.~~ Celegrapo ri9R,RII3II{IRC 4 Monday Afternoon, May 11, 1861. ----- LINTON ENVELOPES, Note Paper and Badges can be had at BagEler'S Book Store. THE extra session of the Legislature, will doubtless be ready to adjourn sins die some day tins week. hit Din CANNON BAND arrived here this rooming, en route to join the Second Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers at Camp Scott, at York. Til HOME GUARD of the Fourth Ward will meet for drill at the Baptist church, corner of second and Pine streets, on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings. By order. ........10. Arrgimorr.—The Fifth Ward Home Guard will meet at the house of Patrick Jordan in North street on Tuesday evening the 14th inst., at 7 o'clock. Punctual attendance is required. Tee Doe Lew. —By reference to a notice in our advertising columns this evening, it will be seen that the dog law will be Strictly enforced In our city, on and after the 16th inst. GOO? 4 TO LW/I.—The "LeObleh this ctty are making iliiir final arrangsmen to leave "Camp Curtin," and will probably proceed to join their regiment (the Cameron innai at Washington, to-night or to-morrow Morn ing I== C DRAGOONB. — A detachment of about fifty L". S. Dragoons, lately serving in Texas, tinived has at nooa today from the Carlisle Barracks, en route to Washington city via Phil e.delphia. They were armed with sabres, and Sharp's rifles, presenting a very formidable ap pearance. I'oNbTABLE OF Tall FMK WARD.—The court tide morning appointed Mr. Samuel S. Cole constable of the Fifth ward, In place of Mr. Cansou, elected at the last election, but who declined to serve. The selection is a good one, aid will go far to redeem the character of the constabulary force of that ward. -......--,. BIGT OVER THE CRIZE.-A disgraceful riot oc curred last night on the opposite side of Paxton creek, at the junction of the Jonestown and Reading turnpike, growing out of an attempt made to eject a negro out of a lager beer saloon in that locality. Three of the parties, named Bill West, Barris, and Shoop, the proprietor of the 3alocm, were arrested and confined in the Lock up. They had a hearing this morning before the Mayor, who fined each one dollar, which they paid and were discharged. .---....---. 'to PARS Tnnouau.—The gallant Major, now Colonel Anderson of Fort Sumpter fame, is ex pected to arrive here at noon to-morrow from 1 , 7 t w York, via the Lebanon Valley Railroad on Ills way to Louisville; IC.entucky. The stay here of the gallant Colonel will neceesarilly be brief, as the trains make close connections, yet there will be sufficient time afforded for our citizens to snake some suitable demonstration in honor of the hero of the first battle in defence of the Constitution and Laws. Sy referring to an advertisement in another column, it will be observed that Messrs. Haugh. ton, Sawyer Sc Co., of Boston, are offering to the military all the various articles required for the full equipment of the army and navy. Thiy have just completed a contract with the tte of Massachusetts, for six thousand all ,1001 blue mixed garments, neatly trimmed, nt,.l suitable for a warm climate. They have produced the favorable style of military ~t t felt hat, which is highly approved by S. F. Edmands and other military men, for which they have already received very large orders. Asp Curris.—A large number of improve c„ ills Lave been made at Camp Curtin within th, List few weeks, which add mach to the Lealth and comfort of the troops, as well to 1.1,u convenience of the place for military pur- BEM Not the least important of these improve mental was the construction of a spacious build ing for hospital uses, and a large number of huts for the soldiers quarters. These with a number of buildings for the use of the Com missary and Quarter Master General, and smal ler structures for the retail of segare, tobacoo, oysters &e., quite fill up the eastern part of the camp, and give to it the appearance of a lively end populous village. The camp is now under the command of Col. Li A. C. Seiler, assistant Adjutant General, and we venture to say that there is not a more orderly and better conducted one in the State. I=MI PHILADILLPHIA, May 10, 1861. CHAS. DZSILVIR, Esq. :—Dear HC know ledglug . the receipt of a copy of Major 0111)11111'u Manual of Instruction for Volunteers and Militia for all arms of the service, permit me to say that in my opinion it is essential to a proper understanding of the duties of an offi cer. This invaluable book Should be introduced as a standard work on military science. Its author I know personally to be an accomplish ed tactician. The work needs no recommenda tion, it speaks for itself, and will be appreciated by all persons desirous of beomning proficient in the art of war. With considerations of high regard, I have the honor to be respectfully your obedient servant. Gnsanm DaKoßpoN", Third Colonel commanding Fourth Infantry, Brigade, First Division, Pennsylvania Volun teers. 