "pulled" by the pollee for an assault on one Sarah Ann Ray. From the tes timony of the plaintiff, Mary evidently partook of the prevailing belleose spirit, and threatened to pile Ist° Sarah with a regular Zenave trot. She was bound over to answer. • Several of our respectable citizens were be fore the Mayor charged with violating varionv ordinances of the city. They were each fined $1 and the costs. The lock.up contained eight occupants last oight—all drunk and disorderly cases. They had a hearing before the Mayor this morning, and were discharged by making a promise to leave the city. Sophia Pollum, a girl of about 10 years of age was last night brought brought to the Mayor's office by a citizen, who stated that be found her wandering about the streets without a place of habitation. The girl was by direc tion of- the Mayor provided for at a hotel, and thia.morning sent to the Poor House. The attention of the Mayor has been called to an individual now in the city, who is dispo sing of what are termed "certificates of the Orphans' School Fund Assootation," - of which the following is a copy : Orphans' School iirnd Association. t Oen saws. This will entitle the holder to one share in the ORPHANS' SCHOOL FUND ASSOCIATION, If demanded within one year after the dish. button. No. 191. J. W. B. Cuss & Co., Mangers. The price of the certificates are 60 cents, and we understand that a large number of them have beep !old to our citizens, under the repre sentation that they will entitle the holders to a share of certain property when distributed. We haven() hesitation in decjaring there certificates entirely worthless, and' that their sale is nothing more than a well con-. • scheme to will the unwary of tof money- The Pert' wording of the certificates ong,ht, to be intilobato. condemn them. PetmovluclOa Mail v Qieteiraph, e Afternoon, Map 14, 1861 Two Passattoan TRAINS now TOO daily be toesm this city and Baltimore--the Mail train leaving at 1.10 p. m , and the Express train at 1:16x.-m. Tut BOMB Gamin of the Foutth Ward will meet for drill at the Baptist church, corner of Second andwPtho Oreets, on Monday. Tuesday and Thursday eveninea. By older. Lmewir is determintd to have a flag flying from his pole', tkrt the corner of Third and Mar ket streets. The wind has already destroyed one splendid piece of bunting, but to day be flings another to the brefee, fiellyit with starth and bright with the glorious stripes of our country'sliag. INDIA RIMISIL--ii chance for all of our brave volunteen to pl'ovicUi themeelves with articles indi44,44l6tethc.Preeerration of their health Js o& id , lie by t "Gdodyear Camp Equipment 6i. it litarket street," who will sell off their ' o:lndia Braila& Blankets, Coats, &c., at preparatory to closing their temporary , agency inthis city. Do not fail to avail your Of this chance. myl.ll-mae-24 &LIMO 40T OP Stem Border for Slew* 7-4 whileAck Merino for Shawls. Larip kit .of rusookts of Lawns s.nd Calicoio half price. 10 dovarilluerollhictsitraasis;. 18f, 26,, 81 cents. ,New lciPoPtizibbs tocc- Mastitis; 'Very cheap. 'Black 'Shawls, with Brooke Border., cheap... 200 Parasols, latest style, at all prig* .. r . ler i lot of Whuite Cambric,Jitxxixtetti, Swim Maellos, wad unbrio Brakes • enci t . 11: 4 46 : 1 4 e inko taken at tigt4 -14 co t for drrAstalia .taken . 4 4 - "t .- .-. .. __ ! .. gtalosat,, yy of agentlenzan who left his ho meOtt oduf night, bray the bth; hatipMettAtihne aAarjr. sult,of olotheb and bla-* frock overcoat, lbeaver Sat with crape arcoltgi titn Vlthieleiref r . iot, - Tertian& in size, and to Min in flesh. Gah, W . /the - Annie of 25 .e , ~ , , ford, or U. lotham, nviford. . 