111eDf1cit . e 9 yr s .ttil 3 . J;i s ".'ij..i '.- ..., ,-. ~ -CATI - lARTIC . PILLS. •,.,,,... .. . ..,-.. , A ,..it t ,,,g.YOU SICK, feebic and complaining? 11 Ara you out Of order, with yo:ir Py . stcria deranged, =CI your feelings uncomfortable? Iffe:e`ssrnproms are . _, . nnentneprelede tO serious illness. -. come ilt et sickness - - 0114 , ,(1.n i ,sitsitahottldbetiverteaby a timely kreniedyi.-'flake Ayer's PIUS and cleanse Wiedlnitions—lpurify the blood and let the :aids marmite uneestructed in health again. They :Aim - - lato the isactiO.us of the body into a igorous activity, pu rify the system from disease. A (old settles somewhere dat paitigdyi aid obstructs its natural functions. These, Alf dtfrelevfad," react upoii theinselves and ti e surround or Aortsilucing genorad-aggrovetio.n, puttering and e ';...M.Athit 111 ihitf-cenditiouiltipitrested by the de-' raugeraenis, take Ayer a Pills, and see how direetly they I Mit i llii k i4P4. action ofthe system, std with it the . „.cting oi health again. What i s true and so 'atit .In this trivial and, common complaint, Is also I'roe is many of - the deep-seated and dangeroes. distern tn. Ulla' sam purgattve erect expels them. Caused , altedbsr obstruct-foes and derangements of the natural ' ' &tarot - the body, they are rapidly, and many or tnem-auKely, mired by. the Fame means. None who Intatifittd vlrtuti Of thole Pills, will neglect to employ suffering from the. di orders they cure. • ' t dements from leading phyerei n ns In c ome o r the principal algae, and from other well known puddle per' /riNggt-brificifildirideratia of sl.'Uuls, Feb. 4, lildd. rri•A if • Pills ''' '.. i ...".' YER ; our are the paragon:of all that 'ti gretionttrusgiclue. They have cured my little daughter '-'-fif alcerous seree .upon hert , ban la ono feet that had sawed incurable* nars.._...H.o . r.mother has been long - , - 1, -ft wagy Arctedwitb blotches . - and pimples ou her audlria;Aler hair.: 'After cone child was cured, she KM1.1 .2 led 3,6 i Pills, and they have oured bee. -: . . AAA MeRGRIDGE . . . 5 • , • A_FAais Perac. [From Dr. E. W. Cartwilstit., New Orleans ) are the price of potwee. Their ecceiient --- -11 (31 0 ,att ioiti aWillrefithartic., .fi'a.poss aoy are kitgiuid:Vrittual hi their_action T on the w to tue daily " ... treatment of dleeme. •. 1 ". lizahacar; Sicx lix.tiitice.s, rout SlCJldeil. j[Frop Dr. Edward Boyd, Baltimore ] Dux Bao. AT ER I cankot answer you waer com plaints haviti near) With your Pills b e tter than to say aid that Ica ever treat with it pgr9ative medic me. I. Wan: Belitt.4.4Paniettle on etLetuat cathartic in my drily dottiest kith disease, sad believing . as Ido that yo .r tidlonaffted. as.ttle best we have, I of course value them PITISHINIG, Pa., May 1856. L. J. C. Avis—Slr : I have been repeatedly cured of the worat,tteaddelie anybody,can have. ' by a dose Or try°. elf ycstr'Pals:'' zentiaa tb arlae from e. feel sto=.aoh, whl4t.they cleanse at onoe. Yourelvith great respect, PEE SLR, - Cleric of Steamer CLarion. COXPLAINTS., • tyro* ThoOdore.Ball, of New York City.] NO, tire your. Prigs admirably adapted to their larpotie as an sperm t, but I tied their beneficial erects eye" the, ktver very marked iudeed. I hey have in wy intetteerovad more effeetual for the cure of Miens endeputota than any one remedy I can mention. I bin oerely rigoice that we have at length a purgative Which 'eta rwmtthr the candlionce. of the profession and ihe imaciisbare . DFFARTICENT OF THE iNTER/ORA V4shicgton, D. C., 7th Feb. 1556. EIEBEI siEtrr.mthave used your In my general and hopital ,tpriatioChf6rainiffiryOtt made them, and cannot hesitate to say they arelthe best Caittartic wo employ. 'Their re gulating ochon on the hver is quick and decided, copse. rthently,thay Iwo lin admirable remedy for der.lngerpent af that organ. lodeod, I.re seldom found a case of Disekaie'iO obstinate that it did not. .readily ' • " A.LONZO 11. „ , . Phyi-ietan of the Marino liof.pital. uaiicaffne, RELAX, ViOßNia. r [Front Dr. J. G. Green, of:Chieago.] riaVefiad a long trial in my practice, and I If6ici't,n4liiii'eate . em as one of the best aperients I have ever tOW;ICI Viols alterative effect upon the Deer makes —tbetilitigt excellent remedy, when given is smal. deses ter iiltnotax , Draijatery - and Dl.irrhoea. Then, .sugar r ootitiag , Akingelt theca'Tery'seceptable'and ettoirenient for .the use wwwwead children, • LC+ T4E BT.OuD. PetfitOr Advent thureh, Boston. va:ADr.:Aasa': , : I:have used your Pills with 2xtrrordinary. suacesterrhey Pamtlyand among those I um celled to yi -it ~,,titAblitrass2ll:To regulate the.organs'of digestion and pu- . ray the blood, they are the very best remedy I have: ,eanai:kitocn,istadj , l-can confidently recommend them to - ha ftleadce: - .1 .v Yours, J. V. BIM S. Waivitua L iVyoming Co., N. Y., Oct. 24,1255. re.= using year Cathartic Pllis in my priticenittel. liactidta elr4illent pkgaftive to creap.se ale ethath - al fie' ar Mood. • -* JOHN G. BlItACictLY: M. D. .', 3 CleifriMEar,;' ,l l4:ifikorii§ I Si;PPRiSSLM, 'REisEaAT:q.y. • '4. l'ailet's, al.tumoicirA4 EtSiVg7,"PAkiaLl'iliSgirS, STO, I 1 ..:. a accup..Pr, Ji•F', Vauglin,blontreal, Canada; 4 i iliteek VAlt t ; l 5. ; f oli o 4 La P tet ' f t7 ha la s% L til itsti ldruiteiatill'haie,they thould loin me in M.o. claiming lc for the benefit of the nault,tude. who BuTer •Mom tbatAcomplaint i whtch -although bad_ enough in . it. Di liiiirlalbe' rifbieliitbiOrtitheti [het are worse. ' I belive CosUvenees to originate in the liver, but your Ellis affect that °rpm and cure tho•dlsease. ...._ _ . , /Flom Ihirs:iFfeHtilarts-Plasielati - and' Midwife, Ethst:m.j aii:mtritwTo largedintes of your Pill; taken at the, one Tape are - ezceilee,t..prnpuotives of the Nataral "ItWastren wheii - Vla ilWilifiarillily suppressed r aud slim very effectual to crat.osOliestax.fic4 and ELM - 71..*0n,5t5,- htiellitrirf4 iiiiichltihih'el3t.Phisie wci , htiSe . that i reeds?, .Lbibh,4 hlihtthkto hiyphtlents. :. - - ; ..* . . 7'4lXll4glhiViejt.; br-laavelces,oflheliethodistlßpiscopal Church .. - 3,l prigiggi.HonA t Hivarinah, tita.. Jail. 6, :1656, -t ,, ifoilidititikHitrt , '.l -- eddula'be'utigratel ? ul . fur the i,Ater ii;yintrzekiiii tisiairougaW it , 'l did 'retlit: my nr.Se to you_ A cold settled in my limbs and brougia.m, emirs datingsqur,allgie talus which ended in. Caroni° Itheu matiamluitbsti6cling.i Sian therbest of pi:s sioians, the'disel grew We se..• worse, mita' by the advice of pint ' delrent.''agent 1135. na Baltimore, Dr. Mckenzie, I tried yo ur fillir. , ' , NCT:CteCts'ivere slew but :oars 13y persevering in theMtMcf then4 l l am now Y entirely well. .' iirdniiiceilinisi:Salen itonge;,La., Dec. 5, 1555. 1 01 14....41r5e..L.J.Je0, re .bbiltl,isiiiirdly Cured b i, your Pile, ' Strususeatic Gilut—n;_p_Ainful disease the , . had afflicted IV leitre... , . VINCFM SLID n II: ,•:.:a ti glop) et , tlie:'-rilli in= market houtalu Mercury, atltsblisiosititiegh a'Artiblabitit%:tetifedy is itkilltlil-hauds, is atito OM 1 1 8 3 e Ak Pik.b49 Pnif TrOMthe . ..ll7e.Rdrta nonsprinen .i - iregeangg.hollow , its incautons use. There .• - ieetenrylk"iiinni4 an.bstanbe whatever. A T il.hiliiikbhihitPPObiiii di 2".lioSElE'for $l. nomiaLag - 41 , Dte.JJ , .:o. , _A,Ylta_ik. ("i().i' , 1,..,,,5,Q., ass. . • * 4 44 - ) 39 1 1,, Y1rtf,C,:K- . fcMor,l3.. W. Gross g,.. Iliaika "°!la r l - ,.'F 00 e ArmettMalt, Harrisburg, 1131i&here'.. '' '' - '-`"'"''' hii%7:BEhdivr a, , • _ • . . • A11i:97.4,b1,41-VIGARI3,I • •-• -`• MN FLY, • .... .14t i ter T EL itEiNi:NYW , , C,61[0110, Oran alma and quantlit; talqnditir one fifth. widen, t"t i l t i 10014 safe iox by Joior ziEGLkR :•••,•1; 0: ‘l•_ , 1 -•-•.,• • • • ' 79 ' 111 arktit ITeJ ZGREIIIILABS:GROOERIES RI - 17 - A AVINGLAT&I''—Ii kktriNED from the illitLAreitstira wh ire :_we have. *elected .with the svovat. jargeland oempletc usortment of hi * 8941)144 / 9 APt u tg a ge anything kept in the best . 1 4 , 5 yttgespectrally aad. cordially invite the 1 d 4144. el§eVaiza ow stpct and Noma. ova .114 1110 At , :aiLTTOWS i tilt cIiRAT,-;-:'j ..c.. - ''-' 7! .A B Ls E. ; :, 1 4414:#ii , ;46ite. 'Ajilo .. - and aatiztoZz of L ; Twq , Sixeh 'Skeete:j ':, . . rOtti l itAtigiii Wl' ii stocked with ippw o3 4 iligitnitp-.W.IIRIAGi 11,,.; BUGGIES, &C., . 141nEtilron on rensnnalnetotno . J Q APAM; l•i. 001 1 ;,1'S Y• • •_,Y 010 131 04WIPANDLE4 • . CANDM S STEARIME-CANDLES, CANDLEB srthif CANDLES, - -GANDLES. Jl at of the above in atom and to*ealP,aftlie low • •• by t W ; l 3 2 "'„ ,DOCK, Sc. co., _:DOCK. the-nouh-itoase 'breW l 43l OffitilKajtistrik= ' „ cis S Wll..l4.lAgg_JR. & Go -- - • cittAri - ON WIIIS-KEY 1 lir...i. • , . . , • a4peripi article , el ,BdlJFk BON . - . ~ _ _ i, 1 + la qua, rt, i1c.4.ti.1: LI stereand fer sale b 7 .4-'''"."'... -' 10111 T E. ZIEGI,PR - ~111.E.V 'ii.., 1...1.; .'i •F ,.4 .:o33l6ltetilitill.J . . .=• - e , ..2~,AAN Jr' RD'S ti V4::g riqVIGORLITOS rzad has betr,rao &o eOttiOltehar2 tict a Sis.n4rd 51-3,11 olue, kho%'it and appravad'a, by all 'have' dged. add .u 055. resorted.. an. 0.4 W:111-;4:01ifidenkle 41. 1115e18 , 38 by which it IscontideLied. ' It has cured thdds3addit'S4 within the twit t'we year: A - to had given hp. althopest4 of reliefi•rx , the - nuirorpg. ), nao)icited oertiaeatea 15[1N my posseszioit dhow.: The dese,mdat he adapt-IA ed to ;the tea,peadthent o! f. individdrtilakihgit,andlri Oar: ".'L'auch, - ,quadtities to dot t;etatty ea the bowels_ • ct the dit,1,7Z...,P3 of yttliritaV the i...ii7Eß , * - ta r 1Y120,1 5 7 5 CO y R1:42 '!• : 3 ,- ialca, iermotcs Ert11.615 acezealftthy,an'an'Oßata., ',gill cure SICK HE9.D. 1 2,VE1F.1 PWIZNIT Mllfr.'ffm, if Tp4f4P4' td kw:4 cdromouearneoCoir Al.llPgp 4:4 !ZIP , 1.3 awn • • • • • ' • :the Itt.iiih t wpal . „pi. 5, , 'tt*5551.145% t5g . .5 : 515.54 - 11,1 idea ii-i Ye; 1.4041,4 4.31 iv an.retta CAI 7 HAP,IIC - ' PILLS w. EaETABLE EXTRACTS, A& UP IN GLASS CAS KEEP I P'AIRLY CATILtit- AetiVe Cathartic . which . the prvtioe more than twenty The uattstantly incieas naie long enprasE iln 'reward to to ,:_dace titetr. within th Pirfess.laq well lipawl dffiereta voriipi4 Or the. 'Me FAMILY' - CAM terenc,'li tnia vlar.lasy;allie lifch.' act. alike en 49erS= onli `rrd:it:O . 'goal ,aud tha •ta act,' ganti Sk4 ; 4l e "i Pakal ; P; t4 'Pain ari,,c ? Icr:acze.ever 'Or mibhi'lw. ihe alb Worm:, in Children or 4id- P rifle r of the Bload, rand . fle:=11 Iteir A too ouncerous tases;eol. , :got), c B. tam 14 Vila INATIGIORATORIAND , 10 ?ILLY are retailed•bv.lDruggiets'geurrallyand sold wholesale by the Trade iu -all the large • Manufacturer.and Propriatc•v, je2O•darivyiji, 335 Broadway, tiewiork, M ADERIA WINE. Myr ELSE', BROTHER'S 01,D RESERVE WIN I' full bodied itd fruity. l . 9 tdr e arid for lo by - JOHN ZIF GI,N.R: '.obis--' , '7B-Market greet. STORAGE ! STORAGE': I P , TCLRAtiF, received 'at the J A MK Mat T R E L3kkt.l.l • loot Sale byl ' = co CITE LIVERY STABLE EL ACILO.i'IL kr' ALLEY, . E.,a41?;". •01 ffiVICR'S HOTEL • , r t RE imdeisign6e, trab , the livery truaineas in ' t.s' . 