'rue above recommendation was handed to us by an officer who is a graduate of the (M -aar Military Academy, and has served with distinction in the Polish war of 1880, Montene gro war of 1888, Mexican war of 1846, the Hun garian war of 1849, and the Crimea war of 1865, and for some time was a Professor at Wee Point. I recommend with pleasure Major Gilham's iltanug for volunteers. WM M. EMIT, Brig. Gen., C ommanding ad Brig., in Div., P. V. DASTARDLY OUTRAGE. —We have just heard the particulars of a recent transaction in this city, which in point of malicious rascality eclipses anything we have heard for a long while. Last Friday a respectable farmer resid ing near Shell's tavern, in East Hanover town ship, was the recipientof a letter from this city, informing him that one of his relatives here, a young lady, had been cruelly murdered on the river bank the previous evening, and requestit:g him to come on here and take her body to Han over for Inter/neut. As the letter bore the impress of authentici ty, the unsuspecting farmer at once made ar rangements to comply with the writer's request, and accordingly himself and family, in car riages, accompanied by a hearse, arrived here last Saturday “nd stopped at Back's tavern, on Market street, where they soon discovered that they bad been made the victims of a cruel and malicious hoax, by the sudden appearance of the aliedged murdered young lady herself, in the enjoyment of most exoellent health. When informed of the cause of her relatives, visit she betrayed much astonishment, and upon being shown the letter which conveyed the in formation of her murder, she at once recognized the writer to be a simple minded boy about 12 years of age, who had doubtless taken this mode of revenge for some imaginary afront. Under these circumstances, although at first disposed to discover and punish the author of the hoax, the farmer concluded to let-the mats ter drop, and- returned hoEne with his.litmilly* lest Saturday evening. 4 .0111110.;:tibwr - W S 14IF 9? Mumma remaining at theelachan • , 118ty 18, IXil ; State tapital Guar& : James Davis Har t It Mary Z. M'Oabe John Oath do James Dailey do Win. Mochennan do Mrs. H. Spayd do Thos. Smith do John Davis do Mary E. Hoover do David Simons do John Mounts do Horatio D. Snyder do James B. Boyd do John Bernhelsel cio Jas. A. Johnson d 6 *- Geo. W. Kline do Louis Kurts do John Fox do Jacob Loper do Mrs. L. P. Long do John Mundy ... Hestonville John Frost do Thos. Walton Michael Brestle John Kelly do Joel Landon . ...Marysville, Perry county Jno. Li ughes....Jullan Furnace, Centre county., Jacob Bates Shirematiii There are also a few bundles belonging to: Cameron Guards remaining, directed as fol lows : John Dreher Harrisburg. Samuel Walmer Hummelstown. Two others are directed to Linglestown and liummeistown, but the persons' names are illi gible. TEX 13.11.10AD58 OF PENNSYLVANIA VOLIINT2I2B. The following order has been issued fromw head quarters : DIVISION HEAD QUARTERS, York, May 9, 1861, Special Order No. 6.—tin conformity 41th tipe- Mai Order No. 17, Holt 'Quartets Military De partment of Pennsylvania, the Regiments will be brigaded as follows : • Second Brigade—Brigadier General Geo. C. Wynkoop ; First Regiment—Colonel S. Yohe ; Second Regiment—Colonel F. S. Stambaugh ; Third Regiment—Col. P. Mincer; Ninth Regi ment—Col. H. C. Longnecker ; Sixteenth Re giment—Col. T. S. Ziegler. Third Brigade—Btigadier General E. C. Wil liams ; Seventh Regiment--Col. W. H. Irwin ; Eighth Regiment—Col. A. H. Batley ; Tenth Regiment—Col. S. A. Meredith ; Eleventh Re giment—Col. P. Janet. Fourth Brigade—Brigadier General J. S. Ne gley. Twelfth Regiment—Colonel D. Campbell. Thirteenth Regiment—Colonel T. A.Dowley. Fourteenth Regiment—Colonel J. W. John eon. Fifteenth Regiment—Colonel R. A. Oakford. 2. An examination of the Regiments will be made by the Surgeons under the supervision of the Colonels ; and all oases of physical de bility will be reported, certified by the Sur geons, to the Division Head Quarters, for fur ther action. By command of Major General WM. H. Knit BARTRiII A. SCIELAZEM, Acting Amt. Adjutant General. Tea JEMMY Saone Burs.