4 w Or'i n t i k ti t e t Te r be . .1 , yi. ved 3 , h sotfow rig teill. Address Gm. C. Glittat, State Capital Hotel, Harriebrug, Pa. MAP 124, 1861. , , j ~. Other,paoeni will piewsktollitm. ' e Actexcantrusa.—Of all occupations t of 11, is.bestsalcuiated to ititisiOel 1 cf , rfieVit;-fi&Psr' on the• o • on is more honorable, none as coed e hilltl. wand,' More independent than-any other s AWkN . ,ed to produce an innate love y. alte -- Mtmer atantitivoli.-a lefty. emit:o44e d looks upon the lioaths t* cities, the I es of. Mechanism, the din ofearam ng, body-killing literature eme, withieditigs QtPersonalWilieciailitlYy4 , 4 l l 4 it he , delights In tkoliPeritY cAtiir 0.10 3 atartet pleca t atoknowiedges the leserulasso of the mechanic, admires the' . --alajterprisedf the commercial mae.,,and through the reedkiti of that magic engine; the press, la made acktraint ed with, the location—of- Mugu & • , 's cheap (try goods Stair; &tiler riont and et streets. I , • " `L r 4 i TH vputlotHigrumaN. *4o44ol4laits joatmoikte , 11 re Reprint iv tie U. B. MARCHED THROUGH BALTINORR the Heights Occupied by Thy►. Attlitalastic itfsceptlaitlrytthe ladle PROMINT CITIZENS ,4his*irr .A.Sahsoner with Pikea litutritikstutsd _ ' ,by. WinsnsiSeized. MINNIERIFLES SEI'ZSD. BALTDiORa, ilk IL About eight o'clock, lest evening, IA rge train filled with tramp arrived at till r Ater, depot from the Relay House. - . The train contained 1,000 troops, cOmptilibug five companies from each of the regiments Sta tioned at the Belay House—the Sixth, ot Massa chusetts, and the Eighth, of New York, with a battery of artillery. They marched through south Balttuore to Federal Hill, a high point of ground on the south side an& harbor, directly overlooking the city, and one mile west of Fort MalletWy. the sudden appearance of the troops from this direction took our citizens by surprise, but they were greeted with every demonstration tlf appro bation. Immense crowds quietly gathered, cheerfng At every step. "4he ladies waved theft hand kerchiefs, and mny brought lamps and can dies to the windows.. Prominent citizens accompanied the troupe to the hill, and assisted the officers in taking the best route thither, and procuriog quarters for the troops until their tents could arrive.— The troops seemed to be highly pleased with their reception, and all expressed surprise and delight at the commanding position and line prospect of the whole city and country spread out-before them. The United,States troops are fully eet►blisbed is their camp on Federal. Hill. Squad' of sol diers are strolling about the city. THE I.4IIkTEST PROU ST. LOT 2Y allision Between, the Soldiers dnd the 2)llame— .Ofteial Statement. ST. Lours, Kay 13. The official statement of the recent dada* between the U. S. soldiers and the ptga4 • - published this morning, says that ther. ' • . 4 - at Camp Jackson, on Friday evening, WISSO half dozen i shots discharged near the , , e column of the first regioaent, ed •, a volley of stones and a pistol - shot- t • old. No one was hurt at this T ya w second firing occurted,from the rear umn guarding the prisoners. The b • was large and very abusive, and one jitan ,t e. iged three barrels of a revolver at Lie • I on, of the regular service, many of 4 Ovoid littketing him on and drawistgAgivol 7 • d firing at the troops. Tint rattwisibe , '‘. awateed the attack then laid hlif• - . nis arm and took deliberate, alba at' ut : g, , when he was thruat,thiiigh , a • n-tthilL fired uponat the same limos:id smarty killed. -,... _ lee pols,uen thitrzWved,,MAllS • —4: . .. .to moth; but the ride. oololor . . , I=l I=l tt-J 0 Troops. =I TEE TROOPS. Ji2COND DISPATOB neiolted by the crowd, and several of them shf,t, they halted and fired, causing the deaths ary reported. he order was then giVen by Capt. Lyon to c e tiring, Which was promptly obeyed. site prinitipal arms taken from Camp Jack 'were 4er large siege howitzers, two ten i h s rjargliy charged, and .some ten thou d &of United Stltes muskets, Opposed t Imo poglion of these taken from tie Baton Rouge arsenal. lot thousand people left the city yesterday (lasp) afternoon, in consequence of the re- Earls of imnbordination among the German troops, anti their threats to burn and sack the tiny; but the appearance of General Harney's trochmation in a great measure restored con fidence, and many of those who left will pro bad; return to-day. The city is now quiet, and the highest hopes. are entertained that no further disturbance will occur. ' Twenty-two persons are known to have been hilted during the collision at Camp Jackson, the following seventeen of whom have been Identified, viz : John Sweekerhardt, CasPer H. Glentoe, John Wattera, Thomas A. Hares, War. loaabower, J. J.• Jones, P. Doane, Erie Wright, Henry Jangle, Jas. McDonald, Walter )c well, Nicholas Knoblad; Francis Whee- AIM, Sob. Carter, James Bodeen, Emma Sour kers. Wm. McAuliffe. T Three of these were soldiers belonging to the southwest expedition, and were among the prhon'ers captured at Camp Jackson. GEN. HARNEY APPROVES QF THE COURSE OF CAPTAIN LYON. Proceedings of the Missouri Legislature-2U ant Penitentiary Cowed into on Armory. ST. Loins, May 18. The report which circulated he this city on' y and yesterday, that Qen. Harney. die- approved of the action of Capt. LyOn with 'reit ference to the capture of Camp Jackson, is an thoritatively denied this morning. He not only approves of the whole proceedings, but compliments that officer for the prompt and admirable manner in which he executed the orders of the government. Reliable information received from Jefferson city says that neatly all the objectionable fea ture; in the Harris Military bill, which had been debated during the secret session, had been ma terially amended ; but when the news of the capture of Camp Jackson reached the Capitol the amendments were reconsidered, and the original hill passed both Houses by largemajor ides. Also that no secession ordinance had been brought before either House, nor was such an act contemplated. The legislature has passed and the Governor has signed a bill providing for a military fund to arm the State. The fund will include the receipts from the assessments for the yearslB6o and 1861 after the regular expenses of the gov ernment have been paid; a war loan from banks and individuals ; a special tax of 16 ots. on the hundred dollars, and $1,000,000 worth of bonds. The bill also authorizes the Governor to es tablish an armory in the Penitentiary for the manufacture of arms and munitions of war. ST. Louis, May 13.—The city has been order ly and quiet to-day, and our citizens generally have been engaged in their apnea avocations. Capt. Totten's battalion of regulars are still quartered in the city, and will be kept here as long as the police commissioners consider their presence necessary for the preservation of peace. 'The troops at Camp Bissell, near Caseysville, on the Ohio and Mississippi railroad, are the twelfth regiment of Illinois volunteers, under the command of Col. McArthur, of Chicago. A. telegraph office was opened today, putting the camp in direct communication with St. Louis and all eastern points. It is estimated that over 10,080 persons left the city yesterday. A perfect pante La raging in some quarters, almost' entire streets being deserted. . _ Ar t amailmagibenc ) .3100 1 . 