UM Ifltnuat Ayer's CATHARTIC PILLS. 111 C YOU SICK, feeble and oomplaining? araztu out of order, with your system deranged. id rate Lei* hnikelidbrtable I These symptoms are Often the prelude to serious IlMess. Some Ot of sickness 11,141muarnpon you, sad should be averted by a timely use Mille rl a tit reniedy Take Ayer's rills and cleanse oat the disOrderitd humors—Purify the blood and let the holds move on unoostructed in health again. They stimu late the functions of the body late v igOrcaa activity, pu rify Oka mom from disease, A t old neaten somewhere hi Miteeiy,bad obstructs its natural functions, These, lf not ridlev, roant upon themselves and V a surround. ing organs tieing general aggravation, suffering and mss.u od • : title to Ibis oonditlon, oppressed by the de twougmusets, mite Ayers Mlle, and see bow directly they restore the natural edam of the syetem, and with it the :.booyant fading of health again. What is true and so Am ami in this trivial and common compiainc. is alto V** may of the deep•seated and dangerous • astern. The same purgative effect expels them. Caused E . . altallar obstructiouu and derangements of the natural toes of toe bogy, they are rapidly, and many of surely, cured by the same means. None who ligeTitt:irLkwilgct to employ lallrifg gTi:, ortaeycue * w from leading physicians in come of the prineipal chins and from other wall known public per MA Frain a fer Warding Merchant of Et. Louis, Feb. 4, 1814. Da. Aria : Your Villa are the piragen of all that 13 trell 101111 hale. They have oared my little daughter KindAlOrel . ,tigott her butte atm feet that had pan iidlinsturable for p ata. Her mother has been long setwrioludr a atil:cted with blotches and pimples on her lind her hair. After our child was cured, she Mao tryi your Pills, and they have hand her. • ABA MuRGRIDGE 411/ A 4 1 4. 41110' PEITAC. [gram 14.1: W. Cartwright, New Orleans ] Your Pil a are the pri .ce 'of purges. Their ataellent vuiltika itarpass an cathartic we ossess. ey are Mild: bag wry certain y and eitsetuai in p th eir soilOn on the bowel's, which make them invaluable to us la toe daily traitotaut of disease. MIGUMAIM, 8706 HELDACS; FOIL STOWACH [Moil Dr. lidward Boyd, Baltimore J DLLs RHO. Area : I cannot answer you waar eon *lots 1 bare Com with your Pins better than to sty Hot ma ever tree! strgh apergativs medietne. I plan great datentience on an effictual cathartic In my dilly OCIAIWIt with diseasd, and believing as I do that yo pr Palattiord us the bust we have, I or course value there' bisbkr. Mumma, Pa., May 1,1856. Re. J. C. Avsa—dlr : I hive been repeatedly oared of the worst headache anybody can have, by a dose or two *fair Pius. .t teems to arise from a tout stomach, which they cleanse at once. • Yours with great respect, , ED. W. PEBBLE, ' • Clerk of Steamer Clarion. Bthotta Intionntas.—Livita COMPLAINTS, . . . (Erma Dr. Theodore Bell, of New York Oily.] 'Withal' are your Pills admirably adapted to their perpece as an aperteet, but I find their beneficial effects upon the I aver very marked tudeed. . hey hive in my ;settee proted mot , . effectual for the cure of IPlious plaints than any one remedy 1 can mention. I tin ly, relolce that a e have at length a purgative whiff's orthy the confidence of the profession and the EP O I II / 1 - Derairnbar. Or 'llts , D. ~ IaTIRIOB 185 , } Waeblagtoo D C 7th Feb. . Or : I have used your Pills in my general and hospital rfeVarrinee you made them, and cannot hesitate ai i, They are the Mat cathatte we employ. Their re gulating action on the liver la quick and decided, ease pliantly they are an admirable remedy for derangement giblet organ. Indeed, I have seldom found a mad of 01111 ells Waal to obstinate that It did not readily yield tO thetn. Fraternaby yours, , , , • ALONZO BALL, M. L.,+ • - • ' Physician Maio Marino HOBO& Drsayrsity, Dratenum, Rua; Weans. • [From Dr. J. G. Green, of Chicago.] - " Par POW hays had a lung trial in my practice, arid 1 1101 d them In esteem as one of tiro bast aperients I have motet fauna 'their alterative abet upon the liver makes emeilentremedy, when given iu smal. maven ter Mel 'Dysentery and Dl‘rrtna. Their sugar.eolititig rotes them very acceptable and convenient Ler the use women and ebildren. fl tyre= Rev. J. V. Dimes, Pastor Advent Church, 80.4011. . ~ .: ID*. Alta : I have tielet your Pills with. extraordinary - ...... eta lkspy. famil y and among time I atn'ellied to,visit ~.,.... , /Wept.. To regulate the organs' of digeetlon and pu• I L . We bleed, they are the very beet remedy I have ' l4 '. kncreins•andy mnnotifidentiy recommend. thou l to '..:" ii' .frleada..... . Year% J. V. BLUES. f Wassaw, Wyoming Co. , W. N. ~ Oct.t ,18116. .. , +eibeitsfAss„: I at e using your Cathartic Pi ll s in toy re, and dad them an °Yr...silent porkitive to elm*, gyatain and purify thefuuniains of the 111*j. ' .1.. , " JUHN U. hi/SACRA.% M. D. 4; . . Minswasfolt, Corinlatess, Surrealism, finstistarnml ~."..1;;: p ows, Nittitatata. Datmv, Paltatalla, From, are. COi ','' i[rentli lir. J. P. Pamela * Montreal, Canada.) ' no mach cannot be said or your Pills for the (Aire of ''' i ' =I"S It others of your -fraternity have Ibeod ' _ liii eirdoes as I have, they thould loin me la pro. sibillaqinid it bort the .bquellt of the multitudes who Sniffer ...1.4 , itie/seeipplaint, which, although bed enough In It. LI ,. 