ails getegrafil, - El A ft R 18811 RU ---4--- - Friday Afternoon, Kay 3, 1861. --- UNION Bs vsLorms, Note Paper arid Badges • be had at 13ergoer's Book Store. HOMO GUARD OF Tiilll SIXTM WARD.—AII per lOUS in favor of forming a Home Guard, will meet at the Good Will Engine house, this eve ning at 8 o'clock TM "Roma Guano" of the Third Ward will meet at Military Halloo Saturday aiming nezYt at 8 o'clock P. M., to elect officers. Parsons who intend joining, will call and Miro the roll. By order of the Committer, DROWNS]) IN xas SWAIAILL—Ntr. Brown and John Foust, two young men of Middletown, were drowned In the Swears, at Frey's dam, on last Sunday. Their bodies have not yet been found. PIIIIINTATION AT COLD SPRING.—On the 9th Taut , Mr. H. P. Smith, late master machinist of the S. & S. B. B. Go., was; made the recipient of a handsome gold headed cane, the gift of the employees of that company. Soma! Busaio.—Mrs. Spade, residing on Main street, Middletown, was horribly bunted, a few days since, by her clothes taking fire while she was burning some rubbish in the gar den. Her injuries may prove fatal. 1=:=11 GOOD IDEA.—An association of ladies styled "the Patriotic Daughters of Lanowiter," has been formed in Lancaster, for the purpose of preparing for the wants of the wounded, &a., of the gallant soldiers of that city and county. We hope to see a similar organization started in thin city. Tea Youncraan's : by Lieut. Col. D. W. O. Baxter. This seems to us to be a very a:lmpish, and thorough treatise on the subject of army organization and drill perfec tion. It is imbellisbed with a large number of wood outs, illustrating the different positions of a well drilled soldier, which must aid the new recruit In acquiring a knowledge of the service. The Manual Is published in Philadel phia, by Ling & Baird. Joists, Oaxe OVUM. —The " Lochiel Greys," Capt. Henry M'Cormick, of this city, joined Camp Curtin this morning, to which place they were escorted from their " head quarters" in the Exchange to the camp ground, by the Repass Cornet Band, of Williamsport. The company is mostly composed of the sons of our wealthiest and most respectable citizens, and a finer looking set of young men never tread militaire. We expect to hear good tidings of the " Greys." Paoirumme Bootomm son Limo Comm.— There are now nearly four thousand men sta tioned at Camp Curtin, near this city. Some idea of the quantity of provision, required daily to feed this large (owe may be had from the amount daily required to feed live thousand men, as reported by the commissary depart ment at Philadelphia, which is as follows: . Fresh beef, 6,600 pounds; Bread, 0,600 pounds; Sugar, 000 pounds; Coffee, SOOr pounds; Candles, 100 pounds; Salt, four busheb; and Beane, thirteen buebele. MAUCH CRUX! VOLIINT3III3.—Last night aD. other company, the Irish Infantry, arrived at Camp Curtin direct from Mauch Chunk. This Is the fourth company from that patriotic town, which contains a total population of about four thousand. The companies are as follows : An derson Grays, No. 1, Capt. E. T. Conn er, 76 men. Anderson Grays, No. 2, Capt. John Craig, 79 men. Anderson Grays, No. 3, Capt. Thomas Wilhelm , 80 men. Irish Infantry, Capt. Dennis MlGee, 70 men total, 314 men. Besides these there are now organizing and ready for service, the Mauch Chunk Bangers, Capt. Pryor, 80 men ; the Summit Artillerists, Capt. H. H. M'Connell, 86 men ; and Irish In fantry, No. 2, Capt. P. Sharkey, about 80 men, increasing the number of volunteers of Mauch Chank and immediate vicinity to 660 men. Annmosm. TAX row sus Vounines. FOND,-- The following is a copy of the bill recently read in the Senate by Mr. Boughter, anthoria ing an additional tax in the city of Harrisburg for the volunteer fund: AN ACT authorizing an addition tax in the city of Harrisburg. Sao. 1. Be it coded by the Senate and Howe of Representatives of the Conummuteauh ofPennsylvania, in General Amiably met, and it is hereby enaded by the authority of the same, That the Common Council of the city of Harrisburg be and they ate hereby authorized to levy and collect a tax of two mills on the dollar, on all property in said city, taxable by the laws of this Common. wealth for State purpoua , and that the pro ceeds of said tax shall be ePialect to the pay ment of the loan or loans made In pursuance of Council of April 20, Mel, appropriating the sum of 15,000 for the support of the families of those resident In said city or vicinity who have volunteered in the - sell* of their coun try, said tax shall be levied nod collected for the present year and no longer. TRII WAR SPIRIT AT iftrourrown.—The "J. D. Cameron Infantry" is the name of a mili tary company recently organised at Middle town, the members of which have been sworn by their captain to support "the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of Pennsylvania, and elm, to hold themselves in readiness to be mustered in the service of the United States in defence of the American Union, in twenty-four hours notice, unless pre vented by ei3kness or death, or discharged a o , cording to law." The company is comman ded by Capt. Jacob Rohrer and first and woad Lieutenants Chas. Allen and John Tentser. In addition to this company, a number of Young men from Middletown joined the "Cam. stun Guards," and the "State Capital Guard'," of this city so that there are ACM about one hundred men in the service of the Federal government, from that borough. Another company to be called the "MiddletoWn Ride Company," is being formal. A number of the most prominent men in town will enroll themselves in the latter, sad it wilt be cow- - min ded by a Minister of the tilelpit: Luz,uu.o 01 ass PIIII4IIIIBTLVANIA BIB= Soonerr.—ln response to an Invitation of the Dauphin County Bible Society, the Board of Managers of the Pennsylvania Bible Society re solved to hold their forty-thhd anniversary at Harrisburg, on the Ist of May, 1861. A. cell was issued by the Board, inviling the auxiliary Bible Societies throughout the State to send, at the same time, some of their members es delegates, to meet in convention and deliberate concerning the present condition of the Bible cause in our State, and the best methods of In creasing the efficiency of our efforts for the dissemination of the word of God. On Tuesday evening, April 80th, Rev. Dr. Krauth, of Philadelphia, by request of the Board of Managers of the Pennsylvania Bible Society, delivered the annual discourse in the First Presbyterian Church of Harrisburg. On Wednesday morning, May let, a number of delegates from Bible Societies in different parts of the State assembled in the lecture room of the above mentioned church. The meeting was called to order by Rev. J. H. Tor rence, Secretary of the Pennsylvania Bible So ciety for Eastern Pennsylvania, and was tempo rarily organized by the appointment of Rev. Dr. Young, of Butler county, as Chairman, and Bev. Dr. Hay, of Harrisburg, as Secre tary. The Chairman called upon Rev. Dr. Dewitt to invoke the blessing of God upon the delib erations of the Convention. In consequence of the nun sual excitemen pervading the country, occasioned by recent political slave disturbances, but few of the del egates appointed to attend this convention were found to be present. The following is a list of those in attendance: Prof.)!. L. Stoever, from Bible Society of Pennsylvania College and the Theological Bem inary, Gettysburg. Rev. P. Kizer, Rev. Mr. Stienmeta and Hon. J. C. Welker, from the Sunbury Bible Society. Rey. Dr. B. Schneck, Franklin County Bible Society. Rev. Dr. J. H. Grier, Rev. S. W. Prioe, Jersey Shore Bible Society. Rev. J. Meredith, Rev. E. W. Appleton, and James Black, Esq., Lancaster City Bible Socie ty. Rev. Dr. Loyal Young, Butler County Bible Society. Rev. S. S. Kennedy, Luzente County Bible Society. Rev. P. Willard, Schuylkill County Bible Society. Rev. Dr. Alicia, Young Men's Bible Society of Pittsburg. Herman Cope, Esq., J. Fisher Lemming, Esq., J. H. Dulles, Esq., Rev. C. P. Mrauth and Rev. Dr. J. H. A. Bomberger, members of the Board of Managers of the Pennsylvania Bible Society. Rev. Dr. H. Harbaugh, Lebanon County Bible Society. E. H. Brady, Esq., Carlisle Bible Society. Rev. Edwin Mendenhall, Wayne County Bible Society. Rev. Dr. W. R. Dewitt, Rev. E. S. Johnston, Rev. B. B. Leacock, Rev. Dr. C A. Hay, Rev. J. Colder, Rev. D. GUS, Rev. T. H. Robinson, Rev. A. X. Shoemaker, Rev. Franklin Moore, Rev. Mr. Cattail, Rev. Robert Carson, Rev. W. Gregg, Jas. W. Weir, Esq., Silo. I. Weir, ER., M. Mtinney, Esq., A. H. Fahnestock, Esq., Harrisburg Bible Society. The Convention thereupon prooeeded to ap point Its permanent officers, as, follows: President—Rev. Dr. YOUNG. Vice Presidents—Rev. Dr. Grier, Rev. B. B Lescook. Secretaries—Rev. Dr. Hay, Rev. E. W. Ap pleton. The delegates present were then called updn to make such statements as they might see proper concerning the Bible cause in their vi cinity. To this call nearly all responded; and the hearts of all present were greatly cheered by the manifest tokens of the divine favor at tending our efforts to disseminate the Holy Scriptures. A committee was then appointed to draft a series of resolutions expressing the sense of the convention in regard to those aspects of our great work which now are of special interest. The President appointed as this committee, Rev. Dr. DeWitt, S. H. Dulles, Esq., Prof. M. L. Stoever, Rev. Dr. ARID, Der. Dr. Schneok, Herman Cope, Esq., and Hon. G. 0. Welker. The Convention then adjourned to meet at 8 o'clock, p. m. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Sohneck. Ammon' imam The Convention assembled at 8 o'clock P. M. Prayer was offered by Rev. Dr. Grier. The minutes were read, corrected and ap proved. The presentation of reports by the delegates was then mimed, end , much encouraging in formation concerning the progress of the good work was laid before the Conventimu The business committee reported a aeries of resolutions, w/dalk. =were amended, discussed, and adopted as followi : Rooked, That the eamestneea With which the Sacred Scriptures have been sought by the volunteer troops in the present emergency, and the anxiety to supply them in every part of onr State, while it is an evidence of the precious ness of the word of God, manifests the eminent value of the Bible Soddy as the only means by which the comminlitY at large, or any extensive body of people, can be supplied with the owed treasure. Rooked, As the conviction of this Conven tion, that of the Bible Society in differing the Pact SatiOntall _throughout the State and the World canbe hccomplished only by systematic and continuous actions and the Convention earnestly entreat the members of all our Churches to unite with their fellow christians in organizing, in the most practica ble form , a Bible Society, with the fixed pur pose, let, to have a yearly collection taken in each Church at a certain time in the year ; 2ndly, to establish and keep up a 'depositary for the supply of Bibles and Testaments ; Brdly, to explore and supply as often as occasion may regtdre, the district embraced under their sev eral organisations. Rankled, That as the result of experience in the distribution of the Bible , it seems best, ex cepting in oases of very limitedi territory, to employ a suitable agent expressly devoted to the work of exploratiod and supply, rather than to depend on voluntary action. Resolved, That this convention cannieirlY re commend the formation of County Bible Bo oldies in all the counties of the Commonwealth, with societies auxiliary to them in different' parts of the counties where they can be form ed, and the frequent vidtation of these allidn - Mee by the members of relgion and *nadir men, for the purpose of Insietrthir theseleM =I peunsphuutin Waif atlegro#ll, Iribag Afternoon Map 3, 1861. zAI and perseverance in their labors, as one of the best means of securing the co-operation of all the friends of the Bible in the work of its dissemination. Rewind, £bet it be recommended that com mittees be appointed by churches or societies, whose duty it shall be to visit once a year every 'faintly within a prescribed district, to procure paying members of the Bible Society, to collect the subscription of members, solicit donations, and supply those families and individuals des titute with the Bible. Resolved, That we regard with interest and highly approve of the formation of Bible So cieties in connection with our colleges and theological seminaries, and earnestly recom mend that such societies be organized hi all those institutions in which they do not already exist. Resolved, That a committee of nine be ap pointed to prepare and issue an address to the people of_Penosylyanie on behalf , of the in tartlets of the Bible cause, and that .the editors 01 the religious and secular papers df the state be kindly requested to publish the same. The following persons were appointed to carry into effect the purpose Indicated in the bust resolution :—J. H Dalles,.Eag , Rev. Dr. B. Schwa*, Rev Dr. Loyal Young, Rev. T H. Robinson, Rev. Dr. C. A. Hay, Prof. M. L. Btoever, Herman Cope, Esq., Rev. E W. Ap pleton and A. K. Fahnestock, Esq. The Convention thereupon _adjourned, sine die, after prayer by Rev. Mi. Appleton. enemas A. HAT, I secistades. E. W. Ammon, THE ARREST OP CAPT. JENIPER. 'Tout, Ps., May 2ad, 1861 lb the Editors of the IWegraph, Gsremonie : I have just seen an article in the Baltimore Sven of the twentraeventh of April, said to have been taken from the Hagers town Nail, giving an account of the arrest and detention of Capt. Jeniper in this county, from which the following is an extract. "Between ten and eleven o'cluck the next morning, he (Capt. Jeniper) was removed to another call which was considered more secure and heavily ironed. In this condition he remained several hours, when Judge Fisher at the request of several citizens, amongst whom was Lieut. Wells of the Navy; had the lions removed. At a later hour the irons were again put on by the Sheriff in consequence of a telegram re ceived from the Governor." In justice to Gov. Curtin, I consider it my duty,to correct this portion of the statenient. Goi. 6 : Curtin did not give such orders, nor had he any knowl edge that Capt. Jeniper was manacled. The deputy keeper of the prison, whrisi he closed the cell door in the evening replaced -upon Capt. Jeniper the pair of hobbles (which had by my request been removed,) to enable him to keep his prisoner more securely, intending to re move them early in the morning. I have had no communication with tbe Governor in regard to the article alluded to, and make this state ment without his knowledge or request. A STATED MBITENG of the Washington Hose Company, will be held at the hose house, this (Friday) evening, at 8 o'clock. Punctual at tendance is requested. SIURAL additional volunteer companies from the interior of the State arrivedherc at noon to-day, and joined Camp Curtin. Las, No. 68 Market street, near Third, has the largest stook of umbrellas, parasols, canes, &c., to be found in the city. He is the " head and front" of this trade, hereabouts, and his sales are immense. Purchasers" at wholesale, or for retail, should make a note of Lee's place of business. New Aearvera I New Lawyers L—Just re ceived a large assortment of New Spring Goods. We name in part ; testatifuteliat , lee; 12* worth ISt ; 10 pieces of traveling dress goods, 8 worth 1'24 ; 60 pieces bleached and unbleached muslins, at 10 worth 12+; 50 pieces of bleached muslin, at 12} worth 15. Also a, very large assortment of Cassimeres and other summer staff for men and boys wear. Also Stella Shawls, very cheap. Broths bordering, at 26, 87 and 60 cents, Also, a large stock of Cambria; and Swiss Muslins, very cheap. Please call and examine at S. Lewy, Road's old Stand, Cor. Market and Second streets. BALMIORIARS. —Our Southern cousins who attempted independence on their own book at Baltimore, have owing to circumstances over which they had no control, concluded to adhere to the Stars and Stripa, and now in their Gees say that it is the privilege of troops pas sing to Washington for its protection to go , though the city of Baltimore. We will also state that It is the right and .privilege of all persons who want cheap dry goods to purchase them at Union & Bovnwr, south east corner of Front and Market streets. UTT The starry flag Th °Revolution of 1776 The affections of the people The oonildenoe of the nations The payment of the public debt The honestadministration otgovernment The execution of the laws of Congress An army and navy everywhere honored A volunteer army paidby the people themselves THE CONSTrturiON or ran UNITM STA.TIia The Southern Confederacy. ARISTOCRACY! REBELLION! AND ROBBERY! The Rattlesnake and Pelican banner Suspicion and OPPIIISSION of the People Contempt for the Revolution of 1776 Crushing debts on Ax t the States Inability: to pay simple interest Violation of Oaths and of lAws Army of Offload and nolTavy Volunteers and no pay Taxes and terror, 110111MATION, _ Almon fro the tone of the proceedings of meetings in Wester!' 'Virginia—Brooke, Mar shall, Ohio, Wood, Taylor, Lewis, Preston, Konongelis, and indeed all the tounties hear d froth—the Union men' tai maintain , their libert4z with their livet Speaking of the infamoneoriiko6 3 of wow sloe, the Wheeling intelligenorr, of Monday last, ODYS : The ordinance of secession, Tossed by this State on the 17th inskovas received here on Saturday morning leek in the Baltimore Friday eireniog papers. It wan of coolie the subject of street talk for hours afterwards. On all halide, so far as we heard any expression of opinion, or heard of any, it was pronounced to be the most infamous usurpation of the rights of a free people of which history affords any record. . It provides that the proposed Congreazional elections in May in this State shall be abrogat ed, and that nothing but the ordinance itself shall be voted upon. And, in order to pike sure of the ratification of the ordicance: provided that elections shall be held "14 all the military camps of Virginia volunteers; whigher, in or Meths State." Fellow citizens, language fails us in our de sire to put the whole height and depth of this stupendous infamy before you. It speaks for twit. Bead it, and re-read it, and see what a mockery and scorn has been made,ef yofir de cree, solemnly recorded by a majority of sixty Lhousand on the 4th of. FebOairy last,'. that no ordinance of secession shall binditif passed -upon 44 thapeople, andratified y tliVro.- Audead of this, ill the jornot t ioul • " youlolveaskes boon nourpod. Ale V) OEI [Communicated] nosKRT J. WMISY. -- .rte -.---. The American Union Langone fails us to express our abhorrence. of this insolent and despotic usurpation. If we can calmly brook it and contemplate it, then are we re dy for the manacles which are now clanking in our ears. By this ordinance every vestige of liberty and franchise—every attribute of free citizenship--411 that we have held dear as freemen—all that we can hope or expect in the future, is blasted and blotted out. Unless the strong arms of the Government, united with our own outstretched hands can save us, we are lost—hopelessly and irretrieva bly bound hand and foot. Union men of the Northwest! we conjure you as you have any manhood—as you have any hope for yourselves or your children—in this hour a f our deadliest peril—to throw aside and trample under foot the last vestige of par tyism. Let it be blotted from your remem brance that you have ever been divided as par tisans, bat keep simply and only before your minds the one great momentous truth, that if you falter or fall now your all is gone. Organise and enroll yourselves everywhere in Union or ganisations. Summon every energy of your mind and heart and strength, and let the traitors who desecrate our borders see, and let the world abroad see, and let history in all after time record' it, that there was one green spot— ona Swiss Canton—one Scottish highland—one county of Kent---one province of Vendee, where unyielding patriotism rallied and gathered, and stood. and won a noble triumph. —Surely these people will notin vain invoke the aid of the General Government. Let them prepare to meet the storm at once. Tea ETTIMIT Improved by the ass of the celebrated Crystal Spectacles. The superiority and use ulness of these eye-glasses Is folly demonstrated by the unanimous approval of the'moat celebrated Oculists in Europe. The material of which the lenses are made, gives theta a su perior hardness, they do not scratch or dehiee by use, take a higher polish and consequently transmit mote light; also, they are cooler to the eye. The principle after which they are ground, being that of Elliptic shape, al low to the visual organs a considerable latitude without the lead fatigue, especially recommendable to those having weak and Irritable eyes, and thus the wavering, glimmering dizziness at the heed, and other Implement sensations, experienced by the use of common glasses, is avolded."--Setent(fie Americas. The above described eye-glasses are manufactured by Mr. Franklin, Optician in FhiladelFhle, whose onlee is here for a few days, Is located on Third street near Wal- nut. He sults hit Crystal Spectacles with utmost ecru • racy to the condition of Vieian of every person. my 2 Stu-thain The Oonfet3sions and Experience of an Invalid. PUBLINKND for the benefit and as a warning and a caution to young men who suffer from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, ete. , supplying at the same time, the means of Self Cure, by one who cur. d himself, after being put to great expense through medical Impost. don and quackery. angle copies may he had of the au thor, NNIIIILNIZI. MAITAIIt Eq., Bedford, Kings county, N. Y by enclosing a postpaid addressed envelope. apl9-emd NOTICE. 00tIOBS.—The Midden bhanges of our climate are sources of Polmouary, Bronchial and asthmatic af fections. Isperlane having proved Shit elmple rein& dies,often - mdMieeffly and certainly, When liken in the Atire. Biedisease, recourse Should at once be itity o ,4l BiiMlHAitionchial Tesehes," or Lozenges, let the Cold, Cough, or Irritation of the Throat be ever so slight, as by this precaution a more various attack may be warded c , Public, , BpeattermaniLiangcra will end thentreMetnil for clearing end ' s trentrtheWng the velem. libe advertiventimt. sale-d-ewswem PURIFY finR..BLOOD. momes rids PILO AND Pixamix &alma, Pres from all Jfirseral cues of Scrolls's Ulcers, Scurvy, or Ereptloni of the Skin, the °panacea of the Lire Me dicines is truly satoehtitne, often reMOViag In a few days, every vestige or these loathsome diseases by their padfyiogeOte on thus blood. Bilious revere, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Piles, and In short, mort all dlseasteoe,on yield to their curative proper*. Noltudily 'Medd be without ;that; .as by their timely me mush sabring end expense may be sawed. prepared by,Wsi; B. MOFFAT, 11. D., New York, and r sale by all Druggists noel*. ly 121EAREATEntin ; UR-JAMIS ULARKETI 0 4 , 0 11 4TP FENULLE PEW. Piapared from a 'Pretbriplioa of Sir J: Clarke, M LP., _qt Phipirseiwe Eletosordietary to thichiseis. This invaluable mulleins is anbilling In the care et all those paisieland 'dangerous diseases to which the female eoustitution4 abided It moderates all mess and re moves all oladractlorui l n 4 a speedy cure may be robed : on-- :- 1,/i4311r.n It le peculiarly suited. It will In a short time, bring on the monthly epicetwith regularity. Aga bbtfliMpties One bears the Goverment Stamp of Great Britain, to preventaounterteds. , _ CAUTION: • •- These Pillseltoulebetot be -taken by lessake dente° the mar THRAZIONTILEW Prvfl,as.thay ensure to bring fon,los, but at ato Wty• tesse they are AO. In all cues of nervous and Spinal Allbetlens, Pain In the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Paiplui alon 011ie BIM, Systerke and Slates, hese PUY .11 erect a cbre whenallbtheimeaushave tilled; and al though a powerthl remedy, do not contain Iron, calomel, antimony, on, any thing hurtful to the consetutten. full Omagh= laths Pamphlet around each package which should be careftilly preserved. N. 8.--$l.OO and. postagaitamps enclosed to. therlesd'Agent, will Insure a bottle, containing rte, ny'return mall. - - re• We by 0. A. lienevass. TEE LAD CARD D. DITONOO% GOLDEN PILLS FOB FEMALES: correcting, replotting, and removing ail obstructions, from whatever 0111611 e, and al ways succemful as a preVela -• tire. • rESE PILLS HAVE BEEN USED BY the &Kum for many rams, both In Prance aqd merica, with unparalleled mitmeas in every case;, and he is urged bz,ekany. thousand ladles who need them, to Make the Pillapublio ibr theareviatkut of Unite suffering •fral&horthTsiattltitititier, as w e'l l as to prevent an increase of fandlyhrkiiiistfealthwill not penult females particularly ; &mated ? or. these suppoame them. selves soitiarit mintioned A agaiiet them Pills while in that condition, they an, our to produce miscarriage, and the proprietor amerumee no responsibility after this adMo. ninon, although their mildness_ would ; prewent any mss-' chief, heath—otherwise the Plllere'vecommentted. Vika* explicit directions accompany each box. Pries 1 Orpeebet: (WARMS A. DANNVART, • No. 2 Jona Nati ga= lit e "Ladies,! by sending him 41 00 to ' the Nareisbirg Post °Moe, caw have the Pith sent free of observation to any part inithe country (4xadidenthdly and "...Awe, Mien bY..itail. fibid- also hyt Jimeenna i romower CO an. D~enia L s ill= r ld*i • Lo[- s, Wcrirrightsvitie ; IL T. Wuxi,. lode ; And r ig' one In every-any and village in the. Mks; and by S. D. ol• proprietor, New York N. Be—Limit out for counterfeits. Bey no Golden Pills of any kind unless every box is signed..A. D. Noire. All othereare a base Imposition and unsafe; therefore, as you value your lives and health, (to say mottling of be ingtineauggee out of your money,) buy only pf those who show the 'ligature of S. D. Howe onevel box, which hag recently been added on amount of Pills being exualartedted . ,446741 W 17. - Mtn) Mvertilittnads. . . Dissolution of Partnership, THE ,firm known 118 J. WISE &CO., has taitasy,taataiaoB6)-..alataiyea . iiirki*ghtiN The beldame will,bs continued by JohnVlse: JOHN map, Ar. : - JOHN OOTTIREL. Thankful for the putt favors, Mr. John Wise inform the Masons of Harrisburg that he will oonlione the place of business, and hopes to merit the' usual% share. of pa. (renege bestowed upowthe establishment. [my-M4 L'EI"NAI4I" GENERAL WINFIELD scoritltibetiwee Infantritiotkeijiilitdiair ez er. nee end zusnoeaveres of ULU 10....atry andltifhtmea Nettie est of the militia of the Vatted States, published. OAS , DePaltilllkeatal Mar, austermiligsrA t e e gMAlee AotWag of tioniteall.afAtt mts)8118ort, D* - tta.loas. Pricb 75 coati, seat stair. or postage. wiratrii 00 t 4 -16243 , taltia ~~:~« tm abrertistments. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, SPECIFICATIONS adopted by the Coun ty Commissioners of the counties of Dauphin and etry, for the bailding and construct' , 0 of a Pond,: Road, am recited in the Act or Assembly, in the f Bow ing words, to wit : 1ft13110.11 / Thst the CJlllinißBlollolll of the several coon nee or Dauphin and Perry are hereby authoriztd and instructed, immediately alter the passage at Wit Art, to lay out and construct a good nod substantal i old, commencing at a point near where the Turnpike Bridge crosses the Busquenanna Clonal, in Watts township, Per ry county, and running along Towing Path of sail Canal, such distance as will enable toem to strike the Turnpike in Reed townshi ~ Dauphin county, near °anent's Barn, Lot not to interfere with said Towing Path so as to ob struct navigation or otherwise. Sncrion 2. That the sesoral couutles through which this Road passes will he entitled to pay for the making of only as mach of the same as passes through its own territory. "APPROVID, April 131 h, 1860." Therefore, In pursuance of the above recited Act, the Conunindoners of said counties, as aforesaid, have adopt ed the following Speeilications, to wit : let. That the said Road shah be made and construct ed In strict accordance with Site Plan or Profile tow on Ale In the of the County Omnitholoners respect ively named. The material used mast be of a substan tial description, inch as mirth, gravel, or both, 01 which stone may fora a component part. 2ed. The said Road will be let to the lowest, rearm). tibia bidder or Millers, by the cubic yard ; rip-rapping Included. 3d. Proposals will be reoclived by the COM2lll9lonerEt of Perry county, at their Mikis, in Bloomfield, and also at the ofilee of the Cloininhisioners of Dauphin county, in Harrisburg, up to MONDAY, THE 20th DAY OF MAY, at 5 o'clock, P. M ,1861. All proposals to be indorsed on a blank' specification, which may be had on applies. tlon to either of said akin, by letter or otherwise. Bald contract will be awarded an the 21st day of May, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at the Junction House, on Duncan's Is. land. "All proposals must be bested." Terms will be agreed upon on the day of Lotting. Oebic Yards. Filling up la Dauphin c0unty.......... 22 88Rip-raping 3 Pilling op In Perry county.... 1,997 Rip-rapping In " " ..... len ANNT*IIMte The following communioation Is hereby ordered to be nbilabed, end to be anse.te l to the said Specificati o as y the Commissioners ofbressid 0111011 OF GENERAL SIMIUNTILFDRAT OF Win BIANON a m SOFQI7IIILINNA CANAL COMPANY. Northumberland, March 18, 4. D, 1861. • os• MATSUI' COUNIT : Getatiestat :—J. A. Gamble, Presidtmtof this Company, has homed a permit to the lock-tender, at New Ban* to allow you to boat material, till free, fir a road over linling's Gut, at the Junction. He tun; also directed ma to Blimp the em bankatent at the Turnpike Bridge at the same place, which will he done an soon as the canal is navigable. Respectfilly pave, tie., J. Da.rioENI3.4.CHER, General Superintendent JOHN S. MUSSER, • " JACOB BEEK, GEO. GARVERICH, Commissioners of Dauphin Co. Attest—jossps Mrs, Clerk. japBo-thwtd Assignees' Bale of Real Rotate. TRH SUBSCRIBERS will Bell by public _L outcry at the Courthouse, at Harrisburg, on Satur day the 16th day of June next, at two Welch, P. ef The Farm of Jahn Wallower, Senior, consisting of 186 acres, situ tied in Suaqiethanna township, about three miles from Harrisburg, adjoining lands of John H. Fox, John Zino and others. There aro erected on the Farm a large Two Story Stone House, a Bank Barn, Tenant Houses, Stables, Sm. There is also a large orchard of apple, pear, poach and cherry trees or choice varieties in excellent beating or der. Also, several veins of good Lime Stone, which have been and can lutworked to advantage. The property will be sold in a body or in parcels to suit puchasers ; and the sale be peremptory. Conditions.—One fourth the purchase money to be paid within one week of the day of sale, when posses• don will be given subject to a lease running to the lot of April next. The purehaser to be entitled to 0110 halt the crops ; one-fourth en the drat day of October, the residue on the Ist of April. The two last payments to carry Interest from the day of sale, and to be wigsa tardy secured. There will also be oared for_sale at the same time and pito. the Undivided half intermit of 160 acres of Coal Landis situated on the Short Mountain, in tykens Valley, Dauphin count?. sprll4-d2aw.wtd PHIL A.DELP NIA NEW - BONNET % , 1!. - STORE < HAS OPENED Willi "A ruts, - attsortmen from the Philadelphia and NeW York moat faablocable establishments, to which, during the Reason, additions of the latest novelUes from those establishments . will be constantly received. SIRS. A. B. BICKIVATON, Formerly A. B. Carpenter, sign of the two Golden Bad* Ant bonnet store from the Harrisburg Bridge. marl94lind %IRE COMMISSIONER S appointed under 11 the Act of Incorporation or the city of Harris burg having made a plot or draft of said 'city, designating the streak, lanes and alleyssow eidatiog and opening, and also where avenues, streets, lanes end alleys shad here after Deepened; and also designating within the limits of Bald city a plot or piece of ground, containing not lass ihm twenty sores, for the use of the piddle and of said city, for the purposes Ind bass mentioned in said act and lowing submitted their draft and, report to the Coati of Quarter sessions, of Dauphin county, for the approval of said Court ; the said draft and report have been filed by order of said Court in the once of the Clerk of Quar ter seasions of said county for public Inspection ; and an. tea exceptions are filed thereto by parties interested in said city, the same will by approved at the August term of said:COurt order of ihe Court. myl-dtw- W. MITCHELL, Clerk. lye dawly Harrisburg Broom Manufactory. TWO Dom 720 X /ROM 3T., IN WALNUT 13 ROOMS sold wholesale and retail 20 a nlrez tinclwa e su cha p s' than can be bad elsearbere.— a, J. E. PRICE I: CO. KEYSTONE FARM. PLANTS, PLANTS, PLANTS, For Sale. E. York Cabbage, Large York Cabbage, E. "Flat Dutch," Marge late Dutch, -Apple Tomatoes, best quality, :Vegetable Raspberry ate, Strawberry Plantir, Gdoeebert7 Plarktk , ' - Rhubarb Planta, Irish and Scotch Yews, Boxwoods, Zapenews, Evergreeeno, &c., &c Eruit, Shade and- Ornamental Trees, &c., &c myl-d6t J. NISH. 40. F. aircr omit TRAVELING AGENT OF TEM OLD WALLOWER LINE. films t OtlY TRANSPORTATION LINE hidlil bt sudoessfra eradiation end prepared to carry freight ad LOW as any other individual line between PidisidelphM, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewiaburg, Williams .port, Jar's? Shone, Lock Haven, and all points on the Northern Central, and Erie, and Williams port and Elmira Local Agent at Harrisburg, D. A. HIIENCH. Goods sea to PEACOCK, ZELL & IHHOMLiN, ' Nos. 808 and 810 Market street, above 'Mghth, by 4 o'clock, P. M. will arrive at Harrisburg, ready for delivery , the next morning. C. P. MDENCH, apB tt T raveling Agent. WANTED. TO PURCHASE. ATWO STORY - BRIM - ROUSE, with back buildbig, located in a respectable neighbor hued, of which possession will not on wanted for eigth C • THIS OFFICh% - - ----NO-IMPO.SITIOIC .._,.,_ xGvomas AT OOST TO SOLDIERS. ektaad SliVrSilla, Was, Saatila%)Laaa„an d rimming. always far gala Alen , a halge 111 4 6 9rInitent* LASE. ala awa r e AUOTIOS STORB, liller77 --- - . swondabove Wainta,:figreets. . . 1 , 10 6- "%If, PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAM FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA• 4,760 yards The imusenger trains of the Pennsylvania 814101111 Cow party will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows THROUGH COMP TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.16 a. m. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.10 a. au FAST LIM: loaves Harrisburg at 6.20 a. ist., and arrives at West Philitaelpbta at 10.05 a. m. FAST MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.16 p. an. . arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.10 p. m. These tralas make close connection at Pbuadtspnia with lie New York Linea. aCOOI.IIIODATION TRAIN, No. 1, via Noma Joy, team Harrisburg at 7.z0 a. m., awl armee at Wad rhtladolpata at 12.80 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMIIIOIUTION TRAIN, via Colum bia, leaves liardsburg at 4.10 p. m. , and arrives at Want Pbilatelpnlit it 9 25 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, via Mount Joy, ieavei Harrisburg at 4.20 p. m. oennecting at Diller. %dill. with HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, and arrlvea at West Phibtdelptda at 9.26 p. in. WESTWARD. THROUGH EXPRE.29 TRAIN leaves PhlladelPhia at 10.45 p m., Harrisburg at 3.05 a. m., Altoona 8.05, ar rives at Pittsburg at 12.40 p. m. HAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 7.80 a. m., Htrrisburg 1.10 p. m., eltoooa, 7.05 p. m., and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.00 p. m. FAT LINE leaves Philadelphia at 11.40 a. m., Barrio burg 4.0 b p. m., Altoona 8.40 p. m and arrives at Pitts burg at 1.00 a. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 210 p. m., lemeaater 8.05 p. in. 001- ambla 6.40 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg It i.9s p. m. ACCOMMODATION' RAIN, leaves Philadelphia at 4.00. p. Lansaster 7.44 p. m.,Dionnt Joy 8.2$ p. m., TNsa betntown, 8.48 g. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.46 p. m. Attention la called to the nun, that passengers leaving Philadelphia at 4.00 p. m.„ mamma at Lancaster whit MOUNT JOY ACCOIIIIOII4TION TRAIN, and arrive at liarrisbug at 9.46, p. m. ap.1.2 00-dtf A. 0. HATER, 0. F. NUENOI3. AMEDICAL BOARD will convene in the . city of New York on the Ist of May en suing, for the examination of candidates for admission into the Medical Staff of the United States Army, in accordance with the following Order. There are now five vacancies in the Medical Staff. Assignees WAR DEPARTMENT Adjutant Gourat's Washington, March 18, 1881. SPICIAL Onomm, No. 76. A Board of Medical Officers will aisenible in New York city on the Ist day of May melt, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the-43=n !nation of Assistant Surgeons for prodiotion, and of such candidates for appointment!ii may be invited to present themselves before the Board. DETAIL FOR THE BOARD., Surgeon Clement A. Finley, Charles McDougall, " W. J. Sloan. By order of the Secretary of War: ' L. THOMAS, Adjutant General Applications must be addressed to the Secre tary of War; must state the reardenceof the applicant, and the date and place of birth. z es They must also be accompanied (refe will receive no attention ) by respectable 0114 °Ails of his profession, the moral and ph . _ quali fications requisite for filling creditably the re sponsible station, and for performinignably the arduous and active duties of an elibutof the the Medical Staff. Applicants must lisMtweert twenty-one and thirty years of age. •. -.' There are now five vacancies in-theMitedical Staff. ' ' „ ..; fl-dBt DAVID HAYNES, 110 MA' .HOT, ST. HARRISBURG, Agent toi LILLIE'S PATENT : Wrought and chilled . Iron .Flre itaigr Preat ISAME7.I3II Strictly the ONLY Mereantlte Sate - made, that it both Fire and Burglar Proof. mar 99 dly REMOVAL: THE SUBSCRIBER would respectfully Wham the public that he hat removed hti log and Braes Founding establishment. to Mg.& South Third street below Herrn Hotel. nankinl for past pat ronage, he hopes by sti lot attention to buster to merit a continuance of It. aplZdtt ,T J. JOKE& THE subscriber begs leave .4) t o' orm his J. friends and the public teat he has a Wel- ILK'S ROTEL, in Market street opposite, Clam tamerly J. Stahl's, where he is wowed konommo date them on reasonable tern*. /Wing reptied and furnished the Rouse entirely now, he hope* hy strict at tention to business, to receive a liberal akar* Of "Won age. [ap I,Emd] a a EMUS. ROYAL QUARTO DICTIONARY I 1 1 1:1E best defining and pronouniiing tionary of the English language ; Alen, Weteeetilee School Dictionaries. Webster's .Plutetla3, iiiarto mad School Dictionaries for sale at scalliEß , s BOOItg, Near th e ibirria=ridge. •PlB-U 1861 INTERESTING- Ts4lll CATHCART & -11/40,THER, No. 14 M.,10101? ,6Q E, Emirs NOW OPIN Tam =CAL Laiitc,tromotors or SPRING DRY GOODS I ALL Karoo, An. PRICIIB, zrzax rortixf mat ettan'T, •sr MAIO, PM= LOW ADOIRDINGLY. OBJELAT IMETESTYI Puy! STOWS OF DOMESTIC GOODS, LOWED MR. ......trlt9o/c4I3Y?" °Creied!lfo7lll=4oAßT'S, nrariS NiztAlkoihd OmiTagreabgrg /ma. New 2lbrertionunte. SUMMER TIME TABLE ON AND APTRE MONDAY, APRIL 16th, 1861, EASTWARD. SAMUEL D. YOURS. Rapt. Ewa. Dtv. UMW Railroad MEDICAL BOARD. FARMER'S HOTELI WORCESTER'S „as s% A 861.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers