THE TELEGRAPH TS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, T 3 r GEORGE BERGNER.. TBRSi~.— rocs SrS4CEPTInN. er W DAILY TILLIEVRePrt ger! sube3ribers tl., • at ttg eests p eek. Yearly subscriber, • ,! h 3 charged :4.00. WIIMIKLY AND SINI-WIIIIILI Pa aArB -110 Tutsagarn Isalso published twines week during 1 ,,,,j00 of the Logislatsre, and weekly during the re. fader tbe year and furdshed to aubscribers at the mvriug rmes, V 11: `Zlnglo Subieribers per year it 1..1.7 Cal MAWIEPA.,:v. , I.. rzra order the disoostlhuanes nt teglr aawe ir.r publLsiter may continua l° Pro.l them unI J -t irr.g ra,ag are paid. r -ers neglect or refuse to take their newspe• • . 010 Ot!WO to which they are directed, thotare • r,-I , le Utak they has^ settled the Mb and orcied 1..-c,etinued Jilisrellaneous. r)27. HAGERSTOWN, MD. IGE in hie own dwelling, a lew treTroftbo Franklin Railroad Depo , where ,r be eon-ivied on all diseases, bat more porileu , e I/Izutses of a prfirate nature. There are many in Hagerstown, Harrisburg and elsewhere, who L... •restored to sound health alt all other treat ‘n• ut taLled, by the use of his powerful er regetable reme- )r. JONES may be consulted personally or by letter,de -, ribing every symptoms. And medicine sent to any I country. Any afflicted person that will call and $111:0 a bargain with Dr. JONES, he will •,) tr,em is his own dwollng, and if not cured ao pay ite rt , ,ufred, NORRHFA. )r. JONES offers the only satiand certain remedy for g. Gloat, Stricter*, Laver Complaint, Dyspepsia, and all Derangements of the Stomach. This a will curb eonorrhaa tofrcm tore* to live d..ya, can be bad at any time of Dr. JONES, at hie ol• at Ono Dollar per bottle, and one bottle is sufficient (0 Cdre a mild case. SYPffiLIS• TrO, is one or the worst of all diseases. Dr. JONI 2 hireself to cure eyp13111.9. In lie worst forms. Ws qvp.t. rn:tt.e.,. its appearance in en many different forms, Orals elr,rle plan of treatment will not resent it to all ita t. tt rel: co it may require dllibrent remedies, according r the catore or the mom Dr. JONES will make lk =it ortrle with any one—NO CURE NO PAY t The re. L.-I , d to , ww%l by Dr. JONES, impurely vegeta*, and need iuge of diet or hindrance from business. SPBBILATORREUDA. ha b.t of youth Is indulged in while alone, and a o lea ried from evil communions when at Bchoo4 bo. Cured will destroy both mind nod body. Elot fad victims to this disease. The rym ptums ore— ,o the Head, Dlmnos of Sight, Ringhig ,n the gar*. uu the Face, Loss of Memory, Friattiul Dreams ~irbt, canons in eßnAlatals, Pain lu the Breast, and gh, (indivativo of Conenniptlon,) Dyspepsia, grea .;.r.v.nrut of the Nervous System, sod so uo till Detsti, ,11 ,ed to their sufferings. To such Dr. JONIte of perfect restoratkm with such mild sad Balmy , 2S of Herbs, that will Perfectly restore the victim el Ritrecelog Disease. FEMALE COMPLAINTS. el,iy restored to sound-health. 'll letters Mat contain" stamp . to ensure answer. Addresejlift DR. D. W. JONE:I4 Ipt•limd Hagerstown, hid DENTISTRY. R. GEO. W.' STINE, graduate of the L/Halcirnore College Of Dental Surgery, having permit utl located In the city of Harrisburg aad taKen the ibrmerly occupied by Dr. Gorges, on Third street, tiaritot and Walnut, respectfully informs his r- rids and the public In general, that he Is prepared to iurm all operations In the Dental profession, either or mechanical, in a manner that shall not be weed by operators in this or any other city. His mr , ,le of inserting artidelal teeth is upon the latest i Ted soientillo principles. Teeth. 