flait tLeleßrapll. H ARRISBURG Saturday Afternoon, May 11, 1861. UNION ENVELOPTS, Note Paper and i.au bo had at Bergner's Book Store °Lt. NTLER9 WANTBD. —Several good able to died men are wanted to fill up the ranks of the -i.ileinmer Phalanx," of Mechanicsburg, C,,ruberland county. Enquire of Capt. Dors- Delmer, at Camp Curtin. Ifil3 MORNING the silu rose clear and bright, a , ter having refused to show his face for near ly a week. The rain was a source of great an- noyance to the volunteers encamped in this vicinity, although every convenience was af forded that could promote their comfort. We have a promise of fair weather for what re mains of the days of May. === Ca2r. EXLSE FRANILLIN, of the Lancaster Fen ci6le3 was in the city yesterday, on a short villa twin Own, Scott. reports the soldiers in that ruk.ampment to be in fine spirits, notwitbstand- Lig the unpropitious state of the weather for the last few days. Captain Franklin is a brave aid gallant (dicer, as well as a gentleman of fine abilities and accomplishments. Ins I2UAfI of the 'Deane Asylum, who are capable, are very busy sewing for the volun teers Some of these poor unfortunates, who could not be induced to give assistance to any of the usual work of the Institution, and who would not attend to the sewing necessary for their comfort, are anxious to saw for the sol d !erg ..-•-•-t•...... Itsmovita.—The Accounting Department of the Northern Central Railway has been remov ed to the office of the Commonwealth Insurance otuporty, in 3d St., between Market and Wal n,u The force that constitutes this depart ohnt aro : John S. Leib, Eq. , Treasurer ; P. °I A A:mil, L. M. Ford, F. M. Cramer, W. L. ding cud Jas. Lawrence lUghtmyer. The In surance office has been removed one door be iLa the old location. ..-.-.4.......m• iscoarnear.—A report has been published in the Yew York Tribune and other papers, that ail the telegraph operators on the Northern Central Railroad had been dismissed, and others appointed by the government. This is not correct. Jas. C. Clarke, Eeq., the General Su• p'riatendent informs us that the government his only app fated operators at Baltimore, Bei tau and Cockeysville. Those from the Penn aylvania line up have been retained. Bo CARIPUL..—We would remind our citizens that the water Is to be stopped off to-morrow morning at 8 o'clock, and will not be let on un til some time in the middle of the day. This is dune in order to connect the pipes laid along Ridge Avenue. Persons who have ranges or steam bolters ought to be a little careful to avoid any accidents that might occur. We pt e.ume that the stoppages of the water for a fen• hours will not effect the hydrants at the I , Ter end of the city, but yet, proper cant ought to be used. Bosoammy Acqtaxran-Some Uncle since we noticed the crest of Thomas Bennet charged with stealing chickens. Since that time the case has been judicially investigated and we are glad to publish the following certificate ex onerating him from the charge, viz : HARRISBURG, MAT 11th, 1861. I certify that Thomas Bennett was arrested on the eighth day of Match 1861, for the crime of stealing chickens. Bonud over for his sip pittance at court, Richard Poples, bondsman. Case submitted to the Grand Jury at April s is dons 1861. Bill Ignored defendent discharged. I certify the above to be a true transcript from my docket. t'L roar THE MAYOR THIS MORNING, MAY 11,— liael Dougherty, loafing; John Delaney, , John Hughes, loafing Mary Dough ty,druuk and disorderly ; Eliza Haan, drunk ~a• 1 disorderly ; Catharine Maloney, drunk and di VldtrlY ; Adrian Elegins, drunk and disor dvi li• ; Thomas Ralligv.l, drunk and disorderly; iu •mae Brown, loafing ; all of whom were die ch with the admonition to leave town, at. 1 that It brought up again an order for thirty days each to the Dauphin county insti -1 ate Rould be issued. sanauel Blue was up for a felonious assault upon Charles N. Deames, with a knife. The testimony showed, that yesterday afternoon the parties (who are all colored,) received one dol tar fur delivering an insane man at the Penn sylvania Lunatic Asylum, with which they bought a keg of lager beer, and all got drunk. A quarrel ensued, when Blue stabbed Deames with a knife in the side near the hip. The iefendant was committed to 'jail to atuwer at :he next term. ' Pon BALTIMORL—The regular trains on the Northern Central Railroad left to-day for Balti more. The regular passenger travel Is now open again. The time for departure to Balti more Is 7.40 A. M., and 1.10 P. M. The General Superintendent of the Northern Central Railroad, Jae. O. Clarke, Esq., informs us that the Secretary of vem: has been tele graphed to whether permission could not be granted for the resumption of the regular trade and travel to and from Baltimore. The Super intendant assures