4111111 - 41.1)16114 1.11111 : °°111141111 " 111 r: ;7112/110 H W "dt =ta inl-1 ' - ' iir _ ~' a i I 1 I 1 I 019 tv: . • . , . i : .. 1 , , 1 thang lialtdaminehtmlikar -` . .i . - raelervotnatlrei aimpetailmi-, Mmillatit trahr fropert'a iii•QIN not EIX-,. - 1( Them' f . live . This force - con 4 _, v -at . e tstratiattialiou thZ . - "`, l 4 : ,i• ng-the remainder of **UM - Doarinioreetti extercycfikeilorftra b ligii i r .—" - - ' tat nriettheirttglaia irho l occupy the, .tl district owthe'Pailitkik.,'4lteellad .- ' ° M.I9CY_PC . flint a _ tiklate for , - 16" ti voiwitsa„.• The Ia mre tam' ast it = i r -teat &mile - 2 - Upirity - - of IC-nit A. gentlemen, who beaked arriviplaipmfrom ?; . ; . ,my." that eight - thwand rebel .!..' ! loned in thiertftY, and that lifitteu thelbatid either trod atiPifeatiaked abrikffillirginia. He also re -that an at timirfillrboTinaclefrout ih . .. u tion#, Ear [ pees upon' the Ifni T :r bp •isie'ett llbliMElHDlteb, iloill Alit _e &AUL Lee, the Acenanander of the 'Virginia ,forces, I thiteat+ '-weiga,mZevtanA _and Peunay.firontp Ala ftio figNapoMt.i ffh4A , lre mare Arep4ta, Rad ao —aniMmttftrke mums I. abel - NlO, of the District of 90 1 . 11 , 13 Ada i tra now utiß a relfiew by theYnasitient' d j a r Er i cabinet: Leh ter it a , out four th . t held to-dciy,'s 'll&ek, t, wow: , loving aiwhaalaiped by the potentate . . . visited Other a 7:1 " ' 7: l =ed to - 7 .. • . laltreisou ‘. 'i . . resident militia of Harper's Fvgy „pee Ivory restive anderianistipg drcunistauces. • Only one day's4fo 3 / 4 , itlioist w on hand„ sup plies having bean - -cfst Woltern Vir ginia by the Western V' ns. The supplies -*Ulan reach. anywhere e surrounding Country must be exhaust*Nithin two weeks. The troops positivebrhOknigsgot more than sae thousand stand of mmissikten the wreck of the Arsenal, and wane of these are in bad con-. &troll.- They eselhot Manufacture more than twelve rides pet day: . Thelhave , onlit skrzhandred men this side of e Mmes. Ile "..bilveiibt 4 erecbsti any bat- Lines on the side, and show no dis position to dose,. . I.ll , the ptlipautletus indicate defensive pur poses on thetr-pAr4, and no disposition to 'for / for gld liktillidemfint. They must retreat or be 1 provisipited. ••• VAREMN VIRGINIA. The State COnorgeook at Wheeling—Nagy-five - Mot ie 1-:Represerged. lagr DAY. iriw=m,•VA., May 13 The city is wild with enthusiasm, and flags tang.are fr ,pearly all the buildings in honor of Wt., ee of. She Union Convention of V II ' conven Alia at-11 o'ehylt A. M.. and aflerappfting.wklgnamlttee on uredentids, take retest matin t'oloek. • On fitverible to. adiliiisistrie -of !wept* Vow. tihnty-ftvo•counties to sato: . A Committee on Permanent Officers veal. ap pointed. ' A resolution was adopted appointing a Com mittee on State and Federal Relations. Before its adoption, a dicu,sion took piece between (}en. J. J. Jackson, of Wood county, and Mr. John S. Carlisle. Gen. Jackson thought that the project for a division of the State was premature. Mr. Carlisle dtclarea that we must have im mediate and prompt action, and that this con vention must not satisfy itself with paper re solves. The convention then adjourned till morning The ceremonies attending the hoistkurof the American flag over the Custom-house, this af ternoon, was very imposing. .Thousands of people were on the ground, national &tinware sung, and speeches made by Mr. Carlisle and others. SECOWD DriIPATCH. The Weston Virginia amvention.