—One of the best companies that has arrived at Camp Curtin is the Jersey Shore Rifles, Capt. tflman, which arrived at camp on Saturday. This company is composed of able bodied hardy men, many of whom are familliar with camp life, having been educated In the wodas. The companyare well sized, and seems to have attained to a degree of discipline, which reflects great credit upon Captain Inman. We venture to predict that the Rifles will reflect honor upon them selves and the county and State from whence they come, should they ever be called into ac tion. We noticed in the ranks our friend Jones of the Jersey Shore Watts. How To Diner Lurans.—The following. lel the proper mode of directing lettere . to bars - bars of either of our volunteer companies : "—, Company E. [Verbeke Rifles] Fifteenth Regiment Penna. Volunteera, Camp Johnson, Lancaster city." " —, Company E, [Cameron Guard] First Regiment Penna. Volunteers, Camp Scott, York, Pa." " —, Company 4 [State Capital Guard] Second Regiment Penna. Volunteers, Camp Scott, York, Pa." Annum?, Crrizo.—The members of the Citizen Fire Company favorable to the forma tion of a military company, are requested to meet at the engine house at half-past seven o'clock to-morrow evening. Maas SOLDIZIB nix MUM Yaess.—The Alex ander Regiment from Indiana county offered their services to the Governor this morrdog to serve for three years. We are informed that there have been already more men offered tie Will be taken. BM alum moues' taken at par for dry goods. Also Maryland and Virgbaela money taken at a discount for dry goods at B. !Airy, Rhoad's old stand. pcummthania 113ailp Zetegraph, itionbav afternoon, Jilag 12, 1861. NEW MILITARY l_amr.—A new military camp le about to be formed near this city, under the auspices of the General Government, and its location will most probably be on the farm of Col. Wells Coverly on the ridge east of the city. Negotiations for Its lease are now being con ducted by Capt. M'Lcan of the U, S. A. The camp is intended to be a permanent one, and will first be occupied by five regiments of New York volunteers, who are expected here to morrow or Wednesday. E. M. POWER'S diarrhcea and cholera ante dote, le pronounced one of the most infallable of all the cures that have yet been prescribed for such complaints. Our own experience is, that the antidote does all that is claimed (or It, and that it is one of the most reliable medi cines in the market. It is for sale at Ban varts. ACFRIOULTIIRS.-Of all occupations that of agriculture is best calculated to induce love of country, and rivet it firmly on the heart. No proles:don is more honorable, none as conducive to health, peace, tranquility and happiness. More independent than any other calling, it is calculated to produce an innate love of liberty. The farmer stands upon a lofty eminence and looks upon the bustle of cities, the intricacies of mechanism, the din of commerce, and brain confusing, body-killing literature with feelings of personal freedom, peculiarly his own ; he delights in the prosperity of the city as his market place, acknowledges the usefulness of the mechanic, admires the enterprise of. the vommercial man, and through the medium of that tnagia engine, the press, is made acquaint ed with the location of thuoe 8c Bowmes'a cheap dry goods store, corner Front sad 'tracts. -- • Da . 041-111.8-.AsirigV Prepared by Cornelius L Mame' SEW YOttllE Ai r Ht combination of b:, , lents in these ;Pins are the - haul" tot a long , ' extensive practice. ..y are mild In their operation, and • in us correcting " ell trregalarttiee, Patidni Me , . .., , removing . all ob • ructions, whether rrdra co . j . , .rwa eui llaaaaaae, '•Nin in the side, palpitation or r* - ' Au oar. irons affections, hysterics, fatigue, ' In the son and litchi, dni., disturbed sleep, which s froveilderrapdon of nature "t _ • ~ Dr. Cheeseman'e Pipi ll E ) as winning on the monthlyWrlod wipo trove been disappointed In the use of , Ph Aloe th e utmost confidence in Dr. Chessentofighlis itg ell that they represent to do, NanceThaie a eat condition cf Olie tenaktetess Addi f isti Palk cannot betakenwithout prcaykWULLAII 11./407.2.. IheieSsiletipo rolerred to ' NANCY— Ike mirk, Kl"Attr - A' Subit lweir. , te sor nr,tat medic:int to resiere-ho , Itessetorss to a coridiffors, :hat stanNlite ripleothscave power of k meters careest resist a vegatasni - 4.0 , .... •-,. Illarranted purely OW anything injurious, Explieit &radioed; *kWh about "read, 50u:360 u: 36 o companYeaotrift.. , • .Pllbii.ll. Su** . own .