Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, May 01, 1861, Image 1

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Wednesday lionOg, May 1, 1861.
Penn=Am has spoken, and her potential
voice will be heard in every quarter of the dis
tracted Union. Through her Executive she
has declared that her path to the beleagured
eapital. is through Maryland, through Balti
more, and If necessary over the dead bodies of
every traitor who attempts to prevent the
march of her troops. Such a determioa
tion was not diotiied by any desire to intimi
date or to overawe the people of Maryland. It
Is not an attempt at coercion or invasion. It
Is not the assertion of a theory, or the idle
boast of a demagogue. It is the voice of the
people of a sovereign State, aroused to Indig
nation by treason, rupioe and murder, speaking
through a fearless Executive. It is the voice of
those who are deter's:dried to maintain the
Union and support the Government. The de
claration of the manage, that the path to the
capital is by the shortest route, and that,Penn
sylvania will follow that path, peaceably if she
can, and forcibly if she must, will be inscribed
on the banners or those . who are sent through
the mop of BiAtimore;that they may know
there lea State and a people iu this Union
called Pennsylvania I
shortest notice, a number of the inhabitants of
West Hanover topiusbled recently at Manada
11111 for the ustrtibsti of erecting a glorious Bag
of our Union. That being accomplished, the
meeting was callosity order by appointing Dr.
J. Andrews and *m. 'Heilman, Esq., as Chair
men, and D. H. Eckert and C. B. Landis Vice
Presidents, and J. H. Buckerstown and Dr. A.
if, Vanderslice as Eiiscretories. Jacob Corpman,
Esq., was called upon to address the meeting,
which be did in an eloquent manner, and was
loudly cheered. "ffeigeant James Corbett was
then called uPon, who responded to the call
with his nonfat elotpence. He stated that he
would first offer sonag.resolutions for their con.
Adoration, which he read as follows :
Resolved, That we recommend to the General
Government that any pereons having resigned
their commissions in the army or navy of the
United States since the so called secession of
several States of the Union, or that any person
who may hereafter resign during our difficul
ties with the South, such obeli be immediately
taken into custody and kept in such manner by
the President of the United States as to prevent
them from Misting the rebel army. And lurch -
v, let it be recommended to Congress, meeting
on the fourth of July next, to pass a law pro
viding that tiny person so resigning their com
mission shall be totally disqualified from hold
ing any commission or appointment under the
government of the United States during their
And be it further recommended, That the Legis
lature which Is about to meet at Harrisburg
shall pass a law that if any person now in com
mission as a militia (Auer, or who may hereaf
ter be elected to such office, shall neglect or re
fuge to act in such office, or resign such office
while our difficulties with the South shall con
tinue, every such person shall be incapable of
holding any office of honor, profit or trust in
the State of Pennsylvania forever thereafter.
Provided, however, That if any person so elect
ed should consider himself incapable of laying
to such office, and it should be found sMjr a
Board of Military Officers appointed for that
purpose by the Governor of Pennsylvania , then
such person may be excused from serving in
such office without incurring the above penal
The above resolutions and recommendations
wore passed unanimously, amid loud cheering.
Dr. J. Andrews was next called uponto address
the meeting, which he did in that eloquentand
masterly style for which he is so conspicuous.
in the short address by Serjeant J. Corbort,
he stated that the Bag-raising and cheering was
now past; that action was required, and that all
persons present willing to serve their country,
should form themselves in line. At this call
forty-five responded by declaring themselves
willing to defend their country's rights. It
was then suggested to Sergeant Corbett that the
effigy of the traitors Arnold, Davis and Twiggy,
Mould , be burned, which was immediately done
by oar patriotic friend A. H. Boyer, amid tre
mendous cheers. It was then resolved that the
Proceedings should be published In all the news
papers of Harrisburg, and that all others friend.
ly to the cause should pass them along. Fi
nally the meeting adjourned by giving three
cheers for the patriotic entertainment given by
A. L. Rboadir, 'Bab
&moue Arreev.—Last evening a corporal's
guard armed with muskets and bayonets, seat
from "Camp Curtin" to the city on some duty,
beam intoxicated, and while in this state en
tered' the Fifth Ward Rotel, kept by Mr. John
Raymond, where they got into a dispute with
the proprietor and some of our citizens, which
terminated In the guard making use of their
bayonets, and seriously wounding Mr. Isaac
Maguire and some other man. Mr. Raymond
defended himself with a chair, and with it se
verely injured one of his assailante. The noise
Pt the affray soon brought to tho scene a num
ber of citizens, who succeeded in disarming the
guard and marching them off to the camp,
where they were put under close arrest,
8 0"quently °Meer Fleck repaired to the
cemp, and in company with a file of men,
brought three oethe rioters, identified as the
pri*d assellante, to the cifY, and lodged
them in prison, to await the action of the Civil '
April 80, 1861.