ue that communication can be opened to and from this city to Baltimore, and that no difficulty or danger of any sort is apprehended. Mr. Clarke also states that the company, on twenty-four hours notice, can transport over their road ten thousand soldiers in the same length of time, The roply to Mr. Clarke, from the Secretary of War, is expected to-day, If the consent of the War Depart ment is obtained, the road will commence its regular business on li;.ondaY morning. LATini. --The Secretary of War has telegraphed to General Superintendent Clarke, of the Northern Central Railway, to forward on all freight to and from Baltimore, not "contra band," and open the route for public travel. The road wilt be 'in complete } running miter bkilidonday morning, • POOLS IN TUN SIDEWALKS. —The City Council could not do a more meritorious act than to cause the pools in the sidewalks between the Capital and Camp Curtin to be filled with grav el. The expenses of abating the nuisances would be tr:fihrg, and would be joetified by the benefits conferred upon the people of the city, and all whose duty requires them to pass ,ad repass along these walks. The matter should be attended to at as early a period as possible. Tut following documents in relation to mili tary hospitals and nurses, are of special inter est. The supplies asked for by Miss Dix, of which a specific notice was given lethis paper on Saturday last, were hospital supplies for the sick—not clothing fur the soldiers. The latter has been, or will be provided, but the former has not been furnished. It will be seen by the following that Miss Dix had the highest au thority for the contributions solicited Bs it known to all whom it may concern, that the free services of Mies D. L. Dix are ac cepted by the War Department,and thatahe will at all times, have all necessary aid in organizing military , hospitals, for the cure of all sick or wounded soldiens, aiding the chief surgeons by supplying nurses and substantial means for the comfort and relief of the suffering ; also, that she is fully authorized to receive, control and disburse special supplies bestowed by indivi duals pr associations for the comfort of their friends ov'tlary citizen soldiers from all parts of the United Sates. Given under the seal of the War pepattment this twenty-third day of April, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred told sixty-one, and of the independence of the 'United States, the eighty-fifth , &mos CAMERON, Secretaty of War. &MORON GRNREAL'S Orator, } May Ist, 1881. This Department cheerfully and thankfully recognising the ability and energy of Miss D L. Dix, in her arraugements for the comfort and welfare of the sick soldier in the present exigency, requests that each of the ladies who have offered their services as nurses would put themselves in communication with her Wore entering upon their duties, as efficient andyrell directed service can only be rendered through a systematic arrangement. It to further suggest. ed that the ladies exert themitelves to`their fullest extent in prepatieg or supplying hospital shirts for the sick; also articles of diet, ae deli cacies may be needed for individuafcases. Miss Dix's residence is 506Twelffphstrtx0, btr tween E and F. . Respectfully, (Signed.) B. C. WO O R, Acting Surgeon General NOTIOX TO VOLUNTIOR NURBIS WASHINGTON, D. C., May 6th, 1861. lPersone devoting their strength and experi ence on free service BB nurses in the Military Hospitals for the care of the sick and wound ed, are very respectfully requested not to render themselves immediately at Head Qaarters (Washington City) but to send forward collec tively, from towns and cities, their names, ages, whether below or above thirty,Yeare, and places'of residence, and at the same time indi cate the period for which they determine to devote themselves to this entirely self-sacri ficing, laborious service. It is also earnestly requested that all who purpose taking up arduous duties, and who are not now fully qualified, shall take some practi cal instruction In nursing, and report them selveslthrough the Physicians and Surgeons of their town and city. These suggestions are tendered to spare confusion and expensive journeys. ekirpresent them - is -gesesal goal health in - army but eheuld epidmigs appear or se rious .confiicts ensue, It shall be needful to summon voluntary fres sernico nurses at an how': notice. Such will therefore hold themselves ready for active duty. Your counsellor by courtesy, on christian service. To TIM EDITOR op Tsa ETCHING TZLIGRAR : Statements have appeared in sundry papers, that Camp Curtin has been under bad man agement since its organiz Won. If this is in any respect true, it is owing to the fact that it has been a camp of reception, and distribu tion,—that fourteen Regiments have been re ceived, organised and distributed in a• little more than as many days, and that twenty seven companies have been received that are as yet unattached. It is not to be wondered at that to do so much in se short a time, with so little preparation, should create some little confusion, but we think 'now that Canip Curtin Is one of the best organised camps in the State. Col. Seiler, Assistant Adjutant, Gneral, em powered with command yesterday morning and whine efficiency has been attested by all In camp, has so perfected his engagements as to maintain perfect order. Yesterday Capt. Baidy of Easton, was officer of the day, and I discharged all his duties in a manner that shows him to be the man for his work. He is succeeded to day by Capt. Ricketts of the Iron Guarda, assisted by Capt. M'Cauley of the Sus quehanna Volunteers, both of them active and efficient officers. The guard are well instruct ed and discharge their duty faithfully. I doubt not that under Col. Seiler we shall have a military administration that will meet the entire approbation of all. The Col. is very much relieved in the discharge of his numerous duties by the activity and. prof tpta 4 e” of his Assistant T. B. Case, saq.,•of the Montour Guards, formerly a lawyer of the Snequehanna do. Bar, but now a very active man in the service of his country. The camp is clean, and all the quarters are in good order. The thorough military guard mounting this morn ing called forth general admiration, and every thing has been done to-day under Capt. Rick etts with admirable promptness; Parts of companies' arel leaving, who came to enlist for.three months only, and cannot under the present orders, and other companies are brim ing itiertry 'day to enlist for the war. The Quartermaster and Commissiary department is conducted with perfect propriety, and is mov ing very harmoniously. I hope to be able to furnish all the import ant incidents of the campl to you if its desi rable. Somata. 3. MAoLatroam Niw ARRIVALS 1 New Agawam I.—Jest re ceived a large assortment of New Spring Goods. We name in part ; 10 pieces of beautiful °hal les, 12i worth 18f ; 10 pieces of traveling dress goods, 8 worth 123 ; 60 pieces bleached and unbleached musllns, at 10 worth 123 ; 60 pieces of bleached muslin, at 12} worth 15. Also a very large assortment of Cassimeres and other summer stuff for men. and boys wear. Also Stella Shawls, very cheap. Broche bordering, at 26, 37 and 50 cents Also, a large stock of Carabrics and Swiss Unsling, very cheap. Please call aid ezamine at S. Lowy, Road's old Stand, Cor• 'Market and Second atreete. A ensue hurricane palmed over St. Louis on the evenin g of tile sth inst. A number of houses were partially untoofed, and two entire ly blown down. Trees were uprooted, and serq , eral steamboats at the wharf 'danidiad t l J the coriying”away of their escape pipes Imam, Bw. Peunovtuattia telegraph, Saturbitp Afternoon, ,tap 11, 1861. -...----,. MILITART ECOSP/TALS D. L. Dix For the Telegraph CAMP Curtis, May 10th, 1861. BY TELEGRAPH. Latest from Baltimore. OLD POINT COMFORT SECURED, A BLOCKADE EXPECTED. AN ARMED SCHOONER CHASED. Rebel Troops Concentrating at Nor folk, ROSS WINANS BIG OU2V-CAPTURED GOV. HICKS ASKING AID FROM THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT. An arrival from Old Point Comfort brings information that that post is now considered fully prepared to resist any attack that may be made upon it. The Cumberland, Pawnee, Monticello, Har riet Lane and Live Yankee were oft Fortress Monroe enforcing the blockade. The steamer Live Yankee pursued an armed schooner up the York river, but after proceed hag a short distance was fired upon by a con molded battery, and compelled to return. The steamers Philagelphia, Baltinaore,2o - fustian and Mount Vernon of the Aquiti al line recently seised by 'de Malted States cruising up and dowh the Potomac all head' armed. Southern troops are concentrating is the - chatty of Norfolk. An Alabama reginhiaill strong, and 80 Cadets from therne Vete, h just arriied, and were encamped-in Mari y of Fort Norfolk. The Virginkms hake tam ilve,batterleireigt ed in Norfolk Harbor—one on truney•lthW, one at Sandy Point, one at the Hospital, one near Fort Norfolk, and one on the Bluffs, three miles from the,liospitli. resterday„ratinaing a tam* contalobir a suspicious looking box and three roten t irere observed going out on the Frederick road from Baltimore, and the fact being communicated to Qeuerpl BjBler at , the Relay use, -dick dps patched a scoutingpaily in pursuit, wird-bVer took the wagon six miles beyond till iellAY, at Bohester. Oa examination it Artuf fotind tbat l ie box contained Dickinson's steank-liun, ai tabled some notoriety here , during the excite ment succeeding the riot - of - the 19th ult., and was for a few days in the custody of tile city authorities. It was being taken to Wiptit's Ferry when captured. a • The soldiers brought the gun and the three • men to the Relay House. The pristat l •Ve of whom was Dickinson, the owner and Kireit or of the gun, were sent to Annapolis. SKOuND DISPATCH. Mr. Winans, the manufacturer of thasele• boded steam gun, attempted to send It to Harper's Ferry, to-day, for the use of' the Aile cessionists. Fortunately, how'evei, Wilko ous scheme was thwarted, and the gun was captured by the Massachusetts volunteers, un der the command of Colonel Jones, and is now at the Belay House. Governor Hicks has sent a special messenger to Washington, asking aid of General• Scott to quell an outbreak which is expected to take place at Frederick to-night. A consultation is now being held. Orders have been receiven by various officers, directingthem not to proceed to Harper's Fer ry,iere are no provisions there. The Rockbridge Rine Company went to:Winchester, on their way.t6Htrper's Ferry, and Ater% or dered to retain. The countrymen, liiveithe lees, aro marchlog t h ere. flighty Important from St• Loafs, SURRENDER OF THE MISSOURI MILITIA ►u U. S. TROOPS. Cannons Stolen by the Southern Re- bels Recovered. MOB FIRES-TWENTY PERSONS KILLED Habeas Corpus to be Disregar4e4 Gen. Frost's brigade of Missouri militia, en camped at Camp Jackson, on the western out skirts of the city, surrendered unconditionally this afternoon, on the demand of Capt. Lyon, Commander of the United States forces in this city.. Captain Lyon marched on Camp Jackson with some thousand volunteers, surrounded it and planted eight field pieces on the adjoin ing heights. The following letter was sent from Capt. Lyon to Gen. Frost : aILADQIIARTZBa OP TRIO U. S. Taws& t St. Louis, May 10, 1861. To Gen. D. M. Frost. Srs—Your command is regarded as evidently hostile towards the government of the United States. It is for the most part made up of those secessionists who have openly avowed their hostility to the general government, and have been plotting at the seizure of its property and overthrow of authority. You are openly in communication with the tordalled southern confederacy; which is now at war with the United States, and yon are recieving at your camp from the said , confederacy and under Its flag large supplies of the material of war, most of which is known to be the property of the United States. These extraordinary preparations plainly in dicate none other than the well known purpose of the Governor of this Shste, under whose or ders you are acting, and 'Whose pdrpose,, as re cently communicated' to the' Legislature, has Just been responded to by that body in the moat toptirallaled legislation, having an indirect view to hostilities to the general government, and a position with its enemies. In view of these considerations, and your failure to disperse in obedience to the proclama tion of the President and of the eminent ne cessity of State policy and welfare, and of the obligations imposed upon me by instructions from Washington, it is my duty to demand, and I do demand of you an immediate surren der of your command, with no other condition than that all persons surrendering under this demand + - hall be humanely and kindly treated. Believing myself prepared to enforce this de mand, one half hour's time before doing so will be allowed for your compliance therewith. (Signed) N. LYON ' Captain Second Infantry, Commanding the Troops. It is understood that Gen. Frost says that this letter was not received by him until his camp was surrounded by U. S. troops. He then replied that the' encampment was organ. iced tinder the law of the State, simply for or ganising and drilling the volunteer militia of this military district. Not' expecting ' any de monstration of this kind, he was entirely' nn preparuftoimoceisfully resist the attack. He therefore aooepted the terms specified and Bur =dated command. ' There were only about two uput la the =AN II WV ItnisVg 13 1441( iR rho 011' on OW Of absence. These troops laid down their arras and were escorted to the city as prisoners of war. A release on parole was tendered to the offi cers and troops, providing they would take oath not to take up arms again against the United states government, which they declined doing, on the ground that it implied that they had already taken up arms against the government, which they disclaimed, Sr. Louts, May 10—Midnight. Just before the troops started for the city, and while the State troops were drawn up be tween two lines of United States volunteers, several "rocks" were thrown at the volunteers and a fa* pistol shots fired by excited parties in the surrounding crowd, which was compo sed of a large number of citizens, including many women. One allot took effect in the leg of Capt. Bien lawsky, and as he fell, he gave the word