1 ram one to a lull set, mounted on line Gold, Sit. Cr,, nadoo plates or the Vulcanite flue. I take great pleasure in recommending the above gen ,oan to all my former pAtlenta of Harrteburg and vl - ty, and feel confident moat he will perform alt opera de in a eolentillb manner, from my knowledge of Ws I.ty. imy&dt.f] F. J. S. SOMAS, D. D. S. uREAT IMIICTION,Iir. PRIORS I WHEELER & WILSON'S 4 • SEWING 'MACHINES, NEW IMPROVEMENTS' AT REDUCED PRICES. • 111 1 HE WHEELER S WILSON litituntfao• taring Company. having gained an their snits at law, with infringing manufacturers of Searing Machines, or.)posa that the pablict_ should be benefitted thereby, aid nave accordingly reduced the prices of their Sewing machines. After this date they will be sold at rates that will pay a fair profit on the rail of manufacture, capital wrested, and .expetise of making sales such prices s will enable them to make Met ChM machines, and, at heretofore, guarantee them in every particular. In accordance with the announcement above I will soh their splendid Sewing Mactilees at prices from s4b to a9O liar the lino full case mulattos. It is a well estab lished fact that the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine is the best ono In the market, the beet made, most supie and least liable to get out o f order, and they are now as low as the Inferior =tubbier'.. Cad and me them a Third nod Market. del-6m W. O. HICKOK, Agent. DR. T. as MILES, SURGEON DENTIST FFERB hie services to the citizens o Harrisburg and its 'vicinity. He solicits a share o the public patronage, and gives assurance that his best endeavors shall be gljen to render satisfaction in his pro feeeion. Being an ol „Veil tried dentist, he feels sato to netting the public generally to call on him, assuring ben that they will not be diseatlafied with Ids services, Othee No. 128 Market street, in the honso formerly oc• cupied by Jacob it, Eby, near the United states Hotel, Harrisburg, Pa. mye.ctly • THE CONSTITUTION ND THE UNION. T KELLER'S DRUG STORE you will Cud an aseortnient cane Liam' Traselioit Satchelo• A T KELLER'S DRUG STORE you will 23. find a great variety of Walking Canes, AT KELLER'S DRUG STORE you will flat an unrivalled assortment of Perfumery, maces, Hair uils, Oesme Mos, Soaps, dus. T KELLER'S DRUG STORE you will Cud all kinds of Brushes—Hagfish Teeth and Hair rushee, Cloth and Leather Britoil's. AT KELLER'S DRUG STORE you will Cod a fine lot of Glichrlst's Pocket Cutlery. AT KELLER'S DRUG STORE you - will end a large stook of rortmonnales, Purses,llVallete Al &gar Cam, AT KELLER'S DRUG STORE you will find a dome lot of Havana OWL. ' No. 01 Market Street, Two Doors Fast of Fourth Street. loin .108EpE/ CUSHY. JOHN W. BROWN. CASEY & BROWN, ATT ORNEYS-A-T-44AM HARRIBBIJR(I lIAVING associated' toiethei in the promptly prat:llse to all prof of tessho Law, will attend faithfully ional bush:ten ontruated to tr.., 011.0. Lher, Otßoo In Third demi twee doors from Harem N. H. Ooniudatlons In log11n:1 mid German. OITAMP, ACME i_imoßg , ioi bum - A Deo Di Mors -aEB. ito S Lu OW= A ANoeloe--likusge Motroairx, fhweirues MUSCATIR., Moaix & COAN :Yuan" • , ex lu slo r e and for Jfilni K. ZIEGLER, *Market &rod. .. - ANZBBOTYP2I3 POE 25 MTS. subserilier • respectfully announces to the citizens ur Rea_ alba "I/ and "WM .. _,ltY that he has taken rooms over KELKErer 'ffilltDWAßA STORE, ecadtveret corner of Market SqUiu,etitkerekeltrPrarj: t° ehethl t• e verr stYkti•or t pricer ) from 26 coma end upweek,Al9lMlll,__,Batrrt' earelbilk eopled, and %Mee* *WWII id aietratir Ith'. haeJtOten Oak deter , wmas ~am QM Oleg nee a call lf you Whtit a 0 4 - 04ar. mom. Willa ( moue B. P it• ~,,,ix.„,„.4,g..........7,.....„- it ,_..% \I .w.:.,(,.0. L.. rh __‘..5Tir.A.7.,... -_-___.,,,v5.t,,,: il - c). _.....:. 0... 4 . a : 54 0 SClalecra , ".".-- " :1 ,-;: - ---';:-;':;- - . 2 200 12 00 VOL. XV. Iliscelicmtons. NEW ARRANGEMENT. CHANGE OF LOCATION WALLOWER'S LINE. The old stock of oars being dioposod of, the lindr.relened bias broko out in a new place and es mulished a daily freight line be tween Philadelphia, New' York, Harrisburg sad all points on the Northern Centrat,, Sunbury k Erie sud LackaWana & Bloomsburg railro.tds. Thankful for the litters! patronage heretofore .extendo& he hopes, by promptness in delivery, to retaltiall hia old customers and patrons Ali voids intended fai Marline must be delivered at the depot el the Philadelphia and Reedit* railroad, Broad and Callowtdll streets, Philadel phia. All goods delivered at the depot