4 , ihe prllgotitor of others tbst are worse. I belly. ' . ' EMI td Originate' in the liver, but your Pills ante .4 . 413.1 ' 44 ' 4'014 gursithe OMAN. . . -' ll ama. "-lers..ewi idea( R. Wien, Phyoiciau andNthlwite, Be . fiton.) /Rad one or two large dente of your Pula, talon let th.. IC• are .ezeeilent premotives of the Natural hem-Wholly impartially suppressed, and also earp l un l gkesd 4.,inasaisili the aldlitagn and =Pat. Weans. They are to Matt the'peat phy sic we have that I:recom mend he Other to my patients. (nom 016,,Rei'. Dr. ilawires, of the Methodist Eplaeopti ...- ; . :Church.) ~ . • ..., .-,.: I i. I,,PeAtegrampint, llavannab, Ga., Jan. 0, 1166. 2011011111 Sat : i Bholll4 be uogratelui fur the,rellef •,gasw 081 hes brought me it I did not report my ease tti .. Mfg ' Cl d-wettled in my limbs and brought,ou O'er's .' 1 , oellitihailhinkalgio Pains, which ended in Peronlo Alsoll-' ..-: cii. diaillgin. yetwittistandlog I had the best of physiolass, • ' .. „ 44 ,, , grew we ae and worse, until by the advice ISM • a gent In Baltimore, Dr. liakeozie, I L".. 'your 'Pills. '. ifreir Weals mere slew hut ore By i. up dips In the use.or Wel% I ere now entire t y, eau.' . i &..t2 ( ?.,gam Cauca; baton Mugs,-4.; Dee. 0, ism. 1 • , Id. • - ": I have been entirety oared b, your Pitts,; ; ,Me ' static titit:-.a paliattll disease that hadbillieteil' , ':„Ilt ed... . . - ViNCL.NT .sLIDSLL. ' • sit =of the. 'PM/ ha , Inerket. eentiMit..ldersuiry . ' Widish, although eireuatilit . remedy in tkillful..hands, is . . .... . ogs In a publio pill, fronithie 'dreadful coup/nen- JEJ„,„,,...,, , t frequently' follow Its itteauVous 'nee. Those - " • ' '" lie Memory or mineral substance whatever. i,.. ~1 1,/ 26 ems 4 for bus, or *boxes for $l. ',.... ' ed by DR ' J. C. AVIS lit f.XLI Lawuit' e lm. • by C. A ' -Balmy trti O. K. ifellorill., use & s . qv 14; Holman & 00. Aroastron's Hair burs !. , . ~,, „,, • ...,6 1 .., 10 T5, 0 firbero.. • - ap27-firtidaw 1 . ..., : AITAITA CIGARS ! 1 b 'f::.II issiortmeal; 'compris ng . _ __. Stan rzar, t , i., 40:111ta, 10* , i/.....1 .t..• 7 I 1. , 8 . AO, LA fillill4lo • , . . w • Calmouo. ' "=4 KW.fila SINN and qualltial, Ia ca rter, one.lllth aka one- J , c! ::.4.iM , balsklektilootrylitiirld alkitiow, by t,,a , z , .. m, i. , : ; ~ . RN . 7,,upaz . . --,,..: ritual. CLASS_ GROCERIE S I LAIR° E.! -- -ittatii i v A La I i ' k 1 ~!,1 ' 'LYING MST. , REMITENED. troll' the S in. ",...'",' ' 'Ellatora dthu at or* me nava ae . leoted itnii the ur , me , J 6in a largo and oumplete assottM eat of en 4:LI'. ' 4 0 0411 Whlati embrace anything !teat in the beet 1 ,..% 1 : , iaries, we reepeettnly and cordiallyAntite the :,- ;,,,, to enll and examine am stook and sozion - Otnt ..yr tv _. • • ''9. _ WK. DOCK int. 4CO M. M. iiii„.A.TTON'S I L i i . MAIKOVICA kt,ir , E 11 l 4,#-Ifx,E - ~,1 ~,, sa m 6 4 , s Alley betweeri .B . IIA and 4. ''NW r` '' • k.S l iteth • Streets. , . " tits .1811BLI8HMENT is`stocked with . I t iesitt , nowslion POSES, aII.RIAGIB, BUGGIES, are, ' a lbe biretl , on reasonable terms - esintrern- J. Q. aDASS, as t . i. ' CANDLE .. S!. I 1.1 t s. Dom,; i '' i ,L 4 H A AN E i CA LEK 51 4:lAtiant" ' andaNE CANDIp, , '' ' ''O GAL EP F$ HEIMI "Iip Bt OAITDLEI3,! el:0 , Tm ‘ i,ow CANDLES. ~.: , -I ‘4 l 4' Fila Ikurge SA or the 'above in Stern aridier ysi iskrenba low. • Mit Wow bp ri".111"' WM. DOCK JR. Br. N o . ._ C k'''' 3 4te the Court BOWL /kid LIMIIFF-- nA gbite Ho dred Elam anal, • • cvataini!ThiSi rimpived by r 44111 :„.1'14..:4,01)0UR80N. WHISUY I A =L s superior rior article uart afore 1301;YR3ON j0a.4 3 ,1 glow for as he by azket MIN - MEI JR,% . 0 . 0 inistetlautoili sANFO.H.D'6 LIVES INVIGORATOR NSY ER DEB T is oompottnded I and has become as eatabl Woe, known and approvedi cid is now resorted bat, .h.seases for which it hi reilail It has cured thousandsl4 who had given up all hopett rat unaoticltid .certificates In mi The dose must beadapb aj .he individea.takhig iLand in to act gently on the bowels. ar Let the dictates of your V die of tho 11 TER 1:41/100. Lam COMPLAINTS, Bumous i °Mansholt* : SOD= COM , I tioust SIO.OUOSI, Mohacs Yourturi, Gummi JAO/K4014 FZIL6I3 - WILLX-r mecessfully as an Oiturtee 114 cell cure.9lCll ELEADACHKI as marl! ifutious, mtrel7 must at corarneusernertt ' ALL WIIO AL air aver mr-Blllx Watem m tilts month with Una tei t•igorator. and swallow Will torstker, num cats sows ns vomit -ALSO SANFORIYS FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS COMPOUNDIED FROM PUEE VEGETABLE EXTEACTS, AND PU Up IN Dr. As s CASE.S, AIR TIGHT, AND WILL. KEEP IN . ANY, OWIAL,ATE. Du FAMILY CATBAR4_ , - , . active Cathartic which:the GU practice. wore than. twenty a - The oonstantly increase '—',,,- daveJlodg used the. PILJA/741 cl. all express in regard 10 ~.1 to place theta within the EL' The Papfeesion well know '7" on &deem portions of the ....- . The FA...Y CATII*X Terence to this well 'eclat). P 4 led from a verlety'hf th Ei which act shim on every in .. cal, and are prod and - wife Dill thartln is . neede4, - .enah,‘” it .Ik4intim :. Pans Ai: 'r ( rapi*earieltiMlSS V. l oer' ' ilk AI or weiol:tti -tie hiazif:a ~ Worm in Olakiren or 44 , r Purifier of the gElleod and all dash Is heir; too ifilaterees -9 1 issement. Wm. I to IL 10 PRICE' 80"blant;,.- rail LIVID biVIGOILATOB AND Fs.ausa usta3,l - ruaasre re ta iled by 1:N - quids generally,and sold wboledds law( towns. • - W. ea4Fono, M. D., Manufacturer and Preprint.); Je2o-dswyil 835 Broadway, New; York MADERIA wE.11311, BROTHER'S OLD RESERVE 191.Vh tan ballad and fruity. • ID sure and ror sale by • ;OELN S. ZIEGLER, fable Th Merkdt street. SSTORAGE STORAGE I nORAGE received at the Warehouse 110:Eisa lAEA SATha 61J0iia'Ajt/REL ForBBloll- • vt22 • . CITY LIVERY .STABLE . • ~ aractikswi Ay Ault .4it tEgg : mug- O. luizurszt orti'. d Bl.' -I , IIN undersigned has re-commenced tthe livery business to his NBW and SPAC/OLH ;STA ; located as above, with a largo aturviined snick o RORSEB,SIABBIAGEn and ONINIBUSLI, which be wi, hire at inaderabi ' rlitnii.: F... t•WART7. sarAti•dry - 4 , Ml* ~. L..c 1 s yn E. :... i ce tER i'- .!) 4 -*; VILDER Avo: 27 ~ . 1 16, t 4. S : . JOBBIN C .1 ' r,.;RE1,...1 4 ,0 ,"..---.*:;, APPLE W i 1 I PEKE JERSEY APPLE t . store and for sale by JOHN H. ,ZESOLEtt, '7B liar Wet), keel, EMPTI BARRELS. --Two. Ittuadred Empty Flour, Bum and Wine FieileltOr all de•. aor pona and prices, ape . . CENTRAL NURSERIES. York Pennsylvania. .h EVANS & CO., • Proprie- JLA tors.'Bruit and Ornsteental Wen, UraPeit small fruits, Rhubarbs, Asparagus; Sb Üb3,' Roses, Bedding plapts, In great variety. - • ' Indere left with G. R: Small at the eitirlial Bank WII receive prompt atte,,.U6ri." • • - L . ' • Catalogues grkgs on fi r lmdaw • ' • : OUR MON' &:00NEITITUTIONt in UR GO V ERNMENT ," by Si.' Ai g 4s Ter ae sad Provision s el:owlet; the - teletions Or the see:oral •Itatos to the Mlles eed hush otheroted &plaint egitik4 ray the System of ()overeaten% of the C tantry. ! Price tt• Go: Odd; atid, Oasis fillilpiio(4 Elarrie ra• - .i1t,4121 Aliens for Counties and • SiALOO Wililieg• • i• M ° A.ll LISTER ' S .: - , :i, . r '1- '''li4 t: : ''',!-' '- • I :le ; 1 , 4 , i'14E10 7 1141 0 ENTI'm , AL L 4 RI ? W I Ay: ~..1, is a sli., it ARa liatinAkisitharnsaila Perspiration. : . FT la a fact, ,1494 r., . ppaser of :. I contradiction, that 4 i lir,DAtithn lin .14 cursor : Warms, Scalds, Norval* ,1 : 111 litlit All • Tumors, PHI* 846iffiSffike:141kyil iiall Chitbltaiihrd4toitiL•l4#4*, szintsury, ' ' , Croup, Illientrouteaskivigalk ' ' Cold Fowl, JLAystii4C ... _l, ! Alit ?:,1 4 1 1 1 - , ;: - :-.:13.• ,, j, DISEASE WI. .L.UttEST.- itc .3' It to rightly termed'O'"D;lagrik7 It7iis4.7ra; scarcely a lliseaSe externit,OS:hkeenatlMt it ; ark ,• For add at lib ' e.firfusellingek. • / •,, • ; ; •• •"- ' r i Nu. 14S locia•M Siena, slais'Yonte And by all Druggists throogliontilre Hilted sask, s g: .• . -1,••• :. u..-::-.. i.., , .--.. • 143 Phitlle ecriiesP-N., t ... Agents; wanted. immediately to introduce it Into ! ' .4 families, who may roadie it on liberal terms, for li tIII I 1 I it f' mariltdPwl dt ~,.: .....,;.:.‘ i - id .t _ '. . --,-' FTIHE UNDERSIGNE ,D. has op*med- . file. 4 1 UMBER OFFlCS,_corner of Third atraet•nld Bliolet' mrrry alley, near Serra Hotel . . . ... ; ~, I' , /Amber of all kinds and qnslillea,',lbr sale by . •; . „ •-.....-. - • , . , The understased 'will 1011 Florio, Carriages `and her. see low fur cash, ,„ . , , -----• ALTO-horses and'Oard , syni to hire It tin koMo office , num ~ ' • '-.. - - -- . INANE: , V. MURRAY. • FRESH FR1:111:' iv every description in cans and jars: m ar s .' • "A` l ll 44 4Virarru4M o f • VitESEE GARDE* fifid YLOW2II SEEDS. . . Thalargeot stock id the city: Aturlel Of das:Ado &Or in largo mord at threctenti poripor. etc, - ...A.ViaLOYNZa; rstrop. iti ,L Market street _., i)6 Dahciglit " 4: L4l .4VO, e & F ,, - oRTY , -.BOXEStitv prime ,or , • itilt ; :i.4l . • i ..- I w "e- RiliCC • FRESH AND COMPLETE assortment mot renew sad ibr WO tly Mi. DO= Bt. 4 CO. pennovluania iDaiip Afternoon, Map 3, 1861. BifIrCAVIEI4LT'SIII • . , LEFt 2/LLS - 0 PHOENIX Mr/tn. I"HESE MEDICINES have now been, be- A, hire the pubtle ter eperkid of TEGItTIf Viand end daring that time have maluLLtn d a high character in al most every part of the Globe, for tbdlr extraordinary and immediate Power of restoring perfect health to per coffering ander nearly every kind of disease to which the human frame is liable; The following areamong the distressing variety of Hu me diseases in which the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES I Are wen known to be toranible. DYSPEPSIA, by thoironghly cleensing the Orte aid swim& stomachs, and ortiathm a flow of perk healUff, one. instal& of AM. stale and acrid kind. • BILATU- LrkliCh, Lam of APoettle, Ileesib.ure,ll gad' leesneas, ill Tamper, darlety, liegeOr and Moisseholy, tvhitlti are the general eYbiPluess of Dyspepsia, will van lab; imadataral 001eleoplettbe ofits cure. :Jcodorors.atinsa, by cleansing the *lugs length of lViteStilleb with a solvent, proceee,and nithout'vt:4 ancer an vhilet t purges leave the bowels arty. within ' Itl 18RS of all kind., by restating tlat4led. to T feipthlr C 410411014114 sbreUgh the proems of reeteretion fn mit omen and the thore4ti soiutido ore* hitiedifal "'' ' ' ' leintlihlitil have been thew*, aro itainuatamet petuuknry uk jot rz weskit and WM Ukhor tans timsny r i s lialetilri!l!ilea from the' meanies son ligamel, Unite te: DROPSII ES' Of &hinds, by treeing endn ing the kklneys.and bladder; . they Operate pest ht-. thew Important organ and henna have ever been round a sei:tnif restudy 'We t he wont Onus 'dt