'l4.E . Y7 SP 4 .,C1 . .0(47, ;STA. dLES located as.above,"with a JargeLicl ~, . .e .oCk a R.ORSES, CAF,RI,AGES and OX.NIBLiSkS, which the wil hire at moderate retee. seP2P-(117 _ 4UGUSTIN UIIAYNE. CARPER 'BUILD - Eh ,t-;exidenri.x. Avorth •.Stvegi ts B soyanqq Alri ENDED W • ' PP.LE WHISKY 1 110 tlit JERSEY, k fur ugle,bY • JOHN .13.141,KGLEK• _ 715 -1/',rsle.t PTY: BARRELS:;-:-;-Tv)d , "llitttdred FaupiT :Flour, Seger • Red Wine Barre Leer -ail de ticr ptions and-prince, aps Jit CENTRAL, NURSERIES. York, Pennsylvania 1- I.)WARD J. EVINS & 00e. Proprto _LA tors Fruit tint! Ornamental Trem, 'rapes, stash fruits, Rhtzbarb3, L.spar..due, Shrac Hosea, Bedding pluu In great variety dens left Fill H Small at the State Capital 3,194 -6 ;It rocero prompt tuteuttort. , Catatoouesgrat, ou w3oitc,stlun. mar 6-Imdaw ' . 'OVR.UNION CONSTITUTIONt • 6 . 6 rk 130 VERYWRNT "by IL M KIN ' siEy, la a work goutetuing the ColveilitrTioN :ran Cray s no§TAII3.9, gfvfitioO conoproc Lion . at .its,Teroav and , Provision showilft trio , rehtrons' Itte' WeVOral: it a t 4 , s to the .Paton erol etch ether, and cwiethti ng gene, rall:the 5563(61'6'61' veroment of the C , ue try. Price. - f 1 00.: Sold, tted orders- supplied, by 'Mae, tit Harris •' burg, Pa. , J.feb2l • AgeatS for Ceuhtios, and Suites wariteci.,; M'ALLISTER'S ALL HiALING OINTMENT TRYTTI E, I IIIAV - H)1,1 1 1 , 3 A Radical Resterativeof Inse si 114 . 1 1 erspiration. TT is -a 'fact, bey o nd' the .'popir . o 4,f contradietioe ;hit it is irit4lllble is the cure of Iturais t ..SvAlils Nervous Diaeaneii, „Au Munn:ors, PUea,Scrorrtta, Earyalpelaui r Chilblains, Sore Eyes, Quinsy,. Croup, Rbeiimulism, ..Cold Fee i, Liver Complaint, Agthiun i , and, ail , , , . DISEASES OF 'THE CREST: It is rightly termed dll Helliog; fer there, is scarcely a Disease external ttiEr.lik .*lll For sate at 'th . e.ardil Depot, `, `,' :; ; , 1 iY • No; 143 * FutTott'"STKeitr, "NEN , And Druigiits . throfigbotit' the United Stat q s, -••, • • • 3: S.IOALISTEII ; ": 143 - . Fulton Street X. T • Agents 'wontet 'lttnnodiately to, introduce It Into w 4 amities, who "Mng receive it 'on tibeiAl terms; bit, WM. DOCK .TELAt CO . . . • • • rtirt E UNDERSIGNED - hai - 'Open9 ; his L.IHBEIit OFFICE, corner of Third 'gtre'et 'and herr , * r.l.leY, near Herr's Hotel. hR pnyober of all kiude and quillties, for tale by W. E. IHIRRAY.; fbeCup-gereilitia‘Aillt. loaf- Jst low for cash, ALSO---Horses and Carriagee to hire at the aandaolfloit ••• =tarn ' ' • FRANK' A: ItfuRRY• • ' FRESH . ' • ' F every description in cans add jara, o eacp,,par,kagp warral4ed.--, mar 4 •'4 beOK-Stt & CO. R.'"''"ARDENAtid FLOWER SEEDS: Tii largesl stAi&g: liltn - blti: All - Cliag -- o - eGa'rcleil Seeds In larga p3p,rs at thrd t} CM:lts per paper, for elate' by " - L AVID 2AYNES, marl3•lm 3 1 4016 f street. l ORANGES ANTI VOBTY BOXES in rioiiici,44:fer `just rd u ( - limed and for sale t?v 132 GARDEN , FRESH AND COiltet;ETE:wisclir,iiiiient. 1 1J -Just received and for ra .WL,PROJeACI.PO. pritimpthania Elativ arlegtapth Ontur6av "Afternoon, Arlav 4, 1861. tiTistil czrikuus f,: . . : -.2,''t f,i I.' A T E:.' ijudgantirit gu2e.*. a, RA . TpIE, it wil.; Al;:.4o.H:l 7 D7scumui(.l.l - 4 1 0' I , ROI - • deiEtit - xl.:*; I C 6 11 - 57Aairg - zedh k liDl33a, J.431y '(aa t4ci +la; o,ari lagYrifAV.i Viifistif)Vl 7- 01Si PI . ' S • %cri•tti: .AMtiummar SANPO ~aiL:.. t.U.9IIIAJLIT,.JI)A irEcO'ai ,ES, AIR TIGHT, AND I - , ANY , CLIMATE-' • Tic P.I1.11:1 in, a gentle - o.jr: Uproprietor nazi used in In ' 1 4 Years jagadleaTattliction whiaF their Ilse,' hie' Irian:led me I revAth.of , . that different r., , ,rhiactl co act bd - orel; - . . tins 'talthAntir;j lished act, ben ecteponn aureilt,V.eketable•Extracto, part of, the, Alimentary ca. in rail'' cases Where c Derdhkeihrai Sioraach; Bach and-icing, - Callum& bptly r ilexi;iessmps : lioadachr blfiarnetra , pry ..s.c aa e talc, .10eArrzatiatc,' ti igt 90 marly , diACased) ulna) to lnenkiola • in" . .:thlo le War: , . PRICE 80, ()kWh& S. T. W. SANFORD, M. D:, EVEZI INES _ _ 7112 z.--o,MlP°A.rit'S3 IoiLIZ42pFILQAIII2L-ZITTERS. ..4-(Aitos M;IC4NEB ve nor I.lseeD be- THER'I7 17,1t51 aLle 4 11 ,r10, 1 kW•40 1 4Steg,01*,g higli.piaa - gaztc-r al ctosue.vers.c.parr Or.lll'e.t4tobe, for thott , exetzbtrijo2,ty imitteolate v;wer rcator.lv-: pe%Tdet ittealtit to per sor. 6offorlog, tx , lariy every t.f.67,4 pf «w.115.i..g :WOW" t hOSupitth li*ble.; ; . i,;11.43ti1i11041 . 24. are i4iinig the distt'o6lll:l; v4ilkity a bo wer). ttiselses la" wthtsVtlle VEGETABLE LIFE ty/EL)IgINIE.B itiownitp:be ' . thOtadgbly oleaiSing theflist and second sAOrn, act* and Orlatuthig a ' lidw of pure, healthy bile,' instead' br 'Stale and world Mud ; FIATII ILENC7I, Loss of Appetite, arr‘rattarn, Beadaehe; Rest jeasness, 111-Temper, Anziety, Languor and biolnueboly, tb.e,geneegl, sm.i.apins of rtyspubata, , s , ib VE.II ish, as anature! consequence of its curs. • COSTlTtrattiE,2-S, niecnsing tl - aa I:;agth the Intestines _with a, ',Olyr r elt s r and without 710- ,:Le_e•rt.ll. l- tolf{anntvgfs-Pt f ,, , ro.-. ttis‘ ebkz.E.-6 yr - Akan boo days. ss ' ii FEVERS‘dr4Ws - zilde, toy rest.eing the newid - to .a regular etecniation,..through the process of respiration. In suchc 4B qs. and..,klie.thPri/neksoletiou. I tf.alt.ipte , siiimi oh. In ohdri:i , . . The 11 ED6 INEtp-b1V4•11.-T Veen known to pure ItHEEIRINTINItr nernianently In three weeks and GOUT in half that time, by removing local Inflammation -froartha.rausclesanditgarmotsof thejoittls.•; :•! • ! DIROEI:SLOg bbial ki4s,.bSt. frheing!antr strinegthen, lug the MUSTS 'and' blrtdder;:thoy operate, most-aelight fully on these important organs, and hence have ever been found a certain remedy for the worst eainOAtso ,cif r I WOu MS: by dhilonging trent the tarnings of - IthP bAllvMf thP,PliplY eß 2 4kgr , t , A.,lo, l ht! Wok* creatures ndberei IL.POPAAS., :Ana Aqty.F.Tig RATE &141..C5; the - pertkt purity *bleb tlieie LIFE 41;EDI• C NES give to the blood, and all the humors. ' !" SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS ami BAD comaja. EONS; by their &Iterate effect upon , tide fluids:that feed 'ihe skin and, the morbid,state of which occasiuna all eruptive complaints., ahlloW, eloudy, and other dismve able complexions. The use of these pine, tor a very abort time will Lidera an-mative.cure of .$4 , 1313" RIALEura, a'1.1 , 1 a striking im firoveruceit in the , tearo , .ss Of the skfn. CODIDION COLDS and INFLUENZA will always be cured by one dose, or by two in the worst eases. =_,P I LNS Pt°PPAtOr ot, these medic:mem, 3fi•yset,te'stapdiug'tip the use of the UFE MEDICINES slope. ifiRIVER AND lkour.. —For this scourge e ttio W teTn tcoupVy, E th•gs4 ui safe, • simedy: and certutu'retie4. 'Ofiltr•M‘Ydicines have the system subject to returit of the diser-oe—a cure by !these mr , iiriines is permanent-TRY THEM, B SATISFIED,Ii AND BE CURED. - CUM PLlArt o rsir;i l gAi bklitruri,'LoisoF Avesta's, and Da fisalsbe. OF if'nf'sAvEs-the Medicines have been used with the most beneficial results iu cases of this deScrip -416n and Scrofula, in its worst forras,yfelds rto.theJnild yet powerful action of these recterkslie Mwti shies. 'Night Sweats, Mori/ors Debility; .Nerveat3 plaints of all kias, , PalpAntkiii , cir thellkitt, Paint rs' are speedily cured.. ' DISE iik,SES.--YerisOuts Wiltif3B ,cor.itltu ions have .bacci - Me. iiinpaired try, the.bajtidinions useqtf tereury t 'tilir find thise Medicines a perfect cure, as they, never tail to eraiiicaw from -the' e- ' stem,'D.D the effects of idereury r infinitely sootier than themmit .fol,preparaijons of.Sarsapurilla., , Prep tared and Bold by . 111..movt.A.m; . 2 8:30 Broadvire..v, New York. Formate by all Druggists. , jy2o detiviO. (tRECAVz Hol a d f fitters Liver Complaint, Fe.v,4, on Ague, &e. Tun ' , successful; introduction and wie of this' oele Mated Remedy has been:the signal. fora literal flood of compounds called "Bitters,'!, ,offered, vtuions forms, from a - quart bottle to a flve4mllon 15eg, this word "Bitterele btttanotlier name for. ‘grog,", or some villanous whiskey- - - But the really great relief, ,derlyed from the , minute' dcso Ou'dteasikaniful;'of our medielne, RCERRAVER HDLLARD BITTERS, q7lcl , tTte. enure absence of .after ; prostration has este; biulied font a reputation which tlie host of imitations and - counterfeits have tilled tUuridertiiine.: " 'lt is posi tively a iegetable% preparation; 3vitki 'barely; sufficient pure spirits to preserve it. ; But one Rite of ; Bae_gepuirio,lf-P#ll, Battlea,) price Chtn Doutg..' ; _ • It' is a•medielne of long-tied ef6c.icy for Piliffying the Mood, so essential for the foundation ".of -.good heelth and.• for, . correcting disorders of,ths,stotuach Two or three doses will con'citice the afflicted of Its sahttary effects., •The stomach will speedily regain its strength, a healthy .actten of the liver, bowels and kidneys will soon' ,takeinaCe„ ; and renewed ,liegilth be the quilck result• ' ' • ißimitiaߧtion - ,'erry _Bcerhav_e!s. Roland: Bitters. P0r , 7331JEL17, Try Berhave's Holland Utters. For :ACIDITY TIT Bernive's Holland Sitters. For NCATEBRA-Sils ,TXY Beerhave's Holland Bitters. Far HEADACHE , Try Bterhave's Holland , Ritter& For /1086 AFFETITE, Tiy Blerhave's Holland Bitten. For COSTIVENESS, Try. - I.Boarliavels Bitters. P9r. TrZ Bolland Bitters. In all 'l4iione, Ititeninatie, ard Neural g ld Are, tions; it:baglin:nunoeronilnstaxicas pioved highly benafielal, and In others effected a decided cure. • !Read Carefully! The venuiiie, highly-concentrated INEREIATS'S HOL LAND BITTIp4I is put up .in half-pint bottles only, and retailed 'at Qtke Dollai• per bottle. Th 9 glint demand 'fcirthis-teulSr celebrated medicinehas induced many imitations; mhich- the public should giiard .agaiust • . • Beware of imposition! See that ourgitpie is,on tIW label of every bottle you buy. Benj. Page, Jr. &co, SI4E - MANUFACTURERS, RITTSBIJAGH, Rioratialiin the city of ifetTteb 4 ..rg CO. m;Ord—pepl7d*wly JEWELRY, 'WATCHES, CLOCKS, FANCY. GOODS, &C. ALE BED; 17;•ZIIIXE EWA CO'i No. 52 MARKET STREET; . 'Harriebtit ; :op t ositti:ligßieg-HoTtt. 'and' adjorping the EtrnOSittit:Hosuf,having • purchstect the stook of E. F. Jennings, and added a Lugs }4Boctinept: of NEw JEW.. ELRY, WO will Selt s ihij StimS . attiaoldttlist cash price, and. edHcit'pnronage ''" ' • ' • Watches,7oloc6aluitllJewejr Y neatly promptly re Pairfdeng.dellYered • • • I .ALFRED k. 2inaßttAal az CO ;laving. dJsposed of my stock of Jerehy !A.& 1 . ; Zim merman & COA.l.eheerfullireeenitriead them toheY for mer customers as practical and •experieneett ;Watch Makers, and sellett for theut,a,9enttp,uartce of the . patrod• fitielvittich had bein So generously extended tome during the last slx years. jan29 tiII,MER F. J-ENNINGS. dt the 2 4 70th Exhibak% of the aaritable „ Mechanic. association, 1860, IassES,SONS CHIOKERING r . F 4th AWAPDED VELE GOLD, MEDAL roskai Bear '. • GRAND, SENIr•DAAND; - Sz'SQUARE PIANO-FuRTES; AND 'ilia (mixPipemirl, A' LVNR littDAL, FOR THE BEST , I7PPIGIIT PIANOS, ,WM KNOCHE, SOLE AUNT FOR TfS SALE OF THEst el'/LNati, No, 92 MARIE ET ST., Il*RlLlSLlttaci SPERM A.NDLES ! impr.,T JUST -004v.ep. CEPHALIC PILLS CURE SICK fIgEADACHE NERVOUSI4EADACHE, CURE ALL KINDS OF HEADACHE• By tide use of thCm:' Pills Lae periodic attack of i4er- VOUS or sick Head.), fr • M 1.17 bo prevented; and Lti taken a the LoynMelaCeizte , A itatcedlate re/lel:from pUnt end steltoSs.....v LeObtatned. rney .seldom tail Ia removi a g Lralfsec. and Eleaciacke to patch females c re. so subject. • • - - They ext gent . ** nebulize bowels, - rernovlng Cbaliveriess,- .For, Literary Biei?.. bttidents, Deliosto "Females; and all 'Persotas seilentery habits' they are -valuable as imp,r9Ting the Apper6, giving roitis_anD :MO to the aigestive organs, and restoring the mitural elasti city:al:a strength to,the vr bole systera. - Thegai,VEta.f.le +tin. •••••• lEvogli gatiou - and herefully eontlheit thiving bean in•age•in; , fiarty y-eart., 'during :winch' tithe may have pre ventea and relieve.: a vai•ii. eniotint of Rain ant suffering rrera Esaaaehe, , whethersi&ginatibg to tr.e nereetts•'sya _tofu or ft - yin..a. 42.1:ea1#C5 stave blthe SiOrnadt. • 7'?iey ire entirely vegetable to their comlicialtioni and • rhav tai taken times-with 'perfect; safety without making any change of.dist, and the 46.54stcd,gf any disa gieeab . e taste 4 . ezdar's Weary to administer thtin Co children BIiWAEE G 6 COD~TERFFiTSI The ge..o lee hat'e tivenikanires "Or C: Bpaldlug ::43/8 by druggists nett, all other deniers In raedielnev. Bdx trbe receipt:a. the PRICE" VENTTFIVE'OBNTS: All or4era nbould: b ooddresnell :to HENRY C. SPALPING 48 Cdr Street, New York. 14E FOLLyWWW,gNDORSEMEN . TS OF S P AL DING'S CEPHALIC PILLS :2, C:y' Ll. .'1J.E0., , 6"..it FROPI 11 - . E A_l) A, C E 8P ;EDT AMP WIRE--QVRE IS WITHIN THEIR REACH. .14xttirnoniaes .tcere viesplwited LD • 14Ve r Wo; 9 1 4" . 71 . 7,ti: 6 " 1 , 2 t!t { i g . PS Of ftta rit.y 4 • MASON , n4.I, Conn.; Feb. 6,1881. I have tried' your Oephatie /like them' so well that Imant you tit send me two!dollars worth mOfe. Part of these are for .the neighbors, to whom I gave a few out of the first box I got froth you. Saud the Pills by arm., and ojilige - YOur Wt. B,rvant, 24R . gIRA LDING, Btr wieb.. you to zone . mu ono moru uox or your Cephalic Pill®, thaverec eirad u great deal ofbenefit. Aron& them. . Ware. reapeottully, • • • • • -DIARY ANN .STOCEHOUSE. • . Ye.,13 .Flll !please Bead ;tap, twp,.b0.:1.-ealf.- •yoar Cpphailc, Send them iaitaedia,tsti. : . , : ' „ResOcifully, yours • 3! : . • JNO. B. P1E01 , 19. , P. 3.-=.ll hay" used oce box of Your Pals , and Lind them excellent. . BELLE, Vilplo - . 4, tetl. e. ' • ; Pleas.e euctosed.twerty. ay . ,l cents, for _which ser.d me another box.of your Cephalic Pills.. Thep . are .trulk the bes' I have ever tried." - • Direbt .• A.'STOVER, P. SE., . • • Beila Vernon, WyeuLdot Co., O. . , 11, C. VTISh for some eire,llih.ri4 or larze , sit(A7 bills; to bring ,your Cephalic Elite more.partioularly 'before my custo mers. If youhave anything of the please. send to me. One of iny'Snaterneri, 'who' is aiib..)eet - to severe Sick Reada4be f '(u.. , nally lasting two days,) was.. - cured of an tittack o4ebous by.your ...Whitch.l sent,ht;r. years, 81iEgitY. c. SPALDING. . - • 43 . Cedar St., N. V. • • Veal , riis : k nalosed. find twenty-five eel. -, (25) r which send box of “Cephalic SOlld to actor ess ilbc. Wm. ti Fitters Reynold3burg, FrankiLp county, Ohio. • Your:lll's work Irla k charm--c - arc Headack almost inctanter. ttß. S?Lt.prive, Not lung since I sent to you or a box or Cophatic Pelle tor the cure or the Nervous Headache, and Costiveness, and received the same, and they had no 9%4 an effect that /teas induced to read To , mora. ' , Plaice send by return mall, Dliect to . . Ypsilanti, littcb. rFrom the; Examiner, Norfolk, Vail • , - _-Cophatte PillsTatioripmir '310 . 7 1 3h.Ret - fOr 7 llitich:4lley were made, viz ; Curs of headache in all Its forms. - iErom the Va.Ji • They have been tested It more tbau s thou'eand caws, with entire success. , ' • [From thollemoorat, St. Cloud, Mon.] If you are or have been troubled with the headache, send for a box, (Cephalic Pills,) so that you may have them in case of an atta - ok. ' " • • [From the Adportlier, Providenoo, The Ce)halte ['Maitre saidte be a rematkably effect. Iva remedy for the, headialie, and one of the very best for that very freonent complaint hai ever been• dtaoovered [From the-Western,ft 7 R..ltto, dtdoago, Ill.] Wo hear* endinimilifr , Spalding; and his unrivalled Cephalic PAW,: [From the Nanawha Valley Star, Kanawha, Va.] We are sure that persons suffering with the headache, who try them, stick to them:. . jorA eingle battle' of SPALDING'S PREPARED - GLUE will save ten times Its cost annually. -' SPALDING'S PR.EPARED GLUE! • SPALDLNG'S PREPARED GLUE SPALDING'S - PREPARED . GLUE ! . . SAVE THE PTECE3 1 1,C01405PV . 1 ' " DISPATCH 1 • jgr , ‘A Enwa Iterate laivui mia.".drir 64 accidents tot./..?hatpen, evanift ioeff•rogulated famiMet tt is very desirable to - have sonle cb9ap tiod, .cormenlent way for repairing FOrilture, Toby, Crockal, &o • , srALDING* . PitEPARE'II GLUE. m mee ts all such' emergeocies, and no - boaietiold ca n afford to be.without it. It is always ready , and, up la Itie'atiok• . , . tag point. "USEFUL IN ErEBY 110 UM" ' , N . Esrusb accpmepanies each liottic. Priee'26 chS, addreica HENRY C. .sPaI..DINC, . i s certain unprincipledpn persons IWO fittemPting to palm Off on the Onsuspectiog lmtintions of ni t y pR E PIRED GLUE, [would caution all persons to coital/in before purchasing, and see that the full name +RPALOINEaI PREA.fIED. GLUE, is on the outside wrapperiall others are swindling coati; erreita• - - novls dawirrdfeble OVER ju SEEJA new gtock 'large and' qmoall. PacicatiotjUst Nef•giVed; at; • • Kkir lER'S lißll4 , l3lroßg: • =4114.