up to live o'clock, P. M., will reach Hamisburg part loom ing. ALLBABBar., gemstral Apt. =al ' Beading tigrish . ! CP. 311iIC• 013 TRAVELING AGENT OF TIM OLD WALLOWER LINE. THIS OLD TRANSPORTATION LINE Is Still in snoceasfel operation and prepared to carry freight as LOW as any, (*Mir Individual lice between Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, WMI6E:s -port, Jame." Shore, Loon Haven, and points on the Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie, and Williams port and Elmira RatiroAds. Local Agent at Harrisburg , D. A. HIIENCEI. Coats sent to PEACOCK, ZELL & HINCIIMAN, Nos. 808 and 810 Market street, above .111gbtb, by 4 o'clock, P. M., will arrive at Harrlaberg, ready for deliveryy, the next Owning. C. P. MUENCH, op& IX Traveling Agent. REMOVAL. •SE SUBSCRIBER has_ KOmoved his P.AMINGAND BRAWL .0J NORtfrom . Market Eaten SO ?Mal sOoot aho►.+ Market, opposite the - Bethel church. Trunkful for put patroitatte,ho hopes, by strict attention to business, to merit a oonthmanite of it. marMatud Wit. PARIGUIL . ST. LOUIS HOTEL, OBESTNUT SE, ABOVE THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. IN the immediate neighborhood of the Jobbing Homes on Market. Third and Chestnut streets, the Banks, Poet Office, Merchants , Exchange, &0., &o. KEPT BOTH ON THE ABISRICAN AND EUROPEAN PLAN. BOARD PER DAY 31.60. Dinner between 1 end 8 o'clock, 60 cents. Stogie roam from 60 canto upward. A Arst cause Regaurant attached. Prices according to Dili* of Faro. The Cary Ow* take Passengers from any Station to or dose to the Hotel. , Frepeli t 1391iak44 Spanish spoken. avl Smd REMOVAL. THE SUBSCRIBER would respectfully inform the pubilo that he hat removed his Plumb ing and Brass Founding establishment to No. 22 South rblxd Street below Harr's Hetet. 'thankful for past pat. remise, he/topes by strita attention to htusinese to merit • contlananoe of It. iiplZatt Jr. Harrisburg Broom Mautifaatory. TW DOORS FROM IROIY7 82'., IN wAravor, BROOMS sold wholesale and retail 20 per cent. cheaper than can be had elmewhere.— and examine ant stock. utps-3mci .1. E, PRICE & CO. NEW GOODS NEW PRICES!! FRESH ARRIVAL OF GROCERIES 1 PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES 1 THE subscriber has just returned from' Philadelphia with a large sad varied assortment. 01 FrasZEl (MOO/RIES, QUSSNOWattE, BAtON, MAKS, NOTIONS, and everything mushy kept in a Scat clue Grocery, reepeetlully calls the attentloa of has *tato mere, as well as the puolio generally, to his last arrival. Thankful for past patronage he hopes by strict atten d, n LO business to merit a continuance of the same. T. F. BUYER, apl9•dtf Corner of Third and Chestnut Streets. FLAGS! FLAGS ! NOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES with National dattgasiLETAlN:lPAPpt.iwitti a 140 W ut Lhe city of Harrisburg , prated and. (Or silo eC SCHIEETKR'S 1:100KWONE, ap2i Near the tiarriabacirprldif% BUEHLER HOUSE, M A R . K T.B Q A RE:, HARRISBUIW, VENN'A. GEO. J. BOLTON, PROPRIETOR. 04111(0. - The a b or) well hoown end .listig ent,afilelleli /fuel is now undergoing a therOugh renbeation, and being in a great degree newly farnisitied, under OD proprietorship' of Mr. OtOßge J. Besson, Me WO an Inmate of the nouse for the last. airs* yearly and le well known to to guerta Theak.ll2 foitito liberal putionage which:lt has en_ eyed , I cheerfully commend Mr. Bolton to the public Tor. pea wtfl de, WILLIAM BUEHLER. ALDERMAN HENRY PEFFER, 011 . 10 E-THIRD STREET, (SHELL'S ROW, NEAR MARKET. Residence, Chestnut Strut war Fbarik CITY OF HARRISBURG, PKIfN'A. myl2-du UPHOLSTERING. HUSK MILITRESSEki, COTTON 10P MATRESSES, COTTON COMFORTS, FRENCH OARPRT HASSAKIRS, CHAIR CUSHIONS, LOUNGES, &a., On band and for sale 'wholesale and .retallptt the Tery lowast ratas for cub . HAIR NATRASSEI3 4 and SPRING BOTTOMS 60P43 ift ADS TO ORDER: , ‘ LOUNGES, . CHAIRS, . - FLUB MATRESSEB, &c. auPaired and made equal to new very reasonable, all at N 0.109 Market street between Fourth and Fifth, by mar 29 BABNITZ. O:LOSING OUT our still large segortuon V of FORScoostating or a irldsomebark Sable Sots, Haudanson Lick Siberian Scarrel Sella, A line stook or all kinds. of low_price Iran, At chance for Bargains! In Flan Fora , Cal] ilt ItTEICABTS, Jangt NO. 141garket Bgßere, ext to the Ibtrrbiburg BnnB• r2 ' ATTEN TION — OFTGEN . TLEMEN olicit,oto our very iergio emortmeot Of , JIADZILIBIENS AND Dnprinta of evary,siv,and,quaVY• .", Gine' Jouris Kw Movie, bestarticin mannactusw& 411 the ditibrent.klnsw orchim i , q urni. ..