Mum. Eorroas:—l would have written to
you before this, but the camp duties devolving
upon me took so much of my time that I had '
to postpone it until now. The two companies
from Harrisburg have been getting along as
well as could be expected, and but little or no
sickness has occurred among any of the men.
The company to which lam attached, (State
Capital Guards, company I, Second Regiment,)
has had a few on the sick list, but none , of them
were so bad as to be compelled to go to the
hospital. The quarters which we are now In
am quite comfortable, and the only inconveni
ence we experience is ia.the blanketf.that have
been furnished us; they are a-ipoor, misera
ble thing that a man can see through, and in
the morning when the men get up they look as
if they had just come from a bag of hair.. We
hope the Governmentwill furnish us with a dp
cent article.
since our arrival here we have been the re
cipients of many little kindnesses from the citi
zens of Harrisburg, and our members request
me to return thanks through you. The most
precious gift we have received was a splendid
flag, presented by Mrs. Marion Verbeke. At
the presentation the following note was read,
coming from the donor:
Soldiers of the Slate Capital Guard :
' I present to you the Flag of our country, to
be borne by you through fire, and blood, and
death, id defence of that Constitution and
Union under which we have lived so long in
peace, prosperity and happiness, and which, by
the blessing of our Heavenly Father, shall be
transmitted unimpaired and untarnished to our
children and our children's children. May the
God of our fathers, who led them, be with you
to bless you; to bless the cause which you have
so nobly espoused ; and whan peace again
smiles upon our beloved country, and this flag,
which shall receive your kindly protection,
shall be brought back by you, 'may not one
stripe be torn from its sacred folds, or one star
be blotted out. Manua YEERBER.I.
Three times three were given for the donor,
and the men gathered around their standard,
and expressed their determination that so long
as they had arms to strike its folds should not
be dishonored.
To Mr. John KOWA) and to Mr. Wm. Dun
can, each for a box of cigars, our men wish to
return thanks, and to the noble ladies of Har
risburg ,for the little sewing bags, each man
in particular, wishes to return his thanks.
(limp Scott, at present, contains about five
thouned soldiers, the whole under the com
mand of Gen. George C. Wynkoop. I hear
this morning that the First Regiment has been
ordered off,liome say to Philadelphia, but as all
our movemen is are do uncertain, it is to tell
where they are going to. The First Regiment'
are all uniformed and equipped, with the ex
ception of knapsacks. The "Cameron Guard"
are in the first.
Among the seventy:fonr men who left'Har
risburg with our company, four proved their
cowardice by desertion. Their names are
William Henderson, Of Middletown, William
Robinson, John Mullin and Thomas Currey,
the latter from Pottsville. Orders - have been
sent to Harrisburg for their arrest, and should
they be apprehended
_they will undoubtedly
have their heads shaved and drummed out of
the army. R. S. B.
CAMP Sairau.—There are now two regiments
of Pennsylvania Volunteers in "Camp Slifer,"
at Chambersbnrg, under the command of Brig.
Gen. E. C. Williams, of this city. We learn
that the men generally are in excellent health
and spirits, and under the strict military dis
cipline enforced by the General commanding,
are rapidly acquiring the instruction nececeasa
ry to fit them for service in the field.
The following General Order was issued by
Clen. Williams, last Friday :
Near Chambereburg, April 26, 1861.
The General commanding desires to impress
upon the Officers and men the great responsi
bility now resting upon them and the stern
datylbefote them :
You now compose the Second Brigade of the
gallant Pennsylvania Volunteers who have left
their homes, families, friends and freely offer
their lives upon the altar of our country. The
Constitution and Union of these States must be
sustained, or our liberty will be lost and we be
come slaves to anarchy and despotism. No
holier purpose ever marshalled men on the
tented field. The names of martyrs in such a
cause will live forever green in the memory of
future generations. No more inviting field
was ever offered for distinction to the patriotic
and ambitions officer and soldier. You may
be called upon to face the enemy and meet
death, you teal be called upon to endure hard
ships and trials ; but the heroic deeds of your
forefathers should encourage you to emulate
it example,. Obedience is the first du i -of a
dier. Discipline is essential to the f
d strength of , an army, and, it is th i fore
IMperative upon officers and men to obey al'
orders promptly and cheerfully, and, by. con-
stand practice, secure the proficiency requisite,
for perfect operations in the field. It should ..
the pride of every officer and man In the Bri
gade to become perfect, and thus reflect credit
upon yourselves as soldiers and citizens of the
great State whose honor you represent; you are
therefore urged to diligence and energy in at:
tending to your duties, and thus prepare your
selves for the responsibilities imposed by the
contest in which you are engaged. Your du
ties at present will be more arduous until you
attain the desired proficiency, when they will
become a pleasure. It is the desire of the Gen
eral commanding to point to the officers and
men of his command as an [evidence of what
can be accomplished by strict obedience, con
etant practice, and cheerful devotion to duty.
He will take pleasure in refering to you as the
moat efficient, ann best disciplined of the Bri- .
gadee of Pennsylvania Volunteers now or
ganized. E. C. WILLIAMS,
Brig. Oen. Cam.
J. J. Emma; .did de Camp.
Tae slaking of the steam frigate Merriman at
Annapolis is accounted for by the statement
that, in consequence of insubordination on
board, it was impossible to get her tO Bea, and
that she was consequently burned at Norfolk
with other vessels.
MI Norfolk Da Book says that Got. Let
oher, of Virginia, has found it necessary to
fume a proclamation, requesting the - Soup:Len'
troops not to rush so impetuously to arms, but
to' remain at home until called out by au ,
amity. • '
THE Car SURVEY.—The following is a list of
the streets, lanes, alleys, &c., as laid down on
the map of the city survey :
Allison street, Second ward; Ash alley, Fifth
ward; Apple alley, Sixth ward; Adams alley,
Fourth ward; Academy alley, Fourth ward;
Angle alley, Fourth ward; -:Waver street, First
ward; Briggs street, Fifth ward, Boss street,
Fifth ward; Berryhill street, First ward; Bucher
street, First ward; Barbara alley, Fourth ward;
Blackberry alley, Third "ward; Bartine alley,
Sixth ward; Basin alley, Sixth ward; Boyd al
ley, Sixth ward; Brown alley, Fifth ward; Bute
tenwood alley, Fourth ward; Byers alley, Second
ward; City Park, Second and Third wards;
Chestnut street, Second ward; Canal street,
Third and Fourth wards; Cumberland streatf,}
Sixth ward; Colder street, Sixth ward; a ,
street, First ward; Christian street, : , 'ad
ward; Cowden street, Third to Sixtha;
Conoy street, First ward ; Cameron street
i t
ward; Cedar alley, Fourth ward; Chem! y,
Second ward; Cranberry alley, Th -, d
Fourth wards; Clinton alley, Sixth liassd;
Charles alley, Sixth ward; Currant alley,
ward; Caroline alley, Sixth ward; Cindersilley,
Fifth ward; Church alley, Fourth wart-Age
alley, Fourth ward; Carson alley, Naar*
ward; Clover alley, Fourth ward; Co
alley, Fourth ward; Cox alley,,:jairst
ward ; Cemetery road, Fourth oward ;
Dewberry alley, Second Ward ; Dubbir, alley,
Fifth Ward ; Delaware alley, Sixth Ward ;
Dauphin alley, Sixth ward; Doe alleyklitixth
ward; Eighth street, Sixth ward ;oth
street, Sixth ward • Elder street, F* . and
Sixth wards; East street, Fifth ward; th
alley,Sixth ward; Ellen alley,Sixth ward lk al
ley, Sixth ward;Eby. alley, Third ward ;rt
street, Fourth ward; Fulton street, Six - t d ;.
t e
Front street, all wards ; Fourth, street nd
to Sixth ward; Fifth street, Second, Third and
Sixth wards ; Forster street, Fifth wardq Fox
alley, Fifth ward ; Fridley alley, Secondarard ;
Fahnestock alley, Third ward ; George alley,
Fifth ward ; Granite alley, Sixth ward ;Aram
alley, Sixth ward ; Grace alley, Secondward ;
Garman alley, Second ward; Geiger
ward ; Hanna street, First ward ; Hammel
street, First ward; High street, Fourth Ward ;
Herr street, Fifth and Sixth wards - &farrier
street, Sixth ward; Hamilton street, Sixth ward;
Rage street, Sixth ward ; Hickory streetoexth
ward; lluckelberry alley,Third ward; Hawthorn
alley, Fourth ward ; Henry allay, Fifth hard;
Hazel alley, Fifth ward; Hay alley, Sixthleard;
Royer alley, First ward; Hill alley, First:veldt;
Hunter alley, First ward; Haehnlen alleyoleirst
ward ; Hogan alley, Second ward ; Huniraels
town turnpike, Second ward ; Island street,
Third ward ; Indian alley, First ward ; James
street, Sixth ward; James alley, Sixth lord ;
Julia alley, Sixth ward ; Jonas alley, .First
ward ; Jonestown alley, Third ward ; Kalker
street ; Sixth ward ; Kittatinny street, liirst
ward ; Kolker alley, Third ward ; Kepner Paley,
Sixth ward; Kline alley, Third ward ; Kunkel
alley, Fifth ward ; Locust street, Third ward ;
Liberty street, Fourth ward ; Logan alley'
Sixth ward ; Louisa alley, Sixth ward r Lair
caster railroad, First and Second wards ; Mul
berry street, First and Second wards ; Market
street, Second and Third wards ; Margaret
street, Sixth ward ; lithench street, ixsb ward;
Marion street, Sixth ward; M ontgo mery street,
Sixth ward ; Maclay street, Sixth ward; Market
square, Second and Third wards; Meadow lane,
First and Second wards ; Mary alley, First
ward ; Myrtle alley, Fifth ware ; Middle alley,
Fifth ward; Maple alley, Sixth ward ; Mifflin
alley, Sixth ward ; Manada alley, Sixth ward ;
Nagle street, First ward ; North street, Fourth
and Fifth wards ; Ninth street, Sixth ward,
North alley, Fourth ward ; Oliver alley, Fifth
ward; Oak alley, Sixth ward ; Ott alley, First
ward ; Omega alley, Fifth ward ; Peffer street,
Sixth ward; Paxton street, First ward ; Pine
, street, Third and Fourth wards; Poplar lane,
Fourth ward; Penn alley, Sixth ward ; Plum
alley, Fifth ward ; Peach alley, Fifth ward ;
Pear alley, Fifth ward ; Pimrose alley, Fifth
ward ; Pennsylvania canal, all wards ; Pennsyl
vania railroad, Third to Sixth wards ; Belly
street, Sixth ward ; Race street, First ward ;
Roberts street, First ward ; Reservoir square,
Fifth ward; River alley, First to Fourth wards;
Raspberry alley, First to Fourth wards ; Rose
alley Fifth ward ; Beading and Philadelphia
railroad, First to Third wards; Reese alley, First
ward ; Short street, Fourth ward ; South street,
Fourth ward; Susquehanna street, Sixth ward;
State street, Fourth ward ; Second street, all
wards ; Sixth street, Fifth and Sixth wards ;
Seventh street, Sixth ward ; Swatara street,
First ward ; Seven and a•half street, Fifth and
Sixth wards; Spruce street, Fourth ward ; State
House yard, Fourth ward ; Showers alley, First
ward ' • Strawberry alley, Third ward ; Spring
alley, Fourth ward ; Sayford alley, Sixth ward;
Shanklin alley, Fourth ward; Sarah alley, Fifth
ward ; South alley, Fourth ward ; Simon alley,
Second ward ; Two and a-half street, Fourth to
Sixth wards ; Tenth street, Sixth ward; Twelfth
street, Fourth to Sixth wards;Thirteenth street,
all wards ; Third street, all wards ; Tuscarora
street, First ward; Tanners lane, Fourth ward ;
Thomson alley, Sixth ward ; Union alley Fifth
ward ; Vine street, First ward; Verbeke street,
Sixth ward ; Washington street, Pint ward ;.
Walnut street, yhird and Fourth wards ; Wil
liam street, Sixth ward ; Water street, Foustli
arid:Fifth vrardel 'Walloe street, Sixtrwatt
Wagner road, Sixth ward ; West alley, ,, Fourth
Ward ; Wood alley, Sixth , ward • Willow alley,
Fourth ward; Watson alley; Si xth ward; Willis.
alley, Fourth ward; Wright alley, Second ward;
Wyeth alley, Sixth ward ; Yerlc alley, Fifth
ward, Ziegler-alley; Second ward:
ACCUTZD.—The "Verbeke Ilifies" and "Lo
chlel Greys," of this city, yesterday received
notice that their services would be accepted to
form part of the additional requisition from
this State. The news gratified the "boys" ex
ceedingly, and caused an increased activity
about their "head•quarters." The "Rifles"
will perhaps'be sworn Into the service of the
United States this morning, by Capt. Simmons,
and will then be direeted to join "Camp
The "Greys" are to be 'sworn into the Unitee
States service some time to-day, and we pre
sums will also be attached to "Camp Gatlin."
The following are the names of the officers of
this fine company, elected yesterday morning:
Captain, Henry M'Cormick ; First , Lientilluutt,
Wm. F. Jennings ; Second Lieutenant, George
fisher. '
HON. EXIMON.EVIRRUM, of. Tenniteee,
pears to be still a sound and , brava outspoken
trolounuat-4-atltiast the -Memphis ;papers
nomme bitterly; , arid drisre Quit he
hould be arrested.
BY TRIG I is "11.
Latest from Annapolis.
Blockade of the Viginia
• urc K m.
Two more New4iikligemento en
TWO inurox ,noeitinticomt.'
Five , Hundred F..egs of Powder
Seised at Boston.
The Warner Siontieello add a gnn boat ar
rived Ihere from- New York, and have gone
down the bay 16 1 participette in the blockade of
toe penki3l l - The 'steamer Wyoming is
being converted into a gnn boat, and will fol
.The •steasner, Wiling late . brought down
fropm Perryville- aflame number of transport
cars for the raihwed, to be used between this
P 6 int llud,WaitiV r itten.
A ditte*Mkaf ..209 men of the Eighth
New York Regiment; with two pieces of artil
lery, are entrenching themselves on 'en
elevatibn about ten miles from Annapolis,
completely commanding the road to Baltimore.
The position Wee the North side of LSeron
river. .
All- the Northern mails are now to go via
AnnapOlis •Perrysville:
The )3' niontentiment israpidlygaining ground
in this part of Maryland.
Two additional New York regiments are said
hto be in the bay; on the way M this point.
By'rt private letterlirstr eceivediry the •
lain of Annapolis naval school, I hear that the
Virginians are wild with the war excitement,
and everywhere pushing to arms.
The letter says there are 7000 South Carolina
troops in Richmond, and 1,500 troops from
Georgia, at Norfolk, Va.
Last Sunday the summons to arms reached
Lexington, in Rockland county, Va., and before
sundown five companies bad started.
A pressing want of provisions .is already felt
in Virginia, and the paper currency of the State
is almost worthless..
The extra session of the State Legislature
_to•day at noon. All the Senators
were present. Seven members of the House
were absent. The Governor's message was re
ceived and read.
He recommends a loan of 2,000,000 dollars
at 7 per cent, and a State tax of 100,000 dol
ls* also the repair of the State arms and a
purchase of 10,000 stand of arms with field
pieces and munitions. He also recommends
the-raising of four regiments for the State ser
vice, to be held subject to the call of the Gen
eral government; also that provision be made
for the defence of the southern part of the
State by fortified posts as an intrenched camp.
The message is an able and eloquent docu
ment, and receivid loud applause from the
members and spectators.
The Legislature is commencing business, and
the necesearibills will be passed without de
lay .
All four of the New Jersey regiments are now
here, and readying their arms and equipments.
A large number of vessels are ready in :the
anal, and troops will be sent off to-morrow.
The brig $t Mary, with 500 kegs powder
was Seised by-the collector of this port to-day
, :' Nu You, April 29
Flour declining .• -61a03 of 10,000 bbls. this
morning at $6 15@5 20 for state. A decline
of 5c ; $5 65@5 60 for Ohio and s6@6 30 for
southern. Wheat dull. Sales unimportant.
White Michigan $1 45@1'65. Corn firm.
10,000 bushels sold at 57c®680. Beef quiet at
ss'B7f'@6 26. Pork heavy at $l7 87i@18
for mess. lard heavy at 9,}c®LOc. Whisky
dull at 18i. •
Ficrur quiet but firm. Standard superfine at
60@,6 62 ; extra -family at $6 14, and
Western at, $6 76. =Wheat advancing; 4,060
bushels red at $1: 88®1 86. Corn advanced;
6,000 bushels nee► =ysilow at 61®64c. No
change in Coffee or Provisions. Whisky sells
slowly at 1.13®181-.
Presammanos. —Him. E. W. Davis. Speaker 1
of the Holm of Representatives, was this
morning` made the recipient of a handsome and
wetly - ivory gavel, the gtftof E. R. Ranch, Esq.,
Chief Clerk of the ITOrise. The presentation
rias•made with ,dse .formality, speeches being
botk parties. elf was altogether quite•
an interesting incident.
ANIIAPoLIs, AE;rli 29, 6 P. K
TRIMITON, N. J., April 30
Boarim, April 30
Pm:Lammas, April 30
From our Evening Edition of Yesterday.
Ina Brass arm Srairas.—Young America's
enthusiasm was well displayed yesterday after
noon at the raising of a beautiful flag on the
Mulberry Street School House, by the scholars
of the different schools is the South Ward Dis
trict. It was an incident which will long be
At 4 o'clock the Directors, parents and pu
pila assembled in one of the rooms of the build
ing, where the following exercises took place :
1. "Yankee Doodle," by the schools.
2. Address by master John Wallower. .
B. :pail Columbia," by the pok; --'
Aillelly.Mmter Bohote gEani . ..
' . .6. ."B tar 'Spangled Banner," b' e schools.
6. Address by Master John Pa n.
7. '"E. Pluribus Ilnum," by theohnola.
8. Address by Master John Pugl4.
At the close, Hon. Val. Hummel, one of the
inembers of the Board of . School Directors,
Made a few brief remarks, giving the .origin of
the "titers and Stripes," and showing how great
the privileges the rising generation enjoy. He
alluded to the enthusiasm manifested at the
present .time, when , traitors &wad-Insult that
glOrious flag, and knew that soon It would be
unfurled in those sections of our unhappy coun
try where it bad been trailed in the dust. He
closed by proposing three cheers for our Na
tional Ensign and three for our country, which
were given with a hearty good 40:
The scholars then dispersed to the outside of
the building, and while the song e gi/ed, White
and Blue," was being snag I:.y iinvechools the
Stars and Stripes were h oisted to;their place on
cupola. Nine cheers were Alter:. given by
the vast assemblage.
The young ladies of Miss Wood ,rd's school,
-in State street,' have also evidenceditheir patti
ptiim in the manufacture of a Xeautiful flag,
which, as raised over that echos:Ali:one° last
vie:Mfg in the presence of sevesnor. eight bunt
drekt spectators. The pupils satile`!sMail Col um
bia" and other patriotic odes; and Rev. M i r
Hay and-T. C. M'Dowell delivered, appropriate
addresses on the occasion.
Ka/a1240 or in Elmur Go. trio FOURIIII
Wsexi.—A large and respectable Meeting of the
citizsms of- the. Fourth ward met at the Baptiblt
Church, Second and Pine streeteolast evening.
Major John M'lstrighlin was called to the chair,
and Thomas H. Wilson was :appointed
ry of . the meeting. After the ;Whig of, the
roll, and a large number not Ozetokre enrolled
'Sighing their names, a corn/tattoo iras appoin
ted to prepare a constitution and by-laws for
the permanent organzition of the company,
after which the meeting adjourned to meet at
the hotel of James Morgan, Socond and Pine
streets, Wednesday evening, the first of May,
at 7,1 o'clock. At that time, othoers for the
permanent organization will be elected.
BALTIMORE Civv.—We are permitted to pub
lish the following extract from a private letter
written by a gentleman of Baltimore to a friend
In this city :
"We hope Pennsylvania will not think be
cause an infernal, cowardly secession mob and
crowd of rowdies outraged humanity, Christianity
and patriotism, as was the case here on last
Friday week, that there are no Ehnen men here,
as such Is not the case, as the will
tell if we ever get a vote on the question. As it
seems by Wednesday's vote for recession Demo
cratic delegates, without any opposition at all,
there were onyl 9,200 votes polled out of 81,000
last hall, only a majority of 21,800 against
them—you'll hear a different report from Bal
timore soon."
.o... 11•
Tam Emmen OF ME Crrv.—By tho report of
Heather 'Hage, Esq., Chief Engineer of the
Commissioners to survey and prepare a map of
the city, we learn that there isan available area
for building purposes within the city limits east
of the Susquelutrina river of one thousand two
hundred and fifty-seven and four-tenths acres,
exclusive of the island of Gen. John Froster,
which is also suitable for building p urposes,
and which contains fourteen and six-tenths
The "EL Psasso."—Not the least of the ob
jects of interest at "Camp Curtin" is the brass
six pound cannon—the El Pegaso—captured at
the battle of Cerra-Gordo, April 19th 1847 by
the American army under the command of
Gen. Scott, and presented to the State by Maj.
Gen. Patterson. It is a beautiful piece; and if
an occasion presents itself will do good service
against Southern rebels.
DECLINATION. —Geo. B. elected Colo
nel of the Tenth Regiment Pennsylvania Vol
unteers, declined that position yesterday. A
new election was held, when S. A; Meredith,
the former Major of the regiment, was elected
Colonel, and Capt. Richard White elected
Major. Alex. White was elected Quarter
!taster of the regiment;
—Baltimore funds were sold largely in Phila
delphia on Friday last at 26 per cent. discount:
on Saturday at 10, 8 and 7, and yesterday down
to 3! This Movement in the financial ther
mometer indicates a bracing change in the
temperature of the Monumental City.
VERY Cans:rms.—The men stationed by the
city as sentinels at the reservoir are very care
less in handling their muskets. The grounds
around are thoroughfares to Csiop Curtin, and
the neglect to keep the muzzles of their guns
pleitited, may reknit In`an accidental discharge
and the probable Injuring of some passer=by.
thiloie-Nertemone, Note ,Papei Bgdgis
gab° bad at Bergner'a Book Stom:zq
Tar. For.Lowrsa Nona WAS discovered this
morning pasted on the door of the coal office
of Mr. John W. Hall, in Market stieet
Jno. W. Eall : Sir, This will give you
notice to unfurl from your office within twanlty
four hours the American flag with thirteen
stripes and thirty-four stars, or bear the conse
quences. Vianzoan."
The following letter was handed us this
twining for publication, in reply to the above
notice :
11Mar of lianigmfry Telegrapit
Sim: On visiting my office this morning, f.
"to surprised to find the enclosed notice affixed
to the door, (placed , there by some Irresponsi
ble person I have no doubt.) If any member
of the Yigilence Committee or the Committee
of Public Safety doubt my loyalty to the FLAG
op ItY cot/array . , and wishes to find out my an
timenta, ho can do so by calling on me person
ally;.and while I am perfectly willing to dis
play the flag from my place of business, as it
now is from my dwelling, I have only to say
that the notice alluded to will not receive the
slightest attention from
Yours, respectfully,
nre PRISON.—The Star Spangled Ban
ner has been raised over the turret of the coun
ty prison, giving that usually sombre-lookiog
structure quite a cheerful appearance.
A large and handsome flag has also been reli
ed over the belfry of the German Reformed
Peslisnymire &BLS SOCIErf .—Bey. Dr.
Krauth, of Philadelphia, will deliver the w
ilted discourEe before the Pennsylvania Bible
Society thiseveuing in the Presbyterian Church,
Mark - et Square.
Tun members of the Citizen Fire Company
will meet at their engine hall on Wednesday
afternoon, May let, at 2 o'nlA,ter the purpose
of trying the engine before thetninmittee from
Dauphin. By order.
A Ta us AMERMAN. —Go where we may, at home
or abroad, —on the sea or on the land,—wherever
we find ono of our citizens, standing beneath
the broad folds of our national , flag, we shall
see his eyQ kindle and bosom throb, as he game
on the proud emblem floating above him, and
,if at such a moment violence be offered, either
rightfully or wrongfully,qc him or to it, his
arm is nerved for the defence with tenfold vigor
and strength. The moralist who can sit calm
ly down to analyze the sentiment which is thus
manifested, may discover something of error
mixed up with what is commendable, but ea
Long as it forms the same part of our natures
kith patriotism and love of country, it can not
well be separated. If it be dangerous toarouse
it, it is far more so to trifle with or insult it
with impunity. This sentiment, or emotion,
or impulse, by whatever name it may be dlipti.
fled, hat become a fixed and abiding principt•
In the hearts of our fellow citizens, and has
been fully exhibited for the last two or three
weeks, In this crowds flocking to Mum & Bois.
)(Ares cheap store, to purchase red, white and
blue Ribbon and other material for emblems olf
ceived a large assortment of New Spring Goods:
We name in part ; 10 pieces of beautiful chill
ies, 12} worth 18 t; 10 pieces of traveling dreai
goods, 8 worth 12fr ; 60 pieces bleached and)
unbleached tramline, at 10 worth 12} ; 50 pieces
of bleached muslin, at 1271 worth 16. Also a
very large assortment of Cassimeres and other
summer stuff for men and boys wear. Ale a
Stella Shawls, very cheap. Broche bordering,
at 25, 37 and 50 cents. Also, a large stock IA
Cambrics and Swiss klualbus, very cheap. Please
call and examine at S. Lewy, Road's old Stand,
Cor. Market and Second streets.
111 arr i eb.
On Um 28th inst., at the residence or Mr. Thomas Pew
plea, by Rev. D. Gana, Mr. JACOB M. Dam to Mae Mart
J. itrumworin, both or this city.
New 2twertionteuts.
THE COMMISSIONERS appointed under
the Act of Incorporation of the city of Harrisburg
having made a plot or draft of said city, desigoalieg the
streets, lanes and alleys now existing and opening, and
also where avenues, streets, lanes and alleys shall here
after be opened, and also oesignating within the limits
of said city a plot or piece of ground, containing not lent
than twenty acres, for the use of the public and of saki.,
pay, for the purpesett and uses meuuoned lank act •
and having submitted their draft and report to the Coma
of Quarter seesions, of Dauphin county, for the approval
of said Court ; the Said draft and report have been died
by order of said Court in the once et the Clerk of . Quar
ter Sessions c f said county for public inspection; and un
less oiceptions are filed thereto by parties interested la '
said city,. the same wilibeapprived at the August tam
of eald Court. By oraer of me Court.
WM. AllTalEft,
.10IJCIN71i71E13ELS61. ,
THE UNDERSIGNED calls the attention
of the Ladles of Harrisburg and vicinity to the ex.
Ira collection of Roses which he will exhibit fbr tlitlsla
the Market House on Thursday the 2ad of May.
The following aro the very cream of Roses :
Crystal Palace, Eugene Bealluitutrise,
G ant de Battles, SouvenirMainutiace,
Emperor • apo'oun, Arch Duke Charles,
Jukes liargotten, Annie Vibert,
Lord Replan, Triumph de Luxonabari,
Loinst Perroney, Augusta, •
Souvenir's Rein Anglatene, Gloria of tte Mamas,
Triumpo do Exposition, Princes Adelaide,
Julia de Fouteneßa, Crested Mrs.
r:ir Jos Paxton,.
Also a large variety or roaes to) numercua to man.
Lion. Also:
Cares Han Pinks,
and a 'variety of small ar.iz:e
For Sale. •
E. York Cabbage,
Large York Cabbage,
E. "Flat Dutch,"
Large late Dutch,.
Apple Tomatoes, best, finality, ,
Vegetible Egg Plants,
Raspberry Plants, , . • '
Strawberry-Plants, •
G-oosebarky Plants,
Bubarb Plants, ,
11414 Scotch' Yews,
" Wm - Wools, Zapenems, Evezgreiens,'Srk-raro;
'Fruit, Shade'anict Oxiamental Trees, &eq.
myl,-d6t - J.