—Great (Inks Denumstration—Twety-five awnties Reparented. This city has been wild with entbnsiesihNll day. The National Flag has been flying from nearly all the principal buildings. The convention met at 11 o'clock, and after appointing a committee on credentials ad journed till three o'clock. On reassembling, the committee reported favorably on-the ad mission of delegates from 26 counties. Permanent officers were appointed ; after which committees were appointed on State and Federal relations. A discussion took place between General J. J. Jackson, of Wood.county, and John S. Car lisle. The former thought that a division of the State was premature, whilst the letter Paid they must have linmediateaction. "We want," said he, "no paper resolves." The convention adiontned 'LW to-morrow. The ceremonies of holtitinß the national Sag over the custom house tide afternoon were very impbeing. Thonasuds of people were gathered about the building. The national airs were played and sung, and speeches were made by Messrs. Carlisle and others. FROM MONTGOMERY It is probable that Congress will adjourn within the next ten days. to meet again io July, at such place as circumstances may ren der necessary. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY SIR JAMES CLAIRE'S CELRBEATID FEMALE PILLS Prepared frost a Prescription of Sir J. Clarke, Al. D., PAyesciats Actraordinary W the Queen. 'Ma Invaluable medloine is unthillng in the cure er aN those panaltil and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution Is subject. It moderates all excess and re moves • all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. TO MARRIED LADIES it is peculiarly suited. It will in a short time, bring cc the monthly period with regularity. Bach bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government Stamp orGreat Britain, to prevent countertena. CAUTION. These Pals should not be taken ty nonaks during the FIRST THERE ilaNTHBqf Programa y,at they are run to bring on Nikarriage, but at any other tnne they are same. In all cases Or Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain In the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpita non of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, hese Nis wU effect a core when aU other means have failed; and al though a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitution. Full directions In the pamphlet mound each package which should be carefully primmintd. N. 11.-414.00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to as y au thorised Agent, will Insure a bell* containing•6o by return mail len , eels by C. A.Hatarmmt. ly9 dimly A OARD To 19: 1 WrAD1109. lefegalgOßLDEN PILLS = FOR TEMALES. OE retalhble - n. co g, regulating, and removing a , otudtons, from whatever canoe, and al ways auccessfel as a proven -. tire. 1111ESE , PfLLBHAVE BEEN USED BY, the doctors - Tor Man* years, both in Trance stir erics. 4 with unparalleled' success in every case ; ens he is urged by amery Moustusa ladles who used them, tc make the Pills public for the alleviation of those aufferim from any Irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent an Increases °Lawny-whim health will not permit it.-- Females particularly situated, or those supposmg them selves so, are cautioned against these Pills while in thst condition, Anthem are Burr to produce miscarriage am the prig:lrk:tor enema! no resPonoltelity after this 1 :Almo • anion, although their mildness would prevent any mitt chief. to). bialth-4.-Otherwise She. Pills are recommended Full and explicit directione accompany each box. Prig, it 00 per bor. trio bd ,wholesale and retail by ‘`OHJIMLIIIVA. HANNVART, Druggist, No. 2 Jones Row, Harrisburg, Pa. "lactlei," liy sending killitlil 00 to the Harrisburg Post 001ce, can have the PHIS sent free of observation is any part of the country (confidentially) and "free of pee tag." by mall. Sold also by S. 