GRAVEL ' "* WORMS, by dislodging Men the .turnlap Of the bowelo the slimy matter ; to widish these creatural adhere. LITATBS ;utirely from bad loot S Standard Idea by all tha have aired IC with eonfideno in all th. commended. within the last two year of relief, ea the numeroor my Neatest - on dhow. .' ed to the temper/uncut 01 used in such queudittes judgment guide you m th ItATOR, mid It will cure Armenia Dnefinem,Oneree mamas, Dmaistmas, Debt UAL Cos:CIMISIS; CHOLIC licasteMm, F ti to t rtr amilmet, and - May be use 111 Fate& liftmen. h ((ca Cl/ticket:ids can testify 'r . (Mini um ricumiconrsa • oh Attack:: ' • Ito Weir testimony ' SCURVY, ULCERS, add INVETERATE SORES, by the perfect purity erhickihme Lir/ MIDI OfFIS eve to the blood, and, all the lipinors. . SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and SAD dONILBX 'IONS, by their satellite etket open' tbe” Snide that Red Site skin, and the morbid state, of which 0004110,113 : amptiveepreplahits, sallow olondy, and other complexion's. F - The *fled Melte Pins tor a very short time will °Root an Mire mire of SALT RHEUM, and a striking int movement to the clearness of the sitin. COMEOIII COLDS aid INFLUENZA' arm always be coral by one dose; or by IWO In the worst oases. PALES.--.The:originai proprietor of these medicines, was cured of Piles, of it 6 years standing by the wee of the MEDICINES aloof TIC PILL tla a gentle P 0 proprietor lse need In hi I IDs dottOttnitrotn Moss Who find the tuttishiction whit* than use, has induced Me, ranch deal]. thrdalirerenkCathardes act T4C.PILL nas, ;with due Ir • Ittihad lam, been' oompoior purest Vegetable Rama% part at the alimentary cat• in ell. oases where a_orn- Deranynnerth o 7 Stowed, Rack and Loins,Costs velar; body,fiestiassneta,Resslaoh, Inliarnmanni Diseases , tsar, Reesomstirrn, a greed tunny diseases to sttuch to mention In this a War. teRVIDA AND Atitrit,;-:For this :emerge of the Western country, these Medigines NUL he bound a safe} speedy, and certain remedy. Othet.litedicineehaielhe system eubject to a return °Me disease-4'oore by these win-Arm is permanent—TßY TRIM, BR. ILATINFIND, AND BR CURED. _ _ , BILIOUS FEVERS lOW LIVER 00K PLAINTS.-41asseet Deanterr, Wei or Arnim", and Di seem or Plwatai—the Afedknnee, have been used with the moat beneficial results in cases of this denser , • and Sestighle,,ln Its Wont thihne,Ylelds to the mild yet powerbaliaion of these renuOtable Medi labial:N(oG listbate'LlfervataL.MarraitA4f e t a " pleinta of all kinde x yatp nation Hews,Pen rr (Bile, m are sPectlilaibiid; . l.,_".. l ,_ ILIUM L DlwanAilf.B.—,pitnions whose oonstitalons have become ; Impaired ht. the latitrlialass use ef Heronry, will find thole Afedielneit a perfeat cure, as they never Gal to eradicate froth the' system, all the effects of Mercury, infinitely supper thitittni toast power tel PreParationsobilarsaparlila.. Prop tared.and sold W. B..BIOFFULT,' 836 Broadway, Niiw York. Forests by all Druggista. Jy2o r rk It (X) Banuusra.itoilAND,lMPlV and Ms. entfre absence nr atan , rosifration r haa Agfa. , ULM WE a renatitkm *Wren inartatissitationa rind counterlb.tts have fined tivondarmlna. his pant chef alltanibleil~liannitk lardy aciont . t t: M t iti aU get rem - It is a initdialsie of iirtiettisli Mg* fir g tie •JNood, ao;,0 jciatiol Jtit,t goofs Emil& ibr octereitinCillso - taaillor Star shim& and boosts. • • Two orthreetdeow will dotrdneethe afllloted of , fta. eakaag h iebote. The Ammo% will opeethly moth hs area a healthy motion of. the UM, Weide aod.- -kidneys will Ewa take place, aad rammed healthbo the gala :zenith For INDIGESTION. TrY W DOC& R.,& W. Ikerbavels Ho'hind Bitters. For LOSS OP APPETITE, TrY Berbavets Holland Bitters. For COSTIvIISTESS, Try lkerhaves Holland Bitters. For PILES, Try - Beaterelf - Rolland Bitters. ii. ,ll, 42tiarant i er"ol,l,4F eck eigetbi g hl i besidlir&sAilieffwitQui*: a l i r a c I iiramtnktdidaY-4:ol2oFitrAted Bcclu*Trs, tam Towns icitos ppAnjudt titlat titatlefedly,a_ad rotatied44,ooo r Dothigler bane. The great draCui for this truly celebrated atedlchii . hes Induced man y. ,Italtetkote, ,which the public ebeuld guard agabatt &soak efferpotittont Ste that our name ft at. Mel • PITTRATILGIt. vA • 4aig #1 tOs cly 11 : 1.1) oy rt. GRoas:a JEWELRY,- . WATCHES, CLOCHE) -' • .. FANCY GOODS, &C. 1 - . 41 . 4 , . . ... i ‘ ALFIRD' E. ZEILIZERM- .*: 0.01 D 1" o it - • . WREST.; ',Ose P . a., 7 o ' Mb tlsta'a Roma and tio n t r ik Inb`" Redman Honey baying .parobased fict,,siteetr ullit P Jennings: and added a large sanortnuntt ar nitw-. mar, we will sell Um same statelowest cialiprice, and *Melt pittronsge. . • 1 • :.. _. , . • • Watches ,, Clocks and Jewelry meetly. sae •promplly re-. sued deliveredi __,.. A. • r! 1 ! " : ....: •., 4,14rEED:74 *minimum motig disposed , of my stook of_Jenniry bin. ' ly,:iiin tishrinic & Co. , I cheerfully recommcmd them toTtel'ifir usersomissopcmikaspractloid-NOLAgle/4401N44, .Wotab Idirdelclibll soltclt•tbr them a continuance of ago nbackbas been noonerously.extended Lot'"' , 140 . .4,„...0,44.1„,,.).r... ~,...,,ap at ! ~. l em29 .._ ~ F. JENIII#43IE. , : , iignqi.d. 'lrs4 /I"4l4lZrair t ts • alaritti4: echanse .,.., , 4 . , Na, - 1 • . ' ~ i c • • WEldtaWAßldlltl .1 ;.'...: fitgitb•bEtairrhurta 44'sovs' : THE GOLD MEDAL ',' '.