„..:,.. Liir% ..940m. pillow:HT in Me eirrwr .f• . xingninik PoulyliePuz.•••• . CATllodirr'_ l a Neli 10 the liarlabess mai . "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN NONE." HARRISBURG, PA., TUESDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 14, 1861 SOMETHING -MORE: VALUABLE THAN SILVER 011 . GOLD, • Itecitris_ t'L WILL REMFLE: THE WEAK, BMWS. THE BLOOD IN ALL ITS OBIDDIAL TICiOR: AND PURITY. RESTORATIVE CORDIAL, ,iii:.O(U).UM . 44YA.TOR. Is precisely *bit ittrnalte todiestearicirnytdie pleas= to the taste, ft is rernsilieng elhilarieting* and strength ening to the sited powers. ft_also reunifies, reinstates, and renews the lood. to ail Its, original purity, and thus restored ren ters the syutem Ittfulnerablo to attacks of ditruhe: It is the oily preparation over offered to the world In :a popular form so as to be wittdit the reach of po oirmlcally and combined as to be the most powerful tonic, end yet so perfectly adapted as to act in perils* stroordanee with the taws of tenure, and hence soothe the weakest stomach, and tone tip the di gestive organs, and allay all nervous and other irritation. It Is also perfectly eibilaratoug in its effects! and yet It 13 tiewirlolloared by lassitude or depression of spirits. It le coniposed entirely of vegetables, and those thoroughly combining powerful tonic and Soothing properties, and eeoacquently c.n never !Were. As a sore preventive and cure of CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS INDIGESTION, DYS PEPSIA, "LOSS OF . APPkTITI FAINTNEffi, NERYOUS.IRRITABBITY, NEU ALGLA, PAL . PITATION OF • THE HEART, EWAN . COOLY; HYPOCHONDRIA. NIT SWEATS, LANGUOR, GIDDINESS, AND ALL THAT GLASS OF OA SES SO FEARFULLY FATAL CALLED FEMALE WEAKNESS AND • IRBEGULART THERE IS NOTICING 118 EQUAL. Also, Liver Derangements or Torpidity, and Liver Complaint, Diseases of the Kidneys, or any genera de rangement of the Urinary organs. It will not only cure the debility following OBJUS and FEVER, but preveuts all attacks arising from Miasmatic influencer and cure the diseases at once,4 already at. tacked. TRAVELERS should have a bottle with them, al It in fallibly prevents any - deleterious oonsequencist following upon change of climate and Water. Es It prefentis •costiveness strengthens the digestive organti, it 'should belts the hands of all persons . of seden tary habits. ' ' LADIES not accustomed to out-door enrols., should always use MOTHERS Should tuts it, for It is a jmrlest relief. Taken a tataitleor two before the Spat trial, she Will pus the dreadful period with perfect.ease and•safety. There Is no =while° atom It. TEE CORDIAL IS .ALL WE CLAM[. FOR MOTHERS, TRY IT And to you we appeal, to detect the , illness or decline not only of your daughters before it hobo I its, but also your sons and husbands, for while the formai-D*om (arse delicacy, often go down Ws% premature grain, rather than let their condition beknownlothne, the buena= so ft mixed uPjitqfftai i tesliou 4 S 4 lb,Prusi, the away% that Kit eat for rau r _ t,Vcrcilwawa! 111 t downward path .uatil il , 1, too la* to arrest their fatal. fall. Bathe. mother L. always sigtlatiti and to you WO .einilideetly appeal; for we are ears your neyer.taigag &Oaten will unerringly point you to Protestor WOMPti RE. ? ioßATivEmattuAL AND BLOODRENOVATOR as the remedy which should be always on hand In time of need. head what the Press say , after thoroughly testis'. he matter, and no one can have a, doubt. PROF. WOOD'S RESTORATITR la reit corded in classics that Payche was onoe sent tot climate warmer than the West Indiee to procure sample of the beauty of Pewerpins in a box. After some delay the - messenger returned, and as anon as the lid of the box was removed out flew all the ills that flesh is heir to.