to fire, which was promptly obeyed, resulting in the death of upwards of twenty persons, in cluding two women and several children, and badly wounding several others. The following are the only names of those killed that can be ascertained at this hour : Walter M'Dowell, Thomas A. Haven, Nich olas Knoblack, Emily Stunners, (probably fa tally wounded,) Clairbome Wilson, Truman Wright. BALTIXOBB, May 11 This unfortunate occurrence has produced an intense excitement in the city. Large bodies of men are thronging the streets. The Democrat and Ancieger (Republican) news paper offices have been threatened by the mob; but through the promptness of the Chief of 'once, McDonough, any violent demopstration thus far has been prevented. All the gun shops in the city are guarded by bodies of armed police. About two himdred policemen have been de tailed to protect the Dentecret and Armieger of fices. The lateness of the hour precludes the pos sibility of getting more reliable information to-night. May 11.—Capt. Lyon with four thousand troops surrounded Camp Jackson; took twelve hundred rebels prisoners with arms, camp equipage, &c. The cannon stolen at Baton Rouge were recovered. The prisoners were of lered:release on parole, but refused. Some of them hurrahed for Jeff. Davis as they were marched through the ranks to the arsenal. ' . . The populace grossly outraged the potted State troops and fired on them. The fire was returned. Three United States troops were wounded and twenty of the populace. Oapt. Lyon suppressed the firing. It is understood that Writs of Habeas Cor pus will be applied for to release prisoners, but they will be disregarded by Oapt. Lyon. REPORTED NEGRO, INSURRECTION IN FIANICFORD, By., May 10. A messenger arrived here this morning, bringing the information that three or four hundred negroes had armed told formed them selves into a company, and wereoommAtAng depredations. The whites undertook to Os:Arm them, dur ing which several were killed. The Cloiernor igis sent Gen-Buchner to as certain the truth of the matter. He has not returned. The military are held in readiness to march as aoon as ordered. INDIANA BCADT TO ANGST IN QUILLING TIER MUD- R/SING Sus, Indiana, May 10.—The telegraph operator at ratriot; Indiana , telegraphs that he has been called upon to aid in quelling a negro insurrection which broke out last night In Owen and Gallitin counties, Kentucky. Great fears were - felt, as It was supposed thy negros were led on by two or three white citi zens of Kentucky. The people are gathering all their forces to put down the rebellion, and runners have been sent into Indiana for assistance. Capt. Wills, of this placit, ;who hal a com pany ready for our owp stat.e service, has left:graphed that be would send his men and arms to their assistance, if necessary. ' The telegraph line has been down all the morning between Patriot and Vevey; so we are without any news from the latter place. It is thought that the lines have been cut by the Insurgents to prevent the transmission of news of the Insurrection. COL. ANDERSON IN THE CITY. PffiXADELPECIA, Ma y 11. Col. Anderson arrived in this city this morn ing. He is enthusiastically received by every one. A grand military procession will WO place this afternoon in honor of the Oda guished guest, - ST. Loon, May 10 Nsw TOE*, May 11. The Bank of Albany has suspended ternPo rarily owing to the discovery of a diseripaney in some of its accounts. Its bills are taken at par by all the Banks. Ihe steamship Great Eastern has been sig. nailed off Sandy Hook : her advices will be to the let inst. She cannot cross the bar gal?. after 3 o'clock P. H. ATTEMPT TO CDT ()Fr THE WATER AT KISTON. limos, May 11. An attempt was made to cat off the Cochitu ate water from the city last night by breaking open the main conduit near Newton Lower Falls. The attempt was unsuccessful, the mason work being too substantial for the implemental used. ANOTHER STEAMER AT CHARLESTON. . NILW Yoaa, May 11,. The United Stab* Stenger Niagara was spok en on the 7th inst., off Cape Hatteras; all well. She is by this time stationed off Charleston Harbor to enforce the blockade of that port. MORE TROOPS FOR WASHINGTON. Naw Ham, May 11. The Second Connecticut Regiment of volnu teem, under Col. Ferry, sailed last clight for Washington in the steamer Cahawba. MAREITS BY TELEGRAPH. Nsw Your, May 11. Flour heavy -; sales 8500 bbls. ; wheat steady; sales 70,000 bushels at $1,16@1,22 for =wan kie Club, $1,28@1,80 for Red Western, $1,76 White Kentucky. Corn firm at steady prices; mixed 58®60e.; new Yellow Western 67c. Pork quiet at $17,60 for mess, and $13,15 for prime. Lard steady at 9@9i-c. Whisky lower at 160. PHICIaIpSLPHIk i May 11. Breadstuff quiet; sales Superfine flour at $5 60 ®,5 62, extra at $5 7546, extra family ats6 25 4106 50. There is 'a fair demand for wheat at Sl 5341 35 for rid, and $1 4041 60 for white. Com less actiye• ' sales 2,000 hush. at 65c. for round yellow, Whisk* . at IZ® I 7 ADvAcis by the Africa state that the steam ship (heat *eagtern would positively leave Mil ford Maven, on the let inst. Therefore She be daily expected to salvo laud Sound, at —uugu -"""• g l u m - inn*.where the .ell}all- TEE EILLIM ISECOND DISPATCH KENTUCKY SECTION Turn Out of the Military ! SpSPENSIONIV A BANE ARRIVAL OF THE GREikR EASTERN Nsw Yam, May 11 IMPORTANT TO FEBIALK,A DR. CHEESMAN'S PILLS, Prepared by Cornelius L. Cheeseman, M. D., NEW YORK CITY. friklE combination of ingredients in these 11 Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice. They are mild in their operation, and-certain in cerrecting all irregularities, Paltdul Blenstruations, removing all ob structions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain 113 the side, palpitation of the heart, whiles, all ner vous affections, hysterics, fatigue, fain in the back and limbs, &c., disturbed sleep, which arise horn Interruption of nature:, TJ MAIMED LAMM, LW. Cheeeetnan's Pills are inTaluable, as they will bring on the monthly period with regularity. Lathes won nave been dlaappoloted In the use of other Ms can place the utmost madam, to Dr. Cheeseman'slla doing all that they represent to do. NOTION. There is one onulltion of the female roan in wind' the Pala cannot be taken without produang a PARCULLIff Rascal. The condition referred to is PREGNANCY— the renal, MISCARRIAGE. Sock is the meting* Inukncy of the oudiaftle to reffore he sexual forketone to a normalcendttion, . hat wen n gm reproductive power of nature cannot rend it. Warranted purely vegetable, and tree trent any - Unite bgerious, lexpllcit directions, which should be read, an. company each box. Price 31. Sent by mail on enclosing $1 to On Coatrunrs L. Otamantax, Box 4,631, Post Office, Now York Qty. Sold by one t migglist In everytown in the United States R. B. EUTCHINGS, General Wet for the United States, 14 Broadway, New Yort, 0 whom. all fraelnale orders should be addr Bold in Harrisburg by O. A. Hassrvasia. ovig-dawl TICE GREAT ENGLISR REMEDY SIR JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS Prepared from a P cian Ifre:raor rescrip dillary tion qf to Ike Queen. Stir J. Cktrke, M. D. Pkyn This invaluable medicine In =felling in the cure of all those painful and dangerous dissauses to which the female on/dilution In subject. It moderates all excess and re• moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. TO MARRIED LADIES It is peculiarly suited. It will In a short lime, bring on the monthly period with regularity. Bach bottle, price One Boller, beart. the Government Stamp of Groat Britain, to prevent countertena. CAUTION. These Pate Mould not be taken by /maks during the MAST TITERS .1110.1177H8ter Pregnancy, as they are su re to bring on Miscarriage, bid at any other dew they are MU. In all cases of Nervous and Waal Affecdans, Paha in the Back and Limbs, Fittigtie on slight exertion, Palpita lion of the Heart, Hyaterlos and Whites, hese Pills ern effect a cure when all other means have felled ; and al though a powerful remedy, do not contain Iron, calomel, antimony, or any thing hurtful to the COUStitAtiol3. Full direotheas in the pealphlet around each package which should be carefully preserved. N. 8.-61.00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au thorized Agent, will Insure a bottle, contenting 60 Pills, by return mall. wnv 'ale by C. A. Basavater. lyS dimly A CARD TO THE LADLES DR. DUPONOO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES, nfalllbie n correcting, regulating, amt removing a obstructions, from whatever cause, and al ways vccesaful VI a Preven tive, IH.ESE PILLS HAVE BEEN USED BY the doctors for many years, both In France end erica, with unparalleled success in every case ; and he is urged by many thousand ladies who used them, to make the Pills public for the alleviation of thoie saber's from any irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent an Increase of family where health will not permit is.— Females particularly situated, or those supposing them. selves so, are cautioned against these PUIe While in that condition as they are our to produce miscarriage, any the proprietor assumes 4ii responsibility after this &Milo nition, althw,gh their mildness would prevent any mis chief tri h ealth—otherwise the Pills are recommended Full and explicit directions accompany each box. Price AI 00 per box. Sold wholesale and retail by CHARLES A. BANNVART Drutist, No. 2 Jones flow, Miarris urg, Pa. "Ladies," by sending him kl OD to the Harrisburg Net Mice, can have the Piya seat Wee Of observation tc any part of the conntry (oon2dentially) and "free of pea tags'. by pia StHd IMO by B. S. Bums, Reading, JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY & COMMIX J , Philadelphia, J . L. LIN- Hissaa, Lebanon, Damn H. Rumen, 14isicaster; J. A. Woo. Wrightsville B. B. T. lip.t.sit, Yort L • and by one druggist In every AV and village In the Union, end by S. D. Roam, olle propriestsr, New York N. 2.