'EI. Bravais, Reading Jemisoir;lftimoirsv A OostomPhiladelphia, J. L Lot Baltella, Lebanon, Damn Y. H=ez .u, Lancaster; J. A.. Wotv, Wrtglitivlile ; B. T. Numnt 'Fork L and by on. reta:ln every city and village P in the Union, and by WE., Ole, proprietor, Now York N, B.,izook out Olr.tanutterthits. Buy no Holden Pills of any kind unless every bqx is signed S. D. Howe. As ere are a bias 'lmposition and ens sic ; therefore; C. you value your lives inuihealth, (to say nothing of be lug humbugged suck yorranoney_,) bay only of those who show thee( rofli. D. ,110Sli on every box,. whichhas. been- added e ire amount -of the THE ' being copular . r C. dell-dwanwly. THE .11R.. KANE REFRIGERATOR. TlSl,Bittleiticir REFRIGERATOR, to gather with several other cheaper styles, may be found ti a manufactory, et exciectingly tow Woos. Alsoi great vaileW of WAZ GOOLS/id, of acme. rior &dab OOP skits sk ' R. S. PARSON & 0 I. aprill . Opt- Dock and Pear streets, Philadelphia 6.2 in 8b o > ciptidil of W and 03;n ' tle e t, It, Cleansed and Irfirlige tloe nte best intur e id a ld , voysturpr A VERY` ISTOCIt BLACK AN o SECGN MOURNING OR EVERY DESCRIPTIOItAIBT, ; - At PriceadattLake Costal mayB DOMESIIO ' e D 8 • , 1. •t . -4- • CMS QI..L Linens, a* -• She. .10;Meeks, VA'. T4llll4spek tr Ticklo phipea; Flea Never wen ofilookor JOWill are "W - _ VS Wmumnia, May 18 Morrraousar, May 18 f ~~~ NOTICE. Couoas.—The sadden changes of oar climate are sources of Pulmonary, Bronchial and &mallow at-. rections, Experience having iiroved that simple rem. lies often ac' speedily and certainly whin bawl to ale early stages of the disegae, rear:dee tihould at ones be had to 'Brown's Broniiinal -Troebes." LogooPoOot . she Cold, Cough, or Irritation of the Throat be ever po alight, as by tills precaution a more serious Meek NAT ne dpea4eris Singera Pad' wa , ded off. p them eir,ctnai for clearing and a trengthening the imams. See advertweni.ot. e Confessions and Experience - of an Invalid. PUBLIEIHED for the b tketit _and as ei warning. and a Caution to young men who e•.;,er tram Nerrot& Debility, Premature Deoly, ete , auto:lying at UM mote' time, the 'ammo( Seif Cure, by one ' woo ear d ' bttpceLt~ alter being Out to great expense torosigb medical undiad ion and quackery. Angie (*miss may be bad of v e so thor, , ATEJINIXt hisTranti - Saq., Beetord, - Musa Amok, by encloAng a imitimudaddrectied tittrel o Pe- Emig &nil bltm Wurrtistments GENERAL ORDERS, No. L Division 'Hi:ADO:ta% I. Yowl, May 7,18 61 '. I. In onedienoo to Special Orden; go , till I al l and IV, of Maj.,r General Broberg Pa . Department or Pennsylvania, the coin : /ff assumed by Major General William U. ~. at York, Pa: SPECIAL ORDERS, No. 17 El ItA.DQIIA R Tfat3 II.IIL/TMLY DRP4llTinn,j l'hiladeli.hia, Apa 3Q 11861.. . .. I. The liegicnents at York will be u ted and brigaded, and the Seolor grigadiczlipagral will commtnd until the agivrAt of numeral Kelm. rt... • 0 ' U. o a 0 • , 111. 0 0 0 IV. Major General William U. HAM, 11. S. Forces, is assigned to command of Ow troops at York, Pd., and will join his command with out delay. By commend of Major General PATTERSON F. J. Foam, Assistant Adjutant General. 11. All orders requiArions, &a., will emMlate from Division lietniquartera. 