— Fortunately hoot was fountain- the _bottom of the box. Prof. Wood's Restorative Cordial revives the recollection of the story, for it invigorates the Weld, aids the organs of digestion, Imparts strength to the nervous system, am) forams the citadel of health, so us to bid defiance to the assaults of disease- it is a healthy touts, composed en tirely of vegetable productions and while it is exonera ting as pure sone, no inprious regatta can possibly follow its use It, Is a _deidderatum in the medical world, and, those who am Winded wits loss of Appetite, Dyipepsia, , Consumption, Faintness, Giddiness, Neuralgia, Palpita tion of the Heart, Am., will hero find =infallible panacea. 'St. Louts Daily agonies." PROF. WOOD'S ERST'ORATTrit CORDIAL and BLOOD RENOVATOR Is, without doubt, the bast Tonic Cordial In the world. To those who are sofferhig from general de bility we would recommend its use; for, while it is pleas ant to toe taste, it is strengthening to Bet system, and will at once tend to remove all Impurities of the blood, and eradicate all traces of disease. It can be taken by the weakest stomach, while thole in good' heal h will at once feel its ektularattng power, We are confident that after using one bottle of this cordial none will be for • day without it.—" New York Leader." A PURR, HEALTHY TONIC; slid one free from deleterious and Miura= effects Mrs to fellow those in ordinary use, has long Matfett. to be a desideratum to the media world. Such a tonic, and one so akillfally combined froni the vegetable kingdont as to act in por tion accordance with the loWs of nature, and thug soothe the weakest stomach; and at the same time allay nor , goat and other irritaims, and tone, top au the organs of which the hum .n body's compoSed, ,s offered in Prof. Wood'. Restorative Cordial and Blood' Renovator. Renee, it As perfectly adapted to cid and young. Reader, try It. 'Thbosands hive already Clone so, and the testimony Is Wrenn' to its favor.-.." New York Atlas." PROFESSOR WOOD'S RS S fOBATIVIt CORDIAL AN I+ BLOOD RENOVATOR, for the cure of General Debility, Or Weakness arising trom any cause, also Dyammdt, Nerv ousness Alght Sweats, Walden; Consandftlat, Liver -Complaints, Biliousness, loss of Appelite;Femate Weak ness, in all its stages, also, to prevent the contraction of disease, Is certainly the best and most agreeable cordial tonic and Renovator ever offered to the afflicted, and so atomically combined as .to bo the most powerful tonic ever known to medical science. Reader, try it. Ir no von moon. We have-no heats ion in recommending It, since we know tt to be a - ilfO, pleasant, and sore re medy forth* diseases enumerated.--allow York DM' Sabre noticing a potent medicine, we have to be err tan that it will prove itself to be all that It is recom mended. And we woad saythot Rostorativo Cor dial and Bloodltenovanor of Pref. Wood will stand the test fully, and, M fact, It to without any doubt the first article in market for - purifying the Blood and strengthen ing thesystem. We have no hretatiou In recommending its use to all.—" The New-Yorker." LOON TO YOI7RSRLF IN 1111111.—How mauyin conse quence of a false delicacy miler Agent suppressed, pale. lid, or obstructed mensundion, and think because they are young that brand•by nature wilt work itself deer from obstructions, and all come ID right in the end, little dreaming that the seeds of death are already germina ting In the aystem,. because the vital energies me im paired, alad the entire a aimal economy deranged, debl.ll - and yet., caret= of timmielves as titer are, if a remedy were sekbefore them wtdatt Todd restore all the forictiOns of the system, and rent igorata t body, they would . take it, and thue be in time to save ttuir . Parents, think of this, and at once give them a bottle of Prof. Wood's Restorative Cordial and Blood R namator.— .Ihe New York Courier." 