—Look, olds for counterfeits . Boy no Golden Pills of any kind unless every box Is signed N. B, Howe. Al: others are a base imposition and dna sie ; therefore, as Ywo.. value your liVes and health, (to say nothing of be ing humtitned Out . of your Monet t ) bill' only Of Lime =tow the signatureof a A. 110148 8n every box, *ma recently been added OH account of the Pills behig counterfeited ded.dweewly. New (2thertisintuts. NOT/Qii • . THE partherebigheretafore Bila ting be. 'wean SdAliligL f,. GAILY and WILLIAM L. BAILY, united , thelsto of BALLY & aßorgsg, was disco lved, on the 25th ultimo, by the deceitio of WILLIAM L. BALLY. The business of the Firm will be settled by the surviving partner. CARPET STOCK, SELLING OUT, NO. 920 CHESTNUT STREET , puILADELpm In order to Mope up the lousiness ‘ of the lat, 134141.1 V C*2l 33.t . ektlf:Let3r. Their large and freatistook of Fine Carpeting% Oil Cloths, &0,, Wilt be offered /or sate at &Ake Pricea. Housekeepers and Storekeepeno will find It to thelr In terest to call, as creel , article wi,ll be offered low. apt-2wd Fb, 0 lik-vAval FAMILY DRUG STORE. HE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED 1 6 a Wholesale and Retail Drug and Presorignen Store, In t e Iron front Bunning, No. 128 Market stleet, lately occupied by Mr. :kir .Ore oan he found an entire nee stock of Fresh mid Dims Perfumery, Scat • COAJ OIL, COAL 04, , Blaming Fluid, A4c E hot Patent Medicines, Stationery, Fancy Articles, ke Sic. We have the agency fdr the Woof Kline% Cel ebrated Arti ficial Teeth, to which we would UMW the attention of Dentists. By strict attention tObuslness, and desire to please, we respectfully ask a share of Public Patronage. G. W. MISS. N. B.—Prime Havana Sepli and Totm= constantly on band. sprfl4liy BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE M MARKET STREET, IS THE CHUM' PLACE IN THE CITY xo oft SCHOOL 1300V3 AND SCHOOL STATIONERY, Comprising all the various READING AND SPELLING BOOKS ASITELVETICS ALGEBRAS, GRAMMARS ETYMOLOGIES, DICVONARISS, MSTORHIS, PHILOSOPHIES, and all the SCHOOL BOONS used in the various Public and Private Schools of the Qty together with COPY AND COMPOSITION BOOKS, LE2TER, CAP and NOTE PAPER, BLANK BOOKS, SLATES, LEAD AND SLATE PENCILS, Item AND HOLDERs, INK INKSTANDS, RULERS and the most complete assortment of SCHOOL STATIONARY constantly on hand Ana for sale at THE LOWEST PRICER 0/ ANT PLAOn in the city, a BERONSA'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, 61 Market Street NI-Liberal disoonsas rode to teachers and dealers. Any article nut on hand promptly furnished without extra charge. sen 24 THE D.K. KANE REVKIGERATOR. ..IHIS anperior ItEFRIGERATOR, to ?awl iglus several other cheaper styles, may be M11 " 1 ". 'Se mannreatiry, at ex&exibigly tow prkas. ' Aleo, ti great variety of WALTER COOASBB, or eve. dix /Ash. N.B. FARiON & OD. Cep , Door and Pear ate eats, Pb ll l l / 4 411116 lidirllleAtoa - ' Nero 2bnertitemento. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. kJPECIFICATIONS adopted by the Cone- Ey Corimies,ouers of the counties of Danpbtu tod rci ry, for the bolding aud construct/no of a Pa Road, as rec.ted is the Act of Assembly, to the follow log words, to wit: :wrng 1 That the Cuumissioners of the several coon ties or Dauphin and Perry are hereby authorised and instructed, Immediately alter tae passage or ads ,ter, to lay ou Land coss.truct a good and substantial road, commencing at a point near where the ?umiak@ Bridge crosses the Saiquenanin ()teal. to Watts township, Per ry county, and tinning along Towing Path of Bald Cana*, such distance as will enabia them to strike the Turnpike in Reed townshil„ Dauphin cowry, near Duncan's Barn, hut not to interfere with said Towing Path so u to ob struct navigation or otherwise. dacnoe 2. That the several it:twinning through Which this Road passes will be entitled to pay for the snaking of only as mach of the same as passes through Ita own territory. PPSOVEV, April 13th, 1860." Therefore, In purseanoe of the above recited Act, the Commissioners of said counties, as aforesaid, have adopt ed tee following Bpeoideatlous, to wit : Is% Teat the sat d Road shalt be made and oeiestroote ed in Strict accordatr e with the Plan or Profile Low ma ale in the OW -04 of the Comity Comeneslonent rely u.med. The materiel used must be of a NebsSan tial deseription, such as earth, gravel, or both, of whit* stone may forma compoLout part. 2nd. The said Road wit be let to the lowest, respon sible bidder or bidlers, by the cub to yard; rip-rapping Included. Bd. Proposals will be received by the Commisaionersi of Perry county, at their effice, In Bloomfield, and alsoat the dice of the Commissioner& of onuphin county, lo rianlaburg, up to RUNWAY, TUE 20th DAY OF MAY, at 5 o'clo.•k, P. M , 1881. All proposals to be Manned on a blank specifln.tme, which may be had on applies,. (len to either of add offices, by letter or otherwise. Bad contract will be awarded on the 21st day of May, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at the Jueetioa House, on DWiCail'e la. land. •'.lll proposals Mast oe sea/ed." Terms will be agreed mon on the day of Lettleg. Filling up in Dauphin county Rip rapping Fd ing up in Perry county Rip - rapping in Aggregate The following OJMMI/010 Atiol/ is hereby ordered toba published, anu to DO sobers 1 to the Said Specific:silo as oy the Commissioners oforesald : °MO t OF GILITItta. EXPLIUSTIViDEST OF WiST Bo4SCS AND zI7IIIQUIZILLNKA eAltAt. COMPAST. Northumberland, March 18, 4. D., Is6l. 0010CUSIONIC88 OF DANPBIS COVNIT : Gentlemen :—J. A. Gamble, President of this Oompay, has t.sued a permit to the lock-tender, at Now Betide, to allow you to boat material, t ai free, In' a road over Huhn& Gut, at the Junction. Be has also directed me to Oh tip tee em oaukment at the Turnpite Bridge at the came piece, which will be done as soon so the canal Is navigable. It spear ally yours, he., J. DIEFFENBACIEEER, General Superintendanit. JOHN S. 'MUSSER, JACOB BERM., GEO. GARVERICH, Commissioners of Dauphin Co. Attest--Joss. EI ittELLEH, Clerk. FOR A SORT TIME ONLY t M. I. FRANKLIN, Scientific and Practical Optioian ir (Store and Factory 112 South Fourth street, below Chestnut, Philadelphia.) ITAS arrived in this city and opentte I office fora short time for this'll* of his %Ochre 414 la ritOVED SPEOTACL/13, with the Sae% terisoopk} Elliptic Lenses, lbrming the Osocavo•Ccearrs, strikes hi accordance with the philosophy orNavare, aurpasald la purity and transparency any other Mama offered ere to the public, producing a ohm and. distinct eight, road, ering ease and comfort in reading the most minute .p affording altogether the BAT - IMP roc rsa tiInyTOVVIR, shonatiteselg and r e gorto gikoileliddli mote glasses . are correctly and carefully aolieatosat Ovary age. BTIIOO.7COPIN In every Oyler. 57 1 LizEOSCOPIO VIEW'S' in a great variragp.. ries, Statuary and Groups. ARTIFICIAL HUMAN' ETES inserted& to as to glee them perfect movement with the nahtral,tme. Also, for late his world reaavraiat AICILOSCOPES TELEiCOPVZI, liIIIANRY SPY aLtsets, JILTHEALTIcAL INSrItIMEN PS, at the lowest city prio a. U. I. FRANEELLY. Optician, O. Third street, next door to the DOLT Txtegixetet Moe. PHILADELPHIA NEW ** ;" 4-: i BONNET °Ow STORE HAB o r D WITH A FULL assartssen iroui the Punetielphis. lied New York mod Bothisnabls establlstneuts, tQ renteh, during tho 3elloll/, additions of the latest novelties from those establishments will be consuitatiy received. SIRS. A. B. BICKERTON, • Formerly a. 8. Carpenter, .Igo el the two Golden . ICagles, first bonnet store from the Harrisburg Bridge., tueriiikmd MILITARY BOOKS , JUST RECEIVED, COOPER'S TACTICS, HARDEE'S TAOTICti AND Instructions in Field Artillery have just been reoeived at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOBSTOM my4•dtf WORCESTER'S ROYAL (QUARTO DICTIONARY ! )21:LE beet duthang and pronouncing pio tionary of the Enghatt language ; Also, WOICOMOr i II wool inOlocutrtes. Wenater's Pictorial Quarts and. onnool Limbo/lama for sale at SCHEFFER'S BOOMITIZA aplS-tt Near the BarnabargAidgy. FARMER'S HOTEL. - ITTHE subscriber begs Wave to inform bis friends and the public 'Gnat he hai taken the FARA- S Ht,TEL, in Market street, opposite the Post CONN t,rmerly J. Stahl% others be is prepared to acaontsio• data them Oa xesaaaable terms. aiming refitted and furnished the House entirely now, he hopes by strict at tentiou to basilicas, to reoeive a liberal share of patron ago. [ap B. a. peress. WANTED TO PURCHASE. A TWO STORY BRICK 110IISE, with 1016 back buildlu- , ltaiaima In a revealable neighbOr- Laaai, of which p)aaasalou will not ite wanted for Ark months. Apply at , WO Tata OFFICIT. JOHN WALLOWER, JR r , Agt, GENERAL FORWARDING AND COMMISSION PaRCHANT, GOODS AND MERtAtANDISE promptly forwarded by Polladelphia and Reading, Northern Cumberland Valley and Pentorylvania xatlrosAra ..12d Canal. RaUIANQ AND BRAYING-Wand from all weld Übe City to the =Grant Railroad depots will be dons at the very lowest rates. • • FAMILIsti remo:rin valtml proniPtlr attended to. Orders leftet Brant's hurl:Tom Rotel, or sa mil store of R. S. Zollinger, will receive prempt attention. COW" alignments of freight reapriu engoolleited. JONN Vir WAR ..11L, V et. Mid Cube; Yards. 2,21$ ass . 1,997 1611 4,160 yards 046wtd