ILE TELEGRAPH I‘ , PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, - GEORGE BERGNER_ - _ TERKE...So, ROISCIIII7OT. OS PAILY TILRAFFI erved to subscribers in tht at 63( cents per S week. Yearly subscriber, b..iharged 54.00 WURLY LILLSOMPB. Su - 1111110111,70 Is also published (*lee a Week doting in session of the Legislature, and weekly during the re. main der of %he year, and furnished to subscribers at the I,l:owing rates, cis : Single Subecribeni per year ... Seven feu TO LAW OP aatrar i subscribers order the eteeentiouaft. of the i r new ,. pipers, the publisher may continue to eend them wall t 1 ,trrearages are paid. li subscribers Deere' or Teton to take their newsy'. I , from the office to which they NM &reeled, the.tere rr-,onsible until they her settled the blue and ordiree therm di.continned s O. ill. uproos & do. MESE D. W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 0 RUGGIS TS, NO. 19 M A RK E T STREET HARRISBURG, PENA' A. DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE [KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, We are daily adding to our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call your attention to the Laval and best selected stock in this city, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS lc PAINTS, Ode Varnishes and Gimes, Dye- El Mum and Putty, Artist Colors and Too* Pure Ground Spires, Burning Fluid and Alcohol, Lard, Sperm and Pine Olks, not ttea, Vials and Lamp Globes, Casino Soapy Sponges mad Oasis, &e., dge., dee., die., Ike., dtco., ale With a general variety of PERFUMERY & TOILET ARTICLES, belected from the beet manufacturers and Per fumers of Europe and this country. Being very large dealers In PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, Awnsrs COLORS, RUNT AND ARTIST'S BRUBIIIM IN ALL THEIR VALBIETIEft, COLOtii!MWD igIONZEfi OF ALL KINDS, an rA \k R .amt . 111 0 . 911 , . We respeotfully invite a call, feeling confi dent that we can supply the wants of all on lel Tali to their satisfaction. TEETH ! TEETH 1 1 J oNE'S AND WHITE'S PORCELAIN TEETH. kIENT MEDICINES AND HAIR RESTORATPirES ui all kinds, direct from the Proprietors. Saponifier and Concentrated Lye 1 Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, which we sell as low as it can be preheated in the cities. THAYER'S MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS, COAL OIL! CARBON OIL I I Being large purchasers In these Othe, we can oiler inducements to Close buyers. Coal Oil Lamps of the most improved patterns, [very , heap. All kinds of lamps changed to burn FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, Those of you who have not given our HORt3E AND CATTLE POWD11:1113 a. trial know not their enperlority, and the advantage they are in keeping Hones and Cattle healthy and in good condition. Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived from the use of our Cattle POi4ere by the inorassing quantity and quality of milk, "tides improving the general health and ap- P&ance of their Cattle. Our Aug experience in the business gives us the advenage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrangements in the cities are such that we can ta. a very short t ime furnish anything appertsinikg to our business, on the beat Of term. Thankful for the liberkpatroullre bo"wed on our house, we hope by lOW 4tootkal to b usiness, a careful selection of P t RE DR1:7421, at fair prices, and the dadlid 'DX* ii l1 .!,k merit ; a:rat:mow bf tba biliorl'ortritioAtt4 mating public. , \,, ‘ ,FLlcessobi, • i\fiv,„..._., . 01 total) .4. _.,,;._,,,,..‘„)_____.: v 4 ----- ,„....— itioz p 1 tuts", r iw 4 ~.1:.....1., ....:,„___.• „...._ 11 'II 00 19 00 15.00 VOL. XV. Aline Humans. SOMETHING MORE VALUABLE THAN ILVEft,..OII,.OOLD, IT WILL RESTORE THE WEAK EVISTATE THE BLOOD IN ALL ITS ORIGINAL VIGOR AND PURITY. PROF. 0. J. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL, BLOOD RENOVATOR. Is precisely what Minims indicates; for, while pleasan to the taste, is is revivifying, exhilarating and, strength. suing to the vital powers. It also reviviffea, reinstates, . and renews Me blood in all Its original purity, and thus restores and renders the system Invulnerable touttacks of direst. It hrthe 0 .1y preparatton ever offered to the world in a popular form so as to be within the reach of all. So chemically and skillfully combined as, to be the most powerftl tonic, and yet so perfectly adapted as to act In perfect accordance with - the laws-of nature, and hinters soothe the'. weakest stomach, and -timedpglie'dl gestiveorgans,'And allay ill liehltrhs aid ititstlen. - it also perfectly exhilarstingitt Its eflhots I and yet it Is never tollowed by lassitude ciellkirdestere of spirits. It Is composed entirely of vegetables, and those thoroughly combining powerful tonic and soothing properties, and consequently cJil never injure. As a sere preventive and cure of CONSUMPTION BRONCHITIS, INDIGZSTION, DT& PIMA, LOM. Of APPETITE, YAMME, NERVOUS IRRITABILITY, NICURAGIA.„ PAIL PITATION OF TUB HEART, MILAN °GOLF, HYPOCHONDRIA, NI SWEATS, LANGUOR, GIDDINESS, AND ALL TRAT CLASS OF CA ' SIM SO FRAREULLT FATAL CALLED mins WICAKNEBB AND IRREGULARS TIES. THERE IS NOTHING ITS EQUAL Also, Liver Derangements or Torpidity, and Liver Complaint, Diseases of the Kidneys, or any genera de rangement of the Urinary organs. It will not only cure the debility following CEIELLiI and FEVER, but prevents all attacks arising from Miasmatic Influences, and cure the diseases at Onns, if already at tacked. TRAVELERS should have a bottle with them, ac It In. fallibly prevents any deleterious oonsequences following upon change of climate and water. • As It prevents costiveness, strengthens the digestive organs, It should be in the hands of all persona of seders- Lary habits. LADIES sot accustomed to out-door exercise, should always use it. ISOMERS 'liquid use It, for It is a perfect relief. Taken a month or two before the final trial, she .will pm the dreadful period with perfect ease and safety. - There is no mistake about it. THE CORDIAL IS ALL WE CLAIR FOR . . MOTHERS, T RY And to you we appeal, to detect the Meese or dectine not only of your daughters before it be too 1 tie, - bat-also your eons and husbands, for while the ibuner fromfalse delicacy, often go down to a premature grave, rattier than let their condition be knownin time, the latter are ao often mixed up with the usitement of business, that It were nut for you, they too, would travel in the ume downward path until it is to ate to arrest their fatal fall. But the mother Is always vigilent, and to yon we confidently appeal; for we are sure our nevar•feiling erection will unerring" pointrint r WOOD% RBaIORATIVE CORDIAL - AND BLOOD frisoVelott an the remedy . which should be always en head in time of oeed. bead what the Preis hay aßer thoroughly teellult he matter, and no one can have a doubt. PROF. WOOD'S RESTORATIVX COADI4L.—,It la ree corded in classics that Payche was ohoe sent toe climate warmer than the West Indies to procure a sample of the beauty of Proserpine in a `box. After imps delay the messenger returned, and as loon as the lid of the box was removed out flew all the Lila that flesh Is heir Fortunately hope yea Rona In be boitotn of the box. Prot Weed's Restorative Cordial reviles the recollection or the story, for It invigorates the blebd, aids the organs of Macedon, imparts strength to the element aystem, and fortifies the chattel of health, so as to bid defiance to the assaults of disease. It lea healthy tonic, conitiesed en tirely of vegetable productions and while it Is (wawa. dng as pure wine, no Injurious results can possibly follow its use ft Is a desideratum in the medical world, and those who are adbcted with loss of Appetite, Dyspepsia, Onmumptlon, Faintness, giddiness, Neuralgia, Paleita , Don of the Heart, will here find an Infallible panacea. 'St. Louis Daily Repress." PROF. WOOD'S NNITORATIVEI CORDIAL end BLOOD RENOVATOR li, without doubt, the best Tonle Cordial In the world. To those who are suffering &congeners' des• billty we would recommend its use; for While UM plain. ant to the note, it is Strengthening ei 11/10 system, and will at once tend 10 remove *AI impuritiesiot the blood, and eradicate all traces of ' Mime. It ban. be the weakest stomach, while those good wilt at once feel Its exhilarating power. We are ,Ounlident thatafter using one noble of WS Cordial ROWS will be for a' day without it.—" New York Leader."' A PURR, IDULTHY Ttifflet and one free from th deleterious and Injurious edema sure to fellow these in ordinary use, has long been felt to be a desideratum in the medical world. Such a tonic, and one so skillfully combined from the vegetable kingdowas _to actln_per= (Oct accordance with 0. laws of naturivand Ova soothe the weakest stottutott'and at the allay nor. vous sad other ir s ta= i 2ATIZMVX whioh the &Mini Wood's liestorati re Cordial rtabpo .210eoehhOr. it is perfectly adapted to cod and yenng ~, ' 4tEader,ll, It. Thousands balm already demi:so t. ' and -therieidinony is unisersat in Its thverl- 4 ''NeW York PAliis;" PROFMKIR WOOD'S BROTORATIVII CORDIAL 'AN D BLOOD RIINOVATOR, for the mire of Depend DebDity, or Weakness arising from any cause, also DyipOpals, Nero- , oneness, night Sweaty 'lndolent Consinception, Liver Complaints, Bllltrusnesa, Lois ofAppetit* Pedalo Wear iless, In all its stages, also, to prevent Nutt xitraistion of: disease, is certainly tbe beet and unlit 'agromble'ciedlii tonic and Renovator ever offered to the ambled; and se chemically combined as to be the most powerful tonic aver known to medical Marx°. Reader, try it. It war. DO Too 00oD. We have no bealylon - la reOommeiditur shuM we know it to be a sase, pieskist, emit mire re ipti for the diseases eanmeested.—"New Toit Tiefbre noticing a patent medicine, we have oer lain that It will prove itself to be • all , that it. la • roloom-' manded. And we would say that the. Restorative •Coat dial and Blood Renovator of Prof. Wood will stand the test fully, and, In feet, It Is without any doubt &oiliest article in market tor purifying the Blood and errebtehtiel mg the system. Wishave 00 br 'talon ml recommending its use to all.---" The New-Yorker.! LOOK TO YOURSRLP IN TIALIL—Row Ming & corione. queue of a false delicacy sailer ikon suppreestslAilln. nil, or obstructed mensuration, and think because they are young that nature - wilt - work 'Melt clear item obstrections, and all came in right In the end, little dreaming that the seeds of death are Tgarnitaa-. hug in the system - becalm the'*Nat Coot' ere am= swirl, uric the entire ardent eisohopii wed; and yet, earth= ot themeetvasjie they _ If a. remedy were set before thous which. W9OtrlNPor• all the. Moutons of the system, end rearolsbraie bedji.tPe.Tl would take it, and thus be In time tO len in, Ir Parente, think of this, and at once Ore them s bottle of Prof. Wood's Restorative Cordial and Blond 3 movattir.:. "The New York Courier." U. J WOOD, Proprietor, 444 Broadway, New York, and 114 Market street, Bt. Louis, Mo. WA% No. 444 Broadway, MI the lhanily , sad . Patest) Steoednes constantly on hand, always fresh and gauche_ Ford. B Macomb', Washroom Avenue, Sole aorota or Albany; Dr 89n411 , agentlar Schaneatady. Sold also by A. IL Banda At Co., corner of Fulton and William streets. - "-Jattabee Maw PROP. ADOLPH P. TEUPSER, , i WOULD respectfully inform his old Itlitrons lad the ptitifin isner_nlly, that he oontinue to gtve nonrandom' GILLIS .ni,NO _Km mu: LODEON, VIOLIN and also In 111411101111140.41r1RD UGH BAtl9. , lie w ll 4 Ink &awe Irsigir, nemesia ikt•110111.. delaret 010,1 , SI Ws residence, hi Third str , eet, 11 kW doom roe ew * e *lrwin Refortnedpieroh. decie-dir STORE FOR 8A,14. 13 IN ..„ . tiIIDG STONE or Btoow " , enita!)l4, - . mui tie a•avered to . tar 00zaiiiikttil "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN NONE." HARRISBURG, PA.. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 11, 1861 BICUIVIII 131:1 Shaul'meows. NEW ARRANGEMENT, CHANGE .OP LOCATION W&LLOWER'S LINE. The old stook of ire-being disposed of, the undersigned has broke out to a new place and ea, Mind a daily freight line be (Wein Philadelphia, NeW York; Harrieburg hind ail points on the Northern Central, Sunbury ar, keened MaksWain., ak Bloomsburg railroads. Thankful fur the !Naha Patronage heretoftire extended he hopes, by promptness la delivery, terretedu all his old =Meiners and patrons ell goods IntandeA far the line intuit he delivered at the depot , at the= Pkiladelphht. and Beedßni. railroad, Brpsd and Callowbill streets, Philadel pbta. Allgood' delivered at Ike depot Mt to dire o'clock, P. 11., will roe* Hairrisburgliext morning.' J.,IVALLO Be WEB., Jr., General Agt, marll ' ading Depot, Harrisburg. a. F. ACTT MN ONE TRAnUNG AGENT OF THN OLD WALLOWER' LINE. OLD TRANSPORTATION LINE j is trill In anooessfal operation and prepared to carry imbed as LOW as any oilier. Individual hue between Pnlisdelphia, IllitrriStittrikilennury, /welsher & Williams port, Atte e Bkoriti p Loor end all points "on the Northern Csniral;. hiladalphia and' Erie, and Williams pOit and Elmira Railroad& . . Load Agent at Ilakilsbur D. A. UUgN dR. Goode sent M PHACOCK, ZELL & HINOECHAN, Nos. 8181 and 810 Markel street, above El lerth, by 4 o'clock, will arrive' at Harrisburg, ready tor' delivery, -the next morning. . : • • O. 5.. and it - Traveling Agent. REMOVAL. THE BIJBBORIBER . hae removed hie AND'IlEta,43 FoUNDRY froayllarkei street: tO Want' street at•Oit.4 gutsy optiosltattio . Beata church. Toaoligal tor pap patronage, he hopes, by Striol Attention;to buipilis, to merit a itbatinuanoo of it. mar s /Z.lmi' ' ' ' ' WM. BT. LOUIS HOTEL, • CHESTNUT ST ABOVE THIRD, PHILADELPHIA.. IN the immediate neighborhood of the Jobbing Roues on Millet, Third Ind ttesuna atroets,,Mo Banbs, Pont Moe, Remnants' Ezeusege; acc.,llo. • nitri! !lOU ON UM ARIERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLAN. BOARD Pita 61.60. . Dinner . between 1 and 8 o'ollool., 60 muds. Single room from 60 mato upward: Rintaurant attached. Prices according to Billie(' ' • " This City Cars take Passengers from any Station to or eking to the tiotsl.. nitrßngdsn, Prone German and Spaaish spoken. . , REMOVAL. HE 'SUBSCRIBER would 'respectfully T inform the!pahito that he haq removed Is Plumb ing vmd Brum .Icindtog vetablehmeot to No. 42 Sandi Tird street. belotilferr's HoteL Thankful for post pat. rows, bs hopes by strict 'Wootton to business to merit a 000ttwitiooe or ,H. Komar , • ' JONES. asrrUbtirg Broom lifArmfaotory, TWI DOORZ FROM N80t0...92 , ,, nf WALNUT , *AVM ROM ' wholesale •and - retail 10 per cod.' cheaper than can be had plowboy).— and Pauline Sur stook: . ap6 soul : I. K. PRICE Ik CD. NEVVGOODS 1 NtWPItICESI I FRESH AttRIVAI OF GROCERIES ! PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES 1 E.suhaoriber has just returned from _l%ll+4o4lmm large and. ruled assortment of Ftsaff DROcs , BACON, ilAst4 NOTIONS, and everything Jun shy rcpt in a first class Grocery, respeottnity oath the attention of lus ousto. meta, se gel! ail; Megabit° gescratly, to his last arrival. Thankful for past,patroooge he hopes by.atriotafuni ti.lito'bonizaani to nwit'a continuums or the oame., sptatht (jazzier of Third and Chestnut Strada. FLAGS I , FLAGS l I • NOTE PAPER AND, ENVELOPES with j National designs, Lana RAPER, with a. view of itie city of BarrLsburg, Rrlitied andlor 11 • sonerfEit'S Bootokon, 424 - .Nee the Barrisbarg Bridge BTJERLER HOUSE, NAR4 ETSQ LT A 11.F4, HARRISBURG, PENN'A. Giza. J. BOLTON; PEORAMOIL 0 A It 1) The ab ore well known and long establlshed Hotel le now undergoing • thorough renovatlonould being In • great degree newly farnOthedonder the proprietorship OW. Omuta J. Some, who had been an Inmate of the Saw for the but three years; and Is well known to le mete. Thankfhl for the liberal patronage which It tee en otr„. I obeerintlY aciameeil. Mr. Bolton to the public r. „ [Jed wtij OA WILLIAM BUELLL.EIt. JEIENICY . 01111cW--TitUa aria= (MUM ROW, ;MLR 11,101ZET. Roam • % ,Cluultaut ~.57fre# war , F - Pyirtli. oirr or aszatostara, rittar'A.. UI)IIOIiST.I3RING. MOW MLTTBESEMS; corros TOP MLATRESSEB, COLTONI7OMIrOBTS; BBBMOH, CARPED , . ousatogs,_, ' : LOIIIM I .O, Stc., On hand and tot the very loran rates for cub . BAER MATBABBIB.anit. - ISBRING -BOTTOMS 111 .#4A 6 ; SOFAS lOU/WA CE4IBS ELM' MATBESSMO. Repaired and made 4 nitktsi hew very reasonable, all at No:109 &rimy s stweenpourth anif nth, by mars DARNELS. fCASING OUT . our still laige aisortm'en ski of FURS, consisting of Arditbswas D4rk 840111 - Randscsos Dark Siberian ..codrrol Sods, figailloct of all kinds of low price Puts, A ebaeos for Bargilltwia Fins Pats. Ciall K RATEICARTS, . • N 0.14 Market Squera isol4 ext to ;be Harrisburg Bank. r e E itt . ii LTLENTION QF GENTLEMEN , n fit lollobiliFte. eel , very lugs sadortinakt of • i AND,Diairpaeot etery slap and quay. e. ,:i ' t, i ' tioTaiLbtst.lutfigatn . .43kotivAirno, Own/. , , i . 1 "Moth In tais okr. • .= .-. . , igascooloimhwAtoreasimia. . •Awllevorittbillistaiimte Irgeitol u r....: ' u ~ b: 3 NM to bilk:. E4t Etiegr*. IT 132091TM= nallinTED that there is only a dozen regimes:Mi. of rebels at, Richmond, Vir- ginia Paz Lsonirrruna . of Maryland have passed a resolution declaring it inexpedient to arm the militia of the State at this .13smsion1, thehome of Gov. Curtin, Bends three hundred men to defend the Union—with a few more in readiness foi bis neat call. Tn Mozeroun Ammtroszcsayalhat Col. Win F. Small is one of the best officers in the army meriting the title of " the bray est of the brute.' His regiment will be a thunderbolt in battle. Korrumcr, Tennow and North Carolina are fast verging on aeceasion, and yet the "(Futon men in those states do , not seem to be making any effort to save them from the vortex. When they are once , in the coil of secession, those who refuse to raise their hands for the prevention of such a calamity, will suffer . most from its effects. Ma. Boutuncr, congressman from Louisiana, who arrived in Washington on Wednesday, states that four thousand men, have left New Orleans for Lynchburg, Va., and that large bodies of troops from various quarters are con centrating in that locality. He says that the Union sentiment Is very strong In Louisiana, but that it is kept in complete subjection by 4 he secessionists. Murmur Emu CONS:UM—The committee met pursuant to adjournment, at the ExOhange, on Friday, at 10 o'clock, A. M., President in the chair. Members present, Messrs. Kepner, Kelker, Hamilton, /lawn and Edwards. Ab sent: Messrs. Colder. Ott, Bostick and Trace. The weekly visiting committee reported aJarge number of new applications, which were ex amined and ordered upon the roll. Upon a call as to the conditiOn of the fund, the Presi dent reported as follows: Note for $3OO at 60 days, for which the Committee are individually responsible, and which was drawn to meet the immediate and wants of the families of our volunteers. D °nation from Dauphin Lodge, No. 160, of L 0. of 0. F., $20,00 ; contribution by Henry Frisch, Ban., $l0,00; amount received from South Ward Public School boys, $2,60, making in a 11.51332,60. This being the third pay day, and the list very largely increased, the meagre amount is about exhausted, ana in view of this lett Mr. Chas. C. Bawn offered the following resolution : Rakjeted, That a committee of three mem hers be appointed by the chairman, whose duty it shall be to confer with the City bout oil of Harrisburg and also with the County Commissioners, In reference to the appropria . Lions by, said Oprincil and Commissioners re spectively, which it seems suitable for them to make in aid of the families of volunteers of this county who have entered the public service t arid also that the committee have snob con ferences with committees and members of the Legialature as may be deemed suitable, touch ing the passage of laws to authorize such ap propriations. The resordtion was adopted upon a call of the yeas and nays, by the following vote : Yeas--Messrs. Kepner, Hawn, Kelker and Edwards-4. Nava—Mr. Hamilton. Whereupon the chairman appointed Messrs. R. F. Ealker, C. 0. Raven and 0. Edwards said committee. On motion, adjourned. 0. Eowaays, Sec'y. Our Country Written for the Tolegtiph The question of self government is settled It is no longer an experiment. i . Three millions of people have become thirty Ctaistlenity has become purser, and sin aims more elevated and Its imams more liberty and independence mixing in our at mosphere, _drank In at every inspiration, has niade.our citizens fearless and brave, has l deep ent,id their love of country , and made them more willing and able to defend their firesides and their rights. • ‘' Capital has; increased. Manufactories -have multiplied. Commerce has widened and deep ened her Channele, and our peoPle have been rendered happier and better in &very respect Mider.tke*rnign-derinence of :&free Oonstiru tie and the. IgaValent reign, of.attnadtl- Who then willhositate-toansw,erpo fax salts achlevments ate concerned that' our govern ment has proved a decided success:- • - What though rebellitac has sprung forth in our midst? What though a portitikof,our.fel low•citizens -placed by, the accidents of forittne over thi'nerveless bondsinerinf dtuthysidnand* the nabie ignorant -of-their own race have mis taken themselves to •be rulers by Divide right,' and In the rare atmosphere of aristocracy and egotistical imagination have dreamed that they were priests and Kings before the Lord, and in the madness of their infatuation have tried to grasp ambition's crottn,,to shieldlhe brazeness of their dastard brows? 'Yet it is a truth that we are canable Of ielf-government. 'That we are free—that God has made us so. - "Diversity of interest and a mistaken view of the character of the, people of one portion of our great nation has wag beam permitted in order to deepen and strengthen the foundations of per collassal temple of , free governinent. ' Our proud bird bas'only atoned to strengthen his pinions for a nob'or, a bolder, a more daring flight. For three quarters of a century have we gone on in unexanaphod prosperity towards the ab oompllshineut of the designs of providence in our institution. 'For 'that length of time have we horde with, , a people of over=bearirig :and' tyrardoal mien—have we permitted sin Very to pollute our soil and vitiate our air rattier than' stay it in its iiikrblitowiriliethe fertile west by the latent strength of our great empire which lies in this casein the'llikilgot *Weritymillions Of liortli'irt4reenuni, sAbohein industrious labor, and the millions of which is being ponrediinto the national trans urii from her rigid cldee ,like water. No other nation could have borne for so great a length of time so uknch from any por tion Of its territory.- • • And even now,weare only to settle by force of armut what b,q.lopyliknon settled in theory, and evert inpeptide. Trebly fi nd rebel! ifre tbe confidence of the world frFtliexperroartenof of the strength and powerof our government; _when we have arbi trated . by arms what we butve already done in debate. • And shall we &minion:Ai' this ? Shall the peace angel visit and settle again among us?. Shall thd min of prosperitysigain shed his brilliant beams over, our loved land ? C f osvaird, unbse r . tio ask the thousands and . tens of thbusands of freemen who have left the anvil and the loom—who have turned.from the plough end their professions. hulk ..the City Counclisthe millionaires—the State governments of the loyal North—ask the civliisted • world, and you will 'receive an an swer-like the rumblings of an earthquake, in the affirmative, As sure as truth is better then error, as sure as right is better than wrong—as sure as power is stronger than weakness—as sure as God is merciful and just—so sure will th, gorgeons temple of American liberty raising its proud glittering dome through the stars to Heaven, stand'ilrut without° a column brokeh through the shock of war. - Our children's children shall worship in its chambers, that God who saved it from defacement by rebel hands. BY THERM. Later From Washington. I==l THE FRIGATE NIAGARA TO BLOCKADE CHARLESTON. -11^ Arrival or Pennsylvania Troops with Sherman's Battery. A Perfeot Blockade to be Established ARRIVAL OF $700,000 IN SPECIE Col. Wilson's New York Troops to go through Baltimore. PREGADELPHL4 NAVY YARD APPOINT MEN2W. INCIDENTS AT THE FIRE. DEPLORABLE. ACCIDENT. Another Military Department Es tablished. 300,000 Volunteers Offered. TRAY 'ROOFS E.N70712V0 CIOOD 11.6ALIT8 ANOTHER SOUTHERN ;THIEF RESIGNED. WASHINGTON, May 10 The big steam frigate Niagara, which sailed the other day with sealed orders, is understood to be sant to the blockade of Oharleeton. Every day the military force here is increased by new arrivals, and there wilt soon be thirty thousand fine troops here for the defence of the city, orfor any other service for which they may be needed. The Pennsylvania Regiment, under Colonel Pettertm; got hare In safety, with Sherman's battery, 'Lad Ilve companies of regulars. They had no trouble "whatever In getting through Baltimore by the . switch railrOad, and the au thoritles there seem satisfied now to make no trouble with our troops in . transit. The blockadißg force Is to be divided Into three agtuulrons. The - main fleet Is now sta tion-0 In the Gulf, ,and there Flag OtEoer 041cghso is located. The eepond portion of the eghadton will bictlitade the Georgia ports, and the third will attend to the oosat of Vir giaiftapAt4e bfr..Banfixrd, of the dAame Expreee Oottips ny, arrived here yesterday with .1700,0Q0 specie for the Government.. He bed a military .escort; mider,commluad of Captain J. W. Hoff man; of Philadelphia, 93i far u...Aanapolls, From that .point...torWashingt•ott tweinty-five men, of the BroCklyn regiment,: guarded the treasurC. ' N if: Pollock; or Baltimore, has been ap pointed Boate Agent on, the mail route from Bal timore to Harrisburg. - • • I learn that CCII. Wilson's New York troops, kfinwri as the roughest of the Toughs, are to march throngh Baltimore-very soon. On being told that they would be tired on from the houses in the Mob pity recently, Col. W‘ said : "Well, if they do, there will be -some' empty lots for sale in Baltimore about an hour afterwards." Some of the New York troops have been- or dered to Alexandria, as 1 nndesstand. The Zonarti - will be : imong them. Mr. Boswell Pari3obs' has been appointed Boot and - shoe InaPectilir at the Arsenal' at Mr. Gee. W. &re - has baan'appointed /dallier Paintwr at the thibidelPhia Navy Yard. ilany.,(Witi fel* 'l4formed by the Zoe e , Yei!;- twieh.iw - one of ;them reaching down 4rknii a koatOr liheiptpe, while hie legs were held *.tl4ofY # i b cfq***.,, H ie "body, 7 bodY •Me . lonipladyseitsser.re9f, , nosemst , awn it fset; tieing above the eaves. es a steam tiutin,g flu. Haring procured !Steam Power Prams, we ore prepared to execute 308 and BOOK PRINTING of every description, cheaper that it CID be done at uty other ea tablishmentin the country RATES 01' ADVKItTlEdita. gay-Four lime or less constitute one hall InPon' Et t 1 es or inure than four constitute a square. Ralf lquare one day...., one week . one month.. • three months, six months one year.......... . une y mare one day 46 one week. ..„ _ ...... 200 one month 3 00 three months ........... 6 06 Ids months-- ........... 00 one year 10 WI sr Badness notices Inserted In the Lexa eoldetw i aeib r a marriages and Deaths, FIVE CUM PlOl or each insertlon. /order:lnes end Deaths to be charged an regular advertisements. NO. 9 The fire was applied to the destroyed build ing in three places, and it was no doubt a de liberate attempt to burn out Willard's hotel. Me property burned comprised a nerve dela. drug store, saloon, &c., as telegraphed yester• day. Major Anderson's room was next the i firs, - and as he came down the stairs he was loudly cheered. Some .one said, "Well, Major, this his hot fire, but not as hot as thalat Sumter." "Yes," said the Major, "iVrtiot enough but at Sumter we had not so many to put tint the flames." The had conduct of Ellsworth's Zonaves has been exaggerated. There were but few disor derly men in the corps, and they were prompt ly attended to by the Colonel. A deplorable accident occurred at Camp Cameron yesterday, resulting in the death of Larry Keyes, of the New York Seventh Regi ment. The deoefuied stooped to pick up aomethiog near a place where a number of guns had been • stacked, and as he was in the act of rising-flier stack was accidentally strack and one • gnu ex. ploded, the wad takltigeffVet'* - hiti' boily and killing him almost instantly. Colonel Lefferts caused the remains to be placed in a metallic case, for transmission to New York, and dispatched thither an officer to personally communicate the event to the 'rela tives of Mr. Keyes. Major Ellett, of South Carolina, Paymaster in the army, has seceded from the Federal Gov ernment, leaving a balance of about $4.0,000 against him unadjusted. Lewis Cleppane, of the National Republican, has been appointed post master of the city of Washington. In addition to the new military department of Washington, Annapolis and Pennsylvania, the States of Ohio, Indinla and Illinois will con etitute a fourth, soon to be divided into several others, to be called the Department of the Ohio. Major Gen. ItE'Clelland of the Ohio vet+ unteers is assigned to its command; headqtar- Mrs to be at Cincinnati. The President by general order directs that all officers In the army except those who have entered the service since the first of April, take and subscribe anew the oath of allegiance to the United States. As set forth in the 10th article of war. It is calculated that at least three bundle I thousand volunteers have tendered their services to the government. Of the large number of troops here, but few are in the hospital, and these receive the best attention. A large train of care arrived at two this morn ing with the troops who were uninterupted theirpassa,ge through.l3altimore. Later from Annapolis. THE PICKET GUARD ATTACKBD, Wyoming Voinnteere Arrived-, About midnight a squad of some fifty mount ed Insurgents fired on the picket guard at Camp Butler across the Severn river, the guard re turned the fire and about twenty hots were ex changed. The garrison regretted that the na raudexe were not dismounted and made to gin an account of themselves. Similar squads are roving about ; their acts . are disowned by the citizens. The eye of Col. Smith is upon them. A. sentinel in the yard was stabbed to-aay by a person in citizen's dress. A million of dollars in specie passed through for Washington yesterday. The Regiments at Annapolis are to be sworn into service to-morrow, by Lieut. IL S. Put nam, who is here forthat purpose. -TheACtrty officers who were in the service prior , to April Ist will renew their oath of allegiance. • The steamer Silivonkell, just arrived from ANC Monroe, reports several -prizes taken at old Point Comfort. ' • - A Li.etttenantwf the Milted States Navy was aboard one of them: A severe gale with' rain is prevailing.' • The first company of voluatners from coming county arrived to-day. • Information received to-day from Westdee-- ton announces thelTkroh . itment, by the G;grie t iL , al Government, of Geu r grLeiland., Idsijor,(lsm ., eral of the Ohio voluntsere„p Western .Military Division of 49 .#/ 1 Western Rennsylranis is OPAtOlked 4 that dl viaion. - • SOUTHERN SHIPMENTS, SUpEND*I) AT ST. LOUIS. ARRIVAL O ATOM ?ROM BATON ROIION The Collector of this port has receivedord , s,W, from the Secretary of the Treasury, to e.7,iitnitie - the manifests of all steamers bound Sotdh; 6 compare them with the cargoes, and if 4r ia'os munitions of war, or other, supplies, are fat ul d on board, the boat and cargo will be coniiiiiffsk and the owners arrested forireaso . _ meats South have been &wended. . About 1000 muskets and several . _item, or cannon, from Baton Rouge, arrived die. river thiitynorntng. : . . 'ln' the Concord - comiany, which It• *ltlo the Fifth Maseactitaiefitte Beghstent; are, four Bata:Whs.. one ')of one Platy and • dia he l deeceAsient oft Amp la. Batts ,riols,Akbo gaTe tiw,„ wad 4 - coinv 4, °condor& grAdtcon tbb 4115rAtiiii felloo4 10d •6111Mff lake, fret" vLauv $01•+ Ge .300 4 0 . ...... ..... 600 Waanuonos, May Ic.• AziciPozas, May-10 Ea. Loan, May 10.