Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, May 02, 1861, Image 4
ifieOtoxL Ayer's CATHARTIC PILLS. ARE YOU SICK, feeble and complaining? Are you out of order, with your system deranged. and your feelings uncomfortable? The,c symptoms are often the prelude to serious nines.. Some fit id - sickness creeping upon von, and should be averted by a dimly use Of the ri e ht remedy. Take Ayer'e Pills and cleanse out the disordered humors—, unify the blood end let the fluids mote .oft unobatructed in health again. They stimu late the inactions of the body into v igneous activity, pu• rffgahe system from disease. A sold settles somewht re lrtUns'body, and obstructs its Lists, al functions. These, if not rslieved, react upon themselves and U. surround ing organs, producing general aggravation, suffering and disease. While in this condition, oppressed by the de rithitemente, lake Ayer a Pills, awl see bow directly they restore the natural adiu' of the system, and with it the buoyant feeling of health again. What is tsue end so apparent In this trivial and common complaint. Is also totne in many or the deep•ssated and dangerous distem psra., The same purgative effect expels them. Caused by limiter obstructioua and derangements of the natural function of the bony, they are rapidly, and many of them surely, cured by the same means. None who know the virtues of these Pills, will neglect to employ them when suffering from the di orders they cure. Bildern/nig from leading physicians in some of the principal cities, and from other well known public, per MIL . From a Forwarding Merchant of Bt. Louis, Feb. 4, tro. De. AVM : Your Pills are the paragon of all that is pea In medicine. They have cured my little daughter of Moale..,sores upon her hangsand feet that had imeorange for vare. Her mother has been long breaded with blotches and. pimples on her e t lb her hair. drier oar child ; was cured, she Mott 'your Pills, and they have oured her. AILA MURGRIDGE . as AI,FAMILT PRIAM [From Dr. F. W. Cartwright, New Orleans ) Tour f!ii a are the pri ,ce of purges. Their eseellen t qualities surpass any cathartic we possess. Too , are mild, but, very certain and effectual In their action on the bowels, which mate them Invaluable to us in the daily treatment of disease. HICADACRP, SICK HEADACHY, FOUL STONACU [From Dr. Edward Boyd, Baltimore.) MR sao. AT= : I cunbot answer you weer emu figskitsit have alliD with your Pills better than to say att'Otatteeever tren! with apurgative medicine. 1 plat , great dopendence on an effectual cathartic iu my dilly gOatert with Meese, and believing as I do that yo,r Pills afford tin the bvst we have, I or course value them highly. P/Tr3BI/R6, PH., May 1, 1355 DR. J, C. Arta—Sir : I have been repeatedly cured of the worst headache anybody can have, by a dose or two of your Pills. ,1 seems to arise from a foul stomach, which they cleanse at once. Yours with great respect, ELI. W. FEEBLE, Clerk or Steamer Clarion. Blum DIBORDLRY.—Ltvia Costnenrrs. [From Dr. Theodore Belt, of New York City.] Not only are your Pills admirably adapted to their pinwale as an aliment, but I tad their beneficial effects upon the liver very marled indeed. tbey hsve in my practice proved more effectual for the cure of Wilms Complaints than nay one remedy t can mention, I sin• timely rejoice that we have at length a purgative which is worthy the confidence of the profession and •the people. DEPARTMENT OF 701 LYTXRIOR, WitShingt.ol3, D. C 7th tab, 1856. Sir : have need your Pills in my general and hospital practice ever eine° you made them, end cannot hesitate to say they are the best cathsrtla we employ. Their re it/Whig action on the liver Is quick and decided, conse quently they era an admirable remedy for derangement of that organ.,lndeed, I love seldom found a cure of Bilious Diseases() obstinate that it aid not readily yield to them. Fraternally yours, ALONZO BALL, M. D., Pny EloißE‘ of the Marino lioaconal DMENTERT, DIARRHOEA, REIAX, WORNi. JFrnm Dr. J. G. Green, of Chicago.] Your 1111 a have bad a long trial in my prsctice, and I bold them In esteem as one of the best eperieuts I have ever found 't heir alterative effset upon the liver makes them an excellent remedy, when given in emal. eeeee ler Dhow Dysentery and Li Lrrhom. nett sugar-coating Makes them very acceptable and convenient for the use of Women and children. IiTSPIPMA, Imperairt OF..THE BLOOD - Wrens Belt. J. V. Rimes, Pastor Advent Church, Boston. Db Ana : I hove use,t your Pills with extraerainaiy summit in my family and among those I 'uncalled to visit sfress. To regulate the organs of digestion anti pu- rify that:demi, they are the very best remedy I have ever known, andjl can confidently recommend them to my friends. TOUTS, J. V. TIDIES. Wamtavr, Wyoming Co., N.Y., Oct. 24,1855. Data Srt : 1 am using your Cathartic Pills in my erotia, and Sod them an excellent purgative to cleanse the system mad petrify theftratitains of the blood. JOEN G. BIBACHAti, M. D. CONSTIPATION, COSTITENS3S, Sorvasautme. RaBONATISMI eaOT, NEITRAIGIA, DBOYsT, P/RAUB/3, FITS, ITO, [From Dr. J. P. Vaughn, Montreal, Canada.) Too much cannot be said of your Pills for the cure of Costiveness. If others of your fraternity have found them as akar:lota as I have, they t honld loin me in pro claiming it for the benefit of the multitudes who autfor Irma that complaint, which, although bad enough in it the progenitor of others tbat are worse. I bellite Costiveness to originate in the liver, but your Pills affect that orkan and cure the disease. , . . From litre. E. Stuart, PhyshAao awl BoetottA Iliad one or two largo doses of your Pills, taken at the proper time, aro exuelleut promotives of tho Natural liktrotiou when wh”lly or partially auppressed, and also .Very ellectual to cutaxsx tLe BTO.VACII and =PAZ Woad. They are *.O much the hest phy ate we ]rave that I recoua wind no other to my patients. (From the Rev . Dr. Hawker, of the Methodist Zpiticapal Church ] Porasta.Hocas, S,vsnuati, Ga., Jao. 6, 1866.'MONOMM : I ehould be ungrateful for the relief your kill has brought ma if I did not report my ease to you. A cold settled in my limbs and brought on excru ciating Neuralgia Pains, which ended in Coronic kthed• realism. Notwithstanding I had the best of physicians, the dLiesse grew ' , AO se and worse, until by the advice of your excellent agent. In Baltimore, Dr. Magenzie, I tried your Pals. Their effects were slow but sure. By „persevering in the use of them, I am now entirely well. SaNATE Criaxtent, Ba ton Bong:, La., Dec. 5,1855. Da. ATILIt : I have been entirely cured b: your Pills, of Rheumatic flout—a palarul disease that had afflicted Ma for years. VINCENT BLEOSILL. Afgr Most of the Pills In market contain Mercury, Which, although a valuable remedy in skillful hands, is dienser'oue In a public pill, from the dreadful consequen- Gas that frequently follow its incautious use.. These costae no mercury or mineral substance whatever. Price 24 cents per honor s boxes for SI. Prepared by Dtt. J. C. AYER tit CO., Lowell, Mass. Bold by 0. A. Bannvart, C. K. Keller, D. W. Gross .& .410,4 M. Luta, Holman St Co., Armstrong, Harrisburg, ~t►q.deealere everywhere. . ap27-6radaw HAVANA CIGARS A Ana assortakent, comprising Vinsim, TIM/ rLir, lgaiunosxna, ETILVINA, flasi.wm, . - BIRD, CAPITOI.IO Of an . sixes and qualities, la quarter, one-flfitt aild One tenth bona, PAS metved and for sale low, by JOHN H. ZIEGLER, Market SI reel. Anal FIRST CLASS GROCERIES LARGE ARRIVAL" g u IVING JUST RETURNED from the . Kamera cigar whamwe cave aeleoted with the tuna* largo and o)mplete assortment or eu. peeler goods which embrace anything kept in the heist dly groceries, we recpectrelly and cordially invite the IMIOIIO eatt and examine our stock and Name Din febFß WM. DOCK JR. & OD M. M. BATTON'S LIVER Y E' T `ABLE. Bfreneberry Alley between fifth and :• Sixth Streets. TEII/4,EBT4BLISHMINT ia stocked with 4iihtikas-litakesEs, CABRLIGIES, BUGGIES, ko., eta will be hired on reasoiaable terms mat?-8m .1 Q. ADAMS, Ist. CANDLES! PARAFFINE CANDLES, SPERM- CANDLES,.. • • ADAMANTINE CANDLES, . STEARIN E CANDLES, CAR CANDLES, MICAL SPERM CANDLES, TALLO W CANDLES. A large lot of the above in store and for aaleat'the low eat prices by WM. DOCK JR. & CO., . Itin2 OPPoutte the Court Roma, ii.htS.---Three Hundred Extra Sugar cured gams jug received by uouaßox WHISKEY 1. , VERY superior article of BOURBQN "E m ory; I. quart bottled, In Elora and rarsaies2,7 tom H. 'MIDLER, alit* TS Market Steal. LIVBE INVIGORATOR 1 T is °unwounded and has become an catabt clue, known and appmvedij and is flow resorted iag4 diseases for which it is re- S O It has cured thousaudsE4 who had given up all boggle,. .Ir:solicited certitteates in "V The dose must be adapt-, Lim Ledividua. tables M i ami! to act gently on the bowels I Let the dictates of your offo of the TINTER INT.IOO - Rum c Leammoss, :MOCKER CO* Y Sous Sromics, Seem Cumatus MORBOR, CaO eI:A Istmmoi, FIOIAL) successfully seas °Rout, e . ill cure SICK READACH mum Mmnrrsa; n rwe , AILLY at commenooment o Mi. was, PHOt r Alia OTV W g birbitt Water lin the /01ellth WWI the in ilgorator. and swallow both together CATHARTIC PILLS PURE . VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, AND P l O UP LW GLASS OASES, AIR TIGHT, AND WILL &EU IN ANY CLIMATE. fflr.. PILL ts a gentle uu proprietor his used in hi years. lag deiimudfrotu those WOO and the satisfactiou Whitt their use, has indemd alf roach Of all. that different Cathartics era bowels. TIO PILL Des, with due re lished fact, been compotes purest Vegetable 'extracts, part of the alimentary ca. in all cases where a ca Derangements of Siouisch, Back and Loiiis t Costmessea body,ftenlersness, Headae.A. Fteiitanna , orbt Di se ayes, tots, Shassiuttisin, it great many diseases to squab to mention le this s Ivor. Thi. FAMILY CATELAR motive Culbertlo which the practice more than twenty The constantly inorena nave long used the PiLLSi all express in regard to to place them within the The Pspiession well know on different portions of the The FAMILY °ATHOL terence to this well eetab (led from a variety of the which act *like on every oat, and are good and wife thartic is needed, such %9 Ileepiness, Pains in 'le Pam and Serenest over 1 le or weight in the head, alt Worms in Children Or dd- Purifier of the Blood, and Flab la heir, too numerous Issement Doss, 1 to 8. Tai LIVER INVIGORATOR; AND FAIALI CATE:LLD. 10 Pura are retailed by Druggists generally,and sold wbolesale by the Trade in all the largt towns. Manufacturer and Pyoprietet 836 Broadway, New York ADEEIA WINE. EI,SH, BROT HEWS OLD RESERVE WINS full bodied and fruity. In store and for ssle by MEIN R. ZIEGLNit, rebid TA Market street. SSTORAGE! STORAGR! ! TORAGE received at the Warehouse JAMB- M. WEIMER.. ale•i EXTRA SUGAR CUR Eti CITY LIITE - 1 Y STABLES. IIZACERERRY ...trzEr, lly .THll' REAR 01 IfERR'BIIOTEL I. anderaigned has re commenced the 'Every bilabial's in bin NEW aid SPACIOL:c STA .131 9, located as above, with a lismiatat i'aricd stook o 3. HORSES, CARRIAGES aud OMNIBUSES, whicb be wi, hire at moderato rates. F. c.. SW ART/ gap:4l4ly • . AUGUSTINE L. WIAVNE. CARPENTER .A.ND • BUILDER Reaidenc, No: 27 Forth Second &reel N. B. JOBBING AriVNDEII, APPLE WHISKY ! PURE JET:Stir APPLE ! In store and for sale by JOHN a. ZIEOLFR, 6. 78 Market Street EMPTY. BARRELS. —Two Hundred Empty Flour, Sugar and Wine - Barrels of all de ecr ptiona and prima, apB CENTRAL NURSERIES. York, Pennsylvania. EIDWA.RD J. EVANS & CO., Proprie .u.rotic ...Fruit Oilkamental.Trdeec•Orapea, frults, Nrnbarbs, Asparaog, Sitratt 6, Roses, Bedding plauta, in great variety. • Orders left with G. H. Small at the State Ultpital Bank will roaeive prompt attention. Catalognea gran.; on application. 'war mdave t . Olin 'UNION - di CONSTITUTION. 44(;)TJR GOVERNMENT," by M. it' NET, is a work containing the CoritrlTUTlen us rua, SUMO STATZS, giving .tne construe don di La Terms and Provision:, showini the relations of the, several hates to. the Union ands ich othei, and explain' otgene rally the System of Government of the c Aintry, Price fl 00. Sold, and orders eupplled, h* him, at anis btug, Pa. feb2l A g entst for Counties and States wanted. " IVIALLI.STER'S ALL-HEALING OINTMENT 1 .1 TRY-11 - 17.2 . 1 TRY I .7 14 A Radical Restorafiveof InsentelleAropip2fion. . • • IT is a fact, be,yond they power of antradlotioni . that it fe intanlbla to •the core of : Burns, Scalds, Nervous Moises, All • Turners, Piles,' Scrofula, Erysipelas, Chilbtaini Sore , Eyck quinsy, Croup Colds, Cold lAver-Croinplainit, arching', and • ail • • DISEASES OE THE Yjlt IS rightly termed !All.Realing, for' there la scarcely a areas* external or leternal tha t , t will : not benefit. • For sole at the Grand Depot, . N 0.143 nem)/ erfentr, New Yeas. . 4 And by all Druggists throughout the United hates. l id J. hiOAI44I7R, '3 1.43 - Felton Street, N. Y. Ageuts wanted immediately to introduce it Flo 4 families, who may receive It on liberal terms, for a 3 • mark-dhat N0T10E...... T HE P UNDERSIGNED. has opened. hie bertyLI,ErIRD ear OFF R lfllt, , e . o r r i ner L or Third street soid Black: IV.' Lumber of atl kinds and qnslitleii, for side by W. F. MURRAY. fag undersigned will sell Horses, darrisges and bar - AIS low for cash, ALSO-Hors and Corriages to kir* gt the nunentete. mare • • ritAbrlt • A. kliftftAT. FRIER • OF every deaor.iption -in Danaand jars each package warraeted: MI. DOOR JR Ai 00 ERESEGA.RDEN.ancI.FLO.W.EIIB. The-largest stock In the clty. %Agr ili n x : . f r Gn-iclen birge•.batiiiiirstarencents lbesale DAVID HAVNIS. • • U 0 Market, street.' ' EMI ORANGES ANA LEMONS; F°4". jnat re , (Aiwa slid iorlfete Mi. DOCK JR. & FE ;SR . .Aifi aII ISIBMW .• ''. 110141; Grit fast reaeimed NW Ibi sale by • • .... 1 , .1'1! i tb wX DOORAIR.I%.OI> illiscellantous s .F 0 RD'S LiTa TES NEVER DEB utirely trout t. 4 urns lied tact 14.ilandayd Medi by ry the have used it with confidence in ail the oemmended. within the list two year of relief, as the nomeren my possession show. od to the temperament ff: need In sect, quauhocei judgment guide you Iu lb EATOlity and .11. wiii cure elects, DinFisentttiti ROA nuns, bTezNmY, Drug ELL CoSTITINIM, Cat)Lit. EXPARTVX, Ft • TD L' CS ; zatesse, and may be etier as Fax= liirmana it (as thoutiantis nitt testily; OR TURD ricAPPnoPinirlil • N. attack. ' • ',- um their testimony in Its !WM OWN DOLLAR PRO MITTLX ..-dL3O~ SANFORD'S FAMILY COMPOUNDED FROM 30 CENTS PRICE B. T. W. 841 FORD, M.,1)., For sale by wao flora iSk• St CO isza WM.,DOOI( JR &COI pennevlvania Mailg telegrapt), t_ljuriOaß liternaoi, .itlap 2, 1861. 'A c...).V•VideILrLiNS LIF PILLS AFD PHOENIX BITTERS. 1111E8E EDICINEB have now beeu be- A Toro the pudic isr a period of 11.11RTV YEARS.and dur wg that time h.vr maintain d a high character in ta mer( every part of the Globe; frr their extraordinary Apt: immediate power of restoring prfeut health to per sone suffering under nearly every kind of Olean 10 which the human frame is liable; the following at c among the distressing variety Orbit -tutu diseasesin which the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES well known to be infallible. DVs PEPSI A, by thoroughly oleassingthe first and second stomachs, and creating a how of ppm, healtlAy tile, instead of the stale and acrid kind ; FLA.TU -I.,E,NCT, Loss of Anontita, Heraiburn, Beadache, Best. lessuoss, 111-Temper, Anxiety, Languor and Melancholy, whieh are the general sytaptoms of Dyspepsia, will van nth. as a natural consequence of its cure. itosTIVENESS, by' cleansing the whale length of be Intestineg with a solvent prOcese; and 'without via loure; all viola; t purges leave the bowels costive within two data. • • ' FEViglitS of all kinds', by restoring the Wood to a regular circulation, through the process of respiration in such cases, and the thorough solution of all intestinal ob atruetion in others, ' The .LIFE MEDICINFS have been litiontn — to intro RDEUNIA:rui4I permanently in three weeks and (OUT In half that time, by minoring lOcalledlanunation from the midair and lignmetta oftbejoitilit.' DROPSIES or all kinds, by freeing and strengthen ing the kidneys and bladder; they operate,mest delight, fully on these. important organs, and banes have ever been round a certain remedy for the worst cases of Also WORMS, by dislodging rrom the turnings.Of the bowels the slimy matter to which , those creatures adhere. SCURVY, ULCERS, and INVETERATE SORES, by the perfect purity winch these LIFE MEDI- C W give to the blood, and all the humors. SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and SAD SOMPLEI lONS, by their alterate effect open the fluids that Bed Ole skin, and the morbid- state of which occasions . all eruptive complaints, sallow, cloudy, and otherßattgre able complekleits. • _ .•• The use of tbese Plll9 for a very short time will effeet an entire cure of 0.811.1 , RHEIN', anti 4%12 rlitilltm* 'provement in th e clearness of the skin. CO MMON COLDS and INFLUENZA . will always be curet by ode dose, or by two in he worst cases. PILLES.—The Original proprietor al these medicines, was cured of Piles, of fib years standing by the eke of the LIFE MEDIUM ifff alone. FEN IiCH AND AGUE.—For this scourge or the Western country, these . Medicines will be found s 'are, speedy, and certain remedy. Olhei Medicines have the system subject to a taturn °fibs disesse—a cafe by' Mom Vt•disines is per =neut.—TßY THBil, BB , BATMIBID, AND 13F. CURED. BILIOUS FEVERS - AND - LIVER COM PLAINTS.—Gramay IDgeliza, WE OF WO" and Dt slaws or Psatams—the *Airmen have been used With themoat lieuelicfal results is'cases of this descrip tion :—Kings Evil sod Scrofula, to its worst forms, yields to the mild yet powerful action of these remarkable Medi Music. Night Sweats, Nervetpt Debility, Nervou , ' nsa o pinio of -all kinds, Palp.tation of the Plamt, Paint r-• Colic, are speedily cured. • • ' 'MIi;RCUtsIAL. DISEASE.S.—Persons whoic constitst iota taiVe'toiconie linPaired by the injudicious use ofliercury, .tlnd these Medicines spelled cure, sh they never rail to eradicate fro= the system, ail the effects of Mercury infinitely aonocr Mots the.moist power- PA preparations of Sarsaparilla. . . _ Prep tared and sold by W. B. • MOFFAT, 886 Brocidway, New York- Ferule by all- Drugglala. ; • Jy2o.dawly Holland Bitters ]DYSPEPSIA, Liver Complaint,. Fever and Ague, &c. Tas successful introduction-'and 1180 of tbls cii‘• blared Remedy has beau the signal for a literal flood of compounds called "Bitters," offered - in *ariens forme, from a quart , bottle tus,fiebgedlon keg, until ebbs: word . MON" itOut_miother name'-for."grog" sotheirilianbruskritiskeinliftirr 0. But tbeleally great relief derived from the minute dose, one teingxvitful,..Ofpurmedieine, BCERHAVNII HOLLAND BITTERS, and The entire absence of ofter prostration, bas este r bashed brit a reputation which the boat of Imitations and counterfeite have failed to undermine. It is poet tively a vegetable preparation, with barely trafilciatit pure spirits to preserve - - :But one vim of the genuine, (Ralf-Pint 13ottlek) price On DOLLAIL. It is a medicine of long;tritd efficacy Ibr Ptisftitri the Bleed, so essential for the foundation of good health and for coireetlng disorders of the stomach and bowels. ' . . Two or three doses will convince the afflicted of its salutary itffeets. The atm:snob Will apeedily regain its strength; a healthy action of the liver, bowels and kidneys will soon taco plam,.and renewed heal& be the qizick. For -INDIGESTION, Try Wuhan's Holland liittan. For HEMITBURN. 1227 Berhave's Bellew) Bitters* For ACIDITY, Try Beerhave's Holland Bitters. Vor WATERBRABEt, Try - Bserhave's Holland Bitters, For IIEAILICIM, Try Bo rhaves Holland> Bitters. For LOSS OF APPETITE. Try Bontave's Holland Bitters, For COSTIVENESS, Try Berharo , s ,Holland Bitters. For PILES, Try Bo rhave's Holland Bitters. In all Nervons, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic lions, it has in numerous instances proved highly beneficial and in others effected a decided core. Read 9arefally The genuine, highl w y-c , fftwentnated Bcourevs'illfei- LAND Braces ii . put up in half-pint bottles only, and retailed at One Dollar per bottle. The great demand for this truly celebrated medicine has induced many imitations, which the public should guard against purchasing.. - Beware ofineposttion ! Bee that our name is on the label qjr every bottle you lorry. , Bud. Page, Jr. 800. so L F MANUFACTURERS, PITTSBURGII, , For:ealo In the c i ty Ranish„,ric uy D. W. GROSS '4l; co. =sly d—obpbtlkw/3", JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS; 'FANCY GOODS, &C. - ALFRED F. ZIMZERAtiIIi la 00; 0. 52 MARKET STREET 'Harrisburg $ , Pa., opposite Ralta'a ticrrst and adjoining the eorasw Horst,. having purchased the stook of E. V Jennings. ma added a. large assortment of NEW JEW-, ELM', we,aill sell, the same al the lowest cash price, and solicit patronage. Watches, Clocks`and Jewelryttestly end promptly re paired and delivered • ALFRED F. ZEISILEMAN & co Having disposed of my stook of Jewelry to A. F. Zim= merman & Co., I cheerfully reeMeenendthena to my for-. mer customers as 'practical and experieeced watch Nakenkand coktintuutca ot the patron age which has been so generously extended to me during the list . six years. ' hoi29- Emit F. JENNINGS. - d u (he Moils. ,Reltaition. of the Mass. Cissritable Mechanic Association, 18(4, . • 11:ESSIIS.:01310=ING. 6()NS', ,: WE E 4 WAPE9 THE GOLD MEDAL SPAND, SEPAI-GRANR, & SQUARE PI ANO-'f 9RTES rez olivr nom* A SILVER' ram.p..41,,t,,, .FOR TIPS BEST - WM. 2 1r,t14C'Elg,' SOLE ARMS T*E @ pg l kiNos, 0P..;51,04,r435.1.1 Aktfu.tYRIMIGI., SPERM -0/INDLEER: - „ •,! ;, ; 2 filtbicat .v.cV,RHAVz, s CM iffebicaL CEPHALIC PILLS CURE SICK HEADACHE CORDS NFRVOUS HEADACHE, WM ALL KINDS OF HEADACHE- By the use of nose fills - the periodic snacks of -*T IMM or Sit* Headache may he i,revented; and if taken a the uommolloomeni • • • u :mmedtate relief from pain and sickness a V reebtainiat They seldom fall in removl eg Named and licaddolit to which females are eo subject. They act gen ay upon the bowels, removing Costigeness. For Literary Men,: tadents, Delicate fethtles, and sai persons of sedentary Habits, they arc valuable as a Z....tmtive, improving the arverens, giving-roan VIGOX to the digestive organs, and restoring the natural elestl city and Strength to the w tole system. The CETHALIQ. PTt.i.a .11a ~.og lomat gatiou and carefully caodected eapsr,, having tuma in use In many years, dialog watch time to : nave ore. vented and relieved a vast amount of pain aria safering from Headache, -whether originating wine arrow aye tem or from a. deranged state et the stomach. Tbey are entirely vegetable in theft coniposillon, and reap lie taken ,ti times with Perfect safety without making any change of diet, and Ike atbsence. .1 any dies pr,wab e taste venders it cal to adminislw Was to children BEWARE OP COUNTERYETIS I rtie genuine haye Ore Ognatures of Beery C. Spading on arch b oft. Sold by druggists and all other dealers In medicines A Box mil be seat by mail prepaid cm receipt of the BRED E TWNNTT•FIVE OMB AB order* should be oddreased to HENRY C SPALDING, 48 Cedar itrooc, Xevr York THE FOLLOWING ENDORSEMENTS OF SPALDING'S CEPHALIC PILLS WY. ',••• -11.1. WWI ,t LT.. it 1'3031 HEADACHE, THAT A SPEEDY AND SURE CURE IS WITHIN THEIR REACH. An Mete lestittioniate were stissoiteiled ty Mr. SPALD MO, they etford wortestfimablepryof of the gift cacy of UM truly .ciuttgle ducovery MR. SPAIDENG, Sir ( have tried 'your Cephalic Pills; and I Ma thew so sal that twantyou to send me two dollars worth more. Part of theseare for the neighbors, lo whom I gave a few out of the first box f got from you. Send the Pills by m•t11; and oblige Your obl.-Servant, • JAMES KENNEDY. Ikkvziurobb, Pa., Feb. 8, IRBI BPALDINO, I wish you to send me one more DOI of your Cephalic Pills, Ilisairevelued a_gracy. deal of berepU from Lieut.. , Yours; respeetfulty,' stalt,T ANN STOIKSOI39I. r3/%001 CRXICE, nUtitindall to., Pa., January 18, 1881 U. C. SPALDING, Sir: . , You will 'please send me Mil boxes of your Cephalic Pith. Bead them immediehdy. • • • "Flitepectfully, yours ;MO. Lithiotts. = . P • 2.-7 bare timed one box of your Bile-04 &c.d them excellent. BIOME VERNON, Ohio, Jaa. , ls, 1881 Heiner- C. Semasu, PlOll4O dud eueioned twenty titre cents, for which send me another box IA your Cephalle Pills. They 'are truly thetiel , Mitt I have ever tried. Dirget • • A- STOVER, P. M., Belle Vernon, Wyandot Co., 0. Baum", Miii., Deck n, 18% IL 0. Brewmo, Esq. • , I wish for some circular" or largo show bilk, to bring year Cki)tuiltd . Plll.4 more particularly before my canto.: mere Ryon haveanything of tho kind, phase send to One of my customers, who IS 411b10n4 to Severe Sick (u-ually lasting two days,)'Wai cured or an , ittack in one boar by your PIlls: Wilich I dont tyr. Resit Wally yours, W. B. WILKES. lignroLnaausia, Franklin Co., 01110, . ..Unwary 9, 1661. j • RIMY 0. Si'4l.l4NO. No. 48 CelicirSt.,l3: Y. near Elk FaielOsed tad iNeaty,five -., (25) 4 Wtiich Bond bor ot Pills." Bead to aa.4r esa gesr. C. Filler, Reynoldibing, dintaty, 01210. • Your itilts work /gee a chava—cure ArleodaeAr almost in/Oznier. Tromp yours *la 0. MILLER TrKLAFiI, Jan: 14, . 1881 Hz.Nreausui : Not long same I sent to you for a boa of Cephalic -Rills far the cure a the Nervous Headache and Costiver.ess and received the same, and thq had so good an efeat awl was induced to send for mad. Please Send return mall. Direet to -11--WHF.ELNE, Ypsilanti, !,Bich, [Prom thell=siner,. Norfolk, Va.] Cephalic Pohl occcrusPlist the. object for which,they woremade, viz : Caro of headache in an its forme. (prom the Eiasidnei, Northlk VC] They have been tested In m ore than a thousand hazes,' with entire success. - &ram fha Fo,pirili t t, St. Cloud, Mon.] tf you axe, or have been troutited with - tlier headache ) sad' for a box,'(Cei)billo PINs,) so that you may bays them In case or an attack. (From the Advitiser, Providence, The Ce,dtalle Pllls areneld to be a remarkably effect bre remedy for the headache, and Oile Of tneivery best for that very frequent complaint which tuts:ever been discovered. [From the Western It R. Ossetic Obloogo i . - Web army endorse-yr *ding, ant 'htli umr.trallod Cephalic Pith!. &DU/ theMulf44TalleY 5L9r, nilawha, 1 1 0 We are itireilbst PeMig suffirlail OA the. 4 ..14 4 N W4e l'tg• the Wle/ 4 the #:. ..:; siarA ,stogie bottle of SPALDING'S - PRSPAUtIZEIGUni will tiaveletetbitkoi its'cast annuallitia srAUiikds PIPPED t aumi ElPiaolHßGr''S , FItBk!ARED GLUE SP4DIS4 s .§ FIRA-R l i ) GLUE SAVE THE - FCONOMY ! DISPA.TOR 1 is-"Agranz TontAIRIPLIMuL"_43II • • 4 s aclidows wig hogver pap bi 'lefiVr.OulittiOreiimitta it to haii.13011145 I, l hisigrand:ootiv4iieml way for.repitteldg Furniture ; Toys. : Ora Eery IKEA( Kg out in;leas . sesiehressergesisiekAnd ao hoinetiolet win Med Iwbe without iL :It is Always ready 1,11 teitheiglaki ••- • - atlnFtg. IN OUT 1101788. 1 ) • ' N. B.—A Brusliacco*painies 43geh bOttle : 'll46lll6 otel. Address 'amay.a:tzuzers, Nix 41 /0 0 thir 41 1 10,-liew yikrit .. . , C &II T,Lp N , . • es ilentain nnwlantled *Btu attemptirigici•Wm Ott an oaa ad Imblini - bnitnablii or isak4lok - ireitaloinSlN jrontd.•itandoutak pnrsonsitonnualne toexe4acknik, g.ninnte 5104411 in rqU nab • itir - SPALDIN.9IIPRWIIIVOLIZR, to on the 'halide wren/010 ispera 'On an;, erten& 2,--'•lolol44lflrayikribis -FR -- WJABit *443 tai - Bain viriargiajuscpinsivadajw :i s .14 , 441, rr Z 4.:441A: -ipw„,441,.14; ; 41;;....t • Dyspepsia Remedy DR. DARIUS HAM'S AN.OIII.TIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT. This Medicine hal been used by the public fur soith inertazing favor. It is remetousided to airs DY=ria,.Ner eeneneee,l3 an-barn, Calk Anne, in the Ristnach, or In net - able Bow flew:lochs, Drowrineq, Kideey Oem p&iists, Low Spirit, D /irises remote, Infemp ra 1.1i111.1111, XSNILLFLATIW. Aral, P 1? WILL NM Lirroxiatre Oa ALS A IifFd)ICINE it is quick nd eitectu al, curing the mast aggravating °use o Dyspeptic., dicey Complaints, end all other derange not Stomach and Bowe* in a speedy Manner it will trurtantly revive the most meta o ly au drooping spirits, and restore tbo west, nervous d st , ly to Loath, strength and vigor; eurnOtui Aiio, from the ttinullub-us use of lb:0 0 ra, have become dejected, sod their uervotte systems shattered, constitutions bulimia down, and subject to that horrible aurae to humanity, the Dinnums 'Sugars's, will, sheers inunedlidely, fe.el the tapi) and healthy invigorating same? of Ur. Ham's lovigcorattog atl.T IT WILL DO. cutic.--4Jie tct tit glen lull as often is Ger-misery tirre iltatio will remove all BOA SOHO. One revs will cure Heart-burn. Thiwo doses will cure Indigestion. One dose will give yen .e Good Appetite. one dose will atop the distressing pains of Dyapepsta one doe* Will Mauro:idle distressing and disagreeable Weals of Wind ur Flatultsioe, and as soon as the stomach receives the Invigorating SPlrit„ the distriesting toad .ant' sit painful eeelloge will be removed. One dose will remove titre distressing Nana of COW, either the M &ona or wets. A few doses will removed!" obateuntloenlu the &Moil, illadrer or Urinary Orgartn. PerllOni who are serionsly afflicted wile any Sidney thimplaints are assured speedy relief by a dose or two. end a radkal stirs by the use or ono or two bottle': trIGEITLY DISSIPATION. Parsers who, Dora dissipating too much over night, and feel the evil effects of pAsupout liquors, la violent head. aches, sickness at eterosolt, weakness, giddiness, Am., will end one dose will remove all bad feelings. Ladies:of weak and ale.kly constitutions, should take the invigorating Spirlt'lliree times a da); It w ill make them strong, healthy and happy, remove all obstructions and irregularities Iran themehstrnal orvuni, and restore the bloom'or health and beauty to the careworn hoe. Dating pregosacy It win be found an invaluable mere. 'Ana to remove disagreeable sensations at the stomach. All the proprietor asks lea trill;and 10 induce thin, be nas put up:the Inrgorsting gpirit to pint bottles, at be mats, quarts $1 general Depot, 48 Water ineort, N. Y. Wiielesa/e Agent, Philadelphia, D. YUIT, & CU. and for tale In DarrlibUrtby C. A. Bannvart, D. W. Omits 4 Co, and 0._14. , Keller; and by all Druggists everywhere jel4-dawly FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. SPRING AND SIMMER STYLES 186 1 . PHILADELPHIA FASHIONS. GRAillatiLE ElToal96' ONE PRICE GIFT , Conn., Feb. 6, 1861 CLOTHING EMPORIUM No. 607 CHNSTNII7 STBE73I. A wanerb dock of fine Irrenon, goilleh and American CLOTHS, And VE8T1130313, For City and Country trade, with au unapproachable as 9ortillollt 01 ftaanr Kara Cunruino at the lowest cash once, air Bat ONE. PRICE is aalted, and • (RFC o' .ntriosic worth and use presented with each ardele sold. Patti attention paid to the customer departmetn, and garments made andeent to order to any address. In Insugunatins this new system of Meg Madness, GRANVILLE r OKR3 would Impress on the Milida 01 tee patrons ct the establishtneht, that the cost or the OA is deducted from, and *wadded io the,prloo of the s amt. cls sold. His immensely itioreadtlig sales enilltlW him to act than liberally, and at the same time to realize s remunerative profit. to ill articles seam/teed to glve entire satteiactiou. ONE PRICE CLOTHING EMPORIUM eft CHEBTNITr STRAYr. octl94cod—q•dvastre-dY FRESH ARRIVAL. /foxes; Rum, Saver, thorn, 1101110 N; Samoa Oates, &LH Pats, Hamar, MARROW Inl2 RIAU, , Whole Peak to ;dm ' Just received and fur sale al the towssiT mita refitae. 018 DOCK JR. & OJ. DENTISTRY. rpHE audeitiigned, DOCT' OROP .D.E 4 NTA.L . SURGE.RY, has returned and resumed his praestep a State street oppWte the "Brady liouse,"rat ere be will be pleased te attend to who may dtetreiste Ber t :ekes. PM B. W. GILDNA, oEr RDr tri (if - O"D'S OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Bowery, Gloves, Ganntletta, In largo quantities. Great arson ment Ihiibrolderloo. ' ladles anderwear, digEweot, Adzes and:quality. Gentleman's do do do - Mims' • do • '- do do . Boys' • •do do .do Clothe, Ondennarea, - Satinette, dawn, and everything for Men and Boys wear. Gentlemena' shawls. . doodVivitholit :distinction to etYle or qnsifty - s - vvill be SOUL et a very slight adiaitte, and 'lam than Obit of ivtportallon • OATEO U IT a • ' hie* door - to the .Thurieburg Bank. err ' " . Harter'lntig arEr-itICALIPEL . .4401%10*. -PEAL CURRANT, PEACH, - APPLE., BLAICKBERRY-, ORANGE, RAkIPEERRY; Ina ifteivA hom litoetptiraimi [reb26]*. ' Wm:DOM, Sr, &OD. _ . 8001'011 WE ISKY. ONEPUNCHEON. 'of 'PURR 800Tel3 WlLDlKlfibiet reatlire4 and for.sakeby •,,' • • :ANN IL 2112431.4114,. 7 3 Market WM- M.THE it:BON; - 230 . 3 e) • ' ' best • Roas l4 4nali k . ' • i - - Plat *ps; . PirawbFrY ay. f'aralDistilled Rose Water, Beagogibth Wang Pxhi_ rare Cream 'artar,' taint PareSplcea, stab Oalthas7 Webs. liUsialt11:1030. BT9RE, ' giliarlEet Sin* - ,IC-AatATCEEKL I ORIF: •• 0: DYE! , rpifis fatENDIEr 'HAIEE-' DYE -his "t 0 i 'e4~7=-liii~4ntinocm 1a fietectut truf Bleck or Natural YBrowl .otalnlng Ake skill: -14filrlogrtho HOir - i - Xemodiet i othPottiout oOkiillOot. of Bad Di r ßotPhO 14pgorages the flair for 14Ape IWO gP e O/P r , Oros ad "W. A. ItiAtaiejOr' n' Sofa eVerYorbo .t t - - - CHU. BATCIIELOR;ProuiIefiM aornitowly ' 81 Barcaortkreet, t ; air Ye NOT/US :20 _CO OUNISSN - .olk UUAL. . . T D HE , ' PATNNT WEIGH-OA RTB tooted d • ,• via ixwope d to j)y: .the gliaLsit. op !mains • .ii AliLt€3l7lo.. • , •, • ~, -. . t.w Yr. Jams Y. Wanms.—rfailig this (Mytpatal your Plitzitt Weigh ebtft,'ltiad Load thiMparlecily artrestt, I therefore pot my seal tip:9lllmM amordMi tiliw . .... • . 0 .... FILBOICHICKAINLCIA-.. . - ..• „, . .. Bader 04W4Pightti an timii...... d ittleittyr it almry„ Imam, it ... . 111031.: , lbsir 1 p4itx.vmb' ..: ANOTHER LOT OP THOSE alibi- 41 . 04661114 * • ______.- , Gatexi , ..., , 4 R F. Ntattowt,. ~, Eiagtero -11‘114.4181MAAZ.. - A 1.044 -beech. ,o b i ' irt''i-e lag An*4."..... 1.3 ' :31141--- -< d.:.„tt, •*. , is .BOOKNIONV filiocellaiwoug GRANTILU STOKES' illtbital DR. 0111 N SO:\ X3B2aTIMIC:S)ELZI LOCK HOSPITAL 'TAB discovered ilremosl certain, niro 1 . 1. sad aroma"( reseed.y to the worl I t.wr M,EASF I R OF IMPRUDENCE MEV IN PIZ 10 TWILTJI. ' 4 01:1.1 No atereary or Illosione Drufo -jCeix PrALARLIMI; OE 110 CHARON, CV MI/ Two DAis.iis WOILIMCIIB of the Book tor Limbs, 'Sirlete.res, the Loins, Agnate= of the Kidneys lied Hieddil, Weaknitee. Nervosa Debility, Decay of the era, .Dyspepsia, angnor, Low Spirits, tall batten or the If earl, 'timidity, Tremnitnes, cfSlght cr Giddiness, Disease of the Stoma. `.l A.:, of the Bead, Throat, Ni BO or skin—thnse dere wising tram the untbihretina YOntb—the e dreadful and destructor) pr produce constitutional debility, render , ethic, and destroy both body and mind . YOUNG YOUllg Vixen especially who have tas,..‘cw Kittery Vice, that dreadful and de: trucinv ha h annually sweep. to an trate:lel, grave th„,„, young men of threAnost exalted talent &Ca 6TII lest, who mfg 14: otherwise have entrance , aerates with the thunders ef elognease, or a,; < taay the living lyre, may WI wt b trill cse.l 4 , itARRIAIIE. Slanted persons, or those rostemplatlnc nu' r : _ tog striae stlesslosl weslarats, should 11111ne43-„. salt Dr. J., sad b costa* to perfect neckO =I immediately ettrsi and MI leer rat, ,d He who places himself under the attrt• religiously sonlide in his honer as a pallet:cm., lidently re/ympou his skill se a p4melac. Si-Otilee No. 7 Smith 11' , ect rtlect, Md., ato Ibe left hand aide going from Ba:ttmc, t , -t-c, doors trom the corner. Bo particular 74, pains or imbiber, er yaw erill mistake the piece Insular for ignorant Tlf . MN Quack; with or Paltry Hantbeg baltikete, attracted th, r. Um of lir. Johnsen. Um near. All letters magi contain a Postagegtamp. to DR: JOBNBTON I. Johnson member of the Royal ()allege of London, sradoiletroni one ot Me most eminent 12, atm (hatted etas*, and Abe vested part of A t.o. e has been spent 'in the rf&pittEht 6f Loudon, p• gelpitig ad& else - Whore, alibeted soma 01 m Webbing tibial Mat were ever known. Marry tr., with rtngbe to the ears antiltesd when ealet.p. g., eoninele, being alarmed painviden sounds, with frequent binshing,attsndod sometimes with wont of mttld were ouradimmediamly, TANN PAIrriCULSR , NOTICE Dr. J. addresses all:Wes who having Injure.' tt, selven by privets tallt.lintinper_tedulgencirs, tom :•e• and aohtary . habit whiclt — i - Vtas both body Lad rILL MAUI *km ttlr eithdrbittitneas Or society. Theis die /tome of Wiped and melancholy e., , dead by early habits of youtti, : Weaktt.,? Deck and Limbs, Pains lit %be Need, DfmhesB of :•••Et Gael of Zeinsottiar Power,.Paipltation or the LoaN, peps* NeryOUßlrritability; Derangement of the IN: nnotiona, Gement Debility, /Waltman of co. , 3 don, an. • MENTALLY. the Stalllfi aote the egad are at ct be dreaded. :—Lees Molnar," Combat= ot preselect iar flphife, Evierbrebedbigt, AVOTTIOu ty, Beltdistr net, Love et Bolltudei,Tletidlty, &0., tre of the evil ellbcte. Thotununle of 'persekstitt callueall; can now judge nL, IS the cani*or their iteto l ,... 44 6 00, losing thus becoming weak, pale, nervous Min emaciated, tay.• singular appearance about the 'yen, cough, and g7m. me orcormumptioc. who have telured tramselvet ‘ by a certain precii, solved lu when akele-:- - a table liirsimently learned frac sail domoasions, or at, sohool,the abets of what siglitty felt, even When asleep, sod Knot Cured, rumen saarrtage impossible, and destroys loth mind and should apply igagoadiately, What • pity that a 'Souris teary the bows of tile es, try. . the darting or ,hisisareute, should be unvebest Pea All prospecte and enjoyments of life by [b. corrsecunne, • devhitint Nora -thWpith of nature, and Indulging In plating " '• MAlpti.loB, effect that a 'medial/I d end bed. y are ,the moo. new , ' requisites hi "prOniotti dendflbled • bappinee withousthewei fbricuirdet ettrtuat be6 " 4 " idle runes the yerespeot, owls., ens to the r•• • mind 'shadowed witfretetepetr, Met 44111194 rafied.4ll/ thflt4RANNikip, ar.mcf c , epodes Idighted with bur belie ;et. iqfititares - ntr9I4NICILTAPO -BUNDY FV. GAM WEAKAL • By this great and beeportan — cl tuttn . y. Weeks-, . •!. Tirane are speedfly curedpatid MI-vigor rottoree,- eeousands of the taaaaalat7aoa and debihteke cc - tad Inat all hope, have bean „lourtedlately redeye' A MpenaliMite id Marti !Iliad or Mental 1p Mer‘ousi dui witness or Ett.o,A he meet fearful ith=i nnitr eorted. "nit) latualootelearodidihlsLm p:ltem wan,. 11 = 1 " / T e liliAti nonittrous Inaportao: • _r. o tions perform 4 Dr: %tamed th INICOM.Of theitopekroadeneorother pawns , acvc.. which have &Near ern add igen before (i.e beriderfale eitoei4ft , 'ltelidatics of chorea,* sri Srefifilietk L itltee to the tullieteo PleF.lldred fdrAIIiPRUDWE —When the and'imprudent rdt nada he hm Abelleh cr 01 this 0)1100..., It too often h•l•, - 1 , ,: 024,1 monde cifibianni br dried orate...very • himdbtrot tO.Utosewboaroin eduesiceu 4 *actability, can atone bVend hint, doiarint - ettitttleidal tYtapiettlie-et: le herrid disease mate r - !!p!! soot rdreottim Ale Annid, throat, cos; progrendus on" ilth nightfall - rapidity, ulI dealt -perbelito hiodredlitulauffirtegs-hyseaduer b,m to bouruefrone wheuces .o.trav,eler Marna' It indbely 11.6, 4 thit *Outwit Ulf victim to ltd.! I , . 011,1 4 10 ;1Fink thehinigtritieeinkte rani pr • era, w__ , .by the rue of that , e : WiltkintePO ind 'mkt. the ue of hie muirr,i ,,. •To #fltaAilltitit,..L ~-:•lThe, Minter's yikaoan haw - 1;52.3-eitersoustet acetate a Iltazap loam or, the -Batnedleit sent by kir•Nit. Y South Frederick stroectlfalthnoft, epel3 dewAy. ' . 1411 01111111 W . 1-IINC ' • MAO: WIN LO Iptperappotal . pm gr n . refluiletyabl. SOOTHThig S UI For Children Teething. .. *ewe greatly ItailD*4 ll the ealeetheigt ei ' cuing lb . g uma i r l an nirig id/ rematke—will eller t . PAI and stmniodlc. *ow l o Rijn TO REG • Tic irgE flown- Depend upco gn iA jue * itiiiii m gi lo ve y r ouß ect to Sitir e,ri, AND, years, up sad sold the; article for or , '`" Y55r5 and'4* ''' roarsearce Aare ram, wii- , ' ~ have never ' , I to my o r m y et h er z ped;c Er:" 14 1 NIVAR neve r : PAWED, IN A SLNGLI DariAS , C! OFVIZT :,AtICURS, WWI timely used. Never -',"' knowa l, of ram by an y on,: v , : , . ''' .. 11 * (1 . 11 is t p :ft - are delighted with iv ,'"' "'no; of highest oommeee.e.v. as magand , dhoti Aid medical virtues. R. 4"''''' thia,....,.5i 1 1400 1 PASIr anicps moo, o n e , t e n rar, - 1 : ----3,,,AinittaZiliTivertODl *A INS rt:A- 4 ": ar lir y. /11 almost every '-r" ,-. ` when - - Dom pain and exhitea e liaridil baLakiiillaillieon or twenty Pinnito " I ' ' This Al T ,, lft at ' :. :. , lion is the Proa crl P" I't of the , .. .-i• ro N. , an d saziscl. r: :1 1':' Weve/1140111 4. 01 lik• • . been , us ed tabau e rn," swam la ~/ iA, ~.,_,,,. zti_ ,- OF CASE , "' "c" , °R I 7. the child dna, pain, Da' .''t: alto oratei 2 the itoinicat "Ed bowels, corneae e u ':,', gives tunfisiidinuirgy to the whole system.z• * 1 ct.4.lE 5j : 13141 = 3 . 111414 t re l DOWELS, A i ti r D a W:4 ll juy ev , thidiMi&Ortirbel v ire h lt the' u .d,, r , r =My grilmjir fa ell mace of DI*FalT „a DISRIDNAL i 1111 C DEN, w 5 u ses y ma teeth) ag cra, .4 her cause. We W. °t'.4 every mfter'who hins:a child su ff ering from ISL, ~,, reregoitiginins . - Nor UT roux einno s ,7 3 -,-e la ; . hig MOW, stand betweee_ns t o Av . ...., 35 "' end. relied that will be ilUtor' l e dferti pgra to "'" ' ' !- &low' the 'Use of thi s st _„.. e . It ' '' • 'Ol:fictions *cuing reBi . ";;; t l tt each WSW 1 illenti Wee oaken .t hem Is e corns* _ Yea*, Ls on thoo Fr il l tA, ' . ' .tt , . ' , boat the World' '., • t'. '• Cedar ifair.Y ..„ . aft , 1 , 4 1 4 1 - 7 ' ."- - . ' burit - 14 1 90:trole 11 , re o, L 9 31 . ... . ~ Lairvist92llo ...tatin% ad d, FL it 1 • _. . strest, hebeworcimN