$1 to Ds Cowmen* L. thetessaws, ilea 4,684 Wow York Ql,, : ...: Sold by oilb , .'_. *Odaevtityt. aulL;‘ , a uatteculKw SAILA G. 9,. 11 . Naval ari.etibr thirfilnited Wes, I.4llllroaLtiey, :AM 'ANIL $ sletom oil Wholesale orders shoidd briliekb , •••ed, WI in Harrisburg by U. dnitlnarfaden oirig-dawl TIM CELEB: prepared - This in , thOse pail ,e0W0100.14 yea al MOW OIL It is peon( the mental Hack twei Stomp of r Vase Pats FIRST TB" to brikt on iliac' arriVe, butat day fan' tine they are saie. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Attentions, Pain in the Back and Ulnae Fatigue on slight exertion, Pulpits tion of the ft 04. Oystering and Whites, hese Pills aril effect a ours winos all other means have failed, ; and al though a powerful remedy, do not contain Iron, calomel, antimony, or any thing burtfui to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package which should be carefully preserved. N. 8.-41.00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any an• thortrad Agent, will insure a bottle, containing 60 Pills, by return mall. Fur , 'ale by C. A. BArairgstr. A CARD TO THE LADIES DR. DUPONOO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES, nfalllble n correcting, regulating, and removing a obstructions, from whatever cause, and al ways successful as a preven tive. YIIESE PILLS HAVE BEEN USED BT the doctors for many years , both in France anu merica, with unparalleled success In every case; and he is urged by many Montana ladles who used them, to make the Pills public for the alleviation of those aufferins from any irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent an increase of Wag where health will not permit it.— Females particularly situated, or those supposing them selves so, are cautioned against these Pills while in that condition as they are sun to prodhCB miscarriage, am the proprietor astmmes no responsibility after this adtno ninon, although their mildness would prevent any mis chief to health—otherwise the Pills are recommended. Full and explicit directions accompany each box. Price $1 00 per box. bold wholesale and retail by CHARLES A. UNHURT, Druukt, No. 2 Jones Row, Harrisburg, Pa. "Ladles," by sending him it 00 to the Harrisburg Post Office, can have the Pills MIL free of observation tc any part of the country (confidentially) and "free of pm tags" by mall. Sold atse by S. S. Breezes, Reading, JOELIWJON, HOLLOWAY & Cownair Philadelphia, J. L. Lim &BROM, Lebanon, DAM!. H.: -lanstru, Lancaster; J. A. Wow. Wrightsville ; H. T. Maims, York ; and by om t In every city and village LA the Union, and br s d :l), i /twit, Me proprietor, New York N. B.—Look out for counterfeits. Br yno Golden Nit of any kind unless every box is signed S. 1). Howe. Ai, others are a base imposition and tuts tie; therefore, at you value your lives and health, (to say nothing of be log humbugged out of your money ) , buy only of thee( who show the signature of S. D. Howe on every box, which has recently been added on account of the Pitts being counterteited dea-dweswly. NoNsbuta physician know how m itch a reliable alterative Is needed by the people. On all sides of us, In all communities everywhere there are multitudes that 1 1%pifer from complaints that nothing but an aileratire cures. hence a great many of them have been made an put abroad with the assurance of being effeCtUal.— But they fail to accomplish the clots they promise be cause they have not the Intrinsio virtues they claim. In this rate of the osSe, Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., of Lowell, nave supplied us with a compound ExtrAot of arsapa ritLy 7h does prove to be toe long desired remedy.— its peculiar difference from other kindred preparations in market is that it curer the diseases for which It is re. commended, while they do not. We are assured of this last by more than one of our intelligent Physicians to this neighborhood have the farther evidence of our own experience of Its truth.-2bnizesses /farmer, Nraheale, Team PURIFY THE BLOOD 111E01/FAT'S Lim PILLS AND PHIS= BITTESS.— #ree from ail Miseral GAMS of dorofula Ulcers, Scurvy, or Eruptions of ifte Skin, the operation of the Life Medicines is truly asionlehing, often removing to a few days, every vestige of these loathsome disease* by their purifying effects on the blood. Billions Fevers, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Piles, and in short most all diseases soon yield to their curative properties No family should be without them, as by their lintel) use mush suffering and expense may be saved. r sale redlp by Wid. B. MOFFAT, M. D., New York, and Druggists .ov9w HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED J U PUBLISHED ON THE NATURE, TBSATMENT AND RADICAL OURS OF SPBRILITOIt- REBA, or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nerreus- LOW, 'lnvoluntary Emissions and Impotency, resulting from Sell-Abut% &c. BY liobt. J. Culverweil, M. D.