111. Brigadier General George 0. Wynk Senior officer, will take charge of Catnip ii/PPlti. and enforce the details of the internal polio*, and military dudes. The Senior Officer will report to Division Headquarters, and communicate these orders to the different commanders. IV. The rights of property and ladtwOrsk will be sanied/y observed, and all inftlinp:— merits will be punished to the extent of themr tides of War. V. Company drills will be ordered twice eve ry day, when the weather permits, and care will be taken to inculcate a perfection of drill. The basis of all important movements depeida upon well drilled companies, the importance of this cannot, therefore, be underrated. Rat mental drills will be ordered at stated pashislia'. VI. No member will be allowed toamille Camp with arms of any discription. latpr. pigeon° must be discouraged and punished. All riotous proceedings quelled. VII. Arms and amunition must be aireftti4 preserved. Arms always kept dry and fit for instant action, The amutdtion must be case fatly husbanded, and no round wasted. 4 , Ry command of Illhjor General WM. H. Matt Barnum A. Surairsa, Acting Assistant 44c(irdant Genera/. NOTICE TO CONTRAOTOIO. - QBECIFICATIONS Adopted by thiPeama tar Commkatomers of die counties t' la re. r) r for tbo budding and Otaustructr.afteli NiNita Road, we =dad to &hada of , tassatblha 4112Palkafe- Lug wOadavto wtt.: reszteal., Thti4hvaestualwelonera et •• oweanelatenittesillthetheliterry are hareity•eralliellft and d, losinetilately alter tangling* at Thai L.t,Oil Laud ooettruct *good and eubstaat , comtnenitegAt ate petat near where the Parnplke, armada the tih.queneataa (Leal, id Watts tow 17 minty, and raping adoeg in.ving nab of salt such distance as will easels t tent to strata the T l i r , in Reed townsht Dauphin uout. y, near Dune= tmt not to- Interlefre eats sa d T-wing Path Bp as - Eruct navigation cr Otharalse. 1,41 sEcriog 2. That thsrcter4ral cottages through this ghat 13a4sei *tit ue ssititlet to pay for too or only'immudtebrihe same ea polio' tbroash territory. ~ .epradnbdortiOtb, 1880." Therefore, 'la onlvinterJe of tee above molted Comadssiouera of awn coutithea, as ufwesald, ban ed tau t.llow.og Bpecitleatloaa to wit : •, • Ist. Taat thabied ttoad *bah be made and ni*Nartli4, ed la strwt &Merinos e With the elan or vrotlie 1t'08. 1 04 Ole ladbe otIls) or tile ,C.ataq comainslonerti welt'=t asmal. - To. material used must be of a naLdeeuriptiori, such us earth, gravel, or both, Ottallfl4ll stons zaai Data& comp°. eat km.t. 20d.. The said Road w.ll be let to the lowest, roman, Able bidder or bldlwr, uy the cubic yard ; rip-realm' .auud Bd. Propoials will bls received by Ike Commisaioners or Perry coooty, at &etc oineo, 10 B;ootntieldi.andsispa, 4 t the cal o or, we Compd.. otters of D..uptUtt cowl os:Llsool, up to Diunfeki, IllE 2Ottt DAY 1./F 2 . ,6 tPelo k, P. 11 ,1861. , Alt aropaays to be In on a blacik ~pecult ; tw wbteb may be bad on Apgiliw, d Officon to either or said o, es, by latter or otnerwitiablidil a nurse& wit be uvrurded on the 31st day of Jlay,,elB Ilk ottook, A. Si., at the Juocooo House, on flusiosst o pr loud. "All , proposals bait oe sealed.', Tomsk agreed upoo"nn ateday Or Leltiug. 4r . _., , Oak 7 . 1 8 - dl.,- Filling* in.Dsephib county. ..... .... ;2111 * .:,.. Itlp ripirtur b 4 . ,* ' 4 .11 , 414 up , in Perri count;.... Isirt- • '' 18propping In "' -' "' ..... ..... LW • ",‘1", ~, aggregate ..... 4,760 - t a The foilowlng o mmaulc tilon le hereby oulei pubitebeo, emu 30 pe 9,,exe .1 to the said SpeolagetwAte oy the Coraceleaouere eforeseld OFFIO tOF MINIMAL Popsiptavoyg nOP 1:- Wisr Ithavcs AND :ooprilitams Corm:CW(I4XF. '} i NurchuioberlAnd i March 18, 4. D, MK. • • ComolialOtoUiP OP AtinumeComerr r Gentlemen :—J. A. eanble, PresidentocltdaCcnnputy, has Whit) t a permit to the to k t,nder , atailew 8111 4 110 , to aI!ow you to tort mitoried, t ll fru; fir a road over dullag's Gut, at the, Junction. Be his also directed - gm to fill up tna hao. 1111=1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers