Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, April 27, 1861, Image 3

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pait g Ccitgrapt,
Saturday Afternoon, April 21,
PEASONS having official busines3 ov.
Carlin, arc requeste3 to cral the Ski(' De
part merit, and not at his residence.
A meeting will be held at Brant's Hall this
evening at half-past seven o'clock, for the pur
pose of forming a cotep , thy of "Home Guards,"
with horses. All w hofavorable will ple.:se
attend. By request of the Safety Committee.
phla, composed of one thousand well (billed
and effective men, are expected to arrive in
this city this evening for a few days drill at
"Camp Curtin." Our citizens will remember
the line appearance made by a battalion of this
regiment in the military parade here on the
22d of February.
CAVALRY EQUADIION —We again call the at
tention of our young men to the meeting cal•
led for Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Lin
glestown, to promote the organization of a
equettina of cavalry. Let our young men in
the country turn out and enter their names as
defenders of their homes and country, and in
after life they will revert with pride to this
another period in the hhtury of our country
that tried men's soul',
VIOLATING 011DINANCES..—Several farmers were
arrested this morning charged with violating
the city ordinances in refe.rence to unhitching
their horses from their wagons, and selling be
fore market hours. The Mayor fined them each
one dollar and costs. Information has also
heed made against a number of our citizens for
buying articles at market before the regular
market home, who will be dealt with accord
ing to law
Itessavota.—We understand there is a pro
ject to removo our precept city reservoir to Al
libon's hill. We lock upon this movement as
impracticable and terribly exrensive, and trust
that it will not bs accomplished. fa the event
of a removal of the present reservoir them can
be no more eligible location than the ground
in the immediate vicinity of the Harrisburg
Park. The city Is moving upwards, and its
location here would meet the wants of the city
for coming generations.
It movement is now on foot in our city, look
ing to a reorganization of the old Dauphin
Guards. A large number of the members of
the old company have signed the muster roll,
rind It is understood that their old captain, Dr.
E. W. Roberts will again assume the command.
Persons desiring to join the corps will find a
muster roll at Greenavalt's leather store, in
Market street, or at the armory of the Came
ron Guard, in the Exchange, next Monday
evening ] aswhich time the " Guard" will meet
for dr ill.
.. -- •46. -- _
TROOPS MUITERID Ix.—The following com
panies wore mustered into the service of the
United States, yesterday, by Capt. Simmons.
Carbondale City Guards, Carbondale, Lu
aerne county, Capt. Alfred Dart. Washington
Rifles, Lykenstown, Dauphin county, Capt. Ed.
ward G. Savage. Biddle Guards, Huntingdon
Huntingdon county, Capt. Henry L.lllcConnell ,
Allegheny Guards,Johnetowo, Cambria county,
Caps, Geo. W. Early. Steuben Guards, Lan
ulster city, Capt. Adolphus W. Bolenius. Dan
ville Rifles, Danville, Montour county, Capt.
Wm. M. Ai'Clure. Tyrone Cavalry, Tyrone,
Blair county, Capt. James Crowther. Jackson
Guards, Tamaqua, Schuylkill county, Captain
Geo. J. Higgins. Union Guards, Pottsyille,
Schuylkill county, Capt. Joseph Anthony.
Brookville Rifles, (A.) Brookville, Jefferson co.
Capt. Wm. M. Wise. Lock Hoven Artillery,
Look Haven, Clinton county, Capt. Benjamin
K. Jackman. A Bedford company, Capt. John
H. Filler.
CURTIN G UARDS.—We do not desire to draw
invidious comparisons of the many brave and
gallant men who have so promptly responded
to their country's call, yet we feel that the
Curtin Guards, Captain John 11. Stover, de
serve, at least, a passing notice at our handl.
The formation of this comploy was effected
under peculiar circumstances. Captain Stover,
who is editor of the Bellefonte Press, and the
present District Attorney for Centre county,
arose from a severe illness, and marched to
Harrisburg, as a private in the Bellefonte Fen-
Cdbles, but was subsequently rejected on ac
count of Insufficient health, and declared total
lyincapacitated for duty. Notwithstanding, be
announced his determination to fellow close in
their wake; and although they now marched
without him, be would meat them where the
battle raged the fiercest and the foes fell the
fastest. Fie has endeavored to keep his word,
and, we doubt not, will soon realize his san
guine expectations. Going Immediately to his
home for a number of picked men, he soon
returned with them to the camp, and, join
ing them with the excess of the Bellefonte
Fencibles, formed, under the name and title
of the Curtin Guards, one of the best and finest
looking body of men in the service.
John A. Rodgers, Second Lieutenant of the
Ancibles, learning Air. Stover's determination
to form another company, immediately resign
ed his office and joined the Guards as a private
older. He has since been elected First Lieu
tenant, and has already proven a valuable ac
quisition. When this company came to be
sworn in, there were found to be ninety-three
men, seventeen more than the requisite num
ber. It was with a heavy heart the unfortunate i
seventeen listened to the announceme n t o f
their rejection. A number of them, however,
joined other companies, while a few returned
reluctantly to their hoar. The Curtin Guards
have with them—prominent among whom are
the Captain and Orderly Sergeant—fifty expe
rienced rifiemen, who can hit the "bull's eye"
- at sixty paces nine times out of ten: Such are
a few of the many noble men with whom the
miscalled Southern chivalry will have to deal,
and we feel assured that the Curtin Guards will
bfkr . a Prominent and important part in the
CQ$4lOll draggle.
UNION ENVNLOPZEI, Rote Paper and Badges
can be bad at 13ergnir'stook Store.
Mona MELlWlL—Another military company
arrived bete from Mistprg this morning.
A %Trim of Litt -Artillery, from Tex 03
pelted through here flolitl•lew York cily kat,
evening, en route. Son rd.
Itsv'n W. Dialablireact in the Odd
FrLow's Hall,,m) Ond . street above Piue, on
Sone.ay evening,lifeusnal.
,; 4 a t .—
Tata autralePatisillarin hottored a MUD
her of our (*Ana last , night with a handsome
Ix Tower.-4enit;4lol.6th Rouses of the
Legislature are' dalitilsilring in the city, in
view of the extra melon of that bodi, wLdcb
czmtaences next,Vbiltfial.
Tux mar nurtistittas of money to the wives
pant and families of the Dant volunteers of this
city was made yeste by the colnualttle hav
ing charge of the K. Belief Fund, Regn.,
lar weekly dishibulkoisre to be made.
Tel Looit-UP coutiphold no less than fourteen
lodgers last sight, aMof whom waadiaohtifWA
by the igunet,„tlikporuing, except opet—an
obstreperouji 1101001 d—who was gent across
the way . fot:tatolays.
Tits CH3I.IINAL CHARON against Phillip Zim
merman, of Middletown, was ignored by the
Grand Jury at the present term of Court. It
was evidently a groundless and malicious accu
Conasertox.—ln the . liat of companies form
ing the Tenth Regiment Pennsylvania Volun
teers, published yesterday, we named that of
the "Quincy Brady Artillery." It should have
read the "Iduncy Brady Artillery, commanded
by Capt. Bowman."
day last, in consequence of the confusion on
Capitol Hill, divine service could not be held
in the Second English Lutheran church. We
are requested by the pastor, Eev. E. S. Johns
ton, to state that the usual services will be
held there to-morrow.
presence of troops that may be quartered in
this building is not regsrded as a sufficient cause
for interrupting the regular religious services.
Putlic worship may tyerefore be expected both
morning and evening to-morrow.
WErrr Ennstrainact M. E. Cauaoa.—Preaching
every Sabbath morning and night, at 10 A. M.
and n P. M. Sacrament of the Lord'i Supper
this Sabbath in the morning; also, the last
Sabbath morning of every month. Sabbath
school every Sabbath at 34 P. M. All are
kindly invited to attend. J. Glum, Pastor.
A CAI/D.-At a meeting of the Curtin Guards,
the company unanimously passed a . resolntion
of thanks to the ladies o Harrisherg, for their
kind attentions to the members of the com
pany. ions H. Sroirsa, Captain.
G. 11. Serovz.n, 0. 8.
CAMP Cairnlr, April 26, 1861
Fouarn Wan Hon GUARDB.-A preliminary
meeting of the enrolled members of the Fourth
Ward, will take notice, that they are requested
to meet at the Mist Baptist Church on the cor_
ner of Fine and Second, on Monday evening,
the 29th of April inst, at 7 o'clock. All
desirou3 of uniting will also attend.
W. P. Humus,
Committee on Enrolment.
EXPULSION or Vows , ress.—ln Thursday's
TELEGRAPH we noticed the arrival in this city
of several Virginia families, who were com
pelled to flee from that State, in consequence
of their political opinions. Almost every day
we hear of new arrivals from that quarter, and
many in a destitute condition.
The following is a true an&faithful state
ment of facts connected with the expulsion of
a party who arrived here yesterday :
"We have been faithful, law abiding citizens
of the State of Virginia, and county of Fairfax
for from 4to 10 years. We have never inter
fered with their domestic institution of slavery,
either by word or act. We have endeavored
by all means to give no offence, but on the
contrary, endeavored by all peacable means to
remain in peace. On Sunday last, to our sur
prise, we were , notified to take the oath of alle
giance, and if we refused to do this we were to
leave the State within forty-eight hours, or
bear the consequence. Our crime was simply
because we dared to exercise the right of free
men, and vote to keep the State in the Union.
This was our only crime, and now after being
shamefully betrayed by oar delegates in Con
vention, (every member but seven of that num
.ber voting for State - sovereigtity, or - in other
words State rebellion,) and not knowing what
other means to use to deafest and triumph over
the Union party, they have adopted the followg
lug cruel and tyranical means. A copy of the
notice which here follows was served upon one
and each of the Northern men in the county :
" NOTIQS.—AII persons who are unwilling to
join in the Home Guard to meet at Magor Jan
ney's house, this night, at eight o'clock, for the
county of Fairfax and State of Virginia, and
feeling averse thereto, they have only forty
eight hours in which to leave the county and
State,or givelfull satisfaction that they. will have
nothing to do with any diflionities that may
arise amongst us.
Casattat TIMIS;
Joan W. Storms,
emus D. CAutra,
Joan J. Luria.
The following paragraph from the Washing
ton Eva►ing &ar of April 23, is confirmatory
of the sad state of affairs In the particular sec
tion alluded in the above statement:
"ExPergon or Vinonnens.—Leet Sunday no•
ticea were posted through Fairfax county, Va.,
warning all. Northern men to prepare to take
the oath of allegiance to the State or leave in
fifteen days. Many are now- on there way
North, haling left there farms and personal
Property at the mercy of thersecessioniats. As
yet, no personal violence has been need, but
many have been threatened, and the women
and children are living in great terror. On
Saturday last the Rifle Rangers , under Captain
Stuart, were told that the time for decisive ac
tion had arrived, and they must prepare them
selves for hard service. The news was unpleas
ant to many, and prominent men endeavored to
get off there sons, but Capt. Stuart told them
that they had none to many anyhow, and they
could not be spared. The NorthitrOnen ate
threatened with being impressed lato. service if
they are nor out of the State in a turry. -• "
flemintlettnialp el tgrapi), Oaturbap afternoon, 'April 2a,-18GL
WE ARE requested to stag; that the Jobu M'-
Dermont arrested a few days co en
of passing counterfeit money, is not John M' •
Dermot, painter, long a resident of this city.
Tits LErrsas, papers and all EU tai uyttter ad
dressed to officers and men at Camp Curtin will
be forwarded to the Camp ground for distribu
tion at the office established for that purpose.
The mail will be taken to and from tim Camp
ground threo times a day.
LEFT FOR STOCllllol.ll.—Jacob S Ilabitman,
Esq., the recently appointed Minister, left this
city to-day en his mist-ion. He sails on Wed
mstlay utxt from Boston in the Niagara. He
leaves a large circle of friends, who wish him a
safe journey across the vasty deep.
ATISNTION "Sresnoun Barn !"—The survi
ving members of the "Harrisburg Guards" are
requesbad meet at the office of R. L. Muench,
on Monday evening, 29th inst., at half past
seven o'clock. Punctual attendance is re
quested, as business of importance is to be
A. Lam Linearrpole was erected on the roof.
of Barnitz's Brewery to-day, from the top of
which floats a large American flag.
A: large and hand2ome American flag was
also raised this Major Jacob Shell
in front of King's handwaro store, corner of
Market and Third streets.
The "Stars and Stripes" were raised over the
Lancasterian school this afternoon, amid the
hearty plaudits of a large assemblage of people
And still they Wave.—Messrs. John Young and
Jonas Rudy, have each raised large and band
same American flags in front of their respec
tive residenCeS.
ceived_ a large assortment of Now Spring Goods.
We name in part ; 10 pieces of beautiful chal
ies, 14 worth 181 ; 10 pieces of traveling dress
goods, 8 worth 14 ; 60 pieces bleached and
unbleached muslina,at 10 worth 12 ;60 pieces
of bleached muslin, at 14 worth 15. Also
very large assortment of Cassimeree and other
summer stuff for men and boys wear. Also
Stella Shawls, very cheap. Broche bordering,
at-26, 87 and 60 dents. Also, a large stock of.
Cambrics and Swiss Muslin, very cheap. Please
call and examine at S. Lowy, Boad'a old Stand,
Cor. Market and-Second streets.
Prepared from a /Maori:piton of Sir J. Clarke, D.,
Physician .thlraordinary to the Queen.
This invaluable medicine Is unfailing In the mare of al:
those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female
constitution is etlkieet. It moderates all eXCB.i3 and re- ,
moves all obstructions, sod a speedy core may b e
relied on.
it Di peculiarly Butted. It will in a abort time, bring on
the monthly period with regularity.
Each bottle, price One - Dollar, bean the Government
Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counturiena.
These Pills should not be taken by females during the
FIRST THREE .1101 4 7THEqf Preruzuay,as,they, are sure
to bring on Miscarriage, but at any other time they are
In all cases of Nervous and Spinal aireetaans, Pain in
the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Patens
Sion of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, hese Pills wit
effect a cure when all other means have failed ; and al
though a powerful remedy, do nut contain Iron, calomel,
matt mony. or any thing hurtful to the coostitation.
Full directions in the pamphlet around each package
whioh should be carefully preserved.
N. 8.--41.00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any an
tborized Agent, will insure a bottle, containing 60 Pills,
by return mil..
For sale by C. A. BAIINVART. 179 dimly
Cocoas.—The sudden cbangee of our climate
&resources of Pulmonary, Bronchial and Asthmatic Af
fections. Experience having proved that simple reme
dies often act speedily and certainly when taken in the
early stages of the disease, recourse should at ouce be
had to “Browa's Bronchial Troches," or Lozenges, let
the Cold, Cough, or Irritation of the Throat be ever so
slight, as by this precaution a more serious attack may
be warded off. Publlo Speakers and Bingen will dud
them effeetnal for clearing and s trengthening the velce.
See advertisement. delo-d-swawOM
irte front ail Mineral Poisons.—ln oases of Scrofula
Ulcers, Scurvy, or Eruptions of the Skin, the operation
of the Life Medicines Is truly astonishing, often removing
In a few days, every vestige of these loathsome diseases
by their purifying effects on the blood. Milieus Foyers,
Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Piles, and In short,
most all diaeasee soon yield to their curative properties
No family should be without them. as by their timely
use mueh suffering and expense may be saved.
Prepared by WM. B. MOFFAT, R. D., New York, and
r sale by all Druggists nov9w- ty
preparations for the hair that have been introduced as
Infallible, none hem ever given the satisfaction or gained
the popularity that Prof. Wood's Al air Restoratir onow
has. His Restorative has passel' cßoeal cfrinnumer.
able fashionable toilets, and the t t tever they
have tested it, pronounce ft a c, tint attitle. They
find, wherever they have testa/ 1 . 0 lOWA_ ce it a peer
less article. They lied, whore . e lair is thinned, that
It creates a fresh growth—that Ily restores the ve•
getative power of the roots on in, denuded places, and
causes the fibres to sh oot forth anew—that it dissolves
sod removes dandruff, prevents grayness, restores the
hair to Its original color when graymest has actually su
pervened, gives a rich lustre, imparts the softness and
dealbility et silk to the hair, and execs it always iujri•
ant, healthy and in Dill vigor.—"N. T. Tribune."
Sold by all respectable Druggists dell lm
The Confessions and Eroerienoe of
an Invdiid,
Punter= for the benefit and ate a warning
and a caution to piing men who suffer from Nervous
Debility, Premature Decay, etc., supplying at the same
time, the means of Self Cure, by one who cured himself,
after being put to great expense through medical imposi.
lion and quackery. Single copies may be had of the au.
thor NATHANIEL 'IIIATFAIR, Bag., Bedford, Sings county,
N.l'., by musk:Mug a postpaid addressed envelope.
Scientific and Practical Optician,
(Store and rectory 112 South Fourth street, below
[Chestnut, naiad°lphlo.)
AetettAS arrived in this city and opened an
office for a short time for the sale of his celebrated
OVED SPECTACLEII, with the finest Periscopic
Elliptic Lenses, forming the Coneavo.ConTea surface, in
accordance with the philosophy of Nature, surpassing in
purity and transparency any other glasses offered before
to the public, producing a clear and distinct sight, rend
ering else and comfort in reading the most minute print,
affording altogether the nese mar iron 1111 went=
ruses, iwitroutng, strengthening and restoring the eyesight.
These glasses are correctly and carefully suited for
every age.
Also fir sale his world renowned MICSOSCOPEi
Prices. Bt. L FRANKLIN, Optician,
Office Third street, next door to the DAILY TZLEGfLLPII
Malang designs, LETTER PAPER with a view of
I;# 7.. of4Elturg, printed and feV o idt e h rgs,
1102& ' Near the garlainUg Bridge.
.__~ .J
11 lili
The Rhode Island Marine Artillery.
More Railroad Bridges Destroyed.
The Re-Action Commenced.
Arrival of Southern Troops.
The Baltimore evening papers of yesterday
furnish several interesting items of news.
The Bush river bridge was again tired on
Thursday night, and totally destroyed.
It is expected that the remaining portion of
the Gunpowder bridge will share the same fate.
Gen. Harney, on his way to Washington, was
esptured by the Virginia troops at Harper's
Four American 89ge were raised yesterday
morning in the western section of the city—one
on Federal Hill and one in the eastern. section.
• It was reported that a dispatch had been re
ceived by Governor Letcher from Mr. Cameron,
Secretary of War, inquiring whether he would
be protected if he came to Richmond for the
purpose of asking an armistice of sixty days.
Six hundred South Carolina troops arrived
at Richmond on the 22d inst. .
EMON, April 27.
The Rhode Island Marine Artillery leave
)(ere this afternoon for Philadelphia, via North
Pennsylvania Railroad. They will reach the
city about 8 o'clock this evening.
BOSTON, April 27.
The Nautical School ship Massachusetts is
being armed and fitted out as the pioneer for
the coast guard, service. Boston harbor is to
be entirely closed against the shipment of any
article for ihe aid and comfort of the Rebels.
Rescue of a Wrecked Grew—Suferings of North
* ern Hen in Virginia.
New Yon; April 27.
The steamer Do Soto has arrived from An
napolis, which she left on Thursday. The be
Soto took thither, the Fifth Massachusetts Re
giment-and the Roston Flying Artillery, with
their horses. -- '
The purser reports that the De Soto picked
up two boats at sea off Dividing creek. One
contained Captain Adams and the crew of the
schooner T. 0. Thompson. Their vessel was
wrecked on the 9th inst., on Bluff Point, Vir
ginia, and they were notified to leave in two
hours, or take the oath to fight for the south.
Two of them were thrown into prison at Lan
ceston, Virginia , ene of whom is a British sub
ject. The others took to a boat, and were
picked up by the De Sato. The other boat con
tained a number of wood choppers belonging
to Maine, who had been warned to leave. Those
thrown into jail are to be starved or take the
oath to fight for the south.
The schooner Westover, arrived from Rich
mond, reports that after leaving, the captain
was compelled to bring his vessel to city Point
again, but was released by order of the Gov
The steam tug Yankee, having been repaired,
sailed this afternoon with sealed orders.
The steamers Thomas Swann, Patapsco and
Locust Point have been chartered by the gov
Among the passengers of the Baltic are Sena
tors Foote and Wilson, Professors Smith, Win
lock and Rogers, with their families.
The steamers Augusta, Star of the South and
Florida have been chartered by the govern
ment. The steamer Roanoke has 800 bbls. of
bread and other provisions on board.
Ministerial Crisis—Mexican invasion of nuts--
Burning of Roma—U. S. Troops Fortifying
themselves at Indianola.
NEw ORLEANS, April 26.
The Tem:Aimee has arrived from Vera Crus
sNith dates to the 22d Last.
The United States ship Macedonian was at
There has been another ministerial crisis, re
sulting in the resignation of Senor Prietor, and
the appointment of Senor Mats as Minister of
Gen. Zeragoza has been made Minister of
The typhus fevAr prevails badly at the cap
ital. Ministers Weller and Mathews are down
with it.
The Spanish barque Conception has been de
clared a godd prize, and Condemned.
Gold mines of.a fabulous extent- have been
discovered in the Isthmus of Tehauntepec.
The Alexican Congress was to meet on the
21st, and Juarez would, doubtless, be declared
The advices from Houston, Texas, say that
the troops encamped near Indianola have been
compelled to take that place and fortify•them
selves, and are awaiting the arrival of 600
Judge Haye, with a party of Texas troops and
two pieces of artillery, were fortifying them
selves with cotton bales and sand bap on Dog
Island, and expected to be attacked by the Fed
eral forces.
A letter from Brownsville says that news had
been received that Cortenas, with 600 Mexicans,
had crossed the Rio Grand at Romad, and laid
that town in ashes, killing 18 Americans. Two
companies stationed at Ringgold barracks had
started in pursuit.
Curio, 111., April 26
The steamer C. T. Elliman, from St. Louis,
bound to Nashville, Tenn., was abandoned by
the officers and crew when opposite this place.
The deserted steamer was boarded by Capt.
Scott, in the steamer Swallow, who found on
board 1000 kegs of powder, and a large quan
tity of other contraband goods. It Is sup
posed that the captain and crew of the Hill
man deserted her for fear of the consequences
if caught by the troops at this point.
Passengers from the South reportthat troops
are beingi raised at Memphis, Randolph, and
other Southern points, with the plan of pro
ceeding by rail to Columbus, Kentucky, and
from there march. to Cairo, and attack it from
the opposite side of the river.
The steamer S. D. Perry, from St. Louis,
was brought to last ni4it, but no contnaband
goods being found„on i boerd, Ott yap allowed
to proceed .
Purchase of Powder by the State—Plot to Burn
Railroad Bridoo—Reauiting by the Federal Gov.
Sr. Louts, April 26.
Twenty-one thousand stand of arms, with
emulation, were sent from the United States
Arsenal, in this city, last night, to Alton,
whence they are to be forwarded to Springfield,
to arm the Illinois troops.
Rumors being current yesterday 'that the
powder magazine of Laflin, Smith it, Boico,
few miles above the city, would be seized by
irresponsible parties, Mr, Laflin called on tee
police commissioners to protect it, and a de
tachment of the State militia was ordered to
guard'it last night and to-day. All the pow
der has been purchased by the State Govern
The Bvenav Journal learns by a letter, and
from private sources, that two Germane were
arrested yesterday:at Wentzville, Mo., who con
fessed that a plan had been laid to burn the
bridges on the North Pacific and Iron Moun
tain Railroads, to prevent the concentration of
troops in St. Louis, from the interior.
"Volunteers continue to enter the arsenal
under the President's proclamation. There are
now about 8000 troops there undergoing vigo
rous drilling.
Several' companies of the State militia are
recruiting, and a strict guard is kept over their
armories every night. -
Kenneth illackensie, one-of-the oldest mer
chants of St. Louie, died this morning.
Cameo April 27.
The Illidoie troops have struck a great blow
at the secessionists of Missouri.
Acting under- orders from the President of
the tfnited States, an expedition of Illinois vol-
unteers crossed over to St. Louis last night, ad
vanced upon the Federal arsenal at St. Louis,
and brought immense stores of artillery, am
munition and small arms, which had been
stored at that post by the Government.
The amount of Federal property thus secured
from the hands of the secessionists of Missouri
is otgreat value. Among the articles recover
ed were 21,000 stand of small arms and a park
of artillery.
_There was no fighting.
The Illinois boys declare, in true Western
style, that Ihe'"isecessionists are enchred."
This exploit hal; ca 'used greatajoy here, and
the volunteer force is' ighly praised for the
skill displeyedin the matter.
Perranaram, , Apnl* 27.
Flour firm ; sales at $6 87®$5 72 for super
fine, $8132®57 for extra and s6@s7 50 for
extra family and fancy. Wheat advancing ;
Isles red at slBB®sl3s, and white at $1 40®
$1 gio. Cprn better ; bus. Delaware at
68c., and western' at 80c. Provisions and gro
ceries quiet. Whisky firm at 18c.®18i.
New Yon; April 27.
Flour quiet; 6,000 bbls. sold, at 6c. advance .
State at $5 15(06'26. Ohio $6 60®$5 66
Southern firmer; 8001 , b1s. Sold at $8 00®$8'
25. Wheat advanced ic., with small sales
red Western 142, white 142®158. Corn ad
vanced :, .20,000 bus.. solt; mixed 69 ; Beef
firm, re-packed, $9 50®$10 60. Pork quiet ;
mess $lB 50;prithe $lB 60. Lard heavy at
911/410. Whiskey steady, 181(419. Coffee
declined Fai. Stocks firm, exchange dull:
lITHERRAS lettere' tee - tare eatery to the
v estate of JUlliumkg.MUlß, late Ostia city
or Harrisburg, have been granted to the subscriber, all
persons indebted to the said estate are reqoeited to
make immediate payment, sind then having claims or
demands against the estate of the said decedent will
make known the same Without delay to . .
ap'27-Owd.-oaw. - JOHN-H. BRIGGS, Executor.
THE PUBLIC are hereby notified that
B. lIABTSHOEN Isnot connected elthe r directly or
indirectly with the business of the United States Hotel.—
an persons are calationeskagaimit giving him credit on
account of said llbte' I; or paying to bins any bills pre.
aented by him for the sam, '
as no debt contracted by
him will be paid by me, and no receipts , given by bim
held as valid. [lt] W. TEN-EYCK.
Gold and Silver Stars, Eagles, &Mims, Lace an d
Trimmings always for sale. Also, a large assortment of
ap2l Second above Walnut Streets.
ALL PERSONS going to the camp and
wisin g a good plate of Ica Cream Or. anything in
the eatable Or 'drinks nazi get it pure at the elga of the
Ualoa Flag, at the corner of Ridge Head and Cumberland
street. [27•d3ts] JOHN. M. WE INTER.
DOLLAR R WARD for informing
onLUYwho throws stones at or breaks &win
dow In the Novelty Iron Works.
lid* . . J. 0. BUCHER.
SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at
my office, In Harrisburg, up to 12 o'clook
M., on the' 80th - day 'of April, 1861, for the
whole or part of the following requisitions, to
be delivered at this place in such quantities,
and at such times as may be directed by this
office. The reservation also being made to in-
Grease or reduce the quantities in requirements
at prima accepted. The allotments will be
made within three days from the above date.
11.650 Cartridge boxes, with waist-belts and
plates, and cap ponchos.
11,660 Knaps acks and straps.
11,660 Haversacks (cotton.)
11,660 Outten's, (oovered) with straps.
62A, Single bltt.axee.
620 13Wes.
1,040 Hatchets.
180 Crowbars. '
260 Picks,
660 French bell tents, with poles' and pins.
860 Wall tents and flies, with poles and pins.
80 Hospital tents, with pples and pins.
620 Camp kettles, holding from 4 to 6
lons. . .
1,040 kiesspans.
All of the "above to be of same pattern as is
required by, and to conform to the regulations
of the 11. S. Army.
Wrought and Chilled Iron 'The ;and Burglar. Proof
Strictly the ONLY Mercantile Sate made, that Is both
Fire and Burglar Wog. mar29-dly
subscribe has jus t returned-from
Philadelphia with a large and varied assortment of
NOTIONS, and everything madly kept in a &et Warr
Grocery, respectfully calls the attention of his custo
mers, As well as the public/ generally, to lila last arrival.
Thankful for past patronage he hopes by seed alien
am to loudness to malt a continuance of the same.
aplSt.clif Corner of Third and Chestnut Streets.
rpfLE SUBSCRIBER would respectfully
Intbrm the petite that he has removed his Phrmh.
lee and Bram Toundhar establishment to No. 22 South
Third streselnikrw NeresHotel. Thankful - for pist vet.
ranakeihe bi dent attention to Madame Wendy
a coatianasca _
' < fjirjOns,
, ,
Netu 2limittilstnunts.
1,4q.)110:1 . 4 , 1 440
R. C. HALE,•
Quay. Master General Pennsylvania Feces.
Harrisburg, April 24th 1861. ap24dst
New abDutizetntitto.
Ay er's
ARE YOU SICK, feeble and complaining?
Are yon out of order, pith your system deranged.
and your feelings uncomfortable? Thai° symptoms are
often the prelude to serious Wiles.. Some flt of sickneae
is creeping upon you, and should be averted by a timely
use of the rieht remedy. Take Ayer's Pills and cleanse
nut the disordered humors—runty the blood and let the
fluids move on unobstructed in health again. They stimu•
late the functions or the body into v igorous activity, pu
rify the system from disease. A cold settles somewhe ra
in the holy, and obstructs its natural functions. Three,
if not relieved, react upon themselves and tte surround
leg organs, producing general aggravation, suffering and
disease. While in this condition, oppressed by the de
rangements, take Ayer s Pills, and see how directly they
restore the natural action of the system, and with it the
buoyant feeling of health again. What is tine sad so
apparent in this trivial and common complaint, is al,o
true in muny or the deepisaated and dangerous distem
pers. The same purgative effect expels them. Caused
by alMlar obstractidos and derangements of the natural
functions of the body, they are rapidly, and many of
them surely, cared by the same means. None who
know the virtues of these Pills, will neglect to employ
them when suffering from the di orders they OM.
Statements front leading physicians in 84)M41 of the
principal cities, and from other well known publie per
From a Forwarding Ilzrchant of St. Louis, Feb. 4, 1836
DR. Arse : Tour Fills are the paragon of ap that la
great in medicine. They have cured my little daughter
or ulcerous sores upou her hauls and feet that had
proved incurable for years. Ller mother has been long
grievionsly sill:clod With blotches and pimples on her
et in and in her hair. After oar child was cured, elle
aim tried your Pills, and they have cured her.
[From Dr. E. W. Cartwright, New Orleans
Your Pil's are the'pri tce of purges. Their excellent
qualities surpass any cathartic we possess. They ara
mild, but very certain and effectual In their action on the
bowels, which make tbem invaluable to us In the dally
treatment of discato.
[From Dr. Edward Boyd, Baltimore.]
DEAR Bao. arm : I otntot answer you WHAT com
plaints 1 have CURED with your Pills better than to say
all that we ever great tall' apurpative medicine. I place
great dependence on an effectual cathartic in my dilly
contest with disease, and believing as Ido tint year
Pills afford us the bost we have, I of course value them
Pirrsausa, Ps., May 1, 1656.
Dn. J. C. drLa—Sic : I bare been repeatedly cured of
the worst headache anybody can have, by a dose or two
of your Pills. it seems to ado from a foul stomach,
which they cleanse at once.
Yours with great respect,
Cleric of Steamer Clarion,
[From Dr. Theodore Bell, of New York caul
Not only are your Pills admirably adapted to their
purpose as an aperient, but I find their beneficial effects
upon the LiVer very marked Indeed. They have In my
practice proved more effectual for the cure of Miens
Complaints than aay one remedy I can mention. I ain
cercly rejoice that we have at length a purgative widen
is worthy the confidence of the profession and the
• Devaitratiza or rns
Washington, D. C., 7th Feb. 1858.
sir : I have used your Pills in my general and hospital
practioe ever eine° you made them, and cannot hesitate
to say they are the best cathartic we employ. Their re
gulating action on the Jiver is quick and decided, conse
quently they are an admirable remedy for derangement
of that organ. Indeed, I have seldom found a cite or
Bilious Disease so obstinate that it did not readily yield
to them. Fraternally your e,
• Physician of the Hanna Hospital .
[From Dr. J. O. Green, of Chicago.]
Your Fills have had a long trial in my practice, and I
hold them in esteem as one of the best aperients I have
ever tonna. Their alterative effect upon the Dyer makes
them an excellent remedy, when given in smah doses for
.11411eue Dysentery and Diarrhoea. Their sugar-coming
makes them very acceptable and convenient for the use
of women and children.
LFrcm Roy. J. V. Elmas, Pastor Advent March, Boston
De. ATM * : I hays used your Pill 3 with extraordinary
success in my family and among Wan I am called to ',lilt
in distress. To initiate the organs of digestion and pu•
dry the blood, they aro the very best remedy I have
ever known, and) can confidently recommend them t
my friends. Tours, J. V. HUM.
WsmttaW, Wyoming Co., N. Y., Oct. 24, 1856.
Dun SIR : I am using year Cathartic Pins tu my
pratice, and And theman excellent purgative to cleanse
the system andpurtly the fotoVaiyu of the Mood.
Qour, Nstrztexcua, DROPZY, PAZALIES, Fa; 1111. •
[From Dr. J. P. Vaughn, Montreal, Canada.]
Too much cannot bo said of your Pills for the cure of
Costiveness. If others of your fraternity have fouod
them as efficacious as I have, they 'lipoid tot me In pro.
claiming it for the benefit of the muititudea who suffer
Prom that complaint, which, although bad enough In It•
self, Is the progenitor of others that are worse. I bellve
Costiveness to originate in the liver, but your Pills area
that orkan and curo the dismal.
From Mrs. E. Stuart, Physician and Midwife, Boston"
I and one or two large doses of your pills, taken at the
proper ttme, are excellent promottvea of the Natural
Seoretion when whr.lly or partially suppressed, and also
very effectual to CLISANAId the EcTOMAeII and EZPI.L WORK&
They are cc much the best physic we have that I recom
mend no other to my patients.
(From tho Rev. Dr. Hawkes, of the Methodist . Episcepal
Church. I
Pousat-Honsa, Savannah, Ga., Jan. 8, 1858
HONORED SIR : I should be ungrateful far the relief
your skill has brought me it I did not report tny s ease to
you. A cull settled in my limbs and brought on excru
ciating Neuralgic Pains, which ended in Donnie Riau
-matism. Notwithstanding I bad the best of physicians,
the disease, grew worse and worse, until by the advice
of your excellent agent in Baltimore, Dr. Makente, I
tried your Pills. Their effects were slow but sure By
persevering in the use of thorn, lam now entirely well.
SEY4te Cireuesß, Ba ton Rouge, La., Deo. 6, 1866.
DR. AYER. : I have been entirely cured by your Pills,
if Rheumatic Gent—a painful disease that had Meted
me tar years. VINCENT SLIDELL.
of the Pills in market contain.. Mercury,
although a valuable remedy hi skillful hands, is
danoroes in a public OIL from the dreadful Cony:Men
cei that frequently follow Its Incautious use. These
contain no mercury or mineral enbatauce whatever.
Price 25 centi per box, or 2 boxes for $l.
Prepared by DR. J. 0. - AYER & CO., Lem:U.:Naas.
bbld by 0; A. Banavart, O. K. Koller, B. W. Grose &
Co:,1:161. Leta, Holmau & Co., Armstrong, Darrisburg,
9:11 dealers everywhere. ap27.llmdaw
Pennsylvania, ss.
m a In the name and by the authority of
impthe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Wasarm, Au armed rebellion exists in a
portion of the States of this Union, threaten
ing the destruction of the National Govern •
'meat, periling public and private property, en
dangering the peace and security of this Com
monwealth, and inviting systematic piracy upon
our commerce; and
Wumutas, Adequate provision does not exist
by law to enable the Executive to make the
Military power of the State as available and
efficient as it should be for the common de
fence of the State and the General Government,
Wnsesas, An occaoion so extraordinary re
quires a prompt exercise of the Legislative
power of the State; therefore,
I, ANDREW G. Curing, Governor of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania, by virtue of the
powers vested in me by the Constitution, do
hereby convene the General Assembly of this
Commonwealth, and require the members of
the Senate end Nouse of Representatives to
meet in their respective Houses, in the Capitol
DAY OF APRIL, A. D. one thousand eight hun
dred and sixty-one, at twelve o' clock noon of that
day, then and there to take into consideration
and adopt such measures in the prernises,as the
exigency may seem to them in (heir wisdom to
In testimony whereof I. have hereunto set my
hand and caused the Great Seal of the Common•
wealth to be affixed at Harrisburg, this twen •
tieth day of April in the year of Our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, and of
the Independence of the United States the
By the Governor
Secretary of the Cbrapenteealth.