— Sent under seal, In a plain envelope, to any address, poet n receipt of two stamps, by Dr. CHAS. P.C. VI Bowery, New York. Post Otnee Boat, No • uttOloubtw .--..,--.. -....-... • IV) di wly MANHOOD. New 2lhertistments. NOTICE. COUGHS. —The sudden changes of our climate are sources of Pulmonary, Bronchial and Asthmatic Af fections. Experience having proved that simple reme dies often act speedily and certainly when taken In the early stages of the disease, recourse should at once be bad to 'Brown's Bronchial Troches," or Lozenges, tel the Cold, Cough or Irritation of the Throat be ever so alight, as by this precaution a more serious attack may be warded off. Public Speakers and Singers will find them etrecinal for clearing end a trengthening the voice. See advertisement. deled-swawam The Confessions and Exnerienoe of an Invalid. Pustisneki for the benefit and as a warning and a cauttoa to young men who surer tram Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, etc., supplying at the same time, the means of Self Core, by one who cured htmsell, after being put to gratfulteuse through medical impost lion and quackery. Single copies may be had of the au thor, HATHANIXL BLyntaxa, Seq., Bedford, Kings county. N. Y., by enclosing a postpaid addressed envelope. aplq-amd THE DR. KANE REFRIGERATOR. PRIS superior REFRIGERATOR, to- JIL gether with several other ()beeper style., may be found at the manufactory, at exceedingly low prices. Mao, a great variety or WATER GVOLBRB, of eve rtor flash. IL 8. FARSON & MX Cot. Dock and Pear streets, Philadelphia. aprill6.3m NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, SPECIFICATIONS adopted by the Conn, ty Comesissionecs ofttbe counties of Dauphin and terry, for the building and constructen or a._ Pa bile Road, as resod UsSitetitet of Assembly, wl - ka t: c l d s B l lB . flip • counties hd e . . . 13112284401 salter" the passagu o Act, Mint out and oeisitract *good and substantial resd, ixenmendng at a point where the Turn. e Brger, roes* the Susquemians Omni, in Watts tow , ...,111r ry (musty, and running along Towing Path of , such distarice AB will enable them to strike i C nig* townahl 9, Dauphin conn , y, near Dogma. 's Barn, Vet net to Interline with said Towing Patti so'as to ob struct,navigation or otherwise. Szolwy Z. That the several comities through which ' this Bead passes will be entitled to pay for the making of only as much of the same as passes through its own territory. . "Aslmmo, April 18th, 1860." Therefore, In pursuance of theabove recited Act, the; Commissioners of said counties, as aforesaid, have atitipt-. ed toe following flpec,ifications, to wit : Ist. That the said Road shah be made and erilik!4:o.- ed Matelot accordance with the Plan or Profile t0w.40 me in the offices of the County CommlssiMops lvely'nemsd. The material used must bee Intl desertphon, such as earth, gravel, or both "iit whioh. gene may.form a component part. tad. The said Road will be let to the lowest, resole- - albletildder or bidders, by the cable yard ; rip-rappeg mile& Proposals will be rece i lved by the Commissioners o rry county, at their office, in Bloomfield, and altaiat the Mike of the Commissioners of Dauphin county "in fiarrisburg, up to MONDAY, THE 20th DAY OF MAY, at 6 o'clock, P. 111., 1861. All proposals to be indorsed on a blank specification, which may be bad on applica tion to either of said offices, by letter or otherwise. Said contract will be awarded on the 21st day of May, at 10 o'clock, A. X., at the Junction Hollae, on Duncan's Is land. All proposals must be sealed." Terms will be agreed upon on the day of Letting. _ Elting up In Dauphin county Rip rapping -.• 'Ming up in Perry county Rip-rapping in Aggregate •. The following coinmueleetion Is hereby ordered lobe nbliehdd; attd to be annexed to the said Spey:Mantle na y the Commissioners oforesatd : OFPIO2 OP GINERAL SUPEAMTENDEST OF Wirer BLANCH AND SUSQUEHANNA CANAL Cottr.dtv. Xortituellterland, Merck 18, A. D, 1861. Coddle Simms Of' Mundt Cousrr Gentlemen :—J. A. Gamble, Presidentor this Company, has based a permit to the lock-tender, at New Bodkin, o allow you to,boat material, toll free, for a road over lulleg's Get, at' the Junction. Be has also directed. me W All up the embankment at the Turnpike Bridge ; at the same place, whicb_will be done as soon as the canal m mdrigable. N speottally yours, ha., J. DIErVENBACHER, General Superintendent. JOHN S. MVSSER, JACOB BERM, . CEO. tIABVBRICH, _ Conunixdoneraof rrattproo. Attest—Join:Ea lii mere, Clerk. iftpBo-dowtd FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY! M. L FRANKLIN, Soientifto and - Praotioal Optician, (Store and Factory 112 South Fourth street, below Chestnut, Phliadelphhi.) HAS arrived in this city and opened an Milne for a abort time for 'he sale of his oeltbra ted lairttOVED SPEOTAGLBS, • with the finest Periscopic Elliptic Lenses, forming the Concevo•Convex surface, In accordance with the pidlosophy of A'ature, surpassing in purity and transparency any other glasses offered before to the public, producing a clear and distinct sight, rend ering ease and comfort In reading the moat minute print, affording altogether the Blerr =LP TOR Tan IMPAntIrD vimosr, improving, strengthening and restoring the eyesight These glasses are correctly and carefully suited for every age. srgazoscopin in every style. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS in a great variety—. Scen eries, Statuary and Groups. ARTIFICIAL HUMAN BM inserted so as to give them perfect movement with the natural one. Also for sale his world renowned AdICIOSCOPip3 TELESIXIPFS, MILITARY SPY GLASSES, MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, at the lowest city M. L FRANKLIN. Optician, Office Third street, next door to the DAILY TILIZO/WA Moe. a 24 Y C. b'HAFF DARER HANGER, Front street, second door above Walnut street. All Orders punctually attended to. my9.dtt Hammond, May 8,1881. A QUANTITY of Bags, Checks and Ging nt, him s for sale by the dozen and piece, cheap for GLYN at the DAUPHIN 10013NrY PRISON. ro3'B4honl THE SOLDIER'S BOOK, ErKinney's, "Our Government," an exposition of the Constitu tion or the United States, explaining the nature and oper ation of our government, from judicial and authentic sources. Price $1 00. For sale at my 2 BERGNER'S STORE. E'O"ViirMIEL'SSI DIMIICEA AND CHOLERA ANTIDOTE, For the cure of these distressing maladies. Agreeable to the taste. Every soldier should procure a bottle of this valuable medicine before they take up their line of march. For sale at C. A. BANNVAgT'S, Drug Store, my243m Ebtrrisburg,. Pa PUBLIC NOTICE. A LL PERSONS using Susquehanna Wa n". ter are hereby iniormed that the same wilt be shot aeon Sunday morning, the 12th last., at 8 o'clock, lot Bre or siz hours, for the purpo3e of connecting the sees leading up Ridge road with those at the Reservoir. GEORGE GAILY 1. A. &Amax* A. K. BLACK, 'watering chmmatee. Herriebure, MAylift, 1861.-2 t NOTICE. A LARGE quantity of TOLD BRASS 11 minted at 011MIRT'i5 FIABDWARIt won, itabarit. Nay 9,1903. New 2lirotrtistntents GENERAL ORDERS, No. 1 I. In obedience to Special Orders, No. 17, I and IV, of Major General Robert Patterson, Department of PLonneylvanLs, the command is assumed by Major General William H. Kelm, at York, Pa. SPECIAL ORDERS, No. 17 HEADQUARTERS MUMMY DEPARTMENT, I . Philadelphia, April 30, 1861. I. The Regiments 44 York will be united and brigaded, and the Senior Brigadier General will command until the arrival of General Kelm. IV. Major General William H. Kelm, U. S. Forces, is assigned to command of the troops at York, Pa., and will join his command with• Out delay. By command of Major General PATIKW3ON F. J. FORTES ' Assistant Adjutant Gerund. IL Al! orders, requisitions, Btc., will aatenate from Division Headquarters. ' • 111. Brigadier General Geopge C. Wynkoop. Senior officer, will take charge of Camp Scott, and enforce the details of time laternair police, and military duties. EThe Senior( Officer will ADi to ' , Headquarters, and . - 63%114 rnm maa ers. if• wzolgtrillt - of . • ~;,. • • individnals, tasesedly obsera iliVagel. '''.."i* will-ba-puniak . lri -7 1,611L0t eal-, • . ''ro'illi f W ar. 1 , *... patty d L will kok -....-• len rili C ry. 7., when fir titer - ..- ••, • • • 1- - taken to in a '-. ', tit* of drill The . is of all intpoitala tm • - eahr•depoings upon well drilled ccHATiLsi a *taxtrtlitterrof this 'cannot, therefon, Vp ' tea. Regl uttpial drills will ba. aksOtted periods. _,'•alo member will. be *hag to leave Carib arms of. digotliptioa. /atom. 1 .01 7 %lime , be . ,- _ , 1W Ptinished.- -- - own pr god. VII. 'Erma told on taw* be ruefully p• Arras shWkept dry sod di for f on. Th e i"tiollLlnurt be oars •iqi II nded, andsoloend-Wisslied. - 'y commendlot Teil Major Gottipol, WM B. KEIM. Bl i tA..Szumwr . : citaerai. . A VERY HEArr..i.4TOCK. OF $g...4.K Alm, k., ZCON MOURIMIG . 110BI$ 1 OF EVERY DESCR: Jun OPENED. AtiPricee*,low theo64s344:mportation. CAIL:a Next dear 101110 Amigo"; Bank. apitif Oubic Yard .. 2,218 ... 882 . 1,997 183 mayS 4,750 yiudte Unsling, Nat Muffs, Calicoes, • - UPPP4- Gineur I ... • t st , i, -, ' _-:.: .t.,4',. ' Sh_es4. ~ , Ta r ens, ••• • • - ~ 1 4 . &a Never loW re, failli~w"fttvSßL, a - fAT#2lWili, lillattaare, .; . a Next ibli,lftimarialit Bank. 3CHEFFEWS MK , SAM UNION . EN Ti r icigpelS. NOTE PAPER, of a '-lo th V gne, printed le MO Asp by alp resin alliftkitt . • - Also, Flags, Union Breast Fins, 11111408, enter Rings and Badges at very low prices. Call ea in -8 soaErFafralrOOßSPOitg. FAILMER'6 HOTEL. THE subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he has taken the Fab!. Elt'S HOTEL, in Market street opposite the Poet Cflice, formerly J. Stahl's, where he is prepared to accommo date them on reasonable terms. Playing refitted and furnished the Rouse entirely now, he hopes by strict at tention to basiness, to receive a liberal share oP patron age. [ap 14ml] 9. G. PETIChS. WANTED TO PURCHASE. A TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE, with . Wk building, located in a respectable neighbor hood, of which possession will not oe wanted for Celt months. Apply at [as] THIS OFFICE. JOHN WALLOWER, Jll,, Agt, GENERAL FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANT. GOODS AND MERCHANDISE promptly forwarded by Philadelphia and Reuling, Northern Central, Chimberland Valley and Pennsylvania kali:nada, And Canal. HAULING AND DRAYING to and from all parts of the city to the dillerent Railroad depots wilt be done at the very lowest rates. FAMILIES removing will be promptly attended to. Orders left at Brant's Europeau;t Hotel, or at the store of E. S. Zollinger, will receive prempt attention. Con signments of freight respeotfullrsollcited, JOHN WALLOWIAR JR., Agt., apt Office Beading Depot. PHIL ifiDELF'HIAL NEW ** BONNET STORE HAS OPENP.',D WITH A FULL aBSOrtOIOI2 from the Philadelphia and New York most fashionable establishments, to which, dudes the season, additions of the latest novelties from those establishments will be constantly received. MRS. A. B. BICHFIITON, Formerly A. B. Carpenter, sign of the two Golden lieges, first bonnet store from the Harrisburg Bridge. marl94md MILITARY BOOKS JUST RECEIVED, COOPER'S TACTICS, HARDEE'S TACTICS AND Instructions in Field Artillery have just been received at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. my4•dtf WORCESTER'S ROYAL (QUARTO DICTIONARY ! THE best defirdng and pronouncing ..LDic tionary of the Enghah language ; Also ; Worcester's School Dictionarleat. Webs tar's Pictorial Quarto and School Dictionaries 'belittle at. • SCHEFFERT BOOKSTORE, ap134.4 Near the Harrisburg Bridge. A . M. TODDARD WILL OPEN ON 2'IJESDAY, MAY 14th, an amortment of 712 I L E R Y . mylo-8t • NO IMPOSITION. 13)EVOLVERS AT COST TO SOLDIERS. xi ) Gold and Silver Stars, Eagles, Bouillon Lace and TrimminVialways for isle. tilso al large assortment of Fl4OB ai BABB'S Aigmos non, Socked Om Walnut Breds. DIVISION RILDQUARTIBS, Yoaa, May 7, 1861. f 1111111111 E Clues 01 fltranel traniiportatteh N orthern Central Rfdhiverf- NOTICE. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE, BUMMER ARBANGEMINT. t : ti %' AN D AFTER MONDAY, yl3th way will reavnlCrfabarg4astottn' GOING SOUTH. NAIL TRAM will leave at..... - .. .410 P. M. &XPRESs " " " 4.15 A. M. lik)11 1 41G IVORTH, liAiL MAIN will Leave at SIPRESS TAWS' " or curtber informatics apply at the OZoopm Pam.' depot A. C. SC EMUS Atli& ii.re4tarig, April3o, 1881.-1-dtf t'ENNSYLVANIA RAIL -1 " SUMMER TIME TABLE. 4 Ala tiON YD& a I.6sh. 101, fike ;Adel. , the rernitYlwAta Ilan* Ekon peallllll.i.r.l vae wet,* Riarfilinsii and Phil. woribows • ! *A. it T IN .9 it 0 . ri:40.410a IpterlSAl4 Havel Etarriabous at 1.16 s. In. awl artiV, "PSAr,ltdA6lPlait,6o.lo 11. *. FAST 141$ *via Fla Or ;AO a. at., 8314 fi t arrival a% West P (adelphia .., ik.461. FAST MAIL TRAIN leaves, aL , L.III.p. a... same at Wiet Philadelptik".64o ikr rlivse traiss msA. dam tx916.9669 alliflaudopaia arab tau Sew rock ,Linett. • . al:Ofii0IODATI011 9 br' ftit: leavaa 04tiabarg Al 7. Pb ' a tCL: • iao"0. „ /141:NE..91,RN ACVO9I.IIIOI)ATiON bia, !lavas Harris outs at 4.10 p. m., k ; '! taiphis MA 26 iw in. ApA3IfitOrrATION TIAIN, No. I, attl. Mama& letvas HArrtsbaag at 4420 *ln .- 6114 with ILA a.K4O-11.116 aa.1,1)10. unites at Wett at g j i. 16'6 vw As zikv, - Tattothiii , aiLeitzelagAlN Iteasiiii MiltkliZ.,... loSt. p ta , Eiarriatiora at. MN au otsuld99mli • . , 4. rives at Plttabarg at 12.40 p.M.' • . , ,, , ...IF. TRAIN lair& PEinsmiesilitirik 'tit 111. :: EL, V I r j i4 t 0 p. m., 44ttpoit, 7.0844 91., And orraffli - , a t tot 03 2 0( Os nun, blew tillair f o 9. B 4.ll l Phia Ai_ +n a " VAINV barg.4 , oBfaMLa .9. 1 9; 019 8 - 40 p• 9lnftW 9 ‘91 burg a11 499i.. 92. BARB-MORO AOCOMSODAYBOI9- TRAM., .etaladelptiia at 2.88 p. m.,.. . bantam/to amble 8:40p. m., and antroi at liiimilpag'st la t ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leavee P 01111941.80. p. to , Lancaster 7.44 p. m.,..Votiat Jot ' - *1181.: bektdown, 8.48 p. m., and arrives as Ihrriellog ali . 9.0 p. m. situation 91 Called to the lam, Philadelphia at 4.00 p. tn. &WONT JOY diZallifOOd. 499-114 ihimaborg at D. 48, p. n.. * a,a. a". . r s i . '''' 111918811111_ . I MellOIMIli . tlacit: u. easulittigenallit.• \ ...,..i..-.......w:,,.... , . ' "naliviraw( 4.2- REDDIMON 7517 OLHELNQEs:',,..P - laln sad Fig . OALAHMVSiqc raitiand V ALL WOOLln%l iz Ez le*ptiol %KO. satocu Lam rkrew The lai n Vi li ti WIMF the aborogoode, be Mans vm,"eig. . CAAPJAHT'S an t % Next door to thg,fiataMburg THE COMMISSIONERS appotritedstr l. the Act of Incorporathm of the clap of Ha having made spiel or draft of saki Citr, datignating.the' streets, lanes and alleys now catering and opening, and also where avenues, streets, lanes Jed alleys sh .11 hero• after be opened, and also uesiguatbeg within the 1.111183 of said c ty a plot or piece of ground, confaiong not lass than twenty acres, tor the use of the pnblte and of said city, tor the purposes and uses mentioned In Bald mot; and having submitted thclr draft and report to the Court of Quarter sessions, of Dauphin county, for the approval of eald Court ; the said draft and report have been Mal by order of said Court In the office of the Clerk of Quar ter scalene rf said county for public inapectitin ; and Un less exceptions arc tied thereto by parties interested in said city, the same will be a ppr oved at the August term of said Court. By oroer of the Court. myl-dtw WM. MITCHELL, Qerk. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. VVBEREA.S, letters of Administration us the estate of ISAAC G. UfnEGROVS, late at Susquehanna township, Dauphin county, Pa., have bean grauted to the sab:criu , r, all persona indebted )) the estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having calms aglinst the estate of sail deceased wilt make the time known without daisy to WM. P. JHENET, Buequettanna P. 0., Dauphineo. my9-36Loaw NOTICE • WHEREAS letters testamentary to the estate of JIJLIANNA C. SIAM; /ate of the alto of Harrisburg, have been granted to the subscriber, ad persons Indebted to the said estate are revested to RIM 'immediate payment, and those having claims or emends again.t tee estate of the said decedent Win maketnown the same without delay to apt 6wd-oaw JOHN H. BRIO % Bracater. NEW COAL OFFICE. rHE UNDERSIGNED having entered in to the COAL TR srDE in this city, would respectfully solicit the patronage or the chines. 1 Will keep on hand goal of all sizes, from the most celebrated and approved 'Wow, which will be delivered to any pert or toe city, free from dirt and other impurities. Pax W 17442 tiIJARANTRID. COAL FOR SALE BY Ina BOAT LOAD, Cam LOAD OR :Dots .0.,1 Persona purchasing by the Deal or Car Load will receive 2,240 pounds to the Ton. Ware No. 74 Market street, second door from Dewber ry alley. Yard on the Cooai, toot of North street. Or dens lett at either place will receive prompt attention. spin lyd JOHN W. HALL, agent. 1861. 3D OPENING, 80 OPENING 1881. SUMMER DRESS GOODS OF EVERT DFACILLMION The qua' ty of the goods for the prlee will be an tnduae• meat to every one to purchase. The most desirable goods of the season at a great sac rifice. I.OZhaiiBIQUES: GRISSAI2./kB, VALENCIAS, CREPE D' ESPANGS, BEREGE ANGLAIS, BROOADE POPLINS, NEAPOLITANS. LAWNS and LATELLAS are among the list. CATHCART tr. BROTABB. Next door to,,the Ilarrisbarg Sauk SKELETON 831.11334 boa. make to be tbund CATHCART'S, The lergoec stood of the very Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. Parasols, Sun Umbrellas and Umbrellas Twenty-five per cent lower then can be purchased elsewhere in the city. CATHCART &BROTHER. N 0.14, Market tellers, Next to Oa Harrisburg Bank. mph ALBUMS 1 ALBUMS I The finest asiortment of ALBUMS ever eared In this Ity, ranging in price from 50 cents to 510 00eackbound n all styles of Binding, at BERGNER'S CHEAPBOOKSTORE , 6iltark Street: 12noT N. .ziko P.. it. P Di 1! /