filtbitaL Ay er's CATHARTIC PILLS. ARE YOU SICK, feeble and complaining? Are you out of order, with your rystcm deranged, and your feelings uncomfortable? These symptoms are often the prelude to serious illness. Some ht of sickness is I:weeping upon pou, and Should be averted by a timely use of the right remedy. Take Ayer's Pills and cleanse outoat the dihejdered humors—purify the blood and let the Honda move on unobstructed in health again. They stimu late the functions of the body into v igorous activity, pu• rify the system from disease. A cold settles somewhere to the body, and obstructs its natural functions. These, if not relieved, react upon themselves and the surround ing organs, producing general aggravation, suffering and disease. While in this condition, oppressed by the de rangements, take Ayer s Pills, and see how directly they restore the natural action of the syatem, and with it the btoyant feeling of health again. Whit la true and so apparent in this trivial and common complaint.. is also true in many of the deep-seated and dangerous distem pers. The same purgateinrect expels them. Caused by similar obstructions and derangements of the natural functions of the body, they are rapidly, and many of them surely, oared by the same means. None who know the virtues of these Pills, will neglect to employ them whoa buffering from the d{-orders they cure. Statements from leading physicians In some of the principal ogles, and from other well known public per eons: From a Forwarding Merchant of st. Louis, Feb. 4,1856. Ds. APB R : Your Pills are the paragon of all that is great in medicine. They have cured my little daughter of ulcerous sores upon her hands and feet that had prweed incurable for years. Her mother has been long j'llrlylktuall 'Acted with blotches and pimples on her her hair. After our child was cured, she also tried your Pills, and they haVe cured her. AM MORGRIDQE. AEI A.FAMILY PILYBIO. [From Dr. E. W. Cartwright, New Orleans] . Your Pil's are the prince or purges. Their excellent qualities .attrpass any cathartic we possess. They are mild, but very certain and effectual in their action on the bowels, which make them invaluable tons In the daily treatment 01 disease. EITADACHR, SICK MADAM, FOUL STOMACH [From Dr. Edward Boyd, Baltimore.] . DEAR BRO. AYER : I cannot answer you WHAT COO/- plaints 1 have CORED with your Pills better than to say all that we ever treat with a purgative medictrte. I place great dependence on au effectual cathartic in my daily contest with disease, and believing as Ido that your Pills afford us the best we have, I of course value them highly. Prrrsnuso, Pa., May 1, 1856. DR. J. C. ATER-Sir : I have been repeatedly eared of the worst headache anybody can have, by a dose or two of your Pills. .t seems to arise from a foul stomach, which they cleanse at once. Yours with great respect, ED. W. MERLE, Clerk of Steamer Clarion, d Brum DISORDERS.-Ltrn DOXPLUNTS. (From Dr. Theodore Sell, of New York City.] Not only are your Pills admirably adapted to their purpose as an aperient, but I find their beneficial effects upon the Liver very marked indeed. they have in my practice proved more effectual for the cure of team Complaints than any one remedy I can mention. I sin cerely rejoice that we have at length a purgative which is worthy the confidence of the profession and the people. DKPARTMRNT 07 ma INIIBIOII7 Washington, D. C., 7th Feb. 1866. 812 : I have used your Pills in my general and hospital peaches ever since you made them, and cannot hesitate to say they are the beet cathartic we employ. Their re gulating notion on the liver is quick and decided, conse quently they are an admirable remedy for derangement of that organ. Indeed, I have seldom found a case of Bilious Disease so obstinate that it did not readily yield to them. Fraternaliy yours, . ALONZO BALL, M. D., Physician of the Marine Hospital Duman', DunaKora, BELLY, Wotrain [From Dr. J. G. Green, of Chicago.] Your Pills have bad n long tr:al in my practice, and I bold them In esteem as one of the best aperients I have ever found. Iheir alterative effect upon the liver makes them an excellent remedy, when given in emelt doses for Bilious Dysentery and Diarrhoea. Their sugarcoating Makes them very acceptable and cotivenieat for the use of women and children. • DrSPLYSIA, WORM' OF . THE BLOOD, I,FrOm Rev. J. V. Nimes, Paster Advent Church, Boston. - Dr. ATsa : I have used your Pills with extraordinary. BUCCein In my family and among those I am called to visit in d Wrens. To regulate the organs of digestion and pa rtfy the blood, they are the very best remedy I have ever known, and;l can confldentJy recommend thorn to nay friends. Yours, .1: V. - NIMES.. Wasaaw, Wyoming Co., N. Y., Oct. 24,1866. DUR Std; I am using your Caliendo ribs in my preface, and dad them an excellent purgative to cleanse the system and purify ihsfuuntains of the blood. JOHN O. maacztam, N. D. Oonemmthrox, empresses, Sur/140810N. RBEValtll3/12 GOUT, NEITEADNA, Dann; PaltaLlnlthFlta , 140. [From Dr. J. P. Vaughn, Montreal, Canada.] Too much cannot be said of your Pills for the cure of Costlvenses, If others of your fraternity have found them as efficacious as I have, they should loin me In pro claiming It for the benefit of the multitudes who surfer from that complaint, wmthoitteoegn bad enough in It self, is tho progenitor of others that are worse. I belive Costiveness to originate in the hvor, but your Pills affect that organ and cure the disease. ]From Mrs. E. Stuart, Physician sad. idwife, Boston.] I fled one or two large doses of your Pills, taken at the prow time, are excellent promotives of the Nataral SeOretion:when wholly er partially suppressed, and also very effectual to CL&LVIA the BTOMACH and. EXPEL WORMS. They are 2cl much the best physic we have that Ilyecom mend no other to my patients. rProm the,,Rev. Dr. Hawkes, of the IdethodistlEpiscopal Church.] - Poussa•House, Savannah, Ga.-, Jan. 6, 1856. HONORED SIR : I should be ungrateful for the relief your skill has brought me if I did not report my case to you.. A cold settled in my limbs and brought on exam - !Eating Neuralgia Pains, which ended is Garofalo Rheu ituttisM. Notwithstan ding I had the best of physicians, the disease grew worse and worse, until by the advice Of your excellent agent in Baltimore, Dr. Makenzie, I tried your Pills. Their effects were slow but sure. By persevering in the me of them, I am now entirely well. , Senn CHARMER, Baton Rouge, La., Dec. 5„1855. ' Du. AYER I I have been entirely cured by your Pills, of Rheumatic Gout —a painful disease that had afflicted me lor years. • VINCENT SLIDSI,L. Aermost of the Pills in market contain Mercury, 41aloh, although a valuable remedy in skillful bands, is dangerous In a public pill, from the dreadful consequen ces that frequently fellow its incautious use. These contain no mercury or mineral substance whatever. Price 25 cents per box, or 2 boxes for $l. .Prepared by DA. J. C. AYER & CO. Lowell, Mass. "Veld by 0. - A. Bannvart, C. K: Seiler; D. W. Ones Co., J. M. Lutz, Holmes fa CO., Armstrong, Harrisburg, and dealers everywhere. ap27.6mdaw HAVANA CIGARS! A fine atinortmeat, comprising P/CIARO I FIRE FLY, FARAGIOUNA, ETILV.C.9., Li Bma, LA Buono , Rom, Callow,. of all sizes and qualities, in quarter; one -filth al/d one. tenUaboxes,jantrecePred and for sale low by JOHN H. damn, 7a Market k&treet. isaBo - FIRST OURS GROCERIES I LARGE ARRIVAL! AVING MST RETURNED from the Allj.sEaatern cities when we have. selected with the alma= omit a large and coniplete assortment of su perior goods which embrace anything kept in the best City groceries, we respectfully and cordially Invite the public to call and examine our stook and some con PRIM. . • Ulna wi. Door. c. & co. M. M. HATTON'S LIVERY STABLE.. /Strawberry Alley between Fifth and Sixth Streets. THIS ESTABLISHMENT is stocked with e.toellent BOMA OAititIAGSS, BUGGERS, Bm., which will be hired on reasonable terms rearl4lnt: J. Q. ADAMS , , „ CANDLES!._ PARATFINE CANDLES, f3PIERM. CANDLES; ADAMANTINE CANDLES, =AMINE CANDLES, ; STAB CANDLES, • CHEMICAL SPERM CANDLES,. TALLOW • CANDLES. -• A large lot lowof the above. to store and for isileXtbe lout WM. p by WM. DOCK al & CO. .11, 912 OPootile Um Court Hollie. s um * m unsici —Thre oere*vo - Hundred E;tra- Sugar ... k. DlXat JR. &CO. . BOURBON .W HISKEY 1. v VERY superior article at 1 1 01:TR,BON td WH E ISKEY,In ON TINA boillakin store and for sale by a I I ° MEM H. ZIEGUR, gA7II Arbil &rat. Ittiscelictiteaus SANFO RD'S LIVER INVIGORATOR NEVER DEBILITATES. IT is compounded entirely from Gums, and has become an established fact s Standard Medi eine, known and approved by all the have need it and is now resorted tolet a with confidence in all the diseases for which it is re-0 commended. It has cured thousands / 4 within the last two year, who had given up allhopes i ,4 of relief, as the numerent unsolicited certificates lurk! my possession show. The dose must be adapt-1X ed to the temperament of the Individua. taking it,andlO used in such quantifies sr to act gently on the bowels. 1,6. Let the dictates of your t:r' use of the LIM 111‘100- l'i Cox- Lmot Coarrtaorre, Bu,uotet Os 0 DIARRHOZA, Stamm Cog- bi t Y .lions Bronson, HAM ti n CHOLIRA MORBIIB, Cuoritta '' JAI:MIXON, Fl3lllll Wats auccessitilly as an Menu will cure ECK RUDA ne moire Warms, is Twe Wl= at commencement o i An. Irmo cam ass erv.l favor M ifirMix Water In the month with the in. Ifrlgorator, and "swallow both together. MOM OX2 DOLLAR 1912 H 31122 --.ALSO-- SANFORD'S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS ! . COMPOUNDED FROM PURE VEGHTAI3LE EXTRACTS, AND PH DP IN GLASS CASES, Allt TIGHT, AND ' . WILL BEEP IN ANY CLIMATE. Thf. FAMILY CATHARI_,: TIC PILL is a gentle no active Cathartic which the W proprietor has used In hi practice more than twenty .3 years. The constantly !across- '-:: ing dentandfrom Mtge who have long used the MIS I and the eatisraction which all express in regard to Ine thew use, has induced me to place them within the ft. reach of all. The Papfession we ll know '-• that different Clatharties Act on diflerent portions of the,„„, bowels. The FAMILY OATHAR- $.O TIC PILL has, with due re Terence to this well Web. 114 fished fact, been compoun ded from a variety of the 14 purest Vegetable Extracts, which act idike on ovary . 0 part of the alimentary rev nal, and are goad and ate Pi in all oases where a ca thartic is needed, such to if Derangements of Stomach, SAT= Pains , in Berson ooer Thai _ Back ilaa body, and Lans, , ResaeUnere jr=st i or wekke in the head, all .. inflammatory Diseases, Worms in Ch il dren or. Ald re tilts, Rheunuttinn, a goat Purifier of the Mon& and m g many diseases to which flesh is heir, to numerous ` t to mention In this a Ivor. tenement. Doss, Ito 8. 0 t t -4, PRICE 80 m:m DM LIVER INVIGOEArtiR AMID L. AXILIt vATELUL -10 ?ILLS are retailed by Druggists generally,and sold wholesale by the Trade in all the large towns. B. T. W. HANFORD, M. D., Manufacturer and Proprietor, je2o-dkwyi] 835 Broadway, New York. MADERIA WINE. WELSH, BROTHER'S OLD RESERVE WIND: full bodied and fruity. In store and for sale by Rolm H. ZIEGLER, febl6 T 3 Market street. 1.-" STORAGE ! STORAGE ! TORAGE reoeived at the Warehouse JAXE3 Y. ISIEEILFER OM EXTRA SUGAR CURED HAMS For sale by WISI DOCK St CO tiot22 CITY LIVERY - STABLES. &rams/Jur` ' AULT, IN THE , &Zile 01 .. . BAUR'. 4110212., , . IL HE tindetsignedlas its..oaiiiiikeneed the ... ~.,.. .... - . livery busineew in his Ieapir:AK;SBAGLOUS STA B , twitted as above, with a .. wiriedateek 0 RORSts, CARRIAGES and 0 . ivarbleh be wil hire at moderate rate& ;:':;!.7:tt.1 1. 4 - 4c.'ffwaitrz. sepa-ay AUGUSTINE L. CHAYNE. CARPENTER AND BUILDER. Residence No. 27 North Second Sired. N. 13--,JOBBING ATIRNDED TO APPLE WHISKY "DIME JERSEY APPLE I In store , and for sale by JOHN R. ZIEGLER, 8q 78 Market Street, TiMPTY BA.RRFJ.S. —Two Hundred _La Empty Flour, Sugar and' Wine Barrels of all de• scr,ptions and prices, apB CENTRAL NURSERIES. York, Pennsylvania. VDWARD J. EVANS .& 00.0rProprie _Ea tors. Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Grapes, ninth traits, Rhubarbs, Asparagus, Shrubs, Roses. Redding plants, &c., tn great variety. Orders left with G. R. Small at the State Capital Bank will receive prompt attentitin. Catalogues gratis on application, tr marl6-Imdaw G, B. SMALL. OUR UNION dr OONSTITUTIONi 669 UR GOVERNMENT," by ht. M'Kur- Kgir t IS a work containing Me CONSTITIPTIoN or TEM wren STNS, giving the constructions& its Terms and Provisions, showing the relations Of the several *men to the Union and each other, and explaining gene. rally the System of Government of the Cauntry. Pries sl 00. Sold, and orders supplied, by him, at Harris burg, Pa. feb2l Agents for Counties and States wanted. A.LLISTER 0 , ALL-HEALING OINTMENT TRY IT , ! TRY IT S t , A BadicalßostorativeofPerapiration. Try is a fa4„tleyoruL the power of eonLitullotioicihd iris infaflble la - the cure of Darns, grekrol x o Diseases, All Tonierit,Vilesirtkmotediik Erysipelas, Chilblains, : Sem, Eyes, quinsy, Croup, Rheumatism; Colds, Cold Feet,Liver Complaint, dada, and all DISEASES-OF THE iCIEEST.. B Is rightly termed 'All Healing,. for there is scarcely a Disease external or itaternal.that it will : not benefit. -•- . . ~:.: For sale at the Grand Depot, • - %, .4 Et No. 143 Frarom Snail, Nair -Irma. - . a., ~, And by all Druggists throughout the United Suttee,. ... .I.IIcutLDITER, ?ti 143 immediately - to Agents Wanted immediate ly- to al to introduce it Leto: ''',,, K iltmilies, who muy. receive it ea liberal tense, for !? ',' NOTICE. .. . THE UNDERSIGNED has opened nie j., LUMBER OFFICE., corner of Third street and Meek. berry alley, near Iferr's Hotel. it' .ruy Lumber of all kinds and qualities, for sale by W. F. MURRAY. • . The undersigned will sell Horses, Caseation and har AO low for cash, ALSO—Horses and'earriagoi to hire at the aszoioftlesa marII.FRANK A. MURRAY. FREKE 1 - 1 F every description in cans and jars, ‘./ each package warreAted. mar 4 AN. DQCK aa..k CO. FRESH GARDEN and FLOWERBEEIe The largest stook In the atty. All „kV: garden beetle In large papers xi gime cents per for axle by mxr_ 14ANID 7 24 /18, 110 KidiLiet Wed.: ORANGES AND - LZDIONS. VORTY BOXES.inpime order:just 4: astral auditor eaJe.b. . -r . DMA altzk r BREDS.i:.f " • ; , A FELitill AND OOMPLETE 51 Jat rocebnrd and for Ala by 0210 4 WM. DO= Rt. a 00. pennolttuania Malty atelogapb, illebrteetav - Afternoon, Slap 8, 1861. 2111CON'IPALTPIS • LIFE PILLS AND PHOENIX BITTER& rpHESE MEDICINES have now been be fore the public ter &period of THIRTY YEARS, and dur Log that time have maintained a high character In al most every part of the Globe, for their extraordinary and immediate power of restoring perfect health to per sons suffering under nearly every kind of disease to which the human frame is liable; The following areamong the distressing variety of ho. man diseases In which the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES Are well known to be infallible. DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first and second stomachs, and creating a how of pure, _healitt bile, instead of the Male and , acrid kind ; FLATU LENCY, Loss of Appetite, Herattutru,Beadathe, Rest leesness, lessneas, ill-Temper, Anxiety, Languor and Melancholy, which are the general symptoms of Dyspepsia, will van ish, as a natural consequence of its cure. COSTIVENESS, by cleansing the whole length of the Intestines with a solvent process, and without vio lence; all violent purges leave the bowels costive within two days. FEVERS of all kinds, by restoring the blood to a regular circulation, through the proms of respiration in such cases, and the thorough solution of all intestinal ob struction in others. The LIFE MEDICINES have been known• to cure RHEUMATISM permanently in three weeks and GOUT in half that time., by, removing localinflammation from the muscles and ligainents of the joints. DROPSIES of, all lade, by !teeing and s Mg the kidneys and.biguider; they operate mord= felly,on.these important organs, and hence havii ,cror bona found L a certain remedy for the worn came of GRAVE Also WORMS, by dislodging from the turnings of the bowels the slimy matter to which these creatures adhere. scuitirst, ULCERS, and INVETERATE SORES, by the perfect purity whichtheee LIFE MEDI -0 NES give to the blood,, utd all thehumors. SCORBUTIC ERUIONS and BID GIMPLXIC lONS, by their alteraM effect upon the Zelda that feed the akin, and .the morbidotateof which OCaLlikina all eruptive complaints, aallow, cloudy, and other disagree. able complexions. • . The nee of these Pills for a very short time will IMO an entire cure of SALT RHEUM, and a strthigg im provement in the clearness of the skin. COMMON COLDS and INFLUENZA will always be cured by one down, or by two in the worst cases. PILES.—The original proprietor of these medicinal, was cured of Files, of 35 years standing by the use of the LIFE MEDICINES alone. judgment guide you In tb and it will cure Amerce, Drarsesu,Omeux• mums, DYMNIZRY, Pkor- VAL.COBQYZas®, Came, 110411111331, FIATULENCJ, N and tray be seed RY Fenny 11110101Nli. (as thousands can testily) os mats MANTON/Mal n attack. ma their testimony tn its FEVER AND AGUE " .—For tigot Scourge of the Western country, these Medicines will be found a safe, speedy, and certain remedy. Other'Medicines have the system subject to a return of the disease—a cure by these lieditines c larmammt.-TRY THEM, BM BA ANA I3R . ' BILIOUS 'O3B:OB.RS tiltrElk , dom- Lissuirr, Lose or Armes, and Di sums or Fsmstre:-the Medicines have been used with themost besetting remits is Gamma this demerit,- tkm :—Kings Evil and Scrofula, in its worst fornmyielde to the mild yet powerful action of these remarkable Medi cines. Night Sweats, Nerve= Debility . Nervous Com plaints of all kinds, Palpdation of the Hear, Paint is' Collo, are speedily cured. MERCURIAL DISEARES.!—Persons whose oonstitu tons have beoome Impaired by the Injudicious use of Mercury will find these Medicines a perfect cure, as they never fail to eradicate.from the system, all the effects of Mercury, Mai:Stalk sooner than Vie mind power. ltd preparationtrof Bitmaparills. Prep tared and sold by W. B. 2110FIPAT, 886 Broadirly, New York. Female by all Druggists. J3020.4w1y • rOVS.T . Var b igICA., Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, &c. c d iti L esio. brutal 'Remedy Vail been the Are for literal Bond of comndiveldled _0,11Menq,... 4 offered in 3011111 forme, a ttidib VoarrbOiC Ovev T 2/ illonlang, until this word "Bittern" le ; but another nanwtr “Itivirr or some virlanOun whiskey int:tank But the really great relief Aerived,from Ips minute dose, one teaspoonful, of our it - nab :be; IKEEHAVE'S ROLLAND V 4 1 : : and Pk entire aluence of kfter "; • p„: esta blished it a reputation which the , • lath= and counbrtibita live failed to Undermine. t Ypod tively a vegetable preparation, with barettemnicient pure girl eto-preserve it. ant • cue idea id' the genttinesi (thelf-Plnt Bottles,) price.Drn. Domes .14 in &Medicine of Inzig;tried - edKiu for .Putindnd the Blood, so earnotial for the foundation of good health end Po.rrfettha cußcOmli. 4 4 # 4 l , ,t l Wigoch and bow* _ • Two. or three doses will amines the itilileteaof its military effects. action of the r The stomachlrilltedit regeleilts strength, a healthy. wide and kidneys will soon take place,'and rene wed health be the quick result. ,y For INDIGESTION, 'Pry Berhave's Holland Bitters. Ppr B;RELETBDipir, Try Bo rhave's Holland Bitters. For ACIDITY, Try Beerba,ve's Rolland Bitters. For WATEILBEAI333,-Try WM. DOCK Jl4. & CO.V Berhave's Holland Bitters. For EITIADACIEM, Try , Berhave's Holland Bitters, For LOSS OF APPEITITE. Tr y Berhave's Holland Bitters. For COSTIVENESS, , Try Bterhave's Rolland Bitters, For PILES, Try • In all Nervous, 'Rheumatic, and Neuralgic AS°. times, it has in numerous instances proved highly beneficial, and lq others effected a decided cure. Aread. Citgoitftl! I''l=na• Yes Dot- LMID Erman is put up in balltpint bottles nnly,'and retailed at One Dollar per bottle. The gratt demand for this truly celebrated medicine has imbued many imitations, which the publio should guard against pu.rehasing. Beware of imposition t See that our name it on the label of every bottle you buy. Beig.' Page, Jr. &Co. 'SOLE- MANUFACTURERS, PrrrsnuAgniP* ror:sse In the city of Ifarrieb,Axg-oy D. W. GROSIKA CO. • - • -_ ; m3Ord—oepl44.wly JEWRLRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, FANCY 000DS, &Q . • ALFRED T. ZDEKERATU-is 00: xi . 5 MARKET aTßKET,.l"fariistnkr g , PL .opposite Hint's Harm end . adjoining the Ronan Hnm., hating purchased Abe. sleek of R .Jenrdngs, and added a large eatiertMent -of NEW JEW ELRY, we will sell the same at the lowest Cash goilde, and solicit patronage. . . Watches, Cloaks and. Jewelry neatly and promptly re paired. and deliverst- - . ALFRCD F. ZlWlCgliggo a; co, Hiving disposed of my stock of Jewelry to A. P merlhan & Co., I cheerfully recommend thomillo say for mer_ customers as practical, and „experienced Makers, and solicit flir them a contingence of the patron age which has been so generously extended to me during the last six years. . 3an29 ' ' tuna P. .11Dami£1. At the 'Ninth Reheition of the M. Charitable ifeelkonie - Association, 1860, MESS do BONS WIRE AWARDED • GRANO, SEMI-GRAND, & SQUARE PIANO-FORTES; AND US OTT mount, • EILLVT4II MEDAL, , FOR THE .BEST UtiltaCt . Ethioll,. , if. X:11-0 up BOLE AGENT (!OR TEE BetE OF TO 441.144 lOr A TIM' IrotaT ., Ealuctiisvae. Ibb6-dtf liPEAfi CANDLES t effe k s, wan innrz ,17 WDL. DOCK JD: asio, fflebital Hollamt: Bitters MI Bierhave's Holland Bitters. TEE GOLD MEDAL jolT JI3“. OftiltraL CEPHALIC PILLS CUBE SICK HIE ADA CHE CURE NERVOUS HEADACHE, CURE ALL KINDS OF FLADAOH:E. By the nee of these Pills the periodic mada of Nar lOPMll or Sick litadacho may be prevented; and if hurin a the commencement of to attack Immediate relief from pain and sieitness env, be obtained. They seldom tall In remove e r g Mama and Headache to Which females are so subject. They act gently upon the bowels, remetipil For Literary,Bou,Students, Delicate Pernalee, and all persons of sedentary habits, they are valuable al a Pewttich Improving the Arnim, giving TONI AND •1001 to the *attire organs, and-iestorlng the natural clean city and strength to the whole Velem- The CEPHALI . O t'll4.s ace UM reohit goig Won and earefellionndeobniesperiments, having been in use in ManlYears, during what'll time May have pre vented.and. relieved avast mots% idipain and sulftring from Headache, whether originating in the turnout eye. tent rwtrom a deranged elate ofthe stestacki Tbsy are entirely vegetable in their compokUM± and may be taken at a times peewit =AV itAbOnt making Miy dotage of dkicond Lie aboard may dim preable lam render:A emy toadstinatertJgm tophildres BIWAILIi Olt COUNTERFEITS I • The g enuine have five signatures or Henry C, Sj*lding on each b ox. Sold by druggists and all other dealers In medicines. A Box will be sent by mall prepaid on receipt of the PRIM Twinvmwtve craws. All orders should'be addressed to ' • HENRY' O. BPALDLNG, 48 Bedew Street, New York. ml FOLLOWING Famoilludisitra OY SPALDING'S CEPHALIC PILLS WILL I...WlliNCri ALL WHO t-Iner NH MOM HEADACHE, TEAT A. SPEEDY AND :SURE CURE Is WITHIN THEIR REACH. All Uwe I eetts, ;mere etelsottata by it?. SPALIA DM, they grord entgetestieneablepreif of the effi cacy of thie bitty OenVie dismay. MAacanzus, Ms BU 00an., Feb. 6,1661. . M.% I have tried your glepludie pus, and I like Sidi to well that I want yOll to Bend me two dollars worth more. Part of these are fie the nelgtibont, to wbotn I gave a few ont of the trot bax I got from' yea. ,Send the Pllls by mah, and oblige Your ob't. Servant, JAM SZNIODY. 140767026, Pa,, lap. 6,1861 • MIL &Aimee I nisi; you to se'eld me one more nox of year Oephao Pills, have eived ajraft deaf qf nitt frost Met. "115 11.1 4 grreNN Y S . TOTEHOUSII. SPlttlas CLUE,, Huntingdon to., Pa, 1 January 18, 1861. j 11.',0. &sums, - . • Sir : You will Walesa Bond me two_ psis of your Caphallo MM. Bend Mem immusliat.tlY• Rasp' ro. *odly'. yOu d J 1.16. a. sawn P. S.—l have mod one boa of your Pills end had them aroallaut. , .151t4s Pingo; Ot4o, Jan. 16, 1811. Atari 43.'gramisa,. Please find auoletsed twenty liva mods, for which send ma another box Or yonr,CephaSo PBL, .Thq'tere truly the bey Patelhose ever tried. Direst 4 STOVER. lf., Belle Vernon; Wyauclot Co., 0. Bogatr, Mw*, De*. 1,%, 1:1150. • U. 0. thritnrso, Esq. ' - I wish for some circulars or large show bUbs, te bring your Cephalic Pills more particubirly before my onski mere. If you have anything of the kind, please send to me: • •••• die of my customers, into is stibJetso ; to severe Sick Readarhe, (usually lasting tirttdays,)•wie cured of an" attack In one boor by your Pills. which I sent her. Respectfully yours. W. 11. WILKES. RZTAIOLDSBMIG, Franidin Co,, Ohio, Jacuary 9,1891. f HAMM O. BRAIDING, No. 42 Oedar St., N. Y. Dear Sir : .Enclosed end-twenty-five maw, (25) 4zr which send box of "Orphallo Pills." Sand to sour ass Bar. Win: 0. Fllier , Reynoldaburg, Franklin county, Ohio. Your :Ents work hthe a okarrn—esre Headachs canton instanter. Truly pure C. 111161.82. Trea.Arri, Mich., Sas. 14,1881 . Ns. Bramesch Sir : Not long sines I sent to you for a box of OePhollo Pills for the core of the Nervosa Headache and Cootivmeos and received the same, and they hind so good an greet that /mat induced to mid for more. Please send by return mall. Direct to A. E. WHEELIE, Ypsilanti, Mott. [From the Examiner, Noyfolk, Va.] Cephalic Pifls accomplish the object for which. they were made, via : Cure of headanhe in all Its terms. [From the Elandner, Noriblk, Va.] They have been tested In more than a thousand cases, with entiremuaseas. (From the Democust, St. Cloud, Minn.) If you're, or have been troubled with th a headache, send for a box, (Cephalic Pithy) so that you may have them In case of an attack. • [From the Advertiser, Providence, R. The Ce ) lhallo Pills are said to be a remarkably effect. lire remedy for the headache ) and one of the very best fir that very frequent complaint which has ever beeh discovered. [From the WmGem R. R. Gazette, Chicago, 1111 We heartily endorse Mr. Spalding, and hla unrivalled Cephalic lM a. (From the B.anawba, Valley Star, riumwha, Va.] We are sure that permits ardreritm with the headache, who try them, wilt Mick to them. IGrA Bill& Mile of SPALDING'S PRSPASSG GLUE ith save ten thfls tta east Rollo &41a.ft 777. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE SP.A_LDING'S PREPARED GLUE 1 SPALDING'S PREPARED GLITRI sAVE THE PIECES ECONOMY I DISPATCH we , . BUMS IN 1101111012 - t . . Al accideats isia kappa., suas sielt-repoaditatlies, lips very dednible W bars IMMO chap and, cooriades; way for repairing Furniture, ,Toys, Crockery; Its. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE , - maim. all nob emergencies, and no household can alb . to be wittund it. It la always ready pad up to the oak. tug Point. oDSEFDL IN IMMIX HOUS11. 1 ) • N. 11.—. A Brush accoapanles each balk+. Pria;2ll cis. , AddressNANNY 0. SPALDING, NO. 48 Cedar Street, New York. .CAUTION,. . . is oertalkospktoziplod woo= Oki attempting -palm Off Ael thewimp( . .oticts., 110114 foiltaatons of my PSII Pap woad esofliOn. 811 persons •to olomizio tar and ivla %AU. full Um, W _. , giriff i Gt l . l, ffl **VA Wrapper - ; all othano are =oll, ANNUAL a#4,, Ertllat„Fig ;4- `4n7P2i reestasd = DRUG VORA 11/ MadraiiSeNk ilisctilantans Dyspepsia Remedy DR. DARIUS HAM'S AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT. this Medicine has been smal by the Tubiic Pr rig`( with incrwashm favor. It is ratoormamkd to DitWelefue:', Nervousness, Kart-Burs, WU Pains. Wised in the Stomach, or flies in the Eknosi , , Headachy Prow: Mien, Kidney COM , plaints, Loss Spirits It itrimos Tramcar, harnostra slam/me, BXMLLILLIII9, I VI. at/d, 501 WM. mot brim:tams 05 370 AnB A MEDICINE it is quick ad effectu al, curing the moot aggraysting case o Dyspepsia, dey Complaints, and all other derange outa the Stomach and Bowels, in a speedy manner. It will indentrY revive the most mellitus IS an vdtirlia, m d restore the wafer, nervous t d sic ly to health, strength and vigor. Pomona who, from the inpadicious nee of liquors, have become slidected, and their nervous systems shattered, oonstitutions broken down, and subject to that horrible auras to Inmanlty, the .Dinmson TIMM% will, almost immediately, feel the happy and healthy invimstalins Macy of Sam ' s Invigorating Spirit,. WHAT IT WILL DO. hogs.--Gne Wine glen MI as otten as neoestary One dose will remove ell Dad Spirits. One date will EurelGuallanwit. Three doses will care;sullgoetton. One dose will eve Town Good Appetite. One doss win atapthe l Petal of GPIP O P III4 . One dose will. Timm the asuresung and disagreeable streak °Mind or •ilsitulenee, and as soon as Ins stomach sereivell the invlgoradng kir% the distreadng load anti' .1111 pahafel feelings willbe renewed. One dole Will retnoTe thermos' glistening:4 pains *Moth., either Witte tamer& or bowels. A few doisi 1411 remove all obstrnetiona in the Kidney, Bladder or Urinary Owns. Persons who are seriously afthoted with any Kidney Ootoplitints ere astrared speedy relief by a dose or two, and a mike' cure by the we or one or two bathe. pIIGHTLY. DISSIPATION. pillions eft°, from died - pacing too ma* over night, and feel tie evil snide of poisonous wore, is violent had aches, stclows at stomach, weal:nem, edible/a, kc., Will dad one does will remove all bat teenage. TAtellis of 'weak sad sickly oonstilutiona, should take the invigorating Spirit throe times a dal; it, will make tam strimg healthy and hippy, roman all obstruotiona and &replied' ties irom the menstrual organs, and reetora the bloom of health - Mid beauty to the careworn face. Marini:pregnancy it will be found an invaluable medt 01010_10 remove disegteealele sensations at the stomach. All the' proprietor maks is a trial, and to &does thin, he Min put up tha invigorating Writ In plot bottles, at Ito cents quarts Sl. General Depot, 48 Water street, N. Y. Wholesale 4ent, Pldiadatptda, D. YON, & CO. and for sale In Harlitug by O. L. Ea cnvartcD. W. Grose k -Co.-and-C. H. Mar, sad by all Druggistaimerywitere jel4-dawly FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. SPRING AND MUM STYLES. . 3. 8 6.1 . PERIAPILPEJA.LFASBIONS. GRANVILLE STOKES' ONE PRICE GIFT OLOTHIN4aEMPORIUM No. 607 -OZDZYTNUI STIINk'I. A saperb stook of Ass Preach, Zagllsb and American 0L0T1313, • . CIABSTMEIBEA, and VIWTIN,OI3, . Nor Illy and Country trade, with an uulpfuachabb as oortumnt of Ileum 114 es OLOTIUNG at the loweet cash tip Arßut OIMPRICII Is asked, and a Olif of intrinsic worth: and use presented with each aettote sold. Peril utiles ahentlon paid to the Customer department, and garments slide andient to order to' nsddress. In bta uratins this new system of do teg business, GIRANVILI,S STOKES would impress on the minds et the Patriots ends establishment, that Am optit Of the gin is deducted tun, and MOT addOd to the price of thu arii• Die sold,. Els Immensely incresiming saleei tumbling ldni Mita that literally, and it the sante 'dine to relate a reteuriermiie elf aY - oaks guitranteed fn eirre enllreeatietacUoit• G z 'o LE STOKES' ONE PRIOEOLOTIIINMEMPOEITA, 1107. STRShT. Ootliilsmf4Anwequr . FRESH. 41,.EtRIVA.I. OF Roxoari, BUFF, IS . — R, Qererr,- ' • • Hatiosr, Seam Owe, POLO,- Edam, . Makes .142.fiees&S, Wilma Tees, A 0. t,.4150. Just received sad for sae et theLoire:o amen ereelee. • ebl6 • : , .1911. pOOK JB. & :DENTIST-RY: , ' ITHE andersigiieil; DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY, has returned and resumed his practice it state street opposite the 'Brady House,". wh ere he will be pleased'to attend to all who may demire his ter vices. fsep9l] B.U. GILDEA, D. 1:0; S. MOURNING. CA . O ODS OF IMMY DI23OIItPTION. Goleery, Gloves, Gauntlette, in large quantities. Great assortment of Embroideries. Wks Underwear, different elan and quality. Gentlemen's do ,do do Misses" . do --' ' do •do Boys'. do - •do do ,Cloths, Vassimares, Satinetta, Jeans, ' %bid everything fbr Yen and 89% wear. Oitithimetut , All good; without distinction to style or' quality, will be sold at a very slight advance, and lido than omit of Importation. . CATIIO9BT & , . Next door . o Gyp dant sbnrg pit dl? Market *LOAM ariaiaiaain QUINCE, PEAR, CURRANT, PEACH, APPLE, BLACKBERRY, ORANGE, RA3P.BERRY. lartzeoehed from• New 'York and warreated super fine. . [feb9B]. Wm. IXICIL, Tr., Ir. co. SCOTCH" WHISKY. -- r I VE PUNCHEON- of PIIREx.BCOTOR WHISKY Jost received lankier geld by ~1 0/ P1 *it 78 Market Street. , WE ME SEASON, FlLlVanillYMl,4:4l"l"l"ntAin market, Roses Pine LeMl32l,nele A Strawberry ' . . .ligerylliiiiimiest , • pash l y. 0.,, , water, . 1., Pnre: •,..„ Distined 'Bakuig Soda" , . . Bast RtAsb. It cram Tartar, 1 3 kw nx*PC,Pa..r. tourtu,,r, Herbs. r 44 D e hias BM* 51 Biatiit•l4llo,. • W. A. BATCHELOBS NAIR DYAI MHIS„ BPLENDADII4I4 „DYE has, rtO O.&a; drea—Bearitital be im. " itam m e the hlgin or %Whig the thitablotrit ond.ll.42llkat of Jloit Ono, and lavigorotoo the Usk tor,lito• done 14:7 5 Inge" signed "W. A. Batchelor ." Vold Oarpf re. - r :, CHM. - )3ATCERELOR, Motor. . urn I.ll„l34rclay Woe", l ew Yo • OTIC TO "co - Attio e F Othila• PATENT WEIGH-CARTS tested "atid Oortitted to ' bi' the - 1111 ALAR OP wieragrs -ILLUNCEI2I. ' . Mr. Jima M. WRARLll2—Baving ' lids day ale tad your Potent Weigh Curtis, and found thew perfectly corre at, / therefore put my seal-uptin Mein neeordtwto law. ;- . . FREDgB-041t TRACE, Beeler-of Weiglito and l ( esouren 17,1567. JUST 'RECEIVED - - ii%O.THER LOT QF THOB EXTRA FINE POINTED GOLD PD#O 'BagleY's . I • to,-lire*o best 1,11 x. 4,4ol4l2,%,V4rialt's+li= Owes ot Tattoos ab s A i m4 l l .lit i f t o - 1 its:akisk. ifttbicaL DR. JOII_NBO\- 12149,..termivicaz t . z ; r r e m e d ye h e cmt the r ce ori r d t t u n ic , LOCK HOSPITAL luid d e; eetu v ai ) DISEASES OF IItIPBUDENcE ix= us tax 10 TIMM Berle No Mercury or 71 oxtosui Drug, iiirA Coo WAJtaLerco, OB SO CRAIG'S, a Fla Two Zusw.iiit os Weakitses of the Hoek or Limbs, Strict,oi, F,l the Lotus, Affections Of the }Wrier and Bladde r - Weakness, Nervous Dabelty; Decay of the Phy ers, Dyspeptia, tau , Loweldrite, Cooroc o , rtele. nation of tho > rt,llmtddffty Tramb::op, of Sight Or Giblitueot; Disease of the StOtnatb. Of as Bead, Throa t Ntoss or Skin—tho se den arising trim toe inattention or Soutar;• Youth—those dreadful and deeteneure pmts -: e; ; produce cottatitaDhuht debaltY, reodor marrige Bible, and destroy both body and mind . TOUNO Ilnit Young men espeendlYeertio have beoom2 ice mewl , r im, 'h a & dtilsitpA end dettrueuee sit ` 2 -4- - annually sweeps to 111 nlitimaly `rare t h"., - ELM men of th e taunt *Salted latent tad brl,:aL':' wbo Atibt o th erwise hate obtrar, tee with the thunders orelognesee, or w turthe living tyre, may.osit with nth cousise,,, - • maraucia. Yarded persons, or these sontemPlsnLi - ma im awry of physical weakness, should iin iz ,, l4 l,' rat Dr. J. sad be restored so perfect heal t h ' VEGAZiIIe holoseidatily erred awl tiro eeor H. who planes himself under the wire of ; religiously confklo In hie tionor as a gentles's:, tz - tastily rely he ms a physician. "- sa.ogloo No, Frederick street. R. Md., on the ledi han going from Itaittnacr.: doors from the corner. He pardon'', In obk-, L. mum or anunbor, pr you will mistake the place tpuistr for i f=se= s, Queots, with IS se or Paltry smacked by tna r-. don of Dr. Joimon, lurk near. All letters must Mites "'Postage Stamp. AR Joabisrom. Dr. Johnson member or the Soyal COlLege •Ji London, grodnitterions nob of the mast emineet t of the Untied Stater, and-the greatest part of a '..,.. has bam wow lit,ftlioapitele or London, delptdi and eteewhere, has'elliseted soute of Ile banishing ante thittinnit ettir known. listy . with ;Minn; in the ears and head whoa aster*„ „r 4,. vousneas, Warmed M sudden sounds, ba with frequent h Gado', attended sometimes old' meat mind were cured immediately, TAKE PARTICULAR NOTIcs. Dr. J. oddment' ail theta who havlog tr,or,. Dives by privateand Improper Indulgeoc,es, and solitary habit whlcitruins both body and , fitting them for eltherlitudnassor society. There are Billale"oftfrisad and melancholy Muted by early bablti dr youth, vis Weakoe, Book a i nd ly.intbe, Perot to the flood, Dtmoess Lou. of MUllaular - Poret, Palpitation of the Hear... peg's*, Nervous Irritabilkzr, Derangement of the • FonOtion, (iOrterati Debliity, Symptoms of non, Ito. illinstostff, the: rearthl ~it on the mind are be dreaded s-40isli orHemory,'Cooftsion 01 pression of Spirits, Evil forebodlegs, Aversiou t. - • ty, Self-dlatrtud, Love of Solitude, Timidity, as., are • - of the evil effects. Thousands of peraonsof all ages, can now I in the cause of their dodino,ln health, 'Wing , 7, beootathe 'weak, pale; univocal and emsc.sted, singular Appearanee abOnt the Oyes, 00084 ILI I.:. ma of consumpticn. ' l'oll2oll lax . _ who have Injured tbsaidiew by • amble pract.c Jelired lu whenalone t —a habit frequently Warne,: :r •: et 11 aompankete, - or at "oboe& the dmi" of Wt 2,. •LighU7 24 4 0. 01 1 0940 n Weep, and It not cured, Marriage Impossible_, and destroys both mind and ihenhi apPly ' What a play that a young man, the hopes of try . the *ling of his parents, id be sestet:lel all preened" anteutioyments 01 life by the oomeg uena of deviating feed abekath of nature, and Ind Apo/ certain secret habit. Such persona molt, before come 'eahOt theta seimtmited and body are - the most necma Se9=9l9 39 promote ceutunbutt happiness. I--. tbeee, thirjoeibej through ifs become a p2igrbitagett-tb.. preened Willy dmions to the re,' WWI ,DOOOO3Oll shadowed With despair, and elh , : a - % ; L. melancholy refloodlon'that thehappbxess of BI.11'.:: LL, otunou Melted with Mir dem, MINOPT B itiVI OO = cO HUDIEDY foil 011410 By Ma mil and batiottintraMay. Weikozi %law are spaataisml..andl fa vigor ratored Amanda of the 'twat narrow' and debiltated tualant. bope,:4loll.4ll4lp4istelY redace't 4 %noirodkaanta to. Marriage. or Mental Luca.: alba; lternana; i friaribilis, Manus or lithsrsta tikd Prit40104.01./4014T ' 3 . 0 Malian& ' 'litre many thoiiiitei curie at thhibllitiatoa .:, hillihreWe SIMUNi-Sltd Ume i tteeerpue haportant :cr. , °P,r l .4k , n 3 PpyrorMed by Dr. J., Ir/teased by LL , potter[ (tate poets enttlehurfutber Perms, ''' c ' Iltkict htßottlfFoo.eipketta4.egetti before the pc: babies Mir aft' - it lirAtaelene et charade ac , , DI OF UP to the etlhhtect D OF lIKPALIV OlL—When the edit. , and imprudent yaw of Its:Cade be by ,r- the tends of Ude' pitted' ' It toe often hap, v. , , on,. -titAthe,Ceettelf of or of utooTe) .. L a um Ir o m IWAYfrig lo WOrlith ' from edvcatN , u . . epectability eMt alone belh'iond detaytng n , tz: atitit. ll Pß4.F 7 4ploalis of, Mb .horrt inmate Ea.. e:. itmere - emoting the Midi throat, boa, ee . . 111"TeMi l cre ell l M a r '' ' uti d" -.' period. to_ ' iin nu :' - beam from'whettee returns." ft ,/sicatigYAnt , that theemande fah Men= to tni >.- . Meade, Meet:" the milidlinhedse of %mom , ,': - em, who, , thews oft fitttieediepotsoo, eur ~.., • the Catettltetton Sod make the resides or We m .447,L • .. • . • . To Bras/taxa s.-ailss Doctor , " Diplomas EAL, °teas. sir Letters must Otoutain a Stump tons on Ifiritemegthhi sum by "IL fir-No. 7 Southteeth ,uhth street,, Baltimore C HILO RE4 • • TEETHING'. a Alia; Wn i n 3l4l7 ' 'An nnienionned Ram and Female Physicist!, pro , " , . the etteatkajd mothers her 9yßU}' For' 'Children Teething. Whist limilltatee the of teenui , efilogthiiiitizon,redwilitig tion-siri2 s PAW, aud emeermodic action. sod SURE TO AlgiatrUenr, TEE Bo v 7 - 1 -' Depend z Cl i g j il r mouters,lt, will give feet AND HEALTH youß o • We have put uls and Bold this artlcle for 1. 7 " . Alia, and cow in, re' anremstme rem, have hew able Io eay or any °Oa 3 l' d :; ' A.IIPAL RAS.. IT Rat BA IN A SDN3I.3 , 11071 , 7 t CllNklirlien timely used. Nara 1 149ir ' 41114"IterAlallaillaCtion by any one - It. oty he podirary, eM• 'axe delighted scan iitiedystid -speak in terns of !Ugliest ootause ll ``. - lie *MOO • Ovate and medical virtues. We °P,t, Ibis' maitte'switt 're no snow, liter ten M r! ..rd ;if iletwei.:Alrlaitaiwkeeet :Wirtevom CAI ir per4wBte ww, woo meow. In almost avd7 where thelbflUittitibilheing from pile and tabst„, 11/lA. Moen or tweet/ law" . — t ingas i s ths preenrP, 01 the Anal, KlatillgaiNaw A Bu d g :MI% 7„yri New 'nand; and. hes bees need vdth no g .4; ' iltatathilia' Car CASial it not coup child from 4 1 1 111111 1AINA lAgrieli and bowels, aura t VT" Xone afidttierete the whole Olt"' Isist-folauttly.teatwow coix 'ifs tiat BOWELS, AND VW, eeetWieloternilelone, which tr Deg 0 P• r “:16-es aid ' eat Moo/4 We behove thewo .ad P. T nr nup in all was of is rR DUERR= - whether l uid eef OCOURII:Ot POO 1 41, - Pther male. " every mother Trlio'nes - ii - obild suffering n iu m rn nicg i. s foregoing OftSll.l.llo NOT tar roux tsQ rezzontam. pg .eruegen, mend between entering child aria the relief that will be 5UK. 6 7,,j, filDtifrrsoltsilow the nee ac r t e, o o .o, it i gteA„. o g#4 Flin directions for mint uwue• 'its* ifts 'tithes toe_,,, r s o p, 9Cntrailimrd an ibW il. " 01yZikr the Weed. .33 Cedar IL, Now L_ °r t.,lo. 11- 1 4.7.1rAi5P.,01, *pinto vet rrrn i Tco.,y! 6 tli 111=tailr. W. area 0 4: fifftra . uts, No. 42 rinfe wi rpl Sibr4 Xarhowstrestv*WerWo-• IONS;