- • Market street .. . . . ... =I AtCbitat. MMEM CURE THAT A HAVUeoe.r, f'e.. Feb 6 1861 iiFEV . OB ORFE.S, Huntingdon Lo., Fa., Januaey,lB' 1861 J BkLYZRIS, Hass., Dec, 11; 18iC - REINCILDSBURI:i Yrariki Ohio, 1801. I . yourA, bi C. FILLER. YESRAin, Jai. 14,1861 No. 48'Cedar Stria.* Nevridit C UT.fON .-j - ii : . j:;:• iiiiiitellalleOUS Dy.sp tpsia-Remeily . • Drt. - DARIUS HA NI AROMATIC EZIVIGOEWEING This redioire has been used by . tie: Vablic for efo u4th increariay favor. If 14 recoormende to Ot.w.: ifjyrpeprfiff, Nenosaness, if. art-Burn, °odic .Fqiitt, Wad in ageDtoessich, or Rens nithe Bowl. laadad i e, ' Drowsiness,. Si they : plaints, Lots Spirit. D.l.ritssa Tremens Irtlemp ra -imatenta, ExiLissim, angel, . TTIL NOT iNTOITCATR OR AALEDICINE it is quick rid effectu al, curing . the mettt aggravating cave o Dyepeosia, dony Complaints, and all other derange eat 4.0.1. Stomach sae. E6W. els . , in a elreedy manner . It will initaitlk revive.- the most. mela-.o ly En drooping.epleits, told restore the weak, Gorvoon d ly to health, etreagfh end 'vigor; Yet-ions who, feemalhe tujudlcliahe - ens of tiquoro, nave bodome dejected, and their riervotz systems shattered, cOnstitnfions brohen doWn, and eribieot to that horra - de curse to humanity, the DELIER7d, TRW se , still , rtimcst immediately, feel the happy and healthy invigorating idfiCany of Ur. Ranee' latigorating Spirit. WELAT IT ;W ILL : DO. . , e glass full as often P.:3 One dos,' wcff retntrie all Esti Spirits, Otto ;Jose will hure geart-burn. Three doses will cure Indigestion. . Otto dose will give you a Good Appetite. , • One dose Will stop thedifitreising pains ci One dose will remove the distressing and disageoable facets of "Wind or -Flatulanceand es soon as th e stomach receives the Invigorating Spirit, the dietrussing. /cad ant'l all Painful feelings will be removed.' S • - Coe dose will zemtive - theihoSt distressing pelin t'otito, either in the stomach Cr bowels. -4- few doses skill remove all obstructions to the niaysy, Bladder ortfrinary Oegans. • Persons who are seriously allacted with' lecy-K3finey - .t omPlaints. alenseureil speedy relief by a - dzse oetwo, and a radical cure by the use of one or two. battles. NIGHTLY DISSIPATION, - ?ermine who, from diesinaffog too much over night. dad feel the evil effects of poisonous liquors, in v.elent • head= 'schen, vicknove . of stomach; we.aknese,-- giddiness, de., will plod ' .oge ; dase will remove all - bad feelings. ladies of weak and sickly constitutions. shouil :She the Invigorating Spirif.three times a .da, ; allaake , them strong, healthy and happy, remove all ebstruottons and irregularities from the menstrual organS, 'and' reemretbe bloom of health antt , beaury to the careworn fate. . ' • During pregnancy. Tenn cran'itt Vallitb I e areal cum to remove disagreeable sensations at the econaact4 AM -the iiropmetat-mdis- eia . a to !naace - tive, he tiatl - ,put up the invigorating -Spirit le oat tiotties t at 50 cents, quarts Si, ' ' Go/drat - Wet, .tifl :Witter:Street; N: - Wholesale, .agent,.. Pbliadelohia,.D. YtfiT, id CO. aia for sale in ilahrialburg by C: .1. - Bautivart, D. W. Grow ,t arab 0: EC.' Keller,and bY - BlLDenggiste3 eveiywhbro .if 31 4 4 1 1 3w 1 5 - . . •- • . . FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. SP W& , ' SUMNER STYLES - _ PHILADELPHIA FASHIONS. GREiNVILLE STOKES ONE, PRICE GIFT CLOT HUNG EMPORIUM. No. 607 CHESTNO STREE7 1)80 0! PO FreuoD, itogligtt and airoariaaD CLOTHS : . - .CASSI.M.ER.ES and VESTING-8 For City and Country trade, with au unapproaoliable ea gortment of READY MAIDS. empanig at, the lowest oaal orient . _ lorßut ONE PEICE is asked; and a GIFT' tr Intrlntik; -worth and use, presented wi:h eenh article sold.. : Paiti,inar ettentfon paid"'to the Custoiner departMent, and garments Made andsent,to ordei to any VadresS. Se inauguratintt this new system of doing. busineas, ORANVILLE: STOKES 'would impreSs on' the minks of the patrons of his establishment, that . the cosi, of the gift in deducted from, and NOT added to . thit price ar the arti cle sold. His immenaily - increasing sales entablir.itifna , to - ,aCt, thus Liberally, and itti. the sante! tojaidise .a, remunerative profit. 411 artioles guaranteed' to giv4 ealre stitdifabliou.' GRANVILLE STORTIS° ONE PRICECLOTHING EMPO'RIUM 407 pat:tibia4. blatiii . lr OrtlekBnied,—raillar6-dtf . FRESH ARRIVAL L.7aDmxy., . ozace, aparry, • ' uoitrozir sm.= OORN MARROW FA.T - Bsarts, WHOLZ Just rormived and for [tie LOWEsT OsSII abl6 WL DUCK JR. Es CO. DENT Y rrEts andiareigned DOCTOR ' DENTAL SURGERr, bee rettirn'ed and iesmitedlits'prectier n-State Street opposite . the .“Braiy - Hobse",": wiieri he .4-In Lo plsa.sed iss attend to ml: wilco may , desire_his vitae fgeP 2l l._ B. M. et - I.DRA., D. S_ MOUR 15.1 . N , Gr ..-.3.0-0:•D S . ; - - .OFI EVEB.Y; DESORIFTION: . pioaspry, 4toges, Ganotleits,/nitirgo (lour: Mee, , great ateortmentie Eribroideries, Ladies Onderwearolifferent sizes and qdsility, ••• • Hentleiaen!s . do, , _ do _ Magee. ' do' (ii)"' • do ' Boys' vdo • "40 .• do " Cloths, Cassimeres, Sadnefts, Jeans, • • And everything for /den add 'Soya wear. =• • Gentlenzens' Shawls. - -. • • All•goods, without distinction to style or quality, will be sold at a very slight advance, and loss than cost of . importation. CATHCMIT itROTHAR, ' • Nett dool. to the Harrisburg Bank Ott: • • ' • • /dirket Square. . . , . , 47.13:111MEX.11M156 QUINCE, • PEAR CURRANT, ' ',PEA_CIti • APPLE, 'ELACE.SERRY,, 0.1141 . •19,E, ,RASPBERRY. in'A received from New York and wairmated eoper [feb26] .Wm. DOCK,:Jr.,,Ar Co, "SCOTCH WhISKY ONE PUNCHEON of Pt,RE SOTCII WKISECYJ6O recatied and for sale by ~ _ . JOHN H. ZLEGLa. _7? Idai.*et -FOR TILE.SEABON, - FLAVCRING EXTRACTS Vanilla, best In market, • Bose, Letimmi ' - '' ' Plne_Apple, . • - " - — Strawberry," Nutmegs • l'ure;Distilled Rose Water, Destlnglish Ibtking Soda, Poretream Tartar, • . Extra Pure Spices, ' Frestillilinary Serbs Emir Taws DRUG :STORE; - : 91. Market Street.: • • - • - W. A. BATOHELOWS HAM DYE! • THIS SPLENDID , .I3Aig • . DYE.. Haa..eo 11 equal—instantaneous in eflent=:-Beautifnl BlaUk Natural- Brown—zio , staining the - .akin; Or :injuring' the ffair--remedies the absurd and ill effect of Bad Byes, and Invigorates the flair ihr hfe: . No ne arhgenuine' unless signed "W. A. Boteloiorzfl- --Sold everywhere. CHAS. BATCHELOR, Proorlotor.: - ; welF.daWly 1 31;247 , 014 . streid, =l-aor Yo: NOTICE TO CONS I ERB OF 4041.; THE PATENT. WEI0)1-,0A4Ts. tetigfid 'Etna ' ceined b'y irib - g4rEa OF - WE4GHTO M.. l47 ainui—ijavibg !. thls day testedyenr. PateneWeigh - Carti arid found - them partently dorie tn.,: I therelbx!p4,R47,E.#lo inpbohem arbarding. !f. FREDERICK TRACE, Beater &Weights and .51easurea.! 'Marrisbnegitintiary 17,4861. ...•- JUST 'RECEIVED E 11... L EXTRA FINE - ' . POINTED. •' • • • • GOLD PENS oF NEWTON'II. (formerly' 4Laztuc4efture,warranted to bp the best in -mater ;; ;the finest' jpointed, most' durable and Web - 4 . o'as ee la =That, fer with a; .vaiiatyZhE , Gold eltd!silver , Cages of and Doses at s 'SARGNErt'S Atte* ifteb4ai. .DR . : . 7TJEN - SOIN x 3 .4 1 -Xieug'XMaxt.E LOCK HOSPITAL, - HAE discovered the most certain, ep ee ,- - an 4 effectual rpmed7 in the world for DIMARE§ , gF- 1 , IlifilUpEXCE, BUMP at gs. TO Twits:: HOUSE. Pio Mercury or Noxious Drugs. A Cow WAARANTED, OR - N 9 C4/.11108, ER PEON ezia Two Deis. -64 Weaiuiess of • the'Brok or= Limbs, Strictures, Pan,. tho Loins, Affectiontlif the Kidneys and Bladder, Weakness, Nervous Debility; Decayof the Physi.: ors, Dyspepsia, lai,ognor, Low Spirit?,.Cotifusiou Pak Radon- of theilenit,'riinidity, Trernblings, oil Bight sr giddineff,Dir as of , i-ins,fitornacti, •t.;_ of the Head, Throat,l[s se or Skiti—those terribi dem arising `Rini - clan - ilidifcretion or S..)llt.try Yanth--thoie dreidfulf and deaktuotive nracuses u-;_ , produce costitutiptial debility, render marri l , fe able; and destrorlsoth body 'and mind. _ _ YOUNG .Minx Young men especially who have heoame the viezion... ci , ) ar y Vice, that-d. - raolfai- and clet-tructive hab.t. annually sweeps ,to: an tuitimely grave thodeat,s young men ofllte'liidat'ex'alterl talent lime, lect, who ' 02hbailee:I have entranced tae; the with iliothunqrs,okelocmence, or wak-ed tas7 the/ill - Eng iYre;May ;Off wt "h full confidence. _siarriedTperspue,.Or tffese 7 eanteraPiritlog r^,arilage, log aware of physical wpAinesa, should Iromediatet• start Dr.. J 4 add lieri4tored to'perirea heaath. . " - bit6.4.Nrc Immediately =red and fun vigor reare4 who plecee himeelf tmder the care of Dr ..1 re2lgtousiy, epode by his honor as-itleutlenum, ar!: fidently rely upon his skill as a phyalcian. SirOfilce Sentki Ft edertok street, Bitlh - d... Itta., on the left hind side going from Baltimore girt, , ildert from - the earner.' Be particular in chser:lc., nmait or'numberiot Tett iflittWetztice the Flue. Ise r,c titular forjgneran,2 Jtiny (i.u . ao U Di:7:n 1, with se. .- or Paltry Ifientb.*Ceirtefaeater, attracted by the re; 1:.%. tton oY Dr. Jobesee..l-Fk All Jotter% moon contaip Pes . tage.,Staing, to ucc, co Sr. DaI...IOEINECONi JOELlAlol2 , awmt!er / of tina:Rnyal,Colloge Surir.z, London, P.raduare from one of :the !keiteminent, 'of the LTnited Stittes, and the - gnikteit ;arta whose has .hean-apeut„ theilicapitala of London, rads, rh: - , defphia - anottisewhere, hes effected some of the - most tonishing cures that were ever known. .Nany, troui:e: with ringing in the ears and head when asleep, great r - p,r vounnesa, beinjahiffina acenddenaounds, be_ahfuhai.e, with fre4ifenat3Tughingisittended Ikt:willies with deravac went of cihtd were cured, Im_medlatedy - P4RXICULAR.NOTICE , addresses all Tose' whohating injured t te,s t oolves by fricalb atid4OatToper irididgendes,-that se: re: and solitary, habil .which.ruliak: both, bo4y.otod mine fitting them for eitherb - usitiesier kociety. These are some of the/ettirisid.'iiiieltinctioly eat Oohed by earl; -babltcof—youth, via: Weakness of (lit Flack v.sd L4nbs, ; Pains-,ib the ead, ; Dimness of Loss K : usetilar'•Po*er, Paipitatiief of the Heart, liye PePPia. NorAoSisliTitahintSectlaMeFi en 4 or the Functions, 4eieira ~ l iy, - ,Byeapionai COneurap. f S !'..! 14 11 N:W1 1 •1*: ahmvau4r,,the fearful effeeta.omthe mindare munn tc z be dreaded , —tosi'dt GinfuSioh-of Ideas, De .prepli,ioo of lkiritd J Efivil-T 4 orebbds,..dverstou toSnme ty, gelfdistrgsf,Lovl of Solitude, Timldify;t:e-, are some o r ti k o evil - . Thousands or persona of-Alf agfa, oan neWildge west is the cause or their doclioWirc - heanti, 1013112 t Vier vigor, bows/hag weak, - pale;:rmrvous and ememated, have a aingular, eppparanee shonLffia epwnoggh, and symp ma of 6:olisdinpildn; ' ' - •J YOUNG who havoAhlOred. thereselYek laY, , certain inwitue, In irtigediu when 'aloia&-o. habit - fre*irmtly learned froz, es ti , omilanions;tir fat firehool.;. , the Afflicts 'of Xioorti are Lightly felt, even when asleep, - and Knot cared, reenters marriage inaposeibiti, and - destroiritothithindiand body, ahonid apply , ••- - What a. pity Wit tcyonng man, the Lopes Of his cone try, the darting of his parents, should be.ettabah&l i rote oil prospects and errjoEiterateci. life by the cone me-ocii of deviating It.)ni.the path of nature, and indulging it e certain aepiei, habit t .ii.Seet.pgmaisilattat - iberfohl , 6ectcu. plating .effect that aisiiriti4,mitydarß - Ahe most poi:eau,. .7 requisties"to _it:emote connubial - happihriSis. 'without these; thejriarrieg.throtiat life beconiesta; wear y pllgripiagei _the- prospAct, hourlyflarittgis i to the_vlew ; the - mind berrOrnee sliaddrted o ikiltriteiciiiir',liird i fillectiviti, the melancholy refluotioA tliallhe.happhilesg k of ! luother -t be &vies blighted:kith our own. • 1111:DY - FOR JA "ritq yds gcca,t, ar ii i .iglprtarit.reModYt: l ?i r esigheigia of tt • irgatti are sPeetilly _ fitil vigOrreatored. rfieekuerrsiusilasiitidebliitate4 wb, had lost all hope, have beda LmixiediAdely reilevoL di! iiiripectiiiiiiimte to hiarriatAiniyeiriilfor viriental Disgrialla „mien; ,Neryousi.Trenthling, er Faltanetton o. aza g*iiily cured. roe many Ltlectosandot r Aimtiat 44eirtettiztiott within tot Lest twelve years, and the momentous important . :Sergio& operations performed by.llll44laltioessett by the re porters of the papera,.apAmsuszothee : persaine, tieheee vi which have appeared . agaLd add" again - before the public, besides Ha._ ittandink as a penaelnats of atutroota. and 7C I P =Z i li 4 ' is a s4Y-1 0 4MP.Iinarantee to the eitheted. , V IWD OF IM eiteguktee aiM:linpfutletif ifetary'lif tii&'Aitrirlistqlglat 'has • imbibed .t.b.OStzlNet. ti# 3 ll , 4 ll ,Ju'd CK4 l 4 4 2llfill9P94oo..alAtaali an iliditusd seatie r Of ateaMe,or ore* of discovery tbueei lahnitronvapplyjng ttAiiciaetelfoVitlint eritir:Attion- end rd epeolo,billty natlatoottherrtentihint„ delayingttli the e( sticuticniel'symptems`of hnirid diseasemake uppeart.tepeotrectingiNse. Itead,Altreat,tzetei.strio, progressing on With ttyligul rapid 4. ;in deapk pull:. perrod'id bli'dread tar onterinielki dad* him! to "tee boop 2 orrocrt;whense, aß k tr#,_ yekr Aviii_rimlmittillit a_ Pei sitchelilTiet that Mouser:Las - WI .vldtims to this tech hie dilease, oirittile the ntuAtilftlinets of ilgnorantpxirtepa era, who, by, use of that de,FtßpefgrA, nayrcaryjniu the'cOnsttfutlimandrbkike the reitidue 'of ntitable. Tq § ll . l !Pliusw4.n!"4/ii:litrtgaN ..00)0taa4). 1104 In 10. otEco. Oiarbitterti Intik atiiille.M itit the' renti , tigirßepeeies, Rent 10,1014,11, • oriNO: 7 SotithTredtirloY eitt; #alitinore. aprLT-dawly , •' t- ; -, I 1111;DREIV Ft' 11E1' H C ' totioivirt: :•1 ti,to7rw An Werlemleti N,Mse fk*FloirakTrlOSllPF€4l"`lr' - • • • tlo attention bf 2 mtitheis er SOOTILING,,,f S` ILL P For • Vhildreaort which 'greatly facill tes lie' reeeSsiirtiethini by sun ening the guiris,reduiglyglahsthunriasied.—'.wiq Allay ALL PAIN, and spasmodic ,action and is • . • • SIIRWIN3; PE43Ii3LATE 'Trig I BOWELS. -I>epewupoplts heoltreirOtiwiltgiis..rest r lo yourselves AND, RE iIEiT AND _ HEALTH_ TO YOUB iNY ANTS -We have M n{ - up ad' Oa article' for over tec n a l ./. 13 1 30 14 1 :ylarnnintOpPa AP; *WM, what we twin never demi able to say of any other. medicine— NEVER.ArIitirIT:FAILED, McALEDIGLEINSTANCE 'lO EYTECT r A Cliffirk,when , orgeo,..,uswi„ • Never , did we know an' instaii&nriffierioh by' any Mid who used it 'OP .the emarigYiAli, are -de li ghted with its opera hors, and spout in terms of hig h est commendation of Magma , effetiiir•-eula 'Medical virtual. WO erlellir in this ;matter. ft `as.)* mars, .fitter han years'. eape• 01311 noN ME MI rimuirsr 'op =WE&S Tirwarnanr_ ractsam , i IMAM:met every instance whore the infant is stifferinfoimpain andmehaustion. re lief will be , foiinA : lciriesiiete eftwenty minutes after tto syrup is administe--,a - This valuable preparation is the_ prescript= of 000 otthe,mcet iNSlT.Rmaranatina - .BEILISITL. IC *w•gain X a g 44l :Pli. * l 4 Ins. dam, used ! ,wr.itt - 4 Swan rause ice': :TROITSA.NDS OFCAUBJ- • - It not only relieves the child from pain, DIU hrikte4 tire. stomach ;iiintheerefs, , Torrents acidity, and . 411-11m3 tone and enera.A,the whole, systan.,,..4 will .al most lige/id:Cy ; • '.'GRIIPINGziti TEMBOWNW AND *JOT/ COLIC, and avarcowe eOnyulsksts,.whieh i it net. speedilY eoe - died;'end death: the Mar and aura AXOPT ra PP sf o ALNlA:4lVgliete4t DYSINWAY . 011 OLARRITIVA cilamEN, whether sriSee . Iron '-teethinghtlirebiniiii; Other“mniae:T. '''We would say to every.. nnaher , who. has appii., suffering from s tay at th e 'f'OreSoing• sof iii'iotneris."runwas, roe lime_fniainprosa..er srmaticistatutAetareesu-and your suffering child aniline relied that will be SURE .Yea, Alt SO LUTPIY :; SURt-:4rikiliciw , liti . firihtw medicine, it - 'each bbttfe . tinel Y• rig f d s•L g ft l kilrer.o ll ,K fbrEIVILIWOI/1";" 4° P"I genuine wow the - .fee-simile of ..C. p ltillier e:BEßKENS;Newitork,4ifoi:itliekateide-wr.PP-v. geld glßßefbrQughqt tbt.w.Fid•o :.; APkica=434*(2ls,Celitivaikrliottie• 'filitfkig 4/R fa au11 6 49d 117 D. w.arpie al co., to . Man StriteV.Varei"...ratzfic: sirest, 0 !KaufaaoAo maztetairedtolisimult.eetkilld w ' 41 ,1it5.,121 KA sic gAii:lo6 .] Teetiduc