• • • - , Nos;na4262 : GRAND, SEM6URANtI '-' AV-SPUME PlAmO-FORTE4 AND-i 93 ONLY rassum, At. SILVER M.ED _l_.. a • FOR nil , BEST DrlTlOdit LiNOS -iffi ,. '- • 1 yr : AL lc N'O'OR E• • • - 4 .'‘ 111 0m bolt THE 13,4.40 voiltip fpws ti • V it '' ''ll*litiliMET 10, li 114;k - , "11181 , lan/ lIIINDLES ! .'• r'.l•l` 1 la NUM so/PLY Jul zzazrola zx V • WIL DOOR ,IS. & 00. LIM Intbitai - , Holland'ißitters son . . I:I . 3rSPEPSIA. s Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, &e. 2®einioi42 I intindfictilin 4 siia 'l6 of this oile. litiktid Remedy had bean lhs nigger. for a literal flood ornnpolindi called "'littera,'" .olfared to various drum; from a quart b 0151.40 a Svellitka 11 4 1 tide 'word "Bitters" le but 'another none dory woe or eceneeillanoue . !Y _mixture- ' _ : Dot the really gnat relief derived - tram ihmailinde dose, oneinsepionful r of our niedleins, . Berhavo's Holland llittop. For FLEARTI3I7IIK, Try Bierintre , s Holland Bitters. For ACID/ . T; Try girthltei 'HeDeed Bitters, For WATERBRAEUT. Try BerhaveNHand Bltter4 Vor 11:19.ADAOHE. Try .. _ & CO. SOLE ,MAN4FA6T6RERS MibitaL . . ... , OriP.II,IX.IiICI. 'PILLS . . , , . . ~. • . 'SICK:HiE A - " , D A C HE CURE NERVOUS HEADACHE, . . CURE - • ALL KINDS OF EIMADAOIII- &a . . hy the of there 'Piths • the pertodte Aussie:of :A-er mine or Blek Randente may be prevented; and If indreo o the eashmenceinent ". 1,., A n esiline immediate relief from PlyioAelekiwofs . " v - i 'oigibtiood. , '. . ceidolu'filt la Vetneirlig - Witthett and Headitetd to wh e rematch are stratibieet: - . ....... _ ~.. _.-, - I 9 eabgeo hj , upon. the bowels. retartidog - tolotiogious" iVer literary him, ;Indents, Dalioite rem ilea, and..ill ed. sedentary habits,"they are viihnibfe as a tut, O g the , irkstric gtvitg &white moos * the d tin- w; Mid thatortng the natural Auld- ,ral r ititti dity aurtiltitugthia him w slate sylhein,._ , ,1 TN, CriPithiAo me ...,,,...1.1..., r. , i4loV.,estki gallon sod enreftilly emanated otp..,rhi.oA-, having' be*. 111 ' *lb ID runny ,tres; daringierdien tines reey have Pee. vented and ratit , e, vett meadot tit pain and oortriNr pro m liyeadadey : whet her., Isriginig, .inin in IP!'",rlT'" °"." tern or fro m a, 4 g ri Tg or.Ll state arum) stealacn. Tbey are emirity t.' fit:4ll%re' In•tbhrtscattprelttoti, and may tsiipier. en ill , ernes sititt ..tiontiat ' safety without making any change of dlet4 atialkettbienice of any dile - gramb a lane i miter. it ectirdetubs in itt w• them to children „13.61/fAtti Olt COUNTS/UNITS ! s t., .... .' = , ~. .." ',. . .. 2. Plitgengtoe D are avisignitires or Henry ti. - 80aliting melt% b trz: % • 4,, . i ,-.1.. i , Said by druggists and ailehier,,dealers in , medieined. it Bed will be peo-ty iplant pifiptid on reouipt of the Pala, TWaitTr-Fln, OW* . . . 4.11 orders aluralit 40....141 .itritEtted ; to r _._,.' . i i . . HENRY C:SPALDING, . 48 Ckdkr Sti6t 'Veir Ito*: ... ... . ~ . . TEM. FobLownia D `IN :Q , '' 'CEP RAI PILLS WILL CUNitils; 'EADACHE, TEtta SPEEDY AND SURE CURE , WITHIN; THEIR. REACH. IA thew jathionteas rent, ,4 10( 1 11 6 .4et i Mr. &PALS ma, they - iford wiiatintab& Frog of tilts 4 11. ' Noy Wait •:**.eiast(gil Wigan/. • mA ll 9=4- 1 1 4 "5 131 mr. /lib ' 6 ' 1861 1 hairs tried , y;alitritatieritls, and I like Adm so toe 'Omit area* 'ou to scut ow Mirada/ire Forth more. Poo Odom tuts ibr neighbors', to wbriso Tma s [ear out 'or %be arst, - box' Vito& &ova you: , Boodthe Pills by, to di, Your 01'1 8 ' JAM aIINNBDY. :• . . ELernaftlato N.; ! I .# l -.7 13 , 184 / 1 . SIALIONO ite: ; 2 I wbai you to SPA' inn nos more ooz 017011 r. Oopikaltc, NW, /own° onlial_i#4drai t Lfrgrromi )014Ardi4 fir°tPlCHs34 , . spina, Cuss, Hanttngdinoi", January 113, 1861 • - Yon will Jilts, send , toe two i ln4te loci` F 'ge•Arnis POL. Send ttsminamhd 4 Rell"4 l2in.4lloNti. P. 9.-1 kayo used ow? hoz of your POlinad And thorn enoelkqt. Y.9 l .fh; Olito , Slur X 6:21 1 4 ca lls ,' Irizfob tend mom nod. uoilied it e ntr, ryrOr MO ano th er boa of ybet phew MIA TAO a"gwn" . l l falba' Pills/Airos euartlessit. Di r ecA , A. FITO. Bells Vernon, Wyandot 00., O. Savant, Am., Deo. It, late. brieg i ygur CkopkaLo s t ki pore' potrttolgagy before :tat cloto - ern yoirtak9e Imp tit Du of Don kiwis 4100,501/04)4! to 14 021% of my ouetanaera,w, bo Ii antijeo v t il tp :vare ,altrere d a ll an olt Lift.,da _be, 04nallf twang to 9 -4.4 attack in one lieu kyjour killke,i t er u hl p ott ett l' un e6l l l , lA r h e ,, u r r . i. . . WA./03- , 8arn05998999, Flunk:Ml Co , ob lo , 4; Ja-ttal7 9,1801. j 4997 0, = 4l . • , . ' 84.48 C • ; . r • ; De &r „ __ ,;„„L • , i9ll enact,. soma; Bookneat pie • tffentruv• `'.: • its.. vim Pox of. “O•pname . Band -to , lima' ... C. Flair, Rernol94kin, Franklla comity, Onto You - 901,* Mao charm , --oefre , ate . 4 99tiet 'play yowl* .aninenaw, Jan. 141, - DRIL _ aratutal i _ Not long since j,atutpo you for a box of Caphalf l o . rya tbr the more of thaHbAnua Headache and Costiveness, and recelved - the satak.and , they had so rood an l SAat I oas induatdlocend9lo inert. Please nand by . return meL Direct to A. MrifiLlucitt, :, , • EF)ioirrthe ktiattier; Nortbik - , Va.] CeptuittaMli faccoity* ohjeicK Sir which, Chef ,wcre pcgif t ,vhc LClire o thedsohe 'Whit Itshirmh, TAY hitrr r oih,-khelhihroiner, lts tiien Wised lie Acorn tholisaud wtthtlool4.9,ll • twrointuVroknogriMr- Mud, V. 11 1 161 `• yeti iirt'-or bir3 been...M*4oe l tundache'; *sat Wila box, (Pephalbi.AN eo t You may bave .04 3 A/4 0 1 444 or au -4 tar-k: - - ..1 •"" • Troia-I/1i Advertairaii eFoilkaPii, R. 1.)! "f6e:beekidlii4 l / 2 115 ihietaki to-balizoartrkablyolfecis ivefipaiiidylewr.ll3o4tadoolle,Anctapis of the very but IbilthalfrOVlZtos. tkokottstp,Rl,l4t: *V.* has ever boa' (Front the.Welitorit .ELAL: &matte, Cliaago, . We heartlifleaddetiOUr Spalding, and Me natelralled . . M o l l o l 4fißt!.f: 4 ; ( t"iffrki Ye:) , WeariaiereAllitAltsWsiiilart°olBh k-ii'L(lt#ll> 0 4 1i5 , 7449% F=t4c!i.Vi/itlr.°?'. • b s okilif fiVAlDltaira 0/MARKO vizar wurartelorthais Its. ;104 Rug. 1 314..110 SPAL:DING'SiIt,'EPAItEIY GrAYRI rk i ,RVigri gREPAREIP.GLITgr "RAVE Tail;P1801181:: vt4. - *- 4 ILWONIC 1 r• 41113KATQA ; , ; ;-b-LailrbkolYclUP MVP ALP!, niI,CPPIII; ' • - • • • • 'a6o44;as ;Dia 6.444.4sailettfitintiie i l ls 446'1461110:dd to! liivie!aedie etufp <pud! Aohireidett Cci.r ieradria4 geraitara, X9Ye, 511;e4T,40. " iiiiLlittiM . 14tOttlpitil itn4ll all suet} erairrgenele4 ask nu boeilelegd Citll • atm *obi' without it. itt 41394 .Y.81:4 1 a 4 1..Vid 4 RIP the glick• talg 144 . " l ir4ddrui, g; --:A. BAUM acultapainixi deft bottle; Prod* oter, Addreaa - BilltßYl/ eI'ALDINO, jdo. 4,8 Cedar IrSokk, d 'll4 tr • - ewtsfa ciaiirinctociveriontaeiittettiptin s to palm on theiirssespeettog Imliatiadi of my I :Pift.l3ls OUIAI .would caution Mt legorciP ..aptiNlaftPttli Slat riteirettr ecotatavaintioutdioroolit, 14011 . 441 0tirliftg91,- - _l9 OratakarchiNOWV a5999. 04 6 1 4git es An Reared at KELLAM/ DRUG EITORIk aiselLl R UG iniotzttantous. Dyspepsia Remedy DR. DARIUS HAM'S AROMATIC INVIGORATING 8111 LIT. nka Medians her bras used by the patio for go ran, with lograthey Aver. ft u faamaseadot to Owe plenerith Ithervoluseeas,lll art-Besm aiti Alien in the Btonvieh, or Eh outs the Benere , ffiradschit, Drominess, Kidney ems phant, Lets Spirits firma Prows, /ramp ra LautAres, ixtuurArre, c AIM, 611 VIM sot larrotacare B A MEDICINE it is quick nd edem L id a , during the most auraratint alaa D Y S P e P °3°, I (WY Complaints, and all other derange ant a Q. Eltetatch and Royale, lb a speedy manner . It Win insisatbr revive the Magi MOM .0 if au M*ooo4 aptrlta, and restore the weak, nervous dtd ly to health, strength and alga*. Persons,wlio, from the 11.01016..1113 000 0r sa l Ors h • become deject/lid, and their nervins trilliums shattered, haimMtutions Mohan downounf subject, to, that horrible curse to humanity, the Duntnrantini.m, will &linnet hitMetilately, feel the happy and healthy inviginuntr agency of tp., Banes Invigorating Spirit. A i r IT - WILL DO. ellaka MI as alien u unmoor, tub du. W i maiaira•U One 44,:z i al auelaari-burn. 'nit& aura Indlgeadoa. . Gee dose willske, San a bud Appetite. One daii *III &ram dlatresedu Wu, oC Dyaperma 06e dogs will reniMibe 411 1 01 1 0 1 hg and 411 -laircetalc erreale of' oilnd ar Flats Mane, and a.l soon Mine otozueilk rkelvierthe larregbrietag rlpire,„. tW dletreoeing Imo bee all petered Mango wlll bo removed. thin dom.will remove Chemed alarm:dog pains °Mirk, Meier twig° Memaab or. baireli. • A. few Elam" wW rginiova•ll obstru9t. I,h• iiSunty. giadder'4l2rrineity °rhos. • • ?emus Who are seriously . . epic VIA *Mt any tilgloci fAutplainte are assured speedy railer b i dbee or "Ntu, and • tadle•Moteiryth• me prase of pro potif4:- . . .. -..,..., ..i NIGHTLy ,Dwup,A.T.ION n , . 1. romans who, Croy divelpetingtoemoeb over itget.aind feel the evil illidlierpeisoebee Ileitorte In vielehe ;heed. I arthea,:alolreeee Ai 1ir1.40.4 ... weairami t e r u ri. l4l 7 WM Ond one dose wk remove aft hitt - 6 ' lidleiottrellt itid.aleit owrittlatleONehodid.take the tevigerating *et three time* a day ;It will mote them strong heal th y and bonny, rekOrtertil obettivallObs and inertia:AM Vein tien tnenatireat orlon; 'tad restore the Admen of health and beaut Yip the eareworntioe. ' '''"DarldiPiet nstroiftWlli bd.letted unlimited:lle web , : clue to remove dkagreeablv movittone at the stomach. 4b the proprietor asks Is il Mil, Wad to toiltice the, be pia puluplhe lnvtgorating lleetrit in olot bottAevk et be calasrA -SI - r "General' '4B Water tiro*, /4. Ir. ~ : tuuh lii *.:. - Arketatate ,J.,,rhiltnletohns.D. TOT; th UK ens for sale In berg tiy CC I.'ltatrovi4t,'D. W: Groara Co. and C. S. Heller, and by ell Drugglate everywhere . .10 4 - 4 4Yrill'. • .. —. : . - . : •1 FASHIONABLE 'OLOTEING. SPRING MUM Wll4. 1861. MUMMA MSBNIIIRS. GRANVILLE STONES' ORR PRIOR Girt CLOT RING EMPORIU M Na 607 .c 0 4 8 .2 7 1127 STREB7; A superb nook of Roo french, Enlist' sot AniecumA 0 r r - a - 11 0ABSIMERES, and VESTING% nor Qty - Conntry trade, 1(b an unapproachable as 'reaming et Rear, lism thoormto at the lowest con 4 Petah ', eiraat °WM - cm 1a asked, and aEn o ;musk , worth and use presented nth each article scold. keoli . ..ular on:irk:boo paid to the Customer department. and garment" Mean &tidiest:he Order to'any address. tohionialniattht {WS new , venlig of doing businfta, GRAN, h mumGRAN, would lm Pness en the minds on the patrons or Via eetablishment, that lbs wet fsittleidin 'is *snagged grog% nod sea added tothe price or the arta. bi Ole sold, Ins immensely nreihing eaten enttiting him -to ads thus' liberally, asulat the Mat Ole: to resikeeit' n reamerstivi 04. , artinisurguaraiteedrOS erenentiresattihotten: GRZINTILLE STOKES!. • ON . o:itiogbt. OTIIO Elffii CM 111 M _ 607 Catig lEl rit erliFl4 • sall9-sm4—ramei64llo . 7.4 ; FRESH A. RIVAL : lloagotrt,M B a acra g i =4 s i usi aiwi a ,;... ' • 4 -Br= Pros; ltaather.,l o,of Diaaiow tax ps f i • • j W 291.4 9 le hen reooli;ed end Dar eitla l settle !Meat raikaa.l 0 . 18 WIS. VANS -JR. iht , o . 1:18NT1ST;E:Y: 1 1 11 . ganditrOgivid. - DOCTOR OF DMNT . A.L. j •BURORRY, has ratartsjiand_resiosowl °AS! War" PAPosge Cise "Briar House, wa wa KW be iiieseti9 . l.o • attend to all who tilay dWhWhla leep27l. • ,f 1 Ftwer„GRUPPICA., 017 R G' , 0 -4D kir. OF EVEIIY DESCRIPTION. dowry, Gloves, Gaaatletta, in large quantraoi. areal aiportraeat or, Esalmarlerh*, , • + l,, LacheiLlOndeimoz, =arena aim an qua*. do , do " do • , ....,L,‘ .40 do • ' ' ,-: - ..te•Li v Boys.' ; - 4 0 do "Clotliti'QUalimerek SaunealkJatak .-• ~.. ~ 1 ~1 AS evAquang for "tYul, °PP. ' 4 7,!'! ,:-- 1 ' 1 - .GenUaniein' shone --.-.. , .. hr „, jiff :4 All ifxds,cirlibeet dt 6 lta o thaalt4' Oral( il. , ; t ~._, be add at a irery o . lot, alrar t fa .t _ 7 , , ~„ eV A, ileportatioii. s' • • --- - • '• ' u • f i lli : L3l •• 04 i , TWART.... 4r...4K, • . Alec dlrto up' narnsettri ii. ~.:: ..1- I . , . ....! ' n•Aferkea 2.08 6 ,0 oi lIM QIILKOE, , PEAR. 01-f414.1414 , 'L APPLE . , ' 'BLARKBBRR Y j ` ' ' ORANGE; ' 1 - Jut received from Now York and waireated war* - V*. : 1 .1 .20 • IVP, •Tr-, legoe4— -- --- - - 8001'Inowm8xy4 u, 1,, : , ON E , PUNCHEON 4 -of , PIM& tECOTOD, Aostegar jogs: r.scOrkli l i tvat i , E= .„ : ! ~, ....; i vx : %RN ~. _ lila . ... -: ,j I .r, ~; 1.;• ~ f...,....; ..1; ....tilt," t Ett r ad. ..„ 1,., ,e,obrijk...vd`s;FEttAftikil-k : . , im" NIAVORING =alma' ~h unib, b ot in slava* :. . : , ..- .. ~ . •. ... *;..11.41141)(4: -L,, rfi :, , S ! . -.; 4 . :.. E41 ... ' .., ... Iftithiss ~ . 4 , 4.ii,gpiitlik4 P )I3•1 :*4 1 Ft..LLI •. ;.!• t. . ': ' ' ' iliiil;ogliskaiMi .?v... ~ . . . ~ .. ;CA; .<; Altillt. R ' AF" ' 14 Fri* Q, ;tuba., • • .ENLYIMS P g , L... i ; . ~. .........4 1 ~......: 1.1 .. .....,, „et ap ei sweat_ :Li ,M4-AALITCHBLORA NA I X ;Prig ) " ' - - )1143-:BPLENDID. HAIRCiaTiC;44WIL7II4S a a; eittlinatentliatlntak e af i;UNll, u 3 , 3 **.M.r. ftW4,,prottlp•-•.IIIf4IthIALS4p ~ ~, . 4 E, j 1 p.,...n.Pg 2: . 'S . i ilr'ilgo-rrrates"itlit H th atilialni-fourttlithe9jr,froitearfrentiingl77 iihrikedmW.4. - Batgbebii/L-10141. incervir - ....a ~, .. .1 17! 7., .i -, ; O 4 9 ;i4VCCIELOR, ...tietor, . 7 - 1 ::.; ~. ‘., .05911 1 5 4 .F/7 . , 1 1,, r4LIY' , 11tre°S,r 41 !!.70 1 ;Nol l Wlo•Vcorlompativog cwt.. and. . IlatiPttctf 42!4--9" , " NUM ANDO4fr - JAxcll. Wi1741,41/4titroz Patent Weigh Carta, and band. thenomoTßA,, tzat I g,,forp99l . nyiet;prn them acci4 A m ..-- jj i . BeeleeerlAriftatirapidalleMursit tiarkiabarg;, Jl9ruails 17y.180:1- -1141 N." JUST RECErVIIELLG .&I+4 atitE iC-10 t . " briir Et OtiaZ ; '' ; ' E A T AAUTINIt a POiNTED! .I. ';' - ' as - • r d Nit i gt=formitrisd,-Bagle t e ri f i o ;Eankilies* Übe gistgoin;4o ••~- PV 4 4l4 d • tar„ • 4-4 a .'" anal' BOQRSTMIX, II Market Ore% DR . JOHNSO 1349...MarrillidtegXt LOCK ROSPITAL Hes rededihytmutfltwcoreilitrawia' twit effectual rom DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE law at max: BOntri • No Mareary or Nexiona Dregs firs Gni wasza.rom, og SO CSAROS, or re cm _ Two Ilitre.-43s U:s Wealoiese of the Back or Limbs, &rulurt.a La, the Lace, Adhesions of the Shiners and 'sadder, Weaknewly Nervous Debtltty, Decay of the ['by, ere, Bysmiels, iangeor, Low Aptrlta, CoLfugu n laskitattue Of the 'Heart. Thandhy, 1ren2b , 54 , , - IttStgbt er Giddieese, Dismum of the Stomach,A d of the Sead„.Throat, Mee or Skin--thase ca r dere arising from the Indberelion cr Youth—sho-e dreadral. sad destructive produce eoristituhowal debility, render Mfirr • stble, and destroy 'both body and m.u.i Tomb' MEN. it c4 6 4l men noemngt "rho have twos.: to, • n oni nr y Vise, that dyspdftd and deetructive annually sweeps to ID ahtmely parr yothrtnear of this eicetteseXed talent and .200 4 WAG might athwart!" have =race,: ~• Senates With the Blunders Of eloquence, or sr may the 11v1ag lyro, may call wt b full well,: BABIKL&BIL Married pettish, nithoervoctempladud LI, - lug aware or *Meat wroireaaaothauut aka, , - cult Dr. J., and be restored to perfect btu th ORGANIC . Writ Itsrstis liupsedikt4 cured esixt d 1 otpor razor,: Re wbo Owes tuaosett tusdar tb• care of 1,- r eliglirrialy Goialide IR We bow* se • guatlet,. ideally rely upon Ws UN as a Ittlptclatt. 0-oin c e No. 1 South F , edaerrlkoltc btreet 0606 lett boutstdo gang Alan Baker, r, , • icara tro tb• COniler. partkvilar to obipr., oern 'ol t b ;Or you will toletelte lap pia •c tioular for=sot= Quacks, ;cab or Paltry ejf es; attracted y tt, Uoo et Dr. Johnson, lurk war. All letters must contain,* Postage StAup, t Dt. Jailed Itletebet OM. /*al Wisp LOnslion, SWUM, Crum QUO Of UM zoom ottimeL., ,or the Wilted states, and the greatest part or ihnitefert Ivan In the iisentte,ln of London, Par.. y stelphleestd elsewhere, him gloated some o: 'MM . -hi Shiite that were ever known. Ms..; itt the eareAut dt head whoa , ; magmata Mans alarmat at rudoca suout with frequent Washing, amended sainetmoo w,ll, 4,, moot or =lad were totrattmoteiLktoly. fOr. J."addeel&rall: those lobo haotna &elm briPsitSte,tuad lawropor lne4eaclea, L: and solltafy habit *Melt roans both body obi lkorgaitberbodossaor society. Thoso am soma tot Ma lad and melancholy duced hatiltwoCroxitb viz Badt azul , Llutbs, Patna la:the head, Loos of Muscular Power, Paipltalkin of tbo L: wiada,lferirooslrritablilly, Dammiement of Iho , ftnetlowe, Genera] Debliity, Ilymptums den dat. huiareaLLY.. adlerraur, the floarfbl affects oa the Woo 572. 2,, be dreaded :—Losa .o(2,),lckeerf Couftahm oi presaloa of Spittle, Reif Forabodings, Avers*. c. ty, Self•Mavust,Losro'orSolltade, Tinthillty,doo.ue of the "eV eases. itamsanos at persons or all ageh, our riorrlalg, la the agnate(' their dating In beilth, Wiling tsar becoming week, pale, isertoes and emaciatea, singular appearance &bait' the area, sough, and F me orcatuagn . , t y CY YOUNia_ who have Itre6 tberiatelrair hy a ChM. sin prauis - i , Yelped ItVir alboe—a baba: 4reasteittly lowed sill 2zaceptudons e ec at , school the affects of attiru I,lothr rdN'elfesi itsleepittad Ifnot cured, reu , tiarriagelmposslbleisP4 dm&filY4, butt, 44d aL:d should apply inunedeitelY. *hat a pity that* , yeattg mar, thelibpee of Me c . try. the darting of his wawa., should be sva..cL,l - all prospects and anyzlptects oi life by the CouseqUlt. • of from tt.o Mh or Dilute, mid Indult , :zq .4.1411-hatittit Snob parsecs must, bah re ( - oni,n PLIWAS, ny. -itAittuAog, aratioatintadeobt PAY are the uwEL um% zwauls a . _ t o. „ Promote congenial happiness. IeJF.:: Wittlt mobvtbitjeiateflllirbathrlire btsoules a s-.”, Onirtotalar fk. prospect hourly darkens to the ; Dead nacelle* alaidowed *en ddilpidr, and dllcd r; coalandbar leflecteintnat.tha baptismss of at blUbtoil oltb oar oyptl #l4lJititiottv ItlittirDY . . , sy thiafgreat and insperessit.retadliy, Wcasua, low fz6 asirodny etirsdlitglult "%or radon,: ' Bithibtindreet theniinediairedaa debbaatd hail 104401 hope, batertopni.inamod/Waki relieved. A anpadnagetta to Marriage. or Mental sew, Nervous, TroNblink einem or Ethat4 , . Jhe meta cured. VIM Sher wfariblaiimft Our Sitt 014.1natlati" u..- lest Wattle d the a coperous Importaut opmeOfei• Nbiri - My wiiseeted ay 4.. :M ' • , l, x ,44 4 ...,•444PXher persons, ft. oa "IggiMerlitirsirsha Wore th 4 tvb 44//iallialhtX actitsissikesge gl okaraaa acv. Porgaittill 4• ' elatipatimatee to the ein.ctec, D Kft OrtlePRMOWe the ' o, l l ll4 l E4PrAdelitt plep i oltre ands be hm tbb. W@ tale it tae often har,at. attird&sa.sed adaatiibr ehesd,f4ft. )vor3 ' C r O ca •44 4 71411A,W0, !tom educeuon tsu.- dpeciabUtty sattittosie Wm, Warns • it utt. lachiserld disease intiE appi3l.l*elreettoir the head,teroat, noel . Won 4 11th filtrhintPriptdlty, toll death , c:. wrepm ono esai , .= 0004J10 ,valer returns. `, vetait imams to 'bit 1 I ra2 1 Ot Ignorant rr-: - Lehikp.oleas, ew; atlmosiebnelut %he reddue of hie m set .A ta,,V•••31411.--4;13e , Doctor,. l e eptonlas too.. , 3 rI44OIICPs m SlNatala ibriP 200 a UL iLe •' attliesaiditkt bi itpiath 1 1 11140kikos4eety Saltbnore aprltdawly :k.t tab .r. IL y .. 1, j.." • 1 - VO, if It ur‘ tti 1 , t,,.,, ........_ l „.. ~,,,-1 4 ,., ''.-- "ALIMaIi - i .L.. ~ 1 • ....::.“.41:7 1 i - - - E . t''' - • , THINT t. :.:... ~...„,, a . — ~ , -.' I.IIIV3. , %IIIMMEILOw , ~ .3 .J i 11,a i .14.11:15 : . t s • 'IA4.4IieriAINTIt PIWNIII femalePhysk -, i'r.' it* '..-.., : . hi a , - , t ~ i i . ' n II! others trr ;SOO! ItING S 1.71 i, L' i ii. ~ Voimp Chliklineni.- Teething , .:3 ,I. L..s k i. ( 4 - -. ' • X - , ttliei ecteette.... i,t• 1 ' " L .. =IIUAN WAD:RI/AMR' THE 11(i.• weft = 44 " ;thme!, tesi to ~,,, 1 , 4 4 /). - ,P, , Tg TO rotts i. - ii • • Illi p rolt 7- path artale for "S 1114ita leci ' ill 'iN • AST) TIM ff • . have neveiAision able Wow of any other 11 , - :INVER HAII,-.IT, IN • SINGLE: D0'...!- ~ I I ; E V-- l owe;isisswasoiryi w inatailiodoo h; . w hmcl igh c i fe yo : .. . yw N ,,az e . : , ei t i._ A4 ,sDkriiMia...2!' In toms or highest commewh , .. , ' '''' ' 'f ig ibtaft' MA Medical virtues. IN ';''' : Ai l tilift Ina. WI DO =OW, liter We yr ~.! .:,' , 63 ".; AID Math del 'intrawma rou Tfit P. - 1 . 4 ., la' srealm ' 411:111112"14" in &Imola every ,greh r lit titr u ln tenni pain end ' , L t. ' . '' ' . editeion-dfr twenty extstaw. , . I' s32l4l.24....;.elnitigeersit.: Viand . 01 ••••e utej zr.... i e hi the predrrftT. egILLFLIL N , ' -_ , „ ) 1 2drincriatit Au ¢een used era gi vs= '' , b , 4 Z." 1.1 Gt./ , • . L; a ~ , ...144 sialeigNMAKM" "1129'' I rai rattrlYee the OW from path. -'. . izuk.boirefe, normal ad • I: A . • tr ~..-...... iacera to the whole system - r •-y.:Nenem , 141.4 ., , rn5.n0w5r.5, AND wiND,'`, - ";..: lowl which If not elx*'"- ~,, 1 , 1 'ln weTtliV a iellinth It the Mr " J ,- . of OTsfilift' - l'.. .1 4 : • I , 4mA it o:otipcN, whether s' 0 , , ,, . I p - ; ; caningliihrilbr LIT Ten fari 7 , 1'111111 ... 1111121 ,_ DK= Pr' ifiCiill/M }StAad bet we Y? .... " - , 4 : ‘surcrwig r _Lwih...ellet that will be 91.1. rm i f , ,, -, tiii.,M,L, 'SVM-helibllttr the use of th is : li t ' '- . MIA friglidtEwathane Dee wing wi1!....A'7 _ , ' .;;',.. • eiqiie:geuterie unless the ''''' ' A ., ~ '' '''.' l. tßwm,braorerit,b, ea uwoutad e .LlMbr War trighoe the ~no. Pal tTic, may sc„ New fte .. ..,_. 474 ArtilMbi May U. Mate Der 13 0 . 7 5 lAIIVIXMIT by fl . 4‘,"i tires_' ' . brow Te"" , -... - 11Ufkattly eirsell. ~Ditm. NOTICt.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers