Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, May 02, 1861, Image 3

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Thursday Afternoon, May 2, 1861.
SUDDEN NOS.—lnformation wag receive.
here at an early hour this morning of the sud
den death of Jacob H. Ross, of this city, which
occurred at York last night. The deceased
was well known as the son of Robert J. Ross,
Esq., cashier of the Dauphin Deposite Bank.—
His remains were brought to this city this
W NOTICH in the Mayor's office two large bun
dles of bed clothing intended for Camp Curtin.
Tbey were made and presented by Mrs. A. W.
Bickerton, formerly Miss. A B. Carpenter of
Market street They speak well for the head
and heart of the donor, and will be fully appre
elated by our gallant soldiers, to whom they will
be promptly.delivered by the Mayor.
Nor nom Mtomarows.—The man Hender
son, noticed yesterday by our Camp Scott cor
respondent as being one of the deserters from
the volunteers of this city, was not from Mid
dletown, but is said to hailtram Philadelphia.
Our Middletown friends my that the " boys"
from that ancient borough are not the men to
desert their country's standard in the hour of
its .eril.
CAVALBY BQIIADBO/C-A meeting of all who
are disposed to unite In re forming a squadron
of cavalry, under the militia laws, is to be
held at Market Square, Verbeketown, at the
public house of John Oignger, on Saturday,
the 4th knit., at 1 o'clock, P. M. It is hoped
as many will come mounted and prepared for
drill as conveniently can, and that our young
men from the country will not be backward in
uniting themselves with this organisation to
defend their homes and families if necessary.
A Lums Pon was raised by the citizens of
Hanover township, in front of A. B. Boyet's
hotel, on Friday the 26th ult. The pole was
furnished by Jacob Early, Jr., and measured
fifty feet in length. A splendid flag of the
stars and stripes, the work of the ladies of the
township, floats from the top of the pole. After
the raising of the pole, a meeting was held at
which speeches were made, and resolutions
adopted, all sustaining the action of the admin
istration in attempting to crush the rebellion
at the south.
Annexe 10 TH3 0031111 GVARDS.—Yesterday
afternoon, Col. Ira C. Mitchell, of Bellefonte,
late aid to Adjutant General Wilson, visited
the Curtin Guards, and being formally intro
duced, proceeded, in a brief and pertinent
speech, to encourage them in the performance
of their duty to their country. He saw in the
company many who were his pupils ten years
ago, and he knew they would not prove un
faithful to the flag under which they had been
raised and educated. He hoped the unanimity
of the Northt would tirrify the Smith - info those
terms which otherwise their arms would com
pel lie then bade them an affectionate fare
well, hoping they might survive the struggle
and return to their homes covered with honor.
OUTRAGEOUS CONDUCT.-At a late hour night
before last, two pistol shots were fired from
Third street through the window sash of a
sleeping room on the second story of Omit's
State Capitol Hotel. Fortunately no person
was injured. The presumption is that the act
was committed by some soldier from Camp
Curtin, out on a "bender," who was determin
ed to signalize his "liberty" by making things
rip promiscuously. The practice of permitting
the soldiers from the camp to visit the city
with side arms, especially after dark, is highly
dangerous, and should at once be effectually
abolished. It was only day before yesterday
that wo had an example of the evil effects of
this Praotioo, in the affray at the Filth Ward
Rouse, where a drunken party of soldiers actual
ly charged bayonets upon, and wounded quiet
and respectable citizens; and It was only through
providential interference that serious mischief
did not result from the pistol shots night be
fore last. We hope that the officers of the
camp will consider our suggestions in regard to
this matter, and by an exercise of their author
ity in the premises, relieve our citizens from a
very serious evil. If it is at all necessary that
the soldiers should visit our city after night
fall, let them do so unarmed.
MUSTRRID INTO SUY/Cll.--The "Lochiel Greys"
of this city, commanded by Capt. Henry M'Cor-
Wok, were mustered into service of the United
State at Camp Curtin this morning, by Capt .
Simmons, 11, S. A. The muster' roll of the
company le as follows:
Cboan.—MlNlT Ittcaosiaaz.
lst Liam,--Wm. W. Jennings
2d Lied. —George Met.
Edwin Pollock, J. C. Mager,
A. J. Foster, Jacob P. Brook, Nor-
Geo. William Boyd, ristoim,
Jno. A, Bigler, Geo. Myers,
John M. Major, Wm. A. Myers,
Eugene Snyder, Thos. J. Hume.,
John GotehaU, Wm. Fred. Houston,
Geo. A. Brooks, Chas M. Platt,
H. 0. Doll, 0. B. Simmons,
Wm. H. Airicks, B. Jackson,
JJ. Worrell, Jr. • Wm. H. Ryer%
Jacob Rohrer, Richard Hill,
T. L. Cathcart, Jr. ' Cleo. Horning,
Guy C. Humphries, Samuel 3. Henderson,
Geo. Bios, Pottstown, Lancaster count y,
Harry Potts, Jr., " J. W. Fr 7,
Joe. W. Royer, " Wm. W. Wodley,
Andrew Santo, John Elder. Paxton
Jun. W. munch, Jos. J. Pilkey, ,
John Care. '
A. M. Winebrenner,
Wm. H. Cati on, Joe. J. Mitchell,
Jas. L Kimble, Jacob A. Swarts,
Lewis Wyatt; G. W. Fuller,
Samuel %shore, It L. %%man,
E. H Hickok, Thos. Sample,
A. C. Schnell, James Stewart,
Abraham Root, James Woodall
J. B. Park, Parksburg, J ackson Human,
Cheater county. no. J. Ensmitager,
A. P. Small,
.g. T. Andrews,
James Conrad, Albert Smith,
Isaac Merman, John Almada,
Edmund Mather L. B. Wittman,
Jr.,Ohs, 0. Hawn, W. D. Haack.
B. n
Sloan De Haven. Jobs A. Troop,
War. H. Carberry , R e dl y T. rekeeing.
Wm. .on
tenants of the city lock-up last night, tired of
durance, succeeded in regaining his liberty by
forcing from its placJ one of the iron bars form -
ing the grating to the rear window of that es
tablishment. Fortunately, the noise made by
the transaction was heard by some of the police
officers in the Mayor's office, who repaired to
the scene andsucceecled in re-arresting the fugi
tive before he left the yard in the rear of the
Exchange, as well as preventing a general
stampede of all the prisoners. The fugitive
was taken back to his quarters, and this morn
ing the Mayor sent him to prison for forty-eight
hours for contempt of—look-up.
quence of the burning of the bridges, by the
mob and secessionists of Baltimore, of the
Northern Cental Railway leading to Baltimore
from Cockeysville, the board of directors have
removed the general accounting department to
Harrisburg. J. B. Leib, Esq., the Treasurer,
with Mr. P. O'Connell, Mr. Ford and Mr. J.
Lawrence Rightmyer, arrived yesterday, from
Baltimore, and will, for the present, occupy
the offices at the Pennsylvania railroad depot.
Parties having business with the department
will address .or call upon Mr.. John S Lieb,
Treasurer, as above. The lose by the burning
of the bridges on this road, is over three hun
dred thousand dollars. Their destruction by
the mob was authorized by the Mayor of Bal
timore and Governor of Maryland.
hundred volunteers principally from Bradford,
Tioga, Cameron, hill.ean, Jefferson and Elk
counties, accompanied with a brass band, :ar
rived here this afternoon, and have joined
Camp Curtin, That portion of them from Cam
eron, M'Kean, Jefferson and Elk counties, fa
miliarly known as the " wild cat district,"
numbered over three hundred. They wore
red shirts, and their hats and caps were each
surmounted with a fox tall, emblematical of
their backwoods home. They bore in the
ranks an immense pair of buck horns, which
attracted much attention, and elicited "nu
meroua" cheers. Each of the men brought
with them their own rifles, with whose use
they are familiar, and with which, if the ser
vice permitted, they could do terrible execu
tion against an enemy.
Among the arrivals, were also four compa
nies from Tioga and Bradford counties, com
posed likewise of stout able-bodied sons of the
forest, who looked " every inch tile soldier."
Tam Finer Reoratisir.—The following is a
complete list of the officers and companies com
posing the First Regiment Pennsylvania Vol
unteers :
Colonel—Samuel Yohe.
Lieut. Colonel—Tilghman R. Good.
Major—lhomas H. Linn.
Adjutant—James E. Miltimore.
Quartermaster—Frederick L. Pypher.
Assistant Quartermaster—Lawrence Niger.
Paymaster—Herbert Thomas.
Surgeost—Jacob R. Ludlow.
Assistant Surgeon—W. H. H. Mahler.
Sergeant Major—E. G. ?dinnig.
Quartermaster Sergeant— William Andrews.
Drum Major—John P. Shiadel.
Fife Major—Joseph M. Coylln.
(A.) Washington Grays, of Bethlehem, North
ampton county, Captain James L. Selfridge ;
(B.) Citizen's Artillery, of Easton, Northamp
ton county, Capt. Jacob Dachrodt ; (C) Easton
Lavincibles, of Easton, Northampton county,
Capt. Wm. H. Armstrong ; (D) Scott Guards,
of Easton, Northampton county, Capt. Charles
Heckman ; (Eyeemeron Guards, of Harris
burg, Dauphin county, Capt. Jacob M. Eyster ;
(F.) Lancaster Fencibles, of Lancaster, Lances
ter county, Capt. Ember Franklin ; (G.) Read
ing Artillery, of Reading. Berke county, Capt.
George W. Alexander; (H.) National Guards,
of Easton, Northampton county, Capt. Ferdi
nand W. Bell ; Lnion Rifles, of Allentown,
Lehigh county, Capt. William H. Gauslor ; (K.)
Jackson Rifles, of Lancaster, Lancaster county,
Capt. Henry A. Hambright.
.—.—..• b....—..
STAY LAW,—The following bill .was reported
from the Select Committee on the subject by
Mr. Duffield, in the House of Representatives,
this morning, and made the special order for
to-morrow morning
AN ACT relating to judgments and executions.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted, dm, That upon all judg
ments now remaining unsatisfied, or which may
be obtained within six months from the passage
of this Act, there shall be a stay of execution
for one year from the passage hereof, as regards
judgments now existing, and from their date
as regards judgments obtained after the date
hereof : Provided, That the defendant is pos
sessed of real estate within the res. - tive
county or counties in which such ju. • ant
shall have been obtained, or in any other
county within this Commonwealth to !Itch the
said judgment shall have been transferred sub
ject to be sold for the payment of such judg-
ment and worth in the opinion of any court or
any judge in vacation, justice or alderman
having jurisdiction of such judgments over and
above other incumbrances, and the amount
exempted from levy and sale on execution, or if
said defendant shall give security for the pay
ment of the same, to be approved by the court
or a judge thereof in vacation or a justice or
alderman, within sixty days from the date of
the judgment or from the passage of this Act,
and no person or firm, bank or broker, holding
collaterals as security for debts due or to be
come due shall, within one year from the
taking effect of this Act, sell at public or pri
vate sale any such collaterals, whether the
same consist of mortgage, bond, note, or other
security, comm.-rcial or otherwise, and any
party selling such collateral securities within
such time distil become responsible for the par
value or nominal amount thereof to the owner
of such collateral. And pniakkel furthers That
the provisions of this Act shall extend to judg
ments entered or to be entered as well upon
bond and warrant of attorney, as upon mort
gages to secure the same, and to any nine
quent grantee or owner of the prernisesi so
bound, as well as to the orignal obligor or
mortgagor, and also to all judgments or debts
upon which execution has or may be waived by
the debtor in any original obligation or,con
' tract, upon which such judgment has . been or
may hereafter be obtained. And provided far
ther, That said stay of execution shall not apply
to mortgages, or bonds secured by mortgage,
or to ground rent deeds, unless the interest, if
due at or before the passage of this Act, shall
be paid within sixty days thereafter, or if ac
cruing thereafter, shall be paid within sixty
days after it shall become due. And provided
further, likat this act shall not apply to, any
judgment obtained for the wages of labor:
Sac. 2. That in all cases in which a defend
ant shall be entitled to a stay of execution
under the proviaions of this
Act, and shall nog
loot or refuse to claim the benefit thereof':-AnY
lessee or mortgagee of tk premises Untied trbosy
whose estate or interest therein would WO af
feeted by sale of the said premises, shall'
suc h
the like right with the defendant to claim such
stay of scomnition.
peunsplu anin iDailp telegraph, thurobagt 'Afternoon, .ffielp, 2, 1801
Moan MILITARY.—The Washington Rifles, Of
Mt. Joy, Lancaster county, commanded by
Captain Jacob Waltman, arrived here at noon
to day, with a view of asking to be mustered
into the service of the United States. The com
pany is composed of fine, hardy looking men,
who would do good service on a battle field,
and we hope the authorities will n.,t overlook
their merits when making a selection for the
present or next quota of volunteers.
Since writing the above, we learn that the
company has been accepted and will be muster
ed into service to-morrow.
At a meeting of the citizens of New Buffalo
township, on the 27th ult., held for the pur
pose cf giving expression to their views on the
subject of the national crisis, George Lecher
was called to the chair, assisted by a number of
Vice Presidents and Secretaries.
The following resolutions were adopted :
Resolved, That we appoint a number of our
citizens to watch with eagle eye the acts and
manowres of traitors, if any we have among us
calling themselves disunioniats or seceders,
which we consider rebels or traitors. That we
will aid the Government by all Constitutional
mesas to repel invasion and prevent any person
from aiding or encouraging an enemy to war
against this State or the United States; that
we will take him into custody and deliver him
up to the proper authorities to be treated as a
spy and traitor against the Constitution and
laws of the United States.
Resolved, That we acknowledge no flag but
the "atara and eiripes*,—may they wave over
the States of a free and enlightened land,
bought apd watered with the blood of our fore
fathers. It must be maintained.
Resolved, That we view all persons who give
utterance of sentiments favorable to Southern
documents and desperados as enemies, and we
will treat them as rebels and traitors.
New Animas I New Asarvere I.—Just re
ceived a large assortment of New Spring Goods.
We name in part ; 10 pieces of beautiful chal
lea, 12i worth 181 ; 10 pieces of traveling dress
goods, 8 worth 1271 ; 50 pieces bleached and
unbleached muslin, at 10 worth 12} ; 50 pieces
of blbached muslin:at 14 worth 15. Also a
very large assortment of Cassimeres and other
Bummer stuff for men and boys wear. Also
Stella Shawls, very cheap. Broche bordering,
at 25, 37 and NI cents Also, a large stock of
Cambrics and Swiss Muslim, very cheap. Please
all and examine at S. Lewy, Road's old Stand,
Cor. Market and Second streets. 4.
BALTIMORIAM—Our Southern cousins who
attempted independence on their own hook at
Baltimore, have owing to circumstances over
which they bad no control, concluded to adhere
to the Man and Stripa, and now in their kind
ness say that it- is the privilege of troops pas
sing to Washington for its protection to go
tbough the city of Baltimore. We will also
state that it is the right and privilege of all
persons who want cheap dry goods to purchase
them at Uaion & Boniest+, south east corner of
Front and Market streets.
Pennsylvania Legislature
C 2121.2 ril2) a :IN 2DJ-I*PM 2 WI 94
The House was called to order at 10 o'clock,
and was opened with prayer by Rev. Mr. Car
son, of the Vine Street Methodist Episcopal
The Journal of yesterday was read and ap
On motion of Mr. BARTHOLOMEW, the
House proceeded to consider Senate bill No. 4,
an Act to authorize the Commissioners of Schuyl
kill county to appropriate thirty thousand dol
lam for the support of the families of volun
teers mustered out of said county into the ser
vice of the United States, and providing for
the distribution of the same.-
The bill was read.
On motion of Mr. COWAN, the bill was re
ferred to the Committee on the Judiciary (lo
On motion of Mr. SHEPPARD, the Howe
proceeded to consider Senate bill No. 5, entitled
a joint resolution relative to the pay of the
late Peace Commissioners and their clerk.
The joint resolution,
Passed finally.
Mr. LAWRENCE presented five petitions of
dtisens of Jefferson county, praying for the
passage of an Act to restrain the collection of
Referred to the Special Committee on that
Mr. ROLLER, a petition of citizens of Blair
county, numerously signed with a similar
Referred to the same Committee.
Mr. COI.LINS, one from citizens of Fayette
county asking an appropriation to arm theriti
tens of the border counties.
Referred to the Committee on the Militia
Mr. BALL, from the Select Committee of
seven, to whom was referred the Special Mes
sage of the Governor, submitted the following
report :
Haamsatrao, May Ist, 1861,
Hos. R W. Davis,
~dealer of the Howl of .liqtretentatives
Bra :—The Select Committee to whom was
referred the Special Message of the Governor,
dated April 90th, 1861, respectfully report :
That so much of said message as refers to the
"attack upon a large body of unarmed non,
citizens of this Commonwealth, who were pro
deeding through Baltimore, Maryland, to the
city of Washington,' is, in their opinion of
inch' grave importace as to demand refer
ence to a Special Committee.
Your Committee believe that a complete and
thorough re-organisation of the militia of this
Commonwealth is imperiously demanded, and
to provide a plan for that object, they suggest
that so much of the message of the Bxecutive
as relates to the subject be referred to the Com
mittee on the Militia System, with a recom
mendation that they report, by bill, at an early
The recommendation contained in the mes
sage for "the passage of a judicious law, to pre
vent the saSsilice of property by forced sales in
the collection of debts, is one that meets with ,
the approval of your Committee, but they feel
that the duty of preparing such a meaterre should
be devolved upon the Law Committee of the
House of Representatives; they therefore recom
mend that the subject be referred to the Com
mittee on the Judiciary, (general)
That in compliance with the suggestion made
in the message to provide for a larger sum than
has been distinctivelyappropriated for the com
mon defence and general welfare of the State
and the nation in this emergency, your com
mittee have prepared and beg leave to submit
herewith, "an Act to create , a loan and to pro
vide for arming the State."
liesitesr - Mtdly submitted by the
Mt,* tepottad of the conuoittee was
Mr. IigIMPABD autaitted the folio :
, Reekief t That so much otthe special inea
v3hl Mgt "GOVernOr as relates to the attack
WW — Of this Commonwealth,' WM* were
THURSDAY, May 2, 1861
proceeding through Baltimore, Maryland, to
the city of Washington, be referred to a select
committee, and that so muoh of said message
as relates to a re-organization of the militia of
this State be referred to the Committee on the
Militia System, and that portion of the message
which recommends the passage of a judicious
law to prevent the sacrifice of property by forced
sales in the collection of debts, be referred to
the Committee on the Judiciary, general ; and
said Committees are instructed to repot t by bill
or otherwise at an early day.
The resolution was read a second time.
Mr. DUFFIELD. I move to postpone the
further consideration of that resolution for the
present, in, order that I may be allowed the
opportunity to make a report from a special
Committee at this time.
Mr. COI TJ NS moved to postpone indefinitely.
The motion was subsequently withdrawn.
Mr. DUFFIELD withdrew his motion to
postpone for the present.
Mr. COWAN moved to amend the resolution
by striking out all in relation to the subject of
the stay Law.
The motion was agreed to.
Mr. WELSON moved to amend the resolution
by inserting before the words "Committee on
the Militia System," the word " select."
The motion was agreed to.
Mr. SHEPHARD moved to amend in that
portion relattng to the attack in Baltimore, by
inserting after the words "Select Committee,"
the words "of five."
The amendment was agreed to.
The resolution as amended was adopted
Mr. HOFIUS, from the Select Committee, to
whom was referred that portion of the Gover
nor's message recommending the passage of a
judicious law to prevent the sacrifice of proper
ty-by forced sales in the collection 14 debts, re
ported a bill entitled "an Act relating to judg
ments and executions."
On motion of Mr. COLLINS the bill was
made the special order for to-morrow morning
immediately after the reading of the Journal.
Mr. BALL, from the select committee on the
Governor's Message, reported "an Act creating
loan, and to provide for arming the State."
Mr. RIDGWAY, from the Committee on Cor
porations, reported as committed "an Act to in
corporate the Qray Reserve Armory company."
Mr. SMITH, from the special committee to re
vise the military laws, reported a further supple
ment to an Act regulating the militia of this
Commonwealth, approved April 21, 1858, and
moved that the House suspend the rules and
proceed to consider the same.
The motion was agreed to.
The bill was read.
Mr. ELLIOTT moved to amend by striking
out the word " accoutrem-nts" where it oc
cure in the bill, and substituting " belts, scab
bards and cartouch boxes."
Mr. TRACY moved that the further consid
eration of the bill be postponed for the present.
The motion was agreed to.
,On motion of Mr. SELTZER, the House
From Washington.
The President has made• the following ap
pointments: James Harlan, attorney, and Al
exander H. Tweed, marshal for the district of
Kentucky; Hiram Wilby, attorney, and D. H.
•marshal for the Distriot ot Connecticut.
AParis correspondentof a prominent gentle
man here gives particulars of an official inter
view between Mr. Faulkner, Minister to Paris,
and Thouvenal, the French Minister, on the
subject of the recognition of the Southern Con
Mr. Faulkner protested, most energetically,
in the name of his Government, against any
recognition of the new American Confederacy
until, at least, his successor had arrived. Mr.
Thouveual said the 11. S. Government need not
have any appiehension of a speedy recognition
of the Southern Confederacy by the Govern.
ment of France.
The fact is demonstrated beyond the shadow
of a doubt that the policy of the Administra
tion, now and henceforth, is war. To this
conclusion Mr. Lincoln haa urged his Cabinet
for ten days past. Messrs. Chase, Blair and
Cameron entered heart and soul into the!plan,
and but for the wavtring of Messrs. Seward
and Welles on this point the Cabinet would
have been a unit. Mr. Welles has received
such letters, petitions, and appeals from his
own State as have insured his conversion to an
anti-peace doctrine, and finally Mr Seward has
added his undoubting assent of such a course.
Senator Wilson, with Judge Hoar, of Meese
chuietts, called upon Mr. Lincoln and each
member of the Cabinet to-day, and urged upon
them the imperative demand of the country,
that active and potsitivel aggressive measures
to aiopted. Twice they saw Mr. Lincoln,
whose whole nature Seems bent upon re assert
ing the dignity and unity of this great nation
before the eyes of the world.
The country may rest assured that the course
of the Administration has been, is, and will
be onward and upward. The standard will
suffer no degradation while in its hands.—
Nothing, in the.end, will have been lost; and
all good Men will agreein coinmeddations upon
the action, of our leaders. The Navy Yard at
Norfolk wit be re=taken and rebuilt, and that
.Official reports have been made to head
quarters that Fort Pickens has been placed, by
re-enforcements, beyond the possibility of cap
ture by any force the Rebels can bring against
it. .‘
By every avenue of communication with this
Capital, the , great ,spirit of the Free North
makee itself •felt. Mothers write ;to Solis, who
seek military employment, urging them ,for
ward, cheering their hearts with words or no
ble affection. Regiments of nurses, represent
ing the cultivation and refinement of New Eng
land, are arriving, or announce their readiness
to come, meanwhile fitting themselves by prac
tice in hospitals at home. Money, horses, arid
equipments are offered with lavish hands by
thrifty men of business. A single grand ex
pression of patriotism reachea us, and its effect
here is hourly to be perceived.
Commissioners from Western Virginia were
in town to-day. They told the President, in
substance, that if he would furnish the people
they represented with arms, they would take
care of this section of the country and guaran
tee its loyalty.
Allusion,." in the hearing of the President,
hlivingbeeit made by &gentleman to-day to the
attacks upon the °ours° and motive of the Ad
mixdatieateam, Mr Lincoln smiled and said,
"Well, sir, we can afford to pass them by with
the dying words of the Massachusetts states
man, 'we still live.' I am sure they don't wor
ry me any, and I reckon they dont benefit the
parties.who write them."
It seems thke Lieut. Maury will notbe al
lowed to resign, but chat his leaving u he did
will be considered an actual de/mato° of a post
Of duty. 0411 the day of his desertion be Was
With theßecietary of UHT Nail Up'to B'o'cloch
in the afternoon, aud-said nothing of his in
tionrk Re went lawne,,padordup his flirt - Attire
and violated. , The Observary is now under
hs,*(of pent: UMW; wicallent officer,
'Wan Woulliolorfifiyal, efficient antrWoethy
seiv int of the Government does not exist. The
mass of unfioiste.d work lett by Lieut. Manry
at the Observatory is enormous, but under the
cabable management and untiring energy of
Lieut. Grills, it is fast being chased away.
A man calling himself Brooks was arrested
by Judge McCunn at Annapolis yesterday He
had been to New York, had wormed his way
into the confidence of the Union Relief Com
mittee, Messrs. Everts, Aspinwall and others,
and after remaining there several days, was
made bearer of important dispatches to Messrs.
Lincoln, Scott and the War Department. He
reached Annapolis by means of a forged pass,
which happening to come under the immediate
notice of Judge McCunn, he caused his arrest
His answers did not wholly satisfy the Judge
on certain points, and on being stripped, the
dispatched mentioned above were found open
next to his skin. He was at once detained, put
under guard, and to-day was to be tried.
Secretary Cameron exhibits a marked degree
of shrewdness in the selection of men. He
placed Gen Butler at Annapolis
,to hold that
section of country, and open communication.
That haying been accomplished, he recalls that
officer, giving his position to Col. Hamilton, of
New York, and detailing Gen. Butler to a very
important Southern movement. Gen. Butler
seems to be the man for the advanced posts of
duty, and will, within ten days, add laurels
gathered from sterner service, to those already
gained in peaceable successes.
Gen. Patterson will very shortly move hither
ward with a large body of troops, and his line
of march will be through Baltimore.
Prominent Baltimorians have been importu
ning Lincoln for several days to re-open com
munication, to send dispatches by telegraph
through their city, and to insure speedy mail
facilities. This has been manfully opposed by
Secretary Cameron. who was determined to
force them to their senses, deeming a whole.
some punishment the best thing for them. He
said that when the United States had posses
sion of the city, and his own men were in
charge of the offices at Baltimore, he would
consent. Mr. Blair joined his petition to those
of the delegation, and at last, when Mr. Cam
eron had gained his point and humbled the
Baltimoreans, be consented. The consequence
is that an advertisement now announces a di
rect line of travel open. Mr. Cameron is as
true as steel.
Evidences of Lieut. Maury's ttrachery are
daily apparent. The meanest of them yet dis
coveted is, that be removed buoys from Kettle
Bottom Shoals, leaving the Adminishation to
Bud It out as best they could.
Jefferson Davis continues in the most dishon
orable manner to attempt to seduce Federal cffi
cers from duty. Last week he sent a General's
commission in the Confederate army to a gen
tleman holding a Captain's rank in the U. S.
army, and whose experience in the Orduante
Bureau would render him most valueable to
the South The commission was accompanied
by a strong personal letter. Both were re
The steamer of the Norfolk line which left
here on Tuesday, with the mails and passen
gers, expecting to be permitted to enter Nor
folk Harbor was not allowed to do so, and had
to land her mails and passengers at Old Point.
The steamer which left here yesterday has also
returned without going to Norfolk. The
blockade is evidently vigorously enforced
against Virginia. The officers of the steamers
say that the bay is dotted over with Govern
went transports going and returning.
Spentorrezn, ILL., May 1, 1861.
The legislature to-day passed a bill to prevent
the transportation of telegraphic messages to
cipher. It also passed a bill for sending tel
regiments into camp of instruction to meet the
future calls of the General Government.
Colonel Prentiss, the commanding officer at
Cairo, telegiaphed to-day that 1,700 stand of
arms were landed at Columbus, fiy., twenty
miles from Cairo, to night, and that seven pieces
of cannon wore landed at Paducah yesterday.
.911 was quiet at Cairo. About 6,090 troops
were in camp there.
Chas. Francis Adams, Minister to Eugland;
Cassius M. Clay, Minister to Ennis; and Jacob
S. Haldeman, Minister to Stockholm, were pas
Bangers per the Niagara, which sailed yester
yda. . .
Nttu . 2thntrtistmento.
Dissolution of Partnership.
THE firm known as J. WISE & CO., has
this day, April Ist, 1861, dissolved partnership. The
business will be c ontinued by John Wise.
Thankful for the past favors, Mr. John. Wise informs
the eidzeos of Harrisburg that he will continue the piste
of business, and hopes to merit the usual share of pa
tronage bestowed upon the establishment. [napatti
SC /TVS abstract of Infantry tactiot, incioding
er ties and mane euveres ofLight Inh.airy and Riff !meu
for the use of the militia of the truited Stat.s, published
by the Department of War, under authority of an Act of
Congress of the 2o d of March, ]829, with thirty Sae
tradona. Price 76 cents, gent by mail free of i ottage.
Published by
1. All purchases and contracts for supplies
or services for the troops raised by this State,
except personal services, when the public exi
gences do not require the immediate delivery
of the article, or the performance of the ser
vice, the necessity of which must be deter
mined by me, shall be' Made by advertising
previously for proposals respecting the same
2. The Adjutant General, Quarter Master
Generainnd Cornmissary General, shall, when
advertibmg for proposals, transmit forthwith a
copy of the advertisement and report of the
case to Head Quarters.
8. Contracts will be made with the lowest
responsible bidder, and purchased from the
lowest bidder, who prod aces the proper article ;
but when such lowest bids are unreasonable,
they will be rejected, and bids again invited
by public notice, and report of the same made
to Head Quarters.
4. Contracts Mita be. made in triplicate ;
one to be kept by Head of Department, invit
ing proposals, one by the contractor and one
by the Auditor General.
6. It is the duty of Heads of Departments to
enforce a rigid economy in their respective bu
reaus, correct irregularities and extravagan•
cies, if say should be found existing.
6. All estimates for supplies of property or
money for the public service. within each De
partmeet, shall be forwarded to Head Quart et
through the Head of Department, being care
fully revised by him.
By order of Commander-in-chief.
Sohuy&ill and Susquehanna Railroad
HE Annual Meeting and election of the
stoekholders or the 13.1bnylkill and t.±l34nehantn
(Cl road Ci/juParkl,aa required' by thelt charter, will In
held at, the nonitnenta Waal, olty of Philadelphia, Penn
k pumitti s popipg, gay et ld o'clock K., for the
PtirPogehri-Prend*.oloBll/I",agera tO.Bern,
rmth , „„ b g and aka fel - the ta.*leratiou
adatioctier bindles" ea they Prepirly behrtnigh
said meeting. , nuous-se /KIN
430,Market street, Philadelphia
Nero Zbnertienituts.
1 .
--se STORE
WITH A FULL sesortmen
'Min the Phil uleiphia. and N..w York most raablouable
aqablistnouts, W which, during the semen, additions
()ribs latest novelties frvm those asiabillthaaull will be
constantly received.
Formerly A. H. Carpenter, sign of the two Heide&
Raglea, first houtiet store from the Harrisburg Bridge.
11H E COMMISSIONERS appointed under
j_ the Act of Incarporallon of the city of aarrlsOurg
navlng made a plot or draft of a/Oddly, dellawattag the
streets, luaus and alleys sow °kJ Aing and ope Ing. and
Also where avenues streets ; lanes ..ind alleys shall bare.
after be opened, and also rengriating within the limits
of bald ely a plot or piece of ground. couisining not least
.h in twenty sores, tor the u-e if the pnbl:c and of Mid
city, 'or the pnvvses nuil uses mentioned in said aot ;
and having surmitted their craft end report to the Court,
of QUart,tr sessions, or Dauphin county, for the approval
of a d 1 Court ; the said draft and report have been Hied
by order of and CJurt in the office of the Ct. rk of guar•
ter rf said county fir vribile in Tendon ; and nu
t as except) ms are flied thereto by parties interested in
said city. th • Earns will be appr vet at the August term,
of raid Court. By or .or of the Court.
myLdtve WM. MITCHELL, Civil.
Harrisburg Broom lisumfaotory.
BROOMS sold wholesale and retail 20
or mat. cheaper tban can be had ehiahrhona-.
o.acolue our stock
For Sale•
E. York Cabbage,
Large York Cabbage,
E. "Flat Dutch,"
Large late Dutch,
Apple Tomatoes, beet quality,
Vegetable Egg Plants,
Raspberry Plants,
Strawberry Plants,
Gooseberry Plants,
Rhubarb Plants,
Irish and Scotch Yews,
Boxwoods, Zapenecaes, Evergreeens, dtc., &c
Fruit, Shade And Ornamental Trees, &c., Itc
myl-det J. KISH.
AMEDICAL BOARD will convene in the
city of New York on the let of May en
suing, for the examination of candidates for
admission into the Medical Staff of the United
States Army, In accordance with the following
There are now five vacancies in the Medical
Adjutant General's Cyflai,
Washington, March 18, 18811.
A Board of Medical Officers will assemble in
New York city on the 15t day of May next, or
as soon thereafter as practicable, for the exam
ination of Assistant Surgeons for promotion,
and of suoh candidates for appointment as may
be invited to present themselves before the
Surgeonl i m rl e es ntA. Finley,
" W. J. Sloan.
By order of the Secretary of War:
L. THOMAS, Adjutant General.
Applications must be addressed to the Secre
tary of War; must state the residence of the
applicant, and the date and place of birth.
They most also be accompanied (references will
receive no atten doh) by r, spectable testimonials
of his profession, the moral and physical quali
fications requisite for filling creditably the re
sponsible station, and for performing ably the
arduous and active duties of an officer of the
the Medical Stuff. Applicants must be between
twenty-one and thirty years of age.
There aro now five vacancies in the Medical
Staff. apBO-d3t
Wrought and Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar ?root
Strictly the ONLY liereantlio Safe made, that is both
Fire and Burglar Front. mar29.llGc
'IIIIE SUBSCRIBER would respectfully
inform tne punka that he has removed hidtPlumb
,rig and Brae rounding establishment to No . 1:2 Booth
third street below lierr's Hotel. Thankful fo rt NW
ronage, he hopes by strict attention to beelines' to merit
4 continualme of It.
epl2-dtt' J. JONES.
THE subscriber begs leave to inform his
friends and the putilm teat he has taken the FARM-
Bri.t.l HOTEL, in Siarket street opposite the Post Clitee,
rinerly J. Stahl's, where be is prepared to accommo
ate them on reasonable terms. Hamm refitted and
rdrut hed tho House entirely now, be topes by strict at
',dation to business, to receive a liberal share ot patron
age [Ap.-3md) B. o Pb.Telti&
I'IHE best detintug and prououucing'bic
tionarg 01 the Bugo,b Loguage ; slolo,Woriesteps
lea° .1 Dictlonartea. ter's Pktorl...l (hump mi d
cbool lActloaarira for sale at.
apl3-tr Ncar ttio Harriabarg,Bridsc
/NAVE NOW OP!I =ON tram Laws 1280111701217 OP
ALT. NOON; .ALL MOEN, IVIEY PPM, Trit ' RY i4sztr,
Mvy mot OP yams= cooDsjiacze Lowne
!teary Woomert offered to purchaserstat ,
~/1. 0 4: 2 8 Next door to the RarAr=sal.
J. E. PRICE .1; (XL