Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, April 29, 1861, Image 2

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Pal Etlegrapil,
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Forever float that standard sheet t
Where breathes tho foe but falls before WI
WitsbanlateedOnVs toll beneath our feet,
An„ee~om's banner streaming o'er us
Monday Afternoon, *April 29, 1861.
Alitintrts are developed, the people of this
coutilit die delighted to learn that the Presi
dent' aild his Cabinet are doing their duty—
trobWiterisly, zealously performing their whole
dutt.% 'The` message of thiv. Hicks to the
Maryland legislature, proves how firmly Mr.
Litvlp has been acting, and refutes the accu
sati&l4t thegovernment has been lacking
in eitilsei , :vigor or activity. In another
column we publish the proclamation of
the President, extending the blockade of the
portis lire 'weeded state!, to those of Vir
glniikAnd North Carolina—an order which the
country will hear with satisfaction and ap
proval,The people (or a part of them) of both
these,,states, with the permission of the Gov
an:onto( the same states, have been acting in
the moskontrageous manner, and we rejoice to
hear, that: the burden and punishment which
their Awn acts have invoked, are about to be
visited upon:them.
The Administration is unfaltering In its de
termlnation:to punish treason and preserve the
The alacrity with which Pennsylvania has
responded to the call of the President for troops
to defend the Union, has elicited the highest
commendation of the Federal authorities. It
has also inspired the confidence of the people
In the strength and stability of the Govern
ment, and infused new energy and fresh cour
age among those who had almost despaired for
the safety of the Republic. In response to the
enthusiasm of the people of this Common
wealth, Gen. Patterson has been instructed by
the President to make another requisition on
Gov. Curtin for twenty-five more regiments.
These regiments are to be organized and ac
coutred as speedily as possible. It is the de
sign of the Governor to fill this requisition
from the companies that had offered but were
ton late to be enumerated in the first call," and
also to distribute the acceptances as equally as
possible among all the counties of the State.
In this manner an opportunity will be afforded
to all those 'who are so zealous in the cause of
the Union to take up arms for its defence.
Thhgentleman, the late member of Con
gress from the Luanne district, is the Colonel
of the Ninth Regiment, attached to Camp Cur
tin; and in charge of the encampment. While
In the bet Rouse he was looked upon by "the
chivalry" as the ;most indigestible (if we dare
use the 'expression) man on the door, and the
fire-eaters therefore never attempted to devour
him. He was the equal of the fiercest of them
in debate—was courteous when "the chivalry"
dealt In courtesy, and when they became bluff
and brawling, tiol. Longnecker carried a medi
ator on his hip, which set the heart of more
than one Southern'bully; (fired at the time with
the glorious memories of the South,) to beat
ing fez conciliation and compromise. In a war
of invasion, the name of Col. Longnecker
would carry peculiar sensations to the bosoms
of some of his Southern acquaintances, and be
a tower of strength among those under his
command. He -is as
~ generous, too, es ,he is
breve, and as frdipdly devoted to the Union
as i he luto,dhe honer and glory of the old Key
stone State.
Gen. Thos. A. Power, formerly Adjutant Gen
of Pehh#lvania, has been detailed by the
War Depiniment to superintend the erection of
the bridges destroyed by the Baltimore mob on
that portion of the North Central road running
through the State of Maryland. Gen. Power
has been for some time in Washington city,
where he was in command of a regiment of the
District volunteers. He was detached for this
service by the Secret", of War, and assigned
the superintendence of erecting the bridges
named. Gen. Power left Washington on Satur
day last, and arrived in Harrisburg early this
morning., He reports Washington as entirely
safe, aryla . isO informed us that the first train
of cars north since the attack on the Massachu
setts troop. In Baltimore, left Washington on
BaturdaY, and there was little doubt that a
direct railroad communication from the federal
capital to the north would be opened in a few
days. Prom the same source we also learn
that the conveyance of troops by Annapolis to
Washington, now amounts to about 2,000 men
per day,
Ran Wens writes to Columbus, Ohio, with
reference to the tardiness of the Reserve, ex
praising his mortification that his section
should appear to have fallen behind, saying
that it was owing to the utter want of military
°ripe/6ff* but now they were all right, and
concluding :
"Assure our brethren in other parte of the
State that we will
.8040 u. be alongside, • equal to
the &Week - 4 have just enlisted myself in the
ranks, and IwIS tievote all MY time to Pottmad
lug °thins to'do the tame.
Reg. F. Wii7); High Private."
With a splendid harbor, and with other natu
ral resources and advantages, Baltimore never
was of any importance until Northern and
Western energy and capital infused into its dull
and sluggish veins activity and strength. Ly
ing nearer to the great West and the markets
of the South than the three great commercial
emporiums of the North, Boston, New
and Philadelphia, Baltimore never at any time
attempted a competition in trade, but . was con
tent to indulge in a natural jealousy and spirit
of revenge, the result of which was to leave it
still further in the rear of trade and commerce,
and it was notmatil—recently that-the business
of the mob, instead of the:monumental city,
reached beyond a retail trade or assumed any
importance above the fixing of the price of
oysters or the distribUtion of the first invoices
of green peas, dandelions, asparagus and fresh
fruit. Northern capital, Westein trade, with
the few hundred thousand dollars which Mr.
Winans brought from Russia, have made Balti
more a business which, with industry and care,
might have eventually elevated that city' to the
position such as is occupied by any of the many
respectable boroughs or towns of the mighty
North. But the old adage of placing a beggar
on horseback and his journey to regions more
intensified than the parching heat of the torrid
zone, seems to be-verified in the case and ac
tion of the merchants of Baltimore. It is now
candidly declared that the reward of Baltimore
for her act of treason and assistance to the
cause of secession was a commercial expansion
and importance unprecedented in the history of
the world. Venice and Holland, once the
mistresses of the commerce of the world,
never rose to an importance such as
. was destined to occupy as the
great commercial emporium of the far greater
and most magnificent Southern Confederacy.
Marble palaces, lofty domes, stately ware
houses, extensive docks, trade, commerce and
all the pomp and circumstance of brilliant suc
cess began to loom up before the bewildered gaze
of the Baltimore merchants. They could re
strain their ardor no longer; the golden
apple was in their path; they stooped to pick
It up, and lo! they find their hands filled with
the gore and blood of - their fellow citizens.
Thus Baltimore, instead of reaping a business
salvation for her own act of treason, has hast
ened her own damnation. Fired and led on
by the merchants who were to be benefitted by
the destruction of the Federal Government,
the mobs of Baltimore have fixed its doom and
covered it with such an eternal disgrace as will
forever deprive it of the confidence and patron
age of the people of the country.
The merchants of Baltimore have sacrificed
the prospects and interests of the people of that
city to mammon. The chivalry, the gallantry
and patriotism of that onceproud city, who de
lighted to talk of Yankee love of money, have
themselves been led astray by the root of all
evil; and amid the desolation and ruin which
they have invoked on themselves, repentance
may do something for their desperation, and a
little suffering temper the zeal of those hearts
which have so often been fired by a southern
ann. Foxes and ravens will have a good and
undisturbed time of it in Baltimore in a few
Thew are questions often asked by the care
ful business men of the times, but the moat of
them mistakethe merits of thequestion and the
effect of the warlike attitude of the Govern
ment. The idea is not to conquer the South.
That which of right belongs to the Union can
not be severed from it by a fitful burst of pas
sion, or the precipitate action of a band of trai
tors. They may concoct conspiracies and or
ganize new forms of government, but when
the Federal Government takes up arms to dis
pel and disperse them, it does hot enter on a
crusade of conquest. It ,merely invokes the
power within itself to prevent the influences
that have grown up around it from affecting
its own stability, from injuring its own power,
or from destroying its securities and laws. The
suggestion of forcing the South into she Union
is based on the idea that unless a people are
perfectly satisfied with - their form of govern
ment, political connection with them becomes
useless to the country at large. But the dis
unionists are not the people of the South.
Those who head troops, and lead them on to
riot, robbery and murder, are not those who
have an interest in any goverment where order
is supreme, where law is respected and where
the decrees of justice are never questioned.
Free speech or a free pulpit have not been tole
rated in the South for many years. Since 1833
a certain class of arrogant aristocrats, bequeath
ing their treason from father to son, have been
concocting the rebellion which is now control
ing the mob, and when the Government raises
its arm to strike them down, it does not offer
to conquer the South, to make it a dependent,
or to force It into acknowledgments or humili
ation. Let the disunionists be riunged into the
sea,or strung up amid the branches of their pal
mettotrees,and neither their plunging nor their
stringing could be construed into a conquest of
the South. It would rather be recognized as ,
the redemption of a misguided people from the
base influences of traitor leaders. Their places
would be taken by a useful class of people, who
would encourage the true energies instead
Of the false enmities of the South. They
Would develope Southern resources as theyhave
never been developed, and banish the shallow
idea that only servile labor can enable the
South to prosper. If this is to conquer. the
South, their are all the achievements of free and
intelligent labor, worthy to be crowned as
THE BALMOR REPUBLICAN, a rabid secession
journal proposes to settle the position of Mary
land as follows :
Our history tradition and blood, belong to
the South, and never can the true heart of old
Maryland be wrenched from the instincts and
affections thus derived, until that heart shall
be torn and lacerated, and her soil drenched
with its best blood. There is no time lett the
Legislature to indulge in discussion or argn
uumt. The issue is made up, the sword drawn
and strokes must arbitrate it.
Doubtless the cut throats and cowards of
Baltimore will be accommodated with the
"strokes" this secession organ now pants for,
and more of them, too, than it anticipates.
pennevlrianio. Malty etlegrap4, itionbav 'Afternoon, 'April 2
The interests of Virginia are as distinctly
marked, so far as the question of slavery is
concerned, as are those of the North and the
South on the same subject. North Western
Virginia, while acknowledging all her obliga
tions to the entire state, and while in fact con
stituting its main strength and wealth in
every respect, except - in " niggers," refuses
peremptorily to join the people of the other
portion of the state in a war on the Federal
Government, or in an open renunciation of the
Constitution and laws of the Union. The
people in that region are determined to give
the secessionists a. practical lesson in secession,
by separating entirely from the advocates of
treason, and erecting for themselves a new
Commonwealth, in which the franchises of all
men will be better secured than they are in the
Old Dominion. •
Just this day one week ago, on Monday,
April 22, 1861, a very large meeting of the
citizens of Harrison county, Virginia, ass em
bled, for the purpose of considering the subject
of secession and rebellion. Twelve hundred
men were present, and without a dissenting
voice, adopted a preamble and resolutions, of
which we append a portion, as being the best
statement of the merits and demerits of this
rebellion in Virginia, that we have yet ex•
amined :
WHEREAS, The Convention now in session in
this State, called by the Legislature, the mem
bers of which had been elected twenty months
before said call, at a time when no such action
as the assemblage of a convention by legisla
tive enactment was contemplated by the peo
ple, or expected by the members they etected
in May, 1869, at which time no one anticipated
the troubles recently brought upon our com
mon counrty by the extraordinary action of
the State authorities of South Carolina, Geor
gia, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, Louisiana
and Texas, has, contrary to the expectation of
a large majority of the people of this State,
adopted au ordinance withdrawing Virginia
from the Federal Union: and whereas, By the
law calling said Convention, it is expressly de
clared that no such ordinance shall have force
or effect, or be of binding obligation upon the
people of this State, until tke same shall be
ratified by the voters at the polls: and whereas,
We have seen with regret that demonstrations
of hostility, unauthorized by law, and incon
sistent with the duty of law-abiding citizens,
still owing allegiance to the Federal Govern
ment: and whereas, The Governor of this Com
monwealth has, by proclamation, undertaken
to decide for the people of Virginia, that which
they have reserved to themselves, the right to
decide by their votes at the polls, and has call
ed upon the volunteer soldiery of this State
to report to him and hold themselves in readi
ness to make war upon the Federal Government,
which Government is Virginia's Government,
and must in law and of right continue so to be,
until the people of Virginia shall, by their
votes, and through the ballot-box, that great
conservator of a free people's liberties, decide
otherwise ; and whereas, the peculiar situation
of North-western Virginia, separated as it is by
natural barriers from the rest of the State, pre
cludes all hope of timely succor in the hour of
danger from other portions of the State, and
demands that we should look to and provide
for our own safety in the fearful emergency in
which we now find ourselves placed by the ac
tion of our_State authorities, who have disre
garded the great fundamental principle upon
which our beautiful system of Government is
based, to wit : "That all governmental power
is derived from the consent of the governed,"
and have without consulting the people placed
this State in hostility to the Government by
seizing upon its ships and obstructing the chan
nel at the mouth of Elizabeth river, by wrest
leg from the Federal officers at Norfolk and
Richmond the custom houses, by tearing from
the Nation's property the Nation's flag, and
putting in its place a bunting, the emblem of
rebellion, and by marching upon the National
Armory at Harper's Ferry; thus inaugurating
a war without consulting those in whose name
they profess to act ; and whereas, The exposed
condition of Northwestern Virginia requires
that her people should be united in action, and
unanimous in purpose—there being a perfect
identity of interests In times of war as well as
in peace.
A resolution was adopted calling on the peo
ple of North-western 'Virginia toOlect delegates
to a Convention, which will assemble at Wheel
ing on the 13th day of May next, to consult
and determine upon such action as it would be
expedient for the people of that region to take
in this emergency. We also learn, through
the medium of a correspondentin that part of
Virginia, that there is little doubt of the deter
mination of the people to act firmly and
promptly in this matter. They have resolved
not to be drawn into that vortex of ruin which
must be the condition of the States seceding.
The people of the country will await the ac
tion of the Wheeling Convention with consid
erable interest.
WHEN MEN TARE UP ARMS they mean some
thing more than a mere exhibition of their
strength. They will not be satisfied with the
beating of drums, the blowing of trumpets, the
word of command to march and countermarch.
The thousands and tens of thousands who have
left their homes—who have cast their hammers
down by the forge and the anvil—who have
turned their backs on ripening fields and smiling
faces—these men will not be satisfied withidle
pomp and glory. They have left home and
business to settle the question of the perma
nency of this government. They have taken
up arms to defend the Union. Until both these
objects are clearly and positively accomplished,
there must be no talk of peace, no offer of con
ciliation, no terms of compromise. The recog
nition of the Government, as represented by
Abraham Lincoln, or Battle, is the only alter
native that can or dare be offered to the rebels
by those who represent the people. This ques
tion of supremacy must
_be decided now. It
must be decided whether rebellion reigns, or
whether law and order are supreme. The
power is at the bidding of the Federal Gov
ernment. Let them use it for the noble pur
poses for which it has so spontaneously sprang
into existence.
ARKANSAS herself made a decision, sometime
ago, that she would not seoede before Fall; the
revolutionary traitors have now decided for
Arkansas that she must commit herself at
once. Solon Borland, of Tennessee, ex-editor
.and ex-United States San ator, at the head of a
force of 300, has seized Fort Smith. The com
mander of the post, Captain. Stargis, with two
companies of cavalry, retired at the approach
of the rebels to Fort Washita.
The Memphis and Ohio Railroad offers to
transport men and mmzition for the Southern
Confederacy free.
The unanimity with uhich the pastors of all
denominations hare responded to the call of
the President for aid, by encouraging the peo
ple to support the government, is not the least
satisfactory of the results which have flowed
from the efforts of the administration to main
tain the Union. The following article from the
Pittsburg Christian Chronicle is un - ilh t htion of
the fact, which deserves our highest admira
tion and applause:—
In its purpose and -efforts to suppress the
armed rebellion existing so extensively in the
South, the. national Government commands tha
sympathies and is followed by the prayers of
the Church. Religions bodies occupy no doubt
fel attitude; and the clergy of all denomina
tion of the righteousness of war. And while
the soldiers of the nation are doing battle for
liberty, and free speech, and constitutional
rights, and for the suppression of mob violence
and rebellion, the whole country will be sanc
tified by prayers for the success of our arms.—
We have numercial strength, and national re
sources, and capabilities for war, such as do not
exist in the South ; and with the blessing of
God on our volunteers, the issue can be neith
er protracted nor doubtful.
War exists because the South is unwilling to
be ruled by a constitutionally elected President.
Every step of rebellion so far has been against
reason, and equity, and righteousness. The
rebel States, it is said, were aggrieved, and
their rights imperilled ; but it is history that
they never sought by constitutional measures a
redressof grievances. Their interests, it is urged,
would be best promoted out of the Union ; but
it is true that they never asked the sister States
to grant them permission to retire. The United
States property within their limits they needed,
it is asserted, for their safety ; but it is known
that without permission they seized it by force,
and at the risk of blood. From the outbreak
in South Carolina to this hour their course has
been imperious - and overbearing, and in palpa
ble violation of Constitutional rights. Had
they hi The beginning stated their grievances
and requested a national convention to be called
and grant them a peaceable dismission from
the Union, their wishes, perhaps, might have
been gratified. Hed they even, after the overt
act of secession, refrained from seizing public
property, and requested permission to retire
from the confederacy, they would either have
obtained their request or kept the free States
distracted with divisions. But their actions
from the first, in defiance of law and justice,
and humanity, have sufficiently demonstrated
the unrighteousness of their cause.
The Government at Washington has pursued
a conciliatory policy. It has dealt mildly
with the rebellion. Humanity and forbarance
have characterized its movements. It has
long and patiently borne insults, and indigni
ties, and losses. It winked at treason. It
influenced by the dictation of the border
States. And it tried by all honorable means
to avoid collision with its rebel subjects. All
was unavailing. It has been forced into an
unprovoked war. No other choice was left.
And now it is the righteous duty of every man
to rally under the Stars and Stripes in defense
of the Government. It is a contest between
order and anarchy—liberty and despotism—
freedom and slavery. No good man eau hesi
tate long in choosing sides.
Throughout the entire contest, whether brief
or protracted, the Church will unquestiona
bly prove loyal to the State. Its loyalty is
already manifested in the eagerness of its min
istry and membership to respond to the call
for volunteers. And it has not forgotten to
sanctify by its prayers the arms of the republic.
We deprecate war. It is a fearful scourge—a
blight—a pestilence. It demoralizes, devastates,
destroys. But there may be and are in the
world worse things than war. The suc
cess of the Southern rebellion would be the
triumph of brutality, and -barbarism, and des
potism. Righteousness itsfelf requires it to be
checked at every expense of blood and trea
sure. Let the Government be made strong,
then, by the sympathies, and prayers, and sup
port of the Christian Church. '
WHAT IS MARTIAL LAW f-At the present
crisis the significance of a term so much used,
and with so little accurate.sense of its meaning,
becomes unusually important.
Bouvier defines martial law as "a code esta
blished for the government of the army and
navy of the United States," whose principle
rules are to be found in the articles of war,
prescribed by act of Congress. But Chancellor
Kent says this distinction applies only to mili
tary law, while martial law is quite a distinct
thing, and is founded on paramount necessity,
and proclaimed by a military chief.
Martial law is generally and vaguely held to
be a suspension of all ordinary civil rights and
process,—and, as such, approximates very
closely to a military despotism.
It Is an arbitrary law originating in emergen
cies. In times of extreme peril to the State,
either from without or from within, the public
welfare demands extraordinary measures. And
martial law being proclaimed, signifies that the
operation of the ordinary legal delays of jus
tice is suspended by the military power, which
has for the time become supreme.
It suspends the operation of the writ of
habeas carpus; enables %mons charged with trea
son to be summarily tried by Court Martial in
stead of Grand Jury ; justifies searches and seiz
ures of private property, and the taking pos
session of public highways, and other means
of communication. Involving the highest ex
ercise of sovereignty, it is, of course, capable of
great abuse, and is only to be justified on em
ergencies of the most imperative and perilous
nature, such as now appear to exist in Balti
Tim Sotrrnuas Mrsrartn.—The public journals
at the South are deluding their readers with
stuff like this below, which we cut from the
Memphis Avalanche, a paper that ought to know
better :
Tam Pane AT xna NORTH.—The heart of the
philanthropist bleeds and sickens in contem
plating the distress that exists among the peo
ple of the North. Every day brings additional
accounts of the tremendous panic that is
sweeping the Northern cities. Stocks are going
down, operatives are turned out to starve, con
fidence is destroyed and business is paralyzed.
On every side may be seen the wide-spread ruin
which an infatuated people have brought upon
their own heads. Meantime there is some dis
tress in the South, but the people of the Con
federate States are generally comfortable. They
breathe freer, and their proud necks are more
erect since they have parted company with
their traducers. We are sorry for the true
men in the North who are involved in disasters
they could not avert. But let them come
South, find new fields for their enterprise, and
mend their broken fortunes. We pity while
we despise the poor dupes who pinned their
faith to the traitors who now mock at the cal;
amity that robs them of their daily bread.—
Let them turn upon their betrayers. In
such a fight our sympathies will be with the
The culture of cotton requires a peculiar
combination of heat and moisture, an even and
uniform temperature. Sicily, Naples and Malta
produce about 30,000 pounds annually; a
small quantity is raised in Sardinia and Spain ;
Asiatic Turkey produces about 300,000 pounds.
Syria might produce a considerable quantity.
China does so, but consumes it all. India
3,000,000, if we may believe reports, most of
which is consumed at home. There are &limn
lion of alluvial soil in the. British West Indies
where it can be raised. The French receive
from theirs about 8,000,000 pounds, and a
small quantity is raised in Surinam. In Africa,
Egypt, Brazil, the culture is increasing.
, 1861.
Latest from Washington.
Arrival of More Troops.
An Engagement Expected
More Yennsylvanians at the Capital.
Great Britain Ready to Suppress the
Slave Trade.
Health of Secretary Cameron and Gen•
era! Scott.
WASHINGTON, April 27, 1861
The Seventy-first Regiment of New York ar
rived this morning, in good condition, atter a
hard passage. They went on board the train
at Annapolis Junction on Friday afternoon at
4 o'clock. A report of approaching attack
brought them out into battle array. The noise
of pistol shots and shouts around caused the
alarm. For three hours they stood there. At
7 o'clock they took the cars again, but did not
move for many hours; the probability of an
attack continued for 24 hours. Each man had
only two crackers for food.
Last evening the Seventh Regiment took the
oath in a body, at the War Department, not a
man flinched, and the scene was most impres
sive. A dress parade was also given in front of
the White House. They are on Monday to be
stationed at Georgetown Heights.
The volunteers generally are in excellent
health and spirits.
Moses Herrick of the Beverly Company, Bth
Massachusetts Regiment, met with au accident
by the accidental discharge of a gun. His foot
is to be amputated.
The 6th, 12th, and 69th Regiments are on
the road between here and Annapolis. The
latter his 1,800 men. • .
The mail train leaving here yesterday found
a rail of which the spiko had been drawn, and
the engine went down an embankment. No
body was hurt. since this accident, the malt
of rascally tampering by rebels, the guar.' along
the road has been doubled.
Among the reports of the day is this, that
20,000 troops are at Richmond on the way to
this city.
An effort is making to have Gen. Lane ap
pointed Major-General of the Western Dis
Everything is quiet to-day. Showers of rain
this morning cleared the air, and the weather
has grown cool. Many of the troops attended
church, and divine services were also held at
their quarters; those of the 7th (N. Y.) Regi
ment, at the Capitol, being moat impressive.
The steamers Bienville and Daylight arrived
this morning. The former had the residue of
the Rhode Island troops, and the latter had
some recruits for the 7thi(N. Y.) Regiment, and
a quantity of supplies.
The soldiers are all doing well, excepting
slight indispositions resulting from exposure,
scanty food, and their irregular life during the
march hither. None are ill. Some few trifling
abcidental woutide from the discharge of mus
kets and revolvers are reported, but nothing
serious except an amputation, of which I sent
word yesterday.
The Pennsylvania Fifth Regiment arrived
last evening, after a tediously hard aad hungry
march. They bore the fatigue and privation
well, and, though deficient in equipment, have
the stout heart and right spirit.
The Massachusett Fifth Regiment is at the
Treasury Department, and the Rhode Island
Regiment at the Patent Office. The New York
Seventy-first Regiment and part of the Penn
sylvania Fifth Regiment are at the building
put up for the Inauguration Ball. The Capitol
is filled with Pennsylvania and Massachusetts
troops, including the Seventh. The latter will
go into camp,at Georgetown Heights soon, per
haps to-morrow, if their camp equipage arrives.
The steamers Baltimore and Powhatan yes
terday came back from a cruise down the river,
and they report that no hostile preparations
were to be seen on either shore.
There is a great scarcity of specie here, and
it is almost impossible to abtain any. The
Treasury Department has hesitated about send
ing for the large amounts lying in various
cities subject to its order fearing detention or
It is stated, by the best authority, that Lord
Lyons, the British minister, sent a special mes
senger to detain the steamer Persia at New
York until full dispatches could be forwarded
by him to the home government. Lord Lyons
is advised, I understand, to proffer to the Uni
ted States Government, for the suppreision of
the slave State rebellion, arms and amunition,
and troops from England and Canada. By the
Persia he sent out orders for three hundred
thousand stand of the improved Minnie mus
ket, and for a vast number of the celebrated
rifled cannon. Orders in future are not to be
filled in England for the rebel government for
arms, or amunition or ships-of war.
It is believed tha t an English and French
fleet will be sent to the Southern ports at an
early day, to co-operate with the United States
fleet in the blockade of the Secession ports.
Louis Napoleon has joined with Victoria to
suppress the Slave-State rebellion. It is stated
that his offers of service to President Lincoln
are now on their way to Washington.
It is hoped here that Yancey and his confed
erate traitors will be seized by France and Eng
land and sent to the United States to be tried
and hung under the extradition treaties.
Orders have been issued, it is reported, to the
Governor-General of Canada, to offer to the
United States men and arms. '
On Friday morning, with the arrival of the
Seventh New York Regiment and the Massa
chusetts troops under General Butler, and some
other forces, there were 24,000 men in the city,
stationed at the Capitol, the Treasury
Department, the Soldiers' Home, the Navy
Yard, the Arsenal, and at other pointe.
The National Rifles, under Captain
Smead, of the Regular Army, besides seizing
the steamer St. Nicholas, with arms and pro
visions, has for weeks held possession for the
Government of the telegraph offices at Wash
ington and Annapolis. Officers are preparing,
nothwithstanding the alleged sale of Arlington
Heights, in Virginia, to Governor Letcher, by
Colonel Lee, late of the United States Army,
for the erection of earthworks and batteries
upon the highlands opposite the Capitol for the
defence of Washington.
The Capitol and the Treasury are most ef
fectually barricaded with barrels of cement,
flour, and the cast-iron , plates intended for the
completion of the Great Dome of the Capitol.
Martial law has been proclaimed over the Capi
tol. Sixteen thousand barrels of flour are
stored in the crypts, together with thousands
of barrels of butho, hogsheads of molasses and
tiaras of rice.
It will rejoice the friends of the Secretary ,
War to learn that he is in the best of h e c ti ;
and acting in concert with Lieut. Gen. Scutt
He is cheerful, hopeful and determined to d ;
his duty at every risk.
Indescribable consternation has sp read
through Virginia because of the arrival h et ,
of the famous General Lane and Captai n li nt '
gotnery, of Kansas. They have with them nero
ly two hundred of the desperadoes of the civil
wars of that Territory. They are to act as
independent corps of scouts for dangerous &Li
forlorn service.
The President will, to-morrow, promulgate
his proclamation, extending the blocka de to
the ports of Virginia and North Carolina, t,„
same reasons as heretofore declared by bin f r
blockading the other southern ports.
Capt. Stringham will direct the general
blockade movements.
Troops from the north continue to'
bah by river and rail.
An order will be issued to-morrow, prol+ib.
Ling soldiers from wearing side-arms, unleu
when on duty.
Parties on the Look-out for
Virginia Batteries.
Rumor having stated that a battery had beet
thrown up by the Virginia troops at the plea
called White House, below Fort Waabingtou,
on the Patomac river, an actual exaotioati
was made yesterday of the ground there sad
for a mile or two all round, and nothing of the
kind was anywhere discoverable.
The Charleston Ma vu y earnestly prettiu
whichthe advice of certain southern
which urge an immediate assault on Wastnag.
ton and its occupation as the Capital of the
Confederate States.
The Alexandria Gazette says that Qen. Lee
has ordered the release of Gen. Ramey, who
was stopped at Harper's. Ferry on his way to
Washington, and mentions a rumor that Jeffer
son Davis is to come to Richmond this week,
Mr. Stephens has returned to Montgomery.
The President has issued the following pro.
demotion :
By the President of the United Stabs
American. Wasamas, For the reasone assigned
in my proclamation of the 19th, a blockade of
ports of the States South Carolina, Georgia,
Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi an
Texas, was ordered to be' established, acid,
Whereas, Since that date public property of
the United States has been seised, the collector
of the revenue obstructed, and duly commis
sioned officers of the United States, while en
gaged in executing the orders of their superiors,
have been arrested and held, in custody as
prisoners, or have been impeded in the dis
charge of their official duties without doe
legal process, by persons claiming to act
under authorities of the Stater] of Virginia and
North Carolina, an efficient blockade of the
ports of these States will also be established.
In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand
and caused the seal of the United States to be
affixed. Anaarraar Luaus.
CtucAao, ILL., April 2t4
A gentleman has just returned to this city
from a business tour through Alabama and
Mississippi, leaving Mobile on Tuesday last.
He reports that huadreds of men, who had
gone to Pensacola to take Fort Pickens, ars
returning home daily, disgusted, and gadded
that it is impossible for the Confederate States
to capture the fort,.
Large numbers of the troops at Pensacola
were sick and dying, and in hospitals, from the
effects of latigue, exposure, and hunger. Om
informant reports the people of Alabama and
Mississippi almost crazy with excitement, and
that the mob spirit is rampant every where.
and becoming daily more desperate in some
localities, by threatened famine and starvation
. .
In view of events at St. Louis, a regiment
was sent from Springfield yesterday to occupy
A bill for a loan of $3,000,000 for war pur
poses, and another to send 10,000 men into
camp, to answer the next call of the Govern
ment, are before the Legislature. Both bilk
will probably pass to-morrow.
We learn from undoubted authority that thi
Es. Hon. James - lit. Mason, late United State.;
Senator from Virginia, has been arrested by thv
U. S. authorities. The information comes from
an official source. The arrest took place at
Perryville, Maryland, to-day. Instrnctioi
have been sent by telegraph to have him
brought at once to Philadelphia.
The arrest was ordered by Major Oen. Pat
terson, who has supervision and command of
the line between this city and Washington.
BOSTON, May 29
A force of 2,600 men were employed yestet
tidy in the Charlestown Navy Yard on the wadi
now fitting out.
Lieut. Knox has been appointed to the coat
mend of the steamer Massachusetts.
Nim Yoax, April 29
The steamer Bremen from Southampton with
dates to the 17th, is reported ashore east of the
Romer shoals. Two tugs are engaged to pull
her off.
Flour quiet and firm without sales for export.
Wheat scarce and firm at $133®5185 for red,
and $149051503 for white. Corn active 12,000
bushels 63c. afloat. Provisions quiet. Whig
key dull at 18@l8f.
NEW YORK, April 29.
Flour firm ; 7000 bble. at $5 20®5 25 for
State, $5 60@5 65 for Ohio, and $6 00_; 6.
for Southern. Wheat firm ; 10,000 Ws. sold;
White Western $1 45@1 50 ; White Kentucky
$1 60®1 65. Corn firm ; sales unimportant
Yellow Southern 70c. Sugar steady. Pork
heavy. Lard dull at 91.(49tc. Whisky dual.
Receipts of Flour 20.000 bbls.; Wheat 31,000
bushels ; Corn 23,000 bushels. Stocks better
and active.
parts of the rebellious States accounts of negro
turbulence meet our eyes. Strong disaffeet.on
is said to exist among the slaves in Maryland,
Eastern Virginia and South Carolina. We have
already published sume statements relative to
a negro plot at Samaphobia, Miss. AtMemphis,
on Saturday, seven negros were arrested while
su-picionsly consulting together in the out
skirts of the city. On the day previous• a furl
one negro woman was taken into custody while
flourishing a pistol, and declaring that she was
a "Black Republican." These are but specimens
of more than twenty similar facts related lu
our Southern exchanges.