0. J WOOD, Proprietor, 444 Broadway, Ndif York, and 114 Market street, St. LOWE, Mo.- 'farm Na. 444 Roadway, all lad Patent Medicines constantly on baud, Marlys bash and genuine. Ford & Macomber, WasiOngtou ' Avenue, Sole agents or Albany; Dr H. &mill, agent for Schenectady, Sold also by A. H. Sands & Co., corner 'or Fulton and WWI streets. Jaa.2640 Saiw PROF. ADOLPH P. TEUPSER, WOULD. reepootfully • inform hie old TN patrons and tly public , genereGyi that he adll continue to give tsetriae#ona on the nolo FORT, M. Lormon, Vlofar- and aallooLln thisekeme of 1110 BOUGH BASIL ale will er!th pleasure aralt,umm paialead. tludr homes at any hoar desired, or lemmas wit be &Mild bb : residence, hi Third. street, a few Mora below. the German Bothrtried Gherth. deoib-dtf FOB,STONE' SAIoR - • • incOl•TE: *kir 4toiie for terniedng a•riersii my par. of the dty or MI Tldolt7. APV g. ' 69 001,169, 411. mare liiisLttlantous. Er] PROF. 0. J. WOOD'S .: , rtiso 84 to .111,11%---2*-.- - -1. Ip, • ..----.7J.5,:-.: _7. _ - - ,-....,.......;z„.„.....1.--F-,:-.••••- c,„,; . 1174 o.' 0. , I' 77 V -_ , D• W. GROSS & CO►.., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL D 11, V - Gj 5 TS • e o. l:,. ~, ....I . ARH likeT S rA7APLE ET . ~ 31, - BAR, - 14t*Ati• DRUGGISTS, :: ICIANNATTIi KEEPERS Aikt 00MAiggiAta We are daily Odin to our . 1 I IS? kJ itt a goods all such irtfilosAs are , 40644 i,„ Would respectfully your aft eittbrt ;tOllll jigged and beet selected stook In tkis silgr,,L, DWG% OTEMOALS MOO Oils, Varnishes and - Cnests, Dye-Shah, obissausel Poor, Amuse Colors sod Too*, Pure diarning Fluid and A/eabal, Lard, Sparta mad Pine Oils, •80l ties, Voids and Lamp gran: eakidatifdlkiiiiiadoo" ola - Corko, With t a gmend liOx* of ISRFMERRY & TOE= ANCIOLIK tebt!tO te° 1 34 1 44 beet, 44 1 Ar• maws of Auctoftsua thitbemota7. Being very large dealers in WHITE LEAD, ,1:7; LINSEED Otii,'VAIINIRIO, DOLOR% PAINT larrsrs BRUSHES IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES, COLORS AND BRONZES OP ALL FUNDS, al \--____ 0 X Q • 0 .7%,r , R :'•' - ..', 1 -.^ . 4 . 5 0 / -1() . ..: Saiyi PI .• . I • 0 ........, - ''' P W C .: - ' f . __ 7117:11. : tie s Q 3me. lq .ffi We respectfully invite a call, feeling confl• dent that we oan supply the wants of all ou terms to their satisfaction TEETH I TEETH 1.1 lONE'Ei AND WHITE'S POIXTELAIN rasps. PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR RESTORATIV&S • Of alihbads, direct from the Proprietors. Selman and Conoentrated Lye Wholesale Agents for Sapbrdfier, which we sell as km, as It can be purchased In the cities. THAYER'S MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS, COAL OIL! WIION Orr, ! Poing - lugs purchasers In "thee° 011 e, we am . offer inducements to claw Dupers. Coal Lamps ti the most Wicketad pattuns, very cheaP. All kinds of lamps changed to barn Goal Oil. FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, Those of you whO have not given our HORSE AND GATTLE POWDERS a trial know not their superionty, and' the,adtrantage. they are in keeping Horsesund Cattle healthy and in-good condition. Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived from the use of onr,Cattle_.Aiwqra by , the Increasing quantity.: and quality of. milk, besides Improving the general health and ap . pearance of their Cattle. • Our long experience in the business gives us, the Advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrangements in the Cities are such that we can in a very short time ,furnish anything appertaining to our business, on the bestof terms. Thankful. for the .111*iog,petr.onagoixatowed o& our han&e, -- we - Itofe'. ' - strict attention to biesiness, a careful iialeetiOu of P USE 111 RITRA.;I3, it lair Imleel, ana the =aimseAlAiirditl merit a conttnnamer of tielAsvo li j Ivor of a Wing public. Ittis 11,az us: OP.IRTEtta, Orit3PRWIZt ,AND SUMOA . Back and,,Seaond Mourning GOODS. &O. L.r.gllsb Rep: aoarniog LAPiain Wool Plotilards, alacaant.Whilaprisni aud Pociarn "Putti/e " Crepa.Tammainns, S 4 Yousnelalnam $-4- - Pe Cloth!, (nay. artioln), Lupins Ealra Alpacas, Neopolitat allatand new. goods; Paris Poplins, • Summer Valenefas, - - 11adonna . Black and • . • IfoorDalaines, °hairs, p ' Lorena', La 12'4 , . - , , , Rioassi new y • ' Gingbassa,splaadW. sink Ginithinss; _ Isatateir tirenadinei, ' 11-t . I * bt a 4114bAL41 Our • %OM in : Rack .1 ,m t owelo to ;o r = =strabtriziw, NOTICE. sq THE pattnerebi ben:WO* ;axis ling be. moo SAMUEL L. BALLY, mod ttte aturof 'Am ' was asso Ived, DEL th e 24th ialtloisitlyniho taw* of immix 1.. BAILY, The basof ttr Irksai Jl 1;43 Battled by the • C P r 0C K - siELik6 OUT. NO. - 920 - eRESTIffif -- 82 1 REET, iter. 146 L In or. to o no bustays at the late L s idb .101krAmatilaer, Thar large atetiteshitoeirof 1714— etcrilatingiii .4 0 11 - lievill:Lecn l-41414 ' ' rlati mbo % tercet to tau s isevoryaittole *ill be offered 4 tow. rl'? apit.2wd FOE SALE A BUILDINGIOT, - sittate in West Har- A•Lrisburivrronting Oit Br rats reet 20 fee, and run ning back nu. feet, morn or less, to a2O foot alley, ad folaing on olatlftle - thtf trOperiy bf Mr: Blum nstke. For parti culars eoqulre of FIt.EDEBICK Bernie FEB at Bergner's Boot store. may 8,1881. m 351 BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE 51: MARKET STREET, IS THE CHEAPER' PLACE IN THE CITY TO Q SCHOOL BOOKS' . SCHOOL STATIONERY, Comprhdng all the Viiriolls. READINO AND 3PS.GLIIIIO BOONE, AltilrgdlialoB. t s .:KORAS, cRANSIA SPYMOLOGDZE, DICTIO A81&3, .111,9201 PfilLOApPillru, end all the SOHOOkBOOKS'need In the 'various Palle end Private soltoolsat tne Gay, mgt with COPY AND COMPOST:W*OIY E 00N.3. 'DEltria, CAP end Narl'IbAPER, iLARX:B O P4r 3 .. , 44 4 3PrA LEAD ANDEA,A 22 PirNaLs, PENS AND HOLDER.% Erlf . r 1N867411 1 13 .ieCDREA and the most complete ansortmint at SORVOL STATIONERY constantly en bac d:andfor Safi at THE LOWESTTRICEI or JRIT rag! nl, a . •aWI'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. ' • . - 'tl Karket Street Sr [petal discounts undo to {sachemand dealers. 'ny extlide not on hand prOmptly Varnished without estrtt ctoirso, • eel NEW ROOKS . . PERGNERT CHEAP :BOOKSTORE, 51 KeLESES .BTREE2'. . ELSIE VERNER:, A rdmance of dee tiny. ISY-Plivev. Wendell Wines,_ GITAUta:4IPE : 4 , tale, of Love and War. - By a Miiitaly gentian:lmi of Philadelphia. - - TEE AMERICAN . QUESTION in. its•nation al .eLepscL:4o o ' 11 . 15VEL4bd z. A tale of -fashionable life. - 'PIONEER PRICiLACIMIS - A141) PEOPLE Dl' TEM MISSISSIPPI, by the Rev. Wilburn. ~ - .I . 49goIIOPETONi or the adientures of a SO OS OF VAN% by Samuel Lover. - 'THE T Wllti AMY - BEAU/ES OF SOCIETY, trance. and Philip Wharton. lish .4lf ed. Me new hooka of dayai sale as soon as pub -Beaks idol' hand, wheel) procured in a short time at pablishen Med; withqut_siddlattintrztativi'• . . = - Marti:FL. ADDIT9/o.4kioricE. u ~,k4grolgimt beeLaPPointed',dletxlohtessioogorsdhers the beinCe re. Insenhilti tthikiNif o.`Bt-ittlier,` , assitteee of Jacob' SUMO. of R i irniblirge,D l 444o4 ClOoldb eMeed to chi attar& ligiehrunstif al hiol Joe oesr, MOtett streit - liarntatifig, ou - .l.llttusesk Mute eth Oen at 1U ceor9ok. 1!„ where parties Lail:ltem% May,igind Alt 'they Molt' roprr: - - RUST. L WENCH. ! stylo-41t3tw. ; Auditor. . The - West. Chester Academy CHESTER,PAd, within twc ZIL }Mites ride from - Philadelphia by the Pennzyt ve4 alaVentriti of the Wes t . Ohesteridirdcf• relined, win inme the duties of the Sinfiiliat.TEJlM on the slam DAT. OF MAT mar, and clam theiteou' tbe tar DAY OF SUMO Tne-ankta ONT kallt ea illaidOn during thd MOM. M , t Aro, received at any time at .tal , Mhouatttettaquii;Ahtrusdiaglatnuuber of maiden ts tr , W a rr a i t l he AMPkpt Vnb,teechars_- The French, Man SPatinatFllingUi bre - lainebt 'by Nan , ' f a ra#,POY a n_OneFctateaPter Pa , - .4011.„Prictpal, .‘atif 2WA:.. 1Q litest•Oaester; PM: • 4. 1 1 • ,7 ffrga ll VW . QNE R TWO CITY 80NDA,014500 each, bearing Opor mt. Interest, being a We lot pod involimoal, Apply to 116114i0d W. K. Mama than' litiuting fie, Having procured Mown Potent Prams *a ars prepared to execute JOB and ique PSRNTIN of etery tegori ption cheaper that It clap- donarat ether co , ablishmeut in the count?! itarics OF Ati4 • r.itnlONG- Mir Four Inset. , .-lees conalitute One•hall aquaria lag lice- or wort. than four constanin p square. 13201 Square oue day,....., . Due week - au mouth.. • three (maths; '1 00 0 or.asear .„ • ..... • •• . • • C' eta ... ..... •• •• • g' .... . g ft, mail menial . 2 Oti threa moutt.e . . .... 006 e to yair mrßusinese noth 10 Oa f me inserted Siethe beers idakrisget and Elesdlts,'FlVN Oght a l or mob .insertion. sig-Hirringes Mad Deaths to-be diarged . is target . . advertisements. ' NO. 11 By TELE From our Morning Edition. LATEST FROM WASIDETON. Four Regiments for Three Tears fruit itOWItHERN TROOPS 00210X111- tams FERRY FORTIFIED. fbrtress Monroe Perfectly Safe. .Commodore Buchanan Alta to be Beinctated—but Secretary gamer on gives a Deserved Rebuke• A QUIET SUNbAY. A Direct Railroad Connection Opp, \Vanuatu' ON, IFf& T IL The quota of Massachusetts, In the •ofnn teers called on for three years' service, is four egiments. The quotas of the other Statist' will soon be named. Fifteen hundred Alabama troops and twenty cannon arrived last night, at Manassas Gap Junction, on their way to Harper's ,Ferry t Ma nassas Gap is about fifty miles west .of Wash ington and about forty south of Ilarpeet Ferry. Troops will have to march part of the way'frOm there to Winchester, whence there is a railroad to Harper's Ferry. Mr. Barksdale, ex-Member of Coligresa fnita Mississippi, writes here that he has a rite ban panY in Virilitia, with which he intenai to march on Washington. It is stated. that forty cannon have been planted by the Southerners at Efarpeewlintry, in adirantageons positions for the defends of that place. Fortress Monroe has now a garrison of eifeen thousand men, which is more than is . needed for its defence. Perhaps part of the force Is 40 land at Norfolk. The United States steamer Pawnee is.l3ting opposite Alexandria. Commander Buchanan, lately in coionsialdat the Washington Navy Yard, who resigneehis commission during the week when Washington was cut off from railroad and telegraphic Wm• munication with the North, and was presumed to be in danger, has asked to be reinstated, but his request wad denied. ' Yesterday was a quiet Sunday here, and no one would have thought that there were in and about the city nearly 80,000 soldiers, gathered hastily from all quarters, and onacentitomed , to discipline. But the regiments seem to be Tie ing with each other in the matter of good or der. Reports from Virginia reach hero that - there are signs of an immediate march Northinird. Troops, however, were arriving ditillatlinh mond from the other States, and quite alinge foree is in and around that city.. ,►, Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, Kentucky and Tennessee are all represented strongly in this force. A number of the deeirgia, AlAbw• ma, Louisiana and Kentucky men ,'have been sent to Norfolk and its vicinity. The direct railroad -connection 'with the North, through Baltimore city, Is expected - to be opened today, at which there wiki lie gen- Brat rejoicing. Pote Or7loll, EkaaralniG, Pe2., Apia MO, . Maas Own. Ai • .Penasylvenia R. R. ••••• East. 6 A. U. ;Way SW, 12.15 P. M. • 9 4 3.30 " West. 12 31% 3.30:P. M " akinhia iiranch, P. B. B. 8,80 P. M• N. Aleut Contra B. .1. Mail,; South. , * ,12.16* P. M. Way 9 Worth. Lebanon Valley R. B. • rkao inl.Bo 4r• P. surehanntke. Chamberland, Va110y.4.. 7.80 A. M.' . 1 '' 'itity .7, A. M., to 0440MM/on Xtteedayilladegey and Saturday. 7 A. M., to Jonestown, can Mitety,lire&iewleq' and Friday:— - . /'- ' 4l ` , " t°l /Pe*tbani, sue Saterdap. , ., "We Hours on Sailay±,F*an-700,,f9. 3 ,4„,* and a to 4 P. M. - " er Tieltege terpaliibthilticAlothdo,'NetteikiDe P t " -- d i gkerlutilQAtlyoth am" IL.; - Alt ra sad trapeleat lifeleemereirys4P• spired to be pre-paid by Stamps befole they out be maid. Lego. I. N. 103 s ..... ► Or Massachusetts TRA.TING. Way Mail ft P. Pef
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers